The Sun. (New York, NY) 1892-12-04 [p 7]. · 1 riitnf ti minor ni',nn n itnoil In ......

- . THE SUN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1802. 7 . Uw .M.)sJsJsla.ssJslm1aw I .v;ir.s of rrn TiiVATttKS. Tlm four now plays to bo onnctoil In Uii. cltr tomormw titalit will Illustrate tourUUtlnclly (UlTiTKiit Uluils of Btiiiio ontortalmnonr. Tlioy coinpr.-'- n i'omxlj n coralo npcrn. a molo-- d .10111. n:iJ ft virloty farce. Thoro mny voll t, (.tppctjllon nf fine nrtUllo ijunllly In tlio i eonicily. for It i9 n work nt Vletorlcii Mnnlou, V in Its ropro.otitntlon. for It is to bo pluj oil t tlio I.reoum Thoutrp. It tltlo Is "Anii-rl-can- i Abioul." It wns written for America anil a. 'Out Amerlfnns, nltlioiiuli tlia scones tiro In l'ranoo. 'I' I in irroat I'rotich ilrntimtlst om'o rrotoiill"v called' t'nelo Sam." That was Hiiny yoiis "BO. lmmeilliiti'ly nftor liu lnul miitn n hatj excursion throiisli our Innd nml mHla'armo I himself in to our chnrncterlstlcn Tlm ciii'tf iil'jni'u In his cno. n In Hint of in.inv uii'iilior fori'lirn writer tinur llko wn'1 "'", l' rnrloiiturcMl ll llltll-fs,- h i' "t U'oklotsly. 1 tut. tlmo litis lil'Ki'1. ami .it wn only n ycur nco that h,u!uu "Ihi'jinliloi." willed lnul been rci!"rniP'l oni-i- i riotously npil tlion lut.-r-ri.- in l'lirls. wns iieti'.l in tills rlty , su ii iv as liioninmntiil iiiti'lllcijnt int fi I'r.iMl'W this newer oxior(ini'o muv j,,M5 ,iiiM'ieiil 3h Siminii that wo nr lint nil lnrm iv It mny IhmiIo. (Imt lm luisli.iil (iioi i ! "l I'oHiiiiltlns to oliorn iiollto An oil i' s In I 'nt Ik. Vto mnr pfit.tlii'iu rue, tin' in " Anii'rlciins Ahroml" ho li.m i pitt'il u- - nilli"til (lisilniii. tint how nitrt'O'ilily limiiiis '" ''" S,'"M' rur harilly .iiiithlin: has ii,. , Mil "f Urn nntnro of tlio pl'iv. Its '" 'iril't. n niilliutiuiro. nml ..!' " I HO IlllllT ll'JISilllllSl". liro 1 ItMK'll, nil tli' 'li"'o ui'tanio ntiiroil-("ttii"- '' I" ' 'i'!"''. n Muilio In l'nvls, nml .1 chitf.i "' r.iri!nn subtitli. All llu Impor-- ! tant Bii'iii .or- - or Hi" l.yoi'titn ooniimny, nml 1 riitnf ti minor ni', nn n itnoil In ii, stn 'ilH'ctimi is ttint of Ireil ttillintns ,f,"nft Ihli lll'I'M IMlllll'll liv ):. (I. I 11II1. tlieie ' .in I'leti'-i- l luusii- liy II. l'ui'liHir. nuii nil til.) tn't'lu' r.. Iini'i-- nsiinl to I ycuit 11 pmilur-tiinsw-- " bu counlvil on. IhiMoailc opera to l" otTuroil to us i "'llio Islo of 1'linniii.iKDe." for which ln.ul' Alfr'il llyrno nml l.ouis Hnrrlrn tiiveiuittiin tho Ihusihiuo nnil W. V. l'uist hiiiMtnpo"l tlio uittsli'. yulto ns much fun hiiiihi.' may lii ntttlclnatod 11s tho result of tlmtfclli'i.' illalio.ntion. for n iiructtsed author i.lnn in initially 'iinio coinxdian hnvo been mil. M ilmiilv. to 1'iowit tnnio (.f their work Into tli" jl.i thiin tlits -- inul" musiciun lould I'l- l- ci' coni'.-i- t is. that n cii'tt Hud tlioin-elM'- S on an iblnnti mIktu li.imp:ii:no is tho only drink, unit iu'ri tln'lr i'ii'rlencoi mv of n kind that insr Imnirmnd In 11 way, if itindotnil Tlio iiriiiliutlon of "Tholslool c liuini nsno" will put fotwaid Thomas (,. (Mlriiol.iia it- - principal romcdliiii. Ilo lias ticiirc! "n mil In fiirco r.nd comedy, but thin will I'O lu llr- -t iippiiiirniiCH hero In 11 i'"l". It is t'romiK'Hl that thoHpncious Aiiii.-iCa- l of tlm beautiful MituliatUli Oporn Ilmisi'. b is Lorn Hparscly mid niennly oivuplod ilurlii!.' tli" two v, ih.:s nt Mrs. Ituiuiird I'.oito. if full "I i.'nyly I'ostumt'd pcoplo In lnvne-- nt inlmii' hpinndnr. it is iH'ltam that ("I I'uitifiil a theatre calls lor I.irconi's.s and ttnnrliH' 111 wluit'ivor Is done behind its foot-llcl- ami It is likely that with "TlmUln of t'lnuiip.iu'M ' an aileauato ciitertalnuiont will I I rmided. " Tho l'.nlsn" Is tho now melodrama, and It winter r.'iirmd nt the l'ourtoontli Mteet. 1 (in author is William Haworth. an actor, who alruidy shown skill In puttinc tocctlier Piy- - of a po;mlnr calibre. This lilecu is nau- tical In tlii'iue. and its main Incident Is tint of r.11 In the iuaiic.m imvy l.lllinc on tho MO an 1.111,'llthuiiiti 7lio teni-- iloivn tlio Asie" ti.ii;. A Inventory lead" up to tbi 10 u: aii'l then away fioin it. Involvinc ifi.'unt. tie sentiment nnd 11 number of tirrin-.ce:ie- Tho playN pietoutlouoly plc-- I One view elves the tuiiin duck of 11 war Aj rhil. Willi tho uun dock underneath, enabling th spectators to ! tile pr.ictlenl workinqs of n slil, the modnl frmu which the artNt ncrkmi hailnt: been tho American Krnr-.iiiu- Somn of the action of thu ti. vi i.l teed :1:10m it t lint famous nhii'. ehris-t.r.i- 'l in the .laeinto, nt tile lime of tli.. ll ntlair in IWS1. A court ninr-ti- 'i ot the ineiilents on shipboard, mid i' ..'''Inut defender of our line ii condemned for liN mortal iisniilt on tlio ltriton. dual ol uplritud nuittoi Is indicated in of "Tli- - KiiiiL'ii." nnd it Is ov. thiitthere lias lieeu a dotor'nin.itlon in naMil warfare the "Shenniidinih" In land ilchtlncr. J tills amidtinuselloit comes to to lm dvturminvii Tho It'il'vth eMunnlxe. ctrntnn'i"ntion of 11 Miriety !iow is tho Iiijuii. wlicre on" of the best of "Tho 1. ity Plro'.tory." n v.ho!) prosperous season. Ths nn"nli lins nnnipd "A John G. Wiiion wioto It; but the unilerxlniidlnt; is that cohn II. ltusall. who trteri'Ol.ilod uiattor into "Tlio City Directory" until I'Ritl Totter declared that ho couldn't Wntlfy any of tils original work in tin" roninnuts. 1ms boon doaliiii; In tl'kiimo way with "A Sneioty Fad." Jlr. I'.us-I'- ll l not an author. He bin selector nnd of sonss. dances, witticisms, mid contemporaneous foolorv. It bus been liii'iiinced tliut Mr. Wllron wrote in nsntir-i".- d ein ennvorniin: tlio (olllc- - of tnsiit' ntibio ici"l. llnw milch nf the h.itire rcnchi'S the aii'lleneeilepend- - 0.1 the tln.o left between tlio in mv tiling;- -, r.imrmir Inun momentary jokes to IHcnimute t Mr. l(iisell has to thu ntuuo of tlm liipiu fioui H"Urcch 11s xarlous a 11 Tenderloin biir-reni- n and the latest comic opera. Tho bill contains the niuies of f.uke hehool- - I ii.ift, Ainelii (ilowr. .lullus Witmerk, Dan I Duly. and. John .TeiinlnK". who wore liuro bo- - I lore In "Tho City Directory." 'I yiono l'ower. I treroiler from Aimuhtiii Daly's company, nml 1 I l.Viila Vcarnans-- 1 mis. that member of the I talnted Yeamaiis fa.nilv who had a career In I the i'm!on concert balls, are enquired. These I r inrtleulars nliichwill lend to n dlsip. 1 Piiintnient if "A S.iitr l'nd" is not a capital nvdcopodKe o! farco and variety. Ii tdsThenlio ot Alls and letters devoted i'Ieh to tliointerostsof dramuticlltcrature. or Is It .1 business concoin with money as its chief 111:11 ' H. 1). MeDoivoll. tho Hccrotnry. Kind tii a Srs- - reporter yestenlay "I survo without (ompenfat'on. and linn not trylin; lo junk" a cent out ut tho bii'liii"h. directly or hid re.tlv. 'I lm association Is iiieoiporntod under the lull act, 11111! I b"'oo it would bo i'upi.iij'.o for us jo divide prollu. II there were any. have thu uood will of most of tli" I'l.iiui'.'erh "1 tho r 1 v. and have nil tho M'tors m ne."l Our llrst pniforinanoi nll IS e"ip! , I I. "ii i'lyinptriii. Cli..ilesViikotl .lnhii J nell 'V. NeKoii Wiieaternlt. Adelr.ido Man- - Ii 'pe. .In mi iircir, Dorothy Dene. Mr, ' Whiifon. .Itillau Iturton. John C. Il'icl,t.ine. ,1. ,i Mary Mliinr. I.tiline J.i.iei.h;e. nnd Ui-- s Wh) These m(, I'.ibl nt erici s lint ,i .ileiitlate. even when the time tor rehenr-'il- s h tnk.-- in'o c.ccoun'. ' l. .lllthoi, too st , yet ., ,y ,ty. h, t,,U ,. Hif.ui! of lieinif tail t'i produce 11 pl.iy mi n tu.illy pav tlm wri'er lor the priMlece of 1 ru'liii'itii; ,t Mloseihcr li costs 11s .is much foroiHi-rfo- r. jiic, as It would n thentrieal iiiinaafi toiroil ic..aMdrm:iipl.iylwowB..ks utiiiitelbmMe t.. tuuioiOTs v.b , are in tinietn. '" . .w'"'-- " -- el' a man is 1.1 Inlclll'ilila tu tliciu. Ill tlio scJieiiui ot the 'Mi'i'i" ot Aria aid . tiers was pl.v ed eie.n the nnn- - n.;ers nf tho tock sin thicit for in ni.iklnu'upthocasts (01 tho playa Iirodiicod. It was not feasible to keep players under halai.i'H for 0110 performance n iin.nth. Away out or Ihfs linllcilty wihiihI to lum lieiin found nhoii Manaeois A. M. l'.iltuer, lurioi. liolilntin. Auk'ustlu Daly, mid Daniel J loliinnii punnltted their nmuos to lm placiel on thu AilvKurv (.'omniittoe, anil piouii-u- d to l'l'imit their eniploices to tako parts In the I'Die.MiiMMlinorit'H of new plays. 'J'linj din tlm, tu ncouiaire public tests ot pieces written iy uuthois, eminent or otherwise, wlioto lli- - rai ivories inicht iiotrocoinmeudtlieiunoUes umiuiiii business veutures In staco amine- - nii!nt. Thosu four ninmitrors Rubsenuentlv tweiii'-- i ,1 circular letter. In which it was niadu thoy would lm oxnoctpd, llkoeveiy. '"iTcbc. tu pay ."i for oach seat ocoupiod. Very tou troublo hasiiiiiiied for the piojoct. us if ihV'ot now.M'cm likely that mole than uno ti, X '""" etoi'., can bodrnwn upon IcimW,- - 5lii.l"ii"T, will nut brine his ."'"'k.,I. i(,rk lieforo February. r tour bolnir .oMendud by lenson of tlio 'thi V'"l"'"'f "Aristocrai'" nt ills tlientlo. .ir".'.'"-'- " "' ,."!llc, ,lt I'riy'i will provout nf U"" ,,lH. frees, because thny will vuhl'i bJ' ,.'lu of Wjint their employer's own house, and so'af'Ji" .tl,nu f' l'ro for study or elsewhoro. It Is the positive action of iim rlM.'ilr&hiiiaii. howovei. which seems llko t i.?,op,a '1,''-- '0 Hi" Thentroof Arts ami "" ' '1Ira', l'0cfod of hltn. for not "Wr lll Ids stock company bo horo .soon, but iro tdreo to half a duzan of his man iirKiuil. 'atlous aro always in this city or Brooklyn. It 'iiumorcd jestorday that he had decide to l'i'.?"yF ' .hW .'"I'loyoe to Play fun lm i.'J'Hro ulld and aioportor ak him about t. i! 1. trno." Jlr. Irnhmnn snld. posltlelv, .lBliail not loan actors to what turnk out to W ;?t""i entorprUo for nionoy rather than for W ' thorn liavo ,r. I i ir'" w',1.'1 V.10"1 ,? filnl0 Pcrfoim- - nrtn',l,"l.a '"rtheondo! that seriea he will u thorn lupin. Thoro Is no nues- - ,o'i novr.lnmy mind, that tills Is a inonny. "''I'll' .mil tlm ry fm.t that fiey i"f l":1,'1 ""' ,1")" tickets makos it Inn ..s-i- -I iLv'V. ''i"y" l,1ru,,"",.'"l to.uetahenrini;. J"1"1"' " '' ciiiu of people who aie ub tiA, .;lt' .'i'"1-- wJi,' a,e laorably disposed I ! e'. ""1 n",1,0' 1'"l tlm UMiiaKi rs en en use. it svvnm (o in 1h.1t tin; mouiotiH. of thh, affair anoi Id haTi) considered thsmclTos In partloularly Rood luck to irot thontrlcn! rannnftorft to tholr periormnnce9 rornothlnc at all. I am alwnrsclid. for my part, to admit Amer- ican drumntlsts free, for I hellevothatby so dolni; I bcnellt mysolf in the lone run, I am fullr determliiod, utter this season, toslvo to nt lenst three Ainoilcnn nuthors opportunities of producing their plays n Ith my stock com-tiauv- tho I.mplte, BolllnjrnoHekelsfor thosn trial prrfornimicos. but invitlne inanncors, ciltlcs, nuthors. and actors to witness thum. Tho leportnr remlmleil Mr. Prolnnnn that, not loni; aco. hn had nxcludcd actors fi 0111 Ires seats. "1 Imie been wuuiKly iiuoled as not allowlne netors to coino to my performances, he said. "Thny nro nlw.iyn wolcome wlien I lmerooni forthetii. It wns a iiilslnkelo niiiko mo sav that 1 do not euro for their pres. ence. When a niannuer makes us tnnnv I do In New orkln the cnuro of a senseti It Is Impossible to answer WK) s. I hue rcceUed that number from pro- fessional people who wanted sonts at aslnele llrst entertiilnmont. Now 1 hao tiodlfllcultv In sellliiL' out the wliol house forn llrst nlKht In Now Vork. and I uiUft hmo the bonellt of the deuiiiiid. It wn to mold tho unswerlni! ot all theso letters that i miide one announce- ment, which I meant should cover the point niiroenhly. 1 am wlllinc to nlToril rdiicatlonnl fncllitbis for actors nnd opportunities lor nu- thors. but I won't londtnv own plnors to .111. outerprlHo ihnt was rofeisedly for art but rcallv for money." Daniel Krnhniiin said I rim honrllly with the new umlerlnkini:. und nin conlldent Hint It can lie made a siicccsj. 1 ll;e most other theatrical ventures, its lute depends- on tho wa it Is imiiinueil, if conducted Willi ood jinlirnient and tact. It will, i believe, turn out successfully mid lie a permanent thine. Theio me ,1 nutnt'or of theatres abroad which are similar In scope, and. while thev liavo not nhva been pinetlcalir holpful to man.itter-"- . they haeiono iiiueh for tlio litera- ture ot the dune. I feel wry hopeful that tlio wniuro will accomplish uood, and Its pro. motors I111M1 my permission to uso my actois Wlicuevui It is possible." Ii rant onco made fun outside Ids minstrel hall. In West Tiventy-thli- d street, by h ilnc liveried ncsrooj yell nultlio num- bers of tho stroot oars a.s they passed In ad join-In- ;: Mth avenue while the audience was dis- persing. This was considered a clever bur- lesque of a custom ut Wnllaek's. which was then the one und only fashionable theatre in town, and where onounli people enmo in car- riages to necesbltato the c.tlllni; of tho Uilveta by liumlieis at the close of tho poilormanco. Hut tlineii have chanced tdnce Mr. Wallauk the excluslMi suiiport of woaltn, nud every nlcht the cries of cunlnce nnnibeis nro to ho heard nt three the.itios within hcarlui; ofttin theatrn which lie onco mnnnccd. Our modish iwopln aro i;oIiiu' to Mint samo House, now l'nlmor's. In Kient numbers to seo llronson lloward'n " Aristoerncr." tho mat- ter and performance of which nre such as to compoit with cood tnsto as well as satisfy intellectual demands. Tho Hires upnitnioutB shown In this play nro so line In architecture niu! furniture, nnd the ladles nnd centlomen of the piny aro so tine to pretentions society, that tho fancy of tho I'our llundiod litis boen captured. That accounts for the linn of cairmces extending Into Thlltleth stieut. Daly's low ot such vehicles still lone enough to pioo that tho rcti'.ul of "Tho liunehbiick" has not rcpellod fashion entirely, and It utfords the promise that tho wintorof old comedies nt this houso will pain a ilosorwd amount of support. The July company is at a disadvantage in Mils change of employment, because its tralnlni: hns been almost nltoscther in ilinpant mniiern farce, to which has been impaited it delightful uir of eauo and eleenncel but in a ttuiidmd piece llko " The Hunuhbiick" each iudildiinl In tho oust is subjectod to comparison with some former nnd eminent player of tho ohnractcr. Kvcn in tho case of the versatile and brilliant Ada ltehan. recollection need co no further back than to Helena Moiljesbn nnd Adelaido Ni'llson to Hud models for estimating her shortcoming. However, theso relvais at DalyVnlo .sine to be accomplished with good tabte. w ith a fair average of merit ill tho acting, and with the special interest always aroused by the opportunity to jinlso of the pbus ot bvsono times. The audiences that disperse from l'almnr'snud Daly's mnv hoar tho carria- ge-caller's voice ut tho Standaid. for whim- sical fashion has concluded to turn In with other people to enpiy John Drew nnd "Tho .Masked Hall." Here wo liavo 11 refutation of tlio old liollef among managers that a success at one theatre cannot be trnnsfeiied to anoth- er, for it is certain that orosperiu went over with "The Masked Hall" from l'.ilinoi's to tho Mandnrd undiminished in ounllty. nml only lessenoil in quantity because tho nun theatre is smallor than tho other. The performance is not only a remarkable blend of jolliti and nicety in John Di civ's own acting, hut to a riuto equal extent in of Maud Adams wliil.i tha company as u body earns artistic distinction. In connection with the subject or fnshion-nblenc- s In theatrical", it may be addeil that the Do Kovon nud Smith comic oporusnt tho Casino and tho Garden nro in tho enjoyment or much modish Wsltntlon. "Tho Toneing Master." as performed by Mario Tempost ami her companions, and "Itobin Hood," 11s given iiv the liostonlnus. ore alike adnuruble in tho acting as well ns in ths singing, and in each place tho visual beauties of scenery nnd cos- tumes nITord pleasurable sights to accompany the ngreeable Bounds. If "The Isle of L'linm-tiagn- keeps its promlso ot equal excel- lence, N'ew oi I; will have threo musical pieces performed, witli a cost nud taste Hiat should satisfy tho most critical demands for that kind of entertainment. Familiarity ts not likely to breed anything save an increase of popularity nt the week I thoatres night. Tlio amusement .to be offered Is nowhere new. but most nf it is ilrst rate in 0110 way or nu- mber. Tor example nothing hotter could be dosired in the foi in of n Sitiloumtinterrioco in comedy tliaa " Diplomacy," us performed by Iloso (I'oghlau and lior conipnuy nl Hie Harlem Opera House, in e.xnuly the 0,11110 manner that won tlis highest pralsont tho a few Weeks ago. it is a Mitisfaction to eo Mi's L'oghlan oninticlpaled from farce and out o moroongagod fn 11 rule comiaeiisiirate with hor abilities. Mido's nets. In tno geiiernl shift, an exceedingly popular actor nml play, Charles I Dais and"Ahni Joslin." an lin-- 1 ersonat f a comic Yankee and a itiamati-ratio- n of laughnbln things In .New Knglnml li'e. Tlie multitude likes Mr. Davis ami llnds him exceedingly nniu-ln- g. Lown ut tho lower end of tho llowery I'UU'htor will no incited at tho Windsor ly "Mr. Wilkinson's blows." Tliern is llttl" doubt that east side mi Deuces will llnd as provocuilvo as It Hits been to assoniblaes nearer liroadw ty. The company aHblgncd to It has boon loerulted from the Troll man fnices.and It lontulu.