The Steel Fabricators' Review V41-Autumn 2012

A PEDDINGHAUS PUBLICATION FOR FABRICATORS MAKING TODAY’S SKYLINE POSSIBLE SDS/2 Users Group Conference PAGE 11 Anglemaster-HD: A Smarter, Faster, Stronger Solution PAGE 12 Win BIG With Peddinghaus at FABTECH 2012 PAGE 14 FEEL THE DIFFERENCE With Peddinghaus At FABTECH 2012! PAGE 16 Tekla User Meeting 2012 PAGE 18 Announcing the Opening of Peddinghaus South Africa PAGE 20 Peddinghaus Sponsors FabTrol’s 2012 Get Connected Event PAGE 20 Getting to Know Todd Cordes, Peddinghaus International Sales Manager PAGE 22 4th Annual AISC SteelDay PAGE 24 VOLUME 41 | AUTUMN 2012 Agate Steel, Inc. Writing Their Own Story PAGE 4 Universal Steel Taking Plate Production Into Their Own Hands PAGE 6 Betterect Better Than Ever PAGE 8


SFR Volume 41 - The Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review is a magazine published by Peddinghaus Corporation - the acknowledged global leader in the manufacture of Steel Fabricating equipment. The magazine chronicles not only structural steel fabricators but steel service centers, and manufacturers that use Peddinghaus equipment including: beam drill lines, angle lines, automatic copers, plate processors, ironworkers, and band saws. These punching, drilling, coping, plasma and oxy-fuel cutting machines are employed to cut costs, enhance efficiency, and generate profits from a wide array of industries. The Steel Fabricators' Review also covers many leading BIM, Nesting, and MRP software techniques for use with Peddinghaus CNC equipment and also discusses other processes such as painting, shot blasting, welding, and more!

Transcript of The Steel Fabricators' Review V41-Autumn 2012

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SDS/2 Users Group Conference PAGE 11

Anglemaster-HD: A Smarter, Faster, Stronger Solution PAGE 12

Win BIG With Peddinghaus at FABTECH 2012 PAGE 14


Tekla User Meeting 2012 PAGE 18

Announcing the Opening of P eddinghaus South Africa PAGE 20

Peddinghaus Sponsors FabTrol’s 2012 Get Connected Event PAGE 20

Getting to Know Todd Cordes, Peddinghaus International Sales Manager PAGE 22

4th Annual AISC SteelDay PAGE 24

V O L U M E 4 1 | A U T U M N 2 0 1 2

Agate Steel,Inc.

Writing Their Own StoryPAGE 4

Universal Steel

Taking Plate ProductionInto Their Own HandsPAGE 6


Better Than EverPAGE 8

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FABTECH InternationalThe annual FABTECH Fall Exhibition will be

held November 12-14 in Fabulous Las

Vegas. Catch up with Peddinghaus at

Booth C7723 for the latest technologies in

the machine tool world.

What will you see from Peddinghaus? Only

ANOTHER new machine to be unveiled at

the show…the latest in a series of pr oduc-

tion workhorses from the fertile minds of

the Peddinghaus Engineering team.

Yep, back by popular demand will be the

HSFDB-2500 High Speed Plate Processor –

the benchmark machine for smart plate


As always, Peddinghaus will offer a few

surprises along the way.


Lyle Menke

Confidence in the MarketThe market for structural steel is what it is – fabricators hav e recognized it, and run their businessesaccordingly. So, what have most smart global fabricators been doing the past couple of y ears?

• Investing in new Labor Saving Technology (like the PeddiWriter, HSFDB Plate Processor orAdvantage II drill line)

• Exploring new software (like Raptor – today’s answer to yesterday’ issues)• Strengthening their partnerships (such as Peddinghaus – a solid choice)• Honing their competitive edge – processing steel faster, better, and more accurate

Be positive, be smart, and work with an experienced global par tner – Peddinghaus! Like our CEO says, “Our glass is always half full – NE VER half empty.”

Where in the World is Peddinghaus?Peddinghaus has certainly been on the move since the NASCC! Our folks have traveled the world to learn more, communicate more, and partner up more with global structural steel fabricators, steel service/stocking centers, manufacturers and members of the steel industr y.

Consider our Partner Meetings since the North American Steel Construction Conference:

• Australian Steel Institute Conference • South African Institute of Steel Construction Meeting • Canadian Institute of Steel Construction• Metals Service Center Institute Conference

And More Partner Meetings the past months:

• Tekla North American Users Meeting• Design Data (SDS/2) Users Group Conference• FabTrol Int’l. Get Connected Event• SteelDay in USA

Peddinghaus is where our industry needs us – talking with our customer s, clients, and business partners – promoting steel.

Continued on page 10


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Thank You for Placing Your Confidence inPeddinghaus!As I write my article, I am very pleased to reportthat YOU – our wonderful customers – continueto bless Peddinghaus with many purchaseorders. As I look at our or der log, I am so happyto see the names of old friends and many ne wfriends who have placed their trust inPeddinghaus equipment and service.

On behalf of every Peddinghaus employee, I wish to say, “Thank You”. Thank you for placing your confidence in the equipment, engineering, and expertise of PeddinghausCorporation.

Service with a Smile…We Do What We Need To DoPeddinghaus has always been dedicated to superior customer service. All of you know theamount of customer service technicians – fieldand telephone – that we employ to take care ofall our clients.

However, I feel it necessary to apologize for notliving up to our customer ser vice reputation.

Even with our continued growth, our field serv-ice staff has been depleted. I t is not for lack oftrying, but the fact is that w e have lost a number

of field technicians in the past two y ears. Theyhave departed for “greener pastures” in differentindustries where travel is not required.

The Customer is King at Peddinghaus, and asCEO I took the proper steps to get us back ontrack. You may notice some new faces now, as Ihave appointed some senior Peddinghausemployees to fill the previous ServiceManagement positions. Obviously, we havehired/trained new people, and some senior tech-nicians have returned, after their “greener pas-tures” experience.

