The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it...

Hi, Beal Students and Families! The schedule below will help you with your daily work. Have fun learning! Remote Learning Lessons for Grade: 5 Week of April 27 English Language Arts Tasks : Monday Tuesday Wedn esday Thursday Friday Rea ding Read the short read about Paul Bunyan. What does this story tell you about the geography of the of the United States? c/558345/paul_bunyan.pdf Read the story “The Growin’ of Paul Bunyan.” Answer the questions about this text. Compar e Paul Bunyan and the Growin’ of Paul Bunyan. Create a venn diagra m to display your ideas. Listen to the read aloud “The Bunyans.” How does this expand on the story of Paul Bunyan? tch?v=jpJkeobHDqM Either create a story about Paul Bunyan that takes place today. Or Create an illustration of Paul Bunyan from one of the stories.

Transcript of The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it...

Page 1: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

Hi, Beal Students and Families!

The schedule below will help you with your daily work. Have fun learning!

Remote Learning Lessons for Grade: 5

Week of April 27 English Language Arts


: Monday Tuesday Wedn

esday Thursday Friday


Read the short read about Paul Bunyan.

What does this story tell you about the

geography of the of the United States?


Read the story “The Growin’ of

Paul Bunyan.” Answer the

questions about this text.


e Paul


and the


of Paul



a venn


m to




Listen to the read aloud “The

Bunyans.” How does this

expand on the story of Paul



Either create a story

about Paul Bunyan

that takes place



Create an illustration

of Paul Bunyan from

one of the stories.

Page 2: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that



Look at these oblivion, parched, gallant, marvel,prestigious, smirk, tribulation, aspire. Try to determine the meaning of each word by using a variety of strategies, including context, reference materials, and your understanding about parts of words.

Play one of the vocabulary games on Quizlet.

Find synonyms for each word.

Find antonyms for each word.

Create a short riddle

for one of the words.

Post it on padlet.


Make sure to leave

your name at the top.


Develop a graphic organizer for either an opinion about whether you think that Paul Bunyan is a hero or write a

speech recognizing Paul Revere’s accomplishments.

Use your graphic organizer to write a strong beginning for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a

strong statement.

Create details

that build off of each other

for your

piece. Be

sure to use


phrases to help your

reader unders

tand that you are

moving to your

Create a conclusion that gives your reader closure and closes

up your piece. Reread your piece does it make sense? What can you add or take

away from it to clarify it for your readers?

Edit your piece for

spelling, grammar

and punctuation.

Then share it with me

to get your feedback!

Page 3: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

next detail.

Students who have access to i-Ready should complete at least 45 minutes and pass 1 lesson.

Math When solving problems on Padlet, click on the link in the box for the day and read the directions/problem to solve. Respond by clicking the + sign. Always remember to leave your name when you are done and check back for feedback from me. Thursday and Friday problems can be solved on a word document and shared

with me . If you need help, you can send me a message on unified classroom. Check IREADY for teacher assigned IREADY.

Tasks: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Learni

ng Activit

y 5NF7


Create a Padlet Problem

What is the missing question?

Solve the Padlet problem


Problems to

solve on a




to solve on

a word


Page 4: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

Solve real world

problems involving

division of whole

numbers and


Remember to put your name on

your Padlet responses and read the

question carefully. Check back to

see my feedback.


Remember to put your name on your

Padlet responses and read the

question carefully. Check back to

see my feedback.

Remember to put your name on your

Padlet responses and read the

question carefully. Check back to

see my feedback.







15 minutes of division or multiplication

practice 15 minutes of division or

multiplication practice

15 minutes of division or multiplication



.com 15

minutes of

division or





15 minutes of

division or



Students who have access to I-Ready should complete at least 45 minutes and pass 1 lesson.

Page 5: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

School Name:

Teacher Name:

Student Name:

New Remote Learning

Subject: English Language Arts

State: Massachusetts

Page 6: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that













Read the passage. Then, answer the questions.The Growin' of Paul Bunyan

by William J. Brooke

Paul Bunyan finds Johnny Appleseed after Paul chops down all the trees and Johnny has planted for six days.

Starin’ out at the orange sun, Johnny asks, “Are they all gone?” Paul looks back over his shoulder an’ allows as how they are. Paul waits for Johnny to say somethin’ else, but he just keeps starin’, so Paul says, “It took you six days to plan ‘em an’ it took me only three days to chop ‘em down. Pretty good, huh?”

