The South Lyon Herald - Imagine the Possibilities Business Directory, Friday 3:30 - Shoppir. Mon-day...

IN Ln*&Gsvda Ciii and Eqvlpssnt II, Sporthig Goods 11k_scum LYON HERALD—MILEORO TIMES—NORThYILLE RECOPD—P4OVI HEWS—Wsdnh.daylTh’JfldIY. SSQtS~~ i6,il. 1957 Ill Building Mstsdih Annual SKI SALE New clothing and quipt- mint. Saturday, Sunday. Ssptember 19, 20. 10 am to 6 pm. Lake Sherwood. 2509 Paviniwood. _____________ 14 GA. Galvanized steel wafts. 42 inches hl9h by 5 arid 6 foot. Also 4 foot radius corners. W%h bracings. (313464.1221. % BAGS Copeland csrnent, 50 VermIculite. Ch.ap. (313$M1221. 152 Honn& EqUP4MM REGISTERED ½ Arab mire. 10 years. Flashy. spIrited, •xcsptêonil dIsposItiOn. O.K. Zeus breedIng. $1200. (3134254335. DP Gym Pac 3500 weight machine. Excellent condi• !‘cn~~ 50~ Call 1313475-2422. MOSSSEPG Upland Special. 20 9auge Pump. 3’ ~chamber, ii’ barreil, Vent rib, multi- choke, 1 year old. Excellent condition, with cisc. $130. (313432.5671. CLASSIFIEC DEADLINES Wednesday 12:00 - Grati Sheet Shopping Guide Serv- in~Dexter I Green Shut Shopping GuIde Serving Highland, Thursday 3:30 - Shopper Business Directory, Friday 3:30 - Shoppir. Mon- day Green Sheet. & Green Sheet BusIness Dfteclorye, Monday 3:30 - Wednesday Green Sheet. Ia Csdcal REGISTERED Appaloosas. 2 geldIngs, I mare. Go Lightly and plidult bloodlinee. Quil- Ity at muet sell prIces. (313)431-5958. REMINGTON 30.~ automatic rifle with scope. $250. (313Q29-2771. ~f.i $ECRETARY,tUlI-t~t ‘~‘ accountIng and tYPIThQr~,g experienced only. Cut (m4334w. , AM Peat, topsoil. bark, $~d. gravel. decorative elwie. Immediate delivery. FIp~cher I Rickard Land- ;~ape Supplies. (313)4374009. ALL NATURAL Liquid Lawn FertIlizer, Our fertilizers are ORGANIC and NATURAL. Call for tree estimate and our Seasonal program. There’s nothing like it in your area. (313Q*2080. ALL NATURAL Liquid Lawn Fqflillzer. Our ferlilizers are ORGANIC and NATURAL. CMI for tree estimate and our seasonal program. There’s nothing like it ~ your area. f313)229-2060. AYAILABLE mote and turt pest control with no chemi- cila. Permanent control, guaranteed for to years. Call Afl Natural Liquid Lawn Fertilizing. (313)229-2050. BOLENS lose garden tractor, 42’’ mower, snowplow, cNains. Very good condition. $100. (313)231-3899. C3LL for our completely NATURAL and ORGANIC seasonal lawn fertilizing program. Ask about our on the spot Soil and Lawn Artaytsis test. For estimates and further information call (313)229-2080. There’s nothing like it in your area, COLE’S nd. 2 Sunny Lawn Sad Mix Sill lb., Agrico 22;S10 grass food 40 lb. bag 9.p50 sq. ft. coverage $8.75. Cci’s Elevator, East end of Marion St. in Howell. (517)5*2720. CRArSMAN Heavy Duty L4n Tractor. 10 h.p.. 8 speed transmission. 38 inch mower deck, Turf and Agri- cultural tires, chains, many new pafls, spare blades, and~’ bake. $500. (313432-7355 after S p.m. IN CuSS BOOKKEEPER. Srlghton area real estate firm asking experienced bookkeeper. QualIfied individual will have minimum ol 5 years record keeping experience. Know- ledge of construction accounting required. Non- amoker preferred. Send reaume to Chief FiMnclai Officer; POBox 40; Brighton, Ml. 411$. BOOKKEEPER. Fast paced office. Must type and hive good phone personality. Immediate opening. Excel- lent pay and benefits. Send resume to Box 2997. do South Lyon Hereld, 101 N. Lafayette, South Lyon, MI 4117$. REGISTERED .2W yew oC Morgan, gelding, dark bay, eweet disposItion. Reason- abIe~ (313)73~-5251. HONDA 5500 watt generator, watercooled, like new, $1500. (313)229-6307. ~;;. III Farm Equlpmnt 3PT. equipment. 9 Inch auger. back blade, back scoop. Hay wagon, New Holland cutter end baler, some fence poeta, 4x1x7, Implement trailer. (313)3*1755. ALLIS Chalmers C 25 h.p., with new Woods 5 foot mower, hydrolic lift. $2,150. Farm All H with plow end disk, excellent. $1,195. I.H. 2595 with loader. 3 pt., P.l.O. M.F. 200B Crawler Loader. $5,459. Ford 550 30 h.p. , live hydrolics, A-I. $2,650. John Deere 1020. 25 others, Pane. Hodgea Farm Equipment. (313)6294411, Fenton since 194. BRUSH Hoge 4, 5, 5 foot, 3 pt. and pull type. From $450, Be4co 3 pt. gear drive finish mowers. From $805. 3 p1. blades. $175. Lift boone, $59. 3 Pt, rotatiller, 42 inch to 56 Inch. Poet hole dlggere 9 and 12 Inchauger. $375. 3 pt. lawn and tree sprayers. Parts and accessories. Hodges Farm Equipment. (313429-6481. FORD 3100 Loader Backhoe. Ford 3400 Loader, 3 pt, P.l.O. Jonn Deere 450 C Dozer e way. Jobn Deere 2010 Loader Backhoe. excellent. uj50. Case 310 Crawler Loader. 20 others. Delivery anywhere. Hodges Farm Equipment. (313429-6481. FORD 9N,tractor with 3 pt. hitch. Fair condition. $1,500. (313)437-1045. rV 1s1D~-cat~ IsD~ii REGISTERED Arab mare. 16 years. Shown 4-H. Trained English and Western. (313*874446. SLATE top regulation size pool table, set of Belgian balls. $5001517)548-106I. SMITH and Wesson Model 39. 9 MM automatic. Nickel- satin finish. Permit required. $300. Alter 6p.m. (313)437-0705. 111 Farm Products APPLES. Macintosh, Colt- land, Jonathon. $8.50 per bushel picked. Fresh cider. Tanner Farm, Silo’s mile south or Gregory, at 14525 M-106. (313)498-2313. 151 Household Pete THE goldens are here. Golden retriever puppies. AKC. 7 weeks old. Mates and females. Mom and dad here too. (Stl)54$-0366. YORKSHIRE Terrier. AKC, male. I year. Loves kids, h ou sebrok en . $225. (517)5*2932. 152 iloreee& Equipment 14 YEAR old ½ Arabian chestnut mare. $350. (313)557-1244. 198$ APHA(PTHA black breeding awn filly. tall, great conformation, paid up In Tn-state and MSPB and 0 futurltles. $1 .000. Must setl. (517)223-3527. 2 ARABIAN Geldings. 12 and 13 years old. Very gentle. (313)343-3432. 4 YEAR old sorrelt mare, 15 hands. $500. (313)231.1964. APPALOOSA - 15 year old gelding. 16.2. black and white with blanket. Dressage and English - Pleasure. 51,500 neçotiabie. (31 3)-437’04I 4. ARABIAN dispersal sale. 4. $500 and up. Ribbons. (313)535-7560 or (313)5374300. ARABIAN Mares: $5~ to $1 .000. Milford: Call (313455-7790. A&S SUPPLIES Fencing materials~ Cedar Posts, Oak Lumber and Boards. Wire farm fencing. Installation available. Free Estimates. (313)231-2207. 163 NUtting Ksnn ABrightonuomwouldliketo care (or your child. (313)7274128. —s- A Hartland mother will babys- It. Non-emoking. All ages; (3134324243. ~—j BABYSITTER. Mature persoui. to care for toddler Mon*y through Friday. Our Soutti- Lyon home. Own tmnap01~ ~‘ tion~ Non.einfler. Long tens commItment preferred. References. (313)431-8931. IN $ee*aUCWt RUSTLER horse trailer. Hand tooled saddles and tack. Make offer. ~ bales fIrst cutting hay, $1 S bale. (517)34-1969, SALE or lease registered Morgan Mare, Champion bloodlines. Very pretty, excellent temperament. Reasonably priced. Would consider trading for tack. (517~. 162 MedicS RESPIRATORY Care Unit Manager sought, 19 bed ventilator dependent unit in 159 bed JCAH approved long termed care center. RN required, BSN preferred. Competitive wages. Excel- lent benetits. Please submit resume to Administrator, Greenbtler Care Center: 3003 W. Grand River, Howell. E.0.E. wednasdaylmursday. SePIembV 15117. 1W—SOUTH LVOt4 HERALD—MILFO~D TIMES—NORThVIU.E RECO~D’-NOV~ NEws—114” 3, , 191 CivicS LEGAL Secretary: For grow- Ing Brighton Law Firm. Secretarial experience required. Legal experience preferred. Send resume to Box 2492 do The Brightoli Argus: 113 E. Grand River, Brighton Mi. 43116. OFFiCE help. Full and part time poaitiona available. Typing. teieØone, and orga- nlzationai skills a must. Salary commensurate with capabilities. Call (313)711-6100. 10 to 2, ask for Mr. Slenko. PART-lIME mature person wanted with general office skiUa- Farmlngton Hills area. cia Betty for appointment at (313)473.12th PART-TiME Monday. Wednesday, Friday morn- rigs. Must be familiar with adding machine, some accounting experience help- ful. Apply in person: Won- dwide Tv, 34701 Grand River, Farmlngton (between Fermirigton and Drake Roads). (313)477-1500. PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Needed in Northviile news- paper office Monday and Tuesday to perform various office duties. Must have high school diplomior equivalent. Accurate typing skIll needed, good interpersonal skills and telephone manners a neen- city. $4.05 per hour to start. Apply Siiger!Livlngston Pubiications. 323 E. Grand River Avenue, Howell, Mi. 48843, No phone calls, we are an Equal Opportunity Empsojer. RNs!LPNs. Livingston Care Qenter Is accepting applica- tlons for full and pan-time RNe and LPNs. WorkIng wIth flexible hours on all shifts. Pleasant atmosphere. Competitive wages. Offering many benefits Including tree child sitting from the hours 6 am. to 5:30 p.m. for fulL- time employees. £01. 1333 w. Grand River, Howell. (517)5*1100 attention Mrs. Wallace. HUSKY Buildings, for garages. storage and shops. 24x40x8 equals $3,790. Complete labor and material. Normal 3 day construction, 1(800)292-0615. PIONEER Pole Building: 30 x 40 x 10, one 12 slIder, one 38” entrance door, 1’ boxed eave overhang, premium header and root system with 45 -2 x S truss, ½” whIte styrene roof insula- tion. fiberglass ridge cap, mix and match 12 colors In siding, roofing and trim with 25 year paint system guaran- tee. $5,490.00 includes quick contruction, Other sizes and options available. (500)292-0679. PIONEER Pole Buitdlng s Fall Sale: 24x10x10. one 9x7 overhead door, one lOxlO sliding door, one 35’’ entrance door, one 3x3 window. I’ boxed eave overhang, 2x6 45 no. truss. ½” insulstion in roof, ftberg- Lass ridge cap. nix and match 12 colors in siding, roofing and trim. $4990.00. Cell toll free000-292-0679. BUYING standing hardwood timber. Offering free no obligation bids. T op dollar paid. Oakley Hardwoods. ask for Steve, (517)845-3266. Evenings (313*83-2851. CAROL’S Plucking Parlor. Chickens. turkeys, butch- ered. CatI for appointment. (313)579-5606. PANTRY, line cooks, ano dishwashers. Applications now being accepted Canopy Reetaurant, 130 W. Grand River, Brighton. PIZZA Hut is looking for part~tlme cooks and waitper- Sons for all shifts. Please apply within between 1 and 5 p.m. Brighton and Howell locatIons. . ISO Help Wanted Gin- 155 Help Wanted Genarsi APARTMENT complex in Howell accepting applica- lions for full time malnte- nance person. (5173543-7550. APARTMENT maintenance personneL. We are currently seeking applicants for appliance service tech trii- nee. Apply In person: AAA Applience, 4475 East Grand River, Howell, Mi. BABY-SITTING done In Milford. Weekdays only. kinch provided. (313416-3245- ~. BABY-SITTER fuN-time - non- smelter for teachers toddler~~ k~ my West eloomfiald hon’S or your home. References. (313413-1155. ~ . SAWDUST. pickup or dcliv- cry. (313)452-1195. SHARP Arabian gelding. 14.2 hands, very well traIned’ western pleasure, english. jumping, barrel racing, tricks. Always in the ribbonel A super horsel $2,000. (517)548-7008. tie Help Wanted GeneS BE your own boasi Fortune 500 company looking for 4 self motivated indlvldueie. Earn company car, incur- snce, paid vacation. Send I page hand written letter about yourself to: D&D, 3320 An elus Dr, Pontiac, MI Ill Restaurant COHOCTAH Hay Com~1any: First and Second cutting. Delivery available. 517)546-1631. GRAVITY box. 250 bushel and running gear. Excellent condition. Best offer. (517)516-7231. HEAVY duty triple axle equipement trailer with Pintle hook. new tires. new bed. $1~ firm. (313)227-7562. BRANCH RECEPTIONIST Manufacturira Bank Is currently seeking an ambi- tlous motivated Individual to work as a branch receptioniat at our Novi Road-Grand River location. Duties include greeting customers, answer- ing the IeIeØOn& fIling, typing correspondence, openIng and closing safe deposit accounts and other clerical duties. Ouaiifled candidatea muat have an accurate typing skIll of C wpm and previous offIce experience, excellent verbal and written communications skills are required. A compe- titive salary, flexible benefits package and opportunity for career growth are available to the successful candidate. For consideration, please submit your resume and salary requirement in confi- dence to or contact: H. Fenichneider, Manufacturers Bank. Personnel Dept., 411 W. Lafayette, Detroit, Ml 48224. (313)222-2520. Equal Opportunity Employer, MIFIHIV. CONS I RU C T1ON LABORERS Local builder needs construction laborers In Non area. Cali (313424-2570 and leave message. THOROUGHBREDS from $1,200. (511)545-9274, or (517)548-672*. THE Roadhouse Restaurant at Oak Pointe is now accept- ing applications for all restaurant positions. Flexible hours, good opportunity In a growing company. Apply within. lot ionely2yearold wiih%a to babysit. days. Hot unchee. Lots of play mom. in :!~e —i_We Tyrone, Hartland 5 rca.’ Please call 13134324447. Drop ins also welcome. IAÔ~HER of Two, who enjoys chiiâren, would love to cerm or yours. Reasonable rates, CaiU313$37-0304. MO;HER 61 2 would Ions to babysit your newborn or 2-3 yeaoid In the Howell, Byron Roqâ area. Call Janet at 15131546-1114. MMHER would like to babY-sit, Howell area (M-59, No’tthweat School). ~17—. NANNY needed, 30-40 hours per\ieek for care of Infant and”klndergartener, inciud- ingrgreals, laundry and light ho~aekeoping. ¶2 Mile, Hserty area. (31313534107. NEED an experienced caring babysitter? Eight’ Mile PQfgiac Trail. area. Call (3l~37-%9I. NEEDED babysitter in the Soqibeast School DIstrict. Cai3$fter 4:30(517)543-3835. NESDED: Dependable respnsibte person to care forc,’children daily in my Howell home. f 517)548-1699. NO~HVILLE mother wishes to babysit. 2 years or older. Fultima. (313)349-2547. NURSERY attendant. Bright- oct”Church of the Nazarene. EvEry Sunday mornIng. 3 tiolin. 56-60. per hour. Ideal for older adult. (313)227-6604. SIllIER needed 2 days per week 9 am. to 5 p.m. 2W yet old and year old. in ofl~t. Brighton area home. Non-smoker, own auto, good pa~~4deal forcoiiege student (~jfl if available only I day pea 3 we.k). (313)2294233 or (313)229-4557. 112 MedicS C.R.N.A. McPherson Community Health Center, a 1%-bed acute care general hospital, is actively recruiting for a Nurse Anesthetist, We are located In Howell, & pleasant euburban area between Lansing and Detroit. Candidates will be a regis- tered nurse in the State of Michigan, and a graduate of a nurse anesthetist pjogram approved by the American Association Cl Nurse Anesthetists. The successful candidate will receive an excellent salary plus employment bonus. A compreh enslve non- contributory benefits prog- ram Is provided. For consideration, send resume or call: McPHERSON COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Human Resources Dept. 620 Byron Road Howell Ml41843 (517)546-1410 Equal Opportunity Employer DENTAL Assistant. Experi- ence preferred, pan-time, 10 to 15 hours per week. 2 evenings and some Situr- days. (313)537-3300. 153 Farm Animals BOOKKEEPER: AIR, AlP. Experienced Only, (517)543-8570. BABYSITTER: My Howill home. Must have reliable car. CaIi(517)541’ZSIO- , ~ I BABYSITTING, moths! daughter team for kids oe 2. References- (517)641-1541.-: , BABYSITTER wanted In Haat-” land area to care for our six month old infant. Daya, 24 to’ 32 hours weekly. must Pin: experience and lots of DIG. I Call David at (313)47$-7420Oi~~ (313$3*1389. . , JOHN Deere 54 inch front blade, power angle, fits all 400 models, used once. like risw (51 7)223-91 5I . CUB CADETS sales and service. parts. Suburban Lawn Equipment. 5955 Whit- more Lake Road, Brighton. (313)227-9350. EQUIPMENT for 18 h.p. Sciens tractor, Sno Blower, $300, Rototilier, $300. Cultiva- tor, $75. (313)378-3564. FORD 9N tractor with 3 Pt. hjtch and PT, brush hog, double plow, gang disc, Simplicity rototiller, 8 h.p. All for $t .950. Owner (3’l 3485-8440. JOHN Deere Edger. Good condition. $125. (313)227-2480 afterS pm. DUCKS and geese for sale. Ready to eat. (313)493-2847. FARMERS Special. Stale bread, 3 cents a pound. ideal for pig feed. Large quantities weekly. (313)420-3026. CONSTRUCTION I Heavy equipment operator. Up to $15 an hour. Machines and types vary. Full time, perma- nent. Local Ann Arbor - Ypsilanti Area. Call JOBS. (313)971-9600. APPLES lMclntosh. Joastholls) Also In our market eaIli.u Pea’s. Grap.s, Popcorn. preset-yes. Kon•v.C~~.r a Doughnuts PICNC AREA’ OecNAMDS 3 M, weg ci ~ o~ I Mde ~d Oçen DSIv~ 34,423. WEAUTIFUL weanling and yearling Arabian colts and fillies. Excellent bioodlines. Flexible terms. (517)548-7008. BEAUTIFULLY Restored runabout buggy. Completely original $650. (313)227-1349 consistantlyl WANTED: Massey Ferguson Gilt All or gas engine. pert engine parts. (313)437.4660. I PETS •‘~ii~j FEEDER pigs. Wormed and castrated. Kensington Farm Center. (313)685-1561, 9 a.m. toe p.m. ACCEPTiNGapplications for day and night bus persons and dishwashers. Full time night hostlhostess. Also part time lunch cafe waltperaons. Apply in person 129 East Main Street, NorthvHte. APPETEASERS COUNTRY EPICURE: Newly remodeled. Re-opening Mid September. Restaurant, Lounge and Banquet Facilities. Now hiring Cooks, Waitstaff. Dishwashers, Bus People, Call for interview appoint- ment: Ask for Karen or Joe. (313)3*1170. A & W GREAT FOOD RESTAURANT Full and pan-tlme day and evening positions available. Earn up to $5 starting wages. Pay comensurate with exper- lence. InquIre at MW Food Restaurant in Twelve Oaks. (313)3STh14. BOOKKEEPING with ex- pirience for small corpora- lion in Fowlervilte area one day each week. Excellent pay. Call (517)223-8955. Send resume to Box 2599 do Livingston County Press. 