The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1904-12-18 [p 60]...THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL,-^SUNDAY, DECEMBER...

THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, -^SUNDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1904. 60 CHTTBCH . SESVICES— ContinnedU^^ FIRST Baptist Church. .*!2O Eddy st—Rev. J- W. Daniels preaches at 11 a. m.;-Rev. «.-,.-m 7:30 p. m.; Bible school aJ..J-^ p. m.; Christian Endeavor meetings.. 0.30 _P- m.; prayer meeting Wednesday, P- "f 1 -- all cordially invited to these services, seai. free. 1 \u25a0 ' , FIRST Church of Christ. Scientist, t** 1 '") block.- 223 Sutler st. bet. Kearny and Grant ave.—Christian Science service at 11 *- "•;: subject of Iesscn-sermon. "Christian bcience Sunday school Tor children at the same hour. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o clock free reauing-roo-n, 200 Kearny st., rooms oU0-3lu, all ar« welcomed "A NEW RELIGION" will be the wW**'S! discourse at Golden Gate (main haia , CU» B Sutler st, 8 p. m., by Rev. C. "all Cook or Denver. '.Colo. Dr. Cook claims that th« traditional conception of man as a l . Br * e - science as telepathic communication and tne existence of an "astral form." A GREAT mass meeting for men will be held at the Young Men's Christian Association this afternoon at 3 o'clock; H. W. P* VI »- religious work director of the association, will deliver the address; there w»ll be splen- did music by the Robson orchestra and group Bible study classes at 4 o'clock; all men are Invited to attend^ ' *\u25a0 BUDDHIST Mission. 6u7 Polk st—Service. 11 a. m. . Rev. K. Hori speaks en Eternal Happiness." . __ BEEETUraS SOTfTPAT. AAA— HENRY' HARRISON BROWN an- nounces his return; see- notice in Sunday Lectures Department. A—TESTS— Odd Fellows' building. 2-7:30. Wilson, Mrs. Waltman; 7:30, Mr. Hargrave, Dr. Cowan, 10c. -' MRS. EBERHARDTS circle. Sun.^ Tues. and Thurs. eve.. 10c 267 San Jos« avV. between Twenty-fourth and Tw«nty-flfth star. T -\u25a0. .- THE Permanency of Spiritualism? Arthur Howe, 2 p. m. Room 8, cor. 7th and Mar- ket st. ;' psychic readings. " TRUTHSEEKERS— Foresters' Hall. 102 O*Far- rell st; Mme. Bacon. Sanders, others; tests; lecture, 8 p. m., free. MME. YOUNG'S test meeting to-night; Mrs. , Seal, lecture. 619 McAllister st; 10c; come, skeptics. . , \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0:-\u25a0 A—MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, bus. medium and life reader. 1206 Market, r. 14. Gait House. A— MRS. HARLAND: evening test circles to- ; night. 10c; readings 50c, $1. 14S Sixth st A—MRS. C. C. KOTTER. circle t^-night and every night; sittings dally. 43 Slfrth st. FRIENDSHIP Hall. 335 McAllister st—Mrs.C. J.Meyer: sit daily; tests to all every eve., 10c. MRS. STODDARD'S select full test reading; seances. 25c: Sun.. Tues.: sits dally. 278 9th, MRS. LESTER 838 Mission st— Circles Mon- day and Fri. eves., 10c; sittings daily. 60c-$l. .TESTS. Scottish Hall. 8 p. m.; Wrenn. Hovet. Samuels. Wilson, McKee. Rev. Brooks, lect W. G. KERGAN holds a test seance every night except Saturday; 10c. 143 Sixth st CHILDREN'S lyceum every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Odd Fellows', No. S: free library. MME. VIGARS' spiritual test meeting every night. 8 o'clock. 143 Sixth, sit, daily. MEETTNO3— THEOSOPHICAI.. THE Theosophlcal Society, Academy of Sci- ences Hall Piitollc lecture. 8 p. m.. by Thom- as Prime; subject. '"Helping the Dead." Mu- slc by Professor W^H. Upscombe. SUNDAY LECTURES. AAA "NOW" lecture, Henry Harrison Brown, subject, "The Human Mind and How to Di- rect Thought" Mr. Brown has returned from St. Louis, where he attended (afterward elected president) the National New Thought Federation. He will give a few Sunday evening lectures and will soon open some classes, before starting on a tour. He espe- cially desires to greet all Interested in his work: 8 p. m.; free, with collection; Memo- rial Hall. Odd Fellows' bldg.. 7th & Market DR. JOHN A. KERGAN*S free lecture this evening. Electricians' Hall, 35 Eddy st; subject "The Care of Children." followed by views of. a visit to Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Free tickets will ba given for X-ray exhibition at . Sanitarium Tuesday eve. Re- member the question box. Special music. "EVOLUTION of Industry," Austin Lewis. Union-square Hall, beginning Jan. 8. See next Sunday's papers. . ARTHUR MORROW LEWIS. Academy of Scl- ences. \u25a0.Thursday, ' 22d, "Materialism vs. Idealism." .' ' ' "SOME Objections to Socialism." A. M. Lewis, Alhambra Theater, Jan. 8, 8 p. m.; free. MISS FRANCES E. SPEYBR wll speak at Golden Gate Hall at 11 a. m. to-day. DR. COLLINGE; subject "Peace." Welcome Hall, Odd Fellows' building. 8 p. m. JACK LONDON. Alhambra Theater to-night. 8 o'clock. MEETING NOTICES. ALTALodge No. 205,. I. O. O." T.— ,.«t^. Initiation MONDAY EVENING. December lit; visitors welcome, ?;S5&I!"3'b| B. F. LEDEFORD. N. G. UNITY Lodge No. 131. L O. O. F.—Initiation TU ESDAY EVEN- #^^^?% ING. December 20; hall Six- xgSgKSSy teenth and Valencia sts.: visitors \u25a0'33&«£*^ always welcome. B. H. ANDREWS. N. G. A. P. BUTTON. Rec. S«c. ODIN Lodgs No. 803. I. O. ' O. '^^jtrwa^ F.— Initiation (In Swedish) nextgj^gg& Wednesday night: two candl- v -!5*5*?f23y dates. Visitors cordially Invited. \u25a0^m«G& r GEORGE. G. MOREN. N. G. SWAN CHYTRAUS. Secretary. MODERN Woodmen of America, Good- 7 fellowship Camp 9633, M. W". of A., y meets every MONDAY ' NIGHT at «Xi Electricians' Hall. 33 Eddy St.. city. J m 0 ) W. H.' EDWARDS. V. C W. J. ELLIOTT. Clerk; office, room 627 Emma Spreckels building. A NICHT In Auld Scotland. Tho S. v «T>v- F. Scottish Thistle Club will hold ZS, >t Sh their twenty-third annual Hogma- >^»?£t£sr nay Supper and Ball SATURDAY EVENING. December 31. at Lyric HalL 119 Eddy st A gala tlm« to all. Grand march 8:30 p. m., supper 11:15 p. m. Admission $150 each. Hat and cloak room for guests. GEO. W.PATERSON.. Royal Chief. A. E. CARLISLE, Recorder. . THE annual meeting of the stockholders of . th« Nevada National Bank of San Fran- cisco, Cal., will be held at Its banking- house. 3Ql_Montgomery st. San Francisco, Cal., on TUESDAY. January 10, 1903. at 3:15 p. m..> for the election of directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may , ccm« before -the meeting. . . ••*. . GEO. GRANT, Secretary. December 10. 1904. MRS. H. E. TWOSE wilt si>eak on "Th« Science and Demonstration of . Health and Prosperity" at Stiles, Berkeley. 8 o'clock, Sunday. AGENTS WANTED. \u25a0 . .-- \u25a0 i.i- WB -want permanent advertisement In 10,000 country homes by Jan. 1 and will send en- tire list Mark Twain's celebrated books con- taining our advertisement; worth $5; prepaid on receipt 34o to cover, packing. WyngI* Purchasing Agency. 628 California st. S. F. AGENTS, our new gold window sign letters beat anything - on the market: big profits: agents make $10 to $2O dally; complete sam- ple cutflt 25c: particulars free. SULLIVAN CO., 4C5 W. Van Buren st, Chicago, 111. ORGANIZERS to represent \u25a0 Knights and Ladles of Security; good contract to gentle- men and ladles north of San Francisco. Ad DIST. DEPUTY. 215 8th St., Marysvllle. Cal. AGENTS We pay $18 a week and expenses „. to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com- pound; year's contract Imperial Mfg. Co. Deft. 54, Parsons. Kans. * WANTETD Flrst-class . general \u25a0 agency with established w*ekly collection. Box 1531. Call office, Oakland. HIGH-CLASS men investments, banking cor- : poratlon. ROBT. SLAUGHTER, box 2671 ' Call office. AGENTS, selling patented article; 100 per cent profit. R. J. H. Co., 428 Starr King bldg I - San Francisco. PERFUMES, toilet articles, Christmas goods. Pacific Agents Supply. Co.. 1220 Treat ave 1 WANTETJ Experienced lady agents to sell . toilet articles of great merit" Box 2071. Call. WANTED—Ladies or gentlemen to solicit Call . at room 30, Winchester Hotel. LOCAL agents for the" only reliable. hair tonic the Marquis. 414 Poet st '<| AGENTS wanted; quick seller; big commission. 42 Grove st. \u25a0 CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 18 pages, sent. to any address in th» ASTXOLOQT. ASTOR.~ famous N.Y. astrologer: man of abil- ity; advice, lessons, booklet. 8*7 Market ' OAKLAND ; AD^SM^TS/l '; * :-: V OltlAliD SEAL ESTATE. j LAYMANCE REAL ESTATE CO., 400-402 fcih St.. Cakland, Cal. WATCH I'S GROW. Population cf OaklanJ. Cal. IS30 ..:.... --'.. 4S.632 iyt*) w.&rn j . XMKl S2.674 19O4 (new directory) 106,CeS , \u25a0 . - - LAYMAXCE REAL ESTATE CO.. iOQ-iCl EIGHTH ST., OAKLAND. . - $S000. * _-' r \. -'\u25a0\u25a0 Flr.# resilience; 7 sunny rooms; corner. IOOx 123: b*m;- lively view; one of Linda Vista's ihoiccft corners; flOCy sacrifice of a choice. Increasing value property. .-\u25a0.\u25a0; ' \u25a0 . ' . .\u25a0 S7**r»o Extra choice corner rislde-ice in the heart of the-cUy;-S rooms: bath; 5 minutes' walk to banking center; never occupied. ~$t7co7 Handsome modem new 2-story house; S rooms: bath, icmficc; -Lekesld* district, near busi- ness ctTU^r; meet be sold. $0000. :Elegant reBidence: 7 lsrge sunny roonis; steam heater: hardwood floors; £0x120; Vcruon Heishts. $5000. I Pair nrvr modem flats, 5 rooms each; rents I $50; near -Telerrarh and 27th sts. \u25a0 ! Stcre and Cat;- good business corner en prom- inent street; Income $43 50. \. "" •' : $1000. 1 Choice residence. S rooms, bath; 40x156; one , of the best residence sections, near Telegraph ave.; clcse In; owner urging sale; fine home F&criflce. ;".- $5S00. Six tenements and cottage; 75 ft. railroad cor- ner; Income 567 50; owner leaving; Al sj>te- ulation. $4000. >•,:»' {Fine modem colonial; 8 rooms: sunny expo-, 1 suk; select neighborhood; near 31st and Grove. $3500. ! Modern Swiss colonial; 7 rocms. bath: base- ment: newly tinted; 2 toilets; bam; 103x130; one block from upper Frultvale -ave. ;• bar- gain. VILLA SITES. A grandly situated property; charming hill. glen and marine view; 4 lots. lOOx-00 each; ! conMguous to four f 20. 000 to $40,000 homes; : orv» residence site just sold; only 35 minutes : to S. F. ; must be seen to be appreciated. \u25a0 Fine new Swiss colonial home. 6 rooms, bath: 37 ft. ?rontar<?: street work complete; $50O cub; Linda Vista; this is a dandy for the money. . i Very attractive hotr.->. Queen A me style; six roo:rs. bath; picked lumb;-r; nicely arranged; ?.SxlO3; near . Telegraph ave ar.d Key routi fen-ice. .$2600. Modern .. cottare. .6. rooms, bath: .basement; combination fixtures: 3S:6xl2u; street com- plete; 5 "\u25a0'.'} cash; near 35th and West st*. $2250.' - ' . Modern l s«-story Queen Anne cottage; six rooms, bath; nearly new; electric lights: flna sunny lot 50x150: near 11th ave.. East. Oak- land; reduced from $3000; bargain; be quick. QUI«?K SALE DEMANDED. $600—Fine West st.^lot north of 40th st; 50 ft. frontage; owner must selL . .. $2000. * r Good 2-story; S rooms, bath; Klrkham st. cor- ner. 32x106; easy terms. $1850. ilodem cottage, 5 rooms, bath; basement; cor- ner, 30x140; rents $17 50; near locals. $1650. I Neat cottage. 5 rooms.' bath: basement; lot S3x 111; near ISth and Adeline. $1700. i New cot tag*. 4 rooms, bath; basement; up-to- date; $300 casU. balance as rent; Frultvale. $1700. ' Modern cottage. 5 rooms, bath; basement: near locals; $300 cash, balance bank mortgage of $1400. •y-*a i- : Neat cottage. 4 rooms; basement; street work comrlete,; near Key route. $1250. House, 7 rooms: 75 ft. frontage; barn; chicken- housce ; near San Fa bio ave. ; easy terms. ,. A LOT BARGAIN. $300—Elevated lot, 75xl25w glen view; street macadamized; rapid transit service; owner demands immediate sale; see this. LAYMANCE REAL ESTATE CO.. \u25a0460-462 EIGHTH ST., OAKLAND. \u25a0 -E. J. STEWART * CO.. 1008 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. WE HAVE ON HAND AT PRESENT VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTIES, BOTH IM- PROVED AND UNIMPROVED, IN DIF- FERENT PARTS OF OAKLAND AND BERKELEY. SPECIAL ATTENTION . GIVEN TO OUR SALES DEPARTMENT. f3600 Snap; -fine Investment; -two flats of 4 and tS rooms, respectively, and cottage, all in flrst-class order and modern in every respect: within two blocks of 7th- r*. local train to S. F.; In fine neighbor- hood: close to churches and schools; street macadamized and concrete walks; rents continually for $43 per month; see- th)5 et once; exclusive agents. . $20010 A beautiful home of 6 large sunny i rooms, bath and all modern conveniences; nearly new; good location: -stable; large -'"—lot: street work -and concrete "walks. $2000 Best' Income .property in - Oakland for the money; two flats renting for $25 per month: always rented; cement founda- tion: fine basement; street work, side- walks complete; a pick-up. I $1650 Foreclosure sale; beautiful 5-room house, with high basement; brick founda- tion;- fcath; stationary tubs; hot and cold water: lot 60x180; barn; chicken-houses; berry bushes: fruit trees;'thls property is located within one block of-S. F. trains and car lines In one of . the choicest lo- cations in Oakland: owner is obliged -to sell this property this week on account of mortgage. E. J. STEWART & CO., 1008 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. "- . . -V- READ THIS 12 to 15 per cent Investment property; 2 new all modern flats of 12 rooms, 6 each, bath and' lot 38x112; central, to business ; rents $57 50 month; price. $4000; also 2 fiats, 10 rooms, with cottage in rear; rents $43 50 month; price I3C00: a snap; owner must ha\-« money: 4 new all modern flats of 22 rooms and lot 50x 100: rents $96 month: price $9500: also several others which we have photographs of at the- office of THB ALDEN CO., 1233 Broadway, Oakland. $8000— We have also for sale or exchange 60-acre ranch. in raisins, grapes, peaches, figs almonds, etc Also 20 acres In alfalfa and pasture.: good Improvements; house, barn and fine driveways to town;- a typical and good paying place; owner's ill health and a«r» cause of sale. - We have also 87 acres, all- Improved except buildings, well located, between Loa Gatos and San Jose, 2*4 miles: $150 per acre. Call on or address THE ALDEN CO.. 12S3 Broadway. Oakland. BELDEN* S BARGAINS. ' $667— Will buy lot S3:4xll5 on . Edwards st. bet Telegraph ave. and Broadway. $1100— Reduced; choice building lot 32 -6x 112: north side 34th st. Just off Telegraph ave $1150— Beautiful high lot on Vernon st Vernon Heights; 40x132; superb view: nice homes. * $27 50 per foot; chance for speculators; 110 feet on Orange st. opposite Senator Perkins. H600—Lot 50x129 on 22d - st. .bet Grove et and Tclerraph ave.. $450—Cheap lot on 2Sth st, near San Pablo ave.. 25x100. * . -.,•,\u25a0;• BELDEN, Real Estat*. . 