The Sentinel Leader - Sparta Township Historical … Sentinel...

*p The Sentinel Leader 'ruin f \Jjour Community 87 year A Volume 86 — Established 1876 SOPARTA, MICHIGAN Wednesday, July 3, 196.5 Number 27 Sparta Boys Scouts Return From Camp The 30 Boy Scouts from Sparta troop 280 returned to Sparta this week-end after spending a week at Camp Shawondossee on Duck Lake north of Muskegon. The local youths distinguished themselves tyearning a record number of achievements and merit badges while learning new Scouting skills and making lifelong friendships. Memorable camp activities in- cluded sleeoing in tents at the camp site Winnebago; hiking around Duck Lake and cooking outdoors; canoeing to Lake Michigan; taking turns at be- ing host in the dining he 11 and assist- ing in cleanup; and singing around the nightly camp fires at their troop site and large council fires for the opening and closing of camp activ- ities. Members of the Sparta Scout Band provided music for many en- tertaining "jam" sessions. Hie youths attendee daily services in beautiful outdoor chapels and will long remember the impressive In- dian ceremonies at which Jack Sands was inducted in to the Order of the Arrow, a distinctive service group for outstanding Boy Scouts. Many skills were acquired during » the past week by the Sparta Scou.s 4n acquatic activity, conservation and outdoor sports, but ail of the boys learned new skills ir- '.he yard, knot-tying, compasswork, nuiip reading, firemanship, cookixi|§, tracking, and on the waterfront. Win- ders of the 1962 Camp Olympic .J, the Sparta troop placed second in the Olympics this year and participated in the water carnival ori the last day of camp. Fourteen of the 16 Tenderfoot Scouts who attended Shawondossee completed requirements for Seccnd Class Scout while at camp. Tley were: Bill Brown, Marvin Colby, Jim Crofoot, Mark Dean, Lewis Fol- kerth, Brent Havens, Reggie Hos- kins, Rodger Mourttaan, Craig Pat- terson, Dick Sands, Mike Stevens, Charles Tunge tt, Herman Wiegel- , man and Craig Yates. A total of 22 merit badges were * earned this past week as follows: Floyd Johnson and Joe Mouthaan, Archery; David Carter and Bill Sut- ter, Canoeing; Dennis Salisbury, First Aid; Jack Sands, Archery and Forestry; David Davis, Forestry and Archery; Jack Carlson, Forestry and Swimming; Dan Preston, Life Siaving and Forestry; John Davis, Forestry, Archery, and Swimming;; Rodney Heugel, Swimming, Life Sav- ing; and Pionee ring; Douglas Heugel , Canoeing, Fishing and Nature. It was KENT CITY STUDENTS Kent City High School students can pick up their Kentonians either Tuesday or Wednesday, July 9 or 10, in (tie Kent City High School office, according to Mrs. Jean Bouw - kamp. noted that only five Nature badges have been earned in the history of Shawondossee due to the advance preparation needed for the com- pletion of this particular badge. Five Sccuts qualified for the mile- swim and are entitled to wear the patch on their swimming trunks: Phil Allen, Rodger Mouthaan, John Davis, Dan Preston and Bill Sutter. Sparta Police Chief Gene Heugel, chairman of the North Kent District of the Grand Valley Council, spent the week with troop 280 as counsellor at Shawond :>ssee. Scoutmaster Ralph Barnum jo.ned the troop on Friday. Eagle Scott Richard Hicks of the Sparta trooo is spending the summer as a member of the staff and is work - ing as quartermaster. Victor Ridgeway To Hoad Kent City lions Club •O— Install Officers At Rotary Club The annual installation of officers of the Sparta Rotary Club was held at the Monday meeting. Dr. William Sutter will head the Flotarians for the coming year. Other new officers are the fol- lowing : Vice president, Lynn Brad- ford; secretary, Robert Todd; treas- urer, Melvin Rogers; sgt-at-arms, Ray Taylor; bulletin editor, Carl, Johnson; directors, Kenneth Mc~ Cready, Gale Taylor, Melvin Bar- Clay, Laurence Johnson and William D'Amour. Kenneth McOready is the retiring president. VIC RIDGEWAY Newly elected president of the Kent City Lions Club is Victor Ridgeway. Other new officers are the following: First vice president, Lawrence Mattson; treasurer, Ro- bert Kriger; secxetary, Oscar De- Jong; Lion tamer, Chuck Rider; tail twister, Clarence Reyburn; trustees, Harold Saur and Robert Visser. o Pair Hear Wedding Bells The Rev. Paul Price performed the ceremony which united in mar- riage Miss Shirley Ann Walkins and Glenn Donald Woolworth last Satur- day evening in the Sparta Free Methodist Church. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkins of Sparta and Mr. and Mrs. Avery Johnston of Sparta. Miss Lynn Stack of Sparta was Maid of Honor #nd Neal Elve as- sisted as Best Man. Jerry Johns- ton, brother of the bridegroom, as- sisted as Junior Best Man. Paulette Walkins, sister of the bride, as- sisted as Junior Bridesmaid, Lester and Almond Matthysse of Lansing seated the guests. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stiles were Master and Mistress of Ceremonies at the reception following the cere- mony in the church. Assisting were the ladies of the Free Methodist Church. FIREWORKS DISPLAY SCHEDULED JULY 4th The annual Fireworks Display, conducted by Jack Rogers and Gary John won will he held at 9:45 p.m. July 4 at the Richard John- son farm, located at the corner of IVach Ririjre Ave. and 11-Mile Ito ad. Everyone Is Invited. o Kent City FFA Wins State Award Morris L. Cochrane, superinten- dent of the Kent City Community Schools, has received word from the Michigan State Department of Vo- cational Agriculture that the Kent City Chapter of the Future Farmers of America is the recipient of a silver award for the 1962-63 school year. The award is based on the pro- gress of the 107 Kent City FFA members' farming programs, scholastic records, committee work FFA banquet, participation in state contests, public speaking, demon- stration, parliamentary procedure, farm forum and providing enter- tainment at title State FFA conven- tion. The award is the second highest that can be attained by an FFA chapter. Fred Dejong is president and Ralph M„ White class advisor. Mont frequently sung songs are "Happy Birthday to You," composed in 1893; "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," which goes back to 1781 and "AnId Lang Svne" . . . Swedish Exchange Student at Irving Nyblad Home Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nyblad of Kent City will have another son and the three Nyblad children a new brother for a year beginning in August. His name is Leif Nordvall. He is 18 ye.irs old and hails from a community in Sweden calledMalrno. When Leif arrives at the Kent City farm home of the Nyblad family, he not only will take hii3 place as a member of the family but also enroll in the senior class at Kent Uff City High school. Leif, however, wiil not be the only Nyblad "family member" in the senior clasn. Joan, one of his "sisters," also will be taking senior courses along with him. The other Nyblad childrer are Dan, 20, and Enuly, 8. Leif will remain in the United States until ne?U luly when he is scheduled to return home, He will spend the year as in exchange student under the auspices of the Youth for Understanding, Teen-Age Exchange Program, of the Michigan- Ann Arbor - Washtenaw Council of Churches. What do the fayblads' already know about Leit? They know what he locks like from his picture. They also have his personal statement which says in part the following: "My family lives in a row-house, which has four rooms and a rather big cellar and a little garden. In summer we live in the country by the sea. My father has a car and I have a scooter. "My father is 36 years old and he is a salesman in a furniture business. His hobbies are phila- tely and bridge, and he has an exchange of stamps with a family in California. My mother is the same age and is a member of the Red Cross. She likes to embroider and she is a member of a sewing circle. I have a sister, who is 11 years old. "M'y great interests are gym- nastics and sports. I received s prize for gymnastics in 1960. I like to play football and basket- ball." In addition to these statements taken out of context from Leif's remarks about himself, he con- cluded as follows: "It would be wonderful to receive a scholarship to America. Just think, how much one would learn anc! take part in. It would be a memory for all my life." SO THEY TELL ME . . . Remember the song "Steam Heat"? One thing is certain we haven't needed to turn on our fur- naces lately. The sun has been supplying us with 90 degree plus weather this past week. After a cold cold winter It is nice to have warm weather. Everybody has been trying to escape from it and the lakes around the area are fililed to over- flowing while many have been travel- ing to bigger bodies of water. Sun burn cases and in other extremes tans