The Role of ESB in Integrating OSS Platforms v1.2

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  • 8/9/2019 The Role of ESB in Integrating OSS Platforms v1.2


    White Paper

    The Role of ESB in integratingB/OSS Platforms

    Prepared by: Infotech EnterprisesLtd.

    Date Created: 18 th Jul 2012

  • 8/9/2019 The Role of ESB in Integrating OSS Platforms v1.2


    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    Con(dentiality "tate'ent

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  • 8/9/2019 The Role of ESB in Integrating OSS Platforms v1.2


    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    Document Information

    Document Name: he !ole of E"# in inte$ration &"" Platfor's

    Prepared B : Infotech Enterprises Ltd Document !ersion No: 0.1

    Title: Document !ersionDate:


    Re"ie#ed B : Re"ie# Date:

    $lossar of Terms


    &''re"iation Details

    1. C"! Contact Centre !epresentati*es

    2. E"# Enterprise "er*ice #us

    +. E,I Enterprise ,pplication Inte$ration

    -. &"" &perational "upport "yste's

    . #"" #usiness "upport "yste's

    /. "&, "er*ice &riented ,rchitecture

    . & essa$e &riented iddle are

    8. E L E3tract ransfor' and Load

    4. "L, "er*ice Le*el ,$ree'ent

    10. JC, Ja*a Connector ,rchitecture

    11. J 5 Ja*a ana$e'ent E3tensions

    12.5 L E3tensible ar6)up Lan$ua$e

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's


    his 7hitepaper discusses the use of an Enterprise "er*ice #us E"#9 in eleco''unicationdo'ain and addresses the 6ey challen$es posed by traditional inte$rationproducts%'ethodolo$ies. o e*er; this 7hitepaper does not co*er an end)to)end E"#architecture or best E"#

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's



    B+SINESS *&SE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (I.IT&TIONS O) TR&DITION&( E&IS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    INTROD+*TION TO ESB%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    ESB IN &*TION IN TE(E*O. B/OSS P(&T)OR.S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    BENE)ITS O) ESB%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    RE)ERENTI&( &R*4ITE*T+RE +SIN$ ESB%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%





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    Back Ground

    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's


    he E"# approach to inte$ration can pro*ide the underlyin$ inte$rated solution as a ser*icebased; loosely coupled; hi$hly inte$rated and idely a*ailable net or6 that e3tends beyond theboundaries of a traditional hub and spo6e E,I bro6er. ,n E"# has the follo in$ characteristicsthat e ould touch based upon in the later sections of the 7hitepaper.

    i$hly ,daptable


    ,bility to selecti*ely deploy Inte$ration co'ponents

    "ecure and !eliable

    ,bility to orchestrate processes


    he eleco''unication Industry for's a business case for usin$ Enterprise "er*ice #us as an E,Ibro6er particularly for an &""%#"" solution. his hite paper focuses on ho E"# addressesthe 6ey challen$es of inte$ration in eleco''unication do'ain.

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    Co''unication ser*ice pro*iders C"Ps9 are challen$ed by the need to $rore*enue; i'pro*e ti'e to 'ar6et; and i'pro*e operational e=ciency hilereducin$ cost. C"Ps 'ust inno*ate and be a$ile to in>and opti'i?edoperations support syste's and business support syste's &""%#""9 are *italto future success. he &""%#"" inte$ration solution forteleco''unications can help you dri*e costs out of your operations andpro*ide an a$ile en*iron'ent for ne and inno*ati*e re*enue)producin$ser*ices. In the last t o decades; the I Industry has seen the life cycleof inte$ration startin$ fro' traditional & s and then $raduatin$ to*endor dri*en E,Is alon$ ith *arious other Enterprise inte$rationtechnolo$ies. he latest and one of the 'ost pro'isin$ architecture to ha*ee'er$ed durin$ this period is Enterprise "er*ice #us. ,n E"# oriented solutionaddresses lots of 6ey challen$es in the inte$ration space and is out toestablish itself as a 6ey trend.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    Business *ase

    In a typical &""%#"" ecosyste'; there are *arious disparate syste's in*ol*ed; fro' custo'er"er*icin$ syste' to the Pro*isionin$; #illin$ and ediation syste's. In addition; this niche &f &""%#"" en*iron'ent consists of nu'erous third)party syste's in order to co'plete the &""%#""bac6bone of the Enterprise.

    hese syste's are technically and functionally *ariant and connected usin$ a sin$le or 'ultipleinte$ration 'ethodolo$y%products. ,ll these *arious pieces are ired to$ether and thisacco'plishes the &""%#"" en*iron'ent.