1112 Broadway, Oakland. WE have an', elegant and thoroughly well built S-room dwelling, with every conveni- ' jence which modern architecture can suggest I occupying a large lot. located In-the most ! desirable part of Oakland; absolutely new- for. sale within, the means- of any, -thrifty ' farcllr; \u25a0 very low price. Call on or address ROBERT P. DEY. 836 23d st. Oakland. Cal! FOR sale—$S75; on Peralta Heights' East' .Oakland:. choice lot sunny, southern expos- ' "ure; sidewalk and street work complete; con- vergent to lake and boulevard ' and only 2 blocks to new Key Route car line. I -. B. H.WELCH A CO., , . . Fifth avs. and East: 18th st, Oakland. 1 OAKLAND ADyERT'S ; 3I ; TS OAKLAHD KEAZ. ESTATE. £. K. DODGE & SON. 1100 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. 21S1 CENTER £T.. BERKELEY. . MAKE TOITRSELF A.CHRISTMAS PRES- ENT OF -A HOME. •WE HAVE OPENED- OUR BERKELEY BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF A SPECIAL LIST OF BERKELEY PROPER- TIES, or WHICH WE ARE THE EX- CLUSIVE AGENTS, AND WE ARE SELL- ING LOTS AT A GREAT BARGAIN WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY AND CLOSE TO ALL THE CAR LINES. WE CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO \u25a0 OUR BUILDING LOTS AT DWIGHT-WAY STATION. SELLING AT FROM fSOO tITP. THESE LOTS ARE LOCATED ON t-HATTUCK AVE.. FULTON AND ELLS- WORTH STS.. WHERE THESE STREETS ARE CROSSED BY WARD AND DERBY STS.: LOTS 44 FT. OR 50 FT. FRONTAGE ON THE NORTH OR SOUTH. EAST OR 1-WEST b'IDi;OF* ABOVE STREETS. CALL OR WRITE FOR .MAP OF TRACT. THREE NEW HOUSES GOING UP IM- MEDIATELY ON THESE LOTS. We have some sylendld lets In Piedmont, snd they are selling very fast; 18 new houses . are gain? up on this tract, and they are all - One oner. Th* view takes in the bay an.l I mountatns. the valleys ami the cities of Ala- ! meda. Oakland and San Francisco. Nothing [ finer ar.rwhere. .--.;»•\u25a0; > AMONG THE FINE BARGAINS INOAK- LAND ARE THE FOLLOWING, JUST AS SAMPLES: » $".600 A very nic« C-room cottace on lot 31x100: rented at $22 5a $1,800 To close an estate; 7 rooms and bath. . . .- on lot 50x150. $2,100 5 rooms and bath: modern: dose by street car; in a growing neighborhood; ' rented to a good tenant, at $17 50 per month. $2.500 7 rooms and bath and barn; lot 40x100. ''{•'Aft \u25a0- '--\u25a0 .. \u25a0 ?n,000— ELEGANT FURNISHED HOME; Colonial Etyle: very attractive; has fur- nacea connected with every room; Illumin- ating and fuel gas; hot and cold water \u25a0 - up stairs and down; well lighted by elec- tricity and gas; sunny exposure; on a large lot; carpets and heavy furniture go v.'ith the house; possession, given imme- diately: this Is a genuine bargain. . REALTY SYNDICATE CERTIFICATES TAKEN AT PAR. GOOD AS GOLD. FORECLOSURE SALE. - Thsee very fine lots in' Berkeley for Just enough to pay mortgage foreclosure and costs. See our signs corner of Deakln and Woolser sts. WE OFFER A FINE BLOCK FOR SUB- DIVISION NEAR THE KEY ROUTE STA- TION AT A PRICK LEAVING A LARGE MARGIN FOR THE PURCHASER. TO SEE THIS IS TO BUY IT, IF YOU ARE INA POSITION TO HANDLE THAT KIND OF PROPERTY. We have several good bargains which we are. not permitted to bill, but will gladly tBhow you if you desire profitable Investments. See' our signs In Berkeley. Oakland. Ala- raeda. Frultvale and elsewhere and then 1160 Broadway. Oakland. . . 2131 Center st, Berkeley. S. M. DODGE & SON. ELROD & HULL. IT WOULD TAKE A PRETTY LARGE STOCKING TO HOLD A HOUSE AND LOT. BUT ANY OLD SIZE WILL HOLD A DEED TO ONE. MAKE YOURSELF AND FAMILY A PRESENT OF A HOME—ITIS THE TIME OF THE YEAR FOR JUST 8UCH A PRES- ENT AND NOTHING IS MORE SUBSTAN- , TIAL AND APPROPRIATE- TO THE SEA- SON. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF NICE PLACES THAT ARE ALL READY TO BE KNOCKED OFF THE CHRISTMAS TREE. ARE YOUPREPARED TO CATCH ONE OF THEM? No. P3 $1750— 3-room house with high base- ment: Just fichshed: lot 60x115; near good school; 6-cent fa:e; close to San Leandro road; $7.*i0 cash, balance on time. No. 34 $3500 5-room cottage: high base- ment: bath, hall and laundry: lot 41x138; a 3Sth st. corner; 3 mln. to Key route; $1000 cash. No. 33 $3500 New 2-story house: colonial; C rooms, bath, pantry, closets, etc.; street work all done; near Lorin; close to cars; will also rent this place for $25 a month; should be seen. No. 21—$2S50— Reduced from $3500; a real bargain in Elmhurst; 2 stories; 8 rooms, bath; hot and cold water: windmill and tank; chick- en-houses and yards; barn; . fruit trees, etc.; lot 57x280: beautiful home. - - No. 4 $4400 A new modern 2-story house of 9 rooms, with all the modern conveniences; lot 35x140; close In: SCth st: It may be. a little high for some, but It Is good. No. 4 $7000 2 new flats of 6 large rooms, fcath, pantry; closets, etc., each; lot 37x144; now. rents for $70 a month; close in,' near Tele- graph ave. ; a home as well as an Invest- ment Of course we have cheaper places and also more expensive ones, which we shall be pleased to show you if you will favor us with a call. We have in course of construction several cot- tages .in Frultvale. which will soon be on the market. Take a look at. live goods. .-.-, j We have lots at all prices and on all kinds of terms, as well as suburban acreage. Im- proved and unimproved. We can please you here, we think. ,,'-r.:. ; V .-\u25a0.':-. . TO OUR EASTERN FRIENDS WT3 WOULD SAY THAT WE HAVE A NUMBER OF EX- CELLENT FARMS IN ADJOINING COUN- TIES AND ALSO SOME STOCK RANCH PROPOSITIONS .THAT ARE REALLY A ROCKEFELLER CINCH. IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IT." CALL AROUND AND WE WILL CONVINCE YOU. ELROD St HULL, PHONE RED 5SS1. 1200 BROADWAY. CHAS. C. HULBERT. Tel. Main 1024. jf-'v "A 911 Broadway. BARGAIN LIST. $2650 Fine cottage, furnished; 8 rooms and bath; BO-tt frontage; on 21st st, near Linden. $3200 Elegant new house of 7 rooms and bath: gas . and electric light; near Telegraph ave. ; will rent for $25.per mo., subject to sale; $1000 cash, bal. $29 per mo.; lot 40x107. We . ire excluslx-e . agents 'tor . 26 flna lots In Golde.n Gate: prices, $275 to $300. $3250 Buys beautiful 2-story house; 6 rooms end bath; gas and electric lights; lot 37x 100; high ground; East Oakland: close to two car lines. COTTAGE. $lS00 Buys a ; nice cottage of B rooms and bath; with lot" 50x120; East Oakland. $3500 Buys fine 2 T story. S-room house, nearly new; on beautiful Vernon Heights: mag- nificent vl«w; term?. $1200 cash; balance $25 per mo., including Interest; lot 35x 100; exclusive agents. CHEAPER THAN PAYING RENT. $2650—$660 down, balance mortgage, for an up- to-date, 2-story house of 8 rooms and bath; near San Pablo ave. and Southern Pacific local. ' FOR SEEKERS OF A FINE HOME". Most attractive house on Grove st, of 7 rooms and- bath: gas and electric lights; fine stable; lot 50x150. ' CHAS. C. HULBERT. 911 Broadway, Oakland. $2600^ GOOD B-room cottage, on Chestnut St., near Sixteenth; .lot 84x100. Manufacturing comer on Fifth st...near new Southern Paclflo freight depot; can't be beat as to location and price. $100 each Lots near San Leandro road and \u25a0 \u25a0 Fltchburg: get one and make money. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 $2500—2 cottages of 5 rooms each: well rented; street work all done, and -less than \u25a0 five! minutes' walk to local station; car line one-half block; very -easy terms. $6750— Lot 75x100; on Twelfth at, near Lake Merrltt. . $9000— Beautiful home on ,' Filbert et, -i near Twelfth; double parlors. finished In hard woods, best of finish throughout: cost owner $15,000 to build; lot 84x125. $4500 Good 7-room house In Piedmont; half block 'from car line; lot 150x200; easy > terms; foreclosure." ' '.'.*\u25a0. 7. $4750— Nearly new 2- story." 7-room house; cor- . ner lot; situated ' near St Mary's College 2 blocks to car line; excellent condition.' THE-E. P. VANDERCOOK COMPANY. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. Or Room 232 Mills bldg..* San" Francisco. NICE modern house, nearly .new; near Lake Merrltt; \u25a0 close to new street car extension Just in operation, greatly increasing value; 7 ..rooms; lot 65x232; price reduced to. $3000- $200 cash, balance- like rent » rooms; modern; lot 60x100: \u25a0 lying high with cement retaining wall; In. East Oakland near new Key route service; $3500;' $300 cash balance like rent' \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0 , ' . , Mansion in East Oakland; 14 rooms;*6 lots- : suitable for sanitarium . or private hospital* I $6. r >00; easy terms. W. Nr'RUSSELL. - \u25a0 201 California st. Ban Francisco, Cal. '. .- ";.','"" '"' * $3000-t8-ROOM house, near Telegraph ave.- all modern conveniences; lot is 50x125- sunny side of street: price reduced from $4000-' this property is 5 blocks from Key Route station. -.'.-" \u25a0' ' . *} ,'\u25a0 $1750— 6-room. cottage; barn and driveway; lot 37:Cxl25; two. blocks from Key Route station at Fortieth and Telegraph ave C. K, i MARSHALL, 1070 Broadway! ADVEnrsggrs j OAXX.ASTD SEAL ESTATE. TATLOH li'.'.'.o:. i: CO.. r.e*I Ertrte. Ir.suresc- tnj i'.n-r.w.i! AS«-S. Teicjhone Cedar 351. IZSi Urcad*'3y./3*kUnd. j fl.ttP—Exc»!'ent litUe ccttase cf 3 toorr.?: j lZcrt OaklanJ. Cat; ciuee to car jins find school*. 1CS3 EXCELLENT COTTAGE. il _ v A «lar.dy cottssf. hanr'.zomely dec- orated throughout: hardwood mantels: everjtHr.s complete; email ca*h Jisy- nient b*:ar:ce- to cult: near new Key rc-ute' trains; Jot o":till5 feet \u25a0 17v4 GOOD INVESTMENT. J2.4OO-- Flats In I-*ke Morrttt District; owner r* 1 *:^-* in loucr f-st and rents upper tor $:s 1 .r:ncrth_Thi 3 i s v erych,. P: iai a BUNGALOW COTTAGE. IZ .CCO A dandy, up-to-dstf. little homo; fl roon;s. combination fixtures. sei»er and rtreet work comjiJ-te; lot o7:0x!15 feet: two blocks of r.fw Key route; *1«W ' cash tilanc? arrarx^d to suit. 1C33 MUST BE SOWD. fS,CO>— A fcindscTTU* 7-ro-m UweUinr; very attractive and m?-<l?ra in every respect: 1 c»>mbin3ticn fixtures; best of open J pJumbing; fine Isrse bathroora; situated ; in or.e of the choii/est locations in Oak- i l«r.<l; 27;h et., near Telegraph ave. J This nrice hi* actually been reduced j $10<A Owner In the Eaft acJ wires us j to get offer. l ai3 NONE BETTER FOR THE MONET. j^OuO—TcJtet this ftr.e colonial dwelling; double msntel*, modern throughout: ! electric light* : within tr» blocks . of j Produce Market: ground . -lalues here $100 iwr frost foo'_ ; CfVESTMEXT. ; f12.RW— I»t 105x150 fe«t, vrith'.n three blocks < cf J4th and Uroodwsy; a 17-room resi- dence thereon. In perfect condition; nod- \ «te i- every rerp^ct and is now renting J for $*a per month. Present t?rant wlil- j ing to --j.t~ 5 rearT" lease ani pay ad- ' diUcsa.1 rent for roonie aZded. There ! U0 feet of BT«SUbl« building ground adjoining the house which could be im- j proved and in worth at least $100 per I frost foot This rrop^nr is surrounded ' by the flsewt bcrae% In Oaklana and rep- | resents a cost of over $23,009. rNVESTifENT 14 PEn CENT. INVESTMENT 14 PER CENT. I ;7«00 Four ne« flats, recently built: lighted 1 by electricity throughout; gas for fuel j use: fire'.F; elegantly finished and | decorated; re;:tir.g for $10SO per anr.urr.. : <~fcange of resiserce forces owner to s*!l. I These fists are close in. 1C38 j RARE IN"VEf?TMENT. S10.2S0 Four flat flats, can-iprlring 30 rooms. ! xria:in 5 raisutes' walk of City Ka'l: ; all are occupied artd are now briucirg j in an income at $1IKX> per annum. This ; property is situated in a progressive 1 luslac&s locality and ground alone is I worth the price. We invite inspection. | •we are exclusive agents for i bon.e"»'ard heights. tuxedo park. ! lakk view terr-\cb and have a j nvmber of choice residence lots left in heartiftl peralta heights. | with marine view. only one to three blocks to the fourth ave. ! ket route. 40 minutes' service to san francisco. special induce- ments as to terms and plans fur j n;sheu for building to suit pur- OM?ERS. WRITE TO US FOR OUR BULLETIN AND ! ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE OF OUR SPECL1LS AND OAKLAND IN GENERAL. TATL1H BROS i CO.. :2T»« BROADWAY. OAKLAND. CAL. tO THIS Take Use Piedsicnt avenue car; \u25a0 get off at Vernal and Oakland avenues; walk <So»n Oak- land avraur one block to Bonita avenue, and \u25a0\u25a0n the southeast corner, opposite the hand- I torn* residence cf Beach Soule. you will find I •i let surrounded by an evergreen hedge, from j this lot you will «ee one. of the grandest marine \u25a0 v!fw» in the world. Tfc« lot Is 35 minutes from i £an Francisco, and the price lew than property j m same neighborhood. This lot will be sold i ss a whole or In subdivisions. SO MUCH FOR THE LOT. Want to secure a portion cf sll this fromeire at rrtce* charged for property half as r»:h1. call on my offices. Rooms 62- ?3 B&con Building. WATCH THESE COLUMNS FOR MY ADS A 6 I WILL OFFER FiEAUTIFUL HOMES AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. "KARL H. NICKEL. ROOMS «2-63, BACON BLOCK, OAKLAND. . . WHERE TO INVEST TO HJlKE MONEY. IE THE QUESTION*. WE ALL KNOW THAT TIME SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. \u25a0;•"--• -^ The Key Route electric train and ferry makes th« trip from Fortieth street and Tele- graph avenue In 30 minutes. The fare for the round trip is only three dollars per month; single tar* only ten cents. We have a variety cf lots within walking distance cf the station; terms and prioe* to suit; caU and you win be convinced. RICHARD J. MONTGOMERY, Real Estate Owner and Dealer, K«r Route station. Fortieth st and Tele- graph ave., Ontral Oakland. DR. MXRRTTT ESTATE PROPERTY TOR - . SALS. We have been appotnted exclusive agents by ths trustees of the Samuel Merrltt Hospital for ths saJe of all the property belonging to the said hospital and fronting on Jackson, Madi- son. Oak, Twelfth and Thirteenth sts., Includ- ing "The Willowe," oa Oak et, extending back to LsJce Merrltt recently under option to the City of Oakland for park purposes; also the Merrttt homestead. have both improved and unimproved properties to offer; most desirable residence properties In Oakland. FOR PARTICULARS CALL AND SEE 'US. \u25a0 J. H. MACDONALD & CO., 1052 Broadway. WALTER E. LOGAN & CO., - 100S Broadway, Oakland. C2000— 25x110; cottag*. 6 rooms and bath; hlfh basement laundry, etc; convenient to call of railroad. (4000 43x133; S rooms and bath; - rents $40 month: walking distance City Hall and narrow gauge.. J1B00— 45x100; SW. cor. 27th and West sts.; szjip. Mnrnt 1*000—45x100; 9 rooms and bath; high base- ment: brick foundation; house partly fur- nished. rin shares Plerc* Hardware Company; cost tiOO; owner will discount It $25. 1*000 e0xK«>; 2-story house, 8 rooms and bath.; room oa the corner to build store and flat: near San Pablo ave.; splendid prospective property. WALTER E. LOGAN & CO., . IOCS Broadway. Oakland.. - CLEARANCE BALE OF BANK PROPERTY. Ws have been exclusively euthorired to sell tin easy terms the remaining Oakland proper- ties acquired by the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION ender foreclosure of mortgags. win sell these properties at figures far below the present market rates. If. you wmnt a. bargain call or write us for particulars J. H. MACDONALD &CO., 10S2 Broadway. $2*X> DOWN and balance like rent will place you In possession of a beautiful new 5-room cottage, porcelain bath snd modern through- out; lot 60x105; closo to street cars. Key Route or schools; price $2000. - E. J. STEWART. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. . _ . TEH per cent net' Income, payable monthly In advance. : Strictly modern 2-story bull&Ing on northeast corner, 1 block from San Pablo ave. and few minutes to City Hall; a good bond Invest- ment; tltln guaranteed. HARRY L. HOLCOMD. . , 314 San Pablo ave., Oakland, Cal. CITEAP for cash Fine Orove-st comer; 45x 130. Apply 7J1 Fifty-ninth -«t, ''Oakland. DETECTIVES. DETKCTIVE^ Experienced " d«t=ct'.v9 wishes work from private parties: At' ref-; r«-ascnable rat»s. . Dox 1*74-.*. Call. ATTOEMEYS-AT-LAW. . A FRAUDULENT dlvorc* Is dsar at $12 ani it no good; for 22 years I've ma!» divorces ireclaliy; quick; quiet: no money needed; bo pay unless divorce Is granted; perfectly reliable; lowest fees; advice free: colfcctioas rcade- G. W. HOWE. 1122 Markat it CONSULTATION fro. private apd confMen- tlal; business legally and promptly trans- acted: collections, mechanics' lien*, probaf. tenani.3 ejected: legal papers drawn; loans "en real estate; eafe. sound investments high rates Interest W. MATTHEWS. 632 MarSc?t. R. W: KING. Attorn?y-at-Iaw, Exam, ilig., 6th floor: entrance room 611 r established 28 years: all courts, general court and office practice: no fees In advance or for consulta- tion; evening by appointment. Tel. Red 3001. AA— Divorce; costs $12; <juick.qulet;advlc» free; all law business: no charge unless . succp**- * fill;open evenings. 027 Market st. room 301. ADVICE free: divorce costs $12: no fees or costs In advance; all law business; ofSc* open Eaturday aven!nga. 819 Market st.. r. 33. JOHN GUIDERY. attorney-at-law. rooms .1 and 4, 240 Montgomery st; phone Red 661T. L. S. CLARK, 027 Market, room 304; consulta- tion free; no fees In advance; open evening*. ATTTOMOBIiaiig. 1 STANDARD made gasoline automobil* with -tonneau; sacrifice for cash or cart property In Berkeley: 1 2-cyllnder gasoline auto; goo4 as xaade; make offer: or will exchang* for horses and bugslea. . Address box 15S2. Call office, Oakland. . SNAP $C5C0 •'Oldjrmoblle;" practically new: used about four months. Call or wrlts^ 675 Thirty-sixth «t.. Oakland. PACKARD automobile- for sal's: flrst-c*asa run. nlng order; will sell for $1SCO. Box 1637, Call office. \u25a0 . ASTHMA CUBE. DI NOLA'S Asthma Remedy relieves tnstxaUr: 10c, 25c. 60c. 1C02 Markat St Nicholas; tlio Wlshart 10th and Washington. Oakland. APOPnoar. WANTED Boy baby; ide&l hos:» at B"unk« Mafrnlty Villa. 14H 8t!v st. Alaineda. BICYCLES Por Bal< or Crdximg-*. A RAMBLER, perfect, only $12 50; tandem. $20. Address room 33. 421 Larkln st. CLEVELAND wheel for «al». 3343 Eighteenth atreet. : > \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0' BOABPrjTP roB csoijivjsa. RESPECTABLE married lady wlta' child 3 years old would take good cars of 1 or 3 children and go residing near parents; speak* French and English. Box 2126. Call. A MIDDLE-AGED lady would Uk» motheries* children to care for; terms reasonable. 613 East Sixteenth st. East Oakland, or 23 Pore st. city. AMERICAN family wants a child to tak» car* of; good home; best of references. Call at 7S5* Vallejo st A GOOD home for girl over 4; no otSsr chil- dren inboard. 707 Hampshire st SMALL child to board in privat* family; best of care. ISIS Mascn st. SMALL child to board in private family; best of care. P6I*-i Greenwich st . WANTED A child to take car* of; good car*. MRS. WEBER. 2S2 Turk st ' BTTSIKESS CZAgCES. A—$500; HARDWARE, locksmith and electri- cal repair shop: established 25 years; best location. Particulars R. G.- WILKE. Sfjs-j Kearny. A—$500; HARDWARE, locksmith and electri- cal repair shop; established 25 years; best location. Particulars H. G. WILKE, 2t>'i Ktarny. A—$1SOO; SALOON oa water front, clc*e to Market, st ; net rent $120; place established many years and known as a good - pajing ' business. See R. G. WILKE. 2tt',i- Keamy. A $300; BAKERYwith delicatessen store, ice- cream parlor; In very best location; will bj sacrificed: owner must leave at once f?r New York; rent $20. Call R. G. WILKE, 1'U'j - Kearny st. A—$3500; LIQUOR store, with 5 years', lease: $2t>0O stock guaranteed: - 1 block: north- of - Market; "a rery rare chance, call oa. .R. G. WILKE. 26^i Kearor st \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 :\ \u25a0 \u25a0 A— $1800; RESTAURANT and coffee salooa: ..daily receipts $30; rent iSO; lease; place lo- . cated close to Market and a good bu3lnets. Call on R. G. WILKE. 2«^ Kearny at A—$3500; SALOON: the best oa the water front; rent $74; place known .for the lost 3t> years as a first-class paying, business. . For particulars call on P.. G. WILKE, 26*4 Kearnx »t .. . - . .._:. .^ A $1200; OLD-ESTAB.' dyeing and clear-lns works; 3 horses; 4 wagons;, net rent $20; place' estab. for many years and has a laxg* patronage; a good paying business. Call ca R. G. WILKE. 28a Kearny st A— $1000; HOTEL; a first-class paying bar; 14 rooms, dining-room and kitchen, wtta 6-year lease: close to carhouae and other factories. See R. G. WILKS. 2t>}a Kearny st A— $1800; RESTAURANT for sale, in th» best mining town, ia t&e State of Nevada; 'daily receipts. $150; opposite the round hou*«; no> better paying proposition la Nevada. Putlc ulara R. G. WILKE. 26 fr Kearny st. - $600—WILL take partner ia a good paying, nicely furnished coCe* parlor and restau- rant; lease: or owner will aell for $1100j part on time. Se» R. G. WILKE, 2814 Kearny st A $7000; BAKERY, ens of tha beat ia eltyt monthly sales $6000; splendid chance for frwti partners; not all cash necessary. Particular* %Tt> R. O. WILKEy 2gxj Kearny rt. A—$2500; HOTEL la Sonoma, Co.; 20 fara. rooms; dining and bar room, bos. 3 horses, cow, etc., and 7 acres of land; 5 years' leaj*r rent $50. or owner will sell whol« property for $12,000. Particulars R. O. WELKEL SS^ Kearcy »t. . . _^^ A—$1750; CORNER grocery and b*s. -with 9 living rooms, oa Sacramento st; 4H y«arV lease; rent $45; the -very best locatloa.- Sea R. O. WILKE. 26H Kearny st. $550—Restaurant; very best location: rant $80; close to Kearny and Bush; a good-paytas Investment: Investigate. Call en B. O. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. '\u25a0\u25a0 A— $2900; CORNER grocery and bar oa V«, lencia st: lease; old - established and good paying business; investtsate; a rare »•»»»""», See R. O. WILKE. 28 fr Kearny st. .A $2350; COAL. wood, bay and train, bast- ness; S horses. 3 wagons; net r*nt $34; place established years; very best loca- tion; a good cash business. Be* R. CX. WILKE. 26^ Kearny st. . ' A— $S0O; CORNER salooa In wfeoleasltt dis- trict; .r.o night or Sunday work; salooa •*• tab. 20 years and known as a good -bust* ness. Bee R, O. WILKE. 28 Vj Kearny st. A $2450; CORNER grocery and bar; 5 years' lease; rent $40; store doing a large cash bu«l_ ness; location can't be beat; valus la slzat. See R. O. WILKE. 26*j Kearny at. A $2600: COFFEE saloon and restaurant; 1 block from Examiner building: place estaV Il9hed years; doing & first-class business; about $70 per day. Particulars see R. O. WILKE. 26>£ Kearny st. ' A $3500; CORNER grocery and bar on Fultoa st; rent $80; living rooms; stock will to- , voice about $2SC0; a well established and first-class paying business. See B. O. WILKE. 26>6 Kearny st. . A—$350; DAIRY, produce and delicatessen store: 3 rocms; rent $23; best location Va- lencia st. Call R. O. WILKE. 28H Kearay. AAA— Long established and largest real es- tate business In growing town near S.-F. pays $300 to $500 per month: $t50» worth of unincumbered real estato on hand. Will sell for actual value of real estate, good will of business thrown in free. THORNE & KILPATRICK. 312 Bush «t F. L..SKAGG3 & CO.. HOTEL BROKERS). 28 Montromery st. 8. F. Phone Jame* 6301. We mak» a specialty of hotels in good, llvo country towns. Our business covers the entire Pacific Coast. There are now s. number of splendid opportunities requiring $1000 to $10.- 00O. Hotel men please call. $73»X* Grocery and bar on proralaent comer; horses, wasons. buggy, etc.; stock will In- voice price asked: thia business •stabllshed many-years and will bear closest inspection. Owner Xn retire; no ascr.ts. Address box 2872. Call office. WANTED Partner in established packing business handling pickles and grocers' -sun- dries: additional capital will he utilize*! to increase - business. For particulars address -Charles F. O'Callaghan. atty.. Nevada-blk. WILL sacrifice for quick sale the best paying grocery and bar north of Market st. ; receipts .$60 to $70 a day; make offer. PACIFIC BUSINESS ASSN.', 1143 Markat '«t- \u25a0 - WANTED Partner with $4500 cash: have the best and safest business proposition- erer presented, where large profit will be made; don't answer unless you mean- business; -no agents. Box Z5X>; Call. MAN willing to invest $650 -can mak* '98000 . first year: stands investigation. Call- 10 s, m. No. 750 Market st. Room 4, * OAKLAND ADVER'TS'M'TS OAKLAND SEAL ESTATE. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. ' PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. .PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. ; PIEDMONT. , Thirty-five minutes from San Francisco By Key route ferry—20 minute service itt trains daily. OPPOSITE THE GOLD*EN GATE. Elevation 400 feet— ' High above the fog. CENTRAL PIEDMONT TRACT. 3 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURB OFSAN_FRANCISCO. Prices from $30 to $-10 per front, foot. Highland Terrac-— 2 minutes' walk from Key route statlcn— $25 to $30 per foot. This is a safe, quick investment. .- Acreage and villa sites in all parts of Ala- meda County. City lots In Oakland. Piedmont and Berkeley. HOUSES BUILT TO SUIT PURCHASERS ON ! INITIAL PAYMENT OF 20 PER CENT TOTAL COST OF HOUSE AND LOT; BAL- ANCE MONTHLY AS RENT. . . J *v- : Purchaser can occupy his house on a smaller outlay than the cost of the lot alone. The easiest building offer on the market SEND FOR" OUR ILLUSTRATED LITERA- TURE ON PIEDMONT AND ALAMEDA -COUNTY. OR, BETTER YET, BE OUR ' I GUEST AT PIEDMONT ANY AFTERNOON OR SUNDAY. SEND US 'YOUR NAME AND WE WILL MAIL FREE TICKET AND PARTICU- LARS. THE REALTY SYNDICATE. 14 SANSOME ST. ' 1212 BROADWAY. HOLCOMB, BREED & BANCROFT, Inc. 1060 BROADWAY, OAKLAND. $500 down, balance on terms, will buy a 4- room cottace, modern plumbing, gas, electricity and only one block from San Pablo ave.; only $1SOO. $1300 This 6-room house, located on Filbert st, is a cheap buy and won't last long. If this price suits you come early. $1000 North Oakland- snap; lot alone worth the money; 50x150 feet and a story and a half 7- room house; only a block from car line. 1326 $2000— Half cash, balance on mortgage will buy 4-room cottage on lot 32:6x137:0; one block from Grove-st. electric car and Kej- route. - $2400 6-room cottage on Brush, close in; \u25a0 could be turned into flats at very nom- inal cost and made to pay good interest. See us for particulars. This Is a bargain. 