323 Vt Main, Howell, Ml 48343. - BOX Shop wants to hire aggressive, full-time help. Apply in person: September 15th or 17th between 8:30 am. and noon. P 8 E Enterprises, 5640 M-59, Howell (behind Bargain Barn). SIERRA BUILDINGS: BUY NOW AND GET FREE WINDOWS with buildin purchase. until October 1. 1 colors - top quality. painted steel. 3Ox4OxB feel, 84,995 ERECTED ON YOUR SItE. Over 75 years experisnce - call toil-free and compare our FEATURES, BENEFITS. and LONGEVITY with any other bulidingsf STANDARD BUILDING SYSTEMS; 1-800-442-9190. 7 sin. to 8 p.m. Ask for details. 115 Trade Or Sell BABYSITTER for 2 year old girl. Tuesday, Friday, 9:30 ID 5. My home preferred: (313)349-5225. , , - BABYSITTER NEEDED in my. Pirickney area home Monday through Friday 6:30 am. to. 9 a~. Please call after S p.m. (313475-3017, BEGINNER horse manage- ment class. Howell Commun- ity Education, starts October 13. (517)546-6201. POLLED Hereford steer, 600 lbs. , must see. $400. (517)223-9090. APPLICATIONS being taken for part time evenIng clerks at the Cohoctan General Store. 2 to 3 days a week. Apply in person. (517)546-1508. ARE you looKing for extra cash? We need reliable people to help clean homes. Benefits and flexible hours, Rendall’s Carpet and Home Cleaning. (313)231-1005. ARE you the person we’re looking for? There’s only a short time left for you to join the best party plan aroundl Christmas Around The World still hiring demonstrators for our fantaeUc 1937 line of Christmas decore and gift items. No investment, collecting. or delivery. We supply sample kit ($300 value), all supplIes, and training. Average $8 to $1 per hour. Part time now through November. Hurry hiring ends soon . Call Lorraine (313)578-9030, Pinckney. Vicky (5174*2821 , Howell. ASSEMBLY Line workers. Howell, Brighton area. (517)546-6570. RNsILPNs. Livingston Care Center is accepting appilca- tions for full end part-time RNs and LPN5. Working with flexible hours on all shifts. Pleasant atmosphere. Competitive w~ges. Olfering many benefits lnoiuding free child sitting from the hours 6 am. to 8:30 p.m. for full- time employees. E.O.E. 1333 W. Grand River, Howell. (517)543-1900 attention Mrs. Wallace. ULTRASOUND SONOGRAPHER McPherson Community Health Center, a 138-bed acute care hospital. has an Immediate opening for a full-time Ultrasound Sonographer. The successful candidate must be a Registered Diag- nostid Medical Sonographer. Also a minimum of I or more years’ eWperience in OBJGYN, Abdominal and Small Parts Is required. Vascular and Prostratlc Scan- ningisapius. We are located in Howell, Michigan, a pleasant subur- ban location between Ann Arbor and Lansing, approxi- mstely 45 minutes from Detrloil. Interested candi- dates may apply at or send resume to: McPHERSON COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Human Resources Dept. 620 Byron Road Howell Ml 45343 Equal Opportunity Employer 151 Housahold Pets PUT Some meat in your sheep flock. Registered Shropshire rams and ewes. (517)548-9581. McDonalds ~4.25 HR All Shifts Flexible Hours Free uniforms, free mealB, paid vacations, hospitaliZation avail. Mothers work While children go to school, CPA on staff to monitor retiree’s earnings to avoid over earning. Apply in person or call between8-11 am, 2-5 pm. McDonids Twelve Oaks Mel 341-0215 Wlxesn I-IS &Wlxom Rd.) 341-3131 BLACKSMITH Horseshoeing, trims, shoes, resets. days, night. weekends. Joy (313)399-9022. PART TIME SECRETARY needed for an electrical engineering service company. Flexible hours Monday through Friday start- lng at $4.00 per hour. Send resume to ERI, at 129 West Lake Street, South Lyon. MI 45175 or call (3t3)437-7673. BABY-SITTiNG In Countey Estates Mobile Home. GoodS Piot lunch, I years expe4 ence, excellent -reference, plenty of TLC. Call shame; (313)437.6471. ,,‘ IN lselpwaitted GeneS A DIETARY Aides neededf; S am. to 2 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to:~ 5:30 p,mAlOdleWry5flSç 12:30 p.m. tol:Z p.m. Relief cook, 6:30 am. to 4:30 pm.:. pan time. Call (313485-1400 or,, apply West Hickory Haven.. - 3310 West Commerce Road. Miiford. DIRECT sales. Fulilpart-tlme. X~mas sales heip neede4:, highest commission, ground floor company. experience helpful but not necessary. wilt train. For interview. cal’ 9a m . to 12noon- (313)632-6556. Crulsslma~ nagement to those who ~‘ _ DISHWASHERS wanted:; Days. Waitpersons: full and.. part time. Apply 135 east’ Main, (313478-3870. DOG Groomer, experienced necessary. Top 1 pay. Bust mobile service. (517)546.2322..DOMINOS Pizza of Howeit’: has openings for Pint: Makers and Phone persons. Training Provided. Must be at least IS years old and able tO work at least I weekend night’ a week. Mostly evening work. Not late. Pays $3.50 per hour. I Apply at the Howell Domino!. ioèatlon. .- DON’TBE LEF’TOUTII Our Demo Hiring Season- ends soon, be pail of th.~ Christmas Around The World Family. Free $300 kits. Free Training and Suppiles. Part time work now through November. Full time pay,~ Average $8-St an hour or~ more. What Have You Got To. Lose? Join us for your beat Christmas yet. Call Jackie:” (517)546-4447. KatieC (St 7)546-8731 , Sandy): (517fl . JQHN Deere II?. 48” deck, needs starter, $800 or best. ( 7)5484816. ______ .1 HN Deere 54 inch front blade, power angle. fits all 400 models, used once, like npw. (517)223-9181, POWER Reel Mower. Good cèndltion. $45 (313)227-2480 after6 m. RECONDITIONED Lawn Mowers. Tractors, Trade In’s ; Taken! Repairs, Tune Ups to Overhaul. Pickup. Deiivery Available. Used Parts. 517)5*52*2. RABBITS, Dutch, $5. Angor- as. show, breeding. pet or woolers. $10 and up. Also Mint-Lops, all ages. (517)546-7942. COLE’S Super mix horse feed 100 lb. bag $9.00. September specials— Red Cell $11.50 9ai.. Wheat Germ Oil $17.50 gal. , Yucca 6 lb.$9.95— Save $1.00 each. Cole’s Elevator, East end of Marion St. in Howell. (517)545-2720. HANDSPINNERS wool. Corriedale white, cleaned. and carded roving. Evenings (517)548-4598. COCKTIEL. Dark grey. Lost 9-12. Named Buddie. Reward $25. (313)3*3524. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES GALORE!! ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Legal secretaries 122.000 Executive secretaries $21,000 Secretaries 519,200 Rec.ptloniete $16,640 Clerk typists $15,300 Accounting clerks $14,510 Call now (313451-3160 SNELLING a SNELLING OF FARMINGTON HILLS 154 Pet Supplies 11$ Chriatmas Trees BLUE clay mix. (517)548-1017. BOARDING. Inside or out, starling at $98 per month. quality care. (313429-9492 or (313)239-9068. BOARDING horses. Box stalls. Daily pastures. Quality care. $120 a month. (313)878-9570. CONSTRUCTION LABOR- ERS, Brighton area road and sewer construction company is hiring laborers. Send resume or work history to P.O. Box 722, Brighton. Mi 45t16. E.O.E. CONTROLLER For growing manufacturing company. ‘the successful candidate will assume responsibie of the financial reporting function. Including: . Financial statement preparation - Accuracy of financial records - Filings of payroll and ir,come tax returns . Supervision of accounting staff . Maintaining strong internal controls Computer experience is necessary. ideal opportunity for moti- vated individual wishing to make transition from public accounting to private industry. Send resume to: P.O. Box 1.68, Howell, Ml 48344-0163. BABYSITTER wanted.’ 3- month old. 3 days a week aid Baturdaye until 3 p.m. M~Jl’ be experienced with infants~ and have references. MIted area. (313415-7044. . .‘. 117 Office Supplies and Eqtslpmint 3 YEAR old black lab with papers. $75 to good home only. (517)521-4756. A GREAT NEW HOME WANTED: for Tundra, a small white shepherd: Pepper, eli black Lab/Setter mix. Our Owners must move, We are willing to be adopted sepa- rately. Both are spayed. Free to good home. (313469-9118. AKC Bichon Frise, Lhaaa Apso. Poodte, Shlh 1w, Chow Chows. and YorkshIre Terrier puppies. Shots. Guar- anteed. (517)546-1459, AKC Doberman puppies, black and rust. Tails and dew . claws done. $100 each. (313)449-8691. TEDDY BEAR’S Playhouse in Milford has openings for c*ildren, ages 2 to 3¼. (~5j$4-43l9. iAKER, full or part-time, flexible hours. Call Sue mornings. (313)349-2900. BARTENDERS and waRper- eons. Part-time, day and night shift. Apply in person: Smm’s Lakeland Pub, 9495 Chulson Road, Lakeland, Michigan. DOG run, Like new. 10x4 ft.,6 ft. high. Large cedar bed. $225. (313)344’4228. MEDIUM- Large doghouse. Fully carpetbd. Removabte ~ offer. (313)566-1908. 155 Animel Services HAY. Second cut. or last years leftovers, delivery available. (313)629-9492 or f313)flfl%& FULL AND PART-liME JOBS. Retail experience helpful. Send resume to: Koit Jewel- era, P.O. Box 621, Howell Mi. 435u. BRIGHTON Area schools, chair givers nseded for school age child care prog- ram; 7 am to 9 am end 3 pm toe:X pm. Some half and full days. $4.00 per hour. Appllc- ants muatbe at least IS years old. Experience witt~ this age group preferred. Contact Phyilis Shelters, at (313)229-lW between 9 am and noon. BUS Persons, experienced. Day shift. $4.50 to $5.00 per hour. Plus tips and benefIts, Apply in person, 11 am to 7 pm. Wednesday thru Sunday. Mesdowbrook Country Club- 40941 w, 5 Mile. Northvilte. TODDLER day care in . my N~I~Oid Dutch Farms Home. 51* (313)34&46- DENTAL Assistant. Seeking exceptional person for full or part•time position. ii you are health orientated. bright, very “people-caring” and a non-smoker, our progressive learn needs you. Please call (517)543-7920 from 8:30 am. tol2:tC Noon or(517)546-4205 from 7 p.m. to 9p.m. L.E. Hearin, ODS and learn. PART-TIME light duty office help, phone, filing, etc. 9-2 p.m. (313)227-5422. PART Time Secretary. Stock brokerage branch office seeking mature Individual with good communication skills to perform secretarial functions. Must be well organized and like detail work. $4 per hour. 20 hours per week. For interview send resume to Box 2696, do the .,-. Livingston County Press, 323 S East Grand River, Howell, Mi 45343. E.O.E. SCREENED topsoil. Howell (517)546-9527. SEARS 11 hp. tractor. with 36’ deck, $350 tskes and 10’ blower. all, (3t3)685-3728 evpnings. night. Howell (511)641-0749. BABYSITTER area. . t needed Fowlervilie area (517)48-3438. ., ASSISTANT bookeepsr. Accounts receivable, accounts payable, reception- st. collection experience. Typing, efficient on caicula- tor- Full time. Benefits. NovI, (313)349.9330. 1’Wochildren need a non- smoking nanny, days. (315)449-4751 efterS p.m. BARTENDERS, male/female, full or part-time. Red Dog Saloon. (313485-2171. WHOAI See our reasonably priced family type sound horses first. Registered or grade. We don’t need 4 waIts or roof to show them. Ride them yourself. Your vet may inspect. Will consider tride- ins. Used equipment avail- aWe. We guaranty, we aim to please. Also buying regis- tered or grade horses and equipment. Hauling avaIl- able. (313)665-8215. SALE. Katlin’s Orchard: Sate. Mcintosh Apples, $6.75 a bushel. Now picking, Red Delicious, Jonathon, and pears. Fresh cider daily. Ho ney , Jam 5 . Open 9:30 am. everyday. 5060 Oak Grove, Howell Mi. (517)546-4907. A’SSETS, files. student desks 539.95, executive chairs $59.96. copier $399.16. type-. writer. $49.50, IBM. $119. refrigerator, sofas. 7 piece dinette. $1S96. cash regis- ter, word processor, bindIng machines, $259.50, new burster, $596.69. decclfetoqs, $349.99. paper ahrtdflt, $399, computer furnIture. Repairs of IBM PC compu- ters, typewriters. cop1ers, calculators. 231 W. Nine Mile Road (313)548-6404. 30635 W. Ten Mile Road,(313)474-3375. ALL breed boarding and grooming by professionals with 25 years experience. Very affordable rates. Tama- ra Kennels, (313)229.4339. SEARS 12 h.p. lawn tractor. 42 Inch cutting deck. $300 or best offer. (313)229-7522 after 6 p.m. BUS and porter help needed. Wages plus tips. Apply: Holiday Inn. 125 HolIday Lane Howell. WAITPERSONS wanted. Morning shift. Serious inqu- rica call (313)349-1331. Roaewood Restaurant. 46077 Grand RIver, Novi. ASSISTANT Parts manager. Some parts experience preferred. Full-time position with benefits. Call between 6 and 5. (313)349-0700. BABYSITTER needed foci month old in my home. 2’ afternoons per week, begIn~ - ning mid October. (313)227-5173. , BABYSITTER needed fo,”4’ month infant. My howib’,’ Milford. (313434-2394. ~ DENTAL HYGIENiST - Come work in a prevention oriented practice. Call (3134374300 or (3134344751 for interview appoIntment. DENTAL Hygienist for office in Brighton. Full or pan-time: (313)221-4111. AKC German Shepherd pups. 5100 and up. (3134154364. AK~i’Tiny Male Duchaund pup, Will stay smeli. $200. (3134348166. BASENJI puppies. Born July 23. ARC registered. $350. (313)227-5030. B-U-s PERS 0 NS / C 0 0 k ~- Deys $4 per hour or nights, flexible around school or job. Part or full-time. Will train. (313S USEFUL Grandmother with exceptIonal parenting skills. Otters TLC, good food and supervised play. Infants and Tgd4lers welcome. Pick up service available. Ten Mile sIlk MeadowbrooklNovi are4. Cali Carol as: (313)349-4913. VjA~TED: Mature person to b$ttait in my Novi home 4 days a week. I Small child. R’e$prences requested. .f3~2J3444757 5:30 p.m. to i~,m. . OATES. Crimped Oats. Hay first and second cutting. Gehyl feed grinder mixer. New Holland manure spread- er. (313)876-5574. StARS 16 hp. tractor, 48” snowblower, 48’’ deck, weights, and chains. 3 point ldtch. $1,800 or best. 1517)548-8516. -— IiAWS Garden tiller, $75. 2 bottom Ford Plow, $300. (313)578-3564. WAITPERSON needed. Days, weekends. Month of Septem- Sr only. $3.35 per hour plus tips. Experience not neces- eary. Call Salem Hills Golf Course. (313)437-2162. PEOPLE person. Enthusias- tic, flexible, Cooperative person needed for peopl.e business”. Detail oriented - lots of phone, Full time positloin wIth benefits. Apply: 1100 Packard Pd, Ypsilanti. between I am. andl2noon,orl-4 p.m. CANINE Clips all breed dog grooming- 1300 South Milford Road, Highland. (3134874859. PUPPIE PAD ProfessIonal All Breed Dog Grooming. 20 Years Experl- encel Reasonabiel Satisfac- lion Guaranteedi (517)546-1459. ATTENTION: Due to rapid expansion, Nation’s largest home cleaning service now hiring. Flexible hours. No nights or weekends. Advancement. Car neces-’ sary. (313)471-0930. CARBIDE grInder hands wanted: surface, bianchard, cam and form tool grinders. Will train. Full benefits. Apply: 22635 Heslip Drive, Novi. 155 Help Wanted General DENTAL hygientist wanted. Full or part time, for busy general practice. Good bane- fits. Send resume to: Box 2594. do South Lyon Heysld, 101 North Lafayette, South Lyon, M14517$, CASHIER SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Needed Immediately. Experience helpful but not necessary. Apply In p•rson to CWAYL STONE WALDECKER Pontiac e Bukk 7115 W. Grand River Brighton ~ME join our staff. Part time. Flexible hours. Friendly atmosphere. Competitive wages. Experience not necessary. Apply Yun? Yum Tree: ~downtown Brighton. (313)227-7750. BLACK Labrador retriever. AKC. 4 month old female. Shots. Training started. $150. (313)671-5240. EXPERIENCED barn help wanted. also handle horses. OverlSyears, (313)437-0t13. FOR sale, Pert quarter horse and part Conemara. She is a good family horse. English• /Western. Will train for almost anything. Friendly. $450. (313)349-2331. HORSE FENCiNG. 1x6, 8 ft. andlor 16 ft. Oak, rough, can be surlaced. Two sides, Dow Lumber Co. (313)3484t20. BEAUTIFUL nut 36x72 oak veneer desk, 2 matching aide chairs, executive chsir, and bookcase. $1,000. (313)344-9969. OLDER IBM Copier 2. Paper and Ink cartridges Included. Needs repair. $200. (313)229-4871 betwepn 6 and 4. WANTED Veterinary recep- tionist/aasistant. Pan ~ time with. full time potential. Flexible schedule preferred. Includes reception, assisting veterinarian, and kjnrpel duties. Requires pleasant personality. Salary commert• surate with experience. Apply In person. Griffith Veterinary Hospital, 240 Jennings Road. Whitmore Lake. (313)4*2039. BABYSITTER needed.