The Siren 2013 Volume 2013, Issue 3 District...

The Siren Sounds Inside this issue: Project New Hope 1 DG Dave Comments 2 Club Officer Training 3 DG Elect Donna & 1st VDG Elect Duane 4 2nd VDG Elect Ted USA/Canada Forum 5 What’s Happening in the District 6 & 7 MD5M Multiple Con- vention Registration 8-9 Motorcycling for Leader Dog 10 Governor Visit Photos DG’s Calendar 11 12 March 2013 Volume 2013, Issue 3 District 5M-8 Project New Hope Offering new hope to veterans and their families through weekend retreats. At Project New Hope, we are driven by our mission: To provide veterans and their families the education, training and skills necessary to manage their lives after wartime service. Project New Hope was founded in 2007 by caring individuals who understand that for veterans and their families, wartime doesn’t end the day that soldier comes home. The effects of serving our country in the military are often felt throughout a soldier’s entire lifetime, and can have an impact on each family member as well, often in ways that may be quite subtle or hidden from view. We realize the process of healing and understanding is a vital component to life success after war. Each family member will deal with what has happened in their own way. Returning solders face the challenge of transition from war foot- ing, to civilian home life. Often, it can seem as though they’re in it alone, as though people expect them to pick up where they’d been, as though nothing had changed during their time away. Spouses may struggle with changes in the home, first with their soldier gone, and then to another set of changes after the return. Children may lack the maturity to independently adjust to the absence of a parent, their return, and the transitions which must take place. No matter which era a soldier served in Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan it doesn’t matter at Project New Hope. All U. S. veterans and their families are welcome. There is no charge associated with Project New Hope retreats; financial concerns will never prevent us from offering our services to soldiers and their families. If you or someone you know has served our country in times of war, please join Project New Hope for a weekend retreat for the entire family. Come join other veterans and their families, as we all continue on the journey. What happened before was beyond our control…what happens next, is up to you.

Transcript of The Siren 2013 Volume 2013, Issue 3 District...

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The Siren Sounds

Inside this issue:

Project New Hope 1

DG Dave Comments 2

Club Officer Training 3

DG Elect Donna &

1st VDG Elect Duane


2nd VDG Elect Ted

USA/Canada Forum


What’s Happening in the


6 & 7

MD5M Multiple Con-

vention Registration


Motorcycling for Leader



Governor Visit Photos

DG’s Calendar



March 2013

Volume 2013, Issue 3

District 5M-8

Project New Hope Offering new hope to veterans and their families through weekend retreats.

At Project New Hope, we are driven by our mission: To provide veterans and

their families the education, training and skills necessary to manage their lives

after wartime service.

Project New Hope was founded in 2007 by caring individuals who understand

that for veterans and their families, wartime doesn’t end the day that soldier

comes home. The effects of serving our country in the military are often felt

throughout a soldier’s entire lifetime, and can have an impact on each family

member as well, often in ways that may be quite subtle or hidden from view.

We realize the process of healing and understanding is a vital component to life

success after war. Each family member will deal with what has happened in

their own way. Returning solders face the challenge of transition from war foot-

ing, to civilian home life. Often, it can seem as though they’re in it alone, as

though people expect them to pick up where they’d been, as though nothing had

changed during their time away. Spouses may struggle with changes in the

home, first with their soldier gone, and then to another set of changes after the

return. Children may lack the maturity to independently adjust to the absence of

a parent, their return, and the transitions which must take place.

No matter which era a soldier served in – Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf War, Iraq,

and Afghanistan – it doesn’t matter at Project New Hope. All U. S. veterans and

their families are welcome. There is no charge associated with Project New

Hope retreats; financial concerns will never prevent us from offering our

services to soldiers and their families. If you or someone you know has served our country in times of war, please join

Project New Hope for a weekend retreat for the entire family. Come join other

veterans and their families, as we all continue on the journey. What happened

before was beyond our control…what happens next, is up to you.

