The Sound of Morning Star

July 2021 The Sound of Morning Star Morning Star Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod Lakeside, California (Continued on Page 2.) Sunday Church Services 8:45 a.m. and Zoom Call the office if you need more information. Greetings family and friends of MSLC, Happy 4 th of July! We are already halfway through summer? and it feels great that the state has finally caught up with everyone else and opened up. As I was sitting in church on Pentecost, I realized that I have the tendency to listen to scripture, but not necessarily “listen” to it. This year was the first time I’ve heard that there were more than the disciples with Jesus when he ascended. By the account in Acts, there were approximately 120 followers present when he ascended. There is once again the statement about some falling away, and the question about restoring Israel to power as has been taught them by the Jewish clergy. Jesus responds, ‘that is not why HE came’, some fall away, and the followers are directed to wait for the Helper in the upper room. I first be- lieved that followers left the mountain dazed and confused by Jesus’ instructions, but one biblical version of ascension reports that Jesus breathed on them the Holy Spirit, and there was rejoicing and worshipping of God. Pentecost came and the Christian church was about to be born. As the Holy Spirit entered the room, fire could be seen on the tops of the followers’ heads and some began to speak in different languages. The Festival of Weeks was go- ing on, so there were Jews from all over gathered in Jerusalem. Those from dif- ferent countries were surprised to hear someone speaking their country’s lan- guage. Peter began to preach the Good News to them and 3000 were added to their number that day. The truth about the Messiah became known and many followed. There were several people that received the Holy Spirit and yet, God’s chosen servant to the people of the Mediterranean would first be mur- dering Christians. There were some key instructions that had been given by Jesus from the first time HE sent them out, that I believe are very relevant today. HE reminded them that the world hated HIM, so the world was also going to hate them and us. I also recall instructions by Peter on how to go about witnessing— always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15b ESV). No baseball bats or frying pans. The other instruction that comes to mind is from Paul’s let- ter to the Romans —Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2 ESV). Pentecost is that time of year when we think about the start of the Christian church and its growth, but also to reflect on how it is doing in our present world. I believe that Jesus gave us an interesting standard by which to measure success or failure in our witnessing endeavors both as individuals and as the church. If the world, secular media or similar, hates what they’re hearing, then you’re on the right track. If they agree or praise you for the direction you’ve taken, stop and pray. The largest Christian organization in the world was praised for the new leader they elected, because he was very concerned about several of the world’s issues. Our sister synod was praised for the inclusion of homosexual and transgender clergy in their order. Jesus Came to Save the World 44 And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. 45 And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. 47 If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. 49 For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a com- mandment—what to say and what to speak. 50 And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.” John 12: 44-50 ESV

Transcript of The Sound of Morning Star

Page 1: The Sound of Morning Star



The Sound of Morning Star Morning Star Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod

Lakeside, California

(Continued on Page 2.)

Sunday Church


8:45 a.m.

and Zoom

Call the office if you need

more information.

Greetings family and friends of MSLC,

Happy 4th of July! We are already halfway through summer? and it feels great

that the state has finally caught up with everyone else and opened up.

As I was sitting in church on Pentecost, I realized that I have the tendency to listen to scripture, but not necessarily “listen” to it. This year was the first time I’ve heard that there were more than the disciples with Jesus when he ascended. By the account in Acts, there were approximately 120 followers present when he ascended. There is once again the statement about some falling away, and the question about restoring Israel to power as has been taught them by the Jewish clergy. Jesus responds, ‘that is not why HE came’, some fall away, and the followers are directed to wait for the Helper in the upper room. I first be-lieved that followers left the mountain dazed and confused by Jesus’ instructions, but one biblical version of ascension reports that Jesus breathed on them the

Holy Spirit, and there was rejoicing and worshipping of God.

Pentecost came and the Christian church was about to be born. As the Holy Spirit entered the room, fire could be seen on the tops of the followers’ heads and some began to speak in different languages. The Festival of Weeks was go-ing on, so there were Jews from all over gathered in Jerusalem. Those from dif-ferent countries were surprised to hear someone speaking their country’s lan-guage. Peter began to preach the Good News to them and 3000 were added to their number that day. The truth about the Messiah became known and many followed. There were several people that received the Holy Spirit and yet, God’s chosen servant to the people of the Mediterranean would first be mur-

dering Christians.

There were some key instructions that had been given by Jesus from the first time HE sent them out, that I believe are very relevant today. HE reminded them that the world hated HIM, so the world was also going to hate them and us. I also recall instructions by Peter on how to go about witnessing— always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15b ESV). No baseball bats or frying pans. The other instruction that comes to mind is from Paul’s let-ter to the Romans —Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is

good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2 ESV).

Pentecost is that time of year when we think about the start of the Christian church and its growth, but also to reflect on how it is doing in our present world. I believe that Jesus gave us an interesting standard by which to measure success or failure in our witnessing endeavors both as individuals and as the church. If the world, secular media or similar, hates what they’re hearing, then you’re on the right track. If they agree or praise you for the direction you’ve taken, stop and pray. The largest Christian organization in the world was praised for the new leader they elected, because he was very concerned about several of the world’s issues. Our sister synod was praised for the inclusion of

homosexual and transgender clergy in their order.

