The South Florida AvenueThe South Florida Avenue ......2019/04/16  · your kids or your spouse that...

A Friendly Church With a Vital Message Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of the Lord Jesus. The Messenger is published weekly by the South Florida Ave. Church of Christ meeting at 1807 South Florida Ave - Lakeland, FL 33803 Vol. 72 No. 15 4-16-19 MESSENGER The South Florida Avenue The South Florida Avenue ELDERS David Anderson Kenny French Bobby Sheumaker DEACONS John McShane Stacey Paulin Jimmy Sweeney MINISTER Hiram Kemp (386) 405-5372 ASSOCIATE MINISTER Brian Kenyon (863) 944-8565 SECRETARIES Michelle Paulin / Dee Parramore OFFICE PHONE (863) 682-4702 SUNDAY SERVICES Bible Study ...............9:30 a.m. Worship...................10:30 a.m. Evening Worship........6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Ladies Class...........10:00 a.m. Bible Study ................7:00 p.m. HOME OF Florida School of Preaching since 1969 MISSION FIELDS Dub Hill.......................Russia Don Iverson...................India Marc Veary .....Malawi, Africa Graham McDonald..Scotland J. Paguaga....Honduras, C.A. Joey Treat......Pacific Islands Ted Wheeler ......Ghana, W.A. EMAIL [email protected] WEB PAGE in of the lord’s way SEARCH Sundays @ 8:30 a.m. Check local listings Ten Practical Ways to Have Family Worship Hiram Kemp Today, the spiritual education of children must begin and continue in the home. Unless God is the architect of our home, we are laboring in vain (Psa. 127:1). We do not possess enough wisdom and skill to lead our families on our own, so we must lean on God and his word. God has charged fathers with bringing up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Parents are told to train up their children in the way they are to go so they do not depart from it later in life (Prov. 22:6). Husbands and wives likewise should learn from God’s word together and grow together spiritually as heirs together of the grace of life. However, with schedules that are extremely busy and commitments that often overwhelm us, how can we worship as a family? Or if a family has been out of the habit of family worship, how can that family return to it and glorify God? Hopefully these ten practical tips will be of some assistance. 1. Make It Fun. The Bible teaches that Christians are to be joyful people who rejoice (Phil. 4:4; 1 Thess. 5:16). This is true not only of our lives in general but also in relation to how we approach the Bible and family devotions. If we have a sour look on our faces or are so serious that no one can laugh, family devotions will feel like school and not like a family trying to grow closer to God. Let us remember that a merry heart does good like a medicine (Prov. 17:22). Perhaps the family could play a board game with the stipulation that in order to earn your next turn you must answer a Bible question correctly. Or maybe get a Bible trivia game and challenge each other. Let your children use action figures to act out certain Bible stories. There are many fun ways to learn the Bible, make family worship enjoyable and not drudgery. 2. Keep It Simple. When engaged in family worship, one should not need to consult Greek and Hebrew in order to understand what is being taught. Make it age appropriate for the children, and do not teach over their heads (Isa. 28:10). Husbands and wives may take a chapter of Proverbs which corresponds to the date and read and discuss it together. Maybe on the way home from practice, you might bring up a verse and talk with your children about it. It is possible to overwhelm people with too much information. Start out with milk and move to the meat of God’s word (1 Pet. 2:2). 3. Be Flexible. Make sure you are flexible and understanding as you begin or restart this process. You may not always be able to do this at night, depending on schedules. Maybe the morning would be better. It might be the case that it has to

Transcript of The South Florida AvenueThe South Florida Avenue ......2019/04/16  · your kids or your spouse that...

Page 1: The South Florida AvenueThe South Florida Avenue ......2019/04/16  · your kids or your spouse that you want to resume. Be willing to apologize and say that you or we dropped the

A Friendly Church With a Vital Message Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of the Lord Jesus.The Messenger is published weekly by the South Florida Ave. Church of Christ meeting at 1807 South Florida Ave - Lakeland, FL 33803 Vol. 72 No. 15 4-16-19

MESSENGER The South Florida Avenue The South Florida Avenue

ELDERSDavid AndersonKenny French

Bobby Sheumaker

DEACONSJohn McShane Stacey Paulin

Jimmy Sweeney


(386) 405-5372

ASSOCIATE MINISTERBrian Kenyon(863) 944-8565

SECRETARIESMichelle Paulin / Dee Parramore

OFFICE PHONE(863) 682-4702

SUNDAY SERVICES Bible Study...............9:30 a.m. Worship...................10:30 a.m. Evening Worship........6:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY Ladies Class...........10:00 a.m. Bible Study................7:00 p.m.

