The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1868-10-10 [p ]. · SOSf Tou have tried every remedy but...

ADVERTISEMENTS OUR AGENTS. ADVKllTISEMENTS: ADVK11TISKMENTS. ADVKllTISEMENTS. ADVE11TISKMENTS A NEVV8TORE.IN ALBANY I PACIFIC A D D II ESS The following named gentlemen are authorized to act as Agents for Th Stats R(ht Dbmo-ri- t, and ta receive fid receipt for subscriptions to the paper t LINN COUNTY.. SATURDAY ..OCTOBER 10, 1S63. TAKE NOTICE! STOP TIIATCOUGHlfl- G- 13 OV YOU CAM'Tt AJfD "WE PITY SOSf Tou have tried every remedy but the OSS . j, ta Intrinsic merit, to supersedo all sira . fC'iLaraWs. U Is not surprising you should be .7 M t, gometblDH else after the many m jvo made of trashy compoanda bve publio as a certain curs ; but ' iWsled on PulmoiicW Syrup; m4y ever compounded . Is really tbe TXKY BEST ret. rtt Throat, Asthna, ,? for the cure of Cou$M, OMn, fe wsumption. TIhju- - f Whooping Cootth.Uroortutis an'l C tpm have hn taiuls of people ia California and O, fattV9 powvrs" already beaeuued by tbe surprising cl NEWELL'S ; Pulmonary Syrup . and with one accord give It their ttmrnalined anprev ttion. Wc now a4reM ourw-ive- s to all who are ua- - , afualnW"l with tbis, tbe frreatest Panacea of tbe age. for the healing of all duioasca of the Throat aad, Lungs, assuring you that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands and it will cure Y0t7 If you ky It. Tills Invaluable medicine Is pleasant to tbe Usts; northing, healing and strenspbening in I w effects; a-- tirely ff: frrwo all poisonous or deleterious druga, ,. and perfectly barrnkm uwU-- all circumstances. Certiacales from many prominent citizens ef Saa Francisco accompany every botUe of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup EEDIKCTON h CO. If eats, Saa Tnatitm, INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Francisco, California. CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000 00 , jn'y 1, '07 230,09 00 OASIXAESCTSlaaOLD, $1,230,054 91 All Losses Tald Immediately In United State Gold Coin. FIB13, OCEAN, MARINE, INL.AND HE PACIFIC 1NSUHANCK COMPANY, having arranged witliMesnrs. UIOKLOW is. HKOTIIKR lor tbe transfer of all the busincm of tbe Tiro Irmur.m'! Com pan tin lately represented by them, ia now prepared to offer to all partk--i formerly insured by said companies, equally good term and prompt payment of t, in l'nitd Htates cold coin. Mr. II. II. JiHJKLOW will be the rencral Agent fur this Company from this date. Director of Partite Innrnnce Co. sas frasciscu J. P'FrcmcryJ.loyd Tcvis, Loo is McLane, Wrn. h'hennan, Oliver Htdridge, Win, Alvfrn, John O. r.rl, A. H. lorbf-s- , Ales Weill, Alfred Uortl, J. G. Kcllo, Ab'm Helimn, O. T. Lawton, M. Ch;c Anson ).. Utiles, K. 1 ioldteln, (2. II. Howard, John (i. f!rav, Mrt KHis, l. XV. leaver. A. Hay ward, P. I,. Weaver, H. Stclnbart, I. W.C. nice, JaviIhtrn, M. UoKcnbaum. C. Meyer, Jonathan Hunt, s hakkjito. V. J. Oliver, W. T. Coleman, KJjrar Mills, Alpbeus Bull, K. W. Leonard, O. W. Mowe, W. C. Kalt.iB, T. L. Uarker, C. T. Wheeler. h. fiacb. T. L. Meyer, HAavsvti.Me. Fred. Uillinzs, H. M. WiUon, J. 11. Jewett. A. 1 Tubbs, John II. ?wlon, pokvlaso. II M. Newhall, Kdward Martin, W. S. Lld, Adnut Grant, I). O. Mills, J-o- b Kamm. J. Ii. Fry, II. Haniinann, arot'KToy. II. H. iSigel'iw, I. B. Benebly, T. II. Anthony. Wni. llooprr, Moses Heller, viacitu, JIKV. Chas Maync, Wtn. Win. Kbaroo, OFFICERS J. IIl'.T, President. uii:fi: a itocf;i:its, iror. hp. scn.CKiijr.a has just erected new and Srt-c'.a- s Om Bread Alb in between First Street and tbo River, And is prepared tofurniih WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEALERS ASD PRIVATE FAMILIES, ON fin OUT AOTICEI ill Orders Delivered Wherever Desired. lie Warrants his BEUR MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, ASD PERFECTLY HEAITIIY! lie is confident he can give entiro satisfaotion to all. Dee.2S66; v2n20tf TO THE LADIES. A VINO RECEIVED A PATENT FOR MY II Back and Abdominal Ntinnort Cr. I am prepared to furnish those desiring them lit my residence, in tho old Q rover or Joseph Watt House, on the publio squaro north of the Court House. Also some valuable information for tho health of married ladies. Those wishing to consult by lcttor, address MRS. J. FORD, Salem, Oregon, TESTIMONIALS. We, the undersigned ladies, having used with the utmost satisfaction the Supporter invented by Mrs. J. Ford, believe it to bo tho best invention for tho purpose ever offered to the publio, and do most cheerfully recommend them to all in noed of anything of the kind. Mrs. J. II. Howell, Mrs. E. J. Cornell, Mrs. S. J. Thornton, Mrs. Sam. Headriuk, Mrs. E. A. Delong, Mrs. B. F. Brown, Mrs. S. 13. Bell, Mrs. M. J. Munkcrs, Mrs. J. Imbrlo, Mrs. J. Capllnger, Mrs. T. R. Blaokcrby and many others. Aug. 8, v3n51tf DR. R. C. HILL, (Successor to jSettlcmier db Co.) 3D JEl TT Q GI S T, MAIN STREET, ALBANY, O'GN. DEALEB IX Drag's, Medicinal, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuff- s, Glass, Varnishes, &c, See. SSrPhysicians' Prescriptions oarofully Com-pounde- d. v3n51tf NOTICE! WHO WANT REAPERS, HEADERS, THOSE Mowers, Gang-Plow- s, Self-Raki- ng Machines, Seed Drills, Ac, at Portland prices, freight added, (see hand-bi- ll of E. A. Hawley Co., Portland,) will please call on CHEADLE, Agent, Robert VTatkiuaon and James Dorris Selo Jason Wheeler Lotaaoa If. L. Brown Urowaaville Matthew Fountain Uarrisberg J. MV Smith Feotia LANK COUN'iT. Hon. J. J. Wallow... XrM City BENTON COUNTY. R. S. Strahan - CVrvsilis POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady - Dallat J. B. V. Batltrand Dr. Harris Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy........... Li Creole Bcnj. Hayden .....Eel CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. R. Ralston ...Ore City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portias MA1UON COUNTY. N. M. Bell...... . B. F. Runham.... J 6ie F. Kisennart .Mlvvrtoa Ilaalty Waterman M Jefertea Thou. Do JCtS Newspaper Afreet, Sea Francisco, is authorised te receive subscription aad advertisements fur ear paper, ami set as busi- ness agent generally. ADVERTISEMENTS. IYI. V. MACK, DKALIR IK STOVES, SHEET-IRON- , COPPEIt Ann TINWABE. AS ON HAND AND NOW READY FOR H sale a fall and complete stock of irst-clai- s COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, Which he is offering at prices that eaest insure a ready sale. Also a general assortment of Brass and Enameled Kettles. French SamcFa& aaA Ladles, Csutt-Iro- n Tea Kettles and Orens, Iran aad Load Pip, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS ! Sheet-Iro- n Copper, sfte., efte. Mtaufietorcr of all Kindt sf Tin, Skrel Iron and Copper Wirt ! REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO If D. All persons who are la seed ef articles in my line will find It to their advantage to give me a call, as I am determined to sell goods at priees that will preclude the necessity of roig farther than Albany to 6wy ckap. BXarketahle Produce Taken ia Exchange For any and all articles ia the Store. Will always keep on band a complete assortment of all goods in my line, while customers will stall times receive prompt attention. M. W. MACK. Albany. March 23, '67 vZn321y JOHN CONNER -- DEALER IX GE.CnAL MERCHANDISE, ALBANY, OREGON. C05SI9TIS0 or GOODS, GROC ERIE8, BOOTS AND SHOES CLOTHING, &C, &c. HARDWARE J A well selected assortment of the most complete kept in Albany. IR03T A!fD 8TEE1V of nearly all kinds suitable for the trade. ALSO ROPE, CHAINS, MILL SAWS, NEW STYLES CHOSB-CU- T SAWS, "WAGON-SEA- T SPRINGS, CA REI AOE SPRINGS, THIMB L E-- B O X I N O, washers; BOLTS, NTJTTS AC. Nearly all the stock is purchased in SAN FRAN CISCO, and will be sold at the lowest market rates for ready pay, or merchantable produce taken in exchange. ? Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. Agent for the Pacific Xnanrance Co. Oct. 26, '67-v3n- llyl JOHN CONNER. ALBANY BOOK STORE! E. A. FEEELAND, BOOK-SELLE- R AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - Oregon. INFORMS THE PUBLIC RESPECTFULLY from the old stand to PARRISH'S BLOCK. Where all are invited, assured that Goods In his - line are sold at the lowest cash prices. COXSTAHTXY OS EA5D : - STANDARD AND t MISCELLANEOUS BOQIS; Juvenile, Toy Gilt and DlankDooki, . GOLD It S3, AKD SCHOOL BOOKS AMD STATIONERY I Of every kind nsed in the State. ar books IMPORTED TO ORDER, at short notice. Deolnl61y SEVENTY BUSHELS OF SONOEA SEED "WHEAT FOB SAIiE AT MY KESIDCNCE. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEDILITATED1 0 TIIOSS WHOSE SUFFKRINtfS HAVE T a protracted fan fcUaea eaaset, aad whose eases repair revapttreatatette readrr st- - isteae desirable. If yea are ea&Vrlef er lave iftr4 froen rftvoUatery discharges, what effect does it epoa yoef geeeral ksallh f De yea reel weak, ctVdUeted,; easily til4T Dees a little ettra esevtiea pteJese palpitation ef Ike aeartf Dees year liver, er ertaary orgeat, er yoer kldaejs, fretseetly get eat ef order f Is year Hae toesetlsaee Ulet, tatlky, er teby, er Is It ropy ea setttlag f Or it a tkiek seats rise to tke tea f Or U a edlaseat at Ue bettosa after it has stood awhile f Do joe kave spells ef short breatkiag or dyspepsia f Are yoar bowels tonsil pete f Do joe kare spells ef fainting or rashes of blood te tke head t Is yoar memory Impaired? Is yoar salad eoastaatlj dwelliag epoa tkU eeb- - jeetf De yea feel 4 all. llatUis. saobles, tired ef coatpaa j, ef life f De yea wlak te he left alnae, to get awar fresa everybody f Does aay little thlsg stake jea start er jp f It jeer elsep tre kea er reatlees f Is tbe lastre ef yoar eye as bril liaatf Tke kleosa ea year ekeek as brigbtf De joa eajoj yoarself la society as well f De you partae year haaiaess with tke saate eaergy T De yoa feel as saaek eoatdeaee la joarselff Are year spirits dell aad lagging, givea to Bts ef atlas- - ckoly 1 If so, de not lay it to your lirsr or dys pepsia. slave yea mOest algbtsf Toar back weak. yoar kaees weak, aad kave bat little appetite, and yoa attribute this te dyspepsia er lirer-romplala- tf New, reader, self-abe- e, rsnerea! diseases badly eared, aad! eisesses, are alt capable ef pro daciag a weakaess ef tke generative orgaes. The organs ef geaeratioa, wkea la perfect kealtb, taahe tke aeaa. Did yea ever tklak tbet tbose bold, ft! eaevgetie, perteveriag. eaceessfal beMeeee-ne- a are always those whose geaerative ergaas are la prftt keeJtk f Toe aevsr kear seek saea eeaplaJa ef being saelaesholj, ef aer voataess, of paJpitatiea ef tbe feesrt. Tbty an never afraid tkej eaaaet seeeead la ketiaett they iea t beeoeie sad aad diseearaged ; tbey are always p!iU aad pUasaat la tbe eeapaay ef ladies, aad look yea aad tbess right ia tke fare Bono ef year lewacast looks er aay etker tsea asss about tbe a. I de net aeaa tkose wke keep tke organs laflaaed ky raaaiag to eseets. Thtse ill not oaly rata tkeir eoettitatioas. bat also tbose they de basinets with or for. How aaay aen, froa badly eared diseases. from the effects of self-abas- e aad eteesttt, bare brought about that state of weakness ta tbose or a a a gaot taai sat reaueea i&e general tar item so much as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy . paralysis, spinal affections, suicide and almost every other form of disease which bo manity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever eurpeetcd, and have doctored for a! but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of diuretic. nrL?inoLD'fl FLUID EXTRACT BTJCHTJ is rnt GREAT DIURETIC, end is a certain eore for Disea$e$ of the Madder Kidnryi, Gravel. J)rojy, t Organic Wea&ne$8t Female Complaints, General Debility .4:10 ALL. OTHER-DISE- ASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS I Whether existing in cz&ls or rnnAcni f whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is resorted to, Consumption or In- sanity may ensue. Oar flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends npon prompt use of a re- liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, established npward of 18 years, prepared by XX. T. IIELETDOLD, DRU6GI8T, . fi94 Broadway, New York, and 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pbick $1.25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for $6,50, delivered to Any address. Bold by all Druhgiets B. BRENNER, OI'POSITK PAIlltlAIII'H Iir.OCKt Would hespectfully inform tbe cituens of Albany and vicinity that ho has just returned from SAN FRANCISCO, WITH A FIRST-CLAS- S SELECTION or- - DRY COO D S CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and, in fact, a splendid and varied assortment of ;i; V Kit A I, M KItC II A I LSI'. Mr MOTTO WILL BE l "Huit lc Hulem antl Nmall Profit. I receive by every uteamcr a NEW INVOICE OF GOODS. Persons are respectfully requested to call and ex- amine my good before jiurcbasin? elsewhere. marJV6,v3n32if B. UKEXNEP.. TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEW REMEDIES I NEW REMEDIES ! Dr. Cilbbon'M Iijcnxary, ill (I K K AKX EY STREET, 9M9 NKAK COMMEIIC'L, h'an Frncbc'. Ktablisbcd in 1HS4, for the Irtatincnt t,t Fexual and Hftntnal disraws, ucb as norrb':a,J!ett,. stric- ture, Hyi'billis in all its forms, Seminal Weakncs, Itcrteiicy, ftuad'mg) and Ulct-ratt-- d t 5fcWL .m.,.m I luctcjfffuliy treated. Horrible Diseases. How tsany thousands of persons, both male and are thtro wbo are sufferinf out a miserable existence from the effects of secret indulgences, or from virns absorbed into tbe svntem ! Look at cir pallid, emaciated and dUftzured faces and tir broken dnn coortitutions, disqualifying itm for tue bstttnets of marriage or iae enjoy- - ent of life. In tbis horrid situation thousands iffcr until death clows tbe scene. Let parent. uarduric, rmnd, attnl to those who are suffer tz witb aov of tbese horrible life destroviniitia!- - lic s soe that tbty arc eared for and cured before be too late. Jnd thrn immediately to l.r ibbon, a pbyicUn who has made private duase us study for years, and wbo is certain to cure tbe ojt inveterate ca-- e without mercury orother in arious dru. It is important to those wtio sre .flli' tcd. or tbose who are in!reied in tbe welfare f their friends, ta be careful of the many preteod- - l d'jK-tor- s wbo leftj-- t a!l cities, tur.JihiBir their kill in curing all diseases in a few days, imroin lipon tbe public by uing tbe names of eminent nysicians from Kurope and other places. Be berefcre careful, and make strict inquiry, cr ycu may lall int the bands of those charlatan Seminal Weakness. Fcminal Emissions, tht consequence of self- - abue. Tbis solitary vice, or dct.ravcd sexual in luijrence, is practisea oy the youtn or ootn sexes to an almost unumited extent, producing, with un crrinjj certainty, tbo followjn; train of morbid lytnptoms, tmlcif combattcl by scientific medical measures, vu : countenance, dark spots under tbe eyes, pain ia tbe head, ringing in tbe oars, noise like the rut!ing of leaves and rattling A chariot, uneasiness about tbe loins, weakness f tbe liiao, confused viMon, blunted intellect loss of confidence, difii'lence in ojproscbicg stran ers, a dislike to form new acquaintances, a di position to sbua society, lof s of memory, hectic dusbes, tdmtdes and various eruptions about tbe face, furred tongue, fetid breath, couzbf, consump tion, night iweat. monomania and frenuent in sanity. If relief be not obtained, sbouM apply loituediately, cither in pcrs in or by letter, an have a euro effected by bis new and scientific mode of treating tbis disease, wbiuh never fails of effect ing a quick and radical cure. Ir. (. will give One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prove satisfactorily to him that be was cured of this complaint by e'ttler of tbe San Francisco qusck, MARRIED MEN Or tiose who contcmp'atc marriage, who are suf- fering under any of tbese fearful maladies, should not forget the sacred responsibility resting upon them, aor delay to obtain immediate relief. TO THE LADIES. The various complicated and distressing diseases incident to females, treated with eminent success, Such as Suppressions, Irrigularitics, Whites, fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases Nervous debility, Painful or Difficult Menstruation Barrenness, etc., will be speedily cured, without poisonous drags, injurious or unpalatable med cines of any kind. Have no delicacy in calling no difference what your troubles may be. Tbe af flicted are cordially invited to call and satisfy themselves. DOCTOR OIBBON is responsible, and will give to each patient a written instrument, binding him self to cticct a raaicat ana permanent cure, or make no charge. CURED AT HOME. Persons at a distance may be CURED AT HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon stating case, syn .ptoms, length of time tbe disease has continued, and have medicines promptly for warded, free t rom damage ana curiosity, to any part of tho country, with full and plain directions lor ose. By oncosing ti in . currency Of f 10 in a. a s in a registered letter tnrougn me post-om- ce or throuirh Wells. Fargo Jk Co., a package of med icine will be forwarded by express to any part of tho Union. Address DR. J.F. GIBBON, 616 Kearney street, corner of Commercial, San Francisco. Post Office Box 252. Consultation FREE. ?r Correspondents will pleaso inform DR. nTnimv thi 1it, maA fcs mtvortiscment in the " v ,v DEMOCRAT. feb23vSa28yl NEW BOOK BINDER. 