~ Chateau Estates, Ho~eli~ (517)5*0532. - BABYSITTER needed ‘tth~ home. S MIle, Rushton 1t~ area. High school or Jun~(’ high student, after school hours. Call (313)4374844. CHILD Care: TLC in my ilcenaed home in downt4w~’ ~t ~ CAREER OpportunitIes at Size5-7-9-Shop, l2Oaks Mall. Assistant manager and sales people need ed: (313)349-9572. 10 OVERWEIGHT people wanted to earn between $550 to $2,000 per month. Cell Barbara (313)229-4570. - COOK for Weekends: For small group of Senior Citi- zans. Home Cooking. Milford. (313485-7472. COOKS . PANTRY DISHWASHERS Full or pan-time. Apply in person: Plymouth Hilton, 14707 Northville Road. DENTAL hygienist: Fridays, Northvllie preventive prac- tIe- (313)343-9600. ~$NTED miture person to c*fl dinner for family of 3 aji ~‘ supervIse ii year old. 3,;1O.3o 6:30 pm, Monday thru Fri~Ay. Call (313)349-2274 after 6:30~pm. RED and golden delicious. Mcintosh, Jonathon apples. You pick at Spicers Orchards. Wagon Rides on weekends. Cider Mill and Doughnut Shop. Ready picked apples, pears, and plums in Our Country Store. Open Daily 9 to 6. 1.1523 North. Clyde Road Exit. (313)632-7692. WHEAT straw. mulch hay, alfalfa hay - first and second. Rocky Ridge Farm. (517)548-4265. WOODSHAV1NGS: Bagged and Bulk, Call (517)546-3078. Ill Wood Stoves CARPENTERS for rough framing. Experlencs a must. References. (313)229-6271. RECEPTIONIST/Secretary: Busy Real Estate Office In Farmington Hills’ needs. mature person to be pan- tIme Aeceptioniet and S e c r I - ary for Afternoons, Evenings, and Weekends. Must be an excellent typist and outgo- ing person. Send resume and salary desired to Box 2656 c/o South Lyon Herald: 101 N. Lafayette, South Lyon Ml. 43171. EOE. 163 NursIng Homes KITCHEN HELP: Nights, Now Hiring. G~ry’e Catering: 48585 Grand River. Novi, (313)349-8940. DRAFTSMAN Howell survey/civil englnnKj ing firm needs experlenced draflsmsn. Good wages and. benefits. (517)546-4536. “~~‘:~ DRAIN and sewer senict man. ExperIenced in use oL~ Spartan sewer equipmen~ prelerred. Sewer repa&t’~ experience helpful. Steady year-round work. (313)6854440- . . HORSES end livestock haul- ing, anywhere. (313)632-5367. CHRIBTIAN Moan would ~lk4 playmates for Timmy. Dqifl~, town Fowlervilte. Cell $413 (517)223-5255. . ,. 4lj3~,b~b~sit. e~ceiient, child cIN lottof (ove,,days only, teY~pcfl;Aa13~fl~4S74. :, . WAG’N TAILS MOBILE GROOMING Lansing. Michigan is now expanding to serve Livings- ton County. , GMobileVsns Artistic hand scissoring, fluff drying. Dma Perry, Owner 1-45174144797 HOME Hiailh Aides, LPNs and RNs: work for a frIendly. expandIng, home care afln- cy. We are seeking exper- iencsd personnel. Excellent pay and benefits. We consid- er your’persoi’iai’ntede. Call 144M1313)$41142t1u3 I,il~ I,, ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES SENIOR CITIZENS COLLEGE STUDENTS if your’re looking for part- time work, need a second job or just want to get out, this jobs for youl Our Tuesday through Thursday evenings, $3.75 per hour bonus and commission, job is convis- nently located in downtown South Lyon. For more details call between 1 pm to 4 pm. (313)349-3127, (313)2274442, (313456-7545 or (517)546-4309. CONSOLIDATED Dutch west wood burner. Fireplace insert or free standing stove with blower. $600. (313)431.0577. SEARS Tractor, 18 hp. with Idads of attachments. $3,600. (517)543-3013. SHREDDED and screened tgpsoil and black dirt, shred- dad bark. Picked up or delivered. Rod Rsether, (5173548-4498. TOPSoIl, Sand and Stone, Sold by truck load. yard. or by bucket. Eldred and Sons, (313)2294857. TRACTOR mower, 1976 , , Massey Ferguson, 42 inch : cut, snow blade, $550. (313)437-5075 or (313468-0408 anytime. TROY Built Horse, 6 hp. Two tine sets and warranty. $700. (313)685-3728 evenings. WANTED: Snow thrower, rototiller for 1974 through 1918 l6hp Wards tractor. (611)548-4351. HORSES Boarded. New barn. boxed stalls, pasture. (313)8874261. COCKER SpanIel, 10 months, male, ARC, shots. Adult home only. (51 7)543-3009. COLLIE puppies. ARC. Clean, healthy, home raised. (313)303-0439. DACHSHUND pups. Many. black and tan, long-haired. AKC. show quality, not show price. Shots. (517)545,1012, DOBERMAN Pups. Black and Tan. ARC . 0 weeks, (313)482-9350af1er4 pm. GERMAN Shepherd. Male, I year. Black. Champion blood- line, shots, wormed. Regis- tered. (313)887-2308 after 4 pm. $11 .80 PER HOUR Toy, Gift & Decor party plan. WE GUARANTEE EVERY- THING IN WRITING: I. 7 day shipping or $70 FREE 2. Best merchandise guarantee 3$1I.60/hr... inwriting CARPENTER foreman and journeymen. Urge project in Ann Arbor, Union scale. Must absolutely hive real- dential production experi- ence. Michigan Carpentry Industries. (313)525-0055 between 9 am. and 5 p.m. DAY Care in my licensed hoffle, close to Haw~jpp Elementary. Toddlers on (313)227-2321 . . b~iJ~,Ldo babysitting In Si1~tiesRoad area, between G~Md River and Red Oaks. llWvE many years of experi- na (517)546-3040. 112 U-Pick DEPENDABLE. experienced, daycere. licensed Brigh~fl home, specializing in infant care. Full time only. (313)229-4909. , KALAMAZOO stove with fireplace insert. Good condi- tion, (313)437-6537. VERMONT castings vigliant wood/coal burning insert, excellent condition, $375. (313)227-ll4BaflerS pm. WOOD burning fireplace for mobile homes . SI 00. (51 7) HORSESHOEING, 20 years experience. Al Lickfeldt, (517)656-3669, evenings. HORSE size single harness and driving cart. $300. (517)548-5238. Now buying family horses for childrens camp program. Grade or registred. Also selling horses. buyIng used tack and equipment. (313)750-9971. RECEPTIONIST. Must hsve good organizational skills, with basic knowledge of office procedures, along with good telephone personalIty. Fsrmlngton Hliis location. Good benefits, Call for interview between 9 km snd II am. (313)474-0124, Y~1J1G grandma will give ~u, child excellent care, sbtñe tight housekeeping, flexible hours. (313)684-1131. lUMedical ‘ri. Is CAR wash attendant. Days. 8 to 3 p.m. Stan $3.50 to start in September. Apply In person: Novi Auto Wash, 21510 Novi Road (between S and 9 Mile Roads). COSMETIC SALES Self-motivated individual, with outgoing personality. needed for cosmetic sales. Full and pan-time positions with salary, commission, benefits, and advancement opportunities available. Apply in person: Hudson’s 12 Oaks Mall. Cardeaux Count- Sr. on September 16th thru 19th until 5 p.m. FALL red raspberries. U pick- $1 a quart. Picked on order- $2 a quart. (313)437-5872. 8631 Earhart. Open 9 am. to 8 p.m. Closed Sunday. U PICK apples. $7 a bushel. 8348 Nonh Territorial Road, Plymouth. (313)453-2083. [‘LOYMENT ~ ISO clerical GOLDEN Aitriever Pups: ARC, Males $225. Females $300. (517)548-2634. NURSE AIDES Gresnfieid Health Systems Corp., affiliated with Henry Ford Health Care Corp., has immediate openings for private duty cases In the West and Northwest suburbs. I year recent experience and own traiis- portation necessary. Cali (313)912-1672. E.O.E. PART time medical assistant. Send resume to P.O. Box 219, Fowlervllie. Ml 48836. 113 ElectronIcs HAND fed cockatiies. Most colors. $50 and up. Call after 6 (313)656-mI or (313)383-1335 anytime. DIR~CTOR, Day care cente#- 20 hours per week,~ ‘10 months. Must hive at WEst child development sasoqiam certificete, Send resume Ic: The Parents Place, P.O. ‘flak’ 906, Brighton, Ml 45111. .. EXPERIENCED. licensed’ daycsre. Lots of TLC. Meals’ provided. Close to express- ways. (313)227-2353. III Sporting Goods 5 GALLON plastic buckets, nearly new, $2 each. Etdred’s Bait Shop, (313)229-6857. us Farm EquIpment PROFESSIONAL Horse Shoeing. MHA certified. On-time, iriendty ser~ice. Jack Sawer, (517)834-9183, DRiVER Salesperson: Cooks. Excellent pay~ Responsible, depend- able individuals apply., Gary’s Catering: 46565 Grand RIver, Novi. (313)349-8940, D~VERiDellvery. Up to per hour. Local and over thö~ road available. Good driving~ record. full - part Ume~~ benefits. Csii J.O.BS.L (313$7I~9500. ohs ~*aa •I~,ateon K~p.snc,,. (INn- .I,c. on Tsnt., on Mlonw, of Nt._t 0, i5M IYU M*OS~. il.Ieuw, ,~4, ‘Ms 5 ~ ‘0 1 sm. . Mr. m’u Fri. ‘0~ Iflienit. c-uS ‘I. MstM T...~nMw/fl.a. 317)5 w. Is Mx—. FwMaeiN ., “5. M) tall, .74-sm CENTRALIZED COMPUTER SERVICE DISPATCHER Lowry Computer products has an opening for the position of Centralized Computer Dispatcher in the Service Department. RequIrements for this poai- lion are: data entry expari- ence; strong communics- tions, customer relations, and telephone skills; and the ability to work with others. The successful candidate will be organized and enjoy a challenging career opportun- ity. Our corporate office offers a pleasant work envi- ronment. competitive salary and excellent benefits. Send resume and salary history to: Lowry Computer Products. Inc., Attention: M,J.L., P.O. Box 519, BrIghton, Mi. 48116. E. 0. E. 10 KEY and mail cierk positions available in Ann Arbor area. All shifts, Call (313)227-1218. SATELITE anten’i~iTi’hfoot. black mesh, polar mount, new, $159. Complete satelite system, new, $398. (313)437-1063. AIDRE and Orderlies needed. Full time and pan time. All a~a- Also feeding help nseded, 5 pill. to 1 p.m. Psj’,time. Apply West Hick- op~-Haven Nursing Home: 3flQ West Commerce, MIj~rd orcall (313485-1400. ASSISTANT.Medicsl Podiat- ry,Euil or pan-time. Must be . P!i,14 worker for active prac- U~ç~ Top salary and benefits. Experience preferred but will nift proper person. Livonia anA Novi ares. Call c~*54631. PUREBRED Arabian gelding. 15.1 hands, started hunt seat and jumping, trail. Good temperament. (517)546-7008. 1953 MASSEY Harris tractor, model 44, $~. 1517)5*2498. 1981 YANMAR 33 hp. diesal, front loader, 97 hours, extras, $13,000. (313)229-6307. GA~-IIERS-CLERKS i’~R~h i~qnypn~ence , Stores are ,,tking applications for fu4,j~e and part-time empIoymenl. Flexible hours, competitive salary and advancement potential. Apply in person at: 6350 Highland Road, Milford. (313)657-8181. LAB. puppies. ARC regis- tered. Shots. Black or yellow. $150. (517)546-3388. PEACH front Conure with cage. $75. (313)227-2737. SHELTIE pups. ARC. blue and tnis. wormed, dewclaws, shots. 10 month tn male. (517)5*3088 after 5 pm. COSMETOLOGIST, Hair Designs, 101 Lucy Road. needs happy laces to work part-time. Experience please. GaIt (517)5*7119 o~ stop in and fill out application. COSMOTOLOGIST: Brighton Salon, Benefits. Paid Vaca- lion, High Commission. Pleasant working atmo- sphere. (313)229-1711. HOWELL. Will babysit in yOUr Southwest School District home. No Thursdays. (313)227-1802. ~ , PUT your Arabian in layaway for Christmas. Psraiso Ranch, (313)685-7790. ADIA has a variety of light industrial positions svailabte in your area. Whether you’re looking to work a couple days a week or a full 40 hours, ADIA has the perfect lob for your schedule. If you can start work tomorrow, call us today at (313)525-0330 for an interview. RECEPTIONIST- Dispatcher. Howell office. Pleasant phone voice. (517)546-1755 after? pm, HODGES FARM EQUIPMENT QUARTER horse, 9 year old gelding, good western and trail. $800 or best offer. (517)548-27O7afterS pm. IN need of bsbysit~e~ between the hours of 130 and 7 p.m. to watch 3 b~a (ages 12, II and B). 8 MIM: Taft area. (313)348-5360 after 7 p.m. ~ SECRETARY for Builders: Real Estate or Bank experl- ence preferred. Bookkeep- ing , General Office. (3t3)227-6996. BABYSITTER needed in my ttpw,lI home. Two gIrls ages LMd 3. (517)5.43-2740. ~s 1 ‘I ~5I ~g Ct0~to5 DRIVERS wanted, earn upto_ $8 an hour, Part or FuiI(imt; Evening and weekends.: Apply at Pizza Shack nearest: you. DRYWALL tapers, finishsnj wanted. (313)229-0614. EARN $400 to $1,200 pe~. month part-time. or $2,000 to $6,000 full-time. Sales. Can~ Mary Anne (517)543-LIFE. Is COUNTER Help Wanted: Full and part-time. Days. Staning $3.50. Apply at Sliders: 5756 014 US-23. (313)227-5775. DOUBLE DEALINI! SAVE UP TO 14% OVER 88 MODELS!! AUTO BILLER Full-Time YANMAR 1800 I need a qualified indivl4sAl to provide loving care foritry infant in my home, Wetft~ days. Brighton area. HOUtI and days variable acccJIng to my work schedule. E’x4eI~ lent pay. References required. CsIi (313)231-1339, —. .. . SECRETARY! Receptionist to start Immediately for Bright- on Company. IBM PC experi- ence and pleasant telephone manner required. Non- smoker preferred. Send resume and salary require- ments to: Assistant Controil— er, P.O. Box 608, Brighton, Michigan 48116. 18 hp. 3 cyl. sleeved ITS EARV1~ST HM1~ Pick Your Own Apples On Drawf Trees CLE RICAL I Bookkeeper, part-time, apply or call Mary at Foote Gravely Tractor, 46401 Grand River, Novi, (3I3~4, CLERICAL position open. Filing, billing. phone (genersi office procedures). Wednes- day. Thursday, Friday, S sin. to 5 p.m. Possible full-time. Mature, responsible person to send resume to: Poiy-Jec Inc., P.O. Box 67, Brighton, Michigan 48116, diesel engine B speed trans. PHYSICAL therapist aide and typist, Pan or full time. For outpatient physical therapy clinic. (313)4754140. RADIOLOGY ASSISTANT McPherson Community Health Center has an imme- diate opening for a pan-time Radloloy Assistant to work the day shif1. Duties will Include perform- ing clerical work along with assisting technologIsts with patients. Must also work vacation schedules, Excel- lent salary and some benefits. Interested candIdates may apply at or send resume to: McPHERSON COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Human Resources Dept. 620 Byron Road Howell Ml 48843 Equal Opportunity Employer LINE-IN Nanny for 2 boys, ages 7 and V. Free room’ and board, plus. (517)223-8735, Live Hydraulics Clutched P.T.O. Apples U-Pick Red A Golden Delicious Macintosh 8. .JohnatPlOn SECRETARY . experienced only. Good skills and general bookkeeping/payroll taxes. (517)548-3992. ~ft5OPRACTIC Assistants. P~qb4ime. Reliable, Mature ~ Will train. Apply within at: 1002 Grand River. ~,ii. (517)5*2560. ~EP4TAL ASSISTANT needed twrnork 38 hours per week in Paihodontic office. Must be mature, friendiy, enjoy ha~4s-on work with children jnd adults, and have good merp~si dexterity. Onhodon- t(c .~xperience helpful. Send ~*Qme to: Dr. C. Gordon 1111$, 5082 W, Grand River, 81 ton, MI 48116 AL Assistsnt needed r’ eneral Practice office in , 110 ton. ExperIence neces- flfSy. Must enjoy working with people in a friendly ~ilflsant atmosphere. Excel- in,, hours: 6 to 5 Tuesday and Wednesday, 7 to 5 ~btursday- Please call ~j~74224~ Std. 3 pt. Oversized Tires M AT U ~ an - 5 m 0 l~lr~g person needed to sit infant In Our Novi home, 40 plus hours per week beginning end bf October. (313)348-7065. COUNTER Sates. Up to $13/hour. Fuil time, perms- nent. benefits. Local Area. CaIiJ.O.B.S. (313)911-9500. CUSTOMER SERVICE REP needed immedistley. A pleasant person with strong telephone skills to handle heavy customer telephone contact. Some clerical skills helpful. 40 hours per week, $5 per hour. Part time positions also available. Please apply at Chemiawn Services, 22515 Hesiip. Novi, 48050. (313)3*1700. DANCE INSRtJCTORS Outgoing individuals needed to teach tap. jazz, and bailet. We will train, the right people. Contact Lisa (313)349-5330. Donut shop & Cider Mill Now Open” We Have Already Picked Apples, Pears. and PtumI Ir, Our Country Store LIST PRICE ‘9518~~ YANMAR 336D 3 ONLY tt4 33 hp. sleeved diesel Power shuttle shtft trans MATURE person needw to babysit evenings. Osborn Lake area. (313)221-2397, MATURE person needs afternoons and evenings to babysit 2 boys. 7 and 5. Son~e meats, light housekeepin~ Possible live-in. Osborn Lalt area. (313)227-2397, ~ EARN $500 or more stuff ing~ envelopes at home, N~ experience. Send self’ addressed stamped envt; lope to: P~O, Box 23471,’ Detroit, Mi, 48223. EARN $500 or more weektstuffing envelopes. N& experience needed. Fort information and appllcstioh send self addressed’ stamped envelope to BiUs, Star Association, P.O. Box. 09707. Detroit, Ml 462%. ELECTRICIAN. Residential experience require&- (313432-5111. EXPERIENCED upholstererl wsnted for production work.’, $5 to $8 an hour. Lakeland Chair, (313)3*9545. . EXPERIENCED plumbing and,’ heating service person,. (313)437-1046, . EXPERIENCED Wait people. Good pay. Minimum age it’ Peoney House.