THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado...

THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 Father Manuel Leon Bravo, Pastor Deacon Santi & Virginia Gorospe Deacon Agustin & Veronica Jimenez Deacon John & Joyce Tullius OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:30pm MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:15pm Vigil Mass (English) 7pm Vigil Mass (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am (E), 9am (E), 11am (E) 12:30pm (S) 5:15pm (E) Weekdays: 8:15am (E) Holy Days: Vigil Mass (S) 7:00pm & Day of (E) 8:15am DEVOTIONS / ADORATION Tuesdays 7pm Blessed Sacrament (Silent) Adoration Wednesday: 9am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (E) First Friday: Fri. 9am—12am Blessed Sacrament Adoration; 7pm Mass (B) First Saturday: 2000 Hail Marys 4am / Mass 8:15am / Rosary 4:30pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30-4:45pm (or call the office for an appointment) All Tuesdays of the Month 7pm (except the 4th Tuesday) SICK CALLS: Please call the Church Office. FUNERALS: Please call the Church Office. BAPTISMS: Arrangements must be made 1 month in advance. Classes in English are the first Thursday of every month Clases en Español serán el primer Viernes del mes. WEDDINGS: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance. Saint Madeleine Sophie, pray for us! Called to Renew The second weekend of every month is our Called to Renew weekend. On this weekend every month we will take any new pledges or any payments you want to make to your exist- ing pledge. You may turn in any clearly la- beled pledge, in any Collection Basket on this weekend. Thank you for your support! St. Madeleine Catholic Church 931 E. Kingsley Ave., Pomona, CA 91767-5098 [email protected] Phone (909) 629-9495 Fax (909) 623-7148 This months Altar Candles donated by The Rocha Family Please remember them in your prayers!

Transcript of THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado...

Page 1: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,


Father Manuel Leon Bravo, Pastor Deacon Santi & Virginia Gorospe

Deacon Agustin & Veronica Jimenez Deacon John & Joyce Tullius


Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:30pm

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:15pm Vigil Mass (English) 7pm Vigil Mass (Spanish)

Sunday: 7:30am (E), 9am (E), 11am (E) 12:30pm (S) 5:15pm (E) Weekdays: 8:15am (E)

Holy Days: Vigil Mass (S) 7:00pm & Day of (E) 8:15am

DEVOTIONS / ADORATION Tuesdays 7pm Blessed Sacrament (Silent) Adoration

Wednesday: 9am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (E) First Friday: Fri. 9am—12am Blessed Sacrament Adoration; 7pm Mass (B)

First Saturday: 2000 Hail Marys 4am / Mass 8:15am / Rosary 4:30pm

CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30-4:45pm (or call the office for an appointment)

All Tuesdays of the Month 7pm (except the 4th Tuesday)

SICK CALLS: Please call the Church Office. FUNERALS: Please call the Church Office.

BAPTISMS: Arrangements must be made 1 month in advance. Classes in English are the first Thursday of every month

Clases en Español serán el primer Viernes del mes. WEDDINGS: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance.

Saint Madeleine Sophie, pray for us!

Called to Renew The second weekend of every month is our Called to Renew weekend. On this weekend every month we will take any new pledges or any payments you want to make to your exist-ing pledge. You may turn in any clearly la-beled pledge, in any Collection Basket on this weekend. Thank you for your support!

St. Madeleine Catholic Church 931 E. Kingsley Ave., Pomona, CA 91767-5098 [email protected]

Phone (909) 629-9495 Fax (909) 623-7148

This months Altar Candles donated by The Rocha Family

Please remember them in your prayers!

