The Story of Suicide Sal

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Transcript of The Story of Suicide Sal

  • 8/9/2019 The Story of Suicide Sal


    The Story of Suicide Sal

     We each of us have a good "alibi"

    For being down here in the "joint";

    But few of them really are justified

    If you get right down to the point.

     Youve heard of a womans "glory"

    Being spent on a "downright cur!"

    till you cant always judge the story 

     #s true! being told by her.

     #s long as Ive stayed on this "island!"

     #nd heard "confidence tales" from each "gal!"

    $nly one seemed interesting and truthful %%

    &he story of "uicide al."

    'ow "al" was a gal of rare beauty!

    &hough her features were coarse and tough;

    he never once faltered from duty 

    &o play on the "up and up."

    "al" told me this tale on the evening

    Before she was turned out "free!"

     #nd Ill do my best to relate it

    (ust as she told it to me)

    I was born on a ranch in Wyoming;

    'ot treated li*e +elen of &roy;

    I was taught that "rods were rulers"

     #nd "ran*ed" as a greasy cowboy."

    &hen I left my old home for the city 

    &o play in its mad di,,y whirl!

    'ot *nowing how little of pity 

    It holds for a country girl.

  • 8/9/2019 The Story of Suicide Sal


    &here I fell for "the line" of a "henchman!"

     # "professional *iller" from "-hi";

    I couldnt help loving him madly;

    For him even now I would die.

    $ne year we were desperately happy;

    $ur "ill gotten gains" we spent free;

    I was taught the ways of the "underworld";

    (ac* was just li*e a "god" to me.

    I got on the "F.B.#." payroll

    &o get the "inside lay" of the "job";

    &he ban* was "turning big money"

    It loo*ed li*e a "cinch" for the "mob."

    /ighty grand without even a "rumble" %%

    (ac* was last with the "loot" in the door!

     When the "teller" dead%aimed a revolver

    From where they forced him to lie on the floor.

    I *new I had only a moment %%

    +e would surely get (ac* as he ran;o I "staged" a "big fade out" beside him

     #nd *noc*ed the forty%five out of his hand.

    &hey "rapped me down big" at the station!

     #nd informed me that Id get the blame

    For the "dramatic stunt" pulled on the "teller"

    0oo*ed to them too much li*e a "game."

    &he "police" called it a "frame%up!"aid it was an "inside job!"

    But I steadily denied any *nowledge

    $r dealings with "underworld mobs."

  • 8/9/2019 The Story of Suicide Sal


    &he "gang" hired a couple of lawyers!

    &he best "fi1ers" in any mans town!

    But it ta*es more than lawyers and money 

     When 2ncle am starts "sha*ing you down."

    I was charged as a "scion of gangland"

     #nd tried for my wages of sin;

    &he "dirty do,en" found me guilty %%

    From five to fifty years in the pen.

    I too* the "rap" li*e good people!

     #nd never one "s3uaw*" did I ma*e.

    (a*e "dropped himself" on the promise

    &hat we ma*e a "sensational brea*."

     Well! to shorten a sad lengthy story!

    Five years have gone over my head

     Without even so much as a letter%%

     #t first I thought he was dead.

    But not long ago I discovered

    From a gal in the joint named 0yle!&hat (ac* and his "moll" had "got over"

     #nd were living in true "gangster style."

    If he had returned to me sometime!

    &hough he hadnt a cent to give!

    Id forget all this hell that hes caused me!

     #nd love him as long as I live.

    But theres no chance of his ever coming!For he and his moll have no fears

    But that I will die in this prison!

    $r "flatten" this fifty years.

  • 8/9/2019 The Story of Suicide Sal


    &omorrow Ill be on the "outside"

     #nd Ill "drop myself" on it today;

    Ill "bump em" if they give me the "hots3uat"

    $n this island out here in the bay...

    &he iron doors swung wide ne1t morning

    For a gruesome woman of waste!

     Who at last had a chance to "fi1 it!"

    4urder showed in her cynical face.

    'ot long ago I read in the paper

    &hat a gal on the /ast ide got "hot!"

     #nd when the smo*e finally retreated

    &wo of gangdom were found "on the spot."

    It related the colorful story 

    of a "jilted gangster gal."

    &wo days later! a "sub%gun" ended

    &he story of "uicide al."

    %% Bonnie 5ar*er