(313*84-5444~ EXPERIENCED typesetterL- keyliner needed for small commercial printer. Camera and dark room knowledge necessary. Craig Printing, Inc. (313)229-9444. %240°° Power steering Uve PT.O Oversize Tires 1400-922-8667 ACTIVITIES assistant. Full- inga. 5 to 6 days per week: time, some Saturdays, for Call (5173223-5340. long-term care facility to COOKS and counter people. 2 PART time positions avsil- assist In imptementing prog- Full or part time. Experience ~ Msture persons need rams for residents of all pays extra or will train. Apply appiy at Costumes Unlimted, , sge~.ibEt~4I~nUb4knOt#. w$ttTh: Bates Hamburgers of BflghtonMafl. ledge in working with physi- Novi, Grand River at Novi caily challenged and/or Road. . DAYWORKWEEK recreational setting useful. COOKS: Denny’s is now interested in a position with interviewing for cooking Several fuil.time openings at variety, fun and challenge? positions. Full and part-time ~ ~~al insurance Company Apply in person or send openings are available. We offering pleasant surround- resume to: WLCC, 8633 Main offer staning salary’s up to inga, competitive salaries, Streel, Whitmore Lake, Ml ~ per hour. Paid vacation, and company paid fringe 48189. Medical/Dental bsnefita and benefits, including paid Holi- AIDES andOrderiiesneeded. Profit ~ sharing. Apply at dsysandVacatiOns. Full time and part time. All Denny’s Restaurant at 27750 shifts, Also feeding help Novi Road. next to Twelve Immediate openings for needed, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Oaks Mail. Monday thru GENERAL CLERICAL, xAM1NERS Pan-time. Apply West Hick- Friday. Equal Opponunlty CLAIMS E . my Haven Nursing Home: Employer. Cail(313)511’4 610 3310 West Commerce, COOKS, Salad Bar Allen- Monday through Thursday MiIfordorcalI(3’3~685-i400. dsnts, Dishwashers - full- 7:30 am. to 4:15 p.m. Friday BAR/WAIT/GRILL, parl’time. time. Cashier/Hostess, Wait- ~ sm. to 12 noon. . tiexible, Cozy inn. Grand resses for all shifts - full or River, Brighton. pen-time. Brighton Big Boy. ~ DE L IV ER P e r son 5 DIRECT care workers and Apply in person- needed. Earn $7 to $10 per nurses aides to work in group COOKS, salad persons. hour, (Wages, tips, and homes for mentally disabled, dishwashers. Apply in mileage included). Must beat male and female. Prefer p e r s o n . b e t w e e n least is years old. Must have certified but is not neces- 9 a . m . - 1 1 5 . m . 5 nd car, good driving record. sary. 1(313)292-1800. 2 p . m . -5 p . m . Cantons valid license and car insur- KIDS back in School? Time Restaurant, 11000 E. Grand ance. Full and pad-time on your hands? We are R i v e r , B r I g h t 0 n . positions available. 2 hOurs offering flexable shifts. Full- (313)227-2131. training provided with pay. lime and part-time all shifts. Apply in person at the to help meet both your needs McD~Ids Brighton or Howell Dominos and ours. Nurse’s aides and ~ PizzaStore. orderlies, $4.25 an hour. t~_ ..,a.,~,..n,,..i. ADIA has urgent need for Apply in person Greenbriar •_~,_~ T~,, ~ , $‘t~ entry level and experienced Care Center, 3003 West mi see ..p. ps.cnw. s, ebsi.L*l~~i;=~,•• machine operators - alt Grand River, Howell. E.O.E. ‘~tMLIOLUI shifts, (313)227-1218. T&~NS~NOV) ADMINISTRAT1VEIOfI1ce a.,MaIaMxOe N URSE AIDE P.e.M.Tr.N144S55 5 5 Support. Highly regarded, WIJThLTOII rapidly expanding transpona- tion firm is seeking ambitious Day, afternoon and midnight DAY dishwasher wanted, individusi to join their team. nurse aide posItions avail- ~ per hour, Monday We can offer, diversity of able. Fuli-time with benefits, through Friday, 8 sm. to duties, growth potential, and pan-time with flexible sche- ~ p.m. Paid vacation. Apply an excellent starting wage. duling. Will train for cerliffca- in person between 2-4, QualificatiOns: Excellent lion. Paid orientation time, Monday thru Friday, Red organizational and inter- Minimum $4.35 with wage Timbers Inn, 40330 Grand personal skills, good typing increases every 6 months. River, Novi. skill for computer usage, Call for further information. Di5HWA5HER5~ Bus help. ability to work within a fast (313)349-2640. Whitehall Convafescent Home. 43455 Denny’s is now interviewing paced atmosphere, and sblii- W. Ten Mile. Novi. for Bus/Dlshwssher help. ty to work long and varied Full and pan-time openings shifts. Please send your are available. We offer a resume todayl DetroitOpera- NURSE’S Aides. We train for starting satary of up to $4.50 nons Manager, P.O. Box 771, Certification. All shifts. Days per hour: Paid vacation. ~t e rII ng H e i gh t 5 hf I available now. West Winds MedIcal/Dental benefIts and a~11-ofli. EOE. Nursing Home, (313)363-9400. Profit sharing. Appiy at A 0 V E R TI S I N G a r t i 5 t - NURSING Assistant. Position Denny’s Restaurant at 27750 designer.keyilner for free- available on all shifts, Full Novi Road, next to Twelve lance assignments. High pay and part-time. if you are that Oaks Mali. Monday thru for experienced person. special person who enjoys Friday. Equal Opportunity Send resume to Box 2699 do working with the eiderly. Employer. Livingston County Press 323 have experience working ma ~ Restaurant 3030 W ~ Main, Howell, M148843. nursing home. consider Grand River. has opening fo~ AFTERNOON/evening short Dorvin Convalescent Center. daytime busboy/girl. Also, term muscle needed. South We olfer a competitive wa9e, n I g ht b usboys I g i rls . Lyoh . $3.35 an hour, of $4.30 per hour, and an dishwasher, and one open- (313)232-7431ort3’i3)4 37 - 4 fll. excellent benefit packa9e. ing for a responsible night Apply within Dorvin Convals- ~ AFTER school counter/office bocksoutho~MJ~e~~_ HOLIDAY inn of Howell is person. Personable. Help cent Center. Mlddiebeit, 1 customers Typing useful. taking applications for Hsvlland Printing & Graphics, bartender and cocktail wait- Howell (517)548-7030 Bright- RN OR LPN. NURSE AIDE ress on Wedneday, Thurs- on(3l3)229- 8 OSS~ Will train) Work close to ~ ALPHACieaning Conipanyis h 0 fl 0 ~ n p I e a S a n t MARION House now h,rlng looking for honest reliable environment pa rt-t I me w silperso ns , people who need extra cash ba r t 0 n de r 5 , a n d Call (313(2314088 Martin Luther Home dishwashers. Appiy in —~.— 3O7Eim Place, South Lyon person. Monday thru Friday, AMOCO (313)437-2048 2-4 pm 141 schroeder Park Drive, Wanted Driveway atten- dents. Work outdoors RNS andLPNS Full anth NioHlrnaintenance man Amoco dealer needs enthu’ pan-time all shifts- if you are needed. Howell Big Boy siastic responsible driveway that special person who Appiyw~thin . attendents Part.time and enloys work~ng with the NOW hiring all shifts and lull-time day shift and even- elderly, have experience positions Flexibie hours, ,~ shift available. We work working in a r,ursing home discounted meals, company wilt’ co-op high school consider Dorvin Convaiscent provided uniforms. frequent students Call Ray at Center. We: offer a competa- pay increases Accepting 3t3)349-91 55 five wage. and excellent applications between 2 and 5 benefit package Apply with’ atthe South Main Taco Bell in Aii’~ER phones. light in Dorvin Convaiscent Piymouth. Hiring for both bookkeeping Will train. Center, Middlebelt I block South Main and North Main Evenings and weekends Soufh ol 8 Mile Taco Bells. Must be IS 13131221.4011 Work your own hours from home, showing toys, gifts, and Christmas items. Free kit. No collecting or deliver- ing. (313)231-9774, ~~ AUTO Body paintfl UWTh $7.50 hour. Full title, Call fo r interview. (313)851-2124, per permanent. Benefits. Local Ann Arbor. Ypsilant area, Call JOBS j313)97I-9500. ‘~ AUTO EXHAUST MECHANIC $35,000 potential. High volume, 15 bay ‘tire and muffler center seeks a highly experienced person in exhaust and custom bend- ing. We also do brakes. shocks, and front ends, Salary and commission, group insurance. vacations, Call Mr. Ramsey or Mr. Normand in Brighton. Days (31 3)2274377. Evenings (313)2314345. AUTOMOTIVE parts store worker, must be at feast 15, full-tim e lob . Start i m m e d I a t e I y . N 0 v I . (313)348-1250. AUTO Upholsterer. Full time. Must be experienced in all phases of upholstery. $10 per hour on commission basis. Universal Upholstery. Fowlervilie. (517)223-3948. BATH Boutique fs in need of a sales person. Must enjoy working with people and coordinating colors. Apply: Long’s Fancy Bath Boutique, 190 E. Main St., Northvilte. An Equal Opportunity Employer. BE pert of our team. Ciean lovely homes, on a four person tesm for Mini Maid. Plessant work atmosphere. Great co-workers! Excellent pay, including travel time be t w ee n h 0 m e5 . N o weekends or evenings! Chance for advancement. Call today: (313)476-9810. —~~- BLU E j EAN J 0 BS ! 6 People N eeded Immediately! 4 week assignment in the Wailed Lake area Call today: (313)642-9650 Bloomfield I Birmingham (31 3)338—0338 Pontiac K E LLY SE RV ICES The Kelly Girl’ People Not an agency, never a fee Equal Opporlunity Employer M/F/H U S law requires all appi.c~ ants to show proof of identity and right to work in he U S CASHIERS WANTED Full or pan-time cashiers wsnled for convenience store, located In Howell starling at $3.65 per hour. Apply in person at: McPher- son Oil, 124 W. Grand River, Howell. CASHIER wanted, pan-time. Apply in person: Mitford Auto, 334 N. Main, Milford. No phone calls, please. CHlLDcereglversneededfor Little Howelters and Howell Kid’s Rare. For more infor- matlon. contact Sharon or ‘trscey at Howell Community Ed. (517)548-3200, extension 324. ‘_________________ CHRISTENSEN’S NURSERY Seeking dependable people to produce quality trees and ~ plants. FuIi~time posi- fions. Apply 9710 Rushton Road between 7 and 8 Miie. South Lyon. (313)453-3431. CIRCU LATION MILFORD TIMES 313-685—7546 CIVIL p4GINEER P.E, preferred. Experienced in all phases of. subdivision, condo and land develop- ment. (517)548-4838. CLEANING person needed. Apply within: Tn State Furni- lure. 3500 East Grand River, CLEANING stalls, and yard Howell. work, full or part-time. Peter- son Farms, (313)437-6690. CNC/LA’EHE Operator must have minimum one year machine shop experience. Long termed temporary assignment in Howell. (313)227-2034. ~ operator. Must have experi- ence. atternoon shift. Apply Boos Products, 20416 Kaiser in person or send resume Pd.Gregory. Mi 48137 CHO OPERATOR. Exper- jenced Apply at: Machining- ing Center, 5982 Ford Cowl, Brighton, Mi 1313)229-9208 CNC operator and general shop help. Will train Call 517~1~-2430 between 9 am and330 pm. COMMUNiTY living acuity seeking direct care stafl Paltime all shifts needed above average pay pleasant working conditions Cati 313)229-2785 Monday through Friday 9 a m to 4 p m . COMPUTER assembly Work at home part lume Great br students (31 3)34i.9894 evenings ‘l2r ato. w/20% down I Only DANCERS Fashions needs miscellaneous help for armory sale to be held September 23-26. Apply with- in: Dancers. Howeil, $999500 SkVE ‘3000” ONLY ‘197/mo. Hodges Farm Equipment Fenton (313) 629-6481 SiNCE 1946 C MUst be math good in . Must be able to type . Must be accurate 5 Experience Apply in person to helpful but not necessary Cheryl Sone Pontiac-Buick * ALDECkER 1885 W. Grand River BrIghton EXECUTIVE Executive office of expand- Excellent secretarial and ing plastics firm seeks . Word processing. Individual with: organizational skills, 478,Dexter,Mt48130, 1 Able tO work in groups or individually. Send resume to: P.O. Box EXECUTIVE Secretary. Well SECRETARIES WIth Word Processing are needed for several immediate posItions in the ‘Milford area. Must H a v e Exceiient Secretarial Skills. ENTECH SERVICES LTD with experience in DW3, or Lanier. Shorthand a Plus!t C a II f 0 r I ri t e r v I e w : (3I3)3M~~~ SECRETARY. Temporary full MATURE person wanted lo baby sit and tight houseket. hours per week in my Ho 2 11 ing for approximately 4 5 MATURE person to beb4ii area home, Must have oen transPortation, Non-smok(r in my Brighton ho4e. ~ : 30 a m t o 3 : 30 P,~ (517~8-1W, Monday through Friday,’ 3 children Call after 6 ~ MILFORD mother wishe~)o ba b ys i t P e fe re n Reasonable Meals. sna4s (3i3~~8-~~3 MOTHER ofa2Y, y and B month old twin: nI$s lime later. Relerences4ad help Pad-time babySag home Job can change $411 and housekeeping ir? ,Jhy ested please call b non-smoker required If r- month Or toddler. Monday , i~u (313)348-5122 NorthvlIse - sbiiparea . MOTHER of alO looking to babysit your ih Friday bull-time in Bri~hton area (313)229-5017 dictaphone ability. Call or time/ call In, High school apply Brighton Hospital, graduate. General office background with typing and 12851 East Grand River, Brighton. 313)227-I 211 . ~L 2 L!.~.___________________ WAREHOUSE office person for heating and cooling contractor. Brighton and Hartland area, General office skills, no typing needed ~ area, for individuals exper- WORD Processor.Severai available in the Dearborn Immediate positions are now CPT ienced in the following: ENTECH SERVICES LTD MW FORTUNE IBM PC call for appoin tm en t i3t3mM-osoo organized. self-motivated, excellent typIng skills for busy oftice Call Ann, (313)227-4423. ~~~RAL office, Light typing, telephone, filing, accounts payable, accounts rec e i va b I e . A pply at - GENERAL office -recPetion. Advanced Water Treatment, ~ 7674 M-36, Hamburg No typing. data entry, filing,- (313)227-8115. Sept 18, I-S p m. Weld-All GENERALOffIcO.Plrt-Ume. 10 to 2:30 p.m. 3 10 5 days weekly Interviews: Friday, Compnay, 1480 Grand Oaks Qrwe Hawaii. --- -—.----—--.-— ADIA Personnel services has a variety of clerical assign- ruents that will challenge your skills and allow you to work close to home With Over 60 skill classifications to work and reward you with ranging from general clerks ist. ADIA witi put your tatents to word processing special- top pay and benefits, Call today l3t3)5~S~33~___ office General office work BRIGHTON Chiropractic S 0 m e 0 v e n Sn 9 5 313)227-1899 ..,- SneER’S N 04AN0 BLANC ~- —~1 eA~ ,O ,;~ -4 “O’JPSON no Qrchard& Country Store [~REGIsTERED L~.. NURSES McPherson Community Health Center Is a 138-bed hospital that provides a special quality of caring. The Hospital meets the needs of our patients wIth a high ) ievei of individualized compassion as well as being conducive tO professional nursing at its best, We . currently have both full and pan time positions i available on the afternoon and elidnight shifts. It you arecomnittsd fo nursIng excellence. loIn us in the following areas: r ccu:f~Mj~ndlIfli,1lrlsm ~sw~Mtai; part tl.e, l1P~. 7s ‘of: fwtaS pMt u... Spa - lipsi. 110* . laM ‘OR: iusaBdPSrt rim.. ~r -“9” 7.Mr: lull and p.4 tIttia. apt.. - 5,95.. 1t~ - lam We are proud to offer a new wage compensation program for Staff Nurse- I ‘11.00-’14.2$, dependIng upon experience. FENTON 1041 1 Clyde Rood. iloriiand Ta In I S-fl 3 m,itS norTh of M fl in Clydc Pood F,’’ *0 F.o’i 1’ a filL. ‘~,‘r,’Ufl I hr Open doily 9 am - 7 pm DATA Processing Program- ming Manager needed for property management and development company’s computer division, Must have programming experience in RPG and knowledge in Basic with main frame and personal computers. Must have exper- ience in a supervisory posi- lion, Financial background also helpful. Non-smoking environment. Send resumes and salary requirements to: Controller, P.O. Box 40, DELIVERIES, after school, Own car, Havitand Printing & Graphics. Howell, (517)548-7030, Brighton (313)229~68. DEPEN DA BLE people needed, Convenient hours. Transportation provided Call Molly Maid (313)878-6240. 9 RM’s: EXPERIENCED person to do: well drilling and pump work,.’ (313)229.7119. _______ EXTRA cash needed for Christmas? Looking for 6. people to teach and sM~ needle craft on commlssior~ Call Katie (313)231-2383, nj ~Y/Warehous Some will train, high wag and benefits. All types shifts, Local Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Area, Call JOB. (313)971-9500, FACTORY WQrkers: Howe3~ ~9.!~i9.9 area. (51 7)548-3570. -i FIVE Needlework demon~trs~ tors needed for in-ho classes, Free crafts, I doitars, Call Becky~ (313)227-1698. ---- --- We offer outstandi ig benefits such as a pension plan, tuition and nursing scholarshiP assistance, and in- dividuaiized orientation. lnterested’~ Submit resume to the Human Resources Department orcalt (SI?) 546-1410 eit 295. Mcpherson Community Health Center 620 ByrOn Road Howell. Mi 48843 E quai opporunty E 01 0 ioye’ ADVERTISING SALES ASSISTANT individual with Associates Degree in Advertis- ing or equivalent is needed as an Ad Sales; Assistant to our Advertising Sales Staff in thr Livonia office. Driver’s license and automobile required Prior sales experience in newspaper’ field preferred. Send resume or aoply: THE qt~fj~ttijtr & ttcrntrit NEWSPAPERS, INC. 36251 Schoolcraft Llvorla, MI 4*150 w. n en equal npçuOflufl’ry atnoioysn —S

