The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...€¦ · en il Thi witfl Ski r i r o tt V...

en il Thi wit fl Ski r i r o tt V i R In BaxasBSBaasBawasi - -- r -- w . .,. -- j. re ; " s.-s- t- w tt - -- Kr ' -- w, j j. jr - -- V i--- j- -- - - -- v - - H. ',. - le THE ST. LOUIS BEPTTBLTC: SATURDAY. JUNE 3. 1905. " jj&ifj Best on Earth No better values to be had than this store shows. To-da- y purchase one of our Better Read vice Suits, $20.00 value, for $14.25 Negligee Shirts, immense variety, excellent $1.00 to $1.50 values, to-da- y for-- - -- 85c Straw Hats of Stvle, worth $2.50 to $3.00. We'll hand you one to-da-y for $1.75 Mills & Averill Brudway and Pine. OnHBin'C ' L"- - Street llURMll s 4470 IMur Ase. Tilth WKKK. Ca!!fn-rl- a Claret Win- -, goS 60c ouadiy. z iralica . .. Ham. Ilf and Veal Ixaf. UtAya. Aa exfe rr.t t r luTco-o- n, per can 9 Fo'ftB ia ttte, wottb 7I!m 1100 each CANCERS, 8km dlmiri, mc.c. : an) all far'al hm!h- cured raneej. cur4 without th. kr.ife. tUtrr or olia A took and tnwn!I or. canre- - sent fr- - Thoua-.- d a-- e cuied every ear wltvut jaTa rr R cf Mod Zf ou rat. cancer send our naire ars i. and lm how jcu can be relieve by lajr nora, tr.a-rren- t. A J Miller. M I . "1 1"2 II .Haul bailllng. '! N evwrh t.. St Inuls. Mb CtJKKD TO STAT CVItEI). Attack op:-- r,pnwnntly Cu irovt. HrtMn erica ni anil nrwji rn restirJ Hrnijt.rni x..t r.urn N1 rrSIIn n 'lM frar1i. 21 ar nf .ucw-j- s tratrc Athni nfl liar Fr l0 swlnis. Hook. is. Krr. tnt"'!rr r-- val it I Writ t iMRoi.n iioi:s. m rrti.o. x. y. NOTARY PUBLIC JOSEPH F. FAMSH, St. IOala KepaMIn Dualneaa Owlre. Tel. Hell Mala :HIS. Kinlorh A BIX LAXATIVE BORO PEPSIN MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVIN6. ir vot atom r it. tkv it ami co.i- - VIStK lOlllSKLF. Be snA TAa IVr Hottle at Your MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE WILL ASSIST NAVAL RESERVES. Fmllrnt Trlrhraann Appolnta Com- as litre la AM In l(allnv Funds tor m Flotlllu. t of ti Merchants" Exchange a;rointrl a rommit-- t to i." nwrnliera oi tin Missouri NavaJ nfrps In nl'lns a fur.J for th5 rurjo of p'rfcclinjf their arranKemnta for land juartr anl a. flotilla of boats. It Is ccunpoFcil of I" O ?.anard. J. J. Werlht'lmer. T S Mcl'h'ctt rs. O L Whlt-l.- n. M G Hlrhmoml. U. K Kav-nai;- ch T It HIlan!. II II WVrn". T I!. Teasdilc. Gtore J Tiawv. J I. S. l'ottr. IL J. IVnJloton avsd Grorga II. Morcin Th thank of thi pf Directors vrr- - ten 1t-- I ti tli' r umifK if uliich W I viaa chilrman. for tictr r ntation bifnf the Sn t C.mmltfr on C"n:mT"c if th lewa of tho loard In reference to th enlarteTint of th lcr of the Ictrrt.tat Coninrc I'oai-mlHn- n. lld,nt Tolchmar.n a nuthorlrM to njP Hit n or nipr to th t:i-t- j: of the :! Koajj Corvntlon to l h'1'1 at Portland. Ora. If e out? knrit hoir to atlllte nv op:rtunl!v nn! maict f.jr sj-a- r tnotify a rontinuau arnlrs jmtr, ui i r' e to ret.i.t t sugNtl n that worklnittiirn fhuK! ! a r.tiini;s h unt In the Mercantile Trut '"omt J I.ti;htli an.t Icut. ulifW th-i- r fnim uM "f nlijlu:e:jr af hr.d tr.croHl'uj li ar! tiht ly arnii lrit-r.- t. n Miliar 1 n.l that ru i j to o;en a our? itt No T:i .tret in i r I jIn- - eery M iJ evn-li- . until oolwk CORN EXP0RTS OH INCREASE. WhMt Shij.nn'nts Show C5rat I.os at lialwstnn. ncrfnu" rni!Ai GaIeton. Tei . Jui cf corn from :aletpn Ju"-ln- t month of Mv wer ls.STl I j.h'K an tncraJ of ITi'lT tuh-- l over th utre rionth lat j ear Th "' corn export !nc Fet-l'- r 1. IXH. to lte I. JOHT ttit,-- : an in-c- of it?7"i buinr'a oitr tht sajr.e rerlol lt ar Tht total hrtl erort r'.ir 5pei- - ber X, L4. tv dte Ve Hetx JJ'.'t.O buheM. n i'ecr of lt..Tll buhe' for the an-- . rrt vi lat iir N'o train la r.a bflr.s ahlppea tiirorgh i Go t" IscM'-- . a4 Irrt. for tcod thlrxa to eat ( Il aa Heaott of Cnr lerlaeal. Thotnaa llajr of So 1. i S5ut Vand-nt- er mr je keep ; . re.taurar.t nt Park an.l Vaidew-'e- r uti j; earir rerl mor"it 'rnn uta!ned Ma S It f .is tn a Grand renu r at rj.i.y a.fij. ; j. time the Injury a. not regarded as tr-ri- OETTEJl Cn k a v. j.. "- - er Ctx frj-i-i Coates' n Plymouth niE-D- RY. Original Gin Flavor Unequakd. Brafisesaajr aav THE STANT)stD m nm two clthicS. BetS , at l-- r Frtara 7M--- 7 rteta-cc'.- h. EKaut TS. ceity es'S. T" cv-- a Cla ? ts. MOK e-- IS. Jt! New York and Kentucky Co. KW lORK alAtH. 4SS rtfta it. "aaase H, R, FARDWELL SUCCEEDS VALUANT Former Chief Engineer of the Fair Is Mayor's Choice for Sew- er Commissioner Half a Dozea Candidates. The. appointment of H. It. Fardwell aa Ser Commljloncr to succevt) F. W. Valliant. mho was appointed Street Com-mlsilo- after the resignation of Charles Varrellmann. was arnt by Major Weill to the Council jesterday afternooB for siprroval. Althoush rumors have connect Mr. Farda ell's name with the pice for ev-er- al days-- , the communication of the May- or to the upper hou.e was the first au- thentic and public announcement that ill". Vallianfs successor had oeen chosen. Mayor IVrlls even would not divulge the name of the man of his choice an hour before the Council met. staling that he would let the announcement be made in the Council chamber. The M:!c:tlon of Mr Fardweli was from a list of nearly half a dozen candidates, some of whom mere active In securing at the City Hall and among cltiz-n- s. Mr. Kardnell W su;po-e- U tu ta-.- e had the indorsement of many of the crlKials of the World's Fair, whtre he served aa one of the cliltf cnsin.e. Mr. Fardttta la a thoroughgoing n. and has prnt the greater part of hia life in the biate. He as born in Wluinozu. Mil., and 1 U Jtaia old. I or the !at twenty jears he i.aa been aititl engaged in hn profession a a tivil engiutx-r- . and has b.en .nnec;eJ with ll.e inMallation cuntructiuii of n.a::y of the i.iost important municipal noika in the Utst. Jio :n cont.ecl.d with the office of the city riiir.cer of SU Joatfh in lit. and Jat.r L-- i.i an ImtHjrtant position with the .itou:t liner Coinmiysion. which, ur.d- -r tho dnevtloa of the War Lepartment. liad chare of diatiaetly important deieli-p-m-:u- , in the stralgiittning and deepening p. the channel of the Missouri between Kansas . Ity and St. Jaseph. hinco bit residence in St. Louis Mr 1 ar.Iv.WI liaa been a memb-- r of the tlrm of lnun. Fardweli & Hocke. For the la-.- l four jears Mr. Fardwel! has b-- en connected with the enineerm department of the I.ouilana lur.ha huMliii; the position of chief Th most dlltkult problem that nfrontej the Kxpnsltion authorities was and scwerase of the grounds. a:.J this wa 5lmi unJer the superintend enco of .Mr Fardweli. Since th c!oe of ih- - J.p..alon he has been in authority ror the Kspositlon Cnmpaav in directing the wreckine of the blllldinca an.l tho r ator.itlon of the grounds'. lurlns his re.sldenee in MiyoarI Mr. tnlwell has taken an arrive lntre In Mate politics and ha- - a large aojuainl-an- . e anions the democrats t prominence throuhout the State He never has been -- .eeial!- prvminent in municij-- il political aff.iir. t,ut nlwajs l.aa been a atrong Urisoerat Mr i'anlwell lives at Xo. KM Cabanne aienue with his wife and family. Parlor Rllter I.oralea la St. tasala. Doctor Martin M. Itltter. for years a prominent "aicago sPKiilist. has perma- nently located in St Louis, with offices in the Star building. The doctor's cre- dentials Iniicnte that he has been con- nected with some of the leading colleges and hospitals in Chicago as ocultst and uuri-- t to th Columbia Charity Dbspensarv. instructor on noe and throat dleaies Chicaso rost-Gradu- if Me.IIeal Schl. lii"-tn- toe fyf. uj,, ,ar ijj.ea.cpj, Xorth-- extern I'r.ixerslty Me,hcal Schuol. secre-tar-j- an.l member of the diphtheria staff. Chicago Health Department, consulting oculist and aurit St. Marquerete's Hos- pital (PraneScnn Sisters). Hammond. 1ml., and othrs The doctor's previous con- nections and the many commendable di- plomas he exhibits from American anl I.ump an r .l!egw Ls substantial evidence of his mweM m his particular specialty in tb treatment of diseases of the eje asul ear JEFFERSON BARRACKS NOTES. iit r.:a-- i . -- omrnr rt. pi'ii . I -- re a Or..t- -J nilJ a a -f rtcr ..,T,ilr j r.n--e- .i ,t lxml-H'- e. Kv ,1 Inl. ash!. h"m H.nrv i, shannon, fomjiany i bajt been le-t- si ! ut :rmwiit or-- v jof the atn'rml eoart mania, no-- v hM at th -- t -- r.! Avrra r c. has nae ap-- r - n f - -- !irirr.ent t- - Tri-- tj c. Third a: arr eTatl-i-ie- at Ki- -t Wyo. 1' f'li'Pc rerrsi;. at th -- wwt T'.'er.ta Ht.