1130 $2850 An elegant new 5-roora home in North Oakland, close to Key route; only one block from street cars. This house is partly furnished and willsell Immediately. Just put up for sale. Less than half cash down will buy it. $3S0O This elegant new bungalow Is all that can be desired by the most exacting peo- ple. Th» best of locations, the best, of neighbors and surrounded by. fine resi- dences. This is near town and only a few minutes' ride, in walking distance. You must see it to ba convinced that you can't find its duplicate anywhere for one- third more value. Eight rooms and bath. Complete In every respect .>v*.v BUILDING LOTS.; $525 Located close .to cars in growing neigh- borhood; only one-fifth down, balance easy terms. .A rare chance, for speculation; prices bound to advance. . ;,k * HOLCOMB. BREED & BANCROFT. Ina; . 1000 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. , ' V . ,V C THISt .; \u25a0 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SNAP IN A FIRST-CLASS, ELEGANT HOME. HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS; LOT 60X150; FINE MARINE VIEW: TERRACED LAWN: STONE STEPS. .WALKS ANDWALL WJTH IRON FENCE AROUND ENTIRE PROPERTY: 5 OAK AND MAPLE MANTELS: OAK FINISH IN. HALL AND DINING ROOM: CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEED. AS THIS WAS THE FORM- ER HOME OF OUR GOVERNOR, AND BUILT OF THE BEST MATERIAL MONEY COULD BUY. PRICE ONLY $6250. EASY TERMS. ' '' $3250— Modern. Queen Ann home, located in the exclusive neighborhood of Hamilton place, choicest eeotloa In Linda Vista; 7 large, sunny roonis., bath: modern plumb 1 ing; side entrance with large sunny porch; 2 open fireplaces: china closets, - .-etc.; large basement with Inside stair- way; less than 15 minutes' walk from Fourteenth and Broadway or narrow gauge train; easy terms. This is a great •sacrifice as owner must leave town be- fore January 15 on account of change in business. .-\u25a0\u25a0•;-.-- '•» $1200— New, modern store and flat A rare chanoe to get a good piece of business property.locatsd at the terminus of. Key Route. Flat rented under two years' lease at $30 per month; store will rent for 125 oer month. Good opening for aay kind of business. KREIES & HORSWILL. . 1070 Broadway. SEE THESE BAliGAIN& ' . $4500 The Elmhurst Hotel, nearly new; 20 large rooms above and 15 below, besides a i^?t Btore separate from the hotel; lot 115x 136:7; building50x100; cost owner $10,000 cash five years ago; -wras then rented for $30 per month; a great bargain at the price asked- ov , n ,VL ovrr 80 years old and in feeble health. $1900— House at Frultvale R. R. station- 5 rooms; nearly new; $150 Cash, balance Install- ments. $1550— New cottage at junction of Piedmont ave. and M. V. Cemetery line; 6 rooms; $350 ca 2?A^ alance * 15 Per month. $1200 Good 6-room house at Frultvale R. R. ?V£Sv : J15 ° cash » *»»»*\u25a0<:« $1* Per month. . b 1^500 New house at Elmhurst; ten rooms, barn, shop, windmill, chicken.houses and bear- ing fruit trees; lot 200x150; small cash pay- ment; balance installments. . ' EXCHANGE. I HAVE A LONG LIST OF GOOD CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY. FOR EX- CHANGE. INVESTIGATE. IRA C. JENKS. 1200 Broadway. Oakland. Cal. $2600— 887 THIRTY-FOURTH st: a fine new Eastlake cottage. . high basement, enameled bathtub, nickel-plated plumbing, wash trays tine mantel, gas fixtures, hardware the best; lot 31x100; street work complete; near Key route and electric cars; easy terms; key at ; office. * We. have a. .pretty cottage of 4 rooms, por- celain bath, electric lighting, hot and cold watar; very sunny; Fremont St., near 55th; 2 blocks from Golden Gate station \u25a0 and San Pablo- ave.; open to-day for Inspection; pay- monts like rent; go and see- it. $2400— Two flats, 6 rooms and bath; hard- wood mantel; lot 36x100; also rear cottage, 4 rooms, included in above price; a snap; fine location; cars. pass -door; 3 blocks from local train in East Oakland; Twelfth ave., near East Sixteenth, st ,-. . GEO. W. AUSTIN, -. . \u25a0 •• 1002 Broadway. Oakland. $4000—18 all ask for a new and modern 8- room house; electrio.and gas; N. side of - Santa Clara,. near cars. 470-1 $3000 This is a chance to make some money; 8-room house on Edwards \u25a0 »t ; Investi- -Eate. ' \ -, 610-12 $2600— Excellently built cottage. 5 rooms and . .. bath; Isabella, near San Pablo; must - seento be appreciated. . '500-3 .For fair treatment and quick sale*, list Trlth F. F. PORTER. 466 .Eighth Jgt. A LITTLE, SUBURBAN HOMEL , . '• ; S1200— % acre,: with new modern cottage, barn, chicken-houses, good well of . water, shade, fruit trees, shrubbery etc.: '30 minutes from Broadway.. Oakland; 8 blocks from San- Leandro car. line and. cornering on 3 open ave- nues: $400 cash, -. balance bank mortgage, t 4 years at ; 7 - per; cent" or ' monthly \u25a0 payments; this Is a snap and only offered this week. GEO. F. COSBY, rm. 106. Bacon bik.. Oakland $760 FORa larg« building lot near Key. Route ;. v ,ln Santa , Fe ..Tract , Berkeley, - 30 ; minutes . from San Francisco; easy ; monthly ; pay- >j ments: street work ; completed ; \u25a0 good locality. . ' HOLCOMB, -"BREED '& ' BANCROFT, < 1060 OAKLAND ADVERT ? S'M'TS OAKLAND BEAIi ESTATE. HOLIDAYOFFERINGS. Oakland Heights. Vernori st; 6ood two-story hou;e of eight rooms; $3600. flWO— Lot 50x100; on Verncn st.,* close^to Senator. Perkins' home; cheap. Vernon st; choice lots $1000; on easy terms; or build to suit. Telegraph ave. and 34th st. ; north side of street, close to Telegraph; 05x110; $2100. Corner on Telegraph ave. and 23d st; this is the best corner left. Walsworth ave.; good lot, 2SxllO; $750.' SOxlDO; on : Glen : Echo Heights, close to Key Routs station. Piedmont; will be sold for $900; only cno fare to the city; 25 minutes' ride; see this; we have others. ! •' East Oakland, close to 4th ave. and Hop- kins; 75x100. for $S0O; bargain. $500 for flats; East 18th and 8th ave. Good lot. 25x100; north side. J JAS. S. NAISM1TH. 531 Thirteenth st ALDEN REALTY CO.. 5184 Telegraph ave. Phone Black 64S1. $250 cash. $21 60 per month buys a new 5- room cottage near Telegraph ave. and Al- catraz; price $1SQO. $100. cash.. $20 per. month buys a new 4-room bungalow near Telegraph and Fourth-st j Key Route, depot: price $2000. ! $250 cash $25 per month- buys a new 5-room' cottage near Fortieth st. and Grove-st. Key Route depot; price $2250. $5C0 cash. ?32 per month buys a new. modern 9-room house; street work, sewer and side- walk complete;, near Fifty-fifth- st.- Key Route depot; price $2650. Improved and unimproved property at a bar- gain. , . . $550 buys a 2-room house on New Broadway, near Country Club; lot 25x125. $So0 buys a 3-room house near College "ave. ; lot 60x150. ; $550 buys SO feet on Telegraph ave. ;street ' work all done. $5C0—DESIRABLE lot: B0 feet front; on hill overlooking Lake Merrltt; near Key Route cars: ... $1850— Corner lot 60x120, with all street work done: a good cottage of 4 rooms and bath ami barn; half block from local. $3250 Two new. modern flats of 6 rooms; now rented $39 per month: all street work . done; convenient to cars and local' trains. HUGH M. CAMERON. 1058 Broadway. . 2'. -• Oakland. SPECIAL BARGAIN. . $500 for 2 lots, worth $1000; all street work and cement sidewalk done. - Se« P. C. LAS- SEN & CO., 466 Tenth st. Oakland. . A SNAP— Choice lot, 110x125, SW. cor. 21st and Myrtle sts. ; will be sold as a whole or in subdivisions: sold to settle an estate. 1453 Myrtle st. Oakland. FOR sale $1900; one full acre, of ground on east side Lawton avenue, commencing 150 feet from Hudson st. ; let us show you this week; 2 blocks from car line. GEO. F. COSBY, room 105, Bacon block. Oakland. $7000 HANDSOME new S-room house; furn- ace; Lakeside district, near business center, must sell. LAYMANCE REAL ESTATE CO., 460-462 Eighth st. Oakland. THREE small flats renting for $28: R minutes from City Hall; $2500. Owner. 802 Franklin. OAKLAND FLATS TO LET. FLAT to let. .Inquire 776 Harrison «t, Oak- land. - \u25a0 OAKLANDBOOMS WANTED. -BY January 1 Furnished room with private family, near narrow gauge, by young gentle- man with references. Box 2777. Call office. OAKLAND rURNITUBE FOB SALE. TO-MORROW the day for bargains In furnl- ture. H: Schelhaaa, 11th MILL VALLEY AD V'BT'S'M'TS MILL"VALLEY MALESTATE. $300 TO $S00—Ten per cent cash, balanc« $10 ; ( , monthly; flr.a large lots; graded streets; pure . mountain water; \u25a0 grand redwood trees; charming views; right at the station; they are selling fast; 130 lots sold; send for il- lustrated booklet LYON & HOAG, 116 i Montgomery st. . . . . - *i ; San Francisco Advertiseni't's C3gxrar.cK SEsyicEa. FIRST Congregational Church, corner Post and Mason sts. Rev. George C. Adams, D.D.. pastor, will preach at both services. At 11 a. m., topic, "Some Young .Men." At 7:45 p. m., topic, "To-morrow." All " ar» cor- [4 dlally invited. THIRD Congregational Church, Fifteenth st, near Mission Rev. William Rader, pastor (residence Hotel Manhattan), will preach at ' both services; 11 a. m., "Crossing the Sea, ' or the Duties and Dangers of Life's Voyage." 7:30 p. xn., "Tbe People at Play and the Influence of Popular Pleasures Upon Char- acter." Last In series. GRACE CHURCH/ California st. cor. Stock- ton. Rev. David J. Evans, rector. Celebra- tion of holy communion 8 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Benedicite, Gregorian; Benedlctus. Crotch . In C: Offertory, "Seek Ye the Lord," Roberts. Full cathedral ser- vice, 7:45 p. ra. All seats free at this ser- vice. Sermon at both cervices by th« rector; organist and choirmaster. Wm. H. Holt. TRINITY Church. Bush and Gough sts. Rev. Frederick W. Clampett. D. D.. rector. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. ; morning service, .11 a. m.; sermon by rector: evening service, 8 p. xn.; sermon by Rev. James Hulme.-. TRINITY Presbyterian Church, corner Twenty- third and Capp sts.. Rev. Edward K. Strong. '.'pastor Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Bible school at 12:30 p. m. Endeavot Society, at B:30 p. m. Midweek meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. m. Strangers welcome to all these services. £ CALIFORNIA Street Methodist Church, corner California and Broderick sts. The pastor. Rev. George A. Hough, will preach morning \u25a0 and evening. Morning theme. "Where- to \u25a0 Find Rest." Evening, "Will My Religion 8tand-the Test?" Special music by chorus choir. All seats free. Strangers cordially 5 welcomed. , Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. CENTRAL M. E. Church, Mission st, bet. Sixth and Seventh The pastor, Dr. George W. White, will preach at both services. Morning topic, the third sermon on "Is the Apostles' Creed. Obsolete?" Evening, "Christ or Barabbas?". Sunday-School at 12:45. Rolla V. Watt, Superintendent; Youna People's meetings at 6:15; song service, 7:30. SIMPSON Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of Hayes and Buchanan ' sts. Rev. James H. N.' Williams, the pastor will preach at 11 a. m. on "The Final Era of Preparation for the Messiah," ,and at 7:30 p. m. on "The Man Who Failed to Follow His Own Advice." All seats free. Polite ushers. Best of music. . UNITARIAN Church (First), SW. corner of Geary and; Franklin sts. Rev. Bradford Leavitt. minister. Junior church and-Sun- \u25a0.. day. school are at 10 o'clock. Rev. Bradford Leavitt and C. A, Murdock, ' superintend- ents. . Sunday service is at 11 o'clock. Ther« is no evening service. Mr. Leavitt will preach.- Subject,- "Sunday. IU Use and . Abuse." Special music by augumented choir next Sunday. Music by quartet, under di- rection of H. . Bretherick, organist. All are cordially Invited. UNITARIANChurch (Second), corner Twen- tieth . and Capp sts. \u25a0 (Take Mission or Va- lencia st -car.) C. Calvert Smoot, minister- residence, 3470 Twentieth st.' The Sunday school meets at 0:45 o'clock; 'Mrs L.. A Covel. superintendent. At the morning service at 11 o'clock C." Calvert Smoot will preach. Subject "Ptolemy or Copernicus" Music by orchestra and choir under th« di- . rection of Mr. Jablsh Clement. All cordially Invited. No evening service. i FIRST Presbyterian Church, Van Ness ave and Sacramento st.' Rev. Kirk Guthrie. pas- tor—Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m!; the pastor will preach at both services; Sab^ bath-School_ at-9:45 a. m.; Christian En- deavor, 5:15 and 6:15 p. in.; Wednesday. 8 P- ro-. mJd _week service; all are cordially CALVARY Presbyterian Church cor. Jackson and Flllmore sts.— Rev. John Hemphill. D.D. pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock. In- stallation of elders and : deacons Evening •service. at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon topic, "t Man Made Whole." The pastor .will preach at , both services. Sabbath ,school at ' a.. m. ;; Christian Endeavor meeting at 6*30 p* '?*. , Praver meeting Wednesday '. evening ; at .8, o'clock. All are cordially. Invited. THB Peo»l«'a Church ".\u25a0 holds services . Sunday ; evenings In Elks' .> Hall.' 223 Sntter st. ; at 8 % o'clock; subject, "Power of tho Press.*; Pas- tor * Mrs. 'Anna L. . Glllesple.v residence 631 -•• .\aa Nes» ave.. " v*-

