The Shepherd Staff€¦ · onstruction Pics 3 Greeters 3 & 14 Helping Hands 16 9 KIK Time 18 LWML 9...

The Shepherds Staff Thoughts from Pastor Andrew: Dear Members of Shepherd of the Hills, It has already been established that 2019 will be a great year for our church. I am thinking primarily, of course, about our expansion of the Fellowship Hall and the addion of our new Youth Room- the youth are so deserving!! But I am thinking of other things as well. For instance, I have liturgical goals, which include re- cruing more men and women from the congregaon to be readers for our services, I am planning to learn how to chant the Verba Domini, we will be using a more tradional Pas- chal Candle (51 % beeswax) to be blessed at sunset at the Easter Vigil, Chuck Bauer is masterfully craſting kneeling pads for our altar rail and various other liturgical upgrades or modificaons. Wasnt it so lovely having Rick Weyhrich channg the Psalms for us throughout Advent? I have already pressed him to do likewise for Lent. I am also so pleased that Erin and Will Siler will be leading us in song once a month as well. More than any other goal for 2019, what I really want is for us all to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus. Let this year be- long completely and enrely to Him, who is the object of all our worship and devoon. I love the people of our church so much!! I dont know how to adequately thank you for being so awesome. You make me want to be a great and hard- working pastor every single day. Thank you for inspiring me to love and cherish the Chrisan faith more and more. Oh, and I almost forgotLou Schultz has lit a fire under me about hosng tea pares. It is true that without Judy Bowmans lighthearted encouragement, I failed to sustain a steady stream of tea pares in 2018. Those days are over. For 2019, Teas with Pastor Andrew will be fully resumed and offered at least once a month. These will be grand occasions, indeed, so that even the Queen of Eng- land herself, regreng the hindrance of a whole ocean, will pine to share in our lumps of sugar and highfalun gab about this and that, and everything in be- tween. Already I am polishing the cups and dusng off the ware, so anxious am I to pick up where we left off. Lastly, on page 4 there are just a few verses for you to copy and paste onto a card which can be laminated and kept on your person at all mes. God bless you!! Pastor Andrew Where to find: Page # Bible Studies 19 Celebraons 7 Chrisan Educaon Board (CEB) 18 & 19 Church Calendar 8 Construcon Pics 3 Greeters 3 & 14 Helping Hands 16 In Our Prayers 9 KICK Time 18 LWML 9 Member Changes 3 Music Ministry 16 Pastor Andrew Radio Announcement 6 Presidents Note 2 Property Crew 15 SAGE (former Sr. Ministry) 5 Save These Dates 3 Serving the Lord 14 Sheepdogs 6 SLF Daycare 17 SOTHs 2019 Council & Boards 10 & 11 Stephen Ministry 12 Stewardship 4 & 13 Thank you notes 13 Vising Friends 6

Transcript of The Shepherd Staff€¦ · onstruction Pics 3 Greeters 3 & 14 Helping Hands 16 9 KIK Time 18 LWML 9...

Page 1: The Shepherd Staff€¦ · onstruction Pics 3 Greeters 3 & 14 Helping Hands 16 9 KIK Time 18 LWML 9 Member hanges 3 Music Ministry 16 Pastor Andrew Radio Announcement 6 Presidents

The Shepherd’s Staff

Thoughts from Pastor Andrew:

Dear Members of Shepherd of the Hills,

It has already been established that 2019 will be a great year for our church. I am thinking primarily, of course, about our expansion of the Fellowship Hall and the addition of our new Youth Room- the youth are so deserving!!

But I am thinking of other things as well. For instance, I have liturgical goals, which include re-cruiting more men and women from the congregation to be readers for our services, I am planning to

learn how to chant the Verba Domini, we will be using a more traditional Pas-chal Candle (51 % beeswax) to be blessed at sunset at the Easter Vigil, Chuck Bauer is masterfully crafting kneeling pads for our altar rail and various other liturgical upgrades or modifications. Wasn’t it so lovely having Rick Weyhrich chanting the Psalms for us throughout Advent? I have already pressed him to do likewise for Lent. I am also so pleased that Erin and Will Siler will be leading us in song once a month as well. More than any other goal for 2019, what I really want is for us all to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus. Let this year be-long completely and entirely to Him, who is the object of all our worship and devotion.

