The Shingle - September 2012

The Shingle September, 2012 Page 1 of 21 The Newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church, Carmel, NY September, 2012 Dear Friends, Earlier in the month, Ann Clark shared with me this blog post from “Carolyn” at, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s about establishing rituals with our young children to bring them closer to God; but even if you don’t have any young ones in your care, it’s a good reminder for all of us to begin and end the day with a ritual of God’s love. Love and light, Martin August 1: Yesterday morning I heard an article on NPR encouraging parents to build their children’s love of math by giving them a math problem to solve along with their evening bedtimes story each day. OK, love of math is a good thing. But, I am wondering if making it the last word of the day is what we want to do. Children lead fairly intense lives. Part of the reason for the bedtime rituals of water, stories, prayers, more water, hugs, more water… is to help children settle down, feel safe and secure, and thus be able to go to sleep. It is a magical time when parents can help children resolve hanging issues from the day and remind children of the truly important things about themselves and about life in general. So as families re-establish school routines, I would encourage parents to dedicate themselves to being very intentional with their children about this. In a way parents become their children’s pastors as together they think back through the day identifying things for which to praise and thank God and things for which to apologize to God. This creates opportunities to talk about whatever needs to be discussed. Gifts, growing abilities, good deeds, and just pure fun can be celebrated. Failures (like that bad grade) and disasters (like kicking your friend on the bus) can be addressed. Plans can be made for needed corrections and all the bad feelings around them set in the context of God’s and the parent’s forgiving love and faith in the child. With younger children, the parents can offer the discussed parts of the day to God aloud in prayer with the child. In the process the day’s joy’s and woes are diffused AND the parent models prayer for the child. Older children can be encouraged to take over the praying aloud first in the parent’s presence, later on their own. Some families conclude this discussion and prayer with the parent signing the child’s forehead with a cross or simply kissing the child and saying a ritual line such as “Remember always that God loves you and I love you no matter what.” This is powerfully important stuff and it is simple to do. It requires no special books or equipment. Back to school time is an ideal time to encourage families to initiate it or to build on what they already do. This encouragement could be offered during worship in sermons (several of the texts coming up in the RCL provide opportunities for this) OR in a letter to families with school age children, OR in a newsletter article. So, put it on your August to-do list. …..and, if math loving parents want to include a problem in the bedtime line-up, bedtime drawing out children will probably welcome the addition. Just make sure the last word of the day is God’s love.


The Shingle is the newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church in Carmel, NY

Transcript of The Shingle - September 2012

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The Newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church, Carmel, NY September, 2012 Dear Friends, Earlier in the month, Ann Clark shared with me this blog post from “Carolyn” at, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s about establishing rituals with our young children to bring them closer to God; but even if you don’t have any young ones in your care, it’s a good reminder for all of us to begin and end the day with a ritual of God’s love. Love and light, Martin

August 1: Yesterday morning I heard an article on NPR encouraging parents to build their children’s love of math by giving them a math problem to solve along with their evening bedtimes story each day. OK, love of math is a good thing. But, I am wondering if making it the last word of the day is what we want to do. Children lead fairly intense lives. Part of the reason for the bedtime rituals of water, stories, prayers, more water, hugs, more water… is to help children settle down, feel safe and secure, and thus be able to go to sleep. It is a magical time when parents can help children resolve hanging issues from the day and remind children of the truly important things about themselves and about life in general. So as families re-establish school routines, I would encourage parents to dedicate themselves to being very intentional with their children about this. In a way parents become their children’s pastors as together they think back through the day identifying things for which to praise and thank God and things for which to apologize to God. This creates opportunities to talk about whatever needs to be discussed. Gifts, growing abilities, good deeds, and just pure fun can be celebrated. Failures (like that bad grade) and disasters (like kicking your friend on the bus) can be addressed. Plans can be made for needed corrections and all the bad feelings around them set in the context of God’s and the parent’s forgiving love and faith in the child. With younger children, the parents can offer the discussed parts of the day to God aloud in prayer with the child. In the process the day’s joy’s and woes are diffused AND the parent models prayer for the child. Older children can be encouraged to take over the praying aloud first in the parent’s presence, later on their own. Some families conclude this discussion and prayer with the parent signing the child’s forehead with a cross or simply kissing the child and saying a ritual line such as “Remember always that God loves you and I love you – no matter what.” This is powerfully important stuff and it is simple to do. It requires no special books or equipment. Back to school time is an ideal time to encourage families to initiate it or to build on what they already do. This encouragement could be offered during worship in sermons (several of the texts coming up in the RCL provide opportunities for this) OR in a letter to families with school age children, OR in a newsletter article. So, put it on your August to-do list. …..and, if math loving parents want to include a problem in the bedtime line-up, bedtime drawing out children will probably welcome the addition. Just make sure the last word of the day is God’s love.

