The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-01-01 [p...

THE SUN MONDAY JANUARY 1 1900 I z I S AO DECHKASE OF PENSIONS Mir wi HIt XT Htrtr THK VIM Hint IF niiitIH into wrt 0000 Clulin Alrnily Illrcl nn Arrnnnt 1- 1Mrrvlcn In tlm AVnr Ulth Himln Mutt Tlinn Oim Hundred Kpoelnl hills Inlrniliieiil In Thl I ingrriW- AHIIIMITUN Loc llConiinl knor o- 1ciifilons Kvurw has sild that nt thu prosen- rato tit HUni claims for widows nnd orphans o- sodlors III the Civil War and HIM olnlms peimlonsdiin to Hi4 llto Hinnlsli Wnr us fast a till punidon roll Is diminished tho deaths n veterans of tlm Civil War It will bo Increase by tIn addition of their widow and tho vetoi ol tho late war no that tho payment o- ponslon nt the of tlVMXKVtX annually promises to continue Fur many year to otnne With tho roveniies of country nwoll ri nearly JJOHIKJOOOO from the war revenue tax 0xrwnillturi n for pensions still amount to 5J percent ut the moss annual Imwnio of tin loterninent nnd alrcidy n hind roil or mor bills hnve b en Introduced In Congress to pro vldo adilltlonttl sx cliil pensions Honin advanced In the pon slon bllln Introiluced this session Ono b HeprcontatlVQ Cllbson of Tennessee Is tho purposo tt ilolni justleo to nil soldiers nnd suitors who In rob prison It proposes to glvw ench of thesi- prinonors a lump mini oiual to for each ho wasoonflnKil and flJn tnotith for tho re- malnderof his life Mr Olbson nlno propose to pen lnn teamtsrs employod In tho tnlor- armlici and or otherwise dl abei in HUD of duty at n not lo e ceo lJ n month Mr Ubson nlo ed bill to pension all helpless soldier nnd K Ion who suffor from total or partial bllndneM tin lossof both or feet at llu rate of 50 1 month lniirla worn received Ir Mr Fitzgerald of Misachuott tiM a tilt grunt panslons tonurvlvurrt of the Civil War who have reached the aju of sixty years They are to recotvo lJ n month Mr llbnon Is pained to seo that pensioner who found that their disabilities did not pre- vent their enlisted ns sound men In the war with have benn from the pension rolls has therefnri Presented n mil rwstoritii them to time rolls on their written application Tho bill also stipulates that serv not a for u for former service Inder thli tilt n man physically to serve In Into war enabled to draw n pension for dlsnbintlos Incurred between and IHtV- Mr flrahnm of IVnn ylvanli ireient a bill toglvo to all ollleers and enlisted of the Union Army n monthly pension of tot day ifli day In lheno IHII- ulons to in addition to invalid pen iiild peiinlont may bu receiving Senator a bill to pension voter cusp over To years of ntjrvi d days In tho tin All widows of such vottiinns who ire 70 years ot iige are to ho penslonoit imd the into for veterans or Widows IH to be 10 n tnntitli- Ilepre enfiitlv Kentucky wishs nil widows arid survivors of the Mexican rind In than wars who receive smaller pensions to be paid at tlm rntoot llJa month Coohrune of Now York has a bill lo nil honorably ilHhnrgod enlisted soldiers and nnllors of Wur of thu Itebelllon- a service tension of SM n Orosvooor of Ohio has In- troduced n till to grant n Hiatus to the Till coinniinloiiLrs and surgeons of the enrolling boards who examined enlisted nnd- tnustorod moro than n million voluntcorH nnd who added to thoioJdSOOO soldiers by draft York provides that no pensions shall topped duos proems of law nlso- deIres that a lieniloiur of totally disabled OH far ns manual labor concerned and whoso pension Is his only of support shall 15 n mouth seutatlvo Inisvenor has n hill which dcllne time unit of fora widow which would limit her from receiving n Pension nt- illiK Thu bill lint whom a pension has ben time pensioner Is afterward restored to re- ceive all hack pension from this time It was lo restoration to the rolls Mr Coehrane Introduced o bill to pension to- tally dl ablcd veterans 7 years of ago nt 15 a urd lhon 7 years uf ncent4a month A lull Introduced by DoVries- ot CnillornU that all ooldlers Who served In Mexican War mind afterward In the Civil Wnr In tint Inlon Army shall bo on tho rolls at JI cer month- A radically dlttront measure Is the bill Intro- duced by llonreKentitlvo Stoph of Ten- nessee Time prenmhlu rrultos that thorn mulch just cmis of tho enormous expenditures fur pension nnd that list Is thereforolt Is pro rosed that who nhall possKssilOix worth ot or Tvhoslmlliocolv a salary from the Government or from any Stste county municipality or cor- poration to which they nre cntltbd shall be no No pensions according to the tormt of lh nru to Paid to persons residing abroad who are not citizens Hturen It also provides that i ho Commissioner of IVnslon tha authority to summon before exam ining with n view of ascertaining If their disabilities cannot bo or cured by treatment arid U so to nscoitnln why tint pensioner has not employed such treatment On failure to recommenda loner to ropped from I lin rods Pensions to heirs of any person except for military service are i and tho exist except whore tho re- cipients chow that they becomo property slnca the urantlnic of time pensions aro a hundrod other bills rilntlnc to tho subject of pensions eroat more Few If general title will pass mind only- a of the WIle Con nlderlnn that war with Spain ended lens a year ro cud thus claims here been Hied from this war It Rcems that the expected reduction In payment ot pensions U tar snirnpriDixn iv moo Inereaie In Timnage Compnred With 180- 8Ieirgeat Output of Hlenin Vcuels- WAaniKOTOX Dee III The total number of vessels built and officially numbered ny tho Bureau of Navlgutlon during tho calendar year just ended was P34 ot 2I7 UJ gross tons compared Tilth aV of 2J7000 gross tons for the year lOOt Steam vessoU built during IBM numbered 421 of lUOKIJ gross tons compared with C 0 of 100150 gross tons In 1W3 Sail vessels numbered B3 of grope tons compnrod with 405 ot H7lnH gross tons for 18ilH The increase Is almost wholly on tho Atlantloand Gulf coaiti where ISM of 1113 Mil gross tons wore built compared with KW vessels of H 1005 gro s On time 1neitlo toast only 114 vetfoK of OOH7 grons tons wort toni I ii red with 40 of HIl1 gross ton it the previous your ThlH fulling off In construc- tion on the coast In nf the taet that the Alaska next tio very to the ballot that American merchant ve kels hitherto employed trans- ports to Manila will be remaned mind enter the coasting trade III the Cunxiriictlon on till lakes comprised 7u vessels of DIM gross i jnscom luirod with lii of 7iiHJ gross tons In IrtW on time Mississippi rivnrs llJ or with 11 1 of 1 iiOi gross tons In imw Of steel Kteiim ve sps almost wholly rontlng trade 75I1I gross untie wer bullion the seaboard and r OMil s tons on Irent I ikes oominred with itnJlli torn nn the ceibnard nnd 47 tin gross tons kent Lakes in IHiM The eonMruotlon ot TfiMll gross tons of steel strain vessels on tho Hoaboard liirgeit output ot this descrip- tion In our history For inirjioses of compari- son llgures show that ono Ilritlsh shipyard during built K JiM gross tnns nnd another humiD tons during year Klghticn Ilritlsh shipyards during tho past year over IIOIHH gross tons of steamships Tho total output for loOm for lImo year not beets ascertained hut it will exceed 714 steam- ships ol Inns practically nil of which wtmHttHil built during re- turns for the llrst six months of till 1cal show time construction In the Lnltodi- tnto of 57 vciwels of gross tonic with fill vessel of liU154 gross tons for the t lx months of the previous fiscal Nine of tIm foregoing Include unrigged boats Including Ito total documented tonnacn built In Inlted States during the current ll enl year blue fair to ho somewhat over gross tons Unroll fur Trnnpi In the IldllpplneW- AHHINOTOX flee 31 Specially prepared bacon Packet In tin has iirovod n very acceptable dish to the troops serving In thn nnd although oomowhat costly than moats bo con- tinued ns part of the soldiers ration On ac- count of Its n rcnird cost niidiisol ocnil n- ttin price reels vegetables IDS gone the sum for the of the nltcd- Ktntes Army for limo current llcal acer will bo large rtmnlnlntr lx montlm nliont TVlH be squired tu toed the troopa t for all 1 by 1I for woro day hall war or to boll Ice I t len Ion IJ or A r i II alI l lam hull hi ulle I I time others Ilrol In exc tho mol I Uonl to employ limo mal 1 I I 107510 I I veil I ton lfI 111 S Un rah var will j I nn torn 1Il4 the II IHI I 10111 o 8 IIlIr Ie nr hll Ir ii tin is rate his unique Otmi n Ion COO I iutl 2 us 1 rot wit Us i tutu Iii t roil a sliiet n e Wut r mIuu II pr tmm clam ni i iisloi i toti nil out oligh the t e a rim tim Il It Cu lIons t a r t S Berry b octirano of Now S boom itt limo roth his time Vmtormsuu4 or now ottIei uliflotmimS tmnIon riMlonQrs Prover tratunpumt tt genera time tan a Path Ito groe gross on- t I t nuiti y flOCl I I iV ui 1303 JIM rear t hit llii < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ nn TOMCS iioir Tho ktiKgcntlon male after Aiignstln Palyi- lcaMi that lilt valuable collection uf Looks ntitnxraplm and nmnuwritits should bo pro te yd Intact win nut prictlcnbieaad whoa are nt Auction this month It la proba bin that they will widely dHtrlbuUnl U been staled ty men who know Mr Daly who worn aware ot thn prices that h- pnld for the articles which nre Included h this collection that It cost him route Him 5IDOOXX but that tho executors ixpoct snail part of amount IU Halo Italy spent sums III grntl tying Ids finis HN folio hake inst him Isle fntnou oxptinded Into fortnfour voluineJ b exIts Illiutrnlloris an outlay o from IiiHK to ioK His library Includei inil Bof man and letters written hr them HIcol- ection nf lli atrlcal relics Include the BCiles find il liy Koitti as Shutucl and sword used by tho saino netor Ir- Itlehard III In the collection will be purchased for tin unit thu Lambs tin collection as u wbotn will bo broki Mr was honored by nctorH what accomplished for limit itngi years ago earshot ald that poronnlh wit with them lll rules which ho onforcnil In his theatre mi which ho tn on the mHin lions of his company when they worn outsld o- h wnro lint tin actors ilnrles which he pall wore muni compared with rivals men who graduated from were not anxious to return to It or reasons the artloles In Daly col which lure Interesting ehlolly becnnf of the collector are not to be bid up by exmcmbem of lime Daly com pan The the statement that York U to have the largest riding academy tho world Is uullo us obvious M wero HID aiv- nouncomcnts live or fix years ago that thl riding academy or that ono was going out o business or was to bo reconstructed for bicycle school At that limo It thntthaday of horso was passing except torn few enthusiasts and tho market prices for such horsys soomed to loon out this assertion The fashlonnblo bicycle club wlileli set this iaet for everything tin two wheels ti ir- Ing two years wise recruited from the cla s of men previously III various riding for thU slew ildlnu- ucademy Include n riding JX feet long nnd Ion foot amid Its lire to bo the bet hot inonev can buy Time marked revival of Interest in horse bank riding was explained by a riding muster Iho day a iluii to our Spanish Will Inotigh New iorkers ho caid the Hough llldors to glvn time whole city a personal In- terest III that gallant to It were two cavalry troops ol Now York nail men It rtns that men who had not been near time rlillngacnde mils for several yenr turned up again nnd I believe thit revived Interest was dun largely to the war thou limo bicycle craze begin to nnd tho pnst found nn Increased of horseback rider bridle tnthH In Central Park You will tlnd now Hint n good saddle horse will eo t rOil just ns much ns ln did fell or eight year time best patrons of the riding academies for noisily heir th Hermans and n large proportion of ruling teachers are intn who have seen service In the Herman arm Th establishment th club contro nbovo- Fortysecond street line teen partly due to the commercial progress of time city northward and partly to the clever development of real eslnto In Fortythird and Fortyfourth streets result- Ing In Inducements beIng mtidn to some asso- ciations to build In that neighborhood When the Ilorkeleylyeeum which was the pioneerln this development was constructed In WIt Fortyfourth street neighborhood was ono of stables land could be boughtfor SlfiOOO or 10000a lot which Is now worth three or four times that amount Tho Century Asso in lion which was then looking for an up- town Bite anti time Academy of Medicine both ileilrablo as neighbors were Induced to lots In Fcrtvthlrd street Theeo now buildings made very for n reconstruction of that neighborhood and tbo nnd Tennis Club a new club- house adjoining time Academy of Medicine St and clubs joined this now colony anti tho loins bought u homo just above on avenue Thn liar Amooln- tlon built n house running from to Fortyfourth streets nud limo New York Yacht Clubs now housn lielng built lu time same neighborhood of dingy streets occupied stables to tho streets with boautiful buildings on either silo hfn ofcour oied the prices of teal etato adjoining limo Union has just purchase n Hlt new building on Orphan Asylum property has followed eon servatlvo traditions In the bt t movrt It has Invariably elun tn lIe old clubhouses long after organizations have mov uptown It begun Its existence nt 143 llrondway Its llrst uptown movn was two blocks north to n houso owned by William 11 Astor Then It wont un to tM llroadway ansi In IKVi It moved Into Its the corner of anti Fifths ave- nue und here it has prospered for more than forty The restaurants n a general way have followed the movement of the olubs Nearly n million pounds ot old bronze and bra s cannon were bought nt auction by a Now Yort llrm n year ago In Cuba nail brought to Erie Basin for htornco The llncst pieces of ordnance In this collodion were quickly sold to various schools and pnrk associations but enough ot theso oldfashioned guns worn loft to equip a fairsized nrsonal