Transcript of The South Lyon Herald - Imagine the Possibilities Business Directory, Friday 3:30 - Shoppir. Mon-day...

IN Ln*&GsvdaCiii and Eqvlpssnt

II, Sporthig Goods


Ill Building Mstsdih


SKI SALENew clothing and quipt-mint. Saturday, Sunday.Ssptember 19, 20. 10 am to6 pm. Lake Sherwood. 2509Paviniwood. _____________

14 GA. Galvanized steelwafts. 42 inches hl9h by 5 arid6 foot. Also 4 foot radiuscorners. W%h bracings.(313464.1221.% BAGS Copeland csrnent,50 VermIculite. Ch.ap.(313$M1221.

152 Honn&EqUP4MM

REGISTERED ½Arab mire.10 years. Flashy. spIrited,•xcsptêonil dIsposItiOn. O.K.Zeus breedIng. $1200.(3134254335.

DP Gym Pac 3500 weightmachine. Excellent condi•!‘cn~~50~Call 1313475-2422.MOSSSEPG Upland Special.20 9auge Pump. 3’ ~chamber,ii’ barreil, Vent rib, multi-choke, 1 year old. Excellentcondition, with cisc. $130.(313432.5671.

CLASSIFIEC DEADLINESWednesday 12:00 - GratiSheet Shopping Guide Serv-in~Dexter I Green ShutShopping GuIde ServingHighland, Thursday 3:30 -

Shopper Business Directory,Friday 3:30 - Shoppir. Mon-day Green Sheet. & GreenSheet BusIness Dfteclorye,Monday 3:30 - WednesdayGreen Sheet.

Ia Csdcal

REGISTERED Appaloosas. 2geldIngs, I mare. Go Lightlyand plidult bloodlinee. Quil-Ity at muet sell prIces.(313)431-5958.

REMINGTON 30.~automaticrifle with scope. $250.(313Q29-2771.


$ECRETARY,tUlI-t~t ‘~‘

accountIng and tYPIThQr~,gexperienced only. Cut(m4334w. ,

AM Peat, topsoil. bark,$~d. gravel. decorativeelwie. Immediate delivery.FIp~cher I Rickard Land-;~ape Supplies.(313)4374009.ALL NATURAL Liquid LawnFertIlizer, Our fertilizers areORGANIC and NATURAL.Call for tree estimate and ourSeasonal program. There’snothing like it in your area.(313Q*2080.ALL NATURAL Liquid LawnFqflillzer. Our ferlilizers areORGANIC and NATURAL.CMI for tree estimate and ourseasonal program. There’snothing like it ~ your area.f313)229-2060.AYAILABLE mote and turtpest control with no chemi-cila. Permanent control,guaranteed for to years. CallAfl Natural Liquid LawnFertilizing. (313)229-2050.BOLENS lose garden tractor,42’’ mower, snowplow,cNains. Very good condition.$100. (313)231-3899.C3LL for our completelyNATURAL and ORGANICseasonal lawn fertilizingprogram. Ask about our onthe spot Soil and LawnArtaytsis test. For estimatesand further information call(313)229-2080. There’snothing like it in your area,COLE’S nd. 2 Sunny LawnSad Mix Sill lb., Agrico22;S10 grass food 40 lb. bag9.p50 sq. ft. coverage $8.75.Cci’s Elevator, East end ofMarion St. in Howell.(517)5*2720.CRArSMAN Heavy DutyL4n Tractor. 10 h.p.. 8speed transmission. 38 inchmower deck, Turf and Agri-cultural tires, chains, manynew pafls, spare blades, and~’bake. $500. (313432-7355 afterS p.m.


BOOKKEEPER. Srlghtonarea real estate firm askingexperienced bookkeeper.QualIfied individual will haveminimum ol 5 years recordkeeping experience. Know-ledge of constructionaccounting required. Non-amoker preferred. Sendreaume to Chief FiMnclaiOfficer; POBox 40; Brighton,Ml. 411$.BOOKKEEPER. Fast pacedoffice. Must type and hivegood phone personality.Immediate opening. Excel-lent pay and benefits. Sendresume to Box 2997. doSouth Lyon Hereld, 101 N.Lafayette, South Lyon, MI4117$.

REGISTERED .2W yew oCMorgan, gelding, dark bay,eweet disposItion. Reason-abIe~(313)73~-5251.

HONDA 5500 watt generator,watercooled, like new, $1500.(313)229-6307.


III Farm Equlpmnt

3PT. equipment. 9 Inchauger. back blade, backscoop. Hay wagon, NewHolland cutter end baler,some fence poeta, 4x1x7,Implement trailer.(313)3*1755.ALLIS Chalmers C 25 h.p.,with new Woods 5 footmower, hydrolic lift. $2,150.Farm All H with plow enddisk, excellent. $1,195. I.H.2595 with loader. 3 pt., P.l.O.M.F. 200B Crawler Loader.$5,459. Ford 550 30 h.p. , livehydrolics, A-I. $2,650. JohnDeere 1020. 25 others, Pane.Hodgea Farm Equipment.(313)6294411, Fenton since194.BRUSH Hoge 4, 5, 5 foot, 3 pt.and pull type. From $450,Be4co 3 pt. gear drive finishmowers. From $805. 3 p1.blades. $175. Lift boone, $59.3 Pt, rotatiller, 42 inch to 56Inch. Poet hole dlggere 9 and12 Inchauger. $375. 3 pt. lawnand tree sprayers. Parts andaccessories. Hodges FarmEquipment. (313429-6481.FORD 3100 Loader Backhoe.Ford 3400 Loader, 3 pt,P.l.O. Jonn Deere 450 CDozer e way. Jobn Deere 2010Loader Backhoe. excellent.uj50. Case 310 CrawlerLoader. 20 others. Deliveryanywhere. Hodges FarmEquipment. (313429-6481.FORD 9N,tractor with 3 pt.hitch. Fair condition. $1,500.(313)437-1045.



REGISTERED Arab mare. 16years. Shown 4-H. TrainedEnglish • and Western.(313*874446.

SLATE top regulation sizepool table, set of Belgianballs. $5001517)548-106I.SMITH and Wesson Model39. 9 MM automatic. Nickel-satin finish. Permit required.$300. Alter 6p.m.(313)437-0705.

111 Farm ProductsAPPLES. Macintosh, Colt-land, Jonathon. $8.50 perbushel picked. Fresh cider.Tanner Farm, Silo’s milesouth or Gregory, at 14525M-106. (313)498-2313.

151 Household Pete

THE goldens are here.Golden retriever puppies.AKC. 7 weeks old. Mates andfemales. Mom and dad heretoo. (Stl)54$-0366.YORKSHIRE Terrier. AKC,male. I year. Loves kids,h ou sebrok en . $225.(517)5*2932.

152 iloreee&Equipment

14 YEAR old ½Arabianchestnut mare. $350.(313)557-1244.198$ APHA(PTHA blackbreeding awn filly. tall,great conformation, paid upIn Tn-state and MSPB and 0futurltles. $1 .000. Must setl.(517)223-3527.2 ARABIAN Geldings. 12 and13 years old. Very gentle.(313)343-3432.4 YEAR old sorrelt mare, 15hands. $500. (313)231.1964.APPALOOSA - 15 year oldgelding. 16.2. black and whitewith blanket. Dressage andEnglish - Pleasure. 51,500neçotiabie. (31 3)-437’04I 4.ARABIAN dispersal sale. 4.$500 and up. Ribbons.(313)535-7560 or (313)5374300.ARABIAN Mares: $5~ to$1 .000. Milford: Call(313455-7790.


Fencing materials~ CedarPosts, Oak Lumber andBoards. Wire farm fencing.Installation available. FreeEstimates. (313)231-2207.

163 NUtting Ksnn

ABrightonuomwouldliketocare (or your child.(313)7274128. —s-A Hartland mother will babys-It. Non-emoking. All ages;(3134324243. ~—jBABYSITTER. Mature care for toddler Mon*ythrough Friday. Our Soutti-Lyon home. Own tmnap01~ ~‘

tion~Non.einfler. Long tenscommItment preferred.References. (313)431-8931.

IN $ee*aUCWt

RUSTLER horse trailer. Handtooled saddles and tack.Make offer. ~ bales fIrstcutting hay, $1 S bale.(517)34-1969,SALE or lease registeredMorgan Mare, Championbloodlines. Very pretty,excellent temperament.Reasonably priced. Wouldconsider trading for tack.(517~.

162 MedicS

RESPIRATORY Care UnitManager sought, 19 bedventilator dependent unit in159 bed JCAH approved longtermed care center. RNrequired, BSN preferred.Competitive wages. Excel-lent benetits. Please submitresume to Administrator,Greenbtler Care Center: 3003W. Grand River, Howell.E.0.E.

wednasdaylmursday. SePIembV 15117. 1W—SOUTH LVOt4 HERALD—MILFO~DTIMES—NORThVIU.E RECO~D’-NOV~NEws—114”3,, 191 CivicS

LEGAL Secretary: For grow-Ing Brighton Law Firm.Secretarial experiencerequired. Legal experiencepreferred. Send resume toBox 2492 do The BrightoliArgus: 113 E. Grand River,Brighton Mi. 43116.OFFiCE help. Full and parttime poaitiona available.Typing. teieØone, and orga-nlzationai skills a must.Salary commensurate withcapabilities. Call(313)711-6100. 10 to 2, ask forMr. Slenko.PART-lIME mature personwanted with general officeskiUa- Farmlngton Hillsarea.cia Betty for appointment at(313)473.12thPART-TiME Monday.Wednesday, Friday morn-rigs. Must be familiar withadding machine, someaccounting experience help-ful. Apply in person: Won-dwide Tv, 34701 Grand River,Farmlngton (betweenFermirigton and DrakeRoads). (313)477-1500.


RECEPTIONISTNeeded in Northviile news-paper office Monday andTuesday to perform variousoffice duties. Must have highschool diplomior equivalent.Accurate typing skIll needed,good interpersonal skills andtelephone manners a neen-city. $4.05 per hour to start.Apply Siiger!LivlngstonPubiications. 323 E. GrandRiver Avenue, Howell, Mi.48843, No phone calls, we arean Equal OpportunityEmpsojer.

RNs!LPNs. Livingston CareQenter Is accepting applica-tlons for full and pan-timeRNe and LPNs. WorkIng wIthflexible hours on all shifts.Pleasant atmosphere.Competitive wages. Offeringmany benefits Including treechild sitting from the hours6 am. to 5:30 p.m. for fulL-time employees. £01. 1333w. Grand River, Howell.(517)5*1100 attention Mrs.Wallace.

HUSKY Buildings, forgarages. storage and shops.24x40x8 equals $3,790.Complete labor and material.Normal 3 day construction,1(800)292-0615.PIONEER Pole Building:30 x 40 x 10, one 12 slIder,one 38” entrance door, 1’boxed eave overhang,premium header and rootsystem with 45 -2 x S truss,½”whIte styrene roof insula-tion. fiberglass ridge cap,mix and match 12 colors Insiding, roofing and trim with25 year paint system guaran-tee. $5,490.00 includes quickcontruction, Other sizes andoptions available.(500)292-0679.PIONEER Pole Buitdlng s FallSale: 24x10x10. one 9x7overhead door, one lOxlOsliding door, one 35’’entrance door, one 3x3window. I’ boxed eaveoverhang, 2x6 45 no. truss.½”insulstion in roof, ftberg-Lass ridge cap. nix and match12 colors in siding, roofingand trim. $4990.00. Cell tollfree000-292-0679.

BUYING standing hardwoodtimber. Offering free noobligation bids. Top dollarpaid. Oakley Hardwoods. askfor Steve, (517)845-3266.Evenings (313*83-2851.CAROL’S Plucking Parlor.Chickens. turkeys, butch-ered. CatI for appointment.(313)579-5606.

PANTRY, line cooks, anodishwashers. Applicationsnow being accepted CanopyReetaurant, 130 W. GrandRiver, Brighton.PIZZA Hut is looking forpart~tlmecooks and waitper-Sons for all shifts. Pleaseapply within between 1 and5 p.m. Brighton and HowelllocatIons. .

ISO Help WantedGin-

155 Help WantedGenarsi

APARTMENT complex inHowell accepting applica-lions for full time malnte-nance person. (5173543-7550.APARTMENT maintenancepersonneL. We are currentlyseeking applicants forappliance service tech trii-nee. Apply In person: AAAApplience, 4475 East GrandRiver, Howell, Mi.

BABY-SITTING done InMilford. Weekdays only.kinch provided. (313416-3245- ~.

BABY-SITTER fuN-time - non-smelter ‘ for teachers toddler~~k~my West eloomfiald hon’Sor your home. References.(313413-1155. ~ .

SAWDUST. pickup or dcliv-cry. (313)452-1195.SHARP Arabian gelding. 14.2hands, very well traIned’western pleasure, english.jumping, barrel racing, tricks.Always in the ribbonel Asuper horsel $2,000.(517)548-7008.

tie Help WantedGeneS

BE your own boasi Fortune500 company looking for 4self motivated indlvldueie.Earn company car, incur-snce, paid vacation. Send Ipage hand written letterabout yourself to: D&D, 3320An elus Dr, Pontiac, MI

Ill Restaurant

COHOCTAH Hay Com~1any:First and Second cutting.Delivery available.517)546-1631.

GRAVITY box. 250 bushel andrunning gear. Excellentcondition. Best offer.(517)516-7231.HEAVY duty triple axleequipement trailer with Pintlehook. new tires. new bed.$1~firm. (313)227-7562.

BRANCH RECEPTIONISTManufacturira Bank Iscurrently seeking an ambi-tlous motivated Individual towork as a branch receptioniatat our Novi Road-Grand Riverlocation. Duties includegreeting customers, answer-ing the IeIeØOn& fIling,typing correspondence,openIng and closing safedeposit accounts and otherclerical duties. Ouaiifledcandidatea muat have anaccurate typing skIll of Cwpm and previous offIceexperience, excellent verbaland written communicationsskills are required. A compe-titive salary, flexible benefitspackage and opportunity forcareer growth are available tothe successful candidate.For consideration, pleasesubmit your resume andsalary requirement in confi-dence to or contact: H.Fenichneider, ManufacturersBank. Personnel Dept., 411W. Lafayette, Detroit, Ml48224. (313)222-2520. EqualOpportunity Employer,MIFIHIV.


Local builder needsconstruction laborers In Nonarea. Cali (313424-2570 andleave message.

THOROUGHBREDS from$1,200. (511)545-9274, or(517)548-672*.

THE Roadhouse Restaurantat Oak Pointe is now accept-ing applications for allrestaurant positions. Flexiblehours, good opportunity In agrowing company. Applywithin.

lot ionely2yearoldwiih%a to babysit. days. Hotunchee. Lots of play mom. in:!~e—i_We Tyrone, Hartland5 rca.’ Please call13134324447. Drop ins alsowelcome.IAÔ~HERof Two, who enjoyschiiâren, would love to cermor yours. Reasonable rates,

CaiU313$37-0304.MO;HER 61 2 would Ions tobabysit your newborn or 2-3yeaoid In the Howell, ByronRoqâ area. Call Janet at15131546-1114.MMHER would like tobabY-sit, Howell area (M-59,No’tthweat School).~17—.NANNY needed, 30-40 hoursper\ieek for care of Infantand”klndergartener, inciud-ingrgreals, laundry and lightho~aekeoping. ¶2 Mile,Hserty area. (31313534107.NEED an experienced caringbabysitter? Eight’ MilePQfgiac Trail. area. Call(3l~37-%9I.NEEDED babysitter in theSoqibeast School DIstrict.Cai3$fter 4:30(517)543-3835.NESDED: Dependablerespnsibte person to careforc,’children daily in myHowell home. f 517)548-1699.NO~HVILLEmother wishesto babysit. 2 years or older.Fultima. (313)349-2547.NURSERY attendant. Bright-oct”Church of the Nazarene.EvEry Sunday mornIng. 3tiolin. 56-60. per hour. Idealfor older adult. (313)227-6604.SIllIER needed 2 days perweek 9 am. to 5 p.m. 2Wyet old and 7½year old. inofl~t.Brighton area home.Non-smoker, own auto, goodpa~~4dealforcoiiege student(~jflif available only I daypea3we.k). ‘ (313)2294233 or(313)229-4557.

112 MedicS


McPherson CommunityHealth Center, a 1%-bedacute care general hospital,is actively recruiting for aNurse Anesthetist, We arelocated In Howell, & pleasanteuburban area betweenLansing and Detroit.

Candidates will be a regis-tered nurse in the State ofMichigan, and a graduate of anurse anesthetist pjogramapproved by the AmericanAssociation Cl NurseAnesthetists.

The successful candidate willreceive an excellent salaryplus employment bonus. Acompreh enslve non-contributory benefits prog-ram Is provided.

For consideration, sendresume or call:


HEALTH CENTERHuman Resources Dept.

620 Byron RoadHowell Ml41843


Equal Opportunity Employer

DENTAL Assistant. Experi-ence preferred, pan-time,10 to 15 hours per week.2 evenings and some Situr-days. (313)537-3300.

153 Farm Animals

BOOKKEEPER: AIR, AlP.Experienced Only,(517)543-8570.

BABYSITTER: My Howillhome. Must have reliable car.CaIi(517)541’ZSIO- , ~ I

BABYSITTING, moths!daughter team for kids oe2. References- (517)641-1541.-: ,

BABYSITTER wanted In Haat-”land area to care for our sixmonth old infant. Daya, 24 to’32 hours weekly. must Pin:experience and lots of DIG. I

Call David at (313)47$-7420Oi~~(313$3*1389. . ,

JOHN Deere 54 inch frontblade, power angle, fits all400 models, used once. likerisw (51 7)223-91 5I .

CUB CADETS sales andservice. parts. SuburbanLawn Equipment. 5955 Whit-more Lake Road, Brighton.(313)227-9350.EQUIPMENT for 18 h.p.Sciens tractor, Sno Blower,$300, Rototilier, $300. Cultiva-tor, $75. (313)378-3564.FORD 9N tractor with 3 Pt.hjtch and PT, brush hog,double plow, gang disc,Simplicity rototiller, 8 h.p. Allfor $t .950. Owner(3’l3485-8440.JOHN Deere Edger. Goodcondition. $125. (313)227-2480afterS pm.

DUCKS and geese for sale.Ready to eat. (313)493-2847.FARMERS Special. Stalebread, 3 cents a pound. idealfor pig feed. Large quantitiesweekly. (313)420-3026.

CONSTRUCTION I Heavyequipment operator. Up to$15 an hour. Machines andtypes vary. Full time, perma-nent. Local Ann Arbor -Ypsilanti Area. Call JOBS.(313)971-9600.

APPLESlMclntosh. Joastholls)

Also In our marketeaIli.u Pea’s. Grap.s,Popcorn. preset-yes.