-- rt " 'Vr.ptnn. Cle:sc4. o.. i. (in It , n wteMta. Ka. . Nh A III-- 1 - hiisv! e r.-n jr -- v j)M, OTiaha. Ne'' C I. T her- - Ashertlje. N C : II'Tiry ii'te nil Ma tZr.M lai.ia v-- k . J ,f -- i J . - - rhir!-- s I.nnc Jamea Iri. ITen rr P a p M!ar.eTm... Mlsn It u, jr K. J-- e.. Oirr.rarr A. wh - LV-t'- njr " Jelu-So-i- ai lnsanitr." - e it t -- h -it f-- r th Inar n ;h I!--rl- ct ef Cclaaibta towlar Itt--rt W.:. Trip t. Ninth Cavalry. 1 or accompanr hlra. fullr arrpej la Waeht-irt- on - Iave nf at-en- for iii da;-a- . t taka Te.-- t Ju- - J haa t- -n irart; n-- t IJaa-trr- -t .r. n l- -i br Nlita -r- -t Ii!.m- - John McCtlntark. Kqual-m- r lj'itnt. Nlnfj a!rr. fntertatned of. f a cf fa tr--t tre of Jure 1 ei a sta e- t frt'cltAte IJeuUnant N' n A .or:.-w-e- l. Th'r.l eta:-y- . on the ai-- ii itire-ne- - eniaerrert cf marrlaca. " .. ,rre-- n- -- rirtal-- s 'Wt.'.la.--i C Can-- r i Uilt-ea-- :: Wtll'air Ijihr. Ne A. ."rt p'j i iiivr. Kurn J Kir J,vn II H"s--- J Iieiuforl It Camp, tviaatcn I- -: nr a- - ljctor Patrick II McAairrw. Fa-- r n 'iir'Ala M Pupplee. rcnir!nta Cav-a- .- ha. reiurre.1 to the -- t frfn Fhrt HacSu. a. Aril ,e .ir.ucte.) a Je. ahir-n- t of rrcnllla to the Fifth Cavalry last - Th -- 'all t to-.- w raa-- 1 ta Piptaln Percr n inrr- - Twelfth olcer cf tr a ar-- 1 Wlllla-- n Tna K r. n.a iau.i. m r;ms f the onsenlr lilna Caste and Saacera. Ij'g" a -- s 'rt-ne- nt -- prices f.v to H tt). .MEitMon. JACOAKl. Jt KINO. Hroafiway. Cor Iyvcust. Flrwt Park Cuarert w. T!ie f.rt of the public btnl concerts which are to continue through tfca sum- mer will be he!! afierncon at o'clock tn n'Fallcn Firk IVeppinr'a tjr. I will ren.Ier tie concert, the of which follows. -i t r a. .:.r -rt Cavalry 's 3 M' I , e. n lanae. criul a a tx Adiyn tn-- ai Chara teria'ic - ranamtricansa lstenHelon. Va- - ' .. . Hsu., of nce.fQ -- e'l-n . . Prise, fcf lllaen rar:-a- a Ixf.'el .V" "' IVpular Atrs 'r . Ea:roU Flnt . ... Mtax g;arcled tamr at.3.1 Kfflntaam an4 Relara. Vi cert, to nreeavllle ani return. K t H.h!rl anl retjra. prcprtrtlon-a- t' j low rates to intermediate points, via andal.s Kat.road M.:e!a Ju-- e . Tick- et, ell f.-- train leaving st laiuls 7 14 a. ir ret-rrd- rg ot evermg traits same date TUke- - ctlce.. Seventh and Oliva ah4 l"t n Station. appellate Co art fSapfslaaa. finrrnu r rrrctAt. Sprirar-et- d. Ill . June m ': Appellate CtyjTt. Ttiri lt-!-- t. to- day erefe as ejw, - ts trv- - nrtc'9 t-- srTnrt j" orr.:!n ta e a roctlca fje Mara ta -- e ( frs-.P9- Vda-- r r. t'i ac - . l-- -. to tav ct.-- s cZ aitlllal at--- t atVl.-.-rt ap- - peiiait Per( . r" ra V "ec. ef C"T Onp4s. r-- be tt rrat Hr!uie-r- T t al ts litis '-- . al errnaM ar. ta ..- - aailU?eal errrt et reeera Wj- - ea Ik?jrta. JefeAast lear. s" !tr t-- rtre Tbe re.--- devjasts grartee m-- tl Jc-- e t "J. bref. v f T e seei- - tear, ts as--r 'rt ts r .: .! K- -' e. : ret'es W atesla ts !&: a- - ai taken sr'tS t"se ea TOes rs caS-N- cs 73. 71. 71. fS. O. K. M arvt r e mrt a4ourri a. ra. rnrsaer Callatla EJII.r Deaf. nrrt itu5ria-- : vt. GJltm. Mcu, June i-- S I. Ilarrey. a fcrtjer editor ef CalLvtln Pemocrat atvl paM:sher cf rnpers at Treatcn aad -:: Ia ttieel at Neoeho. So yesterday, Tre body aa. trocgat aera for Bursal U-4-a. Uwest-Pric- e. 'm Aaerica 10 4 inches hijh, only $6.50 Quadruple Silver-Plate- d Ware Every piece guaranteed by us. Caadlestick, $1.50 Special value- - - inches htsh; erj" artl-tii- .- spt e I'rj. - $K). ther quadrupi- - llcr-r-i "! Candlestick. Jl "j to I'.v "0. Toilet 5:ts. $5.03- '- Comb. brush and mirror. ! rtcts. OlllV Sod ttth-- quadruple sllvr-pljte- j Toilet Sets. 3 pieces. Ji. to I'.-- set Ice Water Pitchers. $4.50 Ftn satin Caisli. with le sn In bright f!nih-F'tch- er ls tnircclain Ur.ed-lTl- ce. onlv Mil. Other quadruple silver-plate- .' Ico Fltcittra up to JJy.iO. rare--Cjisw- iI, Watch. Fl!v- -. rIXwar, liu-- . Oi'ca anJ A- -t CkoJ. catal'-CB- e n: en re;ue-- . Write f r tt y Kailwar Siiperiiitenik'iit Says He Does Not I'elipvo Car Hit Man Found Dying at Marvin t'anip Grounds. Iiul. Hesserich. surerintcndent of th St. Ixuls St. Charles and Wetem Hall- way Companv. b.lieves that Charles ltukhouse. who was found la a dying condition by the side of the railw.ty tracks at the Marvin Cjmpgrounds Thursday nlsht. was struck by an auto- mobile nsd not by a itrcet car. ns lirst reported. Hesserich vas a paser.g"r on a car go-In- g by the rlace about that time n-- dies not remember that anjone was hurt. All the crtws la cli.rge of cars run over tin tracks were clos-l- y ijui.iioncd and declared thy did not strike iinj'in. Ivjke Sshnir rs uml Frank II""r. wlio got on the car shortly before 15a ki.oi!o was struck, declare they sw aa nuto-w- e. bil- - coming east oa the St. t'iiarics Itock read at a rapid rate of s;-- . l IlarkhoUse lid been to a pi. ale !n Moke-vlli- e. aad got into a tuatrel witii a man oer money, but a true; w ts patcliej up between them before he left THINKS AUTO HIT HIM. Fie walked from the Midland trackJ over the Wood-c- n road to the St. Charles tracks, a very !oncly place, and It is ar- gued by Htserich Unit he would have txtn assau.tcl there instead of at the tracks had murder leii the motive. However, there hae l- -n two holdups In the neight-iriUH- where itackhoui eas foui in the last six months. Mierttf Htrpcl yesterday detailed ipty Sheriff Clarance Campbell to iavestiBitt the af- fair Doctor John P. Ivibrecht yetcrlay l.el I an nutopay owcr the body at tot. und. rojmsOfcf .Frank Hitiace. .md found that, the right arm 1 a I he n broKen In two places, the right p--,j broken just ahsve the knre. besides a fracure of the skull on the left side of tho he.ul. The bo! of Itackhou-- e will be removed to the home of his mother at the Junction of tho St har! s and Natural Krldo roods y for burial. Fla Wairh and Jewelry Repairing. Trompt service lowest prices. MKRMOD. JACCAHU 4-- KINO, llroadnay. Cor. I.o-us- t. BRYAN LlBRIRY IS ASSURED. Mayor Apjeoints Hoard to IVrfei-- t lMann at Salem, III. r.nn rue ? pix.m. Salem. III.. The Hrr:-R'r,n- tt library ia this city it now assured. Th library will ! on th grourd where the Ilrynn homestead now stand", on Itrosd-wa- y where -- oi. r"l Ilryan wet born At a meeting of tl.e City council lat night a Setter from Mr nryaa was real concerning the Hbrarj". ia which h made tbe formal ofer The proposition cf Colonej Ilrjan wis accepte.5 b the cliv and .i voto of thanks was tet.Jerej to him Major Chas I McMackin was acthorizej to i.rtiir.t four citizen., to act with htm as th- - Kbntry and this morning he annoum-e- the board as follow. C I. M 'Mv.m. chairman. TT.os. s Marshall. II t. Feltman and Mr. Anna Ilrjftn Torraaco and Mts 1. M Kag) The IJbrarv Iloanl will met !. a dir w s-- il ect j.'.ans for the trectioa of the llbrnrv Save a Dlaatnnd. Win a Heart. Sp 'at . .r PiaTior t 5t .re -- !ar or this evenirg In. pec ojr r-- v. us p. plar of Plamor.ds and Untrhes Bros, ii It Ca-Iet- on PUlj . th A tive. GIRL BEGINS LAW PRACTICE. Miss Ray Peall Admitted to Ftd-era- l Kar. In the pron of Miss Ray r'!. e! No. ITS aveiue. a rT'tt" Fort! cf ?: lu!i. the United States IWs-tri- rt and Circuit court in the Federal building, gained the second wemvn at- torney that has ever been enrolled on the reccrd. Th only other woman who can peaet'ee tn ire Federal courts is 3Ils Palty Bar-te- e Th oath w.-1-- s a.Imlr.tstered to Miss Ileall by Jiraes n. flray. Clerk of th Circuit Court, and he cow permittc-- 1 to in the Federal courts. MIse Kictlce tre girl graduated in a clasa of th!rty-et- e frem the Ileston lav tVboe! this scar 5he a er.rotre-- 1 several i!t no in tb t Iuts Circuit Ccrt with th ctter raembers cf her class. M'ss pe.,1' w.a n atlve practlca In a short tin e. Wabash Llaa laaararat.s double dalle sleepi-g-c- ar aerr-ic- a u oatoa Juaa (. .fi a. m. mas M A. far Bus A Personal Gift tUhether the occasion be graduation or wedding, birthday or other anniversary, yon should cdnsider conditions and circumstances generally of the one to be remembered and yourself. May we help you? Will you come and look through our magnificent establishment and ee our grand collection of appropriate thing 7 Card Stand, ONLY $6.50 a a aboaa fey illMS- - uattsn email rup'a llvr p.ated. ..' ncRs Msn. near du'.I Ililih. price unlr K.y. Other card atands an.1 trari frcta Sto ta li-.t- rj. Other Specials Lemonade Pitcher Fancv class with glass handles, silver-plate- d metal art-un- a top of rim of pitcher Prices, JI.5S t S4.M each. 5tnkers' Sets N'er.