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District Governor Dave Thompson

Greetings fellow Lions and friends. I hope you are all surviving the snow and cold weather. It

has been a very busy month for Lions throughout the Multiple with all of the Mid-winters

going on. I know Mary and I have been very busy, I thought that retirement was supposed to

allow you to slow down. Well, I know that has not happened for me so far. I seem to be bus-

ier then when I was working, but it is for a great cause. Lions are great, and as we travel to

these other conventions and activities, I really realize how important and beneficial they are

to their respective communities and Clubs. It was so heartwarming to see how the Lions of

5M8 contributed to the many organizations and causes during the Parade of Green at our Mid

-Winter, over $142,000.00, that is simply gratifying to see. Without the many Lions and their

respective clubs of 5M8, many causes and cures would go unsupported, and that would be

very undesirable. I am really proud of the reality of the generosity shown by you Lions, be-

cause this figure is just a small part of the total giving that takes place in each and every one

of your clubs throughout the year. And on the other side of the coin, this giving is not only in the form of funds, but

also in the form of our many Lions and friends time and talents which make it even greater. It is really difficult to

believe that the present Lions year is well over half way through. I am going to miss all the opportunities and good

fellowship next year also. Mary and I have been busy making club visits, and this last month we unfortunately had

to postpone a visit with the Grey Eagle-Burtrum Club due to weather. Mary and I along with other District Gover-

nors were up in Winnipeg for the 5M11Convention and were only able to get back as far as Fargo before they shut

down all of the roads in the area. We finally got out of Fargo about 2 o’clock in the afternoon on Monday, and that

was only on Highway 10, 94 was closed until after 3:00 PM. We will make it up to them. We were able to get visits

in with the following clubs, Little Falls, Little Falls Dandee, Little Falls Lindbergh, Roscoe, Holdingford, Holding-

ford Lioness, Rice and St. Stephen. All the visits were very educational and enjoyable. As usual, each Club is well

aware of the needs of their surrounding area and community, and work towards fulfilling all of them. I would also

like to remind the Clubs that have not scheduled your visits yet to please do so soon. I will be sending letters to the

Presidents and Secretaries of these clubs to remind them also. Before closing I would also like to congratulate the recipients of the awards at the Conventions, they are Lions PCC

Frank Loken and PDG Wayne Oak, of the Sandstone Lions, VDG Duane Finger of the Kimball Lions, Lion John

Bowden of the St. Cloud Southsiders, Lion Kris Obrien of the Fairhaven Lions, and Lions Spencer Stone and

Gordon Jacobson of the Sturgeon Lake Lions. I would also Like to thank PDG Joe and ZC Lori Steinmann of the

Sauk Rapids Lions Club for the great job they did picking up and delivering ID Dave Hajny and Lion Marie, it was

also greatly appreciated. Congratulations also to our newly Elect Officers DGE Donna Mae Landwehr, 1stVDGE

Duane Finger, and 2ndVDGE Ted Peterson. They are a great group of leaders and will serve our district well.

Lastly, I would like to offer a huge THANK YOU to the Sandstone, Sandstone Quarry, and the Sturgeon Lake Lions

for the excellent job of planning and hosting this years convention. Great job everyone! Until next month, keep smil-

ing, laughing and most of all enjoy each other. Yours in Lionism DG Dave and Mary Thompson .