I love the people of our church so much!! I don’t know how to adequately thank you for being so awesome. You make me want to be a great and hard-working pastor every single day. Thank you for inspiring me to love and cherish the Christian faith more and more.

Oh, and I almost forgot… Lou Schultz has lit a fire under me about hosting tea parties. It is true that without Judy Bowman’s lighthearted encouragement, I failed to sustain a steady stream of tea parties in 2018. Those days are over. For 2019, Teas with Pastor Andrew will be fully resumed and offered at least once a month. These will be grand occasions, indeed, so that even the Queen of Eng-land herself, regretting the hindrance of a whole ocean, will pine to share in our lumps of sugar and highfalutin gab about this and that, and everything in be-tween. Already I am polishing the cups and dusting off the ware, so anxious am I to pick up where we left off.

Lastly, on page 4 there are just a few verses for you to copy and paste onto a card which can be laminated and kept on your person at all times.

God bless you!!

Pastor Andrew

Where to find: Page # Bible Studies 19 Celebrations 7 Christian Education Board (CEB) 18 & 19 Church Calendar 8 Construction Pics 3 Greeters 3 & 14 Helping Hands 16 In Our Prayers 9 KICK Time 18 LWML 9 Member Changes 3 Music Ministry 16 Pastor Andrew Radio Announcement 6 Presidents Note 2 Property Crew 15 SAGE (former Sr. Ministry) 5 Save These Dates 3 Serving the Lord 14 Sheepdogs 6 SLF Daycare 17 SOTH’s 2019 Council & Boards 10 & 11 Stephen Ministry 12 Stewardship 4 & 13 Thank you notes 13 Visiting Friends 6

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The President’s Message Don Guckenberger, Council President

As for me and my house....

We shall serve the Lord! I am pleased to announce that with John Krueger volunteering to head Stewardship, Becky Quick joining council and working with Lou Schultz in Fellowship and Senior Ministry and Jan Simko to continue leading Growth for another year, all positions on Council are filled! Praise the Lord!

2019 is going to be a year of physical and organizational growth. As all can see, the ex-pansion of the fellowship and building of the youth room has begun. Hopefully, by the time you read this, the slab will be poured and walls will start going up. And, the Property Crew has been doing outstanding work preparing the former Sacristy for the new restrooms and getting the Narthex ready for construction of the shaft for the lift to the balcony.

Nancy Burns, who we thank immensely for her extraordinaire leadership as Stewardship Chair, is not ready to ‘retire’ but has offered an idea to Pastor and myself that is truly inspira-tional and timely. She and others will be looking at ways to improve assimilation – focusing more on learning the needs of our members (ways we can serve them). We would like to en-courage all to find areas of ministry in which God may be calling them to serve. We also have many seasonal members – here during specific months, living other places during other months. Nancy is exploring ways that our ministry can be mindful of these member’s needs. Jan Simko and I will be working to develop Deputy Chairs for each board. Goal here is to share the work- load of chairs and develop people who will become the chair when the current chair term of office is completed. A benefit would be no longer asking people to chair a board that they have not been involved with – a challenge that has faced every nominating committee. We are blessed to have many people serving on our various boards. The ‘SOTH Officers and Board Members’ sheet used to be one page – it is now almost two full pages. A copy of this doc-ument is included in this newsletter and is available in the Gathering Place. A goal is to develop more ‘tasks’ so people have opportunities to serve, without making an unending commitment to a specific board. A perfect example is the Santa ‘Christ’mas Photo Op organized by Jane Kam-pion. That task is under Growth, but neither Jane nor her team are members of Growth and thus work only on the Santa Photo Op. They are not committed to any other Growth responsi-bilities. The outstanding success of this event over the past two years clearly shows the value of this approach.

There are many ways that all members can ‘Serve the Lord’, as Joshua said he and his family would do. Find the task that works best for you. Offer your thoughts and ideas to Nancy or any council member, send me an email at [email protected]. Pray about the ways that you can “Serve the Lord.’ I will give you one area where you can start – and one that I would like to see overwhelming participation: Ushering. You are going to church anyway, why not serve while there - handout bulletins, assist with the collection, help with communion. Just tell Bob Worshik, here I am.