are being seen more plentiful as well as bathing suits in assorted sizes. Mrs. Vivian Vaughan, former resident of Sparta arrived from Florida last Monday just in time for the heat wave. While here she picked up hei sister. Mrs Cora David and drove to the Vaughans' cottage at Bitely. July 1, Mr. Vaughan flew up to join his wife and they will be at their summer home until Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. McCready drove to Silver Lake Sunday tc spend a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Falconer and children. Mr. end Mrs. Bill Kutzli also spent the day at the Falconers'. Central Circle of the Sparta Meth- odist Church will meet: with Mrs. Joe Brooks July 16th ai: 12:30 for a potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thayer of Casnovia announce the birth of their first child and a son, James Russell. He was born at Butterworth Hospital and weighed in at eight pounds three ounces. Tlie new mother is the former Elaine Stockhill. Grand- parents are Mr, and Mr:l. Wilbur Stockhill. Mr. anci Mrs. Morton Athesmhad as weekenc guest Mr. and Mr a. David Hooker ofbetroit. They came tc help (Formerly Sparta Locals) hy S I E BRAND Mr. Athearn celebrate his birthday. Sunday they all drove in to Grand Rapids to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Athearn. David 3everv,yk and friend James Wi ltd anger of Oil C?Ity, Penn., llew in from Great Lakes Naval base Friday to spend their week-end pass with David's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beverwyk. Speaking of the Henry Be very ks' they have closed the State Farm Insurance office in Sparta for Thurs- day, Friday ard Saturday, of this week, so that they could take their boat up to Burt Lake over the Fourth of July week-end for a short vaca- tion. Card party will be held atAlgoma Grange Saturday night at 8:30 July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schut em- barked for fc:urcp<: and the near F ast for an eight week Jet tour Monday morning. Their son, being a doctor, checked them out as being in perfect health and packed a case of medic me for them just incase. They probably won't even need it as every minute will be occupied sight-seeing. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Balyeat of Grand Rapids drove to the O, F. Bal- yeats' Friday and enjoyed dinner with them. The O. E. Balyeatii' reported that the Golden wedding anniversary that was given for Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of Mussegon Heights was a lovely affair. Vlrs. Johnson is the former Amy of Sparta. Mr. and Mrs. Man Bump of Has- tings spent Friday and Saturday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beverwyk. Mr. and Mrs. James King of Al- buquerque, New Mexico, returned home Wednesday after spending ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Beverwyk, and his mother, Mrs. Reber Nelson, of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nash of Detroit spent their weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nash of Hickory Street. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vander- meer, S. Elm Street returned last week from a trip to the Dakotas, Utah and Texas. Accompanying them were Mrs. Vandermeer's mother, Mrs. Bessie Burkhart, S. Union Street and her sister Mrs. Rene Tubergen of Zeeland. As Scout camp ended last Satur- day afternoon, many families picked up their Scouts and drove on to their cottages for the weekend. Among them were the Bill Sutters' who spent the weekend at " L " Lakes South of Baldwin. Little Billy Line isn't talking much these days. Billy, 4-year old son of Glenn Lint , Gunn Street had his tonsils removed last Saturday and his brothers, Jimmy and Randy, can now get in their share of the con- versation. Greg, son of the Gordon Reyburns hed a tough bout when the doctor removed his tonsils. He is on the mend now and back to his usual tricks. Terry Young of Murray Lake spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Line Monday morning she returned home with her mother, Mrs. Jack Young (the former Hazel Line) and brother Jack. Her cousin, Susan Cad well, daughter of Mr. and Vrs. Lester Cadwell, will spend the coming week with the Youngs' at Murray Lake. Clarisse and her husband are new tsking their vacation so yours truly been helping out at the office this week. Next week we will be taking our first vacation in almost three years. Amen..