Page 2: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,

Saturday, February 15 5:15 pm Carol Cheng, Blessings (Lee Family)

7:00 pm Pro Populo Sunday, February 16 7:30 am Jesus & Juanita Ortiz, RIP (Daughter)

and Elizabeth Gonzales, RIP (Family)

and Segundo Sandoval, RIP (Wife & Family)

and All Souls in Purgatory (Olga Rensonnet)

and Julia Orozco, RIP (Family)

and America Rubio, RIP 1 Year (Husband & Children)

9:00 am Rogene Clark, Birthday Blessings (Sister Carol)

11:00 am Sherley Cadore & Family, Blessings

and Maria Thuy Nguyen, RIP (Nguyen Family)

12:30 pm Alandra Heredia, Cumpleaños (Familia) and Juana & Raquel Diaz, Cumpleaños

and Ana Gallarzo, Cumpleaños (Familia Montoya)

and Emiliano Soriano, RIP (Familia Montoya)

and José Luis Ipaaguirre, RIP (Hermanos) 5:15 pm open at time of printing Monday, February 17 8:15 am Segundo Sandoval, RIP (Wife & Family)

and Abraham & Tita Sta Maria, Safe Travel (Zarate Family)

and Matthew Austin Bullen, Birthday Blessings (Pa & Goosh)

and Ethan Manuel Ramallo, Birthday Blessings (Pa & Nana)

and Rosie Scalise, RIP (Manny & Sylvia Ramallo)

Tuesday, February 18 8:15 am open at time of printing Wednesday, February 19 8:15 am Carol Cheng, Blessings (Lee Family)

and In Memory of Oliver Perez on His Birthday (Zarate Family) Thursday, February 20 8:15 am Olga Diaz de Leon, RIP (Family)

and Ronald Gonzalez, Birthday Blessings (Mom)

Friday, February 21 8:15 am In Memory of Jeronimo Diaz de Leon on His Birthday (Family)

and Angie Navarro, Birthday Blessings (Zarate Family)

and A Special Intention for Ken & Marie Vargas (Vargas-Quesada Family)

Treasures From Our Tradition What would you say is the oldest, most frequently sung, most translated, most memorized, most beloved song text in the Christian world today? An astute and surprising answer might be the Gloria, “Glory to God in the Highest.” Soon the Lenten fast will begin, and the Gloria, sung at the beginning of Sunday Mass, will be silenced. It is an heirloom from a treasury of hymns spun from the songs of praise on the lips of Mary, Elizabeth, and Zachary. We move in the prayer from the song of the angels at the first Christmas, to the praise of God, and to a final plea to Christ to continue and complete his work in us. For nearly 1500 years, the singing of the Glo-ria has been a sign of the festive quality of a particular Mass. From the beginning it was a song of the people, not of the choir or clergy. These last few Sundays of winter Ordi-nary Time allow us a chance to savor the hymn and give our-selves over to the chorus. How is the song of praise arising from your pew? If you claim the song as yours, its absence from Lent will be more striking, and its return at Easter will cheer your heart.

—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Bad Company People who live solely for themselves are eventually cor-rupted by their own company.

—Anonymous MALA COMPAÑÍA Las personas que viven con soledad con el tiempo se vuel-ven desleales a su compañía.


SANCTUARY LAMP Juan Pedro & Rita Ochoa

Conscience Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.

—George Washington

Conciencia Trabaja para mantener viva en tu corazón la chispa del fue-go celestial, esa que se llama conciencia.