    C"!s obtain the data fro' the custo'ers on a re$ular basis and populate the database ith thecusto'er details. he C! "yste' co''unicates ith *arious other syste's li6e #illin$; &rder

    ana$e'ent and Pro*isionin$ to facilitate the order processin$. #earin$ in 'ind that all theseapplications%syste's are di@erent; they co''unicate in a fashion that or6s best for the'and not necessarily in a ay that is best for 'aintainin$ the elasticity of the architectureAra'e or6. he follo in$ section lists the proble's that arise hile i'ple'entin$ &""%#""

    eleco''unication architecture ith traditional inte$ration 'ethodolo$ies.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    (imitations of Traditional E&Is


    In a raditional approach to E,I i.e. bro6er 'odels9; a central inte$rationen$ine; called the bro6er; resides in the 'iddle of the net or6; andpro*ides all 'essa$e transfor'ation; routin$; and any other inter)application functionality. ,ll co''unication bet een applications 'ustBo throu$h the hub; allo in$ the hub to 'aintain data concurrency forthe entire net or6.

    ypically; i'ple'entations of the bro6er 'odel also pro*ide 'onitorin$ andauditin$ tools that allo users to access infor'ation about the Bo of 'essa$es throu$h their syste's; as ell as tools to speed up theco'plicated tas6 of con($urin$ 'appin$ and routin$ bet een lar$enu'bers of syste's and applications.

    he connecti*ity bet een the C! syste' and other co''unicatin$applications is usually established usin$ traditional E,I bro6er% & .

    Li6e any other architecture 'odel that uses a central en$ine ; is that thebro6er can beco'e a sin$le point of failure for the net or6. "ince thebro6er is responsible for all concurrency bet een application

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    architecture and introduces ne points of failure.

    2. #asic inter co'ponent co''unication re uire'ents are co'pro'ised.

    +. In the hole e3ercise; the solution architecture 'o*es further a ayfro'


    E*en if the ne breed of E,I bro6ers use "&, based in theco''unication architecture; they are nor'ally in ard focussed. Let usi'a$ine a scenario in hich eb ser*ices are used to pic6 up thedata fro' a custo'er)portin$ database. hese eb ser*ices ouldha*e been de*eloped usin$ a speci(c *endor product. In case theor$ani?ation ants to 'i$rate to a di@erent application ser*er; ebser*ices cannot be si'ply plu$$ed and played and ould need to be re)

    ritten up to a $ood e3tent.

    Tightl *oupled #usiness rules and inte$ration lo$ic is ti$htly coupled ith soft areco'ponents and any chan$e in business en*iron'ent ill re uireo*erhaulin$ and rebuildin$ application. &""%#"" syste' is not Be3ible tohandle fre uently chan$in$ business re uire'ents li6e introduction to nepolicies and ser*ice o@erin$s.

    Introduction to ESB

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    7 E n t e r p r i s e s e r " ic e ' u s i s # id e ld i s t r i' u t ed8 h igh l a "a i la ' l e8 s e r " i ceo r ie n t e d c o m m u n i c a tio n ' a c 9 ' o n e t h a tp r o " i d e s t h e s t a n d a r d s ' a s e d i n t e g r a t io na c r o s s t h e e n t e r p r is e %

    7 & c c o r d in g t o $ a r t n e r & n E n t e r p r i seS e r " i c e B u s : E S B ; is a n e # a r c h i t e c t u r et h a t e < p l o it s We ' s e r " i c e s 8 m e s s a g in g

    m id d l e # a r e 8 in t e l li g e n t r o u t in g 8 a n dt r a n s f o r m a t i o n % E S B s a c t a s al i g h t # e i g h t 8 u ' i = u i t o u s i n t e g r a t i o n' a c 9 ' o n e t h r o u g h # h i c h s o f t# a r es e r " ic e s a n d a p p l ic a t io n c o m p o n e n t s> o # %