112 Front St., Portland. (Nearly opposite McCoraick's Bookstore.) GEORGE W. YOLLCM, COOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. BOOKS JIADE TO BLANK and Ruled to any desired pattern Newspapers, Magazines, Musio, etc, etc, Bound in any style, with neatness and dispatch. AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. SfFor further information enquire at Free-land- 's Bookstore, Albany. way9v3n3Stf Notice. e XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. WARNING J3I the publio against buying or trading for either of four promissory notes made payable to J. w. J. nor n ton or bearer, for the sum of three hun- dred and seventy-fiv- e ($375,) dollars each, and bearing date, September 25th. 1867. Two of the above notes are payable in one year irom aate, ana two in two years from date. The above notes were obtained by misrepresen- tation and without consideration for value received, therefore I will not pay them. THOMAS MONTEITH. Albany, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1867. v3hl7w4 WAJVTEB 100,000 pounds Of WOOL, for which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! DEMOCRATIC PL.ATFORM. Adopted by the National Democratic Convention, convened at New York, . Jnlj-- 4 180a The Democratic party in National Conventiou assembled, reposing its trust in tbe intelligence, patriotism, (aid dUcriuiioating justice of the peo- ple, standing upon the Constitution as the founda- tion and limitation of the powers of the Govern- ment, and the guarantee of tho liberties of the cit-Jxc- n; and roeognuing the questions of slavery and secession as having been settled Tor all time to come by tho war or the voluntary action of the Southern States in Constitutional Convention as- sembled, and never to be renewed or reagitated, do with, tho return of peace demand : ' i'irit Iinmediato restoration of all tho States to their rights in tho Union under the Constitu- tion; and of civil government to the American people. Second An aosty for all past political offenses, and the regulation of tbe elective franchise ia tbe States by theit cititens. Tkird Payment of the public debt of the United States as rapUly as practicable ; all moneys drawn from tho peo;Jo by taxation, except so much as is requisite for tbe necessities of the Government, economically administered, being honestly applied to -- Job. payment, and where the obligations of the Government to not expressly state upon their face, or the law under which they "were issued does not provide that they shall bo paid in eoin, they ought, is right and in justice, to be paid in the lawful money of the United States. i'ourf Eual taxation of every species of property according, to its real value, including Government bonds and other publio securities. Fifth Ono currency for the Government and the people, tbe laborer and the office bolder, the pensioner and the soldier, tbt producer and the bondholder. Sixth Ect noroy ia tbe aam..ii?tratitn of tbe Government; the reduction of the (landing army and tho navy; the abolition of the Freedman'a Bureau, and idl political instrumentalities designed to secure ne-r- o supremacy; simplification of the system, and discontinuance of inquisitorial mods of assessing and collecting Internal Revenue, so that tho burden of taxation may be equalised and lessened ; tbe credit of the Government and tbe currency made good ; the repeal of all enactments lor enrolling the fctate militia into national forces in time of peace , and a tarriff for revenue upon foreiu import?, and such equal taxation under tho Internal Rerenuo laws as will afford inci- dental protection ta domestic manufactures, and as will, without impairing the revenue, impose tbe least ouruen upon and best promote and encour- age the great iudutrial interests of the country. Stcenth Reform of abuses in the administra- tion, tho expulsion of corrupt men from of fice, tho abrogotion of useless Sees, the restoration of rightful authority to, and the independence of, tho executive and judicial de- partments of the government, the subordination of the military to the civil power, to the end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of tno sworu may cease. Eighth Equal rights and protection for nat uralized and native-bor- n citizens at home and abroad, tho assertion of American nationality which snail command tbe respect of foreign pow ers and farnLh an example and encouragement to peopla struggling for national integrity, con stitutional liberty and individual rights and the maintenance of the rights of naturalised citizens against tho absolute doctrine of immutable alle giance, and tho claims of foreign powers to pun- ish., theui for allege! crime committed beyond their jurisdiction. In demanding these measures and reforms we arraign tho Radical party for its disregard of right and the unparalleled oppression and tyranny which havo marked its career. After tho most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses of Congress to prosecute the war ex cluively fur the maintenance of the Government and tho preservation of the Lnion under the Con stitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sa- cred pledge under which alone was rallied that noble volunteer army which carried our flag to victory. Instead of restoring the Union it has, 83 far as in its power, dissolved it, and subjected tea States, in time of profound peace, to military despotism and negro supremacy. It baa nullified thero tho right of trial by jury; it has abolished the habeu corpu, that most sacred writ of liberty; it has overthrown the freedom of speech and the press; it has substituted arbitrary seizures, and arrests, and miliiacy trials, and secret star cham- ber inquisitions for tbe constitutional tribunals ; it has disregarded in time of peace tbe right ot tbe peopla to be free from searches and seizures; it has entered tho poit and telegraph offices and even the private rooms of individuals, and seised their private papers and letters without any spe eiSc charge cr notice of affidavit, as required by the organic law ; it has converted the American Capitol into a bastile ; it has established a fys tern of spies and official espionage to which no constitutional monarchy of Europe would now dare to resort ; it has aoonehea tbe right of ap peal on important constitutional questions to the supreme judicial tribunal and threatens to curtail or destroy its original jurisdiction which is irre vocably vested by the Constitution, while tbe learned Chief Justice has been subjected to the most atrocious calumnies, merely because he would not prostitute his high office to tho support of the false and partizan charges preferred against the President. Its corruption and extravaga have exceeded anything known in history, and by its frauds and monopolies it has nearly doubled the- - burden of the debt ereated by the war. It has stripped the President of his constitutional power of appointment, even of his own Cabinet. Under its repeated assaults the pillars of the Gov eminent are rocking on their base, and should it succeed in November next and inaugurate its President, we will meet as A subjected and con quered people amid the ruins of liberty and the scattered fragiaants of the Constitution. And wo do declare and resolve that ever since the people of tho United States threw off all sub jection to the British Crown the privilege and trust of suffrage havo belonged to the several states and have been granted, regulated and controlled exclusively by the political power of each State respectively, and that any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or interfere with its exercise, is ana grant usurpation fcf power which can find no war rant in the Constitution, ana 11 sanctioned by tbe people will subvert our torm or Government, an can only end in a single centralized and censol idated government in which