The Question of G. de Purucker: A Reply

“Th e Q uestionof G . d e P ur u cker” A R eply Jon Fergus & Pierre Wouters C on t en t s Openi ng Words.................................................................................................................................................... 2 Does Evolution Extend to Infi nity ?............................................................................................................... 3 Poi nt # ! "re t er e One or $ %ny " sol utes?............................................................................................ ' Poi nt #2! "r e te (e ven Pr in)i ples $o n%ds ?....................................................................................... ..... .* Poi nt #3 ! "ni+ %l (ou l vs. ,%+%-up%....................................................................................................... 2 Point #/! W%t %re te $%n%s%putr%s?..................................................................................................../ Point #0! P%r%r%+% vs. 1r%+%.............................................................................................................* Poi nt # ! $y "t+ %n 4 our " t+%n ?................. ............................................................................................ 20 Point #'! 5e $e%ning of "6$...................................................................................................................2* Point #*! 7Esoteri) Instru)tions8................................................................................................................32 Point #9! /t vs. 0t 7(u-%)e8.................................................................................................................3/ Poi nt #: ! ' or 2 ; or : or / or ...<? ........................................................................................................ /: =los ing W ords................................................................................................................................................... //

Transcript of The Question of G. de Purucker: A Reply

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“The Question of G. de Purucker”A Reply

Jon Fergus & Pierre Wouters

ContentsOpening Words.................... ................... .................... ................... .................... .................... ................... .......... . 2

Does Evolution Extend to Infinity?................... .................... ................... .................... .............. ..... ...... ..... ... 3

Point #! "re tere One or $%ny "solutes?...................... ................... .................... .............. ...... ..... ...... '

Point #2! "re te (even Prin)iples $on%ds?.................. ................... .................... .................... .......... ..... . *Point #3! "ni+%l (oul vs. ,%+%-up%....................... .................... ................... .................... ................. .... 2

Point #/! W%t %re te $%n%s%putr%s?..................................................................................................../

Point #0! P%r%r%+% vs. 1r%+%.............................................................................................................*

Point #! $y "t+%n 4our "t+%n?................. .................... ................... .................... ................. ...... ..... ..... 20

Point #'! 5e $e%ning of "6$...................................................................................................................2*

Point #*! 7Esoteri) Instru)tions8................................................................................................................32

Point #9! /t vs. 0t 7(u-%)e8.................................................................................................................3/

Point #:! ' or 2 ;or : or / or...<?.................. ................... .................... .................... ................ ..... ...... /:=losing Words..................... .................... .................... ................... .................... .................... ........... ..... ...... ..... //

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Opening Words5e follo>ing is % response to %n %rti)le t%t %ppe%red on l%v%tsyteosopy.)o+ titled!

“The Question of G de Purucker”

@et it e )le%r fro+ te outset t%t >e %re not ere to defend % p%rti)ul%r person. Aor %re>e ere to de%te or dis)uss 7su))essorsip8 7le%dersip8 or te 7o))ult st%tus8 of %nyindividu%l. It is to e understood t%t tis reply is not  te result of p%rroting B. de Puru)erut si+ply te result of long independent study esides te f%)t t%t te )on)eptu%l under-st%nding of teosopi)%l te%)ings is %l>%ys open to interpret%tion %nd tus open to +isun-derst%nding y any  student.

In te %ove +entioned %rti)le follo>ing % dissert%tion on te  person of B. de Puru)erte %rti)le +oves on to sele)t % %ndful of ideas dr%>n fro+ is >ritings. In doing so it issuggested t%t tese ide%s %re 7entirely %t odds >it te te%)ing in C5e (e)ret Do)trine.8We find tis to e %n in)orre)t )on)lusion %nd elieve it )ould +isle%d students of 

5eosopy into elieving a priori >itout suffi)ient eviden)e or %rgu+ent t%t Puru)erside%s entirely oppose tose of .P. 1l%v%tsy ;P1< %nd er te%)ers. We >ill terefore%ddress e%) of tese ide%s in turn providing referen)es to Puru)ers >ritings %nd toseof  The Secret Doctrine ;(D< %nd oter >ritings of P1. 5is >e elieve >ill illustr%te t%t te ten points of )riti)is+ in te %rti)le %re gener%lly +ist%en %nd not %)tu%lly inopposition to >%t te %utors refer to %s 7genuine teosopy.8


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Does Evolution Extend to Infinity?First let us loo %t % very prole+%ti) st%te+ent uoted in te %rti)le.

7(tudents of The Secret Doctrine +%y e disposed to uestion Dr de Puru)ers vie> t%t 

evolution is % pro)ess extending to infinity r%ter t%n % )y)li) pro)ess returning into itself only to st%rt over on te s%+e level %nd t%t P%r%r%+ or te "solute is not re%lly tefin%lity ut Gust one of +%ny +%ny st%ges ut y no +e%ns fin%l %nd t%t te evolution%rypro)ess goes on trougout eternity ever iger %nd iger.8

5is oGe)tion flies in te f%)e of teosopi)%l te%)ings. Ao>ere do P1 or erte%)ers indi)%te t%t )y)li) pro)esses return into te+selves on the same level. In f%)t teex%)t opposite is true %nd Puru)ers instru)tion on tis point i.e. t%t evolution extends toinfinity is ex%)tly te teosopi)%l te%)ing.

5e 7)y)les8 of teosopi)%l te%)ings %re spiral  lie te tre%ds of % s)re> ;% eli)oid<!)y)li)%l yet progressive. 5e )y)les of te se%sons for inst%n)e +ove fro+ >inter trougto su++er %nd %g%in to >inter ut tere is progress % 7+%r)ing for>%rds8 fro+ one>inter to te next! te )y)le does not return to itself on te s%+e level. Ao )y)le does. 5ouote fro+ te (D!

5is tr%)ing of 7(pir%l lines8 refers to te evolution of +%ns %s >ell %s A%turesprin)iplesH %n evolution >i) t%es pl%)e gr%du%lly %s does everyting else in n%ture. ;(D!9<

Oter>ise o> )ould one %))ount for %nd expl%in +%te+%ti)%lly te evolution%ry %ndspir%l progress of te Four ,ingdo+s? ;(D !'*<

5e %ns>er is diffi)ult to )o+preend unless one is >ell %)u%inted >it te pilo-sopi)%l +et%pysi)s of % eginningless %nd endless series of =os+i) e-irtsH %nde)o+es >ell i+pressed %nd f%+ili%rised >it t%t i++ut%le l%> of A%ture >i) isEtern%l $otion )y)li) %nd spir%l terefore progressive even in its see+ing retrogression.;(D 2!*:<

Only in rel%tively re)ent geologi)%l periods %s te spir%l )ourse of )y)li) l%> s>ept +%nind into te lo>est gr%de of pysi)%l evolutionte pl%ne of gross +%teri%l )%us%tion.;(D 2!0'<

5e Ogdo%d or * sy+olies te etern%l %nd spir%l +otion of )y)les te * K %nd issy+olied in its turn y te =%du)eus. ;(D 2!0*:<

Were tere no su) ting %s evolution%ry )y)les %n etern%l spir%l progress into +%tter>it % proportion%te os)ur%tion of spirittoug te t>o %re onefollo>ed y %ninverse %s)ent into spirit %nd te defe%t of +%tter%)tive %nd p%ssive y turno>expl%in te dis)overies of oology %nd geology? ;(D 2!'32<

Indeed tis ide% t%t evolution  progresses )y)li)%lly is %solutely fund%+ent%l to te

1. In our correspondence with the author of the article, we have received the following clarification: “The passageyou quote at the start of p. 3 is from H. N. Stokes and although I included it in my article I obviously disagree withthe idea that everything returns back to the point where it started as I'm well aware that this is not the Theosophicalteaching. Obviously I should have commented on that in the article itself, as now the readers of your response will be given the impression that those are either my words or that I personally agree with and support them.” Let thereader understand, then, that our reply here is directed solely towards the mistaken idea put forward by Stokes.


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teosopi)%l pilosopy. It is one of tose ide%s upon >i) % rigt )o+preension of te>ole syste+ %ngs. P1 %ddresses it dire)tly in te opening p%ges of te Proe+!

Intr%-=os+i) +otion is etern%l %nd )e%selessH )os+i) +otion ;te visile or t%t >i) issuGe)t to per)eption< is finite %nd periodi)%l. "s %n etern%l %str%)tion it is te ever-presentH %s % +%nifest%tion it is finite ot in te )o+ing dire)tion %nd te opposite te

t>o eing te %lp% %nd o+eg% of su))essive re)onstru)tions. ,os+oste nou+enon%s nougt to do >it te )%us%l rel%tions of te peno+en%l World. It is only >itreferen)e to te intr%-)os+i) soul te ide%l ,os+os in te i++ut%le Divine 5ougt t%t >e +%y s%y! 7It never %d % eginning nor >ill it %ve %n end.8 Wit reg%rd to its ody or=os+i) org%ni%tion toug it )%nnot e s%id t%t it %d % first or >ill ever %ve % l%st )onstru)tion yet %t e%) ne> $%nv%nt%r% its org%ni%tion +%y e reg%rded %s te first %ndte l%st of its ind %s it evolutes every time on a higher plane  . . . ;(D !3<


5e opening senten)e of (t%n% I. >en +entioning 7(even Eternities8 is +%de to %pplyot to te $%%-,%lp% or 7te ;gre%t< "ge of 1r%+L8 %s >ell %s to te (ol%r pr%l%y% %ndsuseuent resurre)tion of our Pl%net%ry (yste+ on % iger pl%ne. ;(D !03<

@et us loo %t % di%gr%+ y P1 on te s%+e gener%l suGe)t of )y)li) progression.


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It is )le%rly de+onstr%ted in tis di%gr%+ t%t te 7%s)ending )y)le8 re%)es up>%rds to% point higher   t%n te point %t >i) te 7do>n>%rd )y)le8 eg%n. 5%t is >it tep%ssing of e%) )y)le tere is %  progression +%de. 5e s%+e is de+onstr%ted in P1stre%t+ent of te progress fro+ one pl%net%ry )%in to te next >en exploring te p%ss%gefro+ te +oon )%in to te e%rt ;see (D !'9 >ere it is )le%rly st%ted t%t te +oon

)%in is inferior to te e%rt )%in i.e. % progression %s o))urred troug te full )y)le of te )%in<. 5ese di%gr%+s %nd expl%n%tions )%n e %pplied mutatis mutandis to %ny %nd %llevolution%ry )y)les! %ll progress %ll %re spir%ls not )ir)les.

5us in no >%y is it des)ried t%t te )y)les return into te+selves on the same level.

5%t ide% >ould neg%te %ny re%l +e%ning to te teosopi)%l pilosopyH it >ould +%e %Goe of evolution %nd >ould render te 5eosopi)%l P%t entirely pointless to tre%d if %llone %d to loo for>%rd to >%s % return on te s%+e level %nd % rest%rt of te ex%)t s%+e)y)le. AoH progress is eginningless %nd endless %nd )onst%nt. It is te very l%> of +otionitself. If tere >%s % )%p or )eiling upon evolution %t %ny point te entire ide% of evolution>ould f%ll %p%rt. 5e only >%y in >i) te ide% of evolution is upeld is if it indeed 7p%ssesto infinity.8

7It is ut +%tter ;or +%teri%l +%n< >i) is )o+pelled y its o>n >eigt to des)end tote very otto+ of te M)ir)le of ne)essityM to tere %ssu+e %ni+%l for+H %s to te >inner of t%t r%)e trougout te >orldste (piritu%l Ego e >ill %s)end fro+ st%r to st%r fro+one >orld to %noter )ir)ling on>%rd to ree)o+e te on)e pure pl%net%ry (pirit teniger still to fin%lly re%) its first st%rting point %nd fro+ ten)eto +erge into mystery .Ao %dept %s ever penetr%ted eyond te veil of pri+itive ,os+i) +%tter. 5e igest te+ost perfe)t vision is li+ited to te universe of Form %nd Matter.8 ;$%%t+% @etter 9<

In reg%rds to te ide% t%t te "solute is surp%ssed %t so+e point te distin)tion +ust e +%de et>een te "solute %s te "PEN or ier%r) of % syste+ %nd te "solute  per se.5e life->%ve does indeed eventu%lly p%ss te %pex of % syste+ %nd +oves on to te next syste+ on % iger pl%ne. In tis sense >%t >%s 7"solute8 to them during one )y)le >ille rel%tive to them during % iger )y)le on % iger syste+. 5is >ill e explored furter inour reply to te uestions of P%r%r%+% versus 1r%+% ;neuter< %nd te uestion of "t+%n. 1ut let us see % uote fro+ te (e)ret Do)trine on tis point!

5e d%y >en Mte sp%r >ill re-e)o+e te Fl%+e ;+%n >ill +erge into is Dy%n=o%n< +yself %nd oters tyself %nd +eM %s te (t%n% %s it+e%ns tis! InParanirvana—>en Pralaya >ill %ve redu)ed not only +%teri%l %nd psy)i)%l odies ut even te spiritu%l Ego ;s< to teir origin%l prin)iplete P%st Present %nd even Futureu+%nities lie %ll tings >ill e one %nd te s%+e. Everyting >ill %ve re-entered teGreat Breath. In oter >ords everyting >ill e M+erged in 1r%+% M or te divine unity.

Is tis %nniil%tion %s so+e tin? Or Atheism %s oter )riti)ste >orsippers of % personal deity %nd elievers in %n unpilosopi)%l p%r%dise%re in)lined to suppose?Aeiter. It is >orse t%n useless to return to te uestion of i+plied %teis+ in t%t >i) isspirituality of % +ost refined )%r%)ter. 5o see in Airv%n% %nniil%tion %+ounts to s%ying of %+%n plunged in % sound dreamless sleepone that leaves no impression on the physical 

memory and rain ecause the sleeper s !igher Sel" is in its original state o" asolute

consciousness during tose ourst%t e too is %nniil%ted. 5e l%tter si+ile %ns>ersonly to one side of te uestionte +ost +%teri%lH sin)e re-asorption is y no +e%ns


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su) % Mdre%+less sleepM ut on te )ontr%ry asolute existen)e %n un)onditioned unity or% st%te to des)rie >i) u+%n l%ngu%ge is %solutely %nd opelessly in%deu%te. 5eonly %ppro%) to %nyting lie % )o+preensive )on)eption of it )%n e %tte+pted solely inte p%nor%+i) visions of te soul troug spiritu%l ide%tions of te divine +on%d. Aor iste individu%litynor even the essence o" the personality  if %ny e left eindloste)%use re-%sored. For o>ever li+itlessfro+ % u+%n st%ndpointte p%r%nirv%ni)

st%te it %s yet % li+it in Eternity. Once reached, the same monad will re-emerge

therefrom, as a still higher being, on a far higher plane, to recommence its cycle of perfected activity. 5e u+%n +ind )%nnot in its present st%ge of develop+ent tr%ns)ends)%r)ely re%) tis pl%ne of tougt. It totters ere on te rin of in)o+preensile"soluteness %nd Eternity. ;(D !20-<

We elieve tis uote spe%s fully for itself.@et us )ontinue >it te %rti)le in uestion ten. 5e %rti)le )ontinues on to give ten

points of te%)ing fro+ Puru)er >i) te %utors feel to e grossly in error. We >ill%ddress e%) in turn.


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Point #1: Are there One or Many Absolutes?5e first point t%t te %utors of te %rti)le t%e issue >it is te follo>ing!

is te%)ing t%t tere %re +%ny "solutes >i) is % )ontr%di)tion in ter+s sin)e te"solute is y its very definition te One 6lti+%te e%lity %nd te st%te+ent o))urs rigt %t te eginning of 75e (e)ret Do)trine8 t%t 75ere )%n e neiter t>o IAFIAI5E( nor t>o"1(O@65E( in % 6niverse supposed to e 1oundless.8

@ets egin our reply >it % uote fro+ te (e)ret Do)trine Di%logues!

Mr. B. #eightley ! 5o +y +ind tis ide% %s e)o+e %solutely pl%in t%t >%t >e refer to%s non-eing %nd non-+%nifest%tion is to e understood %s only referring to our intelligen)e%nd our intelle)t %nd to us. It is very evident you )%nnot spe% of %nd you dont refer in The

Secret Doctrine to %solute non-eing %nd %solute non-+%nifest%tion %t %ll.Mme. Blavats$y ! I refer to %solute non-eing fro+ te st%ndpoint of our finite %nd

rel%tive intelle)ts. 5is is >%t I do ut not %t %ll >%t it >ould e e)%use that which isfor us absoluteness, perhaps if you go on the plane higher, it will be somethingrelative for those on the plane above.

Mr. B. #eightley ! "nd if you go +ore %ove it >ill e)o+e so+eting +ore rel%tive. In f%)t>it our intelle)ts >e %re in too gre%t % urry to get to te "solute %nd so dr%> % line.

Mme. Blavats$y ! 4ou %re %ll in too +u) of % urry %nd if you go on splitting %irs yourr%ins >ill e)o+e lie % o+ogeneous Gelly. It is % very d%ngerous ting tis. 5ry to go one%fter te oter %nd not +iss %ny of te rungs of te l%dder or else it >ill le%d you into so+every extr%ordin%ry pl%)es. ;The Secret Doctrine Dialogues % pp. 23-2/<

"nd %g%in!. W%t is re%lly +e%nt y te ter+ Mpl%nes of non-eingM?

". In using te ter+ Mpl%nes of non-eingM it is ne)ess%ry to re+e+er t%t tese pl%nes%re only to us speres of non-eing ut tose of eing %nd +%tter to iger intelligen)es

t%n ourselves. 5e igest Dy%n-=o%ns of te (ol%r (yste+ )%n %ve no )on)eption of t%t >i) exists in iger syste+s i.e.  on te se)ond Msepten%ryM ,os+i) pl%ne >i) tote 1eings of te ever invisile 6niverse is entirely suGe)tive. ;Transactions % p. :-:' <

. 1ut %re te pl%nes of Mnon-eingM %lso (epten%ry?

". $ost undeni%ly. 5%t >i) in te Secret Doctrine is referred to %s te un+%nifestedpl%nes %re un+%nifested or pl%nes of non-eing only fro+ te point of vie> of te finiteintelle)tH to iger intelligen)es tey >ould e +%nifested pl%nes %nd so on to infinity%n%logy %l>%ys olding good. ;Transactions % p. <

5e %ll-i+port%nt distin)tion to e +%de ere is et>een te 7"solute8 %s te "pex orier%r) of % given syste+ %nd te "solute per se. 5ere %re indeed +%ny 7%solutes8 inte sense of ier%r)s >ile tere is only one "solute per se. 5is distin)tion see+s to e

+issed in te ten points of )riti)is+ ot in reg%rds to tis uestion %nd in reg%rds to tefollo>ing uestions on p%r%r%+%Qr%+% %nd on %t+%n. It is % )riti)%lly i+port%nt distin)tion to e +%de if one is to underst%nd te syste+ %nd pro)esses des)ried in teSecret Doctrine. 5is ide% is %lso )entr%l to Puru)ers %ppro%) %nd +ust e understood if one is to )orre)tly gr%sp te ide%s e puts fort %nd te +%nner in >i) e presents te+.


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Point #2: Are the Seven Principles Monads?5e se)ond point of )ontention is!

is te%)ing t%t +%ns (even Prin)iples %re in f%)t (even $on%ds >i) %ltoug true

fro+ te perspe)tive t%t everyting )%n e )onsidered % 7+on%d8 of sorts is nevertelessunne)ess%ry %nd )onfusing >en it )o+es to g%ining % )le%r %nd %))ur%te underst%nding of te 5eosopi)%l te%)ing %out te u+%n )onstitution sin)e in our )onstitution te$on%d y its very definition is te pri+%ry ulti+%te unit %nd refers solely R?S to te)onGun)tion of "t+%-1uddi in te u+%n )onstitution te sevent %nd sixt Prin)iples.

First let us riefly %ddress te ide% t%t 7+on%d8 refers solely   to te )onGun)tion of "t+%-1uddi >it tree uotes so>ing te flexiility of tis ter+ in O))ultis+!

 Atmâ  ;or Atman< ;S$.<. 5e 6nivers%l (pirit te divine $on%d te 't Prin)iple so-)%lled in te septen%ry )onstitution of +%n. 5e (upre+e (oul.