We will return to our goal of a Peddinghaustechnician on site within 48 hours. O ur customers are the cornerstone of our business;quality Customer Service cannot – and will not – be compromised.

Election 2012“I guess I should have listened to my wife…”

Wow! That was hard for meto admit, but in this case,my wife WAS right. I should have listened toher, and filled out the necessar y paperwork to

become an American citizen – so I could vote inthis year’s Presidential election. But NO, I didn’t follow through, so now, I’m on the outside looking in.

One of our customers invited me to attend ameeting at their fabrication shop a fe w weeksago to listen to a U.S. S enator discussing thegridlock in Washington. He urgently describedthe need for a change and ho w desperately we need a “Problem Solver”. It was a very interesting presentation, and made me thinkmore about the future of our industry, and the negative effects of too much governmentinvolvement.

As business executives, we all know how muchwe pay in annual taxes (the USA is at the top ofthe list). Wouldn’t it be nice if we can extractsome benefits from the government for all thatinvestment? It seems that other countries valuetheir businesses: the jobs they create, and therevenue generated by employees.

In business, you always need to “get a goodreturn on your investment”. I think it is time toexpect that from our government too.

Next election, I’m first in line at the v oting booth!That will make my wife very happy.

Anton Peddinghaus

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FROM THE CEOThe fall season is my favorite time of the year. I love the crisp Autumn air that

signals the change of season. Now, let’s get down to business!

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When an e-mail from Peddinghaus crossed Les McCauley’s desk in

early 2011, he was intrigued. This was not just another “SP AM“

message, this was an e-mail that would inevitably sa ve Les countless

hours of labor, and his employer, Agate Steel, Inc., tremendous

amounts of money. In this e-mail, Les was intr oduced to the future

of fabrication, the PeddiWriter CNC layout marking system.

Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Agate is a company founded on cor e values of innovation, reputation, and leadership. Their thirst for moderntechnology and dedication to turnkey construction solutions has allowedAgate to gain acclaim throughout the industry. With these key principlesin mind, Les (Vice President of Agate Steel, Inc.) was compelled to visitthe upcoming NASCC to experience exactly what this ne w machine wascapable of doing.

Seeing is BelievingAs soon as Les witnessed the PeddiWriter in action he knew that it was thenext big thing for structural fabrication. “When I saw the machine, thePeddinghaus engineers and operators asked me ho w I would like to see themachine work,” stated Les, “right there on the spot we were programming,testing, and making it operate the way Agate needed. I got my hands on avideo and sent it to our S hop Superintendent, Loren Kuenzi, to get hisreaction. Let’s just say he was excited.”

“I told Les if he didn’t write a P.O. for the machine right then and ther e that I was going to be extr emely upset!” stated Loren, “from installation to the final performance of the PeddiWriter, the machine has exceededexpectations from start to finish.”

The Proof is in ProductionToday at Agate, production has changed across the board due to the accuracy, and productivity that the PeddiWriter CNC layout markingmachine provides.

“In the 3 months we have had the machine, it has incr eased our productivity25% across the board. This is not only how much faster fitting is, it is ho wmuch faster we are in all aspects of production as a fabricator. This machinehas made a substantial difference in our productivity,” stated Loren.

Les provides a before and after take on the pr oductivity of the machine:“We tested a part on the PeddiWriter that used to take us 1 hour and 40minutes to layout manually. That part was completed in 8 minutes! Themachine has performed absolutely 100% accurately since it has beeninstalled. This machine is taking Agate to the next lev el.”


Writing Their Own Story

L to R: Loren Kuenzi (Shop Superintendent), Nancy Palmer (CFO), Les McCauley (Vice President), and JimUhl (President and CEO) of Agate Steel, Inc. in Scottsdale, Arizona - USA .

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As Skilled Labor Disappears, Agate InnovatesAs skilled labor continues to vanish, Agate’s solution is to continually auto-mate. The PeddiWriter is a prime example with its labor saving design. “I fthe PeddiWriter were removed from our facility today, we would need atleast 6-8 layout workers to replace the productivity of the machine. Theseare people you just can’t find in today’s labor market,” stated Les.

In today’s computer age, Agate relies on streamlined programming to ensurethat production truly takes flight. Using the Peddinghaus Tekla API module,Agate is capable of transferring data dir ectly from the Tekla model, and lay-ing out weld locations or cope locations with ease. “A layout machine is use-less without a good BIM inter face,” states Les, “using the Tekla API fromPeddinghaus, we are capable of converting a 600 ton (544 metric ton) jobdirectly from the BIM model into CNC par t files in only 20 minutes. Thisincludes scribe locations, cope locations, everything!”

Beyond the PeddiWriter, the decade old BDL-760 drill line fr omPeddinghaus benefits from the very same software as legacy support is a keycomponent of the Peddinghaus software philosophy.

“We program the BDL-760 using the Tekla API because it’s a faster, moreaccurate way of doing it. S imple as that,” stated Loren.

Beyond easy operations, maintenance is a br eeze with the PeddiWriter, andconsumable costs are practically non-existent, “We have had the machinerunning production for three months and we haven’t changed the consum-ables ONCE.” States Loren, “there is no plasma particulate fumes visible atall when the torch is marking, the cuts are extremely clear and concise, andwe don’t need any sort of special gasses to run the machine like a higheramp plasma torch. We run the machine at around 5-6 amps and use noth-ing but shop air. This is an inexpensive machine to run.”

Agate Keeps their Eyes on the Horizon - The F uture of FabricationJim Uhl, CEO/President of Agate Steel, Inc. relies on his experience and indepth knowledge of all corners of the industr y as he describes his take onthe future of fabrication, “As developing countries continue to attack foriegn

markets, American fabricators are at a distinct disadvantage. Labor rates are

higher, corporate taxes are higher, and regulation is stricter. Our high techPeddinghaus equipment is protection from those attacks. We feel thePeddiWriter levels the playing field between Agate, and the cheap labor ratesfrom developing markets. We can compete with confidence with these inter-national threats because of our continual investment in modern technology,and turnkey construction solutions.”

