The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-10-06 [p ]. · ttseIVo UIIUIIM wibu bulclllodiherc Others iso oor...

I r J bc un = = = = c = = = = = = = VOL XlVliXO an NEW YORK MONDAY OCTOIJKR i 5 1H7J PIHCE TWO CENTS T111KTYF1VK IMDKSTUIA- NSrill H tIII 111 IilOIKACK- A rill Is 1111111 uiill qilJUEX llrUl linn rorine liml lijr cnrly the Mliil riiillllir t I Inl I t 1nily i Miida- Inirn eiIIIit to 11101 or S I rcllil r- Ihf 111t Mile oflhr MxDiiy loiirney 111111111 inon stuiluil In tliu foot rnco for tlin Iirr bolt In Ilin Muillann Square OtrJcn nl t 1 oclock tills morning 1urlul Iho I tour hour next preceding I spoo- lorsjtetdilj dithered Still earlier tlio nolso- ot ninny workmen Illled tlio jlaeo wlillo- Itliwer 0 llronn and Kuinmorer went on tim truck I forahiPt stretchlnirof their lees boforo- Xho contfit rio busy manaKcrs dealt out badee flflI tickets lo pur9011 who wero to bo- raplotcil In some way about tliu race tlio bar tonJors dusted and arranged their bOlllslho- Cwrer dnlied out their vlllIslho Irlners flttoJ thu pedestrians quarters unit all was Ul confusion and bustle Hut one of tlio appoint- ment ¬ In USD la tim Garden durlliK tin Astlny match Is irlnlnud by the present management noJ that I tin blackboard ovnr by iiio Irotl on which In tin Inst walk tlio constantly chanclnc names ol LIP llrst six men with their scores rcuro ill i 1llrcI During tills week tlio first tseIVo UIIUIIM wi bu bulclllodiherc Others iso oor tliintf I la chuIIII Inrliluro company that huul Its ullcrtslll boards upon each of Iho thliteiii tiiils his now nionouollrud oery post with I signs and has limican enormous elira In told nnd black over Limo in ell Tim Garden uthurniMu looks bare 1 will hold ho ¬ tween OWl flint 1000 moro spuitatois than IMJ fore beciinsu tlio central luorll I Is baro of enumbramiS except lor 011 and narrow scoring stand tliu bookmukcr tables anti tho- tiduruipie fun uttilu at tlio Madron iitcuuo end Tlio HIOUTS ttnnd I is hvro thu dials wore cud tim I bitrJ that answers for t the fats Is mliiio thu scorers were liihtutd ot fiats tlio naim of the pedest rising 111 tainted on little BiKiiboiuN ant IUIIIK I In rowtm of four with pets lor milo and lap llcure The make a bcwIUUrltu array and t iku up tho wholosldu of I fiuco twentisoen tout Ion and hix feet hllh In fiont of this fence tamU n ulunt clock 111 coilv l roouwomlei edtiUnul to pre- sent ¬ mlstnkesu well as tlHputoi The houses for the contestants under time north irullery urn strung nloiic sidu by hldo from 1ourlh to Mndiion avenue limo long apartment In which they have t1 built is dark lnn1 all unwholesome In its favor it is said that hCIIII is inhabit alllllhl a 11 lamps and ttous are lighted it will ht warm and cosy Jima houses nru simple I lioiid boxes furnlshoJ generously Yesterday nltornoon Itlovver llrowntt- Ho UlywerollllorliuruxCnlI a room o own ono of the towers as Western nnd Itowell had I in tlm last match Ho will not mu the little room 1111 The other rooms nlroady contain towels and cooking Implements aufllclcct to establish a hospital It Is time Intention of tho man ncors to whool tlio pedestrians on and off tho track but nobody except the mnnnsers Imagine that the schema Is feasible I guess Ill wheel myself to and fro said Kommorer echoing the general sentiment From time beginning of the scorers fcnco to the grotto tho promenade along tOe track Is closed niriilnst tim public Lllilt I the track aro tables anti chairs ntwhich the troiners will sit and where the pedestrians will eat and drink and KO their orders The track looks exactly ns It did before but Al West t who built It says it Is tho best there ever was OLenry and Drown are ol the same opinion Drown Bays ho never walked on n b ttr track own In England Its excellence lies In tin fact that a great deal of tlnui and cnrohnibeon spent upon the xuno materials thntcnmpiweil fin old traek It I Is only eight fet wide end the large rompnny of rncern may ba crowded but they will h ave the eonsnlatloi of knowIng that one In thnCulumbin College lournninent lOt men ran twther In n tour hour miitoh and txjtorti Hint In a six mlays- r mllchmorl than forty started Six omen will R lst st In nmiilntalnlngttmugood condition o- Krohnii tb track shouldered his way into time 01101 In tim itfteriinon and found I luon dreadfully nfnited t with ollA I a g ton sent I In th ncnrer stand Ouynn saId that his 1 falntlni the other day was not canoed tiyexiimmtiM llon i mut nut agony pain nun nin not ms caused II Krohno ctmnltmmmzttGiiynmm for time houlandtoH ehampionshlp I that ttme latter now lioldfHiid they nureed 1 that under I other inn n nuement t than that ol time Astlev walk tImer nm- coiuu > to trlmme lImey salt eui ptmmtt bali r that they woo Id nver liavo nnlhll I to do with those maiiucers nuuin BrOIII wh i is down In tin nflMal lists ns 1 I ol thu mod cnmiiai > built aui sturdy looLlncof thoeoini titnr I never wmot a scout said lie but I have lived a lifo like that of a scout lr many years I nm a Toronto oman and a law > er nlthouKh I flavor 111 practised and my untoiloor life was spent nIbi service of time Hudson lay I Compnuy f Iii wits mi officer of that company anti his vocation kept him about time shorts ol Hudsonsl- iny J with his clolhlol I and uroMiiiKr on his I back strapped IN hend to eau Ills body free Hu huM often walked twentinmi days nt time stopping only tn emit and to deep und- elnouhn returned to i 11171101 I IIIIH l Im an- n thu member 011 tie 1111 Hi has no lonu dt tuneo reciird although salt to lme utah 132 inllen In S7 built Hu Is not A1110 b > I liii outlook I In nter nu this eon I t I is H3 jenis old and weighs I 111 pounds I I HiiiiiineBof I I Irish Mmk mixeil will lliitch und toiim ol IHH unei hturn were 1111 Uleartx blithpla u lnlo I IK 110 a man mnl thu President ol I thu Ilorlil Snow t fume ChilI nf Canada l lall Is in this content I Is time soap mm 1 fortnur- Coiiteuts and I it nabl to POIHKH 11111 Ta- tors > tift nf sleeidni sixteen II II- YIllllylolr I ItiHsell has adoi nud his riuarti with tlm HUIIU happy knack ol mil zinc odds and ends that uif nnerBnli- IntliHireello Wall paper umniil cheaip I I eliromoC- OMT the plank 111111 t tho tinv Lox alroail- nenrs n eomlli homeliku 11rnct lIme b mnlll Inlto keep I In ur 1011 here salt Maniiuur Curtis I fur them w mien e mini I hero to I llo I I Cromwell I Ihl 1liforll brines lust wife anti to hoes Frank KduarcU pta yost I stupid trick on tim a others His t rol Mas Xo H but Ito liked 1 13 better I I tlm numbers nnd put hi = namo nll Sti lit pnllvk on I 13 because it was mint i winjiiw TheruwiiH trouble wh1 thu chanc Wa t1olreo but ho IIJ iron fiom th- At I ueloek Mr Curtis hail Been or hoard from th tlnrlvlltu men and till hut two unit roi elved their trainers biulm and tickets All had ibtrniliiil I I t to plait Mr url gave tim is Iqllmlul sadly for hu said wished nt I t y if them would withdraw Cupt V t illmms Ib t the only I mnn concerned In time milk nlm doe not t think I i I Ito altiiiilauu this wok nil I bu large I Ilu I has not detailed a form of policemen us largo I that which Uimrsisil thu hall during till Antlev contest but Li I 14 prepared fur tinY demand that may arise I I li promised that t lie greed and i Irregular that dlitinuuishud tho management of tIme last walk 1cmill iiotbu niiisoimtidIimo pedestrians are not ci ncuinud about Ihn gut money but Cuntest fur prljS I Instead 1ju gate money- Klcstothu manager Already they IniMi ru oovi rud I ally all tlinlr outlay and nlmob- tmrv doll ir nln at tho door wil bo clear truth fly tliclrcomprnmlsu with InR IP- SPwsthoy iMI but paid Octolwis rent a 1101 tliu SJM r Dm Mirlous privileges as hum Ihl holY sum ol imtrnncu foes their rlze lon i Boino expenses ann provided for ni8tnrn In time Bpoctilvtion nro 0 Iari and Kelly I A HIlKS nail IIlln I these I SmanlIIO Fred I Cur tsnD1 I x i Moor tho ntlm life Lnllohar1 nnd OLeary havu entered llson I it rains to explain I U not a col- ored ¬ mnn i He 1 has no record html is deemed a Kod pediHrlan Thoy hau inithliit to do with riurex I Ihuneuro ot thu I littlu army ot- JvalUrs Mud who was with Hart In thn l lalJ uhpt nnd Jack Hmlth nru 1 Klsons > trainers llriyle ono of time thirtyfive looks I like t rinchottonu general I tim lstmtk ott for lufimu Ilk luuiucltot lie lit Fiittuh Canadian Munauur Curtis wait auked AMiat about t BrnukliiK I Ills ruply wits Wo till smoke Rotackar- Upton 1 ha orders will b to admit no ono who bus not lall lour I In lit a I thn judges had nut Ion ollnl bo selected from tlm ilifTivnt I I athletic associatloiiB Croniwuli I ol California another unu of I ito thlrlyIUe I I Is I tihyslclan and Is mild to bu- vioith S I UIOIO Ilu has wrlttun three books on 1 imaik ltu II ii Imd malaria feer fey bufuru- yenturdiiy I and gmtrlo tear yenteiday but ho Jins locoieruil Hu weighs ITO pounds Is 33 years old IOlkslko I PHpiblu man and has n record nf I ulx i dayx I IU will will t JU9lu ttllli tutu Jufluu IUIIlk UU ie- ugI menIal I II lit A nit row Watd Thn Doilor I IH fond of Indian tiapplngH and Inlcndhto Weil n- Bomiwhat aboriginal cnntiimu on Ihu At html f past I oclock t thu doors went i PIM Two thoiiiand perHons had iiBHombled oppo silt Thuj rushed past tliu ticket men as If I tutu wiis nit a siqmil to lOb The I tread of their coming was Ilku tint bursting nf a dam AllrHllh railing inlilo thu track mil llmnl I 11111 limo sentH III thu north gallery wern looked although limo iilteniliinco would eijual Unit of thu night ot thuAsllny rA walk A vitally dlffxrunt IAsI t HUB t throng Tlm < were 101110101111 and them were many hoes Ladles JOII1 In tho boxes and limit central NPIICO Homo noted In tuttle pedestrians 1 Kllbury Von Burg and others weru tn time throng All limit OIllnl I almost i tin to the gathering for thu ansi women I pnsHcd the track to from limo eotutostmmmtts boxes Thuy tar ¬ nnlbags baskets liottlin trunks shoots UUlltfl pillows soot canned cdlhlcR I towels tenknttleB plteheis tumblers and fruit with which to furnish the walkers quarters Time favorites among the bookmakers wero Iron Tabor K mmnror Cromwell rison Wnlkor 1 Costello lien Ourran and ItKgcrald Croisland time troll KngliMi run- ner ¬ WI twelfth I In t ito butt I I list I Tho rea SOl did not stand better wits tutu Ills record for three luysIIIR limo bllna against limo favorites wits against llrown 4 I to 1 against Tabor 4 to 1 nun Inst Kemmerer 5 to 1 against Cromwell nndO to 1 auilnst llson- Knnls time pedestrian said that tow of time thlit > fhn will withdraw early They have boon training a long while Nearly I dnron- inav imiknover 450 miles The extra purses will keep many on tho track He dues not bu- lluu lon Duller will suo him on Hurts neX I midnight tim bettIng through limo book- makers ¬ was ns follows- Ti III iiii IM o I II J iieiin t niowcr HroTii I Iin4- I lt to I tuilttt fttbir 11 tt > t I tn I niiiiiit Ki iiiiniriT I Inihi1 I Mel in ilnl 12 ti 1 iiimt i nulls ill rlul I 11 1 I Incline T lutlllu 4 tu I Ilv 1 that time I tho t thmng exceeded any gath crust III thn Garden during thn Astluy contest The ntmosiilierovvas smm IToemut I ugly hot Women Illed tIme boxes elegantly dressed nail moro women wrlrrlllll at lImo doors In carriages The had not hnrlclcllllnh- Olr The 1 Garden resemil titiut I u res i 10101 exeopt that lie pltaswell as tIe nt Used i linked with spectator A crniiil in in dressed like Ilnlorrlllkl1 rount nnd lonnd Ihu fountain Iln ¬ cy Ing himself n cliiiniplou pudestihin Tno- eneis of thu crowd Ineiled him to his utmnst speed The I police vven tOil busy with t tin uiovvd lo any attention to him I II llinmlti Asbuiy Puk N J was the llrst man In the track Crossland was the aeeoinl OJlfIII 1 down the track amid applause thn streets vvern packed for two br ke and tickets were selling for a dollar uplnen and more 1hllan In charge ot his trainer mmlo n Allen t ik lila i laen 1011 111 lt thu lllowei I llronn and n doeu I others ilut tot y followed Drown worn a pirlleolored cip without a peak Dill I n wirutheelovei t I lest of thu First I Division I i of theSecond Army Coin on hUcap The men w re called to time snatch by Ih11 Illbr Pure theeoliired man was lu roiv- lie looked mull muscle and mouth and was dressed in blue No one shook his hand I tell 11tl Hub Smith brought thu negro on tIme At 1 1 oclock this morning Manager Clr- UAnlllOn mini thn contestants sprang r slit I mig places I In front of I the scorers stand ami scrambled over their flint 1 111111 two thick confining gioups It seemed there vvernas ninny dltlmt colors ns men In lit il varied costumes The bind played ansi thu throng utilized I voices hands and feet In tho RIIlnu1 that followed rho starters were Ilehrninn Doyle llramln Ilrlody Ilrondgeest Irlwl Cos- tollo Cromwell Crnsiansl IMvif Dickinson Dillon Dugan DtiBhsne lckInl Kdwnrds Litton rl7Jumll Fuller ard Kiiuinerer Melnn Melenvy Mahoney llrlhl Perkins Plerco Husaull- Hp lli y Walker Thn racers fttnrtd like a drove ot sheep Campbell was the first man IrouUI Ho was follownd bvCurran and Crossland walked Tim negro was among time last He was In the darkest blue nud Crossland In time deopeit red There worn so many of them that nil was con- fusion ¬ They rushed past thin stand tn Kroups so lust t that it W1 I Impossible to distinguish them except their numbers Eioli mnn was compelled to curry his num- ber ¬ on his breast On nrrlnelll thorn for time start they were of urn They were mainly In withIn nnd f few yore caps Thn negro appeared hhln111 except Itussel- Tnlt vas thu stumni Vi illinins I leaned iver time massed pedestrians like the power of lisa The markers lined tho oulsldnof thin track where thu old scorers stand stool list wok A dozen men near them calc out the numbers ot Ih walkers as they I I Itlower Drown seeinpil to bn making no slcIIOITorl The Covvlwy Fltgerald made In six Minutes nnd twentyllvo seconds Eckerpoll was the second man to make a utile Alien third Iclenv fourth Mn honey fifth and Cromwell TiE SOUTH AMrItlClX wiz Admiral Oraii AiKHint f lie llamliaril- mvnt uf AnKiCHautta IANt Sept 23TJio last mall fiom the South Pacific brought to IIB tho IuruvlHn olllclal report nnd the reports ot thu Antofagnsta newspapers as to thin bombardment ot that city HoarAdmiral Omit says that ho hnd no Inten- tion ¬ of opening 011 upon tho town but enteiod time harbor to seo whether anythIng could bo done to cut out time Ahtao and Mngallanns 1 which weru anchored there without Injuring neutral vessels ot which there wero over a dozen In the port and also to cut thn cable communicating with Santiago If hint woro possible Ho was surprised when about 2000 metres from tim limling by n three hlnlrNIlolnl alt imil which passed through time lunnll hrklnl I tho hoistliiK chain nnd I port- coamuigot thin boiler hatch and Mrlkmu time deck where I exploded The crew of thu moni- tor ¬ were at onco bent to iiuirlers and tIm ii action MAslcgnn rime batteries on shore wire three in number thn north acid south redoubtswill two 1 130pound 11111 gum each ont lImo centre 011111111 one 310IIOUlllol Tin hamlet 111 ono shot wns badly Placed was dismounted by t thu lecoilani took no furth i tart in the light Thn other hnllM les nail the two ships lied about 120shots none of I which did any speiiil damage other than cutting I aay i thu rikK i ng aim ii utpor works of Ilm lluisiar whl h am only teiupoiaiv alTalis 1 lie Huthem ilriil ntislxsliots lion- DUOpounders timid I twn frmn hI I lilpoiindeinoi- ikcl lImo tno Chilian slut were Irllilot to VXPOSO UllseIIOsII thu machinery I l blll leiialred t baekliik- on I u lino from her tau position hohlnd two English vessels 11111 hOr brmidsldu and thei hauling ahead out ot the rnngn of the enemyi KUIIS This movinetit which wns several times rep ntedvviif not Twins Sri rnp Idly nxecuteil as lo oval 1 danger Ono I of I lln- Hunscars is shells stiuek her amidships killing live of I bur 1101 and wounding huvcral others In Imlitu lio la1111 hr Saiiche unit thu steam 11110001 lllalnlsIIIIr tnmt move- ments ¬ were moro I lively I I than I those ot tho Abtno- shnesCHpcd wlthjnit t trilling i I Injury Au iii I rat Grail claims that hu silenced the batterltson shorn and thus tire of the stilts hut this tin AntofaKiista patient deny alleging I I that 101111 the conclusion ol Ihu light time Hiiiucnr tired to is itch adistanee ovei 4000 1 nm st rue from itimonilthat t theli I t titi nil rim we rim of no ser- vice ¬ and I llinordei was