Jiva ;S$.<. @ife %s te "soluteH te $on%d %lso or 7"t+%-1uddi.8

Monad ;Gr .<. 5e 6nity te oneH ut in O))ultis+ it often +e%ns te unified tri%d "t+%-1uddi-$%n%s or te du%d "t+%-1uddi t%t i++ort%l p%rt of +%n >i) rein)%rn%tes inte lo>er ingdo+s %nd gr%du%lly progresses troug te+ to $%n %nd ten to te fin%lgo%lAirvLn%. ;Theosophical Glossary <

5is is % f%irly flexile use of te ter+ in referen)e to $%n. "nd let us not forget t%t! 7teter+ $on%d RisS one >i) +%y %pply eu%lly to te v%stest (ol%r (yste+ or te tiniest %to+8 ;(D !2<

Ao> in order to underst%nd Puru)ers %ppro%) to te prin)iples %s +on%ds one +ust study )%refully t>o se)tions in te (D ;Tol p. ': et). %nd p. : et).<. 5e explor%tiontere so>s te )onne)tion et>een te +on%ds )ir)ling round te pl%net%ry )%in >itte ele+ents %nd ingdo+s %nd fro+ tere >it te prin)iples in +%n. " s%lient uote

sedding +u) ligt is te follo>ing!It no> e)o+es pl%in t%t tere exists in A%ture % triple evolution%ry s)e+e for te

for+%tion of te tree periodical &padhisH or r%ter tree sep%r%te s)e+es of evolution>i) in our syste+ %re inextri)%ly inter>oven %nd interlended %t every point. 5ese %rete $on%di) ;or spiritu%l< te intelle)tu%l %nd te pysi)%l evolutions. 5ese tree %re tefinite %spe)ts or te refle)tions on te field of =os+i) Illusion of "5$" te sevent te OAEE"@I54.

. 5e $on%di) is %s te n%+e i+plies )on)erned >it te gro>t %nd develop+ent intostill iger p%ses of %)tivity of te $on%d in )onGun)tion >it!

2. 5e Intelle)tu%l represented y te $%n%s%-Dy%nis ;te (ol%r Dev%s or te "gnis->%tt% Pitris< te Mgivers of intelligen)e %nd )ons)iousnessM to +%n %nd!

3. 5e Pysi)%l represented y te =%y%s of te lun%r Pitris round >i) A%ture %s)on)reted te present pysi)%l ody. 5is ody serves %s te vei)le for te Mgro>tM ;to use% +isle%ding >ord< %nd te tr%nsfor+%tions troug $%n%s %ndo>ing to te %))u+u-l%tion of experien)esof te finite into te IAFIAI5E of te tr%nsient into te Etern%l %nd"solute.

E%) of tese tree syste+s %s its o>n l%>s %nd is ruled %nd guided y different sets of 


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te igest Dy%nis or [email protected] E%) is represented in te )onstitution of +%n te$i)ro)os+ of te gre%t $%)ro)os+H %nd it is te union of tese tree stre%+s in i+ >i)+%es i+ te )o+plex eing e no> is. ;(D !*<

Ao> if you flip to te di%gr%+ on p. 0' of volu+e in te Secret Doctrine you >ill seet%t e%) of tese tree upadhis is )orrel%ted >it prin)iples in te sevenfold division of 

our u+%n )onstitution. 5e (even Pri+ordi%l ier%r)ies ;te rulers of te s%)redpl%nets< %re e%) responsile for % ingdo+ %nd % prin)iple in +%n y e+%n%ting into te+.W%t else %re tose ier%r)ies ut +on%ds?

75e 'atures of te seven ier%r)ies or )l%sses of Pitris %nd Dy%n =o%ns >i))o+pose our n%ture %nd 1odies %re ere +e%nt8 ;(D !*9fnU<

75o te igest >e %re t%ugt elong te seven orders of te purely divine (piritsH R. . .Se%) prin)iple in +%n %ving its dire)t sour)e in te n%ture of tose gre%t 1eings >ofurnis us >it te respe)tive invisile ele+ents in us8 ;(D !33<

7Ao> it +ust e re+e+ered t%t te $on%ds )y)ling round %ny septen%ry )%in %redivided into seven )l%sses or ier%r)ies %))ording to teir respe)tive st%ges of evolution)ons)iousness %nd +erit.8 ;(D !'<

71esides >i) every ingdo+ ;%nd >e %ve seven>ile you %ve ut tree< is sudi-vided into seven degrees or )l%sses. $%n ;pysi)%lly< is % )o+pound of %ll te ingdo+s8;$%%t+% @etter 3<

5is per)eption of te te%)ing %dds enor+ous v%lue to our underst%nding of te+e)%nis+ of e+%n%tion t%t %pplies trougout te >ole syste+ of )os+ogenesis >ile)onfusion tends to %rise if %nd >en >e t%e te pilosopy in % too liter%l sense su) %s dote liter%lists in ile studies inste%d of looing %t te spirit or suGe)tive ele+ent >itin %te%)ing.

5eosopy te%)es t%t every ingdo+ +oves up one st%ge %t te )o++en)e+ent of %ne> pl%net%ry )%in. We %re ere not t%ling of te u+%n +on%d )o+ing fro+ te +oon

)%in +oving troug %ll te ingdo+s on % single pl%net%ry gloe or round ut te+on%di) flux in every ingdo+. (o te +on%ds ;so+eti+es Gust referred to %s ele+ent%lssee (D !:< t%t no> o))upy te veget%le ingdo+ >ill +ove into te %ni+%l ingdo+in te next pl%net%ry )%in %nd so on for every ingdo+. 5is is in ex%)t )orresponden)e>it te evolution of te u+%n +on%ds on every gloe %nd in every round. If e%) one of te ingdo+s )orresponds >it one of our prin)iples ten y %n%logy te +on%d of everyprin)iple in +%n +oves up one st%ge %fter every pl%net%ry round %s >ell.

5ere %re +%ny furter referen)es t%t sed ligt on te rel%tion et>een +on%ds %ndprin)iplesH te i+port%nt ting ere see+s to e to eep our +ind open %nd flexile %nd not to dis+iss too ui)ly te ide%s of Puru)er or oters %out tis rel%tion.

"s to te st%te+ent t%t 7%ltoug true fro+ te perspe)tive t%t everyting )%n e)onsidered % +on%d of sorts is neverteless unne)ess%ry %nd )onfusing >en it )o+es tog%ining % )le%r %nd %))ur%te underst%nding8 >e +%y s%y ten t%t te follo>ing referen)efro+ P1 >ould %lso f%ll under te definition of 7unne)ess%ry %nd )onfusing8 >ere te+on%d is )orresponded >it +ind or $%n%sV

5e ()intill%s %re te M(oulsM %nd tese (ouls %ppe%r in te tree-fold for+ of $on%ds


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;units< %to+s %nd gods%))ording to our te%)ing. MEvery %to+ e)o+es % visile )o+plexunit ;% +ole)ule< %nd on)e %ttr%)ted into te spere of terrestri%l %)tivity te $on%di)Essen)e p%ssing troug te +iner%l veget%le %nd %ni+%l ingdo+s e)o+es +%n.M;Esot. =%te)is+.< "g%in MBod $on%d %nd "to+ %re te )orresponden)es of (pirit $ind%nd 1ody ;"t+% $%n%s %nd (tul% (%rir%< in +%n.M In teir septen%ry %ggreg%tion tey %rete Me%venly $%nM ;see ,%%l% for te l%tter ter+<H tus terrestri%l +%n is te provision%l

refle)tion of te e%venly. . . . . M5e $on%ds ;Jiv%s< %re te (ouls of te "to+s ot %re tef%ri) in >i) te =o%ns ;Dy%nis gods< )lot te+selves >en % for+ is needed.M;Esot. =%t.<. ;(D !9<

Furter note te use of 7%str%l +on%d8 %nd in +%ny oter pl%)es te use of ter+s lie7divine +on%d8 7spiritu%l +on%d8 7u+%n +on%d8 7%ni+%l +on%d8 7+iner%l +on%d8 et).%nd >e >ill see t%t te te%)ing is f%r fro+ one di+ension%l.

5e M%str%l +on%dM is te Mperson%l EgoM %nd terefore it never rein)%rn%tes %s teFren) (pirites >ill %ve it ut under Mex)eption%l )ir)u+st%n)esHM in >i) )%se rein)%r-n%ting it does not ecome a shell ut if su))essful in its second rein)%rn%tion >ill e)o+eone %nd ten gr%du%lly lose its person%lity %fter eing so to s%y emptied of its est %ndigest spiritu%l %ttriutes y te i++ort%l +on%d or te MSpiritual Ego%M during te l%st 

%nd supre+e struggle. ;$%%t+% @etter 2/<

(ee %lso (sis !30 for +ore on te 7%str%l +on%d.8Weter or not so+e students find tese ide%s 7unne)ess%ry %nd )onfusing8 does not 

i+ply t%t %ll students of teosopy >ill find te+ to e su). (o+e +%y find it extre+elyelpful to %tte+pt to dis)over >%t ex%)tly is % prin)iple! is it % 7so+eting8? %nd if so >%t ind of 7so+eting8 is it? Is it % 7eing8? Is it % 7+on%d8? 5e te%)ing see+s to e t%t ourentire )onstitution is % )onglo+er%tion of individu%lities or +on%ds of % v%st r%nge of develop+ent %ll >oring %nd living togeter %ll undergoing pro)esses of evolution %nd yet giving rise to te ;ulti+%tely illusory< notion t%t 7I8 %ve prin)iples t%t elong to me.

5e "-I ;Dy%n-=o%ns< %re te )olle)tive osts of spiritu%l eings . . . 5is ier%r)y

of spiritu%l 1eings troug >i) te 6nivers%l $ind )o+es into %)tion is lie %n %r+y%MostM trulyy +e%ns of >i) te figting po>er of % n%tion +%nifests itself %nd >i)is )o+posed of %r+y )orps divisions rig%des regi+ents %nd so fort e%) >it itssep%r%te individu%lity or life %nd its li+ited freedo+ of %)tion %nd li+ited responsiilitiesHe%) )ont%ined in % l%rger individu%lity to >i) its o>n interests %re suservient %nd e%))ont%ining lesser individu%lities in itself. ;(D !3*<

5is uote %lso goes to>%rds te distin)tion et>een te %solute %s %pex versus te%solute  per se. ere >e %ve %n infinite 7series8 of 7individu%lities8 >i) %re %)tu%lly7)olle)tives8 7e%) )ont%ined in % l%rger individu%lity8 %nd so on %nd so on 7until te +indreels8 %s P1 s%ys ;for o> )%n tere ever e % fin%l or l%rgest or igest of tese 7individu-%lities8? for t%t >ould e % person%l BodV<. W%t %re tose 7individu%lities8 ten if not 

+on%ds? %nd >%t %re teir 7prin)iples8 if not +on%ds of v%rying degrees of develop+ent?If %s teosopy te%)es e%) prin)iple is in turn sevenfold ;%s %re rounds gloes r%)es%n%logy %l>%ys olding true< ten >%t )%n te igest su-prin)iple of e%) prin)iple eut % +on%d developing on its o>n pl%ne?

For tose >o study te %ove referen)es te follo>ing t>o st%te+ent +%y re+ove %ll


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dout %s to te presen)e of te +on%d in every prin)iple!

(event prin)iple %l>%ys tere %s % l%tent for)e in every one of te prin)ipleseven ody."s te +%)ro)os+i) Wole it is present even in te lo>er spere ut tere is noting tereto %ssi+il%te it to itself. . . .

"ll is one @%>. $%n %s is seven prin)iples te ger+s of >i) e rings >it i+ %t is

irt. (o %s % pl%net or % >orld. Fro+ first to l%st every spere %s its >orld of effe)ts tep%ssing troug >i) >ill %fford % pl%)e of fin%l rest to e%) of te u+%n prin)iplestesevent prin)iple ex)epted. ;$%%t+% @etter 3<


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Point #3: Animal Soul vs. Kama-Rupa5e tird point of )ontention is!

is t%ing liter%lly of te sy+oli)%lly des)riptive ter+ 7%ni+%l soul8 for te ,%+%

prin)iple in +%n %nd te%)ing t%t te individu%ls ,%+% prin)iple is in f%)t % $on%d >i)in te dist%nt future >ill e)o+e %n %)tu%l %ni+%l.

5is is %in to te proveri%l se%r)ing for % needle in % %yst%)!

7In $r. (innetts MEsoteri) 1uddis+M d% e% %nd "  R%+% rup% +%n%s %nd uddiS %rerespe)tively )%lled te "ni+%l te u+%n %nd te (piritu%l (ouls >i) %ns>ers %s >ell.5oug te prin)iples in Esoteric Buddhism %re nu+ered tis is stri)tly spe%ing useless.5e du%l Monad  %lone ; Atma)Buddhi< is sus)eptile of eing tougt of %s te t>o igest nu+ers ;te t %nd 't<. "s to %ll oters sin)e that  Mprin)ipleM only >i) is predo+-in%nt in +%n %s to e )onsidered %s te first %nd fore+ost no nu+er%tion is possile %s %gener%l rule. In so+e +en it is te iger Intelligen)e ;$%n%s or te 0t< >i) do+in%teste restH in oters te "ni+%l (oul ;,%+%-rup%< t%t reigns supre+e exiiting te +ost 

esti%l instin)ts et).8 ;#ey to Theosophy  (e)tion p. 92fnU<7Ao> >%t does Pl%to te%)? e spe%s of te interior +%n %s )onstituted of t>o

p%rtsone i++ut%le %nd %l>%ys te s%+e for+ed of te s%+e sust%n)e %s Deity %nd teoter +ort%l %nd )orruptile. 5ese Mt>o p%rtsM %re found in our upper 5ri%d %nd te lo>eru%tern%ry ;vide 5%le<. e expl%ins t%t >en te (oul psu)e M%llies erself to te Aous;divine spirit or sust%n)e< se does everyting %rigt %nd feli)itouslyMH ut te )%se isoter>ise >en se %tt%)es erself to "noi% ;folly or te irr%tion%l %ni+%l (oul<. ereten >e %ve $%n%s ;or te (oul in gener%l< in its t>o %spe)ts! >en %tt%)ing itself to"noi% ;our ,%+% rup% or te M"ni+%l (oulM in MEsoteri) 1uddis+M< it runs to>%rds entire%nniil%tion %s f%r %s te person%l Ego is )on)ernedH >en %llying itself to te Aous ;"t+%-1uddi< it +erges into te i++ort%l i+peris%le Ego %nd ten its spiritu%l )ons)iousnessof te person%l t%t >%s e)o+es i++ort%l.8 ;#ey to Theosophy  (e)tion pp. 92-93<

P1 very >ell ne> te proper use of  Anoia %s proven in er %dding % gloss%ry to te2nd edition of The #ey to Theosophy  >ere te ter+ Anoia is des)ried %s!

"noi% ;Br.< is M>%nt of underst%nding follyMH %nd is te n%+e %pplied y Pl%to %nd otersto te lo>er $%n%s >en too )losely %llied >it ,%+% >i) is )%r%)terised yirr%tion%lity ;%gnoi%<. 5e Bree %gnoi% is evidently % deriv%tive of te (%nsrit %Gn%n%;poneti)%lly %gny%n%< or ignor%n)e irr%tion%lity %nd %sen)e of no>ledge. ;#ey to

Theosophy  Bloss%ry<

We dont see >y % student of teosopy ougt to stu+le over te use of su) ter+i-nology >en te te%)er erself ;P1< doesnt see+ to e +%ing % ig de%l out of it.1esides se %llies erself )le%rly >it so+e of te +%in Bree pilosopers of %ntiuity

su) %s Pyt%gor%s %nd Pl%to %nd doesnt %ve % neg%tive >ord to s%y >en te %ni+%l soulis referred to in rel%tion to te ody ;V< %s in te follo>ing fr%g+ent!

Ao> tis )o+position of te soul ;psu)e< >it te underst%nding ;nous< +%es re%sonH%nd >it te ody ;or tu+os te %ni+%l soul< p%ssionH of >i) te one is te eginningor prin)iple of ple%sure %nd p%in %nd te oter of virtue %nd vi)e. Of tese tree p%rts)onGoined %nd )o+p%)ted togeter te e%rt %s given te ody te +oon te soul %nd te


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sun te underst%nding to te gener%tion of +%n.M 5is l%st senten)e is purely %llegori)%l%nd >ill e )o+preended only y tose >o %re versed in te esoteri) s)ien)e of )orre-sponden)es %nd no> >i) pl%net is rel%ted to every prin)iple. ;#ey to Theosophy (e)tion pp. 9'-9*<

5e use of te ter+ 7%ni+%l soul8 in rel%tion to Anoia ;in te sense of %+%-rup%< )%+e

in very %ndy for P1 to des)rie te distin)tion et>een te p%ssively irr%tion%l soul;uddi< %nd te %)tively irr%tion%l soul ;%+%< y )ontr%sting te distin)tion >ere%s+%n%s per se is looed upon %s te r%tion%l p%rt in et>een!

7EA6IE. I l%oured under te i+pression t%t te M"ni+%l (oulM %lone >%s irr%tion%lnot te Divine.

5EO(OPI(5. 4ou %ve to le%rn te differen)e et>een t%t >i) is neg%tively orp%ssively Mirr%tion%lM e)%use undifferenti%ted RuddiS %nd t%t >i) is irr%tion%le)%use too %)tive %nd positive R%+%S.8 ;,ey p. :3<

7Irr%tion%l in te sense t%t %s % pure e+%n%tion of te 6nivers%l +ind it RuddiS )%n%ve no individu%l re%son of its o>n on tis pl%ne of +%tter ut lie te $oon >o orro>ser ligt fro+ te (un %nd er life fro+ te E%rt so 1uddi re)eiving its ligt of Wisdo+

fro+ "t+% gets its r%tion%l u%lities fro+ $%n%s. Per se %s so+eting o+ogeneous it RuddiS is devoid of %ttriutes.8 ;#ey to Theosophy  (e)tion ' p. ,ey p. :2 fnX<

One )ould l%+e P1 of te s%+e in)ongruity %s in te %lleged )%se of Puru)er %nd %sof er >y se insisted upon using te >ord $ama)rupa inste%d of $ama >en se in +%nyoter pl%)es )le%rly st%tes ;%s does W. . Judge< t%t %+%-rup% is only %ppli)%le to test%te %fter de%tV

"s to 7te%)ing t%t te individu%ls ,%+% prin)iple is in f%)t % $on%d >i) in tedist%nt future >ill e)o+e %n %)tu%l %ni+%l8 tis %s %si)%lly een de%lt >it in te refer-en)es to te previous uestion ;#2<.

(event prin)iple %l>%ys tere %s % l%tent for)e in every one of te prin)ipleseven ody.

"s te +%)ro)os+i) Wole it is present even in te lo>er spere ut tere is noting tereto %ssi+il%te it to itself. ;$%%t+% @etter 3<

If %s >eve indi)%ted e%) prin)iple is in its igest %spe)t % +on%d developing on itso>n pl%ne %nd if %s P1 +%es )le%r every +on%d ;pilgri+< +ust p%ss troug everyingdo+ %t so+e point in its Gourney Puru)ers )l%i+ see+s sound even if per%ps % it %str%)t to te gener%l re%der. 5ere %re %lso te%)ings in reg%rds to 5r%ns+igr%tion t%t +%y sed ligt on %spe)ts of tis uestion >i) te )urious student +%y %lso >is toinvestig%te.


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Point #4: What are the Manasaputras?5e fourt point of )ontention is!

is definition %nd expl%n%tion in 7(tudies in O))ult Pilosopy8 of >%t te $%n%s%-

putr%s or (ol%r "ngels %re >i) is entirely %t odds >it te te%)ing in 75e (e)ret Do)trine8 on tis suGe)t even toug e +%int%ined t%t everyting e t%ugt >%s in %))or-d%n)e >it 75e (e)ret Do)trine.8

(in)e te %rti)le does not indi)%te *hich aspects of Puru)ers expl%n%tion of te +%n%s-%putr%s %re +ist%en it is uite diffi)ult to give % full reply ere. 5e diffi)ulty is in)re%sed>en one re)ognies t%t tese te%)ingsi.e. on te n%ture of te +%n%s%putr%s lun%rpitris et).%re ex)eedingly )o+plex %nd no>ere in teosopi)%l liter%ture %re tey givenin full dire)tly %nd si+ply. @ie +%ny teosopi)%l te%)ings >e %re e%) left to >or it out for ourselves. 1e)%use of tis it enefits us little to )%st stones %t te interpret%tions orunderst%ndings of oter students of teosopy on tese suGe)ts.

W%t >e >ill do ere is si+ply provide % sele)tion of uotes fro+ Puru)er. P. 1l%v%tsy %nd W. . Judge %nd %llo> te re%der to de)ide for te+selves if te for+eris 7entirely %t odds >it8 te l%tter. 1ut e%) student >ill need to explore tese ide%s indept liely for +%ny +%ny ye%rs efore tey )%n e in %ny position to deter+ine if oterstudents %ve erred in teir interpret%tions in)luding ourselves.

First ere is Puru)er on te $%n%s%putr%s fro+ te %ove referen)ed oo Studies in

+ccult Philosophy . We %ve underlined )ert%in s%lient st%te+ents.

5e @un%r Pitris or te 1%ris%ds to use % indu n%+e y >i) tey %re so+eti+es)%lled >ere tose eings >o on te +oon >en >e >ere %ll tere %nd it >%s % livingpl%net >ere te %ni+%l +on%ds of te lun%r +enH %nd te "gnis>itt%-Pitris te (ol%rPitris e)%use under te dire)t governing inspir%tion of te sun yet lun%r %lso e)%use tey

)%+e fro+ te +oon >ere te tining intelle)tu%l +en on te +oon-)%in. 1ut >en tey%d re%)ed te )ul+in%tion of teir spiritu%l %nd intelle)tu%l evolution on te +oon %t teend of te +oons sevent or l%st ound tey left it no longer %s +ere +en ut %s $%n%s%-putr%s (ons of $ind pure intelle)tu%l Dy%nis spirits of intelle)t %nd spirits of tougtH%nd it >%s tese >o e)%+e or >ere te $%n%s%putr%s >o inspired u+%nity on tis)%in on tis e%rt t%t is during >%t >e )%ll te 5ird oot-%)e. We %re no> in te Fiftoot-%)e.