Transcript of The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1904-12-18 [p 60]...THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL,-^SUNDAY, DECEMBER...

Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1904-12-18 [p 60]...THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL,-^SUNDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1904. 60 CHTTBCH..


CHTTBCH.SESVICES— ContinnedU^^FIRST Baptist Church. .*!2O Eddy st—Rev. J-

W. Daniels preaches at 11 a. m.;-Rev. «.-, 7:30 p. m.; Bible school aJ..J-^p. m.; Christian Endeavor meetings.. 0.30 _P-m.; prayer meeting Wednesday, P- •"f1

--all cordially invited to these services, seai.

free. 1 \u25a0' ,

FIRST Church of Christ. Scientist, t**1'")block.- 223 Sutler st. bet. Kearny and Grant

ave.—Christian Science service at 11 *- "•;:subject of Iesscn-sermon. "Christian bcience

Sunday school Tor children at the same hour.Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o clock freereauing-roo-n, 200 Kearny st., rooms oU0-3lu,

all ar« welcomed

"A NEW RELIGION" willbe the wW**'S!discourse at Golden Gate (main haia, CU»

B Sutler st, 8 p. m., by Rev. C. "all Cook orDenver. '.Colo. Dr. Cook claims that th«traditional conception of man as a l.Br*e


science as telepathic communication and tne

existence of an "astral form."

A GREAT mass meeting for men will be heldat the Young Men's Christian Associationthis afternoon at 3 o'clock; H. W. P*VI»-religious work director of the association,will deliver the address; there w»ll be splen-

did music by the Robson orchestra and group

Bible study classes at 4 o'clock; all men areInvited to attend^


BUDDHIST Mission. 6u7 Polk st—Service. 11a. m.. Rev. K. Hori speaks en EternalHappiness." . • __



AAA—HENRY' HARRISON BROWN an-nounces his return; see- notice in Sunday

Lectures Department.

A—TESTS— Odd Fellows' building. 2-7:30.Wilson, Mrs. Waltman; 7:30, Mr. Hargrave,Dr. Cowan, 10c. -'

MRS. EBERHARDTS circle. Sun.^ Tues. andThurs. eve.. 10c 267 San Jos« avV. betweenTwenty-fourth and Tw«nty-flfth star. T -\u25a0. .-

THE Permanency of Spiritualism? ArthurHowe, 2 p. m. Room 8, cor. 7th and Mar-ket st.;'psychic readings.


TRUTHSEEKERS— Foresters' Hall. 102 O*Far-rellst; Mme. Bacon. Sanders, others; tests;lecture, 8 p. m., free.

MME. YOUNG'S test meeting to-night; Mrs.,Seal, lecture. 619 McAllister st; 10c; come,

skeptics. . ,\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0:-\u25a0

A—MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, bus. medium andlife reader. 1206 Market, r. 14. Gait House.

A—MRS. HARLAND: evening test circles to-; night. 10c; readings 50c, $1. 14S Sixth st

A—MRS. C. C. KOTTER. circle t^-night andevery night; sittings dally. 43 Slfrth st.

FRIENDSHIP Hall. 335 McAllister st—Mrs.C.J.Meyer: sit daily;tests to all every eve., 10c.

MRS. STODDARD'S select full test reading;seances. 25c: Sun.. Tues.: sits dally. 278 9th,

MRS. LESTER 838 Mission st—Circles Mon-day and Fri. eves., 10c; sittings daily.60c-$l.

.TESTS. Scottish Hall. 8 p. m.; Wrenn. Hovet.Samuels. Wilson, McKee. Rev. Brooks, lect

W. G. KERGAN holds a test seance everynight except Saturday; 10c. 143 Sixth st

CHILDREN'S lyceum every Sunday at 10:30a. m. Odd Fellows', No. S: free library.

MME. VIGARS' spiritual test meeting everynight. 8 o'clock. 143 Sixth, sit, daily.


THE Theosophlcal Society, Academy of Sci-ences Hall

—Piitollc lecture. 8 p. m.. by Thom-

as Prime; subject. '"Helping the Dead." Mu-slc by Professor W^H. Upscombe.



"NOW" lecture, Henry Harrison Brown,subject, "The Human Mind and How to Di-rect Thought" Mr. Brown has returnedfrom St. Louis, where he attended (afterwardelected president) the National New ThoughtFederation. He will give a few Sundayevening lectures and will soon open someclasses, before starting on a tour. He espe-cially desires to greet all Interested in hiswork: 8 p. m.; free, with collection; Memo-rialHall. Odd Fellows' bldg.. 7th &Market

DR. JOHN A. KERGAN*S free lecture thisevening. Electricians' Hall, 35 Eddy st;subject "The Care of Children." followed byviews of. a visit to Jerusalem and the HolyLand. Free tickets will ba given for X-rayexhibition at .Sanitarium Tuesday eve. Re-member the question box. Special music.

"EVOLUTION of Industry," Austin Lewis.Union-square Hall, beginning Jan. 8. Seenext Sunday's papers. .

ARTHUR MORROW LEWIS. Academy of Scl-ences. \u25a0.Thursday, ' 22d, "Materialism vs.Idealism." .'


"SOME Objections to Socialism." A.M. Lewis,Alhambra Theater, Jan. 8, 8 p. m.;free.

MISS FRANCES E. SPEYBR wll speak atGolden Gate Hall at 11 a. m. to-day.

DR. COLLINGE; subject "Peace." WelcomeHall, Odd Fellows' building. 8 p. m.

JACK LONDON. Alhambra Theater to-night.8 o'clock.

MEETING NOTICES.ALTALodge No. 205,.I.O.O." T.— ,.«t^.

Initiation MONDAY EVENING.December lit; visitors welcome, ?;S5&I!"3'b|


UNITY Lodge No. 131. L O. O.F.—Initiation TUESDAY EVEN- #^^^?%ING. December 20; hall Six-xgSgKSSyteenth and Valencia sts.: visitors \u25a0'33&«£*^always welcome. B. H. ANDREWS. N. G.

A.P. BUTTON. Rec. S«c.

ODIN Lodgs No. 803. I. O.'O. '^^jtrwa^F.—Initiation (In Swedish) nextgj^gg&Wednesday night: two candl- v-!5*5*?f23ydates. Visitors cordially Invited. \u25a0^m«G& r


MODERN Woodmen of America, Good- 7fellowship Camp 9633, M. W". of A., ymeets every MONDAY' NIGHT at «XiElectricians' Hall. 33 Eddy St.. city. J m0)

W. H.' EDWARDS. V. CW. J. ELLIOTT. Clerk; office, room 627Emma Spreckels building.

A NICHT In Auld Scotland.—

Tho S. v «T>v-F. Scottish Thistle Club will hold ZS,>tShtheir twenty-third annual Hogma- >^»?£t£srnay Supper and Ball SATURDAYEVENING. December 31. at Lyric HalL 119Eddy st A gala tlm« to all. Grand march8:30 p. m., supper 11:15 p. m. Admission$150 each. Hat and cloak room for guests.

GEO. W.PATERSON.. Royal Chief.A. E. CARLISLE, Recorder. .

THE annual meeting of the stockholders of. th« Nevada National Bank of San Fran-cisco, Cal., will be held at Its banking-house. 3Ql_Montgomery st. San Francisco,Cal., on TUESDAY. January 10, 3:15 p. m..> for the election of directors toserve during the ensuing year, and for thetransaction of such other business as may, ccm« before -the meeting. . .••*. . GEO. GRANT, Secretary.

December 10. 1904.

MRS. H. E. TWOSE wilt si>eak on "Th«Science and Demonstration of .Health andProsperity" at Stiles, Berkeley. 8 o'clock,Sunday.


—— . .-- \u25a0 i.i-

WB -want permanent advertisement In 10,000country homes by Jan. 1 and will send en-tire list Mark Twain's celebrated books con-taining our advertisement; worth $5; prepaidon receipt 34o to cover, packing. WyngI*Purchasing Agency. 628 California st. S. F.

AGENTS, ournew gold window sign lettersbeat anything -on• the market: big profits:agents make $10 to $2O dally;complete sam-ple cutflt 25c: particulars free. SULLIVANCO., 4C5 W. Van Buren st, Chicago, 111.

ORGANIZERS to represent \u25a0 Knights andLadles of Security; good contract to gentle-men and ladles north of San Francisco. AdDIST. DEPUTY. 215 8th St., Marysvllle. Cal.


We pay $18 a week and expenses„. to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com-pound; year's contract Imperial Mfg. Co.Deft. 54, Parsons. Kans.



Flrst-class .general \u25a0 agency withestablished w*ekly collection. Box 1531. Calloffice, Oakland.

HIGH-CLASS men investments, banking cor-: poratlon. ROBT. SLAUGHTER, box 2671'Call office.

AGENTS, selling patented article; 100 per centprofit. R. J. H. Co., 428 Starr King bldgI-

San Francisco.

PERFUMES, toilet articles, Christmas goods.Pacific Agents Supply. Co.. 1220 Treat ave



Experienced lady agents to sell.toilet articles of great merit" Box 2071. Call.WANTED—Ladies or gentlemen to solicit room 30, Winchester Hotel.LOCAL agents for the" only tonic

the Marquis. 414 Poet st '<|AGENTS wanted; quick seller; big commission.42 Grove st. \u25a0

CHEAPEST and best in America— The WeeklyCall. 18 pages, sent. to any address in th»


ASTOR.~ famous N.Y. astrologer: man ofabil-ity;advice, lessons, booklet. 8*7 Market'


LAYMANCEREAL ESTATE CO.,400-402 fcih St.. Cakland, Cal.

WATCH I'S GROW.Population cf OaklanJ. Cal.

IS30 ..:.... --'.. 4S.632iyt*) w.&rn

j. XMKl S2.67419O4 (new directory) 106,CeS

, \u25a0 . - -


- $S000.* _-'r \.-'\u25a0\u25a0

Flr.# resilience; 7 sunny rooms; corner. IOOx123: b*m;-lively view; one of Linda Vista'sihoiccft corners; flOCy sacrifice of a choice.Increasing value property. .-\u25a0.\u25a0;

'\u25a0 .' . .\u25a0 S7**r»o

Extra choice corner rislde-ice in the heart ofthe-cUy;-S rooms: bath; 5 minutes' walk tobanking center; never occupied.

~$t7co7Handsome modem new 2-story house; S rooms:

bath, icmficc; -Lekesld* district, near busi-ness ctTU^r; meet be sold.

$0000.:Elegant reBidence: 7 lsrge sunny roonis; steam

heater: hardwood floors; £0x120; VcruonHeishts.

$5000.IPair nrvr modem flats, 5 rooms each; rentsI $50; near -Telerrarh and 27th sts. \u25a0

!Stcre and Cat;- good business corner en prom-inent street; Income $43 50. \.

"" •'

: $1000.1 Choice residence. S rooms, bath; 40x156; one, of the best residence sections, near Telegraph

ave.; clcse In; owner urging sale; fine homeF&criflce. ;".-•

$5S00.Six tenements and cottage; 75 ft. railroad cor-

ner; Income 567 50; owner leaving; Al sj>te-


$4000. >•,:»'

{Fine modem colonial; 8 rooms: sunny expo-,1 suk; select neighborhood; near 31st and


$3500.!Modern Swiss colonial; 7 rocms. bath: base-

ment: newly tinted; 2 toilets; bam; 103x130;one block from upper Frultvale -ave. ;•bar-gain.