- - actors quite nblo to rondor tho abundant huioor telllnBly. One of thu oeot of the newer war dramas. "A lur itebel." gO"S to tho 'iriuid (ipjra H01160. with tho same st.iu outfit that it enjoyed recently nt tho Fouitoonth hi root, and with Fanny (iilletto and l'dward II. Mnw-m- :i still In tho leading parts. "'Hie Danger bignnl." rewritton by Henry '. do Millo from a play onco presented at tho Lyceum K at tho I'.miiiIo's. It nssoclateR a loio story with thiillinginuldontsof rallioading. and Is an in- genious cniubinatlnn of sentiment und real-Is- A locomotive Is propalle 1 by steam, n snow plough is shown, and a disastrous colli- sion Is made imminent. J. Vi'. hummers, nu actor niolng oust sulo pojiiilmity. uiq ears nt .Incobs's In '.lei ry. ' a drama affording him n character In which he Is a comedian and a tragedian. Ills taluuts nro of a kind to recom- mend hint to audiences nt Jacobs's, and thoro Is real rAeilt In the sensationalism of Ills play. At tlio east end ot Harlem thu Columbus has that well iciMr.lci! melodrama, "The blind owe of a (iroat ( Ity," with Its lumurkublo siiuecnift can accomplish In Imitation of exciting realities. The theatres oiler two special perforuiinces tlds evening, aside fioin tho usual Sunday coneei Is noted elsowhere, Anna Kv.i I'ay.wlio wasl.nonnmanyyeai.igoin thlscountiy ns UMililtii.illiHc inedlui.1. but who has been In I uropool lute, will appear again nt I'roeloi'a In .111 exhiiiltloM 11 pheiionienn, genuine or fraudulent, lie- - doings lm in eie- - ed l.elnnois aii.l sk ptlcs aiiew. and f'1'' C'f'"- - - "( the '.uilillar cabinet hicility, cn,.i,ti ,w. but olio Wtlle.1 11 luilml to yiel'l fid Mil. 1.1 for the iiioiii taken in, will . g.irc, t ,.nt.,t t tnu Jiroiiilwin tho bcnellt of Ibury 'I'lic ,i.'ui t.'cls ate aii'l oi 11 high glad- -. Tho I'ul. mid rnstniV nrs tl.eth, t ..,.s ,in. oted (,. A.iriety this wee,, lm t, yAin Milsee has 11 entoitaitilnoiil. tuo. and thu two con iri li.tlisiuv In la I I la . ii,n,.i. !'.,.":e,i','."I,,,',",;, ""'i'1'-'- 'I'dk.nss Trans- - fl mi ui n, ,.1 Trewy. tlmlurrtitilo I r 01, hnnn U uiti, ?,, p..ily. and so are tlio 1....H1. 1. j,v,., 11, .... rito li-- h, tho Alii.-oii- ", Mihiiio !U , M.'irto,, Wliontley und I.eunard. I, niel Thorne the llobotta amlrettii 1 m 1.1 MtmwtK. im.i ptliois. Jmiyi'.istoi'sontei!ai-ieisfoi,i,,,i,.u- liesslo JJouolil'l ami h.1'1.1 1 uivionee ililfurently cxcellout oxnmples of umloii HougBtresscsj.f. V. Kulli, 1.110 has mndu.i lib' Place for himself in tho reg.udo; aii"ty audi" oneonby mennsof his. genuinely humorous monologiio; Ward und iiilkus. ...j Ui. V1...1 umuilns mid t'iniik ii. s.'ioial'in' Aunlo I'orrost, 'Jessie l.anglon. the h't-stiii- .' lung wutlnvH, ami (ilrard J.i 011 with h.s acting donkey Mr. 1'i.stor will intio luc.i p, an American nudlciicu 11 week bene Vesta btorla. . l London eli.irarter imiicrsoii itoi of nolo. Tho l.den Musi'e has a now gioupof twiilvollciiresiu win. llliietratiiiBiirhihlreiiN in isiiueradu patty. contunii'U pictures niely. Jlie stage peiformeis still ut tho Kden nro iiiibul, (irovillo. Anile. Oumo. und the Hun. imislcliinH. At tho Imperial Jlusla Hall 11 consliloriilila ch.inceof (dills uimlo, thu lecrults IncludliiK .iiiinos Thornton, n I'lynn.iml White, ciniic .b'l'iiea'ors. tlm llrotlmu llwdy. tlm llerooits. Ian ugaii. i!i,i)"n and .Mltehed, .lolui V, unso-ii,.- . ami ',,,f. i,,mptim with his circus i.l ogx nud 'iionkcyM. 'J h who remain are U I earn! I le.iielto. Poll, high fmorites .'li. !' V'r A ""Is, llieroisuoiynisii) Jul wuinun who dance the Undo sUcle. tho Kdouardos have ft now sketch, and Mnrle Vniionl sines a fresh sonc entitled, "Tlm Actor." whloh sho hopes will become as popular bs "Oeorele." Tlio othors on this stage nro Kokln, the Iterate. Wood nnd Simp-ar- and Hie operetta company in llitie-bear- d " nnd "lhu ltondezvous." Tho nmnngcrs of tho dime museums aro spirited and enterpilslnc provldors of things to amuse tho multitude. Autiui, tho glantos" of the Jura Moiinlali'.s, romalns ono wook longer nt Doris's In Klghtli avenue, nnd hor companion In physical oddity Is George, tho turtle boy. Among the normal exhibits of luimiin iislonlslinient urothollowos.wlth their teatsln eiiulllbriuiu: I''iank Morris unit his wife In clairioiame. and Kuto Kooti in light- ning rupidlly of Impersonations, llesldi's a complete 111lely entertalnmetii, dramas nro pet formed at Doris's by T. J." Thomns's com-pun- tho current i.lny bolng " l'alt ly Ac- cused. ' A sight at Sot Hi's m iiseuni. In Mth aieiilie. Is 11 niltilntuio sceiiM of luilustilal in wlilcli are shown r. saw mill, a planing mill, a blacksmith shop, a lallioad train, a moling boat, and 11 houso In course of construction. I'rof. (steti lias on exhibition nt Wolth seenos of theMiiith nnd tur West. In which Oklahoma Jllll nnd l'ralrlo May llgiue. A fuatur In the stage enteitallitneut is nil Irish sketch liy (lark nnd Anguilne. Worth's collection of in- animate .curiosities i lerv extensile nnd ulwais 011 luw. At llilbei s. in lolirteeutli stroot. thu on s of Msllor.s will stato in won- der ut n new Iteak ot nature In the lorm ol a boy called I.11I00, who has one hend, two bodies, four arms, and four legs. That Is the niinouncomeiit of tlio uinn.igor. who describes 1 11 Ion ns two tudliblipils In overt thing except the unitual head. The curio halls hold many other inarteN. and the stage lin two separate companies, one gitlng variety ami the other a Play called "Madcap Hess." 'J heso three museums urn open otert day and evening In the week, und aro popular rosorls on feundays. I'.leonora Diifo. n celebintod Italian actress, will I egiii a toui'of this country next January. I.llllnti ltus'cll will reappear at the Harden In December in " i.u Cigale." wlih "Tho Monte-bunks- " to follow. J. K. Muriay is the Iiisli como Han chosen for the hero of "(ilou-da-I.nitgh- u new Irish play nt Pioctor's next month. I'miiiy Daionpoit Is u?lng "Cleo-pntru- " again this season, and will lm In Har- lem with it soon, l.oulso Leslie Larterls trni-ellln- g In "Miss Ilelyett" this winter, but will return to drama in tho spilng as Hie heiolne of "Heart of Maryland, ' by David Helnsco. Munrt itobson Is to rovlio Huckstono'.s " Mnr-ris- d Lllo" tdiibointoly night In tho West. Ooorge H. Cues, merrily remembered as tho companion of Luke Schoolcraft In negro minstrelsy. Is permanently disabled by acute rheumatism. Minna (inles-lluvuc- s. the last leading actress with IMivln Hootn.wnsa discovery by Lawrence Jinrrett. when she was an amateur, tiho is to play .lutm in "'J ho Hunchback" in her forthcoming tenson at the htar. Klleii'ierry is soon to appear in that role with Irving In Loudon. 1'eoplu who tnUe olloncit nt the enormous popularity of Lottie Collins In her "Hooni-de-ny- " nonsonse will be pained to know that she has crowded ths theatres where sho has performed In Hostou. Chicago. Philadelphia, und other largo cities: but they may llnd consolation in the tact that. I.olo fuller has exported herself and tier in- decorous serpentine dauco to l'arls, where hor exploit with tier amplituds of Ingenious ski its Is pictured in tho illustiuted journals and de- scribed nt gloat length by the ciltlcs. Uor.rgle Parker, whosu backward kick attlio andlenco was ono of tlio llrst of the clever offences of Its kind in our musio halls, is doing tho same thing now tu London, Tho fore- most periormer in tho London xarloty shows since Lottio Collins camo nway is Albeit Ciioteller. und. llko Miss Collins, his achievements mo elonu nud artistic. I!" depicts the tostormongor. with pathos as well as humor in costumed bongs and sketclios. Mile. Ciuilleit, with her demurely delltered improper songs, maintains tier suprumacv in the cute com. eits of l'arls. nud we aro not llko-l- i to get hor hero soon, as tlio lowest sahuy sho has named to an American iiiituaer is .'(,0()U n week. Dorothy Denning, a handsome young woniun who bus benn giving the ser- pentine danco nt Koster A-- Hlal's. turns out to no tho runaway wlfo of 11 UulTalo plivsician. mid now she lias returned to that city to ex- hibit herself in 11 variety theatre. Asadcbior in court John Wild testified that his salary at llmrlgnn's was Jlol a week. Tho odd dollar Mauds for his Insistence on getting more pay. if only to that extent, than is giun to Annie Veamuns. Of tno two current plays containing ballots. "Candy" will end with the present woek. whllo "The Hlack Crook" w.U go on Indellnltely. The Llllputinns haw had a good season at tho Union Square, and hnvo it. They have Battled in Adolf .ink n niiniiituro come- dian us eletor as tho older favorite, l'rrinz Kl.ert. and thu pair ninKc u great deal of fun. They ak no concession ot judgment on tho bcoro of littleness. They aro d actoi . At Hie cademy crowds lew thu spec- tacular ncliteremeiits in "The Hlack Crook," and aro entertained mightily by the specialties that halo I oen introduced. There is not likely to be anj thing else at this tlicatiu tvithlu mouths. Some of the comic plays of Alexandre Hlsson have been highly acccptablo In this country, but alwnys iu expurgated versions. Parisian fun of tho iialmoft Invnrlnbly salacious, nnd Hisson has no conscionco. New York au- diences, whether of liroudwnyor the liowery. do not llko bluslmblo farces, and when, in "Little 'Jlppetfat Herrmann's, the oxperi moot of using an unelennsed Hlsson piece was made, the result wus unsatisfactory to those who paid to Mitue-- s It, as well as to thosD who expected to make money by IU The iminago-nien- t nniHiuueesthat nowlungungearitl action white Intioduced in s perform-nijc- along with some changes In t lie cast. It is to be presumed that tli" alterations nro In the direction of modc-t- y. and that Ihoeonior-sntio- n about the paternity of the oileust infant will be less plain mid direct than hltheito. Thu reci uits in thu cast aro Violet Hlack. who used to bo with Itielmrd .Mansfield, and Clara Llpinan. who made a reputation as the laugh-li- u Bin In " Incog." Theio muv no u marked i'.'iproioiiKiit in thu matter and the manner or ' Little Tippett:' Hrnoklyn tho.itricals this waek will iios"ess populaiit). for the four plays to be considered In making a chnlco of stage amusement n:e compositions iippenl broadly. The Co- lumbia has "The Old Homestead." with l)ou-ma- ii Thoi.ipson. u cnmpetout: company of actors and singers, and all the New Hump-shir- e s"iien. I'lio tjiunil oilers laughter In "Aunt Jirldget's Dab)." with lleorgo Munroo ns the iriosi.stihly tunny Irish woman, and his singing and dancing companions. 'J ho Heii-for- d Aienii" prjiulus melodrama of a forceful nuture In "Tno Power of Hold." which astou-isbi'- d last Week with its iibutid-unc- o of realistic scenery. 'I ho play ut the Leo Awnii" Is "A ltatlroad Ticket," which works sentiment mid humor out ol tiio theme ol rail-loa- d im:. 'ill- - lee will hnvo a iiimv jihiy on Dee. ly In"llei ildo!lty."a comedy l.y .1. M. liurge.-- . luanager of tills theatre, end lm almn to piotldo an evening ol rellned entertain-luen- t by mean- - of mingling in the play strong peones wilh merry ones mid making use of considerable miisie. Two nets aro said to form n iiulti uifilete ojicrettn, Mr. Ilerger lias taken much pains in loimiiig u company 111 rehearsini: It. Theio aio four idays cjntainlng wry ablo chtiracter sludlos now on our stage. The indl-tlilu- ttpes hate been ehoson frolu city and country life, and nuthors umluotn-- s havocom-blu- o I their olloits lo present tliuso pcrtonages graphically to the public. Tho rural men nml women niu 10 bo inund In "The ( ountry l and "'1 be County 1 air," both wiltten by Chailcs H.irnaid. wlm Is oxccedlngly earnful and correct in his stugo Illustrations of Y in. keos, .Nell HuruessV imi'orson.Uion or tho farmer in '"lb County Pair" con- tinues to ammo tlm thoughtless nnd sntlsfy at I'loctorV. whnio the scenes nt the fair, iuclndllic' the horso uro inpletu with good humor. "'1 ho ( ouutiy ( irons" htm 01 nliiliisa mil nud d circus at tlm I'.io.iitw.iy. with the street procosslon and 111 una show clouding Mm drama oonshhmiiiiy, but constituting a lumurkablo entertainment. t haructeivntloii from city life has never been diuio with butler sue. c- -s. urtlstlo or popiiI.ii. than by Imiles H. llott and i.dwanl Ilatri gain It Isinielhat "A 'I iii lo (. hlnntown.' ut the .'.Indium Squire, contains a great duil or farce, buile-iiu- and t.iliely show, but 1 ersi.iis me olcarlt iliawii lepiesentatlves of people we meet. In ' 1"', Mulligan liu.i-d- Hall," at llaillgan's. veilnd i bit id r.'coirti.z. Iil.le.lild wit ngreeablu .nv l.iikers, l.itliiT rough lesldeuls of i In rry Hill but Wfltlou tied acted lei) ideieily. Tl:r"n "list Ic'lolin actois noiv III llroadway theaties mo far apatl in then n.i tlioils. hut each isi. ll'st-iMt- I'xauiphu. 'Ihm .no V. r Wllluid. . C. tioodwin. nnd John Hteiv. 'llm most 'trlkliiBcoiitiai.t is between Mr. VYillanl und Mr. Ihew. for ono Is so iMinsoleiittoilH np. collect In his nit iih to lose the wine nflil, own indivhluality whilo tho olliei cinnot hlinscll wit hill tho hounds of lllllMle proprlctj Mr. Wl'lanl wilt ip.iriit the star iliirliu; tne llrsi hull of tho week in ".liiilah." dei iciiiig w.lh ivondiiiliil lldollly tho stitigelo of n clergyman In a coulllit lietween Ids hemt nud hlssoul. and lor Minm-to- f Iho week In "John .Xoeilhanrrt imuble." in wliieii ho idays Iwoiiieniillko in looks but opposite In uatiiio. Mr. iioodwln keeps on in, "A Hllduil Joel nt the I'Hlh Aienuo. poilinylnir, with occasional lapsos from good, noting Into comical buf- foonery, tho Hiiddenly enriched loafer and lot or. Itlsaveiyditeitliisiieilnriu.iiicc. mid the piny t ndmirnblv presented us a whole. In John Drew ut Iho Mainliinl, with Ins liBlit, griice'iil. "i none the less luughablo ii of Mm wurrifd jouui; husfcuiid in " Tho Jliiskod Hall." may liu foiind an actnras true as Wilhinl to the niceties ot art. us in farcieulity. und tho lucky isissessor. in ndditloii. ol u ma.'xnetie quality Milled wiub faior ou Its owu uccuunU atvsto Axn mvsicuss. Somo days ago almost everybody ot lotsurt nnd musical tnsto was In 1'loicncc. Tho occa- sion of this extiaoidltiary nssomblnce was a matter of own gioaler present Itnportnncs Minn Hie nuoMlon of "Paislfnl" copyrluht. 1'or many months thu attention of Kurope has been, lo a cotisldeiablo degree, centicd on l'letio Mascagnl. Tho W'ncncrl'ins haw con- sistently sneored at tho young composer, nnd oven Iho doiotnos nf thu ilorld school wore fearful that tho genius ot Masc.igtil had begun and ended In "Cuvallctln lliistloann." "Ii'Amlco I'lllit" had achieved an artistic but not a popular Mtccoss. Tho problem iff tho conliiittaiico of Mm young author's Tame was lobe scttltd dolliillely bv lus new work. "I llnntfaii." To estimate the inliio of Mils Inlost nud most luetontlotu scoie, eiery ono of nolo In the musical, dinmntle, and ciitlcal world nt silent and expectant In the Pergola Theatre. The over-ti- n e was crawly studied. Holers Hwnslialf completod the nildlenoo began to tuanlfest etldcnccs of elithushisiii. An tho conductor In Il down his baton an uproar of plaudits swopt thioiigh tho Auditorium. The tonne composer, looklns tnoro boyish thnnewr with his incipient moustache, oumo out timidly and bowed. Again and aaln ho Hod behind the curtain, but each time was compelled to roturii nnd face his nd m lreis SlgnorSotizogno, the editor of Mnscngnl's woiks nnd lessee ol the Pergola Thcatri'i hud protided a bomiuot ol roses for each lady In tho audience. Those llornl tilbtites woro In. tied so thickly nt tlio composur that nt las', when uno ot them him sijimroly in the face. hlsdlcomll-lur- e was complete, and no lndncemotit during the jirogrcss ot thooperu umilii tempt him out of h.s Inxoilto position bchlti.t thu gas titan III the wines. The sceno In the llrst net if "I !!" repiesontn a phirza In nn Alsatian vlllnge. It begins wlih n fiiici'tul but somewhat pro- longed chorus to spring. This is followed by thu puldlc auction of a pasture Held, ror which the brothels .'