the separate existence of the States will be entirely absorbed, and an nn qualified despotism be established in place of i Federal Union of coequal States. And that we regard the Reconstruction Acts (so called) of Congress, as such, as usurpations and unconstitutional, revolutionary and void. - That our soldiers and sailors who carried the flag of our country to victory against a most gal- lant and determined foe must ever bo gratefully remembered, and all the guarantees given in their favor must be faithfully carried into execution. That tho public lands should be distributed as widely a3 possible among the people, and should be disposed of either under the pre-empti- on of homestead lands, or sold in reasonable quantities, and to-no- but actual occupants, at tbe minimum prico established by the 'Government When grants of the public lands may be allowed, neces sary for the encouragement of important public improvements, the proceeds of the sale of such land, and not the lands themselves should be so applied. that tho President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, in exercising the power of his high of fice in resisting the aggressions of Congress upon tho Constitutional rizhts of the States and the People, is entitled to the gratitude of the whole American people, and in behalf of the Democratic party we tender him our thanks for his patriotic eflort3 in that regard. Upon this Platform the ' Democratic party ap' ptal to every patriot, including . all the conserva- tive element and all who desire to support the Constitution and restore the Union, forgetting all past differences of opinion, to unite with ns in the present great struggle for the liberties of the peo pie, and that to all such, to whatever party they may have heretofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellowEhip, and hail ail such wiia us as menus ana brethren. LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. Subsrcribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are cons tdered as wishing to con tinue the subscription. . . , 2. If subscribers wish their papers discontinued publishers may continue to send them unfll all eharges are pai l. . 3. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publisher, and the paper is- - sent to tbe former direction, they are held responsible, notice should always be given or the removal. 4. If subscrilers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, they are held responsible until they settle bills ana give notice to discontinue. . - - 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to take a paper irom the office, or removing and leavin i uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of fraud. BEAN1X DEEDS, of the latest and most approved torm, rcr sale at this office. Warranty sd Mortgage, J. BARROVS a CO., (IN THEIR FlRB-PROO- r BRICK ALBANY), Are aew reeelrlag their Goods DIRECT FROSZ NAlf FRANCIftt'O I Aad we lavile the attention of buyers to on r Stock ef DHY O OOJH ! FAMILY GROCERIES ! BOOTS AND SHOES! CL,OTHI3SrG ! X2ARDT7ARS, CROCSSRY, ., Jt THRESHERS. MOWKRS. ItKAPEitS. (JANO-PLOW- g, We are Agents for all kinds ef Agricultural Implement ! ua4vZa3Stf J. IJ ARROWS A CO W. W. PARRISH & CO, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! -- at tee DKIOK BLOCK, S. E. Ceriff Ferry tad Front St'i. JUST RICFI VED, a carefully selected Stock of AHCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! SILKS. STRIFES, TAMISK. CIIAMBHIKH, l'RCALOH. JACONETTf. DELAINK.'. ALl'ACAH, SWISS Ml'SMNS. MARSKILLES . ANI PRINT., TICKING AND Deaestlce, Cleaehe4 mA TJab!eaca4, UDIIS. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. ALSO fVTEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING Jlatx, Caps, Boots aad Short, IIARDWAllt:, TAIlIKWAIli:, Ar FAMILY GROCERIES! Of all descriptions, by Wholenate aad Retail, as Cheap a the Chenprtt ! fur Cash or Country I'roduee. With new goods and low prtee, we are prepared to give en- tire satisfaction to all wbo may favor us with their patrooag. No trouble to show goods. angllvSnlyl R. CHEADLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASH STOEE 1 05 COR. Or sTAIX aXD BOAD'ALIIt.V STREETS, AXJSAftT. oncaon, WHOSE GOODS CAN BB HAD - AT PORTLAND PRICES FREIGHT ADDED. BY PAYING CASH IN HAND FOR THE GOODS. G lye lis a Gall aid See for Yourselves. feb22T3n27tf It. CHEADLE. ALBANY FERRY! THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI-ten- s AT of Linn aad Benton counties, I haro fitted up the LOWER FEUUY, (it being the Stage Iloute), in such manner as to secure to the public better facilities, at all seasons of tbe year, than can bo had elsewhere. My Boat is what is known as a CURRENT COAT, and is the best on the River, without any excep tlon. Living quite near my Boat Landing, in Benton county, I am enabled, at all hours, to ac- commodate the publio. My boat is secured by a good wire rope, and is otherwise constructed with the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS for safety and durability. My connection with tbo Uppor Ferry, heretofore existing, has recently been severed. Rates of ferriage aro tbe same as the Upper Ferry. A. PEARCE, augl8'66v2nlly Proprietor. FARMERS, LOOK HERE! BUTTER WANTED! 20,000 lbs. of Good Batter, For which I will pay, in Goods, 18 cents, up to the 1st of July next, at my store. May 22. 1868. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. v3n40tf . NEW STORE! AT "W A T E R L O O.l GOODS AT ALBANY FRICES ! ' ' - ron READY PAY! By J. W. MACK. Ue Electro-Silico- n, Or Magic Brilliant. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM An ucequaled preparation for the enre ef Dye- - entry, Diarrhoea, Cramp, end all Diseases efthe Stomach and Bowels; the Instantaneous Relief of Bums, Bruises, Fprains, Aches, Rheumatic and Xeuralgic Affections. Tbe genuine article bears the sigalture of W. R. STRONG, REDINGTON & CO. Scle and Exclusive Agents. REDINGra I CD'S FLOEIDA TATEB. ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. This valuable preparation, containing in a high- -, y conceutrated'form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger bee become of the most popular do mestic remedies for all diseases of the stomach nd digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all per sons recovering from debility, whether produced by a fever, or otherwise ; for while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be pro- duced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from, the reactionary effects that fullow the use of spir its of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy fur females wbo suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused br riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickne- ss, or tb er causes. It is also valuable as an external application fer Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. i REDINGTON A CO. 416 and 41 8 Front St., San Francisco, Cal. Use Electro- - Silicon, Or Magic Brilliant. REDINGTON & CO3 FLORIDA WATER. ; FOR THE HlXDKEECniEF. ; This article, possessing the most delicate fra-gran- co of Flowers, ia unequalcd as ft perfume fer tbo Handkerchief. - FOR THE BATH. Used in bathing, it imparts energy and strength to the system, and gives that softness and delica cy to the skla bo much desired by au. It rcmoies Sunburn, Freckles and Pimples. Diluted with water, it makes an excellent Den- tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth, sweetness to the breath, and renders the gum hard and of a beautiful color. It should always bo used after shaving, dilluted: with water, as it relieves all inflammation. REDINGTON A: CO. ' '18 Front St, San Francisco. 416 ana Use Electro-Silico- n, Or Magio BxilUafii. ELECTRO-SILICON- , or ' .,'"t MAGIC BRILLIANT,; DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABORATORY." The best article ever discovered for Cleansing? aid Polishing Gold, Silver, and Plated Ware, and all smooth Metalio Surfaces, of whatever descrip- tion, including Kitchen Utensils of Tin, Copper, Brass, Steel, etc. To Jewellers and Workers in Gold and Silver Plate, the Electro-Silioo- n is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation prevented by its use, will forever endear its name to those who have had evidence of its merits. ' : , ' REDINGTON A CO. .Sole Agents, San Francisco. FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS. REDINGTON A OO'S ARE THE BEST. epl2v4n4m6. t?aStf . fHAsX R