VILLA SITES.A grandly situated property; charming hill.

glen and marine view; 4 lots. lOOx-00 each;!conMguous to four f20. 000 to $40,000 homes;:orv» residence site just sold; only 35 minutes:to S. F.;must be seen to be appreciated.

\u25a0 Fine new Swiss colonial home. 6 rooms, bath:37 ft. ?rontar<?: street work complete; $50Ocub; Linda Vista; this is a dandy for themoney. .

iVery attractive hotr.->. Queen Ame style; sixroo:rs. bath; picked lumb;-r; nicely arranged;?.SxlO3; near .Telegraph ave ar.d Key routifen-ice.

.$2600.Modern ..cottare. .6. rooms, bath: .basement;

combination fixtures: 3S:6xl2u; street com-plete; 5 "\u25a0'.'} cash; near 35th and West st*.

$2250.' -' .Modern ls«-story Queen Anne cottage; six

rooms, bath; nearly new; electric lights: flnasunny lot 50x150: near 11th ave.. East. Oak-land; reduced from $3000; bargain; be quick.

QUI«?K SALE DEMANDED.$600—Fine West st.^lot north of 40th st; 50

ft. frontage; owner must selL . . .$2000.


Good 2-story; S rooms, bath; Klrkham st. cor-ner. 32x106; easy terms.

$1850.ilodem cottage, 5 rooms, bath; basement; cor-

ner, 30x140; rents $17 50; near locals.

$1650.INeat cottage. 5 rooms.' bath: basement; lot S3x

111; near ISth and Adeline.$1700.

i New cot tag*. 4 rooms, bath; basement; up-to-date; $300 casU. balance as rent; Frultvale.


Modern cottage. 5 rooms, bath; basement: nearlocals; $300 cash, balance bank mortgage of$1400. •y-*ai-:

Neat cottage. 4 rooms; basement; street workcomrlete,; near Key route.

$1250.House, 7 rooms: 75 ft. frontage; barn; chicken-

housce ;near San Fabio ave.;easy terms.

,. A LOT BARGAIN.$300—Elevated lot, 75xl25w glen view; street

macadamized; rapid transit service; ownerdemands immediate sale; see this.


\u25a0 -E. J. STEWART *CO..




Snap; -fine Investment; -two flats of 4and tS rooms, respectively, and cottage,all in flrst-class order and modern inevery respect: within two blocks of 7th-r*.local train to S. F.;In fine neighbor-hood: close to churches and schools;street macadamized and concrete walks;rents continually for $43 per month; see-th)5 et once; exclusive agents. .


A beautiful home of 6 large sunnyi rooms, bath and all modern conveniences;

nearly new; good location: -stable; large-'"—lot: street work -and concrete "walks.$2000

—Best' Income .property in - Oakland for

the money; two flats renting for $25 permonth: always rented; cement founda-tion: fine basement; street work, side-walks complete; a pick-up.


Foreclosure sale; beautiful 5-roomhouse, with high basement; brick founda-tion;- fcath; stationary tubs; hot and coldwater: lot 60x180; barn; chicken-houses;berry bushes: fruit trees;'thls property islocated withinone block of-S. F. trainsand car lines In one of. the choicest lo-cations in Oakland: owner is obliged -tosell this property this week on account

of mortgage.E. J. STEWART & CO.,


.. -V- READ THIS12 to 15 per cent Investment property; 2 newall modern flats of 12 rooms, 6 each, bath and'

lot 38x112; central, to business ; rents $57 50month; price. $4000; also 2 fiats, 10 rooms,with cottage in rear; rents $43 50 month; priceI3C00: a snap; owner must ha\-« money: 4new all modern flats of 22 rooms and lot 50x100: rents $96 month: price $9500: also severalothers which we have photographs of at the-office of THB ALDEN CO., 1233 Broadway,Oakland.

$8000—We have also for sale or exchange60-acre ranch. in raisins, grapes, peaches, figsalmonds, etc Also 20 acres In alfalfa andpasture.: good Improvements; house, barn andfine driveways to town;- a typical and goodpaying place; owner's illhealth and a«r» causeof sale. - We have also 87 acres, all- Improvedexcept buildings, well located, between LoaGatos and San Jose, 2*4 miles: $150 per acre.Call on or address THE ALDEN CO.. 12S3Broadway. Oakland. •


$667— Will buy lot S3:4xll5 on .Edwardsst. bet Telegraph ave. and Broadway.$1100— Reduced; choice building lot 32 -6x112: north side 34th st. Just off Telegraph ave$1150— Beautiful high lot on Vernon st •Vernon Heights; 40x132; superb view: nicehomes. * • • •

—$27 50 per foot; chance for speculators; 110

feet on Orange st. opposite Senator Perkins.H600—Lot 50x129 on 22d

-st. .bet Grove etand Tclerraph ave..

$450—Cheap lot on 2Sth st, near San Pabloave.. 25x100. * .-.,•,\u25a0;• BELDEN, Real Estat*.. 1112 Broadway, Oakland.

WE have an', elegant and thoroughly wellbuilt S-room dwelling, with every conveni-

'jence which modern architecture can suggest Ioccupying a large lot. located In-the most !desirable part of Oakland; absolutely within, the means- of any,-thrifty

'farcllr; \u25a0 very low price. Call on or addressROBERT P. DEY. 836 23d st. Oakland. Cal!

FOR sale— $S75; on Peralta Heights' East'.Oakland:. choice lot sunny, southern expos-

'"ure; sidewalk and street work complete; con-vergent to lake and boulevard

'and only 2

blocks to new Key Route car line. I-. B. H.WELCH ACO., ,.. Fifth avs. and East: 18th st, Oakland. 1










MEDIATELY ON THESE LOTS.We have some sylendld lets In Piedmont,

snd they are selling very fast; 18 new houses. are gain? up on this tract, and they are all-One oner. Th* view takes in the bay an.l Imountatns. the valleys ami the cities of Ala-!meda. Oakland and San Francisco. Nothing [finer ar.rwhere. .--.;»•\u25a0; >



A very nic« C-room cottace on lot31x100: rented at $22 5a


To close an estate; 7 rooms and bath... .- on lot 50x150.$2,100

—5 rooms and bath: modern: dose by

street car; in a growing neighborhood;' rented to a good tenant, at $17 50 permonth.


7 rooms and bath and barn; lot40x100. • ''{•'Aft \u25a0- '--\u25a0 . . \u25a0

?n,000— ELEGANT FURNISHED HOME;Colonial Etyle: very attractive; has fur-• nacea connected with every room; Illumin-ating and fuel gas; hot and cold water

• \u25a0-

up stairs and down; well lighted by elec-tricity and gas; sunny exposure; on alarge lot;carpets and heavy furniture gov.'ith the house; possession, given imme-diately: this Is a genuine bargain.


FORECLOSURE SALE.-Thsee very fine lots in' Berkeley for Just

enough to pay mortgage foreclosure andcosts. See our signs corner of Deakln andWoolser sts.


We have several good bargains which weare. not permitted to bill, but will gladly

tBhow you if you desire profitable Investments.See' our signs In Berkeley. Oakland. Ala-raeda. Frultvale and elsewhere and then

1160 Broadway. Oakland.. . 2131 Center st, Berkeley.S. M. DODGE & SON.



No. P3—

$1750— 3-room house with high base-ment: Just fichshed: lot 60x115; near goodschool; 6-cent fa:e; close to San Leandro road;$7.*i0 cash, balance on time.

No. 34—


5-room cottage: high base-ment: bath, hall and laundry: lot 41x138; a3Sth st. corner; 3 mln. to Key route; $1000cash.No. 33


—New 2-story house: colonial;

C rooms, bath, pantry, closets, etc.; streetwork all done; near Lorin; close to cars; willalso rent this place for $25 a month; shouldbe seen.

No. 21—$2S50— Reduced from $3500; a realbargain in Elmhurst; 2 stories; 8 rooms, bath;hot and cold water: windmill and tank; chick-en-houses and yards; barn; . fruit trees, etc.;lot 57x280: beautiful home.-- No. 4


—A new modern 2-story house of

9 rooms, with all the modern conveniences; lot35x140; close In:SCth st: It may be. a littlehigh for some, but It Is good.• No. 4


—2 new flats of 6 large rooms,

fcath, pantry; closets, etc., each; lot 37x144;now. rents for$70 a month; close in,'near Tele-graph ave. ; a home as well as an Invest-ment

Of course we have cheaper places and alsomore expensive ones, which we shall be pleasedto show you if you will favor us with a call.We have in course of construction several cot-tages .in Frultvale. which will soon be on themarket. Take a look goods. .-.-, j• We have lots at all prices and on all kindsof terms, as well as suburban acreage. Im-proved and unimproved. We can please youhere, we think. ,,'-r.:.; V .-\u25a0.':-..




CHAS. C. HULBERT.Tel. Main 1024. jf-'v "A 911 Broadway.


—Fine cottage, furnished; 8 rooms and

bath; BO-tt frontage; on 21st st, nearLinden.


Elegant new house of 7 rooms and bath:gas . and electric light; near Telegraphave.;will rent for $25.per mo., subjectto sale; $1000 cash, bal. $29 per mo.; lot40x107.

We .ire excluslx-e. agents 'tor .26 flna lots InGolde.n Gate: prices, $275 to $300.


Buys beautiful 2-story house; 6 roomsend bath; gas and electric lights; lot 37x100; high ground; East Oakland: close totwo car lines.


—Buys a ;nice cottage of B rooms and

bath; with lot" 50x120; East Oakland.$3500

—Buys fine 2Tstory. S-room house, nearly

new; on beautiful Vernon Heights: mag-nificent vl«w; term?. $1200 cash; balance$25 per mo., including Interest; lot 35x100; exclusive agents.

CHEAPER THAN PAYING RENT.$2650—$660 down, balance mortgage, for an up-

to-date, 2-story house of 8 rooms andbath; near San Pablo ave. and SouthernPacific local.


FOR SEEKERS OF A FINE HOME".Most attractive house on Grove st, of 7

rooms and- bath: gas and electric lights; finestable; lot 50x150.


CHAS. C. HULBERT.911 Broadway, Oakland.


GOOD B-room cottage, on Chestnut St.,near Sixteenth; .lot 84x100.

Manufacturing comer on Fifth st...near newSouthern Paclflo freight depot; can't bebeat as to location and price.

$100 each—

Lots near San Leandro road and\u25a0

\u25a0 Fltchburg: get one and make money. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

$2500—2 cottages of 5 rooms each: well rented;street work all done, and -less than \u25a0 five!minutes' walk to local station; car lineone-half block; very -easy terms.$6750— Lot 75x100; on Twelfth at, near LakeMerrltt. .

$9000— Beautiful home on ,'Filbert et, -inearTwelfth; double parlors. •finished Inhardwoods, best of finish throughout: costowner $15,000 to build; lot 84x125.


Good 7-room house In Piedmont; halfblock 'from car line; lot 150x200; • easy> terms; foreclosure." ' '.'.*\u25a0.7.

$4750— Nearly new 2-story." 7-room house; cor-. ner lot; situated 'near St Mary's College2 blocks to car line; excellent condition.'

THE-E. P. VANDERCOOK COMPANY.1018 Broadway. Oakland.

Or Room 232 Mills bldg..* San" Francisco.

NICE modern house, nearly .new; near Lake• Merrltt; \u25a0 close to new street car extensionJust in operation, greatly increasing value; 7..rooms; lot 65x232; price reduced to. $3000-$200 cash, balance- like rent» rooms; modern; lot 60x100: \u25a0 lying high

with cement retaining wall; In.East Oaklandnear new Key route service; $3500;' $300 cashbalance like rent' \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0 , • ' . • ,

Mansion in East Oakland; 14 rooms;*6 lots-:suitable for sanitarium .or private hospital*I$6.r>00; easy terms. W. Nr'RUSSELL.

-\u25a0 201 California st. Ban Francisco, Cal.

'. .- ";.','""'"' • *

$3000-t8-ROOM house, near Telegraph ave.- allmodern conveniences; lot is 50x125- sunnyside of street: price reduced from $4000-'this property is 5 blocks from Key Routestation. -.'.-" \u25a0'

'. *},'\u25a0

$1750— 6-room. cottage; barn and driveway; lot37:Cxl25; two.blocks from Key Routestation at Fortieth and Telegraph ave

C. K,iMARSHALL,1070 Broadway!

ADVEnrsggrs j


TATLOH li'.'.'.o:. i: CO..r.e*I Ertrte. Ir.suresc- tnj i'.n-r.w.i! AS«-S.Teicjhone Cedar 351. IZSi Urcad*'3y./3*kUnd. jfl.ttP—Exc»!'ent litUe ccttase cf 3 toorr.?: j

lZcrt OaklanJ. Cat; ciuee to car jinsfind school*. 1CS3



A «lar.dy cottssf. hanr'.zomely dec-orated throughout: hardwood mantels:everjtHr.s complete; email ca*h Jisy-nient b*:ar:ce- to cult: near new Key

rc-ute' trains; Jot o":till5 feet \u25a0 17v4

GOOD INVESTMENT.J2.4OO-- Flats In I-*ke Morrttt District; owner

r*1*:^-* in loucr f-st and rents upper tor$:s 1.r:ncrth_Thi 3 is verych,.P: iaia


—A dandy, up-to-dstf. little homo; fl

roon;s. combination fixtures. sei»er andrtreet work comjiJ-te; lot o7:0x!15 feet:two blocks of r.fw Key route; *1«W'cash tilanc? arrarx^d to suit. 1C33

MUST BE SOWD.fS,CO>— A fcindscTTU* 7-ro-m UweUinr; very

attractive and m?-<l?ra in every respect: 1

c»>mbin3ticn fixtures; best of open JpJumbing; fine Isrse bathroora; situated ;

in or.e of the choii/est locations in Oak- il«r.<l; 27;h et., near Telegraph ave. JThis nrice hi* actually been reduced j$10<A Owner In the Eaft acJ wires us jto get offer. lai3

NONE BETTER FOR THE MONET.j^OuO— TcJtet this ftr.e colonial dwelling;

double msntel*, modern throughout: !electric light*:within tr» blocks .of jProduce Market: ground.-lalues here $100 iwr frost foo'_ ;

CfVESTMEXT. ;f12.RW— I»t 105x150 fe«t, vrith'.n three blocks <

cf J4th and Uroodwsy; a 17-room resi-dence thereon. In perfect condition; nod- \«te i- every rerp^ct and is now renting Jfor $*a per month. Present t?rant wlil- jing to --j.t~ 5 rearT" lease ani pay ad-

'diUcsa.1 rent for roonie aZded. There ! U0 feet of BT«SUbl« building ground

adjoining the house which could be im- jproved and in worth at least $100 per Ifrost foot This rrop^nr is surrounded

'by the flsewt bcrae% In Oaklana and rep- |resents a cost of over $23,009.



