The SNETP - Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform · 2013. 12. 18. · 2 Purpose,...

1 The SNETP - Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform Presented by Massimo Sepielli SNETP- Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform Member of Executive Committee [email protected]

Transcript of The SNETP - Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform · 2013. 12. 18. · 2 Purpose,...


The SNETP - Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

Presented by Massimo SepielliSNETP- Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

Member of Executive [email protected]


Purpose, objectives and areas of collaboration▪ SNETP was set up in 2007 under the auspices of the European

Commission, to gather stakeholders building a common vision: industry, research centres, safety organisations, universities, non-governmental organisations, SMEs, etc. It is an official European Technology Platform.

▪ The overall goal is to support technological development for enhancing safe and competitive nuclear fission in a sustainable energy mix, as part of the EU’s SET-Plan▪ Low greenhouse gas emissions▪ Security of energy supply for Europe▪ Stable electricity prices

▪ R&D is necessary to further enhance the safety and sustainability of nuclear fission, and to open new markets

▪ SNETP has expressed its strategic orientations around three technological pillars, and launched task forces to implement them

Strategic Energy Tecnology (SET) - PLAN� The European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative� The European CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Initiative� The European Electricity Grid Initiative� The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) Joint Technology Initiative� The Sustainable Nuclear Initiative� Energy Efficiency – The Smart Cities Initiative� The Solar Europe Initiative� The European Wind Initiative� The SET-Plan Steering Group (SET-Group)� The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)� The SET-Plan Information System (SETIS)



“Maintain competitiveness in fission technologies, together with long-term waste management solutions” *

ESNII“Nuclear fission has to move towardslong-term sustainability with a newgeneration of reactor type – theGeneration-IV reactor. They will bedesigned to maximise … safety,increase efficiency, produce lessradioactive waste and minimiseproliferation risks”**

NC-2I“The first co-generation reactors could (…) appear within the next decade as demonstration projects to test the technology for coupling with industrial processes” *

SET Plan Objectives(*) [COM/2007/0723 final](**) [COM/2009/0519 final]

Vision, approach to and methods of collaboration


Particular subjects of collaborative work (1)

NUGENIA is an international non-profit association founded under Belgian legislation in November 2011 and launched in March 2012. Its mission is to be an integrated framework for safe, reliable and competitive Gen II & III fission technologies, which:

– Fosters collaboration between industry, SMEs, RTOs, academia and technical safety organisations

– Builds knowledge and expertise – Generates results with added value

8 Technical Areas:1. Safety 2. Severe accidents3. Core and reactor operation4. System and component integrity5. Fuel, waste and decommissioning6. Innovative LWR design & technology7. Harmonisation8. Inspection, Qualification and Risk-Informed Inspection Planning (ENIQ)

Instrument for coordinating the implementation of the SNETP pillar on sustainability of nuclear fission, based on Gen IV fast reactors with closed fuel cycle (targeted deployment 2040). ESNII is an official European Industrial Initiative recognized in the framework of the EC SET-Plan.In 2012, ESNII made a prioritisation exercise with regard to technologies and projects:• With respect to the 2010 evaluation of technologies, Sodium is still considered to be

the reference technology since it has more substantial technological and reactoroperations feed-back.

• The Lead(-bismuth) Fast Reactor technology has significantly extended itstechnological base and can be considered as the shorter-term alternativetechnology

• The Gas Fast Reactor technology has to be considered as a longer-term alternativeoption.

Particular subjects of collaborative work (2)

ESNII - the European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative

The European Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative (NC2I) aims at demonstrating an innovative and competitive energy solution for the low-carbon cogeneration of heat and electricity based on nuclear energy.

The key challenge for nuclear energy in the cogeneration field is the tri-partycollaboration that is needed between industrial end-user (long term commitment andpricing is required), nuclear system vendor (costly product development) and nuclearutility (new market: other product than electricity). This is combined with the large initial(financial) risks associated with the establishment of nuclear technology and licensing.Based on this the NC2I perspective on key R&D aspects, ordered by priority are:- Risk reduction by contributing to demonstration and licensing of first applications (LWRdesalination and HTR steam to process industry)- Advanced fuels and materials for very high temperature applications (openingperspective for synthetic carbon based resources)- Advanced fuel forms and processing for waste minimization and fertile/fissile resourceoptimization


Particular subjects of collaborative work (3)

NC2I - The Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative


Hosting organization (if applicable),Participants and their roles (1)

The SNETP is composed by:• A General Assembly, composed by a representative from each member of the

Platform (116 members)• A Governing Board providing guidance on how to initiate and push forward the

Platform's work programme - composed of approximately 30 members.• An Executive Committee, monitoring and steering on a day-to-day basis the

activities of the Platform (supports the Governing Board) – composed ofapproximately 15 members.

