The Role of Press in 21st century

The Role of Press in 21 st century Name : Rabhadiya Vinod Paper: 14 The African Literature M.A.-2 Sem-4 Roll No: 31 Enrolment No: PG13101028 Year-2014-15 Email Id: [email protected] Submitted To: S.B. Gardi Dept. of English M.K.Bhavnager University

Transcript of The Role of Press in 21st century

The Role of Press in 21st century

Name : Rabhadiya Vinod Paper: 14 The African Literature M.A.-2 Sem-4 Roll No: 31 Enrolment No: PG13101028 Year-2014-15 Email Id: [email protected]

Submitted To: S.B. GardiDept. of English

M.K.Bhavnager University

What is Press ?

Press now a days broad meaning

includes newspapers, new weeklies and magazines

regulator and reflector of the same interacting,

journalists working in the media orient and electronic

Beginning of Press:

Around 13B.C. in Rome there grew a practice of putting up two

handwritten bulletins in the main public square.

“Acta Diurnaa”

the first newspaper

Beginning of Press:

• From 1720 onwards news and views was kept Separate.

• 19th Europe, South America published newspaper-type publications

• In 17th century hand written sheets were distributed,

• In China, early government-produced news sheet, called Tipao

First Newspaper France 1631-La Gazette

Portugal Gazeta da Restauracao 1641

Spanish Gaceta de Madrial 1661

India James Hicky in January 1780,

called the Bengal Gazette

Importance of press in Democracy:

Freedom of the press refers to freedom of speech

Press keeps a constant vigil on the liberty of the people.

The Press has helped to make our society a democracy by

placing emphasis on issues ,advertise and terrorism

Press Council of India:

The Press Council of India takes care of the press codes and press ethics, PCI is an institute consisting of 28 members representing owners of the newspapers, news agencies, journalists, educationalists, legal experts on various subjects.

Role of Press in Democracy

Sharing Information:

Passing Information

Generate Debate:

Act as people’s mouth piece:

Role of Press

It’s watch dog of democratic society

Responsible to society

Investigates the Scams

Freedom of Press:

“A free press can of course be good or bad, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad… Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better, whereas enslavement is a certainty of the worse”

-Albert Camus

Role of Press in India

Impact of Press on Society

Works Cited


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