Included In the lot are howitzer mortars long gurus nnd car ronades most dating back to thn lat century or the century betorc arid all of weapons Ac- cording to thn Inscriptions pioeiw- Uarcelonn aol Huvllhi were the chief cities where ordnanco was male nnd flue easting n sun III thosit slate was such nn event that history was usually in- scribed on It and by whieh It wan known of old cannon would baas Interesting as romance but unfor- tunately no other records thin those Inscribed on them can obtained Moment them horn thn arms of Philip Y each ot them bears tho Imperial crown In the collection are two guns which bear the inscription Par lierengerA 1771 unit named Favorlt and flit1 Har- monious the latter name was In- spired br n somewhat sensn of guns wire mounted in Cuba when the war began mind others hut bon dlecnrded years beforo and merely kept In storage Andreas Dlppel has given no evidence of any spirits si far ns lilt stage appearances have revealed his state of mind hut lilt friends know that time young tenor Is by no means so cheerful n ho might be Downs n sufferer by time recent crisis In Widl Street ant his Insjes nro Mild to amount to snore than SiOK0 Last when thin at Metropolitan Opera to nn enl ho to Invest savings In n certain stock recommended by one ot lilt friends time amount represented his navlngs for tlm winter lilt ho mont unin- formed speculators mire that everything would go just an It to A short tlmo ago till began to hn was unable to protect lilt margins HH sold out the following dny till stock logan and point It was when ho hell It M Is phllo- ophlcnl under the eircumst ncesnnd regards liii loss of n years earnings with nn equa- nimity hat would riot be expected In u tenor ind can be only by tho Ignorancn of business matter thai pre- vails among artlstn Tho Klngers nt- tho aro fond of taking their hnnceA In the Street nnd last seiuon- iomn of them met with Mifllclent- ucees to justify thee Po- lIlanjon eamoout than army turned out Tell nnd Mme Hombrlch hns the reenrd nf be Inc tho only patron of n houso whit sane out of n certain sleek f his colleagues has nit with thn i nme illfcaw eras although nome nf them failed In thulreffors i th lr for lint Im l a young maui likely to leave anti prosperous career nnd will know bet next titus Them hills In New York n merry English nan who lam hers by way of Phllndelphln where ho lingered nail labored n tow years feeling that ho was doing any violence tu London or to Yorkshire in the of nccnlerated living When begot herein rebelled ngnllit being oreed to mnvei with the rowiUof people who Hromnd to think only of jelling The waste or vital on- rgy him MIll Insistnt this Whit not really n tIc t wn tlit lint vrlvlnu its utino i to h dg Instead ot so bv tho low growth inturo hail ordered Hn used ti go over for short visits to Philadelphia nnd In itt ponderous passivity ot greatness tug delusion Seven years h vn now passed sInce here lust caught York and he Is looking ut things In n llllorint perspective My ho return his early love hut did look anti slow Just before I cnme away man told ho found u piece uf DOW there I couldnt UIlcve him TOil they roil b and to rsnsllz only that 1lk nina olhr enliectore lull 01- In all I 111 hor ltii euum of Ihn Rrll for h h r P lluao list H HIlly company time likely of ow In a was time saddle Inlre I or 111 d II the 1lIh I b for nl on I of Its CC II It nmnmnt hl 1111 el r I hn Irlw nlllll SOUl of wire of coma of RII OIl II nil rims Willi led to 81nnllllllt II 1I of ace ono l hare tot mat- tel hat I ew Inl lately of I l nile list vs cottmnaratheely ii y cool si I it M51 ii I ii ii ret ml t lout ml I lick ii siiiitk OtiS CiLt until is Ii meS I II g kim I ru coil tim eli I iii ferN ii en force to I I Is you a ier hot lisa imseertoil tim to heli I n s imart I ironic I yui runt no on- t imi the the mini s TIm ii hi I mit holie homn alit of them A itt nimese hoes tim Ca tile he true ne t rise now hint imoth oral his I I err 1k to a- long wIth- out lit hum lieu ii lit enema wi salt rota ph Ia sin a I a > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ > < TilE STAGE IN EUROPE HintJit ixn AtKi IIHTIHI Thin lltln of Iliicn N vr Play Niniiii Hi Hiinnt Itiilliin nf n Inpnlnr iim- iHiiiiAnnr f riiiii Aiuifiir In Iarli- Klinnom Discs hint lately b cn rcpeatlni dcteruilnutloii to retIre soon from the stage nllhouuh that event Ii to bo iontoncd null ho appears us tb Ibsens Hedd- Otiblor Krtneti Xnrconl rocontly proJucct- In Itorna Tho lllehmt Htnko In which U described ns mi Atmirlcnn In to delerinlni- tho crisis Thbi npponn to hi n duel In which the loser nt miitchhiK coins IH compelled to himself Time ni n nro In love with the imin- imarrlid woman and adopt this of get tint ono or the other out nt the WilY Time pur- vlvor In not happy and abandon utter hit rival In nut of tin way Another shoxvid this actor a i n physician who treated with whom ho was In love for con- sumption and this clkcov tint clip lush another disease mor serious All the preparation tint Itnllnn audi encoH have lately hal for time morbid dram could not inmlify them to ncccpt such tia this and till drama was promptly rojnclod In split of Xaceonls Knnoto NovolII Is toaoti lark nnd Vienna heforo hU non thcatrii b- optmed lu Home Tho Moral of tho Story I title of Irauns latest plumy which was In Italy n short tlmo ago by Tints ill Lorvpzc A lovlni wife mouth mother Buecumb to a lover nnd after leavltn his house return unexpectedly to hits lodislnss will the announcement tint else does dare to face her hunband and will turn to her homo but lenmln with him llor mother who Is Hiisplclous of tho relatloi between them comes to tie seducers roctn nfl llnds tho wife there Nothlni Is known hrt explains as tho lin bnnd was suddonl called out ot town nnd has not noticed hu- ntisoncc Ono of her ilauuhturi 1 III The returns and must meet tier husband who telscraphs that ho Is coming back tier undo a priest iidvlses her that hor duty Is tc- rumnln with hor husband ninku him happy without dcstroyini his poucoof mind by tell lag unlit says that hor own stiller IIIKK will bo punlshiniit enough Ta hs- fnlvleo the woman stile out forthc railroad in lion to meet her husband miamI restore him to Dorothy Done who died In Knunnd the other day came to this country with Mrs tIer when tho her vlsiiheru Mistliencwnsalndeiit- nt n worvknowii dramaM whnul III Dimland antI mndo tier diihut at thilpernC- omhlUK In London Ml acted In Pack when the play was llr t ciycii In lm don nnd later at till prlntipil theatric thero without drawlnijasniiieli utten to tier inieiiif us tn her biuiity Kin aims lorrnaii sr lt leid Loiuhtnn htivir Ito inoifi lies t c wns imde kii vn tnnnv of IsIs Kln iieted- Ktnikeilwirian with llinsnn iotn ICIlY for a tale MMIHOIH but had reeenlly tienti Keen hut selilom on ilin Londmi stairi1 Vhllu this ionntry lnr beauty lush fndod uunsldir ably nnd her tuenls weri nut BtrlfcltiT lltitfllh- drnmutiiiH am its eaizer ns ihusi nf mi r country iiicessflll lletlnii fur tin1 linJe time drmiiiiHatlun nf holiiiotideliys- Hod Vottnuo by Kinsley IVIti1 line beoii an iHiuncoil HUSH Siieluir who has retired fmni atlu recently pint In the pMiltutlon- ot Hohns Alnianor which gao nt Thuatio After twenty year of liintloti there incn sOurs an n- ttenur to c iabllsiHit rinnii thiMtrc in llerlln- in which limo tesent miitii i es of Hie Paris Moki seeais likely to nn t with KUICOSH and It Is Hald that a theatre hums already been idcetpd Tin ilreee Slavn was reiintly unit III Yiitinu sviUi ri moni hiicccsi than it met with III Vw York Ih Little Corpiirul nit n beltnr tato tlurn with Kopacxl in thi part huru Iilln CtliiHcr 1ierro protestiil vig- orously the n n II play founded his novel Aphro lite Ill cnlleot till author ilisuovil HIM play wns acted nml failed August liinkcrnmnn l to- o on noxt Hprltn tlv imrman iheatriln Lon- don for whieh Hiilllolnnt Munis Imvn alreinly linen Hlbseilbed iiistav Frcvass Th- Vddlns tourney whieh hn nevr enjoyed this I Jnurnallsi win ro- willy acted lor lie llrsi tinif nt the Hoyi Theatre In llerlln it li bcin played occasionally nt Hienrit play by tin iilrcetlon wliun It win written html thn production nnd- llnaliy nbnndoned Alter Itcytni- lial hecdtno famous thitniili Tno ilaiirnil- lits this earlier dininn xvi aettd at n privaio- theatro n few tuti Aihl Saiidroek Is HOOII tiit her im M to llerlln ces Hernmnn llalns riwntiv- a t J tburo for the llr t Hni deals with thn tony days uf Ai rnh niniriaun- jn t ns Kitill 1iruirit m tIme act i if Mur huti i ueen Ho is- rwprecented us only ttyiiitvs v ii in the nelion- ol It ih hr r if In iw which aiithur Intfnds I writ rwrv i hiio ol tint 1reiieh Kmi rov ihimieier will ii dis- played In rhu Iliianili liieohiiris n Sfnndter piy The Jntiieri- Vliinh is rarely HIIMI tudny Tho Sciesslin- Stni i titln nf tin Itnriin hide piuidint thfiitr ludwlu Itildas lxt 1nra- dtse was reeeiitlv niMvnil In Jli riin nfter n him period of diu If iie iru wnkn1 now in i Iii tit nt Heiml llicns new play Airties In nddltion to uctinu Urtllini in ran was to have been seen theie aiso n wiTi n to- Sehillpt plav lf Ii formerly at tin nopn- lur Inrlin actur bad aieomi miel her fitrl HilnnriliiiK whu dlnd niter a brief illness In lrln was 77 years old nit appeared In public tor twnty yiiirx He- wns lonu inot pu uiar nf llerlln conic und made his iepnlatioi iiimnii- dles or Iterlln lift Hi wu II Incksmltli and Ill 11 Inheriel his I iiires for which he had seiviiI an apprentiehi ISnl In M7 ho ninth In H an aetnr any IntiLtr- In strutKinaitit t his inelniiitoin fnrtlu llu acted ilr t nt n sniuniei llienlre In Mnlsscn played evrn oreiuht yeu in tho principul- lierman cities nml llnaliy III tHV nt thin Wullner Thatri III JleiIn lie career which mndo him and thMtm fituoils Aiidleiirn nt Hie 1lelniiHiIitin to Hear Her Ijit Melit If Kdoimrd do llesko hnd song recital last hitlit the three nio t Polish musicians actIve just at this tlmo would have lioen devotlnij talents lo entertainment of New Yuk lovors Tho dUtlnculsliPil baso would not have lictll nile tluct the Oinra House for JIarcella Snibrleh wnt sinirini there to mi niillcnen which packed hoiisu- as It has not been crowded before this iKliaco Iaderowskl had as large n at rnniPKlo Hall ho M le Ke 7ku would havo had to souk other quarter It fur the unity of thn idtunrloti that did tint Mme SninbriMi lilt tlli nudlencrt In thrnllotn ilnrlim her tivo numbers which Fire p Mi Ii I ill IJiiHstiv Anitnn lions I indu IIer iiiLlni s Suinhiy niirht slasm Is already wellknown iinatit ly Hut It never its helKht until Mum enilirich the sidolst It Wilt necessary to inlet this tint nuniier with Nomo tutor hnly than the Verdlwlectlon- So Jlnio Sembrleli dellvernil Tho Violet In hum most laslilon M- triiRulcil III Ko o 3llRlth an unre- lipirsed orchestra Ilmrbeitnii programme nx Ciiriiaval Hunialn nnd followed this iVlth numbers by Ihahrlrr and iniitnnn Sic I nmpnniirl wli o l clnslnir had been n notable ferunroif II tle night befnri wns i of hones JI Kallunniirnre In occilont- nshlnn the roinniiee Irom until dlle contributed ns her stuart nf the oncert from lee Htliui iioti mil sonirs by Itnbcnt- Clll London IVnrtirr of MiiRlni- to He Hear Here William Khakrspearo thin dlstlniulsh Ion teacher of slnuitii Is now In this city nail vlll In Jlemlelssohn Hull lieM Thursday iflcrnoon the first of n sorlisof lectures on his irt The are to bo IHuKtrnted by nonir- svhbh Mr Shakospearo nll nliiLMis he Nnirt 3Ir Stiakif n ire was Inntriietor of many sincers who ivi rained In their alit best known ol English teachers Satrzn Still Too Slrk to Sine M 8alen U still too unwell to stag nail huts ilaeo In the performance of Cartmn nt thus will l aken by 31 If You Arc Pressed for Tlm Want for TUB mny b left nt nny American District or Telo Cliarrfc tho ani4 tu Sins oinceJi 11001 lit IC 7 acT I IIIWIM tilt IIrlI1 C her of kill curing her of von tllIl not not mol hot r sue tills I Iou AlnII 11111 not J1 lrorlll Ill limn effort t oU I I Iart Wit fir Hlhlll I Oil till p 11111 1 In rviusg I Ilahi till 111 Io n isurrll I rX1It- t chosen to give n Hal lIt hutrimim thIsumhiiottil I raII all 111 rnh I after h ho I 1 11 it cit II tit till Olin of time II tt lit ln IRI oillco Ufo Is I hni lit tie I lent Is 1 is stun ii heroin w lint multi iso t iso Woui all tInY young Iri mutter ore tIm acted nut lIt iiI imoiuuut hart I let ri il SI nitort ate years iligs iii tim ipmr sIms 1St I lit I kin mlli slit primi thii tim ii u ii Itmnri- fit tim I l lit ruth tim lru url 1 he tItuirtii ti tim lit St t l ai ti Ii Sum i stat liseo I iit a it I hue rim It silt fit hut c 0 rem ohm lime I Iii i r I lit lii lush uhtl iou I Itmirm t hue lit tug lit lie ipy Wirtu ruin wise at tit ittl hut lint Etui I I 1 it lIt r 1 rotator i thu aria tih iU Lieu I 1 nih uric siiIKCIlnii 1lC1fIjJit- I list lngiilslimi ion o ursuii 1 ft tilt te 3m I ropui it utum hit t 0 ii glib gratis lit S ¬ > < < < < > UVUtO IY MVtlCIAMI- Tlio ilcclilon nf this of the ileln- pjlltnn Opera HOUM to rrturil tickets If tho rv Vdllwi tlnic of Importuirc do not iippM wins first put to the test In Ihllailrlphla alien lie owuln jcrformnnra of time canon was elvci Tiiuwlny nlichl illi Suianno Admiw until In of Jlllo Cake but only 0 was rrlurnn In money There ISM nu demand for nny nmre- It U Hue thn tli public that BOTH to Cnrmcn wants tu sea and liter nobody hilt Mile Calve while them IH nobody In untlbfy auillenrcH HmMrro ill Slvlicllo but Mimic Sembrleh S II teem right that money uliauld be rrlundci when BUCI operas as tliosr are announced the Icatlinir nrllstN do not appcnr Nothlnic multi le moro undiunded than the Idea tbnl uy rnprlo- on time part nf the nrtint Is unindent to nUM or Hint for any trivial minor HIR niajmKeracnt would itulwlltule fur rr former nnollirr low known ur Mipiilnr Maui Situ has Buffered thU year pecuniarily the HlneM Anione hull artistic lie rAil en- iraee lIme moKt fiunoiw In the world cannot kirn them In Rood licaltlt