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church is truly alive in Christ. We are so blessed to be members of where one can serve the Lord with love and joy. To God Be The Glory!

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Ground breaking began on

December 3rd!

Mike Riharb and 6 Property Guys working the new play-

ground site.

SOTH’s campus is growing again!!

On Sunday, December 16, Pastor Andrew said a “blessing and dedicated “ the groundbreaking for the construction of the Fellowship Hall expansion.

Mark your 2019 Calendars

We welcome a New Member

JANUARY Sunday, January 6 Installation of new Council Officers

FEBRUARY Sunday , February 17,2019 THE KINGDOM HEIRS CONCERT Details soon!

“We’ve been told SOTH is the friendliest church in town, let’s keep that going. Join the Greeter team with your winning smile and friendly hug or handshake.” The sign-up book is in the Gathering Room. Choose one week or one month, or any combination of Sundays that work with your schedule.

Please PRAYERFULLY consider signing up for this ministry.

We’re moving as of Jan.1, 2019

Keith & Janeth Moerdyk 11 Kingsbridge Lane Crossville, TN 38558

Greeters - Growth Committee Jan Simko, Chairman

Jacque Johnson 84 Shoemake Road Crossville, TN 38571 931-335-5567 [email protected]

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Pastor Andrew recording his daily message for the radio station, 101.9, The Spirit. Be sure to listen to Pastor’s mes-sage on this radio station, 101.9, dai-ly. SOTH has truly been blessed with such a special, dedicated man.

To God be the Glory! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

The Board of Church Stewardship thanks God for providing our members with grateful hearts and thanks our Members for sharing their gifts with others!

Our Members were generous with Angel tree gifts and thanks to a Thrivent grant, we were also able to provide the “Angel Family” with a generous food basket.

Throughout the year, our Members have contributed and participated in serving others and attending church services and events to promote fellowship and sharing.

To God be the Glory for His gifts and many thanks to you, our Members! Welcome to a wonderful 2019 and to the new Stewardship Chair, John Krueger! Nancy Burns, Chair, 2015-2018

Board of Stewardship Nancy Burns, Chairperson

Isaiah 53:5 He was crushed for our iniquities. Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” John 10:10 “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” 1 Timothy 1:15 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree.

Pastor’s Verses to Laminate:

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The Shepherd’s Singles: Ten ladies braved the nasty weather

on December 14th to meet for their final luncheon of the year. We enjoyed great conversation and delicious food at the Fifth Street Marketplace. Our next get together will be on Friday, February 8 at Christy’s Pub Grub. More information will come later. Dorothy Buuck

SAGE = Seniors Against Getting Elderly Warm greetings to everyone for a fantastic 2019. Last year sure went fast. In the new year we have a couple of changes for the good.

First of all Becky Quick and I will be co-chairing Fellowship. Becky will be taking care of the Fellowship Hall-such as Bible study, funerals, and potlucks. I will be tak-ing care of special events, meetings, any going on's in the Gathering Room.

We have a second change with Senior Ministry (SAGE). Pat Wiedemann and I

will be co-chairing SAGE. Pat will continue doing the Caregiver monthly

meetings. She will help me with the meetings and activities. We are hoping to

have some great activities but we will need some help. If you have been on the

committee for SAGE please let me know if you will be continuing or if you are new

to our church and would like to be included let me know. We are also looking for

new members on the Fellowship committee. If you have any suggestions for

new/fun activities, please let us know. Looking forward to working with you all.

SAGE (formerly Senior Ministry) Lou Schultz, Chairman

The Caregiver Coffee Hour : The Caregiver Coffee Hour will meet

January 9th at 2PM in the Family Room. We invite anyone to join us for fellowship, especially those who are or have been a caregiver. For more information please call Pat Wiedemann at 337-0423.

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Visiting Friends is an important, if not well known group, in our church. Our mission is to make sure that every member knows that, as a congregation, we care about each other. If you know of someone who is struggling with health or personal issues, receiving a card of caring can do so much knowing that someone cares.

