The Relish Cooking Expo



Cooking Expo with Chef Jon Ashton to be held May 20, 2010 at the Embassy Suites Loveland hotel, spa and conference center

Transcript of The Relish Cooking Expo

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Page 3: The Relish Cooking Expo

Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010 A3





This Relish section was produced by theLoveland Reporter-Herald. For advertising

information, call 970-669-5050.

For editorial information, e-mail editorJade Cody at [email protected]

or call 970-635-3656.

There will be a Relish cooking show andexpo on May 20 featuring Chef Jon Ashtonand over 20 booths with displays from our


Meet Chef Jon AshtonLearn about Ashton’s culinary journey fromLiverpool, England to Relish celebrity chef

The Perfect PairWilbers offers wine-pairing adviceand hosts a cooking demonstration

Recipes Kids LikeFind several kid approved recipes tomake at home with your children

What’s for DinnerTry six delicious recipes from Relish


4 Welcome to the ShowFind show and expo details along with infoabout Relish products and offerings

10 Young at HeartChef Jon Ashton visits Laurene EdmondsonElementary School in Loveland to give ademonstration on healthy smoothies

15 Embassy SuitesEmbassy Suites is the ideallocation for the show

16 Eheart Takes the StageAn inside look at the Relish stagekitchen built by Eheart and associates

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A4 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010


Welcome to theRelish cookingshow & expo


You may not consider yourself afoodie, read Relish or evencook, but we know one thing to

be true: you eat. And that makes youa perfect candidate for the RelishCooking Show & Expo, coming toLoveland. Relish, America’s mostwidely read food magazine, is dis-tributed in more than 500 newspa-pers nationwide, including the Re-p o r t e r- H e r a l d .

Food is about memories, traditions,celebrations, special moments andrelationships. Food helps peopleshare their cultures, create bonds

and unite families. Relish believes ifeveryone gets in the kitchen a littlemore, their diets will be tastier,healthier and cheaper.

The Relish Cooking Show & Expofeatures Relish Chef Jon Ashton.British-born and-bred, Ashton be-lieves food is about sharing, and inthis show, he’ll share his cooking pas-sion along with his humor and anticsthat will entertain as much as edu-cate.

This Relish special section will giveyou a preview of what you’ll see, tasteand experience at the show. It con-tains a sampling of great recipes, tipsfor getting your kids cooking, andthe skinny on Relish Chef Jon Ash-ton. Pull up a chair and dig in.


Relish was launched in February2006 and is the only food magazinedistributed through local newspa-pers. For more information, recipes,blogs and stories, visit On the website, there are morethan a thousand recipes that aresearchable, printable and, of course,very edible.Whether you’re agourmet cook or just getting startedin the kitchen, there’s a dish for you.


Tickets for the cooking show areavailable at the Reporter-Herald at201 E. 5th St., or by calling 970-669-5050. Tickets are $15 for general ad-mission and $45 for V.I.P. The expostarts at 4:30 p.m. and the showstarts at 7 p.m. Tickets are also avail-able at Eheart Interior Solutions andEmbassy Suites in Loveland.

Find the full showmenu on page 23

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Page 5: The Relish Cooking Expo

Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010 A5


Jon Ashton began his story inthe cold, gray port city of Liver-pool, which earned its spot on

the world map thanks to the Beatles.As a young lad, he learned about thejoy of cooking through his grand-mother’s warm cottage kitchen.Creating recipes with Granny Ash-ton opened the door to home eco-nomics classes at school where Ash-ton became further intrigued by theart. Although schoolmates bulliedhim for being one of the few boys inclass, he persisted and quickly real-ized cooking was his passion.

In 1994, Ashton graduated fromSt. Helens College in Great Britainand worked in several notablerestaurants including the DerbyLodge Hotel’s French restaurant and

as sous chef at The Kirkfield Hotel’srestaurant. His success and flair inthe kitchen soon gave way to appear-ances on British cooking shows, in-cluding the nationally syndicated“TV Dinners,” where audiences fellin love with his wit, charisma andgenuine love of food. Soon, Americadiscovered him, and he was featuredin publications from New York toCalifornia. America was calling, andhe knew he had to answer. With$2,000 in his pocket, he left every-thing he knew and traveled to Amer-ica, eventually landing in Florida.

Ashton quickly began producingand starring in his own local accessTV show, which aired in Disney’stown of Celebration, Fla. Soon after,he took a position as the regular

Meet Relish ChefJon Ashton

Photo courtesy of RelishChef Jon Ashton� See ASHTON/Page 6

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A6 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010

midday chef at Orlando’s FOX affili-ate station and appeared on “TheTonight Show with Jay Leno” a yearlater. His telegenic persona earns reg-ular appearances on the “To d a yS h o w. ” He is currently the food corre-spondent of the nationally syndicatedmorning show “The Daily Buzz,”broadcast over 160 stations. He is al-so the in-house chef for Relish maga-zine, with a readership of 67 million.He can be seen on ABC, NBC, CBSand FOX affiliates across the nationas he travels on media tours and pre-sentations.

No matter what Ashton does, he re-members his grandmother’s wise ad-vice: to share with others. He lovesworking with kids and is committedto improving the eating choices ofyoung people in America.