No ainoun- of skill as nn protect thin temlei- viMnl curds ol singers Irom the tIme wealh cr Mr SrauH to refund the prln- of tickets hotiKht at the hex office III tnte n chfiiiffcs thn rust SCenIC to IK Intrndnl mrrrl nn nhMiraiico ol churl to keep tilth with the public niul to allow nn possible round at tie o ra MM Snlew nnd Van nr- rroDverlnir Mme Jndskl has cmtaifeil order Hint Mine cmlnus lllnesu may not Interfere with tie Vaunrrlnn rnl there mire no Kruiinds tot nny further Interruption t course of the thor ure further Important disappointments the which at nmy return them mid buck the money fvi tImer reaHDii to believe thud the ltu lloti lies been rs is for everybody except the unfortunate artists io uro not nblo tu Nlnit low their Ices tthlrh limy I c when they tire In health hut lire when a Might Inter- venes M nnl ek only mini tlircu lliiipM In rnaucli of n philosopher to view his hit with i Miri with his iiru tiimoi wit I wrote recently i unld time other llint 1 not been to mm and have mel n cold limit his NO hun cast about 8170011 Very few men fould hnve the luxury of a rold thnt owls nn much Mine Ternhm nut 11 will fur no HUOH ns MIC Intriidml under tho treatment uf n physician until she Is convinced thnt recovery Sire In her sonie ilnyv ago tonbnnrate her contract nnd her tii return immediately to irrninny They derided her the privilege hut ate Hint sire Minll remain recovery e nls out if the iiiistlon UK her appearance would ndd greet brilliancy to the AVaener heason Mile III Gounods- Shal ipc rean porn discussed early In Iho season as a mssltlllty nt hue at Iho- Mctr in litan t Tn llmim this yenr limit the din- ners Interests are sold to centre now hi another phase of that vnrl It Is the character of llonita- thnt is JUKI smote her atlrntlun Signer Mniulnelll last ucrk rave lien the score mnr ed- ullh the rustumary cuts and Jllle thinks that slur ran thug and net this Shake siieareati hero ijultc ns well as Mme llernhnrdt run play farintn and has expressed the uplnlon- thnt only ono scene inlRht prove a chaIn en hut Per Tills Is In the third ect SIre admits that her sex llKre inltfht be a drawback to IHT limit she ilclnrcs that she sns herself us the professional cxpresslcn In In rvery oilier pin nH7n Mile Calve first became In nrMid In the subject df llimiro el Jullrtle when Mr irnu suggested that she the role if The hunt her much more than the lirr tIC as her with the work incrinsrl and she turned icunoda Hum t liilietitt t the opirn M ntccild written fir the house In Venire by lUlini in 1S10 Judith coil Julio Grid Mine the nvm to Imvo dune more fi r Hie pHil s RtiricsB than the of Hclllnl lie Hie In two weeks tu uut- nn wlm found himsilf In on to time failure n work In i iii h luau placed grid ehiilldrno rue ir f fnpifi ins fur n contrnlto Hud Mil Ciiltf hnd this ixra In mind she iYri1 d he music trntifpiiwd Na- utlil iiiiisii III Ih ml the sitm subject hums let lo liw III lInt tin nil h Ilellinl rue dtnra was tlrsl clun in Italian In l rls In IhM Mile tnlve titter Ibis nun had been siucpestei- t lit mind thai fiuuiind opera was much ii ii nnd tumid list to tlm- tvrk It Is f course tint to rxiyfttd that slit vill here In thus part Bonn Her inly masculine this wusnii will Ir Clitriihinn ill Nowe dl llituru Slut has Just study nf llnmta anti It nmy e iv i hut future nihicxMiirnis IK re She line n rats fnr next Mason ulth tho Opvrn Oiiihiue- In Iiris hut thnt III nut IK allnv d- in it rfr nitSIHUT lth hurt Mum in lids iiiniir1 Then she may Ir lentil us Itomra- It mnv lc as certain hat whenever Mie Mills r If it Ir In XII A line Itmiif windd le isiliincult In reilieln jarls Mil ilive i limit IKurinaticcs nre- Theintlilcnicif tin Nniiitiol Academy nf MiiMe- nnd i M n tin llpora 11 niiiuc ls siilllcirnt tu o n tri lit uinleniy tn extravagance nnd over i mplnsK There inc lien iteidus In Us vrrv CM an uttlinut the which nre sninitlaiin in vllnlion nf taste and till Maiid dramatic nIt Albert Alvare Is lo sine In Ilidlnn on Vi dnr m the first time ns iainmf lnAiiln- Ililhirtn bi hue mini Verdis oiiera ns wdl as- tinrest of lilt rcpTliitri1 only in French Johanna iiidsH is lii in the revival of Hi I iMU1 Vcil r von Windsdr whrn thai oKra it revived t Ihc Mctroixilltnnfnr Mme Srmbrlrh- Irit rrlilcrlrhs Hi fnnuiiis Hajrcuth Heck mttscr lio Is In arrive here next wick will ini- rlahtalf lliiicl Throdur Hrrtrnin- iitul Mme SdiiiiiKinn lleiid will nlso U in the riiKt Mine Nnrdlea Is tu give a HOIIK recital in- Ichrnary The llrst nf Dim ns at the Mcirnilltan Mill lnKivcn one wok liiiin tu morrow nUlit bv Soinlirirli crud MM Seoul Sahinnr and Iinl C rM It Mill Nt Inter to nbsrrvr ellert the spitkl of Iioiit7- 1111N awl miisl trial in the i rtn- udlluriuni of the Mi iropulllnn lllle Ialvc- Is to lll 1avallrria Husticuna on nnm- nlnht fur the unit time hone tide scnj oi The iii lion ol i the Metro l ihtan wits miller dhrusli the dtlirr night nnd bruinrlit out the opinion thnt IMonird tin lm le hnd Nell nit limes iriticisr lrl- icaviniMi In Ills of Almarltn in- U1 Nn dc 1iCiro A cnllcaicue ilnl iuit soil Mdir M tun or unU fur the t ra He is JnM the tight dr the Mitmpilila i bit avHiiti if nf un Hire roirns could he made much elfrlUe II till the mm ucre Midi KKIIHS und all tli cuts II tall In prnpnrlinii tin wiirkh wniilil entry much further than dms tn diy It is lint Hi wke Him is mil nj- pr i rlioii to the u r It Is nil the either Mntrrs who are out nf mill irnnrtlnll to the Me e- th ntrc Andreas I was asknl lu lncumc the leadlnir tnmr nf tin Pivot llniisr hut as In to heard in New i ntk Inr nnmc years tocnnu- Jl nil hatiir In Ililladilpliia- nn Thtirwliy Ilipi went Irnn nn hand ill e e nf nn Ijniiorn lucktuiii who is tu be hrnril lnr llrst- ttllh lh Ihilharniunic Orchestm played nt- Ceiirvn reecntly and met with the Riirrisi wldiii- Mcnm to linve hun npvariinre in funlirn city IVw Americans who truly ahroid- nnd rnme lnfere the public return home with such urcat hoimrs IN lnelvm seems to have noli It is lo he hoped that will Ic Justlllcd by her here Miss nas In Iiuslnn nuneil to Ilncniru lit an early nee nml has lieen for several impll In llerlln Slur unn tin unit prie In Ihw lldfficlinle thrrc and ha since ulth irreat sueivKs in null the Iradlnv cities Mine Nordlcn perform nee of tIns tijovnnnl on nieht Hint it was nllh dlllleiilly that sue gal Ihrouch with irfnrminrc It WiLt at one llmo ihoupht glut iioiibl lo omit tlm letter aria bill she ian it nnd few IHTMHW notuxd hut Indisposition Cadrrrwikl Ilnr With Orclirstrn- Ignnco 1iidorowskl gave last night nt Tar lecla Hall flue only concert In which he will be lenrd this year with an orchestra Walter amroch mluutctl lIlt numbers werj- leethovens concerto In 1 lInt his own leuutlful Funlnslo anti In addition tinso n group of HHleetlotiH which vlth oim uxcviitlun be has already horo Ins The theatre the ilwnyinruuses Ills phiylngof tho Jleethovcn- unecrto moro tho of ds ability ns n lloethoveti Ilio first rnnvorncnt beautifully as It was iluyed Inekltig In but flnlahed The List movement thawed this of playing it did riot reveal thu rugged ol om Ion It was alan perfectly ilny oil In lIe llncnes nnd group of had only tha waltz Opm- II No us n us the been hoard title season It vac an others were In polo iaiiie opus ii was peelally striking among M tins played horo lbefore Fantasia n own composition and ol It lins been Kt u Interpretation o rt that more any other amoui 1uloc- blllty a a composer man lleD1cJ1 lull ulcer lit anti n ctsangun In tub hot lie Stir 10thc llf f III lt IlIr r 011 IlItllsl1o llIo aim iums far till I l r K uiUetle repertoIre Mil I stud lush 11111 nipte liar m1I1 1111 f nil IIn ntJ rnl II I I I ii J thp II dtisuhuli 1 Iii i I tIt f Ill for Alldro ill II rims II d u It fir II lIrunl Ir tII 1111 1 hint lets I hums 1 sri Ir I I hrro I nlll limo cast lee iran roam shunts ii lus isle at as dmnumircus been irirammn tim lull ii ni i sty so tills run lint Eu hem huh smi hen itt gut iut Calves appearance lIne lmsnr1 I rug shun iugcs alt t I tie ill Ib resucu acqtunlimta lure runs t ii- I I it Ice 111mg rt Ice geni tie bit Ip haIr uisliii its flu 5 1 ill I sitS i I aut opt rum I soil I tie iii ISuil I tin nil i r I IIiiltit I jiiui I rib its ii kill suit sill s isis ruts I t I rug tcl sic rue irteluc lieu I timid sh mime rail iu is bunt ta ely if highi Iii v5mm lit situ uuuiU v htirfu tOte ii ii I ttiLii e in mmdl lug ts lIme limit if lIt I t luitiu ii- I cx I Tim e tuhaeutr ii tam rgi mut nI it Ii ret il ri sit Isuui efuirumuui mimic Ii v uuurs sit iii ii Ili a cull d irni mug I lie Ii Pot kIm tIp limit oh I wlmu tot ii Sri I grttutii lt with the e a I hue ins tus lit flOe ci jii isis i u al Itt sell 2 limit hit tim 01 niu Irs hors use his praised than the > > > > > < COUNCIL OF THE CUBANS flKVK t1 IHT Him AT JIAVAHA lit MKHVUXHK in iroouH ytt lucy Will llUrum the lilnnili AfnlriMcrr- linntn Arreitnl fur Alleged Ciitluii- nIliiiidHinuiglrd ClBarrtto lup r Iliunil- in theIr Hiitpcrled- Xpttitl Cattt PmmliA It THE Sun HAVANA DOR 11 OoiifMnssollabl and Ia ra of the former Cuban Army arrived here today toattondthocouncll of prominent Cubanscallcd- byOovernordonernl Wood A largo crowd as- sembled nt thin railway station to vrelcomu them Prominent Cubans In tho crowd carried Ion llnbl throucth tho town to n hotel lc na Masso and Lorn were shriven to tho hotel In carriages nrconipnnlvd by Fuvorul other Generals Tho Civil tlovcrnor of Santa Clara line tele- graphed to the Htatu Department hero notify- Ing It that a negro named Oil wise was t- lenernl In time Cuban Armynllackcd n sanltnrr officer tit Clcnfuegos He Inter wounded two policemen nail then maintained a running fight until he win shot anti killed by the police Only two employees of tho ountom house ore now In jail till HID other accused men having furnished the necessary bath The houses of several merchant havo been siarched with lisa result that aOO bundles of cigarette paper wore found which had been parsed through the Custom Houpn as wrapping tmpor The merchants were ar- rested nubseuuently bnllcd In tha sum of JJOOO enoh It Is expected that tho premise of many rnoro merchants will ho searched Hjflor AroKtcgul Deputy Collector of Custom has boon tnpondod pending tho Investigation Tho Cuban Planters A ojlntlon has pre- sented to Oen Wood a statement In which occurs area 11011 that the pnssngo of Immigrants to Cuba bo taut by lime Government provided tho Immigrants cure of n suitable kind ffflfl PHOU Till fllllllIlSrS- Mr Melklejolin lies ll ire nf Kxportii Since Aliierlciin Oeeiiiintlon WASHINGTON lIce III Assistant Secretary Mclklvjotin of tho War Depaitmcnt line writ- ten n revised letter to llepresontatlvo Lone of Kansas regarding the opening of Ihlllpplno ports In order thnt thin exportation of Manila liemn to this country mIght bo resumed In tlryo to affect blndlnctwlno hOP llsuaes Ills ant were 5 I ho sue tim trleo of next stasofl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Irons lIsa wheatrnlslnitHtates have come man demands to Keprcscutatlvo Long and othui Congressmen for tIme opening of the hemp Potts and It was In response to these that Mr Long presented HIB matter to the War Depart mont In hilt first letter on the subject Assist through time errors of the compiler of statistics In tIme Department male some statements to which Importers anti manufacturers properly took oxoer tlons Thu ruvlHcd letter reciting thu preliminary facts In tire case nail the cablegrams to lien OIls from time Department say It will DP gathered from tim correspondence with tho Military Governor that no effort bust been spared by tIle Department In urging the Importance of opening arid garrisoning the hemp ports and that the only reason for tho delay In opening such loris has been the ox IstlngoxIgoncUs tIme hemp question and shin liar matters being forced to remain subject to tbo condItions and necessities Incident to the military situation Concerning the quantity homp exported and retnalnlnc on bawl In the Philippines M jorQon Otis In Isle annual report says That for tIlt year ending Aug 31 the mine f has been taken from Hie shipping ports during tint ns In the preceding that thero still remains considerable of hemp It should In hinted that the pnrts Lose mentioned aro nut po other being opeiud The date cuiutlnti ol the of ll- Hof 15 IKi ansi of Cobu Feb Ji IKli inoa which dates these ports havo- beenopou to till time this Department ha received complain reports from the collector ot customs nt nnd elm hemp export ns follows From for the Align Octo- ber IrW tho tr it export of hemp wwi UUIOJ tons of amount IIHIHJ tons were exported to time Ktntes from Collector uf- Cclu for the months of May to October IKiii Ineliisive shuw the tutnl exports of hemp from that be ItiMu tons of UWT tone wore exported to the StntP flue number of xi irtel front these two porlml worst UDll totn amount tons weru exported to tun tnlted state t ltiK Hirso figures as a haste and In the absence nf other Information tin estimate emrtsof hemp from the Philippine Islands of occupation will IHOIX tons of amount nun ion should bo credited to htatcn hut lUtMK tons to other countries This estimate plaits time estimated nf h to tho Status for itc year nf American occupation ni about ITiMNi tons loss than tho exports of IKi This is aoooiin d fur by fuel lint here hivii tein npened for only throe f he pine has been re- quested Iuiing thin last year by Imriiricrs manufaeturers ant brokers to open HID sneiillcd hemp ports In Jhlllii Ulnnds nnd us herein every effort has been ma lo by the Wnr Departnicnt- In the past and will bo the liituro to comply with these whom the military situation tiTitiKE IT IKniirs Ilrlirrir Artorx Inlnii Ilnr Mnungfr Hie Heavy Tragedian It writ learned yesterday that there wns a brief hut exciting performancii behind curtnln at Theatre last Thursday evening resulting In a strike of and after various episodes which would have been hmiid with delight If they had