Visiting Friends not only send cards, we make phone calls to check on members, we make visits to those in need of cheering up and we occasionally deliver flowers donated by those who supply flow-ers for the Sunday services.

If this worthwhile mission is something that would bring you joy, knowing you are reaching out to members in need. Please contact Debe Hinterman, 931-248-8796 or at her email address [email protected] This committee meets on the second Monday of every month, but if meetings aren’t your thing, you can still participate in this meaningful mission.

Visiting Friends Toni McCarty, Chairman

Debe Hinterman, co-chair

Sheepdogs Wayne Croy, Chairman

STROKE RISK FACTORS Your risk for a stroke is increased X number of times if you are experiencing any of the following:

Estimated Increase in Risk

Atrial Fibrillation 17 times Hypertension 2 to 4 Cardiac Disease 2 to 4 No Exercise 1.8 to 3.5 Diabetes 1.5 to 2.5 Smoking 1.5 to 2.5 Heavy Alcohol use 1 to 3

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January Celebrations










Date Name Date Name

Date Name Years

1/01 Bill & Debe Hinterman 38

1/10 John & Mary Beck 49

1/19 Jay & Judy Vam Paemel 45

1/24 Lance & Carol Holman 10

1/28 Mike & Kathi Parli 52

1/29 Phil & Linda Winterroth 53 We are starting 2019 celebrating 247 years of marriage from these special couples. We will keep a running total for this year. I think the total number of years of wedded bliss in our congregation will be astounding!


1/02 Becky Pittman 1/21 Kathy Partain 1/04 Debe Hinterman 1/22 George Walter 1/07 Chris Krueger 1/23 Elaine Braun 1/09 Sharron Palow 1/24 Marla Carroll 1/13 Don Palow 1/25 Sharon Riharb 1/16 Sheryl Craig 1/26 Joan Baldwin 1/16 Carol Jannusch 1/26 Conrad Welch 1/16 Sheridan Miszklevitz 1/27 Camdyn Dalton 1/16 Judy Wilson 1/29 Terrilynn Beyer 1/17 Anna Heilmeier 1/30 Pete Kampion 1/17 Linda Winterroth 1/30 Fred Mundt 1/18 Betty Tuggle

AND I thought I loved you then…..

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Property Crew



3 Quilts of


FFG Bible Study @

Dorothy Buuck’s - 7PM






Holy Communion


7 Men’s Golf -




8 Property Crew


Lydia Susters


Sheepdogs Mtg—


(Conference Room


Council Mtg.


9 Bell Choir—4:30PM

Adult Choir—6PM







Holy Communion


14 Men’s Golf—


15 Property Crew—


Deborah Circle @

Mary Beck’s 6:30 PM

16 Bell Choir—4:30PM

Adult Choir—6PM

17 FFG Bible Study @ TBA -







Holy Communion


21 Men’s Golf—


22 Property Crew—


21 Stephen Ministry—


Bell Choir—4:30PM Adult Choir—6PM

24 25





Holy Communion


28 Men’s Golf—


29 Property Crew—


30 Bell Choir—4:30PM

Adult Choir—6PM


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Pauline Castner Yvette Dolan Susan Dowell Shirley Dunham Hugh Embry Andrew Gallagher Marilynn Grennan Wilhelm Heilmeier Roger Helms Lloyd Miller Dennis Stuebben Tom Towers Betty Tuggle Pete Wiedemann Linda & Phil Winterroth Roz Ziemba


Ann Barich, Dottie Bickel, Margaret Geary, Albert & Linda Fink, Marg Higgins, Roger & Caroline Karstaedt, Marlys Lee, Elsie Schroeder, Barb Zaccari


Al Hallgren (Rick & Terilynn Beyer) Karen Clark (Elaine & Len Braun) Breana Shaw, (Sue Cox) Regina’s mother & sisters (Regina Harkins) Pat Hinterman (Bill Hinterman) Holly Punzel (Alice Hockenberry) Levi Gauthier (Carol Holman) Karen Foster (Georgianne Johnson) Rose Gahns (Ed Leese) John Partain (Kathy Partain) Milo Jewell, Karol Moosekian, Gary Dollian, (Bob Moosekian) Jack (Linda Swanson) Macey (Pat Wiedemann) Jeanne Dowell (Linda & Phil Winterroth)

OUR MILITARY, deployed or stationed out of the USA:

Nicole Blackwood (Joanne Bandazewski) Tobie O’Brien (John & Mary Beck) Ben Crain (Nancy & Gerry Burns) Kristin Budsynski (Albert & Linda Fink) Nicholas Broege (Della Glass)

The prayer requests for our friends and families are difficult to keep current.