Question: When did you learn tocook?

Jon Ashton: At the age of 8, withmy dear, sweet Granny Ashton.

Q: What’s your approach to food?JA : Food shouldn’t be a complex

subject. It should feel good to us, likea comfortable pair of old jeans. Sim-ple recipes, simple meals and a sim-ple lifestyle.

Q: You frequently ask folks “whatthey would cook for the queen,” sowhat would you cook for the presi-dent?

JA : Hmm, what an incredible honorthat would be. Since English cuisinehasn’t always had the best of reputa-tions in the culinary world, I’d like tocast a positive light on the foods ofthe British Isles. Therefore I’d proba-bly make him some fish n’ chips,s h e p h e rd ’s pie and a lovely VictoriaSponge Cake (named after my mumand daughter).

Q: What’s in your fridge right now?JA : We just went to the local farm-

ers’ market today, so lots of fresh pro-duce — tomatoes, cabbages, etc.

Q: Has your daughter, Victoria Mei,changed how you eat or cook?

JA : I’m more conscious of what Icook at home now, and I make sure Iincorporate all the food groups sinceearly-age nutrition is so important.

Q: What’s your downfall food?JA : French fries and chicken curry.Q: What’s your “can't live without”

kitchen gadget?JA : Oh gosh, there are so many. It

has to be my knife, then a mi-c ro p l a n e .

Q: What would you want for yourlast meal?

JA : Probably the same meal mymum made for us growing up. Burnttoast (caramelized is the politicallycorrect term) and scrambled eggswith ketchup. Sometimes it’s not theactual meal that matters, but thepeople and memories they bring you.

Q: Biggest piece of advice to getfolks back in the kitchen?

JA : It’s not as hard as you think itis. Take baby steps by starting outeasy. Make it a goal to cook two timesa week, then up it to three, and soforth. Many make the mistake of set-ting goals that are too high, causingthem to quit soon after. It’s the sameas folks who decide to lose 20 poundsat the start of the New Year and giveup by the end of the first month be-cause the weight wasn’t falling offquickly enough.

ASHTONFrom Page 5


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Pe r fe c t lyP a i re d


Although sometimes dauntingto those new to the game,wine pairing isn’t as difficult as

it seems. The basic ideology, accord-ing to Dennis Dinsmore, owner ofWilbers Total Beverage in FortCollins, is that you match flavors andstrengths.

For example, if you have a strongflavor such as cheese that is heavy onthe palate, then you will want to gowith a strong, acidic wine. A cheesydish will actually coat your palate,rendering the taste of the winebland, so an acidic wine will cutthrough that flavor and keep your

palate from being jaded, Dinsmoresaid.

The best way to find out whichwines you prefer with a particularfood is to experiment, he said, be-cause it’s hard to really go wrong.

For vegetarians, Relish expertCharles Smothermon offered the fol-lowing pairings:

• Green salads — Verdejo, drysparkling wine

• Fresh tomato salad — the Panishwhite Albarino

• Grain salads — Chenin blanc,Riesling, Spanish rose from Navarra

• Fresh green vegetables — NewZealand Sauvignon blanc, GrunerVe l t l i n e r

• Corn dishes — C h a rd o n n a y,white Burgundy

• Mushroom dishes — OregonPinot Noir, red Burgundy

RH photo/Jade CodyWilbers Total Beverage Owner Dennis Dinsmore draws names out of a bagat a cooking demonstration with Chef Jon Ashton on April 16.

Wine pairing is based ona few basic principles

RH photo/Jade CodyChef Jon Ashton laughs with an audience member dur-ing his cooking demonstration.

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Page 9: The Relish Cooking Expo

Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010 A9

• Hearty beans andgrains — Chinon, goodBeaujolais (such as Brouillyor Fleurie)

• Tomato-based pastadishes — Italian Dolcettoor Barbera

• Roasted root vegetables— Pinot Gris, Viognier,Va l p o l i c e l l a

• Grilled or roasted veg-etables such as eggplantand zucchini — Rioja, redZinfandel, Shiraz

For more information onwine and food pairings, visitWilbers Total Beverage andone of their highly knowl-edgeable staff members willbe glad to provide advice.

Dinsmore recently hosteda cooking demonstration atWilbers in which Chef JonAshton prepared a recipewith pasta and asparagus.During the presentation,Ashton advised onlookers tolet food be what it is.

“Food is like a beautifulwoman, it doesn’t need a lot

of makeup,” he said. “I’mall about simple and season-al. Get your produce fromyour local grocery store.”“Mother nature’s got itright.”

With asparagus, thatmeans letting the naturaltaste of the vegetable shinethrough, not masking itwith other flavors. “Pe o p l ehave a tendency to takefood away from who it is,”Ashton said.


Serves 6

Sauce ingredients:1 1/2 pounds fresh large

asparagus1/2 cup water2 teaspoons lemon juice1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

Pasta ingredients:1 pound linguine1 cup asiago cheese, grat-

ed1/2 cup walnuts, toasted

and roughly chopped

D i re c t i o n s :1. Rinse asparagus and

snap off tough ends if need-ed. Place in a large stock-pot and cover with water.