taken place hilt the curtain the trouble was patched up- Ir appears that Monday Jnw ih litoinles n iintiin tin Hebrew netuis of tho Tim In Windsor IVoplos- tlientrcH It started with a membership of It so happens that there Is a scarcity nf Hebrew iidnrn nt present itnd II wns decided to test the of now union at the IVo Theatro The lenseesiiru Adlor A and I Is tho- benvy of the company which Is now u melolranm ItitlHcd time Knst Kldo- Thursdny night beforo lisa ro e Goldstein toseo Kdcliteln Thn latter iippeaieil und fuutid tin heavy trnge haul inlldbof the stiigo with urine folded nnd lilt brows knitted stein strmle glounnly upto him md voice said 1 wait yon to know that we have formed n union If you treat Out you must inkn When WH want one riilits well demand em- ilr Ivleldteins Goldsteins ancestor liom Abraham iowa The tragedian nvo n stngn laugh whereupon EilHlsteln according to who re purled tho nffnlr to Central federated yesterrtav solxed n broomstick chnnd Into the that ho tan discharged Th r uion time entlro corn out lo thu street by thu In the meantime tho theatre wise lining up and the tra not struck tried to keep the nuillriico After n brief Golilstein who was making n to the striker for nnd reinstated The xtnkers demanded nn- ntiology nnd niter sonio demur it was given Then hnvlng won thlr points so en lly th y- deeliled to a litiln They came to HID conclUBlon Harimdesssald that rnannze- nniit violated th rules of union ought In bu lined arid n fine of potted which wn paid nnd the pliy proceoded Two Veil Added tn tlio iern Senton It lint been decided to make the season at MctroHilllnn Opera Hntiseseventeen weeks of lire originally nnnoiineod- n spite ot sickness among singers imin so far Pcen prosperous Fiioiigli to mnkti this ehnngii reason ruin to seventeon week rind Maurice Iran believes timt thn pnrontzu tho- onnru ns long this winter to from lriWMit attitude Iletil to He llolnnd Heed the actor who was operated upon at Kt Lukes for cancer nt stomach was much Improved In condi- tion lnt night at Iho hospital and hU- hometill West wise mild that Sir hectIc condition was so thnt thorn was Slow n certainty thnt ha would r It had been thirst thcMI- VIID no hope butt tile strong constitutIon pulled tutu through Denth nf a Soldier III Puerto Idea WARIIINUTOX Deo Davis corn the death nt rrlvntn Frank Hoe Com C Eleventh Infantry at Han Juan yettcr- a of typhoid ant Secrulsry MlLhojolmrm mur I ii iumomi t it iss s hr mug M tint i its I bIb e of nit wait Ilollo lib ru I entice rir I em l II II hIts uuu ri t uul t t hilifli tier anti tehi I tilt tot mit I oIls loris for I hiu nusimi oil fur tIme nuut titr lit 1 iii t lit uiml lineal lot ii t s- huts I 115 r S uuuunr t ro atoll i hit its tstm euumr w i111l lift fur I S crlmu ic pig t hue the leoplee list aetore hat lull lilt 5 ttmleti Ii I hioni rice ask y loll I pimtylurg I iiitht flue lilt liii a 1011 ii luscou rIcan l y I mmeirec rtilyvuu4 ho curse I lie wings Ian y itt 0 lii l reluil stage jour ore wh leii lund a null coil intuttlItutt Ion g the I lit s thu I t hit I iii t lie ss I null hI it WI Ii Its liI ii nil Sit Id 31 smelt I tel her hot ii stret caret 31 Gen mandhn the Jhheo re punts fever 1 > ¬ ¬ < <> durtirtmrut The treasurer of a NY Safe Deposit Co was sufferer for fifteen years with nervous dyspepsia and like other victims of this dread disortier tried everything by physicians friends to attain relief and was always gratified for even a temporary cessation of pain He finally commenced with and after taking them a few weeks found himself entirely cured I smoke to my hearfs content said he and eat any and everything and I have not had to take even a Ripans for the last three or four months His attention was first called to the Tabulesby seeing them advertised in the cars of the Brooklyn Elevated RR He has been the means ol selling hundreds of boxes of Ripans Tabules on the strength of his cure even going so far as to get his own physician to use them in hia general practice for he had given my case up as hopeless WAHTKI A e o of had licalth Utah llMAXS will not benefit They banish pro loniilln Ono Klvc relief Sole the IMPANHon the ii ckni and aeeapt no tuuKtltut- aUlI1NH lu fur n cent may tie hadiitunr turn Ton Mtnplessuil and teiil menIals will do milled to nay aildri fur l furwardod to situ 111 pun Co J o 10 Spruce St New York and fo Os Anti don use PU cent < QVBKXH HKTIIAC1UK KXUCKKlt UVf Her Clmmplim Old Not IVsr n Otis butt KInk Selllid Him In a chop house not n thousand miles front thin City Hall known ns n popular resort for Irish agitators there was un argument thu other night which produced sensational hit bloodless results In n crowd that stood up close to the bar wns n tall militarylooking man whoso voice was particularly loud Ho wore n tightfitting frock coat n rakish derby lint on the side of his head nnd continually swung alight bamboo stick To lilt hoarem- ho said If I lund time money I would eros time ocean and join tho QucenH troops In South Africa Once there I would glory In helping Old Ing land to whip those miserable floors When nil of tier Jlalestys soldiers that are now on tho way arrive there will bo nothing to It gentle- men nothing to It It will bo easy In another group which had been standing an equally long tlmo at thin liar wits a lIttle maui whoso brogue botrayeJ hubs Irish nntloi hilly but whoso Gnlwny whiskers f an exag- gerated growth ran ie him took Ike u pocket edition of Oom Jnnl Ho wore nn nnclent beaver well down upon isle ears and hung on- to the bar with n viselike grip Phwats thot1 ho shouted Time Qunnes soldiers eh Why nv nil th unit vhnt down there folghtlnthlm ellis the only wars nnny good Is the Olrifh nn at hot they nlnt at nil nt all thereto how thot they kin nn If It wasnt ler Oireiund wild be lii th NOUP Who are you sir1 yelled time mllltory man towering over his diminutive antagonist How dare insult the Queen Olm only ycz triit big Palpeen an Olil to see folghtln th 11 HIM Oill bet thud lImo Hears wild be uhaslnV- HZ Instld Look here my friend faIrly scroamod tim lngllshmnn If you dont julet Ill smother of thnt host Viz will thr nlioiitod the Irlilunnn Why 01II tut me gun an shoot ye With this tIre llttla man whipped Isis right lined around tn du hiji lint ho to have ilintculty Uniting the The t ill Kiigllshmiin roared like a bull said thnt he had faced th cannons mouth on many provlous occasions without ninehiiitf and he wasnt n little lilt efrald of n little little popgun TIre crowd un- steadily surged tietwoeii tilt c mibiitanlB sonio endeavoring to hold tiigllshniat whilo others right hand Ill show you wlmt Ill do lo huh alit lilt cun howled Knglishman ns he broke from the bystanders nnd nmdo n rush lor- tho Irishman With n beautiful swing that landed on tho bare spot iihovn the Ior n tonic for nervous ninl dtupiptle people e inti Amiefiiini ii nulnc linporUl fromHuitli Ainerli- a33X3DX3 lliwton Iiec SO Ililnmn- Liiwell ascii diiighler of the Ute lulni Amurr- Uivelt ami widow of fle re llaty Ulale Funeral servIce will da hell at lapcl on Jan 51 HOD at 12 ocloc- kIllVlsAt Mount Vornnii X Y Do 31 lsit John V Jartln Jr rears Funeral private MKKVOu Vriilar Dec SB 1S9U AntImony W- Iiilfn yean frleiuln of X ri il Pout No 3s cl A II nnd J r er COy Connsd So 80 C II are roipectfully Invited t attunl the funeral from late nwldenceXJi Ilidirlti sits Jersey City on Monday Jan 1 luo at JP M Iloae omit flower IKtr lit paiirn ru eiji- yIVlSOXAt Ulmttonl X J Dee11 IHUII Marr wtfn uf tlio Itiv diana A Mnlsu- nnI of riillvldphla mid ilaugliter of the isle Aliaham tmtirlilil of New York cltj- Kiitlev of funeral r- MUONKOn Friday list 201SW Iho llv Kyi- vi iir Muloiio llectnr of tmlhurh of S Ieter- nnd Paul Wythe av nicer Huiith 11 JlruuUlj n- Itdatlvti snd nro Invltoil to ntfnd th funeral from time cliiirch ut Iniln Tiucdny- niornlnj Jan 3 Ollloo for tlm ilrud will leulnat lOdclwk- JIIN HTOii HinJn floe ni ISliii Arthur M- Mltutt of Mary K and tie lain Jo eph A Mlnott- Fiinural prlv- atCllitl Siiclilcnlr on Hatiirlny moraine IHBD Funeral services it bin late re Mne HD Wes Knd av on Tut lay morning at II ocloc- krintltMXCHt KuJacnl on Ktirilay Do 3D mini ilutiv F IerrenotM- Xctlce uf funeral berajftc- rrtlTXAJISuiblcnly f pnenmonia Will am II Putnam In the tit year of Funeral service Tuetdar evening atR oclock at late renlilence 30 it Intermoot at Albany N Y Allmnr piper pleant nlIII VXAt Oneco Conn on flee 80 Wlllct U Ilatlbuii Funeral from h hits rrMencc 71 Hamilton it Kibritr vlnciliy M- KTlltltOn Hiturday floe 30 IHIU Frxltrlek- Hraitley mn of Frodrriek V Kirmil II Starr Funeral from lila lute reihliwo lu Montjoinurrj- ilace DnoLljn Tnuidar Jan at 4 PM- luUrmcnt print STHoNCI If 3ti8 hubert Ilur- mm ion oin ibtrt II tnJ Kninu M Hltoa- akDl 3 year Funeral from the rrsMtnco rf hi tarrnt 210 Ninth it rialnnrM V J TueJjy Jan 1 IHO at ncl ck WIN T N n FrlUr 1 imij at rnlJenc tl Wet Thirty ninth t nuiiavut- tUirrn of tho lat lrr rlci Wiuion- Fmioral at Cilriry hunch Twenty flrilnt arid Fourth av onTn lay Jan 1 lIon M IS M 31fH iublirationu- CnCriaTof rfnolilinillhIbin JeaunD lcl M tl 4 is iig hull ii for t li no ru- Ict Iowmm nub lou k ei ii hoketh for cten ion I rich nun tim U ralt lied t lie I rich rirusri it t hue ri uthu t ha iii ticitr 1ottr lust hhumt ii inter I iii iegi tIc lii thE At lea Miti Slugs list aitlay Ruin sy morn- ing aged 42 aged t htehathie fluid alec rut nib ri I hilt ill ci fri oils ant 1 blOt Soil her- o Yotuli Ii Ouch imle ate hiss West uiatlm copy ito N 3 hum 3 I tim at ii 1 crud lute madam Fat 2 i uc sin a amour will he hell U lul Otbac ¬ ¬ > > > centre ot the cnlways the Queen champion sent her detractor Into lunch counter Tho pocket Oom- 1aul cleared the oounlur n backward sonierstiult and landed on his head A bin kettle of clam broth heated skyward- A bowl of crackers mimi n plato ol cheese fol A down dunn cuts n plleof knives next and whun the muss dim ee tied tlm Mnor was lit to skate upon Kvery- IOily was umhbltiK he little whltn as n nhtct lay apparently un- conscious on his hack but even go hrt haul Ind his rovenire For In hIs lliKt throuuli tho air time of rlahtl- iont hiniled with prouUlon upon the nnuthof lid you ace him kick me In mouth time rnllltnry roan as ho his bloedlnc lips Are nil men Koln to Ktiiivil by hero HM me kicked la the like lhl l both nulttors growled the bar- tender who utter calmly oil apron hand upon thus collar hurled him out the Hiduwnik Kngllshumn had haJ enough and rotreated In Then the unconscious Irishman was carrIed to this rear of the room nnd several waiters bathed his fevered brow jim bartender for wifctys cake thrust isle hand Into the pjokot Boarching for thn weapon With a look of nlnulid dlHgust nnd mirth ho from tlu IrlshnninH pocket n pug of tobacco KKXTVCKf 1OllTIClL HUlllltlZ Two Sets of Stnto 1tcrtlnn roinmlnlonfrf With nn Aspen to time Court IoviRviuK Ky Dec 31 Tho State Board of Klcotloa Commissioners composed of Messrs C B Poyntr John A liilton and Mor ton K Vonti Into yesterday nfternoon tiled In time ofilctof the Kranklin Circuit clerk nn In- junction suit to W II Mnekoy nail A J from attempting to net nt Htata- Ilectinn connilf to restrain Ham 1 Slmckleforil clerk of the Court of Appeals from nitmlnlKcrlrK o them the oath of ofllee- Tho list of ultormy who brought the suIt U- headid S 1ryor who recently re signed as n member ot the board ninth who re- hlunnil lint tofinv Tnvlor but to the It self hellnvliiK lint he nctod In neconlnnen with the lute which marc thnt reslgnntlotiH shall ba tendered to who havo time power to 1111 tho vncnticlcs created limo result ol tIme Injunction cult will bean detoriulnnlon rIme of the vtilldity of U iv action In attempt- ing to llll tlm viieuielos created bv the ionic of Judge Iryor und rMN Jlejrs- Mnekoy und Corhrrin nre that tile plamtinH will before Judge Cnntrlll at rrnnktort on next snore that times Injunction be granted Whatever roar bo decision nn appeal will be taken to tin Court of decision will be vital to tIn Democratl- sllerillrt Wa n WhnleK- AN IliANcrsi0 Lice A derelict thit looked llko nn oveiturned bark hail hocus sltihtoil by n score f vessoU riiecntly mind was sugge tid that a revcnuo cutter bo sent to removn It as a to navlsatlon- KxnmlnnHon showud Vial It true the body of a doad whale American Art Galleries IlK SCMTII NKV VUIIIC From Tomorrow Tuesday until Saturday next 6th inst FREE 9 to 6 A RlUARKAlHn COLLECTION OP JAPANESE PAINTINGS AND COLOR PRINTS Formed in Japan under the personal supervision ol PROF ERNEST PENOLOSA The best known Uxpert on Japanese Pictorial Art in the World An Art tint Ii as iVnct at It U and u beautiful IM It Ix couvlniing Tho of brunliiinn la upiarrnt at a glanrr TliaBnu JAMES P SILO Auclloner FIFTh AVE ART GALLERIOS tie iSTH AV- IitllUlTION TUESDAY JAN 3D- iiii oiTtT A l I lI T Thin U t sale of Knriiltin Hiu llrleiIlrac general lliiMihnM KirnUiire hlrh oil kij i3foh at liirc gallrru nilluV plnD ill WHDNHSDAY ft THURSHAY- JANTAUV 3D i JTII- IA II DAY AT a OCMKIC- To lie oll lir ertr of Mrioiit owicri and assignee of a inatiiif at tun r In pirt- Carrirn Marlilo Hmtuarr with rirr 3at zj aa4- uthrr rum mrbln p de til A iiiinliirfif reil rtnntr Ktrlilnjaiiil Kiigrarur- tIlllll AND iillSVTK flIlXULnt- r alo by I n H antI rthr liUh U iiitkeri eliulrithilm en i n A itrrat Mircty nf llicciiti n Sni an InJ I uiocei In Chair anti T lil- A wilth f HraprriiM lUc inri IHS Nninticris of Kiwlli p r l4n float Uenna H r ad utln i vaiull Ctiina FIFTH AVI ART liALLERIUS i de- an I forks eflhilo Ca tim I rish bum Ii CC heel hit Ill ark cd lilt issitmu the imuflt over ea face P- At tlmimyro from tim bar ansu one as ii Tim o tb bI- nth dth lb- ci tim CO him llilge lii ras nh thuerb ci i at lit ii fir ar usa Ca ii t rh Tim k cOlmtuStiI h lieu ii c t- It u p C Tit IltIluN Stt I viEw S t 9to6 ullaffee vii skit lbs sal lit this thus I lit sa Slim C itii 4 ant lie a 5- I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < <

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-01-01 [p...





Mir wi HIt XT Htrtr THK VIM

Hint IF niiitIH into wrt0000 Clulin Alrnily Illrcl nn Arrnnnt 1-

1Mrrvlcn In tlm AVnr Ulth Himln MuttTlinn Oim Hundred Kpoelnlhills Inlrniliieiil In Thl I ingrriW-

AHIIIMITUN Loc llConiinl knor o-

1ciifilons Kvurw has sild that nt thu prosen-

rato tit HUni claims for widows nnd orphans o-

sodlors III the Civil War and HIM olnlmspeimlonsdiin to Hi4 llto Hinnlsli Wnr us fast atill punidon roll Is diminished tho deaths n

veterans of tlm Civil War It will bo Increaseby tIn addition of their widow and tho vetoi

ol tho late war no that tho payment o-

ponslon nt the of tlVMXKVtX annuallypromises to continue Fur many year to otnneWith tho roveniies of country nwoll ri

nearly JJOHIKJOOOO from the war revenue tax0xrwnillturi n for pensions still amount to 5J

percent ut the moss annual Imwnio of tinloterninent nnd alrcidy n hind roil or mor

bills hnve b en Introduced In Congress to provldo adilltlonttl sx cliil pensions

Honin advanced In the ponslon bllln Introiluced this session Ono bHeprcontatlVQ Cllbson of Tennessee Istho purposo tt ilolni justleo to nil

soldiers nnd suitors who In robprison It proposes to glvw ench of thesi-

prinonors a lump mini oiual to for eachho wasoonflnKil and flJn tnotith for tho re-

malnderof his life Mr Olbson nlno proposeto pen lnn teamtsrs employod In tho tnlor-armlici and or otherwise dl abei

in HUD of duty at n not lo e ceolJ n month Mr Ubson nlo ed

bill to pension all helpless soldier nnd K Ionwho suffor from total or partial bllndneM tinlossof both or feet at llu rate of 50 1

month lniirla worn received Ir

Mr Fitzgerald of Misachuott tiM a tiltgrunt panslons tonurvlvurrt of the Civil Warwho have reached the aju of sixty years Theyare to recotvo lJ n month

Mr llbnon Is pained to seo that pensionerwho found that their disabilities did not pre-

vent their enlisted ns sound men In thewar with have benn from thepension rolls has therefnri Presented n

mil rwstoritii them to time rolls on their writtenapplication Tho bill also stipulates that serv

not afor u for former service Inder thlitilt n man physically to serve In

Into war enabled to draw n pensionfor dlsnbintlos Incurred between andIHtV-

Mr flrahnm of IVnn ylvanli ireient a billtoglvo to all ollleers and enlisted of theUnion Army n monthly pension of totday ifli day In lheno IHII-ulons to in addition to invalid pen

iiild peiinlont may bu receivingSenator a bill to pension voter

cusp over To years of ntjrvi ddays In tho tin All widowsof such vottiinns who ire 70 years ot iige are toho penslonoit imd the into for veterans orWidows IH to be 10 n tnntitli-

Ilepre enfiitlv Kentucky wishs nilwidows arid survivors of the Mexican rind Inthan wars who receive smaller pensions to bepaid at tlm rntoot llJa month

Coohrune of Now York has abill lo nil honorably ilHhnrgod enlistedsoldiers and nnllors of Wur of thu Itebelllon-a service tension of SM n

Orosvooor of Ohio has In-

troduced n till to grant n Hiatusto the Till coinniinloiiLrs and surgeons of theenrolling boards who examined enlisted nnd-tnustorod moro than n million voluntcorH nndwho added to thoioJdSOOO soldiers by draft

York provides that no pensions shalltopped duos proems of law nlso-deIres that a lieniloiur oftotally disabled OH far ns manual laborconcerned and whoso pension Is his only

of support shall 15 n mouthseutatlvo Inisvenor has n hill which

dcllne time unit of fora widow whichwould limit her from receiving n Pension nt-illiK Thu bill lint whom apension has ben time pensionerIs afterward restored to re-

ceive all hack pension from this time It waslo restoration to the rolls

Mr Coehrane Introduced o bill to pension to-

tally dl ablcd veterans 7 years of ago nt 15a urd lhon 7 years uf ncent4amonth

A lull Introduced by DoVries-ot CnillornU that all ooldlers Whoserved In Mexican War mind afterward Inthe Civil Wnr In tint Inlon Army shall bo

on tho rolls at JI cer month-A radically dlttront measure Is the bill Intro-

duced by llonreKentitlvo Stoph of Ten-nessee Time prenmhlu rrultos that thornmulch just cmis of tho enormousexpenditures fur pension nnd that list Is

thereforolt Is prorosed thatwho nhall possKssilOix worth ot orTvhoslmlliocolv a salary from the Governmentor from any Stste county municipality or cor-porationto which they nre cntltbd shall be no

No pensions according tothe tormt of lh nru to Paid topersons residing abroad who are not citizens

Hturen It also provides that i hoCommissioner of IVnslon thaauthority to summon before examining with n view of ascertaining Iftheir disabilities cannot bo or curedby treatment arid U so to nscoitnln why tintpensioner has not employed such treatmentOn failure to recommenda

loner to ropped from I lin rodsPensions to heirs of any person except formilitary service are i and tho exist

except whore tho re-cipients chow that they becomo

property slnca the urantlnic of timepensions

aro a hundrod other bills rilntlnc totho subject of pensions eroat

more Few Ifgeneral title will pass mind only-

a of the WIle Connlderlnn that war with Spain ended lens

a year ro cud thus claims herebeen Hied from this war It Rcems that

the expected reduction In payment ot pensionsU tar

snirnpriDixn iv moo

Inereaie In Timnage Compnred With 180-8Ieirgeat Output of Hlenin Vcuels-

WAaniKOTOX Dee III The total number ofvessels built and officially numbered ny thoBureau of Navlgutlon during tho calendaryear just ended was P34 ot 2I7 UJ gross tonscompared Tilth aV of 2J7000 gross tons forthe year lOOt Steam vessoU built duringIBM numbered 421 of lUOKIJ gross tonscompared with C 0 of 100150 gross tonsIn 1W3 Sail vessels numbered B3 ofgrope tons compnrod with 405 ot H7lnHgross tons for 18ilH The increase Is almostwholly on tho Atlantloand Gulf coaiti whereISM of 1113 Mil gross tons wore builtcompared with KW vessels of H 1005 gro s

On time 1neitlo toast only 114vetfoK of OOH7 grons tons wort toniI ii red with 40 of HIl1 gross ton it theprevious your ThlH fulling off In construc-tion on the coast In nf the taetthat the Alaska next tio very

to the ballot that Americanmerchant ve kels hitherto employed trans-ports to Manila will be remaned mind enter thecoasting trade III the Cunxiriictlon ontill lakes comprised 7u vessels of DIM grossi jnscom luirod with lii of 7iiHJ gross tons InIrtW on time Mississippirivnrs llJ or with11 1 of 1 iiOi gross tons In imw

Of steel Kteiim ve sps almost whollyrontlng trade 75I1I gross untie wer bullionthe seaboard and r OMil s tons onIrent I ikes oominred with itnJlli tornnn the ceibnard nnd 47 tin gross tons

kent Lakes in IHiM The eonMruotlon otTfiMll gross tons of steel strain vessels on thoHoaboard liirgeit output ot this descrip-tion In our history For inirjioses of compari-son llguresshow that ono Ilritlsh shipyard duringbuilt K JiM gross tnns nndanother humiD tons duringyear Klghticn Ilritlsh shipyards during thopast year over IIOIHH grosstons of steamships Tho total outputfor loOm for lImo year notbeets ascertained hut it will exceed 714 steam-ships ol Inns practically nil ofwhich wtmHttHil built during re-

turns for the llrst six months of till 1calshow time construction In the Lnltodi-

tnto of 57 vciwels of gross tonicwith fill vessel of liU154 gross

tons for the t lx months of theprevious fiscal Nine of tIm foregoing

Include unriggedboats Including Ito total documentedtonnacn built In Inlted States during thecurrent ll enl year blue fair to ho somewhatover gross tons

Unroll fur Trnnpi In the IldllpplneW-

AHHINOTOX flee 31 Specially preparedbacon Packet In tin has iirovod n veryacceptable dish to the troops serving In

thn nnd although oomowhatcostly than moats bo con-

tinued ns part of the soldiers ration On ac-

count of Its n rcnird cost niidiisol ocnil n-

ttin price reels vegetables IDS gone thesum for the of the nltcd-Ktntes Army for limo current llcal acer will bolarge rtmnlnlntr lx montlm nliont

TVlH be squired tu toed the troopa









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nn TOMCS iioirTho ktiKgcntlon male after Aiignstln Palyi-

lcaMi that lilt valuable collection uf Looksntitnxraplm and nmnuwritits should bo pro

te yd Intact win nut prictlcnbieaad whoaare nt Auction this month It la probabin that they will widely dHtrlbuUnl U

been staled ty men who know Mr Dalywho worn aware ot thn prices that h-

pnld for the articles which nre Included h

this collection that It cost him route Him5IDOOXX but that tho executors ixpoct

snail part ofamount IU Halo

Italy spent sums III grntltying Ids finis HN folio hake

inst him Isle fntnouoxptinded Into fortnfour voluineJ b

exIts Illiutrnlloris an outlay ofrom IiiHK to ioK His library Includei

inil Bof manand letters written hr them HIcol-

ection nf lli atrlcal relics Includethe BCiles find il liy Koitti as Shutucland sword used by tho saino netor Ir-

Itlehard IIIIn the collection will be purchased for tin

unit thu Lambs tincollection as u wbotn will bo broki

Mr was honored by nctorHwhat accomplished for limit itngiyears ago earshot ald that poronnlh

wit with them lllrules which ho onforcnil In his theatre miwhich ho tn on the mHinlions of his company when they worn outsld o-

h wnro lint tinactors ilnrles which he pall wore municompared withrivals men who graduated from

were not anxious to return to Itor reasons the artloles In Daly col

which lure Interesting ehlolly becnnfof the collector are not

to be bid up by exmcmbem of lime Daly compan

The the statement thatYork U to have the largest riding academytho world Is uullo us obvious M wero HID aiv-

nouncomcnts live or fix years ago that thlriding academy or that ono was going out obusiness or was to bo reconstructed forbicycle school At that limo Itthntthaday of horso was passingexcept torn few enthusiasts and tho marketprices for such horsys soomed to loon out thisassertion The fashlonnblo bicycle club wlileliset this iaet for everything tin two wheels ti ir-Ing two years wise recruited from thecla s of men previously III variousriding for thU slew ildlnu-ucademy Include n riding JX feetlong nnd Ion foot amid Itslire to bo the bet hot inonev can buy Timemarked revival of Interest in horse bank ridingwas explained by a riding muster Ihoday a iluii to our Spanish Will InotighNew iorkers ho caid the Houghllldors to glvn time whole city a personal In-

terest III that gallantto It were two cavalry troops ol Now Yorknail men It rtns thatmen who had not been near time rlillngacndemils for several yenr turned up again nndI believe thit revived Interest wasdun largely to the war thou limo bicycle crazebegin to nnd tho pnst foundnn Increased of horseback rider

bridle tnthH In Central Park You willtlnd now Hint n good saddle horse will eo trOil just ns much ns ln did fell or eightyear time best patrons of theriding academies for noisily heirth Hermans and n large proportion ofruling teachers are intn who have seen serviceIn the Herman arm

Th establishment th club contro nbovo-Fortysecond street line teen partly due to thecommercial progress of time city northward andpartly to the clever development of real eslntoIn Fortythird and Fortyfourth streets result-Ing In Inducements beIng mtidn to some asso-ciations to build In that neighborhood Whenthe Ilorkeleylyeeum which was the pioneerlnthis development was constructed In WItFortyfourth street neighborhood was onoof stables land could be boughtfor SlfiOOOor 10000a lot which Is now worth three orfour times that amount Tho Century Asso in

lion which was then looking for an up-

town Bite anti time Academy of Medicineboth ileilrablo as neighbors were Inducedto lots In Fcrtvthlrd street Theeo nowbuildings made very forn reconstruction of that neighborhood and tbo

nnd Tennis Club a new club-house adjoining time Academy of Medicine

St and clubs joinedthis now colony anti tho loins bought u homojust above on avenue Thn liar Amooln-tlon built n house running fromto Fortyfourth streets nud limo New YorkYacht Clubs now housn lielng built lu timesame neighborhood ofdingy streets occupied stables to tho

streets with boautifulbuildings on either silo hfn ofcour oiedthe prices of teal etato adjoining limo Union

has just purchase n Hlt newbuilding on OrphanAsylum property has followed eonservatlvo traditions In the bt tmovrt It has Invariably elun tn lIeold clubhouses long after organizationshave mov uptown It begun Its existence nt143 llrondway Its llrst uptown movn wastwo blocks north to n houso owned by William11 Astor Then It wont un to tM llroadwayansi In IKVi It moved Into Itsthe corner of anti Fifths ave-nue und here it has prospered for more thanforty The restaurants n a general wayhave followed the movement of the olubs

Nearly n million pounds ot old bronze andbra s cannon were bought nt auction by a NowYort llrm n year ago In Cuba nail brought toErie Basin for htornco The llncst pieces ofordnance In this collodion were quickly soldto various schools and pnrk associations butenough ot theso oldfashioned guns worn loftto equip a fairsized nrsonal Included In thelot are howitzer mortars long gurus nnd carronades most dating back to thn latcentury or the century betorc arid all of

weapons Ac-cording to thn Inscriptions pioeiw-Uarcelonn aol Huvllhi were the chief citieswhere ordnanco was male nnd flue eastingn sun III thosit slate was such nn eventthat history was usually in-

scribed on It and by whiehIt wan knownof old cannon wouldbaas Interesting as romance but unfor-tunately no other records thin those Inscribedon them can obtained Moment them hornthn arms of Philip Y each ot them bearstho Imperial crown In the collection are two

guns which bear the inscription ParlierengerA 1771 unit named

Favorlt and flit1 Har-monious the latter name was In-

spired br n somewhat sensn ofguns wire mounted in

Cuba when the war began mind others hutbon dlecnrded years beforo and merelykept In storage

