The smoking

THE SMOKING Karla Xiomara Pérez Rodríguez

Transcript of The smoking

The Smoking

The SmokingKarla Xiomara Prez Rodrguez

Investigation Smoking is an addiction that could be danger to ourselves even others. Im so surprise that even an expectant mother keep smoking during the gestation. Nicotine contains more than 2000 substances and that will cause a great danger to both the mother and baby. A mother who keeps smoking during the gestation will increase more chance to get complication than a non smoking mother. Nevertheless the baby grow in this condition may born with lower weigh because the nicotine reduce the oxygen contribution to the tissues. The other risk is that the baby may be premature birth. A premature birth baby will even leave permanent physical or mental problem afterwards. In a report said that almost eighty percent adult start to smoke when they are teenagers. Some teenagers think smoke as an adult behavior. They use this action to act like they are cool or special. The research also shows that the teenagers between 13 to 17 years olds who smoke are more likely to use others drug substance. The earlier you try to smoke the more chance to get addicted. Teenager in this age are the most important period of growth, however the substance of nicotine will stop the growth hormone. When smokers are getting old they are easily to have cancer lung, larynx, oral or heart disease.

Passive smoker is another problem that needed to be known for those people who smoke. The passive smokers are forced to breath in harmful substance which is from the burning cigarette. The injury to non smokers body can be double. Especially to children, their organs are in the development stage. Therefore parents should be careful when doing the action. Do not let your children exposing in these bad environment for a long time...In conclusion smoking is a behavior which can harm yourselves and others. Although it is hard to quit the habit, think of weather it is a right place to smoke. Do not let other people feel uncomfortable. Just remember once you start to try to smoke it is hard to stop. Staying smoke free will offer you more good things like a healthy body, no need to spend extra money and a better relationship with others.


paraphraseSmoking is an addiction that not only harms smokers, also those, around him. Usually teenagers suffer this because smoking is more common among them for wanting to look good.The consequences are many, as the cigarette contains hundreds of substances in the nicotine. The most outstanding is the lung cancer because this is where all those substances are stored.A smoker should think not only for itself, also for those around him. As these become passive smokers who are also affected.In addition to the harm of smoking, it is a great waste of money.