given tobtispend ring although thu Iciuvlau ship still continue llrlng at this range ihcrunrn no losses of lit nor slelllllnmll repnrteil on shore ral lieutenant killed and ono man wounded by thu shell which llrot struck lila vessel Tlm Peruvian corveltn Lnlol his been ie ported nt Montevideo gone In Bontch ot nn Ingllsh vessel I thn Genoesevvhlei sailed Imm Anlucrp to Valparaiso on July i Jl with a largn cargo of minus tom Chill 01 te- celpt of this Intelligence nt Hantmgo cor vetO 0 ii lggh tie which his lately beuit tiuppllii with new bolleis nail received other tepaltx and th Aninonns I heavily I armed I rums Iurt wero nidered lo thu Ktraltn and Montevldeoti 1001 for hue ieiioHii and onduavorto ummth urn Union Thul0 IIIgginK entries heavier mem titan I thu Peruvian cotvtte whlluthu 1101 I U also well armed Thu contest will I equal should the Chilian hlp I lemaln to- Kuther 01 dels to which elTet havn been Issuci them ItHipIo in ValtiainlHo aiu 0110111 tlioaiitiiruof Iho Union although enough to run away If she is nut caught 111 i I tight iilaouln I tho otiali Admiral liuholludo unit been restored to I Ihn command nf tIme Chllni fleet vvllh unllmilei- poweis Ho I Is A dash nnd in 101111 huns I hlllieito tell restrained I by I thu M Kantliigo Irom moVLinunts which would hnvu wrotulit borlous dnnuiifu to Peru Pertivlnn llnancesanilii a diilorablu condi- tion ¬ Tho Ft mum ncn 31 a slur icHlgned and hli- BUCdhuor I Is appalled at lImo Bltiiiillon Tin church property will almost certainly I bo hut under contribution I It t not eonllscatod to 10100 of time MtntcE- xehmmumugst his Improved slightly owing to tin abunilancii llrbtchibs paper and I Is now quoted at 19iJ for BOU4 uluulydny bills i L MAllliTZKK AND MAlLKSONO- VK sui i tti isiv IVHV- AMI 111I7Ir > VKA Oi 7f lilt 111J1N T Arrlrnl tif ltir liJlj Iliillun Oprrn- Mlumuert itllh I a Inrl nf It toitiluiti s I hr- Jlillnre of Hit IiiulUh then l ulrrprlMr- AtiiotiK tlio imKBiMKorH who arrived Irma Inllnnl nt 10 oclock 11 8itU riley nlulit In time llirlln was Col J H SIntilcBon time di- rector ¬ 0111 MnjiRtys Opera nnil snino of limo whom ho proposes to noon his porntlo campaign In Now York titus season lie romnlnoil on lionnl timo vessel unti ypflcr- dny mornIng wlion lincnmo ump to city nml wont to his suns residence lie piofesspn nn- Icltmtlon of n lirllllntit scnnnn html Is Botnnwhn- tllsconocrtoil by n plcco of news that rnnrhml him Just ns tIme steamer was iibout to sail and after ho lund engaged pnsHauua for his untlro company I cannot now open ho saId until Nov 20 which will bo considerably litter than wo mmlo n commencement Inst year I had mndo every arrangement to begin earlier when limo di- rectors ¬ of time Acnilomy of Muslo tcleRrnphnd that I could not Inuo limo bulldlnc until Mr Inrcl7 jk hnd comploled nBonsonof ix fortuu gut hind I boon Informal of this Intention earlier It would not luuo nIToctcd mo severely but IIH It Is It wi cost mo about MOOOO Thin chor- isters ¬ nru nil on board time City of Mon- treal ¬ Mini u III bn lucre in it few days atoutul r pay hom tIme let I lust amid limo artists will l b- osllllrllsllllcl I hOI tho 15th I Inst Then I 11 hteu igeil to cnuiiKQ 111111 I tail for our rolieuf ul liUli will ol COlIS n heavy additional expense However I dont suppose thero I Is any tin Irllhlll about It Thu di- rcitors of time Academy hle not lost tiny mOIl by thu arrangement emit I cnnnot therefore ex- pect ¬ timid they will perceive theIr mlstaku as- clenily as I do rime pilma donna who accompanies Col Ma plebon appears I to bo an American I though her operatic iianiu h Mine Alurim mil lena Mme h Lablache who was hero last bln oll Is also II his compauv as well as Mile Adlnl a soprano and nn Alwrlcll hy birth Shim made hcr1 famous I In Hiipsla Cal Jlnplesoii i says a re- cently ¬ retuined trout Madrid covcretl with laurels Tliie aritlnotilj ladles belonging to- thucompHiiv I who came out In the City of llei llnibul Mm 111 I Is expected In thu tier nmnlcniid 311s 1 i 111 Ioulu Clf will also appeal I lint Col 111111lrII81 I trcasuie Is represented to be Italian with I black lizard nnd I wellmoulded form He I Is about 30 ears ot age mmmiii said to bo a line 101 Matileson says that tho great rlk of pliiLlng an opera befnru a New York audience In not in putting I on thu boards extravagantly limit I In 1111111 I i toiconomire t II its produc- tion ¬ tindouhtediv sunie danger of failure In giving a costly opera tlmru ih no change at all I of suecet8 whero a cheap one Is presented lii believes Ihnlll Iniibllltv to real l7i t this fat wns I thu rck upon which director I after dlreitor I s pllt n dozen vears delavedtho I I Intrcductlon ot good as 1101111 muneiatlvu Italian opera In this eoiintiy Among thn baritones he will hIV llnIII1 Del Inente both known to are to tm three IIIAeH 11 prnfuudl for Col IIJIsol thinks th Ameri- can ¬ lies In that direction Thoy think hobus that it bibg should always havu low nols1111 IIP I attributes 1olis wnllol success re to comply with mand David Is this principal bass of the UramlOpert lionsi in Paris and thin other two llehrons and Mortl have both acijulred reputations In London and ll orCherl which hut been largely increased slUI season will bo under the leadership ot Signor Ardltl who arrived yesterday Col Mnplcsnn I Intend that his season shnl commence only one day after ho obtains slon ot tho Academy ot Music and hesa > s that things mtibt for time future bo arranged veiy differently or Italian opera under hi manage- ment ¬ will hardly I IM long lived III Now York One of time losses and Inconveniences that ho complains 011li that time thirty ntchts lion cannot 10 put Into practice as HUOlrlr I necoMintii having an opera every would stilt neither him not tims was sufliclently lccs1111 I i h Is first vi utureto- eneouragii him 1 1 110111 lin says limit the existing sImile of Illsllm materially alteiod I If hu Is to embark i Inn I Mr Clnreiieu A Sevvard onu ot limo Icidlne directors of t the Academy expressed high hopm- of the success ot thu IIIII opera In New York and soen no rusol and his colleagues 31 hull not b II perfect harmony with Col Col Miiplcnons trouble about limo encroach- ment ¬ of t lie Maretek seaton wits removi d last evening when Mr Marrt7k nnnnnnceil that ho would abandon his enterprise Thu following is Ills letter on tIme subject To TIIK hniToR or Tin st vr otiltlntan1ln the irriilining I out niulitU inrri lninrnnc mc snu Amvr ran uumcr I i tin tlniiliclil n silt li n IH en psi tnr lel n tu- rimrlrm his iniaminoiu oplnlnii df till I riM I ilbllc thom lli fn li niv el Miiie U not I tht Irulor i Irtro to ut nhsli or iinTiemi uicrit Un vr thru ririiiintAiirt tin iiuuiiusrimiit t 11 is Jilnflrtl in ill ct ii1liiuiti till IH r turimmiummcl misT mile I Tc tnl ArralitfvimMitt mu ixnllnt- Inr n It winre Mos MIUKTZKK- Svw Vntik O- erllorler i A for Tun StN found Mr Meretzek at In consultation w ith Bom of his ar- tists ¬ HuHiiid I should prefer to await limo result of my let- ter ¬ before saying much to see what will Iw said in reply to It If tImers are mummy adverse com- ments ¬ upon my course I am prepared to Stab I lie reasons which ii ave compelled 1 It Net trouble with your artists Is It Inquired thn reporter No sir You may tusk them bore Alt the compan mIre harmonious nnd will co with mo to reproduce the opera In other cities Tim success ol Mucpy Hollow from nn artiMii 11011101 vIew Is mull I could ishtbllcru lure lit ¬ malingers asking mmmii to como mind gin thoopi rt In lhlhnlllhllllllnwr Chi- cago ¬ St l I Louis nld 01 hlll to those cltiS t I expect to Ilk II Inn it financial success than wo to no here What Is tlm drawback here V WI the filet Is wu have been l1rlorllnl tobucururent to t liiu stoek t Academy Thj musk me flf a night which I n double what the havu Mr Maplchon I How I about I thu seal which they have lift nullity vvlnlu reserving them to themselves in the IMb- eThats F onn of flue causes of eomphlnt It makes I hOI look cheeiletB and baru to havu- silih an arrnv of ptnpty seal Thu public eomplaiiis of 10111 obliged to put up with 1001 seath while t 1 > utica aru unoccupied entire evening I A tIme tamu t tlmu I I am I leI powerlens tn remedy flit complaint MMls vvniild sell readdi indeed it would pay to II with deadheads lather thai to je tWI oniptv- thu I II t stock Ii slit urs mt I like i thn opnra F Well homu of thum hnvucomu III dlsgiiiseil his ovimcuitts buenimmuu tutu eared that an Ameri- can opern vvMld l uH I bu lashlon ible and Mn cruiled theniBilviH behind tho pillars Inr fetr limos would I bu Been Thuy immure ot uoiirse been agleeably disappointed but they liavu not attended thu performances ns they should whlliitliuy 111111 tlmli sealB- So you thu Academy of Music 18 not a prolltublu plu for opera V Yes I mnilu a mlhtnku In goIng there bc causj thu htockholders restrictions inn i tno much Hutj hl111 given thu Aeademv all thu S UCti it bn bymythlrt I > liar eftoiis I there I sllosolllt t theru I just as n 11 wil go back wen niter In I is 011 cnn Academy directors do not then en couragi mitlvu talent F Well I ICII IIM11 native because I ham been 1011 bellovo I It I mi opera Imd I comu huru with nndoisemi troth London nnd 1arla they would havu 1flullcIIIIh10- 11ble Hut being nntlvo Tliat remlndh mime of a little SOny Sev- eral ¬ ot thu editors ot 7nmi wanted I to nld n 1011101 oysli r 111111 and I got it tu n 01 11iv that a ouster 10ul1 bu seen I Inthusnlnun Of oiui nbc people locked to see thu Hinging i ojMer and mills oibturs when lucy got tinre whllu- ihev weramused with HOI contilvanco that- Beeinedtobothu sluicing o > Btei Then mu I published it paragraph that the iu en > oit lien Majchty miikcH nveinhlng fitsliii i IOI the Jutmi Intel oruhrtisl tlinniiiuliiui uittiIt- Ii bo taken to Iliicklnglinm Iltlneu for Inspuij- tlon Then mum IUMniiKlii went to seu time plin u ft mimi which blue hinging oyster was dent Then 1iinili had n paragiaph having that I Iho- i neen had tcnt thu Hinging ovlei buck t Mi 11111110 nolhlngto do with II bucnibu it wns utit I 1IIIIIh niitiooM r Then- ilicsiiisim has hi en unpropltlou First ennui I hut walking mmiuiti- hiltttt this oidinary patrons ot lltooneii havu not bum ilvotcil t tu thu walking match F 1lhllIIy havn tint gone limit I Hiipponu Ihnl I 11 tiilklngabout It or belting nfl now conn another walking match to I draw I off morn money I It I I is n now exclMment that hurts all places ot amusement Now I I- dnnt pinpnse In expend nil my capital II pay ¬ ing thu rent ot limit Academy I tmt mum kuep solute of It to cany out my engagements In other cities This I colt do K I stump now Instead ot losing Hiivxial thousand dollars bv anothor un prnlllablu vvuek I Mri 1tl1 it ill hi uui Ikf II U 14J luUl UM lit J lush it I PJIU met lull JJ is f > itnini4ilt i liillt > nn it I uiiikiiiuftui HoritUvr err ini n iii i mil ly curium In Allis 4 Irlll tm > l rl i HHnitii Vitor- IIIII >L zn I Jl I Allitui JIJ lit uv bmisl inr i in omti4i l 11111 i tx 11 I ii nniiiK AIIMS 1 1 lie Trnule Ind nl luo lost Itctssiml ruth nntt- illllllril t 1 s f n I I In Ncvi Ilu ii- NIW HvVfK Oct 1On Inht Hiilniilayl- iKirnlnc at about 7 oclock hilts Martha hull wit about M yenri of ItO went to lleerHs drug shorts In thin city purchased four nll ounces ol laudanum eho took to hurI- IOIIBO I In County ust riot whom for ciivernl Ylllf past she IIIIB lived with her Bister Mis Miranda Ulckcrmnn for nearly twenty yenrs anlnihe- clle At about 10 oclock ns nearly as cnn bo ascertained Mrs Baldwin uavo her Imbccllo- alBler enoUKh laudanum to result in dentil Then she cnrululli laid out clean clolhlnic enough to dress both her slitter and herself for burial took what laudanum remained and got Into bed with her sister and thero tIme two re malnotl until they were discovered at 4 oclock In tho afternoon brcathlnc stortorously and evidently tiling The person who discovered thorn had iOiO to limo house 10 luke Mrs Dick orman to limit hoHpltal for treatment Physicians wero suminoned who did what thor could to save the tlylnc women who were however be- yond tho reach of medical nld Mrs Dicker man died 1 I this ninrnliiK at 7 oclock anil Mrs llaldvvln died this I evening Thn two women were twentyflvo years ago beautiful llnely educated vvoniiin tho daUKhii- ters of tlio lute Mis Barah 1ciinl cI tithe iItt They wero well known 0clllyI1 I wero hluh I ly respodcd at the IIU marrlauo- Hlncu tlien they hnvo a peculiar and a for ronful history Tim n murderers Mrs llalilnln went to I Danbiiry with her IUIIIIIIIlclhI established a Illtle II I Ilr them well 111allwllllll soinntiiiubluthere- thn I I < result they went tohyrn euse wherxthny I accumulated n fort line of 01 t5101H With suiu tim eamn a desire for a the part of tho husband and 1IIIIIIIIIlt until nm vvite nroken iicarnii hlll a daughter nail 111t In New Haven Ohtllllll I dlvoicu fiom faithless IItW liven In estHaven lien Blsier who lund innrrluil I Cleorgu C I Dlckerman had by reason of epileptic I Ills become n Imbecile after thu death nf her limbmil toni was utterly helpteuH Thu B Hunt hll I plop erly of nlxiut tiilKlO lelt them JIkr- 1IIIIIIII n lelt her hy her liiuhind tim h lived and certain prnpeitj wlibh furnished liet nn Incofnu of fSnO it year riiriuigh mlsllllllIIII coupled vvllh thu- leclinu i In rpll us this rn mug little sum WIIH ditblpated In gnaterpart and llnalh- n conservator was atipuluted to cure for tIme r Mrs flhhvll had become very much at- tached ¬ I Imbecile sister hurt icim liii I y M 111 unit POI by marring Jimuplilnx i 1erry was 111011110 taku lf of Mis IJiekerman a week time service This was tier only Bonn of Income nail she has repeatedly salil 11111 thiswas Ilkel away 111 lien slit holil I hrsll I I tew lr past Mis IIkrUII hl so I imbecile t that shu hub Iii iiiis with thoMlnglxexiuptlnn of hei cousin who occasionally visiteil her whom sht awa > s- reeognled and called by name r Dicker man has of mute bei n III with malaria fever and us Mn Ilaldwin h out become dissipated she was cnlIItIIIIIOI 111 to caru fur I lie I I i brother Dr- Joslali lull of Itochebler was writ for and I 11H01 I Rime to his sifters removal to t thu hospital Mrs Dubinin i leainlng of this of afToirH snld to tIme conserva- tor ¬ that Mrs Dickermitn wits improving nail would cool be well ansi that It site wits removed from her care she I Mrs llaldwlnl I would kill hurxclf and requested that sho no buried In thu- am grave with time sIster from whom shun would novel bo separated Mrs Ilaldwin seemed her sister would not receIve pioper cjire if Silo WitS removed to flue hospital and added If 01 Aullwr timers I hll havo no nay to live haI to go to alms- house Hut thu removal was determined I upon nnd Sattirdry wits this day set for It Time double trngedy was this result of that determination When the sisters were discovered by lime person who hroku Into Ito housa they wore clasped In each oUters arms A postmortem examination l Is to II had PO flint HID physicians sy examine I I brain of Mrs Dickurmnn her peculiar ease hl111 ex cited much Interest among the lrla A cnvncn UKUT 31 r eshsrghs Olcl riorkSiih > rrlhlDzS15OOO One MHn GIn Tim Itov Ooortfo 1 Vosburffh of tho her con hhapthst t Church Jersey City was acquitted nfter n long trial endinc In June Ih78 of n chnrcu of nttemptint to poison his wife In time nil of that year hu icsl ncd Times i wns n dif- ference ¬ of opinion In lilt cnnKreinlion regard IIIK time effect of III remalnlni In chnriro of time church though nono of tho members was ever known to express I doubt of his Innocence of the crlmo he hind been charged with Ilcforu Ills call to the church tim concrccntlon hind been divided Into two factious anti thntich his pastornto was In 18l1 prosperous yet when ho wont away after hall year or more of tho disonrrtiiblnc effect of limo chlru ncalnst him the prospect was dismal Just before the passing of time hlad and wlnn on crucial occa- sion ¬ Deacon Wllllnm llumstend wins observed to arise anti quit the church Ills feelings were shnrol by others On the other hand Deacons EMey and others rnmnlmM stronir friends of M Ir Vosburch KxMavor Charles Sledler of Jersey City however who Iimd slKned the heavy ball bond ol Mr osburuh at last lucmtnte convinced that it n better for the church that ho should resign 1astor VosburKh lull a debt of t11000 on tho church which wits increased to f3 POO Time new pastor llev W W Kverts utmost yusterulmy