If your friend or family member is still in need of our prayers and does not appear on this list, please contact the Staff editor at: [email protected] and they will be entered on this new listing next month.

Removing those no longer in need of prayer will make room for others in need of our prayers.

Thank you, Sue Cox, editor


Please save your change.: “Mite Sunday” is the 3rd Sunday of each month. Your continued support will help our district reach its goal. Thank you, so much for your help.

The Lydia Sisters will begin to meet again on Tuesday the 8th of January at 9 AM, int the Fellowship Hall. Please consider joining them. They provide quilts not only to LWR but to local

shelters and charities. It’s a rewarding venture AND no sewing skills required!!!

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Jan Simko, President

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Council Elected Voting Members

President Don Guckenberger

Vice President Tim Dienst

Early Childhood Min John Beck (Acting)

Education Bill Baessler

Elders, Board Chair Steve McLelland

Fellowship Becky Quick

Finance Alice Skewis

Growth Jan Simko

Property John Wedlund

Senior Ministry Lou Schultz

Stewardship John Krueger

Technology Kristin Knight

Treasurer Jay Van Paemel

Youth Group Michelle Pleinis

Council Elected Non-voting Members

Financial Secretary Mary Beck

Recording Secretary Bonnie Bailey

Vice Treasurer Carol Woodley

LWML (Not Elected) Jan Simko

Columbarium Fred Mundt

Board Members


Jan Simko

Tom & MaryLou Towers

Kathy & Chuck Buchtrup

Dianne Corn

Toni McCarty

Catherine Peterson

Barbara Ezelle

Sue Cox

Sub Committee (website)

Nancy Burns – Web Manager

Mia McLelland – Advisor

Jane Kampion - Advisor


John Wedlund

Karan Wedlund

Bill Hinterman

Earl Leschinski

Jan Leschinski

Jack Fraiser

Denny Barber

Tom Baldwin

Jon Powers

Jim Hardy

Susan Powers

Phil Winterroth

Dale Lay

Barbara Kleimola

Bob Moosekian



Council and



Property Continued:

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Early Childhood Ministry

John Beck - acting

Carol Jannusch

Marla Caroll

Diane Mundt

Don Guckenberger

Christian Education

Bill Baessler - Chair

Jan Baessler – (KICK Time)

John Beck (ECM)

Terry Woodley (Confirmation)

Michelle Pleinis (Youth)

Pastor Andrew (Adult Ed)

Senior Ministry

Lou Schultz

Pat & Pete Wiedeman

Carolynn Gigg

Doris Smith

Marsha Guckenberger


John Krueger

John Bailey

Tom Towers

Tom Carter

Joy McKeel

Sub Committee – Social Ministry

John Gruber

John Bailey – Stewardship Liai-son

Sabrina Gunderson

Nancy Burns – Backup Liaison/Advisor/Mentor


Steve McLelland

Tom Baldwin

Fred Mundt

Craig Jannusch

Keith Moerdyk

Terry Woodley

Doug Aller

Rick Beyer


Becky Quick


Alice Skewis - Chair

Jay Van Paemel

Carol Woodley

Mary Beck & Counters


Kristin Knight

Bob Worshik

Tim Dienst

Don Guckenberger

Sheridan Miszklevitz

Mia McLelland

Jim Whitener

Cyndi Vickers

Kathie Gallagher

Andrew Gallagher

Lloyd Miller

Bill Hinterman


Michel Pleinis

Joseph Pleinis


Fred Mundt

Catherine Peterson

Pete Wiedemann

Sheep Dogs

Wayne Croy

Bob Skewis

Ed Day

George McKeel

Jim Bandazewski

Joe Marko

Rick Beyer

Sara Bradshaw

Spike Burger

Max Wilson

Judy Holcomb

Curt McCarty

Recording Secretary Team

Bonnie Bailey

Joy McKeel

Jane Kampion

SOTH Council & Board Members continued:

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People often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People.