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A casualty of the Internet is often small-town radio. And that’s too bad. Years ago I had a brush with a small station in the middle of New York State, and still value the experience. You could hear everything about the community during the sunup to sundown

broadcast schedule. The worship service from the Presbyterian Church was on live each Sunday. There was music of all kinds, local and national news, and items unique to that locale. On one occasion, I was assigned to conduct on-the-spot interviews with people who patronized local businesses. I lugged a tape recorder, (Smart Phones were way off in the future), to banks, barbershops, hardware stores and supermarkets and asked people for their opinions about their experiences. In one food store, I met Louie and Maude, and asked them what they like best about shopping in the place. Louie replied promptly, “When you get anything lousy, they always take it back.” This interview was edited out for the broadcast. I approached an older gentleman in a hardware store, and, to set some perspective, asked him if he had lived in the community all his life. “Not yet.” was his considered answer. No one who reads these words has lived here all of his or her life. We are each works in progress, and we are having new experiences every day. It’s the here and now that captures our attention. And we all have opinions about our experience, and long to let others know what we think. Facebook, Blogs, Tweets, the Social Network and cell phones give us opportunity to unload on others. And maybe we even get responses from these outlets, unlike local radio which was pretty much a one-way street. We need to be heard, and to have others agree with us. The problem is that once our words appear on the Internet, they can’t be taken back. Louie would have known that if we put out something lousy, we can’t take it back. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. The big question is, “What are we doing with the time God gives us?” One of the songs I remember from my radio days was entitled “Is That All There Is?” It reflects the experience of someone who seeks social status, ego fulfillment, job status, and the attainment of “stuff.” And at each so-called success, the question came up. “Is That All There Is?” These things continually leave us unfulfilled while we strive for more like them, mostly related to the”Mighty Me.” The Catechism states that “The chief end of man is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever.” How abut putting this idea in place of the “Mighty Me?” Loving and serving God will lead to the ultimate fulfillment for your life. Jesus Christ leads us to Eternal Life in God’s presence. This fact is not featured on the Social Network and probably won’t come over our cell phones. God’s Word, both the written word, and the living word, Jesus Christ, tells us what we really need to know. It’s all available in book form, even on Kindle. So while we still are living the rest of our lives in this world, we each have our opportunity to prepare for eternal life with God, and to enjoy Him forever. Amen.

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A Note from the

Gilead Music Department September, 2012

I hope you have all had a wonderful, relaxing summer and are now ready to get back into the swing of the Fall Schedule. Gilead Worship has been very musical this summer with many of

our talented musicians helping to make our service meaningful. Many thanks to all of you. September 2 (Labor Day Weekend) Communion Sunday

Piano/Organ duets with Penny & Mary Tim Gregg, baritone, singing in Worship

Wednesday, September 5, will be the first rehearsals:

Senior Bell Chimes @ 6:30 pm Senior Choir @ 7:45 pm

September 9

Senior Bell Chimes 8:30 (we’ll be playing in Worship) Senior Choir 9 am (we’ll singing in Worship)

Wednesday, September 12

Senior Bell Chimes Rehearsal at 6:45 pm Senior Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 pm

September 16 (Rally Day) 1st day of Church School

Ms. Penny Cameron will be working with the Music Makers during Church School After Worship: Sign up for:

Praise Singers, (1st- 4th grade); “The 3 Gs” (Gilead Gospel Group) intergenerational group singers guitars, harmonicas,

etc. Junior Bell Chimes/Orff Instruments (5th grade and up) We’ll discussed rehearsal times and how often we want to participate in Worship.

Wednesday, September 19

Senior Bell Chimes Rehearsal at 6:45 pm Senior Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 pm

September 23 Senior Choir 9:00 am Wednesday, September 26

Senior Bell Chimes Rehearsal at 6:45 pm Senior Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 pm

September 30 Senior Choir 9:00 am Wednesday, October 3

Senior Bell Chimes Rehearsal at 6:45 pm Senior Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 pm

So, Welcome Back, Choirs! It’s going to be an exciting fall. If you have any questions, give me a call @ 845 225-6958.