- - art designs In solid coppe-e- rj new. 3 Pieces. $6.0 rcar ard match holder and ush nceptacic on stand Prica only tiw. 4 Pieces. $7.50 Cltrnr and match cas and ask tra on traj. for only V.IA. tlther p!tces tUZi lind up-o-ther su from li-O- up. MERMOD. JACCARD SHOADWAY, COR. LOCUST, ST. Industry Continues Active, Iron Trade Iteinc Quieter. New York. June I nradatr-e."- s will say: TraJ- - ri--- s. err? canditicns and to a Ies-- T tKr. eo lectlcn- -. dirlay aa laiproved appear- ance. U e result of rather better weather condi- tions. Oarlig klc and rc.ra aeasocab: we.tner have i.u la r Letter re all trade. recorJr ttisln.-- s with JobUra ta gwatf. at.d last, but tct least, have rlearel tt.e ctod aituatlca anl have allowrl iuuic iu-- uta of aiertalumeat of the dana.a ct by eiiti-lv- e rate- -, li'gh water vr low in wiit.l)-eaiatt.- 1 mt. Wratl.rr and crop InrsuJatltlei co'or trade re-- V t. tut 1 u 11 Is cited that the Ncrth--r- a cltiia trl.rn very uptnrj-tl- c revutu. tl.e t a!riJ U est Is cheerful, and southcra v.:.!. tetsrt ttce letter than antklpated ear- ner l'n D in trad, of th. backward atl.g at the r.l ar. lebaiied. iiluili) Is suit active, though the Iron ar.d s!e I tiaJes aie rath-- T uul-t- r. wltn etui, ica-tr.i.- .s rul'r. tt..i.H sirap I. In ratbrr bstier t .e iiu .ttug I. the country over, and e.. ;t el t hUago. Ia&.r troubps. are m! aerl tin j iatri.riLt Al. tlx.Js ot bulMIng mate-lia- l. Inoula.E luaiter. brick, cenieat. glars. Isi.tTs ui. kd haniaare. are aitlvalr called ! - Col.. i II na ,hnr ittile chans. i:vc,it In the i'.l:ecilcn of lrcjro.rieent ia c-- r. tala centers, cotton goids aa a whol. ar- - t-.- J. lut ilemsn.1 vaulea accrl-ItRl- v . d'tferent varlrtlrs ars ccru:n-J- . W". cl. ea !.- -! are rathrr iu!-- t. but atnng. Alalia-tactuie- rs ate baylse ju:t liberally ef h!(b-p- tl i ,', the utt.r ar.icla being at th high-- ri t.; e In y vr. UiMirri f.ii!Lrr In the United States f T th w -- r. !ln Jt-:- i 1 naniber 1.1. against If) ia- -t k. 151 in the lit week In IKt :J- - In la. : In - ar.J la li In Canada failures f. r :h- - wek numts-- r 1$. acalnat IS last week fcrd a In thta -- fi a ar ato. llT-ev- i. tncluling Ccor ex-o- r.. for the week Jan. I are : 3"e.n tu . against 1.?..."M lat J.s-- Ji thi, week Iat Tar. 4.7AS In IsO en I t.tvt.vSi !n U- -. Frn July 1 to data the sr l S.V). b-- i . against !.7.M4.e :.-- . j rat. VJr.tr3.Vj tn IKS and rU.WJ.W. in j; t" i eTte-t- -i f,r , vc'k a-- e 4ST.914 hi . n!-- t t -- !." ti: '(, l-- T t' a year ago. 1 - :: ir l3 ard 5 - li Ii From July 1 t fla- - th .srtr-- s ef cr--i are sk 1st . ar-l-- s- la IJ)4. CSSi i- - 13 and U -- 4t.:iln iv; ITmorpenry Special Patrolmen DropiM-- From the Kolls May 2S Are A train Named Under Mt-ri- t System Two Trial. The Rcaril of Ta'dea Cjmml'sloner. ye-tr!- ir afternoon reappointed tha follow- ing protaetionary pntrolmen. Herman nank. James Kllloran. Patrick n. Sfc-Gra- Hub-- rt Flnan. Henry Fleer .nil A K Illlani. The-- e men ha J served as emergency ne.-!a- l patrolmen until May 21. when they wete drofped frcra the rolls. Their re app.da:meat as prohatlonarles was under the merit system, they having made high nverares In their examinations before Chiefs Kly and Dcsmonl and inspector Lally. The board tried two cases, reprl-ma- n ling Patrolman Fred Kassins; of the Vntral District on the charge of neglect uf d.: -- . and dlsmlaslr.g from the force Patrolman J!otri UoIHnger cf the Ninth Iitr!-:- . who was chargel with failure to jatrol his belt. Intoxication and In-- at rdlnation. Thorosa J Ward, having de- parted fir the Pacific Coast oa a furlough. Major Ulward I.uly. Inspector of Police. Is acting secretary IJeutenar.t Taomaa Walsh ef the Fifth District was not reappointed by the board esterr!i. althoagh his commission ex- pired May a It was stated that tha mat- ter wa-- s laid over until neat Friday, tnaa cf the Commissioners ttat- -i that the mat- ter was la the hanla of President Stew- - Th Commis.lcn'r statej that he kr.ew nothing of the report that Detective Rich- ard Mlonr.e:i was to be made a Lieuten- ant, and that Walsh was to go back to Chief Desmond's staff Wa!h was promoted four years) ago from ( hlef Desmond's staff He bore an ceileit reputation a a detective. ell has been detailM aeve-- al rears to the Circuit Attorney's office, and It ha been commonly reported that Governor Folk w.ihe to re warJ him for aer-riu- a renjere--l while the rresent Governor waa Ctreuit A!le?!r Charges Aajalaat Pallcesaea. ratro'.raan M. V Cunningham of the Mounted X.rUtrict and Bernard J Bor-g- el' of the sixth District will b- - scat before th Police Board next Friday to answer charges of intoxication and fail- ure to patrol their fceats. Sergeant Cole- man preferred the chargaa against Cun- - nrearhaaa arei taraaant fTemmtas; Baoa ia. aaiaasaiai asauaaa jKat4a.SLUmmiXemV. Parian Marble Busts for Graduation Gifts e have the most com plete assortment and w our prices are the lowest. ttj-lnr- Byroa.... St. 59 $3.54) $!.$ n Inch. Bnras 4i.5U $.5 $22.99 t..!-)')!- . (i.-tivl- i. Dtekeaa... $1,511 $3.50 $.5f -lr- t-ti. Emersoa. . $1.50 $4.25 Inc h. t- - trrh. Ula-- k Schiller... $1.50 $3.50 .50 B Inch. Wagner... $1.50 $6.50 $22.00 ln-- h.'. ln-h. Mozart $3.50 $a.50 $35.00 And many other f imous writers and mu- sicians; also classic figures Apollo. Mer- cury, etc. we. ato hat a choice erttee. " tl-- cf Italian Mib ar.d rre-K- h Itrcnie siatujrr busts, rturea aJ Kteus. Pi Ice. ail the way up to over a tk;uJa-.- J ajllara. ALL TRADE CONDITIONS DISPLAY MUCH IMPROVED APPEARANCES BOARD REAPPOINTS PROBATIONARY MEN & KING aj 411 o'ders ata IT!-- .! wllh tia LOUIS JIAIL. un'Jerstarrlirc that if net aatl-farto- ty uu may leturn and get yovir miner back. Wannor Weather Is NVedod to Restore Normal Con- ditions. New Tork. June S. It. G. Dun Jl-- Co.'.s WeJJy Ilex lew ef Trade will ray: Warmer we,th.r . rj,a t, r.,.nre nitmil ei.t.jiiioc.s. Kill in traJo c.icles en I In urao. The seasKi oned with!te. Ctar preparioj. fr a hesv r ; ring but at normally 1c temperature an.l mrum rrcl-tu- re ieaided consumption, and burden-ctn- e sti-ck- rcuit le carried o-- rr. unlca ara toductj ty salts at birfa'n prices. A lew weeks f hit would gre-itl- Iwprova th situation, howt-ver- . pjr:tctiUtly as to the agricultural outliok. wfcl. h would be teflectrj In other tiidotlries vry prematlr A little weakness !i rstd In pig Iron, b-- most llnra cf naished neel are n go. : mand. and corflilenre is itrrr4 tn results a hence, utiles, there rhuld t a iwituus Ccntrettrr wages Other letdine bran-he- a of mnnufartme e naklrg fare ruble tipo-- th" rle la prir-- s of rate material act Inn as a rfn-u!- at textile mills but anc escerslve Inflation would proi Injarltiis. sach, repotis a, a- - avattibU for the full month ef i!ry !rdb- -i muik letter results than last rear, pattlcu.'atly ttatlstira of fatlmes ara .si.k eschance.. nhlte tcctsn-ple- te teturrs nf tailaur ataing, ahow an averag gain of 7? per Fcrelm at thia port for the list was als farorvble. exr.rta eareed'ar thoee r.r 1S4 br M SXVQ. wh. ti ahowej a stnall ga.n tf Mt! M Minor rneta-'- s are faltlr rrnjv-- . and the denctopmrnt In tha coal rratket la the u.ual remthir advance In priie ff anthracite, coun- try oter--s ate lts artier, teti-ctl- ng the re- duced output of ple-lr"- n furnaces, lut ccn-trar- ta ate trlrg flare for delivery durlrg the f.