Stephen Ministers are there:

. . . after the phone call you hoped you’d never get.

. . . after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.

. . . after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.

. . . after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”

. . . after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”

. . . after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.

. . . after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.

. . . after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.

. . . after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.

. . . after your family and friends have heard your story one

too many times, but you still need to talk it out.

Stephen Ministers are the After People. They are ready to come along-

side you—or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives—and

provide comfort and support for as long after as needed.

Stephen Ministry is alive and well at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran

Church. For more information you can contact:

Craig Jannusch -- 931-707-5079

Bernie Atwater -- 931-300-2120

Pastor Abraham -- 931-484-3461

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Bulletin Benders

Sunday Fold Date Team

1/04 1/06 Lloyd & Leora Miller

1/13 1/11 Carolyn & Beth Gigg, Dana Burger

1/20 1/18 Linda Swanson, Marilyn Grennan

1/27 1/25 Kristin Knight, Linda

Board of Stewardship 6

Worship Attendance Weekly YTD Offerings

11/25 182 $ 8,123.29 $ 366,445.22 12/09 187 $ 9,259.59 $ 386,540.52 12/16 186 $ 6,622.00 $ 393,162.52

12/23 205 $ 12,001.16 $ 405,163.68

My family and I don’t know where to start to thank my church family for the

support, concerns you have had and all the prayers you have said for my granddaughter, Breana through the years of her liver disease. And we are now so thankful to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ that all those prayers have been answered. Breana continues to recover from her liver transplant. While it will take time, her new lease on life was my family’s Christmas Miracle. Love, Sue Cox

I want to thank you for the canvas bag decorated with goats. We have always shared the humor of goats parading around in PJ’s. I’m still smiling! Thanks, Toni McCarty

I want to express my thanks for the prayers, calls, cards, food and to those who furnished transportation to the doctors and hospital. I am better

and healing thanks to God and the caring of all. This is a special church. With thanks and love, Becky Pittman

It is with a heartfelt thank you that I must say how loved and cared for that you have made me feel during my time that I have been your secretary. The Christmas gift was unexpected, but very appreciated. Can’t quit bragging about my church family. Love, Chris Dalton

Thank you

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Early Service Late Service

01/13 Bill Baessler Janeth Moerdyk

01/27 John Beck Carol Jannusch

Ushers Team # 2

Early Service Late Service

John Wedlund Keith Moerdyk Karan Wedlund Janeth Moerdyk Janet Simko Denise Jordan Ed Leese Jack Frazier Sharon Leese Tom Taylor




27th Phil & Linda Winterroth

Altar Flowers

Date Team # Members 1/06 & 1 Doris A. Smith, Sue Cox, Sandy 1/13 Dienst

1/20, & 2 Marianne Langeland, Craig & Carol 1/27 Jannusch, Janeth Moerdyk

Serving The Lord in January

If you have a celebration or a loved one you would like to remember, you can remember with flowers and help bring beauty to our altar at the same time. There is a flower sign up sheet near the photo board at the entrance to the Sanctuary. Food City gives our church a special price. Please see Kathie at the Food City Floral Dept. by the Wednesday before your designated Sunday, to order and pay for the flowers. Delivery to the church is included for free. *To get tax exempt you need to stop by church for a card. If you wish to share your flowers, please contact Toni McCarty with Visiting Friends. When you sign up for flowers please indicate if you plan to take them yourself. If you do not indicate on the flower chart, by writing T (take) after your name the Visiting Friends group will take them to shut-ins. Thank you. Barb Kleimola, Altar Guild Chairman


1/06 Steve McLelland 1/13 1/20 1/27

January 6th January 20th Early Early Late Late

January 13th January 27th

Early Early Late Late

Information Not Available at Press Time.