Mary Temple, Music Director

If you have been thinking about getting involved with either (or both) of these group, please come to our rehearsal(s). The Senior Choir sings every Sunday & the Bell Chimes usually play once a month (or more, if we are invited). Both groups are lots of fun and very welcoming.

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Gilead Youth Group News September 2012

The last Saturday in August proved to be a wonderful way for 8 Gilead Youth to round out their summer vacation. The Theme for the day was: “Proud to be a Christian - the Right to Care for Others.” The day began with pancakes, bible readings, discussion and practicing the song and sign language translation to accompany. We then ventured out to the Buddhist Monastery in Kent to explore another faith who primarily focuses on caring and doing for others. This was a great excursion and enjoyed by all. We opted out of the Veggie lunch and agreed on McDonalds. Back at Gilead by early afternoon we had more discussions about the opportunities that we all have at Gilead to care for others and become lifesavers to many. We practiced our song and signing and completed a few service projects. The day ended by 5:00 pm and all felt great about their involvement in the day. Not only are we fortunate at Gilead to have paved a great path filled with wonderful service opportunities but we are very blessed to have young people who want to incorporate service into their busy lives. At worship on Sunday our group passed along bags of candy lifesavers, encouraging our entire congregation to join the movement and become a Gilead Lifesaver helping others.

Youth September Calendar

September 16 - Rally Day Church School Classes begin. Pot Luck Picnic following service, please bring a dish to share, meet the teachers Youth Group will provide beverages and paper goods.

September 28-29 - Team Building Overnight Excursion to Presbyterian Camp at Holmes

Calling all Youth Grades 5 - 9th and friends, $20 per person includes Friday dinner and all meals and activities on Saturday Meet Friday @ 6:00 pm; Home Saturday @ 5:00 pm. Confirmation KICK-OFF Call Fran to register, 628-7413


Big Day of Serving - Saturday October 13 Day long service project TBD

Midnight Run - Friday October 19 Collecting gently used clean adult clothing, shoes, bags, blankets, hoodies & light

jackets food sign-up to be posted in lobby.

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Gilead Bible Camp

Proud to be a Christian - the Right

to Care for Others

Thanks to Gina Davis for the photographs

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Church School

Rally Day

Sunday September 16

Come join us this year!

Learn about Biblical people chosen to

be God’s Messengers.

How can YOU be one of

God’s messengers?

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~ Henry Van Dyke

They who tread the path of labor follow where My feet have trod; They who work without complaining, do the holy will of God; Nevermore thou needest seek Me; I am with thee everywhere; Raise the stone, and thou shalt find Me, clease the wood and I am there.

Where the many toil together, there am I among My own; Where the tired workman sleepeth, there am I with him alone: I, the Peace that passeth knowledge, dwell amid the daily strife; I, the Bread of Heav'n am broken in the sacrement of life.

Every task, however simple, sets the soul that does it free; Every deed of love and mercy, done to man is done to Me. Nevermore thou needest seek Me; I am with thee everywhere; Raise the stone, and thou shalt find Me; cleave the wood, and I am there.

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OUTREACH AND MISSION Gilead Food Pantry The Gilead Food Pantry is open Friday mornings from 10:00 am until noon to offer food to those who are in need. Donations of food or funds are always welcome. Food items can be placed in the basket in the lounge while funds are best given directly to Marj Williams or placed in the offering basket with the notation “Food Pantry” on the envelope or memo line of your check.

Current and ongoing needs of the Gilead Food Pantry: complete pancake mix and pancake syrup, canned tuna, canned soups, canned fruit, canned vegetables, especially corn, pasta and spaghetti sauce. Donations of money are also helpful so we can buy things needed on a weekly basis, such as chicken and other items that are in low supply.

The Salvation Army has begun supporting our food pantry by offering free breakfast to food pantry clients on Friday mornings from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. We greatly appreciate their ministry! For more information on this important ministry, please see Marj Williams. While the goods received during the Kid’s Kitchen Collections have been a great help to the food pantry, please remember that other things continue to be needed, so please continue to bring other items on non-communion Sundays. Thanks!

Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen

As has been our tradition, children bring an offering for the food pantry on the first Sunday of each month. We are expanding upon this tradition by

introducing the Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen. Each month will have a different theme, and children are requested to bring up an item related to that

theme with them during “Time for the Young at Heart”. The children recently brought home a calendar for the year to remind them what to bring each month. Please help your child to remember to bring this important offering for our food pantry ministry. The September theme is “Apple Sauce”. The calendar is also posted on the Church School Bulletin Board by the Church School entrance. If you have any questions about this offering project please see Diana Drake Behan.

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Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is part of our church mission. There are volunteer opportunities on house sites or off site work. Steve Biolsi is the Project Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Putnam County. He can be reached at 914-774-9314. You can get more information on the web at and you can find them on Facebook.

Who we are

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency and refugee program of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The core budget, including staff and administrative costs, is funded through the One Great Hour of Sharing, and its program work is additionally funded through designated gifts.

Focuses on the long term recovery of disaster impacted communities. Provides training and disaster preparedness for presbyteries and synods. Works collaboratively with church partners and members of the ACT Alliance (Action by

Churches Together) internationally, and nationally with other faith based responders. Connects partners locally and internationally with key organizations active in the response —

United Nations, NVOAD (National Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster), World Food Program, Red Cross, FEMA and others.

Manages a number of specialized volunteer teams to work nationally and internationally providing consultation, program design and training.

Cooperates with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services in providing service structure for asylum seekers in the United States.

Cooperates with Church World Service in the resettlement of refugees to the United States

To learn more, or to contribute, please go to

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The Gilead Session adopted this statement:

The children here at Gilead are a source of great joy and pride to all of us. We celebrate their participation in worship and count it as chief among our many blessings as a congregation. As a gentle reminder, we ask that if you photograph or record your loved one’s participation in the service, that you be discreet so as not to distract those around you from their own worship experience.

Groundswells Session took a well-deserved rest in August, so there is no Groundswells column this month. However, Rob LoAlbo will be back next month to report on the September meeting.

Groundswells is an important tool to help Gilead members better understand what our church is about and how decisions are made as to our worship, our ministry, and our mission to the community and to the world.

Financial Report

As of 6/30/12:

Regular Income Year to Date 87,758

Expenses Year to Date 92,154

Surplus (Deficit) (4,395)

Renovation Loan Balance

$ 47,412

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GILEAD GROUPS Gilead Designer

Gilead Designers will be meeting on September 14th at Gilead at 6:00 pm. Anyone interested in creating craft projects is invited. Please see Mary Temple or Ellen Nielsen for more information.


Each Thursday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 in the lounge, this group meets to consider God’s Word, the Bible. September 6 will be the initial meeting following the summer hiatus, and everyone is invited to participate whether a member of Gilead or not. Bring your favorite version of the Bible, or use a copy of the pew Bible. The emphasis is on what the Bible teaches as God’s word, and the comments and questions from participants moves the discussions. There are no lectures, just open conversation. The subject for the next weeks will be “The Prophecies of Isaiah” As Paul told Timothy, “All scripture is profitable for knowledge and understanding.” Please come, and profit. See Don De Vries if you have questions about the group.

Stretch Exercise Classes

Stretch Exercise Classes are being given every Monday and Thursday at 11:00 am at Gilead. Annina and her friend Brigitta have organized this ongoing class. There is a charge of $1.00 per class which is being donated to Gilead every month. Those with physical problems would especially benefit by these classes. Everyone is welcome. If further information is needed, please contact Annina at 845-225-7012.

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SpiritWalkers (Ecumenical Hiking Group)

God spoke, “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature

So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, The birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself,

And every animal that moves on the face of the earth.” Genesis1:26-28 The Spirit Walkers once again camped out at Kingswood in Hancock, NY, enjoying good weather and great fellowship. Think about joining us next year for another fun weekend! This month, we'll be hiking the Mianus River gorge in Bedford, NY. This spot is cool and shady and it is an easy hike. Please watch the bulletin for a date! If you would like to be kept up to date on the year’s schedule and any updates, please join the Spirit Walkers Ecumenical Hiking Group page on Facebook. All hikers must have a signed waiver on file with the church prior to hiking with us, and, if age 18 or under, a signed permission slip.

We look forward to seeing you as we explore the beauty of God’s creation!