A “Do Whatever it Takes” Kind of CompanyAgate never shies away from a challenge. From the power industry, to min-ing, to flight line canopies, Agate offers star t to finish solutions.

“At Agate we offer more than comprehensive solutions for steel construction,we offer services from business units that are synergistic, mutually support-ing organizations,” states Jim.

“We specialize in design build work. Each business unit provides feedback tothe others and an improvement in any arm of Agate means the entir e com-pany benefits. With the first job processed on the PeddiWriter, our half waymark illustrated that we had saved 1,000 hours of erection time due to theaccuracy of the parts. Before the end of the project we expect to save 2,000hours of erection labor. If you know erection, you know that is a big deal!”stated Les.

Peddinghaus and Agate – A Powerful PartnershipWhen asked about Agate’s relationship with Peddinghaus Jim was direct, “In Agate’s 40 years of operations, we have never had a vendor as professional, and courteous as Peddinghaus. The machines are well designedand dependable, but above anything the support is fantastic. Nobody sup-ports you like Peddinghaus.”

"If the PeddiWriter were removed from our facility today, we would need at least 6-8 layout workers to r eplace the productivity of the machine." - Les McCauley

Cross transfers allow material to be sent fr om the drill and saw, across to the PeddiWriter, and directly intothe building for welding and assembly.

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Gian Callegaro is a businessman on a

quest for perfection. As Managing Director

of Universal Steel, (Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Gian applies a hands-on approach to every

aspect of the 35 year old family f irm. From

front door to shop f loor, Gian frames every

business decision with both production,

and profit advancement in mind. Whether it ’s

commercial, industrial retail, or utility work,

Universal Steel has a history of delivering a

quality product within promised lead times.

This, in some situations however, came

with a cost – namely when it came to plate



Taking Plate Production into their Own Hands

Gian Callegaro (Managing Director) of Universal Steel - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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Enough is Enough - Universal TakesControl of Plate Production“The catalyst for change was a mining pr oject in the Northern part of New South Wales”Gian stated, “it wasn’t a particularly large project, but we had an enormous amount ofplate components that needed to be manufac-tured, and I basically had a wor ker manuallycutting shaped plates, punching and markingeach individual piece, for three weeks. That justwasn’t good enough for Universal Steel and weknew we needed to look at alternatives.” Gianbegan to explore his options. Local plate stock-holders and processors were available, but byusing these firms Universal’s lead times would bedictated by the processors' backlog. On top ofthis, quality was out of his contr ol and processormarkup would eat away at his bottom line.That’s when Gian was introduced to the HSFDB from Peddinghaus.

“Most of our work, or most of any fabricators’work is in the preparation of the small parts forany project. After looking at a number ofmachines, the Peddinghaus HSFDB really stoodout for what we do,” stated Gian. “In particularwith the Peddinghaus plate machine, the highspeed drilling was simply unbeatable. Just lookat the size of the spindle, it’s an enormousmotor, it just chews through steel. Since theinstallation of the machine we have not onlyreduced lead times, but now we work as aprocessor for other local businesses who facedthe same problem we had. This is another com-mercial opportunity that we have been able toentertain as a result of the new machine.”

Space Savings - A Key Component for the Urban Fabricator

Yet another consideration for Gian was theamount of space that the system would occupy.With an existing facility in the hear t of theSydney metropolitan area, land is valued at apremium. Using the unique roller feed design ofPeddinghaus machinery, the HSFDB is able tomaximize production without sacrificing costlyfloor space. “We set up the machine so w e

use our yard space for material handling, andstorage. When it’s time to process plate, we loadmaterial using a fork truck onto roller conveyor,and send the plate through a small opening in our wall,” stated Gian, “typically there are no plates inside the workshop until they’re cut,meaning we only deal with finished par ts inside our facility. We’re only taking up 6 to 8meters (20 to 26 feet) wide b y about 6 meters(20 feet) out from the wall, so it’s a small foot-print for the production you receive.”

By using a set of oversized rollers to clamp thematerial and feed it to the operating ar ea of themachine, the HSFDB’s material handling is notrequired to be under cover. Additionally, there isno need to maintain a rigid scrap skeleton fornested sheets to be processed effectively. Thisallows the machine to take advantage of uniqueprogramming and cutting methods, thus reduc-ing overall scrap the machine produces. ThePeddinghaus plate processor can start cuttingfrom the edge of plate, minimizing the amountof scrap produced to as low as 5% when nestinglike parts.

A Family Businessthat Continues to Succeed

Universal Steel is a family business by every definition. Mom is in the front office, Dad is inthe shop, and Gian oversees production. Thevery same tenacity which started Universal Steelstill exists today, and is evident with the continual investments in technology they make.

With the know-how to implement these newprocesses, and savvy to create value added servic-es for clients, Universal Steel is a family businesswith no signs of slowing down any time soon.

Step 1: Load Stock Plate Outside Step 2: Process Material on Machine Step 3: Finished Parts are Delivered to the Operator

The Ocean Avenger Beam Drill Line is essential f or the productionof structural components at Universal Steel.

The side unloader of the HSFDB delivers f inished parts directly to the operator at an ergonomic height.

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Better Than Ever

Since their humble beginnings, Betterect has evolved into a true “one stop shop” for African industry.Insisting that there is no project too bold or complex, Betterect manufactures all types of industrialprocess equipment, steel structures, plant assemblies, chutes, tanks, material handling equipment, andmore for installation throughout the continent.

Betterect’s reputation became well known throughout the industry, and as a result so too did thedemand for their products and services. Production demanded 350 metric tons (385 inch tons) ofassorted fabrications each month, ranging from stainless steel to precision machined components. Asother realms within the business began to be automated, the task per ceived to be the most simple –structural fabrication – remained relatively unchanged since the company’s inception. Martin Zechner,CEO and Founder stated, “the decision to purchase the machinery was simple as it was the next logicalstep in evolving with the times and in line with our ethos to always meet and ex ceed customers’ expectations”.