2. Bring water to a boilover high heat. Cover potand cook for 8 to 10 min-utes, until asparagus is verytender when pierced with afork. Drain well.

3. Place asparagus in thebowl of a food processor fit-ted with a metal blade. Addwater, lemon juice and salt.Process, adding more waterif necessary, until puree isthick and smooth. (Youmade need to process theasparagus in two batches.)

4. Cook linguine until aldente, then strain. Toss with2 cups of asparagus sauce,grated asiago and choppedwalnuts. Serve. (You mayfreeze any leftover aspara-gus sauce for future use.

RH photo/Jade CodyJon Ashton entertains during a cooking demonstrationat Wilbers Total Beverage.

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Page 10: The Relish Cooking Expo

A10 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010

Smoothies and laughter


Fruit and vegetablenames flew aroundthe room: oranges,

strawberries, zucchini,mangos and celery toppedthe list. So did the jokesand laughter as Relish chefJon Ashton taught the kidsof Laurere Edmondsonschool in Loveland how tomake a healthy fruitsmoothie.

“If we can work with chil-dren and teach them andput good habits on theirbrains and engage them,we can sow a new genera-tion,” Ashton said. “We canteach them about nutrientrich foods. I will be the firstto say that I don’t want togrow up.”

As a child, Ashton strug-gled with weight issues.When he found a healthierrecipe of life habits, he de-cided to show kids how tochoose healthy foods.

Ashton started teachinghis four year old daughterVictoria Mei about foodfrom day one. Now she per-fectly cracks eggs and cre-ates kid-friendly foods with

� See Smoothie/Page 11

RH photos/Rhema MuncyTop, chef Jon Ashton laughs at a joke told by a child inthe crowd. Above, Ian Loomis , Abel Jaramillo, RubyPena, Andrea Cuevas and kindergarten teacher CarolynSiefers watch chef Jon make smoothies.

Chef Jonteaches kidsabout healthy


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All-fruit smoothies

her dad.“If you get them involved, they take

ownership in it, and they will actuallytry more,” Ashton said. “She preferscooking to spending time watchingT V. ”

Embassy suites executive chefChristopher Cole mixed gallons offruit smoothie and then added freshice before giving each kid a mini-um-brella topped cup full of the drink.

Cole serves a lot of families in hisrestaurant and cooks with his six-year-old son at home.

“We are always trying to make food

fun and teach him along the way,”Cole said. “Be interactive. Have thembe part of it. Ask them what theywant to help make for dinner and getthem interested in it. If it is the firsttime they have made asparagus andthey help make it, they are more aptto try it.”

For the demonstration, three stu-dents made smoothies on the stagewith the fruit and ice. Then they eachchose a teacher to taste test theircreation. Ashton then had the teach-ers do a smoothie dance while hebeat-boxed rhythms in the micro-

phone.“They absolutely loved it,” L aurene

Edmondson principal GerogiannaDawson said. “I got some little notesback, and they are just hilarious. Onechild wrote that he didn’t know somany fruits could make smoothies.The kids loved the taste of the straw-berries and seeds. It was really specialfor the kids. I think they learned a lotabout healthy eating and it was niceto see how much they knew aboutthe food.”

RH photos/Rhema MuncyAbove, the assembly at Laurene Edmondson. Right, Embassy suitesexecutive chef Chris Cole prepares the smoothies. Below, the smoothiecontainers ready to be filled for the kids to take home with them.

To inspire Loveland kidsto eat healthier, chefsJon Ashton of Relish

magazine and ChristopherCole of Embassy Suites collab-orated to make all-fruitsmoothies for the classes atLaurene Edmond school inL oveland.

“Kids love fruit,” Cole said.One of his tricks for gettinghis son to eat healthy food isto incorporate fruit withhealthy proteins such as chick-en or fish. Cole also includeshis son in a lot of the cookingp ro c e s s .

Ashton creates kid-friendlydishes in the shape of animals

for his daughter Victoria Mei.He also often makes pretzelsand bread with her, as well asvegetable purees for pizzas,pastas and sandwiches. Belowis the kid-friendly recipeserved at the show.


1 cup orange juice, all-natu-ral and not from concentrate

1 cup ripe raspberries1/4 cup ripe blueberries1 cup ripe strawberries1 cup ice cubesD i re c t i o n s : Blend all ingre-

dients until smooth. Serve ande n j o y.

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A12 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010


Once a kid who battled withhis weight, Relish chef JonAshton knows all too well

the importance of healthy eating.As a result, Jon commits time andenergies to helping kids eat bet-t e r.

Jon’s love of kids and commit-ment to improving their eatinghabits make him a great additionto Relish magazine. He has ledschool programs and cookingclasses involving thousands ofchildren across the nation. Butthere is one child who’s gettingmore of his attention lately, hisdaughter Victoria Mei. She is only

four years old but already knows thedifference between thyme and basil.She’s even appeared in cooking seg-ments on the Today Show with herdad.

Jon has wasted no time gettingMei in the kitchen. He notes thatmost of us have childhood cookingmemories. His earliest are of hisGranny Ashton who taught him thatfirst and foremost, cooking is shar-ing.

“Cooking with your children canhave a remarkable impact. Thosehours spent in the kitchen will res-onate through their lives,” Jon said.