HOME OFFlorida School of Preaching

since 1969

MISSION FIELDSDub Hill.......................RussiaDon Iverson...................IndiaMarc Veary.....Malawi, AfricaGraham McDonald..ScotlandJ. Paguaga....Honduras, C.A. Joey Treat......Pacific IslandsTed Wheeler......Ghana, W.A.

[email protected]



of the lord’s wayS E A R C H

Sundays @ 8:30 a.m. Check local listings

Ten Practical Ways to Have Family Worship Hiram Kemp

Today, the spiritual education of children must begin and continue in the home. Unless God is the architect of our home, we are laboring in vain (Psa. 127:1). We do not possess enough wisdom and skill to lead our families on our own, so we must lean on God and his word. God has charged fathers with bringing up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Parents are told to train up their children in the way they are to go so they do not depart from it later in life (Prov. 22:6). Husbands and wives likewise should learn from God’s word together and grow together spiritually as heirs together of the grace of life. However, with schedules that are extremely busy and commitments that often overwhelm us, how can we worship as a family? Or if a family has been out of the habit of family worship, how can that family return to it and glorify God? Hopefully these ten practical tips will be of some assistance.

1. Make It Fun. The Bible teaches that Christians are to be joyful people who rejoice (Phil. 4:4; 1 Thess. 5:16). This is true not only of our lives in general but also in relation to how we approach the Bible and family devotions. If we have a sour look on our faces or are so serious that no one can laugh, family devotions will feel like school and not like a family trying to grow closer to God. Let us remember that a merry heart does good like a medicine (Prov. 17:22). Perhaps the family could play a board game with the stipulation that in order to earn your next turn you must answer a Bible question correctly. Or maybe get a Bible trivia game and challenge each other. Let your children use action figures to act out certain Bible stories. There are many fun ways to learn the Bible, make family worship enjoyable and not drudgery.

2. Keep It Simple. When engaged in family worship, one should not need to consult Greek and Hebrew in order to understand what is being taught. Make it age appropriate for the children, and do not teach over their heads (Isa. 28:10). Husbands and wives may take a chapter of Proverbs which corresponds to the date and read and discuss it together. Maybe on the way home from practice, you might bring up a verse and talk with your children about it. It is possible to overwhelm people with too much information. Start out with milk and move to the meat of God’s word (1 Pet. 2:2).

3. Be Flexible. Make sure you are flexible and understanding as you begin or restart this process. You may not always be able to do this at night, depending on schedules. Maybe the morning would be better. It might be the case that it has to

Page 2: The South Florida AvenueThe South Florida Avenue ......2019/04/16  · your kids or your spouse that you want to resume. Be willing to apologize and say that you or we dropped the

take place on the way to school. It may be good to talk about the Bible around the dinner table or have each family member say something for which he or she wants to request prayers (1 Thess. 5:17-18). Make it flexible and not rigid or else it will not last.

4. Sing. God commands that we sing, and when we sing, we teach (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). Get out the hymn book or the AIM app and sing together. It does not matter if you think you sing well or not. What matters is that you sing together as a family and get God’s truths into your heart (Jas. 5:13). You can sing in the car; you can sing three songs before the children go to bed. Singing is a simple way to instruct and instill truths and also to rehearse biblical truths together as a family.

5. Pray Often. Make a big deal about prayer. Family worship should teach how important prayer is, how much we rely on our communication with God, and how we can trust him to help us. We should pray bold prayers (Heb. 4:16). We should remember that God hears when we pray in accordance with his will (1 Jn. 5:14-15). Jesus encourages us to ask (Mt. 7:7-11). Families should pray over meals, but not only over meals. We can teach our children to pray by praying with them (Lk. 11:1). Husbands and wives can gain insight into each other’s fears and struggles as they regularly go to God together. In family worship make much of prayer (1 Thess. 5:25).

6. Use the Assembly. When you are on the way home from worship or Bible class, use the lessons learned at the assembly to spark discussion or further study (Col. 4:16). Talk about the sermon. Have everyone say one thing they learned. Use the EHT cards from your children’s Bible class to question and quiz them. You do not have to come up with all of the topics. Use what is already available.

7. Prioritize. While you want to be flexible, you also want to make this a priority. If you put this off to watch one more episode or one more inning, you might not do it at all. Seeking God’s kingdom first involves making it a priority (Mt. 6:33). If we always push God to the background of our lives, we should not be surprised when he is not present anymore.

8. Apologize. Maybe you have not done family devotions for some time and you will feel bad about telling your kids or your spouse that you want to resume. Be willing to apologize and say that you or we dropped the ball and we need to get back on track. Ignoring family devotions will not help our families grow. Apologizing and forgiving apathy and weakness will help us be more like Christ (Eph. 4:32).