Facing the very same challenges as many other fabricators, B etterect found themselves searching forways to enhance quality, reduce process time, and minimize their reliance on difficult to locate skilledlabor. This required a leap of faith from traditional manual methods to automated pr ocesses.

In a place where industrialization sweeps the

continent, African industry thrives from the resource

rich land it occupies. Oil, copper, gold, and silver

mines are in abundance thus driving demand f or

industrial steel fabrication. In 1974 an Austrian

immigrant named Martin Zechner applied his

expertise and enthusiasm for the industry when

he founded Betterect – a full service fabrication and

erection firm located just outside of Johannesburg,

South Africa.

L to R: Martin Zechner (Founder/Managing Director), Nicolette Zechner (Sales and Marketing Manager), and Da vid Jordan (Production Manager)of Betterect in Krugersdorp, Johannesburg, South Africa

Industrial projects throughout the continent of Africa similar to theimages below are typical for the team at Betterect.

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The Beginning of a True PartnershipThe ascent into automation was comprehensive, and no shortcut was taken. Betterect embarked on acomplete expansion project designed to evolve the structural side of the business completely fr om manual methods to modern day machiner y. The addition of a 3,666m2 (40,000 sq. ft.) facility wasplanned, ground was broken, and the team at Betterect worked closely with Peddinghaus representativesto usher a new era in Betterect business. “From the start of the process, we were highly impressed withPeddinghaus’ cutting edge technology, commitment to innovation and capabilities of the equipment.”stated Martin, “The Peddinghaus team is friendly, reliable and always willing to go the extra mile.”

Before and After - Better Production Using Better ProcessesAlmost immediately upon the commissioning of the sy stem, the Betterect team started to see results:

The Advantage 2 drill line in tandem with DG-1250 band saw ar e the backbone of production at Betterect.


Before: Teams of manual layout and drillingworkers were dispatched to process structural sections.

After: A single operator oversees drilling and sawing production using the Advantage 2 andDG-1250 band saw.


Before: Pairs of manual layout and punchingworkers were strictly dedicated to the productionof angle bracing, or clip angle components.

After: The Revolution Anglemaster providesCNC automated punching and shearing of angle and flat bar components.


Before: 14 manual blast cleaning staffers were dedicated to processing sections.

After: A single Peddiblast blast cleaning centerwith one operator is employed for all structural sections and plate components.

“To date the machines have significantly reduced

production turnaround times and have enabled

us to fabricate larger tonnages than before…

the equipment has definitely given us a

competitive edge in the structural steel arena

and has allowed us to take on more jobs

in this line of work.”

– Martin ZechnerFounder/Managing Director

Continued on page 10

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LYLE MENKEContinued from page 2

“My Peddinghaus Story”

We have heard all of your positive comments about Peddi-TV, and honestly,we are a little humbled by the wonderful response. But we’ve put on ourthinking caps, and come up with another industr y promoting idea.

In your own words…

Simply, we put our customers in front of our cameras to describe their business philosophy, and what Peddinghaus has done to assist them as agood business partner. We had the opportunity to create some “Stories” in Australia during our recent visits there. The stories are rich with ideas,market advice, and expertise, courtesy of steel industry members – just like you!

In their own words, these fabricators explain how Peddinghaus has affectedtheir business in so many positive ways.

Check it out with a search at YouTube My Peddinghaus Story.

Want to tell your own “Peddinghaus Story” – give us a call at 815. 937. 3800 or email me at l [email protected].

USA Tax Incentives May Expire – Use It or Lose it!Many tax incentives for business will expire or be dramatically reduced as of January 1, 2013. For example:

• The Bonus Depreciation (50% for 2012) expires on December 31, 2012º 100% Bonus Depreciation expired last

year on December 31, 2011

• The Section 179 expensing election for 2012 is $139,000º The Section 179 is further decreased to $25,000 in 2013

What does this mean to the av erage steel fabricator, manufacturer, or service center?

These tax incentive programs were instituted to urge more capital investment by businesses in the USA. Essentially, capital equipment couldbe depreciated more rapidly, depending upon your individual tax situation.

The bottom line: If you are considering taking advantage of the

remaining Bonus Depreciation or Section 179, you must have your

equipment installed by December 31. If a machine tool in vestment

is in your future – now is the time to order, and have your equipment

on your floor!

BETTERECTContinued from page 9

Upon commissioning of the AFCPS-833 Anglemaster, David Jordan(Production Manager for Betterect) described the installation as a labor saving success, “over the course of the Anglemaster ’s first four hours in operation, we processed what used to be two days of steel. There is no comparison to the manual method. The machine exceeded our expectations, and puts our production at an all new level.”

“To date the machines have significantly reduced production turnaroundtimes and have enabled us to fabricate larger tonnages than befor e,” stated Martin, “the equipment has definitely given us a competitive edge in the structural steel arena and has allowed us to take on more jobs in this line of work.”

Betterect immediately put the machines to wor k for their clientele,increasing potential production to a maximum of 500 metric tons (550 inchtons) per week. Within the first six months following installation Betterectused the equipment to process a variety of work including:

• 580 tons (639 inch tons) of platinum mine pipe racks

• Two 12m2 (129 sq. ft.) linear screens

• Two 34m2 (366 sq. ft.) linear screens

• Three 61m2 (657 sq. ft.) belt filters

• Three 31m2 (333 sq. ft.) belt filters

• One 26m (85') thickener support structure

• Two 30m (98') thickener support structures

• 103 tons (113 inch tons) of str uctural steel for a paper mill

In each of these projects, the Peddinghaus machines have proven to be valuable assets for meeting deadlines and ex ceeding quality standards.

More than Machines - A True Peddinghaus PartnershipMore than machines, the purchase of the Peddinghaus equipment was onlythe beginning of a strong partnership. From start to finish, Betterect knowsthat the team at Peddinghaus is there for their every need, now and into thefuture of the firm.

“We would like to say a massiv e thank you to the Peddinghaus team for allthe support and assistance that we have received throughout this processand we look forward to long and fruitful relationship going forward,” statedMartin, “it is a pleasure doing business with a company who v alues familyspirit as much as Betterect does.”