Here are a some recipes that kidseven as young as Mei can enjoy.

� See Kids/Page 13 Relish photo

Food for healthy kids


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Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010 A13

Turkey-Feta Meatballs with VegetableTomato Sauce

Yo u ’ll have plenty of sauce — enough to freeze and serve lat-er. Use this vegetable-infused sauce anywhere you’d use mari-nara.

Sauce ingredients:1/4 cup olive oil2 white onions, chopped2 garlic cloves, chopped2 red bell peppers, chopped2 zucchini or yellow squash, grated2 carrots, grated1 butternut or acorn squash, peeled and chopped2 teaspoons dried thyme2 teaspoons dried oregano1 bay leaf4 (28-ounce) cans chopped tomatoes

Meatball ingredients:1 pound ground turkey1/3 cup diced red onion1/3 cup (about 2-ounces) crumbled feta cheese2 garlic cloves, crushed1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary

Directions: To prepare sauce, heat olive oil in a largesaucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; saute 6minutes. Add bell pepper and next 6 ingredients (bell peppersthrough bay leaf). Cook for 10 minutes. Add tomatoes and sim-mer 20 minutes, or until butternut squash is tender. For asmooth sauce, puree all ingredients in a food processor.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. To prepare meatballs, mix allingredients in a bowl; add some water if mixture is dry. Shapeinto 16 balls and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake about25 minutes, until golden brown and thoroughly cooked. Servewith sauce over spaghetti if desired. Serves 4.

Per serving: 380 calories, 19g fat, 60mg chol., 23g prot., 33gcarbs., 8g fiber, 540mg sodium.

Two Cheese BurgerIngredients:1 1/2 pounds ground chuck1/4 cup chopped fresh basil2 garlic cloves, minced1/2 teaspoons kosher saltCoarsely ground black pepper1/3 cup red wine4 tablespoons Boursin cheese4 (1-ounce) slices mozzarella cheeseArugula leaves4 Ciabatta or Focaccia buns4 slices tomatoDrizzle of balsamic glaze

D i re c t i o n s : Preheat grill. Combinemeat, basil, garlic, salt, pepper andwine. Form into 4 patties. Make an in-dentation in center of each burger. Grill5 minutes; flip. Top with boursin andmozzarella cheese. Grill 5 minutes.Place arugula on bottom halves of buns.Top with burger, tomato slice and driz-zle of balsamic glaze. Serves 4.

Per serving: 390 calories, 17g fat,33g prot., 25g carbs., 1g fiber, 600mgsodium.

Relish photos

“Cooking with yourchildren can have aremarkable impact.”

— Chef Jon Ashton

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A14 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010

Penne with Sausage RagoutIngredients:1 tablespoon vegetable oil1/2 cup chopped red onion8 ounces chicken and sun-dried tomato sausage, chopped5 roma tomatoes12 ounces whole-wheat penne, cooked1/2 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

Directions: Heat oil in a nonstick skillet; addonion and saute 2 minutes. Add sausage; cook 5minutes. Add tomatoes; saute 5 minutes. Serveover pasta. Top with cheese. Serves 4. If you’d like ajuicier ragout, add 1/4 cup tomato juice and 1/2 cupchicken broth.

Per serving: 460 calories, 10g fat, 55mg chol., 25gprot., 68g carbs., 8g fiber, 490mg sodium.

Salmon BurgersThe crisp soy cucumbers are great

with the salmon patties.

Ingredients:1 pound uncooked salmon, skinned1 tablespoon minced garlic3 tablespoons Dijon mustard1/2 teaspoon saltBlack pepper2 tablespoons canola oil4 seeded hamburger buns1 tablespoon butter, softened4 romaine lettuce leaves

D i re c t i o n s : Chop salmon in medi-um-size pieces, place in food proces-sor in 2 batches, and pulse to dice.Transfer to a bowl. Add garlic, mus-tard, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.Divide salmon mixture into 4 por-tions. Flatten into four patties.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat; add oil. When oil is hot,place patties in pan and cook untilbrowned, 3 to 4 minutes per side.

Toast buns. Spread inside of bunswith butter. Place patties on bun bot-toms. Place bun tops on top. Garnishwith quick soy cucumber and lettuce.

Per serving (without Soy Cucum-ber): 470 calories, 28g fat, 85mg chol.,33g prot., 20g carbs., 2g fiber, 740mgsodium.

Relish Photos

Quick Soy CucumberIngredients:1 tablespoon honey1 tablespoon soy sauce1/4 cup rice wine vinegar1 teaspoon sesame oil1/4 teaspoon saltBlack pepper1 unpeeled English cucumber, thinly


D i re c t i o n s :Combine first 6 ingredients in

a mixing bowl. Add cucumberand let marinate 15 minutes.Drain before using. Serves 4.

Per serving: 25 calories, 1g fat,0mg chol., 1g prot., 5g carbs., 1gfiber, 180mg sodium.

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Embassy Suites provides ideal location

Chef JonAshtonspeaks to acrowd atEmbassySuites inL ovelandon April 16.