Johnny looks up an’ smiles sadly. “It’s always esier to chop something down than to make it grow.” Then he goes make to starin’.

Now that rankles Paul. When he beats somebody fair an’ square, he expects that someone to admit it like a man. “What’s so hard about growin’ a tree anyway?” he grumps. “You just stick it in the ground an’ the seed does all the work.”

Johnny reaches way down in the bottom o’ his bag an’ holds out a seed. “It’s the last one,” he says. “All the rest o’ my dreams is so much kindlin’ wood, so why don’t you take this an’ see if it’s so easy to make grow.”

Paul hems an’ haws, nut he sees as how he has to make good on his word. So he takes the little bitty seed an’ pushes it down in the ground with the tip o’ one fingernail. He pats the soil around it real nice, like he seen Johnny do. Then he sits down to wait as the sun sets.

“I’m not as fast as you at this,” Paul says, “but you’ve had more practice. An’ I’m sure me tree will be just as good as any o’ yours.”

“Not if it dies o’ thirst,” says Johnny’s voice out o’ the dark.

Paul hasn’t thought about that. So when the moon comes up, he heads back to a stream he passed about two hunnert miles back. But he don’t have nothin’ to carry water in, so he scoops up a double handful an’ runs as fast as he can with the water slippin’ betwixt his fingers. When he gets back, he’s got about two drops left.

“Guess I’ll have to get more water,” he says, a mite winded.

“Don’t matter,” says Johnny’s voice, “if the rabbit gets the seed.”

Page 7: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that







An’ there in the moonlight, Paul sees all the little cottontails hoppin’ around an’ scratchin’ at the ground. Not wishin’ to hurt any of ‘em, he picks ‘em up, one at a time, an’ moves ‘em away, but they keep hoppin’ back. So, seein’ as how he still needs water, he grabs ‘em all an’ runs back to the stream, sets the rabbits down, grabs up the water, runs back, flicks two more drops on the spot, pushes away the new batch o’ rabbits movin’ in, an’ tries to catch his breath.

“Just a little more water an’ a few less rabbits an’ it’ll be fine,” Paul says between gasps.

Out o’ the dark comes Johnny’s voice. “Don’t matter, if the frost gets it.”

Paul feels the cold ground an’ he feels the moisture freezin’ on his hands. So he gets down on his knees an’ he folds his hands around that little spot o’ dirt an’, gentle as he can, breathes his warm breath onto the tiny little seed. Time passes and the rabbits gather round to enjoy the warmth an’ scratch their soft little backs up against those big calloused hands. As the night wears on, Paul falls into a sleep, but his hands never stop cuppin’ that little bit o’ life.

Sometime long after moonset, the voice o’ Johnny Appleseed comes driftin’ soft out o’ the dark an’ says, “Nothin’s enough if you don’t care enough.”

Paul wakes up with the sun. He sets up an’ stretches an’ for a minute he can’t remember where he is. Then he looks down an’ he gives a whopper. ‘Cause he sees a little tiny bit o’ green pokin’ up through the grains o’ dirt. “Hey, Johnny,” he yells, “look at this!” But Johnny Appleseed is gone, slipped away in the night. Paul is upset for a minute, then realizes he don’t need to brag to anybody, that that little slip o’ green is all the happiness he needs right now.

Excerpt from “The Growin’ of Paul Bunyan”from A Telling of the Tales by William J. Brooke, text copyright (C) 1990 by William J. Brooke. 

Page 8: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

1 The following question has two parts. Answer Part A and then answer Part B.

Part A

Read the sentence from paragraph 4.

Now that rankles Paul.

What does the word  mean as it is used in the sentence? rankles





Page 9: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

2 Part B

Which words from paragraph 4  best  support the answer to Part A?

(A) “fair an’ square”

(B) “admit it”

(C) “like a man”

(D) “he grumps”

Page 10: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

3 The following question has two parts. Answer Part A and then answer Part B.

Part A

At the beginning of the story, how is Johnny’s view about his trees different from Paul’s?

Johnny views his trees as food for the rabbits while Paul views them as useful in his work. (A)

Johnny views his trees as the result of hard work while Paul views them as objects to win a (B) contest. 

Johnny views his trees as needing his protection while Paul views them as needed too much (C) care. 