—George Washington

February Prayer List Mary Hernandez, Dwight Guild, Dennis Morelli, Norberto Zarate, Catalina Moreno, Aldino Morelli, Sandy Morelli, Mrs. Rita Mar-tinez, Pedro Martinez, Jorge Martinez, Rita Martinez, Shirley Flores, Mary Flores, Mark LeMelle, Mary Trejo, Anthony Brown, Sorreda Family, Feranil-Sorreda Family, J. Luis Vazques, M. Lus Vazques, Gamboa Family, Mariana Al-varado, Yolanda Alvarado, Alfredo Torres, Fletes Family, Ga-briel & German Martinez, Felipe Cervantes, Rosa Sanchez, Arturo Segura, Leopoldo Luna, Irene Ventura, Guadalupe Spindola, Rafael Bonilla, Enrique Vera, Lolita Muller, Mar-celino Lopez, Sylvia Dominguez, Alfredo Mata, Tomasa Lopez, Miriam Ramirez, Francisco Cervantes, Olivia Ceja, Familia Mercado, Mariana Avina, Dean Vallejo, Mateo Valen-cia, Enlil Martinez-Cruz, Lucha Ramos, Rita Avalos, Jose Ava-los, Felix Villalobos, Dora Gamboa, Angeles Barrios, Jaime Alisangco, Tere Cardenas, Aurora Vasquez, Mainor Ramos, Ana Castillo, Teresa Noyola, Edith Treto, Sahir Troutman, Shamsher Singh, Kamaljit Troutman, Erin Thompson, Christi-na Ruiz, Jennifer Dupont, Rogelio Quezada, Felipe Ortega, Jimenez Family, Rosalio Alejandro Jimenez, Sol Datu and Family, Abou-Assi Family, Baby Boy Sproling, Diaz-Bedolla Family, Maria Senora, Martha Luz Morelli The Prayer List starts over every first Bulletin of the month.

Theryl Buan & Anne Marie Acosta ♥ 3-7-20 Jorge Asencion & Yunuen Telles ♥ 4-18-20

Page 3: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,


English Bible Study

The English Bible Study, “Matthew: The King and His Kingdom,” will be starting in March on Sundays from 2-4:30PM in Conference Room A. Dive into the story of how Christ established His Kingdom in Matthew. A 24 part Bible Study featuring Jeff Cavins. Registration is free. The stu-dent workbook is $36. You should bring your Catholic Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For more info or to register for the study, call our Bible Study Facilitators, Vedasto and Carmencita Sorreda at 909-918-9368.

Women’s Silent Retreat The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles are offering their Annual Women’s Silent Retreat on March 27-29 on the beautiful and serene grounds of the Saced Heart Retreat House in Al-hambra. The Retreat Master is Rev. Sebadtian Walshe, O. Praem. The deadline for your reservation application and payment is Fri., March 6. For more info pick up a flyer at all church doors or call Laura Fuentes at 323-301-9090 or [email protected].

Box Tops for Education Our Parish School is collecting Box Tops for Education coupons from the tops of hundreds of participating products. If you would like to support them in the purchase of new computers simply place your coupons in an envelope and turn them in to the Sunday Collection baskets. For more info call the school office at 623-9602.

Pull Tabs Needed The Catholic Daughters are collecting pull tabs to go towards helping out the Ronald McDonald Homes for sick children and their families. Please drop them in the containers on the literature racks at all church doors or in the Hall.

What is Scrip? How Does it Work? ♦ Buy Scrip Gift Cards, available every first and third Sunday of the month

in the Hall from 10AM-12PM or any time from the office during normal hours, in everyday categories including groceries, gas, restaurants, en-tertainment, and more, from over 750 retailers.

♦ A percentage of each gift card purchased goes directly to the church. ♦ Use the Scrip Gift Card on your everyday shopping or as a gift.

Put your everyday spending to work for the church!

¿Qué es Scrip? ¿Como funciona? ♦ Compre tarjetas de regalo Scrip, disponibles todos los primeros y tercer-

os domingos del mes en el Hall de 10 AM a 12PM o en cualquier mo-mento desde la oficina durante el horario normal, en categorías diarias que incluyen compras, gas, restaurantes, entretenimiento y más, desde más de 750 minoristas.

♦ Un porcentaje de cada tarjeta de regalo comprada va directamente a la iglesia.

♦ Use la tarjeta de regalo Scrip en sus compras diarias o como regalo. ¡Pon tus gastos diarios a trabajar para la iglesia!