Kon•v.C~~.ra DoughnutsPICNC AREA’

OecNAMDS3 M, weg ci ~ o~I Mde

~d ‘Oçen DSIv~34,423.

WEAUTIFUL weanling andyearling Arabian colts andfillies. Excellent bioodlines.Flexible terms. (517)548-7008.BEAUTIFULLY Restoredrunabout buggy. Completelyoriginal $650. (313)227-1349consistantlyl

WANTED: Massey FergusonGilt All orgas engine.

pert engine parts.(313)437.4660.

I PETS •‘~ii~j

FEEDER pigs. Wormed andcastrated. Kensington FarmCenter. (313)685-1561, 9 a.m.toe p.m.

ACCEPTiNGapplications forday and night bus personsand dishwashers. Full timenight hostlhostess. Also parttime lunch cafe waltperaons.Apply in person 129 EastMain Street, NorthvHte.APPETEASERS COUNTRYEPICURE: Newly remodeled.Re-opening Mid September.Restaurant, Lounge andBanquet Facilities. Nowhiring Cooks, Waitstaff.Dishwashers, Bus People,Call for interview appoint-ment: Ask for Karen or Joe.(313)3*1170.


Full and pan-tlme day andevening positions available.Earn up to $5 starting wages.Pay comensurate with exper-lence. InquIre at MW FoodRestaurant in Twelve Oaks.(313)3STh14.

BOOKKEEPING with ex-pirience for small corpora-lion in Fowlervilte area oneday each week. Excellentpay. Call (517)223-8955.

Send resume to Box 2599 doLivingston County Press. 323Vt Main, Howell, Ml 48343. -BOX Shop wants to hireaggressive, full-time help.Apply in person: September15th or 17th between8:30 am. and noon. P 8 EEnterprises, 5640 M-59,Howell (behind BargainBarn).

SIERRA BUILDINGS: BUYNOW AND GET FREEWINDOWS with buildinpurchase. until October 1. 1colors - top quality. paintedsteel. 3Ox4OxB feel, 84,995ERECTED ON YOUR SItE.Over 75 years experisnce -

call toil-free and compare ourFEATURES, BENEFITS. andLONGEVITY with any otherbulidingsf STANDARDBUILDING SYSTEMS;1-800-442-9190. 7 sin. to8 p.m. Ask for details.

115 Trade Or Sell

BABYSITTER for 2 year oldgirl. Tuesday, Friday, 9:30 ID5. My home preferred:(313)349-5225. , , -

BABYSITTER NEEDED in my.Pirickney area home Monday ‘

through Friday 6:30 am. to.9 a~. Please call afterS p.m. (313475-3017, ‘

BEGINNER horse manage-ment class. Howell Commun-ity Education, starts October13. (517)546-6201.

POLLED Hereford steer, 600lbs. , must see. $400.(517)223-9090.

APPLICATIONS being takenfor part time evenIng clerksat the Cohoctan GeneralStore. 2 to 3 days a week.Apply in person.(517)546-1508.ARE you looKing for extracash? We need reliablepeople to help clean homes.Benefits and flexible hours,Rendall’s Carpet and HomeCleaning. (313)231-1005.ARE you the person we’relooking for? There’s only ashort time left for you to jointhe best party plan aroundlChristmas Around The Worldstill hiring demonstrators forour fantaeUc 1937 line ofChristmas decore and giftitems. No investment,collecting. or delivery. Wesupply sample kit ($300value), all supplIes, andtraining. Average $8 to $1 perhour. Part time now throughNovember. Hurry hiring endssoon . Call Lorraine(313)578-9030, Pinckney.Vicky (5174*2821 , Howell.ASSEMBLY Line workers.Howell, Brighton area.(517)546-6570.

RNsILPNs. Livingston CareCenter is accepting appilca-tions for full end part-timeRNs and LPN5. Working withflexible hours on all shifts.Pleasant atmosphere.Competitive w~ges.Olferingmany benefits lnoiuding freechild sitting from the hours6 am. to 8:30 p.m. for full-time employees. E.O.E. 1333W. Grand River, Howell.(517)543-1900 attention Mrs.Wallace.


McPherson CommunityHealth Center, a 138-bedacute care hospital. has anImmediate opening for afull-time UltrasoundSonographer.

The successful candidatemust be a Registered Diag-nostid Medical Sonographer.Also a minimum of I or moreyears’ eWperience inOBJGYN, Abdominal andSmall Parts Is required.Vascular and Prostratlc Scan-ningisapius.

We are located in Howell,Michigan, a pleasant subur-ban location between AnnArbor and Lansing, approxi-mstely 45 minutes fromDetrloil. Interested candi-dates may apply at or sendresume to:


HEALTHCENTERHuman Resources Dept.

620 Byron RoadHowell Ml 45343

Equal Opportunity Employer151 Housahold Pets

PUT Some meat in yoursheep flock. RegisteredShropshire rams and ewes.(517)548-9581.


~4.25 HRAll Shifts

Flexible HoursFree uniforms,

free mealB, paidvacations,hospitaliZationavail. Motherswork Whilechildren go toschool, CPA onstaff to monitorretiree’searningsto avoid overearning. Apply inperson orcallbetween8-11 am,2-5 pm.

McDonidsTwelve Oaks Mel


I-IS &Wlxom Rd.)341-3131

BLACKSMITHHorseshoeing, trims, shoes,resets. days, night.weekends. Joy (313)399-9022.

PART TIME SECRETARYneeded for an electricalengineering servicecompany. Flexible hoursMonday through Friday start-lng at $4.00 per hour. Sendresume to ERI, at 129 WestLake Street, South Lyon. MI45175 or call (3t3)437-7673.

BABY-SITTiNG In CounteyEstates Mobile Home. GoodSPiot lunch, I years expe4ence, excellent -reference,plenty of TLC. Call shame;(313)437.6471. ,,‘

IN lselpwaittedGeneS


DIETARY Aides neededf;S am. to 2 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to:~5:30 p,mAlOdleWry5flSç12:30 p.m. tol:Z p.m. Reliefcook, 6:30 am. to 4:30 pm.:.pan time. Call (313485-1400 or,,apply West Hickory Haven.. -3310 West Commerce Road.Miiford.DIRECT sales. Fulilpart-tlme.X~mas sales heip neede4:,highest commission, groundfloor company. experiencehelpful but not necessary.wilt train. For interview. cal’9a m . to 12noon-(313)632-6556. Crulsslma~nagement to those who~‘ _

DISHWASHERS wanted:;Days. Waitpersons: full and..part time. Apply 135 east’Main, (313478-3870.DOG Groomer, experiencednecessary. Top1 pay. Bustmobile service. (517)546.2322..’DOMINOS Pizza of Howeit’:has openings for Pint:Makers and Phone persons.Training Provided. Must be atleast IS years old and able tOworkat least I weekend night’a week. Mostly evening work.Not late. Pays $3.50 per hour. IApply at the Howell Domino!.ioèatlon. .-


Our Demo Hiring Season-ends soon, be pail of th.~Christmas Around The WorldFamily. Free $300 kits. FreeTraining and Suppiles. Parttime work now throughNovember. Full time pay,~Average $8-St an hour or~more. What Have You Got To.Lose? Join us for your beatChristmas yet. Call Jackie:”(517)546-4447. KatieC(St 7)546-8731 , Sandy):(517fl .

JQHN Deere II?. 48” deck,needs starter, $800 or best.( 7)5484816. ______

.1 HN Deere 54 inch frontblade, power angle. fits all400 models, used once, likenpw. (517)223-9181,POWER Reel Mower. Goodcèndltion. $45 (313)227-2480after6 m.RECONDITIONED LawnMowers. Tractors, Trade In’s

; Taken! Repairs, Tune Ups toOverhaul. Pickup. DeiiveryAvailable. Used Parts.517)5*52*2.

RABBITS, Dutch, $5. Angor-as. show, breeding. pet orwoolers. $10 and up. AlsoMint-Lops, all ages.(517)546-7942.

COLE’S Super mix horsefeed 100 lb. bag $9.00.September specials— RedCell $11.50 9ai.. Wheat GermOil $17.50 gal. , Yucca 6lb.$9.95— Save $1.00 each.Cole’s Elevator, East end ofMarion St. in Howell.(517)545-2720.HANDSPINNERS wool.Corriedale white, cleaned.and carded roving. Evenings(517)548-4598.

COCKTIEL. Dark grey. Lost9-12. Named Buddie. Reward$25. (313)3*3524.




Legal secretaries 122.000Executive secretaries $21,000Secretaries 519,200Rec.ptloniete $16,640Clerk typists $15,300Accounting clerks $14,510


154 Pet Supplies

11$ Chriatmas Trees

BLUE clay mix. (517)548-1017.BOARDING. Inside or out,starling at $98 per month.quality care. (313429-9492 or(313)239-9068.BOARDING horses. Boxstalls. Daily pastures. Qualitycare. $120 a month.(313)878-9570.

CONSTRUCTION LABOR-ERS, Brighton area road andsewer construction companyis hiring laborers. Sendresume or work history toP.O. Box 722, Brighton. Mi45t16. E.O.E.

CONTROLLERFor growing manufacturingcompany. ‘the successfulcandidate will assumeresponsibie of the financialreporting function. Including:

. Financial statementpreparation- Accuracy of financialrecords- Filings of payroll andir,come tax returns. Supervision of accountingstaff. Maintaining strong internalcontrols

Computer experience isnecessary.

ideal opportunity for moti-vated individual wishing tomake transition from publicaccounting to privateindustry.

Send resume to: P.O. Box1.68, Howell, Ml 48344-0163.

BABYSITTER wanted.’ 3-month old. 3 days a week aidBaturdaye until 3 p.m. M~Jl’be experienced with infants~and have references. MItedarea. (313415-7044. . .‘.

117 Office Suppliesand Eqtslpmint

3 YEAR old black lab withpapers. $75 to good homeonly. (517)521-4756.A GREAT NEW HOMEWANTED: for Tundra, a smallwhite shepherd: Pepper, eliblack Lab/Setter mix. OurOwners must move, We arewilling to be adopted sepa-rately. Both are spayed. Freeto good home. (313469-9118.AKC Bichon Frise, LhaaaApso. Poodte, Shlh 1w,Chow Chows. and YorkshIreTerrier puppies. Shots. Guar-anteed. (517)546-1459,AKC Doberman puppies,black and rust. Tails and dew

. claws done. $100 each.(313)449-8691.

TEDDY BEAR’S Playhousein Milford has openings forc*ildren, ages 2 to 3¼.(~5j$4-43l9.

iAKER, full or part-time,flexible hours. Call Suemornings. (313)349-2900.BARTENDERS and waRper-eons. Part-time, day andnight shift. Apply in person:Smm’s Lakeland Pub, 9495Chulson Road, Lakeland,Michigan.

DOG run, Like new. 10x4 ft.,6ft. high. Large cedar bed.$225. (313)344’4228.MEDIUM- Large doghouse.Fully carpetbd. Removabte~ offer. (313)566-1908.

155 Animel Services

HAY. Second cut. or lastyears leftovers, deliveryavailable. (313)629-9492 orf313)flfl%&

FULL AND PART-liME JOBS.Retail experience helpful.Send resume to: Koit Jewel-era, P.O. Box 621, Howell Mi.435u.BRIGHTON Area schools,chair givers nseded forschool age child care prog-ram; 7 am to 9 am end 3 pmtoe:X pm. Some half and fulldays. $4.00 per hour. Appllc-ants muatbe at least IS yearsold. Experience witt~this agegroup preferred. ContactPhyilis Shelters, at(313)229-lW between 9 amand noon.BUS Persons, experienced.Day shift. $4.50 to $5.00 perhour. Plus tips and benefIts,Apply in person, 11 am to7 pm. Wednesday thruSunday. MesdowbrookCountry Club- 40941 w, 5Mile. Northvilte.

TODDLER day care in . myN~I~OidDutch Farms Home.51* (313)34&46-

DENTAL Assistant. Seekingexceptional person for full orpart•time position. ii you arehealth orientated. bright,very “people-caring” and anon-smoker, our progressivelearn needs you. Please call(517)543-7920 from 8:30 am.tol2:tC Noon or(517)546-4205from 7 p.m. to 9p.m. L.E.Hearin, ODS and learn.PART-TIME light duty office

help, phone, filing, etc.9-2 p.m. (313)227-5422.PART Time Secretary. Stockbrokerage branch officeseeking mature Individualwith good communicationskills to perform secretarialfunctions. Must be wellorganized and like detailwork. $4 per hour. 20 hoursper week. For interview sendresume to Box 2696, do the

.,-. Livingston County Press, 323S East Grand River, Howell, Mi

45343. E.O.E.

SCREENED topsoil. Howell(517)546-9527.SEARS 11 hp. tractor. with36’ ‘ deck,$350 tskes

and 10’ ‘ blower.all, (3t3)685-3728


night. Howell(511)641-0749.BABYSITTER

area.. t

neededFowlervilie area(517)48-3438. .,

ASSISTANT bookeepsr.Accounts receivable,accounts payable, reception-st. collection experience.Typing, efficient on caicula-tor- Full time. Benefits. NovI,(313)349.9330.

1’Wochildren need a non-smoking nanny, days.(315)449-4751 efterS p.m.

BARTENDERS, male/female,full or part-time. Red DogSaloon. (313485-2171.

WHOAI See our reasonablypriced family type soundhorses first. Registered orgrade. We don’t need 4 waItsor roof to show them. Ridethem yourself. Your vet mayinspect. Will consider tride-ins. Used equipment avail-aWe. We guaranty, we aim toplease. Also buying regis-tered or grade horses andequipment. Hauling avaIl-able. (313)665-8215.SALE. Katlin’s Orchard: Sate.

Mcintosh Apples, $6.75 abushel. Now picking, RedDelicious, Jonathon, andpears. Fresh cider daily.Ho ney , Jam 5 . Open9:30 am. everyday. 5060 OakGrove, Howell Mi.(517)546-4907.

A’SSETS, files. student desks539.95, executive chairs$59.96. copier $399.16. type-.writer. $49.50, IBM. $119.refrigerator, sofas. 7 piecedinette. $1S96. cash regis-ter, word processor, bindIngmachines, $259.50, newburster, $596.69. decclfetoqs,$349.99. paper ahrtdflt,$399, computer furnIture.Repairs of IBM PC compu-ters, typewriters. cop1ers,calculators. 231 W. Nine MileRoad (313)548-6404. 30635 W.Ten Mile Road,(313)474-3375.

ALL breed boarding andgrooming by professionalswith 25 years experience.Very affordable rates. Tama-ra Kennels, (313)229.4339.

SEARS 12 h.p. lawn tractor.42 Inch cutting deck. $300 orbest offer. (313)229-7522 after6 p.m.

BUS and porter help needed.Wages plus tips. Apply:Holiday Inn. 125 HolIdayLane Howell.

WAITPERSONS wanted.Morning shift. Serious inqu-rica call (313)349-1331.Roaewood Restaurant. 46077Grand RIver, Novi.

ASSISTANT Parts manager.Some parts experiencepreferred. Full-time positionwith benefits. Call between 6and 5. (313)349-0700.

BABYSITTER needed focimonth old in my home. 2’afternoons per week, begIn~-

ning mid October.(313)227-5173. ,

BABYSITTER needed fo,”4’month infant. My howib’,’Milford. (313434-2394. ~‘

DENTAL HYGIENiST - Comework in a prevention orientedpractice. Call (3134374300 or(3134344751 for interviewappoIntment.DENTAL Hygienist for officein Brighton. Full or pan-time:(313)221-4111.

AKC German Shepherdpups. 5100 and up.(3134154364.AK~i’ Tiny Male Duchaundpup, Will stay smeli. $200.(3134348166.BASENJI puppies. Born July23. ARC registered. $350.(313)227-5030.

B-U-s P E R S 0 N S / C 0 0 k ~-

Deys $4 per hour or nights,flexible around school or job.Part or full-time. Will train.(313S

USEFUL Grandmother withexceptIonal parenting skills.Otters TLC, good food andsupervised play. Infants andTgd4lers welcome. Pick upservice available. Ten MilesIlk MeadowbrooklNoviare4. Cali Carol as:(313)349-4913.VjA~TED:Mature person tob$ttait in my Novi home 4days a week. I Small child.R’e$prences requested..f3~2J3444757 5:30 p.m. toi~,m. .

OATES. Crimped Oats. Hayfirst and second cutting.Gehyl feed grinder mixer.New Holland manure spread-er. (313)876-5574.

StARS 16 hp. tractor, 48”snowblower, 48’’ deck,weights, and chains. 3 pointldtch. $1,800 or best.1517)548-8516. -—

IiAWS Garden tiller, $75. 2bottom Ford Plow, $300.(313)578-3564.

WAITPERSON needed. Days,weekends. Month of Septem-Sr only. $3.35 per hour plustips. Experience not neces-eary. Call Salem Hills GolfCourse. (313)437-2162.

PEOPLE person. Enthusias-tic, ‘ flexible, Cooperativeperson needed for ‘ peopl.ebusiness”. Detail oriented -

lots of phone, Full timepositloin wIth benefits.Apply: 1100 Packard Pd,Ypsilanti. between I am.andl2noon,orl-4 p.m.

CANINE Clips all breed doggrooming- 1300 South MilfordRoad, Highland.(3134874859.

PUPPIE PADProfessIonal All Breed DogGrooming. 20 Years Experl-encel Reasonabiel Satisfac-lion Guaranteedi(517)546-1459.

ATTENTION: Due to rapidexpansion, Nation’s largesthome cleaning service nowhiring. Flexible hours. Nonights or weekends.Advancement. Car neces-’sary. (313)471-0930.

CARBIDE grInder handswanted: surface, bianchard,cam and form tool grinders.Will train. Full benefits.Apply: 22635 Heslip Drive,Novi.

155 Help WantedGeneral

DENTAL hygientist wanted.Full or part time, for busygeneral practice. Good bane-fits. Send resume to: Box2594. do South Lyon Heysld,101 North Lafayette, SouthLyon, M14517$,CASHIER



helpfulbut not necessary.Apply In p•rson to


WALDECKERPontiac e Bukk7115W. Grand River


~ME join our staff. Parttime. Flexible hours. Friendlyatmosphere. Competitivewages. Experience notnecessary. Apply Yun? YumTree: ~downtown Brighton.(313)227-7750.

BLACK Labrador retriever.AKC. 4 month old female.Shots. Training started. $150.(313)671-5240.

EXPERIENCED barn helpwanted. also handle horses.OverlSyears, (313)437-0t13.FOR sale, Pert quarter horseand part Conemara. She is agood family horse. English•/Western. Will train foralmost anything. Friendly.$450. (313)349-2331.HORSE FENCiNG. 1x6, 8 ft.andlor 16 ft. Oak, rough, canbe surlaced. Two sides, DowLumber Co. (313)3484t20.