9. Be Patient. When you have not done family worship in a while, it can be a bumpy road. Be patient. Everyone may not be paying attention or even be enthusiastic, but bear the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). It will take time for everyone to get into a rhythm and get on board with this, but it will be worth it. Do not yell at your children or your spouse and do not nag. Remember to operate with the spirit of Christ and be longsuffering (Eph. 4:1-3).

10. Be Persistent. You might begin family devotionals and then miss a week or two or even a month. Do not quit. You and I need the Lord to build our homes (Psa. 127:1). We need God to direct our paths, but we must resolve not to quit (Prov. 3:5-6). No matter what, keep it up. In the summer it may be harder to do family worship with school being out and traveling, but be persistent. Remember that our labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58).

Our families are a blessing from God and we should cherish them. Hopefully, these ten practical suggestions will help your family glorify God together (Psa. 34:3).

Selection of Directors To comply with state regulations, an annual meeting and selection of directors must be conducted each year. This will be done immediately following morning worship service May 5, 2019. The following nominees have been made: David Anderson (chairman); George French (vice-chairman); Charles Paulin (treasurer); Bobby Sheumaker (secretary). Nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting. However, the nominee’s willingness to accept must be presented to the chairman prior to the meeting.

Additional Announcements

Old House Update The contractors who will be upgrading the house are in the process of obtaining permits, which means construction will soon begin. Please stay away from the area. Fellowship Teams We will now include the monthly “fellowship in services” in the rotation for fellowship team clean-up. Please be present to help when it’s your team’s turn.

Page 3: The South Florida AvenueThe South Florida Avenue ......2019/04/16  · your kids or your spouse that you want to resume. Be willing to apologize and say that you or we dropped the

Please meet in the library. If you cannot serve, please call Stacey Paulin so he can get a replacement - (863) 838-8911


Jimmy Sweeney ..................Table .................... Tyler AndersonWesley Brunson .................Assist .................. Alex Parramore

AprilOpen/Close building-David Anderson

SFA FAMILY MATTERS Prayer ListOur Members: Melody Baxter is suffering from knee pain, she sees the

specialist on 4-29. Faith West, Jim Turner, Sharon Washington and Margaret Coone.

Shut In Members: Carol Eason, Virginia Plumlee, Dick & Joyce Burbage and Cheryl Barker.

Others: Naomi Zamot (Jagie Kenyon’s niece), Larry Lester, (Toney Wilson’s brother), Gina, (daughter of Kathy Nester), Paulisky Irizarry, Lynn Stevens, Chrissi Fuesner, Christina Jones, (Debra Pavlovic-Okolichany’s mother in law), who is in re-hab, Tonya Mathis, Chip Bolding, Tony Seibert, Teresa Hogan, (Zora Herndon’s daughter) and Peggy Nabors (member at Orange Street).

Upcoming EventsSaturday April 20th: Ladies’ Yard Sale Shopping Day. Meet at the

building at 7:00 a.m.Saturday April 20th: Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Josh and Marissa

Estridge’s house at 11:00 a.m. If you would like to bring finger foods that would be great!

Tuesday April 23rd: FSOP Ladies class at 7:00 p.m.April 21st-24th: Gospel Meeting at the Central church of Christ in

Clearwater with David Sain.April 21st-25th: Gospel Meeting at the Eagle Lake church of Christ

with Sam Willcut.Saturday April 27th: Youth Group devotional and service project at

the Bingle’s at 4:00 p.m.Saturday April 28th: Men’s breakfast is at Orange Street church of

Christ in Auburndale at 8:00 a.m.Sunday, May 5th: After evening services, we will celebrate our high

school graduates in the fellowship room. Stay tuned for more details in future announcements.

Sunday, April 21, 20199:30 A.M.

Song at Bible Class.................................................Jim TurnerPrayer...........................................................Bobby Sheumaker 10:30 A.M. Sound Booth...................................................Tucker Sweeney Announcements..................................................Frank HambySong Leader.......................................................Jason HendrixOpening Prayer..................................................John McShaneSermon...................................................................Hiram KempClosing Prayer .............................................. ...Wayne ShearerGreeters .....................................................Anderson/SweeneyCards......... ..........................................................Colby/Sawyer 6:00 P.MSong Leader...................................................... David Williams Opening Prayer............................................... David AndersonSermon...................................................................Hiram KempClosing Prayer ................................................... Kenny French

Wednesday, April 24, 2019Song Leader................................................... Tucker SweeneyOpening Prayer................................................... Steve HunleyClosing Prayer .................................................Wayne Shearer

Sunday, April 28, 20199:30 A.M.

