The Rig Runner Gazette - Hi-Desert Rig Runners · The Rig Runner Gazette ... Tryna Morton, Pr id nt...

The Rig Runner Gazette Newsletter of the Hi-Desert Rig Runners, a WIT Chapter Website: J November, 2015 Kite Flying at Sportmans Club Joshua Tree, CA Tryna Morton, Pr id nt B b rge id nt n z ki, S r t r rer w tt r dit r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Transcript of The Rig Runner Gazette - Hi-Desert Rig Runners · The Rig Runner Gazette ... Tryna Morton, Pr id nt...

The Rig Runner Gazette Newsletter of the Hi-Desert Rig Runners, a WIT Chapter



November, 2015

Kite Flying at Sportmans Club Joshua Tree, CA

Tryna Morton, Pr id nt B b rge id nt

n z ki, S r t r


w tt r dit r

re Gilb rt n t id nt

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sportsmans Club Joshua Tree, CA

November 10-13, 2015 By Larry & Lorraine Tesler

The Hi-Desert Rig Runners arrived at the Sportsmans Club in Joshua Tree on Tuesday November 10, 2015 and set up their RVs. The rally hosts were Larry and Lorraine Tesler with co-hosts Orin and Clare Gilbertson. After the coaches were all set up and everyone settled in we all went to dinner at Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant in Yucca Valley. They provided us with a nice big room and the food was very good. After dinner some members went to the Sportsmans Club to play bingo. Wednesday morning breakfast Larry and Orin made pancakes and sausage, etc. was served by the hosts. In the afternoon most of the members drove to Gublers Orchid Gardens in Landers for a tour of the gardens, which was very interesting and they had beautiful orchids of all species. Most of us even purchased some to take home and hopefully grow. For dinner on Wednesday the host Lorraine prepared Hobo Stew. Clare, Lorraine and Paula provided salad, cornbread and desserts. After dinner Marjorie lead us in Bingo. We had a good time playing and had lots of winners. Thursday the group provided breakfast and dinner. Larry prepared the barbeque in the Sportsman’s bbq pit and the guys barbequed the meat they brought for dinner. All in all it was very good food. Thursday afternoon Clare and Orin led the group in flying kites. Greg Bechner got his kite caught in a tree but got it out with a little patience. In the evening we played the game Left, Right, Center and had quite a few winners. It was a lot of fun and excitement. During the outing members also went to see the surrounding area of Joshua Tree National Park which is very pretty and interesting. We want to thank all who helped the hosts prepare the decorating of the hall, helping with the food and extra work. We really appreciate it. Larry and Lorraine Tesler

Hi-Desert Rig Runners, a WIT Chapter November 12, 2015

Sportsmans Club, Joshua Tree, CA

Call to order: By Tryna Morton, President

at 9;35 AM.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led By Bob Gorges.

Officers Present: President, Tryna Morton,

Bob Gorges, Vice-President, Secretary,

Nancy Walczynski

Guests: None

Members present: 11 rigs 20 members Greg &

Karla Bechner, Lorraine Brockway, Randy &

Karen Childs, Orin & Clare Gilbertson, Bob

& Paula Gorges, Jerry & Connie Just,

Marjorie Morrison, Tryna & Al Morton, Larry

& Lorraine Tesler, Greg & Nancy Walczynski,

Larry & Shirley Zollinger

Secretary Report: Motion made, seconded,

approved by Members to accept Minutes as

published in September Gazette.

Treasurers report: In Barbara Gury,

Treasurer, absence, report read by Bob

Gorges. Approved and Motion made, seconded,

to file report for audit.

Correspondence: WIT awards for Chapter of

Excellence and Website Contest “Best Local

Chapter” with $50 award. To be used for ice

cream social at next meeting.

Sunshine Report: Get Well Wishes sent to

Karen Childs.

Old Business: Regarding 2016 schedule,

updated location wagonmasters & co-

wagonmasters for all locations by Greg


Membership approved March Outing at Silver

View RV Park, Bullhead City.

Committee of Lorraine Tesler, Marjorie

Morrison, Bob Gorges and Larry & Shirley

Zollinger appointed to review/publish

wagonmaster duties. Critical that new

members receive outline of duties.

Added April 12-15 Outing at Tucalota

Springs, Sage, CA with Jerry & Connie

Just,wagonmasters and co-wagonmasters Larry

& Lorraine Tesler.

