The Single Reason Why 2016 is Going To Be Your Best Year Yet!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different

Transcript of The Single Reason Why 2016 is Going To Be Your Best Year Yet!

Page 1: The Single Reason Why 2016 is Going To Be Your Best Year Yet!

Insanity: Doing the

same thing over and

over again and

expecting different results.

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If you have a pulse I’m pretty sure that you would have heard this quote more than once and even though I may not know you personally I think I could also be sure that you are

falling foul to this insanity just as much as I am?!

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We do the things we don’t want to do and

just don’t seem capable of doing the

things which we know are right or profitable for us.

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I’ve lost count of how many times I have said to myself I

musn’t forget to eat a healthy meal at lunchtime

otherwise I know I get to mid-afternoon and reach out for crap that will give instant

gratification that really does my body no good at all!

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Every year I say to myself I must master my productivity and move through things

faster than I currently am and

every year I still find myself forgetting to

turn my email off and surfing

mindlessly on social media.

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It’s so frustrating! And that’s one of

the main reasons I always have a

coach, by the way… accountability is


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Einstein knew back in the 19th Century that our brains are habit creating machines. Your brain wants to

find routines that have succeeded in the past for you and allow you

to repeat those actions again in the

future without having to think about them.

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Most of us set goals at this time of year to stop a bad habit.

Unfortunately, the brain mechanisms that develop habits can’t learn ‘not to do

something.’ No matter how many times you successfully

avoid checking your email, your habit learning system will still nudge you to check it again when you are in the situation where

you normally check your email. So, negative goals are doomed for failure,

because they don’t create a desirable set of habits. And that pretty much sums up

Einstein’s definition of insanity.

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Put some time and effort into creating positive

goals. You may need to change your environment or the way in which you work.

Perhaps you can create a place where you are

around people who are where you want to be? I know it’s a hassle but it’s a better option of

repeating the same old s**t this year!

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In order to assist business owners just like you I have created a series of mastermind meetings that will offer support,

encouragement, accountability and propel you towards your goals.

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If you don’t want the same results this year and know you are ready to take your business up a level then I seriously suggest you take a look at

this link

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Doing something different for 2016 is a must for us all and will make all the difference. Let’s make it

your best year together.