The Solution for Water Quality Sensors and Irrigation Automation Needs

The Solution for Water Quality Sensors and Irrigation Automation Needs Aquamonix: The Solution for Water Quality Sensors and Irrigation Automation Needs


Controlling the various utilities in your facility especially the water systems has always been a chore.

Transcript of The Solution for Water Quality Sensors and Irrigation Automation Needs

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The Solution for Water Quality Sensors and Irrigation Automation Needs


The Solution for Water Quality Sensors and Irrigation Automation Needs

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A New Way to Exercise Control over Your Facilities

Controlling the various utilities in your facility especially the water systems has always been a chore. We at Aquamonix have sought to simplify the process and make it easier for you to run you facility easily. In order to do so, we have developed products such as irrigation channel controller and asset control modules. Our considerable experience in this field has helped us to create products that can be a major benefit to any facility or irrigation system.

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Measuring and Monitoring Water Has Never Been This Easy

Irrigation systems are rather complicated especially in extensive facilities. At Aquamonix, our team has considerable experience in the water industry. As such, we know better than most the problems you can face when it comes to measuring and monitoring the flow of water. That is why we have used our expertise to develop products such as two wire irrigation controllers. With the help of our products, you can control your water flow with a few buttons and even remotely.

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Keep an Eye on the Water Quality

Of course, simply monitoring the flow of the water isn’t enough. You also need to monitor the water quality. For this reason, we have developed an extensive array of sensors to check the various attributes. Use our Pentair water quality sensors and Greenspan sensors to help you out by checking some specific attributes of the water. We also offer multi parameter water quality sensors if you need to check multiple characteristics at the same time.

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Implement Advanced Solutions for an Easier Process

Our solutions from Aquamonix are not only meant for water. Many of them can be used easily in a range of applications involving slurry and fluids. As such, if you are looking for an electromagnetic flow meter Australia, we can provide you with it. At the same time, we constantly strive to implement the latest technologies so that you can derive the benefits. Therefore, you can even get a solar powered magnetic flow meter to save energy in your facility.

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Automate Your Facility and Save More than Just Time

These days, automation is everywhere. Therefore, there is no reason why your facility should be any different. Our irrigation automation solutions can help you keep your facility running smoothly without any direct human intervention. We have made things much easier through our remote solutions that allow you to control the systems even when you are somewhere else. If you are facing problems, you can easily get flowmeter troubleshooting Australia from us to help you out.

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