"nd >%t >ere te eings t%t tey inspired )%lled v%riously 1%ris%ds or @un%r Pitrispitris eing % (%nsrit >ord >i) +e%ns f%ters or progenitors? Wo >ere tey >o+tese $%n%s%putr%s or te +en >o >ere +en on te +oon inspired>o >ere tese@un%r Pitris tese +indless ones senseless in te intelle)tu%l +e%ning ut >o >ere yet purely u+%n %nd not %ni+%l %t %ll elonging to te u+%n ingdo+? 5ese @un%r Pitris

>ere tose %ni+%l +on%ds of te +en on te +oon >o %d %tt%ined u+%n st%tus >ente l%st ound on te +oon ended. 5o %tt%in u+%n st%tus +erely +e%ns %ving enteredte very lo>est r%ns of te u+%n ingdo+. 5e @un%r Pitris ten %s tey %ppe%r on ourgloe >ere te %ni+%l +on%ds in te u+%n )onstitution of tose >o >ere +en on te+oonH %nd tose tining intelle)tu%l +en on te +oon %t te end of te +oons (eventound te igest evolution %tt%in%le ten re%)ed te point of te Dy%nis te $%n%s%-putr%s %nd e)%+e our $%n%s%putr%s ere on tis e%rt. ;Studies in +ccult Philosophy <


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Ao> let us )o+p%re tis >it t>o uotes fro+ P1. "s >eve s%id tese ide%s %re)o+plex %nd %re not given in expli)it ter+s ut te previous st%te+ents fro+ Puru)er %ndte follo>ing fro+ P1 >ould see+ to %))ord uite >ell >it one %noter.

5e M@un%r $on%dsM or Pitris te %n)estors of +%n e)o+e in re%lity +%n i+self. 5ey%re te M$on%dsM >o enter on te )y)le of evolution on Bloe " %nd >o p%ssing round

te )%in of pl%nets evolve te u+%n for+ %s %s Gust een so>n. "t te eginning of teu+%n st%ge of te Fourt ound on tis Bloe tey Mooe outM teir %str%l doules fro+te M%pe-lieM for+s >i) tey %d evolved in ound III. "nd it is tis sutle finer for+>i) serves %s te +odel round >i) A%ture uilds pysi)%l +%n. 5ese M$on%dsM orMdivine sp%rsM %re tus te M@un%rM %n)estors te Pitris te+selves. For tese M@un%r(piritsM %ve to e)o+e M$enM in order t%t teir M$on%dsM +%y re%) % iger pl%ne of %)tivity %nd self-)ons)iousness i.e. te pl%ne of te $%n%s%-Putr%s tose >o endo> teMsenselessM sells )re%ted %nd infor+ed y te Pitris >it M+indM in te l%tter p%rt of te5ird oot-%)e. ;(D !*:-*<

For te MF%tersM te lo>er "ngels %re %ll A%ture-(pirits %nd te iger Ele+ent%ls %lsopossess %n intelligen)e of teir o>nH ut tis is not enoug to )onstru)t % 5IA,IAB +%n.M,iving FireM >%s needed t%t fire >i) gives te u+%n +ind its self-per)eption %nd self-

)ons)iousness or ManasH %nd te progeny of P-rva$a %nd Suchi %re te animal electric %ndsol%r fires >i) )re%te %ni+%ls %nd )ould tus furnis ut % pysi)%l living )onstitution tot%t first %str%l +odel of +%n. 5e first )re%tors Rlun%r pitrisS ten >ere te Pyg+%lions of pri+ev%l +%n! tey f%iled to %ni+%te te st%tueintellectually.

5is (t%n% >e s%ll see is very suggestive. It expl%ins te +ystery of %nd fills te g%pet>een te infor+ing prin)iple in +%nte IBE (E@F or u+%n $on%d%nd te%ni+%l $on%d ot one %nd te s%+e %ltoug te for+er is endo>ed >it divine intelli-gen)e te l%tter >it instinctual f%)ulty %lone. o> is te differen)e to e expl%ined %ndte presen)e of t%t IBE (E@F in +%n %))ounted for?

MThe Sons o" $""5 R+%n%s%putr%sS are the uic$eners o" the human Plant.

They are the /aters "alling upon the arid soil o" latent li"e% and the Spar$ that 

vivi"ies the human animal. They are the ,ords o" Spiritual ,i"e eternal.M . . . . M(n the

eginning ;in te (e)ond %)e< some ;of te @ords< only reathed o" their essenceinto Manushya ;+en<H and some too$ in man their aode.M

5is so>s t%t not %ll +en e)%+e in)%rn%tions of te Mdivine 0eels% M ut only % fe>%+ong te+. 5e re+%inder %d teir fift prin)iple si+ply ui)ened y te sp%r tro>ninto it >i) %))ounts for te gre%t differen)e et>een te intelle)tu%l )%p%)ities of +en%nd r%)es. %d not te Msons of $%%tM spe%ing %llegori)%lly sipped te inter+edi%te>orlds in teir i+pulse to>%rd intelle)tu%l freedo+ te %ni+%l +%n >ould never %veeen %le to re%) up>%rd fro+ tis e%rt %nd %tt%in troug self-exertion is ulti+%tego%l. ;(D 2!:2-:3<

5%e note %lso of te use of te ter+s 7u+%n +on%d8 %nd 7%ni+%l +on%d8 ere %ndrefer %) to uestions #2 %nd 3.

In reg%rds to te $%n%s%putr%s eing 7te tining intelle)tu%l +en on te +oon-)%in8or in oter >ords te Egos of te +oon-)%in let us no> loo %t % ey expl%n%tion fro+P1 %nd st%te+ents fro+ WJs +cean o" Theosophy. First fro+ P1!

We no> )o+e to %n i+port%nt point >it reg%rd to te doule evolution of te u+%nr%)e. 5e (ons of Wisdo+ or te spiritual Dy%nis %d e)o+e Mintelle)tu%lM troug teir


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)ont%)t >it +%tter e)%use tey %d %lre%dy re%)ed during previous )y)les of in)%r-n%tion t%t degree of intelle)t >i) en%led te+ to e)o+e independent %nd self-)on-s)ious entities on this plane of +%tter. 5ey >ere reorn only y re%son of ,%r+i) effe)ts.5ey entered tose >o >ere Mre%dyM %nd e)%+e te "r%ts or sages% %lluded to %ove.5is needs expl%n%tion.

It does not +e%n t%t Monads entered for+s in >i) oter $on%ds %lre%dy >ere. 5ey

>ere MEssen)esM MIntelligen)esM %nd conscious spiritsH entities seeing to e)o+e still +ore)ons)ious y uniting >it +ore developed +%tter. 5eir essen)e >%s too pure to e distin)t fro+ te univers%l essen)eH ut teir MEgosM or Manas ;sin)e tey %re )%lled Manasaputra%

orn of M$%%tM or 1r%+L< %d to p%ss troug e%rtly u+%n experien)es to e)o+e all)

*ise% 5e v%rieties of )%r%)ter %nd )%p%)ity >i) suseuently %ppe%r in +%ns istory%re te fort)o+ing of te v%ri%tions >i) >ere indu)ed in te Egos in oter %nd long%nterior periods of evolution upon oter )%ins of gloes. ;(D 2!'<

"nd no> fro+ WJ!

1ut to %ll ingdo+s elo> +%n ex)ept te %ntropoids te door is no> )losed for entryinto te u+%n st%ge %nd te Egos in te suordin%te for+s +ust %ll >%it teir turn in tesu))eeding gre%t =y)le Rnext roundS. "nd %s te del%yed Egos of te "ntropoid f%+ily >ille+erge into te +%n st%ge l%ter on tey >ill tus e re>%rded for te long >%it in t%t degr%ded r%)e. "ll te oter +oneys %re produ)ts in te ordin%ry +%nner of te evolu-tion%ry pro)esses.

"s +%n )%+e to tis gloe fro+ %noter pl%net toug of )ourse ten % eing of verygre%t po>er efore eing )o+pletely en+esed in +%tter so te lo>er ingdo+s )%+elie>ise in ger+ %nd type fro+ oter pl%nets %nd )%rry on teir evolution step y stepup>%rd y te %id of +%n >o is in %ll periods of +%nifest%tion %t te front of te >%ve of life. 5e Egos in tese lo>er ingdo+s )ould not finis teir evolution in te pre)edinggloe-)%in efore its dissolution %nd )o+ing to tis tey go for>%rd %ge %fter %gegr%du%lly %ppro%)ing ne%rer te +%n st%ge. ;+cean o" Theosophy  =%pter 0<

"ll tese go to support te ide% t%t tese Egos >eter iger or lo>er )%+e over fro+

te +oon-)%in %nd teir inter%)tions ere on tis pl%net in tis round +%e $%n te)o+plex eing t%t e )urrently is ;see (D !*<.

Wile >e see little use in going +ore deeply into tese ide%s %s tey %re ex)eedingly)o+plex %nd >idely open to differing interpret%tions >ell s%re % series of uotes erefro+ P1 to )lose our reply. 5ese +%y give te re%der so+e furter sense of te n%ture of te +%ns%putr%s.

. %ve te "-i een +en in previous $%nv%nt%r%s or >ill tey e)o+e so?

". Every living )re%ture of >%tever des)ription >%s is or >ill e)o+e % u+%n eing inone or %noter $%nv%nt%r%.

. 1ut do tey in tis $%nv%nt%r% re+%in per+%nently on te s%+e very ex%lted pl%ne

during te >ole period of te life-)y)le?". If you +e%n y Mlife )y)leM % dur%tion of ti+e >i) extends over fifteen figures ten

+y %ns>er is +ost de)idedlyno. 5e M"-iM p%ss troug %ll te pl%nes eginning to+%nifest on te tird. @ie %ll oter ier%r)ies on te igest pl%ne tey %re arupa% i.e.%

for+less odiless >itout %ny sust%n)e +ere re%ts. On te se)ond pl%ne tey first %ppro%) to up% or for+. On te tird tey e)%+e $%n%s%-putr%s tose >o e)%+e


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in)%rn%ted in +en. Wit every pl%ne tey re%) tey %re )%lled y different n%+estere is% )ontinu%l differenti%tion of teir origin%l o+ogeneous sust%n)eH >e )%ll it sust%n)e%ltoug in re%lity it is no sust%n)e of >i) >e )%n )on)eive. @%ter tey e)o+e up%etere%l for+s.

. 5en te "-i of tis $%nv%nt%r% . . . ?

". Exist no longerH tey %ve long %go e)o+e Pl%net%ry (ol%r @un%r %nd l%stly in)%r-n%ting Egos for %s s%id Mtey %re te )olle)tive osts of spiritu%l eings.M ; Transactionsp. 22-23 <

One +%y deeply )onte+pl%te ere te ide% t%t te "-i not only e)o+e te +%n%s%-putr%s ut %lso Pl%net%ry (ol%r @un%r and  in)%rn%ting Egos. "nd if tey >ere su) for te+oon-)%in ligting up 7$%n8 tere %nd ten %nd %re no> 7ere8 ligting up 7$%n8 one%rt )%n >e not s%y t%t toug tey %re 7under te dire)t governing inspir%tion of tesun Ri.e. 7sol%r8S yet lun%r %lso e)%use tey )%+e fro+ te +oon >ere te tining intel-le)tu%l +en on te +oon-)%in Ri.e. te in)%rn%ting Egos of te +oon-)%inS8? 5ese ide%s%re >ell >ort deep )onsider%tion %nd )onte+pl%tion. $ore fro+ P1!

5e differen)e et>een $%n%s %nd 1uddi in +%n is te s%+e %s te differen)e et>eente $%n%s%-putr% %nd te "-i in ,os+os. ;Transactions % p. 2'<

7. 1ut do not our +inds re)eive teir illu+in%tions dire)t fro+ te iger $%n%stroug te @o>er? "nd is not te for+er te pure e+%n%tion of divine Ide%tionteM$%n%s%-Putr%sM >i) in)%rn%ted in +en?

7". 5ey %re. Individu%l Manasa)Putras or te ,u+%r%s %re te dire)t r%di%tions of tedivine Ide%tionMindividu%lM in te sense of l%ter differenti%tion o>ing to nu+erlessin)%rn%tions. In su+ tey %re te )olle)tive %ggreg%tion of t%t Ide%tion e)o+e on ourpl%ne or fro+ our point of vie> Mahat% %s te Dy%n-=o%ns %re in teir %ggreg%te teWOD or M@ogosM in te for+%tion of te World. Were te Person%lities ;@o>er $%n%s orte physical +inds< to e inspired %nd illu+ined solely y teir iger alter Egos tere>ould e little sin in tis >orld. 1ut tey %re notH %nd getting ent%ngled in te +eses of te"str%l @igt tey sep%r%te te+selves +ore %nd +ore fro+ teir p%rent Egos.8 ; Transac)

tions p. /-0<75e Secret Doctrine so>s t%t te $%n%s%-Putr%s or in)%rn%ting EBO( %ve t%en upon

te+selves volunt%rily %nd no>ingly te urden of %ll te future sins of teir futureperson%lities.8 ;Transactions p. /-0<

75e $oon eing %n inferior ody to te E%rt even to s%y noting of oter pl%nets teterrestri%l +en produ)ed y er sons te lun%r +en or M%n)estorsMfro+ er sell orody )%nnot e i++ort%l. 5ey )%nnot ope to e)o+e re%l self-)ons)ious %nd intelligent +en unless tey %re "inished% so to s%y y oter )re%tors.8 ;(D 2!/0<

For tose interested in +ore det%iled expl%n%tions of te $%n%s%putr%s fro+ Puru)ertey +%y loo to is +ccult Glossary  >ere tere %re sever%l entries %ddressing te topi) in

dept. 5ese )%n e furter )o+p%red to te te%)ings found in te (D. We elieve t%t te)%reful %nd sin)ere student >ill find +u) in )o++on et>een Puru)ers expl%n%tions%nd tose of P1 %nd er te%)ers )ert%inly f%r +ore in )o++on t%n differing %nd >e>ould e surprised if te )%reful student >ould )o+e to te )on)lusion t%t Puru)erside%s %re 7entirely %t odds8 >it tose of te (D.


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Point #5: Parabrahma vs. Brahma5e fift point of )ontention is!

is te%)ing t%t 1r%+%n %nd P%r%r%+%n %re not one %nd te s%+e ting ut t%t 

P%r%r%+%n is iger t%n 1r%+%n %nd +e%ns 71eyond 1r%+%n.8 In f%)t it +e%ns71eyond 1r%+Y8 %nd %lso 7(upre+e 1r%+%n8 not i+plying t%t tere is % supre+e1r%+%n %nd % less supre+e 1r%+%n ut t%t 1r%+%n I( te (upre+e. 1r%+%n %ndP%r%r%+ ;or P%r%r%+%n< %re synony+ous ter+s elonging to indu pilosopy %nd%re used y P1 %nd te $%sters in te s%+e sense in >i) induis+ uses te+ >i)>%s %pp%rently +isunderstood or dis%greed >it y de Puru)er.

First let us egin >it % fe> notes on te (%nsrit use of tese ter+s. 1ot ter+sr%+Y %nd r%+% )o+e fro+ te s%+e unde)lined >ord r%+%n. Wen de)lined in teno+in%tive neuter it is r%+%. Wen de)lined in te no+in%tive +%s)uline it is r%+Y.5ere %re t>o >%ys >e find 7p%r%r%+%8 in (%nsrit . te ter+  pararahma %nd 2. tepr%se param rahma. Aeiter of tese use te no+in%tive +%s)uline. 5us if >e under-

st%nd para to +e%n 7eyond8 ten p%r%r%+% >ould ne)ess%rily +e%n 7eyond r%+%;neuter<.8 o>ever te ter+ para is in tese )%ses understood y so+e +odern s)ol%rsto indi)%te si+ply 7supre+e8 or 7igest8 %nd tus to te+ in te (%nsrit %nd exoteri)indu pilosopy p%r%r%+% does %s te %rti)le )l%i+s indi)%te 7te supre+e r%+%.8 It is tus terein used r%ter synony+ously >it r%+% ;neuter<.

5us stri)tly spe%ing %nd %))ording to tese (%nsrit s)ol%rs 7p%r%r%+%8 >ouldnot +e%n 7eyond r%+%8 ut neiter >ould it +e%n 7eyond r%+Y.8 5is l%tterdefinition is >%t %ppe%rs in te Theosophical Glossary  ut let us re+e+er t%t P1 >%snot %live to give % fin%l proof-run troug tis oo efore it >%s fin%lied. In Judgesrendition of te Bhagavad  Gita e uses 7te supre+e8 or 7supre+e r%+%8 or 7supre+espirit8 >en tr%nsl%ting r%+% or p%r%r%+%. Only on)e does e indi)%te te ide% of 

7eyond r%+%8in te first footnote of )%pter :%nd >en e does e uses 7r%+%8not 7r%+Y.8 o>ever tere is % l%) of )onsisten)y in Judges use of te 7%8 or 7Y8 in isrendition %s origin%lly printed %nd tere %re ovious errors in is us%ge ;%t le%st in %stri)tly linguisti) sense<. 5oug v%lu%le in +%ny >%ys neiter of tese sour)es ;teGlossary  or Judges Gita< )%n e solely relied upon to give entirely %))ur%te definitions of p%r%r%+% neiter fro+ % )o++on exoteri) point of vie> nor %s used in teosopy.

Ao> in se%r)ing for te +e%ning of (%nsrit ter+s it is often elpful to loo to te rootsinvolved %nd >en one se%r)es for 7p%r%8 ; पर < one >ill )ert%inly find te ide% of 7eyond8%s %n %))ept%le +e%ning. (ee for inst%n)e te definitions given y $onier-Willi%+s "pte%nd  $)Donnell  in teir (%nsrit-Englis Di)tion%ries. eres % t%ste of teir definitions

;underlining is ours for e+p%sis<!7 पर ! f%r dist%nt re+ote ;in sp%)e< opposite ulterior f%rter t%n eyond on te

oter or f%rter side of extre+e.8$onier-Willi%+s

7 पर ! Oter different %noterH -2 Dist%nt re+oved re+oteH -3 1eyond furter on teoter side ofH -/ (useuent follo>ing next to future %fter ;usu%lly >it %l.<H -0 igersuperiorH et).8"pte


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7 पर pZr-% Rle%ding eyond! [2. priS . of pl%)e! f%rter t%n H re+oter ulteriorH opposite;sore<H next ;life<H 2. of ti+e! p%st previousH future suseuentH follo>ing ;%.<H l%testextre+e ;%ge< ig ;ti+e<H 3. of %+ount! ex)eeding +ore t%n H re+%ining overH /. of seuen)e! follo>ing )o+ing next %fter H repe%ted! e%) su))essiveH 0. of degree! superioriger etter >orse t%n H supre+e pre-e+inent estH ut+ost deepest gre%testH . of r%nge! tr%ns)ending H et).8$)Donnell

We )%n see t%t te ide% of 7eyond8 does %ve its pl%)e %nd )%n tus e % )o+pletely%))ept%le +e%ning in so+e )o+pound (%nsrit ter+s eginning >it 7p%r%.8 Wile tis+%y not e te )o++on interpret%tion of its use in te ter+ p%r%r%+% >e +%y %))ept it in te teosopi)%l pilosopy for te s%+e re%son >e +%y %))ept uniuely teosopi)%ldefinitions of oter (%nsrit ter+s! i.e.  >e +ust loo to te pilosopy itself for te+e%ning %nd try to dis)over if 7eyond8 +%es +ore sense pilosopi)%lly %nd teosopi-)%lly t%n 7supre+e8.

Ao> t%t >e %ve % gr%sp on te )o++on use of te ter+s in (%nsrit %nd exoteri)induis+ lets e%r o> Puru)er defines te ter+s. ere is Puru)er on te distin)tionet>een p%r%r%+%n %nd r%+%n ;neuter<!