Transcript of The Sentinel Leader - Sparta Township Historical … Sentinel...

Page 1: The Sentinel Leader - Sparta Township Historical … Sentinel Leader...Walkins, sister of the bride, as-sisted as Junior Bridesmaid, Lester and

* p

The Sentinel Leader 'ruin <£ f\Jjour Community 87 year A

Volume 86 — Established 1876 SOPARTA, MICHIGAN Wednesday, July 3, 196.5 Number 27

Sparta Boys Scouts Return From Camp

The 30 Boy Scouts f rom Sparta troop 280 returned to Sparta this week-end af ter spending a week at Camp Shawondossee on Duck Lake north of Muskegon. The local youths distinguished themselves t y e a r n i n g a record number of achievements and meri t badges while learning new Scouting skills and making lifelong fr iendships .

Memorable camp activit ies in-cluded sleeoing in tents at the camp si te Winnebago; hiking around Duck Lake and cooking outdoors; canoeing to Lake Michigan; taking turns at be-ing host in the dining he 11 and a s s i s t -ing in cleanup; and singing around the nightly camp f i res at their troop si te and large council f i r e s for the opening and closing of camp activ-ities. Members of the Sparta Scout Band provided music for many en-tertaining " j a m " sess ions . Hie youths attendee daily serv ices in beautiful outdoor chapels and will long remember the impress ive In-dian ceremonies at which Jack Sands was inducted in to the Order of the Arrow, a distinctive service group for outstanding Boy Scouts.

Many skills were acquired during » the past week by the Sparta Scou.s

4n acquatic activity, conservation and outdoor sports , but ail of the boys learned new skills ir- '.he yard, knot-tying, compasswork, nuiip reading, f i remanship, cookixi|§, tracking, and on the water f ront . Win-de r s of the 1962 Camp Olympic .J, the Sparta troop placed second in the Olympics this year and part icipated in the water carnival ori the las t day of camp.

Fourteen of the 16 Tenderfoot Scouts who attended Shawondossee completed requirements for Seccnd Class Scout while at camp. T l e y were: Bill Brown, Marvin Colby, J im Crofoot, Mark Dean, Lewis Fo l -kerth, Brent Havens, Reggie Hos-kins, Rodger Mourttaan, Craig Pa t -terson, Dick Sands, Mike Stevens, Charles Tunge tt, Herman Wiegel-

, man and Craig Yates. A total of 22 meri t badges were

* earned this past week as follows: Floyd Johnson and Joe Mouthaan, Archery; David Car t e r and Bill Sut-te r , Canoeing; Dennis Salisbury, F i r s t Aid; Jack Sands, Archery and Fores t ry ; David Davis, Fo re s t ry and Archery; Jack Carlson, Fores t ry and Swimming; Dan Pres ton, Life Siaving and Fores t ry ; John Davis, Fores t ry , Archery, and Swimming;; Rodney Heugel, Swimming, Life Sav-ing; and Pionee ring; Douglas Heugel , Canoeing, Fishing and Nature. It was

KENT CITY STUDENTS Kent City High School students

can pick up their Kentonians ei ther Tuesday or Wednesday, July 9 or 10, in (tie Kent City High School office, according to Mrs. Jean Bouw -

• kamp.

noted that only five Nature badges have been earned in the history of Shawondossee due to the advance preparat ion needed for the com-pletion of this par t icu lar badge.

Five Sccuts qualified for the mi l e -swim and a re entitled to wear the patch on their swimming t runks: Phil Allen, Rodger Mouthaan, John Davis, Dan Pres ton and Bill Sutter.

Sparta Police Chief Gene Heugel, chairman of the North Kent Dis t r ic t of the Grand Valley Council, spent the week with troop 280 as counsellor at Shawond :>ssee. Scoutmaster Ralph Barnum jo.ned the troop on Fr iday. Eagle Scott Richard Hicks of the Sparta trooo is spending the summer as a member of the staff and is work -ing as qua r t e rmas t e r .

Victor Ridgeway To Hoad Kent City lions Club


Install Officers At Rotary Club

The annual installation of of f icers of the Sparta Rotary Club was held at the Monday meeting. Dr. William Sutter will head the Flotarians for the coming year .

Other new off icers a re the fol-lowing : Vice president, Lynn Brad-ford; secre tary , Robert Todd; t r e a s -u r e r , Melvin Rogers; s g t - a t - a r m s , Ray Taylor; bulletin editor, Carl , Johnson; directors , Kenneth Mc~ Cready, Gale Taylor, Melvin B a r -Clay, Laurence Johnson and William D'Amour.

Kenneth McOready is the re t i r ing president .


Newly elected president of the Kent City Lions Club is Victor Ridgeway. Other new of f icers a re the following: F i r s t vice pres ident , Lawrence Mattson; t r e a s u r e r , Ro-ber t Kriger; secxetary , Oscar De-Jong; Lion tamer , Chuck Rider; tail twis ter , Clarence Reyburn; t rus tees , Harold Saur and Robert Visser .


Pair Hear Wedding Bells

The Rev. Paul P r ice performed the ceremony which united in m a r -r iage Miss Shirley Ann Walkins and Glenn Donald Woolworth last Sa tur -day evening in the Sparta F r e e Methodist Church.

Paren ts of the couple are Mr. and Mrs . Paul Walkins of Sparta and Mr. and Mrs . Avery Johnston of Sparta .

Miss Lynn Stack of Sparta was Maid of Honor #nd Neal Elve a s -sis ted as Best Man. J e r r y Johns-ton, brother of the br idegroom, as -sisted as Junior Best Man. Paulette Walkins, s i s t e r of the bride, a s -sisted as Junior Bridesmaid, Les te r and Almond Matthysse of Lansing seated the guests .