    7 T h e En te rp ris e se r" ic e 'u s :E S B ;a d d r e s s e s th e a ' o " e ? m e n t io n e dc h a l le n g e s ' p r o " id i n g t h e d is t r i' u t e dp r o c e s s i n g 8 s t a n d a r d ? ' a s e d i n t e g r a t i o n 8a n d E n t e r p r i s e ?le " e l ' a c 9 ' o n e r e = u ir e d' t h e E n t e r p r is e %

    Ente rp r i se "e r* ice #u s

    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    ESB in &ction in Telecom B/OSS Platforms

    a*in$ identi(ed a case for standard based inte$ration re uired bet een disparatesyste's as depicted abo*e; in this section e ould identify hy and ho an E"# can be theri$ht (t to the 6ey challen$es in the eleco' #%&"" Platfor's.

    In the eleco''unication Industry; the Enterprise "er*ice #us E"#9 pro*ides a ne ay to buildand deploy Enterprise ser*ice)oriented architectures "&,9. he true *alue of the E"# is topro*ide suitable ser*ices ithin "L,s 'ana$in$ the ser*ice pro*ided to operate and inte$ratein a hetero$eneous technolo$y en*iron'ent.

    he dia$ra' belo depicts the co'ponents of E"# that can be used to for' the inte$rationbac6bone in eleco''unication #%&"" I Platfor's.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    he follo in$ sections ould hi$hli$ht on ho the dra bac6s of usin$ a traditional E,I solutionare addressed and translated into opportunity usin$ bus architecture in the eleco''unicationIndustry

    Basic Connectivity

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    he core of E"# is hi$hly scalable Enterprise 'essa$in$ bac6bone that transports the

    data as 'essa$es in a secure and reliable fashion. E"# uses standard eb ser*ices; JC, orstandard based J " to pro*ide connecti*ity to the plu$$in$ applications. E"# uses abstractser*ice endpoints to asse'ble ser*ices to for' the process. In addition; it fully supportsinte$ration of ser*ices that are the'sel*es ser*ices or that connect to other ser*ices usin$ser*ice endpoints.

    he co'ponent that 'a6es an E"# hi$hly distributed is E"# container. , E"# Container is capableof hostin$ 'ultiple di@erent ser*ices in a container en*iron'ent.

    In the eleco''unication do'ain; syste's li6e self)ser*ice user interfaces; contact centresetc.; can use eb ser*ices to in*o6e *arious ser*icesF li6e custo'er 'ana$e'ent; credit cardauthorisation etc.; o@ered by the core E"# bac6bone. hese ser*ices the'sel*es in*o6e theappropriate ser*ices usin$ the abstract ser*ice end points to do the desired Gob and co'e bac6

    ith the reply if desired and desi$ned9.

    his is i'portant to note that ser*ices o@ered by E"# in can be of both synchronous andasynchronous nature. Aor e3a'ple; credit card *alidation of a custo'er is asynchronousser*ice but the custo'er order acti*ation can be an asynchronous ser*ice. Aor those

    applications%syste's that do not fall into the cate$ory of co''unicatin$ throu$h eb)ser*ices;standard J " and J2EE connectors are used.

    , $ood e3a'ple could be C! syste's and #illin$ syste's. here are products in the Enterprise'ar6et that can pro*ide the ser*ices re uired by C! and #illin$ syste's. ,n E"# ay for the'to interact is usin$ abstract ser*ice end points. If it is de*eloped usin$ the EJ# ser*erarchitecture; it can $et on to the bus usin$ the D# essa$e dri*en bean9. If theapplication is de*eloped in Ga*a; it can use J " to connect to E"#. he .Het application can $etconnected usin$ a .HE client. his .HE client can be plu$$ed into the bus usin$ the &internal co''unication protocol. ost of the E"#s today use JC, that supports both real ti'eand batch connecti*ity. E"# pro*ides E"# Container architecture that allo s pac6a$ed orle$acy applications to be plu$$ed into the E"# throu$h "er*ice end points. ence; byadoptin$ the Industry ide standard of usin$ JC,; 5 L and 7eb ser*ices and other bestpractices; the shortco'in$ of usin$ proprietary de*elop'ent interfaces and protocols isno here in the picture any 'ore in E"# based solution architecture. to this; thearchitecture $ets inclined to ards a standards based intelli$ent co''unication bac6bone.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    Scalability and Reliability

