the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Cross-Industry Differences

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty: Cross-industry differences Gronholdt, Lars;Martensen, Anne;Kristensen, Kai Total Quality Management; Jul 2000; 11, 4-6; ABI/INFORM Research pg. S509


(Gronholdt, Martensen & Kristensen 2000)

Transcript of the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Cross-Industry Differences

  • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

    The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty: Cross-industry differencesGronholdt, Lars;Martensen, Anne;Kristensen, Kai

    Total Quality Management; Jul 2000; 11, 4-6; ABI/INFORM Researchpg. S509

  • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

  • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

  • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

  • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

  • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.