The Romantic Life of a Rajput Prince

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Transcript of The Romantic Life of a Rajput Prince

  • 8/11/2019 The Romantic Life of a Rajput Prince


    My Rajput Princely Life

    Vasan Sri


    This is a fictional story, set in colonial

    India ,of a Rajput princely family in

    Rajputana, present Rajasthan, before

    Independence from the British in 1947 and

    their transition as common citizens of

    Independent India, with the life sketch of

    a Prince.

    My name is [Prince] Yuvaraj Baldev Singh Bahadur,

    second son of Maharana Pratap Rajeshwar Singhji,the

    ruling Maharaja of Vijaypur, a large princely state

    ,under the suzerainty of the British Crown. My father

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    was entitled to 21 gun salute at British Durbar, an

    empty title which the British Crown assigned to Indian

    Maharajas ,just to satisfy their whims and keep them in

    pecking order of 21 guns down to one gun salute for

    postage-stamp size kingdoms of some 'Rajas'.

    Vijaypur is a Princely state, about 100 miles wide

    and 50 miles long, along Chandravati river, which has

    almost dried up, like the Saraswati river in desert

    sands, except for a small rivulet which gets flash

    floods during the rainy season, for about a month each

    year and lets its water into a thin lagoon near the


    Vijaypur is blessed with a coast line and a small

    sea port of Kanwar which was the entry point for

    European goods and at one time the port of export of

    exotic silks,spices and carpets from our state. My

    father Maharana used to narrate stories of Roman and

    Arab tycoons coming to this port for brisk trade in the

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    first century and 8th century respectively. They were

    trading not only these merchandises of high quality and

    finish, particularly the carpets, but also acquiring

    lovely fair-skinned nymphets of medium build, with lot

    of jewels adding to their weight, Rajasthani girls with

    almost cylindrical hands and legs in colorful langas or

    skirts ,short bodice and long tresses of hair twisted

    in two or three braids, with gold studs pinned every

    four inches at the back. The traders used to smuggle

    these women under some pretext , without the knowledge

    of Maharana who had imposed strict rules for their

    movements near the port buildings or market places . At

    the same time, they also brought in very fair skinned

    women with almond eyes , large foreheads ,sharp noses

    ,deep navels , supple waists and long thin legs , noted

    for their twirling belly dances from Persia [Iran]and

    Syria for the pleasures of Hindu princes as nautch

    girls [dancing girls] in their zenanas [harems].

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    But these things had almost disappeared in my time,

    when local girls rarely studied beyond high school and

    were chaperoned around palace grounds.

    Vijaypur was famous for its jewelry, with cut

    diamonds brought from Panna mines in Central Provinces

    at a distance of about 300 miles and weaving of sarees

    of different fibers with exquisite dyeing in pigments

    made of vegetable juices, dried in open sunlight. It

    did not have any fertile field for crops . It had small

    patches of dry soil for growing peanuts, mustards and

    peppers, and small quantities of vegetables for hot

    summer days, like cucumber and radish in hilly parts.

    Maharana was allowed to keep an army of 10000 troops,

    as part of the Treaty signed with the British Crown in

    1861, as well as a small cavalry regiment of 100

    horses. But when the Crown needed, 5000 troops should

    be lent to the British Army.

    The Bupendra Palace and the Old Fort

    Bhupendra Palace was the main palace of Maharana, built

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    by his grandfather Bhupendra Singh Bahadur. Bhupendra

    was fond of western style rooms and halls. Hence he

    constructed the palace using Italian marble tiles from

    Carrara and the walls were plastered with special

    alabaster from Portugal. The granite stones and red

    stones were of local origin. Several chandeliers were

    brought from Belgium. Almost all furniture were made of

    Burma [Myanmar] teak.

    The palace had two towers with cupolas which were of

    copper sheets from Rhodesia [now Zambia] and were gold

    plated with British technicians. Sri Bhupendra Singh

    also bought a custom-made large clock , about 3 feet

    in diameter , from Seth Thomas in London for the

    Palace. The clock was the center piece on the top panel

    on the front wall , with royal emblem on both

    sides---with two large lion figures. The palace had two

    watch towers, stone buildings with a spiral stair case

    and a top viewing port with hexagonal dome and six

    windows. A guard stood on that porch watchful for

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    intruders into the palace. He could see easily a

    distance of about 4 miles. There were sepoys at the

    bottom of the towers to arrest any intruder sighted by

    the watch guard.

    The Palace had two large halls--a Durbar hall [court

    hall] and a Banquet hall adjoining it. It had a large

    Yojana Hall [ conference room] on the left for seating

    the ministers and courtiers when Maharana wanted to

    discuss state matters. It was always kept closed and

    heavily guarded. The Raksha [Security] Hall was on the

    right side --a place to discuss matters relating to

    Defence and Law and order situations. The main feature

    of this room was a large map on one of the walls. There

    was a Ghazana [treasury] behind the Raksha hall with

    underground cellars to store gold and silver bars and

    precious jewelry ,including crown jewels.

    The Palace had a large central courtyard--open space

    reserved for wrestling matches and martial arts


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    The Durbar hall was open to any one authorized to

    meet Maharana and would be a place where ambassadors

    and British dignitaries would be received. This hall

    had a number of beautiful chandeliers and paintings on

    the side walls. Several swords were fixed on the walls

    with special brackets. Maharana sat on the throne on an

    elevated platform, at a height of about six feet from

    the floor. The throne itself was made of polished

    silver ; my father Maharana kept the Gold plated throne

    in an inner chamber and used it only on ceremonial

    occasions. There were always two beautiful young women

    to fan the Maharana with large hand fans on both sides

    of the throne. A small shrine for the Kuldevi Bageswari

    was kept on the right side of the throne. Maharana

    always commenced the Durbar after praying for five

    minutes in front of the shrine.

    The ministers and courtiers sat on several chairs on

    both sides in the hall, with due protocols. There was a

    red carpet , about ten feet in width, all along the

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    hall, leading to the platform for the throne. Children

    and women were not normally allowed inside the hall

    except on special programs. On the left side were two

    large tables at which scribes sat. They recorded the

    discussions and later would publish the main rulings of

    Maharana after approval by the Dewan or Prime minister

    of the state. Maharana ,being a lover of music and

    arts, important musicians were invited to the Durbar

    and allowed to sing or play instruments for short

    times, and receive rewards or gifts from Maharana.

    In later years, photographers were always ready to

    take pictures of various events in this hall.

    Maharana- a Dharmic Prince

    There were moments in the Durbar hall that was

    significant and turning points for the state. Maharana

    wanted to experiment and introduce 'open prison system'

    for prisoners charged with minor offences. There was a

    lot of opposition from certain ministers and courtiers.

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    Maharana had earlier discussed this with Mahatma [M K]

    Gandhi in his Wardha Ashram in the year 1924,and taken

    a message from him. Maharana asked one of the

    ministers to read out this message. This silenced the

    detractors and Maharana's ruling was welcomed.

    Another event was when Maharana made a "temple entry

    proclamation" allowing dalits ['harijans' or

    'untouchables' ] into all Hindu temples . There were

    several protest meetings from orthodox Hindus against

    this move . But Maharana was firm and asked the Diwan

    to lead a group of harijans into Bageswari temple on

    that day. This proclamation was widely published

    throughout India and many would praise Maharana for

    this bold move ; many other states followed this step.

    This temple entry move for harijans brought many

    visitors to the State --to congratulate Maharana---the

    foremost visitor was Gandhiji. The date of the

    Mahatma's visit was broadcast in the city through local

    radio. Thousands thronged to see the great man.