BEAUTIFUL nut 36x72 oakveneer desk, 2 matching aidechairs, executive chsir, andbookcase. $1,000.(313)344-9969.OLDER IBM Copier 2. Paperand Ink cartridges Included.Needs repair. $200.(313)229-4871 betwepn 6 and4.

WANTED Veterinary recep-tionist/aasistant. Pan ~timewith. full time potential.Flexible schedule preferred.Includes reception, assistingveterinarian, and kjnrpelduties. Requires pleasantpersonality. Salary commert•surate with experience.Apply In person. GriffithVeterinary Hospital, 240Jennings Road. WhitmoreLake. (313)4*2039.BABYSITTER needed.~

Chateau Estates, Ho~eli~(517)5*0532. -

BABYSITTER needed ‘tth~home. S MIle, Rushton 1t~area. High school or Jun~(’high student, after schoolhours. Call (313)4374844. ‘

CHILD Care: TLC in myilcenaed home in downt4w~’~t ~

CAREER OpportunitIes atSize5-7-9-Shop, l2Oaks Mall.Assistant manager and salespeople need ed:(313)349-9572.

10 OVERWEIGHT peoplewanted to earn between $550to $2,000 per month. CellBarbara (313)229-4570. -

COOK for Weekends: Forsmall group of Senior Citi-zans. Home Cooking.Milford. (313485-7472.


Full or pan-time. Apply inperson: Plymouth Hilton,14707 Northville Road.

DENTAL hygienist: Fridays,Northvllie preventive prac-tIe- (313)343-9600.~$NTED miture person to

c*fl dinner for family of 3aji ~‘ supervIse ii year old.3,;1O.3o 6:30 pm, Monday thruFri~Ay.Call (313)349-2274 after6:30~pm.

RED and golden delicious.Mcintosh, Jonathon apples.You pick at SpicersOrchards. Wagon Rides onweekends. Cider Mill andDoughnut Shop. Readypicked apples, pears, andplums in Our Country Store.Open Daily 9 to 6. 1.1523North. Clyde Road Exit.(313)632-7692.WHEAT straw. mulch hay,alfalfa hay - first and second.Rocky Ridge Farm.(517)548-4265.WOODSHAV1NGS: Baggedand Bulk, Call (517)546-3078.

Ill Wood Stoves

CARPENTERS for roughframing. Experlencs a must.References. (313)229-6271.

RECEPTIONIST/Secretary:Busy Real Estate Office InFarmington Hills’ needs.mature person to be pan-tIme Aeceptioniet andS e c r • I -

ary for Afternoons, Evenings,and Weekends. Must be anexcellent typist and outgo-ing person. Send resume andsalary desired to Box 2656c/o South Lyon Herald: 101N. Lafayette, South Lyon Ml.43171. EOE.

163 NursIngHomes


Now Hiring. G~ry’eCatering: 48585 GrandRiver. Novi,(313)349-8940.


Howell survey/civil englnnKjing firm needs experlenceddraflsmsn. Good wages and.benefits. (517)546-4536. “~~‘:~

DRAIN and sewer senictman. ExperIenced in use oL~Spartan sewer equipmen~prelerred. Sewer repa&t’~experience helpful. Steadyyear-round work.(313)6854440- . .

HORSES end livestock haul-ing, anywhere. (313)632-5367.

CHRIBTIAN Moan would ~lk4playmates for Timmy. Dqifl~,town Fowlervilte. Cell $413(517)223-5255. . ,.

4lj3~,b~b~sit.e~ceiient,childcIN lottof (ove,,days only,teY~pcfl;Aa13~fl~4S74.:, .


Lansing. Michigan is nowexpanding to serve Livings-ton County.

, GMobileVsnsArtistic hand scissoring, fluffdrying.

Dma Perry, Owner1-45174144797

HOME Hiailh Aides, LPNsand RNs: work for a frIendly.expandIng, home care afln-cy. We are seeking exper-iencsd personnel. Excellentpay and benefits. We consid-er your’persoi’iai’ntede. Call144M1313)$41142t1u3 I,il~I,,


SENIOR CITIZENSCOLLEGE STUDENTSif your’re looking for part-time work, need a second jobor just want to get out, thisjobs for youl Our Tuesdaythrough Thursday evenings,$3.75 per hour bonus andcommission, job is convis-nently located in downtownSouth Lyon. For more detailscall between 1 pm to 4 pm.(313)349-3127, (313)2274442,(313456-7545 or (517)546-4309.

CONSOLIDATED Dutch westwood burner. Fireplaceinsert or free standing stovewith blower. $600.(313)431.0577.

SEARS Tractor, 18 hp. withIdads of attachments. $3,600.(517)543-3013.SHREDDED and screenedtgpsoil and black dirt, shred-dad bark. Picked up ordelivered. Rod Rsether,(5173548-4498.TOPSoIl, Sand and Stone,Sold by truck load. yard. orby bucket. Eldred and Sons,(313)2294857.TRACTOR mower, 1976

, , Massey Ferguson, 42 inch: cut, snow blade, $550.

(313)437-5075 or (313468-0408anytime.TROY Built Horse, 6 hp. Twotine sets and warranty. $700.(313)685-3728 evenings.WANTED: Snow thrower,rototiller for 1974 through1918 l6hp Wards tractor.(611)548-4351.

HORSES Boarded. New barn.boxed stalls, pasture.(313)8874261.

COCKER SpanIel, 10 months,male, ARC, shots. Adulthome only. (51 7)543-3009.COLLIE puppies. ARC.Clean, healthy, home raised.(313)303-0439.DACHSHUND pups. and tan, long-haired.AKC. show quality, not showprice. Shots. (517)545,1012,DOBERMAN Pups. Black andTan. ARC . 0 weeks,(313)482-9350af1er4 pm.GERMAN Shepherd. Male, Iyear. Black. Champion blood-line, shots, wormed. Regis-tered. (313)887-2308 after4 pm.

$11 .80 PER HOURToy, Gift & Decor party plan.WE GUARANTEE EVERY-THING IN WRITING:I. 7 day shipping or $70 FREE2. Best merchandiseguarantee3$1I.60/hr... inwriting

CARPENTER foreman andjourneymen. Urge project inAnn Arbor, Union scale.Must absolutely hive real-dential production experi-ence. Michigan CarpentryIndustries. (313)525-0055between 9 am. and 5 p.m.

DAY Care in my licensedhoffle, close to Haw~jppElementary. Toddlers on(313)227-2321 . .

b~iJ~,L do babysitting InSi1~tiesRoad area, betweenG~MdRiver and Red Oaks.llWvE many years of experi-na (517)546-3040.

112 U-Pick

DEPENDABLE. experienced,daycere. licensed Brigh~flhome, specializing in infantcare. Full time only.(313)229-4909. ,

KALAMAZOO stove withfireplace insert. Good condi-tion, (313)437-6537.VERMONT castings vigliantwood/coal burning insert,excellent condition, $375.(313)227-ll4BaflerS pm.WOOD burning fireplace formobile homes . SI 00.(51 7)

HORSESHOEING, 20 yearsexperience. Al Lickfeldt,(517)656-3669, evenings.HORSE size single harnessand driving cart. $300.(517)548-5238.Now buying family horses forchildrens camp program.Grade or registred. Alsoselling horses. buyIng usedtack and equipment.(313)750-9971.

RECEPTIONIST. Must hsvegood organizational skills,with basic knowledge ofoffice procedures, along withgood telephone personalIty.Fsrmlngton Hliis location.Good benefits, Call forinterview between 9 km sndII am. (313)474-0124,

Y~1J1G grandma will give~u, child excellent care,sbtñe tight housekeeping,flexible hours. (313)684-1131.

lUMedical‘ri. Is

CAR wash attendant. Days. 8to 3 p.m. Stan $3.50 to start inSeptember. Apply In person:Novi Auto Wash, 21510 NoviRoad (between S and 9 MileRoads).

COSMETIC SALESSelf-motivated individual,with outgoing personality.needed for cosmetic sales.Full and pan-time positionswith salary, commission,benefits, and advancementopportunities available.Apply in person: Hudson’s 12Oaks Mall. Cardeaux Count-Sr. on September 16th thru19th until 5 p.m.

FALL red raspberries. U pick-$1 a quart. Picked on order-$2 a quart. (313)437-5872. 8631Earhart. Open 9 am. to8 p.m. Closed Sunday.U PICK apples. $7 a bushel.8348 Nonh Territorial Road,Plymouth. (313)453-2083.

[‘LOYMENT ~ISO clerical

GOLDEN Aitriever Pups:ARC, Males $225. Females$300. (517)548-2634.

NURSE AIDESGresnfieid Health SystemsCorp., affiliated with HenryFord Health Care Corp., hasimmediate openings forprivate duty cases In theWest and Northwestsuburbs. ‘ I year recentexperience and own traiis-portation necessary. Cali(313)912-1672. E.O.E.

PART time medical assistant.Send resume to P.O. Box 219,Fowlervllie. Ml 48836.

113 ElectronIcs

HAND fed cockatiies. Mostcolors. $50 and up. Call after 6(313)656-mI or (313)383-1335anytime.

DIR~CTOR,Day care cente#-20 hours per week,~‘10months. Must hive at WEstchild development sasoqiamcertificete, Send resume Ic:The Parents Place, P.O. ‘flak’906, Brighton, Ml 45111. ‘ .. ‘

EXPERIENCED. licensed’daycsre. Lots of TLC. Meals’provided. Close to express-ways. (313)227-2353. ‘

III Sporting Goods

5 GALLON plastic buckets,nearly new, $2 each. Etdred’sBait Shop, (313)229-6857.

us Farm EquIpment

PROFESSIONAL HorseShoeing. MHA certified.On-time, iriendty ser~ice.Jack Sawer, (517)834-9183,

DRiVER Salesperson:Cooks. Excellent pay~Responsible, depend-able individuals apply.,Gary’s Catering: 46565Grand RIver, Novi.(313)349-8940,

D~VERiDellvery.Up toper hour. Local and over thö~road available. Good driving~record. full - part Ume~~benefits. Csii J.O.BS.L(313$7I~9500.

ohs ~*aa•I~,ateon K~p.snc,,. (INn-.I,c. on Tsnt., on Mlonw, ofNt._t 0, i5M IYU M*, ,~4,‘Ms 5 ~ ‘0 1sm. . Mr. m’u Fri. ‘0~Iflienit.c-uS ‘I. MstM T...~nMw/fl.a.317)5 w. Is Mx—. FwMaeiN., “5. M) tall, .74-sm


Lowry Computer productshas an opening for theposition of CentralizedComputer Dispatcher in theService Department.RequIrements for this poai-lion are: data entry expari-ence; strong communics-tions, customer relations,and telephone skills; and theability to work with others.The successful candidatewill be organized and enjoy achallenging career opportun-ity. Our corporate officeoffers a pleasant work envi-ronment. competitive salaryand excellent benefits. Sendresume and salary history to:Lowry Computer Products.Inc., Attention: M,J.L., P.O.Box 519, BrIghton, Mi. 48116.

E. 0. E.

10 KEY and mail cierkpositions available in AnnArbor area. All shifts, Call(313)227-1218.

SATELITE anten’i~iTi’ mesh, polar mount,new, $159. Complete satelitesystem, new, $398.(313)437-1063.

AIDRE and Orderlies needed.Full time and pan time. Alla~a- Also feeding helpnseded, 5 pill. to 1 p.m.Psj’,time. Apply West Hick-op~-Haven Nursing Home:3flQ West Commerce,MIj~rdorcall (313485-1400.ASSISTANT.Medicsl Podiat-ry,Euil or pan-time. Must be

. P!i,14 worker for active prac-U~ç~Top salary and benefits.Experience preferred but willnift proper person. LivoniaanA Novi ares. Callc~*54631.

PUREBRED Arabian gelding.15.1 hands, started hunt seatand jumping, trail. Goodtemperament. (517)546-7008.

1953 MASSEY Harris tractor,model 44, $~.1517)5*2498.1981 YANMAR 33 hp. diesal,front loader, 97 hours, extras,$13,000. (313)229-6307.

GA~-IIERS-CLERKSi’~R~hi~qnypn~ence, Storesare ,,tking applications forfu4,j~e and part-timeempIoymenl. Flexible hours,competitive salary andadvancement potential.Apply in person at: 6350Highland Road, Milford.(313)657-8181.

LAB. puppies. ARC regis-tered. Shots. Black or yellow.$150. (517)546-3388.PEACH front Conure withcage. $75. (313)227-2737.SHELTIE pups. ARC. blueand tnis. wormed, dewclaws,shots. 10 month tn male.(517)5*3088 after 5 pm.

COSMETOLOGIST, HairDesigns, 101 Lucy Road.needs happy laces to workpart-time. Experienceplease. GaIt (517)5*7119 o~stop in and fill outapplication.COSMOTOLOGIST: BrightonSalon, Benefits. Paid Vaca-lion, High Commission.Pleasant working atmo-sphere. (313)229-1711.

HOWELL. Will babysit in yOUrSouthwest School Districthome. No Thursdays.(313)227-1802. ~ ,

PUT your Arabian in layawayfor Christmas. PsraisoRanch, (313)685-7790.

ADIA has a variety of lightindustrial positions svailabtein your area. Whether you’relooking to work a couple daysa week or a full 40 hours,ADIA has the perfect lob foryour schedule. If you canstart work tomorrow, call ustoday at (313)525-0330 for aninterview.

RECEPTIONIST- Dispatcher.Howell office. Pleasantphone voice. (517)546-1755after? pm,


QUARTER horse, 9 year oldgelding, good western andtrail. $800 or best offer.(517)548-27O7afterS pm.

IN need of bsbysit~e~between the hours of 130and 7 p.m. to watch 3 b~a(ages 12, II and B). 8 MIM:Taft area. (313)348-5360 after7 p.m. ~SECRETARY for Builders:

Real Estate or Bank experl-ence preferred. Bookkeep-ing , General Office.(3t3)227-6996.

BABYSITTER needed in myttpw,lI home. Two gIrls agesLMd 3. (517)5.43-2740.

~s1 ~ô

‘I ~5I ~g


DRIVERS wanted, earn upto_$8 an hour, Part or FuiI(imt;Evening and weekends.:Apply at Pizza Shack nearest:you.DRYWALL tapers, finishsnjwanted. (313)229-0614.EARN $400 to $1,200 pe~.month part-time. or $2,000 to$6,000 full-time. Sales. Can~Mary Anne (517)543-LIFE. ‘‘


COUNTER Help Wanted: Fulland part-time. Days. Staning$3.50. Apply at Sliders: 5756014 US-23. (313)227-5775.






I need a qualified indivl4sAlto provide loving care foritryinfant in my home, Wetft~days. Brighton area. HOUtIand days variable acccJIngto my work schedule. E’x4eI~lent pay. Referencesrequired. CsIi (313)231-1339,

—. ..


SECRETARY! Receptionist tostart Immediately for Bright-on Company. IBM PC experi-ence and pleasant telephonemanner required. Non-smoker preferred. Sendresume and salary require-ments to: Assistant Controil—er, P.O. Box 608, Brighton,Michigan 48116.

18 hp. 3 cyl. sleeved


Pick Your Own ApplesOn Drawf Trees

CLE RICAL I Bookkeeper,part-time, apply or call Maryat Foote Gravely Tractor,46401 Grand River, Novi,(3I3~4,CLERICAL position open.Filing, billing. phone (genersioffice procedures). Wednes-day. Thursday, Friday, S 5 p.m. Possible full-time.Mature, responsible personto send resume to: Poiy-JecInc., P.O. Box 67, Brighton,Michigan 48116,

diesel engineB speed trans.

PHYSICAL therapist aide andtypist, Pan or full time. Foroutpatient physical therapyclinic. (313)4754140.



McPherson CommunityHealth Center has an imme-diate opening for a pan-timeRadloloy Assistant to workthe day shif1.

Duties will Include perform-ing clerical work along withassisting technologIsts withpatients. Must also workvacation schedules, Excel-lent salary and somebenefits.

Interested candIdates mayapply at or send resume to:


HEALTHCENTERHuman Resources Dept.

620 Byron RoadHowell Ml 48843

Equal Opportunity Employer

LINE-IN Nanny for 2 boys,ages 7 and V. Free room’ andboard, plus. (517)223-8735,

Live HydraulicsClutched P.T.O.

Apples U-PickRed A Golden DeliciousMacintosh 8. .JohnatPlOn

SECRETARY . experiencedonly. Good skills and generalbookkeeping/payroll taxes.(517)548-3992.

~ft5OPRACTIC Assistants.P~qb4ime. Reliable, Mature~ Will train. Applywithin at: 1002 Grand River.~,ii. (517)5*2560.~EP4TALASSISTANT neededtwrnork 38 hours per week inPaihodontic office. Must bemature, friendiy, enjoyha~4s-onwork with childrenjnd adults, and have goodmerp~sidexterity. Onhodon-t(c .~xperiencehelpful. Send~*Qme to: Dr. C. Gordon1111$, 5082 W, Grand River,81 ton, MI 48116

AL Assistsnt neededr’ eneral Practice office in

, 110 ton. ExperIence neces-flfSy. Must enjoy workingwith people in a friendly~ilflsant atmosphere. Excel-in,, hours: 6 to 5 Tuesdayand Wednesday, 7 to 5~btursday- Please call~j~74224~

Std. 3 pt.Oversized Tires

M AT U ~ a n - 5 m 0 l~lr~gperson needed to sit infant InOur Novi home, 40 plus hoursper week beginning end bfOctober. (313)348-7065.

COUNTER Sates. Up to$13/hour. Fuil time, perms-nent. benefits. Local Area.CaIiJ.O.B.S. (313)911-9500.

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPneeded immedistley. Apleasant person with strongtelephone skills to handleheavy customer telephonecontact. Some clerical skillshelpful. 40 hours per week, $5per hour. Part time positionsalso available. Please applyat Chemiawn Services, 22515Hesiip. Novi, 48050.(313)3*1700.


Outgoing individuals neededto teach tap. jazz, and bailet.We will train, the rightpeople. Contact Lisa(313)349-5330.

Donut shop & CiderMill Now Open”

We Have Already PickedApples, Pears. and PtumIIr, Our Country Store



3 ONLYtt4

33 hp. sleeved dieselPower shuttle shtft trans

MATURE person needw tobabysit evenings. OsbornLake area. (313)221-2397,MATURE person needsafternoons and evenings tobabysit 2 boys. 7 and 5. Son~emeats, light housekeepin~Possible live-in. Osborn Laltarea. (313)227-2397, ~

EARN $500 or more stuff ing~envelopes at home, N~experience. Send self’addressed stamped envt;lope to: P~O, Box 23471,’Detroit, Mi, 48223.EARN $500 or more weekt’stuffing envelopes. N&experience needed. Fortinformation and appllcstiohsend self addressed’stamped envelope to BiUs,Star Association, P.O. Box.09707. Detroit, Ml 462%.ELECTRICIAN. Residentialexperience require&-(313432-5111.EXPERIENCED upholstererlwsnted for production work.’,$5 to $8 an hour. LakelandChair, (313)3*9545. .EXPERIENCED plumbing and,’heating service person,.(313)437-1046, .