RH photo/Jade Cody


The Relish CookingShow and Expocouldn’t have found

a better host than the Em-bassy Suites location inLoveland. With more than40,000 square feet of eventspace in the John Q Ham-mons Conference Center,the hotel and conferencecenter will easily accom-

modate the large-scalecooking show and expo.The show will be held inthe Mountain Holly, PinyonPine and River Birchrooms, an area totalingmore than 22,080 squarefeet.

During a breakfast meetand greet at EmbassySuites on April 16, ChefJon Ashton said he’s excit-ed to bring the RelishCooking Show and Expo to

L oveland.“It takes a lot of courage

to bring an English Chefinto town,” Ashton joked.

The Chef plans to bringhis trademark sense of hu-mor and perhaps somedance moves to EmbassySuites on May 20. “I like tocook with a smile,” Ashton

said, “I don’t know anyother way. We plan to do alittle dancing,” he said.“It’s important to dance,cause food does a littledancin’ on your tastebuds.”

He’ll have plenty of roomto dance at EmbassySuites.

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Bowls of fresh spices lined the glasscountertop along with a smatteringof vegetables ready for delicious

transformation. Relish chef Jon Ashtonstepped into an Eheart Interior Solutionsdream kitchen, ready to demonstrate hispassion for inspiring a healthy America, oneveggie tray at a time.

“For a healthier America, what is impor-tant is to look at herbs and spices foradding the aromatic flavor,” Ashton said.

The recipes Ashton prepared for theEheart demonstration were a lovely gua-camole and a smashing white bean salad, tophrase the dishes Ashton’s way.

The chef began by explaining the aromat-ic importance of fresh spices versus dried.Fresh spices add more flavor and nutritionto a dish. He then ground toasted cuminpods in a coffee grinder, a trick he uses tocook with the freshest spices possible. Justmake sure to either have a separate coffeegrinder for spices or to run rice through thegrinder afterward.

“When we toast spices, just like toastingnuts, it brings out all of the aromatic oils,”Ashton said. “So give it a jolly good toast-ing.”

If there is a glut of fresh herbs, Ashtonsuggested storing them for later by poppingthem in the microwave for 30 seconds todry them or using them to make a pesto forother dishes. Another way to preserve freshherbs is to chop them and freeze them withoil in ice cube trays.

As he cooked, Ashton told stories abouthis travels, different events and growing upin England. He offered advice for choosingan onion with the least amount of sulfur (a

� See eHeart/Page 18

RH photos/Rhema MuncyAbove, chef Jon Ashton is ready to prepare healthy dishes at Eheart.Below, the spices used in the guacamole.

Toasted cumin andherb guacamole

4 medium avocados,halved, pitted, peeled anddiced

1 tomato, seeded, diced1/2 teaspoon cumin seed1/2 teaspoon whole black

p e p p e rc o r n s1 teaspoon kisher salt1/4 cup fresh cilantro

leaves, chopped1 cup shallots, peeled,

minced1/2 jalapeno pepper, seeds

removed and minced2 limes, juicedAssorted vegetables (bell pepper, broccoli, fennel, carrots, cauliflower,

sugar snap peas), cut into bite-sized pieces or spears

D i re c t i o n s : Preheat a small saute pan over medium-highheat. Add cumin seeds and peppercorns and toast until fra-grant, about 2 minutes. Stir frequently with a wooden spoon orjostle the pan to prevent burning. Cool slightly. Transfer to aclean coffee bean or spice grinder and pulse until finelyg ro u n d .

Place avocados in a large bowl and add lime juice. Using apotato masher or fork, mash avocados coarsely.

Mix in all remaining ingredients, including the toastedspices. Transfer to a serving bowl and garnish with a few extraherb leaves. Place he bowl on a platter and arrange cut vegeta-bles around. For extra crisp vegetables, submerge in a bowl ofice water for 30 minutes then drain well prior to serving.

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A18 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010

red or Vidalia variety) to pre-vent eyes from burning. He al-so expressed the importanceof setting out vegetables withdishes, the only offering fordipping he provided with thethe guacamole and the beansalad.

“If it doesn’t taste ok, I’mEnglish and I can get awaywith it,” Ashton said.


For the live cooking demon-stration on May 20, EheartDesigns is assembling akitchen with their partners.Earthwoods custom cabinetrywill build a frame and cabinetset, Weaver Stone Companywill provide countertops and

Specialty Appliance will pro-vide the stove, double ovenand refrigerator. Water Sys-tems will install the plumb-ing, sink and faucet. Generalcontractor Doll Constructionwill be on hand to oversee theframing and make sure every-thing comes together safely.

There will be a water feedon the sink with a basin tokeep the grey water from theshow to be recycled, accord-ing to Eheart Director of Sup-port Services Eddie Daly.

There will be a water feed“The kitchen will show theability of the Eheart store tocoordinate large projects aswell as showcase partner’s tal-ents,” Daly said.

Cannellini Beans with Sun-DriedTomato Vinaigrette

Serves 6Ingredients:For the vinaigrette —1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil2 tablespoons sun-dried tomato-infused oil (from a

jar of sun-dried tomatoes)1 tablespoon red wine vinegar1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped1/4 teaspoon sea saltCoarsely ground black pepperFor the beans:2 (16-ounce) cans cannellini or great northern beans,

rinsed and drained1/3 cup red onion, finely chopped2 garlic cloves, finely minced6 basil leaves, chopped1 ounce Manchego cheese, grated

D i re c t i o n s : To prepare the vinaigrette, whisktogether all ingredients in a small bowl. Com-bine beans and vinaigrette and let stand atleast one hour. Add red onion, garlic, basil andcheese just before serving.