Governor Dave enjoying himself with friends at 5M3 convention

in Fairmont, MN

~District 5M8 Membership Update~ Number of Members: July 31, 2012 3,028

Members Added: 123

Members Dropped: 154

Net Loss/Gain: -31

Total Members to date: 2997

Number of Clubs in the District: 76

Have YOU Asked Someone to be a Lion


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District 5M8’s Leadership Development Team will be conducting Officer Training Ses-sions in four areas of our District. ALL Clubs are encouraged to have their 2013-14 offi-cers attend the session that is most convenient for them. All officers and all interested Lions, Lioness, and Leos are invited to attend. These training sessions are designed to inform officers, and members of the duties, require-ments, and expectations of club officers and other aspects of Lionism. There will be sessions for Club Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, Mem-bership Chairs, and Public Relations. Club secretaries will be having HANDS ON training. We know that everyone will have the opportunity to learn more, and some-thing new about their jobs and Lions. Site times and locations are: All sessions will start at 6:30 PM and end at 9:00 PM. April 9, 2013—Rocori High School, Cold Spring, MN April 16, 2013—Pierz High School, Pierz, MN April 23, 2013—East Central High School, Askov, MN April 30, 2013—Staples/Motley High School, Staples, MN Agenda All—6:30-6:40 PM—Welcome and introductions—DGE Donna Mae Landwehr All—6:40-7:20 PM—Membership—PDG Linus Dingmann 7:20-7:30 PM—Break—Pop, water, coffee, and treats are provided 7:35-9:00 PM—Secretaries—PDG Pete Kleingartner, Lion Mike Cramer, and Lion Charlie Gunderson 7:35-9:00 PM—Presidents—PDG Frank Leidenfrost 7:35-8:10 PM—Treasurers—PCC Jim Diehl 8:10-9:00 PM—Tail Twisters—Lion Deb Bialke and Public Relations—Lion Lori Steinemann All Clubs are asked to please make every possible effort to attend the most convenient location. Should you have any questions, please contact PCC Jim Diehl at 1-320-255-1199 or PDG Frank Leidenfrost at 1-218-894-1935.

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First Vice District Governor Elect Duane Finger

Fellow Lions:

At the convention in Hinckley, I received a Certificate of Appreciation from the In-

ternational President, Wayne Madden. This came about from the results of the shin-

gling project at Camp New Hope. I want to thank all of the Clubs in Region 4, Zone

1and Home Depot. The clubs in that zone are, Fair Haven, Kimball, Rockville, Lux-

emburg, St. Augusta, St. Cloud Southsiders, Watkins, and the Fair Haven-Kimball Leo’s. Home Depot

furnished the materials and labor from some of their employees. If it wasn’t for the dedication of the clubs

in that zone, and the donation from Home Depot, the award would have not been presented. I THANK all

of you for your work and commitment. This award also belongs to you.

I hope your clubs have had their election of officers by now. Your secretaries need to get the New Club

Officers (PU101) recorded into International. In April the District is having officer training. Your secre-

taries will get the locations and times from the District and your Zone Chairs. Please plan to attend. You

will be taught the responsibilities of each office and how to record the information to International. There

are changes made in the reporting for the secretaries. What officers should attend? Presidents, Secretaries,

Treasurers, Tail Twisters and Public Relation Officers. . I hope to see you there.

1st Vice District Governor Elect Duane Finger

February 15 , 2013

Greetings Lions

Wow, what a great Mid–Winter Convention. Thanks, to the Sandstone Lions, Sandstone

Quarry Lions and the Sturgeon Lake Lion for a good job. Thanks to DG Dave for all your

hard work with the Convention. Congratulations to 1st VGDE Duane Finger and 2nd VDGE

Ted Peterson, and I am looking forward to working with you both.

Soon you will be hearing about the Officers Training which will be coming up in April.

The schedule will be in this newsletter. Please check the dates and places so that your club

can send your President, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twister and any other interested Lions that would like to at-

tend. Officers Training is not just for officers, anyone can attend.

Clubs, we still need to keep working on the Retention and Membership in your clubs. We need more hands and

younger Lions in our Clubs so we can keep helping the less fortunate people in our communities. The GMT and

GLT Teams will be glad to come to your clubs and gave you a presentation on the Retention and Membership pro-


Yours in Lionism

DGE Donna Mae Landwehr

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The Forum in Overland Park

Lions and Leos and Toto too? It looks like the 37th annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum

in Overland Park, Kansas will be the place to be from September 19th to 21st. Expect Overland Park to be de-

scended upon by over 2000 of your friends and fellow Leos, Lions and Lionesses renewing old friendships and mak-

ing new ones.