    Physical loose)couplin$ pro*ides scalability ad*anta$es such as hi$h)a*ailability; fault)toleranceand load balancin$. he 'essa$in$ layer in the E"# directs 'essa$es bet een ser*ice endpointsto the appropriate instance of the endpoint. Aor e3a'ple; in the e*ent of a ser*ice pro*iderfailure; 'essa$es ill be redirected to a bac6up pro*ider thus supportin$ hi$h a*ailability. In thecase of load balancin$; 'essa$es are distributed bet een redundant pro*iders or consu'ers9 tohandle hi$h *olu'es of 'essa$e tra=c. ou could say that physical loose)couplin$ supportschan$e at the 'icroF le*el here short ter' chan$es in the syste' topolo$y can beco'pensated for *ia real)ti'e 'essa$e redirection.

    Routing and mediation

    essa$e routin$ supports scalability and fault tolerance. ,n E"# can also be used to supportbusiness)le*el routin$ and 'ediation. Aor e3a'ple content)based routin$ allo s ser*ices to bein*o6ed based on the content of a ser*ice re uest. , business e3a'ple ould be routin$ of acusto'er en uiry to the branch here that custo'er account is located. , technical e3a'ple

    ould be the routin$ of a ser*ice re uest based on the *ersion of the ser*ice bein$ in*o6ed.

    Complex message exchange patterns

    raditional P)based ser*ices support only one)to)one re uest)reply EPs. ,n E"# supports'ore co'ple3 EPs such as asynchronous one) ay 'essa$in$ and to 'ultiple subscribers usin$topic)based 'essa$in$. ,synchronous publish and subscribe 'echanis's support ne ays of

    inter'ediatin$ ser*ice consu'ers and subscribers such as auditin$; ser*ice 'onitorin$ hichare e3tre'ely useful for runti'e 'ana$e'ent and $o*ernance of your ser*ices. #eyond 'ere$o*ernance; hi$her le*el business functions such as co'ple3 e*ent processin$ CEP9and business acti*ity 'onitorin$ #, 9 are supported by this ability to listen inF to ser*ice tra=con the E"#.

    Referential &rchitecture +sing ESB

    #elo is the $eneral referential architecture for inte$ratin$ di@erent &"" syste's; thearchitecture consists of co'ponents li6e In ,dapters; &ut ,dapters; ransfor'ers; 7eb "er*ices;

    ueues and uses a E"# tool.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    Business Process Management BPM! Layer"

    It is used to de(ne auto'ated business processes.#P syste's can interact ith the e3ternalsyste's throu$h its o@)the)shelf or custo' de*eloped connectors. here are *arious playerso@erin$ #P tools li6e I# ; #E,; Kitria; and Jboss. ost of the #P tools deploy the businessprocesses on a J2EE application ser*er as enterprise Ga*a beans EJ#9 and the hole application isasse'bled into an E,!. "o these business processes ha*e access to all the J2EE ser*er featuresli6e security; transaction; JHDI; re'ote connecti*ity etc.


    he business processes de(ned in #P can be in*o6ed by sendin$ a 'essa$e in the ,pplicationueue. he application ueue is deployed as J " ueue on application ser*er in order to pro*ide

    asynchronous co''unication.


    Connector consists of In ,dapter; &ut ,dapter; 7eb "er*ice; ransfor'er and a connector speci(cueue. Connector can be in*o6ed either by placin$ the re uest in ueue or by directly callin$ theeb ser*ice. Connector is the only ay throu$h hich the #P layer can interact ith the

    e3ternal syste'.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    Connector #ueue"

    he entire asynchronous re uest that needs to be handled by &ut ,dapter need to be placed inthe Connector ueue. Each connector has its o n ueue that is deployed as J " ueue onapplication ser*er.

    $n Adapter"

    In ,dapter is used to place a re uest in application ueue that ill in*o6e a or6Bo of #Pdependin$ on the re uest type. Aor e3a'ple; if account infor'ation has been updated in C!syste' by C"!; it should be synchroni?ed ith the billin$ syste'. In order to acco'plish the C!In ,daptor ill place an update account re uest in application ueue.