Johnny views his trees as friends that he needs to take care of while Paul views them as (D) something to brag about. 

Page 11: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

4 Part B

  Choose  two  details, one for Johnny and one for Paul, that support the answer to Part A.

(A) “‘It took you six days to plant ‘em an’ it took me only three days to chop ‘em down.’”

(B) “‘It’s always easier to chop somethin’ down than to make it grow.’”

(C) “Johnny reaches way down in the bottom o’ his bag an’ holds out a seed.”

(D) “So he takes the little bitty seed an’ pushes it down in the ground with the tip o’ one fingernail.”

(E) “He pats the soil around it real nice, like he seen Johnny do.”

(F) “‘Don’t matter,’ says Johnny’s voice, ‘if the rabbits get the seed.’”

Page 12: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

5 The following question has two parts. Answer Part A and then answer Part B.

Part A

How do paragraph 9, 12, and 15 contribute to the overall structure of the story?

They include a series of events that challenge the characters.(A)

They provide details that explain the importance of the setting to the characters.(B)

They identify the source of the conflict between the characters.(C)

They describe the process by which one of the characters learns a lesson.(D)

Page 13: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

7 You have read a passage from “The Growin’ of Paul Bunyan.” Think about how the story would be different if it were told from Johnny’s point of view.  Write a narrative story retelling the story from the point of view of Johnny.  Be sure to use supporting details from the passage.

6 Part B

  Which paragraph  best  supports the answer to Part A?

(A) paragraph 8

(B) paragraph 11

(C)  paragraph 14

(D) paragraph 16

Page 14: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

8 The following question has two parts. Answer Part A and then answer Part B.

Part A

Which statement explains how Paul responds to Johnny’s challenge of turning a seed into a tree? 

Paul is sad that Johnny misses the tress and wants him to feel better. (A)

Paul is annoyed and wants to prove to Johnny that growing a tree is easy to do. (B)

Paul is proud that he has cut the trees and is surprised that Johnny is unhappy. (C)

Paul is angry and wants to demonstrate to Johnny that he does not care about growing trees. (D)

Page 15: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

9 Part B 

Which detail from the story supports the answer to Part A? 

“‘What’s so hard about growin’ a tree anyway?’”(A)

“Paul hems an’ haws, but he sees as how he has to make good on his word.”(B)

“Not wishin’ to hurt any of ’em, he picks ’em up, one at a time...”(C)

“Paul is upset for a minute, then he realizes he don’t need to brag to anybody...”(D)

Page 16: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

10 The following question has two parts. Answer Part A and then answer Part B.

Part A

How does the narrator’s point of view influence how the events are described in the passage from “The mostGrowin’ of Paul Bunyan”?

It reveals Paul’s actions while he cares for the seed. (A)

It shows Paul’s past experience with planting. (B)

It shows Paul’s reasons for chopping down trees. (C)

It reveals Paul’s relationship with Johnny. (D)

Page 17: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

11 Part B 

Which detail from the passage supports the answer to Part A? 

“‘It’s always easier to chop somethin’ down than to make it grow.’” (A)

“‘What’s so hard about growin’ a tree anyway.’” (B)

“So he gets down on his knees an’ he folds his hands around that little spot o’ dirt an’, gentle (C) as he can, breathes his warm breath onto that tiny little seed.”

“Paul is upset for a minute, then he realizes he don’t need to brag to anybody, that that little (D) slip o’ green is all the happiness he needs right now.”

Page 18: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that




















Name _______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Venn Diagram

Write details that tell how the subjects are different in the outer circles. Write details that tellhow the subjects are alike where the circles overlap.



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n M




. All


s re



Page 19: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

Problems for Thursday April 30

1. Samuel has a piece of wire that is ½ yard long. He cuts the wire into 3 equal parts. What

fraction of a yard is each piece?

2. Patria has a piece of ribbon that is 5 meters long. She cuts the ribbon into pieces that are each

1/3 meter long. How many pieces does she cut?

Page 20: The schedule below will help you with your daily work ... · for your writing piece. Try to kick it off with either a question, quotation, or a strong statement. Create details that

Problems for Friday May 1

1. Isiah has 1/3 pounds of peanuts. He divides the peanuts equally into 4 bags. What fraction of a

pound of peanuts is in each bag?

2. Alyssa has 5 apples. She slices each apple into eighths. How many 1/8 apples slices does she