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    Maharana wanted me to make all arrangements for his

    visit and his entourage of nearly 10000 Congress party

    members and other big leaders. I had to build nearly

    100 tents in the Parade Grounds with the help of army

    sepoys [soldiers]. Several langars [community

    kitchens] were built in smaller tents. The grounds were

    covered with white khadi-clad [home spun yarn cloth]

    men with bright white cloth caps. There was no law and

    order problem, but providing them with food and chai

    [tea] was formidable, because they were moving about

    like ants everywhere.

    A large stone tablet [2 feet x 3 feet] inscribing the

    proclamation was installed on a special mantap [hall]

    with a picture of Mahatma on one side . Gandhiji walked

    into the hall to unveil the plaque; he spoke a few

    words praising Maharana and the citizens of Vijaypur.

    When Mahatma was stepping out of the hall, a loud

    explosion was heard from the nearby park a hundred

    yards away. A bomb had exploded . I swiftly mounted my

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    horse and went there with four of my guards. On

    searching , we found two muslim boys hiding in a bush

    nearby. They were brought for questioning and they

    admitted to their plot to kill the Mahatma. Both gave

    information about their ring leader who was a Hindu

    extremist leader from Nagpur. After due trial, one of

    them was hanged. This incident gave us a foretaste of

    the Hindu-Muslim riots that would erupt in the next

    few years--even in peaceful state like Vijaypur.

    Earlier Maharana was inclined to abolish capital

    punishment [death penalty] in the state,as it was done

    in the State of Travancore [Kerala]. But after this

    incident of bomb explosion during Gandhiji's visit

    ,Maharana changed his stand .

    There was also another amusing incident in the

    proceedings at the Durbar. There were some communities

    in hilly regions in which women would not wear blouses

    and went about topless. This practice was supported by

    certain high class Hindus, to keep these women in a

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    primitive condition. Diwan wanted to abolish this by

    declaring a law. But ,interestingly, some upper caste

    men protested against this stating that wearing blouses

    would make the hill tribe women look more attractive!

    Maharana supported the Diwan and the ruling was

    approved. Such instances are ever green in my memory.

    Many such measures in Vijaypur would make the state not

    only progressive, but a model state for other princely

    states to follow.

    I grew up in a large fort, called the 'Purana Kila"

    [ Old Fort], where one had large halls for bed rooms

    and a study, with beautifully carved wooden furniture

    and large chandeliers lit with candles. Each piece of

    furniture--- chairs , tables, chest of drawers and

    wardrobes, book shelves --was inlaid with gold or gold

    plated brass inserts and some ivory panels that the

    external surface was always smooth and firm, without

    any speck of decayed wood or rough varnished surface.

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    The mattresses were filled with downs from local birds

    the names of which I do not know. The fort had many

    bird coves on its ramparts and it was delightful to

    watch many birds making calls and fly offin formations

    in the early mornings.

    I was served by two valets who were also my daily

    instructors--one senior with lot of history behind,

    named Man Singh and another, a young fellow , Brijraj,

    who would teach me martial arts, wrestling and horse

    riding. Mansingh was a strict master, who always

    talked of Rajput traditions and how I should behave in

    the court of Maharana, my father, whom he had taught

    some fifty years ago. There was a friendly rivalry

    between Mansingh and Brijraj over the time they could

    take care of me in a day for teaching their respective


    I was also assigned a body-guard, a rough looking heavy

    weight man, brought from Ethiopia, with enormous

    moustache and large red turban, always carrying a

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    shining sword in his sabre and wearing the Royal

    insignia [logo] of Vijaypur-- a large brass plate on

    his chest, emblazening his official status as my guard

    . There was always a fear that I may be abducted by

    goons for ransom money.

    I must add that the Crown Prince, my elder brother,

    Vijayarajendra Singh, who would be the next ruling king

    or Maharana, was five years elder to me. He had four

    body guards for his protection and a large wing in the

    fort for his quarters. He also had a horse-drawn

    chariot for his movements. He was a regular 'shikari'

    or tiger hunter in Bharatpur forest or in Jalawal. He

    easily befriended the British officers who were keen

    on tiger shooting. He was a college student in Jaipur

    at that time--but he rarely attended the college except

    to play in polo matches. The Crown Prince was trained

    as a cavalry officer by the British Cavalry Regiment at

    Deolali, near Nashik, famous for its cavalry ranches

    since the days of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

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    I must add that there was much enmity between Hindus

    and Muslims from 17th century; but much of it had

    disappeared in the early 20th century. Our kingdom of

    Vijaypur employed many Muslim commanders and officials

    and also several teachers, Urdu poets and literary

    giants in the court. Court musicians invariably

    included several maestros of muslim faith, called

    'Ustads' who were well versed in Hindustani music

    which was a blend of native Indian, Afghan and Persian

    [Iranian]/Sufi music styles. In fact several songs

    were written in Urdu and Persian verses. After all

    these musicians and scholars were mostly Hindus and

    then converted to Islam due to political pressures or

    social favors. [There was double taxation on Hindus in

    many Muslim sultanates in India; to avoid that, many

    Hindus converted to Islam.]

    Now I must talk about the great music teacher I

    had---the famous Ustad Parvez-Imran Khan of Gwalior

    Gharana [school]. I learned to play on Sitar from the

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    age of eight---I was big enough to hold the heavy

    instrument. He taught me in easy,graduated steps that

    was simple and perfect practice. This sitar training

    would go on for 6 to 8 years. These were the best

    part of my education, since I was tutored at home by

    several tutors---a kind of home schooling for princes.

    The music classes had additional attraction for me.

    Ustad's young daughter Ameena accompanied him in

    singing and in tweaking the tanpura. She was 12 years

    old when I was also of the same age. She was fair

    skinned and attractive in colorful skirt or langa with

    sequined border and wore pearl necklace, nose studs and

    ear rings. She never spoke a word to me ,but always

    sat with head bent down that I could see only her lips

    and chin. Occasionally she smiled at me when her father

    made a sudden twist in rendering a raga. This smile

    relationship continued for many years. I picked up

    courage to talk to her only in my 18th year during a

    Diwali festival when she had blossomed into a young

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    woman of great charm. I knew that she would eventually

    marry a Muslim boy-may be a musician drawn from

    numerous students of her father. But her charming

    figure always remained in my memory as perfection of

    female beauty crafted by her lineage and nurtured by

    soft music.

    Vijay Yogashala

    I was a keen practitioner of hatha yoga [physical

    yoga with focus on asanas and pranayama] since my

    boy-hood days and learned it from Yogi Shivananda in

    our city. Later I was taught advanced methods by

    Yogiraj Madhavadasji at Vadodara [Baroda] for three

    months. Yogiraj was nearly 100 years old at that time.

    He commanded me to start a yogashala [yoga school] for

    young boys in Vijaypur. With his blessings and

    support from Maharana, I started the 'Vijay Yogashala'

    in Madanmohana Palace, a place meant for physical

    training of young princes.

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    There hangs a tale about this yogashala. I appointed

    a young yoga master ,one Virendra Bhramachari from

    Jammu. He had excellent credentials in yoga practice.

    After two years I got a report from my sitar teacher

    Ustad Parvez-Imran Khan that Virendra was building a

    zenana [harem] with muslim girls in Amir Nagar, a local

    suburb. One evening I raided the Zenana with a band of

    five troops on horses. Virendra surrendered. He was

    taken to the state prison and the girls were rescued.