at tIme closo of the sermon that ho hail an an- nouncement ¬ to make namely I that a member of t tin church hnd promised to I lift half f of t tho church debt lrovlllln I rest of I tint niembeis- would ralso 1 1 Ho did not say wino t this IhOrlllmlr was but everybody knew that Immsr I than exMayor f i Hledler Nowsnld I Dr I rvurts let t the clerk of thu church conic might forward with his pen nnd tapir nnd I It t tIme deacons and Mheis Inter ¬ t tIIIo start nroiind nmoni thus ennureca solicit subset jptlons CMiin rlLht- nlonu And while the lireiuher continued his exluom tat lunms Deacons KstevlHuniBtccd Heed nnd others slej ped briskly to limo table lu flout of Iho 1ltl vvliein they worn iiuhkly fur nllob cii blank xllps ii ol paper piuviously- prepared by thn clei K- lo tb nIght out i tiuiti time members fnld Dr rveits jiiterrilptlni hlms111 lila exhortation flcrlptlons and use every Illucl can lo get bul hut the deacons hind Romi Ihlnc to do first 1 of Ihlrowl motion 1101 Miller passed In his 11rh1 I foi il miami 1101 11 Iteud subscribed Dea- con ¬ Istey Iniiided III his Bicnaturu fin Jlou- Tieasuier Muson subseiibed Ii lUllil anil nthei- ehurcli mrs III tho front seals lilt their names In for Iniiru amounls Dr Kveits ex- plained ¬ that tIme Indies of I the rnnureKntii as u society nnd assumed i2000 of thoibbt thin choir fino time Sabbath school flMii and 3m hledlers cluss in tlm Sabl ath HChool tIIIIM extra Hu also handed a MOD cheek to Ihn clerk remarking I I that I tho clvi r stood pledueil- to chris like amount Ivory six months until he limit eontrlbutidlflHW It was not suspected at this limo that tItle was Isis per Bonnl Kilt It wits explained that mill Iho Hiihiclbers would Inure throe years In which to make good theli pledKes Thu tei nis sure ho said threii years payasyou pie ise Jlrs Hamilton Mr Van Hlpciand Mr Franii nub Herlbed JJUDeacli Deacons Huiiifteail Miller brent stty and Heed busily canvassed thu- canirreKation Alter I twenty minutes I had mInt puuul I most of which hind been Bpiint t by I Dr- Kverls In eai nest nail lively appeals It was an- nounced ¬ I that MluilD I had bein pledged Thu- benediction was then timid I In HID uvcnliii I Ihu required I amount was 1ubimlgui- hhtr Kveits hcKin his mlnlsterlnl caieci in- 1MU In the Mulberry struet ehuieli III this oily whurn hu pleached I 11I years lln went from heroin tho alniit street church In Louisville I His I 2U iit nit pastorate of t hiss Cliieuo ihiitch i vvis leinnikiiblu for his work III thu lino of chuieh extension ItMel llllllolrr Yestmulay uuuormuhmug Ilium fumusi lImit line In isuimilu totmlui tliiuluiu 1iIIII uiiuu II tIll 1111101 Vuuuiumiiutsuiuinu 1111111 uuhmuiial t ill suuu iu uumli- Ii miss llIlolllil ii du k lsmniiu myutmu Jhll tmmllui 1011111 imr misc Numit Tiumuuss IIltt I ts iimmt ut Pisssul- ivuit oa I iummmi t ltll ts Isiiuui mr- gitiii rsiliu 4 sit Issussus I us miii iiiuu sumu itssmimmt miii nuu i ui I I iuImsm i I miss tI lust Iii mmcl is 75 JIII isiuii ion i 11 ls II he nh h aIII hullm- u S oil I imous luau isuu 5 isuui usuur ru isitli Ir11- Ih ussisut tiuiuii Olllttfl I h uliseiuiu geuiiut- ml ftc II Ill 1inile lruigeuI ii ii liii sue tsireu si ucirsuisiss lisa llIh I tsiUt imil 11111111 siiuiiio ui tifl iuuil I 101 t sci ut 1111 niit imu tol I 111101 Uti lIh1 111111- 1Ihe Isi I Is i I l ut ii Ii iii- tiiisiTmisim t 5 sums it si I t ust rlllIll1 mpuu I is uritissis uuissmi ut Ii ti imisic itusi ui mis i t Ssiu usiii i ii Is thu ii ty UuiuI iii tit ust lie tuiii5ii u villuvtluiut Al IJILLIAHJ KXlKllTSf- iClltlrl PIIIEI Ill AM S NA iriV in VIAT 30OO- IN 1ThTS Jintui iii Only Ilic Drlitll 1 rfi to rrnnar for n Nnln tie flume Inr tOOt nnil Ills lisle Mnncy- lilil Iscute luo Mrn llHve llnue- Thu match to which Jacob Hclmofor tim champion bllllaril plavir chnllenged George F HloHHOtt Is to bo played Bomowhero In this city pounum time In October Tim dato nnd hall nro not yet llxed upon Tho two players havo mot Intoly once In this city and onion In Chicago nnil Schaefer retains time championship but bil- liard ¬ playora hcsltato to guess who Is likely to bo the best man In time coming contest Doth are youtigjBlosson Is twcntyflvn years old and Hclmefer Is a year younger Bclmefor comes front Wisconsin hut was brett In Kansas Bios son Is from DcKnlb N Y Bchaefors reputa- tion ¬ na billiard player dates from 1873 Bios soils from 1871- BloBBonhiiB played In public oftener than any other nina ot his ago timid nearly nil tho noted billiard players are young In 1871 ho defeated Maurlco Duly In Rochester and In 1875 ho da- feated Iludolphe Dimly und Gamier but was beaten by Sexton anti Jon and Cyrlllo Dion In this city where tho following year Buxton van qulHlud I him I I In n giimn for tlOOO I In Tammany I Hall I Ho won tutu third prizi I In time Centennial tournament In Philadelphia Tint sanio year In Irving Hall ho made a run of lIlt points time best lImit omm record Sexton sulweiiueiitly bent him I nnd his run In Now Orleans making I 411 I Hu I nlterwnrd tint Sexton I In hum I veslmnmu and again In St Louis In 1H7B In this city In n game for time championship Sexton heat him HiCisitnn In time tnurnnniunt In Cooper Insti- tute ¬ I last winter made averages I that weru moro than tvvlc IIH gruid as had ever lien ninth be- fore ¬ In n similar series of games In thren great gainis hu averaged 7i 75 nud 8147- Silmefer defeated him however with an utter age ol tip 57 Sehaeter won thu I trim mistrhck V- lliilke I cii tim tiboum sit I ti ot this world Slonsons runs weiu 271 I Jnl 141 1 nnd 4C1 Itlme last two being huts Iteateht on reenrd hehaefers runs weru 283 2ia 321 and 37fi After his defuat In this tiiiiiiininent Sloson ehailunged him fur Ilin emblem Schaefer InIll nml on May 15 limo match WIIH plated I In Chicago Schnefer won His I score was SdSU 303 The game lasted nno hour and lIve minutes Slosson IB remarkably skilful In what Is known iu railplaying limit In general play on I thu I tnlr >i hu Is bald to be weaker than Schiler or Sexton Mlhln I I a jcnrSchaelcr IB Bald to havo mantle a run ol 102 points while practising on a tlvuhvten table with threw hulls hchaofer II tat defeated Parker A Dyers In 1873 then tlm champion of Indiana after glv Ing him 3m odds then Tony Kriler fit Nevada In 187- iaiillabr still hu was beaten by Clarnler In- Dion Slorson nnd Itudolphe In New York lie defeated 1lack of lloston In 1878 and wont first prUi nt ht Louis t thu hitmu i Lit r In this linden he made it run of 42l and an average o- flfS Hu and Gallagher lent Cyrlllu Dion and hUinson in a bum n iii nulumt game at nearly t thu same lime In tliu implonahlp of this world contest nt Cooper I Institute with Daly Sexton blobson Ibudol phi i U larnli I llulser and lalln- gh r plavlng ngaliiht him hn mIld not lose n game In the i match I that followed I In Chicago Slmison mmntuto only 11 1 pointIn 1000 Kelmefers average and 1 beit run weru ii a smi ruth luheth Ills average wits 33I1 ansi huts highest run COO At n moling In Iho Union square roonib on Sept 2il Sheridan Shook II W Colloniler Frederick Grub Sr Andrew McClennen anil A L Ashman of tIme Sinclair House wore nom- inated ¬ fur stakeholder sail Mr Ashnmn was chosen Two thousand dollars forfolt money smith thu original articles of agreement were placed I In his bunds Thu stakes aru 4000 and tIm terms phi or tiny Thu game Is to bo thu French threebull play for 3000 points 1000 points to bomadeon each of threu coiime mill Vi nightson a liveItten cit rronu labIa wIth 2ilnch bnlls At blue end of each nights play Hie referee is to mark lime resting places ot his bumPs on tics table and to mnke an accurately measured diagram ot their position as well On tIn next night lie player who held time cue when lime 1000 points was scored will continua his play The rufereo has not been selected The rules lurnish by time maker of thin tnblo played upon nro to govern thegame On Thurs- day ¬ Schnefer anti Hioason met In the Sinclair House A coin wits tossed for choice of tables Mosson won thu choice antI nam d thin Ciii iei tier Even tho cloth that Is to cover tie table is- miniiul I in t lie articles of agreement with minutu particularity Thu receipts from spectators every night mire to be turned over to tliu stake- holder Mr Ashman next morning mid alter all thu expotscsof thu match havu been de- ducted ¬ I from the total sum t thu remainder ot that and thu gntu money Is to become thu prop- erly ¬ of thu winner This afternoon at 2 oclock them Is to be n meeting of tlm principals and their friends and the place for holding the contest Is to bo chosen TIIMK1K IX illS SK4 LlidS- Th Ncrmnn he Ileuchvd on the Lsonm of hU Lute TrHntullnntle Voj NKe The welcome to UrTnliimKO In the Brook lyn Tabernacle yesterday wits expressed In ninny ways The new cornetlst Mr Peter All pealed cubIt Homo again and Borne sweet home limo pulpit was redolent with rare tower pieces on two ot which tho word Wol como iippuared Time congregation flllod ev- ery ¬ seat and every elandpoint In nil the aisles and many could not get even a glimpse ot the preacher Dr Tnlmngo was on his sea legs Ills tropes amid metnphom wero salty In his prayers his notices his ScrIpture rending nnd his sermon lion cioppod out time storm the cyclone thin equinoctial gale Ito sailors tin phosphoicseent waters tIme pearl divers sen sickness thu tnffrnll nnd thu topgnllaiitmnst I His I mind was full I ot his voyage and Its I mmci limits and ho piomlsed togivn In his Friday uvenliiK ULtuns ot the tutor eLvleslnstical year some messages fiom abroad When hu Invited tlio young men to his house to player meeting or pufTei tlm approaching church fair which he Intimated I K not to ban church gambling Institution and even w hen he urKi d the neci s- sitv for plentiful eontilbutinnsto tliu Lord it was with n hiulT heuiim tliit n ld mily I the proveruial hitch uf limo t tr ucts t u in ike it sailorlik- eJ J tsi inch er RTld thnt much of tin difference beixvcii ruin sinus i is atino < ph rb Tlui laci of win m sunlight paleMhe Urccnlandcr ainl tho lull dash of sunlight darkens thn iijrn Ig- noraneo or Intelligence m ikes us impn ss upon lliephysied orunniation n llnituiiit Ihu skull ot time Kglptian and int Iligenen I tiibla up n great il me on tle forehead of lieu Oeiiuiin 1 he inodu of worship tom makes Its Impress on haul 15 Those that worship reptiles look Ilku- nptiKs thosii thnt worslilp tlm sun In hum heavens nuns hun nobltst ot harhnrlc people Hut whatever difference of physiognomy or of tem- perament ¬ miller careliil analysis humin blood Items eveiyvvhermhe same eliarieteristics Thu blood of twenty men of different iiiitlonalllles- uoulil prove by analysis to boot thnBiimncom- ponent ¬ Darts Thus U It hcienllllially true that t lod hath nmda of ono blood mull tim ci nations ol the tilth tin first Impression Dr TalmaKOKot nbrnnd was I that of time brotherhood ot man At t thu be- ginning ¬ I ho was distrustful of his power over Scotch or Fiiglish audiences lint be found I they wet of ono blood with ours nnd I thnt just ns a union who knovs how to play n piano can play It anyvvluiu so tho human heart is n di- vine ¬ I Instrumentt whose keys can b struck nil Lu everywhere fat joy or hun sorrow retl tIme ciuim men of London he found to bu lIke time cabmen of Nuts Yorkjust aa modest mind retiring Laughter Thr IViinrnAmrrlcuu Treaty I1 VMS Ol t5 A largo inciting was hold to ibij In Hit In IH of the riiiniHl Ehl ct In Int or of Kritnco iiiituniitiirt i nf nunnurii A I iiiiltitiua WI i- iitti lul un Itiiiii In nlilnl tlrm lo nj pwut ilirrc coin nuiiinni r lo lauJ ilit cli inlllUl to rit rttu the proptr- Vliiiifuii S mid It iKtoikji i ID tuujirule ii ilti nny cum na ii ni r < Mini in n In it n ninti lv tin nitcil SUICA Tin lion lirnnniln Uil t if Siu tisrk mil Mnrj- llnirii lnfc uuissl I Ut n liuttiflu alt 55i5 I llu1 mitt i lto Nio IIc Alinco Mlnl > lir Itt luutuoui vii Hut StiutMr it in uiiriciii l ifiition ilin > urchin nml v r < liirvor liincnlt UaH I nnd- llr ildtiiiir tm irs pit uemii- iii it ml nt lui 11 hiiuiniBf hi ii lbr t ii t lie upoV- ennh n n ti 551 i III n nl llx Iiutui stnti Iliili- tlnnliliu t iiiMtii 0 litiiii liiinfii lrnni Oust tin I nlltil clot Unl uliil tin > iiiikht lull 11111 tlnir mica Hull IIIITI l iuulri a t i miiai r tllv In ii n fiiu nil Th- nnl > n mi a us mm lln iiiikiii ii ii i a Irsii l Unuulil Ii DM i mscur t iuu i i tin tjiritN icu iiuit curio i niut- I Itlill iiiluli iniut i xinui Illi hUltble IL IIII ull- tlm liu iiicriuuiiii lltraMni hir ICiidilrr t Intln I In I hr ICiipli- USrJons N It Oct iThn MIMUIUT I nldL- tl01l miumit cusiusmis Out uulu lifllll 3uesierlcit mum ruwl t ml- ull1 ImMlon II r uiMfi rlniln rnrtitl- nn Si ln iu IK in I tiuu t lUni rnu iuirh ui tho MUUII- Ifiniiiu aimi i mni i i n ui i i tht iln mum usumu t moist iuu t uui ii ii Iuiu kll tllilf to M t I tilli r Ilitn UiukllU or lir iiy uj tu iiissi isrisilihim miss ti jinn r iul > tiiuuxh A VIulKIl I ItllllUll- Diivld II Wninnrot t Maiihulm tnwiu I p In hiss luldni in tliu nm i tun tin 11 ili i u u ut rn 111 slur toilll I ill llint i i liol ol DM lollnti I II IA Mi t US luclieri IMIII Alnl ti till is 111 VIU kllllllulUU llllO Mhllflt- lil ItVUUlll HUkl 4 Ulllllv 2RlI1UR ix A cortiMiirtx orr The Alcnlilo fiiillnir n Innir or ICndliint In fk Vtirk ttF lt ilibriy unit tinier PANAMA Soit25 Ailoapntoli from Ocnnn- on time river Magdnlunn received nt llarraniiull hut on the 17th Inst reported n rising In luc- arnmauiia In thus Stat of Bantandur on time 9th Inst Time Alcalde Pudro Collars hcailcd- n crowd of ruffians In nn attack upon several wealthy cetabllflhmonia of tho city amonc thorn limo only bank In limo place mind com- pletely ¬ sacked thorn killing and wound- Ing pnrsoiiB who cndonvorod to do fund them and also burnod time build Inns Tummy then retired to Ito two cunrteln carrying with them their plunder nnd there Intrenched themselves bidding dcllnnco to tho authorities of time Btntn TIne city ra- mnlnod In n Btato nfnlarm anti terror for four days Many fainIIlea fled to thu woods nnd others barrlcnded their doors anti kept guard night nail tIny Ion Wllohos thin President of tho State hastened from the capital Socorro which Is moro titan sixty miles distant from llucnrnmnugn with a small nit wnjl disciplined once with which ho nttnokod the robbers In tholr Intrenched poBltlon anti completely routed them lie killed Bovurnl of time loaders nnd took many prisoners theprlnclpal- Collazos unfortunately escaping Order lias again been restored The names of lImit per- sons ¬ killed by limo robhors are Christian Guoel kell Herman Hudorlch and Ohdtillo Esteriez- Tho wounded are Matens Mullcr IrltHch- Hehradcr lImo Gorman Consul nail others Tho dead bodied vvuro left unburlud mon several days OR no ono would venture Into tIne streets ninth hum murderers refused flnpulturo to their vlitlms Thesu triune uucmntg thu must rcspuct- nhlo murchants of tin a placu nnd weru sacrlllced not on account ot political or personal motives but because they Jifc ndud thulr properties 3JI1 MASJVfJ IIIIIOXAVTS- A Clue which Show s that they ayers Not Ioit In the IlllnoU FofvitiC- HIOAOO Oct 5hlue Times special from Carlliivllle III saya A circular advertise- ment ¬ Issued by W A Kendnll Assistant Lind Commissioner St Louis on time margin of which Is printedDropped from Prof Wlsos transcontinental balloon time Pathfinder wits found mist Monday In tIme cnrden of D A Illnt two blocks oast of limo centre of this city In- quiry ¬ hunts been mado whether other circulars had been found In tIme city hut rionn was hnaid of Thu conclusion is that It was dropped from thn balloon last Humbly night miamI that time iioronnutH wero not lost south of this city 1 Ito wooded or swampy region named In time news- papers ¬ is south ot Ctirllnville Theru mint no swamps of army mnKiiitudo within twuntyfho miles I of here unmet no forests so dnnsu but that tho aeronauts I If r not ullsimbimtI coti hit readily I llnil tholr way out Tuft afternoon tIme tea nine kind I of n circular was found by Charles li Glass nbout half a in IIo south of Flints In an en- closed ¬ lot Thu paper had the nppearnncu of having been exposed to tho elements for set oral days Tho conviction now Is that Prof Wise nnd 1 ionize hut rr who started from Ht Louis I In a balloon on Sunday last have pcrishod either In Like Michigan or lu time vast forests of Michi- gan ¬ Telegrams Inuo ben uent tnovory