To celebrate the conclusion of the expansion project, Betterect held "Betterfest", a multi-day event whereclients and industry partners could network with one another in the newly completed pr oduction facility.

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The Users Group Conference included sessions concerning software topics and the future of fabrication.During the Thursday break-out room discussion, users experienced a first-hand look at technology forautomated layout marking, robotic welding technologies, and the future of CNC software with LyleMenke, Peddinghaus’ VP of Marketing. With sessions including parametric geometry models, industrialmodels, partner presentations, and current SDS/2 fabricator projects, there was not a shortage of educa-tion for all attendees.

During the 2012 Users Group Conference, SDS/2 hosted the first Annual Users Group Awards at theRococo Theatre in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. The awards ceremony showcased the winners for theSolid Steel Competition (an awards ceremony for excellence in BIM design). Grand prize winnersincluded Peddinghaus customer, Alpha SteelFAB for their BIM model of the Airbus A380 F ire Trainerfabricated with Peddinghaus equipment.

This year, the Partner Pavilion showcased many sponsors and participants enriching the experiencefor all in attendance. During session breaks, the pavilion offered great networking opportunities forattendees and sponsors to discuss the outlook of softwar e and fabrication. Peddinghaus looks forwardto collaborating with their development partner, SDS/2, in the future.

Peddinghaus Sponsors the SDS/2 Users Gr oupConference – LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Detailers, engineers, owners, fabricators, and

draftsman gathered at the Cornhusker Hotel in

Lincoln, Nebraska October 10-12th, 2012 for

the SDS/2 Users Group Conference. Sponsors

and attendees were given the opportunity to

network and discuss the future of fabrication

industry and SDS/2 updates.


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A Peddinghaus sponsored cocktail hour offered attendees and sponsors the opportunity to network with industr y peers

Lyle Menke mingles with detailers while enjoying the networkingopportunities at the Peddinghaus sponsored cocktail reception

Peddinghaus VP of Marketing, Lyle Menke, and PeddinghausMarketing Assistant, Lisa Clark, attended the SDS/2 Users Meetingand look forward to collaborating with SDS/2 in the future.

Grand Prize Winner of a Solid Steel Award was Alpha SteelFAB for their BIM model of the Airbus A380 Fir e Trainer.

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SIGNOMAT PART STAMPING• 36 station (number / letter) part marking press• Marks at a rate of 1 character per second• Capable of being stationed for marking on near

or far leg of angle

SIGNOSCRIPT CARBIDE SCRIBING• Versatile carbide marking station

allows for marking of any shape, number, or character

• Mark at multiple depths or sizes without tool change

TRIPLE TOOL PUNCH PRESS• 153 Metric ton (169 Inch ton) three

speed punch cylinder• Smart Cylinder technology• Punch up to 3 different tool shapes or sizes per leg of

angle in a single pass through the machine

MINIMUM QUANTITY LUBRICATION SYSTEM• Optional lubrication system for punches and shear• Eco-friendly vegetable oil based lubrication

dramatically extends shear and punch life

SIEMENS TOUCH SCREEN CONTROL• 480mm (19”) touch screen control panel• Powerful enough for today’s 3D

CAD/CAM packages

PC WORKSTATION• Allows for streamlined

access to e-mail, modelingsystems, server, and othercritical programs*Personal Computer Not Included

SINGLE CUT SHEAR• 467 Metric ton (515 Inch ton) three speed

shear cylinder• Smart Cylinder technology• Single cut shear tooling eliminates the

creation of shear slugs commonlyexperienced with double cut shear tooling

ROLLER MEASUREMENT• Peddinghaus Roller Measurement• Continuous feed with no stop in production• Capable of 60 MPM (200 FPM)

x-axis material positioning speeds


The Anglemaster-HD is designed to not only be fast, but versatile. Capable of

punching and shearing flat bar up to 300mm x 25mm (12” x 1”), and angle up

to 200mm x 200mm x 25mm (8” x 8” x 1”) typical structural detail sections

are processed with ease. The Anglemaster-HD is also capable of punching

(not shearing) channel sections up to 300mm (12”) wide adding further versa-

tility to the capabilities of the machine.


The Anglemaster-HD utilizes comprehensive material dimensioning to not only

increase production, but also create a user friendly atmosphere. By

utilizing an array of dimensioning feedback, the Anglemaster-HD can identify

the length of stock, thickness of material, and leg lengths (or flat bar width).

Once the machine understands all dimensions of material, it

optimizes punch and shear motion to increase production efficiency. If stock

loaded does not match that of the selected program, the machine will notify

the operator and provide the option to continue to program, or locate the

appropriate stock type.


Using the information gathered by the material dimensioning system, the

Anglemaster-HD understands the thickness of material loaded, and employs

this information to automatically adjust the three speed punch and shear

cylinders. By adjusting the amount of power needed per section size, the

machine can take full advantage of lower tonnage / high speed operations

when thinner material is being processed. When thicker material is loaded,

the machine will maximize tonnages in order to process these sections



Technical Specifications Metric Inch

Max Angle Size 200mm x 200mm x 25mm 8" x 8" x 1"

Min Angle Size 40mm x 40mm x 4mm 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/4"

Max Flat Bar Size 300mm x 25mm 12" x 1"

Min (Narrowest) Flat Bar Size 50mm x 6mm 2" x 3/16"

Min (Thinnest) Flat Bar Size 75mm x 5mm 3" x 1/4"

Max Shear Tonnage (3 Speed) 467 Tons 515 Tons

Max Punch Tonnage (3 Speed) 153 Tons 169 Tons

Max Punch Diameter 38mm 1-1/2"

