The Scrip Unit5

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Transcript of The Scrip Unit5

  • 8/7/2019 The Scrip Unit5


    Oh Look At TheHole-Punch! Look

    At The CuteLittle Hole-


    Version 1The Writers Treatment

    The Step Outline & Other Pre Docs

    Jonny Sharples 3/18/2011

  • 8/7/2019 The Scrip Unit5


  • 8/7/2019 The Scrip Unit5


    Jonny Sharples

    Oh Look At The Hole-Punch! Look At The Cute Little Hole -Punch!


    Int. Office Cubicle Late Afternoon

    Fade In, camera now on a sleeping hole -punch as the hand appears

    slowly into the screen as the hole -punch snores.The hand holding

    the paper moves it slowly towa rd the hole-punch.As the hand inches

    towards the hole-punch it awakes and is shocked.The Hand

    immediately jab the paper forward as the hole -punch dodges the jabs.

    Finally the hand throws down the paper and begins typing. Camera

    Fades Out.

    Act 03

    Scene 6

    Int. Office Cubicle Late Afternoon

    Fade In, Camera focus on the hand typing on the keyboard.The Hole -

    punch come in to screen and nudges the arm once and waits. Moment

    later it nudges again, this time stopping the hand from typing.This

    time the hole-punch extends it mouth to suggest food.The hand

    brings toward the paper as hole -punch clamps down punching holes in

    the paper.The hand starts typing again.As the hole -punch looks up

    it checks if the hand is still typing.Acknowledging this the hol e-

    punch continues punching holes in the paper.This is the point the

    hand notices and immediately grabs the paper and tugs.The paper

    tears and covers screen.The Pap er falls past screen and the image

    see the hand tapping the desk as the hole -bunch laughs.Animation


    The Step Outline

    Act One: Introduce Problem

    Hand opens box contains the new hole -punch and places it on the


    The hand gets the hole -punch to punch a document which it does.

    When he tries to hole-punch another documents the whole punch

    refuses turning away.

    Act Two: Fighting The Problem

    The hand attempts again to get the hole -punch to cooperate but this

    time by using an airplane noise to get the outcome.The result sees

    the hole-punch blow raspberries and laugh .

    Attempting for a second time the hand goes in with Choo -choo noises.

    This time the hole-punch turn away every time the paper gets close


  • 8/7/2019 The Scrip Unit5


    Jonny Sharples

    Oh Look At The Hole-Punch! Look At The Cute Little Hole -Punch!


    In final attempt seems almost successful as the hole -punch is asleep

    but as the paper get near the hole -punch awakes and dodges the jabs

    the hand makes.

    Act Three: Resolving the Problem

    The hand is working on the keyboard, as the hole -punch nudges the

    hand to get its attention for feeding. Yet when giving paper the

    hole-punch tries eating it all whilst the hand tugs to get it off

    the hole-punch. Ripping the document is ruined.

    The Premise

    The story is of an office worker who tries to get his childish, new

    hole-punch to punch papers.

    The Logline

    This story is a depiction of an office worker battle to get co -

    operation from his newly bought childish hole-punch.Throughout he

    uses different baby techniques to get it to punch the paper which in

    the end goes all wrong.

    Character Biographies

    The Office Worker

    The Office worker is a fresher at the new agency and his all about

    the best impressions. During his second day at the job his big boss

    asking to right memos for his next lecture. Knowing this the worker

    hit Staples and purchased new stationary.The memos will have to go

    in a folder as the manager request. Yet when inheriting a new hold -

    punchhe didnt know how hard it would be.

    The Hole-Punch

    After travelling from China ; the newly made hole-punch lays in

    hibernation waiting for it new master. Yet for months the box lay

    dominant. Yet as one day the hole-punch shell rattle awaking the

    hole-punch. No sooner he was born into the world as a bright light

    comes from the top of his box. What it doesnt know is what to come.