di- rection ¬ ncilumst lag I Information huh at no point havo thn missing aeronauts b en seen Prof Wlsn and his companion took no food lu time balloon and i it f thuy landed I In the norlhnnstern- w without personal disaster starvation Is probable ft TAI ntriooxixa An Aeraitnl Inniffielcnlly Inflated Hipped ansi Collapsed RAN FRANCISCO Oct 5At about 3 P M to- day ¬ Prof Colgrov aeronaut and C II Wil- liams ¬ manager of Woodward Gardens at- tempted to mnko a balloon ascensIon from the Gordons Time wind was blowing almost a gale at time tIme The balUon seemed to bo In- sufficiently ¬ Inflated nnd rose heavily above time buildings of the Gurdon It soon afterward dropped nnd scudded along at a low elevation earIng away telegraph wires In Its flight The cloth BOOH ripped ansi time guts escaped with a near which win heard for blocks Doth ot the noeupnnts worn thrown out fnlllnir In Folsom street betvv een Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth streets and hue balloon cnmo down n few rods beyond A great crowd from time Gardens was soon col ¬ lected nail medical assistance was summoned Williams was fearfully crushed about the face nnd head and diem In a few moments Col crovos fact Is somotvhnt bruised but his In- juries ¬ Beem to be mostly Internal nnd although alive at Inst ncounts ho wit InsensIble ansi riot likely to recover The disaster limit caused much excitement Many who frequent I ito Gardens assert that time balloon wits badly patched and was unsnfunt best nod they ex- pres surprise at Williams rIsking in ascen- sion ¬ especially when tIme weather wits so bois- terous ¬ Prof Colgrnvi has since died of lilt Injuries Prof Martin the aeronaut and others wino were present nt the ascension begged Mr Viilllnnn not togo up saving that In the half pale which wits blowing ho wits literally taking his life In his hnnds Tho men fell about two hundred feet time balloon rebounding after striking thin telegraph wires then striking u chimney nnd ngnln rebounding at which tuo- moutthu aeronauts were thrown out 4 A7YOV Of RUlE The Grand Ilnnqnrt tn be Olvrn In hU Honor on AVednrtduy Kvenlnr When the doloffatcs to time Syrnctp Con- vention ¬ encountered each other In flue streets ot that famous city nnd discussed limo advisability of time nomination of Lucius Itoblnson for Gov- ernor ¬ there wits a sudden strong desire for tIme nomination of Germ Nixon of Erie County The Tammany delogntes wero rendyto accept army person other titan Gist Itohlnson and Nixon of iriu bneiimoa war cry among I tlm friends ol Mr John Kelly II t It was slid tint Gn Nixon I owned I half of KrleCotintv timid that ho would accept the nomination Tin hut was thnt not a member of tIme Tammany delegation Including i King I Kelly I over before heard of Nixon I of lrle yet I they wero all I ready t to accept him I ns their standard beaiur Fveu muller Lucius Hob ItiBon was made thu Miidldatn of Ihn regular Democracy Mnn ol 1riu declared himself vet In the Meld and proelii lined that hu would be- a eandnlate until the selling of lime sun on time lIlt of November Ihn fullovvlng eopyot a postal earl sent tn- pr unlneiu I Democrats throughout the State and county explains Itself Nui OKk Oct n 1871- PMK Sin IIPIM sMc l 1st return of tnnil uliithrr MUI ire ili flrom il UMni inn In tin1 iinom t M t It BUI n In Ininr ul I lrles IIMnU mil lill ti nliliutonSioii nil Nnilr i tilv t Illllkf till silt nut HI time M PilmltlntU lIonel mill vi HiiHUiulli- I mi < rrsMsriuv nnlnnnn J Tiler Kfllv limc inmser nIl u vi snijtli i tilbirt HlllluMl rmillllilti i N tt s ir luimcIntel tn C VI Sill III Count men utvnlce Xlnrdercil hy n Iliiptlit Irnrimin- ST louts Oct 5A despcrnto encounter no- ciirrnl nliout lour iiiilen iroui sum uimiflolt Me niclit be- fore Iniit bitwreti the ret hco ltuiir aIUitut pmclicr- an l Irunuk llnJil in uluilillie shier had lilt ntulonieii- rlpl eil npea IMlli i ci ltrie oekrt klitft lu tic liniuli it i the uuuiuuiir smut 11 i- tilmini il InI- XHtfUIIH iuuur tithi ascii air lni > UJui- Melll HV iuppssSine itlllLtlnlll nut ieiitur shut Ii tn i li t till ntlliM nu Until Lii- Tlnl4 Into n ili irj- oiixM t usi li III out Irom tusuir I SI ml- nullneI I In n turn 111 t SI it till illint jtnl umtunu toiu si us mimrmsiu l usnITuitmtl ytuur4a Jiursrtt htiieil l Iiy is Wuninn Nomuwmcim N V Oct lIe time SsuonIiil- ua it suiums SI C ri tvuii a bee I cluo r nii thee ulu uur grusutuslu ut tuiaiC Ii iiilsuuu F lriuiu iii t rist usf- uisi lunuuitu mis emsuutura shuiu a iseiclmiussr Iruummiunum- iiieLsrumu uuumsruo Isu t uijsl uumciuJ Irlu i Isuusslununuu liii- SI 5ilust SI Isis hs tu uiiumis sciutcii urusuim ult iimnu mint esutlist Iii I lu Ii tiuu ru is1 uurusuut is ithu it Is sci- Si Iuii II itii tuistu dc isuiuiuuruut I i uu a liii sir jjtst iulmuu Thu tisusl I usuiuoi tiuc wish musiuul pio lId uiusuunst simsI isuisi luvist muuit to up nusu uiimirt 1 usemu 1u Sue Ii SI t The ill Ike lit Full Jilter FmL lUviit Oct 5Tho city lint been too rroiiiilMuitMiiuiiliinm tin Isuit uik a ith tin i lion if tim autuumult on limn narking niiiiir lit inli- wtirio the InsniiHi11 trtu i hnlti lunl lln ir n iuliitniii It I it exititul that in i to > ti in iitu ii itl I umsssrrSu I in i uv- tlinriro t usrkiuu iuiiiit n Is tin 11 in- ni tin m tnr I- nk ursl ii it ut p mil u ni hi I rtml ttnttltiu ciutuin t rs 5I iiu misc a isi st ituriiii thu uhriie The t nuslisil lust Savliik IInuli- i Jlsimgtsiy- Un hut hlinnsa Slit rtti fu un Phi hush el sii t iustin tu gut Uliii t ussi HI I lio it unti i Jim st l tin n- iu br mihiisnstuiusg t M il a inUil Mnii i uiiu n l m I unit ICON 55C r tlm iu untltMu M suiuitlst th it the tnsrgi lirt- iii k troiu tin niilt 11 tin tllllll tit in Nnihki H ink I lit niiinlti nl the linn I hit I iseumi ildittl tmt lisp iuuik i IS lii in It sat let in ttind S ill mInim it lust Uui naluuu tied ml uiii l lutvuiue II II I uulkt A Triilu t uutttSuel li > I IM ill ii- luliiiUk Mi Oct 5 limrm lcumi tm mnus annul with riirki tnJ i tin buanUil tin t iino tmutsu from t umtit rlnn t on tho- i 11 ntrnl llHilrui t uuuusrusuiuO uuul shiniest IIu ussluuutuum tllllKt till 111 5mrr i nnuu Hviiiu slitiuis t Iliit- Iu ii uimi Isultesh cut Iii us i II li ste tt iiitt In In II an cillnl t is iusfl ulug iimuuius kit liii- ns bctcu4iuru susit Lieoi- utxvL THE FIGHT AT MILK 1 I H1YEHA- UKXT mimic nt in nm AUICXO JJIILi 1ls lILIUI Henry Tlrlnc Ilritnl In Ihn lllrrollon of Cnpt- l jne Cntiul Two Diu S ATier She Fleet llnltlellie Vie thIef to hits NuljretC- IIKYKNNK Wy T Oct 58 P roa- poctors In North Park from this place aro ro turning TliBjr report that Utoa In war paint hnvo boon soon in such cloao proximally to tIm nilncB that many tumors mire starting for Iho BottlomunU nnd others mire bandlnt together for protection Time rnnchmcn In anti near tho Park nro leaving AH report having noun In- dians ¬ or Indian sIgns Aaron Itor oy mall carrier arrived at Kawllns tit 120 this morning from DIxon having loft them at 8 A M Tester that Ho reports eeoln time body of George Oordon n vullknown frolLhtor who was hauling Indian irooda from Itawllna to tho Yhlto lllvor Aconoy mind tho- J body of onoof lilt toamstcra utn point between tine scone of Thornbur hs flwht and the agency UorKoy says heavy lining was hoard In time dl roctlou of Capt Paynes position on Wodnesday Oct 1 two minis nfttr Ito fluht Imltana huvo boon soon lu the vicinIty of Bunko Elmer settle mont Thiero are flvo or sIx uooplo nt Dixon and tho carrier says they lund no serIous appro- lionslonR of trouble Pocka Hear IHvcr trailer was on his was to Dixmrm when time carrier loft Hurley thniiiht that Merrills command wits campid last nlcht nt Fortlllcatlou Creek and would reach Paytioa Corral somo tlino this bunua I nluhr- YASIIINITOX > Opt 5 Tine following hn been received at the I Intlian Ilnrenu from Agent Stinlot nt Los Pinna Col M 2 A runner just In from time Whltn i Biter Airency reports that line imont nml fmoloyne are killed Thtiro hnn been a lluht with tim e trooim I In which tho 0 nicer H In command woro killed The troops nruBurrnumlidawav from army water simply mid their rat nit have Ien captured Chief 0 ii rut tlio head of the Uto nation8 nda tho following order to his people by a runner Tnlhf Off uiSs tint llmlntnt tin I UUtnt Whit irrV- uii nrc hcrrliy ruiutMtid simi cnuiiintn Inl lo nests Iiotlillei n nlinl tim a I liltc liijurtnjj no Innocent pr- Mm nor nm nilicr tnrihcr thitn t i usnsieuI vonrn n Iien ftinl prni mt > trout ummulsiss mum und uimutliurlztit emit Intttiim iit IMTN thleun ntul ill > trflil fo HI Hiijthliitf inrtlicr sylut ultliuati ly emit in sIitsumsr tu all pirtlvn- HAWLINS Y T Oct 5l P 31No tidings have boiMi received from Milk Veuk nip to tlmtit unit Them urrtMd todav Companies A D- niiil H Third I Cimilit the Ii ret nninett train Fort Lnrninln niut time two latfr from Tort I KobltiBon Yistiirday Compnuy I U I Third I City ¬ aIry uurnlvcd from lout IVtttrmau Thin tunco now here Comm tintss six rntnpnnfetot I tln Siv- entli Infantry iiuniberin24i men ami tho four companiiH of cavalry nnntloueil itlmsutmm num- hHrtnir 100 men Threecompanl i if f thus FImIrd Cavalry three cumin pit iss nf f the Fifth Civalry- ami twit conun luau Iis of the Iourth Infantry start from Tort McKtnney Vy T for tile point to nmrrow Jen Crook U epoetid lonl ht Until ho coons notlilD is certain us to thin movement of troop from Havlins to lImo front tomorrow A trustworthy ranchman Itvtni nn the Muddy Creek has just coma In from Trices command ntFnrtllloatloti Creek ftHventyle miles tills side nf Pajnns Corral He reports havlntpeon no Indians Tho com- pany ¬ of colored troops Ninth Cavalry CnptJ- JodKO commanding which lint boon camped nt Steamboat SorlncH and lu reuitrd to whoso pfifnty there lint bun much anxiety ban joined Price at Fortification Crick Time force now here Is ready to march nt u moments notice DR JRSU1S ooopDr HIs View of ftlldhitt Pnhaa MIssIon Amod the llrdoiiln A rub The Rev Dr Henry litmus Jessup preached hUtlnat wrtiion jesterJ In the lrfib > tcriati Memorial Church before Rciliu ns A wbsionnr ti Syria Hu saul that ho hiss lost LM jtoo l by to his mother who U81 years oM He quoted Trt ldont Vootys snytite that tine ocopnrcnt lnwnwArd to their cMllrcn Is greater tutu the bye of chiMren ujnvarJ tub cumin pirenU 10 hit mother frame bhook wlien time aM BixiJ by to him but thee dltl that It nns moro MCSMJ totl e than to re cclvi even ehtlitrrn slid her son rouM co Attlioiijli it was like bur > lug linn from her UhL The sermon was from tIme pinsaiiei wiunt wilt Thou hi > cme toilo- ami tthuuoever t He stlth unto you Jo It The mull flonar time speaker paw teams the nlll of lod hy Ills Monl anil t tuy the exHrlencc ol the church Tius mi iian of the church U to carry lintul to Ito people Themisf- cionar > I U to learn Arabic Zulu Chinew Ilinilost ne ant tin n fluid thatticrc lnuncunm cxUtlnjj In heathen linus t for thi in tn step Into ni Iho cxjn ctJ Hatin hat Itiitf l cen at workin thoue cottntrio auusu while thu na tii art tlllfil with error ilioir mlnt nrp nut crtheK MO kcfii tlioMi ot thu inUnumiirirH rt Iruil men do con iiu r in HixtM iminp although their t lun ten ir set 1imnt is the ntituo ntA lunlt in CnritlHtilt The po- HiicHl int rcMts of KinUnt tor I luentj neoarrt were rtilTi rent from the Iuttriah < of the tti tcrn people hut the Inti war iiuta LhaiibMtl ihK him In ml we < ttintll ttio- Turki ti emus usir I h not rtlornuil thnt empire vrill co down no Mulhat 1Anli s huts cinch kvnt to Inform time Hftlunln Arat that thoy mutt iHtlK die or less e th- cnnntr > at the point of the sworJ Tin preacher had win ft telettrnnh tlonatch Mjtttg iliat the Kurds slid ArtIst Ivure resiIITie l 1 nknh Khun tIe thotuhtlt meant that the IkiUniin wtri rtsiiUiu Mldtmt IHuha I HP has wintuin six nionths made cxtpn tve nncalMnUott rnndi- In Syria uu l rust rrlormpil the police Tin lUttnuln- Arrtt uneatt in winter atul in miner rut urn tn S rut to pliintlir roh uiul rrorle 1 hrj moc I OIIKItime- snimitict HUT Hun InMk of thoti mists of acres are un- culiitaicd tnroiuh l ian oh thrni rises art umuw to ue- utilu ated The rullrnil MHIII ti ie limit t Inmi a point nn- th1 vtcditprrannin sea lint mllpn north ot Hc > rout along tin hiiiihratci Vutily to tlio Il riiu iiill aiim onemi up a counir liilhirto i limci ec iil In t hritiiiiit of the tI nun L- Mnlo the et lhofVeitf riuiii1iztlloii will M idt > Bpn ad- In the lsutt inUlon khouM tc rctrtblUtH to rtntntcriicl- tho Inilitince of hit clvillzition S me lt I I H opunu lor- thrUtmii women to shht i tout work in 1mrum where museum art not nllowid to vo SthooUunU the iress uiuit b- cloul looked ntter tn the Latt Atckeli for RelIgion Xothlnur roe flcleneo An exhibitor of mlcrosooplo wonders planted Mt utile at ihathttm and Mulherr tretU the other afternoon and the rtrt peron attracted by the array of- chtrtp microrfcoj tach ts iOu an object miler lii len v as A thlnimiin hit nlmoml cu i liccnme round with d linht t snub he Kiniloit clonr aroiuul lo tho rotiti of hl tu tuur i Ho rntornd ct >l s nrontil tie tnt buls tiC trtil tlie whiU wnliu wtMl And pulm IntialiiM l tm- joible limits HID himN wire plmu t dnp lulu his P rkit suet nil hH tnoiu > WIHdrawn forth Huw muchert hoiituerh Htki I Thu t ilcroHui met ii told him that tv c nt1 wan tha cluuure smut lIst luinn inn iii uluii ii ummuimuy tuirlitu as- inre 55 un uusieriuuvomu i nist hiulsi isut Ishu usilisi S tuu m- eviSs Ins ciunirm tsst ise uiirisuiiu umuusurhlut CXItsuiumot tutu Suflu hISS ru mitt ti a uese ttus s sisusiri iuuu ter tIc lumutet n lhelu tie ilr Is ret ss C Fi truen ii urn iii Inc tiuimaimut ii iii il nut iuuiur mci rluumgct us omit cut suni nue isli iiusmsuususi usi moo ttiue tiue nseisrisscuues II ti C issst u ink is Fur MIIIC Sling Auulii- In the summer ot IHTS Iohceinin Mulinrp wit iscatenI- s l isesi riw I one ol whom liubut i I i llmnk wn < Hiiit tu Suiit Mil f ir a jeir I He I ai di is urzul A month ago On hept c ho ton hilt rct l d ln hurd I Ii us i us of a w itch nt Urn utu list 1hnin moss ii tuenu t IUMus uut htm tics- lu in t d in ii i 11 n fiitO t tri d t us uinsum him Hi IK k alti usIu him tin I t usiss d i but wan MIIS ipn ml an tod- uid t I tnl i n tu tht i Ii tt rcon M ukft Iolui Tnurt isini > to lo- diMlnirtd is l Ii ms i ould nut bf lound Iolueinnn- hsti in j i iuit itl d I > uutiiuimu t i In huminuumimssb both D tUi and I lloutk to lutirt I llotick a cia i ommitttil A Mlle Iiirtlerer Killed Svv FKINCISCO Oct 5A Ilklih liIcnnuluusine Couiit > lUfttjalili naj > tliatii Lkiah naomi l ty his imme of- vlcriH r iin a hun had brett Hiu sistu I Irvin hU wilt1 for 5smus hose n tcntiy rotnriHd to u lo in tln i nun and tiiklinc tn induu Inn wilo tn lmte with himklllidlur ncsusi srsmt ni ur the MI nn i sil tin1 triutdt in fitti nut lie tn juan Si t McllH rn- turniniE a ire tlr iijon uiil thij r tire killed Melleus ssjmu tut 1w fpui The Iedfktrlun1 Inmfiit- Haxiel George wlmun ho was Informed that Use tsunuurs ut tin tn ttlnM horo Hiirrj siulisirt teus- tlint srteiutui i i thumeechyusu tu nnko Ui usmsmi intut t rn tuu- pn p iuisitc lu gutse suish Isis iiiimums as ssIlsus i S 5 j hit n t IIH Hi nit w t nil htiiMhmk flit n ICowill witii t niiki tro Mth im ni tin tniiuti 3 iou nn iinlrid milt hte t ss lit I nsu iiutui in tin last maltli list hmti tin i utu Minn hi I i uu tmir d itn tu- tht euuiuitrs lust thu II cuss thrttbcllitu UIOoi t Iiisest II sr lit Xu I liro t r 55 Itu k- umuiionm St Imwremuso County Ouit 0lor- rt iiue ar ruwumso Ilu us my tuu tici suuimt uiusirussuis- Irunu isa cii I tsussu I rcnos 3 3niuuy en tlsut- n sn iuuimui un ilu ii sunss Iso lcsst- uicus Iu nsuisits si sumi Ii e ii tssiu itsuisuu sS ui ui Iii a us I is Ii tssss i I iriui 05515 ii 1 Iou Os tat mt isur I I itjs iu 57 t r uui sust miss tlm air russusimmug cuiuutu 3 Iu ill Is trs isrus itliauulum lu Kli l Avfinift In m9i- nhiihiiii hienruir uf 1 lim sh jutiuio nnd J hn- iili 01 rimi I MIHIH tntt minim Tlunl uvuiu ml- t I I ic if 11- imiiMO innlit lii oi nim at it I nl HTOIIIIO her usmI Inline n a ic AsuuIul t Ihr ly lu ssuusli iuii I sums in Sis nni i icmsssenu niiti ji- n Knilt llnnh v in t nt in tliu li it tu IAU oat ariotc but Ji it The Thri niiitnvlrr In seas link Yrtii il- At iiiidmitv at i A st t rvr- IJ n H- UM o sj l M 7 < ii i M sosl l 7H II 7J 1 lir Mtfnul I Ofllte 11 ftllrllun- Teilnllii elssui in M tt b i i n- i 50555 111 II julU onu ttiutrMemns liurli < uiviiu I iwii Ur i