    The Metropolitan Magistrate sentenced that Virendra

    should be castrated and sent out of the state! Such

    instances were many in early years of my life.

    Military training at Meerut

    My life would take a definite turn at this time when

    I reached 20 years. After some deliberation with state

    officials, Maharana, my father,decided that I should

    have some military training in British Army. He

    arranged for my training at the Meerut Army Cantonment,

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    with Col William Olcott , Commander of 54th Regiment.

    Col Olcott had the reputation of having trained several

    princes from other states.

    I was sent to the Army barracks with a small bunker

    as my residence for the next two years. It was a big

    change from the Royal comfort of Vijaypur Fort. The

    bunker was a tiny room of 15 feet by 10 feet. While I

    had seventeen servants at the palace along with two

    valets who attended on me, here I had to shine my own

    shoes and wash my clothes in a tub of water. I resented

    the situation so much that I even thought of running

    away from the barracks to some cave in the Himalayas.

    The other cadets soon showed respect and kindness for

    me as I was a prince but was one among them in the

    cantonment. The training ,with lot of physical

    exercises, horse riding and artillery drills ,was hard

    but exciting. The Polo games were most delightful part

    and I excelled in this game right from the beginning. I

    was nicknamed "polo saheb" by other cadets. After a

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    month I forgot my miserable situation and had become a

    fine soldier under the watchful eyes of Col Olcott and

    one Major Wolverton who was like a personal trainer for

    many things. The only silver lining in the cloud was

    that I got a new "Hillman" car from Maharana for my

    travels .

    I also learned to move with other cadets to common

    areas like the movie theater and gymkhana club for a

    game of billiards. The best part of weekly life at the

    regiment was the saturday dance at the Gymkhana

    Hall---a dancing floor with several British girls

    brought from nearby towns for ball room dancing.

    Initially I did not know anything about ball room

    practices or western dance. Major Wolverton saw my

    plight and fixed a teacher in the name of Mona Skelton,

    a woman of 25 years. Mona had been a schoolteacher in

    London and was sent to the cantonment to assist the

    teachers in military schools. Mona was fair-skinned

    with purple cheeks ,quite tall and with rather large

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    waist and shapely legs. I was attracted to her at first

    sight. She made intimate moves and was soon my regular

    partner in dance and also while dining at the club.

    She was a girl from a parson's family of limited means.

    She showed lot of respect for my royal lineage in India

    and the upbringing I had. She taught me many things

    regarding western ways of living and also introduced me

    to western cuisine and European hard liquor. Soon I was

    drinking regularly at the club or in her tiny cottage

    near the main office of the regiment. One thing I was

    strict about and which she respected was that I would

    not touch beef to eat.

    On one evening when I met her in her cottage, she

    kissed me passionately and I took her on my lap. Soon

    Mona was my intimate partner at least for two days in

    a week. I also took her in my Hillman car which I drove

    myself to nearby hill stations , including Shimla, for

    weekends. Shimla used to be a heavenly place for

    British officers and Maharajas --a place where you

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    would find many British women for companionship. Mona

    enjoyed her stay in Shimla and the locals thought that

    she was the Maharani of Vijaypur.

    Two years of training sped by fast. For my good

    behavior and my supervision of artillery garrison, I

    was given a 'bronze cross' with emblem of British Crown

    and the citation of 'best garrison major' from the

    Army Commander. I did not quite understand what this

    bronze cross was all about. I knew that British

    commanders wanted to keep Indian princes in good

    relations and always showered some cheap title or

    awards . Anyway I showed this cross to Maharana and

    other courtiers, who even arranged a special reception

    for me after my return from Meerut Cantt.

    While taking leave of Mona Skelton, Mona cried and

    wanted a job for her in Vijaypur in some school with

    better salary. I told her that I would help her but

    could not promise. On returning, I spoke to the Diwan

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    {prime minister] of Vijaypur-- Sri Bhawani Shankar Rao

    M. A .[Oxon] and the teachers' job for her was

    arranged at the Maharaja's High School. Soon Mona

    reached Vijaypur and was received at the railway

    station with royal pomp; she was also offered a cozy

    cottage in Vrindavan Palace Gardens. I learned then

    that she was six months into her pregnancy. She also

    received a house maid to assist her.

    My Wedding

    Meanwhile Maharana , my father , was busy seeking a

    bride for me from the many royal families in

    Rajputana. A search party was formed with Sri Dig Vijay

    Singh, his cousin as the leader . There were several

    criteria to be satisfied for the suitable bride-- one

    being that the bride should be well versed in music.

    They chose the daughter of Navnagar Maharaja as the

    bride for me-- Vasundara Devi was just sixteen years

    old and was an accomplished violinist who had studied

    under Vedamuri Shankara Sastry of Vizianagaram in

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    coastal Andhra .

    A royal wedding was soon held in Navnagar which was

    about 300 miles from Vijaypur. A mile long caravan

    would haul goods and presents for the Wedding from

    Vijaypur. About 200 courtiers would attend my

    wedding. A procession of fifty elephants would precede

    my ride on a fully decorated horse with golden saddle.

    A grand reception for the bride was also put up at

    Vijaypur with the whole city illumined with lights ;

    several dance and music performances were arranged at

    the Durbar hall.

    Maharana had invited several British officials

    including the Bombay presidency Governor, Sir Elihu

    Yale. There were separate pandals for Indian and

    British invitees. A large forty course dinner was

    served in the main durbar annexe for British guests

    with continental and Indian cuisine and choice liquor.

    Maharana moved about talking in glowing terms about me

    and my first rate performance at Meerut Army Regiment

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    to those guests. On the next day, it was revealed that

    I would enter the Sandhurst Military Academy in

    England to qualify as a Colonel .

    Initially I was shocked at this next so-journ for me.

    But I would not protest against my father Maharana. I

    gently sent some emissaries from his courtiers to

    convey that I could join Sandhurst after a year of

    marital bliss with my lovely dharm-patni Vasundara

    Devi. Fortunately Maharana agreed.

    My life with Vasundara was the most joyful one year. I

    spent lot of time at the hill station of Mount Abu,

    listening to her exclusive performance of violin for me

    in the palace gardens. I would sometimes follow her in

    Sitar, though my rendering was below par.

    Vasundara was deeply religious in her upbringing,

    always clinging to her gold idol of Krishna , pouring

    out her heart in music. I even thought that she may

    abandon our married life and go away as a nun, like

    Meerabai of Mewar state did two centuries ago. This

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    fear lurked in my mind. I privately consulted my music

    teacher Ustad Parvez-Akram Khan. He had a practical

    suggestion. Vasundara Devi should become friendly with

    his daughter Ameena Begum who was already married and a

    mother of one girl. Both of them loved music. Further

    Ameena being a woman of the world would bring Vasundara

    into romantic life with flowers,perfumes and costly

    jewels . At first I was skeptical about this approach.

    But soon I learned that Ameena was quite an adept at

    teaching Vasundara about courtly life and amorous ways.

    My tension was relieved and soon Vasundara became a

    constant companion to me in all my movements.

    Maharana wanted me to reorganize his army along

    modern lines like the British army before I left for

    Sandhurst.. I took this task seriously introducing new

    training methods and sacking old lance naiks[majors]. I

    also bought new guns from Britain and tanks from

    Germany to replace the obsolete ones.

    Meanwhile I must tell you about Mona. Mona had a baby

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    daughter. She was christened Vijayandra , sounding

    similar to Alexandra, at the local Anglican Church.