- -t hstf of neat vear T"stlle fabrics ale atrencer in tone, because ef the npsrard ten-drn- of raw materiais. and alio on account rf the limited supply of goods tn Hrt hands, often tusking prompt deliory tmpofslble Trading In fekrr bid's atlU rsnftnsd te small purri,j of 1st. April and afar salting for lmnea!ate requirements. New Kacianl (v.:nr manufacturer, ars reetivlsc literal fall contracts fr salesmen at th. West, and plants ate now eperatej elese tn thrlr full eapaclty Fallurea fnr the in wr--k tn the Fritted State, r.utnberr.! iv. ralnt t:i last week. SM the wee" ail U tea correspon ling we-- ic at rear. Failures It fiada numler Z?, ara! net 1 last w.rk. II tae m-J- ls week ani 5 lat rear. WEAVER CONTINUES TO RAID MACHINE Philadelphia llayor r.emove. Two More "Organization'' Men From Office. Philadelphia. June M. Biker. Assistant Director of rubllo Works, to- day by request tendered his resignation to Mayor Weaver This Is tha f.rst move on tha part cf the Mayor cf what ha terms "a general shakeup" In the departments which roms under his Jurisdiction linker was known a an organiiitlon" man The salary f tho ofllce is 4 a year. Assistant Director of Public Sufety Alexnnder Colvllle also tendered his res- ignation to-da-y br request of the Mavor. Former Postmaster Thomas I Hick was appointed to uceeri Baker at As- sistant Director of Public Works. SCHROERS MADE SECRETARY. Sr. Lonift Man Becomes. Official of We Point Military Hoard. EPtT.!.ti? 5PnCJAt. West point. N T. June 2 -- The Board of Visitor, for tha jesr cf IMJ organize! thta afternoon, electirg Franklin Murphy cf N- -r Jej-se- -. presi- dent: Color.el tudley Evar.s. tre.ia.nt of th Wei'.s Fargo Express, nee presided. ar.l Mr. John Schrctrs cf St. leo-ji- y. The bcia-- d wlil make Ir.nuiry Into the fscal aftalrs. tcstrcctlon. etc. of the mili- tary academy. rej.,rtir.g a I'oncresa Much discussion was given th on of asking Congress to make another large ap- propriation in addition to that already made for rebuilding the It U estimated that atsjut sir years should complete the building plans Tr.e first claaa will graduate June Jl. and every day until ttat time the board wilt r--e In eessSon, All the board hs.r reported with tha exception of Chaancey M D-p- and O. Cannon The ane.ual field day will taka plac en Saturday. Jur.a 2. aad all classes have a lArr ntry. Irtkajaalk Msst far aTaae. Pearls in gold mountings. S3 9 and ti. MHflMDD. JACCARD KINO. Broadway. Cor. locust. ay Klllea Walla flaaHasj. ncrvBuc rra.iAU Trenton. Mo . Juse 2. While hunting la tha vicinity cf Tlndall to-da- y. Charles Ra-ga- n. a farraer boy. waa ac- cidentally kbled by h'at own shotgun. If. attempted to drag his gun arr a barbed-srtt- sj fane and the weapon waa dacaarMi, kim tas af fejg . BrovvnlngKliig & Co For Warmer The loajr. shapely Sack Coat with the deefr center Teat aad broad lapels, which we were among the Terr nrt to iatrodnce, has won its way. $11 to IIS. From Cheviots to Beige, therea a wid variety of fab- rics and patterns bet to unnnaa froav Outing Suits-C- oat and Trousers ealy-a- ra ready far to early aoUdajna, eekSSSeirSrSeSrSlrSMrSr "One's Summer Suits must be free and easy." said Beau Brummel, "tut with a right regard ta neatness and elegance." Ton will need one. We have all the new styles in Split-Senn- et and The price for men begins at $1.00. For boys and children at 35c. im Broadway and Fistula. aaa su Mead for MULLANPHY BOARD MEMBERS TO RETIRE Successors to Four Whose Terma Expire Will Be Chown Kill to Remove Height-Limi- t on Huilil-'ng- s. The Council received a report front the Mnllnnphy Emigrant Fund Commission at the meeting yesterday afternoon stating that tha terms of four of tha members would expire next Tuesday. The board, representing tha city, which holds the fund In trust, la composed af thirteen members chosen from tha three congres- sional districts. As soon aa th succes sors of the retiring members ara chosen election of officers will be held. J. Mul-lanp- hy Cates Is president. The four mambera whose three-ye- ar terms ara about to ezplra are: Joseph Pauly or the Tenth Congressional District: John F. Hlnes of tha Eleventh Congres- sional District, and John B. Denrlr and William J. Tracy of the Twelfth Congres- sional District. Councilman Rolfes Introduced three Mils In th Council, on of which provides for a fin for drivers who deliver under- weights and divides th fin between th informant and th city. According to th measur any policeman r citizen ran compel a driver of a wagon containing coal, grain or other commodities loaded to a certain limit to produce his weighing csrtlllcate. He can be compelled, by the ordinance, to go to any public scale and lewalgh bis load. If ther is a discrepancy of sevnty-flv- e or more pounds he Is sub- ject to a fine of tt(). The bill further provides that if the tin is not paid with- in three days the City Marshal may sell the wagon and contents. The third Uolfes bill Is t permit th Polar Wav Ice and Fuel Company to erect a private scale at Manchester ave- nue and Benton Station. The Council passed a bill authorizing an appropriation of FA00 for the compilation and printing; of the revised municipal code. Fifteen hundred copies are to be furnished. The proposition of changing th nam of North Market street to Sturgeon ave- nue was recommitted to the Committee on Municipal Affairs on the motion of Councilman Invls. Th committee report- ed unfavorably on the propoanl change after th first public hearing, which sraa attended by only two persona. Saectarlea ft at Fat Ityee Teste Free. MERMOD. JACCARD & KINO. Broadway. Cor. Icusi. Arreats Call ta Tireless, m. nKpriiuc ppkxiai. Vlrden. III.. June 2. The Reverend Ion Glaan of Assumption. 111., to-d- ay acceptetj the call to the Vlrden Baptist Church. If will take charge Juna IL efcnol Claaa at Vlrwea. nt- - nKit'nMc prcciAi. Vlrden. Ill . June f. Tha ftrst annual xercises ef th Thayer High School were sr aesar.ssffisaals MAJCES LIFE Jaa-f- - n , - Weather j. -- sTaf Pine Street v W' ...5 ' . l m Milan-Braid- s. CURED WITHOUT THE KNII Krctai uueases. a vasaa uaai Booklet. P. M. NET MaiTS- -. aasela BBsr-iysM-fl r K Fissure. Ketdlag. Itching. Clceratioa. Coustlpatk specialty, FtMST.UCIS.aia rwihllfiaeilUSuLfloiaUl DcTYouEverj mtmmti tMctmKjr af TELBOk SEMVKB wHmWmOKM jraWasWbrv (to "POSTAL" - tbetleUP W WILUAll F. HOMES. H. J. Dla President. Dacratary. srrawpjanwD ne isa MlasaCmi aTATK MUTUAL. FlBUt makise ixsvitAiice coJiPA.srr. urnca. so. x laeewut St.. bc iaia, ass T.l. Hell Main SmA. Tel. Klnloch A MM. pDltclea are written eo ttthor stock er muta siaa. Henry C Haarstlek. J. B. C. Iaieaa. li. R. Orthw.ln. I. I. Walkar. Wav. F. Hemrs. Jas. W. U.U. BtC. Rawaa. PENNSYLVANIA LINES EXCnRSIOXS FROM ST. IrOL'IS. $7.65 Indianapolis Ae.t return. Juna S. ZU S. "3. r.tura June ... IMi. $26.85 Asbury Park And return. June . S). July 1. -- . re turn limit Julr M. with prunes, r.r ta Auuit 31. 1 "".. Tliketa wilt ale be eoM via New Yurk with stp- - oirr at that point. In .liiinon to regu-U- r trains, a .peclal train will run tnroagh. to ASbury fara. imitoi i. Louts 14 a. m. July 1st. with cuarhes. aleepers and dining car. $21.25 Baltimore And return. July 2. 2. 4. retura limit Ineludmc Julv li. wllh (irt.lleg. cf to Aucust Jl. 5S46 IVstJee regular train. xieclal train will be run tlimueti to Ilaltimore. Iraelcg . Iuls a. m Julr 4'h. with coat hew, aie.p.r alia uiutng car. $16.00 Pittsburg And return. August it. Is. return limit Including August 23, 130s. $22.00 Philadelphia And return. September IS. 14. 17. ratttra limit tncludtna September zh. wjtk prlviler- - of extension to October a. lsa . For foIUera glvlnc full details, also for Sieeplsg car reservations, addrras C. C. Ct.'RTICft D. P. A. Ttli aad OlU. K:a. St. touuu.1 !. wses. PARKER'S ! Hair VBV-aB.- s f Balsam Prnmotes i tha srewUi of th hair and gTtestttJle lustre aiidtflAlassofyontB. Whea th hair Is gray or faded tt WNMS BACK THE TatnirfW. CCtOf-- E It prevents Pandruff and baa falUag a ji aTi.. t ti .rain rieftn aaa neaitnT. held In th M. E. Church last night. Th following ara the graduates: U llltam A. Crookson. Miss Frtda Albert. Miss Freda Johnson. Mlsa Rose Turner and Miss Wil- liams. Xhe following teachers have Ik en employed for th next term of the school: Principal, u. K. Dulbs of New Clt : Misses Myrtle Woulward. Elizabeth Wil liams and Rva Dawson. And other fine engraved stationery, '"all or write for samples and estimate MKRMOD. JACAliU KING. Broadway. Cor. I.ocut. Aeeeala Call ta Vlrslala. III. Rrrrnuc sitxtau Vtrginlt. III.. June 2. The Iteverenl J. M. 1C-I- I of r'liuritun. la., has accepte.1 the pastorate of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church here. The Reverend Joseph Hicks has rrs!gnsl. Wae-- a Vas Ca tm sjesr Task Visit the uniquely beautiful diamond, sil verware. Jtwelry. cut glass and br'c-a-bra- c showrooms of Mermod. Jaccard aV King; No. Fifth avenue (bet 3h and 2Tth sts ). You will be cordially welcome. now EM- - sTRAWI T.rr.11. Tei., June 2 -- Tha Iterererd r yr Itoeet of Cklsholm and Miss K"sts fpra"'. ef th: city sfr marrieci r.ere last nisat or tt Jtsverend it a Thompson cf as -- seelst sbskm asp flnHFml9f casaflaV JVALK EASY- - CROSSEXT YOU'LL find fashion' In the new Crestt styles. You'll also discover that Crossstt com- fort Is novor crowded to males room for style. lswis a. csossrrr. inv. ftorth AWntrtan. Mat. 'S