Communion Assistants 1/06

Early Tom Baldwin Late Keith Moerdyk

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Property Crew “Old people doing young people’s work.” John Wedlund, Chairman

WOW! The year 2018 was really busy for

the members of the Board of Church Property. We expect 2019 will be busy as well. Thanks to the Lord we have 6 new members elected to our group during the last Congregation meeting. That brings us up to 15. We had to move the “swing set” playground site due to the expansion of the Fellowship hall. We are installing artificial grass at the new site which will cut down on a lot of maintenance. Waiting for warmer weather to finish the job. The Columbarium (memorial gardens) reno-vation was a big job however we are pleased with the outcome. It looks much better and

there should be less maintenance also. Our members have been doing a lot work in the Fellowship hall and the old

Sacristy room. Their labors will save money that we won’t have to pay the contract workers doing the expansion job and the renovation of the restrooms in the church building.

We are still meeting every Tuesday each week (except the past Christmas and New Year day). Our weekly work list includes various repair and maintenance jobs, plus 9 recurring (weekly) jobs. We have job security!

A big thanks to our hard-working Board members and to our congregation that supports them in their efforts.

Installing artificial grass on the new playground site.

The Prop Gals putting up the Manger Scene.

Jan Barber, Karan Wedlund

and Barb Kleimola,

Thank you ladies!

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Helping Hands Ministry

If you know of anyone who could use help

with occasional meals or transportation, please contact our “Helping Hands” ministry coordinator, Marianne Langeland, 484-2728.

Music Ministry Rick Weyhrich, Director

Please prayerfully consider serving our Lord through one or both of these music ministry opportunities. See Rick Weyhrich, Music Director, for information. The choirs practice every Wednesday. The times are listed below.

Hand Bells at 4:30 p.m. Adult choir at 6:00 p.m.

Practice resumes on January 9th

YOUR MAILBOX may have moved AND that’s a very good thing!

Your name is ABOVE your box.

Each time we accept new members, the mailboxes are reorganized. Please remember to check your mailbox often!

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Shepherd’s Little Flock Sabrina Gunderson, Director

What’s Happened – We have received our results from our state inspection, it is with great pride that I say that we are a 3-star program. This next year with state licensing rules changing we will continue to do our best to make this program even a better ministry and educational facility. This year has been a very personally hard year for our family. We are getting through it with the love and prayers of the SOTH and with God’s grace. Jake is still recovering, he still has trouble with his hip. I still see him limp when it is late in the day. His wrist still gives him trouble with lifting. We are all glad that he is doing as well as he is. My grandfather passed this last summer, the last of my grand-parents. I was so fortunate that I was able to spend as much time with him as I was. There is my brother, Carl, he is still receiving chemo until spring, but he is gaining some weight and looks better. He has a great out look which I believe goes a long way with recovery. My parents moved back to Michigan to be closer to him during this time. As for a happier news, I am expecting my first grand-child this February. Jake and Kaitlin are expecting a little girl. We are looking forward to the good news.

What’s Happening – We will be having a New Year’s Eve P.J. party celebration on Monday the 31th of December. If you can join us, we will be parading down the hall to the gathering room at 9:30 a.m. We will be making lots of noise with all of our props. At the end of the month, I will be going to Memphis to meet with other principals and early child-hood directors at the Mid-South District office for a new program. President Paavola has a new pro-gram that he has written and needs to have early childhood centers and schools to test it out. It will be a day long conference. I am looking forward to seeing and meeting with other schools. It is always great to network with everyone.

Focus on the Flock– Celebrating a birthday this month: We Wish Happy Birthday and God’s blessings to: Michael will be 5 on the 4th Joshua will be 5 on the 10th Allie will be 5 on the 18th

Creative Curriculum – Our religion curriculum focus: Wiseman and Baptism The letter for the month is: Ww,Bb Our themes will be: Children around the World and Winter Our monthly Bible verse is: Mark 16:16 Believe and Be Baptized

Remember- We will be closed on Tuesday, January 1st in observance of the New Year.

Thank you – To the congregation for all the support that we have received this past year. We are all so fortunate to minister to the little children. With the Love of Jesus,

Shepherd’s Little Flock Staff

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The Board of Christian Education Bill Baessler, Chairman

Board of Christian Education As God’s people, sharing the Gospel of our Lord and Savior,

Jesus Christ, is our most important task.