.iu'mii compote iignliul each other. Tho com ted piece ol Isiiil In llnully nw.uded to (.oiein ib.iritone . 'Ihen ensuos a slienglydiamntleiimiirel botweon tlm broth- el", in which their followets take uctllo ibarlloiiei, a sclionlmnsti'r, emtuasorsto l'tieilv tlioin withuut -- neces. In tills scene an important purl Is peiformcil by J.msii Isoprnno), daughter of thnmn. and i.ioi iM'o(tomir). son of Tho duos bo- tweon the tenor mid sopruno nre dlstluctho in origlniillty nnd lyric sweetness, and V.'ii.i.i has n delightful ballad, which, sung by Mine. Dnielee on the llrst perfoiuiunce. arouied tho audleuee Into great cut hiishim. The act closes witli a magulllcent llualn concetto, which was toelferouslt encored mid lepeuted after a tu- mult of applause. 'I lie second act opens with a song by ,'iimi. followed by a diamatlc episode be'ivoen the heioitivi and hor futhei, niter which comes tlio famous religious pice "Kliio" i live loicits with organ aeeoiniinni-me- nt t. u grand eflort ot composition, which Is harm'inicd with rather than ititenupted by a mocking chorus from the sttoet. sung t,y f,,j. limn fiiiiMminnd his friends. Tho masterly way In which these opposing elements iim blended is not the least loinnrkablH feature In nnopeia that abounds In originality of treat-men- t. mriiijutlioniippoirs. ami sings an ex- quisite duett! ith his impil. '1 he act discs with a second noweitul seenu bi tween V.iiisa nud iliaiim. whose s lundid niiislc wns ilumnnded forseternl encores. The third and Post net takes placo in the public square. A female eh rus sings thy praises of thu spaik-liii- linn nl wa'ers of the fountain, 'this iiiinilier nlso aiotlsed great applause, lint the enthusiasm r tho nllilitors bloke all bounds on lieailm: the .succeeding pass.itto. called 'itii'i'i'i" ichattoring chorusi. 'Jhls iiiimber K rogardeil us tlmcirf ii'uviireof the oieta. It consists in a musical dialogue be- tween Mm "ciioolmnster and the female choi us. Tho village gossips pester Ftoreniu witli ijui'itions coucortilng tlie eaurns of .mci's Illness, lleotados their curiosity for a lime, but at Inst Is obliged to escape. The strikingly 01 Iginal setting of this incident tho audience. Tho piogress ot the oiier.i was interrupted liy universal cries tor Maseagni. Hut Hie composer clung to the gas man's arm and absolutely t of used tocouioout. This number is followed byn sung bv (.'i.ii.jie, which Is something ol a resem. lance to the tenor song in "L'Amlco Frits." A challenge duct between tinu-git- t and his rit til for l.mxi'i hand loads Into a curfew chorus. A duet betw.-ei- i 'loii.oiinil Hiaum ends with a dramatic scone. In which tlie proud brothers Unuitan mo lecoucllod. A short but characteristic and delightful inter- mezzo brings on thu fourth act. which is prin- cipally composed of love themes, 'j'lm ehief nuuiberof this scone is a passionate duet be- tween I.xufa and fioitfio, which scorns des- tined to bo as popular ns the cherry duet of "L'Amlco l'ritz." Tha opera closes with a hymn to peace. Bung by the tenor und taken uii bv all the other artists nnd clioius. At the conclusion of the poiformanco M.iscncnl was called out eight times nud enthusiastically congratulated ou the composition of a. work that Inn dullultely established bis position among the ereut musicians of tlio day. Maestro Verdi has nt last selectod Iho prin- cipal artists lor " ." Among them Hit n names mo those of Mnurel, Musinl. .Mmv. p,i,,iun and Xilil. A novel feature ot the opiqa consists in thu fact that It Is Mithour ehonis. riuther than ono of eight olces. wlicli is tiitroduced into the seemi iu w'qoh the let knight luliutts his follov ..i.-- . to keep Master lord busily eng.igod while lie lulls his addresses to Mrs. l'ord. It.ilto has not diawii his libretto entirely from "The Merry Wites of Windsor." but hns taken epi- sodes fi om all tho i lays in which Ki'stvuf ap- pears and sluing them together in a consist- ent and and amusing story. Tho overture is stated to I a exquisite. Ho begins witli a joy. ous theme played on the llutes. which is ernd-unl- it taken up by the other instruments, un- til dually the complete oichestra swells out Into u Fiiiioious p' ot levelrt. This tolunio of noun diminishes iiijnln slowly until It stiikes tho exact key of l'n'n,ijpf laughter, which is heard beliiud the scenes as tho cur- tain rises. A let or Irnni ono of Ills intimate friends stales that there is y no foundation foi the I'isquictiiig lenorts iclatlvo to M. Juan d licszl.o's health. The famous tenor. It is nlllruicd. Ins no further trouble with his thumb lie Is engaged to sing in Paris this winter, and he lias never been betloi lilted for thuiiidiious woik of opera than he is at pros-ou- t. It scorns, however, that his American experiences taught him n lesson which ho In- tends to juollt ny in tho future. He worked nltogetbei too hint while In this country, and, although he earned n deal ot mouoy am! lojiutatlon. both were expended In a con- siderable iiR'usuro by his enforced idleness during the subsequent London season. .U. do ns;:kti has a tofoiably good opinion of us. but the memory of hi- - season with Abbey und tiriiu is not siifllcletitly agreeable to tempt him back to Auieri'U lor umo time. Ky a curious coincident ibis decision wus rem hod just about the time mat Mr. Oscar Jlnmnier-ste- wa- - lending out moposals for subscrip- tions to establish hi etunt the new .Manhattan. It is therefore settled Hint, although wo may haw n season of dramatic .iiiusln utter nil, thoro is no eh nice of Hid Harkm Imjirei-ari- being able lo securo Do llcszko. After tho financial disaster that suddenly closed the iiuuipie Theatio the chorus of higher Logo's company waited in a body on Mr Augustus Hums nnd entreated employ, nieiit, J ho of l otent Harden bad no room for tho unlortiinate singers in Ids own oigatiiatlon Lilt he gate oich pei-o- n a guinea and t hereby relieved llmni from inimu-dud- e destitut. mi. Apropos of the ri'n'iit W'lllard nlumti.-- din- ner at tiio iiulsor llolol a putulof tholamous seliiioliiiislr-s- s gives this account of tlm eom. punltionofu oiig Hint Is oltou wroiiuouslt iiseilbcd toi hiiles Hibiliii. Long niter lira- - ham, 111 iuhialed in; isli tocallst, nniduher iiuniooi lii more t enow tied in the Musical world than it tin- - in of i ilueatioii by singing her hymn. "Lucked m, the Ui.illo of Hie Deep," Mis. I'niiint illaid ret ited to liur and fnoiid the origin of the jiloce, "InlKH,' smd tho veiieiublo schooliiiistiiss, " I wus leturn-it- u Iroiu l.uioimou bo.ud tho sliiphully. I ut. William Hell- - Ono ol my lollow passengers win tho composer and tocuh-- i Itt.lghl. who wis eoiiinii; to tun unli under eii'.'uu'ciuent to a' the old Park Tln.itic. io ivuie all sittuii on deck ono Hue .iMeiiioon. eulniMiathay adinuliu a beautiful ' loud ciio I on lhu hiiif.on, whuii su.blciily in oiiiioiis iiioiv. - i ut ly will' ul any caitso In ths (aim s,.n, e.iiue rushing ton.!!" '' all I Pltv'hed the iim-- so iitiiixpeclcul' Hi" lomiuiny wasthiowu iiitoteiupo iu couf mien. Jvut for Hie quick f Mi. Itin!iil I shuiild limn fallen out of nit "ii the liiipuUeiirtlieinu- - ' ment I etclaimeit. laPBliinely. " We lint o bun locked In Hum ladle i j llm jlecji. "That is u tery l.apio lit"-- , ho said, "u very oxcellotit lino tor nu ,""''"" hymn, Jfyuiittlll xv i f l o a song to It I will compose the musio Ulld Wo will ll'l It ,f,n tho good peo- ple 01 New oik. It la as good as done, ir.' Irejlicl. "ift ii tMllinny my chair In the olliei en I uf the deck, where I shall bo nlone, I will ini'leiliiko ii nt onco." ho ho lucked upli'oelmll aiidilePoiled Itat tliue.x-trein- o end oi llio vusei. nway ftom the coiu-pau- t. titer half nu hour of thought I com- posed tho llist wrso. and then, going to in y slali tuiuii. 1 wrote tho second. Mr. hnlglit was so much p eased with the lines that he went at once to Ids cabin and set himself to the music Ho was very fortunate in this ef- fort, for whon ho bud completed the score tho songwiui pleasing not only to himself and ni". but lo the nutlru company. Ho rendered It with Cleat feeiiiie. und before the voyage was ended It wus a ten' popular air Willi us all. "Hocked In the Cradle of the Deep" was not so much of n success on Mr. hulirht s slucln of it in thu old 1'ark Theatre. HutMr. llra-hai- r. siibseiiueiitly had It from the corapoaor und mudc It very popular In Luelauu." mimF:w:AwmmmmmmmmH SOMK VOKJItS irotiTtt SHADING. The HnrrjiM-lope- . Rrr flutmril e let on it l pint llmti. An1 "r 'low !lnt 'is eyc will mlxhty dim. lint 'ti limn U r trnt es (It dy II r rew, An' It plntcil tcr tltllti fer Ulm. tt itnb li 'h lirf V. n' ' x one icrf f rh. lie ttori'lin titiMlcbt toflc wide veiilieiicti, An' eie desd Br Is er lyln' up lUr W litre il winoi Uooe liftre'lin mil er reach. Ilr'er nurmr'l kin roine tirnrmln' In. Per dy ktioweil li smeller n stick er noiiji. lieyitiirT nn' m ut! till ite cltenalt An' den tnNle rtiily fer.le IliizArd lope. tm iiArr. All In er rln;. Now itnn'l ir try to niat ' How inl o' Lti-- i. Isrnril l.sik ' Dmitite nrnitlte' Scrntch an' uriittlet Hook .to'nuAei' Keil.lerk rum Here itey' roinln" PUr tit track' Sftiiipin'. Iioppin . whiirier ttoppln' One, tun, trefoil' an ay h 1.1 tie puck. Me n' Sin. we natch 'em lo We km io. itev eipms L on ite nle bAiiJo, An' kuoiMirMo-r- rtjrirrr. Jel exahoeR I'm nigper. 111 yer iriu una o.uatter fir ite eliowr I'oine on, -- 'nrubo. rome an' Jlne, My lionen ir antiln' fer Ur cut r hint. MiMwii. Irrrl pen' bri at de kneel Pontile aliuttie, rat an' icuftlel Slritch an' piawk, an' i rutriet Vow-ro- I.'iok oul nuwt Plop yo' lian an' ilap 'cm, pnw' lilti itu ut7k'r p cnty er icope An' iio'joJj bat tin at de Burrard lipe. kturiir, Ala. M. M. Srntt. The Hcuppernnnff, Pie. time I 'town lo alnit a tona At out tli lubtily icuypernonv. Pe prldnof alt de Si uf. It in de lielitieu ut da ear ttlieu atitiiniu llmean'dey ftti liera An' fijn?lntiei In o' ruour. S'o gweet dey la. ao nice an' rouii't. t A uanclti'iUre, c7aofi an' brown K I'lckantnntea' yK. I Iotas to lay along de Tine An' 1111 nijiielf plum up wld wine. Beneat da golden iktci Hens waitied-ou- t Krare9 dtt coaie by trata I uebber wnnte loeoe aNaln. JitN utn't h liar dey belong, lie btack 'line, too, t pais detn by, 1'ie happy IT I jta' km lie An' gobble cupneruo!iBs. atoeitr. Ata. Mart M. .ccorr. The lMnnlMt. liar tlDcerx race alon;; tlie keji. Without reirnrd lo time. Or If tlie ttieine lie torrowfuk Or atatet) , or aublloie. A illrire, a marcti, a hero ilrain, Tntrillt the world's (treat heart. Bt'nu.itli hr tripplnr tt.uoti bec.imei A ilauce'aliiety pert. Iptweier lofty be the tweap (if matchteNt chord and tone, Tlietr rtiylhm flippantly she rives In her light skipping own. And lit of them po cantertrjf. Whatever be their stjte, Atong the Irory race course, A second to the mlta (to cantering, go galloping. All In the rig; And up and down, aud down and up. To the quick- time ot a Jtg. CboplD would weep himself to fits; Schumann aoutd do likewise. An 1 wish their harmonies were back In the Immortal sktes. (lluck, Mozart. Beethoven, and Liszt. And others 1 might name, lo hear tier play their beaven'Set thsmea Would weep trom grief and shame. Their themes ? Nay, thosashe substitutes. To keep the tnnlc up. Would fill with bitter, bitter gall Each dead composer's cup, And make him for a mighty sponga Or an erater shout. To wipe each hurt and outraged note, to save Ins laurels, out. MAKiniLL PDIHkOSB. .Idle MIMlvtci san.MrcI. 'join lite' linn i.uriiat, I.ttile MistrcM Rans Mercl '.rotleth worldwide, fnucy free; I'rotlcth cooing to and fro. And her cooing is command Neier ruled there ol. 1 now. Mistltler innnarcli In the old; tn-- my heart it lletn whero Mistress Sans Mcrci doth tare. I.litle Mletress Sana Mercl slie hath made a slai e of met ' ilo'" etio bl'tdeth. nnd I go " i oine ' and am fain to couia emr mercy doth eh show, lie miq wroth or frolicsome; Vet am content to be Hlaif lo Miatrcis Sans Merclt Ullte Mittreis stie liatli gronn so dear to in That tonnt m ptisaltiir sreet Ail tie' pain lur momls Imparl, Ai.,1 I li.t'ti ihc lltlto reet 1 hat o irauii'lmz on my hearl. Ah. lion lonely lire would be Jim lor little saui'Mrri 1! J Ittle .v.lilreM I'uit.lle ilose this ulglit to An Hint Ifiirl. wtncfi ull il ly long mulil-- i. hast trnil upon, shall outpour a Mint f mm lor Ite brt tielrjie.l olie Alt Us leu. lei nets tor tbee. line Mi.treissansytercil The Old Hack Stnlr. i.til - A".itii CHy J.iureal. Of ull the sports nf otiltdhood. I' of none s rure Ab Kii.llug don n the Uaulsters of the o'd bsik stair. rnieni'ier well the clrcu. And ll.o fun it used to brine; It lute watching Itarlesn rideit A dashing 'round the ring, llm 11.1 Joil) old attraction I'mi Id never near comiure Hi ill Miming don n ib banutcri nf the old back stair. Ilien 1 rerollect the barn left, Ciiu. Led full or clor hay; llotber ue.t lo send us thera fo pas a rainy day. 11 nt I often stole away from that And while mother waaa't there. I'.e -- li.lluK down tbe hauistera uf the oil back stair, I lime grown Into inanbool now, .tmlolteli wall.ler lioiue, lie o a 101I.E alwAis welcome lue- tic') 'if ti ad to hit i int. i lime, Jim mill" they're not looking I'm tinttu. I dji ire. 7i. ultde tl'Oin Iho taliulers ur tu old back stair. Ol iioiv !:. Cdnakps. To ii fJrlrrly Ueiir, i,i.N ff..f,,i nfiif.t Ittuitiiitrit jy.17 isffie. (l'.tgioir.llsu of the early da)S. Hon .lit Uii' cliillllfeN N'ein to thee, When Iroiu tho pi'tk wlieie II1011 didst llee I or afiay, llltiil tllHt I00V ill. I sen 1 tu. uii. I, it) leu n irnimfcr.iiril ' Tell ine. ,o.Nt ho 11. Ithln Ihy bailiited loresla wild, I eel naiigiit of ride in this lair Mjia ttrMit Neil lleeeiobrr. tiom 0 lllntra'l Ami. ,s,i 1011 loved and lot ttltandat Ah, hut that Is .1 ream - I hi i'. If our llrst love's finikin, ever love again? jo tr far tiuiti huitiiiii lo.uiiit 111 kuiitiide wn bury us, IU n.lllii iterniflli jespiuiHts to HL'gruVMte the piitii tttll I know lhu lulihler llMtiUtf houruu llioierau. ill. Ic lion i.iiei;nio )ou fuweuaiiJ undoubted caura for hole. Other KllU o'i se. haie dctir. sir, linirti at your tlirJli'ladld Olliei iiit-- biirti letter to 111 utmot enielepe. Al.d naught of Miranda Will t on I emember It ben you uiarrv .Ncrii.u. next lieteuiber 11 rote Nome j.oems. did you, and a chcik upon the tuioiti laiiik 1 Uroinilii the tolupte out and gate ha publisher tbe I'llStk) Pe came some roilewer, Jest a literary mountebank, Took Hint iitioifendliigiutuni up a I wrung Its neck. Veer atil ou write again nu not mil' Utile triolet; some mat f a to their s m a una sung, hut ueirr mure wilt ton 11 llhired live that blnsrm nf puillcltr, the violet, ton nre iiuuili forerer. Ntriiken dona by that reitew, And iiii.iehi of your failure will tioireiiiriul.ur tl'heii jou publish again, sir, neat Ueieinuer. do jour baby boy Is dead-t'- te pretty, prrttlsat boy of ull 1 .iilll about the tiouiayongonpoD your dally taiks, Taklug pari lu others' Jo, though somethlng'a hurt tbe Jovof all. Wearing alill tho kindly look that thought for others Tcs. you .ciW not of your serrew put It from you, Oy There's so much to do each day and there's no time TouM not kiuiw your heart wai broken till at last j 011 Asa thill scarce kuowi she's tlrrd until slit falls alerii Voa'll hat nn sorrow to remember Beyond cart a winters. Btxt December, Binr rim. HT.AXC11E WAT.MT. A Oirietl Amcrleiin Girl Who Hns Devel- oped 1111 Oi'lfflnul t'ni't on Hie Hlnne. When n now play wns produced n couple pf weeks nun the chief character iiinom: the women ivnn that ot an Aniurlcnn. pre- sumably of the I oil ttfp, poxscssliu: plenty or money and an ciual iiinoiitit ot iiiiibllion. Tho stort' of lur life was to show how Hilt ambition ttu itintllled, tho cront totnplnllon that eat'ie t hei. cud how. because of her Itillh an. I puiitv. she i.'.ii II Nnmoi'i Miblle i Inn icier (him Mint of an ndienlttri 'is or of hm u'ltreili' woman, because lieln-- t ute not uenenilly eltlior ull bad 01 till (.'0..1I, 'Hid to ll"l.l (he mirror up lo nnliire la a test lor an aclic-s- . ' iei'eieiiliitlto of the cri'.tt West, enmo on tile stme-W- e will call II tho stnee of llfe-i- ii Iho tutiui: wife of all elderly rnnn. Well dic'seil, "tied In tnnunci. ilelisht-e- d becauvo hei nml itl m was lo lm ttiatiiled. she seemed just ith'il she wa-.