Andreas Dlppel has given no evidence of anyspirits si far ns lilt stage appearances

have revealed his state of mind hut liltfriends know that time young tenor Is by nomeans so cheerful n ho might be Downs nsufferer by time recent crisis In Widl Street anthis Insjes nro Mild to amount to snore thanSiOK0 Last when thin atMetropolitan Opera to nn enl ho

to Invest savings In n certain stockrecommended by one ot lilt friendstime amount represented his navlngs for tlmwinter lilt ho mont unin-formed speculators mire that everything wouldgo just an It to A short tlmo agotill began to hn was

unable to protect lilt margins HH soldout the following dny till stock logan

and pointIt was when ho hell It M Is phllo-ophlcnl under the eircumst ncesnnd regards

liii loss of n years earnings with nn equa-nimity hat would riot be expected In u tenorind can be only by thoIgnorancn of business matter thai pre-vails among artlstn Tho Klngers nt-

tho aro fond of taking theirhnnceA In the Street nnd last seiuon-iomn of them met with Mifllclent-ucees to justify thee Po-

lIlanjon eamoout than army

turned outTell nnd Mme Hombrlch hns the reenrd nf beInc tho only patron of n housowhit sane out of n certain sleek

f his colleagues has nit with thn i nme illfcaw

eras although nome nf themfailed In thulreffors i th lr for

lint Im l a young maui likely to leaveanti prosperous career nnd will know bet

next titus

Them hills In New York n merry Englishnan who lam hers by way of Phllndelphlnwhere ho lingered nail labored n tow years

feeling that ho was doing any violence tuLondon or to Yorkshire in the

of nccnlerated living When begot hereinrebelled ngnllit being oreed to mnvei with therowiUof people who Hromnd to think only of

jelling The waste or vital on-rgy him MIll Insistnt

this Whit not really n tIc t wn tlitlint vrlvlnu its utino i to hdg Instead ot so bv tho low growth

inturo hail ordered Hn used ti go over forshort visits to Philadelphia nnd In itt ponderouspassivity ot greatnesstug delusion Seven years h vn now

passed sInce here lust caughtYork and he Is looking ut things In n

llllorint perspective My ho returnhis early love hut

did look anti slow Justbefore I cnme away man told ho found upiece uf DOW there I couldnt UIlcve him




torsnsllz only that

1lk nina olhr enliectore



In all I 111 hor ltii

euum of Ihn Rrll


h r

P lluaolist





of owIn


time saddle












on I

of ItsCC II It nmnmnt



el r I hn

Irlw nlllllSOUl of


ofcoma of



Willi led

to 81nnllllllt II


of ace










Inl lately of




vs cottmnaratheelyii y

cool siI it M51 ii I ii

ii ret ml t lout ml I lick ii siiiitk OtiS CiLt untilis

Ii meS I

II g

kim I ru coiltim

eliI iii ferN ii

en force


I Is you a ier

hot lisa


tim to heli I n s


I ironic I yui runt


t imi





ii hi

I mit holie



of them






Ca tilehe

true ne t

rise now

hint imoth oral


I I err 1kto






hum lieu ii

lit enemawi


ph Ia sin a I






















HintJit ixn AtKi IIHTIHI

Thin lltln of Iliicn N vr PlayNiniiii Hi Hiinnt Itiilliin

nf n Inpnlnr iim-iHiiiiAnnr f riiiii Aiuifiir In Iarli-

Klinnom Discs hint lately b cn rcpeatlnidcteruilnutloii to retIre soon from the stagenllhouuh that event Ii to bo iontoncd null

ho appears us tb Ibsens Hedd-Otiblor Krtneti Xnrconl rocontly proJucct-In Itorna Tho lllehmt Htnko In whichU described ns mi Atmirlcnn In to delerinlni-tho crisis Thbi npponn to hi n duel In whichthe loser nt miitchhiK coins IH compelled tohimself Time ni n nro In love with the imin-

imarrlid woman and adopt this of gettint ono or the other out nt the WilY Time pur-

vlvor In not happy and abandonutter hit rival In nut of tin way Anothershoxvid this actor a i n physician who treated

with whom ho was In love for con-

sumption and this clkcov

tint clip lush another disease morserious All the preparation tint Itnllnn audiencoH have lately hal for time morbid dramcould not inmlify them to ncccpt such tia thisand till drama was promptly rojnclod In splitof Xaceonls Knnoto NovolII Is toaotilark nnd Vienna heforo hU non thcatrii b-

optmed lu Home Tho Moral of tho Story I

title of Irauns latest plumy which wasIn Italy n short tlmo ago by Tints ill LorvpzcA lovlni wife mouth mother Buecumbto a lover nnd after leavltn his housereturn unexpectedly to hits lodislnss willthe announcement tint else doesdare to face her hunband and willturn to her homo but lenmln with himllor mother who Is Hiisplclous of tho relatloibetween them comes to tie seducers roctnnfl llnds tho wife there Nothlni Is known

hrt explains as tho lin bnnd was suddonlcalled out ot town nnd has not noticed hu-

ntisoncc Ono of her ilauuhturi 1 III Thereturns and must meet tier husband

who telscraphs that ho Is coming back tierundo a priest iidvlses her that hor duty Is tc-

rumnln with hor husband ninku him happywithout dcstroyini his poucoof mind by telllag unlit says that hor own stillerIIIKK will bo punlshiniit enough Ta hs-fnlvleo the woman stile out forthc railroad inlion to meet her husband miamI restore him to

Dorothy Done who died In Knunnd theother day came to this country with Mrs tIer

when tho hervlsiiheru Mistliencwnsalndeiit-

nt n worvknowii dramaM whnul III DimlandantI mndo tier diihut at thilpernC-omhlUK In London Ml acted InPack when the play was llr t ciycii In lmdon nnd later at till prlntipiltheatric thero without drawlnijasniiieli utten

to tier inieiiif us tn her biuiity Kin aimslorrnaii sr lt leid Loiuhtnn htivirIto inoifi lies t c wns imde kii vn

tnnnv of IsIs Kln iieted-Ktnikeilwirian with llinsnn iotnICIlY for a tale MMIHOIH but had reeenlly tientiKeen hut selilom on ilin Londmi stairi1 Vhllu

this ionntry lnr beauty lush fndod uunsldirably nnd her tuenls weri nut BtrlfcltiT lltitfllh-drnmutiiiH am its eaizer ns ihusi nf mi r country

iiicessflll lletlnii fur tin1 linJetime drmiiiiHatlun nf holiiiotideliys-

Hod Vottnuo by Kinsley IVIti1 line beoii aniHiuncoil

HUSH Siieluir who has retired fmniatlu recently pint In the pMiltutlon-ot Hohns Alnianor whichgao nt Thuatio After twentyyear of liintloti there incn sOurs an n-ttenur to c iabllsiHit rinnii thiMtrc in llerlln-in which limo tesent

miitii i es of Hie Paris Mokiseeais likely to nn t with KUICOSH

and It Is Hald that a theatre hums already beenidcetpd Tin ilreee Slavn was reiintly

unit III Yiitinu sviUi ri moni hiicccsithan it met with III Vw York IhLittle Corpiirul nit n beltnr tato tlurnwith Kopacxl in thi part huruIilln CtliiHcr 1ierro protestiil vig-

orously the n nII play founded his novel Aphro lite Ill

cnlleot till author ilisuovil HIM play wnsacted nml failed August liinkcrnmnn l to-

o on noxt Hprltn tlv imrman iheatriln Lon-don for whieh Hiilllolnnt Munis Imvn alreinlylinen Hlbseilbed iiistav Frcvass Th-Vddlns tourney whieh hn nevr enjoyed

this I Jnurnallsi win ro-

willy acted lor lie llrsi tinif nt the HoyiTheatre In llerlln it li bcin playedoccasionally nt Hienritplay by tin iilrcetlon wliun It winwritten html thn production nnd-llnaliy nbnndoned Alter Itcytni-lial hecdtno famous thitniili Tno ilaiirnil-lits this earlier dininn xvi aettd at n privaio-theatro n few tuti Aihl Saiidroek IsHOOII tiit her im M to llerllnces Hernmnn llalns riwntiv-a t J tburo for the llr t Hni deals withthn tony days uf Ai rnh niniriaun-jn t ns Kitill 1iruirit m tIme

act i if Mur huti i ueen Ho is-rwprecented us only ttyiiitvs v ii in the nelion-ol It ih hr r if In iw which

aiithur Intfnds I writ rwrv i hiio oltint 1reiieh Kmi rov ihimieier will ii dis-played In rhu Iliianili liieohiirisn Sfnndter piy The Jntiieri-Vliinh is rarely HIIMI tudny Tho Sciesslin-Stni i titln nf tin Itnriin hidepiuidint thfiitr ludwlu Itildas lxt 1nra-dtse was reeeiitlv niMvnil In Jli riin nfter nhim period of diu If iie iru wnkn1

now in i Iii tit nt Heiml llicnsnew play Airties In nddltion to uctinu

Urtllini in ran was to havebeen seen theie aiso n wiTi n to-Sehillpt plav lf Ii formerly at tin

nopn-lur Inrlin actur bad aieomi miel herfitrl HilnnriliiiK whu dlnd niter a brief illness

In lrln was 77 years oldnit appeared In public tor twnty yiiirx He-

wns lonu inot pu uiar nf llerlln conicund made his iepnlatioi iiimnii-

dles or Iterlln lift Hi wu II Incksmltliand Ill 11 Inheriel his I iiires for which hehad seiviiI an apprentiehi ISnl In M7 honinth In H an aetnr any IntiLtr-In strutKinaitit t his inelniiitoin fnrtlullu acted ilr t nt n sniuniei llienlre In Mnlsscnplayed evrn oreiuht yeu in tho principul-lierman cities nml llnaliy III tHV nt thinWullner Thatri III JleiIn lie career whichmndo him and thMtm fituoils

Aiidleiirn nt Hie 1lelniiHiIitin toHear Her Ijit Melit

If Kdoimrd do llesko hndsong recital last hitlit the three nio tPolish musicians actIve just at this tlmo wouldhave lioen devotlnij talents lo

entertainment of New Yuklovors Tho dUtlnculsliPil baso would nothave lictll nile tluct the OinraHouse for JIarcella Snibrleh wnt sinirinithere to mi niillcnen which packed hoiisu-

as It has not been crowded before thisiKliaco Iaderowskl had as large n atrnniPKlo Hall ho M le Ke 7ku would havo hadto souk other quarter It furthe unity of thn idtunrloti that did tint

Mme SninbriMi lilt tlli nudlencrt In

thrnllotn ilnrlim her tivo numbers whichFire p Mi Ii I

ill IJiiHstiv Anitnn lions I indu IIer iiiLlnis Suinhiy niirht

slasm Is already wellknown iinatit ly Hut Itnever its helKht until Mum enilirich

the sidolst It Wilt necessary to inlet thistint nuniier with Nomo tutorhnly than the Verdlwlectlon-

So Jlnio Sembrleli dellvernil ThoViolet In hum most laslilon M-triiRulcil III Ko o 3llRlth an unre-

lipirsed orchestraIlmrbeitnii programme

nx Ciiriiaval Hunialn nnd followed thisiVlth numbers by Ihahrlrr andiniitnnn Sic I nmpnniirl wli o l

clnslnir had been n notable ferunroifII tle night befnri wns

i of hones JI Kallunniirnre In occilont-nshlnn the roinniiee Irom untildlle contributed ns her stuart nf theoncert from lee Htliui iiotimil sonirs by Itnbcnt-Clll

London IVnrtirr of MiiRlni-to He Hear Here

William Khakrspearo thin dlstlniulshIon teacher of slnuitii Is now In this city nailvlll In Jlemlelssohn Hull lieM Thursdayiflcrnoon the first of n sorlisof lectures on hisirt The are to bo IHuKtrnted by nonir-svhbh Mr Shakospearo nll nliiLMis he Nnirt

3Ir Stiakif n ire wasInntriietor of many sincers who ivi

rained In their alitbest known ol English teachers

Satrzn Still Too Slrk to SineM 8alen U still too unwell to stag nail huts

ilaeo In the performance of Cartmn nt thuswill l

aken by 31

If You Arc Pressed for TlmWant for TUB mny b

left nt nny American District or TeloCliarrfc tho ani4 tu

Sins oinceJi

11001 lit IC 7 acT I IIIWIM






curing her ofvon



mol hot


tills I

Iou AlnII11111


J1 lrorlllIll limn


toU I






Oil till



1 In

rviusg I Ilahi



Io n

isurrll I rX1It-t

chosen to give n

HallIt hutrimim


IraII all 111






1 11 it


II tittill

Olin oftime

II tt

litln IRI



I hnilit tie

I lent Is 1 is stun ii


w lint

multi iso

t iso Woui alltInY

young Irimutter


tIm acted



iiI imoiuuut

hart I let ri ilSI nitort ate



tim ipmrsIms 1St

I lit I kin

mlli slit primi


tim ii u

ii Itmnri-fit tim


l lit

ruthtim lru url 1 he


ti tim


t l a i ti


i statliseo I iit a


I hue rim

It silt




0 rem

ohm lime

I Iii i rI lit lii lush

uhtl iou I Itmirm

t hue

lit tuglit

lie ipy


wise at tit ittl


Etui I I 1 it lIt r

1 rotatori

thu ariatih iU Lieu I 1 nih uric

siiIKCIlnii 1lC1fIjJit-

I list lngiilslimi



ursuii 1

ft tilt te

3m I ropui it utum hit t 0 ii glib











Tlio ilcclilon nf this of the ileln-pjlltnn Opera HOUM to rrturil tickets If tho rv

Vdllwi tlnic of Importuirc do not iippMwins first put to the test In Ihllailrlphla alienlie owuln jcrformnnra of time canon was elvci

Tiiuwlny nlichl illi Suianno Admiw untilIn of Jlllo Cake but only 0 was rrlurnnIn money There ISM nu demand for nny nmre-

It U Hue thn tli public that BOTH to Cnrmcnwants tu sea and liter nobody hilt Mile Calvewhile them IH nobody In untlbfy auillenrcHHmMrro ill Slvlicllo but Mimic Sembrleh S

II teem right that money uliauld be rrlundciwhen BUCI operas as tliosr are announcedthe Icatlinir nrllstN do not appcnr Nothlnic multile moro undiunded than the Idea tbnl uy rnprlo-on time part nf the nrtint Is unindent to nUM

or Hint for any trivial minorHIR niajmKeracnt would itulwlltule fur rrformer nnollirr low known ur Mipiilnr Maui

Situ has Buffered thU year pecuniarilythe HlneM Anione hull artistic lie rAil en-

iraee lIme moKt fiunoiw In the worldcannot kirn them In Rood licaltlt No ainoun-

of skill as nn protect thin temlei-viMnl curds ol singers Irom the tIme wealhcr Mr SrauH to refund the prln-of tickets hotiKht at the hex office III tnte n

chfiiiffcs thn rust SCenIC to IK Intrndnl mrrrlnn nhMiraiico ol churl to keep tilth

with the public niul to allow nn possible round

at tie o ra MM Snlew nnd Van nr-

rroDverlnir Mme Jndskl has cmtaifeilorder Hint Mine cmlnus lllnesu may not

Interfere with tie Vaunrrlnn rnlthere mire no Kruiinds tot nny furtherInterruption t course of the

thor ure further Important disappointmentsthe which atnmy return them mid buck the money fvitImer reaHDii to believe thud the ltu llotilies been rs is foreverybody except the unfortunate artists io

uro not nblo tu Nlnit low their Icestthlrh limy I c when they tire In healthhut lire when a Might Inter-venes M nnl ek only minitlircu lliiipM In rnaucli of n philosopher to viewhis hit with i Miri with hisiiru tiimoi wit I wrote recently i unld

time other llint 1 not been to mmand have mel n cold limit his NO hun cast about8170011 Very few men fould hnve the luxuryof a rold thnt owls nn much Mine Ternhm

nut 11 will fur no HUOH ns MIC Intriidmlunder tho treatment uf n

physician until she Is convinced thnt recoverySire In her

sonie ilnyv ago tonbnnrate her contract nndher tii return immediately to irrninny Theyderided her the privilege hut ateHint sire Minll remain recovery e nlsout if the iiiistlon UK her appearance wouldndd greet brilliancy to the AVaener heason