    Out Adapter"

    &ut ,dapter is used to process the re uests that are placed in connector ueue. Consider thesa'e e3a'ple the C! In ,daptor ill place an update account re uest in application ueue.#ased on the 'essa$e type this re uest ill $o to the #illin$ ueue. ,nd fro' there &ut ,dapter

    ill read the re uest ill call the eb ser*ice to create an ,ccount in the #illin$ "yste'.


    ransfor'er is used to con*ert the obGect of hird party syste' into application speci(c obGectand *ice *ersa. It has only the transfor'ation lo$ic and no business lo$ic. It should be able tohandle follo in$ type of transfor'ations:

    Ja*a &bGect to Ja*a &bGect Ja*a to 5 L or *ice)*ersa5 L to 5 L

    'eb service $nter&ace"

    he functionality of the e3ternal syste's can be in*o6ed throu$h the eb ser*ice interface. he

    7eb "er*ice interface ill accept the application speci(c para'eters and transfor' the' toe3ternal syste' speci(c para'eters and ill then call the functionality of the e3ternal syste'."i'ilarly; the result ill be transfor'ed and returned.

    Considerin$ the e3a'ple of account creation; a user ill access the custo'er care portal tosub'it a re uest for ,ccount creation. he ,ccount Creation re uest ill be placed in the,pplication ueue of #P . #P ill initiate a business process de(ned for it. It ill then place acreation !e uest in all the re uired connector ueues li6e billin$; C! ueue. he &ut ,dapter of each connector of the respecti*e e3ternal syste' ill process the re uest placed in the connector

    ueue and ill call the eb ser*ice to create an ,ccount after appropriate transfor'ation. he!esponse of the eb ser*ice ill a$ain place in the application ueue and e3ecution of the #P

    process ill resu'e.

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    he proposed enterprise architecture o@ers nu'ber of ad*anta$es o*er the traditional &""%#""


    7hene*er a ne ,PI is e3posed or an e3istin$ ,PI is chan$ed by thethird party syste'; only the connector lo$ic needs to be chan$ed andnothin$ else.,ll the syste's are loosely coupled. 7hene*er a ne third party syste'or ser*ice is introduced into the architecture; only a ne connectorneeds to be de*eloped and appropriate chan$es need to be 'ade in#P . Ho other syste' or its connector $ets i'pacted.

    here is a clear separation bet een business rules and inte$ration lo$ic.#usiness !ules are i'ple'ented throu$h business process de(ned in#P and inte$ration is achie*ed throu$h the connectors.E3ternal syste' can e3pose its ,PI throu$h *arious interfaces li6e EJ#;C&!#,; 7eb ser*ice; JHI; CMM. #ut ith use of connector basedarchitecture all the functionalities of e3ternal syste's are e3posedthrou$h the eb ser*ices hich 'a6e the interface to all e3ternalsyste's unifor'.

    ransactions are 'ana$ed by #P layer. If a sa'e business processre uires interaction ith 'ultiple syste's then this is done in a sin$le

    transaction. If due to so'e reason operation fails for one of the syste';the #P can rollbac6 operation%transactions in other syste's.Due to the use of #P ; e can de(ne a business process that can beused to de(ne both the 'anual and auto'ated acti*ities.


    E"# o@ers a po erful technolo$y o'ittin$ out the proprietary de*elop'ent interface; ithoutha*in$ the need to retrain the sta@ and pro*idin$ the need based inte$ration at 'uch lo er costand hi$h !&I on in*est'ents. ,s seen in the sections abo*e; E"# holds lots of pro'ise in the

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    he !ole of E"# in inte$ratin$ #%&"" Platfor's

    inte$ration space for the Enterprise Industry. E uipped ith eb ser*ices and "&, under its

    u'brella; it could pro*e as one)stop solution architecture for a *ariety of inte$ration needs



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    I a' than6ful to La6sh'an una6ala; eleco' &"" tea' for their *aluable inputs durin$ there*ie period.

    I ould also li6e to than6 KiGay Hata'shan'u$ha' for his support.

    I ould li6e to hear fro' you. Please send 'e your su$$estions and co''ents atprasant.6ellaNinfotech)'

    A A A A A E N D O ) D O * + . E N T A A A A A

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