The room on the ROOF


Transcript of The room on the ROOF

  1. 1. THE ROOM ON THE ROOF By-Ruskin Bond
  2. 2. GROUP MEMBERS- Satyajit pradhan ,Roll no-23 Sibani mahapatra ,Roll no-7 Ashutosh prusty ,Roll no-31 Sonali Mishra ,Roll no-47 Srayanshu Sahu ,Roll no-39 Ashutosh Biswal ,Roll no-15
  3. 3. ABOUT THE AUTHOR o The first in this series is The Room On The Roof which Bond himself wrote when he was only 17 years old. o It was the story that got him fame and won him the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize. While the entire series is promoted as predominantly children fiction, anyone can read the books as they are simple and refreshing and not merely childish. o His first book was Sketches by Boz in 1836, a collection of the short pieces he had been writing for the Monthly Magazine and the Evening Chronicle.
  4. 4. OPINION o This summer vacation visit your childhood days again. Simply delve into the worlds of Rusty and his gang of friends in the famous Rusty series penned by our very own, lovable-Ruskin Bond. o They can take you back to your fun filled adolescence and leave you touched by its thoughtfulness.
  5. 5. SUMMARY OF THE STORY o The Room On The Roof revolves around Rusty who at the start is a lonely boy of 16 who loves to take aimless walks in the forests of Dehradun. o He is under the guardianship of Mr. John Harrison, a strict, intimidating British fellow who has only contempt for everything around him-Rusty, the Indian side of the town, nature, his wife even etc.. o By coincidence he meets two very friendly and warm Indian kids -Somi and Ranbir- on one of his many walks. They quickly become friends and indulge in the masti of childhood-from riding their cycles, to their daily visits to the popular chaat shops etc, to playing Holi etc. o Tired of the restrictive atmosphere of his guardians home and the European side of the town, Rusty runs away in a moment of madness and fury to be with his Indian friends. He only later realises the gravity of his decision and what it means to be living on ones own. o The story then takes a turn from its playfulness to a more serious tone as Rusty grapples with his new situation with the help of Somi and Ranbir.
  6. 6. SUMMARY OF THE STORY-2o The best part of The Room On The Roof is that Bond very lovingly sketches the development of Rustys personality. o Bond thus makes the story not simply about the unbridled, pure and innocent joys of adolescence but also about the certain issues that rack ones mind at that age for eg, Rustys loneliness, his adolescent love, his insecurity etc.. The story is also meditative as Rusty ponders over his insignificance and purpose of life. o So dismissing the novel as simply a childish one would be wrong. It may not proffer profound truths about the world but it does provide an adolescences point of view of such abstract aspects which also attests to the fact that the adolescent stage is not only one of frivolous frolic and time pass. o It is quite commendable that Bond wrote this when he himself was only 17. Such sort of maturity in writing is not seen today from teenage authors anymore. o Many aspects of the novel are also Bonds own and perhaps the reflective tone of the story stems from his know meditations at that time.
  7. 7. SUMMARY OF THE STORY-3 Another feature that stands out is the true, minute depictions of Indian life whether it is the European part of Dehra, the buzzing bazaar, the simple toys, the smoky chaat shop and its delicacies,the intoxicated playing of Holi, the myriad Indian railway, Dehras natural beauty and the characters connections with it, Rustys room on the roof etc. While many of them may seem cliched like the cows on the streets and the beggars, they are life like nonetheless and attest to a way of life that is fast disappearing. Even the characters whether it is Rusty friends, Mr. Harrisons wifes brief appearances, Meena Kapoor-Rustys employer, her husband-Mr. Kapoor etc are all complex and have a story to their lives that make them full, rounded people with personalities and not just one sided characters.
  8. 8. CONCLUSION ON THIS STORY A story of growing up, friendship, love and responsibilities,The Room On The Roof is a charming little novel that will regale all children and even adults. It will make you slow down, think and appreciate the small things of life.