"t+%n is %lso so+eti+es used of te univers%l self or spirit >i) is )%lled in te (%nsrit >ritings 1r%+%n ;neuter< %nd te 1r%+%n or univers%l spirit is %lso )%lled teParamatman% % )o+pound (%nsrit ter+ +e%ning te MigestM or +ost univers%l %t+%n. . . .1eyond 1r%+%n is te Pararahman1 para is % (%nsrit >ord +e%ning Meyond.M Aote tedeep pilosopi)%l +e%ning of tis! tere is no %tte+pt ere to li+it te Illi+it%le teIneff%le y %dGe)tivesH it si+ply +e%ns Meyond te 1r%+%n.M In te (%nsrit Ted%s %nd inte >ors deriving terefro+ %nd elonging to te Tedi) liter%ry )y)le tis eyond is )%lled5%t %s tis >orld of +%nifest%tion is )%lled 5is. ;Fundamentals o" the Esoteric Philosophy <

5is +%y not +%t) te )o++on exoteri) use of te ter+s in induis+ or te )o++onunderst%nding of so+e +odern (%nsrit s)ol%rs ut >e +ust dis%gree >it te)on)lusion in te %rti)le t%t 7P1 %nd te $%sters Rused tese ter+sS in te same sense in

>i) induis+ uses te+.8 @ie +ost ter+s P1 %nd te $%sters used te+ in % spe)ifi-)%lly theosophical   sense >i) +%y or +%y not +%t) e2actly te exoteri) use in tesyste+s fro+ >i) te ter+s >ere orro>ed. Furter+ore P1 +%es it )le%r ; (D !2:<t%t tese ter+s %re not  te ones used in te genuine esoteri) pilosopy ut %re used inte (D si+ply e)%use tey %re +ore >ell no>n to students. 5ey %re sustitute terms—

ter+s dr%>n fro+ e2oteric pilosopy %nd utilied to expl%in esoteric pilosopy %nd tusit is not outr%geous to expe)t te+ to e given % p%rti)ul%rly teosopi)%l t>ist or to %ve)ert%in distin)tions t%t +%y not e e%sily %pp%rent in exoteri) >ors. 5e s%+e gener%lrule %pplies to P1s use of +%ny ter+s fro+ +%ny syste+s of tougt ;t%e te 7@ogos8for ex%+ple<! >e )%nnot +%e te %ssu+ption t%t se is using su) ter+s ex%)tly %s teexoteri) syste+s use te+. Inste%d >e +ust e )%reful to )onsider >en su) ter+s %re

eing used in uniuely teosopi)%l >%ys. "nd tis >e elieve is te )%se >it p%r%r%+%%nd r%+% ;neuter< %s >e intend to de+onstr%te.

Ao> trougout te (D te ter+s p%r%r%+% %nd r%+% ;neuter< )%n %nd %re at 

times used %l+ost inter)%nge%ly or synony+ously. $%ny ter+s fro+ v%rious tr%ditions%re %lso used in ne%rly synony+ous >%ys in so+e inst%n)es >ile in oter inst%n)es


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i+port%nt distin)tions %re +%de. Pilosopi) ter+s in te (D %re often used in su) %v%riety of >%ys %s to le%ve te ;lo>er< +ind %ltogeter un)ert%in of teir e2act  +e%ning.P1 see+s to %ve loved tis ind of flexiility >it >ords %nd liely for very good re%son.1ut tere is %n i+port%nt distin)tion to e +%de gener%lly et>een te ideas representedy ter+s p%r%r%+%n %nd r%+% ;neuter< in te Secret Doctrine.

(o lets explore tis ide% of P%r%r%+%n 1r%+% %nd 1r%+Y. First tree uotes fro+te Secret Doctrine1

. P%r%r%+ is not CBod e)%use It is not % Bod. CIt is t%t >i) is supre+e %nd not supre+e ;p%r%v%r%< expl%ins $%nduy% 6p%nis%d ;2.2*<. I5 is C(upre+e %s ="6(E not supre+e %s effe)t. P%r%r%+ is si+ply %s % C(e)ondless e%lity te %ll-in)lusive ,os+osor r%ter te infinite =os+i) (p%)ein te igest spiritu%l sense of )ourse.

2. 71r%+% ;neuter< eing te un)%nging pure free unde)%ying supre+e oot CteOAE true Existen)e P%r%+%rti% %nd te %solute =it %nd =%it%ny% ;intelligen)e)ons)iousness< )%nnot e % )ognie Cfor 5"5 )%n %ve no suGe)t of )ognition.

3. In te sense %nd per)eptions of finite C1eings 5"5 is Aon-eing in te sense t%t it is te one 1E-AE((H for in tis "@@ lies )on)e%led its )oetern%l %nd )oev%l e+%n%tion or

inerent r%di%tion >i) upon e)o+ing periodi)%lly 1r%+L ;te +%le-fe+%le Poten)y <e)o+es or exp%nds itself into te +%nifested 6niverse. ;(D !-'<

(o >e %ve ere te tree ter+s first P%r%r%+% te 7se)ondless re%lity8 te 7%ll-in-)lusive ,os+os8H se)ond 1r%+% ;neuter< te unde)%ying supre+e ootH %nd tirdr%+Y te +%le-fe+%le Poten)y.

W%t is te rel%tion et>een P%r%r%+% 1r%+% ;neuter< %nd 1r%+Y?

P%r%r%%+ is not tis or t%t it is not even )ons)iousness %s it )%nnot e rel%ted to+%tter or %nyting )onditioned. It is not Ego nor is it Aon-ego not even "t+% ut verily teone sour)e of %ll +%nifest%tions %nd +odes of existen)e. ;(D !3: fn<

P%r%r%+ ;te One e%lity te "solute< is te field of "solute =ons)iousness i.e. t%t 

Essen)e >i) is out of %ll rel%tion to )onditioned existen)e %nd of >i) )ons)iousexisten)e is % )onditioned sy+ol. ;(D !0<

P%r%r%+ eing te 7(upre+e %ll8 te ever invisile spirit %nd (oul of A%ture)%ngeless %nd etern%l )%n %ve no %ttriutesH %soluteness very n%tur%lly pre)luding %nyide% of te finite or )onditioned fro+ eing )onne)ted >it it. ;(D !'<

4et in te (D it is )le%rly st%ted t%t r%+Y is te vehicle of r%+% ;neuter< ;see teexpl%n%tions of %l%-%+s% %nd %+s%-v%%n%<. 5%t is! tere is % direct 

relation3connection et>een te mani"ested  en)e 7)onditioned8 r%+Y %nd te unmani)

 "ested  r%+% ;neuter<for ot %re te @ogos one un+%nifested one +%nifested. 1ut tere )%nnot e % rel%tion et>een te )onditioned r%+Y %nd p%r%r%+% >i) +ust pl%)e p%r%r%+%  per se  eyond even te un+%nifested logos r%+% ;neuter<. If te+%nifested 1r%+Y is % +%nifest%tion fro+ 1r%+% ;neuter< %nd te "solute  per se doesnot put for>%rd anything %nd is not rel%ted to or )onne)ted to %nyting +%nifested tentere %s to e % distin)tion et>een p%r%r%+% %nd r%+% ;neuter<.

5o )l%rify tis distin)tion et>een P%r%r%+% %nd 1r%+% ;neuter< )onsider tefollo>ing!


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. . . if >e turn to te indu )os+ogonies >e find t%t P%r%r%+ is not even +entionedterein ut only $ul%pr%riti. 5e l%tter is so to spe% te lining or %spe)t of P%r%r%+ inte invisile universe. $ul%pr%riti +e%ns te oot of A%ture or $%tter. 1ut P%r%r%+)%nnot e )%lled te MootM for it is te %solute ootless oot of %ll. ;Transactions p. 2<

(o 1r%+%n ;neuter< is te 7unde)%ying supre+e oot8 ut P%r%r%+ 7)%nnot e

)%lled te root.8 In reg%rds to tis ter+inology >e %ve % very i+port%nt )o++ent%ry onte "sv%tt% 5ree fro+ P1 t%t )l%rifies gre%tly te distin)tions et>een te 7rootlessroot8 %nd te 7root8 in)luding % tr%nsl%tion y er of % )riti)%l verse fro+ te Bhagavad 


M. . . in te eginning of teir Goint existen)e %s % glyp of I++ort%l 1eing te 5ree %nd(erpent >ere divine i+%gery truly. 5e tree *as reversed  %nd its roots >ere gener%ted ine%ven %nd gre> out of te ootless oot of %ll-eing. Its trun gre> %nd developed)rossing te pl%nes of Plero+% it sot out )ross>%ys its luxuri%nt r%n)es first on tepl%ne of %rdly differenti%ted +%tter %nd ten do>n>%rd till tey tou)ed te terrestri%lpl%ne. 5us te "sv%tt% tree of @ife %nd 1eing >ose destru)tion %lone le%ds to i++or-t%lity is s%id in te 1%g%v%tgit% to gro> >it its roots %ove %nd its r%n)es elo> ;).xv.<. 5e roots represent te (upre+e 1eing or First =%use te @OBO(H ut one %s to gobeyond  tose roots to unite onesel" *ith #rishna >o s%ys "rGun% ;NI.< is M greater thanBrahman, and First ause . . . te indestru)tile t%t >i) is t%t >i) is not %nd >%t is beyond te+.M Its ougs %re ir%ny%g%r% ;1r%+L or 1r%+%n in is igest +%nifest%tions s%y (rid%r% %nd $%dusud%n%< te igest Dy%n =o%ns or Dev%s.M ;(D!/:<

(o ere >e find % dire)t des)ription of te 7first )%use8 %s te 7roots8 of te tree >i)gre> out of te rootless root t%t >i) is eyond  tose roots t%t >i) is 7gre%ter t%nr%+%n.8 5ere is tus! . te rootless root 2. te roots ;first )%use r%+% ;neuter<< %nd3. te ougs ;r%+Y< or even 7r%+%n in is igest +%nifest%tions.8

"g%in using te Secret Doctrine lets explore te very i+port%nt distin)tion et>een te

7)%useless )%use8 %nd te 7first )%use8!erert (pen)er %s of l%te so f%r +odified is "gnosti)is+ %s to %ssert t%t te n%ture of 

te 7First =%use8U >i) te O))ultist +ore logi)%lly derives fro+ te 7=%useless =%use8 te7Etern%l8 %nd te 7 6nno>%le8 +%y e essenti%lly te s%+e %s t%t of te =ons)iousness>i) >ells up >itin us! in sort t%t te i+person%l re%lity perv%ding te ,os+os is tepure nou+enon of tougt. 5is %dv%n)e on is p%rt rings i+ very ne%r to te esoteri)%nd Ted%ntin tenet.

U 5e MfirstM presupposes ne)ess%rily so+eting >i) is te Mfirst rougt fort te first in ti+e sp%)e %nd r%nM%nd terefore finite %nd )onditioned. 5e MfirstM cannot e the

asolute for it is % +%nifest%tion. 5erefore E%stern O))ultis+ )%lls te "str%)t "ll teM=%useless One =%useM te Mootless ootM %nd li+its te MFirst =%useM to te ,ogos % in tesense t%t Pl%to gives to tis ter+. ;(D !/-0 & fnU<

"g%in te 7first )%use8 7is not P%r%r%+ for te l%tter is te "@@ ="6(E %nd )%nnot ereferred to %s te M First =%useM8 ;(D 2!:*<

5e "solute is %g%in in tis )%se te ootless oot. 1r%+% ;neuter< is tis  "irst cause

;or @ogos< te oot ;of %ll +%nifest%tion<. Well return to tis in % +o+ent.


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"g%in te distin)tion et>een r%+% ;neuter< %nd r%+Y!

5e 6niverse lives in pro)eeds fro+ %nd >ill return to 1r%+% ;1r%+L<M! for 1r%+%;neuter< te un+%nifested is t%t 6niverse in ascondito% %nd 1r%+L te +%nifested iste @ogos +%de +%le-fe+%le in te sy+oli)%l ortodox dog+%s. ;(D !*-9<

1r%+Y is te 7@ogos +%de +%le-fe+%le8 i.e.  7+%de +%nifest8 i.e.  te third   logos te+%nifested universe >ile te 7un+%nifested8 is te @ogos prior to eing +%de +%le-fe+%le or te "irst  @ogos. 5is is te %ll-i+port%nt distin)tion et>een r%+% ;neuter<%nd r%+Y! ot %re te @ogos! one un+%nifested te oter +%nifested. 1eyond te@ogos >eter un+%nifested or +%nifested is P%r%r%+%n. ,eep in +ind ere teseter+s 7te un+%nifested8 %nd 7te +%nifested.8 Well return to tis in % +o+ent.

One +%y %lso loo to te ter+ 71r%+%8 in te Theosophical Glossary  >i) see+s to e% sound definition1

1r%+% ;(.<. 5e student +ust distinguis et>een 1r%+% te neuter %nd 1r%+L te+%le )re%tor of te Indi%n P%nteon. 5e for+er 1r%+% or 1r%+%n is te i+person%lsupre+e %nd un)ogni%le Prin)iple of te 6niverse fro+ te essen)e of >i) %ll

e+%n%tes %nd into >i) %ll returns >i) is in)orpore%l i++%teri%l unorn etern%leginningless %nd endless. It is %ll-perv%ding %ni+%ting te igest god %s >ell %s tes+%llest +iner%l %to+. 1r%+L on te oter %nd te +%le %nd te %lleged =re%tor existsperiodi)%lly in is +%nifest%tion only %nd ten %g%in goes into pr%l%y% i.e. dis%ppe%rs %ndis %nniil%ted. ;p. 2<

ere 71r%+% or 1r%+%n is te i+person%l supre+e %nd un)ogni%le Prin)iple of te6niverse8H it is t%t fro+ >i) %ll e+%n%tes not t%t >i) is out of %ll )onne)tion to+%nifest%tionnot te "solute ut te prin)iple ;te 7first8 or 7)ief8< of te universe to>i) te "solute %s %solutely no rel%tion %s it represents ot eing %nd non-eing;(D !<. 5us 1r%+%n is te First ,ogos ;%nd so+eti+es %lso te (e)ond<.

Aeiter r%+% or r%+Y )%n e perfe)tly synony+ous >it p%r%r%+%n in te

teosopi)%l pilosopy e)%use of 7te i+possiility of %))epting on pilosopi)%l groundste ide% of te %solute "@@ )re%ting or even evolving te CBolden Egg into >i) it is s%id toenter in order to tr%nsfor+ itself into 1r%+L8 ;(D !*< >ile tis is ex%)tly >%t r%+%;neuter< does. Wen differenti%tion o))urs it ;1r%+% not   te "solute< +%nifests %s1r%+Y. P%r%r%+% +ust terefore %l>%ys e 7eyond8 ot r%+% ;neuter< %s te 7first )%use8 %nd r%+Y ;+%le-fe+%le< %s te effe)t e)%use it is oth )%use and  effe)t%s teGita s%ys ot 7t%t >i) is t%t >i) is not8 ;(D  !/:< i.e. 7ot "solute 1eing %ndAon-1eing8 ;(D !< or in oter >ords P%r%r%+ is 71e-ness8 ;(D !/<.

. 1ut surely M1e-nessM %s so+e )onne)tion >it te >ord Mto eM?

". 4esH ut M1e-nessM is not eing for it is eu%lly non-eing. We )%nnot )on)eive it for

our intelle)ts %re finite %nd our l%ngu%ge f%r +ore li+ited %nd )onditioned even t%n our+inds. o> terefore )%n >e express t%t >i) >e )%n only )on)eive of y % series of neg%tives?8 ;Transactions % p. '<

5e follo>ing su++%ry >ill %fford % )le%rer ide% to te re%der.

;.< 5e "1(O@65EH te Pararahm of te Ted%ntins or te one e%lity ("5 >i) is %s


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egel s%ys ot "solute 1eing %nd Aon-1eing.

;2.< 5e first +%nifest%tion te i+person%l %nd in pilosopy unmani"ested  @ogos tepre)ursor of te M+%nifested.M 5is is te MFirst =%useM te M6n)ons)iousM of Europe%nP%nteists. Rr%+% ;neuter< non-eingS

;3.< (pirit-+%tter @IFEH te M(pirit of te 6niverseM te Purus% %nd Pr%riti or tesecond @ogos. Rr%+Y ;+%le-fe+%le poten)y< eingS

;/.< =os+i) Ide%tion $""5 or Intelligen)e te 6nivers%l World-(oulH te =os+i)Aou+enon of $%tter te %sis of te intelligent oper%tions in %nd of A%ture %lso )%lled$""-16DDI. Rr%+Y ;+%le %nd fe+%le< )onditioned eingS

5e OAE E"@I54H its dual  %spe)ts in te )onditioned 6niverse. ;(D !<

5o su++%rie tis treefold distin)tion >e +igt s%y gener%lly spe%ing!P%r%r%+% \ ot eing %nd non-eing1r%+% \ non-eing ut not eing1r%+Y \ eing ut not non-eing

5e follo>ing ougt to +%e tis distin)tion 7%solutely8 )le%r!

5rue enoug "in-(op te "1(O@65E EAD@E(( AO-5IAB uses %lso te for+ of teOAE te +%nifested Me%venly +%nM ;te FI(5 ="6(E< %s its )%riot ;Mercaah inere>H 4ahan in (%nsrit< or vei)le to des)end into %nd +%nifest troug in tepeno+en%l >orld. 1ut te ,%%lists neiter +%e it pl%in o> te "1(O@65E )%n use%nyting or exer)ise %ny %ttriute >%tever sin)e %s te "solute it is devoid of %ttriutesHnor do tey expl%in t%t in re%lity it is te First =%use ;Pl%tos ,ogos < te origin%l %ndetern%l IDE" t%t +%nifests troug "d%+ ,%d+on te Second @ogos so to spe%. In teM1oo of Au+ersM it is expl%ined t%t EA ;or  Ain "ior< is te only self-existent >ere%s itsMDeptM ;Bythos or Buthon of te Bnosti)s )%lled Propator < is only periodi)%l. 5e l%tter is1r%+L %s differenti%ted fro+ 1r%+% or P%r%r%+. It is te Dept te (our)e of @igt orProp%tor >i) is te unmani"ested @ogos or te %str%)t (dea  and not Ain-!oph *hose

ray uses "d%+-,%d+on or te mani"ested @ogos ;te oGe)tive 6niverse< M+%le %nd

fe+%leM%s % )%riot troug >i) to +%nifest. ;(D !2/<

5e distin)tion ere et>een . "in-(op 2. te un+%nifested @ogos %nd 3. te+%nifested @ogos is te very s%+e distin)tion %s et>een . P%r%r%+% 2. 1r%+%;neuter< %nd 3. 1r%+Y ;+%le-fe+%le<.

5ere is % )y)li)%l pro)ess y >i) te +%nifested %rises fro+ te un+%nifested %nd tenreturns to it %nd tus tere is %n ever-etern%l rel%tion et>een te t>o. 5e One @ogos isduring +%nifest%tion treefold! te first se)ond %nd tird @ogos. 5e first logos is r%+%;neuter< properH te se)ond +%y e vie>ed %s ot r%+% ;neuter< %nd r%+Y fro+)ert%in points of vie> %s it first gives rise to du%lity in te sense of suGe)t-oGe)t or spirit-+%tterH te tird is te truly +%nifested logos ;r%+Y %s te )onditioned universe %s

divided into +%le %nd fe+%le<. 5e l%tter ;te se)ond %nd tird< return into te for+er so tospe% >en +%nv%nt%r% p%sses to pr%l%y%. 5e @ogos ten is on)e +ore one. During pr%l%y%ten te One @ogos is indistinguis%le fro+ te "solute "rom the point o" vie* o" "inite

intelligence %nd tis is te )%se >en >e +%y vie> te ter+s r%+% ;neuter< %ndp%r%r%+%n %s +ore-or-less synony+ous. 1ut during +%nv%nt%r% tere %re i+port%nt distin)tions to e +%de ere %s P1 so>s in er su++%ry given %ove. P%r%r%+%n per se


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is not te @ogos. It is neiter r%+% ;neuter< nor r%+Y ;+%le-fe+%le< neiter te un+%n-ifested nor te +%nifested toug it is %lso ot or r%ter ot %re in I5. (o P%r%r%+%n per se represents t%t >i) is eyond even t%t un+%nifested r%+%eyond te >ole)y)li) s)e+e eyond te @ogos itselfte 7ootless oot8 %nd 7=%useless =%use.8

5e %ppro%) y P1 is to eep us fro+ e)o+ing st%ti) on % p%rti)ul%r ter+ to elp us

underst%nd te +e%ning %nd Mpro)essM eind te liter%l sense. (o+eti+es for inst%n)ete $on%d is te Pyt%gore%n $on%s $on%du+ ten singul%rly "t+% ten "t+%-1udditen "t+%-1uddi-$%n%s ten +ind ten % Dy%n =o%n %nd even %n ele+ent%l. Ide+ditto for te 6nivers%l $ind >i) se refers to %s te "solute %nd in %noter pl%)e %s Gust $%%t te )os+i) +%nifested +indH or %g%in see te indifferent use of te "solute vs"soluteness et). for %ll of >i) one )%n find referen)es in te (D or 5r%ns%)tions.5erefore te te%)ings of 5eosopy )%n e looed upon %s % conte2tual philosophy . 5isflexiility +ust %l>%ys e ept in +ind >en studying %ny teosopi)%l +%teri%l.

5ere is no )%use in te +%nifested universe >itout its %deu%te effe)ts >eter insp%)e or ti+eH nor )%n tere e %n effe)t >itout its pri+%l )%use >i) itself o>es itsexisten)e to % still iger onete fin%l %nd %solute )%use %ving to re+%in to +%n for

ever %n in)o+preensile ="6(E@E(( ="6(E. 1ut even tis is no solution %nd +ust evie>ed if %t %ll fro+ te igest pilosopi)%l %nd +et%pysi)%l st%ndpoints oter>ise teprole+ %d etter e left un%ppro%)ed. It is %n %str%)tion on te verge of >i) u+%nre%sono>ever tr%ined to +et%pysi)%l sutletiestre+les tre%tening to )oll%pse.;(D !09-0':<

If our +ind is not tre+ling %nd re%dy to )oll%pse fro+ te effort >e %re liely not even)lose to % solution to te prole+s %t %nd %nd >e +ust e ever )%reful not to )on)retie or+%teri%lie or si+plify tese in)redily %str%)t )on)eptions.