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-10-06 [p ]. · ttseIVo UIIUIIM wibu bulclllodiherc Others iso oor...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-10-06 [p ]. · ttseIVo UIIUIIM wibu bulclllodiherc Others iso oor tliintf Ila chuIIII Inrliluro company that huul Its ullcrtslll boards upon each of


r Jbc un= = == c = == = ===VOL XlVliXO an NEW YORK MONDAY OCTOIJKR i5 1H7J PIHCE TWO CENTS


NSrill H tIII 111 IilOIKACK-


rillIs 1111111 uiill qilJUEX

llrUl linn rorine liml lijr cnrly theMliil riiillllirt I InlI t 1nilyi Miida-

InirneiIIIit to 11101 or S I rcllil r-

Ihf 111t Mile oflhr MxDiiy loiirney

111111111 inon stuiluil In tliu foot rnco

for tlin Iirr bolt In Ilin Muillann Square

OtrJcn nlt 1oclock tills morning 1urlul Iho

Itour hour next preceding I spoo-

lorsjtetdilj dithered Still earlier tlio nolso-

ot ninny workmen Illled tlio jlaeo wlillo-

Itliwer0 llronn and Kuinmorer went on tim

truck IforahiPt stretchlnirof their lees boforo-

Xho contfit rio busy manaKcrs dealt outbadee flflI tickets lo pur9011 who wero to bo-

raplotcil In some way about tliu race tlio bartonJors dusted and arranged their bOlllslho-Cwrer dnlied out their vlllIslho IrlnersflttoJ thu pedestrians quarters unit all was

Ulconfusion and bustle Hut one of tlio appoint-



In USD la tim Garden durlliK tin Astlnymatch Is irlnlnud by the present managementnoJ that I tin blackboard ovnr by iiio Irotl onwhich In tin Inst walk tlio constantly chanclncnames ol LIP llrst six men with their scoresrcuro ill i1llrcI During tills week tlio firstttseIVo UIIUIIM wibu bulclllodiherc Others isooor tliintf Ila chuIIII Inrliluro companythat huul Its ullcrtslll boards upon each ofIho thliteiii tiiils his now nionouollrud oerypost with I signs and has limican enormouselira In told nnd black over Limo in ell TimGarden uthurniMu looks bare 1will hold ho ¬

tween OWl flint 1000 moro spuitatois than IMJ

fore beciinsu tlio central luorll IIs baro ofenumbramiS except lor 011and narrowscoring stand tliu bookmukcr tables anti tho-

tiduruipie fun uttilu at tlio Madron iitcuuoend Tlio HIOUTS ttnnd Iis hvro thu dialswore cud tim IbitrJ that answers for tthe fatsIs mliiio thu scorers were liihtutd ot fiatstlio naim of the pedest rising 111 tainted onlittle BiKiiboiuN ant IUIIIK IIn rowtm of four withpets lor milo and lap llcure The make abcwIUUrltu array and t iku up tho wholoslduof I fiuco twentisoen tout Ion and hix feet

hllh In fiont of this fence tamU n uluntclock 111 coilvl roouwomlei edtiUnul to pre-


mlstnkesu well as tlHputoiThe houses for the contestants under time

north irullery urn strung nloiic sidu by hldofrom 1ourlh to Mndiion avenue limo longapartment In which they have t1 built isdark lnn1 all unwholesome In its favor itis said that hCIIII is inhabit alllllhl a 11

lamps and ttous are lighted it will ht warmand cosy Jima houses nru simpleI lioiid boxesfurnlshoJ generously Yesterday nltornoon

Itlovver llrowntt-HoUlywerollllorliuruxCnlI

a room o own ono of the towersas Western nnd Itowell had Iin tlm last matchHo will not mu the little room 1111 The otherrooms nlroady contain towels andcooking Implements aufllclcct to establisha hospital It Is time Intention of tho manncors to whool tlio pedestrians on and off thotrack but nobody except the mnnnsers Imaginethat the schema Is feasible

I guess Ill wheel myself to and fro saidKommorer echoing the general sentiment

From time beginning of the scorers fcnco tothe grotto tho promenade along tOe track Is

closed niriilnst tim public LlliltI the track arotables anti chairs ntwhich the troiners will sitand where the pedestrians will eat and drinkand KO their orders

The track looks exactly ns It did before butAl Westt who built It says it Is tho best thereever was OLenry and Drown are ol the sameopinion Drown Bays ho never walked on nb ttr track own In England Its excellencelies In tin fact that a great deal of tlnui andcnrohnibeon spent upon the xuno materialsthntcnmpiweil fin old traek It IIs only eightfet wide end the large rompnny of rncern mayba crowded but they will h ave the eonsnlatloiof knowIng that one In thnCulumbin Collegelournninent lOt men ran twther In n tourhour miitoh and txjtorti Hint In a six mlays-

r mllchmorl than forty started Six omen willR lst st In nmiilntalnlngttmugood condition o-

Krohniitb track

shouldered his way into time 01101In tim itfteriinon and foundI luondreadfully nfnitedt with ollA I a g tonsent IIn th ncnrer stand Ouynn saId that his1falntlni the other day was not canoed tiyexiimmtiM

llon imut nut agony pain nun nin not ms

caused II Krohno ctmnltmmmzttGiiynmm for timehoulandtoH ehampionshlpI that ttme latter nowlioldfHiid they nureed 1 that underI other inn nnuement tthan that ol time Astlev walk tImer nm-coiuu


to trlmme lImey salt eui ptmmtt bali r thatthey woo Id nver liavo nnlhllI to do withthose maiiucers nuuin

BrOIII wh iis down In tin nflMal lists ns 1I ol thu mod cnmiiai > built auisturdy looLlncof thoeoini titnrI never wmot a scout said lie but I have

lived a lifo like that of a scout lr many yearsI nm a Toronto oman and a law > er nlthouKh Iflavor 111 practised and my untoiloor lifewas spent nIbi service of time Hudson lay

I Compnuyf Iii wits mi officer of that company anti his

vocation kept him about time shorts ol Hudsonsl-inyJ with his clolhlolI and uroMiiiKr on his

I back strapped IN hend to eau Ills bodyfree Hu huM often walked twentinmi days nttime stopping only tn emit and to deep und-elnouhn returned to i11171101I IIIIH lIm an-n thu member 011 tie 1111 Hihas no lonu dt tuneo reciird although saltto lme utah 132 inllen In S7 built Hu Is notA1110 b > I liii outlook IIn nter nu this eonI t Iis H3 jenis old and weighs I111poundsI IHiiiiiineBofI IIrish Mmk mixeil willlliitch und toiim ol IHH unei hturn were 1111Uleartx blithpla u lnlo IIK 110 a

man mnl thu President ol Ithu IlorlilSnow tfume ChilI nf Canada llallIs in this content IIs time soap mm 1 fortnur-Coiiteuts and Iit nabl to POIHKH 11111 Ta-tors


tift nf sleeidni sixteen II II-YIllllylolr IItiHsell has adoi nud his riuartiwith tlm HUIIU happy knack

ol mil zinc odds and ends that uif nnerBnli-IntliHireello Wall paper umniil cheaipI I eliromoC-

OMT the plank 111111 ttho tinv Lox alroail-nenrs n eomlli homeliku 11rnctlIme b mnlll Inlto keep IIn ur 1011here salt Maniiuur CurtisI fur themw mien e miniI hero to IlloI ICromwell I Ihl1liforll brines lust wife anti to hoes Frank

KduarcU pta yost I stupid trick on tim a othersHist rol Mas Xo H but Ito liked 113 better

I I tlm numbers nnd put hi = namo nllSti lit pnllvk on I13 because it was mint iwinjiiw TheruwiiH trouble wh1 thu chancWa t1olreo but ho IIJ iron fiom th-

At I ueloek Mr Curtis hail Been or hoardfrom th tlnrlvlltu men and till hut two unitroi elved their trainers biulm and tickets Allhad ibtrniliiilI I tto plait Mr url gave tim isIqllmlul sadly for hu said wished ntI t y if them would withdraw

Cupt V tillmms Ib tthe onlyI mnn concerned Intime milk nlm doe not tthinkI i IIto altiiiilauuthis wok nil I bu large IIluI has not detailed aform of policemen us largo I that which

Uimrsisil thu hall during till Antlev contest butLi I 14 prepared fur tinY demand that may arise

I Ili promised that tlie greed and iIrregularthat dlitinuuishud tho management of tIme

last walk 1cmill iiotbu niiisoimtidIimo pedestriansare not ci ncuinud about Ihn gut money butCuntest fur prljS IInstead 1ju gate money-Klcstothu manager Already they IniMi ruoovi rud I ally all tlinlr outlay and nlmob-tmrv doll ir nln at tho door wil bo cleartruth fly tliclrcomprnmlsu with InR IP-SPwsthoy iMI but paid Octolwis rent a 1101tliu SJM r Dm Mirlous privileges ashum Ihl holY sum ol imtrnncu foes their

rlze lon i Boino expenses ann providedfor ni8tnrn In time Bpoctilvtion nro0 Iari and KellyI A HIlKS nail IIllnI these

I SmanlIIO Fred I CurtsnD1I x i Moor tho ntlm life

Lnllohar1 nnd OLeary havu entered llsonI it rains to explain IU not a col-


mnn iHe1 has no record html is deemed aKod pediHrlan Thoy hau inithliit to dowith riurex IIhuneuro ot thu Ilittlu army ot-JvalUrs Mud who was with Hart In thnllalJ uhpt nnd Jack Hmlth nru 1Klsons>

trainers llriyle ono of time thirtyfive looksIliket rinchottonu generalI tim lstmtk ott

for lufimu Ilk luuiucltot lie lit Fiittuh CanadianMunauur Curtis wait auked AMiat aboutt BrnukliiK I Ills ruply wits Wo till smoke


1 ha orders will bto admit no ono who bus not

lall lour IIn lit a I thn judgeshad nut Ion ollnlbo selectedfrom tlm ilifTivntI I athletic associatloiiB

CroniwuliI ol California another unu of IitothlrlyIUeI IIs I tihyslclan and Is mild to bu-vioithS I UIOIO Ilu has wrlttun three books on

1 imaik ltu I I ii Imd malaria feer fey bufuru-yenturdiiyI and gmtrlo tear yenteiday but hoJins locoieruil Hu weighs ITO pounds Is33 years old IOlkslko IPHpiblu man and hasn record nf I ulxi dayx I IU will willtJU9lu ttllli tutu Jufluu IUIIlk UU ie-


menIal I II lit A nit row Watd Thn Doilor IIHfond of Indian tiapplngH and Inlcndhto Weil n-Bomiwhat aboriginal cnntiimu on Ihu

At htmlf past I oclock tthu doors wenti PIMTwo thoiiiand perHons had iiBHombled opposilt Thuj rushed past tliu ticket men as IfItutu wiis nit a siqmil to lOb The Itread oftheir coming was Ilku tint bursting nf adam AllrHllh railing inlilo thu trackmilllmnlI 11111 limo sentH III thu north gallerywern looked although limo iilteniliincowould eijual Unit of thu night ot thuAsllnyrAwalk A vitally dlffxrunt IAsItHUB tthrong Tlm < were101110101111and them were many hoes LadlesJOII1 In thoboxes and limit central NPIICO Homo noted Intuttle pedestrians 1Kllbury Von Burg andothers weru tn time throng

All limit OIllnlI almosti tin to the gatheringfor thu ansi women IpnsHcd the trackto from limo eotutostmmmtts boxes Thuy tar ¬nnlbags baskets liottlin trunks shootsUUlltfl pillows soot canned cdlhlcRI towelstenknttleB plteheis tumblers and fruit withwhich to furnish the walkers quarters

Time favorites among the bookmakers weroIron Tabor K mmnror Cromwell rison

Wnlkor 1 Costello lien Ourran andItKgcrald Croisland time troll KngliMi run-ner


WI twelfth IIn tito butt I IlistI Tho reaSOl did not stand better wits tutu Ills record

for three luysIIIR limo bllnaagainstlimo favorites wits againstllrown 4I to 1 against Tabor 4 to 1 nun InstKemmerer 5 to 1 against Cromwell nndO to1 auilnst llson-

Knnls time pedestrian said that tow of timethlit > fhn will withdraw early They haveboon training a long while Nearly I dnron-inav imiknover 450 miles The extra purseswill keep many on tho track He dues not bu-

lluu lon Duller will suo him on HurtsneX Imidnight tim bettIng through limo book-makers


was ns follows-Ti III iiii IM oIII J iieiint niowcr HroTii IIin4-

Ilt to I tuilttt fttbir 11t t >tItn I niiiiiit Ki iiiiniriT I

Inihi1I Mel in ilnl12 ti 1 iiimt i nulls ill rlulI11 1 IIncline T lutlllu 4 tu I

Ilv 1that time Itho tthmng exceeded any gathcrust III thn Garden during thn Astluy contestThe ntmosiilierovvas smm IToemut I ugly hot WomenIlled tIme boxes elegantly dressed nail morowomen wrlrrlllll at lImo doors In carriagesThe had not hnrlclcllllnh-Olr The1 Garden resemil titiut I u res i

10101 exeopt that lie pltaswellas tIe ntUsed i linked with spectator

A crniiil in in dressed like Ilnlorrlllkl1rount nnd lonnd Ihu fountain Iln ¬

cy Ing himself n cliiiniplou pudestihin Tno-eneis of thu crowd Ineiled him to his utmnstspeed TheI police vven tOil busy with ttinuiovvd lo any attention to himIIIllinmlti Asbuiy Puk N J was the llrstman In the track Crossland was the aeeoinl

OJlfIII 1 down the track amid applausethn streets vvern packed for two

br ke and tickets were selling for a dollaruplnen and more

1hllan In charge ot his trainer mmlo nAllen t ik lila i laen1011 111lt thu lllowei I llronn and

n doeuI others ilut tot y followed Drownworn a pirlleolored cip without a peakDillI n wirutheeloveit Ilest of thu FirstI DivisionI iof theSecond Army Coin on hUcap The menw re called to time snatch by Ih11 IllbrPure theeoliired man was lu roiv-lie looked mull muscle and mouth and wasdressed in blue No one shook his hand Itell

11tl Hub Smith brought thu negro on tIme

At1 1 oclock this morning Manager Clr-UAnlllOn mini thn contestants sprang

r slit I mig places IIn front ofI the scorersstand ami scrambled over their flint1 111111 twothick confining gioups It seemedthere vvernas ninny dltlmt colors ns men Inlit il varied costumes The bind playedansi thu throng utilizedI voices handsand feet In tho RIIlnu1 that followedrho starters were Ilehrninn Doylellramln Ilrlody Ilrondgeest Irlwl Cos-tollo Cromwell Crnsiansl IMvifDickinson Dillon Dugan DtiBhsne lckInlKdwnrds Litton rl7Jumll Fullerard Kiiuinerer Melnn MelenvyMahoney llrlhl Perkins Plerco Husaull-Hp lli y Walker

Thn racers fttnrtd like a drove ot sheepCampbell was the first man IrouUI Ho wasfollownd bvCurran and Crosslandwalked Tim negro was among time last Hewas In the darkest blue nud Crossland In timedeopeit red

There worn so many of them that nil was con-fusion


They rushed past thin stand tn Kroupsso lust tthat it W1 IImpossible to distinguishthem except their numbers Eiolimnn was compelled to curry his num-ber


on his breast On nrrlnelll thornfor time start they were of urnThey were mainly In withIn nnd ffew yore capsThn negro appeared hhln111 except Itussel-Tnlt vas thu stumni Vi illininsI leanediver time massed pedestrians like the power oflisa

The markers lined tho oulsldnof thin trackwhere thu old scorers stand stool list wok Adozen men near them calc out the numbersot Ih walkers as they I I

Itlower Drown seeinpil to bn making noslcIIOITorl The Covvlwy Fltgerald made

In six Minutes nnd twentyllvoseconds Eckerpoll was the second man tomake a utile Alien third Iclenv fourth Mnhoney fifth and Cromwell

TiE SOUTH AMrItlClX wizAdmiral Oraii AiKHint f lie llamliaril-

mvnt uf AnKiCHautta

IANt Sept 23TJio last mall fiom theSouth Pacific brought to IIB tho IuruvlHn olllclalreport nnd the reports ot thu Antofagnstanewspapers as to thin bombardment ot that cityHoarAdmiral Omit says that ho hnd no Inten-


of opening 011upon tho town but enteiodtime harbor to seo whether anythIng could bo

done to cut out time Ahtao and Mngallanns1

which weru anchored there without Injuringneutral vessels ot which there wero over adozen In the port and also to cut thn cablecommunicating with Santiago If hint woropossible Ho was surprised when about2000 metres from tim limling by n three

hlnlrNIlolnl alt imil which passed through time

lunnll hrklnl Itho hoistliiK chain nndI port-

coamuigot thin boiler hatch and Mrlkmu time

deck where Iexploded The crew of thu moni-


were at onco bent to iiuirlers and tIm ii actionMAslcgnn rime batteries on shore wire threein number thn north acid south redoubtswilltwo 1130pound 11111 gum each ont lImo

centre 011111111 one 310IIOUlllol Tinhamlet 111 ono shot wns badlyPlaced was dismounted by tthu lecoilanitook no furth i tart in the light Thn otherhnllM les nail the two ships lied about 120shotsnone ofI which did any speiiil damage otherthan cuttingI aayi thu rikKi ng aim ii utpor worksof Ilm lluisiar whl h am only teiupoiaivalTalis 1 lie Huthem ilriil ntislxsliots lion-DUOpounders timid Itwn frmn hII lilpoiindeinoi-ikcl lImo tno Chilian slut were Irllilotto VXPOSO UllseIIOsII thumachineryI l blll leiialredt baekliik-on


u lino from her tau position hohlnd twoEnglish vessels 11111 hOr brmidsldu and theihauling ahead out ot the rnngn of theenemyi KUIIS This movinetit which wnsseveral times rep ntedvviif not Twins Sri rnpIdly nxecuteil as lo oval1 danger OnoI of Illn-


shells stiuek her amidships killinglive ofI bur 1101 and wounding huvcral othersIn Imlitu lio la1111 hr Saiiche unit thu

steam11110001 lllalnlsIIIIrtnmt move-ments


were moro IlivelyI Ithan Ithose ot tho Abtno-shnesCHpcd wlthjnit ttrillingi IInjury Au iii I ratGrail claims that hu silenced the batterltsonshorn and thus tire of the stilts hut this tinAntofaKiista patient deny allegingI Ithat 101111the conclusion ol Ihu light time Hiiiucnrtired to is itch adistanee ovei 40001 nm st rue fromitimonilthat ttheli I t titi nil rim we rim of no ser-vice


and Illinordei was given tobtispend ringalthough thu Iciuvlau ship still continuellrlng at this range ihcrunrn no losses of litnor slelllllnmll repnrteil on shoreral lieutenant killed and onoman wounded by thu shell which llrot strucklila vessel

Tlm Peruvian corveltn Lnlol his been ieported nt Montevideo gone InBontch ot nn Ingllsh vessel Ithn Genoesevvhleisailed Imm Anlucrp to Valparaiso on Julyi Jlwith a largn cargo of minus tom Chill 01 te-celpt of this Intelligence nt Hantmgo corvetO 0 ii lggh tie which his lately beuit tiupplliiwith new bolleis nail received other tepaltxand th Aninonns I heavilyI armed I rums Iurtwero nidered lo thu Ktraltn and Montevldeoti1001 for hue ieiioHii and onduavorto ummth urn

