The Sling System - Amazon S3 · The Sling System provides additional, safe support and...

The Sling System Introduction The Sling System is a Core Support System used on the Trapeze Table. It combines with the yellow leg springs and with the padded trapeze bar. It forms a support system to transition basic mat and core control exercises to the trapeze table. This guided support allows for deeper work, while emphasizing and reinforcing optimal alignment into the full body work. The Sling System provides additional, safe support and modifications for clients with special needs, as in cases of Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, and M.S., as well as the elderly population. Presented by Marie-José Blom LONG BEACH DANCE CONDITIONING Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838

Transcript of The Sling System - Amazon S3 · The Sling System provides additional, safe support and...

The Sling System


The Sling System is a Core Support System used on the Trapeze Table. It combines with the yellow leg springs and with the padded trapeze bar. It forms a support system to transition basic mat and core control exercises to the trapeze table. This guided support allows for deeper work, while emphasizing and reinforcing optimal alignment into the full body work.

The Sling System provides additional, safe support and modifications for clients with special needs, as in cases of Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, and M.S., as well as the elderly population.

Presented by Marie-José Blom


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838

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Trapeze Table Core Repertoire Sling Systems

Exercise: Posterolateral Breathing Strength

Objectives: Diaphragmatic strength and mid-back awareness, preparation to the core connections.

Set up: Connect the long yellow leg springs to the top of the padded trapeze bar and to the sliding bar on the frame above. Connect the stability sling under the padded bar.

Positioning and Preparation: In supine position, the upper torso is supported with a pillow from below the shoulders to an incline of approximately 20°. Pelvis in neutral position. The sling is centered in the back directly under the solar plexus ( T7-T8). Knees flexed, feet flat on the floor (hip width).

trunk stability sling Movement: Inhale, send the breath into the posterolateral “rib basket”. Exhale, slowly and controlled. At the bottom of the exhalation, slowly and gently engage the deep abdominals.

Repeat three to six breathing cycles.

Focus on Form: • Exhalation begins with a drop of the sternum away from the chin base,

the ribs follow the sternal drop gently. • The shoulders do not move up upon inhalation• The springs will indicate posterior ribcage widening by lengthening a little. The bar stays down upon exhalation.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Cueing Support: • Spread the posterior ribs into the sling.• Abdominals draw away from the knees.• Abdominals pull up like an “undercurrent” from the inner thighs.• Deep abdominals pull up as a woven net under the navel.• Sternum slides (river) in the direction of the pelvis,

abdominals (fishes) pull up towards the sternum. (Ilyse Brawer)


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Abdominal Work

Exercise: Abdominal Curl

Objectives: • Thoracic stability through respiratory and core strength.• Pelvis and lumbar stability through ABD strength• Recruitment of the transverse abdominals.• Articulation and axial length of the upper torso and spine.

Set up: Connect the long yellow leg springs to the top of the padded trapeze bar and to the sliding bar on the frame above. Connect the stability sling under the padded bar.

Positioning and Preparation: In supine position, the upper torso is supported with a pillow from below the shoulders to an incline of approximately 20°. Pelvis in neutral position. The sling is centered in the back directly under the solar plexus ( T7-T8). Knees flexed, feet flat on the floor (hip width).

Movement: Inhale, as the movement is initiated by “ear wheel” image. Exhale, draw the sternum away from the base of the chin while the spine lengthens up and away. The upper body curves forward gently pressing the floor away. Inhale, maintain axial length. Exhale, the abdominals control the curl back movement.

Repeat four times.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Focus on Form: • The head rotates to come forward.• The goal is lengthening in the upper spine with optimal length in the front of the body.• Abdominals should look like still water.

Cueing Support: • The ABD curl is initiated with an “ear wheel” image.• Imagine curling around a large gym ball.• Maintain the length between the solar plexus and pubic bone.• The abdominals slide up and under the curve.


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Pelvic Series

Exercise: Pelvic Lift and Control

Objectives: • Control of and release of the lumbar spine.• Traction and segmental articulation of the spine into axial length.• Stability of pelvis and spine / Mobility of the spinal segments.

Set up: Padded Trapeze Bar with Sling. Remove the pillow! Extra props: Small ball

Positioning and Preparation: In supine position, place the sling directly under the P.S.I.S. or more caudal (toward tailbone) if necessary. Knees and feet hip width apart with the ball placed above the knee joint, arms alongside the torso.

Movement: Inhale, draw the knees towards the toes and lift the pelvis to straight line. Exhale, stabilize the pelvis. Inhale, lengthen the spine. Exhale, articulate the spine to the mat segmentally, while “moving” the floor and spine toward the feet. The tail bone “falls” into the floor like a tassel, and the hips crease.