@et us >r%p up tis p%rti)ul%rly lengty reply >it te follo>ing >i) is te )o+pletedefinition given y B de Puru)er %nd >i) >ile it +%y not +%t) te exoteri) defini-tions of v%rious s)ools of e%stern tougt >e elieve to e uite pilosopi)%lly sound.

5e %ll-i+port%nt distin)tion et>een te 7"solute8 %s te su++it or %pex or ier%) of %ier%r)y %nd te "solute per se is dire)tly given ere.

P%r%r%+%n ;(%nsrit< Pararahman Rfro+ para eyond ] rahman ;neuter< univers%lself or spiritS 5%t >i) is eyond 1r%+%nH te self-enduring etern%l self-suffi)ient )%useof %ll te one essen)e of everyting in te os+os. It is efore %ll tings in te os+os %ndis te one sole li+itless life-)ons)iousness-sust%n)e fro+ >i) st%rts into existen)e %)enter of for)e >i) +%y e )%lled te @ogos. In te Tedi) )y)le of >riting it is referred to%s t%t ;t%t< %s opposed to te >orld of +%nifest%tion )%lled id%+ ;tis<.

P%r%r%+%n is inti+%tely )onne)ted >it $ul%pr%riti. 5eir inter%)tion %nd inter+in-gling )%use te first neulous trilling if te >ords >ill p%ss of te 6nivers%l @ife >enspiritu%l desire first %rose in it in te eginnings of tings. . . . P%r%r%+%n is no entity is

no individu%l or individu%lied eing. It is % )onvenient te)ni)%l >ord >it )onvenientlyv%gue pilosopi)%l signifi)%n)y i+plying >%tever is eyond te "solute or 1r%+%n of %ny ier%r)y. Just %s 1r%+%n is te su++it of % os+i) ier%r)y so follo>ing te s%+eline of tougt te P%r%r%+%n is C>%tever is eyond 1r%+%n. ;+ccult Glossary <.

P%r%r%+%n is identi)%l >it te eyn-sop R%in sopS of te =%lde%n %%l%;Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary  P%r%r%+%n<


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Point #6: My Atman, Your Atman?5e sixt point of )ontention is!

is te%)ing t%t te "t+%n is so+eting individu%l for e%) person %nd )%n e spoen of 

in ter+s of 7+y "t+%n8 %nd 7your "t+%n8 so+eting >i) P1 expressly )riti)ises %nddenies in 75e ,ey to 5eosopy8 %nd 75e (e)ret Do)trine =o++ent%ries8 %nd >i) is%lso % +isinterpret%tion of % indu pilosopi)%l ter+.

5is %ssertion )ouldnt e furter fro+ te trut. We >ill s%re sele)tions fro+ Puru)eron "t+%n %nd te supposed )ri+e of using te ter+ 7+y %t+%n8 >i) )le%rly illustr%tet%t e t%ugt te ex%)t opposite of tis )riti)is+! i.e. e t%ugt t%t 7tere is no etern%lly%iding %nd un)%nging prin)iple of individu%lity in +%n8 not t%t e%) person %s %nindividu%l or personal  %t+%nV

@et us %lso point out t%t if one does % >ord se%r) trougout te entire >esite of te5eosopi)%l 6niversity Press >i) )ont%ins te >ole of te >ritings of B. de Puru)erone >ill find +ention of 7+y %t+%n8 ut t>i)e %nd 7your %t+%n8 ut on)e %l>%ys %s % +ere7turn of pr%se.8 1ut let us go str%igt to Puru)ers expl%n%tions.

5ere is no su) %iding %nd etern%lly un)%nging ego or soul or even spirit in +%n %nego or soul or spirit >i) is different in essen)e in e%) +%n fro+ >%t it is in %ny oter+%n nor is tere %ny su) %iding %nd un)%nging individu%lity >i) is different in so+egod fro+ >%t it is in so+e oter god. ;Studies in +ccult Philosophy <

5is ougt to settle te point on its o>n ut lets see +ore fully >%t B. de Puru)er %sto s%y. (o+e of >%t e s%ys ere%fter +%y %lso sed furter ligt on is %ppro%) to teuestion of 1r%+%n ;neuter< versus P%r%r%+%n.

5is prin)iple ;atman< is % univers%l oneH ut during in)%rn%tions its lo>est p%rts if >e)%n so express it t%e on %ttriutes e)%use it is lined >it te uddi %s te uddi islined >it te +%n%s %s te +%n%s is lined to te %+% %nd so on do>n te s)%le. "t+%nis %lso so+eti+es used of te univers%l self or spirit >i) is )%lled in te (%nsrit >ritings1r%+%n ;neuter< %nd te 1r%+%n or univers%l spirit is %lso )%lled te Paramatman% %)o+pound (%nsrit ter+ +e%ning te MigestM or +ost univers%l %t+%n. ;Fundamentals o" 

the Esoteric Philosophy <

(tudentIs te %t+%n %lso %n %ggreg%te of entities of living entities?

B. de p.It isif you %re een enoug to underst%nd tis %ffir+%tive reply.

(tudentIn t%t )%se tere +ust e so+eting iger t%n %t+%n. Is t%t so?

B. de p.It is so. "nd it is Gust tis +%tter t%t I %ve tried so often to expl%in >en I %vespoen of te ier%r)ies su))eeding e%) oter on te endless l%dder of life. I %ve tried to

point out t%t te igest or supre+e ier%r) of %ny ier%r)y is te %t+%n of t%t ier%r)yH ut t%t ier%r) %ltoug te igest of is o>n ier%r)y is nevertelesslo>er t%n te ier%r) of te su))eeding ier%r)y. 5e ier%r) is te %t+%n of isier%r)y. Just %s >e u+%n eings %re )o+posite entities )o+posed of osts of eings Gust so is te ier%r). "ltoug possessing its o>n individu%lity it is %n %ggreg%te of %ll teentities )o+posing its ier%r)y its f%+ily of >i) te ier%r) is te supre+e e%d %nd%lso te sour)e %nd fount%in %nd root %nd )%use of %ll suordin%tes flo>ing fro+ it. 5e


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ier%r) or %t+%n is %n individu%l. It is %n entity it is te supre+e self for %ll t%t ier%r)y.Its vit%lity per+e%tes %llH its selfood per+e%tes %ll suordin%te entities of its o>n ier%r-)i)%l group %nd tus )o+poses for t%t ier%r)i)%l group te essenti%l I %+ of %ll teentities it en)loses. "ltoug it is tus %n individu%l it is +ysti)%lly divisile into %ll teeings of >i) it is te supre+e self te %t+%n.

4ou %ve %sed one of te +ost diffi)ult uestions of o))ultis+ one of te +ost suli+e

%nd gre%tH one for t%t very re%son very diffi)ult to underst%nd. For inst%n)e I %+ %n ego."t te e%rt of tis ego is +y I "$ +y %t+%n % stre%+ of )ons)iousness per+e%ting +efro+ te ier%r) of tis ier%r)yH %nd yet >%t %+ I %s %n entity? " )o+posite %n%ggreg%te of life-%to+s of +%ny degrees existent on +%ny st%ges of )ons)iousness %nd %llfollo>ing te evolution%ry p%t. $y ody %g%in is ut %n %ggreg%te of pysi)%l-%str%l life-%to+s %nd yet +y ody is %n individu%l. Every one of tese life-%to+s )o+posing +y odyis per se % le%rning entity destined in future %eons to e % u+%n eing %nd in still +oredist%nt %eons of ti+e to e % god. We u+%n eings >ere su) life-%to+s e%) one of us%nd even of te pysi)%l ody in so+e oter entity in so+e f%r ygone )os+i) +%nv%nt%r%.W%t >onderful %nd yet >%t +ysterious do)trines tese of o))ultis+ %re so inspiring so)o+fortingH %nd o> tey s%ve us fro+ te >orst sin of %llte sense of person%lis+V

5e %t+%n is indivisile in te sense t%t it is te eing or entity of te ier%r) of our

ier%r)y terefore per+e%ting %nd +%nifesting in %ll tings %nd entities %s teir essenti%l(elf! te essenti%l sense of I "$ de%tless %t le%st for %s long %s t%t ier%r)y endures in its)os+i) +%nv%nt%r%. en)e te %t+%n is te %ggreg%te of te +on%di) essen)es of %ll teentities )o+posing t%t ier%r)y. (i+il%rly on te pysi)%l pl%ne %nd follo>ing te l%> of %n%logy +y pysi)%l ody is %n individu%l %nd yet is )o+posed of te life-%to+s >i) uildit +%e it for+ it. ;The Dialogues o" G. de Puruc$er  $eeting of Aove+er 93:<

$y "t+%nto illustr%te e)%use >e %re no> spe%ing of te >orlds of differenti%tion+y "t+%n >ill so+e d%y gro> to e te divinity of % sol%r syste+H %nd %ll te v%rious+on%ds no> for+ing +y )onstitution +%nifesting ere %s % u+%n eing >ill ten e te%r)%ngels %nd te %ngels to use te =risti%n ter+s of t%t future sol%r syste+! teDy%ni-=o%ns in teir v%rious gr%des to use our o>n 5eosopi)%l pr%sing. 5ese

v%rious unevolved +on%ds >i) elp to )o+pose even +y pysi)%l )onstitution live inteir v%rious )ells %nd tese v%rious )ells %re uilded up of life-%to+s on different pl%nesH%nd in t%t f%r dist%nt future of >i) I %ve Gust spoen if I +%e te r%)e su))essfully %nde)o+e te divinity of % sol%r syste+ in te sp%)es of (p%)e %ll tese )ells %nd life-%to+s>i) no> )o+pose +y pysi)%l +e >ill e te )o+ponent ele+ents of t%t sol%r syste+e%) one %ving evolved to t%e its o>n p%rti)ul%r %nd definite pl%)e %nd >or tereinH %ndI te divinity in +e >ill e te ten presiding gode%d of t%t sol%r syste+ Gust %s >e ere%re )o+ponent ele+ents of for+er life-%to+s of F%ter (un in % v%stly dist%nt epo) of te=os+i) P%st.

5us %s I %ve ereinefore expl%ined tere is no etern%lly %iding %nd un)%ngingprin)iple of individu%lity or soul in +%n. 4es %n %solute trut! no %iding sep%r%te %ndun)%nging prin)iple in +%n sep%r%te fro+ te si+il%r prin)iple in you +y roter or in

%ny oter eing. 5is is te eresy t%t te @ord 1udd% fougt %g%inst %nd t%t our o>n$%sters so po>erfully te%) %g%inst. 5ere is no su) i++ort%l un)%nging %nd tereforeperduring %nd %iding soulH yet te very essen)e of +%n is i++ort%lity itself. Every l%st %to+ in is )onstitution in its e%rt of e%rts is %n i++ort%l divinity e)%use of its essen)ete Essen)e of te ,os+i) Divinity. I no> no do)trine in %ll our ()ool of 5e%)ing >i)so )le%nses our u+%n e%rts of pride >i) so ui)ly purges te u+%n +ind of illusion%s Gust tese e%utiful tougts t%t I %ve een %tte+pting to spe% of. 4ou >ill never fully


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re%lie te glory t%t is >itin you until you e)o+e infilled >it te +ost e%utiful tougt of te+ %ll. W%t is it? I %+ one >it Divinity %nd tere is no %iding un)%nging %nden)e sep%r%ting person%l soul in +eH for I %+ 5"5. 5is do)trine is te te%)ing of teutter solid%rity te utter oneness of everyting t%t is fro+ god to %to+ >it te e%rt of 5ings. ;Studies in +ccult Philosophy <

5e student is free to +ove fro+ tese uotes to te >ritings of P1 %nd te te%)ingsof 1udd% to deter+ine for te+selves if Puru)er is 7entirely opposing8 er %nd erte%)ers. One +%y %lso e%r in +ind >%t e s%ys ere %out "t+%n %nd te ier%r) of %ier%r)y %nd refle)t %) on >%t >%s s%id %out 1r%+%n.

@%stly let us note t%t >ile trougout er >ritings P1 in)ess%ntly %++ers in tenotion t%t tere is no su) ting %s % person%l %ntropo+orpi) deityfor ex%+ple!

7It is te s%+e only still +ore +et%pysi)%l ide% %s t%t of te =risti%n 5rinityM5reein OneMi.e.% te 6nivers%l Mover-(piritM +%nifesting on te t>o iger pl%nes tose of 1uddi %nd $%%tH %nd tese %re te tree ypost%ses +et%pysi)%l ut n ever personal .8;(D !0'/fn<

yet se does not esit%te to o))%sion%lly tro> in % )urve-%ll y %pplying te >ord7person%l8 or using te person%l possessive pronoun >en it suits er!

75e $on%d e)o+es % person%l ego >en it in)%rn%tesH %nd so+eting re+%ins of t%t person%lity troug $%n%s >en te l%tter is perfe)t enoug to %ssi+il%te 1uddi.8 ; (D!2/0<

75e )loser te %ppro%) to ones Prototype Min e%venM te etter for te +ort%l >oseperson%lity >%s )osen y is o>n personal deity ;te sevent prin)iple< %s its terrestri%l%ode. For >it every effort of >ill to>%rd purifi)%tion %nd unity >it t%t M(elf-godM oneof te lo>er r%ys re%s %nd te spiritu%l entity of +%n is dr%>n iger %nd ever iger tote r%y t%t supersedes te first until fro+ r%y to r%y te inner +%n is dr%>n into te one%nd igest e%+ of te P%rent-(6A.8 ;(D !3*-39<

W%t is t%t 7person%l deity8 if not is sevent prin)iple or "t+%?7. . . te "t+%n or sevent prin)iple +erged in te 6nivers%l per)eived y or te oGe)t of 

per)eption to 1uddi te sixt prin)iple or divine (oul in +%n.8 ;(D !/'<


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Point #7: The Meaning of AUM5e sevent point of )ontention is!

is te%)ing t%t tere is noting inerently s%)red or spe)i%l >%tsoever %out O$ or

"6$ despite P1s te%)ings %nd %lso te te%)ings of induis+ %nd 1uddis+ reg%rdingit %s te (%)red Word.

5e se)tion eing referred to ere is no dout fro+ Studies in +ccult Philosophy  % se)tiontitled 75e $e%ning of "u+.8 ere is % sele)tion!

/ill you e2plain the meaning o" the passage in 5E TOI=E OF 5E (I@EA=E re"erring to

#ala)!ansa1 5e syll%le " is )onsidered to e its ;te ird %ns%s< rigt >ing 6 its left $its t%il %nd te "rd%-$%tr% ;%lf +etre< is s%id to e its e%d. (t is the Ardha)Matra 5hal" 

metre6 *hich pu77les me.

ere %g%in you %ve pi)ed out one of te less i+port%nt tings >i) I d%re s%y youre%lie yourself. Just %s in %ll religions tere is %l>%ys % )ert%in )l%ss >o %re seeing>onderful +ysti) +e%ning in tis or t%t or so+e +inor det%il >i) +%y e uite inter-esting %nd i+port%nt in % s+%ll >%y ut it does not r%n %+ong te fund%+ent%l ortopnot) or troug-%nd-troug i+port%nt tingssu) is te )%se >it te si+plyre%+s of stuff t%t %ve een >ritten not only y indus troug )enturies ut even yEurope%ns %out te so-)%lled s%)red syll%le O+ or "u+. It is si+ply %+%ing o> tisone >ord %s exer)ised te ingenuity %nd +ysti)%l feelings of liter%lly )enturies %nd)enturies of gener%tions of indus elonging to %l+ost %ll ()ools.

5e 7less i+port%nt ting8 is )le%rly t%t te student is +issing te gr%nder te%)ings of te 4oice o" the Silence  in f%vor of looing into +inute te%)ings on te 7%lf +eter8+issing te forest for te trees so to s%y%nd it is )le%r t%t Puru)er is +ore spe)ifi)%llydis+issing te 7re%+s of stuff t%t %ve een >ritten8 on "u+ over te )enturies r%tert%n "u+ itself. 1ut yes per%ps >e do find ere % rel%tively lo> opinion of te i+port%n)eof "u+. 4et i++edi%tely follo>ing tis st%te+ent Puru)er %dds!

5e >ord is % s%)red n%+e on %))ount of its vir%tion%l u%lity %nd used to e used in)ere+oni%l +%gi) pronoun)ed %loud %ltoug in +ost se)ret priv%)y.

Furter in Fundmentals o" the Esoteric Philosophy  e expl%ins t%t!

O+ is % >ord )onsidered very oly in te 1r%+%ni)%l liter%ture. It is % syll%le of invo)%tion %nd its gener%l us%ge%s elu)id%ted in te liter%ture tre%ting of it >i) isr%ter volu+inous for tis >ord O+ %s %tt%ined to %l+ost divinityis t%t it sould nevere uttered %loud or in te presen)e of %n outsider % foreigner or % non-initi%te ut it sould e uttered in te silen)e of ones e%rt. We %lso %ve re%son to elieve o>ever t%t it >%s uttered %nd uttered %loud in % +onotone y te dis)iples in te presen)e of teir

te%)er. 5is >ord is %l>%ys pl%)ed %t te eginning of %ny s)ripture t%t is )onsidered of unusu%l s%n)tity. 5e te%)ing is t%t prolonging te uttering of tis >ord ot of te +

%nd te M  >it te +out )losed it re-e)oes in %nd %rouses vir%tion in te sull %nd%ffe)ts i" the aspirations e pure te different nervous )enters of te ody for gre%t good.

W%t does P1 s%y %out "u+? Fro+ te Theosophical Glossary1


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O+ or  Aum  ;S$.<. " +ysti) syll%le te +ost sole+n of %ll >ords in Indi%. It is 7%ninvo)%tion % enedi)tion %n %ffir+%tion %nd % pro+ise8H %nd it is so s%)red %s to e indeedthe *ord at lo* reath of o))ult primitive +%sonry. Ao one +ust e ne%r >en te syll%leis pronoun)ed for % purpose.

Ao> )onsider te follo>ing!

5ere RF%rg%rd NIS %re given v%rious >ords to e+ploy for different %)ts of )le%nsing. 1ut the WOD te one +ost potentte A%+e >i) so s%ys Pro)lus in is tre%tise upon te=%lde%n Or%)les7ruses into te infinite >orlds8 is not >ritten tere. 5oug properlyte WOD or te A"$E is neiter % >ord nor % n%+e in te sense in >i) >e use eiterexpression. Aor )%n it e >ritten nor is it ever pronoun)ed %ove te re%t nor indeed isits n%ture no>n ex)ept to te igest initi%tes. 5e effi)%)y of %ll >ords used %s )%r+s%nd spells lies in >%t te "ry%ns )%ll te T%) % )ert%in l%tent po>er resident in "%s%.Pysi)%lly >e +%y des)rie it %s te po>er to set up )ert%in +e%sured vir%tions not in tegrosser %t+osperi) p%rti)les >ose undul%tions eget ligt sound e%t %nd ele)tri)ityut in te l%tent spiritu%l prin)iple or For)e%out te n%ture of >i) +odern ()ien)eno>s s)%r)ely %nyting. Ao >ords >%tever %ve te sligtest effi)%)y unless uttered yone >o is perfe)tly free fro+ %ll >e%ening dout or esit%n)y >o is for te +o+ent 

>olly %sored in te tougt of uttering te+ %nd %s % )ultiv%ted po>er of >ill >i)+%es i+ send out fro+ i+self % )onuering i+pulse.=ol. Ol)ott 75e (pirit of te^oro%stri%n eligion8 fro+ % @e)ture given in 1o+%y **2. Rnote! te text of tis spee)%nd its l%ter puli)%tion >ere it see+s l%rgely supplied y P1 ;see =W 3!//9<S

5ere is no eviden)e so f%r t%t te 7>ord8 is identi)%l >it "6$ )ert%inly not >it >%t te >orld %t l%rge )%lls 7"6$8 or 7O$8 >i) +%y >ell e te sustitute P1 refers to in tefollo>ing uotes ;(ee ref. to (sis  2!3** elo><. =onsider t%t if te 7>ord8 )%nnot e>ritten nor is it re%lly even % 7>ord8 in te )o++on +e%ning %nd yet "6$ is >ritten %t teeginning of ne%rly every Indi%n textsurely t%t >ritten >ord is ut % sustitute. If te7>ord8 is never pronoun)ed %ove te re%t %nd if 7no one +ust e ne%r >en tesyll%le is pronoun)ed for % purpose8 %nd te re%l n%ture of tis 7>ord8 is only no>n to

te ig initi%tes ten )ert%inly tis )%nnot e te 7O$8 regul%rly %nd flipp%ntly )%nted y+illions %ll over te >orld? "ltoug it goes >itout s%ying t%t even te sustitute %s itso>n +e%ning %nd %ppli)%tion it is uite surely not te re%l 7>ord8 %nd tus %s Puru)ers%ys +%y not e %ll t%t i+port%nt in %nd of itself.