Mr, and Mrs . Robert Stiles were Master and Mis t ress of Ceremonies at the reception following the c e r e -mony in the church. Assisting were the ladies of the F r e e Methodist Church.


The annua l F i reworks Display, conducted by J ack Rogers and Gary John won will he held a t 9:45 p.m. Ju ly 4 a t the Richard John-son fa rm, located a t the corner of IVach Ririjre Ave. and 11-Mile I to ad. Everyone Is Invited.


Kent City FFA Wins State Award

Morr i s L. Cochrane, super in ten-dent of the Kent City Community Schools, has received word f rom the Michigan State Department of Vo-cational Agricul ture that the Kent City Chapter of the Future F a r m e r s of Amer ica is the recipient of a s i lver award for the 1962-63 school year .

The award is based on the p ro -g r e s s of the 107 Kent City FFA member s ' f a r m i n g p rog rams , scholast ic records , committee work FFA banquet, participation in s tate contests , public speaking, demon-st ra t ion, par l iamentary procedure , f a rm forum and providing e n t e r -tainment at title State FFA conven-tion.

The award is the second highest that can be attained by an FFA chapter . Fred Dejong is pres ident and Ralph M„ White c lass advisor .

Mont f r e q u e n t l y s u n g songs a r e " H a p p y B i r t h d a y to Y o u , " c o m p o s e d in 1893; " F o r H e ' s a J o l l y Good F e l l o w , " w h i c h goes back to 1781 a n d " A n I d L a n g S v n e " . . .

Swedish Exchange Student t© at Irving Nyblad Home

Mr. and Mrs . Irving Nyblad of Kent City will have another son and the three Nyblad children a new brother for a year beginning in August.

His name is Leif Nordvall. He is 18 ye.irs old and hails f rom a community in Sweden calledMalrno.

When Leif a r r i v e s at the Kent City f a rm home of the Nyblad family, he not only will take hii3 place as a member of the family but also enrol l in the senior c lass at Kent

U f f City High school.

Leif, however, wiil not be the only Nyblad " fami ly m e m b e r " in the senior c lasn. Joan, one of his " s i s t e r s , " a lso will be taking senior courses along with him. The other Nyblad childrer a r e Dan, 20, and Enuly, 8.

Leif will remain in the United States until ne?U luly when he is

scheduled to re turn home, He will spend the year as i n exchange student under the auspices of the Youth for Understanding, Teen-Age Exchange Program, of the Michigan-Ann Arbor - Washtenaw Council of Churches.

What do the fayblads' already know about Leit? They know what he locks like f rom his picture. They also have his personal statement which says in par t the following:

"My family lives in a row-house, which has four rooms and a rather big ce l lar and a little garden. In summer we live in the country by the sea . My father has a car and I have a scooter .

"My father is 36 years old and he is a sa lesman in a furniture business . His hobbies are phila-tely and bridge, and he has an exchange of s tamps with a family in California. My mother is the same age and is a member of the Red Cross . She likes to embroider and she is a member of a sewing c i rc le . I have a s i s te r , who is 11 years old.

"M'y great in teres ts a re gym-nast ics and spor ts . I received s pr ize for gymnastics in 1960. I like to play football and basket-b a l l . "

In addition to these statements taken out of context f rom Leif ' s r e m a r k s about himself , he con-cluded as follows: "I t would be wonderful to receive a scholarship to America . Just think, how much one would learn anc! take par t in. It would be a memory for all my l i f e . "


Remember the s o n g "Steam Hea t "? One thing is cer tain we haven't needed to turn on our f u r -naces lately. The sun has been supplying us with 90 degree plus weather this past week. After a cold cold winter It is nice to have warm weather . Everybody has been trying to escape f rom it and the lakes around the area a re fililed to over -flowing while many have been t r ave l -ing to bigger bodies of water . Sun burn cases and in other ex t r emes tans a r e being seen more plentiful as well as bathing suits in assor ted s i zes .

Mrs . Vivian Vaughan, f o r m e r resident of Sparta a r r ived f rom Florida last Monday just in time for the heat wave. While here she picked up hei s i s t e r . Mrs Cora David and drove to the Vaughans' cottage at Bitely. July 1, Mr. Vaughan flew up to join his wife and they will be at their summer home until Labor day.

