The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1889-04-25 [p ].€¦ · tiia bottom, put hiiu down tut a...

L' What a Street. THE EVERY LADY If tiny dealer says he has the W. I Donslae Jiioes without name and price) stamped op tiia bottom, put hiiu down tut a fraud. ALOOil. i ffe A Sew Science. A method of drawing of drawing ou. disease from the huma body by a sort of filtering process is the latest addition to therapeutic sci- ence. Tho patient is seated in cn air-tig- ht receiver in which the at- mosphere 'm rartfied by means of a pump. Through a hole in the glass a rubber tube passes to the mouth of the occupant, who inhales by this WASHINGTON ETTEE. (From our regular Correspondent. ) Washington April, 23, 18b9. Harrison is still keeping up hie policy of wearing out the ofifce-setke- rs, and judging Irono the way the hotel lobbies are beginning to thin out he is succeeding pretty well. With the ixcepticn of a batch of postmasters, he has made no important appointtnetts this week, and the republican are slow- ly discovering that it is poor poli- cy to try to drive him into a hurrj after re ha? announced his inUn tion of going slow. Patience, Messrs. ofllcc-sceke- rs, your ma- chine goes slowly but every time it appoints a man it ia u republican, free from any symptoms of mug-wumpe- ry, that succeeds a democrat acd it is only a quektion of time when every democrat now ia effice will be succeeded by a republican. What more can you ask? Ia the mean time if you want to see the republicans appointed add demo- crats removed with lightning ra- pidity just drop into Firs! Assist- ant Postmaster General Clarkson's office and see him manipulate the fourth c'nss post offices of the coun try. He has reached an average of over fifty a day. .v. niiaiMiiiiMnn- 'fill i The Value of Longevity. Dr. Felix L. Oswald, in writing of the value of longevity, says: "Can there be a doubt that Barns and Keats foresaw the issue or tiieir struggle against bigotry,' of thai Ceruantec, in the gloom of his misery, could read the signs of the dawn presaging a sunburst of posth- umous fame? "Sp noza and Schiller died at the threshold of their goal; Pascal, Harvey, Micauiey, Buckle and IJichat left their inimitable works half finished; Iiidheal, Mozart and Byron died at. tha verge ot a sum- mit which perhaps no other fool shall ever approach. ''Who knows how oftan, since the dawn of modern science, the chdl of death has palsied a hand that had all but lifted the veil of Isis' temple? Or in how many thousand lives time alone would have solved all discords into har- monies? An increase of longevity would indeed, so've the vexing rid- dles of existence; it would furnish the peculiar endorsement, of Mr. Mallock's conclusion. It would give the vicissitudes of fortune chance to assert their equalizing ten- dencies, it would supply a missing link iu the arguments of that natu- ral religion luat trusts the equi- poise of justice in the apparent cap ricec of human fate. fAHTO 1 N A silk cress: This is your oppor- -' y-- 1 i Wnity. A. new dea partmre. bzlks av rect from the mantis Ah vfacturera to you24 uur leuucea prices Drug ue Dest good within: each of all. Wa re the only nuuv iaeturera in toa U. 8. selling db recttocenkj You take aa risk. We war rant every piece of goods as represent. or moner ., re funded. 8ea v if oar referen- ces. We are the oldest ilk Manufacture (era in the U.S. Es tablished in 183S. (withover CO years experience We guarantee t&O CHAFFEK ir.ESS SILKS. Tor richness of 30lor,superior fin Ish and wearing qualities, to be unexcelled by LtScTfKSed.eeof?er U Oiese Dress Sjlks in Gros Grains, Satins, Surahs, D.m. nri a Ida Cloths, in. Blacks mlr. - We send to all parts of the U. 8. It will st yon only a postal card to see foryonr- - elvcs. Send a postal and we will forward J. rou SAMPLES 1 BEE with prices.; S. CHAFFEE & SON v Mansfield Centre. Conn.e-- .u Refer, by permission, to Flnt national Bank, Wind- ham National Bank, Dime Saving. Bank, W UUraasOs SaTlng. Institute, of WilUmanlle, Conn. S II . wiiheocuureM Pattern we pre. I!nftfilIffkTKottb bn7er with 1000 Yard. Hwlmr Silk, and