    The child's father was one Major Atkinson according to

    birth records. We learned to utter many lies as we go

    along the high society life in British India!.

    Mona decided to go back to England if I could provide

    a decent apartment for her in London. Obviously she was

    tired of her life in hot,dry climate of Rajputana. She

    would like to bring up Vijayandra as a London girl. I

    arranged to buy her a house in South London which

    belonged to another Prince, Krishan Singh of

    Bhavaninagar at a nominal price. Mona was very happy. I

    gave her a set of jewels as heirloom to keep. I

    arranged a farewell for her at the Jodhpur airport

    when she took a flight to London. Her eyes were

    brimming with tears which she controlled in true

    British reserve. To get ahead of my story, I met her

    three years later in London. She was a teacher in a

    London school . She was now Mrs. Mona Wilson, married

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    to an Army officer in Tank division and was a mother of

    a boy as well. She longed to visit Vijaypur , though.

    The courtly life with Vasundara Devi on tow, with

    numerous ceremonies and functions to attend, was too

    much to bear. I had become a noted military officer by

    default--after the reforms I made in my State Army.

    British officers were full of praise for my work in the

    tiny state that was Vijaypur. Vasundara was blooming

    with the nice company of Ameena and had learned the Art

    of Life with company of children . Soon she was

    pregnant with my first child for the Royal lineage. A

    boy , named Vijay Bhadra Singh was born on 11th July,

    1925. Maharana and the entire Royal household was

    rejoicing with the arrival of the baby prince.

    On the next day, I touched the feet of Maharana, took

    the blessings of my mother and elders, and left for

    London from Bombay [Mumbai] airport by a Dakota

    propeller aircraft to join Sandhurst. It would be

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    another two years of hard life at the Military


    My Life at Sandhurst

    I met my training commander Maj Gen Duncan to discuss

    my training plans. I needed two weeks to consult with

    my father Maharana. I sent a telegram to him. I

    received a wire reply stating that I should take up

    'tank warfare' training there. I joined the tank

    division. We would be trained to ride and shoot from

    Sherman tanks of USA and from Vickers-Armstrong tanks

    made in England.

    It was a grand preparation against the rising strength

    of Hitler with his tank columns. Only much later I

    realized how right my father Maharana was; during World

    War II I fought for the British army against the

    'Desert Fox' Erwin Rommel with his tanks in North

    Africa near Tripoli.

    To return to my life at Sandhurst. It was hard , from

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    early morning pre-dawn exercises at 2 AM till late

    afternoons in foggy or rainy weather. I realized why

    the Britishers often talk about weather which could be

    nasty in England. It was quite challenging to work with

    some British officers, mostly veterans of World War I.

    There was much fire and noise during the tank war

    games we played. The dictum was : " You shoot as soon

    as you see an enemy tank going across at a distance of

    half a mile ;or else you are dead in 10 seconds"

    ...that is the kind of battle that went on.

    I enjoyed a lot of smutty jokes the soldiers threw

    around ,some things I would never hear in Rajasthan.

    The British cadets also wished to engage me in

    wrestling though that was frowned upon by prim British

    officers. The British soldiers loved to carry a whiskey

    bottle in their hip pocket--a habit I soon cultivated!

    The relaxing moments were in the evenings with

    drinking bouts, in the Offiers' Club, with lot of women

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    around, mostly wives of Army officers, who would be

    quite drunk and ready to hug ,to plant a kiss or to

    hold tightly at the waist and to rub their open backs.

    I behaved rather clumsily unlike the British officers

    and they accepted my uncouth gestures because I was a

    Prince from India and I owned a Bentley car which

    Maharana had ordered for me in London. I was sometimes

    shocked at the brazen way in which British women,

    these wives of colonels and majors, fondled a man at

    the club in dim lights, but soon accepted these mores

    as part of military culture there. Many women were

    attracted to me because of the strong arms and biceps I

    had due to kusti [wrestling] practice in Vijaypur. I

    gently let them kiss me as they pleased.

    I was attracted to one woman, Clara Thompson,wife of

    a Colonel , who was alluring and quite open in her

    appreciation of me and often hugged me close, scantily

    dressed as she was most of the time. She invited me for

    small parties in her house. I always carried some

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    presents made in India for ivory broach , a

    silk scarf and so on. I was mistaken. She was not

    interested in me but she wanted me to move with her

    daughter Sally Thompson who was a fashion-design

    student at Madame Bowery Fashion School and was twenty

    years old. Sally was thin, tall and bony but had a very

    attractive face with almost diamond-like bright eyes

    and sharp nose. I would compare her mentally with

    plumpy ,short Rajasthani girls at the court. She also

    dressed in high fashion with a thin gown , slit at the

    right side revealing her thighs , a short blouse with

    open shoulders and high heeled shoes. Again I would

    think of Rajasthani girls with several layers of

    petticoat, then langa or skirt and then two folds of

    thick saree ,laden with jewels, in the hot weather of

    Vijaypur. In cold foggy Sandhurst air, Sally was only

    wearing most of the time a short ,thin skirt extending

    to her mid thighs . I was soon very friendly with Sally

    but Sally had other designs for me. She wanted to kiss

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    me all over and take many jewels from me enticing me

    after a few drinks. She was particular about the gold

    chain and the dangling Patek-Phillippe pocket watch

    which was my prized possession. I told her that I would

    get her another ladies pocket watch from London's Seth

    Thomas watch company.

    One day, at her house, while caressing me, Sally

    rubbed my gold necklace with a pendent on it. I always

    wore that,as a talisman ,to protect me; the pendant

    carried a picture of our Royal kuldevi [family deity]

    'Bageswari'. Sally asked :"Who is that in the


    I replied: "Our goddess, Bageswari";

    Sally laughed and said " You should keep such things in

    the altar and forget about it".

    I instantly got angry and told her: "You don't know

    about such things.You keep your mouth shut" . I rose up

    ,ready to leave in a huff. Clara came down fast and

    asked what the matter was. She told Sally to apologize

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    to me. Sally immediately sobbed , put her head on my

    lap and apologized. I lifted her up gripping her

    shoulders and stared at her face with angry look ,

    about to push her away. She shed copious tears and

    hugged me. I could not bear to see a girl cry like

    that. It was against Rajput chivalry. I took out my

    silk handkerchief and wiped her tears. She planted a

    kiss on my fleshy chest. I reciprocated with a

    passionate kiss on her cheeks and held her close. That

    was the beginning of a long relationship with Sally,

    extending over twenty years,as I shall narrate later.

    Clara was worried that my training would be over in

    the next six months and that I would go back to

    Vijaypur. Being a clever woman, she spoke to some

    Under-secretary in the India Office at Whitehall ,to

    secure a job for Sally at Vice-Regal Palace in

    Lutyen's 'New Delhi'... Sally could become a costume

    designer for the wife of Viceroy of India. Given the

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    lethargic pace of India Office, it would take another

    two years before Sally could land in India. Meanwhile

    Sally was already a mother of my first child --a blue

    eyed boy - christened Richard Thompson - in the next

    few months.

    Clara called me one day and wanted to speak in

    private--without the knowledge of Sally. She wanted me

    to make a college fund deposit of 1000 pounds with

    Barclay Bank for Richard's education. I told her that

    after my departure , the Bentley car I had could be

    sold and the proceeds would make this fund. The

    Bentley could fetch about 2000 pounds. Accordingly I

    told Major William Templeton, my friend at Sandhurst,

    to make the necessary arrangements.