The Same recipe could be put on bread forbruschetta or popped into a blender and madeinto a spread — use leftovers this way.

4 medium avocados, halved, pitted, peeled and diced1 tomato, seeded, diced1/2 teaspoon cumin seed1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns1 teaspoon kisher salt

EheartFrom Page 16

RH photos/Rhema MuncyAbove, an eHeart demonstration kitchen featuring all of thepartners of the show. Below, spices for the bean salad.

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Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010 A19


I n g re d i e n t s :1 (14-ounce) can diced fire-roasted

tomatoes3/4 cup reduced-sodium chicken

b ro t h11/2 tablespoons tomato paste11/2 teaspoons finely grated orange

rind1/2 teaspoon kosher salt1/8 teaspoon coarsely ground black

pepper6 boneless, skinless chicken

breasts (5 ounces each)2 tablespoons seasoned dry bread-

crumbs2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil,

dividedHalf green bell pepper, cut into

thin strips (about 1 cup)1 onion, vertically sliced (about 1

cup)1 (8-ounce) package sliced mush-

ro o m s3/4 cup shredded provolone or moz-

zarella cheese

D i re c t i o n s :1. Combine tomatoes, broth, toma-

to paste, orange rind, salt and pepperin a large bowl; set aside.

2. Lightly coat chicken withbreadcrumbs. Heat 1 tablespoonoil in a large nonstick skillet overmedium-high heat. Add chicken;cook until golden brown, about6 minutes per side. Remove to a

plate.3. Heat remaining oil in skillet.

Add green pepper, onion and mush-rooms; saute until mushroom liquidevaporates and vegetables are tender,7 to 12 minutes.

4. Return chicken and any juices topan; spoon vegetables over top. Addtomato mixture. Cover and bring to aboil; reduce heat and simmer until

chicken is done, about 15 minutes.Sprinkle with cheese; cover and cookuntil cheese melts, about 1 minute.Serves 6.

Nutrition info per serving: 320calories, 12g fat, 105mg chol., 42gprot., 11g carbs., 2g fiber, 560mgsodium.

— Recipe by Jean Kressy

Photo courtesy of RelishBraised Chicken with Fire-Roasted Tomatoes

What’sfo r

Dinner?The editors of Relishmagazine bring yousix of their favoritedishes most anyone

can rustle up

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A20 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010


With its sprightly, fresh taste, thisbean dish is perfect with chips, as aside with chicken, fish or beef or as avegetarian entree on its own. Servewith a cheese quesadilla for dinner.

I n g re d i e n t s :1 (15-ounce) can black-eye peas,

drained1 (15-ounce) can black beans,

drained1 (15-ounce) can whole kernel

corn, drained2 large tomatoes, seeded and diced1 medium onion, diced1 medium green bell pepper, diced3 tablespoons minced garlic (about

8 cloves)1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped (about

1/2 cup)1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and fine-

ly choppedJuice of 1 lime1 teaspoon Italian seasoning1 (7-ounce) package dry Italian

dressing mix (such as Good Seasons)1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil1/2 cup vinegar

D i re c t i o n s :1. Combine first 11 ingredients

(peas through Italian seasoning) in alarge bowl. Stir well.

2. Combine dressing mix, oil andvinegar. Pour over pea mixture. Stirwell. Chill at least 2 hours. Serve withtortilla chips or cheese quesadillas.

Makes about 8 cups.Nutrition info per (1/2-cup) serving:

130 calories, 7g fat, 0mg chol., 4gprot., 14g carbs., 3g fiber, 430mgsodium.

— Recipe by Patricia Griffith,Southern Oven Foods

Photo courtesy of RelishMississippi Caviar

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Photos courtesy of RelishPasta with Fire-Roasted Vodka Sauce


Pasta with vodka sauceis an American inventionthat combines tomatosauce with a splash of vod-ka and cream. The addi-tion of fire-roasted toma-toes adds a subtle smokyf l a v o r.

I n g re d i e n t s :1 tablespoon extra-vir-

gin olive oil1 cup diced onion

(about 4 ounces)3/4 cup diced carrots1/3 cup vodka1 (14-ounce) can diced

fire-roasted tomatoes,undrained

1 (14-ounce) can dicedtomatoes with roastedgarlic, undrained

1 cup water1 tablespoon tomato

paste1 teaspoon sugar1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

1/4 teaspoon coarselyground black pepper

1/4 cup heavy cream6 cups hot cooked

penne (about 12 ounces)

D i re c t i o n s :Heat oil in a large non-

stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions andcarrots; cook, stirring oc-casionally, until onion issoft, about 4 minutes. Addvodka and next 7 ingredi-ents (vodka through pep-per); bring to a boil. Re-duce heat and simmer 15minutes, stirring occa-sionally. Add cream; stir.Serve over hot penne.Serves 6.

Nutrition info per serv-ing: 439 calories, 10g fat,20mg chol., 10g prot.,63g carbs, 4.5g fiber,877mg sodium.