The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle February 22

In brushing up for “Catholic Jeopardy,” it might help to know that there is only one feast on the calendar for a thing, rather than a person or mystery. It’s for a chair: Saint Pe-ter’s chair in fact. After the Resurrection, there can be no doubt that the disciples re-served a special place for Simon Peter in the upper room. Later, Peter became the bishop of Antioch in today’s Syria, the place where we were first called Christians. From there, he went to Rome, the center of the Empire, where it is said that Peter sat in a chair in the house of Priscilla and Aquila to instruct his flock. Jesus, in entrusting the keys of the Kingdom to Peter and his successors, entrust-ed his compassion and mercy to them, and charged them with pointing to the Kingdom of God. Compassion and mercy are to resonate through their teaching. Since the ancient sign of a teacher is the chair, Peter’s chair has long been treasured. Today there is a symbolic shrine of Peter’s chair above the main altar of St. Peter’s Basili-ca in Rome. This monument is the last work of Bernini, a huge bronze throne supported by four doctors of the Church: Augustine and Ambrose from the Western Church, and Chrys-ostom and Athanasius from the East. High above it is the alabaster window of the de-scent of the Holy Spirit.

—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Los Siete Santos Fundadores de la Orden de los Siervos de María

17 de febrero La fiesta litúrgica de hoy honra a los siete santos fundadores de la Orden de los Siervos de Santa María Virgen cuyos nombres eran: Alejo, Amadeo, Hugo, Benito, Bartolomé, Ger-ardino y Juan; un grupo de comerciantes que renunciaron a la vida de negocios, dejaron lo necesario para sus familias, repartieron lo demás entre los pobres y se dedicaron por entero a la veneración de María Virgen, yén-dose a vivir a una montaña italiana y posteri-ormente, asumiendo una vida ermitaña, esto es, de oración, ayuno extremo y penitencia. Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo, por con-siderar el sacerdocio como algo muy grande para él, decide permanecer como hermano. La Congregación fue aprobada en 1304 y la fiesta litúrgica se enmarca el día de hoy, pre-cisamente porque en este día murió el último de ellos, el hermano Alejo, de quienes los jóvenes novicios escucharon el testimonio de santidad que dio de sus compañeros así co-mo de su vida misma.

—Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 4: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,

St. Madeleine Catholic School PK3, TK4, Kindergarten, 1st—5th Grade

To Educate and Empower Our Future Catholic Leaders! or [email protected]

Donating Winter Clothes for Our Homeless Brothers & Sisters!

A Catholic Education ….A Gift for Life! Academic Excellence and a Serving Heart!

Page 5: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,

Office of Religious Education/ Oficina de Educacion Religiosa

2020 Confirmation Retreat

Page 6: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,

DID YOU KNOW? Make a Playground Checklist Parents sometimes think of play-grounds as “drop zones” for their kids — keep an eye or an ear out, but otherwise settle in on a bench while your child burns off energy. Nearly 170,000 chil-dren were injured on playgrounds in 2019, and a few moments of careful at-tention could keep your child from joining those ranks. When you get to a play-ground, check out the surfaces under-neath the equipment, especially equip-ment that allows children to jump or hang from it. The ground surface should be soft and shock absorbent. Check equip-ment for visible dangers — loose or miss-ing pieces, sharp angles, broken sup-ports, etc. For more tips, get a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Playground Checklist” at

¿SABÍA QUE? Haga una lista de verificación del parque infantil Algunas veces, los padres de familia ven el parque infantil como “zonas de descarga” de sus hijos, mantienen un ojo o un oído sobre ellos, pero por otra parte solo llegan a sentarse en las bancas del parque mientras sus hijos queman ener-gía. Casi 170,000 niños sufrieron her-idas cuando jugaban en el parque in-fantil en el 2019. Solo unos pocos minu-tos de atención cuidadosa puede man-tener a su hijo/a lejos de ser parte de esas estadísticas. Cuando usted llegue a un parque de juegos, revise las superfi-cies debajo de los juegos, especialmente si es un equipo para que los niños salten o se cuelguen de él. El suelo debe ser suave y con buena amortiguación. Revise si los juegos tienen daños visibles, si están flojos o les faltan piezas, si tienen ángulos afilados, algunas partes quebra-das, etc. Para más consejos, obtenga una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Playground Checklist” (Verificación del parque infantil), en


As of January 17, 2020

2019 Goal $43,400.00 Amount Paid $21,068.20

Thank you and God bless you for your continued generosity!