• A Secretariat, providing secretarial and organizational support to the GoverningBoard, Executive Committee and the General Assembly – composed of 5members.

• 6 Working Groups :– 2 Strategy WGs: SRA - Strategic Research Agenda and DS - Deployment

Strategy– 3 Technology WGs: NUGENIA (Nuclear GENeration II & III Association, formally not a working group but operating by mandateof SNETP, ESNII TF – European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative TaskForce (under the European SET-Plan) to prepare and implement the FastNeutron Reactor technologies and NC2I TF– Nuclear Cogeneration IndustrialInitiative Task Force. To prepare and implement the nuclear cogenerationR&D activities in Europe

– Horizontal WGs: ETKM - Education, Training & Knowledge Management


Hosting organization (if applicable),Participants and their roles (2)

The SNETP is composed, as of today, by 116 members

Support from EC



EU ENERGY POLICY Role of Nuclear Energy ?


DG ENERGY - EuratomNuclear Energy Technologies


Hosting organization (if applicable),Participants and their roles (3)

ESNII - the European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative

NC2I – Nuclear Co-generation Industrial


• The SNETP is an informal platform, created in 2007 by a firstgroup comprising 24 utilities, vendors, and research. No legalframework is foreseen for the time being for the SNETP.

• A document on the SNETP Organisation and Structure serves asa reference for the functioning of the Platform. The platformwelcomes all European stakeholders (industry, research andacademia, technical safety organisations, non-governmentalorganisations, associations, SMEs, …) willing to contributepositively and constructively to the platform’s goals, such asthe implementation of its Strategic Research Agenda andDeployment StrategyA Vision report

• The SNETP received, in July 2013, the recognition by theEuropean Commission of the confirmation as an an officialEuropean Technology Platform

• Among the three pillars of the SNETP, NUGENIA is the onlyinitiative grouped in a legal entity (Belgian international not forprofit association)


Institutional basis / legal framework, and associated agreements

SRAJune 2009


20112010 20142007 2008





SNETP launchBrussels, Nov 2007

2012 2013 20152009

Gov Board #1Oct 2007 – Sept 2010

ExCom #1Oct 2007 – April 2011

“FP7-SNETP-Office”Dec 2008 – May 2011

“FP7-SMILE”June 2011 – May 2014

Informal secretariat

2nd GABrussels, Sept 2010

3rd GAWarsaw, Nov 2011

1st GABrussels, Nov 2008

4th GAVilnius, Oct 2013

Gov Board #2Sept 2010 – Jan 2013

Gov Board #3Feb 2013 – Feb 2015

ExCom #2April 2011 – Sept 2013

Official launchof ESNIINov 2010

Launch ofNUGENIAMarch 2012


ExCom #3Oct 2013 – Oct 2015

Vision ReportSept 2007

New SRIAFeb 2013

DSMay 2010

Timeframe for establishing andmain milestones (1)

• A Vision Report was presented at the SNETP Launch Conference on the 21st September 2007 by a first group comprising 24 organisations

• In November 2007, the European Commission issued its Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) setting priorities for action in a 2020-2050 perspective, to tackle the energy challenges for developing a Low Carbon Economy at European level, Nuclear Fission is one of these priorities, and the SNETP is dedicated to shape one or several European Industrial Initiative(s) foreseen by the SET Plan

• In May 2009, SNETP published the Strategic Research Agenda, which prioritises research and development efforts to create a more sustainable nuclear energy in Europe and provides R&D road maps to achieve short (2012), medium (2020) and long term (2050) goals of SET Plan.