Transcript of The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...€¦ · en il Thi witfl Ski r i r o tt V...

Page 1: The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...€¦ · en il Thi witfl Ski r i r o tt V i R In BaxasBSBaasBawasi.---r--w w, j--j. j. re ; " s.-s-t-w tt---Kr jr'-- j--j.







BaxasBSBaasBawasi - --r -- w. .,.-- j. re ; " s.-s- t- w tt - -- Kr ' --w, j j. jr- -- V i---

j- --- - -- v -- H. ',. -


jj&ifjBest on Earth

No better values to be hadthan this store shows.

To-da- y purchase one ofour Better Read viceSuits, $20.00 value, for $14.25

Negligee Shirts, immensevariety, excellent $1.00 to$1.50 values, to-da- y for-- - -- 85c

Straw Hats of Stvle, worth$2.50 to $3.00. We'll hand youone to-da-y for $1.75

Mills & AverillBrudway and Pine.

OnHBin'C ' L"- - StreetllURMll s 4470 IMur Ase.Tilth WKKK.

Ca!!fn-rl- a Claret Win- -, goS 60couadiy. z iralica . ..Ham. Ilf and Veal Ixaf. UtAya. Aa

exfe rr.t t r luTco-o- n, per can 9Fo'ftB ia ttte, wottb 7I!m

1100 each

CANCERS,8km dlmiri, mc.c. : an) all far'alhm!h- cured raneej. cur4 without tUtrr or olia A took and tnwn!Ior. canre- - sent fr- - Thoua-.- d a-- e cuied every

ear wltvut jaTa rr R cf ModZf ou rat. cancer send our naire ars i.

and lm how jcu can be relieve by lajrnora, tr.a-rren- t.

A J Miller. M I . "1 1"2 II .Haul bailllng.'! N evwrh t.. St Inuls. Mb

CtJKKD TO STAT CVItEI).Attack op:-- r,pnwnntly Cu irovt.HrtMn erica ni anil nrwji rn restirJ

Hrnijt.rni x..t r.urn N1 rrSIIn n 'lMfrar1i. 21 ar nf .ucw-j- s tratrc Athninfl liar Fr l0 swlnis. Hook. is.

Krr. tnt"'!rr r-- val it I Writt iMRoi.n iioi:s. m rrti.o. x. y.


St. IOala KepaMIn Dualneaa Owlre.Tel. Hell Mala :HIS. Kinlorh A BIX


ir vot atom r it. tkv it ami co.i- -VIStK lOlllSKLF.

Be snA TAa IVr Hottle at Your


Fmllrnt Trlrhraann Appolnta Com-as litre la AM In l(allnv Funds

tor m Flotlllu.t of ti Merchants"

Exchange a;rointrl a rommit-- tto i." nwrnliera oi tin Missouri

NavaJ nfrps In nl'lns a fur.J for th5rurjo of p'rfcclinjf their arranKemntafor land juartr anl a. flotilla of boats.

It Is ccunpoFcil of I" O ?.anard. J. J.Werlht'lmer. T S Mcl'h'ctt rs. O LWhlt-l.- n. M G Hlrhmoml. U. K Kav-nai;- ch

T It HIlan!. II II WVrn".T I!. Teasdilc. Gtore J Tiawv. J I. S.l'ottr. IL J. IVnJloton avsd Grorga II.Morcin

Th thank of thi pf Directorsvrr- - ten 1t-- I ti tli' r umifK if uliichW I viaa chilrman. for tictr

r ntation bifnf the Sn t C.mmltfron C"n:mT"c if th lewa of tho loardIn reference to th enlarteTint of thlcr of the Ictrrt.tat Coninrc I'oai-mlHn- n.

lld,nt Tolchmar.n a nuthorlrM tonjP Hit n or nipr to th t:i-t-

j: of the :! Koajj Corvntlon to lh'1'1 at Portland. Ora.

If e out? knrit hoir to atllltenv op:rtunl!v nn! maict f.jr sj-a- r

tnotify a rontinuau arnlrs jmtr,ui i r' e to ret.i.t t sugNtl n

that worklnittiirn fhuK! ! a r.tiini;sh unt In the Mercantile Trut '"omt JI.ti;htli an.t Icut. ulifW th-i- r fnim

uM "f nlijlu:e:jr af hr.d tr.croHl'ujli ar! tiht ly arnii lrit-r.- t. n

Miliar 1 n.l that ru i j to o;en aour? itt No T:i .tretin i r I jIn- - eery M iJ evn-li- .

until oolwk


WhMt Shij.nn'nts Show C5ratI.os at lialwstnn.

ncrfnu" rni!AiGaIeton. Tei . Jui cf

corn from :aletpn Ju"-ln- t month ofMv wer ls.STl I j.h'K an tncraJ ofITi'lT tuh-- l over th utre rionth latj ear

Th "' corn export !nc Fet-l'- r 1.IXH. to lte I. JOHT ttit,-- : an in-c-

of it?7"i buinr'a oitr tht sajr.ererlol lt ar

Tht total hrtl erort r'.ir 5pei- -ber X, L4. tv dte Ve Hetx JJ'.'t.ObuheM. n i'ecr of lt..Tll buhe'for the an-- . rrt vi lat iirN'o train la r.a bflr.s ahlppea tiirorgh i

Go t" IscM'-- . a4 Irrt.for tcod thlrxa to eat (

Il aa Heaott of Cnr lerlaeal.Thotnaa llajr of So 1. i S5ut Vand-nt- er

mr je keep ; . re.taurar.t ntPark an.l Vaidew-'e- r uti j;earir rerl mor"it 'rnnuta!ned Ma S It f .is tn a Grandrenu r at rj.i.y a.fij. ; j.

time the Injury a. not regarded as tr-ri-

OETTEJl Cn k a v. j.."- - er Ctx frj-i-i


n PlymouthniE-D-RY.



Flavor Unequakd.

Brafisesaajr aav THE STANT)stD mnm two clthicS.BetS , at l-- r

Frtara 7M--- 7 rteta-cc'.- h.

EKautTS. ceity es'S. T"

cv-- a Cla ? ts. MOKe-- IS. Jt!New York andKentucky Co.

KW lORK alAtH.4SS rtfta it."aaase



Former Chief Engineer of theFair Is Mayor's Choice for Sew-

er Commissioner Half a DozeaCandidates.

The. appointment of H. It. Fardwell aaSer Commljloncr to succevt) F. W.Valliant. mho was appointed Street Com-mlsilo-

after the resignation of CharlesVarrellmann. was arnt by Major Weillto the Council jesterday afternooB forsiprroval.

Althoush rumors have connect Mr.Farda ell's name with the pice for ev-er- al

days-- , the communication of the May-or to the upper hou.e was the first au-thentic and public announcement thatill". Vallianfs successor had oeen chosen.Mayor IVrlls even would not divulge thename of the man of his choice an hourbefore the Council met. staling that hewould let the announcement be made inthe Council chamber.

The M:!c:tlon of Mr Fardweli was froma list of nearly half a dozen candidates,some of whom mere active In securing

at the City Hall and amongcltiz-n- s. Mr. Kardnell W su;po-e- U tuta-.- e had the indorsement of many ofthe crlKials of the World's Fair, whtrehe served aa one of the cliltf cnsin.e.Mr. Fardttta la a thoroughgoing n.

and has prnt the greater partof hia life in the biate. He as born inWluinozu. Mil., and 1 U Jtaia old.I or the !at twenty jears he i.aa beenaititl engaged in hn profession a ativil engiutx-r- . and has b.en .nnec;eJwith ll.e inMallation cuntructiuii ofn.a::y of the i.iost important municipal

noika in the Utst.Jio :n cont.ecl.d with the office of thecity riiir.cer of SU Joatfh in lit. andJat.r L-- i.i an ImtHjrtant position with the.itou:t liner Coinmiysion. which, ur.d- -r

tho dnevtloa of the War Lepartment. liadchare of diatiaetly important deieli-p-m-:u- ,

in the stralgiittning and deepeningp. the channel of the Missouri betweenKansas . Ity and St. Jaseph.

hinco bit residence in St. Louis Mr1 ar.Iv.WI liaa been a memb--r of the tlrmof lnun. Fardweli & Hocke.For the la-.- l four jears Mr. Fardwel!has b-- en connected with the enineermdepartment of the I.ouilana lur.hahuMliii; the position of chiefTh most dlltkult problem thatnfrontej the Kxpnsltion authorities was

and scwerase of the grounds.a:.J this wa 5lmi unJer the superintendenco of .Mr Fardweli. Since th c!oe ofih- - J.p..alon he has been in authorityror the Kspositlon Cnmpaav in directingthe wreckine of the blllldinca an.l tho rator.itlon of the grounds'.

lurlns his re.sldenee in MiyoarI Mr.tnlwell has taken an arrive lntre In

Mate politics and ha- - a large aojuainl-an- .e anions the democrats t prominence

throuhout the State He never has been-- .eeial!- prvminent in municij-- il politicalaff.iir. t,ut nlwajs l.aa been a atrongUrisoerat

Mr i'anlwell lives at Xo. KM Cabanneaienue with his wife and family.

Parlor Rllter I.oralea la St. tasala.Doctor Martin M. Itltter. for years aprominent "aicago sPKiilist. has perma-

nently located in St Louis, with officesin the Star building. The doctor's cre-dentials Iniicnte that he has been con-nected with some of the leading collegesand hospitals in Chicago as ocultst anduuri-- t to th Columbia Charity Dbspensarv.instructor on noe and throat dleaiesChicaso rost-Gradu- if Me.IIeal Schl.lii"-tn- toe fyf. uj,, ,ar ijj.ea.cpj, Xorth--

extern I'r.ixerslty Me,hcal Schuol. secre-tar-j-

an.l member of the diphtheria staff.Chicago Health Department, consultingoculist and aurit St. Marquerete's Hos-pital (PraneScnn Sisters). Hammond. 1ml.,and othrs The doctor's previous con-nections and the many commendable di-plomas he exhibits from American anlI.ump an r .l!egw Ls substantial evidenceof his mweM m his particular specialtyin tb treatment of diseases of the ejeasul ear

JEFFERSON BARRACKS iit r.:a-- i . --omrnr rt. pi'ii. I --re a Or..t- -J nilJ a a -f

rtcr ..,T,ilr j r.n--e- .i ,t lxml-H'- e.