-- a luimiin nho had ultiats been prelected In an louii und who had inner nut luhcrslijit II Tu with any meat fiSntti r A V I f it MPilf&lffb iSV-!- ' tiv' A V ) ty - Miss Iit.tKctIK wir.sit, crlef. Later on. In hor Inns with her friends and hor steiidnuchter. sho wns always Bwect. dlatilllod. and womanly. Then comes the day which scorned tho crcatest ono In hor lifo: sho hud boon presented to tho yuuun of Eneland sho. an American tvoiuun, cominc from a country where every woman Is a queen, had bowed to another wom- an who was a queon not by riclit ot sex. but heredity. That she thought would bo tho happiest day of her life. But it had its dark spot. 8ho mot oiraln tho man who had boon pursuinc her with his love, nnd sho coined cuuraco to toll him never to daro come noar hor. only to dNcotcr that he had married hor stepdaughter that ho nilcht bo noar her. Later on they are alone tocot her. these two people- - she, lounc, handsome, and Intellicent: lie. nristocratlc loklniE. exquNito in manner, nnd with that curious aometltlnc about him which attracts all women. When she tells him she hates him. ho knows women well eiioui;h to understand that: and a minute inter when sho throws hcisolf passionately Into Ids arms iheie is no surprise on his face. Tlio phtslcal lias triumphed otcr Hie moral just for ono second, nnd then the Amorican woman sooks shelter where she knows sho can llnd It In the arms ot hor husband. Now the woman who plays this partisyounc her experience is limited. In tho treat scene of tho jilay. tho ono whero tho Prince has her as his captive for ono brief socond, a word out of tune, a motion too much, would hare made the act eitherludlcrous Howdidthis clrl conduct herself ? How dldsho understand woman nature so well that she could ptcturo tbe triumph of matter ovor mind, and In a minute after show the tfreatnessaml tho boau-t- y of purity.' Mi j Ml, it in hor own words: " 1 think all that 1 have loarnct I cot from studymo Sh il:epnro. I would rather play in stories of but I love tho words of Hhnkespearo. and it scums to tno that ho makes clear character as no ono else bus ovor done it. I will tell you how I wotkod out Dl-a- Stockton as she is Tho mere lines of tho part seemed to mean nothing to me un- til I heard all tho rest. 1 would cot In tho corner of tho thnatro and listen to tho other people saying their lines. 1 thought out tho woman und her surroundincs. what Inlluenco they would have ou her. aud how this inun. so dilToruiit from any man sho had aver mot. and who. though ho w,i3 a tillaln, was not u coward, really loved hor. How much it meant to a woman, nlttiouch she might persuade horsolf that sho despised him. to ioel that over a maii who had seen all tho beautiful women inthowoild, who had lived in tlio midst of luxury, and to it horn tvomeu had boon nothinc but toys, sho had so much power. It flattered hor vanity. And to me it seemed as if her fear couRtnatly was Mint whero bate oxluted lovo might come. Ileally I believe if two such peoplo existed olTtlie stasothoy would bo ab- solutely happy tocothor. Uf couue. tho l'rince. boinc a villain. Is not popular, but I cot'sidcrtbechaiactcr itself wonderfully tine und very subtle. "If jou think I speak cood Lnsllsh it is only becauso l bate given so much tluio fo reaiilnjs nnd studting Miakosponre. 1 mndn mv llrst uppcaiiiiico as Whcbi iu 'Twelfth Night;' thon 1 played AVizn-be- tli in 'Amy Hobsnit.' and unill 1 nppenreil In 'Aristocracy' had only been in ono modern and that was 'My L'nclo's Will." I hope plek up my court train rlcht. You know.! am the only one who hns to do Hut on the stage, a rd naturally 1 haven't the ussihtauco of tlie gentleman who managod it whuii I was presented to tlio k)uoen." Miss Walsh's face is tlie most worn-l- y In tho world. Tho skin is a clear white, the hair line, thick, curling, and ot that golden brown possessed by Mrs. Langtry and .lane Hading- - Tho ejes snem to mutch tlio hair, nnd yet it is dilflcult to understand how eyes that will suggest deep gray to you can possi- bly bo brown, and tot they aio Hor features are cleanly cut. nnd the chin, whllo rounded and feminine, shows strength of will. This Is Hlaiiehu Walsh, among tho youngest of tho American actresses, the ono who has been competent to work out tho subtlety of a womnn's diameter and make her audleneo undeistund It. When siio spoaks It Is a little slowly, and Per voice suggests a convent training-- It Is such a v&lco ns tho l'rench call Ixmmule, an uiitr.uis-latabl- o word that not only ihu.uib melo- diously slow, hut sweetly fascinating. This ynuusrwouwn hasdono much in picturing a typo of the American vyoman-- so much that It ought to show the dlllcrenco between the friv- olous, silly American girl, ns she is known, and tho brute, pure American woman, as sho Is. Tito Nriv Coitl. Irni Uf Cl'thtrr nnd JVnper, Tho very distliigulshed-looMngan- il conced- ed! yuprnpns outer-co- of Hie tear Is the bn;: loose black, bluo, ot dirk green imdton-ker-so- a fabric having the stunly Mulsh of tho melton, nml the quality of the kersey, it hlcli ullords the best uiulresseil cut edge. In stIo it is an ample canneut primarlli. though not of the estrume bnv Ilk. The toilet coll ir is unstinte I, und Its single. breasted II) front In IcnKth '.tell i i'Iow tiioknco... Itlsln its entirety one of tho most ultm coats Issued of lato jears, af.d yet In its onsioni le theio Is ni.l ono ph-is- which the in si c could caul u, SI ir m fl Till ISO T OlSKCiUf Hl I Jlli. t I ins AIS The front ot the coat Is modelled along gra- cious lines, und thuro Is n cu: ting una) tthii'h prut bit's a side perspectito thai lutitesafn-vorubl- o iiiipiessiou, while the contemplation of thogaiinontln lis entirety eariles tilth It the conviction that this coat of deinl-d- i ess was never scon to such udvantngo Imietofore. Tlio Aine-lca- n wearers of the now cutnitnyB aro Londomiis, sons of ive.illhy nianufactiirois that ure otcr hero lu the distilct. They aro men of undoubted inslo In dro.H, nnd it is unite ul blent that tho coats they wear, that have attracted considerable comment among brokers, must hato been made by a crack London tailor, aud that tho style is uu accepted one, by the London swell. UVi:stioss nv srs iti:.tnr:nx Ji 1 tthM TfTt ttit UkIh mnr iiiifrirtf(iMby lb .fo ft Irlfh I nr. .intent i I7i! '2 Whni lrtl 'i iioiil oMitn wire r niu ol on tiif 1ftii I'.iriiAinbiit H(it I fl"tm 172 In !' ' i tirtl WfiF Its) iilnninl ang vm. j tu?il lu ttic In .irtini Mit ii mnir tlii intrr nl tie 'V)l twi'f-l- i I !.! t.n.l inn i Wimii tir u'lrrl ou Jfi Irifcii miiiii.'ii iiirins ni hi " "' itimnc UT' tli' Hluin h Ik ( Itti.ia mil . I n lli Ul.lcr- i ' im ticiwfrn t ! ire li '1' it H l n1 (iiitntnM $ tit in- IrfHu v tiiuitt ci nil ifp oi I ml, 'i Mr.utl "U I Mi til I luli'liv Alttl 111 f ' HtMllI Hi Hint' tl. - ti.ii. w i tin. i iItI i tuti c 'I nit r li iniiicTfl nn I i 1 ' tlifl'HltlMt ill) J t ttir It I Hint. HI. li U tll I III ft 5 im ii'.t '. I'MI Mil hh. I i lilt M'l'nt Hie "?. ' I i;iliiir I it on I f2 I Tt Pinumcnl I'lihnul r.tll lirt!nHt poir- - ti J rr- - Iit I' )tiliulni, iioi.mi1 ! llrtir Mi's Irlnli . fl J l'r'iitMiiii in IM" nitiii"i tli itMfintity of llm Hi I lul'fli I' trlliihii nt j. ti I iiiiM'i). tu t ili'k i T'I nil itcti Mw itf t!li I'ls'i P.i Hitli ll. i.nttl It I tin .Mil, mj, jW ' MuiilO tt' ur om nil niijl' ' tti i.ik tmit l1 t. h- - ii,ii,nl ii in I iuhli Parl'Mutm tlrluht " nri'Mli-- until .'it, ii i.'ii'i'H m it!nllnii mi ft Juilnhiiitt. ! ihr wrrri fl(t ti viml' Itl K 111 fl H llt."Hu ill Itnl. t t .lllHV LtMiU'l I Attl!lC4 W tn mlMMit i!i nn tijim lit tlt!i Pm'f t tutu, tu enabla Mf titrttu iiu mill ti It' i tn utiti iiii m nnuy. u ui.itiiilll I ii' iniKhi itit t if I it') iltn-t-i ltwinitfac- - j, fur, tin tu .uti nt M an I .licit a: tiilt tritluer j rrpr ilit. c- - ta i ti Mini ft halnin niri i in t i '. Ill y f.tpnj tu h ilruTifi it.!. "ifcn Ifrorn or eluce. t, r'.i w.lutitrf ri M.ui'rl rri'ilom to trmlij r Muiiktoiio k Ui K ll'tr, i.n.u LtiUItt Imyimf ) j ilnrri'lniti t" trn ' kIumi tl trnl ii iy mu'h. nt uny i I at ij rni nut tt .v I iti.rr itiirl.r mi William 3. I'llt Mi i it nl uii f tti unit .Hi t t,rcnt l.nic 3 lln!lftllrl nn ititliu't tt:ii c"ea fiifiiiy tu lr In fnl " Mi. i! nrp m foi t'n liriti'i emliirr," nil J tnrtiluif - ,at h nl tuijt i tl r the liUh I'Arltv men:. MiHi:kr: - inm t.' iii unl mi to IrtUiii J v.fciinrl ii'i'ii tu' Mt'i'.ut-'l- iioitiinif, ' Ajit(thf. pIiowd ilin. ul iim nioiu'i fjf nt m l r 'liu; tli in mticra of the Iiitlt Part aiiif tit to llm it ut In! on km tALui fruiu lit- IrlUi Ire inrv. tti il tt- In-- tlrlit wn lncri'ieM; l f.oi'i Ifns t'lu'i i nm-i,!- ' ii in iTl't to i- - rtAMHiiin lil unit in ,1 ! Tin mil !ti IM7 In IP U thn tx.iort r Tritli il ion t i. n'f lv Mi- 'sM nrt. In 1X04 the nt Ir.i'i raveiiutt hil ile.--- li ill.tmi from tlio aiTimint tutsft tn IsiHt tnlrittt'iii nml rib , Rcntretm liu re tc I, in I Mnrr fun the ptjuilelloa of Irelnii"! !mh (letronn J from Ti.'l.i'ilVt in Ittitl lo 4, 700. H'. tin ii,;li in IKU it uiiiutiiiteil t'ju ,K)J Pltselrll mf riiX Tlm f llnw itu rut frrnn t!i j'Hifj nt l it l)n .tf i ir ? trtifinjce nn .New nrk. Knmn!i -- l'i 1) renin Iim uitnl Toe cash ' arlftnn limm- - t Hi Om mint, flutist, par to ."ItntiKMijtit. w tii. in. rtniiK. rmniiiurclitU 75 itis'Minnt. at Ir.un,it t t.,.1., lu itiit. tele k.r.ntI:U', "JO ' iuih iNvm. Ihp meuntni: thin Tlie rl t ic ns .ell a olLerMtn btiilu-s- i w it'i this rlt. a:t-- rntmlnntl)' om torire fniinf of umnry ti tltU rity-tl- ut - to tbe uit cbAntR ot tins rltv, thi Imntft. Ac, er Ira. lunney 1 ere to tl elr ir'1t A n rule ttieie till owe New Yorfc oflctirr tlihii '. mk nwi-- tlirui Now, In mallrrt uf lulu elflnin ap ..earn, nro hettln I nmri' aimI lie Ls A, In Nw Yrt Oiawh imi Iim illi'iir in Psortrm, nntt in nit All or ron litti: Uii it. x'.t tn Mcitun, (.'tuns' it H.rl tlitrr, unit brtlii;ilu th'J iloiy bi V, Ur nolii tli drtft io ', In .Viw nrL uii') oti 1't.n ; to Ii 1b Itcxton t' :t to It. hu a it to A, "' tm cniiri 11; i 1'M.ri tmly U paiil, u lib out tlio mmitv titin: i ..rni to New tirU lint, nml then tnck u IImu.ii. Wl.rii ice rlties uiMi limn to .Sew York tlnui New Yurk ohm to tlie nt ilrtiftson S York bnnir u Tie ntoe par; becaune a nun vho unp manrv tn .Ni'w rk will av tl.e full prire if the dr&rt, nnl a llttlv more, up to what It wouM cit hint to nml tbe actnil mutiny lo .New YorL. Hut w bm New Yerlt nwr them a IhiIhrc their titaftsiill at n iliuonnt e'jtiat tn tlie iobiui brlufrlnir tl e c.tkh (rum .New YrrW. lietwurn Nw urL and 1 Kouton a lrntt tor Itn fee i, Iff i a kpccillo ' a noimt from Jfi i I'O crnte pr Sho at tin1 time tltat tin.itxMal pii: v.n printiiil. In the ptme war as to C'harlrttun. only here thollroHit t rei koned ,' In per rente; tlio buTr olierml 1! ppr cent. of the fucp isiKie, the seller wante.l tin parAluc. In New OrleatH'lrnll on a .Nw uriV lank vrta ttelil nt tbelr face ulne, tlralts put out by one tlrm on a New York (Urn u'cro liVu the Hoston ilratt, the bi)r pay top the fare .i1jc, Usi 7."teiit8 perfloa In Snn Pran-civc- o the buyer pnltl a premium of lucent per $U for a drift that hAd t9be pretente I in York, nt a premium of 20 cent for a drart nhich would be palJ In thin rlty on reoclpt of a notice by telegraph. ', What pnve rU to tho trouble At the Presidential election or lrt?H. nnd how wan It hHtled r 1 K. I). Tbe elictkmof Mr. TiMn ai PrLildent; thr KepuLilt-can- s determined not to allow him to be Inaujcurated .! and by their control of tho.ocrnmeiiuof toe "doubt- - ' ful" hoitthern tate, procured tbe inning of certlfl l rates to Republlcaa fllectors iultlclcnt to (the llayee a tnajerlty ot one vote. The Democrats protected, bat In AAln. Rather tliaa have a revolution, a compro-mii- e waa njrrced on, the Electoral CmimUslnn. coin pored of live houator, lit l?rfneiitatnee. and flr Justices of the Mtpreine Court, a totat of niteeu men. They lm estimated the rctunm from tne dtiputed btatcs bouth Oiirolimi, LouiniAita, utid PloriJa; and decMing eery doubtful point Ly party itdo of 8 He publicans to 7 iJeruo, ratp. rejiorled to Conj-rei- s thai Hayes had recohed the vutes of thot btatvs, audi eated hlru. Tha ieuiocrats bid Imped that tb Supreme Court Jud)et would decliie tbe cast on Ita merits, but three ot tbetu were Republicans tint a ad Judges Afterwurd. Whnt la the arlffln of the soni. " I Am the Xing of the) Cannibal IfllanuV' : Where can 1 gel u copy of It r ArrtttLax Tha song doesn't begia as yua quote It; It beius: M Oh, hae ycuhurd the newi of Ute About a uiitflity potentate It you have not, I'll it reinte He's the King of tho Cinulbal Island. The fcnnjr was written ilfty )fara aco mil more; par- - , bapi ubout thu timo that Kamebaiutha II, of Jluwall, with hii Utiicii, utled (Jreit It U of HrltisH birth; und bteniltiK'ly It was lu xltvme before 184.!, for in that oir died Ut'hain Miclitn, w ho trmislated a , son, "The Kino. the Ounntbal Ir.1.itnH. Into Ore eie f for I'utvh, which as the'i not u j.ur nl t We don't know nil re jdj mix ift the son;; pirhajii louio of the larifir lutitic may u topy lias not the 'aw atralnu mrrj lnir rnnrraled weapons been rt?paicil h liQcouatttutlouil r It nut, im it not i. M. C. r thlnl it Instill In force; And that it Is nut uncon- stitutional. The I nlted M.te CoiiitJiuiion, nrtUie J ot .imrndiiuutB, oriterx llutt "th" rtlit nf the people to keep And btnr arms Khali not tie inrriud," and tha htato Iiw does not in nn whj IiiHI thu lebriu of arms, but does forbid W.f c.irrynu of cniit'ealed Aeapi)Us You may pirale hrouinJ mUIi a ritle and a bill st'ick tul. or piblolt and or U, aud n on will ba,e n liril riKlit tn touch )oa. It n fur cnrrlne con- cealed weapons that tlio .Stat Ihm st'U upon jou. 1. Vbn ilul Per foopT !. 2. hen was tha Wiiuli-o- r rinuitr" biiitieJ .t Ut nt bolnl.iy im i tie bratrd tor ihii5-- tiiint, ,u sv. 4, Wntndid th brut reiihir run on tint Mcoud inviiuef roailt o i I. April 4, lbS" j Nov ii, ihJ", 3 Thn in;en. nial of iitiliitoii ji inniuiira'inu ju Hrt Prsin.unt; it oecirnd in is, and wu rbMtd on April j.i. AprU 30, and .Mtiy of that year, 4. Mirth I, J It has opened lo ll.irleui An,;, 14 of the s uu L',r, Is the U tu ro "the internal. on il np)rn;ht" ;! iv or iflrnajtlvrt i, , i itu t tr tiiMuiiiiii if for ' I'U'ii HurK iiiblMiicil befiiu) tho itiMly Mi pi need imw be puoiivhtd itlmiit tufriiut iiitni of ih im-- runt, or Uu," tin ciip infill 1'im.r pub.u atiuit of ttic tr.iniA iua J y In auolhor riunlr .Nu Hie mihh. Tbe ni, iuw not retr'HCthe. It is puible. ': howitcr tbnt tho ition ut an t tic pnutilud : notel n'.ay b eipyr-Khie- here. If the rolnUms uf the Ihw ar touiplitd with, rt What ! th estlina'i-- Jhj pop lUtin of th Pnitel nt andnf liu tH t A If, M. do not Lii'iM, lie'itHcii avnim) and fiOO.OCKJ, Tlif r aii mure ti iu t'n 'M) thru in tb remainlr ' of thu Loitfl M it b. th' Jewish poputtllvu It s jp- - piued to tboui M Mintitln midlturnit j ti J K. $m Th inil'li nii '"in iMln piuM it ni tin IrtsM WM of tl i rMni'dnui of ihv i 'ii. It a iruiTnl jppoii4 9 In hi lb Ilti'K "U tho nutrr i dk'o ! H i 0)11, ttl0A Vv nn !, InM.i wi, lU'iko the rfi'dluw of th' loin. f Mmli fifv iiidti tbe larpt uumber or railroad f lOt'i IIKjtlVl l Al. M. 1 Phil i'lf i,hiA, thiul, thouch prrhaps Patersoa rfS i ojitft uhi id i it im ntiir' t ' 'I Ic fornet lu'Miu as MIm M.tchell'i AM Cnmrl ' 1, It. P, i., Mrtt .i ' l.eIldn"0crlT'3Mt (Ut J, 1H17, im li . ii .mi it ! fir iirr M it nt!' V iu ineaii "lhu I ord watrli butweeit ut ' nnd ti . ii arc abfiit uitij tfini iiuother,' ' bee I !, jvi l'. f - tv ikuu iiiod'd ur intentions ar no )' li -i ri iiikiI by lhu Patent Olhe, If ou uii put la t t'WHk out which tl.r niacUiiiti could be mala, jou Mil i li tue rerjtilrimeutt, .j . - If j'U hn bad thsuni.,niid io!iteiiejti to tr A our ii ant e mill ndilrenalons with unr no., nn would itl l.jtleipd ou, aU -, e j s;n 1 outolbe t. p.. p. i' h J.i;al Aid ooiety, II I N is iu . y itnut, ., Mm iielfmt, ite, A, ) J r Hifitniutton nbnut f. ailuiittunce Ui the )., i.d and a S,T si.tmp to the Clerk of thu ..p n't tmi.t o; ururia, li?1 AtUhtu. fji .Vrd'oA A lill I lorn tn a. ' 'ivn cmipis v,hile tliey itl aro In thU louutry iu.t h e, KlU'U 1i laid fe, jj Mhctlif-l- i. Miiln low Micti.tUfJNdilij ,.f in blribplme, jj anl c.ilt li in ' nu , r lm on' 1'iat of bis tJ p.llrliU, 'in ull bitiuulf Jl IW in ui "yt U, t i i "vHlfinl w 'i 'i Imi ie tuor V3l pritn'i n i'ii i (ban m 'h l'ir.i Unt, more, j In In than e.d n.iifd h i) r.u i IUi, UarDelJ, jl uJ Arthur, lid tfigneJ l.H.'usu'.li bnti. mere ttMaeaa H lucUUiUXor eTeryday vtbUtcriu. jH m'mTJ lllssMII 1 Ml

