The Rise: Issue 2

R SE THE ISSUE 2 LEVANTARSE What’s New? 2012 Forums, Hot Topics and More Teen Pregnancy, Health & Body Image The Rise / “ I feel alone... nobody stayed with me to take care of my child...”


The second issue deals with Teen pregnancy, Body image & Health.

Transcript of The Rise: Issue 2




What’s New?


Forums, Hot Topicsand More

Teen Pregnancy, Health & Body Image

The Rise /

“ I feel alone...nobody stayed with me to take care of my child...”


The Rise / / Page 2

CONTENTSOvercoming Obstacles


Esperanza PAGE



“Teen pregnancy: 1. The U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world – twice as high in England or Canada, and ten times higher then Switzerland.”

Nowadays the social media pressures teens to be what they feel is “perfect”. TV and maga-zines usually have what teens look up to as “role models”. They mostly think that these people have the perfect body, attitude, “swag” or just way of

being. PAGE 12

"I never thought I would be a statistic. Me, a teen parent. None of my family or friends could believe it. My coach-es and teachers couldn't believe it ei-ther." says 17 year old Alicia Graham, a senior at Bayside Meridian High School. Alicia would have graduated at the top 10 ten of class, but due to her pregnancy, she barely passed the 12th grade. Alicia also was a all-star at her high school, participating in cross-country, basketball and indoor track.


Teen Pregnancy: 1. The U.S. has the high-est teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world – twice as high in England or Canada, and ten times higher then Switzerland.2. The U.S. teen pregnancy rate dropped six percent between 2008 and 2009.3. About 750,000 teens get pregnant in the United States each year. Nevada has the highest teen birth rate; 113 out of every 1,000 teens will get preg-nant.4. About 1 in 3 women become pregnant at least once before they’re 20.5. A sexually active teen who does not use contra-ceptives has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year.

Teen Pregnancy, Health & Body Image FACTS:

Body Image:1. Americans spend more than 40 billion a year on diet and beauty products 2. The average American woman is 5’4” and 140 pounds 3. The average American model is 5’ 11” and 117 pounds 4. In your lifetime 50,000 people will die as a direct result of their eating disor-der 5. The current media ideal of thinness is achieved by less than 5% of the female population.

Health:1. Excersise daily2. Maintain a healthy diet3. Become active4. Make healthy choices5. Always use protection when having sexual intercourse

The Rise / FYI

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Q: Do we feel society glamorizes TEEN pregnancy?A: Yes, we do feel society glamorizes teen pregnancy because you see all these young women recieving attention and getting praised for being pregnant on T.V. People see the struggle that these young women go through and consider it entertainment and don’t really know what it feels like to have a kid at such a young age.

Q: Do you feel the constant pressure to fit into society’s

-Gabriela, 16Cleveland, OH

A: Personally, I do feel the constant pressure of being perfect because the media has put a certain image of what it looks like to be perfect into our heads.That leads us teens to do very unhealthy things such as starving ourselves to strive for that certain look. The media plays a big role on the constant pressure to be perfect because it brainwashes society into thinking, if you don’t look a certain way, you aren’t beautiful or good looking which is not the case.

-Digna, 17Cleveland, OH

A: I feel as if there is more to being healthy. There is definetley more than just eating right and excersising. You have to be mentally and emotionally healthy too. You should start eating healthy and excersising but not for the wrong reasons. Just love yourself enough to know what is good for you. If you feel good about yourself than you are less likely to hurt yourself to look a certain way. Just looking in the mirror everyday and saying at least one good thing about yourself can help you start being healthy. Soon you will start to want to take care of yourself and start eating well and excersising. Just love yourself enough to know what is good for you.

Q: Is there more to being healthy than dieting and eatingright or is it a whole lifestyle choice?

Questions to the Reader

impression of perfect?

-Kelsey, 15Cleveland, OH

The Rise/ForumBody Image, Health and Teen


Opinion on body image: People come in many different shapes and sizes. Not everyone needs to look the same let alone feel inferior because of the shape and size of their body. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and you don’t need to change yourself to please someone else. If you don’t like how you look then change your image for you, not for others. Everyone is perfectly unperfect, that’s what makes you unique. So stop stressing over the way you look in comparison to others. Flaunt your insecurities, flaws and even your scars because that’s what makes you who you are.