Mile III Gounods-Shal ipc rean porn discussed early In Ihoseason as a mssltlllty nt hue at Iho-

Mctr in litan t Tn llmim this yenr limit the din-

ners Interests are sold to centre now hi anotherphase of that vnrl It Is the character of llonita-thnt is JUKI smote her atlrntlun SignerMniulnelll last ucrk rave lien the score mnr ed-

ullh the rustumary cuts and Jllle

thinks that slur ran thug and net this Shake

siieareati hero ijultc ns well as Mme llernhnrdt

run play farintn and has expressed the uplnlon-

thnt only ono scene inlRht prove a chaIn en hut

Per Tills Is In the third ect SIre admits

that her sex llKre inltfht be a drawback to IHT

limit she ilclnrcs that she sns herself

us the professional cxpresslcn In In rvery oilier

pin nH7n Mile Calve first became In

nrMid In the subject df llimiro el Jullrtlewhen Mr irnu suggested that she the role

if The hunt her much more

than the lirr tIC as her with thework incrinsrl and she turned icunodaHum t liilietitt t the opirnM ntccild written fir the house In Venire

by lUlini in 1S10 Judith coil Julio Grid Minethe nvm to Imvo dune morefi r Hie pHil s RtiricsB than the of Hclllnllie Hie In two weeks tu uut-nn wlm found himsilf In on

to time failure n work Ini iii h luau placed grid ehiilldrno rue

ir f fnpifi ins fur n contrnltoHud Mil Ciiltf hnd this ixra In mind sheiYri1 d he music trntifpiiwd Na-utlil iiiiisii III Ih mlthe sitm subject hums let lo liwIII lInt tin nil h Ilellinl ruedtnra was tlrsl clun in Italian In l rls In IhMMile tnlve titter Ibis nun had been siucpestei-t lit mind thai fiuuiind opera was muchii ii nnd tumid list to tlm-tvrk It Is f course tint to rxiyfttd that slit

vill here In thus part Bonn Herinly masculine this wusnii willIr Clitriihinn ill Nowe dl llituru Slut hasJust study nf llnmta anti It nmy e ivi hut future nihicxMiirnis IK re She line nrats fnr next Mason ulth tho Opvrn Oiiihiue-In Iiris hut thnt III nut IK allnv d-

in it rfr nitSIHUT lth hurt Mum in lidsiiiniir1 Then she may Ir lentil us Itomra-It mnv lc as certain hat whenever MieMills r If it Ir In XII A

line Itmiif windd le isiliincult In reilieln jarlsMil ilive i limit IKurinaticcs nre-

Theintlilcnicif tin Nniiitiol Academy nf MiiMe-

nnd i M n tin llpora 11 niiiuc ls siilllcirnt tu o ntri lit uinleniy tn extravagance nnd overi mplnsK There inc lien iteidus In Us vrrv

CM an uttlinut the whichnre sninitlaiin in vllnlion nf taste and till Maiid

dramatic nIt

Albert Alvare Is lo sine In Ilidlnn on Vi dnrm the first time ns iainmf lnAiiln-

Ililhirtn bi hue mini Verdis oiiera ns wdl as-

tinrest of lilt rcpTliitri1 only in French JohannaiiidsH is lii in the revival of Hi

I iMU1 Vcil r von Windsdr whrn thai oKrait revived t Ihc Mctroixilltnnfnr Mme Srmbrlrh-Irit rrlilcrlrhs Hi fnnuiiis Hajrcuth Heck

mttscr lio Is In arrive here next wick will ini-rlahtalf lliiicl Throdur Hrrtrnin-

iitul Mme SdiiiiiKinn lleiid will nlso U in theriiKt Mine Nnrdlea Is tu give a HOIIK recital in-

Ichrnary The llrst nf Dim nsat the Mcirnilltan Mill lnKivcn one wok

liiiin tu morrow nUlit bv Soinlirirli crud MM

Seoul Sahinnr and Iinl C rM It Mill Nt Interto nbsrrvr ellert the spitkl of Iioiit7-

1111N awl miisl trial in the i rtn-

udlluriuni of the Mi iropulllnn lllle Ialvc-Is to lll 1avallrria Husticuna on nnm-

nlnht fur the unit time hone tide scnj oi Theiii lion ol i the Metrol ihtan wits miller dhrusli the dtlirr nightnnd bruinrlit out the opinion thnt IMonird tinlm le hnd Nell nit limes iriticisr lrl-icaviniMi In Ills of Almarltn in-

U1 Nn dc 1iCiro A cnllcaicue ilnl iuit soilMdir M tun or unUfur the t ra He is JnM the tight dr theMitmpilila i bit avHiiti if nf unHire roirns could he made much

elfrlUe II till the mm ucre Midi KKIIHSund all tli cuts II tall In prnpnrlinii tin

wiirkh wniilil entry much further thandms tn diy It is lint Hi wke Him is mil nj-

pr i rlioii to the u r It Is nil the either Mntrrswho are out nf mill irnnrtlnll to the Me e-

th ntrc Andreas I was asknl lu lncumcthe leadlnir tnmr nf tin Pivot llniisr

hut as Into heard in New i ntk Inr nnmc years tocnnu-Jl nil hatiir In Ililladilpliia-nn Thtirwliy Ilipi wentIrnn nn hand ill e e nf nnIjniiorn lucktuiii who is tu be hrnril lnr llrst-ttllh lh Ihilharniunic Orchestm played nt-Ceiirvn reecntly and met with the Riirrisi wldiii-Mcnm to linve hun npvariinre infunlirn city IVw Americans who truly ahroid-nnd rnme lnfere the public return homewith such urcat hoimrs IN lnelvm seemsto have noli It is lo he hoped thatwill Ic Justlllcd by her here Miss

nas In Iiuslnn nuneil to Ilncnirulit an early nee nml has lieen for severalimpll In llerlln Slur unn tin unitprie In Ihw lldfficlinle thrrc and ha sinceulth irreat sueivKs in null the Iradlnv cities MineNordlcn perform

nee of tIns tijovnnnl on nieht Hintit was nllh dlllleiilly that sue gal Ihrouch withirfnrminrc It WiLt at one llmo ihoupht glutiioiibl lo omit tlm letter aria bill sheian it nnd few IHTMHW notuxd hut Indisposition

Cadrrrwikl Ilnr With Orclirstrn-Ignnco 1iidorowskl gave last night nt Tar

lecla Hall flue only concert In which he will belenrd this year with an orchestra Walteramroch mluutctl lIlt numbers werj-leethovens concerto In 1 lInt his ownleuutlful Funlnslo anti In addition

tinso n group of HHleetlotiH whichvlth oim uxcviitlun be has already horoIns The theatre

theilwnyinruuses Ills phiylngof tho Jleethovcn-unecrto moro tho of

ds ability ns n lloethovetiIlio first rnnvorncnt beautifully as It wasiluyed Inekltig In but

flnlahed The List movementthawed this of playing

it did riot reveal thu rugged olom Ion It was alan perfectlyilny oil In lIe llncnes nnd

group of had only tha waltz Opm-II No us n us the

been hoard title season It vac anothers were In polo

iaiiie opus ii was peelally striking among

M tins played horo lbeforeFantasia n own composition and

ol It lins been Kt uInterpretation o rt that more

any other amoui 1uloc-blllty a a composer

man lleD1cJ1





n ctsangun Intub



Stir 10thc llf




IlIr r011 IlItllsl1o llIo

aim iums far




K uiUetle







liar m1I1 1111 f




I Iii



II dtisuhuli

1 Iiii



Ill for




rims II






tII 1111 1 hint letsI

hums 1 sri IrI




limo cast


iran roam

shunts iilus

isle at

as dmnumircus




lull ii ni

i sty


tills run



huhsmi hen

itt gut iut

Calves appearancelIne

lmsnr1 I rug

shun iugcs


t I tie

ill Ib resucu

acqtunlimta lureruns

t ii-


I it Ice 111mg rt Icegeni tie

bit Ip

haIr uisliiiits

flu 5 1 ill

I sitS iI aut opt rum



I tieiii ISuil I

tin nil i rI IIiiltit

I jiiui I



ii killsuit

sill s



I t I rug tcl sic


irteluc lieu I

timidsh mime

rail iu is bunt

ta ely

if highi Iii v5mm lit

situ uuuiU vhtirfu tOte ii

ii I ttiLii e in mmdl lug

ts lIme


if lItI

t luitiu ii-

I cx

I Tim e tuhaeutrii

tam rgi mut

nI itIi ret

ilri sit Isuui

efuirumuui mimic


uuurs sit iii ii Ili a cull d irni mug

I lie


Pot kIm

tIplimit oh

I wlmu totii Sri I grttutii lt with the e a I hue ins tus lit


ci jii

isis i u al Itt



tim 01 niu Irs horsuse

his praised

than the








flKVK t1 IHT Him AT JIAVAHA litMKHVUXHK in iroouH ytt

lucy Will llUrum the lilnnili AfnlriMcrr-linntn Arreitnl fur Alleged Ciitluii-nIliiiidHinuiglrd ClBarrtto lup r Iliunil-in theIr Hiitpcrled-

Xpttitl Cattt PmmliA It THE Sun

HAVANA DOR 11 OoiifMnssollabl and Ia raof the former Cuban Army arrived here todaytoattondthocouncll of prominent Cubanscallcd-byOovernordonernl Wood A largo crowd as-

sembled nt thin railway station to vrelcomu themProminent Cubans In tho crowd carried Ionllnbl throucth tho town to n hotel lcna Massoand Lorn were shriven to tho hotel In carriagesnrconipnnlvd by Fuvorul other Generals

Tho Civil tlovcrnor of Santa Clara line tele-

graphed to the Htatu Department hero notify-Ing It that a negro named Oil wise was t-

lenernl In time Cuban Armynllackcd n sanltnrrofficer tit Clcnfuegos He Inter wounded twopolicemen nail then maintained a runningfight until he win shot anti killed by the police

Only two employees of tho ountom house orenow In jail till HID other accused men havingfurnished the necessary bath

The houses of several merchant havo beensiarched with lisa result that aOO bundlesof cigarette paper wore found which hadbeen parsed through the Custom Houpn aswrapping tmpor The merchants were ar-

rested nubseuuently bnllcd In thasum of JJOOO enoh It Is expected that thopremise of many rnoro merchants will ho

searched Hjflor AroKtcgul Deputy Collectorof Custom has boon tnpondod pending thoInvestigation

Tho Cuban Planters A ojlntlon has pre-

sented to Oen Wood a statement In whichoccurs area 11011 that the pnssngo of Immigrantsto Cuba bo taut by lime Government providedtho Immigrants cure of n suitable kind

ffflfl PHOU Till fllllllIlSrS-Mr Melklejolin lies ll ire nf Kxportii

Since Aliierlciin OeeiiiintlonWASHINGTON lIce III Assistant Secretary

Mclklvjotin of tho War Depaitmcnt line writ-

ten n revised letter to llepresontatlvo Lone ofKansas regarding the opening of Ihlllpplnoports In order thnt thin exportation of Manilaliemn to this country mIght bo resumed In tlryoto affect blndlnctwlno


llsuaes Ills

ant were


I ho sue

tim trleo of next stasofl






Irons lIsa wheatrnlslnitHtates have come mandemands to Keprcscutatlvo Long and othuiCongressmen for tIme opening of the hempPotts and It was In response to these that MrLong presented HIB matter to the War Departmont In hilt first letter on the subject Assist

through time errorsof the compiler of statistics In tIme Departmentmale some statements to which Importers anti

manufacturers properly took oxoer tlons ThuruvlHcd letter reciting thu preliminary facts In

tire case nail the cablegrams to lien OIls fromtime Department say

It will DP gathered from tim correspondencewith tho Military Governor that no effort bust

been spared by tIle Department In urging theImportance of opening arid garrisoning thehemp ports and that the only reason for thodelay In opening such loris has been the oxIstlngoxIgoncUs tIme hemp question and shin

liar matters being forced to remain subject totbo condItions and necessities Incident to themilitary situation

Concerning the quantity homp exportedand retnalnlnc on bawl In the PhilippinesM jorQon Otis In Isle annual report saysThat for tIlt year ending Aug 31 the

mine f has been taken fromHie shipping ports during tint ns In thepreceding that thero still remains

considerable of hempIt should In hinted that the pnrtsLose mentioned aro nutpo other being opeiud The datecuiutlnti ol the of ll-

Hof 15 IKi ansi of Cobu FebJi IKli inoa which dates these ports havo-beenopou

to till time this Department hareceived complain reports from the collectorot customs nt nnd elmhemp export ns follows From for the

Align Octo-ber IrW tho tr it export of hempwwi UUIOJ tons of amountIIHIHJ tons were exported to time

Ktntes from Collector uf-

Cclu for the months of May to OctoberIKiii Ineliisive shuw the tutnl exports of hempfrom that be ItiMu tons of UWTtone wore exported to the StntP flue

number of xi irtel front these twoporlml worst UDll totn

amount tons weru exported totun tnlted state

t ltiK Hirso figures as a haste and In theabsence nf other Information tin estimateemrtsof hemp from the Philippine Islands

of occupation willIHOIX tons of amount

nun ion should bo credited tohtatcn hut lUtMK tons to other countries Thisestimate plaits time estimated nf hto tho Status for itc year nf Americanoccupation ni about ITiMNi tons loss than thoexports of IKi This is aoooiin d fur byfuel lint here hivii tein npened foronly throe f he pine

has been re-

quested Iuiing thin last year byImriiricrs manufaeturers ant brokers toopen HID sneiillcd hemp ports In Jhlllii

Ulnnds nnd us herein everyeffort has been ma lo by the Wnr Departnicnt-In the past and will bo the liituro to complywith these whomthe military situation

tiTitiKE IT IKniirsIlrlirrir Artorx Inlnii Ilnr Mnungfr

Hie Heavy TragedianIt writ learned yesterday that there wns a

brief hut exciting performancii behindcurtnln at Theatre last Thursdayevening resulting In a strike of andafter various episodes which would have beenhmiid with delight If they had taken place

hilt the curtain the trouble was patched up-

Ir appears that Monday Jnw ih litoinlesn iintiin tin Hebrew

netuis of tho Tim In Windsor IVoplos-tlientrcH It started with a membership of

It so happens that there Is a scarcity nfHebrew iidnrn nt present itnd II wns decided totest the of now union at the IVo