    My training was proceeding smoothly; I

    received generous praise for my tank

    tactics in war games and I was awarded a

    gold medal. The commander , Maj Gen Duncan

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    had recommended me for another title: KCIE

    [Knight Commander of Indian Empire] which I

    would receive from the hands of the

    Vice-Roy at New Delhi a year later--

    another empty title bestowed on Indian

    rajas.. Maharana, my father was, however,

    proud of me for all these accomplishments.

    The British resident and his misery

    The British Crown planted a British

    officer,called the 'Resident ', in each

    Princely state or for a group of small

    princely states.. His main duty was to spy

    on Maharaja and his men so that no

    seditious activities were encouraged

    against the British Empire. The resident

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    also kept a close watch on the financial

    condition of the state and the strength of

    the army, if there was one in the state.

    Most residents were decent officers while

    some were cranky or whimsical.

    Our resident was one Michael Collins B A

    [Cantab] who started his career as a

    diplomat in Delhi. Mr Collins rarely

    interfered with our administration and had

    a great regard for Maharana. He liked tiger

    hunting and would accompany my brother

    Crown Prince to forests in Bharatpur and

    Jalawal on hunting expeditions. His wife

    Mrs Florence Collins,called Floe, was a

    fine woman and a good piano teacher. She

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    taught piano to many Rajput princes,

    including me. Soon she was attracted to the

    tall erect figures of Rajput princes. She

    developed intimate relationships with

    several students. It was rumoured that she

    had amorous relationship with my brother

    Crown Prince, also with Ustad Vilayat Khan

    , son of my sitar teacher, and with

    Ramachandra Rao, son of the Diwan, who was

    a treasury officer in the state. I do not

    know how far these rumours were true. But

    her scandalous behaviour was watched by

    many courtiers and became the talk of the

    town. Mr Collins also noticed her absence

    from the resident's mansion, particularly

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    when he was out in his hunting trips.

    Obviously Mr Collins was in no position to

    check her promiscuous ways. He became

    withdrawn and had taken to drinking

    heavily . He had become an addict to the

    bottle. It was a moot point whether his

    drinking habit drove Floe for waywardness ,

    as some courtiers alleged, or her behavior

    led him to addiction.

    The rumours surrounding Mrs Collins

    reached the ears of Maharana and the Diwan,

    Bhawani Shankar Rao. Maharana requested

    the Diwan to adopt some clever trick to

    send Collins out of the state. Diwan Rao

    conspired with Dr T Gopal Rao FRCP, Chief

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    Medical Officer of the state for a little

    ploy. Dr Gopal Rao issued a medical

    bulletin stating that a dangerous bacteria

    had been spreading in Vijaypur and that

    white folks were vulnerable for this

    bacterial infection. Following this

    bulletin, Dr Gopal Rao advised Mr Collins

    to leave the state within a few days. Mr

    Collins spoke to the Viceroy in Delhi and

    got himself transferred to Kashmir state!

    Tragedy at Vijaypur

    Crown Prince , my elder brother, was an

    avid 'shikari' going for tiger hunting

    every year to Bharatpur, the kingdom of his

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    father-in-law . Bharatpur had a huge,lush

    forest with hundreds of tigers . Crown

    Prince would spend about two months every

    year in Bharatpur which is only about 100

    miles from Vijaypur. He would also take

    British Babus who wanted to kill tigers and

    take pictures with their prey. [Tiger skin

    was highly valued and was used by many

    sadhus and religious leaders for meditation

    seat .] During the recent hunting trip,

    the Crown Prince contracted an infection in

    the forest. This led to high fever and lung

    infection for him. He died within a week. I

    received a wire message [ telegram] to my

    room at Sandhurst ;I was shocked and lost

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    my balance. Only after nearly half an

    hour, I could think of what to do next. I

    took the message to my commander Maj Gen

    Duncan and asked for a leave of one month

    to be back in Vijaypur. The general

    immediately approved my leave and also told

    me that he would arrange for a flight from

    London to Mumbai by Royal Air Force [RAF]


    I reached Vijaypur two days later and was

    trying to console Maharana, my father and

    Rajmata , my mother. Both were in deep

    grief. Crown Prince's body was

    interred at the Royal cemetry following the

    religious injunctions for Rajput Kshatrias

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    [ warrior caste]. A 10-day mourning was

    declared in the state. Chanting of slokas

    [hymns] continued in all the temples with

    the citizens participating with a sense of

    deep sorrow. Thousands of sadhus

    [mendicants] and brahmins were fed for free

    at a large shamiana [tent ] near the palace

    for ten days. Hundreds of cows were freely

    distributed [go-dhan] to brahmin priests --

    to ensure a safe passage for the departed

    soul to the lotus feet of the Lord.

    After the 10- day rituals, Maharana

    convened a meeting of his

    ministers,courtiers and

    family members to reorganize the

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    administration which was largely looked

    after by the Crown Prince. I was anointed

    as the next Crown Prince in the Durbar

    hall, with religious function conducted by

    the family priest before the shrine of

    Kuldevi Bageswari ; my duties and

    responsibilities were spelt out for me. I

    suddenly realized the enormous burden I had

    to carry--no more the care-free life of a

    military officer or a play boy.

    I would sort out a few problems and then

    would get back to Sandhurst to complete my

    training for the next three months. An

    immediate task was to make arrangements for

    the widowed Princess and her children--

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    their going back to Bharatpur, her father's


    I returned to Sandhurst next week and

    got on with training schedules though my

    heart was heavy with sorrow . I pondered

    how Maharana was coping with the tragedy

    and how Rajmata would miss her son. Along

    with training , I made plans for my return

    with all the personal effects. I was keen

    on taking part in the passing -out parade

    from the Academy. I was given a place of

    honor in the graduation list ; the

    commander was generous in his citation with

    the remark that I could be a valuable asset

    to the British Crown in India. The year was

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    1934. The gathering storm for the

    calamitous world war II was ominous at

    that time. Several reports came from

    Germany which was getting heavily armed

    with tanks and bomber aircraft under the

    Third Reich.

    I also learned that the tragedy of losing

    her son was too painful for Rajmata, my

    mother. She used to wail many times in her

    antapura [inner chambers.] She had bouts of

    depression. She died of heart attack one

    week after my return from Sandhurst. I had

    to console Maharana who had to cope with

    double tragedy within a year. Rajmata was

    buried in the Royal cemetery close to the

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    palace. Maharana installed a statue of her

    in the central courtyard of the Palace.

    Palace Intrigues

    Palace intrigues are common in the kingdoms

    of Rajputana. I had faced a few of them. I

    will relate one that pained me most. After

    my return from Sandhurst, about a year

    after the passing away of Crown Prince,

    some vicious elements in the state floated

    a rumour that the death of the Crown Prince

    was not due to infection from the forest

    but due to food poisoning at Bharatpur and

    I was behind this conspiracy to kill the

    Prince, my brother. Such malicious reports

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    appeared in the newspapers and the state

    was asked to conduct a police

    investigation. I was shocked and dismayed.

    I guessed at once that this canard was the

    work of a minister whom I sacked , by name

    Dayanidhi Gupta. Gupta was involved with a

    smuggling gang operating in the sea port of

    Kanwar and was highly corrupt. His aim was

    to malign my name and dissuade Maharana

    into making me the future king. I knew that

    Maharana did not believe this story, but it

    was necessary that I should be cleared of

    this accusation with proper proof.

    My confidant was the sagacious Diwan,

    Bhawani Shankar Rao who had practiced

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    earlier as a criminal lawyer in Bombay.