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SIGNOMAT PART STAMPING• 36 station (number / letter) part marking press• Marks at a rate of 1 character per second• Capable of being stationed for marking on near

or far leg of angle

SIGNOSCRIPT CARBIDE SCRIBING• Versatile carbide marking station

allows for marking of any shape, number, or character

• Mark at multiple depths or sizes without tool change

TRIPLE TOOL PUNCH PRESS• 153 Metric ton (169 Inch ton) three

speed punch cylinder• Smart Cylinder technology• Punch up to 3 different tool shapes or sizes per leg of

angle in a single pass through the machine

MINIMUM QUANTITY LUBRICATION SYSTEM• Optional lubrication system for punches and shear• Eco-friendly vegetable oil based lubrication

dramatically extends shear and punch life

SIEMENS TOUCH SCREEN CONTROL• 480mm (19”) touch screen control panel• Powerful enough for today’s 3D

CAD/CAM packages

PC WORKSTATION• Allows for streamlined

access to e-mail, modelingsystems, server, and othercritical programs*Personal Computer Not Included

SINGLE CUT SHEAR• 467 Metric ton (515 Inch ton) three speed

shear cylinder• Smart Cylinder technology• Single cut shear tooling eliminates the

creation of shear slugs commonlyexperienced with double cut shear tooling

ROLLER MEASUREMENT• Peddinghaus Roller Measurement• Continuous feed with no stop in production• Capable of 60 MPM (200 FPM)

x-axis material positioning speeds


The Anglemaster-HD is designed to not only be fast, but versatile. Capable of

punching and shearing flat bar up to 300mm x 25mm (12” x 1”), and angle up

to 200mm x 200mm x 25mm (8” x 8” x 1”) typical structural detail sections

are processed with ease. The Anglemaster-HD is also capable of punching

(not shearing) channel sections up to 300mm (12”) wide adding further versa-

tility to the capabilities of the machine.


The Anglemaster-HD utilizes comprehensive material dimensioning to not only

increase production, but also create a user friendly atmosphere. By

utilizing an array of dimensioning feedback, the Anglemaster-HD can identify

the length of stock, thickness of material, and leg lengths (or flat bar width).

Once the machine understands all dimensions of material, it

optimizes punch and shear motion to increase production efficiency. If stock

loaded does not match that of the selected program, the machine will notify

the operator and provide the option to continue to program, or locate the

appropriate stock type.


Using the information gathered by the material dimensioning system, the

Anglemaster-HD understands the thickness of material loaded, and employs

this information to automatically adjust the three speed punch and shear

cylinders. By adjusting the amount of power needed per section size, the

machine can take full advantage of lower tonnage / high speed operations

when thinner material is being processed. When thicker material is loaded,

the machine will maximize tonnages in order to process these sections



Technical Specifications Metric Inch

Max Angle Size 200mm x 200mm x 25mm 8" x 8" x 1"

Min Angle Size 40mm x 40mm x 4mm 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/4"

Max Flat Bar Size 300mm x 25mm 12" x 1"

Min (Narrowest) Flat Bar Size 50mm x 6mm 2" x 3/16"

Min (Thinnest) Flat Bar Size 75mm x 5mm 3" x 1/4"

Max Shear Tonnage (3 Speed) 467 Tons 515 Tons

Max Punch Tonnage (3 Speed) 153 Tons 169 Tons

Max Punch Diameter 38mm 1-1/2"

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FEEL THE DIFFERENCE With Peddinghaus atFABTECH 2012!Visit Peddinghaus in

BOOTH #C7723 November 12th – 14th


Las Vegas, NevadaExperience the power ofPeddinghaus with the HSFDB Plate Processor and theNEW Anglemaster-HD at thePeddinghaus booth. This yearPeddinghaus will give attendeesthe opportunity to FEEL THE DIFFERENCE of Peddinghausquality. Reach out and touch the design that truly makes both the HSFDB and theAnglemaster-HD the mostinnovative equipment on themarket today!

Showcased in booth #C7723 will be the Anglemaster -HD. This machine is the newest angle line in the Peddinghaus series.Packed with serious punch, the HD is the perf ect machine for fabricators who require high volume production. With the abilityto process detail parts in record time, the Anglemaster-HD is paving the way to the future of angle and detail machines b ybeing the smartest, fastest, and strongest.

The Anglemaster-HD offers numerous benefits to customers including:

SMART CYLINDER TECHNOLOGY – optimizes hydraulic fluid levels for accelerated production Smaller Footprint – to reduce over head costs

AUTOMATED MATERIAL DIMENSIONING SYSTEM – allows the ability to short stroke for maximum productivity

ROLLER FEED ADVANTAGE – that allows the profile to be processed quickly and efficiently

FABTECH Attendees will also have the opportunity to experience the HSFDB plate processing machine. This machine is a compact all in one plate processing machine that can drill, OxyFuel cut, plasma cut, countersink , mill, and tap. The HSFDB utilizes adv anced software techniques including edge start cutting, chain cutting, and common cutline. The High Speed is equipped with Peddinghaus’ unique Roller Feed material handling which allows material and conveyors to be stored outside until processing is necessary. This reduces shop footprint and overhead costs.

Visit the Peddinghaus booth atFABTECH 2012 in Las Vegas toexperience the innovationsPeddinghaus has to offer.

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peddinghaus went BIG in Texas!DALLAS DIDN’T DISAPPOINT ATTENDEESThe North American Steel Construction Conference (NASCC) welcomed new technology

to capture the attention of industry experts and attendees. From cutting edge

machinery to first class events, Peddinghaus proved its place as the global leader in

steel fabricating equipment.

Peddinghaus, booth 1201, showcased numerous advancements in machine tool technology. Featured wasthe Advantage 2 drill line alongside the one-of-a-kind P eddiWriter automated layout marking machine and1250-510 band saw. Also present was Peddinghaus’ innovative 3D CAD/CAM software, Raptor. With directimport and export capabilities, Raptor captivated attendees. When asked about R aptor, Ronnie Barr fromFabArc Steel Supply, Inc stated, “I think it ’s quite impressive from a programming standpoint. It seemslike it has more of an AutoCad type feel and it gives you areas where you can program specifics withouthaving to know a lot about pr ogramming.”