As we begin a new year, let each of us commit to regularly attend at least one of the several adult Bible classes offered here at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. The Holy Spirit desires the opportunity to increase the saving faith He created in each of us as we continue to grow in exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit in our life.

Shepherd’s Little Flock:

This vital ministry to our community continues to assist parents in meeting the needs of their children. One such need is during the summer months. Many parents do not know what they are going to do to provide for their children and keep them safe while the schools are closed for the summer. In order to assist the families having this need, the Early Child Ministry Team is beginning a feasibility study to assess whether or not we are able to once again provide a Christian summer care program for those families. Please see John Beck’s ECM article in this newsletter for further updates.

K.I.C.K. Time (Sunday morning children’s ministry):

K.I.C.K. Time meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. The curriculum (The Thread of Promise) engages children in a variety of ways with the central theme being that God makes promises to His people throughout history, that He loves His people and is always with them, and that God is faithful to every promise He makes, just as we ex-perienced the fulfillment of His promise to send a Savior for all people.

Lessons in January will focus on the fulfillment of God’s promises to always be with His people and provide for them. We will be sharing the Scriptural accounts of God using Moses to deliver His people from their slavery in Egypt, the giving of His Law which defines the relationship He desires with His people, and His providing for them on the way to the Promised Land.


Our youth wish to thank Shepherd of the Hills congregation for including in the 2019 budg-et funds to assist them in attending the Synodical Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN next July. They continue to raise funds themselves to make this event a reality for them. Thank you to everyone who has supported them in their efforts to date. Please pray for them and give them as much support and financial assistance as you are able. Please see Michelle Pleinis’ article elsewhere in this newsletter for further updates.

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YOUTH continued:

First Communion Sunday on December 30, 2018. The young people involved spent 12 weeks learning about God and His desire for a relationship with each of us. They learned how Jesus, through His sacri-fice on the cross and His resurrection, made such a relationship possible


The first segment of our confirmation classes, Early Com-munion, concluded with First Communion Sunday on December 30, 2018. The young people involved spent 12 weeks learning about God and His desire for a relationship with each of us. They learned how Jesus, through His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection, made such a relationship possible. They learned about Jesus’ institu-tion of the Sacrament of the Altar, what is necessary to prepare ourselves to receive the Sacrament, and the benefits we are guaranteed through the Sacrament.

The second portion of the confirmation curriculum will focus on the six chief parts of Martin Lu-ther’s Small catechism. The young people will continue to meet on Sunday mornings during the Bible Study hour until May or June of 2020 when they will be confirmed as members of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.

Adult Bible Studies:

Nurturing our soul with the Word of God is important to our Christian growth and allows the Holy Spirit to work His sanctification within us. You are invited to join one of several Bible study opportunities available at SOTH:

Sunday morning Bible Study: Pastor Abraham. Topic is Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation, c. 2017. Takes place at 9:15. Come early as there usually is a crowd.

The Neff Bible Study: Craig Jannusch, leader. Meets in Classroom 1 every Friday from 1 to 3 pm and will resume their study Friday, February 1st.

Deborah Circle Bible Study: Will resume at 6:30 PM, Tuesday evening, January 15th at the home of Mary Beck. Contact Mary Beck 931-261-2808 for details.

Fairfield Glade Bible Study: Our group will resume their study of Parables on Thursday. January 3 at 7:00 p.m at the home of Dorothy Buuck. All are welcome.

Email Bible Studies: Contact [email protected]. Choices include: Daily Devotions for Women; Daily Devotions for Men; By Faith Alone; (Greek) Word a Day; One Year Bible (full text); One Year Bible (passages only).

The Board of Christian Education continued:

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Pastor Andrew’s Sunday Bible Study


9:15 –10:15 AM

We are Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. 1461 Sparta Hwy Crossville, TN 38572.

Phone: 931-484-3461

Fax: 931-707-0042 Email: [email protected]

Pray Requests: [email protected] Web Page:

Sunday Worship Services

8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Adult Bible Study 9:15-10:15 AM

Kids in Christ’s Kingdom Sunday 12:00PM

Children’s KICK Time Sunday School

2nd &4th Sunday’s During 2nd services