The Real Secret Workshop/Retreat

If you don’t know your true nature you cannot know your true power, your deepest desires or wishes! THE REAL SECRET Workshop/Retreat THE REAL SECRET Workshop/Retreat


Information about The Real Secret Workshop/Retreat

Transcript of The Real Secret Workshop/Retreat

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If you don’t know your true nature you cannot know your true power,

your deepest desires or wishes!

THE REAL SECRET Workshop/Retreat

THE REAL SECRET Workshop/Retreat

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THE REAL SECRET � WORKSHOP/RETREATOne more step to no more steps!

There is a field of consciousness with unlimited

poten�al within all human beings. Among the labels

it has been given are the following: the field,

pure energy, all natural laws, the source, etc.

With simple methods, we can experience more of

ourselves in this field, which is like a beau�ful

river of inspira�on, joy and new ideas.

“If you don’t know your true nature

you cannot know your true power,

your deepest desires or wishes!”

Rune Heivang, Founder Soulpilot

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To find God (our true nature) we need to do

almost all things opposite, we can’t find God,

the source or the ”now” if we search for it.

We need to stop searching - then we find it.

To find God we need to split the mind and the self in two,

so we can become ONE. Here you can discover

a space between your thoughts, this is the Place.

It has always been there.

You probably recogniced it before, but your

mind didn’t understand that this was the door

to your eternal happiness. NOW you KNOW.

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Here you will understand the mind is only

who you think you are; your thoughts, memories

and hopes for the future and what everybody

has told you, you are. However you are not only

mind and body, you are so much more.

Then you will see your problem

is not really the problem.

The problem is you think you are only the mind,

thoughts and body. Your thoughts and

body are built up of par�cles and energywaves

like everything else in the universe.

But we ask you; where is the director of this game?

In order to understand this game

we need to stop the �me, so we can end

the bad memories from the past and the hopes

for the future. The root to all human stress

and problems. So we can just BE in the Now.

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At this �me we will have become nothing

and will be able to experience it ALL.

Here we can’t experience boredom, stress, fear

and it is not possible to feel unsafe.

However we can feel exitement and all feelings in life.

Life it self is knocking on your door to teach you its

mysteries. When you wake up from your dream

you will recognice thruth from illusion.

When this is happening you start to accept yourself,

you start to love yourself, you start to love your body

and your thoughts. (Remember you are pure love.)

Then we don’t suffer in life! We view life from

inspira�on and a totaly new understanding.

When you truly understand this, you understand

how simple it could be, you will be in disbelief.

If everybody were to do this, there would be peace on

earth, paradise in your world. Its only a second away.

We will show you the way when you are ready.

You are one step away to your true nature.

One more step to no more steps.

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To good to be true?

Of course it is, if you have listen to all you have

heard througout your life; from within

your mind, parents, society and others.

“Some people think that they are their thoughts;

but if we become explorers and play witness to our

thoughts, then we find that there is a space between

our thoughts where there are no thoughts,

emo�on or movement. You are s�ll there,

but who bears witness to this event?”

“How long will you wait?” Has been the

masters ques�on throughout �me.

No book can take you there, no science can show you

the way, no teacher or master can really take you there.

We can deliver the key to your true nature,

but you must walk through the door yourself.

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Whatever you do, do yourself a favour:

Be The Real You!

Take a chance on yourself and jump into life,

no one else will do it for you!


You will teach yourself the art of beeing

that is the art of love,

you become the master of supreme consciousness

so you can truly understand the art of freedom.

You will then understand the meaning of

discovery and learn to explore life awake!

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Because you are one with everything,

you are the creator of everything.

But in a totally different way than you thought

you saw your life - you are so much bigger!

With this deep understanding everything will change

and at the same �me nothing will change,

you will recognize who you truly are

and who you always have been.

Life is beau�ful if you see it from your true nature.

Then you become the Master of Life.

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Male par�cipant In my opinion, the school is both spiritual and pedagogical, with a worldclass teaching staff. I am proud to think that li�le Norway has one of the best courses in the whole world in this field. I am sure that most people a�ending the course would agree with me.

Female par�cipantThank you, for having journeyed, so that you can share your heavenly discoveries with all of us. Best of luck to you all. Thank you so very much.

Female par�cipantIn broad brush strokes, it’s like this: I have travelled through the valley of death, encountered love and gained life.