— Recipe by JeanKressy


This is a perfect follow-upto a dinner of rotisseriechicken. Make the chickenbroth from the chickenbones, and toss the leftoverchicken in the chili. Barleygives it lots of fiber. Look forbags of barley next to therice in the supermarket.

I n g re d i e n t s :2 tablespoons olive oil1 cup chopped leeks or

onion3 garlic cloves, chopped2 teaspoons ground cumin1 teaspoon cumin seed1 pound ground turkey

sausage3 cups roughly chopped

rotisserie chicken2 (16-ounce) cans garban-

zo beans, drained2/3 cup barley2 teaspoons pickled

jalapeno6 cups homemade chicken

broth or canned reduced-sodium chicken broth

4 to 8 cups chopped kale(optional)

1/2 cup shredded MontereyJack or Cheddar cheese

Chopped green onionsSour cream

D i re c t i o n s :Heat oil in a Dutch oven

over medium heat. Add leeksand garlic; saute 5 minutes.Add cumin, cumin seed andturkey sausage. Cook untilsausage is browned. Addchopped chicken, barley,beans, jalapeno, broth andkale, if using. Bring to a boiland simmer until barley iscooked, about 20 minutes.Serve topped with cheese,green onions and sourcream. Serves 10.

Nutrition info per serving:360 calories, 14g fat, 100mgchol., 30g prot., 30g carbs.,7g fiber, 830mg sodium.

Chicken Chili

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I n g re d i e n t s :1/3 cup hot reduced-sodium chicken

or vegetable broth1/2 cup uncooked couscous1/2 cup chopped red bell peppers1/2 cup slivered onion2 tablespoons olive oil1/2 teaspoon saltCoarsely ground black pepper1/2 pound large shrimp, peeled and

deveined4 tablespoons sun-dried tomato


D i re c t i o n s :1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.2. Pour broth over couscous; cover

and let stand 5 minutes.3. Combine couscous, bell peppers,

onion, oil, salt and pepper in a medi-um bowl; mix well. Fold two 15-inchsquare pieces of parchment paper inhalf; cut into heart shapes. Unfoldand place couscous mixture on oneside of each sheet next to the fold. Ar-range shrimp in a single layer overcouscous mixture; top with pesto.Fold and tightly seal the edges withnarrow folds. Place packets on a bak-ing sheet and bake 15 minutes. Re-move packets from oven and transferto individual serving plates. Cut openpackets and serve. Serves 2.

Nutrition info per serving: 420 calo-ries, 16g fat, 175mg chol., 29g prot.,41g carbs., 3g fiber, 940mg sodium.

— Recipe by David DiResta andJoanne Foran

Photos courtesy of RelishPesto Shrimp with Couscous


Meat Sauce ingredients:1 pound lean ground

beef1/2 pound Italian sausage1 cup chopped onion1 tablespoon minced

garlic1 cup dry white wine2 tablespoons tomato

paste2 tablespoons chopped

fresh parsley1/2 teaspoon crushed red

pepper1 (15-ounce) can

crushed tomatoes in puree

Bechamel Sauce ingre-dients:

1/4 cup butter1/4 cup all-purpose flour1/2 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepper1/4 teaspoon ground nut-

meg3 cups 2 percent re-

duced-fat milk12 sheets no-boil lasagna

noodles3 cups shredded aged

Cheddar cheese

D i re c t i o n s :1. To prepare meat

sauce, cook beef andsausage in a large skillet

over medium-high heat un-til browned, about 10 min-utes, breaking into smallpieces. Spoon out most ofthe fat. Reduce heat tomedium. Add onion andgarlic; saute 5 minutes.Add wine; bring to a boil.Reduce heat and cook,stirring occasionally, untilwine is nearly evaporated.Stir in tomato paste,chives, parsley and crushedred pepper. Stir in crushedtomatoes. Bring to a sim-mer; reduce heat. Simmeruntil sauce thickens, 10 to15 minutes.

2. To prepare bechamelsauce, melt butter in amedium saucepan over

medium heat. Whisk inflour, salt, pepper and nut-meg. Cook and stir 1minute. Gradually whisk inmilk. Cook and stir withwhisk until thick and bub-bly, about 10 minutes.Cool 10 minutes.

3. Preheat oven to 400degrees.

4. Spread 3/4 cup meatsauce in bottom of a 13-by-9-inch baking pan. Place 4sheets of lasagna crosswisein pan over sauce, overlap-ping slightly. (The sheetswill not reach all the wayacross the pan, but theywill expand as they bake.)Top with one-third of themeat sauce (spreading

evenly to cover noodles)and then one-third of thebechamel sauce. Top withone-third of the cheese.Repeat layers (startingwith noodles) twice.

5. Bake, uncovered, 35to 40 minutes, coveringloosely with foil during thelast 10 minutes if topbrowns too much. Letstand 15 minutes beforecutting. Serves 10 to 12.

Nutrition info per serv-ing: 260 calories, 24g fat,60mg chol., 24g prot., 31gcarbs., 2g fiber, 710mgsodium.