• One year later, in May 2010 the Deployment Strategy (DS) was published and released by the SNETP


Timeframe for establishing andmain milestones (2)

• ESNII,the European Sustainable Industrial Initiative was officiallylaunched in November 2010 , representing the only IndustrialInitiative related to nuclear fission in the EC SET-Plan

• In January 2011 the Report on Nuclear Education and Training -Key Elements of a Sustainable European Strategy was released

• In March 2012 , NUGENIA was officially launched. The legalentity of an association was chosen after a careful review of allEuropean possibilities

• In February 2013 the SNETP issued the Strategic Research andInnovation Agenda


Timeframe for establishing andmain milestones (3)

SNETP management is assured through the support of the Secretariat, covering aspects such as:

• Platform management (support to governing bodies, secretarial support, information and document management, follow-up of decisions by governing bodies, membership application management, organisation of meetings…)

• Implementation support, monitoring and planning (support to Working Groups, roadmapping activities, logistical aspects for the WG meetings…)

• Communication ( website, publications, news, participation of SNETP in major international events, organisation of the SNETP General assembly…)

• The budget of the SNETP Secretariat is currently supported by the EC via a Euratom FP7 Coordination and Support project - “SMILE”(coordinated by LGI with CEA, E.ON, FORATOM and UJV), 7 professionals involved (1,5 full time)

• The SNETP provides support to the secretariat of: – ESNII– NC2I– NUGENIA is already self-organised through own secretariat


Management, organization and staff

As reported above, the Secretariat is supported by an EC CSA,ending in May 2014 – uncertainty about the future: the EC, viaHorizon 2020 will not support anymore basic costs of ETPs. Somediscussions are currently taking place at SNETP GB level for the futureof the SNETP under Horizon 2020. Possible self-sustainable scenarios,EC instruments and legal scenarios are currently being analysed.Regarding the three pillars of the SNETP:

- NUGENIA – received, through the last Euratom call (2013) asupport via an EC Combination of CP+CSA, a support forcoordination and RTD activities (duration: 3 years)- “NUGENIA +”

- ESNII – received, through the last Euratom call (2013) a support viaan EC Combination of CP+CSA, a support for coordination andRTD activities (duration: 4 years) – “ESNII+”

- NC2I – received, through the last Euratom call (2013) a support viaan EC Combination of CP+CSA, a support for coordination andRTD activities (duration: 3 years) – “NC2IR”


Financing mechanisms  


Intellectual property aspects 

- NUGENIA- projects run under the NUGENIA portfolio financed from EU funds are

following the common IPR protection rules for FP7 funded projects- NUGENIA portfolio projects based on in-kind contribution from the

consortium participants are managed by particular Consortiumagreements (NUGENIA is providing templates to follow and adapt asneeded)

- NUGENIA projects results valorisation and exploitation strategies and toolsto support appropriate protection and dissemination are being definedlately

- ESNII – a prerequisite to become an ESNII Member is to agree to sign the ESNIIMemorandum of Understanding and Non Disclosure Agreement.

- MOU: The purpose of the MOU is to define the frame and principles underwhich the Parties intend to initiate discussions in order to achieve the ESNII-related objectives

- NDA: it deals with confidential information, obligations of the parties(disclosure), exceptions to non disclosure, liability for information andmiscellaneous.

- NC2I – no particular provisions or procedures have been yet established for IPRprotection of data and results collected within NC2I activities, but the strategyand tools will be defined shortly


IT and computational support (e.g. data and knowledge bases, portals, E‐learning, analytical computer tools)

SNETP webportal ( is aimed at informing internal and external stakeholders about SNETP objectives, activities, members, publications, events and project-related events. The SNETP website is expected to be updated (in design, structure and contents) in Novembre 2013.

An internal workspace (for members) is used for storing and sharing official documents

A newsflash service is provided by the Secretariat in order to spread the latest information on the SNETP within its members and actors interested into keeping informed about SNETP activities

An online job browser to allow all SNETP members to post open positions (job, PhD, postdoc…) in their organisation will be inserted in the new SNETP websiteA SNETP TV and links to social networks will be inserted ion the new version of the SNETP website


Results ‐ achieved and planned

Achieved:• Harmonisation through common vision report and SRIA• Structuring of European nuclear fission community • Active part in the discussions at European level in the field of

nuclear fission• Recognition of EC “ETP” label• Point of contact for nuclear fission in many political discussions

within and outside the EU (SET-Plan, IAEA…)

Planned:• Further formalisation of the nuclear fission community in Europe• Strengthening of the European positioning in international market

and RTD• Possible realisation of joint pan european programmes of research

in nuclear fission


Thank you for your attention