Repeat three times.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Focus on Form: • Well balanced pelvis.• Stable mid-back and shoulders.• Articulation of the spine via the sternal drop.• Full release of the sacrum and tailbone.• Observe cervical alignment during the movement.

Cueing Support: • Imagine the femoral heads lifting the pelvis.• Space increases under the hips.


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Pelvic Series

Exercise: Ribcage / Arm Progression

Objectives: • Latissimus dorsi stretch.• Pelvis and mid-back stability.• Contrast in movement: Shoulder girdle vs. ribcage.

Set up: Padded Trapeze Bar with Sling

Positioning and Preparation: In supine position, place the sling directly under the P.S.I.S. or more caudal (toward tailbone) if necessary. Knees and feet hip width apart with the ball placed above the knee joint, arms alongside the torso.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Movement: Exhale, as the pelvis hinges up. Inhale, and lengthen the spine. Exhale, as the arms arc up alongside the ears in a wide “V.” Inhale, and reinforce length. Exhale, peel the spine down as the arms reach from the mid-back. As soon as the pelvis is neutral, the arms may follow from the mid-back.

Repeat 3 times.

Focus on Form: • Spine and rib position do not change with arm flexion.• Shoulders stay in place.• Pelvis stays in line with the spine and does not drop.

Cueing Support: • During the arm lift the bottom of the shoulder blades fan apart.• Feel a gentle downpull under the arm pits during arm flexion.• Sternum drops away from the chin base while the head base reaches away.


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Pelvic Series

Exercise: Pelvic Clock Progression

Objectives: • Mobility of the pelvis on the hip joints.• Stability of the pelvis on the lumbar spine.• Disassociation of pelvic movement on stable femurs.• Facilitates hip rotation.• Hip extensors and Adductors strength.

Set up: Padded Trapeze Bar with Sling

Positioning and Preparation: In supine position, place the sling directly under the P.S.I.S. or more caudal (toward tailbone) if necessary. Knees and feet hip width apart with the ball placed above the knee joint, arms alongside the torso.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Movement: Exhale, as the pelvis hinges up. Inhale, rotate the pelvis transverse into 9 o’clock. Exhale, return to center. Inhale, rotate the pelvis into 3 o’clock. Exhale, return to center. Inhale, for final length Exhale, articulate the spine down.

Two repetitions alternating sides .

Focus on Form: • Avoid compensation for the rotation by “hip hiking”.• No translation or weight shifting of the pelvis or ribs.

Cueing Support: • The padded bar stays horizontal during the movement.• Visualize a ball on the padded bar slowly rolling to one side,

return the ball back to the center.Repeat to the other side.

For Core Challenges Use:

Functional Footplates Small Balls Prances


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Four Point Kneeling Series

Exercise: Flat Back and Multifidus Connection

Objectives: • Awareness of deep abdominal control.• TA Abdominal co-contraction with multifidus.• Biofeedback in balance and proprioception.• Shoulder girdle and mid-back stability strength.

Set up: Padded trapeze bar with long leg springs from sliding crossbar above.

Positioning and Preparation: In four point kneeling position, the pelvis is supported by the padded bar, on the level of the A.S.I.S.. Organize the alignment; heels of the hands directly under the shoulders, knees directly under the hipbones. A gentle lumbar curve must be present supported by the abdominals. The thoracic spine is supported via the arms. No forward or backward shift is permitted during the skill challenge.

Movement One: From a relaxed position allow the abdominals to “hang out” for a moment, organize shoulder girdle and head position as the abdominals are still relaxed. Now pick up the abdominals. Breathe in (pressing the floor away) and expand the back of the ribs away from the middle of the spine. Inhale, try to keep that expansion for a moment while lifting the deep abdominals (T.A.) away from the bar.

Repeat four breath cycles.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Exercise: Flat Back Leg Reach (Modification: Use Long Box)

Objectives: • Posterior oblique sling.• Anterior oblique sling.• Deep lateral sling strength: ABductors vs. contralateral ADductors.• Dynamic support and strength exercise for gait.• Deep abdominal and shoulder girdle stability.• Stable pelvis on spine.

Movement: Inhale, “empty” one leg and stabilize the shoulder girdle to explore where the support is coming from. Exhale, draw the abdominals away from the bar while sliding the leg away over the floor. Inhale, increase the distance from crown to tail. Exhale, lift the leg to horizontal position. Inhale, lower the leg. Exhale, slide the leg back in while the spine reaches long.

Repeat twice, alternating sides.