Opinion on teen pregnancy:

First, teen pregnancy is 100% prevent-able. Being a pregnant teenager is nothing to be ashamed of. Whether it was planned or not, a baby is something special so never regret him/her. Some may feel insecure be-cause their body is changing over the course of their pregnancy, but why feel that way? It’s natural. In today’s society, a pregnant teenager is ridiculed due to their age and situation. Some people make mistakes which leads to consequences such as having sexual inter-course without protection and resulting in pregnancy.

In a way, I can see where they’re coming from because teenagers may not be mentally ready for children. But if they can get a job and have enough financial stability to handle their responsibilities without help, then who are we to judge?

We need to help stop teen pregnancy because it would also reduce the amount of abortions done each year. In other words, use protection and as for adults, talk to your children about sex and how to protect themselves from any STD’s and pregnancy.

Opinion on health:

It’s always better to be healthy. Being unhealthy can lead to serious health issues that can cause one’s life to be drastically short. It is proven that eating right and ex-ercising regularly can help reduce the risk for health problems in the future. Nowa-days, people find exercise boring and dif-ficult but there are ways you can exercise and enjoy yourself at the same time. You can dance, swim, play sports, and more. So get up, get out, and get active. Make a change in your life and help better your future.By: Kelsey RuizTwitter: Kelsey_Ruiz123

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The Rise/Forum

There is a famous quote by Oscar Wilde. “Be yourself; everyone else is al-ready taken.” Everyone has different body types. No one will ever look exactly the same. I am a curvy Latina girl and yet, I love my body. Yes, of course sometimes I wish I could be slimmer but for now this is how I look. Everyone should feel good about their body type whether they’re thick or thin. In my opinion, if you want to feel good about your body you should tell yourself that. What do I mean by that? Whenever you pass a mirror or anything reflective, take a second to stop and take a good look at yourself. Then say that you love the way you look and you wouldn’t change it. You are who you are; except it. Soon you will want to take care of your body, and you’ll be wearing clothes that adapt to it. They show off your assets. The better you look the better you feel. Then you’ll want to eat healthier and exercise more. I feel if you love your body others will soon follow. Never feel as if you’re ugly, because in someone’s eyes, you are beautiful. By:LarisaDaSilvsaTwitter:@LarisaDaSilva1

Opinion on body image:

Who Cares!By Roshely Toro and Abigail Velez

My body image is apart of me,But there’s much more for others to see.My mind and heart say much more,Who I am is what many adore.No matter my shape, type, or size,I’m not ashamed; I don’t need to hide.I know I was perfectly created,What others think is overrated.

AD ...College visits and applica-tions assistance, financial aid guidance for students and parents, a Summer Enrichment Program, and scholarship for college.

Goals of the SISCO II Program: Activities focus on improving grades and overall academic skills.Program efforts expand students’ knowledge of various career oppor-tunities. College visits expose stu-dents to new environments. Financial Aid information helps students and their parents understand their options. Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships. Service activities allow students and opportunity to give back to their community.

The SISCO II Program serves Hispanic students attending Cleveland high schools. After-school program-ming helps students perform well in school, improve scores on proficiency and college entrance exams, explore career options, and pursue college and job opportunities after completing high school.

SISCO II offers students: ACT/SAT college entrance exam preparation,academic and homework tutoring, proficiency review classes, job preparation...

Programs through Esperanza like SISCO II

The Rise / / Page 8


There aren’t many places in my commu-nity I can call a second home. Esperanza has set up a safe environment which I call my second home. Esperanza to me means exactly what it translates into: hope.

I have increased my vocabulary, I have learned better study skills, and I have ex-celled in computer skills. I have made new friendships and bonds between peers and the staff of this organization. One of the most special bonds is with my mentor through Esperanza. Every day after school there are volunteers who can help us with our home-work. This is a huge help because there aren’t many people we know and trust to help us with something as important as our grades.