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1892-12-04 [p 7]. · 1 riitnf ti minor ni',nn n itnoil In ......


.Uw .M.)sJsJsla.ssJslm1aw I

.v;ir.s of rrn TiiVATttKS.

Tlm four now plays to bo onnctoil In Uii. cltrtomormw titalit will Illustrate tourUUtlnclly(UlTiTKiit Uluils of Btiiiio ontortalmnonr. Tlioycoinpr.-'- n i'omxlj n coralo npcrn. a molo-- d

.10111. n:iJ ft virloty farce. Thoro mny vollt, (.tppctjllon nf fine nrtUllo ijunllly In tlio

i eonicily. for It i9 n work nt Vletorlcii Mnnlou,V in Its ropro.otitntlon. for It is to bo pluj oil

t tlio I.reoum Thoutrp. It tltlo Is "Anii-rl-can- i

Abioul." It wns written for Americaanil a. 'Out Amerlfnns, nltlioiiuli tlia scones tiroIn l'ranoo. 'I' I in irroat I'rotich ilrntimtlst om'orrotoiill"v called' t'nelo Sam." That wasHiiny yoiis "BO. lmmeilliiti'ly nftor liu lnulmiitn n hatj excursion throiisli our Innd nmlmHla'armo I himself in to our chnrncterlstlcnTlm ciii'tf iil'jni'u In his cno. n In Hint ofin.inv uii'iilior fori'lirn writer tinur llko

wn'1 "'", l' rnrloiiturcMl ll llltll-fs,- h

i' "t U'oklotsly. 1 tut. tlmo litislil'Ki'1. ami .it wn only n ycur nco that

h,u!uu "Ihi'jinliloi." willed lnul beenrci!"rniP'l oni-i- i riotously npil tlion lut.-r-ri.-

in l'lirls. wns iieti'.l in tills rlty, su ii iv as liioninmntiil iiiti'lllcijnt int fi

I'r.iMl'W this newer oxior(ini'o muvj,,M5 ,iiiM'ieiil 3h Siminii that wo nr lint nillnrm iv It mny IhmiIo. (Imt lm luisli.iil(iioi i ! "l I'oHiiiiltlns to oliorn iiolltoAn oil i' s In I 'nt Ik. Vto mnr pfit.tlii'iurue, tin' in " Anii'rlciins Ahroml" ho li.mi pitt'il u- - nilli"til (lisilniii. tint how nitrt'O'ililylimiiiis '" ''" S,'"M' rur harilly .iiiithlin: hasii,. , Mil "f Urn nntnro of tlio pl'iv. Its

'" 'iril't. n niilliutiuiro. nml..!' " I HO IlllllT ll'JISilllllSl". liro 1 ItMK'll,

nil tli' 'li"'o ui'tanio ntiiroil-("ttii"- ''

I" ' 'i'!"''. n Muilio In l'nvls, nml .1

chitf.i "' r.iri!nn subtitli. All llu Impor-- !tant Bii'iii .or- - or Hi" l.yoi'titn ooniimny, nml

1 riitnf ti minor ni', nn n itnoil In, stn 'ilH'ctimi is ttint of Ireil ttillintns,f,"nft Ihli lll'I'M IMlllll'll liv ):. (I. I 11II1. tlieie' .in I'leti'-i- l luusii- liy II. l'ui'liHir. nuii nil til.)tn't'lu' r.. Iini'i-- nsiinl to I ycuit 11 pmilur-tiinsw-- "

bu counlvil on.

IhiMoailc opera to l" otTuroil to usi "'llio Islo of 1'linniii.iKDe." for which

ln.ul' Alfr'il llyrno nml l.ouis Hnrrlrntiiveiuittiin tho Ihusihiuo nnil W. V. l'uisthiiiMtnpo"l tlio uittsli'. yulto ns much funhiiiihi.' may lii ntttlclnatod 11s tho result oftlmtfclli'i.' illalio.ntion. for n iiructtsed author

i.lnn in initially 'iinio coinxdian hnvo beenmil. M ilmiilv. to 1'iowit tnnio (.f their workInto tli" jl.i thiin tlits -- inul" musiciun I'l- l- ci' coni'.-i- t is. that n

cii'tt Hud tlioin-elM'- S on an iblnntimIktu li.imp:ii:no is tho only drink, unit

iu'ri tln'lr i'ii'rlencoi mv of n kind thatinsr Imnirmnd In 11 way, if

itindotnil Tlio iiriiiliutlon of "Tholsloolc liuini nsno" will put fotwaid Thomas (,.(Mlriiol.iia it- - principal romcdliiii. Ilo liasticiirc! "n mil In fiirco r.nd comedy, butthin will I'O lu llr- -t iippiiiirniiCH hero In 11

i'"l". It is t'romiK'Hl that thoHpnciousAiiii.-iCa-

lof tlm beautiful MituliatUli Oporn Ilmisi'.b is Lorn Hparscly mid niennly oivuplod

ilurlii!.' tli" two v, ih.:s nt Mrs. Ituiuiird I'.oito.if full "I i.'nyly I'ostumt'd pcoplo In

lnvne-- nt inlmii' hpinndnr. it is iH'ltam that("I I'uitifiil a theatre calls lor I.irconi's.s andttnnrliH' 111 wluit'ivor Is done behind its foot-llcl-

ami It is likely that with "TlmUln oft'lnuiip.iu'M ' an aileauato ciitertalnuiont willI I rmided.

" Tho l'.nlsn" Is tho now melodrama, and Itwinter r.'iirmd nt the l'ourtoontli Mteet.1 (in author is William Haworth. an actor, alruidy shown skill In puttinc tocctlierPiy- - of a po;mlnr calibre. This lilecu is nau-tical In tlii'iue. and its main Incident Is tint ofr.11 In the iuaiic.m imvy l.lllinc on thoMO an 1.111,'llthuiiiti 7lio teni-- iloivn tlioAsie" ti.ii;. A Inventory lead" up to tbi10 u: aii'l then away fioin it. Involvinc

ifi.'unt. tie sentiment nnd 11 number oftirrin-.ce:ie- Tho playN pietoutlouoly plc-- I One view elves the tuiiin duck of 11 warAj rhil. Willi tho uun dock underneath, enabling

th spectators to ! tile pr.ictlenl workinqs ofn slil, the modnl frmu which the artNtncrkmi hailnt: been tho American

Krnr-.iiiu- Somn of the action of thuti. vi i.l teed :1:10m it t lint famous nhii'. ehris-t.r.i- 'l

in the .laeinto, nt tile lime oftli.. ll ntlair in IWS1. A court ninr-ti- 'i

ot the ineiilents on shipboard, midi' ..'''Inut defender of our line ii condemned

for liN mortal iisniilt on tlio ltriton.dual ol uplritud nuittoi Is indicated in

of "Tli- - KiiiiL'ii." nnd it Is ov.thiitthere lias lieeu a dotor'nin.itlon

in naMil warfare the"Shenniidinih" In land ilchtlncr.

J tills amidtinuselloit comes toto lm dvturminvii ThoIt'il'vth eMunnlxe.

ctrntnn'i"ntion of 11 Miriety !iow istho Iiijuii. wlicre on" of the best of

"Tho 1. ity Plro'.tory."n v.ho!) prosperous season. Ths

nn"nli lins nnnipd "A hoole.trJohn G. Wiiion wioto It; but the

unilerxlniidlnt; is that cohn II. ltusall. whotrteri'Ol.ilod uiattor into "Tlio City Directory"until I'Ritl Totter declared that ho couldn'tWntlfy any of tils original work intin" roninnuts. 1ms boon doaliiii; Intl'kiimo way with "A Sneioty Fad." Jlr. I'.us-I'- ll

l not an author. He bin selector nndof sonss. dances, witticisms,

mid contemporaneous foolorv. It bus beenliii'iiinced tliut Mr. Wllron wrote in nsntir-i".- d

ein ennvorniin: tlio (olllc- - of tnsiit' ntibioici"l. llnw milch nf the h.itire rcnchi'S the

aii'lleneeilepend- - 0.1 the tln.o left between tlioin mv tiling;- -, r.imrmir Inun momentary jokesto IHcnimute t Mr. l(iisell to thu ntuuo of tlm liipiu fiouiH"Urcch 11s xarlous a 11 Tenderloin biir-reni- n

and the latest comic opera. Thobill contains the niuies of f.uke hehool- -

I ii.ift, Ainelii (ilowr. .lullus Witmerk, DanI Duly. and. John .TeiinlnK". who wore liuro bo- -I lore In "Tho City Directory." 'I yiono l'ower.I treroiler from Aimuhtiii Daly's company, nml

1I l.Viila Vcarnans-- 1 mis. that member of theI talnted Yeamaiis fa.nilv who had a career InI the i'm!on concert balls, are enquired. TheseI r inrtleulars nliichwill lend to n dlsip.1 Piiintnient if "A S.iitr l'nd" is not a capital

nvdcopodKe o! farco and variety.

Ii tdsThenlio ot Alls and letters devotedi'Ieh to tliointerostsof dramuticlltcrature. or

Is It .1 business concoin with money as itschief 111:11 ' H. 1). MeDoivoll. tho Hccrotnry.Kind tii a Srs- - reporter yestenlay "I survowithout (ompenfat'on. and linn not trylin; lojunk" a cent out ut tho bii'liii"h. directly orhid re.tlv. 'I lm association Is iiieoiporntodunder the lull act, 11111! I b"'oo it would boi'upi.iij'.o for us jo divide prollu. II therewere any. have thu uood will of most oftli" I'l.iiui'.'erh "1 tho r 1 v. and have nil thoM'tors m ne."l Our llrst pniforinanoi nllIS e"ip! , I I. "ii i'lyinptriii. Cli..ilesViikotl .lnhii

J nell 'V. NeKoii Wiieaternlt. Adelr.ido Man- -Ii 'pe. .In mi iircir, Dorothy Dene. Mr,' Whiifon. .Itillau Iturton. John C.Il'icl,t.ine. ,1. ,i Mary Mliinr. I.tilineJ.i.iei.h;e. nnd Ui-- s Wh) These m(,I'.ibl nt erici s lint ,i .ileiitlate. even whenthe time tor rehenr-'il- s h tnk.-- in'o c.ccoun'.' l. .lllthoi, too s t , yet ., ,y ,ty. h, t,,U ,.Hif.ui! of lieinif tail t'i produce 11 pl.iy min tu.illy pav tlm wri'er lor the priMlece of1 ru'liii'itii; ,t Mloseihcr li costs 11s .is muchforoiHi-rfo- r. jiic, as It would n thentriealiiiinaafi toiroil ic..aMdrm:iipl.iylwowB..ksutiiiitelbmMe t.. tuuioiOTs v.b , are in tinietn.'" . .w'"'-- " -- el' a man is 1.1Inlclll'ilila tu tliciu.

Ill tlio scJieiiui ot the 'Mi'i'i" ot Aria aid. tiers was pl.v ed eie.n the nnn- -

n.;ers nf tho tock sin thicit forin ni.iklnu'upthocasts (01 tho playa

Iirodiicod. It was not feasible to keep playersunder halai.i'H for 0110 performance n iin.nth.Away out or Ihfs linllcilty wihiihI to lumlieiin found nhoii Manaeois A. M. l'.iltuer,

lurioi. liolilntin. Auk'ustlu Daly, mid DanielJ loliinnii punnltted their nmuos to lm placielon thu AilvKurv (.'omniittoe, anil piouii-u- d tol'l'imit their eniploices to tako parts In theI'Die.MiiMMlinorit'H of new plays. 'J'linj dintlm, tu ncouiaire public tests ot pieces writteniy uuthois, eminent or otherwise, wlioto lli- -

rai ivories inicht iiotrocoinmeudtlieiunoUesumiuiiii business veutures In staco amine- -nii!nt. Thosu four ninmitrors Rubsenuentlvtweiii'-- i ,1 circular letter. In which it was thoy would lm oxnoctpd, llkoeveiy.'"iTcbc. tu pay ."i for oach seat ocoupiod. Very

tou troublo hasiiiiiiied for the piojoct. usif ihV'ot now.M'cm likely that mole than unoti, X '""" etoi'., can bodrnwn uponIcimW,- - 5lii.l"ii"T, will nut brine ."'"'k.,I. i(,rk lieforo February.

r tour bolnir .oMendud by lenson of tlio'thi V'"l"'"'f "Aristocrai'" nt ills tlientlo.

.ir".'.'"-'- " "' ,."!llc, ,lt I'riy'i will provoutnf U"" ,,lH. frees, because thny willvuhl'i bJ' ,.'lu ofWjint their employer's own house, and so'af'Ji" .tl,nu f' l'ro for study orelsewhoro. It Is the positive action of

iim rlM.'ilr&hiiiaii. howovei. which seems llkot i.?,op,a '1,''-- '0 Hi" Thentroof Arts ami"" ' '1Ira', l'0cfod of hltn. for not"Wr lll Ids stock company bo horo .soon, butiro tdreo to half a duzan of his man iirKiuil.'atlous aro always in this city or Brooklyn. It'iiumorcd jestorday that he had decide to

l'i'.?"yF ' .hW .'"I'loyoe to Play fun lmi.'J'Hro ulld and aioportorak him about t.

i! 1. trno." Jlr. Irnhmnn snld. posltlelv,.lBliail not loan actors to what turnk out to

W ;?t""i entorprUo for nionoy rather than forW ' thorn liavo ,r.

I i ir'" w',1.'1 V.10"1 ,? filnl0 Pcrfoim- -nrtn',l,"l.a '"rtheondo! that seriea he willu thorn lupin. Thoro Is no nues- -

,o'i novr.lnmy mind, that tills Is a inonny."''I'll' .mil tlm ry fm.t that fieyi"f l":1,'1 ""' ,1")" tickets makos it Inn ..s-i- -I

iLv'V. ''i"y" l,1ru,,"",.'"l to.uetahenrini;.J"1"1"' " '' ciiiu of people who aie ubtiA, .;lt' .'i'"1-- wJi,' a,e laorably disposedI ! e'. ""1 n",1,0' 1'"l tlm UMiiaKi rsen en use. it svvnm (o in 1h.1ttin; mouiotiH. of thh, affair anoi Id

haTi) considered thsmclTos In partloularlyRood luck to irot thontrlcn! rannnftorft to

tholr periormnnce9 rornothlnc at all. Iam alwnrsclid. for my part, to admit Amer-ican drumntlsts free, for I hellevothatby sodolni; I bcnellt mysolf in the lone run, I amfullr determliiod, utter this season, toslvo tont lenst three Ainoilcnn nuthors opportunitiesof producing their plays n Ith my stock com-tiauv-

tho I.mplte, BolllnjrnoHekelsfor thosntrial prrfornimicos. but invitlne inanncors,ciltlcs, nuthors. and actors to witness thum.Tho leportnr remlmleil Mr. Prolnnnn that, notloni; aco. hn had nxcludcd actors fi 0111 Iresseats. "1 Imie been wuuiKly iiuoled as notallowlne netors to coino to my performances,he said. "Thny nro nlw.iyn wolcome wlien I

lmerooni forthetii. It wns a iiilslnkelo niiikomo sav that 1 do not euro for their pres.ence. When a niannuer makes us tnnnv

I do In New orkln the cnuro ofa senseti It Is Impossible to answer WK) s.

I hue rcceUed that number from pro-fessional people who wanted sonts at aslnelellrst entertiilnmont. Now 1 hao tiodlfllcultvIn sellliiL' out the wliol house forn llrst nlKhtIn Now Vork. and I uiUft hmo the bonellt ofthe deuiiiiid. It wn to mold tho unswerlni! otall theso letters that i miide one announce-ment, which I meant should cover the pointniiroenhly. 1 am wlllinc to nlToril rdiicatlonnlfncllitbis for actors nnd opportunities lor nu-

thors. but I won't londtnv own plnors to .111.outerprlHo ihnt was rofeisedly for art butrcallv for money."

Daniel Krnhniiin said I rim honrllly withthe new umlerlnkini:. und nin conlldent HintIt can lie made a siicccsj. 1 ll;e most othertheatrical ventures, its lute depends- on thowa it Is imiiinueil, if conducted Willi oodjinlirnient and tact. It will, i believe, turn outsuccessfully mid lie a permanent thine. Theiome ,1 nutnt'or of theatres abroad which similar In scope, and. while thevliavo not nhva been pinetlcalir holpful toman.itter-"- . they haeiono iiiueh for tlio litera-ture ot the dune. I feel wry hopeful that tliowniuro will accomplish uood, and Its pro.motors I111M1 my permission to uso my actoisWlicuevui It is possible." Ii rant onco made fun outside Idsminstrel hall. In West Tiventy-thli- d street,by h ilnc liveried ncsrooj yell nultlio num-bers of tho stroot oars a.s they passed In ad join-In- ;:

Mth avenue while the audience was dis-persing. This was considered a clever bur-lesque of a custom ut Wnllaek's. which wasthen the one und only fashionable theatre intown, and where onounli people enmo in car-riages to necesbltato the c.tlllni; of tho Uilvetaby liumlieis at the close of tho poilormanco.Hut tlineii have chanced tdnce Mr. Wallauk

the excluslMi suiiport of woaltn, nudevery nlcht the cries of cunlnce nnnibeis nroto ho heard nt three the.itios within hcarlui;ofttin theatrn which lie onco mnnnccd. Ourmodish iwopln aro i;oIiiu' to Mint samo House,now l'nlmor's. In Kient numbers to seollronson lloward'n " Aristoerncr." tho mat-ter and performance of which nre such asto compoit with cood tnsto as well as satisfyintellectual demands. Tho Hires upnitnioutBshown In this play nro so line In architectureniu! furniture, nnd the ladles nnd centlomenof the piny aro so tine to pretentions society,that tho fancy of tho I'our llundiod litis boencaptured. That accounts for the linn ofcairmces extending Into Thlltleth stieut.

Daly's low ot such vehiclesstill lone enough to pioo that tho rcti'.ul

of "Tho liunehbiick" has not rcpellod fashionentirely, and It utfords the promise that thowintorof old comedies nt this houso will paina ilosorwd amount of support. The Julycompany is at a disadvantage in Mils changeof employment, because its tralnlni: hns beenalmost nltoscther in ilinpant mniiern farce, towhich has been impaited it delightful uir ofeauo and eleenncel but in a ttuiidmd piecellko " The Hunuhbiick" each iudildiinl In thooust is subjectod to comparison with someformer nnd eminent player of tho ohnractcr.Kvcn in tho case of the versatile and brilliantAda ltehan. recollection need co no furtherback than to Helena Moiljesbn nnd AdelaidoNi'llson to Hud models for estimating hershortcoming. However, theso relvais atDalyVnlo .sine to be accomplished with goodtabte. w ith a fair average of merit ill tho acting,and with the special interest always arousedby the opportunity to jinlso of the pbus otbvsono times. The audiences that dispersefrom l'almnr'snud Daly's mnv hoar tho carria-

ge-caller's voice ut tho Standaid. for whim-sical fashion has concluded to turn In withother people to enpiy John Drew nnd "Tho.Masked Hall." Here wo liavo 11 refutation oftlio old liollef among managers that a successat one theatre cannot be trnnsfeiied to anoth-er, for it is certain that orosperiu went overwith "The Masked Hall" from l'.ilinoi's to thoMandnrd undiminished in ounllty. nml onlylessenoil in quantity because tho nun theatreis smallor than tho other. The performanceis not only a remarkable blend of jolliti andnicety in John Di civ's own acting, hut to ariuto equal extent in of Maud Adamswliil.i tha company as u body earns artisticdistinction.

In connection with the subject or fnshion-nblenc- sIn theatrical", it may be addeil that

the Do Kovon nud Smith comic oporusnt thoCasino and tho Garden nro in tho enjoymentor much modish Wsltntlon. "Tho ToneingMaster." as performed by Mario Tempost amiher companions, and "Itobin Hood," 11s giveniiv the liostonlnus. ore alike adnuruble in thoacting as well ns in ths singing, and in eachplace tho visual beauties of scenery nnd cos-tumes nITord pleasurable sights to accompanythe ngreeable Bounds. If "The Isle of L'linm-tiagn-

keeps its promlso ot equal excel-lence, N'ew oi I; will have threo musical piecesperformed, witli a cost nud taste Hiat shouldsatisfy tho most critical demands for thatkind of entertainment.