Focus on Form: • Maintain neutral spine and pelvis throughout the movement.• Avoid any weight shift or translation.• Maintain alignment of the cervical spine and head.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Cueing Support: • Anterior oblique sling support: via Adductor of the supporting leg with the contralateral oblique abdominals.• Posterior oblique sling support: glutes on the gesture leg with the contralateral latissimus dorsi.• As the leg returns the sit bone reaches away.• Cue the “widening diamond” on the back and maintain this feeling.

Core Challenge: Use small rotator discs under the hands.


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Side Lying Series

Exercise: Clam and Multifidus Connection

Objectives: • Postural awareness support in preparation for all Pilates side lying repertoire.• Proximal support in preparation for long lever loading in side lying.• Finding all core connections in side lying position.• Introduces core stability technique in a safe and supported learning

position for pregnant and chronic back pain clients.

Set up: Use the long leg springs from the sliding cross bar (above). Connect the sling only to the springs.

Positioning and Preparation: Place the sling between the iliac crest and the lower ribs. In the side lying position reinforce neutral pelvis and lumbar extension. A.S.I.S. are vertically aligned (nine and three in line). Cue the sacral base with thumb and middle finger, and, cue the abdominals with the other hand on the level of the belly button. In side lying work, the instructor is positioned behind the client.

Movement One: Connecting the Core Cue the L4,L5 area alongside the spinous processes. Cue the upper inner thigh with the free hand or the deep abdominals (within A.S.I.S. area)

• The fingers on the back will “draw” the Adductor or the abdominals in and up. “Straw image”• Feel the femoral head being drawn in deeper by the deep back (multifidus).• With the fingers on the transverse processes the “draw” of the femoral head will also engage the posterior psoas.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Movement Two: The Clam

Movement: Inhale, lengthen the spine. Exhale, at the end of the exhalation, connect the core. Inhale, separate the top knee without losing core engagement. Exhale, return to position via the upper inner thigh.

Movement Three: Clam Progression

Movement: Inhale, lengthen the spine. Exhale, at the end of the exhalation, connect the core. Inhale, separate the knee. Exhale, levitate foot to knee level. Inhale, foot returns. Exhale, knee follows.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Movement Four: Clam (Long Lever Challenge)

Movement: Inhale, lengthen the spine. Exhale, at the end of the exhalation, connect the core. Inhale, separate the knee. Exhale, levitate foot to knee level. Inhale, extend the leg to full length. Exhale, flex the knee. Inhale, return the foot. Exhale, lower the knee.

Repeat movement of choice four times.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Focus on Form: • Sit bones wide.• Direct the movement from the deeper gluteal fibers.• Pelvis remains stable.

Note: The client with tight lumbar spine muscles has a tendency to roll forward. The client with tight hip flexors has a tendency to roll back.

Cueing Support: • Lower rib – A.S.I.S. connection.• Open and closing the legs via the pelvic floor (magnet image).• Apply bone rhythms: femur rotates out, pelvic bone rotates in.


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Side Lying Series

Exercise: Side Leg Reach

Objectives: • Disassociation of leg on stable pelvis.• Strengthening of ABductors.• Positioning preparation for spring loaded Pilates side lying work.• Preparation for standing ABduction / ADduction work.

Set up: Use the long leg springs from the sliding cross bar (on top). Attach the sling only to the springs.

Positioning and Preparation: Place the sling between the iliac crest and the lower ribs. In the side lying position reinforce neutral pelvis and lumbar extension. A.S.I.S. are vertically aligned (nine and three in line). Cue the sacral base with thumb and middle finger, and, cue the abdominals with the other hand on the level of the belly button. In side lying work, the instructor guides the movement with tactile cueing.

Movement: Inhale, reach the hip into the distance – the waist slightly lifts with the sling. Exhale, levitate the leg one inch above the greater trochanter and flex foot. Inhale, point the foot. Exhale, lower the leg from the upper inner thigh.

Repeat four to six times.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Focus on Form: • Leg reaches out until A.S.I.S. are in line. Not farther!• Maintain pelvic stability throughout the entire movement (space under the waist).• Pull the abdominals away from behind the sling.• Bottom side lower rib with topside A.S.I.S. connection.

Cueing Support: • Visualize the excursion of the head of the femur during the entire movement.• Stabilize the movement from femur head instead of the foot.

Movement: Side Leg Reach into Side Leg Kick

Movement: Inhale, as the hip reaches into the maximum distance. Exhale, levitate the leg to hip height and flex the foot. Inhale, take the leg to the front (femoral head glides back and in). Inhale, return the leg to side position. Exhale, lower the leg from the upper inner thigh.

Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838


Focus on Form: • Leg reach forward is a posterior hip glide on a stable pelvis.• Avoid any compensation of rolling the pelvis backward or forward to accommodate more range.• Leg stays on the same height during the entire exercise.


Available at or call 1-800-Pilates (800-745-2837) or +1 916-388-2838