At the 2012 NASCC in Dallas, Texas, Peddinghaus ensured there wasn’t a shortage of education. Booth1201 came equipped with the PeddiPavilion where numerous speakers from the steel industry, economics,and politics sat down to discuss matters pertinent to steel fabricators. F rom plasma cutting to the political climate, Peddinghaus delivered information pertinent to the entire industry. Ben Stein, wellknown economist and regular commentator for Fox News, presented his economic forecast to over 100attendees inside the auditorium. Additionally, a political forum was held which showcased the knowledgeof Pat Buchannan, James Carville and an encore performance from Ben Stein. Focusing solely on topicspertinent to the steel fabrication industr y, this distinguished panel provided an insider's view to industr yleaders preparing their business for tomorrow's political climate.

Peddinghaus stuck with the theme, “everything is bigger in Texas” especially when it came to the highly anticipated special event. After a mar ching band and horses led attendees to the Glass Cactus, thenetworking began! Duff Zimmerman of Cooper Steel mentioned, “…meeting other fabricators, networking,it’s just a great time. I was glad I was able to send my shop guy s this year.” The Glass Cactus offeredwonderful views of Lake Grapevine, and first class fare. Entertainment was better than ever with theDallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, a f irework show, the Emerald City band, and the one and only , Dana Carvey.When asked what makes this event stand out fr om others, Wayne Clarke from MacFab Engineering proclaimed, “It’s the networking. It’s the opportunity to meet these diff erent people who work in the sameindustry as me.”

Mark your calendars for the 2013 NASCC conference, April 17-19th at America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis, Missouri.

We will see you in St. L ouis and remember…

No one does the NASCC like Peddinghaus!


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Tekla User Meeting 2012 – Orlando, FL

August 15th – 17th detailers from across the nation gathered in Orlando,Florida for the 2012 Tekla User Meeting.

With over 300 attendees, the 2012 User Meeting had record attendance andwas the most successful Tekla User Meeting to date! The three day eventbegan with a cocktail reception sponsored by Peddinghaus. Detailers andsponsors had a chance to network and discuss the industry today and thefuture of Tekla software.

The Tekla User Meeting was filled with informative sessionsregarding steel, engineering, and construction topics. Sessionsincluded discussions about software and the future of BIM aswe know it. Users that attendedthe Thursday General Session had an exclusive opportunity toobserve Peddinghaus’ AdvancedSoftware Engineering Manager,Istok Budic, showcase the

innovative 3D CAD/CAM platform, Raptor with a dir ect Tekla APIimport module.

Thursday night, the annual North American BIM Awards took place in theGrand Cypress Ballroom. The BIM Awards is an awards ceremony thatallows Tekla BIM Designers to submit their most impressive creation forpublic voting in three categories. The project in each category with the most votes wins! BIM Category winner was the Houston Dynamo Stadiumin Houston, Texas designed by CSD Services and the Steel CategoryWinner was the Winnipeg Investors Group Field in Winnipeg, Manitoba byStructal-Heavy Steel Construction. According to attendees this year’s BIMAwards “…was the best yet”!

The 2012 Tekla User Meeting had attendees that included steel detailers,fabricators, draftsman, erectors, engineers, owners, and BIM managers. Withan increased amount of user to user networ king as well as user to sponsorinteraction, Tekla looks forward to seeing more collaborative projects thatutilize Tekla and their various other partners, including Peddinghaus.

Featured in Raptor is the Tekla API Module, allowing f ilesto be imported into Raptor directly from the BIM model

Peddinghaus Advanced Software Manager, Istok Budic, and Peddinghaus International Sales Manager, ToddCordes, discuss the benefits of the Tekla API with numerous detailers and fabricators

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Announcing the Opening of PeddinghausCorporation - South Africa BranchPeddinghaus invests in South Africa as their latest global branch,offering local service and spare parts to the customers of Africa.

Peddinghaus believes that it is essential to suppor t customers, no matterwhich continent they are located on. For decades, Peddinghaus has shownsupport to the African steel fabrication industr y.

As the only structural machine tool provider to open an office in the r egion,Peddinghaus has illustrated their dedication to the African mar ketplace.Introducing, Peddinghaus Corporation South Africa Branch (PCSA).

Patrick Pereira, National Sales Representative for PCSA stated,

“It is an honor to have a Peddinghaus facility in the country I call home, South Africa.The entire continent of Africa is full of customers that are pushing the steel fabricationindustry forward. Our new branch and staff are ready to serve our current and potential customers with the best ser vice and experience available in the industry. Byhaving a firm in South Africa, customers can pay for spare parts and machines in thelocal currency and have the product at their door in no time!”

Africa’s steel industry has long been a significant mar ket for Peddinghaus.Numerous customers are located throughout the continent and PCSA istaking the proper steps to ensure these customers receive the timely serviceand support expected. PCSA offers African Sub-Sahara and South Africanregional customers the convenience of local entities.

Although Peddinghaus offers a 24-hour Service and Support Center, not all issues can be resolved via webcam or phone call. PCSA employs a fieldservice staff located in South Africa and a stock of local spar e parts.Providing the ability to pay with local curr ency, PCSA eliminates time and headaches caused by customs and currency conversions. Quality

service, replacement parts, and helpful support are readily available whenany Peddinghaus customer in Africa requires assistance.

For more information on PCSA please contact: Patrick Pereira, National Sales Representative for Peddinghaus South [email protected] + 27 82 821 69 74

Ian Walker, International Sales [email protected] + 44 77 144 29 860


Peddinghaus is proud to be a new member of the South African Institute of Steel Construction (SAISC)L to R: Spencer Erling, Director of Educational Issues for the SAISC, Ian Walker, International SalesManager for Peddinghaus, Dr. Hennie de Clercq, Executive Director for the SAISC, and Patrick Pereira, SouthAfrican Regional Sales Representative for Peddinghaus)

Peddinghaus Sponsors –FabTrol’s 2012 Get Connected Event

Eugene, Oregon became the fabricator software

headquarters September 12-14th. With fabricators,

detailers, and engineers in attendance, FabTrol’s annual

Get Connected Event was a success. Attendees had the

opportunity to network with industry peers during the casino

night, see what FabTrol is all about during group trips, and

learn about industry and software updates during the group

sessions throughout the three day event.