By Law revisions on hold until WIT

International revises By Laws per Orin

Gilbertson. Committee of Orin Gilbertson

and Bob Gorges will meet/revise following

International revision.

Discussed location of Bank Account, local

or Forest City MBT Bank. Tabled for

discussion with new set of Officers after

December Outing.

Marjorie Morrison, 2016 Treasurer wants

checks only for outings.

Child Help: Christmas Gifts set at $20 per

member. Ages 6-16. Approved continuing

donation of pencils,erasers and spiral

binders for Library.

Ronald McDonald House: Bring Pop Top pull

tabs to December Outing, give to Orin

Gilbertson. Approved to continue this

project in 2016.

Christmas Craft: Making lighted garland,

cut ribbon in preparation for project at

December Outing.

New business:

Chapter Honored: 2015 Certificate and

Medallion. Display stand being worked on,

then attach medallions from past several


Website Contest: First Place for Best Local


WIT Volunteer of The Year: Marjorie

Morrison! Includes a $25 Cash Award.

Western Area Reps retired, awaiting new


Clare Gilbertson, Past President, presented

the Officer Nominations. A vote was taken

for the slate of Officers and 2016 Officers

are: Robert Gorges, President; Connie

Just, Vice-President; Lorraine Tesler,

Secretary; and Marjorie Morrison,


Discussions in preparation for December

Outing resulted in publishing the Outing

Activities. Issued by Tryna Morton. Be sure

to read it. No tours, just games, partying

and relaxation.

Chapter & State Dues: Chapter, $20/member;

State, $10/rig, due January. One check

covering Outing Fee, Chapter & State dues


National dues benefits were discussed.

Wagonmaster Expenses: what are guidelines?

Will be addressed by Wagonmaster duties

Committee. In current by laws Wagonmasters

are responsible for: location, programs and

meals with/without member assignments.

Tryna thanked Larry & Lorraine Tesler and

Orin & Clare Gilbertson for a nice outing

and Veterans for their service.

Announcements: Clare announced a project to

make a Christmas craft of a reindeer head

using palm bark and craft items scheduled

for this outing.

Meeting adjourned: 11:15 AM

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Walczynski, Secretary

President’s Message

Tryna Morton

President's Message Wow what a fantastic time we all had in Joshua Tree. Who would have ever thought there were such beautiful orchids being grown in Landers and that flying kites could be so much fun (and work without good winds)! Thanks again to the Teslers and Gilbertsons for all their hard work. I did feel a bit bad on getaway Friday that we didn't all gather together for munchies and goodbyes because I didn't get to see some of you. That just proves how importance of the getaway breakfast :-) Congratulations to our officers for the 2016 chapter year: Bob Gorges – President, Connie Just – VP, Marge Morrison – Treasurer and Lorraine Tesler – Secretary. I know you're all going to do a fantastic job. As my year as President is coming to an end, I would like to thank everyone for their support of me during the past year and for their help in making the Hi-Desert Rig Runners such an outstanding chapter. I look forward to seeing everyone at our Christmas outing. Feel free to call if you have any questions.

2015 Outing


Dec 1-4 Banning KOA

Banning, CA

WM: Executive Board

2016 Outing


Jan 17-20 BLM Area

Quartzsite, AZ

Jan 21-24 CA State Meeting

Golden Village Palms

Hemet, CA

Feb 16-19 California RV Resort

Acton, CA

Tuesday Arrival Dinner

Wednesday Breakfast is Ready!

Lots of Pancakes and other goodies at the

Breakfast Bar manned by Larry & Orin

Enjoying Meal Time Together

A craft project getting started….

So you want to see Orchids growing

in the Desert? Off to Gubler’s

Nursery in Landers…..

Back to Camp and the Craft Table…

Final Product: Rudolph

on Palm Bark…Cool!

Chapter Meeting getting started…Our President, Vice-President & Secretary kicking off a well run meeting.

Enjoying Games!

Dinner! Lots of great food!

Time Out for a smile…what a fun and happy group!

Kite Flying! Fun for all!

More Kite Pilots!

Way to go Greg! Catch that wind!


A Great Time was had by all, in spite of a light wind most of the Pilots and their Kites had plenty of air time! With only a couple of near misses in flight and a few trees getting in the way, it was an invigorating afternoon in the sunshine, breeze and watching the colorful kite flights!