Mr. and Mrs. O. T . McCready drove to Silver Lake Sunday tc spend a few hours with Mr. and Mrs . Bob Falconer and children. Mr . end Mrs . Bill Kutzli also spent the day at the Fa lcone r s ' .

Central Ci rc le of the Sparta Meth-odist Church will meet: with Mrs . Joe Brooks July 16th ai: 12:30 for a potluck dinner.

Mr. and Mrs . Russell Thayer of Casnovia announce the birth of their f i r s t child and a son, J ames Russel l . He was born at Butterworth Hospital and weighed in at eight pounds three ounces. Tlie new mother is the fo rmer Elaine Stockhill. Grand-parents are Mr, and Mr:l. Wilbur Stockhill.

Mr. anci Mrs . Morton Athesmhad as weekenc guest Mr. and Mr a. David Hooker o f b e t r o i t . They came tc help

(Formerly Spar ta Locals)


Mr. Athearn celebrate his birthday. Sunday they all drove in to Grand Rapids to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Athearn.

David 3everv,yk and friend James Wi ltd anger of Oil C?Ity, Penn., llew in f rom Great Lakes Naval base Friday to spend their week-end pass with David's parents , Mr. and Mrs . Henry Beverwyk.

Speaking of the Henry Be very ks' they have closed the State Fa rm Insurance office in Sparta for Thurs-day, Friday ard Saturday, of this week, so that they could take their boat up to Burt Lake over the Fourth of July week-end for a short vaca-tion.

Card party will be held atAlgoma Grange Saturday night at 8:30 July 6.

Mr. and Mrs . Floyd Schut em-barked for fc:urcp<: and the near F ast for an eight week Jet tour Monday morning. Their son, being a doctor, checked them out as being in perfect health and packed a case of medic me for them just incase . They probably won't even need it as every minute will be occupied s ight-seeing.

Dr . and Mrs . Gordon Balyeat of Grand Rapids drove to the O, F . Bal -yeats ' Friday and enjoyed dinner with them.

The O. E. Balyeatii' reported that the Golden wedding anniversary that was given for Mr. and Mrs . George Johnson of Mussegon Heights was a lovely a f fa i r . Vlrs. Johnson is the f o r m e r Amy of Sparta .

Mr. and Mrs . Man Bump of Has-tings spent Friday and Saturday with their son- in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs . Henry Beverwyk.

Mr. and Mrs . J a m e s King of Al-buquerque, New Mexico, returned home Wednesday a f te r spending ten days with he r paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Beverwyk, and his mother,

Mrs . Reber Nelson, of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nash of

Detroit spent their weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs . Ear l Nash of Hickory Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vander-meer , S. Elm Street returned last week f rom a t r ip to the Dakotas, Utah and Texas. Accompanying them were Mrs. Vandermeer ' s mother, Mrs . Bessie Burkhart , S. Union Street and her s i s te r Mrs . Rene Tubergen of Zeeland.

As Scout camp ended last Satur-day afternoon, many families picked up their Scouts and drove on to their cottages for the weekend. Among them were the Bill Sutters ' who spent the weekend at " L " Lakes South of Baldwin.

Little Billy Line isn't talking much these days. Billy, 4-year old son of Glenn Lint , Gunn Street had his tonsils removed last Saturday and his brothers , Jimmy and Randy, can now get in their share of the con-versat ion.

Greg, son of the Gordon Reyburns hed a tough bout when the doctor removed his tonsils. He is on the mend now and back to his usual t r icks .

T e r r y Young of Murray Lake spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs . Emma Line Monday morning she returned home with her mother, Mrs . Jack Young (the fo rmer Hazel Line) and brother Jack. Her cousin, Susan Cad well, daughter of Mr. and V r s . Les te r Cadwell, will spend the coming week with the Youngs' at Murray Lake.

Clar i sse and her husband a re new tsking their vacation so yours truly been helping out at the office this week. Next week we will be taking our f i r s t vacation in almost three years . Amen..

Page 2: The Sentinel Leader - Sparta Township Historical … Sentinel Leader...Walkins, sister of the bride, as-sisted as Junior Bridesmaid, Lester and



Published Weekly on Wednesday at Sparta, Michigan Enteretf t i Heoond-CliMii Mm tier At Uw Poet Off l re ikt Spar ta , MlohMmn.

B A R R Y D . B R A N D Editor - Publisher Phono TU 7-014J

. Subscription postpaid, one year In adv inc**, $3.00 In Kent, Ot tawa, Muak*u;oii and Newaygo C o u n t s . Klaewhere $4.00.

