The State of Open Access in USA | Ensuring Quality

The State of Open Access; Ensuring Quality Dom Mitchell Community Manager [email protected] DALS /OSEL Information Session 28 April 2015

Transcript of The State of Open Access in USA | Ensuring Quality

The State of Open Access; Ensuring Quality

Dom MitchellCommunity Manager

[email protected]

DALS /OSEL Information Session 28 April 2015



The State of Open Access

What is the DOAJ?

What is our aim?

Browsing and Searching

Our metadata

Ensuring quality

Volunteer for us


The State of OA

“After a decade of often fierce debate over whether the public should have free access to the scientific papers produced by their tax dollars, advocates for so-called open access celebrated a notable victory last month: The National Science Foundation (NSF) unveiled a plan to require its grantees to make their research freely available. NSF's move meant that the federal agencies that provide the bulk of the nation's basic and applied research funding have now complied with a 2013 White House order to make the peer-reviewed papers they fund freely available within 12 months of publication.”

Science Magazine, April 10


The story began...

In 1991...

5Picture by gambit


The story began...

In 1991, the world's first free scientific online archive is created:

In 1997, the NLM makes Medline freely available as PubMed:

Three cornerstones of open access:

− In 2002 the Budapest Open Access Initiative is signed by 'leaders of the open access initiative'.

− In Apr 2003, the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing is signed by representatives in North America.

− In Oct 2003, the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities is created.



The concept of open access to knowledge and research has spread its wings...



Of 1.1 million articles included in a study in 2014, 80% were available in some open access formatLaakso, M. (2014). Green open access policies of scholarly journal publishers: a study of what,when, and where self-archiving is allowed. Scientometrics. In press.

In a study of Scopus, open access journals made up only 12% of all journalsDavid J. Solomon, Mikael Laakso, Bo-Christer Björk, Journal of Informetrics Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2013, Pages 642–650

In 1,370 journals that published 100,697 articles in 2010, the average APC was 906 US Dollars (USD) calculated over journalsA study of open access journals using article processing charges. David J. Solomon, Bo-Christer Björk, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Volume 63, Issue 8, pages 1485–1495, August 2012

Follow the Dramatic Growth of Open Access series of blog posts by Heather Morrison


In The USA In April 2008, NIH's policy for 'mandated' open access

to publicly funded research came into effect.

In 2012, the NIH announced it would enforce its Public Access Policy by blocking the renewal of grant funds to authors who don't follow the policy

Petition requesting free access to research gathers 64000 signatures in 2012

3rd time lucky: the White House (OSTP) announces an open access policy in 2013

The last of the Federal agencies to do so, the NSF announces its policy in April 2015


What does this mean for you?

Funded research: may be mandated that a copy be available in an open access repository such as PubmedCentral

You can choose whether to publish in a wholly open access journal or a journal that offers paid open access options (Gold OA)

Many traditional publishers offer hybrid journals that allow a mixture of open access and closed access options

You can also make a copy of your paper available in a [institutional] repository: self-archiving (Green OA).

Speak to your librarian!


What does this mean for the researcher?

It's a minefield!

− Publishers cash in on Gold OA

− Dense, unclear licensing terms with conflicting copyright terms

− Author services: depositing copies but which copy?

− Complicated subscription models with different embargoes

Watch out! Gold OA model is abused: spam; scams; fake journals, articles, editorial boards; no peer review; poor quality


What is DOAJ?

A curated database listing high quality, peer-reviewed open access journals

No hybrid journals

A whitelist not a blacklist

Journals from ALL disciplines & all languages

A hub for the collection & distribution of metadata to 3rd parties

Developed & hosted on standards-based, open-source software by Cottage Labs(

FREELY available to anyone, anywhere (CC BY-SA)


As of March 2015


As of March 2015


What is our aim?

To be the starting point for all searches for open access journals or articles

To increase awareness around open access issues

To increase visibility and awareness of quality open access journals

− Online: social media, online learning environments, collaboration spaces

− Offline: in the labs, in the libraries, conferences, presentations


What is our aim? To increase our transparency through regular


DOAJ News Service

Public consultations Social media



Browse by subject


Advanced Search


Advanced Search - journals


Search results - journals


Search results - journals


Advanced Search – articles


Our metadata Uploaded by the publishers

Freely available to use, reuse, copy, distribute in accordance with our Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA).

Available via the following methods:

− Downloadable CSV file

− Spidering/crawling (Major search engines; Google Scholar)


− OpenURL

All major aggregators, library databases, journal databases.

Coming soon: API, metadata harvester


Ensuring Quality

DOAJ's new application form focusses on 3 different themes:

− Quality

− Openness

− The delivery or technical quality

Publishers must provide answers to 55 compulsory questions to be indexed

Applications are reviewed and assessed using a three-tier process


DOAJ Application Form


Ensuring Quality It is impossible to measure the quality of a journal or its

publishing program

DOAJ uses standards, best practices and industry-recognised tools to build a picture

9500 journals in DOAJ will reapply to remain indexed

The DOAJ Seal shows exceptional best practice and adherence to standards

We encourage the use of DOI, archiving and preservation, Creative Commons licenses, ISSNs, non-restrictive copyright, open access

Through education and review, we try to help publishers achieve and maintain high standards.


Ensuring Quality

Unfortunately journals disappear, links rot, journals change publishers, formats become redundant

The community (librarians, aggregators, users) informs us when it finds broken links or incorrect information.

Ensuring the quality of peer-review is something that is outside our means.


October 2013

February 2014 – not just a problem with open access

Ensuring quality


Ensuring quality


BUT interest groups are coming together to tackle this problem

Communities are getting involved with open access

DOAJ uses a crowdsourcing model: we have over 155 volunteers reviewing journals and applications

We are always looking for volunteers, especially multi-lingual ones: find out more and apply!

Open access: open to everyone


Thanks to all the Consortia, Universities, Libraries and Publishers,

and to our Sponsors for their support


and Thank you!

[email protected]