Transcript of The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1868-10-10 [p ]. · SOSf Tou have tried every remedy but...

Page 1: The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1868-10-10 [p ]. · SOSf Tou have tried every remedy but the OSS. ... Pulmonary Syrup ... aad! eisesses, are alt capable ef pro daciag


A NEVV8TORE.IN ALBANY IPACIFICA D D II ESSThe following named gentlemen are authorized

to act as Agents for Th Stats R(ht Dbmo-ri- t,

and ta receive fid receipt for subscriptionsto the paper t



13 OV YOU CAM'Tt AJfD "WE PITYSOSf Tou have tried every remedy but the OSS .

j, ta Intrinsic merit, to supersedo all sira .

fC'iLaraWs. U Is not surprising you should be .7M t, gometblDH else after the many

m jvo made of trashy compoandabve publio as a certain curs ; but '

iWsled on

PulmoiicW Syrup;m4y ever compounded .

Is really tbe TXKY BEST ret. rtt Throat, Asthna, ,?

for the cure of Cou$M, OMn, fe wsumption. TIhju- -fWhooping Cootth.Uroortutis an'l C tpm have hn

taiuls of people ia California and O, fattV9 powvrs"already beaeuued by tbe surprising cl


Pulmonary Syrup .and with one accord give It their ttmrnalined anprevttion. Wc now a4reM ourw-ive- s to all who are ua- - ,

afualnW"l with tbis, tbe frreatest Panacea of tbe age.for the healing of all duioasca of the Throat aad,Lungs, assuring you that

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syruphas cured thousands and it will cure Y0t7 If you kyIt.

Tills Invaluable medicine Is pleasant to tbe Usts;northing, healing and strenspbening in I w effects; a--tirely ff: frrwo all poisonous or deleterious druga, , .

and perfectly barrnkm uwU-- all circumstances.Certiacales from many prominent citizens ef Saa

Francisco accompany every botUe of

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrup

EEDIKCTON h CO. Ifeats, Saa Tnatitm,


Of San Francisco, California.

CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000 ,jn'y 1, '07 230,09 00

OASIXAESCTSlaaOLD, $1,230,054 91

All Losses Tald Immediately In UnitedState Gold Coin.



HE PACIFIC 1NSUHANCK COMPANY,having arranged witliMesnrs. UIOKLOW is.

HKOTIIKR lor tbe transfer of all the busincm oftbe Tiro Irmur.m'! Com pan tin lately representedby them, ia now prepared to offer to all partk--i

formerly insured by said companies, equally goodterm and prompt payment of t, in l'nitdHtates cold coin.

Mr. II. II. JiHJKLOW will be the rencral Agentfur this Company from this date.

Director of Partite Innrnnce frasciscu J. P'FrcmcryJ.loyd Tcvis,

Loo is McLane, Wrn. h'hennan, Oliver Htdridge,Win, Alvfrn, John O. r.rl, A. H. lorbf-s- ,

Ales Weill, Alfred Uortl, J. G. Kcllo,Ab'm Helimn, O. T. Lawton, M. Ch;cAnson )..Utiles, K. 1 ioldteln, (2. II. Howard,John (i. f!rav, Mrt KHis, l. XV. leaver.A. Hay ward, P. I,. Weaver, H. Stclnbart,I. W.C. nice, JaviIhtrn, M. UoKcnbaum.C. Meyer, Jonathan Hunt, s hakkjito.V. J. Oliver, W. T. Coleman, KJjrar Mills,Alpbeus Bull, K. W. Leonard, O. W. Mowe,W. C. Kalt.iB, T. L. Uarker, C. T. Wheeler.h. fiacb. T. L. Meyer, HAavsvti.Me.Fred. Uillinzs, H. M. WiUon, J. 11. Jewett.A. 1 Tubbs, John II. ?wlon, pokvlaso.II M. Newhall, Kdward Martin, W. S. Lld,Adnut Grant, I). O. Mills, J-o- b Kamm.J. Ii. Fry, II. Haniinann, arot'KToy.II. H. iSigel'iw, I. B. Benebly, T. II. Anthony.Wni. llooprr, Moses Heller, viacitu, JIKV.Chas Maync, Wtn. Win. Kbaroo,