In te follo>ing uotes >e %ve furter eviden)e t%t te 7>ord8 no>n to te >orld isut % sustitute.

On %))ount of its eing no>n t%t e R%i (i+eon 1en-Io)%_S >%s in possession of tisno>ledge %nd of te Mercaa% >i) insured te re)eption of te MWordM is very life >%send%ngered %nd e %d to fly to te >ilderness >ere e lived in % )%ve for t>elve ye%rssurrounded y f%itful dis)iples %nd fin%lly died tere %+id signs %nd >onders. ;(sis 2!3/*<

5erefore >itout te fin%l initi%tion into te $er)%% te study of te ,%%l% >ill eever in)o+plete %nd te $er)%% )%n e t%ugt only in Md%rness in % deserted pl%)e %nd%fter +%ny %nd terrifi) tri%ls.M (in)e te de%t of (i+eon 1en-Io)%i tis idden do)trine %sre+%ined %n inviol%te se)ret for te outside >orld. Delivered only %s % +ystery it >%s)o++uni)%ted to te )%ndid%te or%lly Mf%)e to f%)e %nd +out to e%r.M

5is $%soni) )o++%nd+ent M+out to e%r %nd te >ord %t lo> re%tM is %n ineri-


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t%n)e fro+ te 5%n%i+ %nd te old P%g%n $ysteries. Its +odern use +ust )ert%inly e due tote indis)retion of so+e reneg%de %%list toug te M>ordM itself is ut % MsustituteM forte Mlost >ordM Rsee (D !/:*S %nd is % )o+p%r%tively +odern invention %s >e >ill furterso>. 5e re%l senten)e %s re+%ined forever in te sole possession of te %depts of v%rious)ountries of te E%stern %nd Western e+isperes. Only % li+ited nu+er %+ong te )iefsof te 5e+pl%rs %nd so+e osi)ru)i%ns of te seventeent )entury %l>%ys in )lose rel%tions

>it "r%i%n %l)e+ists %nd initi%tes )ould re%lly o%st of its possession. Fro+ te seventto te fifteent )enturies tere >%s no one >o )ould )l%i+ it in EuropeH %nd %ltoug tere%d een %l)e+ists efore te d%ys of P%r%)elsus e >%s te first >o %d p%ssed trougte true initi%tion t%t l%st )ere+ony >i) )onferred on te %dept te po>er of tr%vellingto>%rd te Murning usM over te oly ground %nd to Murn te golden )%lf in te firegrind it to po>der %nd stro> it upon te >%ter.M Terily ten tis +%gi) >%ter %nd te Mlost >ordM resus)it%ted +ore t%n one of te pre-$os%i) "donir%+s Bed%li%s %nd ir%+"iffs. 5e re%l >ord no> sustituted y $%) 1en%) %nd $% >%s used %ges efore itspseudo-+%gi)%l effe)t >%s tried on te M>ido>s sonsM of te l%st t>o )enturies. ;(sis 2!3/9<

C5ose of te Fourt World ;r%)e< lost "6$s%y te =o++ent%ries. ;(D !/:*<

"nd >en >e find te Mone lie unto te (on of +%nM s%ying ;)%p. ii. '<! MTo him that 

overcometh% >ill I give to e%t of te hidden manna% %nd >ill give i+ % WI5E (5OAE %nd inte stone % ne> n%+e >rittenMte >ord>i) no man $no*eth s%ving he that receiveth

it% >%t $%ster $%son )%n dout ut it refers to te l%st e%d-line of tis )%pter? ; (sis


5e poten)y )ont%ined in te Mantras %nd te 4-ch of te 1r%+%ns is %s +u) elievedin %t tis d%y %s it >%s in te e%rly Tedi) period. 5e MIneff%le A%+eM of every )ountry %ndreligion rel%tes to t%t >i) te $%sons %ffir+ to e te +ysterious )%r%)ters e+le+%ti)of te nine n%+es or %ttriutes y >i) te Deity >%s no>n to te initi%tes. 5e O+nifi)Word tr%)ed y Eno) on te t>o delt%s of purest gold on >i) e engr%ved t>o of te+ysterious )%r%)ters is per%ps etter no>n to te poor unedu)%ted Me%tenM t%n tote igly %))o+plised Br%nd ig Priests %nd Br%nd ^.s of te (upre+e =%pters of 

Europe %nd "+eri)%. Only >y te )o+p%nions of te oy%l "r) sould so itterly %nd)onst%ntly l%+ent its loss is +ore t%n >e )%n underst%nd. 5is >ord of $. $. is %s tey>ill tell te+selves entirely )o+posed of )onson%nts. en)e >e dout >eter %ny of te+ )ould ever %ve +%stered its pronun)i%tion %d it even een Mrougt to ligt fro+te se)ret v%ultM inste%d of its sever%l )orruptions. o>ever it is to te l%nd of $ir%i+ t%t te gr%ndson of %+ is )redited >it %ving )%rried te s%)red delt% of te P%tri%r) Eno).5erefore it is in Egypt %nd in te E%st %lone t%t te +ysterious MWordM +ust e sougt.;(sis 2!3'<

(u) %lso is te )%se in te 1lue @odge >ere te $%ster representing ,ing (olo+on%grees >it ,ing ir%+ t%t te Word U U U Ms%ll e used %s % sustitute for te $%sters>ord until >iser %ges s%ll dis)over te true one.M W%t (enior De%)on of %ll te tous%nds

>o %ve %ssisted in ringing )%ndid%tes fro+ d%rness to ligtH or >%t $%ster >o %s>ispered tis +ysti) M>ordM into te e%rs of supposititious ir%+ "iffs >ile oldingte+ on te five points of fello>sip %s suspe)ted te re%l +e%ning of even tis sustitute>i) tey i+p%rt M%t lo> re%tM? ;(sis 2!3**<

(u) is te respe)t of te 1r%+%ns for te s%)rifi)i%l +ysteries t%t tey old t%t te>orld itself spr%ng into )re%tion %s % )onseuen)e of % Ms%)rifi)i%l >ordM pronoun)ed y te


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First =%use. 5is >ord is te MIneff%le n%+eM of te %%lists fully dis)ussed in te l%st )%pter. RTIIIS ;(sis 2!/:9<

Per%ps >e +%y su++%rie tus!. "6$ is te 7>ord %t lo> re%t8 of 7o))ult  primitive +%sonry8 t%t souldnot e spoen %loud et).

2. 5e 7>ord8 is ut % sustitute tese d%ys.3. 5e "6$ ;>%tever it re%lly is< >%s lost y te fourt r%)e ;(D !/:*<./. 75e re%l senten)e %s re+%ined forever in te sole possession of te%depts of v%rious )ountries of te E%stern %nd Western e+isperes.8

5e vie> ;>eter or not it >%s eld y Puru)er< t%t tere is noting inherently 

s%)red in te >ord "6$ +%y %ve % fir+ found%tion ten fro+ % )ert%in point of vie>. "s %sy+ol it is no dout % v%lu%le one %s is %ny triple-sy+ol giving us % g%te>%y to under-st%nd te %si)s of te ide% of te 7trinity.8 "s % vir%tory u%lity it +%y %lso %ve so+edeeper +e%ning %nd use. 1ut it +%y %lso e ut % sustitute or % lind for te re%l 7>ord8or sentence t%t represents te re%l po>er. 5e volu+inous >ritings on "6$ +%y ten e

so+e>%t %s Puru)er s%ys distr%)tions fro+ te iger %nd +ore i+port%nt te%)ings. It is true t%t W. . Judge >rote %out "6$QO$ %nd g%ve +%ny interesting tougts %out itssignifi)%n)e %long >it is opinion t%t te >ord is igly signifi)%nt. P1 o>ever left te ter+ rel%tively untou)ed. In te Secret Doctrine "6$ or O$ pl%ys %l+ost no role>%tsoever even toug tere is +ention repe%tedly of one tree %nd seven vo>elledter+s or ter+s lie Oe%ooo >it its spe)ifi) pronun)i%tion %nd so on. 5is in itself isr%ter interesting.

In %ny )%se >e do not feel t%t tis )riti)is+ of Puru)er is >%rr%nted nor is it p%rti)u-l%rly +e%ningful. 5ere is roo+ even %+ong very le%rned teosopists even %+ong )el%sit >ould see+ for % >ide v%riety of opinions on su) +%tters.


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Point #8: “Esoteric Instructions”5e eigt point of )ontention is!

is in)orpor%tion of P1s private 7Esoteri) Instru)tions8>i) >ere never +e%nt for

puli)%tion y %ny +e%nsinto is puli) te%)ings %nd >ritings %nd %tte+pting to exp%ndupon te+ %nd provide +%ny furter %dditions to te+ tus so>ing % l%) of %ppre)i%tionor respe)t for P1s )le%rly expressed >ises %nd te s%)redness of te pledge of se)re)y.

5is >e feel )%n gener%lly e % f%ir point of )riti)is+ to>%rds so+e e%rly teosopists.To>s see+ to %ve een roen in reg%rds to tese +%teri%ls e%rly on in te life of teEsoteri) (e)tion of te 5( %nd tere %re liely degrees of f%ult involved in te )oi)es of E(%nd for+er E( students %t t%t ti+e toug it %lso +ust e %d+itted y %ll of us tod%y t%t %gre%t de%l of te trut on tis suGe)t is ne)ess%rily veiled in +ystery %nd silen)e. In reg%rdsto Puru)er it +ust %lso e re+e+ered t%t tese +%teri%ls %d een pulised %nd >idely)ir)ul%ted y teosopists long efore Puru)er +%de use of te+ >eter >it is priv%testudents or puli)ly. 5ey %d for %ll intents %nd purposes e)o+e 7puli)8 for etter or for>orse. 5is +%y not ex)use te use of +%teri%ls not +e%nt for puli)%tion ut ten >e +ust %lso )onsider t%t sever%l su) )olle)tions of +%teri%ls not +e%nt for puli)%tion %regener%lly %nd openly studied y +ost teosopists of tod%y in)luding te Mahatma ,etters>i) >ere instru)tions given privately  fro+ $%sters to % l%y )el% %nd >i) >ere %lsoe2plicitly instructed to remain private %nd never e given to te puli).

In reg%rds to te origin%l puli)%tion of su) +%teri%ls >e uote te follo>ing!

In $rs. 1es%nts M5ird Tolu+eM Rof The Secret Doctrine *9'S %re in)orpor%ted tepriv%te p%pers origin%lly issued y .P.1. to te E.(. %nd in reprinting tese $rs. 1es%nt . . .roe te sevent )l%use of er sole+n pledge %s % +e+er of te Esoteri) ()ool. . . . ; The

Theosophical Movement 89:;)8<=;  pp. 0'-0'2.< Runderline is %ddedS

In % letter >ritten to te +e+ers of te E.(.5. on De)e+er 3rd *9/ $r. Judge %dpointed to %n order dire)tly re)eived fro+ te $%ster %s follo>s!

75o te +e+ers of te E.(.5.

=O$P"AIOA( "AD FIEAD(!In %))ord%n)e >it order re)eived fro+ te $%ster Ierey de)l%re t%t R. P. 1l%v%tsysS Instru)tions I II %nd III of tis ()ool %re no longerse)ret >it te follo>ing ex)eptions!

R>e purposely refr%in fro+ in)luding teseS

5e %ove four %re not relieved fro+ priv%)y %nd )%nnot e dis)ussed >it non-+e+ers.

5e oos sould not e so>n to non-+e+ers. $e+ers of te E.(.5. >o %ve not %))epted Order Ao. I of Aove+er 3d +%y e +%de %>%re of tis rele%se of se)resy >eneverit +%y see+ fit to you. Freedo+ of use or dis)ussion of Instru)tions I II %nd III sould not go

puli)ly to te extent of giving out te oos or re%ding fro+ te+H ut referen)es to te+%nd teir )ontents >it %solute reg%rd to te ex)eptions noted is per+issile.

If te sour)e of st%te+ents or ide%s derived dire)tly fro+ tose tree Instru)tions e%sed for it +%y e st%ted t%t tey %re fro+ te te%)ings given out in te E.(.5. >i) it isno> per+itted to +%e puli).

Fr%tern%lly yours WI@@I"$ . J6DBE.8


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Ao> it is )le%rly st%ted ere t%t su) +%teri%ls %re not to e dire)tly pulised norre%d dire)tly fro+ %nd su) instru)tions >ere inding on %ll +e+ers of te E( ut it isst%ted t%t referen)es +%y e +%de to )ert%in +%teri%ls %nd it +%y e st%ted >ere tereferen)es origin%te. 5ere %re fine lines ere %nd it is up to e%) student to de)ide o>tey feel %out tese +%teri%ls %nd teir use y v%rious individu%ls %nd org%ni%tions over

te p%st )entury %nd % u%rter. It sould %lso e noted t%t +u) of te >ritings of Puru)er t%t %re %v%il%le tod%y >ere not >ritten dire)tly y i+ or +%de puli) duringis life ut >ere origin%lly re)ords of t%ls given to is priv%te studentsH oter +%teri%ls>ere dire)tly tr%ns)ried %nd it sould e noted t%t te 5eosopi)%l (o)iety ;P%s%den%<%s not pulised te E( P%pers nor )%n tey e found on teir >esite. =%re %nd )onsider-%tion see+s to %ve een t%en in te %ndling of su) +%teri%ls.

On)e %g%in >e +ust %ll e >illing to %d+it t%t >e do not %ve %ll te infor+%tionne)ess%ry to no> >o viol%ted %ny vo>s or trusts >o elonged to >i) 7s)ool8 or >%sound y >i) 7o%ts8 or even 7orders.8 5o i+%gine t%t %ny of us )%n see so )le%rly intote p%st ;or present for t%t +%tter< is folly.


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Point #9: 4th vs. 5th “Sub-Race”5e nint point of )ontention is!

is te%)ing t%t u+%nity is still only in te /t su-r%)e of te 0t root r%)e >ere%s

75e (e)ret Do)trine8 %nd te oter origin%l te%)ings of 5eosopy +%e it extre+ely)le%r %nd st%te spe)ifi)%lly t%t >e %re in te 0t su-r%)e %nd t%t te t su-r%)e >illegin to t%e for+ in te not too dist%nt future.

@et us %ddress tis )%refully >itout te intention of defending Puru)ers )on)lusionsut >itout lindly %))epting te )on)lusions of te %rti)le eiter.

First Puru)er et al  on our position in te r%)es!

7During evolution on e%) of te gloes of te e%rt-)%in te u+%n life->%ve p%ssestroug seven evolution%ry st%ges )%lled root-r%)es of >i) >e %re %t present in te fiftroot-r%)e of te fourt round on te fourt gloe. E%) root-r%)e is divided into sevensur%)es of >i) >e %re no> in te fourt of te fift root-r%)e.8 ;E5B! %)e;s<<

"s to te position of u+%nity in reg%rd to te fift root-r%)e!7>e %re in te +id-point of our su)race of te Fift oot %)ete %)+e of +%teri%lity ine%) . . .8 ;(D !:<. 5is is interpreted y de Puru)er %s +e%ning 7 the middle point o" the

 "ourth o" any cyclical series! for inst%n)e the "ourth Primary SuraceH te fourt surace of te "ourth primary surace  of te fift root-r%)e8 ;Fund 2*<. 5us >e %ve %t present ne%rly re%)ed te +iddle period of te fift root-r%)e %nd %re terefore in our fourtpri+%ry sur%)e ut in % s+%ller su-sur%)e >i) is te fift of its o>n )y)le.8 ;E5B!(ur%)e<

For te +ost )o+plete tre%t+ent of te r%)es %nd su-r%)es y Puru)er >i) give isre%soning in det%il see Studies in +ccult Philosophy1 Su)0aces o" the Fi"th 0oot)0ace %nd%lso Fundamentals o" the Esoteric Philosophy  )%pter 2. It is igly re)o++ended t%t testudent re%d tese p%ss%ges efore +oving on.

"nd no> te Secret Doctrine on 7(u-%)es8!

75o %void )onfusion let te re%der re+e+er t%t te ter+ oot-%)e %pplies to one of te seven gre%t %)es su-%)e to one of its gre%t 1r%n)es %nd F%+ily-%)e to one of tesu-divisions >i) in)lude n%tions %nd l%rge tries.8 ;(D 2!9*fn<

5is >ould see+ to e % )le%r-)ut st%te+ent t%t >e )%n follo> in %ll inst%n)es of teseter+s ut %s >ell see te ter+ 7su-r%)e8 is used +u) +ore lier%lly t%n tis.

First our position in te fift root-r%)e!

7Aeverteless %s every su-r%)e %nd n%tion %ve teir )y)les %nd st%ges of develop-

+ent%l evolution repe%ted on % s+%ller s)%le it +ust e te +ore so in te )%se of % oot-%)e. Our r%)e ten %s %s % oot-r%)e )rossed te eu%tori%l line %nd is )y)ling on>%rd onte (piritu%l sideH . . . 8 ;(D 2!3:<

5is >ould see+ to indi)%te t%t >e %re at least  in or p%st te +id-point of te fourtsu-r%)e of tis root-r%)e.


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Ao> our position in 7our8 su-r%)e!

71ut %s >e %re in te +id-point of our su -race of te Fift oot %)ete %)+e of +%teri%lity in e%)terefore te %ni+%l propensities toug +ore refined %re not teless developed for t%t! %nd tey %re so )iefly in )ivilied )ountries.8 ;(D !:<

(o >i)ever 7su-r%)e8 is +e%nt ere y 7our su-r%)e8 >e %re %t %round te +id-point of it. 5is te student >ill find gre%t diffi)ulty in %s tere %re +%ny oter st%te+ents ;seete follo>ing uotes< t%t >ould put us past  te +id-point of 7our su-r%)e.8

For inst%n)e!

7istoryor >%t is )%lled istorydoes not go furter %) t%n te f%nt%sti) origins of our fift su-r%)e % Mfe> tous%ndsM of ye%rs8 ;(D 2!30<

(o eres %n issue. If >e %re %t te mid)point  of te 7our su-r%)e8 in te pre)eding uote%nd yet 7our fift su-r%)e8 is only % 7fe> tous%nds8 of ye%rs old. . . . t%t +%es for % verysort lifesp%n for 7our sur%)e.8 o> long is % su-r%)e supposed to l%st in our fift root-r%)e?

Aeverteless te +e%ning Rof )ert%in ^odi%)%l sy+olsS is pl%in %s te tree ^odi%)selong to tree different epo)s! n%+ely to te l%st tree f%+ily r%)es of te fourt (u-r%)eof te Fift oot-r%)e each of which must have lived appro"imately from #$ to %&,&&&years . 5e first of tese ;te M"ry%n-"si%ti)sM< >itnessed te doo+ of te l%st of te popul%-tions of te Mgi%nt "tl%nte%nsM >o perised so+e *0:::: ye%rs %go ;te ut% %nd D%ity%Isl%nd-=ontinents< to>%rd te )lose of te $io)ene "ge. 'he fourth sub-race witnessedthe destruction of the last remnant of the Atlanteans(the Aryo-Atlanteans in the last island of Atlantis, namely, some )),&&& years ago* In order to underst%nd tis te re%deris %sed to gl%n)e %t te di%gr%+ of te gene%logi)%l tree of te Fift oot-%)egener%llytoug %rdly )orre)tly )%lled te "ry%n r%)e %nd te expl%n%tions %ppended to it. . . . Ao>our Fift oot-%)e %s %lre%dy een in existen)e%s % r%)e sui generis %nd uite free fro+its p%rent ste+%out :::::: ye%rsH terefore it +ust e inferred t%t each of the four

preceding !ub-+aces has lived appro"imately #)&,&&& years thus each Family-+acehas an average e"istence of about %&,&&& years* 5us te Europe%n MF%+ily %)eM %sstill % good +%ny tous%nd ye%rs to run %ltoug te n%tions or te innu+er%le spinesupon it v%ry >it e%) su))eeding Mse%sonM of tree or four tous%nd ye%rs. It is so+e>%t )urious to +%r te )o+p%r%tive %pproxi+%tion of dur%tion et>een te lives of % MF%+ily-%)eM %nd % M(idere%l ye%r.M

5is on te surf%)e +%y see+ )le%r-)ut ut lets loo %t it )losely. P1 st%rts off t%ling%out te l%st tree f%+ily r%)es of te Mfourt su-r%)eM 9;>%>>> years ago even toug ourroot-r%)e is only :::::: ye%rs oldV 5en %ll of % sudden ses t%ling %out te Mfourtsu-r%)eM ::: ye%rs %goV "nd if Mte first of teseM l%st tree f%+ily r%)es M>itnessed tedoo+ of te gi%nt "tl%ne%ns >o perised *0:::: ye%rs %goM ut e%) of tose f%+ily-

r%)es only l%sted 3:::: ye%rs >ell t%ts % lot of %d +%tV 5en suddenly >ere :::ye%rs %go >it t%t very s%+e fourt su-r%)eVV?? ++ . . .5e diffi)ulties ere %re solved ;%t le%st in p%rt< >en >e re%lie t%t te ter+ 7su-r%)e8

is not solely used to refer to te su-r%)e of % root-r%)e ut to te su-r%)e of any   r%)e.5us f%+ily-r%)es %re often )%lled 7su-r%)es8 in te Secret Doctrine. "ny r%)e is % sudi-vision of %noter r%)e so every r%)e is in % sense % 7su-r%)e8 %nd t%t ter+ is used


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lier%lly enoug to le%ve us in need of sorting tings out for ourselves %nd not in % positionto si+ply point to te use of te ter+ 7fift su-r%)e8 %s toug t%t settles it %ll ;>i) is%ll too often te )%se %+ong teosopists<.