N a t i o n a l A d v e r t i»inff R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s : W1XKLV NEWSPAPKIl R E P R ICS KNTA TIV ICS, INO.

404 F i f t h A v t i W « * • GuaitttftJ* Bid*. New York 18, New York Detroit , MlohI*an

Casiwvia News MRS. RANDALL CU\Mk

Mrs. Herman Schrocder is still m Butterworth Hospital, getting along nicely.

Mr. and Mrs, J n n Moffatt left Sunday morning for a week-long vacation ir, Northern Michigan f i sh-ing. v

Thursday evening ca l l e r s of Mr. and Mrs . Randall Clark and family were Mr. and Mrs . Boyd Clark.

Mr. and Mrs . Char les Gardner and family spent the weekend In Illinois. They visited relat ives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs . Phillip GUlnier have sold their houset ra i ler and bought the home of Mr. and Mrs . Fred Ci l lmer . The Fred Gi l lmers '

a re moving to Muskegon. Mrs . j . E. Lillle is spending

the week in Coopersvll le with Mrs . John Lillie and son, Jack.

Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd Simmons of Grand Rapids were Fr iday evening ca l l e r s of Mrs . Wilma Morton.

Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Kooinan a r e the parents of a new daughter born Saturday afternoon at St. Mary ' s hospital.

—o— — Mr. and Mrs . Freder ick Reis ter

of Sarasota , Fla . , fo rmer ly of Sparta, announce the adoption of a baby daughter Michelle Flaine, born June 26. Mrs . Reis ter is the f o r -mer Carol Olson.



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Call, Krltt «r Drap In antf Hit Niagara WtrW't Fair Ctalr at»

NIAGARA of Grand Rapids, 1440 PUinfield

ver t ica l ly and in a c i r cu la r mot ion , you feel N i a g a r a ' s Cycloid " act ion beg in to loosen st iff a c h i n g jo in t s , t i f l h t m u s -c l e s a n d t a u t n e r v e s u n t i l p a i n , t e n s i o n a n d f a t i g u e seem to ease r i g h t c u1; of y o u r body. W h a t a g i f t f o r a r t h r i -t i s And r h e u m a t i s m si iTerers ! Come in today, t r y it and con-vince you r se l f .

r NIAGARA O F GRAND RAPIDS, 1440 Plalnffteld I Phone RI 2-0088 1 Rush hill FREE information « — 1 i about the Niagara World's • Fair Chair. 1 understand 1 am J under no obligation. 1 r—irH" Hmirl PMfOpy Mft Corp IM2

AiMrtiV ! i about the Niagara World's • Fair Chair. 1 understand 1 am J under no obligation. 1 r—irH" Hmirl PMfOpy Mft Corp IM2 o t r Stilt


— J


Km%; > ad ot

n*> Miss Darla Johnson of Grand

Rapids is spending this week with her grandparents , Mr . and Mrs . Jens Johnson.

M r s . E m m a Freeman is in Grant

Community Hospital receiving t rea tment for a fall which occurred in her home last Monday., Her face was cut and bruised.

Mr. and Mrs . Andrew Johnson a r e spending a few days at the Arthur Johnson home with Mri;. Power while Ar thur and Buryl a r e on a short t r ip .

Mr. and Mrs . Fldon Lumbeon of Cal i fornia a re visiting re la t ives and f r iends in Michigan. Mrs . Lambson is the f o r m e r Miss Lois F reeman .

Mr. and Mrs . Olin Walker and Miss Sue Walker left Saturday for a vacation to Northern Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs . Richard M e r r y -weather and family spent the week-end at Blue I .alee.

Mrs . Glenna MacDonald of Grant spent Saturday with her- s i s t e r s , Mrs . F lora Johnson and Mrs . Lana Rollins.

Mr. arid Mrs. Milton Wylie and Mr. and Mrs . Chancy Wylie spent the weekend in T r a v e r s e City with Mrs . Josephine Wylie and family.

Mrs . Jack Mottatt re turned f r o m the hospital Fr iday. She can get about fa i r ly well with the aid of c ru tches .

A post nuptial linen shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs . William VanderZanden last Fr iday evr.ning honoring Mrs . Fred Grice, the f o r m e r Miss Jeanne Vander-Zanden. There were 14 guests and Mrs . Grice received many beauti-ful t*ifts.

