The quizenbach fall-The final round of CON-QUEST

The Quizenbach Fall The final Problem 12 Questions. Rules as Spoken


The Final round of CON-QUEST

Transcript of The quizenbach fall-The final round of CON-QUEST

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The Quizenbach FallThe final Problem

12 Questions.Rules as Spoken

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What happened here?

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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But then public outcry was so large that people used to gather in front of A.C. Doyle’s house,thus he he wrote The hounds of Baskerville,and brought his hero back to life.

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One day when Sampat Pal Devi, a simple woman living in a village in Northern India, saw a man mercilessly beating his wife. She pleaded with him to stop but he abused her as well. The next day she returned with a bamboo stick and five other women and gave the rogue a sound thrashing.The news spread like wild fire and soon women started approaching Sampat Pal Devi in droves requesting similar interventions. Many women came forward to join her team and in the year 2006 she decided that the sisterhood needed a uniform and a name and thus the pink sari was chosen, to signify the womanhood and understated strength. On one occasion, when Sampat Pal went to the local police station to register a complaint, a policeman abused and attacked her. She retaliated by beating him on the head with her lathi. On another occasion she dragged a government official out of his car to show him a crumbling road that was in need of urgent repair. After all, what cannot be endured must be cured!Which Organisation was thus formed?

Hint: next slide?

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Hint slide!


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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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Gulaabi Gang!

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 The first picture is of Tsutomu Miyazaki He was born with deformed hands and couldn't turn his palms upward or grasp objects easily.   He confessed to cooking the hands of one of his victims and eating them.Miyazaki taunted the families of his victims during his active killing period by writing letters to them and signing them with a female name "Yuko Imada," which literally means "Now I have courage“.The second picture is of Milwaukee serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer .The third picture is of Nikolai Dzhurmongaliev who made it his mission to rid the world of prostitutes and managed to eliminate 47 women before he was caught. 

Together,they inspired what?

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The Character of Hannibal Lecter.

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Identify the first Picture with the help of the Second Picture.

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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Ebola Virus.

An outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) began in Guinea in December 2013, leading to an epidemic in West Africa. The outbreak was not detected until March 2014, after which it spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. The outbreak is caused by the Zaire ebolavirus, called simply, Ebola virus (EBOV). It is the most severe outbreak of Ebola in terms of the number of human cases and fatalities since the discovery of the virus in 1976.

As of 13 August 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a total of 2,127 suspected cases and 1,145 deaths (1,310 cases and 712 deaths being laboratory confirmed).

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Discovered in 2003 in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores, The  Homo floresiensis are between two and four feet (0.61–1.22 m) tall, the average height being three feet six inches (1.07 m). They dress in bright colours, favouring yellow and green. Nowadays ,they are usually very shy creatures, but are nevertheless capable of great courage and amazing feats under the proper circumstances. They are adept with slings and throwing stones. For the most part, they cannot grow beards, but a few of the race of Stoor can. Their feet are covered with curly hair (usually brown, as was the hair on their heads) with leathery soles, so most hobbits hardly ever wear shoes. 

Researchers from Stony Brook University Medical Center in New York have confirmed that Homo floresiensis is a genuine ancient human species and not a descendant of healthy humans. Using statistical analysis on skeletal remains of a well-preserved female specimen, researchers determined the Homo floresiensis to be a distinct species and not a genetically flawed version of modern humans.

How do we better know This species?

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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The Hobbits.

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What is happening ?

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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Gavrilo Princip,WHO ASSASINATED Archduke Franz Ferdinandis being arrested.

His death spooked off the first World War.

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________ Vespucci was an Italian explorer, financier, navigator andcartographer who first demonstrated that Brazil and the West Indies did not represent Asia's eastern outskirts as initially conjectured from Columbus' voyages, but instead constituted an entirely separate landmass hitherto unknown to Afro-Eurasians. 

At the invitation of king Manuel I of Portugal, Vespucci participated as observer in several  between 1499 and 1502

The expeditions became widely known in Europe after two accounts attributed to Vespucci were published between 1502 and 1504. In 1507, Martin Waldseemüller produced a world map on which he named somehing  after the feminine Latin version of Vespucci's first name, which is ______.

What was named after his first name?

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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America,after Americus.

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Q.8. England had for some years owned land in France. The barons had provided

the king with both money and men to defend this territory.This was all part of the Feudal System.

So long as English kings were militarily successful abroad, relations with the barons were good. But John was not very successful in his military campaigns abroad. His constant demands for more money and men angered the barons. By 1204, John had lost his land in northern France. In response to this, John introduced high taxes without asking the barons. This was against feudal law and accepted custom.

John made mistakes in other areas as well. He angered the Roman Catholic Church. The pope, vexed by John's behaviour, banned all church services in England in 1207. Even worse for John was the fact that the pope excommunicated him in 1209.. Faced with this, John climbed down and accepted the power of the Catholic Church, giving them many privileges in 1214.

1214 was a disastrous year for John for another reason. Once again, he suffered military defeat in an attempt to get back his territory in northern France. He returned to London demanding more money from taxes. This time the barons were not willing to listen. They rebelled against his power. The barons captured London. However, they did not defeat John entirely and by the Spring of 1215, both sides were willing to discuss matters.

What happened as a result?

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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Signing of the Magna Carta.

Magna Carta (the great charter)was the first document imposed upon a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their rights.

The charter is widely known throughout the English speaking world as an important part of the protracted historical process that led to the rule of modern parliament  in England and beyond.

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What's the reason for celebration?

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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Crowds gathering in front of white house after the death of Osama Bin laden.

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  Joe Chill is a mugger,who has a brother, Max, who is also a criminal.

He is hired by Lew Mexon,a mafia boss to do something.

The Task is accomplished.

They are indirectly responsible for someone’s existence.

Whose existence are indirectly responsible for?What was the task?

No part points.

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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The Dark Knight.

Sometime prior to their murder, Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha attend a costume party - to which Dr. Wayne wears a bat-like costume. Wayne is taken from the party, at gunpoint, to meet racketeer and bank robber Lew Moxon, who orders Wayne to remove a bullet from his shoulder. Wayne carries out the operation before overpowering Moxon and his men.

Moxon is arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for armed robbery; as he is taken away, he swears revenge on Thomas Wayne. Ten years later, a free Moxon informs Thomas Wayne that he will get someone else to exact that revenge. It is suggested that Moxon ordered Chill to kill the Waynes but keep young Bruce alive, thus providing a convincing alibi for Moxon.

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Q.11.This song, ol' man river is being sung in the 1927 musical show boat that contrasts the struggles and hardships of African Americans with the endless, uncaring flow of the mississippi river. In new york , X befriended paul robeson,the singer of this song,who was a prominent civil rights activist, who influenced him in his song Y which is based on the imagery and theme of robeson's ol' man river.

Video insterted

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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X=bhupen hazarika.Y=bistirno parore.

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Q.12. X and Y ?

Based on the Major Alexander Francis Preston and Having received his medical degree from Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, the University of London in 1878, and subsequently being trained at Netley as a surgeon in the British Army,Y joined British forces in India, saw service in the Second Anglo-Afghan War, was wounded at the Battle of Maiwand (July 1880) by a Jezail bullet in the shoulder, suffered enteric fever and was sent back to England on the troopship HMS Orontes following his recovery.In 1881, he is introduced by his friend Stamford to  X, who is looking for someone to share rent at a flat in . Concluding that they are compatible, they subsequently move into the flat.

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Sherlock Says us the answer is-

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Sherlock and John!

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The end of this round.

Scores Please!
