The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency...

The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October 1. The Exercise, a large earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) has occurred in the southeast portion of Missouri. Many counties in eastern Missouri have been impacted, including the St. Louis area. The Kansas City region is setting up reception sites to receive the estimated 250,000 evacuees expected from the impacted areas in eastern Missouri. Amateur radio operators will be expected to support the operations at the reception centers, shelters, hospitals, and EOC’s throughout the metro. This scenario takes place 3 days post -earthquake.

Transcript of The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency...

Page 1: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

The Salvation Army

The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications

Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

Exercise Saturday, October 1.

The Exercise, a large earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) has occurred in

the southeast portion of Missouri. Many counties in eastern Missouri have been impacted,

including the St. Louis area. The Kansas City region is setting up reception sites to receive the

estimated 250,000 evacuees expected from the impacted areas in eastern Missouri. Amateur

radio operators will be expected to support the operations at the reception centers, shelters,

hospitals, and EOC’s throughout the metro. This scenario takes place 3 days post-earthquake.

Page 2: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

SATERN responded to Emergency Disaster Services

Office, Corps facilities and from a Hamfest.

Rich Britain NØENO (left) Kansas &

Western Missouri SATERN Divisional

Coordinator provided radio

communications with Emergency

Communication Services. Jim Alexander

KIØCT (above) Metro Coordinator was

the Controller/Coordinator.

In Wichta, Henry Monton (WØIE)

SATERN Assistant Divisional

Coordinator, J.B. Scott (KDØCSL), Anna

Monton (WØAJM), Larry Grimes (ABØRC) and Lynn Grimes (KGØWQ) played a part in the

exercise from the Wichita Area Hamfest.

At the June Jeffers Memorial Radio Room at the Olathe Corps we had John Capra (KDØEVM)

and Jay Greenough (WJØX) working the radios.

The SATERN Communications Vehicle proves it

worthduring the drill

Page 3: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

From Kansas City,

Missouri Emergency

Disaster Services at 1110

East Truman Road the


Vehicle dashed to 600

Walnut Street in

Leavenworth, to the

Kansas Salvation Army

Social Services Office to

provide radio contact for

simulated shelter meal

needs. A SATERN member contacted Lt. James Beardsley, the Corps Officer, to display team

support should the need appear. While there, radio contact was established with the

Leavenworth County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service.

By radio dispatch,

Chuck Simpson

KCØNUG (Pictured) &

Mike Asselta KDØCDQ

then motored to Harbor

Light Village the

Salvation Army facility

in Kansas City, Kansas.

That facility is led by

Major Timothy and

Beverly Best.

Page 4: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

A “Real Life” emergency occurred while the SATERN members were on site unrelated to the

exercise as seen above.

Sometimes problems are uncovered during these drills as the SATERN members discovered as

they attempted to access the radio room at Harbor Light Village to establish contact with EDS

KCMO. It was discovered they could not gain access to the radio room with their keys and

access badge. A positive during an exercise is to uncover problems, and come up with

solutions. Better now during a drill…

Back to Kansas City, Missouri EDS the Communications Vehicle demonstrated the versatility

of multiple radio technologies on wheels. The vehicle unified multiple Salvation Army Shelters

with various County Emergency Communication Services (ECS) in two states.

SATERN at the MECC Drill

Our goals were to support simulated canteen (feeding) and sheltering operations of

The Salvation Army during the SET by providing radio communications.

What we accomplished

1. Opened up and communicated from the Emergency Operations Radio Room at The

Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Office in Kansas City, MO.

Page 5: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

2. Made a request to the Johnson County, KS ARES Emergency Coordinator (SATERN

has a National Memorandum of Understanding with the American Radio Relay

League) for volunteers. This was one of our operational goals and the EC assisted us

with our need.

3. Opened up and communicated from the Olathe Corps (Olathe, KS) from the June

Jeffers Memorial Radio Room staffed by two amateur radio operators.

4. SATERN Communications Vehicle sent to Leavenworth, KS to operate from outside

the Leavenworth Corps.

5. SATERN Communications Vehicle was then redeployed to Harbor Light Village (a

Salvation Army Facility in Kansas City, KS) to provide communications.

6. Established contact by radio with Divisional SATERN members in Wichita, KS.

7. Sent and received about 20 pieces of formal written traffic during the SET.

8. Established communications with the SATERN International/National Net (on 20

meters) and the SATERN Central Territorial Net (on 40 meters) advising of the drill.

9. We had eleven volunteers help support our operations.

Let’s step back a day… Pictured is SATERN Divisional

Coordinator Rich Britain, NØENO,

on the roof of The Salvation Army

Emergency Disaster Services Office

in Kansas City, MO on September

30, 2016. Rich is securing a Comet

GP 3 Dual Band 146/446 MHz

antenna to a small tower located on

the roof. SATERN member Lee

Clark, NDØK, donated the GP 3.

The GP 3 replaces a two-meter

ground plane antenna that was not

working properly. Kansas City

Metro Coordinator Steve Leiker, who

took the photograph, assisted Rich.

Page 6: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

When All Other Communications Fail, Try SATERN

Photo: SATERN volunteer Pete

Tiffany (KT4BW) at the amateur

radio operating station in the

Salvation Army's Satellite

Communications (SATCOM)

Trailer. Courtesy Bill Feist | WB8BZH

SATERN Territorial Coordinator Southern

Territory [email protected]

SATERN was Activated For Hurricane Matthew

The information was written while Hurricane Matthew

was still an active storm

The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) is actively monitoring its’

frequency of 14.265 MHz for emergency, priority and health & welfare messages. SATERN

amateur radio operators are listening for any emergency communications coming from the

Caribbean as a result of Hurricane Matthew. The SATERN frequency will be monitored

continuously until 9:00 PM (Eastern). After 9:00 PM, SATERN operators will assist the

Hurricane Watch Net on its night-time frequency of 7.268 MHz.

Any licensed amateur radio operator, regardless of nationality, is welcome to participate on

the SATERN frequency to assist in monitoring for, or to send or receive, emergency, priority

or health and welfare messages.

Although SATERN will be accepting emergency, priority and health and welfare messages out

of the impacted area, it is not possible to send or deliver health and welfare inquiries into the

impacted area. William Feist - WB8BZH | [email protected] | (601) 421-1496

Page 7: The Salvation Army · 2016. 12. 29. · The Salvation Army The annual Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council MECC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Exercise Saturday, October

During times of weather events [email protected] is a link to SATERN

activities. (Editor’s note)

SATERN Meeting Information: KANSAS CITY METRO SATERN meeting November 14

th 7pm @ The

Salvation Army Corps, Olathe Corps, 420 East Santa Fe, Olathe, Kansas


SEDGWICK COUNTY SATERN meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each

month, in the City Command building, at 6:30 PM local time. The address

is 350 N. Market, Wichita, Kansas 67202

WYANDOTTE COUNTY SATERN meeting - held on the third Thursday

of the month at the Harbor Light Village Salvation Army Corps, 6721

State Avenue, Kansas City, KS. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in

conjunction with the Jayhawk Amateur Radio Society.

Mike Asselta kdØ[email protected]

Kansas & Western Missouri Divisional PIO Editor Volume 6 Number 11 November 2016