Renaissance Faire

Hear ye, hear ye! Come one, come all to join in the festivities as we journey to the Shire of Sterling to celebrate the 35th annual NY Renaissance Faire on Saturday, September 15th. Spend the day strolling about the wooded grounds of the Faire, enjoying period music, drama, merchants and food. You can watch a living chess match, listen to madrigals, see birds of prey, buy a bodice or boots, and eat, eat, eat! Tickets for a group of 15 or more are only $17 for adults and $8 for children ages 5-12, a savings of over 20%. Sign up in the lounge; money is due to Mariah Warren by August 15th so we can confirm our group rate. For more information on the Faire, please visit

Young Adults of Gilead

Calling all Young Adults of Gilead - there is now a Facebook group just for you "Gilead Presbyterian Young Adults".

What age group are the Young Adults of Gilead? People post confirmation through college graduation. The group is brand new. It was created 4/24/12 and comments are appreciated. it is a place where you can find support and help when you need it or provide support and help when someone needs it. it is a way to stay connected to Gilead or reconnect with Gilead. Links to the Gilead website and PCUSA are there and events will be added they become known. Look for scripture and postings by Micah Rose Emerson, a former youth director of Gilead. Use the group as a way to keep God by your side as you find your way in the world. Come and have a look!

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Gilead Prayer Chain The prayer chain organized by the Deacons is an avenue of support for congregation members who are experiencing joy, pain or dealing with unexpected situations. Currently there are 19 members who have volunteered to be on the prayer chain and are emailed/called about prayer request as they come in. The Prayer chain is a fast way to gain a community of support when you need it! If you have any joys/concerns you would like us to hear about, Prayers can be

emailed to: Prayer Chain Coordinator: Lindsay D’Ascoli : [email protected]

If you would like to volunteer to be added to our prayer chain email list

Email [email protected] or contact (845)225-0221

Our Daily Bread

Please note that the current issue of our Daily Bread is now available in the lounge. Pick one up for some daily inspiration.

Prayer Chain for Pets

Yes! Thank you, thank you for your great response/interest: there will now be a pet*/pet owners prayer chain for those pets and/or pet owners who have health/behavioral concerns for their treasured friends. We are looking for anyone who would care to join us in a prayer chain for anyone needing prayers for their pets. Persons interested in joining us can see Joyce Scott or Sue Surovic. We are also looking for input on suggestions as to what we can name the group. The persons to contact are

Joyce Scott Carmel 845-225-7293

Mary Lou Cassidy Carmel 845-225-7268

Shirley DeVries Brewster 845-279-8688

Sue Surovic Carmel 845-225-2988

Alicia Briley Carmel 845-228-4672

Ann Rand Pawling 845-593-2044

Please feel free to call any one of us for prayerful support during difficult times. . *Also, check Roget’s Thesaurus for “pet”: Adj, n, v – Pet – “interesting” – the meaning of the word. Again, thanks so much for your response. Those pets currently in our praters:

Coonie (cat) , Cyd Scott’s cat hit by a car 7 weeks ago, suffered trauma, head and shoulder


Dancer (dog), belonging to Mary Temple’s friend Joy’s dog was has a lump on her leg and was

recently diagnosed with cancer – treatment is in progress.

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. Lou Zuzzolo passed away on August 28th in Wayne, New Jersey. Please keep his widow, Liz, in your prayers at this difficult time. We pray for the mercies of Christ to surround the family and welcome Lou home. In addition to Liz, Lou is survived by one daughter Angela Balcolm and her husband

Terrance of Scotia, New York; one son James Zuzzolo and his wife Karen of Glen Rock; his sister Sadie Hall and her husband John of New York City. Lou was predeceased by his very special companion Smokey who was a cocker spaniel. A wake and funeral services were held Friday, August 31at the Vander May Wayne Colonial Funeral Home in Wayne. If you would like to send a card to Liz, the address is:

Liz Zuzzolo D'Meritus at Wayne

820 Hamburg Turnpike, Room 200 Wayne, New Jersey 07470

Sunday Evening Devotional

“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. 14 Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:13-16)

We have a new informal worship opportunity at Gilead. Called our Sunday Evening Devotional, on the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m., we are gathering in the lounge for a time of prayer, Scripture, discernment and fellowship. Bring your joys and concerns, faith and love.

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Church School



2012 - 2013

Positions are available in all grades.

Curriculum is provided.

Please share your faith with our youth.

Please sign up in church lounge

or contact Diana Drake Behan

845-225-1979 or [email protected]

Please remember to support the Deacons’ Fund, either by using the special quarterly envelopes or by designating “Deacons’ Fund” on a check.

