The solution 1

we go through life we are confronted with many kinds of challenges. ain and again we are faced with questio w can I solve this issue, and in which will I be able to solve that problem?

Transcript of The solution 1

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As we go through life we are confronted with many kinds of challenges.

Again and again we are faced with questions: How can I solve this issue, and in which way

will I be able to solve that problem?

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Most people are too busy with their everyday lives and they do not take much time to look at the overall picture in terms of what kind of inner goals they are pursuing in the long run.

Still there are times, e.g. when you lose a loved one

that you cannot avoid asking deeper questions

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Among the many questions you may ask concerning the meaning and purpose of your life the most important ones are directly connected

with the issue of whether God or a Creator exists who designed the universe with a clear purpose

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There are those who have dealt with such questions intensively

and have a strong conviction in one way or another,

adhering to a religious belief or pursuing a spiritual path, while others push the issue aside or deny the existence of a Creator of the cosmos

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Wherever one may stand in this respect, we all cannot avoid facing sooner or later

the facts about life which have become clear through the advancement of science as well as the spiritual development which has been achieved throughout the centuries centered on dedicated

people of faith and convictionand conscientious people

who followed their inner voice

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As long as you do not know for sure you can always make assumptions

but as soon as you are certain no more escape is possible other than

lying to oneself by ignoring the obvious.

Hopefully more and more people are

mature enough not to pursue an attitude of denial but to honestly face the facts

which are present in this world at this time

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For many people it is not easy to face their own inner reality

and therefore they push it aside and lead a double life where they pretend

to be somebody who they are not, which is obvious when you have a closer

look at how they feel deep inside

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Are we ready to admit that we all have unresolved inner issues? If we do, then the next question is:

Am I ready to search for a solution to my personal problems, or will I continue to carry

them around with me, maybe hiding them from others and pretending that everything is basically

ok even though I am not really happy inside?

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Once I am prepared to deal with my inner situation I have to ask relevant questions like: Why do I feel a lack of Love and fulfilment?

What could get me out of my state of loneliness or whatever I may experience as my internal reality?

What is it that causes me to feel out of sorts and to have some concepts that keep me from being free inside?

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The issue is not to study psychology to understand oneself and others better but to be very honest

and sincere concerning underlying issues. If you really do not know

what your problem is

then it may be enough to have an honest talk with your best friend and he will probably tell you what

he or she sees in you, what you may have to change

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Those who are already pursuing a conscious spiritual path are still faced with certain

issues which they find hard to resolve and therefore they continue to look for answers, that has become more easy than ever today

due to the huge amount of information from all kinds of perspectives that are available to access freely with just a few mouse clicks on a computer

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But even after having gained a great knowledge of all the manifold theories and understandings of life that are offered by vastly diverse points

of view

the question remains: What is really true and how can I know that I am not being lied to?

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The internet is there for everybody to use and nowadays anybody can broadcast his or her concepts

independently of whether they have any value. Whoever feels inspired can set up a website,

create a blog

where he or she shares experiences for people around the globe to find if they are interested

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The people of the world are already interconnected, with hundreds of millions communicating via Facebook and other social networks,

but the most fundamental issue remains: Are we really connecting with one another in Heart?

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Whether or not we establish Heart to Heart relationships is the decisive issue in respect to the level of fulfilment we experience in our life

because we all want to feel deep Love,


and this is only possible if heartfelt connections are established

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This is a fundamental truth which all people are faced with, whether they are aware of it or not.

One may think the he or she knows better, that I believe in the best religion, or that I have the best answers,

but when it comes to practical experience it is obvious that we all are confronted

with the same fundamental issue: Am I able to love or not?

Am I capable of establishing a bond of Heart with another person which allows

Love to flow freely?

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Once we have realized these basic points the question remains: Whom can I trust?

In this respect it is clear that most people do not have those whom they would trust fully.

We live in a world of distrust among people and this problem

has serious consequences

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If we look at the whole picture it cannot be denied that so much more help would be exchanged among people if they would trust each other.

People would prefer to do more for other, but hesitate to invest into others

because they are afraid to be hurt or misused and therefore choose not to do so

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From these considerations we can conclude that the solution to most root problems

which we see in the world starts with trust being established in our relationships

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In order for trust to grow we must have common experiences.

Therefore the first question is:

What do I have in common with others? Why should I invest into connecting with others on the level of Heart?

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we also havea common

inner origin in our Cosmic Parent who created us in His/Her


The answer is unmistakably clear: We have not only

common roots with our genes

originating from only one man

and one woman who lived in

Africa thousands of years ago,

but we also have