Kv ,1 Inl. ash!. h"mH.nrv i, shannon, fomjiany i bajt been le-t- si

! ut :rmwiit or-- v jof the atn'rmleoart mania, no-- v hM at th -- t--r.! Avrra r c. has nae ap-- r- n f - -- !irirr.ent t- - Tri-- tj c. Thirda: arr eTatl-i-ie- at Ki- -t Wyo.1' f'li'Pc rerrsi;. at th -- wwt

T'.'er.ta Ht.-- rt " 'Vr.ptnn. Cle:sc4. o..i. (in It , n wteMta. Ka. . Nh A III-- 1- hiisv! e r.-n jr --v j)M, OTiaha.Ne'' C I. T her-- Ashertlje. N C : II'Tiryii'te nil Ma tZr.M lai.ia v-- k .

J ,f --i J . - - rhir!--s I.nnc Jamea Iri. ITenrr P a p M!ar.eTm... MlsnIt u, jr K. J-- e.. Oirr.rarr A. wh- LV-t'- njr " Jelu-So-i- ai lnsanitr."- e it t -- h -it f-- r thInar n ;h I!--rl- ct ef Cclaaibta towlarItt--rt W.:. Trip t. Ninth Cavalry.

1 or accompanr hlra. fullrarrpej la Waeht-irt- on

- Iave nf at-en- for iii da;-a- . t takaTe.-- t Ju- - J haa t- -n irart; n-- t IJaa-trr- -t

.r. n l- -i br Nlita-r- -t Ii!.m-- John McCtlntark. Kqual-m- rlj'itnt. Nlnfj a!rr. fntertatned of.f a cf fa tr--t tre of Jure 1ei a sta e- t frt'cltAte IJeuUnantN' n A .or:.-w-e- l. Th'r.l eta:-y- . on the

ai-- ii itire-ne- - eniaerrert cf marrlaca." .. ,rre-- n- rirtal-- s 'Wt.'.la.--i C Can-- ri Uilt-ea-- :: Wtll'air Ijihr. Ne A.."rt p'j i iiivr. Kurn J KirJ,vn II H"s--- J Iieiuforl It Camp, tviaatcn

I- -: nr a- - ljctor Patrick II McAairrw.Fa-- r n

'iir'Ala M Pupplee. rcnir!nta Cav-a- .-

ha. reiurre.1 to the -- t frfn FhrtHacSu. a. Aril ,e .ir.ucte.) a Je.ahir-n- t of rrcnllla to the Fifth Cavalry last- Th -- 'all t to-.-w raa-- 1 ta Piptaln

Percr n inrr-- Twelfth olcer cftr a ar--1 Wlllla-- n TnaK r. n.a iau.i. m r;ms f the

onsenlr lilna Caste and Saacera.Ij'g" a -- s 'rt-ne- nt -- prices f.v to H tt).

.MEitMon. JACOAKl. Jt KINO.Hroafiway. Cor Iyvcust.

Flrwt Park Cuarert w.

T!ie f.rt of the public btnl concertswhich are to continue through tfca sum-mer will be he!! afierncon at

o'clock tn n'Fallcn Firk IVeppinr'atjr. I will ren.Ier tie concert, theof which follows.

-i t r a..:.r -rt Cavalry's 3 M' I,e. n lanae. criula a tx Adiyn tn--aiChara teria'ic - ranamtricansa

lstenHelon.Va- - ' .. . Hsu., of nce.fQ

-- e'l-n . . Prise, fcf lllaenrar:-a- a Ixf.'el.V" "' IVpular Atrs'r . Ea:roUFlnt . ... Mtax g;arcled tamr

at.3.1 Kfflntaam an4 Relara.Vi cert, to nreeavllle ani return. K

t H.h!rl anl retjra. prcprtrtlon-a- t'j low rates to intermediate points, viaandal.s Kat.road M.:e!a Ju-- e . Tick-et, ell f.-- train leaving st laiuls 7 14 a.

ir ret-rrd- rg ot evermg traits same dateTUke- - ctlce.. Seventh and Oliva ah4l"t n Station.

appellate Coart fSapfslaaa.finrrnu r rrrctAt.

Sprirar-et- d. Ill . June m': Appellate CtyjTt. Ttiri lt-!--t. to-day erefe as ejw,

- ts trv- - nrtc'9 t-- srTnrtj" orr.:!n ta e a roctlca fje Mara ta--e ( frs-.P9-Vda-- r r. t'i ac - . l-- -. totav ct.-- s cZ aitlllal at--- t atVl.-.-rt ap--

peiiaitPer( . r" ra V "ec. ef C"T Onp4s.

r-- be tt rratHr!uie-r- T t al ts litis '-- . al errnaMar. ta ..- - aailU?eal errrt et reeeraWj- - ea Ik?jrta. JefeAast lear.s " !tr t--

rtre Tbe re.--- devjasts grartee m-- tlJc-- e t "J. bref.

v f T e seei- - tear, ts as--r

'rt ts r .: .!K- -' e. : ret'es W atesla ts!&: a- - ai taken sr'tS t"se eaTOes rs caS-N- cs 73. 71. 71. fS. O. K. M

arvt re mrt a4ourri a. ra.

rnrsaer Callatla EJII.r Deaf.nrrt itu5ria--: vt.

GJltm. Mcu, June i-- S I. Ilarrey. afcrtjer editor ef CalLvtln Pemocratatvl paM:sher cf rnpers at Treatcn aad

-:: Ia ttieel at Neoeho. Soyesterday, Tre body aa. trocgat aerafor Bursal U-4-a.

Uwest-Pric- e. 'm Aaerica

10 4 incheshijh, only


Silver-Plate- d WareEvery piece guaranteed by us.

Caadlestick, $1.50Special value- - - inches htsh;

erj" artl-tii- .- spt e I'rj. - $K).ther quadrupi- - llcr-r-i "!

Candlestick. Jl "j to I'.v "0.Toilet 5:ts. $5.03-'-Comb. brush and mirror. ! rtcts.OlllV Sod

ttth-- quadruple sllvr-pljte- jToilet Sets. 3 pieces. Ji. to I'.-- set

Ice Water Pitchers. $4.50Ftn satin Caisli. with le sn Inbright f!nih-F'tch- er ls tnircclainUr.ed-lTl- ce. onlv Mil.

Other quadruple silver-plate- .'

Ico Fltcittra up to JJy.iO.

rare--Cjisw- iI, Watch. Fl!v- -.

rIXwar, liu-- . Oi'caanJ A- -t CkoJ. catal'-CB- e n:en re;ue-- . Write f r tt y

Kailwar Siiperiiitenik'iit Says HeDoes Not I'elipvo Car Hit ManFound Dying at Marvin t'anipGrounds.

Iiul. Hesserich. surerintcndent of thSt. Ixuls St. Charles and Wetem Hall-way Companv. b.lieves that Charlesltukhouse. who was found la a dyingcondition by the side of the railw.tytracks at the Marvin CjmpgroundsThursday nlsht. was struck by an auto-mobile nsd not by a itrcet car. ns lirstreported.

Hesserich vas a paser.g"r on a car go-In- g

by the rlace about that time n--

dies not remember that anjone was hurt.All the crtws la cli.rge of cars runover tin tracks were clos-l- y ijui.iioncdand declared thy did not strike iinj'in.

Ivjke Sshnir rs uml Frank II""r. wliogot on the car shortly before 15a ki.oi!owas struck, declare they sw aa nuto-w- e.

bil-- coming east oa the St. t'iiarics Itockread at a rapid rate of s;-- . l

IlarkhoUse lid been to a pi. ale !n Moke-vlli- e.

aad got into a tuatrel witii a manoer money, but a true; w ts patcliej upbetween them before he left

THINKS AUTO HIT HIM.Fie walked from the Midland trackJ

over the Wood-c- n road to the St. Charlestracks, a very !oncly place, and It is ar-gued by Htserich Unit he would havetxtn assau.tcl there instead of at thetracks had murder leii the motive.

However, there hae l- -n two holdupsIn the neight-iriUH- where itackhouieas foui in the last six months. MierttfHtrpcl yesterday detailed ipty SheriffClarance Campbell to iavestiBitt the af-fair

Doctor John P. Ivibrecht yetcrlay l.el Ian nutopay owcr the body at tot. und.

rojmsOfcf .Frank Hitiace. .mdfound that, the right arm 1 a I he n broKenIn two places, the right p-- ,j broken justahsve the knre. besides a fracure of theskull on the left side of tho he.ul.

The bo! of Itackhou-- e will be removedto the home of his mother at the Junctionof tho St har! s and Natural Krldoroods y for burial.

Fla Wairh and Jewelry Repairing.Trompt service lowest prices.

MKRMOD. JACCAHU 4-- KINO,llroadnay. Cor. I.o-us- t.


Mayor Apjeoints Hoard to IVrfei-- t

lMann at Salem, III.r.nn rue ? pix.m.

Salem. III.. The Hrr:-R'r,n- tt libraryia this city it now assured. Th librarywill ! on th grourd where theIlrynn homestead now stand", on Itrosd-wa- y

where --oi. r"l Ilryan wet bornAt a meeting of tl.e City council lat

night a Setter from Mr nryaa was realconcerning the Hbrarj". ia which h madetbe formal ofer

The proposition cf Colonej Ilrjan wisaccepte.5 b the cliv and .i voto of thankswas tet.Jerej to him Major Chas IMcMackin was acthorizej to i.rtiir.t fourcitizen., to act with htm as th- - and this morning he annoum-e- theboard as follow. C I. M 'Mv.m.

chairman. TT.os. s Marshall. II t.Feltman and Mr. Anna Ilrjftn Torraacoand Mts 1. M Kag)

The IJbrarv Iloanl will met !. a dir w

s-- il ect j.'.ans for the trectioaof the llbrnrv

Save a Dlaatnnd. Win a Heart.Sp 'at . .r PiaTior t 5t .re -- !ar or

this evenirg In. pec ojr r-- v. us p.plar of Plamor.ds and UntrhesBros, ii It Ca-Iet- on PUlj . th A tive.


Miss Ray Peall Admitted to Ftd-era- l

Kar.In the pron of Miss Ray r'!. e! No.

ITS aveiue. a rT'tt"Fort! cf ?: lu!i. the United States IWs-tri- rt

and Circuit court in the Federalbuilding, gained the second wemvn at-

torney that has ever been enrolled onthe reccrd.

Th only other woman who can peaet'eetn ire Federal courts is 3Ils Palty Bar-te- e

Th oath w.-1--s a.Imlr.tstered to Miss Ileallby Jiraes n. flray. Clerk of th CircuitCourt, and he cow permittc-- 1 to

in the Federal courts. MIseKictlce tre girl graduated in aclasa of th!rty-et- e frem the Ilestonlav tVboe! this scar 5he a er.rotre-- 1

several i!t no in tb t Iuts CircuitCcrt with th ctter raembers cf herclass.