Another thing Esperanza stresses is how important it is to graduate high school and go to college. They encourage us to dream big and set goals for ourselves. The staff and volunteers motivate us to become something greater in life. They believe in us. With the help of this organization, I see graduating and college as a possibility for myself.

While being just one of the many students that are a part of these programs, I have felt more special and attached to the people here than any other place in my life. There is noth-ing more that I’d like to do other than give thanks to Esperanza for everything they have done for me.

Esperanza has helped me since I came here. I was not sure about joining but once I started I never wanted to go home. They helped me with my classes and taught me how to be a better person in life and how to help the com-munity.

Thanks to Esperanza I passed the O.G.T test with just one year in the United States, was a straight A student at the International New-comers Academy. Now I am starting college; one more time Esperanza helped with their scholarship.

The whole staff have become like a second family for me, because a family helps me reach my goals and teaches me the skills to obtain them and that is what Esperanza has done for me. They helped me to improve my grades, my English and my leadership skills. I hope to give them back what they continu-ously give me.

I hope you join Esperanza and make a differ-ence as I am doing.

by Jose


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never thought I would be a statistic. Me, a teen parent. None of my family or friends could be-lieve it. My coach-es and teachers couldn't believe it either." says 17 year old Alicia Graham, a senior at Bayside Merid-ian High School. Alicia would have graduated at the top 10 ten of class, but due to her pregnancy, she barely passed the 12th grade. Alicia also was a all-star at her high school, participating in cross-country, basketball and in-door track. Alicia excelled in practi-cally everything she did, until the beginning of her senior year. During June in the summer be-fore her 12th

Overcoming Obstacles

By August, I was pregnant. I was so scared to tell my parents, I knew that they would never support me being a teen mother. I had so much to look forward too, college, track meets, basketball games and hanging out with friends. My baby’s father left the state, and I haven’t been able to get into contact with him.” Alicia knew that she had to make some-thing of herself,. She was determined to finish her senior year and go off to college, with out any help. “I was living with my mom during my pregnancy, but after Chase was born and

The Rise/

grade year, he par-ent's divorce was finalized. Alicia, like most children or teens, was dev-astated by the split. "I couldn't believe that it finally hap-pened. I always thought they would get back together, ya know? After that, my world was ruined. Everything spiraled out of control. My daily 3 mile runs were soon replaced by smoking, popping pills, and party-ing. My mother and father were too busy dating, trying to fill the gap that they left in each other's life. I soon became involved with the father of my son. Our relationship was toxic. We would stay out all night, experimenting with drugs and having unprotected sex.

I found my own apartment and job. I finished my senior year, and now I’m getting ready for college in the fall.” Although Alicia had to overcome many obstacles before and during her pregnancy, she got her life to-gether for her and her son. Although she may not be able to fulfil her dreams of being a track star, she can be proud that she is a strong young woman and a good mother to her son. Alicia is mak-ing something out of her life, and she has shown that a young teen parent can dis-prove what society thinks and what sta-tistic say. “


Nowadays the social media pressures teens to be what they feel is “perfect”. TV and magazines usually have what teens look up to as “role models”. They mostly think that these people have the perfect body, attitude, “swag” or just way of being. Teens sometimes strive to be someone they aren’t, because of the image popular-ity portrays. They soon begin to feel pressured to obtain that same image. They can become obsessed with try-ing to acquire that image, that it can

make them sick without realizing it.

Teen View: Felibel Ramos is a teen who I interviewed. I asked him about how he feels in his skin and about his body im-age. Felibel told me that he feels uncomfortable with him-self. He shared that he tries exercising to look better. When I asked him about his self esteem, he said “I am comfort-able around my relatives and close friends, but when I am around strangers I get very shy.” He has felt this way for a long time because he says that he was overweight when he was younger. Felibel says “those thoughts have changed since I’ve gotten older and I’m feeling better about my body image.” Overall, Felibel thanks God for everything that has been given to him and he is happy to have some privileges that not everyone has.

