The reality of teen drama

The reality of teen Drama Skins (Channel 4) is Television drama which makes an effort to portray the life of general College students by using fictional characters in an almost surreal world. The show mainly consists of out dated stereotypes. For instance in season 1 the protagonists are invited to a party of people who are considered socially high then them, and are portrayed as up-there-on-arse snobs who all have very posh names and whose stance even adds to the stereotype. And on the other side of the spectrum are the middle class protagonists these are the people are supposed to portray the average person who are also portrayed as drug abusing cretins whose only obsession is to deal drugs, use drugs, drink alcohol and crash parties, however the show does at times hit on critical issues such as Cassandra who is afflicted by her eating disorder which for many girls is a serious issue however this is even exaggerated to the extent that all she does is ask where the kitchen is. In my opinion Skins does hit on some key issues however it does its best to exaggerate every problem and never really give an answer in the long run on how to solve the problems, and another problem is that the people that view Skins are younger than the protagonists themselves and it could give a negative effect to these younger viewers and the majority of people aged 16+ will tell you that this is not the people their age act and that it portrays the negative stereotype of the youth of today and so reflects badly on them. So my final summary is that Skins is not something that should have a huge effect on your life and should be viewed to consume time rather than being seen as an insight into your personal future. By Jack

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Page 1: The reality of teen drama

The reality of teen Drama

Skins (Channel 4) is Television drama which makes an effort to portray the life of general College students by using fictional characters in an almost surreal world. The show mainly consists of out dated stereotypes. For instance in season 1 the protagonists are invited to a party of people who are considered socially high then them, and are portrayed as up-there-on-arse snobs who all have very posh names and whose stance even adds to the stereotype. And on the other side of the spectrum are the middle class protagonists these are the people are supposed to portray the average person who are also portrayed as drug abusing cretins whose only obsession is to deal drugs, use drugs, drink alcohol and crash parties, however the show does at times hit on critical issues such as Cassandra who is afflicted by her eating disorder which for many girls is a serious issue however this is even exaggerated to the extent that all she does is ask where the kitchen is. In my opinion Skins does hit on some key issues however it does it’s best to exaggerate every problem and never really give an answer in the long run on how to solve the problems, and another problem is that the people that view Skins are younger than the protagonists themselves and it could give a negative effect to these younger viewers and the majority of people aged 16+ will tell you that this is not the people their age act and that it portrays the negative stereotype of the youth of today and so reflects badly on them. So my final summary is that Skins is not something that should have a huge effect on your life and should be viewed to consume time rather than being seen as an insight into your personal future. By Jack