OFFICERSJ. IIl'.T, President.

uii:fi: a itocf;i:its, iror.hp. scn.CKiijr.a has just erected

new and Srt-c'.a- s

Om Bread Alb in between First Streetand tbo River,

And is prepared tofurniih




ill Orders Delivered Wherever Desired.

lie Warrants his BEUR



PERFECTLY HEAITIIY!lie is confident he can give entiro satisfaotion to


Dee.2S66; v2n20tf


A VINO RECEIVED A PATENT FOR MYII Back and Abdominal NtinnortCr. I am prepared to furnish those desiring themlit my residence, in tho old Q rover or Joseph WattHouse, on the publio squaro north of the CourtHouse. Also some valuable information for thohealth of married ladies. Those wishing to consultby lcttor, address MRS. J. FORD,

Salem, Oregon,

TESTIMONIALS.We, the undersigned ladies, having used with

the utmost satisfaction the Supporter invented byMrs. J. Ford, believe it to bo tho best inventionfor tho purpose ever offered to the publio, and domost cheerfully recommend them to all in noed ofanything of the kind.Mrs. J. II. Howell, Mrs. E. J. Cornell,Mrs. S. J. Thornton, Mrs. Sam. Headriuk,Mrs. E. A. Delong, Mrs. B. F. Brown,Mrs. S. 13. Bell, Mrs. M. J. Munkcrs,Mrs. J. Imbrlo, Mrs. J. Capllnger,Mrs. T. R. Blaokcrby and many others.

Aug. 8, v3n51tf


(Successor to jSettlcmier db Co.)



Drag's, Medicinal, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuff- s,

Glass, Varnishes, &c, See.

SSrPhysicians' Prescriptions oarofully Com-pounde-d.


NOTICE!WHO WANT REAPERS, HEADERS,THOSE Mowers, Gang-Plow- s, Self-Raki- ng

Machines, Seed Drills, Ac, at Portland prices,freight added, (see hand-bi- ll of E. A. HawleyCo., Portland,) will please call on


Robert VTatkiuaon and James Dorris SeloJason Wheeler LotaaoaIf. L. Brown UrowaavilleMatthew Fountain UarrisbergJ. MV Smith Feotia

LANK COUN'iT.Hon. J. J. Wallow... XrM City

BENTON COUNTY.R. S. Strahan - CVrvsilis

POLK COUNTY.T. J. Lovelady - DallatJ. B. V. Batltrand Dr. Harris MonmouthDr. J. M. McCoy........... Li CreoleBcnj. Hayden .....Eel

CLACKAMAS COUNTY.J. R. Ralston ...Ore City


MA1UON COUNTY.N. M. Bell...... .B. F. Runham.... J 6ie

F. Kisennart .MlvvrtoaIlaalty Waterman M Jefertea

Thou. DoJCtS Newspaper Afreet, SeaFrancisco, is authorised te receive subscriptionaad advertisements fur ear paper, ami set as busi-ness agent generally.





TINWABE.AS ON HAND AND NOW READY FORH sale a fall and complete stock of irst-clai- s


Which he is offering at prices that eaest insurea ready sale.

Also a general assortment of

Brass and Enameled Kettles.French SamcFa& aaA Ladles,

Csutt-Iro- n Tea Kettles and Orens,Iran aad Load Pip,


Sheet-Iro- n Copper, sfte., efte.

Mtaufietorcr of all Kindt sf Tin, Skrel

Iron and Copper Wirt !


If D. All persons who are la seed ef articlesin my line will find It to their advantage to giveme a call, as I am determined to sell goods atpriees that will preclude the necessity of roigfarther than Albany to 6wy ckap.

BXarketahle Produce Taken ia ExchangeFor any and all articles ia the Store.

Will always keep on band a complete assortmentof all goods in my line, while customers will stalltimes receive prompt attention. M. W. MACK.

Albany. March 23, '67 vZn321y



C05SI9TIS0 or




A well selected assortment of the most completekept in Albany.

IR03T A!fD 8TEE1Vof nearly all kinds suitable for the trade.








Nearly all the stock is purchased in SAN FRANCISCO, and will be sold at the lowest market ratesfor ready pay, or merchantable produce taken inexchange. ?

Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co.Agent for the Pacific Xnanrance Co.

Oct. 26, '67-v3n- llyl JOHN CONNER.



Albany - - - - Oregon.INFORMS THE PUBLICRESPECTFULLY from the old stand to

PARRISH'S BLOCK.Where all are invited, assured that Goods In his

- line are sold at the lowest cash prices.COXSTAHTXY OS EA5D : -



Juvenile, Toy Gilt and DlankDooki,. GOLD It S3, AKD


Of every kind nsed in the State.

ar books IMPORTED TO ORDER, atshort notice. Deolnl61y






0 TIIOSS WHOSE SUFFKRINtfS HAVET a protracted fan fcUaea eaaset, aadwhose eases repair revapttreatatette readrr st- -

isteae desirable. If yea are ea&Vrlef er lave

iftr4 froen rftvoUatery discharges, what effect

does it epoa yoef geeeral ksallh f De

yea reel weak, ctVdUeted,; easily til4T Dees a

little ettra esevtiea pteJese palpitation ef Ike

aeartf Dees year liver, er ertaary orgeat, er

yoer kldaejs, fretseetly get eat ef order f Is

year Hae toesetlsaee Ulet, tatlky, er teby, er

Is It ropy ea setttlag f Or it a tkiek seats rise

to tke tea f Or U a edlaseat at Ue bettosa after

it has stood awhile f Do joe kave spells ef short

breatkiag or dyspepsia f Are yoar bowels tonsil

pete f Do joe kare spells ef fainting or rashes

of blood te tke head t Is yoar memory Impaired?

Is yoar salad eoastaatlj dwelliag epoa tkU eeb- -

jeetf De yea feel 4 all. llatUis. saobles, tired efcoatpaa j, ef life f De yea wlak te he left alnae,to get awar fresa everybody f Does aay little

thlsg stake jea start er jp f It jeer elsep trekea er reatlees f Is tbe lastre ef yoar eye as bril

liaatf Tke kleosa ea year ekeek as brigbtf De

joa eajoj yoarself la society as well f De you

partae year haaiaess with tke saate eaergy T De

yoa feel as saaek eoatdeaee la joarselff Are yearspirits dell aad lagging, givea to Bts ef atlas- -

ckoly 1 If so, de not lay it to your lirsr or dys


slave yea mOest algbtsf Toar back weak.yoar kaees weak, aad kave bat little appetite, and

yoa attribute this te dyspepsia er lirer-romplala- tf

New, reader, self-abe- e, rsnerea! diseases badly

eared, aad! eisesses, are alt capable ef pro

daciag a weakaess ef tke generative orgaes. The

organs ef geaeratioa, wkea la perfect kealtb,taahe tke aeaa. Did yea ever tklak tbet tbose

bold, ft! eaevgetie, perteveriag. eaceessfal

beMeeee-ne- a are always those whose geaerativeergaas are la prftt keeJtk f Toe aevsr kearseek saea eeaplaJa ef being saelaesholj, ef aer

voataess, of paJpitatiea ef tbe feesrt. Tbty annever afraid tkej eaaaet seeeead la ketiaettthey iea t beeoeie sad aad diseearaged ; tbey

are always p!iU aad pUasaat la tbe eeapaay efladies, aad look yea aad tbess right ia tke fare

Bono ef year lewacast looks er aay etker tseaasss about tbe a. I de net aeaa tkose wke keep

tke organs laflaaed ky raaaiag to eseets. Thtseill not oaly rata tkeir eoettitatioas. bat also

tbose they de basinets with or for.