Familiarity ts not likely to breed anythingsave an increase of popularity nt the week I

thoatres night. Tlioamusement .to be offered Is nowhere new.but most nf it is ilrst rate in 0110 way or nu-

mber. Tor example nothing hotter could bedosired in the foi in of n Sitiloumtinterrioco incomedy tliaa " Diplomacy," us performed byIloso (I'oghlau and lior conipnuy nl Hie HarlemOpera House, in e.xnuly the 0,11110 mannerthat won tlis highest pralsont tho a fewWeeks ago. it is a Mitisfaction to eo Mi'sL'oghlan oninticlpaled from farce and out omoroongagod fn 11 rule comiaeiisiirate withhor abilities. Mido's nets. In tno geiiernlshift, an exceedingly popular actor nml play,Charles I Dais and"Ahni Joslin." an lin-- 1

ersonat f a comic Yankee and a itiamati-ratio- n

of laughnbln things In .New Knglnmlli'e. Tlie multitude likes Mr. Davis ami llndshim exceedingly nniu-ln- g. Lown ut tho lowerend of tho llowery I'UU'htor will no incited attho Windsor ly "Mr. Wilkinson's blows."Tliern is llttl" doubt that east side mi Deuceswill llnd as provocuilvo as It Hitsbeen to assoniblaes nearer liroadw ty. Thecompany aHblgncd to It has boon loerultedfrom the Troll man fnices.and It lontulu.- - actorsquite nblo to rondor tho abundant huioortelllnBly. One of thu oeot of the newer wardramas. "A lur itebel." gO"S to tho 'iriuid(ipjra H01160. with tho same st.iu outfit thatit enjoyed recently nt tho Fouitoonth hi root,and with Fanny (iilletto and l'dward II. Mnw-m- :i

still In tho leading parts. "'Hie Dangerbignnl." rewritton by Henry '. do Millo froma play onco presented at tho Lyceum K at thoI'.miiiIo's. It nssoclateR a loio story withthiillinginuldontsof rallioading. and Is an in-genious cniubinatlnn of sentiment und real-Is-

A locomotive Is propalle 1 by steam, nsnow plough is shown, and a disastrous colli-sion Is made imminent. J. Vi'. hummers, nuactor niolng oust sulo pojiiilmity. uiq earsnt .Incobs's In '.lei ry. ' a drama affording himn character In which he Is a comedian and atragedian. Ills taluuts nro of a kind to recom-mend hint to audiences nt Jacobs's, and thoroIs real rAeilt In the sensationalism of Ills play.At tlio east end ot Harlem thu Columbus hasthat well iciMr.lci! melodrama, "The blindowe of a (iroat ( Ity," with Its lumurkublo

siiuecnift can accomplish InImitation of exciting realities.

The theatres oiler two special perforuiincestlds evening, aside fioin tho usual Sundayconeei Is noted elsowhere, Anna Kv.i I'ay.wliowasl.nonnmanyyeai.igoin thlscountiy nsUMililtii.illiHc inedlui.1. but who has been InI uropool lute, will appear again nt I'roeloi'aIn .111 exhiiiltloM 11 pheiionienn,genuine or fraudulent, lie- - doings lmin eie- - ed l.elnnois aii.l sk ptlcs aiiew. andf'1'' C'f'"- - - "( the '.uilillar cabinethicility, cn,.i,ti ,w. but olioWtlle.1 11 luilml to yiel'l fid Mil. 1.1 for theiiioiii taken in, will . g.irc, t ,.nt.,t t tnuJiroiiilwin tho bcnellt of Ibury

'I'lic ,i.'ui t.'cls ateaii'l oi 11 high glad- -.

Tho I'ul. mid rnstniV nrs tl.eth, t ..,.s ,in.oted (,. A.iriety this wee,, lm t, yAin

Milsee has 11 entoitaitilnoiil. tuo. and thutwo con iri li.tlisiuv In la I I la . ii,n,.i.!'.,.":e,i','."I,,,',",;, ""'i'1'-'- 'I'dk.nss Trans- -

fl mi ui n, ,.1Trewy. tlmlurrtitilo I r 01, hnnn U uiti, ?,,p..ily. and so are tlio 1....H1. 1. j,v,., 11, ....rito li-- h, tho Alii.-oii- ", Mihiiio !U , M.'irto,,Wliontley und I.eunard. I, niel Thornethe llobotta amlrettii 1 m 1.1 MtmwtK. im.iptliois. Jmiyi'.istoi'sontei!ai-ieisfoi,i,,,i,.u-

liesslo JJouolil'l ami h.1'1.1 1 uivioneeililfurently cxcellout oxnmples of umloiiHougBtresscsj.f. V. Kulli, 1.110 has mndu.i lib'Place for himself in tho reg.udo; aii"ty audi"oneonby mennsof his. genuinely humorousmonologiio; Ward und iiilkus. ...j Ui. V1...1

umuilns mid t'iniik ii. s.'ioial'in'Aunlo I'orrost, 'Jessie l.anglon. the h't-stiii- .'lung wutlnvH, ami (ilrard J.i 011 with h.sacting donkey Mr. 1'i.stor will intio luc.i p,an American nudlciicu 11 week bene Vesta

btorla. . l London eli.irarter imiicrsoii itoi ofnolo. Tho l.den Musi'e has a now gioupoftwiilvollciiresiu win. llliietratiiiBiirhihlreiiNin isiiueradu patty. contunii'U pictures niely.Jlie stage peiformeis still ut tho Kden nroiiiibul, (irovillo. Anile. Oumo. und the imislcliinH. At tho Imperial JluslaHall 11 consliloriilila ch.inceof (dills uimlo, thulecrults IncludliiK .iiiinos Thornton, n

I'lynn.iml White, ciniic.b'l'iiea'ors. tlm llrotlmu llwdy. tlm llerooits.Ian ugaii. i!i,i)"n and .Mltehed, .lolui V,unso-ii,.- . ami ',,,f. i,,mptim with his circus

i.l ogx nud 'iionkcyM. 'J h who remain areU I earn! I le.iielto. Poll, high fmorites

.'li. !' V'r A ""Is, llieroisuoiynisii)Jul wuinun who dance the Undo

sUcle. tho Kdouardos have ft now sketch, andMnrle Vniionl sines a fresh sonc entitled,"Tlm Actor." whloh sho hopes will become aspopular bs "Oeorele." Tlio othors on thisstage nro Kokln, the Iterate. Wood nnd Simp-ar-

and Hie operetta company in llitie-bear- d

" nnd "lhu ltondezvous."

Tho nmnngcrs of tho dime museums arospirited and enterpilslnc provldors of thingsto amuse tho multitude. Autiui, tho glantos"of the Jura Moiinlali'.s, romalns ono wooklonger nt Doris's In Klghtli avenue, nnd horcompanion In physical oddity Is George, thoturtle boy. Among the normal exhibits ofluimiin iislonlslinient urothollowos.wlth theirteatsln eiiulllbriuiu: I''iank Morris unit hiswife In clairioiame. and Kuto Kooti in light-ning rupidlly of Impersonations, llesldi's acomplete 111lely entertalnmetii, dramas nropet formed at Doris's by T. J." Thomns's com-pun-

tho current i.lny bolng " l'alt ly Ac-cused. ' A sight at Sot Hi's m iiseuni. In Mthaieiilie. Is 11 niltilntuio sceiiM of luilustilal

in wlilcli are shown r. saw mill,a planing mill, a blacksmith shop, alallioad train, a moling boat, and 11

houso In course of construction. I'rof.(steti lias on exhibition nt Wolth seenos oftheMiiith nnd tur West. In which OklahomaJllll nnd l'ralrlo May llgiue. A fuatur In thestage enteitallitneut is nil Irish sketch liy(lark nnd Anguilne. Worth's collection of in-

animate .curiosities i lerv extensile nndulwais 011 luw. At llilbei s. in lolirteeutlistroot. thu on s of Msllor.s will stato in won-der ut n new Iteak ot nature In the lorm ol aboy called I.11I00, who has one hend, twobodies, four arms, and four legs. That Is theniinouncomeiit of tlio uinn.igor. who describes1 11 Ion ns two tudliblipils In overt thing exceptthe unitual head. The curio halls hold manyother inarteN. and the stage lin two separatecompanies, one gitlng variety ami the other aPlay called "Madcap Hess." 'J heso threemuseums urn open otert day and evening Inthe week, und aro popular rosorls on feundays.

I'.leonora Diifo. n celebintod Italian actress,will I egiii a toui'of this country next January.I.llllnti ltus'cll will reappear at the Harden InDecember in " i.u Cigale." wlih "Tho Monte-bunks- "

to follow. J. K. Muriay is the Iiislicomo Han chosen for the hero of "(ilou-da-I.nitgh-

u new Irish play nt Pioctor's nextmonth. I'miiiy Daionpoit Is u?lng "Cleo-pntru- "

again this season, and will lm In Har-lem with it soon, l.oulso Leslie Larterls trni-ellln- g

In "Miss Ilelyett" this winter, but willreturn to drama in tho spilng as Hie heiolneof "Heart of Maryland, ' by David Helnsco.Munrt itobson Is to rovlio Huckstono'.s " Mnr-ris- d

Lllo" tdiibointoly night In thoWest. Ooorge H. Cues, merrily rememberedas tho companion of Luke Schoolcraft Innegro minstrelsy. Is permanently disabled byacute rheumatism. Minna (inles-lluvuc- s. thelast leading actress with IMivln Hootn.wnsadiscovery by Lawrence Jinrrett. when she wasan amateur, tiho is to play .lutm in "'J hoHunchback" in her forthcoming tenson at thehtar. Klleii'ierry is soon to appear in thatrole with Irving In Loudon. 1'eoplu who tnUeolloncit nt the enormous popularity of LottieCollins In her "Hooni-de-ny- " nonsonse willbe pained to know that she has crowded thstheatres where sho has performed In Hostou.Chicago. Philadelphia, und other largo cities:but they may llnd consolation in the tact that.I.olo fuller has exported herself and tier in-

decorous serpentine dauco to l'arls, where horexploit with tier amplituds of Ingenious ski itsIs pictured in tho illustiuted journals and de-scribed nt gloat length by the ciltlcs. Uor.rgleParker, whosu backward kick attlio andlencowas ono of tlio llrst of the clever offences of Itskind in our musio halls, is doing thosame thing now tu London, Tho fore-most periormer in tho London xarlotyshows since Lottio Collins camo nway isAlbeit Ciioteller. und. llko Miss Collins,his achievements mo elonu nud artistic. I!"depicts the tostormongor. with pathos as wellas humor in costumed bongs and sketclios.Mile. Ciuilleit, with her demurely dellteredimproper songs, maintains tier suprumacv inthe cute com. eits of l'arls. nud we aro not llko-l- i

to get hor hero soon, as tlio lowest sahuysho has named to an American iiiituaer is

.'(,0()U n week. Dorothy Denning, a handsomeyoung woniun who bus benn giving the ser-pentine danco nt Koster A-- Hlal's. turns out tono tho runaway wlfo of 11 UulTalo plivsician.mid now she lias returned to that city to ex-

hibit herself in 11 variety theatre. Asadcbiorin court John Wild testified that his salary atllmrlgnn's was Jlol a week. Tho odd dollarMauds for his Insistence on getting more pay.if only to that extent, than is giun to AnnieVeamuns.

Of tno two current plays containing ballots."Candy" will end with the present woek. whllo"The Hlack Crook" w.U go on Indellnltely.The Llllputinns haw had a good season at thoUnion Square, and hnvo it. Theyhave Battled in Adolf .ink n niiniiituro come-dian us eletor as tho older favorite, l'rrinzKl.ert. and thu pair ninKc u great deal of fun.They ak no concession ot judgment on thobcoro of littleness. They aro d

actoi . At Hie cademy crowds lew thu spec-tacular ncliteremeiits in "The Hlack Crook,"and aro entertained mightily by the specialtiesthat halo I oen introduced. There is not likelyto be anj thing else at this tlicatiu tvithlumouths.

Some of the comic plays of Alexandre Hlssonhave been highly acccptablo In this country,but alwnys iu expurgated versions. Parisianfun of tho iialmoft Invnrlnbly salacious,nnd Hisson has no conscionco. New York au-diences, whether of liroudwnyor the not llko bluslmblo farces, and when, in"Little 'Jlppetfat Herrmann's, the oxperimoot of using an unelennsed Hlsson piece wasmade, the result wus unsatisfactory to thosewho paid to Mitue-- s It, as well as to thosD whoexpected to make money by IU The iminago-nien- t

nniHiuueesthat nowlungungearitl actionwhite Intioduced in s perform-nijc-

along with some changes In t lie cast. Itis to be presumed that tli" alterations nro Inthe direction of modc-t- y. and that Ihoeonior-sntio- n

about the paternity of the oileust infantwill be less plain mid direct than hltheito.Thu reci uits in thu cast aro Violet Hlack. whoused to bo with Itielmrd .Mansfield, and ClaraLlpinan. who made a reputation as the laugh-li- u

Bin In " Incog." Theio muv no u markedi'.'iproioiiKiit in thu matter and the manneror ' Little Tippett:'

Hrnoklyn tho.itricals this waek will iios"esspopulaiit). for the four plays to be consideredIn making a chnlco of stage amusement n:ecompositions iippenl broadly. The Co-

lumbia has "The Old Homestead." with l)ou-ma- ii

Thoi.ipson. u cnmpetout: company ofactors and singers, and all the New Hump-shir- e

s"iien. I'lio tjiunil oilers laughter In"Aunt Jirldget's Dab)." with lleorgo Munroons the iriosi.stihly tunny Irish woman, and hissinging and dancing companions. 'J ho Heii-for- d

Aienii" prjiulus melodrama of a forcefulnuture In "Tno Power of Hold." which astou-isbi'- d last Week with its iibutid-unc- o

of realistic scenery. 'I ho play ut the LeoAwnii" Is "A ltatlroad Ticket," which workssentiment mid humor out ol tiio theme ol rail-loa- d

im:. 'ill- - lee will hnvo a iiimv jihiy onDee. ly In"llei ildo!lty."a comedy l.y .1. M.liurge.-- . luanager of tills theatre, end lm almnto piotldo an evening ol rellned entertain-luen- t

by mean- - of mingling in the play strongpeones wilh merry ones mid making use ofconsiderable miisie. Two nets aro said toform n iiulti uifilete ojicrettn, Mr. Ilergerlias taken much pains in loimiiig u company111 rehearsini: It.

Theio aio four idays cjntainlng wry ablochtiracter sludlos now on our stage. The indl-tlilu-

ttpes hate been ehoson frolu city andcountry life, and nuthors umluotn-- s havocom-blu- o

I their olloits lo present tliuso pcrtonagesgraphically to the public. Tho rural men nmlwomen niu 10 bo inund In "The ( ountry l

and "'1 be County 1 air," both wiltten byChailcs H.irnaid. wlm Is oxccedlngly earnfuland correct in his stugo Illustrations of Y in.keos, .Nell HuruessV imi'orson.Uion or tho

farmer in '"lb County Pair" con-tinues to ammo tlm thoughtless nnd at I'loctorV. whnio the scenes ntthe fair, iuclndllic' the horso uro inpletuwith good humor. "'1 ho ( ouutiy ( irons" htm01 nliiliisa mil nud d circus at tlmI'.io.iitw.iy. with the street procosslon and111 una show clouding Mm drama oonshhmiiiiy,but constituting a lumurkablo entertainment.t haructeivntloii from city life has never beendiuio with butler sue. c--s. urtlstlo or popiiI.ii.than by Imiles H. llott and i.dwanl Ilatrigain It Isinielhat "A 'I iii lo (. hlnntown.' utthe .'.Indium Squire, contains a great duil orfarce, buile-iiu- and t.iliely show, but 1

ersi.iis me olcarlt iliawii lepiesentatlves ofpeople we meet. In ' 1"', Mulligan liu.i-d-

Hall," at llaillgan's. veilnd i bit id r.'coirti.z.Iil.le.lild wit ngreeablu .nv l.iikers, l.itliiTrough lesldeuls of i In rry Hillbut Wfltlou tied acted lei) ideieily.

Tl:r"n "list Ic'lolin actois noiv III llroadwaytheaties mo far apatl in then n.i tlioils. huteach isi. ll'st-iMt- I'xauiphu. 'Ihm .no V. r

Wllluid. . C. tioodwin. nnd John Hteiv. 'llmmost 'trlkliiBcoiitiai.t is between Mr. VYillanl

und Mr. Ihew. for ono Is so iMinsoleiittoilH np.collect In his nit iih to lose the wine nflil,own indivhluality whilo tho olliei cinnot

hlinscll wit hill tho hounds of lllllMleproprlctj Mr. Wl'lanl wilt ip.iriit the stariliirliu; tne llrsi hull of tho week in ".liiilah."dei iciiiig w.lh ivondiiiliil lldollly tho stitigeloof n clergyman In a coulllit lietween Ids hemtnud hlssoul. and lor Minm-to- f Iho week In"John .Xoeilhanrrt imuble." in wliieii ho idaysIwoiiieniillko in looks but opposite In uatiiio.Mr. iioodwln keeps on in, "A Hllduil Joel ntthe I'Hlh Aienuo. poilinylnir, with occasionallapsos from good, noting Into comical buf-foonery, tho Hiiddenly enriched loafer andlot or. Itlsaveiyditeitliisiieilnriu.iiicc. midthe piny t ndmirnblv presented us a whole.In John Drew ut Iho Mainliinl, with Ins liBlit,griice'iil. "i none the less luughablo ii

of Mm wurrifd jouui; husfcuiid in" Tho Jliiskod Hall." may liu foiind an actnrastrue as Wilhinl to the niceties ot art. us

in farcieulity. und tho luckyisissessor. in ndditloii. ol u ma.'xnetie qualityMilled wiub faior ou Its owu uccuunU

atvsto Axn mvsicuss.Somo days ago almost everybody ot lotsurt

nnd musical tnsto was In 1'loicncc. Tho occa-sion of this extiaoidltiary nssomblnce was amatter of own gioaler present ItnportnncsMinn Hie nuoMlon of "Paislfnl" copyrluht.1'or many months thu attention of Kurope hasbeen, lo a cotisldeiablo degree, centicd onl'letio Mascagnl. Tho W'ncncrl'ins haw con-sistently sneored at tho young composer, nndoven Iho doiotnos nf thu ilorld school worefearful that tho genius ot Masc.igtil hadbegun and ended In "Cuvallctln lliistloann.""Ii'Amlco I'lllit" had achieved an artistic butnot a popular Mtccoss. Tho problem iff thoconliiittaiico of Mm young author's Tame waslobe scttltd dolliillely bv lus new work. "Illnntfaii." To estimate the inliio of MilsInlost nud most luetontlotu scoie, eieryono of nolo In the musical, dinmntle,and ciitlcal world nt silent andexpectant In the Pergola Theatre. The over-ti- n

e was crawly studied. Holers Hwnslialfcompletod the nildlenoo began to tuanlfestetldcnccs of elithushisiii. An tho conductorIn Il down his baton an uproar of plauditsswopt thioiigh tho Auditorium. The tonnecomposer, looklns tnoro boyish thnnewr withhis incipient moustache, oumo out timidlyand bowed. Again and aaln ho Hod behindthe curtain, but each time was compelled toroturii nnd face his nd m lreis SlgnorSotizogno,the editor of Mnscngnl's woiks nnd lessee olthe Pergola Thcatri'i hud protided a bomiuotol roses for each lady In tho audience. Thosellornl tilbtites woro In. tied so thickly nt tliocomposur that nt las', when uno ot them

him sijimroly in the face. hlsdlcomll-lur- e

was complete, and no lndncemotit duringthe jirogrcss ot thooperu umilii tempt him outof h.s Inxoilto position bchlti.t thu gas titan III

the wines.The sceno In the llrst net i f "I !!"