Union Thul0 IIIgginK entries heavier memtitan Ithu Peruvian cotvtte whlluthu 1101IU also well armed Thu contest will Iequal should the Chilian hlp Ilemaln to-

Kuther 01 dels to which elTet havn been Issucithem ItHipIo in ValtiainlHo aiu 0110111tlioaiitiiruof Iho Union althoughenough to run away If she is nut caught 111iItight iilaoulnI tho otiali

Admiral liuholludo unit been restored to IIhncommand nf tIme Chllni fleet vvllh unllmilei-poweis Ho IIs A dash nnd in 101111huns Ihlllieito tell restrained Iby Ithu MKantliigo Irom moVLinunts which would hnvuwrotulit borlous dnnuiifu to Peru

Pertivlnn llnancesanilii a diilorablu condi-tion


Tho Ft mum ncn 31 a slur icHlgned and hli-BUCdhuor IIs appalled at lImo Bltiiiillon Tinchurch property will almost certainly Ibo hutunder contribution IItt not eonllscatod to 10100of time MtntcE-

xehmmumugst his Improved slightly owing to tinabunilancii llrbtchibs paper and IIs nowquoted at 19iJ for BOU4 uluulydny bills

i L


VK suii tti isiv IVHV-AMI 111I7Ir> VKA Oi 7f lilt 111J1N

TArrlrnl tif ltir liJlj Iliillun Oprrn-Mlumuert itllhI a Inrl nf It toitiluitis I hr-

Jlillnre of Hit IiiulUh then l ulrrprlMr-AtiiotiK tlio imKBiMKorH who arrived Irma

Inllnnl nt 10 oclock 11 8itU riley nlulit In time

llirlln was Col J H SIntilcBon time di-


0111 MnjiRtys Opera nnil snino of limo

whom ho proposes to noon hisporntlo campaign In Now York titus seasonlie romnlnoil on lionnl timo vessel unti ypflcr-dny mornIng wlion lincnmo ump to city nmlwont to his suns residence lie piofesspn nn-

Icltmtlon of n lirllllntit scnnnn html Is Botnnwhn-tllsconocrtoil by n plcco of news that rnnrhmlhim Just ns tIme steamer was iibout to sail andafter ho lund engaged pnsHauua for his untlrocompany

I cannot now open ho saId until Nov 20which will bo considerably litter than wo mmlon commencement Inst year I had mndo everyarrangement to begin earlier when limo di-


of time Acnilomy of Muslo tcleRrnphndthat I could not Inuo limo bulldlnc until Mr

Inrcl7 jk hnd comploled nBonsonof ix fortuu guthind I boon Informal of this Intention earlier Itwould not luuo nIToctcd mo severely but IIH

It Is It wi cost mo about MOOOO Thin chor-isters


nru nil on board time City of Mon-treal


Mini u III bn lucre in it few days atoutul rpay hom tIme let Ilust amid limo artists will lb-

osllllrllsllllclI hOI tho 15th IInst Then I

11 hteu igeil to cnuiiKQ 111111 Itail forour rolieuf ul liUli will ol COlIS n heavyadditional expense However I dont supposethero IIs any tin Irllhlll about It Thu di-

rcitors of time Academy hle not lost tiny mOIlby thu arrangement emit I cnnnot therefore ex-


timid they will perceive theIr mlstaku as-

clenily as I dorime pilma donna who accompanies Col Ma

plebon appears Ito bo an American Ithough heroperatic iianiu h Mine Alurim mil lena Mmeh

Lablache who was hero last bln ollIs also IIhis compauv as well as Mile Adlnl a sopranoand nn Alwrlcll hy birth Shim made hcr1famous IIn Hiipsla Cal Jlnplesoiii says a re-cently


retuined trout Madrid covcretl withlaurels Tliie aritlnotilj ladles belonging to-thucompHiivI who came out In the City of lleillnibul Mm 111 IIs expected In thu tiernmnlcniid 311s1 i 111 Ioulu Clf will alsoappeal Ilint Col 111111lrII81 ItrcasuieIs represented to be Italianwith I black lizard nnd I wellmoulded formHe IIs about 30 ears ot age mmmiii said to bo a line

101 Matileson says that tho great rlk ofpliiLlng an opera befnru a New York audienceIn not in putting I on thu boards extravagantlylimit IIn 1111111I i toiconomire tII its produc-tion


tindouhtediv sunie dangerof failure In giving a costly opera tlmru ih nochange at allI of suecet8 whero a cheap one Ispresented lii believes Ihnlll Iniibllltv to reall7i tthis fat wns Ithu rck upon which directorI

after dlreitorI s pllt n dozen vearsdelavedthoI IIntrcductlon ot good as 1101111muneiatlvu Italian opera In this eoiintiyAmong thn baritones he will hIV llnIII1Del Inente both known toare to tm three IIIAeH 11 prnfuudlfor Col IIJIsol thinks th Ameri-can


lies In that directionThoy think hobus that it bibg should alwayshavu low nols1111 IIPI attributes 1olis wnllolsuccess re to comply withmand David Is this principal bass of theUramlOpert lionsi in Paris and thin othertwo llehrons and Mortl have both acijulredreputations In London and llorCherl which hut been largely increasedslUI season will bo under the leadershipot Signor Ardltl who arrived yesterday

Col Mnplcsnn I Intend that his season shnlcommence only one day after ho obtainsslon ot tho Academy ot Music and hesa > s thatthings mtibt for time future bo arranged veiydifferently or Italian opera under hi manage-ment


will hardly IIM long lived III Now YorkOne of time losses and Inconveniences that hocomplains 011li that time thirty ntchtslion cannot 10 put Into practice as HUOlrlrInecoMintii having an opera everywould stilt neither him not timswas sufliclently lccs1111I ih Is first vi utureto-eneouragii him 1 1 110111 lin says limitthe existing sImile of Illsllm materiallyalteiod IIf hu Is to embark iInn I

Mr Clnreiieu A Sevvard onu ot limo Icidlnedirectors of tthe Academy expressed high hopm-of the success ot thu IIIII opera In New Yorkand soen no rusol and his colleagues

31hull not b II perfect harmony with Col

Col Miiplcnons trouble about limo encroach-ment


of tlie Maretek seaton wits removi d lastevening when Mr Marrt7k nnnnnnceil that howould abandon his enterprise Thu followingis Ills letter on tIme subject

To TIIK hniToR or Tin st vr otiltlntan1ln theirriiliningI out niulitU inrri lninrnnc mc snu Amvrran uumcrI i tin tlniiliclil n silt li n IH en psi tnr lel n tu-

rimrlrm his iniaminoiu oplnlnii df till I riM I ilbllcthom lli fn li niv el Miiie U notI tht Irulor iIrtro to utnhsli or iinTiemi uicrit Un vr thru ririiiintAiirttin iiuuiiusrimiit t 11is Jilnflrtl in ill ct ii1liiuiti till IH rturimmiummcl misT mileI Tc tnl ArralitfvimMitt mu ixnllnt-Inr n It winre Mos MIUKTZKK-

Svw Vntik O-


A for Tun StN found Mr Meretzekat In consultation w ith Bom of his ar-tists


HuHiiidI should prefer to await limo result of my let-


before saying much to see what will Iw saidin reply to It If tImers are mummy adverse com-ments


upon my course I am prepared to StabI lie reasons which ii ave compelled 1 It

Net trouble with your artists Is It Inquiredthn reporter

No sir You may tusk them bore Alt thecompan mIre harmonious nnd will co with moto reproduce the opera In other cities Timsuccess ol Mucpy Hollow from nn artiMii11011101 vIew Is mull I could ishtbllcru lure lit ¬

malingers asking mmmii to como mindgin thoopi rt In lhlhnlllhllllllnwr Chi-cago


Stl ILouis nld 01 hlllto those cltiSt I expect to Ilk II Inn itfinancial success than wo to nohere

WhatIs tlm drawback here V

WI the filet Is wu have been l1rlorllnltobucururent to t liiu stoek tAcademy Thj musk me flf a night which Indouble what the havu Mr Maplchon

IHowI about Ithu seal which they have liftnullity vvlnlu reserving them to themselves inthe IMb-


onn of flue causes of eomphlnt Itmakes I hOI look cheeiletB and baru to havu-silih an arrnv of ptnpty seal Thu publiceomplaiiis of 10111 obliged to put up with 1001seath while t 1 > utica aru unoccupiedentire eveningI A tIme tamu ttlmuI I am IleIpowerlens tn remedy flit complaintMMls vvniild sell readdi indeed it would payto II with deadheads lather thai toje tWIoniptv-

thuIIIt stock Ii slit urs mt Ilikei thn opnra FWell homu of thum hnvucomu III dlsgiiiseil

his ovimcuitts buenimmuu tutu eared that an Ameri-can opern vvMldl uHI bu lashlon ible and Mncruiled theniBilviH behind tho pillars Inr fetrlimos would Ibu Been Thuy immure ot uoiirsebeen agleeably disappointed but they liavunot attended thu performances ns they shouldwhlliitliuy 111111 tlmli sealB-

So you thu Academy of Music 18 not aprolltublu plu for opera V

Yes I mnilu a mlhtnku In goIng there bccausj thu htockholders restrictions inni tnomuch Hutj hl111 given thu Aeademv all thuS UCti it bn bymythlrtI > liar eftoiisIthere I sllosolllt ttheru Ijust as n 11 wilgo back wen niter In Iis011 cnn Academy directors do not then encouragi mitlvu talent F

Well IICII IIM11 native because I hambeen 1011 bellovo IItI mi opera ImdI

comu huru with nndoisemi troth Londonnnd 1arla they would havu 1flullcIIIIh10-11ble Hut being nntlvo

Tliat remlndh mime of a little SOny Sev-eral


ot thu editors ot 7nmi wanted Ito nld n1011101 oysli r 111111 andI got it tu n 0111iv that a

ouster 10ul1 bu seen IInthusnlnun Ofoiui nbc people locked to see thu Hingingi ojMerand mills oibturs when lucy got tinre whllu-ihev weramused with HOI contilvanco that-Beeinedtobothu sluicing o > Btei Then mu I

published it paragraph that the iu en > oitlien Majchty miikcH nveinhlng fitsliii iIOIthe Jutmi Intel oruhrtisl tlinniiiuliiuiuittiIt-

Ii bo taken to Iliicklnglinm Iltlneu for Inspuij-tlon Then mum IUMniiKlii went to seu timeplin u ft mimi which blue hinging oyster was dentThen 1iinili had n paragiaph having that IIho-ii neen had tcnt thu Hinging ovlei buck tMi

11111110 nolhlngto do with II bucnibu it wnsutit I1IIIIIh niitiooM r Then-

ilicsiiisim has hi en unpropltlou First ennuiIhut walking mmiuiti-

hiltttt this oidinary patrons ot lltooneii havunot bum ilvotcil ttu thu walking match F

1lhllIIy havn tint gone limit I HiipponuIhnl I 11 tiilklngabout It or belting

nfl now conn another walking match toIdrawI off morn money IItI Iis n now exclMmentthat hurts all places ot amusement Now II-dnnt pinpnse In expend nil my capital II pay ¬

ing thu rent ot limit Academy I tmt mum kuepsolute of It to cany out my engagements In othercities This I colt do K I stump now Instead otlosing Hiivxial thousand dollars bv anothor unprnlllablu vvuek

I Mri 1tl1 it ill hi uui Ikf II U 14J luUl UM lit J

lush it I PJIU met lull JJ

is f

> itnini4ilti liillt > nnitI uiiikiiiuftui HoritUvr err ini niiiimilly curium In Allis 4 Irlll tm > l rli HHnitii Vitor-IIIII >L zn I JlI Allitui JIJ lit uv bmislinr i in omti4il

11111i tx 11I iinniiiK AIIMS1

1 lie Trnule Ind nl luo lost Itctssiml ruth nntt-


1s f n I IIn Ncvi Ilu ii-

NIW HvVfK Oct 1On Inht Hiilniilayl-iKirnlnc at about 7 oclock hilts Martha hullwit about M yenri of ItO went to lleerHsdrug shorts In thin city purchased fournllounces ol laudanum eho took to hurI-

IOIIBO IIn County ustriot whom for ciivernl Ylllfpast she IIIIB lived with her Bister Mis MirandaUlckcrmnn for nearly twenty yenrs anlnihe-clle At about 10 oclock ns nearly as cnn boascertained Mrs Baldwin uavo her Imbccllo-alBler enoUKh laudanum to result in dentilThen she cnrululli laid out clean clolhlnicenough to dress both her slitter and herself forburial took what laudanum remained and gotInto bed with her sister and thero tIme two remalnotl until they were discovered at 4 oclockIn tho afternoon brcathlnc stortorously andevidently tiling The person who discoveredthorn had iOiO to limo house 10 luke Mrs Dickorman to limit hoHpltal for treatment Physicianswero suminoned who did what thor could tosave the tlylnc women who were however be-

yond tho reach of medical nld Mrs Dickerman died1 Ithis ninrnliiK at 7 oclock anil Mrsllaldvvln died thisI evening

Thn two women were twentyflvo years agobeautiful llnely educated vvoniiin tho daUKhii-ters of tlio lute Mis Barah 1ciinl cI tithe iIttThey wero well known 0clllyI1I wero hluhIly respodcd at the IIU marrlauo-Hlncu tlien they hnvo a peculiar and a forronful history Tim n murderers Mrs llalilnlnwent to IDanbiiry with her IUIIIIIIIlclhIestablished a Illtle III Ilrthem well 111allwllllll soinntiiiubluthere-thn

I I <result they went tohyrn

euse wherxthnyI accumulated n fort line of 01t5101H With suiu tim eamn a desire for athe part of tho husband and

1IIIIIIIIIlt until nm vvite nroken iicarniihlll a daughter nail 111t In New

Haven Ohtllllll I dlvoicu fiom faithlessIItW liven In estHaven lien

Blsier who lund innrrluil I Cleorgu C IDlckermanhad by reason of epilepticI Ills become nImbecile after thu death nf her limbmil toniwas utterly helpteuH Thu B Hunt hll I ploperly of nlxiut tiilKlO lelt them JIkr-1IIIIIIII n lelt her hy her liiuhind tim

h lived and certain prnpeitj wlibhfurnished liet nn Incofnu of fSnO it yearriiriuigh mlsllllllIIII coupled vvllh thu-leclinui In rpll us this rn mug little

sum WIIH ditblpated In gnaterpart and llnalh-n conservator was atipuluted to cure for tIme

rMrs flhhvll had become very much at-


IImbecile sister hurt icim liii I y M111 unit POI by marring

Jimuplilnxi 1erry was 111011110taku lf of Mis IJiekerman aweek time service This was tier only Bonnof Income nail she has repeatedly salil 11111thiswas Ilkel away 111 lien slit holil IhrsllI I tew lr past Mis IIkrUIIhl so Iimbecile tthat shu hubIii iiiis with thoMlnglxexiuptlnn of hei cousinwho occasionally visiteil her whom sht awa > s-

reeognled and called by name r Dickerman has of mute bei n III with malaria feverand us Mn Ilaldwin h out become dissipatedshe was cnlIItIIIIIOI 111 to caru furIlie I I i brother Dr-Joslali lull of Itochebler was writ for andI

11H01 I Rime to his sifters removal to tthuhospital Mrs Dubinini leainlng of this

of afToirH snld to tIme conserva-tor


that Mrs Dickermitn wits improving nailwould cool be well ansi that It site wits removedfrom her care she I Mrs llaldwlnlI would killhurxclf and requested that sho no buried In thu-am grave with time sIster from whom shun

would novel bo separated Mrs Ilaldwinseemed her sister would not receIvepioper cjire if Silo WitS removed to flue hospitaland added If 01 Aullwr timers I hll havono nay to live haI to go to alms-house Hut thu removal was determinedI uponnnd Sattirdry wits this day set for It Time doubletrngedy was this result of that determinationWhen the sisters were discovered by lime personwho hroku Into Ito housa they wore clasped Ineach oUters arms

A postmortem examination lIs to II had POflint HID physicians sy examineI I brain ofMrs Dickurmnn her peculiar ease hl111 excited much Interest among the

lrla A cnvncn UKUT

31 r eshsrghs Olcl riorkSiih >rrlhlDzS15OOOOne MHn GIn

Tim Itov Ooortfo 1 Vosburffh of tho hercon hhapthst t Church Jersey City was acquittednfter n long trial endinc In June Ih78 of nchnrcu of nttemptint to poison his wife In time

nil of that year hu icsl ncd Times i wns n dif-


of opinion In lilt cnnKreinlion regardIIIK time effect of III remalnlni In chnriro of time

church though nono of tho members was everknown to express Idoubt of his Innocence ofthe crlmo he hind been charged with IlcforuIlls call to the church tim concrccntlon hindbeen divided Into two factious anti thntich hispastornto was In 18l1 prosperous yet whenho wont away after hall year or more of thodisonrrtiiblnc effect of limo chlru ncalnst himthe prospect was dismal Just before thepassing of time hlad and wlnn on crucial occa-sion


Deacon Wllllnm llumstend wins observedto arise anti quit the church Ills feelings were

shnrol by others On the other hand DeaconsEMey and others rnmnlmM stronir

friends of MIr Vosburch KxMavor CharlesSledler of Jersey City however who Iimd slKnedthe heavy ball bond ol Mr osburuh at lastlucmtnte convinced that it n better for thechurch that ho should resign

1astor VosburKh lull a debt of t11000 on thochurch which wits increased to f3 POO Timenew pastor llev W W Kverts utmost yusterulmyat tIme closo of the sermon that ho hail an an-nouncement


to make namely Ithat a memberof ttin church hnd promised to Ilift halff of tthochurch debt lrovllllnI rest of Itint niembeis-would ralso 1 1Ho did not say winotthis IhOrlllmlr was but everybody knewthat Immsr Ithan exMayorf iHledler

