The robinson legacy p.

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The Robinson Legacy - Prologue

Transcript of The robinson legacy p.

  • 1. Prologue
    The Robinson Legacy
  • 2. Welcome to The Weather Station! Today, the weather in Pleasantview will be pleasant, with temperatures up to 34 degrees Celsius. If youre in Veronaville, expect some sunny spells and light rain showers with temperatures ranging from 12 to 23 degrees Celsius. Strangetown will be-
    Ugh! Why does Port Weston always have to be LAST? Emily Robinson complained to her friend, Flora Wood.
    I dont know...
    In Port Weston, therell be more stormy weather, including heavy rain and lots of thunder and lightning. Now we head over to Claire Hob, wholl explain why this is happening. Thanks, Jason. We think its happening because the Gods are angry they want a legacy completed, but Port Weston unable to do this. We advise that people begin to move away-
  • 3. You know, Flora, I think we should go and see old Miss Dragon to find out some more about legacies, said Emily, looking up at her friend. Yes, I think we should. They smiled at each other, then ran to the car through the torrential rain, and drove to the other side of Port Weston.
  • 4. There was a knock at the door, and Agatha Dragon said hoarsely, Come in...
  • 5. Hello, Miss Dragon, my name is Emily, and this is Flora. We were wondering if you could tell us something about... The legacy you were in. Im really sorry if were intruding... said Emily. Saw something on the television, did you? Yes, I can tell you about it. Sit down.
  • 6. Of course, being only the daughter of a spare, I wasnt told much, but I will tell you the little that I know of The Dragon Legacy.
  • 7. Our legacy was finished because the seventh generation only had one child, and she refused to have children and continue the legacy. Her parents would have had more kids, but they were too old when she told them.
  • 8. It started out when a fairy visited my great-great-great-grandmother, and told her that she was destined to start a legacy. So, she was planted on a lot with only the bare essentials for life and was told to get married, have kids then die. Of course, she did just that.
  • 9. But when the incident in the seventh generation happened, the fairy got angry. She told the Gods, her masters, and they, too, were angry. The south part of Port Weston was destroyed.
  • 10. If a legacy isnt finished the soon, the Gods will get more and more angry, as you saw on the television. If a legacy isnt finished soon, Port Weston will be doomed to destruction.
  • 11. But why a legacy? Why not just... I dont know... Ten generations of an already existing family? asked Flora.
  • 12. No one knows...
  • 13. Emily stood up. Im going to do it. Im going to start a legacy.
  • 14. No, Emily! You cant! said Flora, also standing up. I can! And Im going to! If it helps Port Weston, Ill do it! Come on, Flora! We were born and bred here, we cant just let it be crushed by the Gods...
  • 15. Thats very noble of you, Emily, but why would anyone willingly start a legacy? Agatha interrupted. Hm, lets see, to save their neighbourhood? Thanks for all your help, Miss Dragon, but we must go now. Agatha Dragon sighed. Good luck...
  • 16. When they were driving back, Emily had explained her reasons to Flora, who seemed more at ease with her decisions now, and Flora had given her a good luck present and said, Just... Dont forget about me, k? Ill only be the other side of town! Yeah, but... Still...
  • 17. Hey, you just take care of yourself, ok? said Emily. Me? What about you!? retorted Flora, grinning.
  • 18. Flora sighed, and hugged Emily, tears prickling in her eyes. Im gonna miss you, she said. Yeah, Im gonna miss you too. Ok, go. Before I start blubbering all over you, Flora sniffed, laughing slightly and wiping her eyes.
  • 19. And so, Emily Robinson. set off to begin her new life as a legacy founder.