Va r i a t i o n s :French-Style Lasagna:

Substitute Comte (FrenchGruyere) cheese for Ched-dar cheese. Substitute 1tablespoon crushed driedrosemary for the parsley.Use ground pork instead ofthe Italian sausage.

Italian-Style Lasagna:Substitute ParmigianoReggiano for the Cheddarcheese. Substitute 2 tea-spoons dried basil and 2teaspoons dried oreganofor the parsley.

— Recipe by WiniMoranville

Lasagna with Cheddar Cheese

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Join Chef Jon Ashton as he demonstrates thefollowing five recipes:(1) Crispy Herbed Chicken with Prosciutto

Chicken breasts are pounded to an even thick-ness and sautéed quickly to help keep them moist.(2) Shortcakes with Macerated Berries

Using “Granny’s Ashton’s” recipe, these short-cakes pair traditional British scones with juicy freshberries.(3) Simple Asparagus Saute

Blanching and sauteing asparagus keeps it brightgreen and flavorful.(4) Linguine with Garlic, Shallots and ParmigianoReggiano

Delicate, salty anchovies melt into the wine-basedsauce, making an indulgent yet easy pasta dish thatcomes together in a flash.(5) Fresh Tomato Salad

A fresh, bright accompaniment to the savoryCrispy Herbed Chicken.



3. 4.

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A24 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010

Kitchen tool time


Relish Chef Jon Ashton shareshis must-have kitchen tools forevery type of home.

1. Cutting Board: I use a woodenBoos Board. Stay away from glass, Co-rian and acrylic boards; they actuallydull knives.

2. Meat Thermometer: A digitalmeat thermometer gives the quickestread, but the point is to use any ther-mometer to make sure you don’t un-dercooked or overcooked your food.

3. Mandolin: To get perfect vegeta-bles, I use a mandolin. Simple onescost less than $20 at most stores.

4. Nonstick Tongs: Foods won’tstick or get torn by nonstick tips.Look for ones that lock for storage.

5. Vegetable Peeler: A must have.There are so many out there. Chooseone with a nice grip.

6. Microplane: I use a microplaneto grate hard cheese cheese, choco-late and ginger. Microplanes are

worth every penny. Grating lemonrind will never be the same.

7. Digital Kitchen Timer: I use aprogrammable timer at home. It’shandy when multi-tasking.

8. Cast Iron Skillet: Season it withsome oil, and it will be just as resis-tant to sticking as its nonstick pans.

9. Silicone Spatulas and Brushes:Silicone spatulas withstand heat upto 800 degrees and never lose theirshape chip or crack. Silicone brushesare perfect for basting meats, and un-like conventional basting brushes,they’re easy to clean.

10. Serrated Bread Knife: A goodchef’s knife is a must, but so in abread knife. It’s great for slicingtomatoes, too.

11. Whisks: A whisk is essential formaking any smooth sauce or batter.A good investment is a medium-sizeballoon whisk.

12. Mexican-Style Juicer: Thislemon and lime squeezer is great forgetting every bit of juice out.

13. Silpat: This baking mat fits ontop of your baking sheet to provide anonstick surface. Perfect for cookies,candies and breads, Silpats can beused instead of parchment paper in

ovens up to 480 degrees.14. Immersion Blender: A handy

tool when making sauces and creamysoups on the stovetop, immersionblenders can be found at most cook-ware and department stores.

15. Grill Pan: These versatile pansare perfect for any grilled foods suchas paninis.

Relish photos

Translate a chef’skitchen to your own

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Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010 A25

5555and betterand better


Expo: June 15, 20109 am - 3 pm • Outlets of Loveland

(North of Nike)

Tab: Published June 9, 2010 in the Reporter-Herald &

RH Weekly

• Loveland is rated the #1 place to retire by AARP magazine

• Full color tab containing stories and information important to Seniors

• Forty vendors will showcase their products

• Door Prizes throughout the entire event





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A26 Sunday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Relish M ay 9, 2010

Reuse, Recycle, Create


Things don’t haveto match. Pick upone-of-a-kind wineglasses, plates, flat-ware and linens fromyour local flea mar-ket, junk store andyard sale, and mixand match when youentertain. This freesyou from thinkingyou never haveenough things to seta nice table, and it isa modern, timelessway to entertain.

Relish Food and Prop Stylist Teresa Blackburnpresents some of the inventive, economicalprojects she’s created for Relish.


L et’s reorganize, cleanout and repurpose someitems in the cupboards. Iseem to accumulate odd,one-of-a-kind dishes, wineglasses and tumblersthroughout the year. Sothis year, I am going toturn them into servingstands. I never seem tohave small cake or cookiestands or something spe-cial on which to display ap-petizers.

What You’ll Need:• Saucers or plates of any

size• Wine glasses or tum-

blers that reflect the styleof your saucers or plates.(Tip: if you do not have any

of these in your cupboards,a quick trip to your localthrift store will open up aworld of possibilities.)

• Glass glue or anystrong craft glue suited forglass (available at any craftor hardware store)

To Do:• Turn glassware upside

down. Place saucers on top,playing around with variouscombinations until youhave some that please you.

• Apply glue to the glass“foot” and then set thesaucer or plate on toppressing down gently. Allowglue to set for 24 hours.

• Use for food or center-pieces.

• Wash gently by handand hand dry.

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