Nowsnld IDrI rvurts let tthe clerk of thuchurch conic might forward with his pen nndtapir nnd IItt tIme deacons and Mheis Inter ¬

t tIIIo start nroiind nmoni thus ennurecasolicit subset jptlons CMiin rlLht-

nlonu And while the lireiuher continued hisexluom tat lunms Deacons KstevlHuniBtccd Heednnd others slej ped briskly to limo table lu floutof Iho 1ltl vvliein they worn iiuhkly furnllob cii blank xllpsi i ol paper piuviously-prepared by thn cleiK-

lotb nIght outi tiuiti time members fnld Drrveits jiiterrilptlni hlms111 lila exhortationflcrlptlons

and use every Illucl can lo get bul

hut the deacons hind Romi Ihlnc to do first1 ofIhlrowl motion 1101 Miller passed In his11rh1 Ifoi il

miami 1101 11 Iteudsubscribed



Istey Iniiided III his Bicnaturu fin Jlou-Tieasuier Muson subseiibed IilUllil anil nthei-ehurcli mrs III tho front seals lilt theirnames In for Iniiru amounls Dr Kveits ex-plained


that tIme Indies of Ithe rnnureKntii as usociety nnd assumed i2000 of thoibbt thinchoir fino time Sabbath school flMii and3mhledlers cluss in tlm Sabl ath HChool tIIIIMextra Hu also handed a MOD cheek to Ihnclerk remarkingI Ithat Itho clvi r stood pledueil-to chris like amount Ivory six months until helimit eontrlbutidlflHW It was not suspectedat this limo that tItle was Isis perBonnl Kilt It wits explained that mill IhoHiihiclbers would Inure throe years In which tomake good theli pledKes Thu tei nis sure hosaid threii years payasyou pie ise JlrsHamilton Mr Van Hlpciand Mr Franii nubHerlbed JJUDeacli Deacons Huiiifteail Millerbrent stty and Heed busily canvassed thu-canirreKation Alter Itwenty minutesI hadmInt puuulI most of which hind been Bpiintt by IDr-Kverls In eai nest nail lively appeals It was an-nounced


Ithat MluilDI had bein pledged Thu-benediction was then timid

IIn HID uvcnliii IIhu requiredI amount was1ubimlgui-

hhtr Kveits hcKin his mlnlsterlnl caieci in-1MU In the Mulberry struet ehuieli III this oilywhurn hu pleached I11I years lln went fromheroin tho alniit street church In LouisvilleIHisI 2U iit nit pastorate of thiss Cliieuo ihiitchivvis leinnikiiblu for his work III thu lino ofchuieh extension

ItMel llllllolrrYestmulay uuuormuhmug Ilium fumusi lImit line

In isuimilu totmlui tliiuluiu 1iIIII uiiuu II tIll 1111101

Vuuuiumiiutsuiuinu 1111111 uuhmuiial t ill suuu iu uumli-

Ii miss llIlolllil ii du k lsmniiu myutmu Jhll tmmllui

1011111 imr misc Numit Tiumuuss IIlttI ts iimmt ut Pisssul-ivuit oa I iummmi t ltll ts Isiiuui mr-gitiii rsiliu 4 sit IssussusI us miii iiiuusumu itssmimmt miii nuu i ui I IiuImsm iI miss tI lust Iiimmcl is 75 JIII isiuii ion i11ls II he nhh aIII hullm-

u S oil I imous luau isuu 5 isuui usuur ru isitli Ir11-Ih ussisut tiuiuii Olllttfl Ih uliseiuiu geuiiut-ml

ftc II Ill 1inile lruigeuIii ii liii sue tsireu si ucirsuisiss lisa llIh

I tsiUt imil 11111111 siiuiiio ui tifl iuuil I101 t sci ut

1111 niit imu tol I 111101 Uti lIh1 111111-1IheIsi I Is i I l ut ii Ii iii-


5 sums it siI t ust rlllIll1 mpuu Iis uritissisuuissmi ut Ii ti imisic itusi ui mis i t Ssiu

usiii i ii Is thu ii ty UuiuI iiitit ust lie tuiii5ii u villuvtluiut Al




Ill AM S NA iriV in VIAT 30OO-IN1ThTS Jintui iii

Only Ilic Drlitll 1 rfi to rrnnar for n Nnlntie flume Inr tOOt nnil Ills lisle Mnncy-

lilil Iscute luo Mrn llHve llnue-Thu match to which Jacob Hclmofor tim

champion bllllaril plavir chnllenged George FHloHHOtt Is to bo played Bomowhero In this citypounum time In October Tim dato nnd hall nronot yet llxed upon Tho two players havo motIntoly once In this city and onion In Chicagonnil Schaefer retains time championship but bil-


playora hcsltato to guess who Is likely tobo the best man In time coming contest Dothare youtigjBlosson Is twcntyflvn years old andHclmefer Is a year younger Bclmefor comesfront Wisconsin hut was brett In Kansas Biosson Is from DcKnlb N Y Bchaefors reputa-tion


na billiard player dates from 1873 Biossoils from 1871-

BloBBonhiiB played In public oftener than anyother nina ot his ago timid nearly nil tho notedbilliard players are young In 1871 ho defeatedMaurlco Duly In Rochester and In 1875 ho da-

feated Iludolphe Dimly und Gamier but wasbeaten by Sexton anti Jon and Cyrlllo Dion Inthis city where tho following year Buxton vanqulHludI himI IIn n giimn for tlOOO IIn TammanyIHallI Ho won tutu third prizi IIn time Centennialtournament In Philadelphia Tint sanio yearIn Irving Hall ho made a run of lIlt points time

best lImit omm record Sexton sulweiiueiitly benthimI nnd his run In Now Orleans makingI 411IHuI nlterwnrd tint Sexton IIn hum I veslmnmu andagain In St Louis In 1H7B In this city In ngame for time championship Sexton heat him

HiCisitnn In time tnurnnniunt In Cooper Insti-tute


I last winter made averages Ithat weru morothan tvvlc IIH gruid as had ever lien ninth be-fore


In n similar series of games In threngreat gainis hu averaged 7i 75 nud 8147-Silmefer defeated him however with an utterage ol tip 57 Sehaeter won thu I trim mistrhck V-

lliilkeI cii tim tiboum sit I ti ot this world Slonsonsruns weiu 271I Jnl 1411 nnd 4C1Itlme last twobeing huts Iteateht on reenrd hehaefers runsweru 283 2ia 321 and 37fi After his defuat Inthis tiiiiiiininent Sloson ehailunged him furIlin emblem Schaefer InIll nml on May 15 limomatch WIIH plated IIn Chicago Schnefer wonHisI score was SdSU 303 The game lasted nnohour and lIve minutes Slosson IB remarkablyskilful In what Is known iu railplaying limit Ingeneral play on Ithu Itnlr> i hu Is bald to be weakerthan Schiler or Sexton

MlhlnI I a jcnrSchaelcr IB Bald to havo mantlea run ol 102 points while practising on atlvuhvten table with threw hulls hchaoferII tat defeated Parker A Dyers In 1873 thentlm champion of Indiana after glv Ing him 3modds then Tony Kriler fit Nevada In 187-iaiillabr still hu was beaten by Clarnler In-Dion Slorson nnd Itudolphe In New York liedefeated 1lack of lloston In 1878 and wontfirst prUi nt ht Louis tthu hitmu i Lit r In thislinden he made it run of 42l and an average o-flfS Hu and Gallagher lent Cyrlllu Dion andhUinson in a bum n iii nulumt game at nearly tthusame lime In tliu implonahlp of this worldcontest nt Cooper IInstitute with Daly Sextonblobson Ibudol phi i Ularnli Illulser and lalln-gh r plavlng ngaliiht him hn mIld not lose ngame In thei match Ithat followed IIn ChicagoSlmison mmntuto only 111 pointIn 1000 Kelmefersaverage and1 beit run weru ii a smi ruth luheth Illsaverage wits 33I1 ansi huts highest run COO

At n moling In Iho Union square roonib onSept 2il Sheridan Shook II W CollonilerFrederick Grub Sr Andrew McClennen anilA L Ashman of tIme Sinclair House wore nom-inated


fur stakeholder sail Mr Ashnmn waschosen Two thousand dollars forfolt moneysmith thu original articles of agreement wereplaced I In his bunds Thu stakes aru 4000and tIm terms phi or tiny Thu game Is to bothu French threebull play for 3000 points1000 points to bomadeon each of threu coiimemill Vi nightson a liveItten cit rronu labIa wIth2ilnch bnlls At blue end of each nights playHie referee is to mark lime resting places ot hisbumPs on tics table and to mnke an accuratelymeasured diagram ot their position as wellOn tIn next night lie player who held time cuewhen lime 1000 points was scored will continuahis play The rufereo has not been selectedThe rules lurnish by time maker of thin tnbloplayed upon nro to govern thegame On Thurs-day


Schnefer anti Hioason met In the SinclairHouse A coin wits tossed for choice of tablesMosson won thu choice antI nam d thin Ciii ieitier Even tho cloth that Is to cover tie table is-

miniiul Iin tlie articles of agreement with minutuparticularity Thu receipts from spectatorsevery night mire to be turned over to tliu stake-holder Mr Ashman next morning mid alterall thu expotscsof thu match havu been de-ducted


I from the total sum tthu remainder otthat and thu gntu money Is to become thu prop-erly


of thu winnerThis afternoon at 2 oclock them Is to be n

meeting of tlm principals and their friends andthe place for holding the contest Is to bo chosen

TIIMK1K IX illS SK4 LlidS-

Th Ncrmnn he Ileuchvd on the Lsonm ofhU Lute TrHntullnntle Voj NKe

The welcome to UrTnliimKO In the Brooklyn Tabernacle yesterday wits expressed Inninny ways The new cornetlst Mr Peter Allpealed cubIt Homo again and Borne sweethome limo pulpit was redolent with raretower pieces on two ot which tho word Wolcomo iippuared Time congregation flllod ev-


seat and every elandpoint In nil the aislesand many could not get even a glimpse ot thepreacher Dr Tnlmngo was on his sea legsIlls tropes amid metnphom wero salty In hisprayers his notices his ScrIpture rending nndhis sermon lion cioppod out time storm thecyclone thin equinoctial gale Ito sailors tinphosphoicseent waters tIme pearl divers sensickness thu tnffrnll nnd thu topgnllaiitmnstIHisI mind was fullI ot his voyage and Its I mmci

limits and ho piomlsed togivn In his FridayuvenliiK ULtuns ot the tutor eLvleslnstical yearsome messages fiom abroad When hu Invitedtlio young men to his house to player meetingor pufTei tlm approaching church fair whichhe Intimated IK not to ban church gamblingInstitution and even w hen he urKi d the neci s-

sitv for plentiful eontilbutinnsto tliu Lordit was with n hiulT heuiim tliit n ld milyIthe proveruial hitch uf limo ttr ucts t u in ike itsailorlik-

eJJ tsi inch er RTld thnt much of tin differencebeixvcii ruin sinus iis atino < ph rb Tlui laci ofwin m sunlight paleMhe Urccnlandcr ainl tholull dash of sunlight darkens thn iijrn Ig-noraneo or Intelligence m ikes us impnss uponlliephysied orunniation n llnituiiit Ihu skullot time Kglptian and int Iligenen Itiibla up ngreat il me on tle forehead of lieu Oeiiuiin1 he inodu of worship tom makes Its Impress onhaul 15 Those that worship reptiles look Ilku-nptiKs thosii thnt worslilp tlm sun In humheavens nuns hun nobltst ot harhnrlc people Hutwhatever difference of physiognomy or of tem-perament


miller careliil analysis humin bloodItems eveiyvvhermhe same eliarieteristics Thublood of twenty men of different iiiitlonalllles-uoulil prove by analysis to boot thnBiimncom-ponent


Darts Thus U It hcienllllially true thatt lod hath nmda of ono blood mull tim ci nations olthe tilthtin first Impression Dr TalmaKOKot nbrnndwas Ithat of time brotherhood ot man At tthu be-ginning


I ho was distrustful of his power overScotch or Fiiglish audiences lint be foundIthey wet of ono blood with ours nnd Ithnt justns a union who knovs how to play n piano canplay It anyvvluiu so tho human heart is n di-vine


IInstrumentt whose keys can b struck nil Lueverywhere fat joy or hun sorrow retl tIme ciuim

men of London he found to bu lIke time cabmenof Nuts Yorkjust aa modest mind retiringLaughter

Thr IViinrnAmrrlcuu TreatyI1 VMS Olt5 A largo inciting was hold to

ibij In Hit In IH of the riiiniHlEhl ct In Int or of

Kritnco iiiituniitiirt i nf nunnurii A Iiiiiltitiua WI i-

iitti lul un Itiiiii In nlilnl tlrm lo nj pwut ilirrc coinnuiiinni r lo lauJ ilit cli inlllUl to rit rttu the proptr-Vliiiifuii S mid It iKtoikjii ID tuujirule ii ilti nny cumna ii ni r < Mini in n In it n ninti lv tin nitcil SUICATin lion lirnnniln Uilt if Siu tisrk mil Mnrj-llnirii lnfc uuisslI Ut n liuttiflu alt 55i5 I llu1 mitt

i lto Nio IIc Alinco Mlnl > lir Itt luutuouivii Hut StiutMr it in uiiriciii lifiition ilin> urchin nml v r < liirvor liincnlt UaHI nnd-llr ildtiiiir tm irs pituemii-

iii it ml nt lui 11 hiiuiniBf hi ii lbr t ii t lie upoV-ennh n n ti 551 i III n nl llx Iiutui stnti Iliili-tlnnliliu tiiiMtii 0 litiiii liiinfii lrnni Oust tinI nlltil clot Unl uliil tin > iiiikht lull 11111 tlnir micaHull IIIITI l iuulri at i miiai r tllv In ii n fiiu nil Th-

nnl > n mi aus mm lln iiiikiii ii ii i a Irsiil UnuulilIi DM i mscur tiuu i i tin tjiritN icu iiuit curio i niut-II Itlill iiiluli iniut i xinui Illi hUltble IL IIII ull-tlm liu iiicriuuiiii

lltraMni hir ICiidilrr t Intln IIn I hr ICiipli-

USrJons N It Oct iThn MIMUIUT I nldL-tl01l miumit cusiusmis Out uulu lifllll 3uesierlcit mum

ruwlt ml-ull1

ImMlon II r uiMfi rlniln rnrtitl-nnSi ln iu IK in Itiuu t lUni rnu iuirh ui tho MUUII-Ifiniiiuaimi i mni i in uii i tht iln mum usumu t moist

iuu t uui ii ii Iuiu kll tllilf to M t I tilli r Ilitn UiukllUor lir iiy uj tu iiissi isrisilihim miss ti jinn r iul > tiiuuxh

A VIulKIl I ItllllUll-

Diivld I I Wninnrott Maiihulm tnwiu I p Inhiss luldni in tliu nm i tun tin 11 ili i u u utt rn 111

slur toilll I ill llint i i liol ol DM lollnti III IA Mi t USluclieri IMIII Alnl ti till is 111 VIU kllllllulUU llllO Mhllflt-lil ItVUUlll HUkl 4 Ulllllv

2RlI1UR ix A cortiMiirtx orrThe Alcnlilo fiiillnir n Innir or ICndliint In

fk Vtirk ttF lt ilibriy unit tinierPANAMA Soit25 Ailoapntoli from Ocnnn-

on time river Magdnlunn received nt llarraniiullhut on the 17th Inst reported n rising In luc-

arnmauiia In thus Stat of Bantandur on time

9th Inst Time Alcalde Pudro Collars hcailcd-n crowd of ruffians In nn attack upon severalwealthy cetabllflhmonia of tho city amoncthorn limo only bank In limo place mind com-pletely


sacked thorn killing and wound-Ing pnrsoiiB who cndonvorod to dofund them and also burnod time buildInns Tummy then retired to Ito twocunrteln carrying with them their plunder nndthere Intrenched themselves bidding dcllnncoto tho authorities of time Btntn TIne city ra-mnlnod In n Btato nfnlarm anti terror for fourdays Many fainIIlea fled to thu woods nndothers barrlcnded their doors anti kept guardnight nail tIny Ion Wllohos thin President oftho State hastened from the capital Socorrowhich Is moro titan sixty miles distant fromllucnrnmnugn with a small nit wnjl disciplinedonce with which ho nttnokod the robbers In

tholr Intrenched poBltlon anti completelyrouted them lie killed Bovurnl of timeloaders nnd took many prisoners theprlnclpal-Collazos unfortunately escaping Order liasagain been restored The names of lImit per-sons


killed by limo robhors are Christian Guoelkell Herman Hudorlch and Ohdtillo Esteriez-Tho wounded are Matens Mullcr IrltHch-Hehradcr lImo Gorman Consul nail others Thodead bodied vvuro left unburlud mon severaldays OR no ono would venture Into tIne streetsninth hum murderers refused flnpulturo to theirvlitlms Thesu triune uucmntg thu must rcspuct-nhlo murchants of tin a placu nnd weru sacrlllcednot on account ot political or personal motivesbut because they Jifc ndud thulr properties


A Clue which Show s that they ayers Not IoitIn the IlllnoU FofvitiC-

HIOAOO Oct 5hlue Times special fromCarlliivllle III saya A circular advertise-ment


Issued by W A Kendnll Assistant LindCommissioner St Louis on time margin ofwhich Is printedDropped from Prof Wlsostranscontinental balloon time Pathfinder witsfound mist Monday In tIme cnrden of D A Illnttwo blocks oast of limo centre of this city In-quiry


hunts been mado whether other circularshad been found In tIme city hut rionn was hnaidof Thu conclusion is that It was dropped fromthn balloon last Humbly night miamI that timeiioronnutH wero not lost south of this city 1 Itowooded or swampy region named In time news-papers


is south ot Ctirllnville Theru mint noswamps of army mnKiiitudo within twuntyfhomilesI of here unmet no forests so dnnsu but thattho aeronauts IIfr not ullsimbimtI coti hit readilyI llniltholr way out Tuft afternoon tIme tea nine kindI

of n circular was found by Charles li Glassnbout half a in IIo south of Flints In an en-closed


lot Thu paper had the nppearnncu ofhaving been exposed to tho elements for setoral days

Tho conviction now Is that Prof Wise nnd1 ionize hut rr who started from Ht Louis IIn a

balloon on Sunday last have pcrishod either InLike Michigan or lu time vast forests of Michi-gan


Telegrams Inuo ben uent tnovory di-rection


ncilumst lag IInformation huh at no pointhavo thn missing aeronauts b en seen ProfWlsn and his companion took no food lu timeballoon and iitf thuy landed IIn the norlhnnstern-w without personal disaster starvationIs probable

ft TAI ntriooxixaAn Aeraitnl Inniffielcnlly Inflated Hipped

ansi CollapsedRAN FRANCISCO Oct 5At about 3 P M to-


Prof Colgrov aeronaut and C II Wil-liams


manager of Woodward Gardens at-

tempted to mnko a balloon ascensIon from theGordons Time wind was blowing almost a galeat time tIme The balUon seemed to bo In-


Inflated nnd rose heavily above time

buildings of the Gurdon It soon afterwarddropped nnd scudded along at a low elevationearIng away telegraph wires In Its flight The

cloth BOOH ripped ansi time guts escaped with anear which win heard for blocks Doth ot thenoeupnnts worn thrown out fnlllnir In Folsomstreet betvv een Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth streetsand hue balloon cnmo down n few rods beyondA great crowd from time Gardens was soon col ¬

lected nail medical assistance was summonedWilliams was fearfully crushed about the facennd head and diem In a few moments Colcrovos fact Is somotvhnt bruised but his In-juries