Theatro The lenseesiiru AdlorA and I Is tho-benvy of the company which Is now

u melolranm ItitlHcd time Knst Kldo-Thursdny night beforo lisa

ro e Goldstein toseo Kdcliteln Thnlatter iippeaieil und fuutid tin heavy trngehaul inlldbof the stiigo with

urine folded nnd lilt brows knittedstein strmle glounnly upto him mdvoice said 1 wait yon to know that we haveformed n union If you treatOut you must inkn WhenWH want one riilits well demand em-

ilr Ivleldteins Goldsteinsancestor liom Abraham iowa Thetragedian nvo n stngn laugh whereuponEilHlsteln according to who repurled tho nffnlr to Central federated

yesterrtav solxed n broomstickchnnd Into the thatho tan discharged Th r uion time entlro corn

out lo thu street bythu In the meantime tho theatrewise lining up and the tra notstruck tried to keep the nuillriicoAfter n brief Golilstein who wasmaking n to the striker fornnd reinstated The xtnkers demanded nn-ntiology nnd niter sonio demur it was givenThen hnvlng won thlr points so en lly th y-

deeliled to a litiln They came to HIDconclUBlon Harimdesssald that rnannze-nniit violated th rules of unionought In bu lined arid n fine ofpotted which wn paid nnd the pliy proceoded

Two Veil Added tn tlio iern SentonIt lint been decided to make the season at

MctroHilllnn Opera Hntiseseventeen weeksof lire originally nnnoiineod-

n spite ot sickness among singersimin so far Pcen prosperous Fiioiigli to

mnkti this ehnngiireason ruin to seventeon week rind MauriceIran believes timt thn pnrontzu tho-

onnru ns long this winter to fromlriWMit attitude

Iletil to He

llolnnd Heed the actor who was operatedupon at Kt Lukes for cancernt stomach was much Improved In condi-tion lnt night at Iho hospital and hU-hometill West wise mild thatSir hectIc condition was so thntthorn was Slow n certainty thnt hawould r It had been thirst thcMI-VIID no hope butt tile strong constitutIon pulledtutu through

Denth nf a Soldier III Puerto IdeaWARIIINUTOX Deo Davis corn

the death nt rrlvntn Frank Hoe ComC Eleventh Infantry at Han Juan yettcr-

a of typhoid

ant Secrulsry MlLhojolmrm


I ii iumomi t it isss hr mug

M tint i its I bIb eof nit

waitIlollo lib

ru I entice rir I em

l II II hIts

uuu ri t uul t t hilifli tier anti

tehiI tilt

tot mit I oIlsloris for I hiu nusimi oil

fur tIme nuut titrlit

1 iii

t lituiml lineal

lot ii t s-

huts I 115 r S uuuunr t ro atoll i


its tstm euumr w

i111l lift

furI S crlmu ic pig

t hue

the leopleelist aetore


lilt 5 ttmleti IiI hioni rice ask y loll I

pimtylurgI iiitht

fluelilt liii

a 1011

ii luscou rIcan l yI mmeirec

rtilyvuu4 ho curse

I lie


Ian y itt 0 lii l reluilstage jour

ore w h leii lunda null coil

intuttlItutt Ion


I lit



I t hit I iii t lie


I null hI it WI IiIts

liI ii nil Sit Id 31 smelt I tel her

hot iistret


31 Genmandhn the Jhheo repunts







< >


The treasurer of a N Y Safe Deposit Co was suffererfor fifteen years with nervous dyspepsia and like other victims ofthis dread disortier tried everything by physicians friendsto attain relief and was always gratified for even a temporarycessation of pain He finally commenced with andafter taking them a few weeks found himself entirely cured I smoketo my hearfs content said he and eat any and everything and Ihave not had to take even a Ripans for the last three or four monthsHis attention was first called to the Tabulesby seeing them advertisedin the cars of the Brooklyn Elevated RR He has been the means olselling hundreds of boxes of Ripans Tabules on the strength of hiscure even going so far as to get his own physician to use them in hiageneral practice for he had given my case up as hopeless

WAHTKI A e o of had licalth Utah llMAXS will not benefit They banish proloniilln Ono Klvc relief Sole the IMPANHon the ii ckni and aeeapt no tuuKtltut-aUlI1NH lu fur n cent may tie hadiitunr turn Ton Mtnplessuil and teiilmenIals will do milled to nay aildri fur l furwardod to situ 111 pun Co J o 10Spruce St New York





use PU



Her Clmmplim Old Not IVsr n Otis buttKInk Selllid Him

In a chop house not n thousand miles frontthin City Hall known ns n popular resort forIrish agitators there was un argument thuother night which produced sensational hitbloodless results In n crowd that stood upclose to the bar wns n tall militarylookingman whoso voice was particularly loud Howore n tightfitting frock coat n rakish derbylint on the side of his head nnd continuallyswung alight bamboo stick To lilt hoarem-ho said

If I lund time money I would eros time oceanand join tho QucenH troops In South AfricaOnce there I would glory In helping Old Ingland to whip those miserable floors When nilof tier Jlalestys soldiers that are now on thoway arrive there will bo nothing to It gentle-men nothing to It It will bo easy

In another group which had been standingan equally long tlmo at thin liar wits a lIttlemaui whoso brogue botrayeJ hubs Irish nntloihilly but whoso Gnlwny whiskers f an exag-gerated growth ran ie him took Ike u pocketedition of Oom Jnnl Ho wore nn nnclentbeaver well down upon isle ears and hung on-

to the bar with n viselike gripPhwats thot1 ho shouted Time Qunnes

soldiers eh Why nv nil th unit vhnt downthere folghtlnthlm ellis the only wars nnnygood Is the Olrifh nn at hot they nlnt

at nil nt allthereto how thot they kin

nn If It wasnt ler Oireiund wildbe lii th NOUP

Who are you sir1 yelled time mllltory mantowering over his diminutive antagonist

How dare insult the QueenOlm only ycz triit big

Palpeen an Olil to see folghtln th11 HIM Oill bet thud lImo Hears wild be uhaslnV-

HZ InstldLook here my friend faIrly scroamod tim

lngllshmnn If you dont julet Illsmother of thnt host

Viz will thr nlioiitod the Irlilunnn Why01II tut me gun an shoot ye

With this tIre llttla man whipped Isis rightlined around tn du hiji lint hoto have ilintculty Uniting the

The t ill Kiigllshmiin roared like abull said thnt he had faced th cannonsmouth on many provlous occasions withoutninehiiitf and he wasnt n little lilt efrald of nlittle little popgun TIre crowd un-steadily surged tietwoeii tilt c mibiitanlB sonioendeavoring to hold tiigllshniat whiloothers right hand

Ill show you wlmt Ill do lo huh alit liltcun howled Knglishman ns he broke

from the bystanders nnd nmdo n rush lor-tho Irishman With n beautifulswing that landed on tho bare spot iihovn the

Ior n tonic for nervous ninl dtupiptlepeople e inti Amiefiiini ii nulnc

linporUl fromHuitli Ainerli-


lliwton Iiec SO Ililnmn-Liiwell ascii diiighler of the Ute lulni Amurr-Uivelt ami widow of fle re llaty Ulale

Funeral servIce will da hell at lapcl onJan 51 HOD at 12 ocloc-

kIllVlsAt Mount Vornnii X Y

Do 31 lsit John V Jartln Jrrears

Funeral private

MKKVOu Vriilar Dec SB 1S9U AntImony W-

Iiilfn yeanfrleiuln of X ri il

Pout No 3s cl A II nnd J r er COy Connsd So80 C II are roipectfully Invited t attunl thefuneral from late nwldenceXJi Ilidirlti sitsJersey City on Monday Jan 1 luo at J P M

Iloae omit flower IKtr lit paiirn ru eiji-yIVlSOXAt Ulmttonl X J Dee11 IHUII Marr

wtfn uf tlio Itiv diana A Mnlsu-nnI of riillvldphla mid ilaugliter of the isleAliaham tmtirlilil of New York cltj-

Kiitlev of funeral r-

MUONKOn Friday list 201SW Iho llv Kyi-

vi iir Muloiio llectnr of tmlhurh of S Ieter-nnd Paul Wythe av nicer Huiith 11 JlruuUlj n-

Itdatlvti snd nro Invltoil to ntfnd thfuneral from time cliiirch ut Iniln Tiucdny-niornlnj Jan 3 Ollloo for tlm ilrud will

leulnat lOdclwk-

JIIN HTOii HinJn floe ni ISliii Arthur M-

Mltutt of Mary K and tie lain Jo eph A

Mlnott-Fiinural prlv-

atCllitl Siiclilcnlr on Hatiirlny moraineIHBD

Funeral services it bin late re Mne HD WesKnd av on Tut lay morning at II ocloc-

krintltMXCHt KuJacnl on Ktirilay Do 3D

mini ilutiv F IerrenotM-Xctlce uf funeral berajftc-

rrtlTXAJISuiblcnly f pnenmonia Will am IIPutnam In the tit year of

Funeral service Tuetdar evening atR oclock atlate renlilence 30 it Intermoot at

Albany N Y Allmnr piper pleant

nlIII VXAt Oneco Conn on flee 80Wlllct U Ilatlbuii

Funeral from h hits rrMencc 71 Hamilton itKibritr vlnciliy M-

KTlltltOn Hiturday floe 30 IHIU Frxltrlek-Hraitley mn of Frodrriek V Kirmil II Starr

Funeral from lila lute reihliwo lu Montjoinurrj-ilace DnoLljn Tnuidar Jan at 4 PM-

luUrmcnt printSTHoNCI If 3ti8 hubert Ilur-

mm ion oin ibtrt II tnJ Kninu M Hltoa-akDl 3 year

Funeral from the rrsMtnco rf hi tarrnt 210Ninth it rialnnrM V J TueJjy

Jan 1 IHO at ncl ck

WIN T N n FrlUr 1 imij atrnlJenc tl Wet Thirty ninth t nuiiavut-tUirrn of tho lat lrr rlciWiuion-

Fmioral at Cilriry hunch Twentyflrilnt arid Fourth av onTn lay Jan 1 lIonM IS M

31fH iublirationu-

CnCriaTof rfnolilinillhIbinJeaunD lcl M tl 4


iig hull ii for t li no ru-Ict Iowmm

nublou k ei

ii hoketh forcten ion

I rich nun


U ralt lied t lie I rich rirusri it

t hue

ri uthu t ha iii

ticitr 1ottr

lust hhumt ii inter I

iii iegi tIc

lii thE At lea Miti

Slugslist aitlay

Ruin sy morn-ing aged 42

aged t

htehathie fluid alec rut nib ri




cifri oils

ant1 blOt


her-o Yotuli Ii Ouch

imle ate

hiss West uiatlm



N 3 hum 3 I tim at ii 1





i uc

sin a amour

will he hell

U lul Otbac






centre ot the cnlways the Queen championsent her detractor Intolunch counter Tho pocket Oom-1aul cleared the oounlur n backwardsonierstiult and landed on his head

A bin kettle of clam broth heated skyward-A bowl of crackers mimi n plato ol cheese fol

A down dunn cuts n plleof knivesnext and whun the muss dim

ee tied tlm Mnor was lit to skate upon Kvery-IOily was umhbltiK he little

whltn as n nhtct lay apparently un-conscious on his hack buteven go hrt haul Ind his rovenire For In hIslliKt throuuli tho air time of rlahtl-iont hiniled with prouUlon uponthe nnuthof

lid you ace him kick me In mouthtime rnllltnry roan as ho

his bloedlnc lips Are nil menKoln to Ktiiivil by hero HM me kicked lathe like lhl l

both nulttors growled the bar-tender who utter calmly oil apron

hand upon thus collar hurledhim out the Hiduwnik Kngllshumnhad haJ enough and rotreated In

Then the unconscious Irishman was carrIedto this rear of the room nnd several waitersbathed his fevered brow jim bartender forwifctys cake thrust isle hand Into thepjokot Boarching for thn weapon With alook of nlnulid dlHgust nnd mirth hofrom tlu IrlshnninH pocket n pug of tobacco


Two Sets of Stnto 1tcrtlnn roinmlnlonfrfWith nn Aspen to time Court

IoviRviuK Ky Dec 31 Tho State Boardof Klcotloa Commissioners composed ofMessrs C B Poyntr John A liilton and Morton K Vonti Into yesterday nfternoon tiled Intime ofilctof the Kranklin Circuit clerk nn In-

junction suit to W II Mnekoy nail AJ from attempting to net nt Htata-

Ilectinn connilf to restrain Ham1 Slmckleforil clerk of the Court of Appealsfrom nitmlnlKcrlrK o them the oath of ofllee-

Tho list of ultormy who brought the suIt U-

headid S 1ryor who recently resigned as n member ot the board ninth who re-hlunnil lint tofinv Tnvlor but to the Itself hellnvliiK lint he nctod In neconlnnen withthe lute which marc thnt reslgnntlotiH shall batendered to who havo time power to1111 tho vncnticlcs created

limo result ol tIme Injunction cult will beandetoriulnnlon rIme of

the vtilldity of U iv action In attempt-ing to llll tlm viieuielos created bv theionic of Judge Iryor und rMN Jlejrs-Mnekoy und Corhrrin nre that tileplamtinH will before Judge Cnntrlll atrrnnktort on next snore that times

Injunction be granted Whatever roar bodecision nn appeal will be taken to

tin Court ofdecision will be vital to tIn Democratl-

sllerillrt Wa n WhnleK-

AN IliANcrsi0 Lice A derelict thitlooked llko nn oveiturned bark hail hocus

sltihtoil by n score f vessoU riiecntly mind

was sugge tid that a revcnuo cutter bosent to removn It as a to navlsatlon-KxnmlnnHon showud Vial It true the body of adoad whale

American Art GalleriesIlK SCMTII NKV VUIIIC

From Tomorrow Tuesdayuntil Saturday next 6th inst

FREE9 to 6




Formed in Japan under the personalsupervision ol

PROF ERNEST PENOLOSAThe best known Uxpert on Japanese

Pictorial Art in the World

An Art tint Ii as iVnct at It U and ubeautiful IM It Ix couvlniing Tho ofbrunliiinn la upiarrnt at a glanrr TliaBnu

JAMES P SILO Auclloner


tie iSTH AV-


iiii oiTtT A l I lI T

Thin U t sale of Knriiltin Hiu llrleiIlracgeneral lliiMihnM KirnUiire hlrh oil kij

i3foh at liirc gallrru nilluV plnD ill




To lie oll lir ertr of Mrioiit owicri andassignee of a inatiiif at tun r

In pirt-Carrirn Marlilo Hmtuarr with rirr 3at zj aa4-uthrr rum mrbln p de til

A iiiinliirfif reil rtnntrKtrlilnjaiiil Kiigrarur-

tIlllll AND iillSVTK flIlXULnt-r alo by I n H antI rthr liUh U iiitkeri

eliulrithilm en i nA itrrat Mircty nf llicciiti n Sni an InJ I uiocei

In Chair anti T lil-

A wilth f HraprriiM lUc inri IHSNninticris of Kiwlli p r l4n float

Uenna H r ad utln i vaiull Ctiina




an I forks eflhilo Catim

I rish bum Ii CC

heel hitIll ark cd

lilt issitmu

theimuflt over ea

face P-

At tlmimyro

from tim bar ansu one asii Tim o








him llilge



thuerb ci

i atlit

ii fir a rusa

Ca ii t rh

Tim kcOlmtuStiI h


c t-


TitIltIluN Stt


viEwS t9to6

ullaffee viiskit lbs




I lit

saSlim C itii 4

antlie a











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