M'ss pe.,1' w.a n atlve practlca Ina short tin e.

Wabash Llaalaaararat.s double dalle sleepi-g-c- ar aerr-ic- a

u oatoa Juaa (. .fi a. m. mas M


far Bus

A Personal GifttUhether the occasion be graduation or wedding,

birthday or other anniversary, yon shouldcdnsider conditions and circumstances generallyof the one to be remembered and yourself.

May we help you? Will you come and lookthrough our magnificent establishment andee our grand collection of appropriate thing 7



$6.50a a aboaa fey illMS- -

uattsn emailrup'a llvr p.ated...' ncRs Msn.near du'.I Ililih. priceunlr K.y.

Other card atandsan.1 trari frcta Sto tali-.t- rj.

Other SpecialsLemonade PitcherFancv class with glass handles,

silver-plate- d metalart-un- a top of rim of pitcher

Prices, JI.5S t S4.M each.

5tnkers' SetsN'er.- - art designs In solid coppe-e- rj

new.3 Pieces. $6.0

rcar ard match holder andush nceptacic on stand Pricaonly tiw.

4 Pieces. $7.50Cltrnr and match cas and asktra on traj. for only V.IA.tlther p!tces tUZi lind up-o-ther

su from li-O- up.


Industry Continues Active, IronTrade Iteinc


New York. June I nradatr-e."- s

will say:TraJ- - ri--- s. err? canditicns and to a Ies--T

tKr. eo lectlcn- -. dirlay aa laiproved appear-ance. U e result of rather better weather condi-tions. Oarlig klc and rc.ra aeasocab:we.tner have i.u la r Letter re all trade.

recorJr ttisln.-- s with JobUra tagwatf. at.d last, but tct least, have

rlearel tt.e ctod aituatlca anl have allowrliuuic iu-- uta of aiertalumeat of the dana.act by eiiti-lv- e rate- -, li'gh water vr low

in wiit.l)-eaiatt.- 1 mt.Wratl.rr and crop InrsuJatltlei co'or trade re-- V

t. tut 1 u 11 Is cited that the Ncrth--r- acltiia trl.rn very uptnrj-tl- c revutu.

tl.e t a!riJ U est Is cheerful, and southcrav.:.!. tetsrt ttce letter than antklpated ear-

ner l'n D in trad, of th. backward atl.gat the r.l ar. lebaiied.

iiluili) Is suit active, though the Iron ar.ds!e I tiaJes aie rath-- T uul-t- r. wltn etui, ica-tr.i.- .s

rul'r. tt..i.H sirap I. In ratbrr bstiert .e iiu .ttug I. the country over, ande.. ;t el t hUago. Ia&.r troubps. are m! aerltin j iatri.riLt Al. tlx.Js ot bulMIng mate-lia- l.

Inoula.E luaiter. brick, cenieat. glars.Isi.tTs ui. kd haniaare. are aitlvalr called! - Col.. i II na ,hnr ittile chans.

i:vc,it In the i'.l:ecilcn of lrcjro.rieent ia c-- r.

tala centers, cotton goids aa a - t-.- J. lut ilemsn.1 vaulea accrl-ItRl-v. d'tferent varlrtlrs ars ccru:n-J- . W". cl.ea !.- -! are rathrr iu!-- t. but atnng. Alalia-tactuie- rs

ate baylse ju:t liberally ef h!(b-p- tl

i ,', the utt.r ar.icla being at th high-- ri

t.; e In y vr.UiMirri f.ii!Lrr In the United States f T th

w -- r. !ln Jt-:- i 1 naniber 1.1. against If) ia- -t

k. 151 in the lit week In IKt :J-- In la.: In - ar.J la li In Canada failuresf. r :h- - wek numts-- r 1$. acalnat IS last weekfcrd a In thta --fi a ar ato.

llT-ev- i. tncluling Ccor ex-o- r.. for the weekJan. I are : 3"e.n tu . against 1.?..."M

lat J.s-- Ji thi, week Iat Tar. 4.7ASIn IsO en I t.tvt.vSi !n U--. Frn July 1 to datathe sr l S.V). b-- i . against !.7.M4.e:.-- . j rat. VJr.tr3.Vj tn IKS and rU.WJ.W. inj;t" i eTte-t- -i f,r , vc'k a-- e 4ST.914 hi .

n!--t t --!." ti: '(, l-- T t' a year ago.1 - :: ir l3 ard 5 - li Ii From July 1t fla- - th .srtr-- s ef cr--i are sk 1st .ar-l-- s- la IJ)4. CSSi i- - 13 and U --

4t.:iln iv;

ITmorpenry Special PatrolmenDropiM-- From the Kolls May2S Are A train Named UnderMt-ri- t System Two Trial.

The Rcaril of Ta'dea Cjmml'sloner. ye-tr!- ir

afternoon reappointed tha follow-ing protaetionary pntrolmen. Hermannank. James Kllloran. Patrick n. Sfc-Gra-

Hub--rt Flnan. Henry Fleer .nilA K Illlani.

The-- e men ha J served as emergencyne.-!a- l patrolmen until May 21. when theywete drofped frcra the rolls. Their reapp.da:meat as prohatlonarles was underthe merit system, they having made highnverares In their examinations beforeChiefs Kly and Dcsmonl and inspectorLally.

The board tried two cases, reprl-ma- n

ling Patrolman Fred Kassins; of theVntral District on the charge of neglect

uf d.: -- . and dlsmlaslr.g from the forcePatrolman J!otri UoIHnger cf the NinthIitr!-:- . who was chargel with failure to

jatrol his belt. Intoxication andIn-- at rdlnation.

Thorosa J Ward, having de-parted fir the Pacific Coast oa a furlough.Major Ulward I.uly. Inspector of Police.Is acting secretary

IJeutenar.t Taomaa Walsh ef the FifthDistrict was not reappointed by the boardesterr!i. althoagh his commission ex-

pired May a It was stated that tha mat-ter wa-- s laid over until neat Friday, tnaacf the Commissioners ttat- -i that the mat-ter was la the hanla of President Stew- -

Th Commis.lcn'r statej that he kr.ewnothing of the report that Detective Rich-ard Mlonr.e:i was to be made a Lieuten-ant, and that Walsh was to go back toChief Desmond's staff

Wa!h was promoted four years) agofrom ( hlef Desmond's staff He bore an

ceileit reputation a a detective. ell

has been detailM aeve-- al rearsto the Circuit Attorney's office, and It habeen commonly reported that GovernorFolk w.ihe to re warJ him for aer-riu- a

renjere--l while the rresent Governor waaCtreuit A!le?!r

Charges Aajalaat Pallcesaea.ratro'.raan M. V Cunningham of the

Mounted X.rUtrict and Bernard J Bor-g- el'

of the sixth District will b-- scatbefore th Police Board next Friday toanswer charges of intoxication and fail-ure to patrol their fceats. Sergeant Cole-man preferred the chargaa against Cun- -nrearhaaa arei taraaant fTemmtas; Baoaia. aaiaasaiai asauaaa


Parian Marble Bustsfor Graduation Gifts

e have the most complete assortment andw

our prices are the lowest.ttj-lnr-

Byroa.... St.59 $3.54) $!.$n Inch.

Bnras 4i.5U $.5 $22.99t..!-)')!- . (i.-tivl- i.

Dtekeaa... $1,511 $3.50 $.5f-lr- t-ti.

Emersoa. . $1.50 $4.25Inch. t- - trrh. Ula-- k

Schiller... $1.50 $3.50 .50B Inch.

Wagner... $1.50 $6.50 $22.00ln-- h.'. ln-h.

Mozart $3.50 $a.50 $35.00And many other f imous writers and mu-

sicians; also classic figures Apollo. Mer-cury, etc.

we. ato hat a choice erttee." tl-- cf Italian Mib ar.d

rre-K- h Itrcnie siatujrr busts,rturea aJ Kteus. Pi Ice. ailthe way up to over a tk;uJa-.- Jajllara.





& KINGaj 411 o'ders ata IT!-- .! wllh tia

LOUIS JIAIL. un'Jerstarrlirc that if netaatl-farto- ty uu may leturnand get yovir miner back.

Wannor Weather Is NVedod toRestore Normal Con-


New Tork. June S. It. G. Dun Jl-- Co.'.sWeJJy Ilex lew ef Trade willray:

Warmer we,th.r . rj,a t, r.,.nre nitmilei.t.jiiioc.s. Kill in traJo c.icles en I In urao.The seasKi oned with!te. Ctarpreparioj. fr a hesv r ; ring butat normally 1c temperature an.l mrumrrcl-tu- re ieaided consumption, and burden-ctn- e

sti-ck- rcuit le carried o--rr. unlcaara toductj ty salts atbirfa'n prices.A lew weeks f hit would gre-itl-

Iwprova th situation, howt-ver- . pjr:tctiUtlyas to the agricultural outliok. wfcl. h wouldbe teflectrj In other tiidotlries vry prematlr

A little weakness !i rstd In pig Iron, b--

most llnra cf naished neel are n go. :mand. and corflilenre is itrrr4 tn results hence, utiles, there rhuld t a iwituusCcntrettrr wages

Other letdine bran-he- a of mnnufartme enaklrg fare ruble tipo-- th" rle la prir-- s ofrate material act Inn as a rfn-u!- at textilemills but anc escerslve Inflation would proiInjarltiis. sach, repotis a, a- - avattibU forthe full month ef i!ry !rdb- -i muik letterresults than last rear, pattlcu.'atly ttatlstiraof fatlmes ara .si.k eschance.. nhlte tcctsn-ple- te

teturrs nf tailaur ataing, ahow anaverag gain of 7? per

Fcrelm at thia port for the listwas als farorvble. exr.rta eareed'ar

thoee r.r 1S4 br M SXVQ. wh. ti ahoweja stnall ga.n tf Mt! M

Minor rneta-'- s are faltlr rrnjv-- . and the or.trdenctopmrnt In tha coal rratket la the u.ualremthir advance In priie ff anthracite, coun-try oter--s ate lts artier, teti-ctl- ng the re-duced output of ple-lr"- n furnaces, lut ccn-trar- ta

ate trlrg flare for delivery durlrg thef.- -t hstf of neat vear T"stlle fabrics aleatrencer in tone, because ef the npsrard ten-drn-

of raw materiais. and alio on account rfthe limited supply of goods tn Hrt hands, oftentusking prompt deliory tmpofslble

Trading In fekrr bid's atlU rsnftnsd te smallpurri,j of 1st. April and afar salting forlmnea!ate requirements.