Four ne« flats, recently built: lighted 1by electricity throughout; gas for fuel juse: fire'.F; elegantly finished and |decorated; re;:tir.g for $10SO per anr.urr.. :<~fcange of resiserce forces owner to s*!l. IThese fists are close in. 1C38 j


—Four flat flats, can-iprlring 30 rooms. !

xria:in 5 raisutes' walk of City Ka'l:;all are occupied artd are now briucirg jin an income at $1IKX> per annum. This ;property is situated in a progressive 1luslac&s locality and ground alone is Iworth the price. We invite inspection. |

•we are exclusive agents foribon.e"»'ard heights. tuxedo park. !lakk view terr-\cb and have a jnvmber of choice residence lotsleft inheartiftl peralta heights. |with marine view. only one tothree blocks to the fourth ave. !ket route. 40 minutes' service tosan francisco. special induce-ments as to terms and plans fur jn;sheu for building to suit pur-OM?ERS.




Take Use Piedsicnt avenue car; \u25a0 get off atVernal and Oakland avenues; walk <So»n Oak-land avraur one block to Bonita avenue, and\u25a0\u25a0n the southeast corner, opposite the hand- Itorn* residence cf Beach Soule. you will findI•i let surrounded by an evergreen hedge, from jthis lot you will«ee one. of the grandest marine \u25a0

v!fw»in the world. Tfc« lot Is 35 minutes from i£an Francisco, and the price lew than property jm same neighborhood. This lot will be sold iss a whole or In subdivisions. SO MUCHFOR THE LOT.

Want to secure a portion cf sll thisfromeire at rrtce* charged for property halfas r»:h1. call on my offices. Rooms 62-?3 B&con Building.






. .



The Key Route electric train and ferrymakes th« trip from Fortieth street and Tele-graph avenue In 30 minutes. The fare for theround trip is only three dollars per month;single tar* only ten cents.

We have a variety cf lots within walkingdistance cf the station; terms and prioe* tosuit; caU and you win be convinced.

RICHARD J. MONTGOMERY,Real Estate Owner and Dealer,

K«r Route station. Fortieth st and Tele-graph ave., Ontral Oakland.


We have been appotnted exclusive agents byths trustees of the Samuel Merrltt Hospital forths saJe of all the property belonging to thesaid hospital and fronting on Jackson, Madi-son. Oak, Twelfth and Thirteenth sts., Includ-ing "The Willowe," oa Oak et, extending backto LsJce Merrltt recently under option to theCity of Oakland for park purposes; also theMerrttt homestead.

W« have both improved and unimprovedproperties to offer; most desirable residenceproperties In Oakland.


• J. H. MACDONALD & CO.,1052 Broadway.

WALTER E. LOGAN & CO.,- 100S Broadway, Oakland.C2000— 25x110; cottag*. 6 rooms and bath;

hlfh basement laundry, etc; convenientto call of railroad.


43x133; S rooms and bath; -rents $40

month: walking distance City Hall andnarrow gauge..J1B00— 45x100; SW. cor. 27th and West sts.;

szjip. Mnrnt1*000—45x100; 9 rooms and bath; high base-ment: brick foundation; house partly fur-nished.

rin shares Plerc* Hardware Company; costtiOO; owner will discount It $25.1*000

—e0xK«>; 2-story house, 8 rooms andbath.; room oa the corner to build store

and flat: near San Pablo ave.; splendidprospective property.

WALTER E. LOGAN & CO.,. IOCS Broadway. Oakland.. -


Ws have been exclusively euthorired to selltin easy terms the remaining Oakland proper-ties acquired by the

SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNIONender foreclosure of mortgags.

W« win sell these properties at figures farbelow the present market rates. wmnta. bargain call or write us for particulars

J. H. MACDONALD&CO.,10S2 Broadway.

$2*X> DOWN and balance like rent will placeyou In possession of a beautiful new 5-roomcottage, porcelain bath snd modern through-out; lot 60x105; closo to street cars. KeyRoute or schools; price $2000.


1008 Broadway, Oakland.—— .—_ .TEH per cent net' Income, payable monthly

In advance. :Strictly modern 2-story bull&Ingon northeastcorner, 1block from San Pablo ave. and fewminutes to City Hall; a good bond Invest-ment; tltln guaranteed.

HARRY L.HOLCOMD. . ,314 San Pablo ave., Oakland, Cal.

CITEAP for cash—

Fine Orove-st comer; 45x130. Apply 7J1 Fifty-ninth-«t, ''Oakland.




d«t=ct'.v9wishes work from private parties: At'ref-; r«-ascnable rat»s. . Dox 1*74-.*. Call.

ATTOEMEYS-AT-LAW. .A FRAUDULENT dlvorc* Is dsar at $12 aniit no good; for 22 years I've ma!» divorces• ireclaliy; quick; quiet: no money needed;bo pay unless divorce Is granted; perfectlyreliable; lowest fees; advice free: colfcctioasrcade- G. W. HOWE. 1122 Markat it

CONSULTATION fro. private apd confMen-tlal; business legally and promptly trans-acted: collections, mechanics' lien*, probaf.tenani.3 ejected: legal papers drawn; loans

"en real estate; eafe. sound investments highrates Interest W. MATTHEWS. 632 MarSc?t.

R. W: KING. Attorn?y-at-Iaw, Exam, ilig.,6th floor: entrance room 611 r established 28years: all courts, general court and officepractice: no fees In advance or for consulta-tion; evening by appointment. Tel. Red 3001.

AA—Divorce; costs $12; <juick.qulet;advlc» free;all law business: no charge unless . succp**-*fill;open evenings. 027 Market st. room 301.

ADVICE free: divorce costs $12: no fees orcosts In advance; all law business; ofSc*open Eaturday aven!nga. 819 Market st.. r.33.

JOHN GUIDERY. attorney-at-law. rooms .1and 4, 240 Montgomery st; phone Red 661T.

L.S. CLARK,027 Market, room 304; consulta-tion free; no fees In advance; open evening*.


1STANDARD made gasoline automobil* with-tonneau; sacrifice for cash or cart propertyIn Berkeley: 12-cyllnder gasoline auto; goo4as xaade; make offer: or will exchang* forhorses and bugslea. .Address box 15S2. Calloffice, Oakland. .» .


$C5C0 •'Oldjrmoblle;" practically new:used about four months. Call or wrlts^ 675Thirty-sixth «t.. Oakland.

PACKARD automobile- for sal's: flrst-c*asa run.nlng order; will sell for $1SCO. Box 1637,Call office. \u25a0 .

ASTHMA CUBE.DINOLA'S Asthma Remedy relieves tnstxaUr:

10c, 25c. 60c. 1C02 Markat St Nicholas;tlio Wlshart 10th and Washington. Oakland.



Boy baby; ide&l hos:» at B"unk«Mafrnlty Villa. 14H 8t!v st. Alaineda.


Por Bal< or Crdximg-*.

A RAMBLER, perfect, only $12 50; tandem.$20. Address room 33. 421 Larkln st.

CLEVELAND wheel for «al». 3343 Eighteenthatreet. : > \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'

BOABPrjTP roBcsoijivjsa.

RESPECTABLE married lady wlta' child 3years old would take good cars of 1or 3children and go residing near parents; speak*French and English. Box 2126. Call.

A MIDDLE-AGED lady would Uk» motheries*children to care for; terms reasonable. 613East Sixteenth st. East Oakland, or 23Pore st. city.

AMERICAN family wants a child to tak» car*of; good home; best of references. Call at7S5* Vallejo st

A GOOD home for girlover 4; no otSsr chil-dren inboard. 707 Hampshire st

SMALL child to board in privat* family; bestof care. ISIS Mascn st.

SMALL child to board in private family; bestof care. P6I*-i Greenwich st .


A child to take car* of; good car*.MRS. WEBER. 2S2 Turk st



A—$500; HARDWARE, locksmith and electri-cal repair shop: established 25 years; bestlocation. Particulars R. G.- WILKE. Sfjs-jKearny.

A—$500; HARDWARE, locksmith and electri-cal repair shop; established 25 years; bestlocation. Particulars H. G. WILKE, 2t>'iKtarny.

A—$1SOO; SALOON oa water front, clc*e toMarket, st;net rent $120; place establishedmany years and known as a good


business. See R. G. WILKE. 2tt',i-Keamy.


$300; BAKERYwith delicatessen store, ice-cream parlor; In very best location; will bjsacrificed: owner must leave at once f?r NewYork; rent $20. Call R. G. WILKE, 1'U'j-Kearny st.

A—$3500; LIQUOR store, with 5 years', lease:$2t>0O stock guaranteed:-1 block:north- of-

Market; "a rery rare chance, call oa. .R. G.WILKE. 26^i Kearor st \u25a0


\u25a0 :\ \u25a0 \u25a0

A—$1800; RESTAURANT and coffee salooa:..daily receipts $30; rent iSO; lease; place lo-. cated close to Market and a good bu3lnets.

Call on R. G. WILKE. 2«^ Kearny atA—$3500; SALOON: the best oa the water

front; rent $74; place known .for the lost 3t>years as a first-class paying, business. . Forparticulars call on P.. G. WILKE, 26*4Kearnx »t .. . - . .._:. .^


$1200; OLD-ESTAB.' dyeing and clear-lnsworks; 3 horses; 4 wagons;, net rent $20;place' estab. for many years and has a laxg*patronage; a good paying business. Call caR. G. WILKE. 28a Kearny st

A—$1000; HOTEL; a first-class paying bar; 14rooms, dining-room and kitchen, wtta 6-yearlease: close to carhouae and other factories.See R. G. WILKS. 2t>}a Kearny st

A—$1800; RESTAURANT for sale, inth» bestmining town, ia t&e State of Nevada; 'dailyreceipts. $150; opposite the round hou*«; no>better paying proposition la Nevada. •Putlculara R. G. WILKE. 26 fr Kearny st.

-$600—WILL take partner ia a good paying,

nicely furnished coCe* parlor and restau-rant; lease: or owner will aell for $1100jpart on time. Se» R. G. WILKE, 2814Kearny st


$7000; BAKERY, ens of tha beat ia eltytmonthly sales $6000; splendid chance for frwtipartners; not all cash necessary. Particular*%Tt> R. O. WILKEy 2gxj Kearny rt.

A—$2500; HOTEL la Sonoma, Co.; 20 fara.rooms; dining and bar room, bos. 3 horses,cow, etc., and 7 acres of land; 5 years' leaj*rrent $50. or owner will sell whol« propertyfor $12,000. Particulars R. O. WELKEL SS^Kearcy »t. . . _^^

A—$1750; CORNER grocery and b*s. -with 9living rooms, oa Sacramento st; 4H y«arVlease; rent $45; the -very best locatloa.- SeaR. O. WILKE. 26H Kearny st.

$550—Restaurant; very best location: rant $80;close to Kearny and Bush; a good-paytasInvestment: Investigate. Call en B. O.WILKE. 26% Kearny st. '\u25a0\u25a0

A—$2900; CORNER grocery and bar oa V«,lencia st: lease; old

-established and good

paying business; investtsate; a rare »•»»»""»,See R. O. WILKE. 28 fr Kearny st.


$2350; COAL. wood, bay and train, bast-ness; S horses. 3 wagons; net r*nt $34;place established years; very best loca-tion; a good cash business. Be* R. CX.WILKE. 26^ Kearny st. . '

A—$S0O; CORNER salooa In wfeoleasltt dis-trict; .r.o night or Sunday work; salooa •*•tab. 20 years and known as a good -bust*ness. Bee R, O. WILKE.28 VjKearny st.


$2450; CORNER grocery and bar; 5 years'lease; rent $40; store doing a large cash bu«l_ness; location can't be beat; valus la slzat.See R. O. WILKE. 26*j Kearny at.


$2600: COFFEE saloon and restaurant; 1block from Examiner building: place estaVIl9hed years; doing & first-class business;about $70 per day. Particulars see R. O.WILKE. 26>£ Kearny st.



$3500; CORNER grocery and bar on Fultoast; rent $80; livingrooms; stock will to-, voice about $2SC0; a well established andfirst-class paying business. See B. O.WILKE. 26>6 Kearny st. .

A—$350; DAIRY, produce and delicatessenstore: 3 rocms; rent $23; best location Va-lencia st. Call R. O. WILKE. 28H Kearay.

AAA—Long established and largest real es-tate business In growing town near S.-F. •pays $300 to $500 per month: $t50» worth ofunincumbered real estato on hand. Willsell for actual value of real estate, good willof business thrown in free.THORNE &KILPATRICK. 312 Bush «t

F. L..SKAGG3 & CO.. HOTEL BROKERS).28 Montromery st. 8. F. Phone Jame* 6301.

We mak» a specialty of hotels in good, llvocountry towns. Our business covers the entirePacific Coast. There are now s. number ofsplendid opportunities requiring $1000 to $10.-00O. Hotel men please call.$73»X*

—Grocery and bar on proralaent comer;

horses, wasons. buggy, etc.; stock will In-voice price asked: thia business •stabllshedmany-years and willbear closest inspection.Owner Xn retire; no ascr.ts. Address box2872. Call office.


Partner in established packingbusiness handling pickles and grocers' -sun-dries: additional capital will he utilize*! toincrease

-business. For particulars address

-Charles F.O'Callaghan. atty.. 3» Nevada-blk.WILL sacrifice for quick sale the best paying

grocery and bar north of Market st. ;receipts.$60 to $70 a day; make offer. PACIFICBUSINESS ASSN.', 1143 Markat '«t- \u25a0


—Partner with $4500 cash: have the

best and safest business proposition- ererpresented, where large profit will be made;don't answer unless you mean- business; -noagents. Box Z5X>; Call.

MAN willing to invest $650 -can mak* '98000. first year: stands investigation. Call- 10 s, m.No. 750 Market st. Room 4, *




, Thirty-five minutesfrom San Francisco

By Key route ferry—20 minute service—itt trains daily.


Elevation 400 feet—'

High above the fog.


OFSAN_FRANCISCO.Prices from $30 to $-10 per front, foot.