FabTrol’s Get Connected eventpresented many opportunitiesfor fabricators to discover how to better their practices and software uses. The three dayevent was filled with FabTrolMRP and Pro sessions that discussed the future of FabTrolsoftware. Along with manyFabTrol sessions, the GetConnected event also provided sponsors the opportunity to present.

Advanced Software EngineerManager, Istok Budic andRegional Sales Manager, TedTrybek, took this opportunity to showcase a special look atRaptor during the Thursdaylunch session. Raptor isPeddinghaus’ new 3DCAD/CAM software that offersusers connection capabilities withthe FabTrol .Net API. Utilizing the connection available between Raptor,PeddiTrack and the FabTrol .Net API, Raptor software is eliminating theneed for software to software translation.

After the presentation, attendees were invited to try Raptor for themselves atthe Peddinghaus booth, showcasing the ease of the platform.

FabTrol Get Connected attendees experienced cuttingedge software in numerous sessions

Filled with fabricators and detailers from across thenation, FabTrol's Get Connected event was a success

Braam Beukes, Co-Owner of Tudor Engineering &Draughting in Gauteng, South Africa stands pr oudlyin front of his PCD-1100/3B

Service Technician Bradley West trains personnelat Betterect in Johannesburg, South Africa

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How long have you been working with Peddinghaus?

I began my career with Peddinghaus in 1996. I spent my first two y ears inspare parts. In my third year I was promoted to Systems Sales Coordinator. This position allowed direct contact with our customer base worldwide.From this position I was promoted to Midwest Regional Sales Manager andwas responsible for that territory for five years. After this I agreed to reducemy sales territory and assume the position of S ervice Manager.

It was from here that I decided to broaden my industry education. There wasa span of seven years where I was not with the company. I spent some of thattime employed as Sales Manager by one of the oldest structural steel fabricators in the United States and learned the other side of the business.

In April of 2012 I was for tunate to return to the Peddinghaus family as anInternational Sales Manager.

How did positions in spare parts and service prepare you for your role today?

Peddinghaus customers are loyal and they know when they come to us theyget answers. We are experts in what we do. During my role as ServiceManager, no statement rings more true this: “It is the responsibility for salesdepartment to obtain the first order and for the service department to keepcustomers coming back.”

What was it like working for both a fabricator and a machine tool manufacturer? What did you learn about the r elationship?

Simply put, “time is money”. Any time a machine is do wn the labor on theproject instantly increases. To have access to components next day or ev ensame day if necessary is crucial. There is something to be said for the kno wl-edge of phone technicians to help y ou work through a problem. In my pre-vious position at the fabrication shop, we processed a large amount of com-ponents for Caterpillar and a number of customers in the mining and ener-gy sector. Everything is time critical and late deliv eries are of no assistanceas a vendor to these companies. I believe working at a fabricator has addedcreditability to my statements. It makes a big difference when customersknow you have walked in their shoes.

With some of your career spent in a fabrication shop, how would you say that experience has helped you when it comes to f inding the rightsolution for your customers?

There are many bottlenecks in a fabrication shop; the difficult par t is thesegenerally move around depending on the job. To have an understanding ofthese problems is valuable when talking to potential customers as they kno wquickly you have experienced the same issues and they want to kno w howproblems were solved.

Since you worked in a competitive fabrication envir onment, how can youhelp fabrication shops compete in your new r ole?

As we know the structural steel fabricator makes up our cor e customer base.However, my experiences have brought me closer to the manufacturer utilizing heavy plate and shaped components. This is an area I had workedin during my tenure with a fabricator and I understand their needs w ell.

How would you say Peddinghaus’ fabrication technology has evolved?

Our equipment offerings for the manufacturing segment hav e increased.Utilizing carbide drilling technology and electronic drive motors, we havethe capability for high speed drilling, tapping, and countersinking whichallows us to enter markets we could not compete in previously. Ourmachines are run with our new Raptor software which is a key piece of thepuzzle to keep things flowing through a shop smoothly. On top of that, wetest prototypes extensively before selling to the open market to ensure ourcustomers always have the best product possible.

After spending a few years away from Peddinghaus, what made you come back?

Peddinghaus represents what people look for in a business par tner; longevity, honesty, and support of our customers and their needs. I amproud to be part of an organization with these v alues. However, AntonPeddinghaus, Lyle Menke, and one too many Jagermeister shots helpedsolidify the decision, and I could not be happier!


Todd CordesInternational Sales Manager


Todd Cordes discusses the status of a HSFDB plate pr ocessor with Jon Herman, Assembly Personnel

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STEEL FABRICATORS’ REVIEWWashington and Grove StreetBradley, IL 60915815. 937.



Joliet, IL

4th4th Annual AISC SponsoredSTEELDAY Event

September 28th marked the 4th AnnualSTEELDAY event across the nation

Each year erectors, architects, engineers, and contractors take a break from theirbusy workday to see what f abricators across the nation ar e producing with s teel.STEELDAY, sponsored by the Americ an Ins titute of St eel Cons truction (AISC), issaid to be “the largest free educational and networking event the steel industry hasever seen”. With numer ous e vents including visits t o s teel mills, f abricators, service c enters, gal vanizers, and other s teel f acilities, att endees had the opportunity to learn directly from industry experts.

For STEELDAY 2012, Peddinghaus opened their doors to the public for a tour of thecompany headquarters in Bradley, Illinois. The visit involved a full plant tour along

with machine demons trations. Gues ts in att endance also had theopportunity to see first had the 24 hour customer support center

located at Peddinghaus. Several guests joined Peddinghaus tocelebrate this industry wide event.

STEELDAY gives the public achance to see how steel has shaped

the Unit ed St ates int o the plac e it is t oday. F rom New Y ork City t o

San F rancisco, s teel has br ought this n ation t o n ew h eights. T o s howcase

this feat, STEELDAY events were available all over theUnited St ates f or t ours. The STEELDAY 2012 eventsproved no diff erent fr om pr evious y ears, with immensesuccess and participation.

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