The Statistics Of Accidents On Overhead Electrical Lines111


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Transcript of The Statistics Of Accidents On Overhead Electrical Lines111

Page 1: The Statistics Of Accidents On Overhead Electrical Lines111

By: Steven LaCouture

Page 2: The Statistics Of Accidents On Overhead Electrical Lines111

Year Number Of Accidents

91-92 361

92-93 414

93-94 157

94-95 430

95-96 265

96-97 371

97-98 477

98-99 349

99-00 230

Then you need to add all the accidents up (3354) and divide by the number of years (9) and get your average of (372.66).

Page 3: The Statistics Of Accidents On Overhead Electrical Lines111

Number of Accidents Average Deviation

361 372.66 11.66

414 372.66 41.34

457 372.66 84.34

430 372.66 57.34

265 372.66 107.66

371 372.66 1.66

477 372.66 104.34

349 372.66 23.66

230 372.66 142.66

In order to find the deviation you need to take the accident number from each year and subtract it from the average (372.66) and you’ll get the deviation of each year.

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Deviation Deviation2

11.66 135.95

41.34 1708.99

84.34 7113.23

57.34 3287.87

107.66 11590.67

1.66 2.75

104.34 10886.83

23.66 559.79

142.66 20351.87To find the deviation2 you need to take every deviation and square it and you’ll get the deviation2.

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You need to take the total of the Deviation2 (55637.95) and divide it by the number of years (9) and you’ll get the variance (6181.99)

To find the deviation you need to take the square route of the variance (6181.99) and you’ll get (78.625) and that’s your deviation.

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