How aaay aen, froa badly eared diseases.from the effects of self-abas- e aad eteesttt, barebrought about that state of weakness ta tbose or

a a agaot taai sat reaueea i&e general tar item so

much as to produce almost every other disease

idiocy, lunacy . paralysis, spinal affections, suicide

and almost every other form of disease which bomanity is heir to, and the real cause of the troublescarcely ever eurpeetcd, and have doctored for a!

but the right one.Diseases of these organs require the use of





is rnt


end is a certain eore for

Disea$e$ of the Madder



J)rojy, t

Organic Wea&ne$8t

Female Complaints,

General Debility



Whether existing in

cz&ls or rnnAcnif whatever cause originating, and no matter

of how long standing.

If no treatment is resorted to, Consumption or In-

sanity may ensue. Oar flesh and blood aresupported from these sources, and the

health and happiness, and that ofPosterity, depends npon

prompt use of a re-

liable remedy.


established npward of 18 years, prepared



fi94 Broadway, New York, and104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Pbick $1.25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for $6,50,

delivered to Any address. Bold by all Druhgiets



Would hespectfully informtbe cituens of Albany and vicinity that

ho has just returned from





and, in fact, a splendid and varied assortment of

;i; V Kit A I, M KItC II A I LSI'.


"Huit lc Hulem antl Nmall Profit.

I receive by every uteamcr a NEW INVOICE OFGOODS.

Persons are respectfully requested to call and ex-

amine my good before jiurcbasin? elsewhere.marJV6,v3n32if B. UKEXNEP..


Dr. Cilbbon'M Iijcnxary,ill (I K K AKX EY STREET,9M9 NKAK COMMEIIC'L,

h'an Frncbc'. Ktablisbcdin 1HS4, for the Irtatincnt t,tFexual and Hftntnal disraws,ucb as norrb':a,J!ett,.stric-

ture, Hyi'billis in all its forms,Seminal Weakncs, Itcrteiicy,

ftuad'mg) and Ulct-ratt-- d t 5fcWL .m.,.m Iluctcjfffuliy treated.

Horrible Diseases.How tsany thousands of persons, both male and

are thtro wbo are sufferinf out a miserableexistence from the effects of secret indulgences, orfrom virns absorbed into tbe svntem ! Look at

cir pallid, emaciated and dUftzured faces andtir broken dnn coortitutions, disqualifyingitm for tue bstttnets of marriage or iae enjoy- -ent of life. In tbis horrid situation thousandsiffcr until death clows tbe scene. Let parent.uarduric, rmnd, attnl to those who are suffertz witb aov of tbese horrible life destroviniitia!- -lic s soe that tbty arc eared for and cured beforebe too late. Jnd thrn immediately to l.ribbon, a pbyicUn who has made private duase

us study for years, and wbo is certain to cure tbeojt inveterate ca-- e without mercury orother in

arious dru. It is important to those wtio sre.flli' tcd. or tbose who are in!reied in tbe welfaref their friends, ta be careful of the many preteod- -l d'jK-tor- s wbo leftj-- t a!l cities, tur.JihiBir theirkill in curing all diseases in a few days, imroin

lipon tbe public by uing tbe names of eminentnysicians from Kurope and other places. Beberefcre careful, and make strict inquiry, cr ycu

may lall int the bands of those charlatanSeminal Weakness.

Fcminal Emissions, tht consequence of self--

abue. Tbis solitary vice, or dct.ravcd sexual inluijrence, is practisea oy the youtn or ootn sexesto an almost unumited extent, producing, with uncrrinjj certainty, tbo followjn; train of morbidlytnptoms, tmlcif combattcl by scientific medicalmeasures, vu : countenance, dark spotsunder tbe eyes, pain ia tbe head, ringing in tbeoars, noise like the rut!ing of leaves and rattlingA chariot, uneasiness about tbe loins, weaknessf tbe liiao, confused viMon, blunted intellect

loss of confidence, difii'lence in ojproscbicg straners, a dislike to form new acquaintances, a di

position to sbua society, lof s of memory, hecticdusbes, tdmtdes and various eruptions about tbeface, furred tongue, fetid breath, couzbf, consumption, night iweat. monomania and frenuent insanity. If relief be not obtained, sbouM applyloituediately, cither in pcrs in or by letter, anhave a euro effected by bis new and scientific modeof treating tbis disease, wbiuh never fails of effecting a quick and radical cure. Ir. (. will giveOne Hundred Dollars to any person who will provesatisfactorily to him that be was cured of thiscomplaint by e'ttler of tbe San Francisco qusck,

MARRIED MENOr tiose who contcmp'atc marriage, who are suf-fering under any of tbese fearful maladies, shouldnot forget the sacred responsibility resting uponthem, aor delay to obtain immediate relief.

TO THE LADIES.The various complicated and distressing diseases

incident to females, treated with eminent success,Such as Suppressions, Irrigularitics, Whites, falling of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary DiseasesNervous debility, Painful or Difficult MenstruationBarrenness, etc., will be speedily cured, withoutpoisonous drags, injurious or unpalatable medcines of any kind. Have no delicacy in callingno difference what your troubles may be. Tbe afflicted are cordially invited to call and satisfythemselves.

DOCTOR OIBBON is responsible, and will giveto each patient a written instrument, binding himself to cticct a raaicat ana permanent cure, ormake no charge.

CURED AT HOME.Persons at a distance may be CURED AT

HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbonstating case, syn .ptoms, length of time tbe diseasehas continued, and have medicines promptly forwarded, free t rom damage ana curiosity, to anypart of tho country, with full and plain directionslor ose. By oncosing ti in

.currency Of f 10 ina. as in a registered letter tnrougn me post-om- ce

or throuirh Wells. Fargo Jk Co., a package of medicine will be forwarded by express to any part oftho Union.

Address DR. J.F. GIBBON, 616 Kearney street,corner of Commercial, San Francisco. Post Office

Box 252.Consultation FREE.

?r Correspondents will pleaso inform DR.nTnimv thi 1it, maA fcs mtvortiscment in the" v ,vDEMOCRAT. feb23vSa28yl

NEW BOOK BINDER.112 Front St., Portland.

(Nearly opposite McCoraick's Bookstore.)



BOOKS JIADE TOBLANKand Ruled to any desired patternNewspapers, Magazines, Musio, etc, etc, Bound

in any style, with neatness and dispatch.AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES.

SfFor further information enquire at Free-land- 's

Bookstore, Albany.way9v3n3Stf


XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. WARNINGJ3I the publio against buying or trading foreither of four promissory notes made payable toJ. w. J. norn ton or bearer, for the sum of three hun-dred and seventy-fiv- e ($375,) dollars each, andbearing date, September 25th. 1867.

Two of the above notes are payable in one yearirom aate, ana two in two years from date.

The above notes were obtained by misrepresen-tation and without consideration for value received,therefore I will not pay them.