Felibel joined the football team in ninth grade so he could not only exercise but also have fun at the same time. He wanted to lose weight for his senior year so he would look nice and handsome for prom. His goal was to lose at least thirty pounds. He knew for a fact that the goal was not going to be easy but he didn’t want to give up. Every time he looked at himself, it would give him the motivation he needed to keep going. After three years of exercising and eating healthy, he had reached his goal. Just the fact that he accomplished his goal made him very happy and pleased with himself and his life. It made him want to keep doing what he thought was right, which was to lose more weight. Felibel’s advice to people that are go-ing through the same struggle is to keep trying and striving for the best, that anything is possible as long as you put your all into it.

Parent View: I also interviewed Felibel’s mother, Eliza-beth Mendez. I asked for her opinion on what teens go through with their body and their self esteem. “Teens should love themselves no matter what they look like” Elizabeth says. She recommends teens to exercise and eat healthy because it helps to release hormones called endorphins, which reduce the sen-sation of pain and the effect of emotions. The re-lease of endorphins help you feel better about your-self, gives you more self esteem and clears your mind. Elizabeth says “you should love yourself no matter what, always try be healthy both physically, mentally and emotionally.”

When I asked Elizabeth how she feels about herself she responded with “I do not mind how I look because I’m already married, and my husband loves me for who I am, not what I look like.” She only has to worry about looking good at her uni-versity, when she goes out to a restaurant, and on Sunday at church. As for Elisabeth, she says that she has a good self esteem because her family as well as her husband loves her for who she is.

The Rise / Teen & Parent

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I like the name by the way, man. LOL. Well, back to the topic. I want to help you through this. The first thing you need to do is talk to a counselor at school to get those bullies off your back. But if they start to come at you after school, then you need to call your parents to get a ride home so you don’t see them. Secondly, you need to start to get a group of friends to surround you so you can change your attitude towards life and have friends to talk to. Third, you shouldn’t care what others think of you because everyone is beau-tiful in their own way, not by the way society says.

Dear Fr3d,

I have been having social problems at school because some people make fun of my looks. I cry sometimes, at home and at night. I can’t help how I look. I try to look better but how do I get over their remarks? I have also become very depressed, and thoughts of suicide have ran through my mind once or twice. I don’t know what to do. I have gone for help as well, but they just give me prescriptions and push me aside. Help me…


Dear Wevon

The Rise / Dear Section


TR: Did anyone ever push you to binge or purge? Allison: In a way, yes. My parents would always tell me I had to lose weight because I looked “big” and I had to do something about it. They’d tell me this repeatedly; on a daily basis. That’s what gave me the urge to purge.

TR: How did you deal with it?

Allison: I didn’t cope. I never told any-one either because I felt ashamed and embar-rassed. I just kept doing what I’d done before.

TR: Did bulimia cause you to do any-thing else besides binge or purge and why?

Allison: It made me feel very depressed and I soon began to have suicidal thoughts. It changed my view of life. Everything seemed so negative. Even though I was losing weight, I felt like I was gaining it. I was never satisfied.

The Rise

An Interview with AllisonBy: Kelsey Ruiz and Larisa DaSilva I recently had the opportunity to inter-view a girl named Allison who had a tough time with accepting herself and her body. In today’s society teenagers feel unhappy with their body due to the image that has been created by the media that gives these young girls the wrong idea of what “beautiful” is. Nowadays, teen-agers will do whatever to be the perfect size, which can sometimes lead to drastic measures. Allison was that girl who wanted to be accepted but lost herself in striving to be the ideal beauty. She was kind enough to share her story.

The Rise: What was the cause for your eating disorder?

Allison: My whole life, I’ve always had low self-esteem and as I got older it only got worse. When I’d get depressed, I would turn to food as a way of comforting the pain. I then be-gan to eat more and more everyday which even-tually lead to overeating. Obviously it caused me to gain a great deal of weight. With the pres-sures of wanting people to like you and accept you, you try to lose weight. I wanted to find a quick way to do that, but I couldn’t cut down on eating so I began throwing up. I soon stopped eating, and when I did I would get rid of it by forcing myself to throw up.

TR: How did that make you feel?

Allison: After I binged I felt a deep dis-appointment within myself, like I let myself down. But after the purge, I felt like I had power, more control over everything. It was like going from having no control to having all the control over more than just your body. I never seen my-self getting better, but at that point I didn’t care whether I did or not.