Choice “If you choose you can keep the commandments,” Sirach tells us. God “has set before you fire and water; to whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand” (Sirach 15:15, 16). This is a great mystery: God does not control us so completely that we cannot choose our own path. We have certain bounda-ries, of course, but no one but we can choose our way within those bounda-ries. In today’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us of our free-dom and our responsibility for our lives. He calls us to look beyond the words of the commandments, all the way to their meaning. Look beyond the adultery to the selfishness that poisons our love. Look beyond the murder to the anger that eats away at our com-passion. Look beyond the perjured testimony to the lies and deception that drive our behavior. Our vocation is to choose life for ourselves, and to choose a path through our part of the world that helps make life possible and more abundant for others as well.

Tú Decides

“Si tú lo quieres, puedes guardar los mandamientos”, nos dice Eclesiástico (Sirácide). Dios “ha puesto delante de ti fuego y agua; extiende la mano a lo que quieras” (Eclo 15:15, 16). Este es un gran misterio: Dios no nos controla tan completamente que no podemos elegir nuestro propio camino. Es cierto que tenemos límites, pero nadie sino nosotros mismos podemos elegir el camino dentro de esos límites. En la lectura de hoy del Evangelio según san Mateo, Jesús nos recuerda que somos libres y responsables de nuestra vida. Nos llama a ir más allá de las palabras de los mandamientos para considerar su significado. Si vas más allá del adulterio verás el egoísmo que envenena nuestro amor. Si vas más allá del asesinato verás la ira que corroe nuestra compasión. Si vas más allá del falso testimonio (perjurio) verás las mentiras y engaños que pro-ducen este comportamiento. Nuestra vocación es elegir la vida para nosotros mismos, y tomar un camino a través de nuestro mundo que haga la vida posible y más abun-dante para otros también.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Thank You!

On behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul we would like to thank all pa-rishioners for your donations, contri-butions, and your prayers. God is good!

We Need Your Help! Do you want to give back? Do you en-joy serving others? Are you open to ministering to others in need? If so, the Society of St. Vincent could use your help and ideas! Please call 909-6 3 2 - 4 1 7 6 o r e m a i l u s at [email protected].

Food Pantry Our Pantry serves the community of Pomona. If you are in need of food please stop by with your valid ID. When: 2nd, 3rd, & last Wednesday of the month Where: Behind the church's main of-fice Time: 8:30-10:30am *If you'd like to donate food we are in need of the following items: rice, cook-ing oil, regular oatmeal, and peanut butter. Please leave in the boxes in the church or in the main office.

Pomona Homeless Shelter Every Wednesday 6-7PM we serve over 275 individuals. If you'd like to help with cooking or serving please contact us at 909-632 - 4176 or email us at [email protected].

English Bible Study The English Bible Study, “Matthew: The King and His Kingdom,” is 2-4:30PM on the Sundays of: Mar 8, 15 & 22; Apr 5 & 26; May 3 & 17; Jun 14 & 28; Jul 12, 19 & 26; Aug 9 & 23; Sept 13 & 27; Oct 11 & 18; Nov 8, 15 & 22; Dec 6 & 13. For more info call Vedasto or Carmencita Sorreda at 909-918-9368.

Estudio Biblico en Español El Estudio Biblico se reúne todos los viernes de 6-10PM en la sala de con-ferencias A. Para mas información llama a Raul Mercado a 909-629-8594.