This years forum will be full of seminars and vendors with everything you can find to build on your leadership skills.

Expect to find the Tin Mans Heart, Flying Monkeys, Ruby Red Shoes and maybe even Toto too. The live webinar

presented last year was so successful it will be returning this year to try to convince you that “We’re Not In Kansas


Professional speakers Ed Hearn (Conquering Life’s Curves) and Dayna Steele( Rock Star Interview) will be present-

ing seminars as well as a return visit from Dr. Love’s Traveling Sponsorship Show.

If you want to put the fun back into being a Lion join us in Overland Park!

Visit USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum web site:

Registration Form:

Fellow Lions,

I would like to thank the Sandstone Lions Club for nominating me to this posi-

tion. I would also like to thank the delegates for their confidence in me by electing

me as 2nd Vice District Governor at our recent Mid-Winter Convention.. I truly

appreciate all your support and look forward in the next three years serving Dis-

trict 5M8.

In just over a month MD5M Multiple Convention will be held in Rochester, MN. It

would be great to have a strong contingency from 5M8 attend the convention.

Then in September the USA/Canada Leadership Forum is being held in Overland , KS. Just a

short 8 hour drive down Interstate 35. The Forum is a fast pace fun time of attending workshops,

meeting new people, and members of the International Board. Every Lion should attend at least

one in their life time. So follow the yellow brick road to Overland KS in September 18-21, 2013.

Serving with you to meet the needs of our communities,

Lion Ted Peterson

2nd Vice District Governor Elect

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What’s Happening Around the District

Region 1 Zone 1 Zone Meeting

Hosted by Pine City Pine Area Lions Club Date: April 9, 2013 Place: Heath Perkins American Legion Post 525 Main Street North Pine City, MN Time: Social at 6:00PM, Dinner at 6:30PM with meeting to follow

Cost: $10 per person

Region 2 Zone 2 Zone Meeting

Hosted by LeSauk Lions Club

Date: March 20th, 2013

Place: Moose in Waite Park

1300 3rd St. N.

Waite Park, MN

Time: Social at 5:30PM,

Dinner at 6:30PM with meeting to follow

Cost: $11 per person

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Fellow Lions,

Thank you for sending in your club items for the newsletter. Send me your group pic-

tures of club activity and club newsletters. I will fit in what I can each month. I start com-

piling the newsletter around the 20th of each month, so best to have your items into me by

that time. Club Secretaries when your club gets a new member send me the new Lions

name and sponsor name.

Lion Ted Peterson [email protected]

Publishers Corner:

Welcome The New Members of 5M-8 5M8 is so excited to add so many new Lions to help us “SERVE” our communities.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be a part of this hard work-

ing service organization. We look forward to working with you, side by side and strive

to make a difference in a community or world wide project to help “a person in need”.

New Lions Sponsor Lions Club

Anita Johnson Ginny Edling Duelm Area Lions

Gregory E. Johnson Chuck Edling Duelm Area Lions

Stanley L. Hansen Gary Furman Princeton Lions

Dean Heins Carol Breitkreutz Princeton Lions

IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Lynn Olson Pine City Pine Area Lions

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May 3, 4 & 5, 2013

Mayo Civic Center ~ Rochester MN

Hosted by Rochester Lions

Friday, May 3-

3:00 p.m. Opening Business Meeting

Friday Evening Activities-

Past District Governors Dinner

Memorial Service of MD5M Lions

Live Band performing a large variety of music for dancing,

visiting by and just to listen to. Snacks will be served.