Song at Bible Class ................................................Kyle BinglePrayer............................................................................Phil Fife 10:30 A.M. Sound Booth........................................................Casey PaulinAnnouncements..................................................Frank HambySong Leader.......................................................Jason HendrixOpening Prayer....................................................Kyle WilliamsSermon...................................................................Hiram KempClosing Prayer................................................Tucker SweeneyGreeters........................................................McShane/ShearerCards.....................................................................Willcut boy’s

6:00 P.M. Song Leader.......................................................David WilliamsOpening Prayer................................................. Charles PaulinSermon..................................................................Hiram KempClosing Prayer ................................................ David Anderson

Wednesday, May 1, 2019Song Leader................................................... Vince DaughertyOpening Prayer............................................... David Anderson Closing Prayer .................................................. Charles Paulin

~ HOW ARE WE GIVING ~ . Mar. 24..........................................$4,422.90Mar. 31......................................... $6,843.90Apr. 07........................................$6,894.00Apr. 14 ....................................... $6,668.25Contribution Average..................... $6,681.95

Tune into AM 1330 (station WWAB) with your friends and neighbors every Sunday at 4:00 p.m. for the “Way of Truth” program. This is a joint effort to

evangelize involving Terrance Brownlow-Dindy (6th Street) and Hiram Kemp. Let’s point our community to the Bible!

~ Communion to Shut-ins ~ April 21st...............................................................................Van Allen April 28th...............................................................................Van Allen

Visitors Sherman Williams, Eric Bunch, Jerry Green, Haley Pack, Jaylen Toliver, Kaylee Dyal, Sierra Gilbert, Alex Szabo, Larry Laster, Tawana Burkett and Tiffany Hash, Megan and Sam.

CongratulationsAlden David Muhundro, son of David & Cara Muhundro, grandson of Bobby & Becky Sheumaker was born 4-13-19. He was 8lbs and 1.6 ounces. Mother and baby are doing fine.

April - Clean-up John McShane’s team (A-D)

Page 4: The South Florida AvenueThe South Florida Avenue ......2019/04/16  · your kids or your spouse that you want to resume. Be willing to apologize and say that you or we dropped the

The End of Your Search for a Friendly Church . . .

South Florida AvenueCHURCH OF CHRIST

1807 South Florida AvenueLakeland, FL 33803-2653

Return Service Requested

that subject, the first of which began January 22. John Calvin (1509-1564) was a French theologian and Reformer. He was not the first to teach the major tenants of his doctrine, but he certainly popularized them. He had (and has) a tremendous, but erroneous influence upon the religious world from his day until now. The basic doctrines of “Calvinism” are given by a five point acrostic (T-U-L-I-P). The T stands for “total hereditary depravity” (also known as “original sin”). The U stands for “unconditional predestination.” The T stands for “limited atonement.” The “I” stands for “irresistible grace.” The “P” stands for “perseverance of the saints” (also known as “once saved, always saved”). “Calvinism” must be recognized, understood, and refuted. In the next five bulletins, we will examine

Member Spotlight

Phil Fife Phil was born in Dearborn, Mich-igan, and spent much of his life in that area. As a child, he wanted to be a fireman. His first job was in a packing house. He is now retired from the automotive industry, but

active in the local church. He has visited many places. In his free time, he likes to play golf. He is good at cooking breakfast for large crowds. His most satisfying accomplishment is rearing three good children. The best advice he’s been given is “Do your best.” He has 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild, and is married to Dottie.

Young Man Spotlight

Paul SweeneyPaul was born in Lakeland and has lived here all his life. One of his goals when he was younger (and might still be) was to be an MLB player. He’s a great baseball player now among his peers. His first paying jobis his own car-washing business. He likes root beer and ice cream. The weirdest thing he’s eaten is lizard. He is a night owl. Summer is his favorite season. In his free time, he likes to play video games, play baseball, go fishing, and just about anything, except chores. The best advice he’s been given is “Take a shower every day.” He is in the 8th grade.

Mission Trip PeruPray for our young people and their chaperones as they gear-up for a mission trip to Haucho, Peru, July 19-27, 2019. They will knock doors, pass out tracts, and conduct one-on-one Bible studies.

We appreciate our elders for seeing the value in involving our young people. If you would like to contribute, see our elders.

Save the Date: June 2-6, 2019 Vacation Bible SchoolTake Advantage of the AreaGospel Meeting Opportunities

Eagle Lake church of ChristSam Willcut April 21-25“The Church in the World”

Check the Bulletin Board for More Details!

Central church of Christ in ClearwaterDavid Sain April 21-24

“Scriptures That Enlighten & Encourage”*Brian will take the FSOP van to Clearwater onMonday, April 22. If you want to ride, let him know.

Please DO NOT PARK between the trees on the right

and the bushes on the left in the fo2.01reground of this picture. It

blocks access to the grass lot.