New Kacianl (v.:nr manufacturer, arsreetivlsc literal fall contracts fr salesmenat th. West, and plants ate now eperatej elesetn thrlr full eapaclty

Fallurea fnr the in wr--k tn the Fritted State,r.utnberr.! iv. ralnt t:i last week. SM the

wee" ail U tea correspon ling we-- ic

at rear. Failures It fiada numler Z?,

ara! net 1 last w.rk. II tae m-J- ls week ani5 lat rear.



Philadelphia llayor r.emove. TwoMore "Organization'' Men

From Office.

Philadelphia. June M. Biker.Assistant Director of rubllo Works, to-

day by request tendered his resignationto Mayor Weaver

This Is tha f.rst move on tha part cfthe Mayor cf what ha terms "a generalshakeup" In the departments which romsunder his Jurisdiction linker was knowna an organiiitlon" man

The salary f tho ofllce is 4 a year.Assistant Director of Public Sufety

Alexnnder Colvllle also tendered his res-ignation to-da-y br request of the Mavor.

Former Postmaster Thomas I Hickwas appointed to uceeri Baker at As-sistant Director of Public Works.


Sr. Lonift Man Becomes. Official ofWe Point Military Hoard.

EPtT.!.ti? 5PnCJAt.West point. N T . June 2 --The Board of

Visitor, for tha jesr cf IMJ organize!thta afternoon, electirgFranklin Murphy cf N- -r Jej-se- -. presi-dent: Color.el tudley Evar.s. tre.ia.nt ofth Wei'.s Fargo Express, nee Mr. John Schrctrs cf St. leo-ji- y.

The bcia-- d wlil make Ir.nuiry Into thefscal aftalrs. tcstrcctlon. etc. of the mili-tary academy. rej.,rtir.g a I'oncresaMuch discussion was given th on ofasking Congress to make another large ap-propriation in addition to that alreadymade for rebuilding theIt U estimated that atsjut sir yearsshould complete the building plans Tr.efirst claaa will graduate June Jl. andevery day until ttat time the board wiltr--e In eessSon, All the board hs.r reportedwith tha exception of Chaancey M D-p-

and O. Cannon The ane.ualfield day will taka plac en Saturday.Jur.a 2. aad all classes have a lArr ntry.

Irtkajaalk Msst far aTaae.Pearls in gold mountings. S3 9 and

ti. MHflMDD. JACCARD KINO.Broadway. Cor. locust.

ay Klllea Walla flaaHasj.ncrvBuc rra.iAU

Trenton. Mo . Juse 2. While hunting latha vicinity cf Tlndall to-da- y. Charles Ra-ga- n.

a farraer boy. waa ac-cidentally kbled by h'at own shotgun. If.attempted to drag his gun arr a barbed-srtt- sj

fane and the weapon waa dacaarMi,kim tas af fejg .

BrovvnlngKliig & Co

For WarmerThe loajr. shapely Sack Coat with the deefrcenter Teat aad broad lapels, which wewere among the Terr nrt to iatrodnce, haswon its way.

$11 to IIS.From Cheviots to Beige, therea a wid variety of fab-

rics and patterns bet to unnnaa froavOuting Suits-C- oat and Trousers ealy-a- ra ready far to

early aoUdajna,eekSSSeirSrSeSrSlrSMrSr

"One's Summer Suits must be free and easy."said Beau Brummel, "tut with a right regard taneatness and elegance."

Ton will need one. We have all the new styles inSplit-Senn- et and The price for menbegins at $1.00. For boys and children at 35c.

imBroadway and suMead for



Successors to Four Whose TermaExpire Will Be Chown Kill toRemove Height-Limi- t on Huilil-'ng- s.

The Council received a report front theMnllnnphy Emigrant Fund Commission atthe meeting yesterday afternoon statingthat tha terms of four of tha memberswould expire next Tuesday. The board,representing tha city, which holds thefund In trust, la composed af thirteenmembers chosen from tha three congres-sional districts. As soon aa th successors of the retiring members ara chosenelection of officers will be held. J. Mul-lanp- hy

Cates Is president.The four mambera whose three-ye- ar

terms ara about to ezplra are: JosephPauly or the Tenth Congressional District:John F. Hlnes of tha Eleventh Congres-sional District, and John B. Denrlr andWilliam J. Tracy of the Twelfth Congres-sional District.

Councilman Rolfes Introduced three MilsIn th Council, on of which provides fora fin for drivers who deliver under-weights and divides th fin between thinformant and th city. According to thmeasur any policeman r citizen rancompel a driver of a wagon containingcoal, grain or other commodities loaded toa certain limit to produce his weighingcsrtlllcate. He can be compelled, by theordinance, to go to any public scale andlewalgh bis load. If ther is a discrepancyof sevnty-flv- e or more pounds he Is sub-ject to a fine of tt(). The bill furtherprovides that if the tin is not paid with-in three days the City Marshal may sellthe wagon and contents.

The third Uolfes bill Is t permit thPolar Wav Ice and Fuel Company toerect a private scale at Manchester ave-nue and Benton Station.

The Council passed a bill authorizing anappropriation of FA00 for the compilationand printing; of the revised municipalcode. Fifteen hundred copies are to befurnished.

The proposition of changing th namof North Market street to Sturgeon ave-nue was recommitted to the Committeeon Municipal Affairs on the motion ofCouncilman Invls. Th committee report-ed unfavorably on the propoanl changeafter th first public hearing, which sraaattended by only two persona.

Saectarlea ft at Fat Ityee Teste Free.MERMOD. JACCARD & KINO.

Broadway. Cor. Icusi.Arreats Call ta Tireless, m.

nKpriiuc ppkxiai.Vlrden. III.. June 2. The Reverend Ion

Glaan of Assumption. 111., to-d- ay acceptetjthe call to the Vlrden Baptist Church. Ifwill take charge Juna IL

efcnol Claaa at Vlrwea. nt--nKit'nMc prcciAi.

Vlrden. Ill . June f. Tha ftrst annualxercises ef th Thayer High School were



Jaa-f--n , -

Weather j. -- sTaf

Pine Streetv

W' ...5'.



Milan-Braid- s.

CURED WITHOUT THE KNIIKrctai uueases. a vasaa uaai

Booklet. P. M. NET MaiTS--. aasela




Fissure. Ketdlag. Itching. Clceratioa. Coustlpatkspecialty,

FtMST.UCIS.aia rwihllfiaeilUSuLfloiaUl

DcTYouEverjmtmmtitMctmKjr afTELBOk SEMVKB

wHmWmOKMjraWasWbrv (to "POSTAL" -

tbetleUP W

WILUAll F. HOMES. H. J. DlaPresident. Dacratary.srrawpjanwD ne isa

MlasaCmi aTATK MUTUAL. FlBUtmakise ixsvitAiice coJiPA.srr.

urnca. so. x laeewut St.. bc iaia, assT.l. Hell Main SmA. Tel. Klnloch A MM.pDltclea are written eo ttthor stock er muta

siaa.Henry C Haarstlek. J. B. C. R. Orthw.ln. I. I. Walkar.Wav. F. Hemrs. Jas. W. U.U.

BtC. Rawaa.


$7.65 IndianapolisAe.t return. Juna S. ZU S. "3. June ... IMi.

$26.85 Asbury ParkAnd return. June . S). July 1. --. return limit Julr M. with prunes, r.r

ta Auuit 31. 1 "".. Tliketa wiltale be eoM via New Yurk with stp- -oirr at that point. In .liiinon to regu-U- r

trains, a .peclal train will runtnroagh. to ASbury fara. imitoi i.Louts 14 a. m. July 1st. with cuarhes.aleepers and dining car.

$21.25 BaltimoreAnd return. July 2. 2. 4. retura limitIneludmc Julv li. wllh (irt.lleg. cf

to Aucust Jl. 5S46 IVstJeeregular train. xieclal train will berun tlimueti to Ilaltimore. Iraelcg .Iuls a. m Julr 4'h. with coat hew,aie.p.r alia uiutng car.

$16.00 PittsburgAnd return. August it. Is. return limitIncluding August 23, 130s.

$22.00 PhiladelphiaAnd return. September IS. 14. 17. ratttralimit tncludtna September zh. wjtkprlviler- - of extension to October a. lsa .

For foIUera glvlnc full details, also forSieeplsg car reservations, addrras

C. C. Ct.'RTICft D. P. A.Ttli aad OlU. K:a. St. touuu.1

!. wses.PARKER'S !HairVBV-aB.- s f

BalsamPrnmotes i tha srewUi of th hair andgTtestttJle lustre aiidtflAlassofyontB.Whea th hair Is gray or faded ttWNMS BACK THE TatnirfW. CCtOf--E

It prevents Pandruff and baa falUaga ji aTi.. t ti .rain rieftn aaa neaitnT.

held In th M. E. Church last night. Thfollowing ara the graduates: U llltam A.Crookson. Miss Frtda Albert. Miss FredaJohnson. Mlsa Rose Turner and Miss Wil-liams. Xhe following teachers have Ik enemployed for th next term of the school:Principal, u. K. Dulbs of New Clt :Misses Myrtle Woulward. Elizabeth Williams and Rva Dawson.

And other fine engraved stationery, '"allor write for samples and estimate

MKRMOD. JACAliU KING.Broadway. Cor. I.ocut.

Aeeeala Call ta Vlrslala. III.Rrrrnuc sitxtau

Vtrginlt. III.. June 2. The Iteverenl J.M. 1C-I- I of r'liuritun. la., has accepte.1 thepastorate of the Cumberland PresbyterianChurch here. The Reverend Joseph Hickshas rrs!gnsl.

Wae--a Vas Ca tm sjesr TaskVisit the uniquely beautiful diamond, silverware. Jtwelry. cut glass and br'c-a-bra- c

showrooms of Mermod. Jaccard aV

King; No. Fifth avenue (bet 3h and2Tth sts ). You will be cordially welcome.

now EM- - sTRAWIT.rr.11. Tei., June 2 --Tha Iterererd r yr

Itoeet of Cklsholm and Miss K"sts fpra"'.ef th: city sfr marrieci r.ere last nisat ortt Jtsverend it a Thompson cf

as --seelst sbskmasp flnHFml9f casaflaV



YOU'LL find fashion'In the new

Crestt styles. You'll alsodiscover that Crossstt com-fort Is novor crowded to malesroom for style.

lswis a. csossrrr. inv.ftorth AWntrtan. Mat.