Saturday, May 4-

7 a.m. Continental Breakfast

9 a.m. Seminar Sessions begins-

Dr. Elizabeth Seaquest on “Diabetes” Breakout Sessions-

Session I

International Vice President Barry Palmer– All Presidents, District Governors and Vice District Governors

PDG Dudley Parsons- “Where those eye glasses go” Mission Trip to Dominican Republic

Lion Bob Harms- “Border to Border” Experiences on his Lawnmower Ride

Session II

Lion Bunny Tabbatt- “Leader Dogs for the Blind”

Artist Cynthia Weitzel- “Connecting with the Deaf & Hearing Communities”

Session III Can Do Canines presentation

11:30 a.m. Luncheon

Followed by Three (3) Foundation Meetings, Afternoon MD5M Business Meeting AND the endorsement

of the next MD5M International Director Candidate: PCC Mike Molenda who is running for a 2 year term.

How many chances do you have to hear from an International Vice President? In addition to the Saturday Morning

Seminar, IVP Barry Palmer will address the Convention at the Saturday Evening Banquet.

IVP Barry will be elected Lions Clubs International President in the 2013-2014 Lions year. REGISTRATION can be done online at: where you can use a credit card to register.

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Motorcycling for Leader Dog

Mark Mansell and his wife Debbie will ride 10,000 miles on a motorcycle for Leader Dogs for the Blind.

They will start in Washington State on June 15 and on June 20 will enter Minnesota at Barnesville, to

Bluffton, to Little Falls, to Spring Lake Park and into Wisconsin on June 21. They plan on completing

their trip July 08, 2013. They are looking forward to a visit at KLTF Radio at 10:00 A.M. on the 21st. and

do a short interview for the MC Record while in Little Falls, MN...

Their daughter Jessie designed their new pin. The pins will sell for

$20.00 each. Again as they did last year, the Mansell’s donated

every cent to Leader Dogs for the Blind.

More information will follow. If you want to follow their progress,

they will be on Face Book. More information is available on lead-

Respectfully submitted by Lion Bunny Tabatt

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Governor Dave presented awards to Lion

Keith Koltes of Luxemburg Lions and

Lion Pam Matthiesen of Fairhaven Lions

with Helen Keller Awards

Governor Dave presented Lion

Steve Brang of Luxemburg

Lions with the Hearing Re-

search Fellowship

Governor Dave presented an

award to Lion Pam Cramer of

Luxemburg Lions

Governor Dave presented ten Lions with

Top Dog Award from Can Do Canines

Governor Dave presented Lion Daryl

Steil with Melvin Jones Fellow

Governor Dave presented Lions

Ralph Sieben and Tim Lingl with

Chevrons (from Rockville Lions)

Governor Dave pictured with Club

Presidents Lions Tim Terwey (St.

Augusta Lions), ZC Mike Cramer

(Luxemburg Lions), Ralph Sieben

(Rockville Lions), and Shirley Fischer

(Fairhaven Lions).

Governor Dave pictured with Club

Secretaries Lions Pam Cramer

(Luxemburg Lions), Pam Matthiesen

(Fairhaven Lions and Tim Lingl

(Rockville Lions).

Governor Dave presented Lion Tim

Terwey and another St. Augusta Lion

with Chevrons

Governor presents awards to Lions from Fairhaven Lions, Luxemburg Lions, Rockville Lions, and St. Augusta Lions.

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5M8 District Governor

Dave Thompson

708 4th Ave S.

Princeton, MN 55371

District Governor Dave’s Schedule February 22nd-24th 5M13 Convention Gimli Mb

March 5th Sobieski, and Royalton Club Visit

March 7th Grasston Lions Club visit

March 13th Region 3 Zone1 Meeting Browerville

March 15th and 16th Friendship Banquet, and Council of Governors Meeting

March 18th Kimball Lions Club visit

March 26th Randall Cushing and Randall Cushing Little Elk Club visit

April 27th Fairhaven’s 50th Anniversary

May 2nd -5th Multiple Convention Rochester Mayo Civic Center

May 14th Cabinet Meeting Michaels St. Cloud

May 16th Pine Area Lions Club Visit

July 4th – 7th International Convention Hamburg Germany

5M8 Lions Events