The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

The successful development of an ergonomics standard

Transcript of The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

Page 1: The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

The successful development

of an ergonomics standard

Page 2: The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

Criteria of success

Address the risk Match current knowledge Provide problem-solving

framework Provide equal protection Support of affected


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“Ergonomics” claims - the impact

On average, each year 1/3 of all claims 26,200 claims 1,107,000 days lost $136,367,000 in claims


Page 4: The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

Review models Administrative Community In BC, community model

used with• 200 employer and worker

representatives• 125 health and safety

professionals• 30 consultative


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The review process

Ergonomics subcommittee

Senior advisory committee

Governing body Public hearings

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The Vancouver Sun Sept 15

“Keyboard not necessarily the culprit in computer-related pain”

The Vancouver Province Sept 18

“A formula for confusion”

Nelson News, November 10

“Businesses condemn ergonomics”

The Vancouver Sun Sept 27“Ergonomic talks spur “big lies”, “tantrums”

Daily News Sept 22“Workers, employers at odds over WCB”

Business in Vancouver June 21-27

“Just when you thought WCB costs were high, here come

ergonomic regulations”

Daily News Sept 21“WCB workplace plans draw praise, criticism”

The Vancouver Sun, Dec 20“Draining the WCB’s poisonous wounds”

Page 7: The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

Issues raised at hearings 1/3 of claims are musculoskeletal There are no regulations to protect workers MSIs cause extensive human suffering

Delink code from regulation Epidemic of claims may result Organization of work is a management matter Regulation will impact economy

Workplace factors of little significance There is no proof regulation will reduce

injuries Only existing general duty requirements are


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Ergonomics (MSI) requirements



Risk controlEducationand training



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Title: Ergonomics (MSI) requirements

Issues– professional ergonomist

perspective– limit of application– worker/employer perspective

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All workplaces

MSIs, not adverse health effects

Emphasis on sprains, strains and inflammations

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Risk/job factors

Used for both risk identification and assessment

18 factors in 5 groups

Groups physical demands layout and condition of the

workstation characteristics of objects handled environmental conditions organization of work

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Specific factorsa) Physical demands

•force•repetition•duration•work postures•local contact stresses

b) Workstation•working reaches•working heights•seating•floor surfaces

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c) Objects handled•size•shape•load condition•weight distribution•handles

d) Environmental conditions•e.g. cold temperature

e) Organization of work•work-recovery cycles•task variability•work rate

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Risk control

Eliminate or minimize risk

Engineering and administrative controls

Interim and permanent controls

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Education and training

Educate workers at risk of MSI–early signs and symptoms–potential health effects

Train workers in measures to control risk

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Monitor effectiveness

Annual evaluation

Correct deficiencies

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Consultation With committee or representative on

– risk identification, assessment and control– content and delivery of education and

training– evaluation of compliance measures

During a risk assessment, consult with

– workers with signs or symptoms of MSI– representative sample of workers doing the


Page 18: The successful development of an ergonomics standard.

Support materials

Role of code of practice?

Prepare smaller documents on specific topics

– Applicability of risk factors– Understanding risks– Industry-specific codes– Policies and guidelines

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Impact of the new requirements

High profile Industry and labour initiatives Revised compensation

adjudication procedures Regulatory activity -

inspections and consultation Impact on claims

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Relative frequencies of orders

Risk identification Risk assessment Risk control Education and training Evaluation and consultation

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1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

% of all claims due to overexertion and RMI

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In conclusion

The risk to worker health is massive

Ergonomics is sufficiently advanced to justify a standard

A standard is essential to a control strategy

A standard can be achieved

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Thank you

For further information on the standard and support materials,

contact the WCB website at