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Help Wanted Volunteers are needed to help keep the lawn in shape this summer. We particularly need people to mow the lawn each week. There is a riding mower. Please sign up in the lounge to help out at least once week during the summer. Please see John Vangor for more information.

Birthdays and Anniversaries Do we have your birthday and anniversary? If not please let us know so we can help celebrate with you. If your special day has not appeared in The Shingle, please either email [email protected] or give a note to Renae Lent. Thanks!

Living Nativity Scene? Note from Joyce Scott: In the July Shingle, Rob LoAlbo wrote in “Groundswells”

A report about the upcoming interactive play “Journey to the Manger” was given, citing that we have received only 2 responses from the number of churches we have contacted, with one of those responses being a “no.” Our pastor also reported that he has written a grant for funding of this activity.

Several years ago I had the pleasure to work with Mariah and John Warren upstate to be part of “A

Journey to the Manger”. It was a live presentation by church members depicting the events leading up to Jesus’s birth in the manger. The wise men, shepherds, angels, animals, etc. were part of this moving nativity event and spiritual journey. It would be so wonderful if something like this could be brought to Carmel/Putnam County via Gilead Church and other participation churches. Please think about it, and if you are interested let Joyce Scott know.

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Sermon Podcasts: or They are also available through iTunes software.

YouTube: Facebook: Public Page:

o Facebook Closed Group:


When you click on the Gilead Facebook page, please make sure you click on the “Like” button – it’s another way to keep up with events at Gilead.


Summer camp ended on Saturday, August 13th, but Holmes programs and facilities are year-round. Visit our website or call the camp office at (845) 878-6383 to stay informed of the many retreat and program opportunities available to youth and adults at Holmes year round.

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The CNS Pre-K Program is Gilead's nonsectarian school for 2 1/2 to 5 year olds. Since it was founded in 1949, the Pre-School has been a respected community resource for early childhood education. Our staff consists of three teachers and an aide with many years of experience at CNS between them. All are active members of the community and volunteers in the school district.

The school offers two, three and five day programs. They follow the same calendar as the Carmel Central School district.

In preparing a child for Kindergarten, their philosophy is teaching the whole child to grow. They provide a daily routine balanced between academic skills and lessons, crafts, free and structured play time, music, story time, computer time, snack, and outdoor activities on the large playground. The curriculum was developed in conjunction with the area kindergarten teachers to best prepare the child for kindergarten and instill an enthusiasm for learning in a fun loving environment. Utilizing the team teaching method, three teachers give a student to teacher ratio of approximately 8 to 1. For children scheduled to enter public school in September of the year, we routinely prepare a detailed evaluation of Kindergarten readiness. For more information, please call the school at 845-225-8044.

Used with permission. Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc.

Used with permission. ©Communication Resources, Inc.

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Tastefully Simple So far you helped raise over $100 for Gilead, simply by ordering The Food That You Love!

The Tastefully Simple Fundraiser will continue each month with a featured special. A link has been posted on the website, so you can order anytime.

If you would rather place your order with me or have any questions, please call me!

Cynthia Davern Tastefully Simple Senior Consultant

"the food you love, the time you deserve" 845-225-3878

[email protected]

There is an easy way to help Gilead’s finances if you shop at Gilead receives a commission from Amazon if you enter their site through Gilead’s web page. Just go to and click on Gilead Staff Recommendations on the left side menu – the bottom choice just above the church’s name.

You can also reach that page directly at . You can bookmark the page for easier access!

From that page you can view books, music, and other items recommended by Gilead staff members, or search Amazon directly.

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WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Pastor McGeachy generally follows the lectionary each week, but there are occasional exceptions. We are making these available for those who may wish to read the likely scripture readings in advance of Sunday worship. The daily lectionary and the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study are available on our website:

Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals Scripture Reference September, 2012

14th Sunday after Pentecost—September 2 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Song of Solomon 2:8–13 Psalm 45:1–2, 6–9 James 1:17–27 Mark 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23

17th Sunday after Pentecost—September 23 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 31:10–31 Psalm 1 James 3:13–4:3, 7–8a Mark 9:30–37

15th Sunday after Pentecost—September 9 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 22:1–2, 8–9, 22–23 Psalm 125 James 2:1–10 (11–13) 14–17 Mark 7:24–37