(o lets re% tis do>n if >e )%n!Fift root-r%)e! :::::: ]Q- ye%rs old

E%) su-r%)e! 2:::: ]Q- ye%rs life-sp%nE%) f%+ily-r%)e! 20-3:::: ]Q- ye%rs life-sp%n

P1 pl%ys %round >it ter+s ere to +%e us figure it out.:::::: +inus *0:::: \ 0:::: ;i.e. 0:::: ye%rs into te first su-r%)e is >en

te doo+ of te "tl%nte%ns %ppened<0:::: divided y 3:::: \ 0 f%+ily r%)es of t%t first su-r%)e %ving p%ssed %t 

*0:::: ye%rs %go.(o te 7fourt su-r%)e8 >o >itnessed te doo+ of te "tl%nte%ns %d to %ve een

te "ourth "amily race of te "irst su)race of te fift root-r%)e.

Ao> %noter di""erent  7fourt su-r%)e8 >itnessed te sining of te fin%l isl%nd :::ye%rs %go. Aeiter of tese t>o different 7fourt su-r%)es8 is %)tu%lly % su-r%)e of teroot-r%)e ut r%ter tey %re "amily)races of different su-r%)es.

It does see+ fro+ te 2:::: ye%r )%l)ul%tion t%t >e >ould tus e in te fift su-r%)eof te fift root-r%)e ut tis see+s to e te only pl%)e >ere su) % str%igtfor>%rd )%l)u-l%tion )%n e +%de. Aoting is re%lly )le%rly %nd expli)itly st%ted %s te follo>ing >ill so>.

Ao> te follo>ing is % uote often given %nd often referen)ed t%t supposedly )le%rlyst%tes t%t >ere in te 7fift su-r%)e.8

75us te "+eri)%ns %ve e)o+e in only tree )enturies % Mpri+%ry r%)eM  pro tem.%

efore e)o+ing % r%)e %p%rt %nd strongly sep%r%ted fro+ %ll oter no> existing r%)es.5ey %re in sort te ger+s of te Si2th su-r%)e %nd in so+e fe> undred ye%rs +ore>ill e)o+e +ost de)idedly te pioneers of t%t r%)e >i) +ust su))eed to the present uropean or fifth sub-race  in %ll its ne> )%r%)teristi)s. "fter tis in %out #$,&&& years tey >ill l%un) into prep%r%tions for te sevent su-r%)eH until in )onseuen)e of )%t%)lys+ste first series of tose >i) +ust one d%y destroy Europe %nd still l%ter te>ole "ry%n r%)e ;%nd tus %ffe)t ot "+eri)%s< %s %lso +ost of te l%nds dire)tly)onne)ted >it te )onfines of our )ontinent %nd isleste (ixt oot-%)e >ill %ve%ppe%red on te st%ge of our ound.8 ;(D 2!///-//0<

1ut ere it is )le%r t%t te ter+ 7su-r%)e8 is %g%in %)tu%lly eing used for 7f%+ily-r%)es8 e%) of >i) l%sts %out 20::: ye%rs ;or %s in te previous uote 20-3::::ye%rs<. Wen P1 is referring to te 7fift su-r%)e8 ;te Europe%ns< %nd te 7sixt su-r%)e8 ;te "+eri)%ns< se is spe%ing of  "amily)races not te 2:::: ye%r long su-r%)es

of our fift root-r%)e.It >ould tus +%e sense t%t te 7fourt su-r%)e8 t%t >itnessed te sining of te

isl%nd ::: ye%rs %go >%s te 7su-r%)e8 t%t pre)eded tis our 7fift su-r%)e.8 . . . %ll of tese %)tu%lly eing 20-3:::: ye%r long  "amily)races. 5ere is % g%p ten et>een tese7fift8 7sixt8 %nd 7sevent8 "amily)races %nd te 7%rriv%l8 of te (ixt root)race. 5ese tree


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f%+ily r%)es ;te Europe%n "+eri)%n %nd ten ???< %)tu%lly only ring us to te )o+ing of te ne2t ?primary@ su)race% not to te )o+ing of te sixt root-r%)e >i) >ill %rrive 7stilll%ter.8

(o >en te %rti)le >e %re )ritiuing st%tes t%t 75e (e)ret Do)trine8 %nd te oterorigin%l te%)ings of 5eosopy +%e it extre+ely )le%r %nd st%te spe)ifi)%lly t%t >e %re in

te 0t su-r%)e %nd t%t te t su-r%)e >ill egin to t%e for+ in te 7not too dist%nt future8 >e elieve t%t tis )on)lusion %rises fro+ te %ll too )o++on +ist%e %out teflexile use of te ter+ 7su-r%)e8. W%t >ill %rrive in te 7not too dist%nt future8 is ut %ne> 20-3:::: ye%r long "amily)race.

5ere %re %ddition%l prole+s >it te +%t >en one goes troug te (D in se%r) of te lifesp%n of te previous root-r%)es %nd )o+p%res tose to te lifesp%n of tis our fiftroot-r%)e ut t%t >e le%ve to students to explore for te+selves.

Ao> P1s tre%t+ent of te 7se+iti) r%)e8 +igt elp us see te use of f%+ily %nd su-r%)es % little )le%rer.

5e "ry%n indu elongs to te oldest r%)es no> on e%rtH te (e+ite ere> to te

l%test. One is ne%rly +illion ye%rs oldH te oter is % s+%ll su-r%)e so+e *::: ye%rs old%nd no +ore.U

U (tri)tly spe%ing te Je>s %re %n %rtifi)i%l "ry%n r%)e orn in Indi% %nd elonging tote =%u)%si%n division. . . . =onsidering t%t our %)e %s re%)ed its Fift (u-r%)e o> )%nit e oter>ise? ;(D 2!/':-' & fn<

5e little (e+iti) trieone of te s+%llest r%n)lets fro+ te )o++ingling of te /t%nd 0t su-r%)es ;te $ongolo-5ur%ni%n %nd te Indo-Europe%n so-)%lled %fter tesining of te gre%t =ontinent<. ;(D !39<

"ll r%)es %ve teir o>n )y)les >i) f%)t )%uses % gre%t differen)e. For inst%n)e teFourt (u-%)e of te "tl%nte%ns >%s in its ,%li-4ug >en destroyed >ere%s te Fift

>%s in its (%ty% or #rita 4ug%. 5e "ry%n %)e is no> in its ,%li 4ug% %nd >ill )ontinue to ein it for /2'::: ye%rs longer >ile v%rious Mf%+ily %)esM )%lled te (e+iti) %+iti) et).%re in teir o>n spe)i%l )y)les. 5e fort)o+ing t (u %)e>i) +%y egin very soon>ill e in its (%ty% ;golden< %ge >ile >e re%p te fruit of our iniuity in our ,%li 4ug%.;(D 2!/'fn<

(o ere >e %ve te se+iti) r%)e ;or trie< des)ried %s te )o++ingling of te /t %nd0t su-r%)es yet it is only *::: ye%rs old. It e)o+es f%irly ovious t%t te /t %nd 0t7su-r%)es8 ere spoen of %re %g%in te /t %nd 0t  "amily)races of % longer su-r%)e. 5ey%re not te 2:::: ye%r long su-r%)es. (o tis 70t su-r%)e8 t%t is p%rt of its )o++in-gling is te 7europe%n fift-su r%)e8 fro+ our previous uote. ;it is %lso interesting to notet%t te /2'::: ye%r long %li yug% is %pplied ere only to te "ry%n %)e %nd not te

)o+ing 7t (u %)e8 ut t%t is ut % side note in te present dis)ussion<.@ets try to )le%r so+e of tis up if >e )%n.5e fourt "amily)race >itnessed te sining of te isl%nd ::: ye%rs %go. *::: ye%rs

%go te (e+iti) 7trie8 or 7r%)e8 is orn % )o++ingling of te fourt %nd fift f%+ily-r%)esre+e+er P1s st%te+ent %out te 7origins of our fift su-r%)e % Mfe> tous%ndsM of 


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ye%rs.8 5is fift "amily)race is te Europe%ns >o %re no> p%ssing te tor) to te sixtf%+ily-r%)e >o %re te "+eri)%ns. 20:::-3:::: ye%rs l%ter tis >ill give rise to tesevent f%+ily-r%)e %nd tus on to te next su)race.

Fro+ %ll tis it >ould see+ t%t >e %re in te Fift root-r%)e  perhaps in its fift su-r%)e;%sed on te 2:::: ye%r +%t< or per%ps in its fourt su-r%)e ;%sed on oter st%te-

+ents<H %nd depending on *ho *e are  ;Europe%n "+eri)%n Indi%n (e+iti) Egypti%n=inese et).< >e +%y elong to %ny one of te f%+ily-r%)es of te )urrent su-r%)e or >e+%y elong to r%)es t%t re%) %) even efore te fift root-r%)e one of te +%ny f%+ily-r%)es still present on E%rt.

(o Puru)er +%y e +ist%en or is interpret%tion +%y e v%lid. 5e +%in ting is! %lltis is left for e%) of us to explore %nd de)ide for ourselves. Aoting is given out 7)le%rly8or 7expli)itly8 in te (D or y te $%stersV 5%ts not teir style. We sould %l>%ys e)%reful not to t%e too liter%lly )ert%in ter+s for inst%n)e to re%d te ter+ 7fourt su-r%)e8 or 7fift su-r%)e8 %nd i+%gine t%t >e no> %uto+%ti)%lly *hich fourt or fift r%)eis eing spoen of. Everyting is given in su) % >%y %s to en)our%ge us to figure it out forourselves %nd use our intuitions. 5ere is little use ten in %tte+pting to )l%i+ tis or t%t %s 7)le%rly st%ted8 in order to dis+iss so+eone elses )on)lusions. Per%ps Puru)er >%sguilty of too strongly putting fort is o>n )on)lusions %s f%)t >ile te %rti)le >e %re)ritiuing +%y e eu%lly guilty of dis+issing is ide%s %sed on differing opinions >i)see+ %lso to e put for>%rd %s f%)t. Per%ps it is est to le%ve it to e%) student to de)ide.

Ao> if one >%nts to see o> )onfusing te story of r%)es su-r%)es f%+ily-r%)esn%tions et). )%n e %ve % loo %t o> te infor+%tion >%s given to ". P. (innettVV

Our fourt ound u+%nity %s its one gre%t )y)le %nd so %ve er r%)es %nd su-r%)es.5e M)urious rusM is due to te doule effe)t of te for+erte eginning of its do>n>%rd)ourseH%nd of te l%tter ;te s+%ll )y)le of your Msu-r%)eM< running on to its %pex.e+e+er you elong to te fift %)e yet you %re ut % /estern su-r%)e. . . . 4our su-

r%)es %re no> running to>%rd te %pex of teir respe)tive )y)les %nd t%t istory goes nofurter %) t%n te periods of de)line of % fe> oter su-r%)es elonging +ost of te+ tote pre)eding fourt %)e. . . . "s every oter r%)e you %d your ups %nd do>ns yourperiods of onour %nd disonour your d%r +idnigt %ndyou %re no> %ppro%)ing yourrilli%nt noon. 5e youngest of te fift r%)e f%+ily you >ere for long %ges te unloved %ndte un)%red for te =endrillon in your o+e. "nd no> >en so +%ny of your sisters %vediedH %nd oters still %re dying >ile te fe> of te old survivors no> in teir se)ondinf%n)y >%it ut for teir $essi%te sixt r%)eto resurre)t to % ne> life %nd st%rt %ne> >it te )o+ing stronger %long te p%t of % ne> )y)le . . . 4esH te fift r%)eourseg%n in "si% % +illion ye%rs %go. W%t >%s it %out for te 99*::: ye%rs pre)eding tel%st 2:::? . . . Of )ourse te /t r%)e %d its periods of te igest )ivili%tion. Bree %ndo+%n %nd even Egypti%n )ivili%tion %re noting )o+p%red to te )ivili%tions t%t eg%n>it te 3rd r%)e. 5ose of te se)ond >ere not   s%v%ges ut tey )ould not e )%lled

)ivilied. "nd no> re%ding one of +y first letters on te r%)es ;% uestion first tou)ed y$.< pr%y do not %))use eiter i+ or +yself of so+e ne> )ontr%di)tion. e%d it over %ndsee t%t it le%ves out te uestion of )ivili%tions %ltogeter %nd +entions ut te degen-er%te re+n%nts of te fourt %nd tird r%)es %nd gives you %s % )orroor%tion te l%test )on)lusions of your o>n ()ien)e. Do not reg%rd %n un%void%le incompleteness %s in)onsis-ten)y. 4ou no> %s +e % dire)t uestion %nd I %ns>er it. Brees %nd o+%ns >ere s+%ll


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su)races% %nd Egypti%ns p%rt %nd p%r)el of our o>n M=%u)%si%nM sto). @oo %t te l%tter%nd %t Indi%. %ving re%)ed te igest )ivili%tion %nd >%t is +ore! learningot >ent do>n. Egypt %s % distin)t su-r%)e dis%ppe%ring entirely ;er =opts %re % yrid re+n%nt<.Indi%%s one of te first %nd +ost po>erful off-soots of te +oter %)e %nd )o+posedof % nu+er of su-r%)esl%sting to tese ti+es %nd struggling to t%e on)e +ore erpl%)e in istory so+e d%y. . . . W%t >ould you s%y ten to our %ffir+%tion t%t te =inese

I no> spe% of te inl%nd te true =in%+%n not of te yrid +ixture et>een tefourt %nd te fift %)es no> o))upying te tronete %origines >o elong in teirun%llied n%tion%lity >olly to te igest %nd l%st r%n) of te fourt %)e re%)ed teirigest )ivili%tion >en te fift %d %rdly %ppe%red in "si% %nd t%t its first off-soot >%s yet % ting of te future. . . . Wen >%s it? =%l)ul%te. 4ou )%nnot tin t%t >e >o %vesu) tre+endous odds %g%inst te %))ept%n)e of our do)trine >ould delier%tely go oninventing  %)es %nd su-r%)es ;in te opinion of $r. u+e< >ere not tey % +%tter of undeni%le f%)t. . . . I told you efore no> t%t te igest people no> on e%rt ;spiritu%lly<elong to te first su-r%)e of te fift root %)eH %nd tose %re te "ry%n "si%ti)sH teigest r%)e ;pysi)%l intelle)tu%lity< is te l%st su-r%)e of te fiftyourselves te >ite)onuerors. 5e +%Gority of +%nind elongs to te sevent su-r%)e of te fourt 0oot 

racete %ove +entioned =in%+en %nd teir off-soots %nd r%n)lets ;$%l%y%ns

$ongoli%ns 5iet%ns J%v%nese et). et). et).< %nd re+n%nts of oter su-r%)es of te fourt%nd te sevent su-r%)e of te tird r%)e. "ll tese f%llen degr%ded se+l%n)es of u+%nity %re te dire)t line%l des)end%nts of igly )ivilied n%tions neiter te n%+es nor+e+ory of >i) %ve survived ex)ept in su) oos %s Popalvul   %nd % fe> otersunno>n to ()ien)e. . . . ;$%%t+% @etter 23<

=%n %nyone )l%i+ to gr%sp te full pi)ture %fter %ving re%d tis p%ss%ge?5o )lose ere is %n indire)t )orroor%tion of te diffi)ulty >it reg%rd to te suGe)t of 

te r%)es fro+ oert 1o>ens Madame Blavats$y on !o* to Study Theosophy1

7. P. 1. see+s pretty definite %out te i+port%n)e of te te%)ing ;in te onclusion<rel%ting to te ti+es of )o+ing of te %)es %nd (u-%)es. (e put it +ore pl%inly t%nusu%l t%t tere is re%lly no su) ting %s % future C)o+ing of r%)es. C5ere is neiter

=O$IAB nor P"((IAB ut etern%l 1E=O$IAB se s%ys. 5e Fourt oot %)e is still %live.(o %re te 5ird %nd (e)ond %nd Firstt%t is teir +%nifest%tions on our present pl%ne of sust%n)e %re present. I no> >%t se +e%ns I tin ut it is eyond +e to get it do>n in>ords. (o lie>ise te (ixt (u-%)e is ere %nd te (ixt oot %)e %nd te (event %ndeven people of te )o+ing O6AD(. "fter %ll t%ts underst%nd%le. Dis)iples %nd 1roters%nd "depts )%nt e people of te every d%y Fift (u-%)e for te r%)e is % st%te of evolution.

71ut se le%ves no uestion ut t%t %s f%r %s u+%nity %t l%rge goes >e %re undreds of ye%rs ;in ti+e %nd sp%)e< fro+ even te (ixt (u-%)e. I tougt . P. 1. so>ed % pe)uli%r%nxiety in er insisten)e on tis point. (e inted %t Cd%ngers %nd delusions )o+ingtroug ide%s t%t te Ae> %)e %d d%>ned definitely on te World. "))ording to er tedur%tion of % (u-%)e for u+%nity %t l%rge )oin)ides >it t%t of te (idere%l 4e%r ;te

)ir)le of te e%rts %xis%out 20::: ye%rs<. 5%t puts te ne> r%)e % long >%y off.8


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Point #10: 7 or 12 (or 10 or 14 or...)?5e tent %nd fin%l point of )ontention is!

is )l%i+ t%t te iger esoteri) te%)ing follo>s te p%ttern %nd syste+ of te nu+er2 r%ter t%n ' >it tere %)tu%lly eing 2 s%)red pl%nets 2 ingdo+s of n%ture 2)l%sses of $on%ds 2 gloes in % pl%net%ry )%in %nd +ore esides.

@et us egin >it % uote fro+ P1!

. Is te Point in te $und%ne Egg te s%+e %s te Point in te =ir)le te 6n+%nifested@ogos?

". =ert%inly not! te Point in te =ir)le is te 6n+%nifested @ogos te $%nifested @ogosis te 5ri%ngle. Pyt%gor%s spe%s of te never +%nifested $on%d >i) lives in solitude%nd d%rnessH >en te our stries it r%di%tes fro+ itself OAE te first nu+er. 5isnu+er des)ending produ)es 5WO te se)ond nu+er %nd 5>o in its turn produ)es5EE for+ing % tri%ngle te first )o+plete geo+etri)%l figure in te >orld of for+. It istis ide%l or %str%)t tri%ngle >i) is te Point in te $und%ne Egg >i) %fter gest%tion

%nd in te tird re+ove >ill st%rt fro+ te Egg to for+ te 5ri%ngle. 5is is 1r%+%-T%)-Tir%G in te indu Pilosopy %nd ,eter-=o)+%-1in% in te ^o%r. ;Transactionsp. *3 <

In oter >ords >en you %dd up %ll te nu+ers in te di%gr%+ of (D !2:: first te%str%)t tri%ngle or tri%d ;5e %pex of te tri%ngle on te %rup% pl%nes in te di%gr%+< or(ein% representing te first 3 ten you %dd =o)+% %nd 1in% representing 2+%ing 0 in tot%l %nd ten %dd te ' gloes >e %ve 2V

;%< 5e ier%r)y of =re%tive Po>ers is divided into seven ;or / %nd 3< esoteri) >itinte t>elve gre%t Orders re)orded in te t>elve signs of te ^odi%)H te seven of te+%nifesting s)%le eing )onne)ted +oreover >it te (even Pl%nets. "ll tis is sudividedinto nu+erless groups of divine (piritu%l se+i-(piritu%l %nd etere%l 1eings. ;(D !23<

Oviously e%) of tese ier%r)ies rel%te to te 2 nu+ers indi)%ted %ove )orre-sponding >it te tri%ngle on te %rup% pl%nes %nd te seven gloes %nd represent teevolution of +on%ds tus 2 ier%r)ies of evolving +on%ds. Puru)ers division gives Gust tis >en de%ling >it te odi%)! e divides te t>elve into ' +%nifest 0 un+%nifest ;seefor inst%n)e  (e)tion / of Fountain)Source o" +ccultism >it its opening di%gr%+<. 5e7seven of te +%nifesting s)%le8 %re tere )orresponded to te seven gloes %nd te sevens%)red pl%nets.

5e igest group Rof te ier%r)y of )re%tive po>ersS is )o+posed of te divine Fl%+esso-)%lled %lso spoen of %s te MFiery @ionsM %nd te M@ions of @ifeM >ose esoteri)is+ isse)urely idden in te ^odi%)%l sign of @eo. It is te nu)leole of te superior divine World.