Mr. and Mrs . Steve Stream e n t e r -tained f r i ends Sunday at the St ream cottage at Crockery Lake.

Don Byle is improving s a t i s f a c -tori ly f rom his recent accident on the submar ine " S a i l f i s h . " Serv ice -men away f r o m home love to r e -ceive l e t t e r s . His address is -Donald J . Byle. 5910223, US Sail-fish (S. S. 572) Fleet Post Office. New York, New York.

M r s . Dan Weston is car ing fo r l i t t le Jeff Johnson par t t ime while his mother , Mrs . Roger Johnson, is substituting: at the Post Office.

Mrs . Douglas Weston re turned home Fr iday f rom the hospital fo l -lowing an emergency appendictomy.

Mr . and M r s . Norman Cochrane a r e spending a few weeks with their paren ts , Mr. and Mrs . M. L. Coch-rane .

Mr . ami Mrs . Andrew Carlson a r e located in a trailer" park a mi le north of Ludington,

The th ree children of Mr. and Mrs . George Edgar a re spending the week with their g rea t -grandmother , Mrs . J a m e s Baty of Cora l .

Gordon Blush, who was jusi m a r -r ied , is working in the Child Clinic in Detroit . He expects to receive his Mas te r s Degree in Psychology in December . He is only 23 years old.

Kent City to Have Two Bypass Signs

"Welcome to Kent Ci ty" is the message which will appear pr omi-nently on two e lect r ica l ly lighted signs scheduled for installation within a week on the by-pass just to the north and the south of Peach Ridge Ave. west of Kent City.

The signs a r e being installed under sponsorship of the Kent City Lions Club with the financial sup-port of 14 Kent City bus inesses . Purpose of the signs, according to Lions Club Pres ident , Vic Ridge-way, is to remind and notify p a s s e r s -by that they a re near Kent City and i t s business community.

Mr . and Mrs . John Sandison an-nounce the birth of a son, Martin Allen, on June 23, at Butterworth Hospital . Weight 8 pounds 1 oz.

M r s . Fe rna Grinn ar r ived f rom Holland Monday to spend several days with her paren ts , Mr . anc, Mrs . Olin Walker and s i s t e r , Sue Walker.

Liz and j i m m y Casey spent the weekend with their grandpa rents , Ed and Neva Casey, while their paren ts , Mr. and Mrs . J im Casey, were moving to their new home.

Mr . and Mrs . Ralph White left Saturday morning for Centrevil le where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs . L. J . Vincent. On Satur -day evening they drove to Three Rivers to attend the wedding of


W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 8, 1 9 6 3

Gordon Blush and Miss Karen Hunt. On Sunday they came through Otsego and picked up their grandchildren, Kit and Kathy Baker, and returned home with them for a short visit.

Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. George- Seitz entertained Mr. and Mrs . Donald Smith of Phoenix, Ariz . , and Mr. and Mrs . Jack VanDyke of California. Both women a re s i s t e r s of Mrs . Seltz. Also, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wulie arid Mr. and Mrs . Jim Surdam entertained the same relat ives at a cottage on Middle Lake. •

Mr. and Mrs. N o m e Helsel and Mr. and Mrs. James Black, a re spending several weeks boating on Lake Michigan on the Black's cabin c ru i s e r . ,

—AUCTION SALE-Saturday, July 6, 1:00 P.M.






A salute to a senior s ta tesman was received by Otto Baehre who completed on July 2 a total of 40 y e a r s with the New York Life In-surance Company. Mr. Baeh re ' s membersh ip was renewed in the Life Club of Nylic as a resul t of reaching this number of yea r s of se rv ice . He also received a le t ter of con-gratulat ions f rom Dudley Dowell, Nylic president .

An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.


Would you like cool, clean air

coming from this hot air register

all summer long?

It can, you know. All you do is add a Gas air conditioner

to your hot air heating system . . . and you're all set.

Cool, clean ait will circulate throughout every room

of your house . . . making your home a real retreat

in summer. A Gas air conditioner not only cools the

air, it dehumidifies it and removes dust and pollen,

too. And—unlike electric air conditioners—Gas, of

course, is economical to operate. A central electric

unit costs almost twice as much to operate as a Gas

air conditioner. And owners of Gas air conditioners

get a reduced summer rate on their entire Gas bill.

You really should investigate Gas air conditioning

for your home. It makes a world of difference

to live in an atmosphere that 's refreshing. See the

latest Gas air conditioners at heating contractor's or

Gas Company showrooms. Easy terms.