Beem to be mostly Internal nnd althoughalive at Inst ncounts ho wit InsensIble ansiriot likely to recover The disaster limit causedmuch excitement Many who frequent IitoGardens assert that time balloon wits badlypatched and was unsnfunt best nod they ex-pres surprise at Williams rIsking in ascen-sion


especially when tIme weather wits so bois-terous


Prof Colgrnvi has since died of lilt InjuriesProf Martin the aeronaut and others winowere present nt the ascension begged MrViilllnnn not togo up saving that In the halfpale which wits blowing ho wits literally takinghis life In his hnnds Tho men fell about twohundred feet time balloon rebounding afterstriking thin telegraph wires then striking uchimney nnd ngnln rebounding at which tuo-moutthu aeronauts were thrown out


The Grand Ilnnqnrt tn be Olvrn In hU Honoron AVednrtduy Kvenlnr

When the doloffatcs to time Syrnctp Con-vention


encountered each other In flue streets otthat famous city nnd discussed limo advisabilityof time nomination of Lucius Itoblnson for Gov-ernor


there wits a sudden strong desire for tIme

nomination of Germ Nixon of Erie County TheTammany delogntes wero rendyto accept armyperson other titan Gist Itohlnson and Nixonof iriu bneiimoa war cry among Itlm friends olMr John KellyI I t It was slid tint Gn NixonI

ownedI half of KrleCotintv timid that ho wouldaccept the nomination Tin hut was thnt not amember of tIme Tammany delegation IncludingiKingI KellyI over before heard of NixonI oflrle yet Ithey wero allI readyt to accept himI nstheir standard beaiur Fveu muller Lucius HobItiBon was made thu Miidldatn of Ihn regularDemocracy Mnn ol 1riu declared himselfvet In the Meld and proelii lined that hu would be-a eandnlate until the selling of lime sun on timelIlt of November

Ihn fullovvlng eopyot a postal earl sent tn-pr unlneiuI Democrats throughout the State andcounty explains Itself

Nui OKk Oct n 1871-PMK Sin IIPIM sMc l1st return of tnnil uliithrr MUI

ire ili flrom il UMni inn In tin1 iinom t M tIt BUI n InIninr ul Ilrles IIMnU mil lill ti nliliutonSioiinil Nnilr i tilv t Illllkf till silt nut HI time M PilmltlntUlIonel mill vi HiiHUiulli-

IImi < rrsMsriuv nnlnnnnJ Tiler Kfllv limc inmser nIl u vi snijtli itilbirtHlllluMl rmillllilti i

N tt s ir luimcIntel tn C VI Sill III Countmen utvnlce

Xlnrdercil hy n Iliiptlit Irnrimin-ST louts Oct 5A despcrnto encounter no-

ciirrnl nliout lour iiiilen iroui sum uimiflolt Me niclit be-

fore Iniit bitwreti the ret hco ltuiir aIUitut pmclicr-an l Irunuk llnJil in uluilillie shier had lilt ntulonieii-rlpl eil npea IMllii ci ltrie oekrt klitft lu tic liniuli iti theuuuiuuiir smut 11 i-

tilminiil InI-

XHtfUIIHiuuur tithi ascii airlni > UJui-

Melll HViuppssSine itlllLtlnlll nut

ieiitur shut Ii tn ili t till ntlliM nu Until Lii-Tlnl4Into n ili irj-

oiixMt usi li III out Irom tusuirI SI ml-

nullneIIIn n turn 111 t SI it till illint jtnlumtunu toiu si us mimrmsiu l usnITuitmtl ytuur4a

Jiursrtt htiieil lIiy is WuninnNomuwmcim N V Oct lIe time SsuonIiil-

ua it suiums SI C ri tvuii a bee I cluo r nii thee ulu uur

grusutuslu ut tuiaiC Ii iiilsuuu F lriuiu iii t rist usf-

uisi lunuuitu mis emsuutura shuiu a iseiclmiussr Iruummiunum-

iiieLsrumu uuumsruo Isu t uijsl uumciuJ Irlu i Isuusslununuu liii-SI 5ilust SI Isis hs tu uiiumis sciutcii urusuim ult iimnumint esutlist Iii I lu Ii tiuu ru is1 uurusuut is ithu it Is sci-Si Iuii II itii tuistu dc isuiuiuuruut I i uu a liii sirjjtst iulmuu Thu tisusl I usuiuoi tiuc wish musiuul piolId uiusuunst simsI isuisi luvist muuit to up nusu uiimirt1 usemu 1u Sue Ii SI t

The ill Ike lit Full JilterFmL lUviit Oct 5Tho city lint been too

rroiiiilMuitMiiuiiliinm tin Isuit uik a ith tin ilion if tim autuumult on limn narking niiiiir lit inli-wtirio the InsniiHi11 trtu i hnlti lunl lln ir n

iuliitniiiIt Iit exititul that in ito

> ti in iitu ii itlI umsssrrSu Iin i uv-tlinriro

t usrkiuu iuiiiit n Is tin 11 in-nitin m tnr I-

nkursl ii it ut p mil u ni hi

I rtml ttnttltiuciutuin

t rs 5I iiu misc a isi stituriiii thu uhriie

The t nuslisil lust Savliik IInuli-


Jlsimgtsiy-Un hut hlinnsa Slit rtti fu un Phi hush el sii t iustin

tu gut Uliii t ussi HI I lio it unti i Jim stl tin n-

iubr mihiisnstuiusg t M il a inUil Mnii i uiiu n l m I unitICON 55C r tlm iu untltMu M suiuitlst th it the tnsrgilirt-iii k troiu tin niilt 11 tin tllllll tit in Nnihki H ink I litniiinlti nl the linn I hitI iseumi ildittl tmt lisp iuuikiIS lii in It sat let in ttind S ill mInim it lust Uui naluuu tiedml uiii l lutvuiue II II I uulkt

A Triilu t uutttSuel li > I IM ill ii-

luliiiUkMi Oct 5 limrm lcumi tm mnus

annul with riirki tnJ i tin buanUil tin t


from t umtit rlnn t on tho-


11ntrnl llHilrui tuuuusrusuiuO uuul shiniest IIu ussluuutuum tllllKt till 111 5mrri nnuu Hviiiu slitiuist Iliit-Iu

ii uimi Isultesh cut Iii us iII li stett iiitt In In II an cillnl t is iusfl ulug iimuuius kit liii-ns bctcu4iuru susit Lieoi-



UKXT mimicnt in nm AUICXOJJIILi 1ls lILIUI

Henry Tlrlnc Ilritnl In Ihn lllrrollon of Cnpt-l jne Cntiul Two Diu S ATier She Fleetllnltlellie Vie thIef to hits NuljretC-

IIKYKNNK Wy T Oct 58 P roa-poctors In North Park from this place aro roturning TliBjr report that Utoa In war painthnvo boon soon in such cloao proximally to tImnilncB that many tumors mire starting for IhoBottlomunU nnd others mire bandlnt togetherfor protection Time rnnchmcn In anti near thoPark nro leaving AH report having noun In-dians


or Indian sIgns Aaron Itor oy mallcarrier arrived at Kawllns tit 120 this morningfrom DIxon having loft them at 8 A M Testerthat Ho reports eeoln time body of GeorgeOordon n vullknown frolLhtor who washauling Indian irooda from Itawllnato tho Yhlto lllvor Aconoy mind tho-JJbody of onoof lilt toamstcra utn point betweentine scone of Thornbur hs flwht and the agencyUorKoy says heavy lining was hoard In time dlroctlou of Capt Paynes position on WodnesdayOct 1 two minis nfttr Ito fluht Imltana huvoboon soon lu the vicinIty of Bunko Elmer settlemont Thiero are flvo or sIx uooplo nt Dixonand tho carrier says they lund no serIous appro-lionslonR of trouble Pocka Hear IHvcr trailerwas on his was to Dixmrm when time carrier loftHurley thniiiht that Merrills command witscampid last nlcht nt Fortlllcatlou Creek andwould reach Paytioa Corral somo tlino thisbunua I nluhr-

YASIIINITOX> Opt 5 Tine following hn beenreceived at the I Intlian Ilnrenu from AgentStinlot nt Los Pinna Col M 2 A runnerjust In from time Whltni Biter Airency reportsthat line imont nml fmoloyne are killed Thtirohnn been a lluht with tim e trooim IIn which tho0 nicerH In command woro killed The troopsnruBurrnumlidawav from army water simplymid their rat nit have Ien captured Chief0 ii rut tlio head of the Uto nation8 nda thofollowing order to his people by a runnerTnlhf Off uiSs tint llmlntnt tin I UUtnt Whit irrV-

uii nrc hcrrliy ruiutMtid simi cnuiiintn Inl lo nestsIiotlillei n nlinl tim a Ililtc liijurtnjj no Innocent pr-Mm nor nm nilicr tnrihcr thitn t i usnsieuI vonrn nIien ftinl prni mt > trout ummulsiss mum und uimutliurlztit emit

Intttiim iit IMTN thleun ntul ill > trflil fo HI Hiijthliitfinrtlicr sylut ultliuati ly emit in sIitsumsr tu all pirtlvn-

HAWLINS Y T Oct 5l P 31No tidingshave boiMi received from Milk Veuk nip to tlmtitunit Them urrtMd todav Companies A D-

niiil H ThirdI Cimilit the Ii ret nninett trainFort Lnrninln niut time two latfr from TortIKobltiBon Yistiirday Compnuy IUI ThirdI City ¬

aIry uurnlvcd from lout IVtttrmau Thin tunconow here Comm tintss six rntnpnnfetot Itln Siv-entli Infantry iiuniberin24i men ami tho fourcompaniiH of cavalry nnntloueil itlmsutmm num-hHrtnir 100 men Threecompanl i iff thus FImIrdCavalry three cumin pit iss nff the Fifth Civalry-ami twit conun luau Iis of the Iourth Infantry startfrom Tort McKtnney Vy T for tile point tonmrrow Jen Crook U epoetid lonl htUntil ho coons notlilD is certain us to thinmovement of troop from Havlins to lImofront tomorrow A trustworthy ranchmanItvtni nn the Muddy Creek has just comaIn from Trices command ntFnrtllloatloti CreekftHventyle miles tills side nf Pajnns CorralHe reports havlntpeon no Indians Tho com-pany


of colored troops Ninth Cavalry CnptJ-JodKO commanding which lint boon camped ntSteamboat SorlncH and lu reuitrd to whosopfifnty there lint bun much anxiety ban joinedPrice at Fortification Crick Time force nowhere Is ready to march nt u moments notice

DR JRSU1S ooopDrHIs View of ftlldhitt Pnhaa MIssIon Amod

the llrdoiiln A rubThe Rev Dr Henry litmus Jessup preached

hUtlnat wrtiion jesterJ In the lrfib > tcriati MemorialChurch before Rciliu ns A wbsionnr ti Syria Hu saulthat ho hiss lost LM jtoo l by to his mother who U81years oM He quoted Trt ldont Vootys snytite thattine ocopnrcnt lnwnwArd to their cMllrcn Is greatertutu the bye of chiMren ujnvarJ tub cumin pirenU 10hit mother frame bhook wlien time aM BixiJ by to himbut thee dltl that It nns moro MCSMJ totl e than to recclvi even ehtlitrrn slid her son rouM co Attlioiijli itwas like bur > lug linn from her UhL The sermon wasfrom tIme pinsaiiei wiunt wilt Thou hi > cme toilo-ami tthuuoevert He stlth unto you Jo It The mull

flonar time speaker paw teams the nlll of lod hy IllsMonl anil ttuy the exHrlencc ol the church Tius mi iianof the church U to carry lintul to Ito people Themisf-cionar > IU to learn Arabic Zulu Chinew Ilinilost neant tin n fluid thatticrc lnuncunm cxUtlnjj In heathenlinust for thi in tn step Into ni Iho cxjn ctJ Hatin hatItiitf l cen at workin thoue cottntrio auusu while thu natii art tlllfil with error ilioir mlnt nrp nut crtheKMO kcfii tlioMi ot thu inUnumiirirH rt Iruil men docon iiu r in HixtM iminp although their t lun ten ir set1imntis the ntituo ntA lunlt in CnritlHtilt The po-HiicHl int rcMts of KinUnt tor Iluentj neoarrt werertilTi rent from the Iuttriah < of the tti tcrn people hut theInti war iiuta LhaiibMtl ihK him In ml we < ttintll ttio-Turki ti emus usir Ih not rtlornuil thnt empire vrill codown no Mulhat 1Anli s huts cinch kvnt to Inform timeHftlunln Arat that thoy mutt iHtlK die or less e th-cnnntr > at the point of the sworJ Tin preacher hadwin ft telettrnnh tlonatch Mjtttg iliat the Kurds slidArtIst Ivure resiIITiel 1 nknh Khun tIe thotuhtlt meantthat the IkiUniin wtri rtsiiUiu Mldtmt IHuha IHP haswintuin six nionths made cxtpn tve nncalMnUott rnndi-In Syria uu l rust rrlormpil the police Tin lUttnuln-Arrtt uneatt in winter atul in miner rut urn tn S rut topliintlir roh uiul rrorle 1 hrj moc I OIIKItime-

snimitict HUT Hun InMk of thoti mists of acres are un-culiitaicd tnroiuh lian oh thrni rises art umuw to ue-utilu ated The rullrnil MHIII ti ie limitt Inmi a point nn-

th1 vtcditprrannin sea lint mllpn north ot Hc > rout alongtin hiiiihratci Vutily to tlio Il riiu iiill aiim onemi up acounir liilhirto ilimci ec iil In t hritiiiiit of the tI nunL-

Mnlo the et lhofVeitf riuiii1iztlloii will M idt > Bpn ad-In the lsutt inUlon khouM tc rctrtblUtH to rtntntcriicl-tho Inilitince of hit clvillzition S me ltI IH opunu lor-thrUtmii women to shhti tout work in 1mrum where museum

art not nllowid to vo SthooUunU the iress uiuit b-

cloul looked ntter tn the Latt

Atckeli for RelIgion Xothlnur roe flcleneoAn exhibitor of mlcrosooplo wonders planted

Mt utile at ihathttm and Mulherr tretU the otherafternoon and the rtrt peron attracted by the array of-

chtrtp microrfcoj tach ts iOu an object miler liilen v as A thlnimiin hit nlmoml cu i liccnme roundwith d linhtt snub he Kiniloit clonr aroiuul lo tho rotiti ofhltu tuur iHo rntornd ct > l s nrontil tie tnt buls tiCtrtil tlie whiU wnliu wtMl And pulm IntialiiM l tm-joible limits HID himN wire plmu t dnp lulu hisP rkit suet nil hH tnoiu > WIHdrawn forth

Huw muchert hoiituerh HtkiI

Thu tilcroHui met ii told him that tv c nt1 wan thacluuure smut lIst luinn inn iii uluii ii ummuimuy tuirlitu as-inre 55 un uusieriuuvomu i nist hiulsi isut Ishu usilisi S tuu m-

eviSs Ins ciunirm tsstise uiirisuiiu umuusurhlut CXItsuiumot tutu Suflu hISS

ru mitt ti a uese ttus s sisusiri iuuu ter tIc lumutet n lhelu tieilr Is ret ss C Fi truen ii urn iii

Inc tiuimaimut ii iii il nut iuuiur mci rluumgct us omit cutsuni nue isli iiusmsuususi usi

moo ttiue tiue nseisrisscuues II ti C issst u ink is

Fur MIIIC Sling Auulii-In the summer ot IHTS Iohceinin Mulinrp wit iscatenI-

sl isesi riw I one ol whom liubuti I illmnk wn < Hiiit tuSuiit Mil f ir a jeir IHeI ai di is urzul A month agoOn hept c ho ton hilt rct l d ln hurd IIi us ius of a w itchnt Urn utu list 1hnin moss ii tuenut IUMus uut htm tics-

luin t d in ii i11 n fiitO t tri d tus uinsum him Hi IK kalti usIu him tin I t usiss di but wan MIIS ipn ml an tod-uid

t Itnl i n tu tht iIi tt rcon M ukft Iolui Tnurt isini > to lo-

diMlnirtd is lIi msi ould nut bf lound Iolueinnn-hsti in j i iuit itl dI > uutiiuimut i In huminuumimssb both D tUi andIIlloutk to lutirt Illotick a cia i ommitttil

A Mlle Iiirtlerer KilledSvv FKINCISCO Oct 5A Ilklih liIcnnuluusine

Couiit > lUfttjalili naj > tliatii Lkiah naomi lty his imme of-

vlcriH r iin a hun had brett Hiu sistu I Irvin hU wilt1 for5smus hose n tcntiy rotnriHd to u lo in tln i nunand tiiklinc tn induu Inn wilo tn lmte with himklllidlurncsusi srsmt ni ur the MI nn i sil tin1 triutdt in fitti nutlie tn juan Sit McllH rn-

turniniEa ire tlr iijon uiil thij r

tire killed Melleus ssjmu tut 1w fpui

The Iedfktrlun1 Inmfiit-HaxielGeorge wlmun ho was Informed that

Use tsunuurs ut tin tn ttlnM horo Hiirrj siulisirt tteus-

tlint srteiutuii ithumeechyusu tu nnko Ui usmsmi intut trn tuu-pn p iuisitc lu gutse suish Isis iiiimums as ssIlsusi



j hit n t IIH Hi nit w t nil htiiMhmk flit nICowill witii t niiki tro Mth im ni tin tniiuti 3 iounn iinlrid milt hte t ss lit I nsu iiutui in tin lastmaltli list hmti tin iutu Minn hi I iuu tmir d itn tu-

tht euuiuitrs lust thuII cuss thrttbcllitu UIOoi t

Iiisest II sr lit Xu I liro t r 55 Itu k-

umuiionm St Imwremuso County Ouit 0lor-rt iiue ar ruwumso Ilu us my tuu tici suuimt uiusirussuis-Irunu isa cii I tsussu I rcnos 3 3niuuy en tlsut-

n sn iuuimui un ilu ii sunss Iso lcsst-uicus Iu nsuisits si sumi Ii e ii tssiu

itsuisuu sS ui ui Iii a us I is Ii tssss i I

iriui 05515 ii 1 Iou Os tat mt isur IIitjs iu 57 t r uui sust miss tlm airrussusimmug cuiuutu 3 Iu ill Is trs isrus

itliauulum lu Kli l AvfiniftIn m9i-

nhiihiiiihienruir uf 1 lim sh jutiuio nnd J hn-

iili01 rimiIMIHIH

tntt minim Tlunl uvuiu ml-t


II ic if 11- imiiMO innlit lii oi nim atit I nl HTOIIIIO her usmI Inline n a ic AsuuIult Ihr lylu ssuusli iuii I sums in Sis nni i icmsssenu niiti ji-

nKnilt llnnh vin t nt in tliu li it tu IAU oatariotc but Ji itThe Thri niiitnvlrr In seas link Yrtii il-

At iiiidmitv at i A stt rvr-IJ

n H-UM

o sjl M 7 < ii i M sosl l 7H II 7J

1 lir MtfnulI Ofllte 11 ftllrllun-Teilnllii elssui in M tt b i i n- i

50555 111 II julU onuttiutrMemns liurli < uiviiuI iwii Ur