18th Sunday after Pentecost—September 30 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Esther 7:1–6, 9–10; 9:20–22 Psalm 124 James 5:13–20 Mark 9:38–50

16th Sunday after Pentecost—September 16 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 1:20–33 Psalm 19 James 3:1–12 Mark 8:27–38

September 2 Tony Stavidies

Paul Verdesi Dolores Knapp Roy Knapp Terry Vanderhoff Communion Cleanup: Dolores Knapp

September 9 Mariah Warren Sal Rinaldi Diana Rinaldi

September 16 Warren Behan Chris Newe Rob D’Ascoli

September 23 Annina Celli Eric Koehler John Vangor

September 30 Roy Delanoy Louise Andres

Chris Devlin

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The Shingle September, 2012 Page 21 of 21


9/2 Roy Knapp 9/23 Ron Hill

9/5 Philip Spinnelli 9/24 Thomas Talerico

9/5 Emily Montano 9/24 Brenda Verdesi

9/8 Matthew Pinchbeck 9/27 Amy Grieco

9/10 Kimberley Nielsen 9/30 Diane Devlin

9/10 Michael Davern

9/11 Kaitlyn Ann McCarvill

9/14 Leslie Sweeney

9/14 Patricia Schwerkolt

9/15 Craig Dickson, Jr. 9/16 Merwin Foard

9/18 Warren Behan Anniversaries 9/20 Della Temple 9/5 Renae & Lou Lent

9/20 Zoe Temple 9/10 Joan & Paul Francis

9/21 Michael Karell 9/26 Cindy & Mike Davern

9/22 Erin Clark 9/27 Beth & Conrad Cowan

9/22 Justin Perez 9/30 Geraldine & Jim Healy

Please accept our apologies if we have missed you during the year. If you wish to share these events, please either send an email to [email protected] or leave a write it on a slip of paper and leave it in The Shingle mail slot in the office.

For more information about Gilead Church, please visit our web site:

Please remember that the deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Submissions preferably can be emailed to Martin McGeachy at the church office: [email protected] with a copy to Warren Behan at [email protected], or you may drop off a hard copy at the Office.

Gilead Presbyterian Church 9 Church St.

Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-4586

Email: [email protected]

Martin McGeachy Pastor

Fran Croughan Youth Director

Mary Temple Music Director

Acknowledgements: Some Images © or ©Communication Resources, Inc.

Page 22: The Shingle - September 2012

9/1/12 Calendar


SEPTEMBER 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2610:00 AM MorningWorship andSummer ChurchSchool7:30 PM SundayEvening Devotional

271:00 PM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

28 297:00 PM AAMeeting

301:00 PMStretchExercise Class

31 110:00 AMPRPH

210:00 AM MorningWorship with HolyCommunion andSummer ChurchSchool


Labor Day11:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

4 56:30 PMSenior BellsRehearsal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PMSenior ChoirRehearsal

611:00 AMStretchExercise Class7:30 PM FaithDiscussionGroup

7 810:00 AMPRPH

910:00 AM MorningWorship and ChurchSchool

1011:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

11Patriot Day7:30 PMSessionMeeting

126:30 PMSenior BellsRehearsal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PMSenior ChoirRehearsal

1311:00 AMStretchExercise Class7:30 PM FaithDiscussionGroup

146:30 PM GileadDesignersMeeting

1510:00 AMPRPH


10:00 AM MorningWorship and ChurchSchool10:00 AM Rally Day11:30 AM Pot LuckPicnic followingWorship

1711:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

18 196:30 PMSenior BellsRehearsal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PMSenior ChoirRehearsal

2011:00 AMStretchExercise Class7:30 PM FaithDiscussionGroup

21 22

First Day ofAutumn10:00 AMPRPH

2310:00 AM MorningWorship and ChurchSchool

2411:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

25 266:30 PMSenior BellsRehearsal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PMSenior ChoirRehearsal

2711:00 AMStretchExercise Class7:30 PM FaithDiscussionGroup


Youth TeamBuildingOvernightExcursion

29Youth TeamBuildingOvernightExcursion10:00 AMPRPH

3010:00 AM MorningWorship and ChurchSchool7:30 PM SundayEvening Devotional

111:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

2 36:30 PMSenior BellsRehearsal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PMSenior ChoirRehearsal

411:00 AMStretchExercise Class7:30 PM FaithDiscussionGroup

5 610:00 AMPRPH