The Story of Tea

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The story of Tea

The story of Tea

There is nothing more relaxing on a cold winter evening than drinking a cup of tea. But where is this legendary drink from? There are many legends about the story of tea and in many ways they are similar. Let's have a look at one.

The Emperor of China, Wan Tu, an evil, cruel man, was overthrown by his first minister and banished to a remote southern part of China. He sat in the shade of a large bush thinking of his revenge. As he was so poor that he could drink only hot water, he was delighted one day when some of the leaves of the bush fell into his saucepan of boiling water, and he discovered that the resulting brew was tasty, refreshing and relaxing. It cleared his mind so well that he sat under the bush for seven years drinking it, learning to regret all the wrongs he had carried out. He promised himself that he would try to make it up to his people. He named the drink Tai, meaning peace, because of the good effect it had on him. He returned to the capital city in disguise and become a valued and trusted adviser to his former first minister. He was so wise and so beloved by the people that when the minister died he was chosen as his successor, and ruled justly for years, introducing tea to the nation. Only on his death bed did Wan Tu reveal his true identity, and to show his respect for the wonderful changes that tea had caused in the emperor's personality, the poet Lu Yu wrote the Thai Ching the famous book of tea.

Choose the word which is closer to the original meaning 1. overthrow

kill somebody

take somebody's power

2. banish

make somebody leave


3. remote



4. delighted



5. make it up (to somebody)


become friendly with

6. in disguise


change one's appearance

7. former

the first of two things mentioned


8. successor

a person that comes after


9. just



10. reveal


make something known

Fill the gaps with the suitable words1. The butler .......................................... details of the royal couple's unhappy marriage.

2. The armed forces of Venezuela tried to ................................ their country's democratically elected government.

3. Everyone deserves to be treated ...................................................

4. We were .................................................. by the news of her promotion.

5. You can pay by credit card or cash, but the ............................................ is probably more convenient.

6. Her youngest son was ............................................ to the West Indies, where he became a sugar planter.

7. The first shop was opened in a small village in the ......... forests of Sweden.

8. After the king's death, there was no natural ................................................. to the throne.

9. She was a Russian princess ............................................. but we had no idea about it.

10. He was sorry he had forgotten her birthday but he promised to ................................ to her and take her somewhere special.Fill the gaps with a suitable preposition

(1) .......... the early nineteenth century, tea was drunk (2) .......... all times of the day. The credit (3) ......... Afternoon Tea is given (4) ......... Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. The time (5) .......... a light lunch and a late evening meal led her to experience a sinking feeling (6) .......... the middle of the afternoon. To satisfy her hunger she asked her maid to bring a pot of Tea and light refreshment to her room. She found this agreeable and started to ask her friends to join her (7) .......... Afternoon Tea. Very soon it was fashionable and all of London was meeting to eat dainty sandwiches and delicate cakes and to exchange gossip and general conversation. This is sometimes called Low Tea not to be confused (8) .......... High Tea or Meat Tea at which a hearty meal is usually eaten (9) .......... 5:30 or 6:00 PM (10) .......... a long hard day at work.

after / at / between / for / in / to / until / with


INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Vajon a szvegben szerepl szavaknak melyik az igazi jelentse?

1. take somebody's power

2. make somebody leave

3. far

4. glad

5. compensate

6. change on's appearance

7. the first of two things mentioned

8. a person that comes after

9. fair

10. make something known

Most pedig az elbbi tz szt helyezd el a mondatokban.

1. revealed

2. overthrow

3. justly

4. delighted

5. former

6. banished

7. remote

8. successor

9. in disguise

10. make it up

Hogyan lett a dlutni tea Angliban? Az albbi szvegbl ez is kiderl. Prbld berni a megfelel prepozcit (a lustbbak az albbi lehetsgek kzl vlaszthatnak).

1. until

2. at

3. for

4. to

5. between

6. in

7. for

8. with

9. at

10. after