TR: Did anyone ever push you to binge or purge?

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TR: Did you ever see a professional about your situation?

Allison: No I refused to tell anyone. My friend told me that I might have a problem, so I started to do my own research and realized that I was bulimic.

TR: How did that make you feel?

Allison: It made me feel worse. I felt down all the time. I knew I had to force myself to eat, but once I did I couldn’t stop again. So because of that, I would go days without eating which gave me a chance to let all the food out of my system. At that point I couldn’t even look at food, I felt nauseated.

TR: So how are you doing now?

Allison: I’m doing so much better now. I’ve learned to cope with my insecurities and I’m eating again without binging or purging. I feel like I have complete control over myself now without doing anything to harm myself in any way.

TR: What advice would you give some-one who might be going through the same thing?

Allison: My advice would be to talk to someone. Keep in mind that you’re beautiful and nothing and no one can change that. Even if you feel uncomfortable talking to an adult about your situation, you can always find comfort in your friends. Don’t keep things bottled up, ex-press your emotions and get medical treatment because the little things eventually grow into bigger things. Listening to music helps, along with reading, writing, drawing etc. Have an open mind and remember, you’re never alone.


In today’s society we’re surrounded by fads and crazes that constantly change by the minute. Body image plays a big role on a lot of these trends because the media shows us and makes us believe that if we don’t have the plump lips, the slim waist, or even the latest fashion that we aren’t beautiful or even worth looking at. Of course the fashion trends are always going to change as time goes on but what seems to be “in” or “hot” in this generation is plastic surgery. People all over the world are get-ting plastic surgeries because most of them feel as if they need to do it in order to be considered attractive.

Majority of the plastic surgery procedures that are being done now a days aren’t even FDA approved. The reason why the Food and Drug Ad-ministration (FDA) doesn’t approve of these pro-cedures is because of the drugs that are involved. Even though most of these plastic surgeries aren’t safe, all it takes is a catchy word or phrase com-bined with something that is already accepted for it to become another unsafe trend added to our sta-tistics. Usually these kinds of surgeries are created from an idea or created to fix a problem, but the thing is that these plastic surgeries aren’t safe at all. According to “I can only point to three surgeries that have made a real difference. These are liposuction, Botox and skin glue.” As far as other procedures go they’ve all gone wayside or downhill because in time they gave people physical complications or were just proven to be pointless. If these other surgeries were actually helpful and safe then maybe all surgeons across the nation would be doing these procedures in a couple years. In some cases such as this, patience is virtue.

Personally, I feel that the people in our generation and for the generations to come shouldn’t care for societies opinion or what the media portrays when it comes to being “perfect” because in real-ity nobody is perfect. Even models, bodybuilders, actors and actresses have their own flaws which makes them no better than us; they are normal people like us. If body im-age and fitting in is such a big con-cern to people then instead of turn-ing to technology to fix our flaws and appearances, why not go to the gym a couple days a week, start eating healthier and actually dedi-cate some of our time to becoming better people to look good and feel good about ourselves inside and out.

The Rise / ForumSergical Society by Carlos Vasquez

WWW __

Teens being fit and in shape has become increas-ingly difficult over the years. The pressure to be thin, has caused many teens to be-come unhealthy. They go to life threatening extremes to be considered in shape. Also, having poor eating habits, like eating at fast food res-taurants play a part in being out of shape. Some of the best ways to stay at a healthy weight is to join school sports, but be sure to take at least one season off to let your body and mind rest.

When it comes to eating healthy, follow the food pyr-amid, it suggest daily serv-ings for a healthy diet. Re-member to never work out too hard because a matur-ing body, which is still going through hormonal changes, can be damaged.


The Rise / FitnessThe Rise / / Page 16


Alternaterm preg-nancy(216)371-4848Fairview hospital(216)941-8888free clinic(216)721-4010Merto health(216)778-7800Planned Parent-hood(216)961-8804Family Practice(216)281-0872Eating Disorders1-800-931-2237Cleveland Sight Center(216)791-8118Child Care(216)575-0061University Settle-ment(216)441-1066

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