    Diwan Rao promised to help me with this

    nasty situation. He called together a few

    top police sleuths to trace the source of

    this rumour and find evidences for

    exonerating me. It was rather easy. The

    sleuths found that Dayanidhi had paid some

    thugs to spread the rumour and to inform

    the news media. Fortunately, Diwan Rao

    identified a doctor who had examined my

    brother after his return from the hunting

    trip in Bharatpur forest. He was Dr Joseph

    Murphy FRCP,the highly respected Chief

    Physician at Agra Medical Hospital. He

    showed Diwan Rao his medical record that

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    the Prince had extensive insect bites on

    his arms and legs, but no skin

    discoloration due to poisoning. He also

    had the blood test report to indicate some

    form of bacterial infection. Diwan Rao gave

    an interview to the press corp at Vijaypur

    and I was absolved of this false

    accusation. The Police chief Ramachandra

    Rao arrested Dayanidhi on charges of


    I went to Maharana and touched his feet

    for not believing the rumor, with tears in

    my eyes. I presented a Cadillac car to

    Diwan Rao in appreciation of his efforts

    and a Rolex watch for the police chief,

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    Ramachandra Rao.

    A tricky arranged marriage.

    Now it was my turn to help Diwan Rao. One

    day Diwan Rao came to me wringing his hands

    with a serious look on his face. He wanted

    my help on a tricky situation. His daughter

    Padmavati, a college student in Jaipur, had

    fallen in love with,my second son,Yuvraj

    Gajaraj. It was the traditional custom

    that the bride's father must approach the

    boy's parents in arranged marriages. Diwan

    Rao was nervous because we always sought

    brides from Rajput families. It would be a

    stigma for a Rajput prince to marry a girl

    from other castes.

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    Fortunately Gajraj was the second son, not

    the first son or Crown Prince. Crown Prince

    always married a bride from another

    Princely family.I was perplexed. I told Rao

    that I had to consult Maharana who would

    decide and should give his approval. I

    broached the matter when Maharana

    was in a happy mood and when Rajmata was

    also present. Rajmata had several criteria

    for the bride to be! She told me that she

    had no objection provided Rao's daughter

    Padmavati was fair skinned like

    Rajput girls and was also slim in waist,

    with ample hips. I was not sure whether

    Padmavati would meet these criteria. [In

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    Rajput families, women with large hips were

    preferred as it was thought that wide hips

    would ensure birthing several children.]

    Maharana was more practical in his view. He

    wanted to know what Yuvraj Gajaraj planned

    to do after studies. I told Maharana that

    he might become a lawyer and would

    practice law in Delhi or Bombay.

    Maharana told that he would express his

    decision after two days. Meanwhile I

    ascertained from Yuvraj his interest in

    marrying this girl and in becoming a

    lawyer. After four days, Maharana

    called me ;after deep thought for five

    minutes, he spoke slowly: " Yes, Yuvraj can

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    marry this girl,but he must leave the

    palace after that. He can go

    to other kingdoms or any city --Delhi,

    Bombay,London or Timbuktu. He will be

    entitled to family property though."

    Maharana was precise in his instructions .

    Rajmata tacitly approved too. I spoke to

    Vasundara , my wife and Yuvraj's

    mother---she would go along with Maharana's

    decison. I knew that this decision amounted

    to banishing Yuvraj from the State. Was it

    a harsh decision? - I cannot tell. I

    conveyed this decision to Yuvraj and also

    to Diwan Rao.

    On the next Friday--an auspicious day--

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    Rao came to our Fort with his wife and

    daughter Padmavati.

    Padma was nicely dressed in a brocade

    saree,with a set of six bangles on each

    arm,nose studs, three gold necklaces and

    diamond ear studs. Rao had brought a basket

    of flowers and a bowl of fruit. He asked

    Padma to touch the feet of

    myself and Vasundara--her future in-laws.

    We blessed her. I

    requested Rao to take her to Maharana and

    Rajmata to receive their blessings and then

    visit the temple of our kuldevi [family

    deity] Bageswari. I presented Padmavati

    with a pearl necklace.

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    I was relieved that this tricky arranged

    marriage could be settled amicably.

    There was another instance. Mr Rajesh

    Sharma , our revenue officer belonged to an

    orthodox south Indian brahmin

    family--strict vegetarians.

    His son, Ravi Shankar who was an auditor,

    wanted to marry Gulmohar Bano, daughter of

    our court musician , Vilayat Khan ; Bano

    was already a well known ghazal singer and

    considered a great beauty in the State. As

    in the case of Rao,Vilayat Khan went to

    Sharma's house for marriage approval. He

    had a tough response. Sharma became angry

    and asked Khan to leave the house. Sharma

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    wanted me to help. How could I mediate in

    this case? This was an involved issue

    because the boy was a brahmin and the girl

    was of Muslim faith. I told Sharma politely

    that I would not interfere in this matter

    and that Sharma should consult his

    religious elders. As it turned out later,

    Ravi Shankar eloped with Bano to Dhubai and

    got a job there.

    Such instances were many in my early life

    as Crown Prince./////

    The Nautch Girls

    The Palace had several nautch girls [female

    dancers],hailing from different parts of

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    India, nearly 20 of them. Their main role

    was to sing and dance before Maharana and

    the princes--- to entertain in the

    evenings. According to the latest trends in

    Rajputana courts, Maharana introduced a few

    dancers from Persia [Iran] and Turkey and

    one Spanish flamingo dancer into the

    troupe of nautch girls. Many of them would

    remain unmarried and become mistresses of

    courtiers and ministers, a custom that was

    tacitly accepted in India since the middle

    ages in the courts of Princely states.

    [Hence the word "courtesan" in English.]

    The spanish dancer was Maria Mendonca, a

    Roman Catholic, given to regular rituals

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    in local cathedral--the only cathedral in

    Vijaypur. There was one priest Fr.

    Fredicick de Souza from Goa who was the

    officiating priest at the cathedral. The

    priest was supported by Maria from her

    income though the Church was rich . The

    intimate relationship between Fr Frederick

    and Maria was common knowledge in Vijaypur

    though no one interfered with her because

    she was a Christian woman. Soon Maria

    became a mother ,leading to a scandal and

    then local population turned against her.

    The Hindus avoided her like plague. One day

    she was found dead in a well in a nearby

    village and Fr. Frederick de Souza was

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    accused of killing her. Mr G Ramachandra

    Rao D G P started the investigation in

    right earnest. There was a protest meeting

    by Christian groups that proper

    investigation was not being done and the

    Palace somehow interfered in this police

    matters. Maharana wanted me to probe

    further and report to him. Though Father de

    Souza was the main accused, there were no

    proper witnesses or evidences to prosecute

    him. My own knowldege of legal matters was

    minimal. I consulted with Diwan Rao also.

    Fortunately, one able Prosecuter Mr Virpal

    Singh was available from the neighboring

    state of Bikaner. I brought him in to the

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    case. He ordered a thorough search of

    Maria's quarters in 'Gopi Gardens' where

    the nautch girls lived. He found a suicide

    note written by Maria, a hand-written

    letter. The police officials found this

    note to be a forged document. The

    handwriting analyst matched this note with

    the writing of Father Mendonca. When Mr

    Ramachandra Rao was proceeding to arrest

    Fr.Mendonca, he had already taken a boat to

    Portugal. Then Maharana decided not to

    import any more nautch girls from abroad.

    One nautch girl I remember very

    well--Radhakrishna Sundari Bai from Nasik.