5ey %re te for+less Fiery 1re%ts identi)%l in one %spe)t >it te upper (epirot%l5I"D >i) is pl%)ed y te ,%%lists in te M"r)etyp%l World.M ;(D !23<

O))ultis+ divides te M=re%torsM into t>elve )l%ssesH of >i) four %ve re%)ed lier)

ation to te end of te MBre%t "geM te fift is re%dy to re%) it ut still re+%ins %)tive onte intelle)tu%l pl%nes >ile seven %re still under dire)t ,%r+i) l%>. 5ese l%st %)t on te+%n-e%ring gloes of our )%in. ;(D 2!''<


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"g%in >e see te 2 divided into 0 7un+%nifested8 %nd ' 7+%nifested8 so to spe% >itte ' dire)tly lined to our seven gloes.

5o te uestion of >eter te 7iger esoteri) te%)ing8 follo>s te p%ttern %nd syste+of te nu+er 2 r%ter t%n ' )%n e %dded te s%+e uestion of >eter te 7igeresoteri) te%)ing8 follo>s te p%ttern %nd syste+ of te nu+er : r%ter t%n te nu+er

' >i) ougt to e uite ovious to %ny serious student of te esoteri) >isdo+ t%t tis iste )%se. P1 st%rted off in (sis &nveiled  >it % represent%tion of te st%nd%rd %ppro%) in%ntiuity of % treefold divisionspirit soul %nd ody>it o))%sion%l ints %s to %sevenfold syste+. In The Secret Doctrine  >e %ve % definite +ove to>%rds % sevenfolddivision ;tus not esoteri) %ny+oreV< >it o))%sion%l ints ;%nd not even very sutleV< %s to% tenfold syste+ t%t +ost liely le%ds us to %n esoteri) underst%ndingV

M5en is te $oter of te (oul for @ife %nd @igt %re terein unitedM s%ys er+es. MFornu+er one is orn of te (pirit %nd te nu+er ten fro+ +%tter ;)%os fe+inine<H teunity %s +%de te ten te ten te unityM ;1oo of te ,eys<. ;(D ! 9: fnU<

75e Deity is lie te (e% fro+ >i) outflo>s % stre%+ )%lled WI(DO$ te >%ters of 

>i) f%ll into % l%e n%+ed Intelligen)e. Fro+ te %sin lie seven )%nnels issue te(even (epirot. . . . . For ten eu%l seven! te De)%de )ont%ins four 6nities %nd tree1in%ries.M 5e ten (epirot )orrespond to te li+s of $"A.8 ;(D !239<

: eu%ls 'V5e )ontention tus lies %)tu%lly et>een 2 %nd : r%ter t%n 2 %nd '. 5%t prole+

%d %lre%dy een sever%l ti+es dis)ussed y P1 for inst%n)e in (sis &nveiled  2!/0' %nd%lso te se)tion on Eeiels Weel >ere se dis)usses te prole+ of >eter tere %re: or 2 odi%)%l signs %nd o> tose t>o extr% signs )%+e into eing. It is not % f%r stret)y %pplying )orresponden)et%t tis s%+e prole+ extends to %ll oter o))urren)es of 2 vs :. In tis sense t>elve +%y e %)tu%lly Gust %n extension of ten depending on te)ontext in >i) it needs to e used in o))ult p%rl%n)e.

In te +%gi) of te old (yro-=%lde%ns ot %re )onGoint in te odi%)%l sign of te%ndrogyne of Tirgo-()orpio %nd +%y e divided or sep%r%ted >enever needed. ;(sis 2!//9<

5e p%tri%r)s %re not only eue+eried godste prediluvi%n %ns>ering to te t*elve

gre%t gods of 1erosus %nd to te ten Pr%dGLp%ti %nd te postdiluvi%n to te seven gods of te f%+ous t%let in te Aineve%n @ir%ry ut tey st%nd %lso %s te sy+ols of te Bree`ons te %%listi) (epirot %nd te odi%)%l signs %s types of % series of u+%n r%)es.5is v%ri%tion fro+ ten to t*elve >ill e %))ounted for presently %nd proved on te very%utority of te Bile. Only tey %re not te first gods des)ried y =i)ero >i) elong to% ier%r)y of iger po>ers te Eloi+ut %ppert%in r%ter to te se)ond )l%ss of teMt>elve godsM te Dii minores% %nd >o %re te terrestri%l refle)tions of te first  %+ong>o+ erodotus pl%)es er)ules. ;(sis 2!/0:-/0<

5us : eu%ls 2VIn (D 2!3*/fna one >ill find % referen)e >ere P1 is referring to te six r%G%+si of %

pl%net%ry )%in >en uoting fro+ te 4endidad  e%) eing du%l %s pointed out y te$%%t+% in te next uote. 5%t gives 2V Our sevent gloe is often not t%en into %))ount %s it is te +%y% of +%y%s Gust %s te pysi)%l ody in so+e sevenfold represent%tions of 


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+%n is not t%en into %))ount.

5e M(even ,%rsv%res of te E%rtMte seven speres of our pl%net%ry )%in te seven>orlds%lso +entioned in te ig-Ted%%re fully referred to else>ere. 5ere %re sixraamsi ;>orlds< %ove prithivite e%rt or MtisM ;id%+< %s opposed to t%t >i) is yonder ;te six gloes on te tree oter pl%nes<. ;(ee 0ig)4eda% (.% 3/H (((.% 0H 4((.% :/ %

and 4.% : . (ee a on =ronology.< ;(D 2!3*/fna<Aeverteless te $%%t+% in)ludes te sevent in te follo>ing st%te+ent!

5ere %re seven oGe)tive %nd seven suGe)tive gloes ;I %ve een Gust per+itted for tefirst ti+e to give you te rigt figure< te >orlds of )%uses %nd of effe)ts. 5e for+er %veour e%rt o))upying te lo>er turning point >ere spirit-+%tter euilir%tes. 1ut do not troule yourself to go into )%l)ul%tions even on tis )orre)t %sis for it >ill only pule yousin)e te infinite r%+ifi)%tions of te nu+er seven ;>i) is one of our gre%test +ysteries<eing so )losely %llied %nd interdependent >it te seven prin)iples of A%ture %nd +%ntis figure is te only one I %+ per+itted ;so f%r< to give you. ;$%%t+% @etter /<

In rel%tion to tis st%te+ent see Puru)ers tre%t+ent of te lo$as %nd talas %nd te >%yin >i) e )orrel%tes te+ >it te gloes. 5ere is +u) to ponder terein.


If >e p%y p%rti)ul%r %ttention to te >%y te 2 gloes %re outlined y Puru)er >e )%nsee t%t >e )ould e%sily l%el ' of te+ 7oGe)tive8 %nd ' 7suGe)tive8 e)%use t>o of tegloes lie rigt on te dividing line et>een 7%rup%8 ;for+less< %nd 7rup%8 ;for+< pl%nes.5us >e )%n s%y t%t tere %re ' oGe)tive gloes %nd 0 suGe)tive gloes %s Puru)er s%ysor >e )%n %lso s%y t%t tere %re ' of e%). Our )ount for te very s%+e syste+ )%n tus eeiter 2 or / >it ut % +inor sift in perspe)tive. O))ult nu+erology is full of teseinds of 7perspe)tive dependent8 eu%tions.

5e %ove referen)e to (sis 2!/0:-/0 %lso indi)%tes t%t 2 is eu%lly %ppli)%le to te 'pl%nes of te di%gr%+ in (D !2:: %s to te ' gloes!

. . . te se)ond )l%ss of te Mt>elve godsM te Dii minores% %nd >o %re te terrestri%lrefle)tions of te first.

@ie te Indi%n isis te P%tri%r)s %re %ll )onvertile in teir nu+ers %s >ell %s inter-)%nge%le. "))ording to te suGe)t to >i) tey rel%te tey e)o+e ten t>elve seven orfive %nd even "ourteen % %nd tey %ve te s%+e esoteri) +e%ning %s te Manus or isis.;(D 2!29<

5us ' eu%ls 2 %nd 2 in % different )ontext )%n e 0 ' : or /V

If >e tin of te 2 notes of te )ro+%ti) s)%le )ont%ining ' >ole %nd 0 %lf notes it is per%ps not % f%r stret) to i+%gine t%t inter+edi%te st%ges of %nyting rel%ting to ' or2 +%y e involved even in te ingdo+s. P1 does not >%nt us to p%rrot er ut >%nts usto tin for ourselves >en %ppro%)ing tese inds of prole+s.

5e s%id ey +ust e turned seven ti+es efore te >ole syste+ is divulged. We >ill


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give it ut one turn %nd terey %llo> te prof%ne one gli+pse into te +ystery. %ppy e>o underst%nds te >oleV ;(sis 2!/<

Per%ps te 7ey8 needs : or 2 or even / turnsV(o %re tere 0 gloes on te %rup% pl%nete tri%d of te %pex of te tri%ngle plus

=o)+% %nd 1in%? Well tere is % gener%l tenden)y in te +ind of students>i)

needs to e over)o+eto +%teri%lie +et%pysi)%l )on)epts >i) is so+eting P1tried to %voidH terefore se +ost liely did not refer to te+ %s 7gloes8 ut r%ter %s7for)es8 or 7iger intelligen)es.8 1ut t%t doesnt i+ply t%t tere is no +%tter on tosepl%nes of >i) >e )%nnot )on)eive ;see te follo>ing uotes<. 5ere +%y o))%sion%lly e% )ert%in tenden)y >it Puru)er to see+ingly 7+%teri%lie8 su) +et%pysi)%l )on)eptsor to le%ve te )on)epts open to +%teri%li%tion in te +ind of te studentut te gener%ldivision of 2 into ' %nd 0 even >en %pplied to 7gloes8 is %n ide% >ell >ort )onsider-%tion y %ll serious students of teosopy.

(ee Puru)er on te ' ] 0 gloes ;7' +%nifest 0 id8< ere!ttp!QQ>>>.teoso)iety.orgQp%s%den%QfundQfund-/2.t+

$ore no> fro+ P1!. We )%n )on)eive of no +%tter >i) is not extended no extension >i) is not 

extension of so+eting. Is it te s%+e on iger pl%nes? "nd if so >%t is te sust%n)e>i) fills %solute sp%)e %nd is it identi)%l >it t%t sp%)e?

". If your Mtr%ined intelle)tM )%nnot )on)eive of %ny oter ind of +%tter per%ps one lesstr%ined ut +ore open to spiritu%l per)eptions )%n. It does not follo> e)%use you s%y sot%t su) % )on)eption of (p%)e is te only one possile even on our E%rt.8 ; Transactions %

p. 3<

. W%t is re%lly +e%nt y te ter+ Mpl%nes of non-eingM?

". In using te ter+ Mpl%nes of non-eingM it is ne)ess%ry to re+e+er t%t tese pl%nes%re only to us speres of non-eing ut tose of eing %nd +%tter to iger intelligen)es

t%n ourselves. ; Transactions % p. :-:' <

. W%t %re te iger po>ers >i) )ondition te "-i?

". 5ey )%nnot e )%lled po>ersH po>er or per%ps Potenti%lity >ould e etter.8 ;Trans)

actions p. 2<

Deity or  Asoluteness% >i) )%n %rdly e supposed acting in %ny >%y%s %l>%ys+e%nt in %n)ient pilosopies te )olle)tivity of te >oring %nd intelligent For)es inn%ture. ;Transactions % p. /3 <

If one olds te %ove ide%s in +ind >ile refle)ting %) on te uotes s%red e%rlierin reg%rds to te "-i e)o+ing Pl%net%ry (ol%r @un%r %nd even Egos one +%y find %

)le%rer pi)ture egin to e+erge. In %ny )%se if te %ove reply illustr%tes noting else it )ert%inly de+onstr%tes te flexiility needed >en %ppro%)ing o))ult nu+erology. Weougt not to e so ui) to dis+iss te use of v%rying nu+ers in rel%tion to te s%+e ide%s.If >e eep our +inds flexile >e +%y find +%ny %ppropri%te uses for te nu+ers 3 0 ': 2 / et).


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Closing Words5o )on)lude >e %pologie for te )opious referen)es %nd %ve tried to eep our o>n

st%te+ents %nd opinionsunless un%void%leto % +ini+u+ so %s to let te te%)ings

l%rgely spe% for te+selves ut >en students )riti)ie te per)eption of oter studentsit follo>s t%t % +ini+u+ of )ourtesy >ould involve %)ing up teir o>n per)eptions >itrelev%nt +%teri%l fro+ te origin%l te%)ings.

6ndoutedly te +%teri%l >e %ve een given for study y te te%)ers f%lls >itin tere%l+ of te )on)eptu%l +ind %nd tus is %l>%ys open to interpret%tion. 5is is %ppli)%le to%ny %nd every student. Even P1 or te "depts )%nnot %void tis predi)%+ent %s t%t is tepl%ne on >i) >e oper%te %t present %nd t%t is >ere tey +ust +eet us. 1e)%use of tisP1 persistently %dvises us to use our intuition or inner f%)ulties!

en)e it +ust e left to te intuition %nd te iger f%)ulties of te re%der to gr%sp %s f%r%s e )%n te +e%ning of te %llegori)%l pr%ses used. Indeed it +ust e re+e+ered t%t %ll tese (t%n%s %ppe%l to te inner f%)ulties r%ter t%n to te ordin%ry )o+preension of 

te pysi)%l r%in. ;(D !2<Only tose >o re%lise o> f%r Intuition so%rs %ove te t%rdy pro)esses of r%tio)in%tive

tougt )%n for+ te f%intest )on)eption of t%t %solute Wisdo+ >i) tr%ns)ends teide%s of 5i+e %nd (p%)e. ;(D !fnU<

5o so+e extent it is %d+itted t%t even te esoteri) te%)ing is %llegori)%l. 5o +%e tel%tter )o+preensile to te %ver%ge intelligen)e reuires te use of sy+ols )%st in %nintelligile for+. en)e te %llegori)%l %nd se+i-+yti)%l n%rr%tives in te exoteri) %nd te;only< semi-+et%pysi)%l %nd oGe)tive represent%tions in te esoteri) te%)ings. For tepurely %nd tr%ns)endent%lly spiritu%l )on)eptions %re %d%pted only to te per)eptions of tose >o Msee >itout eyes e%r >itout e%rs %nd sense >itout org%nsM %))ording to tegr%pi) expression of te =o++ent%ry. ;(D 2!*<

5erefore noting of >%t %s een rougt for>%rd needs to e s>%llo>ed >ole y%nyone %s e%) individu%l student +ust le%rn to )o+e to is or er o>n )on)lusions.Aeverteless >e ope to %ve )ontriuted in % sensile +%nner to te )onvers%tion %s+%ny of te )riti)is+s to>%rds B. de Puru)ers )on)eptions in te : points rougt for>%rd %ve een ver%lied for +%ny ye%rs >itout %ving re)eived due pro)ess %s to is)l%i+s.

We >ould on)e +ore lie to reiter%te t%t our purpose for tis ess%y >%s not to defendor %solve B. de Puru)er >it reg%rd to is )on)eptions %s represented in tese : pointsut to point out ot te l%) of )on)lusions presented %s %n %ltern%tive to is st%te+ents%nd so+e of te fl%>s involved in su) vie>s %s %re )o++only put for>%rd %s % +e%ns todis+iss is. We )%n only )on)lude t%t in essen)e te +%Gority of Puru)ers )on)eptionsere %re not t%t different fro+ >%t >e per)eive to e te true teosopi)%l te%)ings.5erefore te )opious referen)es %ve een %n un%void%le ne)essity to prove our point.

It see+s to us t%t +ost of te )riti)is+s leveled %g%inst Puru)ers ide%s )o+e fro+ t>o+%in issues! . %n %tte+pt to find %nd )ling to 7definite ter+s for definite tings8 %nd 2. %f%ilure to re)ognie te relativity  of te teosopi)%l pilosopy i.e.  t%t te teosopi)%l


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pilosopy represents % ind of 7for+ul%8 t%t )%n e %pplied mutatis mutandis  to t%t >i) is %ove %nd t%t >i) is elo> in %n endless series of gre%ter %nd lesser syste+s;see (D !2:-22<H t%t e)%use of tis even te 7%solute8 to us )%n e rel%tiveV 5ere +ust e % flexiility in our %ppro%) to te teosopi)%l pilosopy if >e %re to +ove eyond telo>er +ind or r%tio)in%tive re%soning %nd %>%en our intuitions.

In reg%rds to 7definite ter+s8! no dout tere %re definite ter+s for definite tings ut >e %s )o++on students %re )ert%inly not in possession of tose ter+stey elong to tere%l esoteri) l%ngu%ge >%tever it is. "ll te ter+s >e %ve ;>it per%ps so+e ex)eptionslie 7oe%ooo8 et).< %re sustitute terms dr%>n fro+ exoteri) syste+s %nd used y P1 WJ%nd oters in % >ide v%riety of >%ys in order to point our intuitions to>%rds te esoteri)syste+. 5%t v%riety %nd flexiility in teir use is see+ingly purposeful %nd >e tin >e>ould %ll e >ise not to )on)retie te+ too +u) or to %ssu+e stri)t %nd inflexile+e%nings for tis or t%t ter+ e)%use of teir use in one pl%)e or teir use in exoteri)syste+s of tougt. @e%st of %ll sould >e try to disreg%rd %noter teosopists )on)ep-tions %sed solely on our o>n ;li+ited< underst%nding of te ter+inology or tepilosopy. 5%t in itself is f%r fro+ te teosopi)%l spirit. "s oert 1o>en p%r%pr%ses

in is notes fro+ studies >it P1!One +ust not e % fool ;se s%id< %nd drive oneself into te +%douse y %tte+pting too

+u) %t first. 5e r%in is te instru+ent of >%ing )ons)iousness %nd every )ons)ious+ent%l pi)ture for+ed +e%ns )%nge %nd destru)tion of te %to+s of te r%in. Ordin%ryintelle)tu%l %)tivity +oves on >ell e%ten p%ts in te r%in %nd does not )o+pel sudden%dGust+ents %nd destru)tions in its sust%n)e. 1ut tis ne> ind of +ent%l effort )%lls forso+eting very differentte )%rving out of ne> Mr%in p%tsM te r%ning in different order of te little r%in lives. If for)ed inGudi)iously it +%y do serious pysi)%l %r+ to ter%in. 5is +ode of tining ;se s%ys< is >%t te Indi%ns )%ll Jn%n% 4og%. "s oneprogresses in Jn%n% 4og% one finds )on)eptions %rising >i) toug one is )ons)ious of te+ one )%nnot express nor yet for+ul%te into %ny sort of +ent%l pi)ture. "s ti+e goes ontese )on)eptions >ill for+ into +ent%l pi)tures. 5is is % ti+e to e on gu%rd %nd refuse toe deluded >it te ide% t%t te ne> found %nd >onderful pi)ture +ust represent re%lity.It does not. "s one >ors on one finds te on)e %d+ired pi)ture gro>ing dull %nd uns%tis-fying %nd fin%lly f%ding out or eing tro>n %>%y. 5is is %noter d%nger point e)%use forte +o+ent one is left in % void >itout %ny )on)eption to support one %nd one +%y ete+pted to revive te )%st-off pi)ture for >%nt of % etter to )ling to. 5e true student >illo>ever >or on un)on)erned %nd presently furter for+less gle%+s )o+e >i) %g%inin ti+e give rise to % l%rger %nd +ore e%utiful pi)ture t%n te l%st. 1ut te le%rner >illno> no> t%t no pi)ture >ill ever represent te 5rut. 5is l%st splendid pi)ture >ill gro>dull %nd f%de lie te oters. "nd so te pro)ess goes on until %t l%st te +ind %nd itspi)tures %re tr%ns)ended %nd te le%rner enters %nd d>ells in te World of no for+ ut of >i) %ll for+s %re n%rro>ed refle)tions.

Ao teosopists )on)eptions %re sure enoug to dis+iss %noter teosopists )on)ep-tions outrigt %nd no teosopist or group of teosopists ougt to )l%i+ sole o>nersipof 7genuine teosopy.8 "ll of our )on)eptions %re te+por%ry pi)tures of re%lity t%t if >epus for>%rds >ill e tr%ns)ended in due ti+e.

We )%n do no etter t%n to )on)lude tis ess%y >it % referen)e fro+ %n %rti)le y $r.Judge!


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5e exoteri) Indi%n pilosopies )%ll te 6niverse 1r%+% Rsi)S )onsisting of ;(%t<%solute existen)e ;=it< %solute intelligen)e %nd ;bn%nd%< %solute liss >it t>o oterdivisions )%lled ;AL+%< n%+e %nd ;cp%< for+. 5e Esoteri) do)trine does not )ontent itself >it % +ere +et%pysi)%l Guggling >it tese ter+s ut goes to te lengt of )l%i+ingto expl%in te +etod of univers%l evolution %nd te idden tings in n%ture. ;%rti)le on7Esoteri) 1uddis+8 y WJ<

@et us see to underst%nd t%t method  %nd not get too ung up on te use of tis or t%t ter+ %nd let us not get too ung up on trying to )%st do>n oter teosopists even if >etin tey %re in errH )%sting te+ do>n does not r%ise us up.