repiesontn a phirza In nn Alsatian vlllnge. Itbegins wlih n fiiici'tul but somewhat pro-longed chorus to spring. This is followed bythu puldlc auction of a pasture Held, ror whichthe brothels .'.iu'mii compote iignliul eachother. Tho com ted piece ol Isiiil In llnullynw.uded to (.oiein ib.iritone . 'Ihen ensuos aslienglydiamntleiimiirel botweon tlm broth-el", in which their followets take uctllo

ibarlloiiei, a sclionlmnsti'r,emtuasorsto l'tieilv tlioin withuut -- neces. Intills scene an important purl Is peiformcil byJ.msii Isoprnno), daughter of thnmn. andi.ioi iM'o(tomir). son of Tho duos bo-tweon the tenor mid sopruno nre dlstluctho inoriglniillty nnd lyric sweetness, and V.'ii.i.i hasn delightful ballad, which, sung by Mine.Dnielee on the llrst perfoiuiunce. arouied thoaudleuee Into great cut hiishim. The act closeswitli a magulllcent llualn concetto, which wastoelferouslt encored mid lepeuted after a tu-

mult of applause. 'I lie second act opens with asong by ,'iimi. followed by a diamatlc episodebe'ivoen the heioitivi and hor futhei, niterwhich comes tlio famous religious pice"Kliio" i live loicits with organ aeeoiniinni-me- nt

t. u grand eflort ot composition, which Isharm'inicd with rather than ititenupted by amocking chorus from the sttoet. sung t,y f,,j.

limn fiiiiMminnd his friends. Tho masterlyway In which these opposing elements iimblended is not the least loinnrkablH feature Innnopeia that abounds In originality of treat-men- t.

mriiijutlioniippoirs. ami sings an ex-quisite duett! ith his impil. '1 he act discs witha second noweitul seenu bi tween V.iiisa nudiliaiim. whose s lundid niiislc wns ilumnndedforseternl encores. The third and Post nettakes placo in the public square. A femaleeh rus sings thy praises of thu spaik-liii-

linn nl wa'ers of the fountain,'this iiiinilier nlso aiotlsed great applause,lint the enthusiasm r tho nllilitors bloke allbounds on lieailm: the .succeeding pass.itto.called 'itii'i'i'i" ichattoring chorusi. 'Jhlsiiiimber K rogardeil us tlmcirf ii'uviireof theoieta. It consists in a musical dialogue be-

tween Mm "ciioolmnster and the femalechoi us. Tho village gossips pester Ftoreniuwitli ijui'itions coucortilng tlie eaurns of.mci's Illness, lleotados their curiosity for

a lime, but at Inst Is obliged to escape. Thestrikingly 01 Iginal setting of this incident

tho audience. Tho piogress ot theoiier.i was interrupted liy universal cries torMaseagni. Hut Hie composer clung to the gasman's arm and absolutely t ofused tocouioout.This number is followed byn sungbv (.'i.ii.jie, which Is something ol a resem.

lance to the tenor song in "L'Amlco Frits."A challenge duct between tinu-git- t andhis rit til for l.mxi'i hand loads Into a curfewchorus. A duet betw.-ei- i 'loii.oiinil Hiaumends with a dramatic scone. In which tlieproud brothers Unuitan mo lecoucllod. Ashort but characteristic and delightful inter-mezzo brings on thu fourth act. which is prin-cipally composed of love themes, 'j'lm ehiefnuuiberof this scone is a passionate duet be-tween I.xufa and fioitfio, which scorns des-tined to bo as popular ns the cherry duet of"L'Amlco l'ritz." Tha opera closes with ahymn to peace. Bung by the tenor und takenuii bv all the other artists nnd clioius. At theconclusion of the poiformanco M.iscncnl wascalled out eight times nud enthusiasticallycongratulated ou the composition of a. workthat Inn dullultely established bis positionamong the ereut musicians of tlio day.

Maestro Verdi has nt last selectod Iho prin-cipal artists lor " ." Among them Hit

n names mo those of Mnurel,Musinl. .Mmv. p,i,,iun and Xilil. A novelfeature ot the opiqa consists in thu fact thatIt Is Mithour ehonis. riuther than ono of eightolces. wlicli is tiitroduced into the seemi iu

w'qoh the let knight luliutts his follov ..i.-- . tokeep Master lord busily eng.igod while lielulls his addresses to Mrs. l'ord. It.ilto hasnot diawii his libretto entirely from "TheMerry Wites of Windsor." but hns taken epi-sodes f i om all tho i lays in which Ki'stvuf ap-pears and sluing them together in a consist-ent and and amusing story. Tho overture isstated to I a exquisite. Ho begins witli a joy.ous theme played on the llutes. which is ernd-unl- it

taken up by the other instruments, un-til dually the complete oichestra swells outInto u Fiiiioious p' ot levelrt. This tolunioof noun diminishes iiijnln slowly until Itstiikes tho exact key of l'n'n,ijpf laughter,which is heard beliiud the scenes as tho cur-tain rises.

A let or Irnni ono of Ills intimate friendsstales that there is y no foundationfoi the I'isquictiiig lenorts iclatlvo to M. Juand licszl.o's health. The famous tenor. It isnlllruicd. Ins no further trouble with histhumb lie Is engaged to sing in Paris thiswinter, and he lias never been betloi lilted forthuiiidiious woik of opera than he is at pros-ou- t.

It scorns, however, that his Americanexperiences taught him n lesson which ho In-tends to juollt ny in tho future. He workednltogetbei too hint while In this country, and,although he earned n deal ot mouoyam! lojiutatlon. both were expended In a con-siderable iiR'usuro by his enforced idlenessduring the subsequent London season. ns;:kti has a tofoiably good opinion of us.but the memory of hi- - season with Abbey undtiriiu is not siifllcletitly agreeable to tempthim back to Auieri'U lor umo time. Ky acurious coincident ibis decision wus rem hodjust about the time mat Mr. Oscar Jlnmnier-ste-

wa- - lending out moposals for subscrip-tions to establish hi etunt the new .Manhattan.It is therefore settled Hint, although wo mayhaw n season of dramatic .iiiusln utter nil,thoro is no eh nice of Hid Harkm Imjirei-ari-

being able lo securo Do llcszko.

After tho financial disaster that suddenlyclosed the iiuuipie Theatio the chorus ofhigher Logo's company waited in a body onMr Augustus Hums nnd entreated employ,nieiit, J ho of l otent Harden bad noroom for tho unlortiinate singers in Ids ownoigatiiatlon Lilt he gate oich pei-o- n aguinea and t hereby relieved llmni from inimu-dud- e

destitut. mi.

Apropos of the ri'n'iit W'lllard nlumti.-- din-ner at tiio iiulsor llolol a putulof tholamousseliiioliiiislr-s- s gives this account of tlm eom.punltionofu oiig Hint Is oltou wroiiuousltiiseilbcd toi hiiles Hibiliii. Long niter lira- -ham, 111 iuhialed in; isli tocallst, nniduheriiuniooi lii more t enow tied in the Musical worldthan it tin- - in of i ilueatioii by singing herhymn. "Lucked m, the Ui.illo of Hie Deep,"Mis. I'niiint illaid ret ited to liur andfnoiid the origin of the jiloce, "InlKH,' smdtho veiieiublo schooliiiistiiss, " I wus leturn-it- u

Iroiu l.uioimou bo.ud tho sliiphully. I ut.William Hell- - Ono ol my lollow passengerswin tho composer and tocuh-- iItt.lghl. who wis eoiiinii; to tun unliunder eii'.'uu'ciuent to a' the oldPark Tln.itic. io ivuie all sittuii on deckono Hue .iMeiiioon. eulniMiathay adinuliua beautiful ' loud ciio I on lhu hiiif.on, whuiisu.blciily in oiiiioiis iiioiv. -i ut ly will' ul any caitso In ths (aim s,.n, e.iiuerushing ton.!!" '' all I Pltv'hed the iim-- soiitiiixpeclcul' Hi" lomiuiny wasthiowuiiitoteiupo iu couf mien. Jvut for Hie quick

f Mi. Itin!iil I shuiild limn fallenout of nit "ii the liiipuUeiirtlieinu- -

' ment I etclaimeit. laPBliinely. " We lint o bunlocked In Hum ladle i j llm jlecji. "That is utery l.apio lit"-- , ho said, "u veryoxcellotit lino tor nu ,""''"" hymn, Jfyuiittlllxv i f l o a song to It I will compose the musioUlld Wo will ll'l It ,f,n tho good peo-ple 01 New oik. It la as good as done,ir.' Irejlicl. "ift ii tMllinny my chair In

the olliei en I uf the deck, where I shall bonlone, I will ini'leiliiko ii nt onco." ho holucked upli'oelmll aiidilePoiled Itat tliue.x-trein- o

end oi llio vusei. nway ftom the coiu-pau- t.

titer half nu hour of thought I com-posed tho llist wrso. and then, going to in yslali tuiuii. 1 wrote tho second. Mr. hnlglitwas so much p eased with the lines that hewent at once to Ids cabin and set himself tothe music Ho was very fortunate in this ef-

fort, for whon ho bud completed the score thosongwiui pleasing not only to himself and ni".but lo the nutlru company. Ho rendered Itwith Cleat feeiiiie. und before the voyage wasended It wus a ten' popular air Willi us all."Hocked In the Cradle of the Deep" was notso much of n success on Mr. hulirht s sluclnof it in thu old 1'ark Theatre. HutMr. llra-hai- r.

siibseiiueiitly had It from the corapoaorund mudc It very popular In Luelauu."



The HnrrjiM-lope- .

Rrr flutmril e let on it l pint llmti.An1 "r 'low !lnt 'is eyc will mlxhty dim.lint 'ti limn U r trnt es (It dy II r rew,An' It plntcil tcr tltllti fer Ulm.

tt itnb li 'h lirf V. n' ' x one icrf f rh.lie ttori'lin titiMlcbt toflc wide veiilieiicti,An' eie desd Br Is er lyln' up lUrW litre il winoi Uooe liftre'lin mil er reach.

Ilr'er nurmr'l kin roine tirnrmln' In.Per dy ktioweil li smeller n stick er noiiji.lieyitiirT nn' m ut! till ite cltenaltAn' den tnNle rtiily fer.le IliizArd lope.

tm iiArr.All In er rln;. Now itnn'l ir try to niat '

How inl o' Lti-- i. Isrnril l.sik '

Dmitite nrnitlte' Scrntch an' uriittletHook .to'nuAei' Keil.lerk rumHere itey' roinln" PUr tit track'Sftiiipin'. Iioppin . whiirier ttoppln'One, tun, trefoil' an ay h 1.1 tie puck.

Me n' Sin. we natch 'em loWe km io. itev eipms L on ite nle bAiiJo,

An' kuoiMirMo-r- rtjrirrr. Jel exahoeR I'm nigper.111 yer iriu una o.uatter fir ite eliowr

I'oine on, --'nrubo. rome an' Jlne,My lionen ir antiln' fer Ur cut r hint.MiMwii. Irrrl pen' bri at de kneelPontile aliuttie, rat an' icuftlelSlritch an' piawk, an' i rutrietVow-ro- I.'iok oul nuwtPlop yo' lian an' ilap 'cm, pnw'lilti itu ut7k'r p cnty er icopeAn' iio'joJj bat tin at de Burrard lipe.

kturiir, Ala. M. M. Srntt.

The Hcuppernnnff,Pie. time I 'town lo alnit a tonaAt out tli lubtily icuypernonv.Pe prldnof alt de Si uf.It in de lielitieu ut da earttlieu atitiiniu llmean'dey ftti lieraAn' fijn?lntiei In o' ruour.

S'o gweet dey la. ao nice an' rouii't. tA uanclti'iUre, c7aofi an' brownK I'lckantnntea' yK.I Iotas to lay along de TineAn' 1111 nijiielf plum up wld wine.Beneat da golden iktci

Hens waitied-ou- t Krare9 dtt coaie by trataI uebber wnnte loeoe aNaln.JitN utn't h liar dey belong,lie btack 'line, too, t pais detn by,1'ie happy IT I jta' km lieAn' gobble cupneruo!iBs.

atoeitr. Ata. Mart M. .ccorr.

The lMnnlMt.

liar tlDcerx race alon;; tlie keji.Without reirnrd lo time.

Or If tlie ttieine lie torrowfukOr atatet) , or aublloie.

A illrire, a marcti, a hero ilrain,Tntrillt the world's (treat heart.

Bt'nu.itli hr tripplnr tt.uoti bec.imeiA ilauce'aliiety pert.

Iptweier lofty be the tweap(if matchteNt chord and tone,

Tlietr rtiylhm flippantly she rivesIn her light skipping own.

And lit of them po cantertrjf.Whatever be their stjte,

Atong the Irory race course,A second to the mlta

(to cantering, go galloping.All In the rig;

And up and down, aud down and up.To the quick- time ot a Jtg.

CboplD would weep himself to fits;Schumann aoutd do likewise.

An 1 wish their harmonies were backIn the Immortal sktes.

(lluck, Mozart. Beethoven, and Liszt.And others 1 might name,

lo hear tier play their beaven'Set thsmeaWould weep trom grief and shame.

Their themes ? Nay, thosashe substitutes.To keep the tnnlc up.

Would fill with bitter, bitter gallEach dead composer's cup,

And make him for a mighty spongaOr an erater shout.

To wipe each hurt and outraged note,to save Ins laurels, out.


.Idle MIMlvtci san.MrcI.'join lite' linn i.uriiat,

I.ttile MistrcM Rans Mercl'.rotleth worldwide, fnucy free;I'rotlcth cooing to and fro.And her cooing is commandNeier ruled there ol. 1 now.Mistltler innnarcli In the old;tn-- my heart it lletn wheroMistress Sans Mcrci doth tare.I.litle Mletress Sana Merclslie hath made a slai e of met

' ilo'" etio bl'tdeth. nnd I go" i oine ' and am fain to couia

emr mercy doth eh show,lie miq wroth or frolicsome;Vet am content to beHlaif lo Miatrcis Sans Merclt

Ullte Mittreisstie liatli gronn so dear to inThat tonnt m ptisaltiir sreetAil tie' pain lur momls Imparl,Ai.,1 I li.t'ti ihc lltlto reet1 hat o irauii'lmz on my hearl.Ah. lion lonely lire would beJim lor little saui'Mrri 1!

J Ittle .v.lilreMI'uit.lle ilose this ulglit to Hint Ifiirl. wtncfi ull il ly longmulil-- i. hast trnil upon,shall outpour a Mint f mmlor Ite brt tielrjie.l olieAlt Us leu. lei nets tor tbee.

line Mi.treissansytercil

The Old Hack Stnlr.i.til - A".itii CHy J.iureal.

Of ull the sports nf otiltdhood.I' of none s rure

Ab Kii.llug don n the Uaulstersof



rnieni'ier well the clrcu.And ll.o fun it used to brine;

It lute watching Itarlesn rideitA dashing 'round the ring,

llm 11.1 Joil) old attractionI'mi Id never near comiure

Hi ill Miming don n ib banutcrinf



Ilien 1 rerollect the barn left,Ciiu. Led full or clor hay;

llotber ue.t lo send us therafo pas a rainy day.

11 nt I often stole away from thatAnd while mother waaa't there.

I'.e -- li.lluK down tbe hauisterauf



I lime grown Into inanbool now,.tmlolteli wall.ler lioiue,

lie o a 101I.E alwAis welcome lue-tic') 'if ti ad to hit i int. i lime,

Jim mill" they're not lookingI'm tinttu. I dji ire.

7i. ultde tl'Oin Iho taliulersur


backstair.Ol iioiv !:. Cdnakps.

To ii fJrlrrly Ueiir,i,i.N ff..f,,i nfiif.t Ittuitiiitrit jy.17 isffie.

(l'.tgioir.llsu of the early da)S.Hon .lit Uii' cliillllfeN N'ein to thee,When Iroiu tho pi'tk wlieie II1011 didst lleeI or afiay, llltiil tllHt I00V ill. I sen1 tu. uii. I, it) leu n irnimfcr.iiril ' Tell ine.

,o.Nt ho 11. Ithln Ihy bailiited loresla wild,I eel naiigiit of ride in this lair

Mjia ttrMitNeil lleeeiobrr.

tiom 0 lllntra'l Ami.,s,i 1011 loved and lot ttltandat Ah, hut that Is

.1 ream -I hi i'. If our llrst love's finikin, ever love again?

jo tr far tiuiti huitiiiii lo.uiiit 111 kuiitiide wn bury us,IU n.lllii iterniflli jespiuiHts to HL'gruVMte the piitii

tttll I know lhu lulihler llMtiUtf houruu llioierau.ill. Ic

lion i.iiei;nio )ou fuweuaiiJ undoubted caura forhole.

Other KllU o'i se. haie dctir. sir, linirti at yourtlirJli'ladld

Olliei iiit-- biirti letter to 111 utmot enielepe.Al.d naught of Miranda Will t on I ememberIt ben you uiarrv .Ncrii.u. next lieteuiber

11 rote Nome j.oems. did you, and a chcik upon thetuioiti laiiik 1

Uroinilii the tolupte out and gate ha publisher tbeI'llStk)

Pe came some roilewer, Jest a literary mountebank,Took Hint iitioifendliigiutuni up a I wrung Its neck.

Veer atil ou write again nu not mil' Utile triolet;some mat f a to their s m a una sung, hut ueirr mure

wilt ton11 llhired live that blnsrm nf puillcltr, the violet,

ton nre iiuuili forerer. Ntriiken dona by that reitew,And iiii.iehi of your failure will tioireiiiriul.urtl'heii jou publish again, sir, neat Ueieinuer.

do jour baby boy Is dead-t'- te pretty, prrttlsat boyof ull 1

.iilll about the tiouiayongonpoD your dally taiks,Taklug pari lu others' Jo, though somethlng'a hurt

tbe Jovof all.Wearing alill tho kindly look that thought for others

Tcs. you .ciW not of your serrew put It from you, Oy

There's so much to do each day and there's no time

TouM not kiuiw your heart wai broken till at last j 011

Asa thill scarce kuowi she's tlrrd until slit fallsaleriiVoa'll hat nn sorrow to rememberBeyond cart a winters. Btxt December,

Binr rim.


A Oirietl Amcrleiin Girl Who Hns Devel-oped 1111 Oi'lfflnul t'ni't on Hie Hlnne.

When n now play wns produced n couplepf weeks nun the chief character iiinom:the women ivnn that ot an Aniurlcnn. pre-sumably of the I oil ttfp, poxscssliu:plenty or money and an ciual iiinoiititot iiiiibllion. Tho stort' of lur life wasto show how Hilt ambition ttu itintllled, thocront totnplnllon that eat'ie t hei. cud how.because of her Itillh an. I puiitv. she i.'.ii

II Nnmoi'i Miblle i Inn icier (himMint of an ndienlttri 'is or of hm u'ltreili' woman,because lieln-- t ute not uenenillyeltlior ull bad 01 till (.'0..1I, 'Hid to ll"l.l (hemirror up lo nnliire la a test lor an aclic-s- .

' iei'eieiiliitlto of the cri'.ttWest, enmo on tile stme-W- e will call II thostnee of llfe-i- ii Iho tutiui: wife of all elderlyrnnn. Well dic'seil, "tied In tnnunci. ilelisht-e- d

becauvo hei nml itl m was lo lm ttiatiiled.she seemed just ith'il she wa-.-- a luimiin nhohad ultiats been prelected In an louii und whohad inner nut luhcrslijit II Tu with any meat

fiSntti r A V I f it

MPilf&lffb iSV-!- ' tiv' A V )

ty -

Miss Iit.tKctIK wir.sit,crlef. Later on. In hor Inns with herfriends and hor steiidnuchter. sho wns alwaysBwect. dlatilllod. and womanly. Then comesthe day which scorned tho crcatest ono In horlifo: sho hud boon presented to tho yuuun ofEneland sho. an American tvoiuun, comincfrom a country where every womanIs a queen, had bowed to another wom-an who was a queon not by riclit otsex. but heredity. That she thoughtwould bo tho happiest day of her life.But it had its dark spot. 8ho mot oiraln thoman who had boon pursuinc her with his love,nnd sho coined cuuraco to toll him never todaro come noar hor. only to dNcotcr that hehad married hor stepdaughter that ho nilchtbo noar her. Later on they are alone tocot her.these two people- - she, lounc, handsome, andIntellicent: lie. nristocratlc loklniE. exquNitoin manner, nnd with that curious aometltlncabout him which attracts all women. Whenshe tells him she hates him. ho knows womenwell eiioui;h to understand that: and a minuteinter when sho throws hcisolf passionatelyInto Ids arms iheie is no surprise on his face.Tlio phtslcal lias triumphed otcr Hie moraljust for ono second, nnd then the Amoricanwoman sooks shelter where she knows sho canllnd It In the arms ot hor husband.