Female par�cipantI found everything I’ve been looking for, and much more. Having trav-elled around the world in search of wisdom and answers for 12 years. Exquisitely divine, heavenly blissful and thankful. Looking forward to crea�ng a fantas�c life!! I am free!

Male par�cipant“The course turned my life around, and I now have answers to every-thing I was wondering about. I have a�ended a tremendous number of courses, but never come as close to what I have been looking for in my life as now. My life has turned to the posi�ve. The group dynamic was fantas�c. If you want to take a quantum leap in your life, then I recommend this course.

Female par�cipantWhat I have experienced is worth five �mes the price of what it cost to a�end this school. It is almost worth the en�re Norwegian na-�onal budget. I can’t describe it in words.

Female par�cipantWhen I met Rune the first �me, my life consisted mostly of ge�ng high and envisioning suicide. A�er just one healing, I kicked my drug habit, and all my dark thoughts disappeared! It was awesome!

FEEDBACK from the workshops and retreats:

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Female par�cipantThis was nothing less than a revo-lu�on. Many things were turned upside down for me, and I saw that I was much more than what I earlier thought I was. I got the feeling of being one with everything; to start with just now and then, but over �me it became more and more. Of course I face life’s challenges just like everyone else. The difference is that now I accept challenging expe-riences as gi�s.

Male par�cipantThese days have been magical for me. The pains I’ve been suffering from for many years are gone. I have gained a completely new under-standing of the universe. This course has shown me two fantas�c tech-niques that I can use in my prac�ce as a healer and in my life.

Female par�cipantI took the course about a year ago. It was a uniquely powerful course. I’ve been working with healing for 10 years, but nothing I’ve experi-ence before in this field is close to this course. Ever since I learned these methods, they are the ones I use the most when trea�ng clients at my clinic. And the results are fantas�c. All the clients describe major changes in their lives a�er treatment.

Female par�cipantLife is not the same anymore; it is much more exci�ng and beau�ful than I ever could have imagined. Now I KNOW that I have lots of great things in store...

Male par�cipantThank you so much, Rune, for the divine healing that helped me get my life back.

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“Some people think that they are their thoughts; but if we become explorers and play witness to our thoughts, then we find that there is a space between our thoughts where there are no thoughts, emo�on or movement. You are s�ll there, but who bears witness to this event?”

Rune Heivang, Founder Soulpilot


There is a field of consciousness with unlimited poten�al within all human beings. Among the labels it has been given are the following: the field, pure energy, all natural laws, the source, etc.

With simple methods, we can experience ourselves as more of this field, which is like a beau�ful river of inspira�on, joy and new ideas. By using these methods on a regular basis, our consciousness can expand and we can experience an even deeper level of crea�ve intelligence, which is beneficial for both your physical and mental

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wellbeing. More energy, greater joys and deeper crea�ve intelligence can be experienced as new forms of love. Love is an expression of crea�ve power and this feeling we call Supreme Consciousness, which is actually your natural condi�on. When you are in this conscious state, you are awake and therefore free to remember your natural condi�on. With this newfound feeling of freedom, magnificent states of inspira�on and crea�vity can be sustained, as rings in a body of water, conver�ng new, beau�ful ideas into reality. You are reminded that the only reason that you are here NOW is to experience the present that is right NOW.

These are methods that we have been studying for a long �me and that are extremely powerful. We prefer not to call them techniques or methods that solve problems, because we believe that there are never any faults or problems in the first place. This is not how we understand reality. If we call it a technique that solves a problem, then we limit something extremely powerful to something less than what it actually is.

In a way we can join in a field of All Poten�als. By playing and inves�ga�ng this field, we and thousands around the world have seen and experienced the most incredible thing mentally and physically with this Supreme Consciousness. This has also been documented in serious laboratories in the US.

The natural course of life is constant change, inspira�on and transforma�on. 95% of all psychic and physical imbalances that we experience arise from stress. By using these methods, the stress level in our body, emo�ons and mind are reduced considerably and the glowing energy field around the body can reset both body and mind back to its original natural healthy condi�on.

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Soulpilot AcademyThe Masterhealer WorkshopThe Real Secret WorkshopThe Real Secret Retreat

7 WorkshopsMentor Program

www.soulpilot.noTel: +47 951 67 [email protected]