EXPERIENCED Wait people.Good pay. Minimum age it’Peoney House.(313*84-5444~EXPERIENCED typesetterL-keyliner needed for smallcommercial printer. Cameraand dark room knowledgenecessary. Craig Printing,Inc. (313)229-9444.


Power steeringUve PT.OOversize Tires

1400-922-8667ACTIVITIES assistant. Full- inga. 5 to 6 days per week:time, some Saturdays, for Call (5173223-5340.long-term care facility to COOKS and counter people. 2 PART time positions avsil-assist In imptementing prog- Full or part time. Experience ~ Msture persons needrams for residents of all pays extra or will train. Apply appiy at Costumes Unlimted,

, sge~.ibEt~4I~nUb4knOt#.w$ttTh: Bates Hamburgers of BflghtonMafl.ledge in working with physi- Novi, Grand River at Novi ‘

caily challenged and/or Road. . 4½DAYWORKWEEKrecreational setting useful. COOKS: Denny’s is nowinterested in a position with interviewing for cooking Several fuil.time openings atvariety, fun and challenge? positions. Full and part-time ~ ~~al insurance CompanyApply in person or send openings are available. We offering pleasant surround-resume to: WLCC, 8633 Main offer staning salary’s up to inga, competitive salaries,Streel, Whitmore Lake, Ml ~ per hour. Paid vacation, and company paid fringe48189. Medical/Dental bsnefita and benefits, including paid Holi-AIDES andOrderiiesneeded. Profit ~sharing. Apply at dsysandVacatiOns.Full time and part time. All Denny’s Restaurant at 27750shifts, Also feeding help Novi Road. next to Twelve Immediate openings forneeded, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Oaks Mail. Monday thru GENERAL CLERICAL,

xAM1NERSPan-time. Apply West Hick- Friday. Equal Opponunlty CLAIMS E .my Haven Nursing Home: Employer. Cail(313)511’46103310 West Commerce, COOKS, Salad Bar Allen- Monday through ThursdayMiIfordorcalI(3’3~685-i400. dsnts, Dishwashers - full- 7:30 am. to 4:15 p.m. FridayBAR/WAIT/GRILL, parl’time. time. Cashier/Hostess, Wait- ~ sm. to 12 noon. .tiexible, Cozy inn. Grand resses for all shifts - full orRiver, Brighton. pen-time. Brighton Big Boy. ~ D E L IV E R P e r son 5DIRECT care workers and Apply in person- needed. Earn $7 to $10 pernurses aides to work in group COOKS, salad persons. hour, (Wages, tips, andhomes for mentally disabled, dishwashers. Apply in mileage included). Must beatmale and female. Prefer p e r s o n . b e t w e e n least is years old. Must havecertified but is not neces- 9 a . m . - 1 1 5 . m . 5 n d car, good driving record.sary. 1(313)292-1800. 2 p . m . -5 p . m . Cantons valid license and car insur-KIDS back in School? Time Restaurant, 11000 E. Grand ance. Full and pad-timeon your hands? We are R i v e r , B r I g h t 0 n . positions available. 2 hOursoffering flexable shifts. Full- (313)227-2131. training provided with pay.lime and part-time all shifts. Apply in person at theto help meet both your needs McD~Ids Brighton or Howell Dominosand ours. Nurse’s aides and ~ PizzaStore.orderlies, $4.25 an hour. t~_ ..,a.,~,..n,,..i. ADIA has urgent need forApply in person Greenbriar •_~,_~ T~,, ~ , $‘t~ entry level and experiencedCare Center, 3003 West mi see ..p. ps.cnw. s,

ebsi.L*l~~i;=~,•• machine operators - altGrand River, Howell. E.O.E. ‘~tMLIOLUI shifts, (313)227-1218.T&~NS~NOV) ADMINISTRAT1VEIOfI1cea.,MaIaMxOeN URSE AIDE P.e.M.Tr.N144S55

55 Support. Highly regarded,WIJThLTOII rapidly expanding transpona-

tion firm is seeking ambitiousDay, afternoon and midnight DAY dishwasher wanted, individusi to join their team.nurse aide posItions avail- ~ per hour, Monday We can offer, diversity ofable. Fuli-time with benefits, through Friday, 8 sm. to duties, growth potential, andpan-time with flexible sche- ~ p.m. Paid vacation. Apply an excellent starting wage.duling. Will train for cerliffca- in person between 2-4, QualificatiOns: Excellentlion. Paid orientation time, Monday thru Friday, Red organizational and inter-Minimum $4.35 with wage Timbers Inn, 40330 Grand personal skills, good typingincreases every 6 months. River, Novi. skill for computer usage,Call for further information. Di5HWA5HER5~ Bus help. ability to work within a fast(313)349-2640. WhitehallConvafescent Home. 43455 Denny’s is now interviewing paced atmosphere, and sblii-W. Ten Mile. Novi. for Bus/Dlshwssher help. ty to work long and varied

Full and pan-time openings shifts. Please send yourare available. We offer a resume todayl DetroitOpera-NURSE’S Aides. We train for starting satary of up to $4.50 nons Manager, P.O. Box 771,

Certification. All shifts. Days per hour: Paid vacation. ~t e r I I n g H e i g h t 5 hf Iavailable now. West Winds MedIcal/Dental benefIts and a~11-ofli.EOE.Nursing Home, (313)363-9400. Profit sharing. Appiy at A 0 V E R TI S I N G a r t i5 t -NURSING Assistant. Position Denny’s Restaurant at 27750 designer.keyilner for free-available on all shifts, Full Novi Road, next to Twelve lance assignments. High payand part-time. if you are that Oaks Mali. Monday thru for experienced person.special person who enjoys Friday. Equal Opportunity Send resume to Box 2699 doworking with the eiderly. Employer. Livingston County Press 323have experience working ma ~ Restaurant 3030 W ~ Main, Howell, M148843.nursing home. consider Grand River. has opening fo~ AFTERNOON/evening shortDorvin Convalescent Center. daytime busboy/girl. Also, term muscle needed. SouthWe olfer a competitive wa9e, n I g ht b usboys I g i rls . Lyoh . $3.35 an hour,of $4.30 per hour, and an dishwasher, and one open- (313)232-7431ort3’i3)437-4fll.excellent benefit packa9e. ing for a responsible nightApply within Dorvin Convals- ~ AFTER school counter/office

bocksoutho~MJ~e~~_— HOLIDAY inn of Howell is person. Personable. Helpcent Center. Mlddiebeit, 1customers Typing useful.taking applications for Hsvlland Printing & Graphics,

bartender and cocktail wait- Howell (517)548-7030 Bright-RN OR LPN. NURSE AIDE ress on Wedneday, Thurs- on(3l3)229-8OSS~

Will train) Work close to ~ ALPHACieaning Conipanyish 0 fl 0 ~n p I e a S a n t MARION House now h,rlng looking for honest reliableenvironment pa rt-t Ime w silperso ns , people who need extra cashb a r t 0 n d e r 5 , a n d Call (313(2314088

Martin Luther Home dishwashers. Appiy in —~.—

3O7Eim Place, South Lyon person. Monday thru Friday, AMOCO(313)437-2048 2-4 pm 141 schroeder ParkDrive, Wanted Driveway atten-

dents. Work outdoorsRNS andLPNS Full anth NioHlrnaintenance man Amoco dealer needs enthu’pan-time all shifts- if you are needed. Howell Big Boy siastic responsible drivewaythat special person who Appiyw~thin . attendents Part.time andenloys work~ng with the NOW hiring all shifts and lull-time day shift and even-elderly, have experience positions Flexibie hours, ,~shift available. We workworking in a r,ursing home discounted meals, company wilt’ co-op high schoolconsider Dorvin Convaiscent provided uniforms. frequent students Call Ray atCenter. We: offer a competa- pay increases Accepting 3t3)349-91


five wage. and excellent applications between 2 and 5benefit package Apply with’ atthe South Main Taco Bell in Aii’~ER phones. lightin Dorvin Convaiscent Piymouth. Hiring for both bookkeeping Will train.Center, Middlebelt I block South Main and North Main Evenings and weekendsSoufh ol 8 Mile Taco Bells. Must be IS 13131221.4011

Work your own hours fromhome, showing toys, gifts,and Christmas items. Freekit. No collecting or deliver-ing. (313)231-9774, ‘ ~ ~

AUTO Body paintfl UWTh$7.50 hour. Full title,

Call fo r interview.(313)851-2124,

perpermanent. Benefits. LocalAnn Arbor. Ypsilant area, CallJOBS j313)97I-9500.‘~


$35,000 potential. Highvolume, 15 bay ‘tire andmuffler center seeks a highlyexperienced person inexhaust and custom bend-ing. We also do brakes.shocks, and front ends,Salary and commission,group insurance. vacations,Call Mr. Ramsey or Mr.Normand in Brighton. Days(31 3)2274377. Evenings(313)2314345.

AUTOMOTIVE parts storeworker, must be at feast 15,full-tim e lob . Starti m m e d I a t e I y . N 0 v I .

(313)348-1250.AUTO Upholsterer. Full time.Must be experienced in allphases of upholstery. $10 perhour on commission basis.Universal Upholstery.Fowlervilie. (517)223-3948.BATH Boutique fs in need ofa sales person. Must enjoyworking with people andcoordinating colors. Apply:Long’s Fancy Bath Boutique,190 E. Main St., Northvilte. AnEqual Opportunity Employer.BE pert of our team. Cieanlovely homes, on a fourperson tesm for Mini Maid.Plessant work atmosphere.Great co-workers! Excellentpay, including travel timeb e t w e e n h 0 m e 5 . N oweekends or evenings!Chance for advancement.Call today: (313)476-9810.—~~-

BLU E j EANJ 0BS !6 People

N eededImmediately!

4 week assignment in theWailed Lake area Call today:


Bloomfield IBirmingham‘

(31 3)338—0338Pontiac


The Kelly Girl’ PeopleNot an agency, never a fee

Equal Opporlunity EmployerM/F/H

U S law requires all appi.c~ants to show proof of identityand right to work in he U S


WANTEDFull or pan-time cashierswsnled for conveniencestore, located In Howellstarling at $3.65 per hour.Apply in person at: McPher-son Oil, 124 W. Grand River,Howell.

CASHIER wanted, pan-time.Apply in person: MitfordAuto, 334 N. Main, Milford.No phone calls, please.CHlLDcereglversneededforLittle Howelters and HowellKid’s Rare. For more infor-matlon. contact Sharon or‘trscey at Howell CommunityEd. (517)548-3200, extension324.



Seeking dependable peopleto produce quality trees and~ plants. FuIi~timeposi-fions. Apply 9710 RushtonRoad between 7 and 8 Miie.South Lyon. (313)453-3431.




P.E, preferred. Experiencedin all phases of. subdivision,

condo and land develop-ment. (517)548-4838.

CLEANING person needed.Apply within: Tn State Furni-lure. 3500 East Grand River,

CLEANING stalls, and, full or part-time. Peter-son Farms, (313)437-6690.CNC/LA’EHE Operator musthave minimum one yearmachine shop experience.Long termed temporaryassignment in Howell.(313)227-2034.

~operator. Must have experi-ence. atternoon shift. Apply

Boos Products, 20416 Kaiserin person or send resumePd.Gregory. Mi 48137CHO OPERATOR. Exper-jenced Apply at: Machining-ing Center, 5982 Ford Cowl,Brighton, Mi 1313)229-9208CNC operator and generalshop help. Will train Call

517~1~-2430between 9 amand330 pm.COMMUNiTY living acuityseeking direct care staflPaltime all shifts neededabove average pay pleasantworking conditions Cati313)229-2785 Monday throughFriday 9 a m to 4 p m


COMPUTER assembly Workat home part lume Great brstudents (31 3)34i.9894evenings

‘l2rato. w/20% down

I Only

DANCERS Fashions needsmiscellaneous help forarmory sale to be heldSeptember 23-26. Apply with-in: Dancers. Howeil,

$999500SkVE ‘3000”

ONLY ‘197/mo.

HodgesFarm EquipmentFenton (313) 629-6481

SiNCE 1946

C MUst bemath good in

. Must be able totype

. Must be accurate5 Experience

Apply in person tohelpfulbut not necessaryCheryl Sone

Pontiac-Buick*ALDECkER1885 W. Grand River



Executive office of expand-

‘ Excellent secretarial anding plastics firm seeks

. Word processing.Individual with:organizational skills,

478,Dexter,Mt48130,1 Able tO work in groups orindividually.Send resume to: P.O. Box

EXECUTIVE Secretary. Well

SECRETARIES WIth WordProcessing are needed forseveral immediate posItionsin the ‘Milford area. MustH a v eExceiient Secretarial Skills.

ENTECH SERVICES LTDwith experience in DW3, orLanier. Shorthand a Plus!tC a I I f 0 r I ri t e r v I e w :(3I3)3M~~~

SECRETARY. Temporary full

MATURE person wanted lobaby sit and tight houseket.

hours per week in my Ho211ing for approximately 4 5

MATURE person to beb4iiarea home, Must have oentransPortation, Non-smok(rin my Brighton ho4e.~ : 30 a m t o 3 : 30 P,~(517~8-1W,Monday through Friday,’ 3children Call after 6

~MILFORD mother wishe~)oba b y s i t P e fe re nReasonable Meals. sna4s(3i3~~8-~~3MOTHER ofa2Y, yand B month old twin: nI$s

lime later. Relerences4adhelp Pad-time babySaghome Job can change $411and housekeeping ir? ,Jhy

ested please call bnon-smoker required If r-


Or toddler. Monday , i~u(313)348-5122 NorthvlIse -sbiiparea .MOTHER of alO ‘ ‘looking to babysit your ihFriday bull-time in Bri~htonarea (313)229-5017

dictaphone ability. Call ortime/ call In, High schoolapply Brighton Hospital,graduate. General officebackground with typing and12851 East Grand River,Brighton. 313)227-I 211 .~L


WAREHOUSE office personfor heating and coolingcontractor. Brighton andHartland area, General officeskills, no typing needed


area, for individuals exper-WORD Processor.Severaiavailable in the DearbornImmediate positions are now

CPTienced in the following:

ENTECH SERVICES LTDMWFORTUNEIBM PCcall for appoin tm en ti3t3mM-osoo

organized. self-motivated,excellent typIng skills forbusy oftice Call Ann,(313)227-4423.~~~RAL office, Lighttyping, telephone, filing,accounts payable, accountsrec e i va b I e . A pply at -

GENERAL office -recPetion.Advanced Water Treatment,~7674 M-36, Hamburg Notyping. data entry, filing,-(313)227-8115.

Sept 18, I-S p m. Weld-AllGENERALOffIcO.Plrt-Ume.10 to 2:30 p.m. 3 10 5 daysweekly Interviews: Friday,Compnay, 1480 Grand OaksQrwe Hawaii.--- — — -—.----—--.-—

ADIA Personnel services hasa variety of clerical assign-ruents that will challengeyour skills and allow you towork close to home WithOver 60 skill classifications

to work and reward you withranging from general clerksist. ADIA witi put your tatentsto word processing special-top pay and benefits, Calltoday l3t3)5~S~33~___

office General office work—BRIGHTON ChiropracticS 0 m e 0 v e n S n 9 5313)227-1899

..,- SneER’S

N 04AN0 BLANC~- —~1

eA~ ,O

,;~-4 “O’JPSON no

Qrchard& Country Store

[~REGIsTEREDL~.. NURSESMcPherson Community Health Center Is a 138-bed

hospital that provides a special quality of caring. TheHospital meets the needs of our patients wIth a high

) ievei of individualized compassion as well as beingconducive tO professional nursing at its best, We

. currently have both full and pan time positionsi available on the afternoon and elidnight shifts. It youarecomnittsd fo nursIng excellence. loIn us in thefollowing areas:

r ccu:f~Mj~ndlIfli,1lrlsm~sw~Mtai;part tl.e, l1P~ . 7s‘of: fwtaS pMt u... Spa - lipsi. 110* . laM‘OR: iusaBdPSrt rim.. ~r -“9”7.Mr: lull and p.4 tIttia. apt.. - 5,95.. 1t~ - lam

We are proud to offer a new wagecompensation program for Staff Nurse-

I ‘11.00-’14.2$, dependIng uponexperience.


1041 1 Clyde Rood. iloriiandTa In I S-fl 3 m,itS norTh of M fl in Clydc Pood F,’’

*0 F.o’i 1’ a filL. ‘~,‘r,’Ufl Ihr

Open doily 9 am - 7 pm

DATA Processing Program-ming Manager needed forproperty management anddevelopment company’scomputer division, Must haveprogramming experience inRPG and knowledge in Basicwith main frame and personalcomputers. Must have exper-ience in a supervisory posi-lion, Financial backgroundalso helpful. Non-smokingenvironment. Send resumesand salary requirements to:Controller, P.O. Box 40,

DELIVERIES, after school,Own car, Havitand Printing &Graphics. Howell,(517)548-7030, Brighton(313)229~68.DEPEN DA BLE peopleneeded, Convenient hours.Transportation provided CallMolly Maid (313)878-6240.



EXPERIENCED person to do:well drilling and pump work,.’(313)229.7119. _______

EXTRA cash needed forChristmas? Looking for 6.people to teach and sM~needle craft on commlssior~Call Katie (313)231-2383, nj

~Y/WarehousSome will train, high wagand benefits. All typesshifts, Local Ann ArborYpsilanti Area, Call JOB.(313)971-9500,FACTORY WQrkers: Howe3~~9.!~i9.9area. (51 7)548-3570. -iFIVE Needlework demon~trs~tors needed for in-hoclasses, Free crafts, Idoitars, Call Becky~(313)227-1698.---- ---

We offer outstandi ig benefits such as apension plan, tuition and nursingscholarshiP assistance, and in-dividuaiized orientation.lnterested’~Submit resume to the HumanResources Department orcalt (SI?) 546-1410eit 295.

Mcpherson CommunityHealth Center620 ByrOn RoadHowell. Mi 48843

E quai opporuntyE 01



individual with Associates Degree in Advertis-ing or equivalent is needed as an Ad Sales;Assistant to our Advertising Sales Staff in thrLivonia office. Driver’s license and automobilerequired Prior sales experience in newspaper’field preferred. Send resume or aoply:


qt~fj~ttijtr& ttcrntritNEWSPAPERS, INC.

36251 SchoolcraftLlvorla, MI 4*150

w. n en equal npçuOflufl’ry atnoioysn