Now the woman who plays this partisyouncher experience is limited. In tho treat scene

of tho jilay. tho ono whero tho Prince has heras his captive for ono brief socond, a word outof tune, a motion too much, would hare madethe act eitherludlcrous Howdidthisclrl conduct herself ? How dldsho understandwoman nature so well that she could ptcturotbe triumph of matter ovor mind, and In aminute after show the tfreatnessaml tho boau-t- y

of purity.' Mi j Ml, it in hor own words:" 1 think all that 1 have loarnct I cot fromstudymo Sh il:epnro. I would rather playin stories of but I love tho words ofHhnkespearo. and it scums to tno that homakes clear character as no ono else bus ovordone it. I will tell you how I wotkod out Dl-a-

Stockton as she is Tho mere linesof tho part seemed to mean nothing to me un-til I heard all tho rest. 1 would cot In thocorner of tho thnatro and listen to tho otherpeople saying their lines. 1 thought out thowoman und her surroundincs. what Inlluencothey would have ou her. aud how this dilToruiit from any man sho had aver mot.and who. though ho w,i3 a tillaln, was not ucoward, really loved hor. How much it meantto a woman, nlttiouch she might persuadehorsolf that sho despised him. to ioel that overa maii who had seen all tho beautiful womeninthowoild, who had lived in tlio midst ofluxury, and to it horn tvomeu had boon nothincbut toys, sho had so much power. It flatteredhor vanity. And to me it seemed as if her fearcouRtnatly was Mint whero bate oxluted lovomight come. Ileally I believe if two suchpeoplo existed olTtlie stasothoy would bo ab-solutely happy tocothor. Uf couue. thol'rince. boinc a villain. Is not popular, but Icot'sidcrtbechaiactcr itself wonderfully tineund very subtle.

"If jou think I speak cood Lnsllsh it isonly becauso l bate given so muchtluio fo reaiilnjs nnd studting Miakosponre.1 mndn mv llrst uppcaiiiiico as Whcbi iu'Twelfth Night;' thon 1 played AVizn-be- tli

in 'Amy Hobsnit.' and unill 1 nppenreilIn 'Aristocracy' had only been in ono modern

and that was 'My L'nclo's Will." I hopeplek up my court train rlcht. You know.!

am the only one who hns to do Hut on thestage, a rd naturally 1 haven't the ussihtaucoof tlie gentleman who managod it whuii I waspresented to tlio k)uoen."

Miss Walsh's face is tlie most worn-l- y

In tho world. Tho skin is a clear white,the hair line, thick, curling, and ot that goldenbrown possessed by Mrs. Langtry and .laneHading- - Tho ejes snem to mutch tlio hair,nnd yet it is dilflcult to understand how eyesthat will suggest deep gray to you can possi-bly bo brown, and tot they aio Hor featuresare cleanly cut. nnd the chin, whllo roundedand feminine, shows strength of will.

This Is Hlaiiehu Walsh, among tho youngestof tho American actresses, the ono who hasbeen competent to work out tho subtlety of awomnn's diameter and make her audleneoundeistund It. When siio spoaks It Isa little slowly, and Per voice suggestsa convent training-- It Is such a v&lcons tho l'rench call Ixmmule, an uiitr.uis-latabl- o

word that not only ihu.uib melo-diously slow, hut sweetly fascinating. Thisynuusrwouwn hasdono much in picturing atypo of the American vyoman-- so much that Itought to show the dlllcrenco between the friv-olous, silly American girl, ns she is known,and tho brute, pure Americanwoman, as sho Is.

Tito Nriv Coitl.Irni Uf Cl'thtrr nnd JVnper,

Tho very distliigulshed-looMngan- il conced-ed! yuprnpns outer-co- of Hie tear Is the bn;:loose black, bluo, ot dirk green imdton-ker-so-

a fabric having the stunly Mulsh of thomelton, nml the quality of the kersey, it hlcliullords the best uiulresseil cut edge. In stIoit is an ample canneut primarlli. though notof the estrume bnv Ilk. The toilet coll ir isunstinte I, und Its single. breasted II) front

In IcnKth '.tell i i'Iow tiioknco... Itlslnits entirety one of tho most ultm coats Issuedof lato jears, af.d yet In its onsioni le theio Isni.l ono ph-is- which the in si c iitJiitioii.ilcould caul u,

SI irm flTill ISO T OlSKCiUf Hl I Jlli. t I ins AIS

The front ot the coat Is modelled along gra-cious lines, und thuro Is n cu: ting una) tthii'hprut bit's a side perspectito thai lutitesafn-vorubl- o

iiiipiessiou, while the contemplationof thogaiinontln lis entirety eariles tilth Itthe conviction that this coat of deinl-d- i ess wasnever scon to such udvantngo Imietofore. TlioAine-lca- n wearers of the now cutnitnyB aroLondomiis, sons of ive.illhy nianufactiiroisthat ure otcr hero lu the distilct.They aro men of undoubted inslo In dro.H,nnd it is unite ul blent that tho coats they wear,that have attracted considerable commentamong brokers, must hato been made by acrack London tailor, aud that tho style is uuaccepted one, by the London swell.

UVi:stioss nv srs iti:.tnr:nx Ji1 tthM TfTt ttit UkIh mnr iiiifrirtf(iMby lb .fo ft

Irlfh I nr. .intent i I7i! '2 Whni lrtl 'iiioiil oMitn wire r niu ol on tiif 1ftii I'.iriiAinbiit H(it I

fl"tm 172 In !' ' i tirtl WfiF Its) iilnninl ang vm.j tu?il lu ttic In .irtini Mit ii mnir tlii intrr nl tie 'V)ltwi'f-l- i I !.! t.n.l inn i Wimii tir u'lrrl ou JfiIrifcii miiiii.'ii iiirins ni hi " "' itimnc UT'tli' Hluin h Ik ( Itti.ia mil . I n lli Ul.lcr- i

'im ticiwfrn t ! ire li '1' it H l n1 (iiitntnM $

tit in- IrfHu v tiiuitt ci nil ifp oi I ml, 'i Mr.utl "UI Mi til I luli'liv Alttl 111 f ' HtMllI Hi Hint' tl. -

ti.ii. w i tin. i iItI i tuti c 'I nit r li iniiicTfl nn I i 1 'tlifl'HltlMt ill) J t ttir It I Hint. HI. li U tll I III ft 5im ii'.t '. I'MI Mil hh. I i lilt M'l'nt Hie "?.' I i;iliiir I it on I f2

I Tt Pinumcnl I'lihnul r.tll lirt!nHt poir-- ti Jrr- - Iit I' )tiliulni, iioi.mi1 ! llrtir Mi's Irlnli . fl Jl'r'iitMiiii in IM" nitiii"i tli itMfintity of llm HiI lul'fli I' trlliihii nt j. ti I iiiiM'i). tu t ili'k i T'I nil itcti Mwitf t!li I'ls'i P.i Hitli ll. i.nttl It I tin .Mil, mj, jW

' MuiilO tt' ur om nil niijl' ' tti i.ik tmit l1t. h- - ii,ii,nl ii in I iuhli Parl'Mutm tlrluht "nri'Mli-- until .'it, ii i.'ii'i'H m it!nllnii mi ft

Juilnhiiitt. ! ihr wrrri fl(t ti viml' Itl K111 fl H llt."Hu ill Itnl. t t .lllHV LtMiU'l I Attl!lC4 W

tn mlMMit i!i nn tijim lit tlt!i Pm'f t tutu, tu enabla Mftitrttu iiu mill ti It' i tn utiti iiii m nnuy. uui.itiiilll I ii' iniKhi itit t if I it') iltn-t-i ltwinitfac-- j,fur, tin tu .uti nt M an I .licit a: tiilt tritluer jrrpr ilit. c- - ta i ti Mini ft

halnin niri i in t i '. Ill y f.tpnjtu h ilruTifi it.!. "ifcn Ifrorn or eluce.

t, r'.i w.lutitrf ri M.ui'rl rri'ilom to trmlijr Muiiktoiio k Ui K ll'tr, i.n.u LtiUItt Imyimf ) j

ilnrri'lniti t" trn ' kIumi tl trnl ii iy mu'h. nt uny iI at ij rni nut tt .v I iti.rr itiirl.r mi William 3.I'llt Mi i it nl uii f tti unit .Hi t t,rcnt l.nic 3

lln!lftllrl nn ititliu't tt:ii c"ea fiifiiiy tu lrIn fnl " Mi. i! nrp m foi t'n liriti'i emliirr," nil Jtnrtiluif - ,at h nl tuijt i tl r the liUh I'Arltvmen:. MiHi:kr: - inm t.' iii unl mi to IrtUiii

Jv.fciinrl ii'i'ii tu' Mt'i'.ut-'l- iioitiinif, ' Ajit(thf.pIiowd ilin. ul iim nioiu'i fjf nt m l r 'liu; tli in mticraof the Iiitlt Part aiiif tit to llm it ut In! on kmtALui fruiu lit- IrlUi Ire inrv. tti il tt- In-- tlrlit wnlncri'ieM; l f.oi'i Ifns t'lu'i i nm-i,!- ' ii in iTl't to i- -rtAMHiiin lil unit in ,1 ! Tin mil !ti IM7 In IP Uthn tx.iort r Tritli il ion t i. n'f lv Mi- 'sM nrt. In1X04 the nt Ir.i'i raveiiutt hil ile.--- li ill.tmifrom tlio aiTimint tutsft tn IsiHt tnlrittt'iii nml rib ,

Rcntretm liu re tc I, in I Mnrr fun the ptjuilelloaof Irelnii"! !mh (letronn J from Ti.'l.i'ilVt in Ittitl lo 4,700. H'. tin ii,;li in IKU it uiiiutiiiteil t'ju ,K)J

Pltselrll mf riiX Tlm f llnw itu rut frrnnt!i j'Hifj nt l it l)n .tf i ir ? trtifinjce nn.New nrk. Knmn!i -- l'i 1) renin Iim uitnl Toe cash '

arlftnn limm- - t Hi Om mint, flutist, par to."ItntiKMijtit. w tii. in. rtniiK. rmniiiurclitU75 itis'Minnt. a t Ir.un,it t t.,.1., lu itiit. telek.r.ntI:U', "JO ' iuih iNvm.

Ihp meuntni: thin Tlie rl t ic ns .ell aolLerMtn btiilu-s- i w it'i this rlt. a:t-- rntmlnntl)' omtorire fniinf of umnry ti tltU rity-tl- ut - to tbe uitcbAntR ot tins rltv, thi Imntft. Ac, er Ira. lunney1 ere to tl elr ir'1t A n rule ttieie till owe NewYorfc oflctirr tlihii '. mk nwi-- tlirui Now,In mallrrt uf lulu elflnin a p ..earn,

nro hettln I nmri' aimI lie Ls A,In Nw Yrt Oiawh imi Iim illi'iir in Psortrm, nntt innit All or ron litti: Uii it. x'.t tn Mcitun, (.'tuns' it H.rltlitrr, unit brtlii;ilu th'J iloiy bi V, Ur nolii tli drtftio ', In .Viw nrL uii') oti 1't.n ; to Ii 1bItcxton t' :t to It. hu a it to A, "'

tm cniiri 11; i 1'M.ri tmly U paiil, u libout tlio mmitv titin: i ..rni to New

tirU lint, nml then tnck u IImu.ii. Wl.rii icerlties uiMi limn to .Sew York tlnui New Yurk ohmto tlie nt ilrtiftson S York bnnir u Tie ntoe par;becaune a nun vho unp manrv tn .Ni'w rk will avtl.e full prire if the dr&rt, nnl a llttlv more, up to whatIt wouM cit hint to nml tbe actnil mutiny lo .NewYorL. Hut w bm New Yerlt nwr them a IhiIhrc theirtitaftsiill at n iliuonnt e'jtiat tn tlie iobiui brlufrlnirtl e c.tkh (rum .New YrrW. lietwurn Nw urL and 1

Kouton a lrntt tor Itn fee i, Iff i a kpccillo 'a noimt from Jfi i I'O crnte pr Sho at tin1 timetltat tin.itxMal pii: v.n printiiil. In the ptme waras to C'harlrttun. only here thollroHit t rei koned ,'In per rente; tlio buTr olierml 1! ppr cent.of the fucp isiKie, the seller wante.l tin parAluc. InNew OrleatH'lrnll on a .Nw uriV lank vrta ttelil nttbelr face ulne, tlralts put out by one tlrm on a NewYork (Urn u'cro liVu the Hoston ilratt, the bi)r paytop the fare .i1jc, Usi 7."teiit8 perfloa In Snn Pran-civc- o

the buyer pnltl a premium of lucent per $Ufor a drift that hAd t9be pretente I in York, nta premium of 20 cent for a drart nhich would bepalJ In thin rlty on reoclpt of a notice by telegraph. ',

What pnve rU to tho trouble At the Presidentialelection or lrt?H. nnd how wan It hHtled r 1 K. I).

Tbe elictkmof Mr. TiMn ai PrLildent; thr KepuLilt-can- sdetermined not to allow him to be Inaujcurated .!

and by their control of tho.ocrnmeiiuof toe "doubt- - 'ful" hoitthern tate, procured tbe inning of certlfl l

rates to Republlcaa fllectors iultlclcnt to (the llayee atnajerlty ot one vote. The Democrats protected, batIn AAln. Rather tliaa have a revolution, a compro-mii- e

waa njrrced on, the Electoral CmimUslnn. coinpored of live houator, lit l?rfneiitatnee. and flrJustices of the Mtpreine Court, a totat of niteeu men.They lm estimated the rctunm from tne dtiputedbtatcs bouth Oiirolimi, LouiniAita, utid PloriJa; anddecMing eery doubtful point Ly party itdo of 8 Hepublicans to 7 iJeruo, ratp. rejiorled to Conj-rei- s thaiHayes had recohed the vutes of thot btatvs, audieated hlru. Tha ieuiocrats bid Imped that tb

Supreme Court Jud)et would decliie tbe cast on Itamerits, but three ot tbetu were Republicans tint a adJudges Afterwurd.

Whnt la the arlffln of the soni. " I Am the Xing of the)Cannibal IfllanuV' : Where can 1 gel u copy of It r

ArrtttLaxTha song doesn't begia as yua quote It; It beius:

M Oh, hae ycuhurd the newi of UteAbout a uiitflity potentateIt you have not, I'll it reinteHe's the King of tho Cinulbal Island.

The fcnnjr was written ilfty )fara aco mil more; par- - ,bapi ubout thu timo that Kamebaiutha II, of Jluwall,with hii Utiicii, utled (Jreit It U of HrltisHbirth; und bteniltiK'ly It was lu xltvme before 184.!,for in that oir died Ut'hain Miclitn, w ho trmislated a ,

son, "The Kino. the Ounntbal Ir.1.itnH. Into Ore eie ffor I'utvh, which as the'i not u j.ur nl t We don'tknow nil re jdj mix ift the son;; pirhajii louio of thelarifir lutitic may u topy

lias not the 'aw atralnu mrrj lnir rnnrraled weaponsbeen rt?paicil h liQcouatttutlouil r It nut, im it not

i. M. C.r thlnl it Instill In force; And that it Is nut uncon-

stitutional. The I nlted M.te CoiiitJiuiion, nrtUie Jot .imrndiiuutB, oriterx llutt "th" rtlit nf the people tokeep And btnr arms Khali not tie inrriud," and thahtato Iiw does not in nn whj IiiHI thu lebriuof arms, but does forbid W.f c.irrynu of cniit'ealedAeapi)Us You may pirale hrouinJ mUIi a ritle anda bill st'ick tul. or piblolt and or U, aud n on willba,e n liril riKlit tn touch )oa. It n fur cnrrlne con-cealed weapons that tlio .Stat Ihm st'U upon jou.

1. Vbn ilul Per foopT !. 2. hen was thaWiiuli-o- r rinuitr" biiitieJ .t U t nt bolnl.iy im i tiebratrd tor ihii5-- tiiint, ,u sv. 4, Wntndid thbrut reiihir run on tint Mcoud inviiuefroailt o i

I. April 4, lbS" j Nov ii, ihJ", 3 Thn in;en.nial of iitiliitoii ji inniuiira'inu ju Hrt Prsin.unt; itoecirnd in is, and wu rbMtd on April j.i. AprU30, and .Mtiy of that year, 4. Mirth I, J It hasopened lo ll.irleui An,;, 14 of the s uu L',r,

Is the U tu ro "the internal. on il np)rn;ht";! iv or iflrnajtlvrt i, , i itu t tr tiiMuiiiiii if for '

I'U'ii HurK iiiblMiicil befiiu) tho itiMly Mi pi need imwbe puoiivhtd itlmiit tufriiut iiitni of i h im-- runt, orUu," tin ciip infill 1'im.r pub.u atiuit of ttic tr.iniA iua

J yIn auolhor riunlr .Nu Hie mihh.

Tbe ni, iuw not retr'HCthe. It is puible. ':howitcr tbnt tho ition ut an t tic pnutilud :

notel n'.ay b eipyr-Khie- here. If the rolnUms ufthe Ihw ar touiplitd with, rt

What ! th estlina'i-- Jhj pop lUtin of thPnitel nt andnf liu tH t A If, M.

do not Lii'iM, lie'itHcii avnim) and fiOO.OCKJ,

Tlif r aii mure ti iu t'n 'M) thru in tb remainlr '

of thu Loitfl M it b. th' Jewish poputtllvu It s jp--piued to tboui M

Mintitln midlturnit j ti J K. $mTh inil'li nii '"in iMln piuM it ni tin IrtsM WM

of tl i rMni'dnui of ihv i 'ii. It a iruiTnl jppoii4 9In hi lb Ilti'K "U tho nutrr i dk'o ! H i 0)11, ttl0A Vvnn !, InM.i wi, lU'iko the rfi'dluw of th' loin. f

Mmli fifv iiidti tbe larpt uumber or railroad flOt'i IIKjtlVl l Al. M. 1

Phil i'lf i,hiA, thiul, thouch prrhaps Patersoa rfSi ojitft uhi id i it im

ntiir' t ' 'I Ic fornet lu'Miu as MIm M.tchell'i AMCnmrl ' 1, It. P,

i., Mrtt .i ' l.eIldn"0crlT'3Mt (Ut J, 1H17, imli . ii .mi it ! fir iirr M

it nt!' V iu ineaii "lhu I ord watrli butweeit ut'

nnd ti . ii arc abfiit uitij tfini iiuother,' ' beeI !, jvi l'.

f - tv ikuu iiiod'd ur intentions ar no )'li -i ri iiikiI by lhu Patent Olhe, If ou uii put la

t t'WHk out which tl.r niacUiiiti could be mala,jou Mil i li tue rerjtilrimeutt,

.j . - If j'U hn bad thsuni.,niid io!iteiiejti to tr Aour ii ant e mill ndilrenalons with unr no., nn would itl

l.jtleipd ou, aU -, e j s;n 1 outolbe t.p.. p. i' h J.i;al Aid ooiety, II I N is iu . yitnut, ., Mm iielfmt, ite, A, ) J r Hifitniutton nbnut f.

ailuiittunce Ui the )., i.d and a S,T

si.tmp to the Clerk of thu ..p n't tmi.t o; ururia, li?1

AtUhtu. fji.Vrd'oA A lill I lorn tn a. ' 'ivn cmipis v,hile tliey itl

aro In thU louutry iu.t h e, KlU'U 1i laid fe, jjMhctlif-l- i. Miiln low Micti.tUfJNdilij ,.f in blribplme, jjanl c.ilt li in ' nu , r lm on' 1'iat of bis tJp.llrliU, 'in ull bitiuulf Jl IW in ui "yt

U, t i i "vHlfinl w 'i 'i Imi ie tuor V3lpritn'i n i'ii i (ban m 'h l'ir.i Unt, more, j

In In than e.d n.iifd h i) r.u i IUi, UarDelJ, jlu J Arthur, lid tfigneJ l.H.'usu'.li bnti. mere ttMaeaa H

lucUUiUXor eTeryday vtbUtcriu. jH

m'mTJlllssMII 1 Ml