Jesus Came to Save the World

44 And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. 45 And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. 47 If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. 49 For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a com-mandment—what to say and what to speak. 50 And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father

has told me.”

John 12: 44-50 ESV

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The Sound of Morning Star Page 2

July 2021


Proverbs 22:9 (NKJV)

“He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of

his bread to the poor.”





Download the official Daily Devotions

application from Lutheran Hour Ministries, designed for convenient access through

your mobile device.

It is available from : iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Appstore,

and Windows Phone.

President’s Message

Greetings continued from Front Page:

Paul’s letter to the Romans instructs us on being transformed rather than conforming to the ways of the world. As I sit here typing, I remember what God told Ananias when recruiting Paul, that God would

show Paul how much suffering he would endure for HIS name.

We don’t like to be hated. It’s not a standard that we try to live up to, but it is Jesus’ when it comes to sharing the Word with anyone. They may accept you, or they may not. The church is in a similar position. Leadership of any church must make sure that it remains a place of transformation where the Good News

is proclaimed, but where Christian Doctrine is adhered to.

Catholic leadership is thinking about presenting a document, denying communion to members of the church who are politicians who are pro-choice. As I read the article, my mind came to this article that I have written. Whatever church you belong to, the expectation is that you will adhere to the churches the-

ology 100%. The reason for denominations was the different specific beliefs that the Reformers had.

Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide ~ Jerry

We had a Voters Meeting in May.

Shelly Collingwood was added as a Special Assistant to me to continue her work with IT stuff.

There is a strong possibility that we will be back to normal in September.

Have a great Summer! ~ Jerry Grambow, President

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July 2021

In addition to The Lutheran Hour airing in San Diego on KCBQ-1170AM radio every Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. or listening to The Lutheran Hour 24/7 at, shut-ins can watch sermons on-line at:

~ Lutheran Ministries Media

This is the link to the Pacific Southwest District Churches that are streaming sermons on Sunday mornings:

For information contact:

Tom Kuwazaki 619-895-5730

+ Hope + Strength

+ Faith + Survivor

Joy rang out on June 10th, when Luna Rose Gonzalez was born at 7 lbs. 4 oz.

Mama and baby are doing great, as reported by Great Grandmother Linda Hobson.

Elena and Xander are so glad that Xander was here for this birth. Kai does not really understand yet that

he is the big brother.

Congratulations Aunt Evie, Uncle Caleb, Gramber &

Papa “Wes” Bertelsen, and Great Aunt Wanda.



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On Hold until further notice.

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On Hold until further notice.

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Sunday Mornings

On Hold until further notice.

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On Hold until further notice.

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Sunday Mornings (Sep-May)

On Hold until further notice.

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On Hold until further notice.

And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation (Luke 1:50 ESV).


June 2021 NEEDED:



For Birthdays, Anniversaries,

and Other Special Dates in

JULY see the



Send ARTICLES and corrections directly to:

[email protected]


The Editor

In him we have redemp-tion through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace

(Ephesians 1:7 ESV).

July 4—Independence Day July 5—federal holiday July 7—6:30 p.m. BOD Meeting July 25—Newsletter Deadline

July 2021

Page 5: The Sound of Morning Star

Morning Star also has an On-Line Prayer Program

Login to: and click on the tab:

‘Contact Us With Your Prayer Requests’

Type in your prayer, and tap “send”.

~ Jim Birren, Prayer Coordinator

12821 Ha Hana Road Lakeside, CA 92040

Phone: 619-443-6032

The people of Morning Star believe in the One True God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that everything God says in His Word, ‘the Bible’, is true. And we believe in

God’s promise that He will give us the free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus, who died

on the cross and rose again to save us.

Pray for those in the

Armed Forces

♦ Cody Harmon, US Army, (Dave & Rose Walwick’s son-in-law)

♦ Xander Gonzalez, US Marines (Elena’s husband, Amber’s son-in-law)

♦ Lucas Nelson Davis, USN (Chris Hill’s grandson)




Financial Secretary

BOD Secretary

Director Christian Education & Youth

Director of Evangelism

Director of Lay Ministry

Director of Operations

Director of Social Ministry

Director of Stewardship


Morning Star’s 2021 Board of Directors:

Jerel Grambow

Travis Carter

Wanda Lewellen

Char Collingwood

Anne Ulm



Dick Collingwood


Alicia Grambow


Dick Collingwood

Ongoing Prayers for members and friends of

Morning Star:

Mary Ann Adams

Mary Ann Bitner

Pastor Ken for healing

Ruth Essman recovery praises

Linda Hobson for healing

Jean Salter

Lavonne & Valerie Ullrich






Also, we pray for

the Congregation at

Atonement Lutheran Church

our Call Committee,

our BOD’s,

And Prayers for all people

according to their needs.

To Update This Page, contact

the Church Office.

July 2021

The Sound of Morning Star Page 5