THOMAS MONTEITH.Albany, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1867. v3hl7w4

WAJVTEB 100,000 poundsOf WOOL, for which I will pay the


DEMOCRATIC PL.ATFORM.Adopted by the National Democratic

Convention, convened at New York,. Jnlj-- 4 180a

The Democratic party in National Conventiouassembled, reposing its trust in tbe intelligence,patriotism, (aid dUcriuiioating justice of the peo-ple, standing upon the Constitution as the founda-tion and limitation of the powers of the Govern-ment, and the guarantee of tho liberties of the cit-Jxc- n;

and roeognuing the questions of slaveryand secession as having been settled Tor all timeto come by tho war or the voluntary action of theSouthern States in Constitutional Convention as-sembled, and never to be renewed or reagitated,do with, tho return of peace demand :' i'irit Iinmediato restoration of all tho Statesto their rights in tho Union under the Constitu-tion; and of civil government to the Americanpeople.

Second An aosty for all past political offenses,and the regulation of tbe elective franchise ia tbeStates by theit cititens.

Tkird Payment of the public debt of the UnitedStates as rapUly as practicable ; all moneys drawnfrom tho peo;Jo by taxation, except so much as isrequisite for tbe necessities of the Government,economically administered, being honestly appliedto --Job. payment, and where the obligations of theGovernment to not expressly state upon theirface, or the law under which they "were issueddoes not provide that they shall bo paid in eoin,they ought, is right and in justice, to be paid inthe lawful money of the United States.

i'ourf Eual taxation of every species ofproperty according, to its real value, includingGovernment bonds and other publio securities.

Fifth Ono currency for the Government andthe people, tbe laborer and the office bolder, thepensioner and the soldier, tbt producer and thebondholder.

Sixth Ect noroy ia tbe aam..ii?tratitn of tbeGovernment; the reduction of the (landing armyand tho navy; the abolition of the Freedman'aBureau, and idl political instrumentalities designedto secure ne-r- o supremacy; simplification of thesystem, and discontinuance of inquisitorial modsof assessing and collecting Internal Revenue, sothat tho burden of taxation may be equalised andlessened ; tbe credit of the Government and tbecurrency made good ; the repeal of all enactmentslor enrolling the fctate militia into national forcesin time of peace , and a tarriff for revenue uponforeiu import?, and such equal taxation undertho Internal Rerenuo laws as will afford inci-dental protection ta domestic manufactures, andas will, without impairing the revenue, impose tbeleast ouruen upon and best promote and encour-age the great iudutrial interests of the country.

Stcenth Reform of abuses in the administra-tion, tho expulsion of corrupt men from office, tho abrogotion of useless Sees, therestoration of rightful authority to, and theindependence of, tho executive and judicial de-partments of the government, the subordinationof the military to the civil power, to the end thatthe usurpations of Congress and the despotism oftno sworu may cease.

Eighth Equal rights and protection for naturalized and native-bor- n citizens at home andabroad, tho assertion of American nationalitywhich snail command tbe respect of foreign powers and farnLh an example and encouragementto peopla struggling for national integrity, constitutional liberty and individual rights and themaintenance of the rights of naturalised citizensagainst tho absolute doctrine of immutable allegiance, and tho claims of foreign powers to pun-ish., theui for allege! crime committed beyond theirjurisdiction.

In demanding these measures and reforms wearraign tho Radical party for its disregard of rightand the unparalleled oppression and tyranny whichhavo marked its career.

After tho most solemn and unanimous pledge ofboth Houses of Congress to prosecute the war excluively fur the maintenance of the Governmentand tho preservation of the Lnion under the Constitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sa-

cred pledge under which alone was rallied thatnoble volunteer army which carried our flag tovictory. Instead of restoring the Union it has,83 far as in its power, dissolved it, and subjectedtea States, in time of profound peace, to militarydespotism and negro supremacy. It baa nullifiedthero tho right of trial by jury; it has abolishedthe habeu corpu, that most sacred writ of liberty;it has overthrown the freedom of speech and thepress; it has substituted arbitrary seizures, andarrests, and miliiacy trials, and secret star cham-ber inquisitions for tbe constitutional tribunals ; ithas disregarded in time of peace tbe right ot tbepeopla to be free from searches and seizures; ithas entered tho poit and telegraph offices andeven the private rooms of individuals, and seisedtheir private papers and letters without any speeiSc charge cr notice of affidavit, as required bythe organic law ; it has converted the AmericanCapitol into a bastile ; it has established a fystern of spies and official espionage to which noconstitutional monarchy of Europe would nowdare to resort ; it has aoonehea tbe right of appeal on important constitutional questions to thesupreme judicial tribunal and threatens to curtailor destroy its original jurisdiction which is irrevocably vested by the Constitution, while tbelearned Chief Justice has been subjected to themost atrocious calumnies, merely because hewould not prostitute his high office to tho supportof the false and partizan charges preferred againstthe President. Its corruption and extravagahave exceeded anything known in history, and byits frauds and monopolies it has nearly doubledthe-- burden of the debt ereated by the war. Ithas stripped the President of his constitutionalpower of appointment, even of his own Cabinet.Under its repeated assaults the pillars of the Goveminent are rocking on their base, and should itsucceed in November next and inaugurate itsPresident, we will meet as A subjected and conquered people amid the ruins of liberty and thescattered fragiaants of the Constitution.

And wo do declare and resolve that ever sincethe people of tho United States threw off all subjection to the British Crown the privilege and trustof suffrage havo belonged to the several statesand have been granted, regulated and controlledexclusively by the political power of each Staterespectively, and that any attempt by Congress,on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State ofthis right, or interfere with its exercise, is anagrant usurpation fcf power which can find no warrant in the Constitution, ana 11 sanctioned by tbepeople will subvert our torm or Government, ancan only end in a single centralized and censolidated government in which the separate existenceof the States will be entirely absorbed, and an nnqualified despotism be established in place of iFederal Union of coequal States.

And that we regard the Reconstruction Acts (socalled) of Congress, as such, as usurpations andunconstitutional, revolutionary and void. -

That our soldiers and sailors who carried theflag of our country to victory against a most gal-

lant and determined foe must ever bo gratefullyremembered, and all the guarantees given in theirfavor must be faithfully carried into execution.

That tho public lands should be distributed aswidely a3 possible among the people, and shouldbe disposed of either under the pre-empti- on ofhomestead lands, or sold in reasonable quantities,and to-no- but actual occupants, at tbe minimumprico established by the 'Government Whengrants of the public lands may be allowed, necessary for the encouragement of important publicimprovements, the proceeds of the sale of suchland, and not the lands themselves should be soapplied.

that tho President of the United States, AndrewJohnson, in exercising the power of his high office in resisting the aggressions of Congress upontho Constitutional rizhts of the States and thePeople, is entitled to the gratitude of the wholeAmerican people, and in behalf of the Democraticparty we tender him our thanks for his patrioticeflort3 in that regard.

Upon this Platform the ' Democratic party ap'ptal to every patriot, including . all the conserva-tive element and all who desire to support theConstitution and restore the Union, forgetting allpast differences of opinion, to unite with ns in thepresent great struggle for the liberties of the peopie, and that to all such, to whatever party theymay have heretofore belonged, we extend the righthand of fellowEhip, and hail ail suchwiia us as menus ana brethren.


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THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI-ten- sAT of Linn aad Benton counties, I harofitted up the

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20,000 lbs. of Good Batter,For which I will pay, in Goods, 18 cents, up tothe 1st of July next, at my store.

May 22. 1868. RAPHAEL CHEADLE.v3n40tf .



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