Page 7: THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 · Tiempo después, a petición del delegado del Sumo Pontífice, todos, excepto uno, se or-denan sacerdotes. El hermano Alejo,

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday: The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order Presidents’ Day Friday: St. Peter Damian Saturday: The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle Washington’s Birthday


Sunday, February 16 Coro Guadalupano • 10-12PM • CR-A

Bible Study• 2-4PM • CR-A

Monday, February 17 Divine Mercy • 5-10PM • CR-A

St. Vincent de Paul • 7-9PM • CR-B Coro Guadalupano • 6-9PM • Sch #8/Hall

Tuesday, February 18 Legión de María• 9-10:30AM • CR-A

Finance Council • 1-3PM • CR-A Confessions & Adoration• 7PM • Church

Legion of Mary• 7-9PM • CR-A

Wednesday, February 19 Filipino Stewards • 7-9PM • Cafe-B

RCIA • 7-9PM • Hall/CR– A & B/#2, 5, 8

Thursday, February 20 School • 6-9PM • Hall/K

CFC Practice • 7-9PM • CR-A Encuentro Matrimonial • 7-10PM • Cafe-B

Fiesta Meeting • 7-9PM • CR-B

Friday, February 21 Office Closed

Sick & Dying Prayer Group • 9-10AM • Chapel Silent Adoration • 9AM-7PM • Church

Estudio Biblico • 6-10PM • CR-A

Saturday, February 22 Religious Ed• 8AM-1PM • Sch/CR-A & B/Cafe

English Baptisms• 11AM• Church Spanish Baptisms• 12PM • Church

Confessions • 3:30-4:45PM Confirmation• 3-9PM • Sch #5, 8/CR-A & B/Hall

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: James 1:1-11 Mark 8:11-13 Tuesday: James 1:12-18 Mark 8:14-21 Wednesday: James 1:19-27 Mark 8:22-26 Thursday: James 2:1-9 Mark 8:27-33 Friday: James 2:14-24, 26 Mark 8:34 — 9:1 Saturday: 1 Peter 5:1-4 Matthew 16:13-19 Sunday: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 Matthew 5:38-48


I wish to register/me gustaría registrar I would like to receive envelopes/me gustaría recibir sobres Name/Nombre:______________________________________________ Street Address/Domicilio:______________________________________ City/Ciudad:_________________ Zip Code/Código Pos-tal:____________ Phone/Teléfono:____________________Date: Fecha________________



Bulletin deadline is Sunday for the following weekend. Bring your copy to the parish office or email [email protected].


OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Business Manager: Maria Zavala…….……………………..…..909-629-9495

OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION / YOUTH MINISTRY Coordinator: Veronica Rincon ……………………………………..909-629-7377

OFFICE OF LITURGY & SPIRITUALITY Liturgy & Spiritual Life Coordinator: Linda DeBerry……909-629-9495 /

[email protected] 909-228-9168


Catholic Daughters: Margaret Velarde……………………..…..909-437-5957

Couples for Christ: Kopie & Cora Jalad………………………...909-455-7053

Divine Mercy: Anaeva Padro……………….…………………….….….951-203-7133

Encuentro Matrimonial: Isidro & Rosa Luevano………...…909-545-1613

English Bible Study: Vedasto & Carmencita Sorreda….…909-918-9368

Estudio Biblico: Raul Mercado………………………………….….909-629-8594

Filipino Stewards: Alex Uvero ……………………………...…..860-389-0382

Tras las Huellas de Jesús: Ildefonso Gamboa, Sr. ………..909-367-8780

ICON: Margaret Velarde……………………………………….….….909-437-5957

Legion of Mary: Deborah Lemelle…………………………...…..909-461-8362

Legion de María: Margarita Rivas…………………………….….909-506-5359

Respect Life: Terry Trew………………………………………………909-576-6611

Safeguard the Children: Linda DeBerry……………………..…909-629-9495

Sick & Dying Prayer Teams: Karen Ortiz (E)……………….…909-764-7097 Lourdes Countee (S & E)…..909-343-0987

Sociedad Guadalupana: Martin & Martha Landeros…..…909-630-8437

St. Vincent de Paul: ……………909-632-4176 or [email protected]