The red pyramid

The Red Pyramid By Rick Riordan



Transcript of The red pyramid

Page 1: The red pyramid

The Red Pyramid

By Rick Riordan

Page 2: The red pyramid

Book one of the Kane chronicles begins with Carter and Sadie Kane, two siblings who don’t see each other eye to eye. The book depicts the story in their point of view, interchanging between each other. Their casual dialog and how the waggishly interrupt one another emits a comical aura. These two characters had to grow up without the other; they meet only once a year as strangers. Carter grew up with his father, thus he traveled constantly. Sadie whom was under the care of her dull, stoic grandparent, parents of her deceased mother, lived in a flat in London. One visit took a route that was different from the previous ones. Their father (whom is a well-known for his studies on Egyptian artifacts) took them to a museum, as a show your kids your job, kind of thing. Naïvely something bigger was being planned by this parent. As Julius Kane (their father) enchants a spell on the Rosetta stone and summons a strange being. The godly encounter and the demolition of the Rosetta stone kicks off this Egyptian themed epic. The author takes you to two coexisting time frames, one of the modern world [2008] and the ancient world. Carter and Sadie narrate this adventure together, illustrating the growth of their relationship and its value. During the demon days, these two discover their royal linage, the truth of their past and present while trying to defeat the malicious god Set from destroying the world as we know it.


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Sadie and Carter had gone with their father to the museum. As odd events followed another the trip had ended with their father trapped in a sarcophagus by a magical being.

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After the incident the siblings found a new relative, their uncle Amos.

The history of their family is opened up and they learn of they’re royal magical ancestry (and their magical talents)

Both Sadie and Carter after spending one night in their uncle’s mansion that they can take spirit juries using their bas.

Sadie and Carter have penetrated the library entrance to gain more info on their linage, and magic.

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The goal is generally explained to them. Both Sadie and Carter have an idea on what they need to do (defeat Set).

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The enemy has made their move! Carter and Sadie are introduced to their first god, their cat.As the three (Bast/cat, Sadie and Carter) run from Sets minions they meet a possible alley, Zia. Although Sadie and Zia don’t see eye to eye she assists them by opening a portal into the Daut while Bast fights off the cronies.

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At the Daut Sadie and Carter gain more information on how to defeat Set (get his true name to bind him). The two also are accused of being godlings, harboring Isis and Horus within themselves, and they are. Dejaudens, next in line to be head of the group maintaining the mahat, doesn’t approve of Sadie and Carter and wishes to kill them.

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Bast, Carter and Sadie sneak into Dejardens’ home and steal a manuscript that explains how to get Set’s true name. Although Sadie has gained the skill of reading hieroglyphics she couldn’t make out all of the figures, so they go to the original author

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They were told to go to the underworld and get the feather of truth to achieve their goal.

As Carter has a crush on Zia, Sadie has one on Anubis.*

Anubis is Osiris’ helperBut with him gone Anubis remain loyal and handles all death related affairs.

Sadie has seen him many times in her ba form.

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Dejardens enters the scene for the final time in this book, with a determination to kill the Kane siblings.

His predecessor died and he took charge, using a deal that can only be used in one life time. Ra’s killing machine. She hunted the two down lusting for blood. She had been out smarted with Zia’s assistance and drank gallon upon gallons of hot sauce thinking it was blood. When she’s full she transforms into a harmless cow.

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The siblings had gathered a lot of information and began to pursue Set. Zia had told Sadie Set’s name after discovering that uncle Amos (whom had made his second appearance) was possessed by Set! Zia’s secret had been revealed while Amos was trying to recover. Zia was a shibiti. Anger fuel the two into engaging into battle the infamous god

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Rick Riordan was born on June 5 of 1964, so currently he is about, 48 years old. This author is the very same author for the 39 Clues, Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus and The Kane series. As a child (middle schooler) Riordan was enchanted with mythology, the book he always enjoyed reading was The Lord of the Rings. In high school Riordan read science-fiction and fantasy novels. He always had a fondness for writing and submitted a short story for publication at age 13, but was rejected. He’s first published works were two short stories in the UTSA literary magazine. As high-schooler he’d written for his schools newspaper at Alamo Heights High School in San Antonio. He had gotten in trouble for publishing an underground newspaper that humiliated the school and especially the losing football team, not too much later his car was egged( by the football team). Mr. Riordan then transferred to University of Texas in Austin and become a double major in English and History. He uses his work experiences for his novels. He quit being a teacher at Saint Mary’s Hall (English and social studies 6-8)to pursue a career as a full time writer. Soon after his family expanded from his much creative parents (his mother was a musician and artist, his father a ceramist) to his wife and two boys named Haley and Patrick. The family has two pets, a dog, a Golden Labrador mix and two black cats.   

About the author