Highland Terrac-—2 minutes' walk from Keyroute statlcn— $25 to $30 per foot.This is a safe, quick investment. .-

Acreage and villa sites in all parts of Ala-meda County.

City lots In Oakland. Piedmont and Berkeley.


Purchaser can occupy his house on a smalleroutlay than the cost of the lot alone.

The easiest building offer on the market







$500 down, balance on terms, will buy a 4-room cottace, modern plumbing, gas,electricity and only one block from SanPablo ave.; only $1SOO.


This 6-room house, located on Filbertst, is a cheap buy and won't last long.If this price suits you come early.


North Oakland- snap; lot alone worththe money; 50x150 feet and a story anda half 7-room house; only a block fromcar line.

1326$2000— Half cash, balance on mortgage will

buy 4-room cottage on lot 32:6x137:0;one block from Grove-st. electric car andKej- route.


—6-room cottage on Brush, close in;

\u25a0 could be turned into flats at very nom-inal cost and made to pay good interest.See us for particulars. This Is a bargain.


—An elegant new 5-roora home in North

Oakland, close to Key route; only oneblock from street cars. This house ispartly furnished and willsell Immediately.Just put up for sale. Less than halfcash down will buy it.


This elegant new bungalow Is all thatcan be desired by the most exacting peo-ple. Th» best of locations, the best, ofneighbors and surrounded by. fine resi-dences. This is near town and only afew minutes' ride, in walking distance.You must see it to ba convinced that youcan't find its duplicate anywhere for one-third more value. Eight rooms and bath.Complete In every respect .>v*.v


—Located close .to cars in growing neigh-

borhood; only one-fifth down, balance easyterms. .A rare chance, for speculation;prices bound to advance. . ;,k *


V. ,V C THISt .; \u25a0



$3250— Modern. Queen Ann home, located inthe exclusive neighborhood of Hamiltonplace, choicest eeotloa In Linda Vista; 7large, sunny roonis., bath: modern plumb1ing; side entrance with large sunnyporch; 2 open fireplaces: china closets,-

.-etc.; large basement with Inside stair-way; less than 15 minutes' walk fromFourteenth and Broadway or narrowgauge train; easy terms. This is a great•sacrifice as owner must leave town be-fore January 15 on account of change in• business. .-\u25a0\u25a0•;-.-- '•»

$1200— New, modern store and flat A rarechanoe to get a good piece of businessproperty.locatsd at the terminus of. KeyRoute. Flat rented under two years'lease at $30 per month; store will rentfor 125 oer month. Good opening for aaykind of business.

KREIES & HORSWILL.. 1070 Broadway.



The Elmhurst Hotel, nearly new; 20large rooms above and 15 below, besides ai^?t Btore separate from the hotel; lot 115x136:7; building50x100; cost owner $10,000 cashfive years ago; -wras then rented for $30 permonth; a great bargain at the price asked-ov,n,VLovrr 80 years old and in feeble health.$1900— House at Frultvale R. R. station- 5rooms; nearly new; $150 Cash, balance Install-ments.

$1550—New cottage at junction of Piedmontave. and M. V. Cemetery line; 6 rooms; $350ca2?A alance *15 Per month.


Good 6-room house at Frultvale R. R.?V£Sv:J15° cash» *»»»*\u25a0<:« $1* Per month. .b 1^500

—New house at Elmhurst; ten rooms,barn, shop, windmill, chicken.houses and bear-ing fruit trees; lot 200x150; small cash pay-

ment; balance installments.



IRA C. JENKS.1200 Broadway. Oakland. Cal.

$2600— 887 THIRTY-FOURTH st: a fine newEastlake cottage. .high basement, enameledbathtub, nickel-plated plumbing, wash traystine mantel, gas fixtures, hardware the best;lot 31x100; street work complete; near Keyroute and electric cars; easy terms; key at; office.

* We. have a..pretty cottage of 4 rooms, por-celain bath, electric lighting, hot and coldwatar; very sunny; Fremont St., near 55th; 2blocks from Golden Gate station \u25a0 and SanPablo- ave.; open to-day for Inspection; pay-monts like rent; go and see- it.

$2400—Two flats, 6 rooms and bath; hard-wood mantel; lot 36x100; also rear cottage, 4rooms, included in above price; a snap; finelocation; cars. pass -door; 3 blocks from localtrain in East Oakland; Twelfth ave., nearEast Sixteenth, st ,-. .

GEO. W. AUSTIN,-.•. \u25a0

•• 1002 Broadway. Oakland.

$4000—18 all w« ask for a new and modern 8-room house; electrio.and gas; N. side of•

-Santa Clara,. near cars. 470-1


This is a chance to make some money;8-room house on Edwards \u25a0 »t;Investi-

-Eate. '\ -, 610-12$2600— Excellently built cottage. 5 rooms and. . . bath; Isabella, near San Pablo; must b«-

seento be appreciated. . '500-3

.For fair treatment and quick sale*, list Trlth

F. F. PORTER. 466 .Eighth Jgt.

A LITTLE,SUBURBAN HOMEL , . '•;S1200— % acre,: with new modern cottage,

barn, chicken-houses, good well of . water,shade, fruit trees, shrubbery etc.: '30 minutesfrom Broadway.. Oakland; 8 blocks from San-Leandro car. line and.cornering on 3 open ave-nues: $400 cash, -. balance bank mortgage, t 4years at;7 -

per; cent" or'monthly \u25a0 payments;

this Is a snap and only offered this week.GEO. F. COSBY, rm. 106. Bacon bik.. Oakland$760 FORa larg« buildinglot near Key.Route;.v,ln Santa ,Fe ..Tract,Berkeley,

-30 ;minutes. from San Francisco; easy ;monthly ;pay-

>jments: street work;completed ;\u25a0 good locality..'HOLCOMB,-"BREED '&'BANCROFT, <1060


HOLIDAYOFFERINGS.Oakland Heights. Vernori st; 6ood two-story

hou;e of eight rooms; $3600.

flWO—Lot 50x100; on Verncn st.,* close^toSenator. Perkins' home; cheap.

Vernon st; choice lots $1000; on easy terms;or build to suit.

Telegraph ave. and 34th st.;north side ofstreet, close to Telegraph; 05x110; $2100.

Corner on Telegraph ave. and 23d st; this isthe best corner left.

Walsworth ave.; good lot, 2SxllO; $750.'

SOxlDO; on:Glen:Echo Heights, close to KeyRouts station. Piedmont; will be sold for $900;only cno fare to the city;25 minutes' ride; seethis; we have others. !•'

East Oakland, close to 4th ave. and Hop-kins; 75x100. for $S0O; bargain.

$500 for flats; East 18th and 8th ave.Good lot. 25x100; north side.

J JAS. S. NAISM1TH.531 Thirteenth st

ALDEN REALTY CO.. 5184 Telegraph ave.Phone Black 64S1.

$250 cash. $21 60 per month buys a new 5-room cottage near Telegraph ave. and Al-catraz; price $1SQO.

$100. cash.. $20 per.month buys a new 4-roombungalow near Telegraph and Fourth-st

j Key Route, depot: price $2000.!$250 cash $25 per month- buys a new 5-room'

cottage near Fortieth st. and Grove-st.Key Route depot; price $2250.

$5C0 cash. ?32 per month buys a new. modern9-room house; street work, sewer and side-walk complete;, near Fifty-fifth-st.- KeyRoute depot; price $2650.

Improved and unimproved property at a bar-gain. , . .$550 buys a 2-room house on New Broadway,

near Country Club; lot 25x125.$So0 buys a 3-room house near College "ave.;

lot 60x150.;$550 buys SO feet on Telegraph ave.;street

'work all done.

$5C0—DESIRABLE lot: B0 feet front; on hilloverlooking Lake Merrltt; near Key Routecars: ...

$1850— Corner lot 60x120, with all street workdone: a good cottage of 4 rooms and bathami barn; half block from local.


Two new. modern flats of 6 rooms; nowrented $39 per month: all street work. done; convenient to cars and local' trains.

HUGH M. CAMERON.1058 Broadway..2'. •-• Oakland.


. $500 for 2 lots, worth $1000; all street workand cement sidewalk done.

-Se« P. C. LAS-

SEN & CO., 466 Tenth st. Oakland. .A SNAP— Choice lot, 110x125, SW. cor. 21st

and Myrtle sts. ;will be sold as a whole orin subdivisions: sold to settle an estate. 1453Myrtle st. Oakland.

FOR sale—

$1900; one full acre, of ground oneast side Lawton avenue, commencing 150feet from Hudson st.;let us show you thisweek; 2 blocks from car line. GEO. F.COSBY, room 105, Bacon block. Oakland.


HANDSOME new S-room house; furn-ace; Lakeside district, near business center,must sell. LAYMANCE REAL ESTATECO., 460-462 Eighth st. Oakland.

THREE small flats renting for $28: R minutesfrom City Hall; $2500. Owner. 802 Franklin.

OAKLAND FLATS TO LET.FLAT to let. .Inquire 776 Harrison «t, Oak-




—Furnished room with private

family, near narrow gauge, by young gentle-man with references. Box 2777. Call office.

OAKLAND rURNITUBE FOB SALE.TO-MORROW the day for bargains In furnl-

ture. H: Schelhaaa, 11th


$300 TO $S00—Ten per cent cash, balanc« $10;(,monthly; flr.a large lots; graded streets; pure. mountain water; \u25a0 grand redwood trees;charming views; right at the station; theyare selling fast; 130 lots sold; send for il-lustrated booklet LYON & HOAG, 116

i Montgomery st. . .. . - *i;•

San Francisco Advertiseni't'sC3gxrar.cK SEsyicEa.

FIRST Congregational Church, corner Post andMason sts.

—Rev. George C. Adams, D.D..

pastor, will preach at both services. At 11a. m., topic, "Some Young .Men." At 7:45p. m., topic, "To-morrow." All

"ar» cor-

[4 dlally invited.

THIRD Congregational Church, Fifteenth st,near Mission

—Rev. William Rader, pastor

(residence Hotel Manhattan), will preach at'both services; 11 a. m., "Crossing the Sea,

' or the Duties and Dangers of Life's Voyage."7:30 p. xn., "Tbe People at Play and theInfluence of Popular Pleasures Upon Char-acter." Last In series.

GRACE CHURCH/ California st. cor. Stock-ton. Rev. David J. Evans, rector. Celebra-tion of holy communion 8 a. m. Morningservice, 11 a. m. Benedicite, Gregorian;Benedlctus. Crotch .In C: Offertory, "SeekYe the Lord," Roberts. Full cathedral ser-vice, 7:45 p. ra. Allseats free at this ser-vice. Sermon at both cervices by th« rector;organist and choirmaster. Wm. H. Holt.

TRINITYChurch. Bush and Gough sts.—

Rev.Frederick W. Clampett. D. D.. rector. Holy

• communion, 7:30 a. m.;Sunday school, 9:30a. m.;morning service, .11 a. m.; sermon byrector: evening service, 8 p. xn.; sermon byRev. James Hulme.-.

TRINITYPresbyterian Church, corner Twenty-third and Capp sts.. Rev. Edward K. Strong.


Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:80p. m. Bible school at 12:30 p. m. EndeavotSociety, at B:30 p. m. Midweek meeting onWednesday at 8 p. m. • Strangers welcome toall these services. £

CALIFORNIA Street Methodist Church, cornerCalifornia and Broderick sts.

—The pastor.

Rev. George A. Hough, will preach morning\u25a0 and evening. Morning theme. "Where- to

\u25a0 Find Rest." Evening, "Will My Religion8tand-the Test?" Special music by choruschoir. • All seats free. Strangers cordially

5 welcomed. , Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.Epworth League at 6:30 p. m.

CENTRAL M. E. Church, Mission st, bet.Sixth and Seventh

—The pastor, Dr. George

W. White, will preach at both services.Morning topic, the third sermon on "Is theApostles' Creed. Obsolete?" Evening,"Christ or Barabbas?". Sunday-School at12:45. Rolla V. Watt, Superintendent; YounaPeople's meetings at 6:15; song service, 7:30.

SIMPSON Memorial Methodist EpiscopalChurch, corner of Hayes and Buchanan 'sts.—

Rev. James H. N.' Williams, the pastorwill preach at 11 a. m. on "The Final Eraof Preparation for the Messiah," ,and at7:30 p. m. on "The Man Who Failed toFollow His Own Advice." All seats free.Polite ushers. Best of music. .

UNITARIAN Church (First), SW. corner ofGeary and; Franklin sts.

—Rev. Bradford

Leavitt. minister. Junior church and-Sun-\u25a0.. day. school are at 10 o'clock. Rev. Bradford

Leavitt and C. A, Murdock, 'superintend-ents.. Sunday service is at 11 o'clock. Ther«is no evening service. Mr. Leavitt willpreach.- Subject,- "Sunday. IU Use and. Abuse." .»Special music by augumented choirnext Sunday. Music by quartet, under di-rection of H..Bretherick, organist. All arecordially Invited.

UNITARIANChurch (Second), corner Twen-tieth .and Capp sts. \u25a0 (Take Mission or Va-lencia st -car.)

—C. Calvert Smoot, minister-residence, 3470 Twentieth st.' The Sunday

school meets at 0:45 o'clock; 'Mrs L..ACovel. superintendent. At the morningservice at 11 o'clock C."Calvert Smoot willpreach. Subject "Ptolemy or Copernicus"Music by orchestra and choir under th« di-. rection of Mr. Jablsh Clement. AllcordiallyInvited. No evening service.

iFIRST Presbyterian Church, Van Ness aveand Sacramento st.' Rev. Kirk Guthrie. pas-tor—Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m!;the pastor will preach at both services; Sab^bath-School_ at-9:45 a. m.; Christian En-deavor, 5:15 and 6:15 p. in.; Wednesday. 8P- ro-. mJd_week service; all are cordially

CALVARYPresbyterian Church cor. Jacksonand Flllmore sts.— Rev. John Hemphill. D.D.pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock. In-stallation of elders and:deacons Evening

•service. at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon topic, "tMan Made Whole." The pastor .will preachat,both services. Sabbath ,school at' a..m.;;Christian Endeavor meeting at 6*30p* '?*.,Praver meeting Wednesday '.evening;at .8,o'clock. Allare cordially.Invited.

THB Peo»l«'a Church ".\u25a0holds services .Sunday; • evenings In Elks' .>Hall.'223 Sntter st. ;at 8% o'clock; subject, "Power of tho Press.*; Pas-tor *Mrs. 'Anna L..Glllesple.v residence 631-•• .\aa Nes» ave.."