    She would sing and dance in my chambers

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    every friday. She had great musical talent

    and would sing hymns of poet-saints of

    Maharashtra such as Tukaram and Namdev. I

    learned later that she was widowed at a

    young age and was living with her maternal

    uncle in a poor section of the city. I

    organized a small bhajan mandali [singing

    group] in the city for her to sing

    regularly and get some income. A bhajan

    hall was also built near the famous

    Lingaraj [Shiva] temple of Vijaypur. This

    act on my part would be misconstrued as a

    gift I extended to her for her intimacy

    with me at the Fort. But it was soon common

    knowledge that Judge Keshav Ranade at the

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    court was her life companion. She had

    committed suicide when her affair with the

    Judge was to be exposed in the press. I

    had to intervene so that there would be no

    police inquiry into the circumstances of

    her death and that she would have a decent


    Vijaypur - a New State

    After my return from Sandhurst, Maharana

    took the stand for slowly relinquishing

    many duties by transferring them to me. He

    would spend more time on religious

    activities such as building a new Shiva

    temple and a choultry [a free boarding

    house for pilgrims]. He would also make

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    frequent travels to Haridwar where we had a

    mansion and to Rishikesh for meeting some


    I ,for my part,would focus on the

    educational facilities for our citizens. A

    'Maharaja's Arts College" , a teachers

    college and an Art school were planned. I

    would also build a western style


    Rajmata Vasundara Devi , my wife, was

    already an expert in teaching music and

    would form the first 'Vijaypur Gharana'- a

    school with distinct style of music. Ustad

    Shikayat Khan, son of my sitar teacher,

    became the Pradhan Vidwan or chief maestro

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    for the gharana. His sister Ameena Begum

    was the chief vocalist .I built a music

    hall for the gharana--with excellent

    acoustics employing Norman Shields , a

    British architect. Soon it would become a

    famous center for both Hindustani and

    Western music . There was a wild rumour

    that Rajmata Vasundara Devi was in intimate

    relationship with Ustad Shikayat Khan,

    spending long evening hours with him at the

    Gharana Hall. The same rumour mill also

    spread the word that I was in intimate

    contact with Ameena Begum! Both were


    World war II adventures

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    The year was 1939. Hitler was overrunning

    European states, with his 'Blitzkreig' of

    rolling tanks , starting with Poland. I was

    called by the Viceroy to Delhi ---to enlist

    my service on tank warfare tactics for

    the British Army. My work at Sandhurst was

    instantly recognized. I made two trips to

    the War Office of Winston Churchill in

    London. It was obvious that I would be

    inducted into the British army and sent to

    front lines to face the enemies.

    After about six months ,in the year 1940

    I joined the British Army as a Brigadier.

    The affairs of Vijaypur state were

    completely in the hands of Rajmata

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    Vasundara Devi, my wife, and my eldest son

    Vijayendra Singh, a boy of just 20 years

    and still in College.

    Soon I went back to London and I was sent

    to Tripoli to fight against Erwin

    Rommel,the desert fox--a real tank battle

    that would rage for two years. There would

    be heavy casualties on both sides. The high

    point of my career was working closely with

    Field Marshal Montegomary ['Monty'] to plan

    some battles --days that I would cherish

    for years to come. I got some photos made

    with Monty on my side, poring over some

    maps. The photos were enlarged and kept in

    our museum in Vijaynagar Palace.

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    Life at the battle field was hard and the

    only solace I had was a few meetings with

    Sally who was back in London after her

    posting in New Delhi. Now she was a

    permanent attache at the India Office at

    Whitehall. Her work was light and she had

    plenty of time to spend with me during the

    war years. I set up a nice house for her in

    Kensington ,close to the War Office. I

    could meet her during the lunch time too.

    Clara , her mother ,was no more. Sally

    leaned heavily on me. She was highly

    respected now because she was a close

    companion of a Brigadier who was an Indian

    Prince. She was invited for many parties

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    and social functions.

    It was in one of those parties I met a

    familiar face--- a woman of thirty five

    years and a great beauty ---Mona Wilson. I

    did not know at that time Mr Wilson, her

    husband, was a major in a tank regiment and

    therefore my junior colleague. Soon we

    found our bearings ,and Mona and Wilson

    would spend a weekend at my mansion. Sally

    was introduced to Mona as my present

    companion . Obviously Mona was happy in her

    life with Wilson. Sometime later I told

    Sally about my previous relationship with

    Mona at Meerut Cantonment.

    I explained to Mona about the proposed

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    setting up of colleges in my princely

    kingdom. Mona was enthusiastic about such

    projects and would love to visit India

    again for sometime. I told her that she

    always had an open invitation to my

    Princley estates.

    The war ended in 1945 and I had very

    little work in London. The economy of

    Britain had collapsed. India was no more

    an asset for Britain but a liability. It

    was not ' a Jewel in the Crown', but a

    thorn instead.

    The Labor Party government with Clement

    Attlee as PM had come to power and it was

    obvious to everyone that soon Britain would

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    give independence to was just a

    matter of time--may be a year or two.

    I promptly left my position as Brigadier

    in the British army and returned to

    Vijaypur to focus on the development of my

    state. The ministers and courtiers were

    very happy at my return. There were

    religious festivities in Vijaypur temples--

    thanks-giving rituals for Lord Shiva and

    for 'kuldevi' Bageswari-- for my safe

    return from the War Zone.

    Vasundara Devi could again concentrate on

    her gharana and became a music composer as

    well---writing songs on local deities in

    Vijaypur. My son would assist me in many

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    activities and I could also train him for

    industrial developments in the state.

    But it soon became apparent to me that my

    military skills would be of no use in Free

    India--India would develop its own cadre of

    military officers. As it turned out, after

    1947, the year of Independence, I was

    occasionally invited to give a few lectures

    at National Defence Academy, Pune and at

    Defence Staff College, Quetta, on tank

    warfare and the obsolete methods of World

    War II. I had become a historic relic in my

    own lifetime !

    My interest was now restricted to

    educational developments in my state. I

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    would also build an institution for

    educating disabled persons with the help of

    two US based charity foundations.

    The big change--Loss of Kingship

    After independence in 1947, the annexation

    of princely states started in earnest ,

    merging with the Indian Republic--due to

    the efforts of the Home Minister ,Sardar

    Vallabhai Patel, praised as "Bismarck of

    India". Patel called the princes ,about 600

    princes of big and small stamp-size states,

    one by one and talked to them to join the

    Indian Republic. Many princes joined

    without murmur because the princes ruling

    small patches of land would be an

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    anachronism in modern India. The public

    everywhere wanted a democratic system, not

    ruled by Rajas or Rajmatas,and their

    whimsical courtiers. Some princes,however,

    resisted such a merger--for instance the

    Nizam of Hyderabad and the Nawab of

    Junagadh. Sardar Patel was polite but firm

    in handling the princes. It is indeed a big

    story how he effected the

    annexations in a matter of two years.

    I gladly signed the annexation papers at

    Delhi and offered whatever help that was

    needed for the new republic.

