The Real Victims in the Middle East

The Real Victims in the Middle East Messiah Yeshua himself is being Beheaded, While you stand oddily by: God will Judge.


Luke 11:2–4Father,hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come.Give us each day our daily bread,and forgive us our sinsfor we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.And lead us not into temptation.Everybody who see's I urge to bring this to attention the goal is to bring it to the mainstream press of America so that Americans can see the true face of Islam Islam is pure wicked and there is nothing there.

Transcript of The Real Victims in the Middle East

  • The Real Victims in the Middle East

    Messiah Yeshua himself is being Beheaded, While you stand oddily by: God will Judge.

  • Isaiah 30:21-And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. To all in the US government funding Terrorism if you have compassion, if you seek peace, if you seek what is right, what is just and moral and if you have a heart then you must agree that funding this level of babririty is wrong and pervese forget about all the problems facing our nation and there are many but it's not as bad as what you're allowing idly to take place through Foreign Aid to Islamic nations.Messiah Jesus himself calling out for help in the middle east, Jesus himself in the middle east is getting beheaded, killed, raped and many are just standing by being decieved and believing the lie that Islam is a religion of peace, firstly is Islam is not just a religion it's a religion and a state Matthew 25 (at the end of our lives We will not be judged by how much money we have in our bank accounts or how many diplomas we have but we will be judged by the following verse in Matthew 25 For I was hungry and ye gave me meat, I was in prison and you visited me, I was naked and you clothed me.And Those who fail to do this, Our Lord Christ himself will say from his mouth Depart from me you who are cursed.
  • Not Just in Iraq but across the Middle East

  • Christians are displaced for bieng Christians

  • Christians are gunned down by the Religion of Peace

  • Christian Children Suffer

  • Whole Christian Village in Nigeria massacred by the Religion of peace

  • Their Crime: Being Christian

  • I know you're Liberals bent on Tolerance but tolerance of What, Evil. Just stop for a minute and let the holy spirit of God work inside you, Right is right, wrong is wrong, Evil is Evil
    This is just like Abortion the killing of the most innocent and precious (Babies and Children) This is ISLAM

  • Messiah is Displaced by Islam in Iraq

  • Think Where are your Children? Will you own Children ever exprience this ever? Done by the Obama Funded Syrian Rebels

  • This was a 16 year old Iraqi Christian Girl, let me tell you how she died man in the Religion of peace, came into her bedroom gangraped her and then killed her by shoving a cross down a her throat

  • Messiah is calling for help he is saying I am being beheaded in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia but where are you.

  • Isaiah 1:17

    Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.As a government that aims to help others just like you did with the Nazi's and rescuing the Jews from utter destruction I also Plead on behalf of my people in the muslim world who are being slaughtered just like the Armenian Genocide where 1.5 million Christians perished, we are witnessing that again right before our eyes
  • The Lord's Prayer

    Matthew 6:913Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth, as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.