    Some princes became governors of nearby

    states ,like Maharaja of Mysore and

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    Maharaja of Bhavnagar. Some were appointed

    as Ambassadors to distant lands like the

    Maharaja of Patiala and Raja of Aundh. I

    became an advisor in defence planning cell

    at New Delhi for three years. After that, I

    had very little to do with the national


    Things moved swiftly in the transfer of

    power from me to the Rajasthan state

    government . Vijaypur became a small

    district in Rajasthan state. The collector

    [commissioner] appointed by the state

    government was one Mr Samba Sadasiva

    Venkata Krishna Rao, I A S, a thin, dark

    skinned, short gentleman from Andhra. Mr

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    Samba Rao, for short, ordered the

    disbanding of Vijaypur army, of nearly

    10000 troops [one division], nurtured with

    great care by my father Maharana and myself

    for the past sixty years. The arms and

    ammunitions were collected, labeled and

    sent to Ajmer Garrison in a convoy of

    trucks. As per the orders of Sardar Patel,

    I was allowed to keep only five platoons

    ,that is about 100 troops, as 'Palace


    I was answerable to Mr Samba Rao; the Law

    and Order machinery went into his hands--

    Samba Rao was also the Chief Magistrate of

    the district. I did not have even the

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    powers of a village munsif or city


    Much had to be done in the durbar or court

    of my kingdom. The nautch girls [ dancing

    girls] who used to entertain Maharana were

    sent out of the palace. The ghazal singers

    with their tradition of soulful Sufi

    melodies, were also asked to leave ,except

    three of them who would join the Gharana.

    My children would start attending the

    Rajasthan University at Jaipur--no more

    private tutors for any of them.

    The Palace had 28 horse-drawn chariots and

    62 horses in the stables. I kept three

    chariots for the use of Rajmata. The rest

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    were sold in Delhi auctions. 58 horses

    were sold in Mumbai and Kabul.

    The changes in a span of four months were

    heart wrenching to me. I had a nervous

    breakdown with frequent spells of

    dizziness. The Palace physician Dr T Gopala

    Rao FRCP advised me to move out of the

    Palace and rest in a hill station for two

    months. After giving the responsibilities,

    including answering petty state officials,

    to Vasundara Devi, I left for Shimla

    accompanied by Ameena Begum and her

    children. Ameena nursed me back to health

    with her gentle music of ghazals and

    herbal medicines; I called her "my

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    Nightingale". The hurts in my mind slowly


    A modern Maharaja with a tight budget.

    I kept visiting Britain once a year to

    promote some business interests in Vijaypur

    besides some tourism prospects. On each

    visit I would spend a few days in the

    company of Sally.

    It transpired that in the year 1951,

    Wilson was involved in a terrible car

    accident in London and died after prolonged

    hospital stay. Mona was distraught; she

    had two children to bring up. I invited her

    in 1952 to come over to Vijaypur and assist

    me in the colleges run by our funds. She

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    accepted this proposal and landed in

    Vijaypur next year. I had built a bungalow

    [ cottage with a small garden] for her

    adjoining the Maharana's Arts College near

    the Palace grounds. Mona was in her forties

    and became very active in running the


    Mona's return to Vijaypur was a pleasant

    turn in my life. With her support, I took

    part in western style sports--horse riding,

    Polo, billiards and so on, now that my

    military activities were a thing of the

    past. I also taught Polo to a few princes

    from nearby states. Mona would be my

    regular companion for stay in hill resorts

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    in summer--like the stay in Shimla in our

    Vijaypur mansion--which was loaded with

    fond memories of the past . Mona was

    charming in long thin gowns with open back

    and sweet talk. Mona would soon become

    pregnant in 1953 with my second child. In a

    sense, life seemed to have come around a

    full circle for me.

    In 1954, I visited London for business

    negotiations to set up a paint factory for

    my second son , Gajendra Singh in

    Vijaypur. I met Sally and spent a week

    with her.

    I was keen on her coming to India, which

    would be her first visit --to see the pomp

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    and glory that was still left in Vijaypur.

    Sally gently declined saying that for her

    India was a remote land, difficult to

    understand ,though she loved me so much.

    The best I could do for her was to take her

    for a vacation in Switzerland for two weeks

    and gift her a valuable diamond-emerald

    necklace with pea-cock design ,of Persian

    origin which found its way into Mughal

    courts and later into Vijaypur. She did

    not say anything about a terminal illness

    that was consuming her muscles. On my next

    trip to London in 1955 , I learned from her

    daughter that she was no more.

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    Government of India offered an annual

    privy purse, a sort of pension, to each

    prince depending on their land size. For my

    small kingdom, it was just 5 million rupees

    a year-- a pittance whose value would

    decrease with increasing inflation. This

    pension would be given only upto my

    lifetime .

    Myself and my son Vijayendra Singh Bahadur

    planned for future financial security in

    consultation with experts in Mumbai. We

    divided the large palace into three parts;

    one part would be a modern hotel of 5-star

    category ,mainly for foreign tourists--this

    would be the central part.

    The Left wing would house quarters for

    the Maharana family. Maharana , who was in

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    his eighties, would get a large suite of

    20000 square feet on the top floor, with a

    large open terrace from which he could get

    an aerial view of Vijaypur, his former

    kingdom. I had three large suites of 10000

    square feet each in the second floor . My

    children would occupy six suites in the

    first and ground floor. The right wing

    would be a museum with Rajputana exhibits

    and would be open to public for a small

    entry fee.

    When the architects from Mumbai moved in to

    make the changes in the palace, Rajmata was

    distraught and refused to talk to them.

    My father Maharana had twelve [12] Rolls

    Royce cars and an assortment of other

    cars--Feraris, Bentleys and Porsches. I

    decided to sell all the RR's except one and

    sell other cars as well and buy a few

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    Cadillacs and BMW's of recent models. This

    sale of cars fetched some liquid cash,

    about 10 million rupees, which I could

    invest in chemical firms based in

    Rajasthan and Gujarat. One of my sons would

    also become a director of a chemical unit

    making nylons.

    Vasundara Devi, the Rajamata, for her

    part ,sold many diamond jewels in

    international auctions by Sotheby's and

    Christie's in London. The crown jewels were

    kept in a London bank for safe keeping.

    The expensive lamps, large silver jars in

    which my grandfather used to keep Ganges

    water ['Ganga jal'],bronze statues and

    chandeliers went into the museum, as well

    as numerous paintings bought from Europe.

    I chose not to enter national politics and

    declined to contest in elections for

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    becoming a member of state legislature or

    the Parliament. I am glad that I made this

    wise decision.

    I did not send my first son Yuvaraj [Crown

    Prince] for military training. Instead he

    would study technology at the University of

    Mumbai [Department of Chemical Technology]

    and learn to set up chemical plants. My

    second son Yuvaraj Gajraj Singh would

    become a lawyer because I could foresee

    many legal battles ahead for princely

    families with the national government. My

    first son with Mona would later become an

    import-export businessman at Mumbai.


    My time for the most part is spent in

    educational projects, ghazal music and

    horse riding in the woods of Bharatpur.

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    My father Maharana was keen on changing the

    image of Indian Princes as play boys and

    big spenders. He wanted them to respect

    our traditional values ;at the same time

    serve the nation in constructive ways.

    My service with the Army and my role in

    World War II and later work for education

    and social welfare had largely fulfilled

    that vision of my father,Maharana.

    My romantic life had become distant dreams

    of bygone years.

    India itself was undergoing vast

    changes---from a

    feudal , agrarian society with aristocrats

    to one of common people wedded to


    Indian princes were part of the process of

    this transformation. I am glad that I

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    played my part.

    Though Vijaypur does not exist as a

    Princely Rajput state on the map of

    India,it remains a 'mani'

    a gem or jewel in my mind and in my heart.

    I thank God and our kuldevi Bageswari for

    great opportunities laid before me in

    this life as a Rajput prince.