enouEh SUk - Braid to bind bottom ot dreae. THE GOODS aliaryins CHARGES PREPAID vuojsuo toaqi 9a3 etjs "oajprniO pt sqs neqM uo)SV3 OJ Sumo 9q9 'ssjk eurooaq oqs naqjvt. vuotsuo joj pauo eqs 'prnQ rat. an? nsqjfi IJOBO JH SA3 'jpis sua qa oay V "The Breath of Life." OXYGEN is the life giving element of air and water. spwy bulb without It there can be no life. Soecific Oxyoen Is ECE the only Medica- ted Oxvgen In use. IT UJ I W. SPECIFIC OXYGEN cures Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup, Diphtheria, Fneu-monl- a, Catarrh, Ac. NMETREAlWErf It is life. It revital- izes the blood. It gives appetite. It soothes and heals the lungs. MnmiaJ on Oxvcen Treat. men t, free. D. R. OVERMAN, M.D., Medical Director JPECIFIC OXYGEN CO., NASHVILLE, TENN- - MARVELOUS llllLlii BY DISCOVERY. Daly Genuine System of Memory Training;, l our Uooks Iji-a- i ued ia one reading-- . Mind wandering cured. jHvery rliilti ani nda!t ttreatly benefitted. Gf aat inducements to Correspondence Claaeea. Prospectis, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hn. mono, the w:rld-fam-- d Specialist in Mind Disease., Danit-- I (iroenlcnf Thompson, the great Psychol-wrist-- , ,F. 3. Buckley, .!., editor of the Christian A'toncaf", iY. i'., liii-hur- Proctor, the Scientist, I !r"r.. V.". XV. Awtor, Jiidse tiibnon, Judah P. anii others, sent post free by ' of. A. L,OI6ETTE, 237 Fifth Aye., N. V. What- - means an atomized soiutioD, trie chemical c institution of which i., as yet, a secret. Thie fluid makes its way quickly from the lungs out ward through the pores of the skin, the rapidity of tbe action i greatle increastd by the uimiaisLe-- atmos phcric pressure on the surface, ani in ca33 of sickness t'le body ia sat- urated with it until all the impuri- ties which giv rise to or are the re suit of mortil conditions are ex- pelled. The exact ti me required tor the passage of the solution from the lungs to the culicule has been as- certained by 4!ie very simple expe- dient of coloring the liquid and placing a small piece of wu.te cot- ton cloth on the back: it will aohw within two minutes after theatom'zod fluid was inhilod. Th'n affords a suggestion wh'ch will, doubtless, b very useful in diagno sis. Experiment will probably es- tablish the fact that certain diseases produce certain color effects upon the medicinal solution, aad in fu-tn- re. in order to find out what it tho matter with any one, it will tdmply be necessary to stick a white plaster on his back and put him in- to the exhaust receiver for a minute or two, at the end of which time his complaint will be definitely indicat ed by the lint regii',ered. In case where a variety of diseases are prea ent a rainbow effect will exhibit the complicated nature of the disorder. Thupathology will attain the rank of au exec-scienc- instead of being, as it ia now, rather a matter of guesswork than of knowledge; aDd the day is. in all probability, not far off, when the spectrum analysis will be as valuable an aid to the physician as to the astronomer. The Watermelon. It ia frequently asserted that the watermelon lacks distinctive Us'.e anu some persona regard tnis as a serious objection to that luscious vegetable-- . Colored people general ly regard such a suggestion as alto gether hypocritical; but the fault, if it is one, seriously diminishes the popularity of the fruit. Fortunate ly, however, the difficulty has at length been overcome by an ingen ious horticulturist of Arlington Ga who has invented a way of commu nicating to the watermelon any fl-- vor that may be desired. His meth od is, before the fruit ripen?, to cut a slit ti bout an inch long in t'sc stem and pour in a drop or so of flavoring extract for say two weeks After the operation ia performed the wound ia closed and the stem tied with & siring. Jn this manner it is poseible to obtain a melon a la choc- olate, a la strawberry, a la vanilia- - and-crea- m, a la most any thing you please. Red pepper, mustard And oiher condiments may be introduc- ed, if it is wished, and the las'.e thus raised to a point sufficiently high to suit any palate. New Eng land Illustrated Magazine. If the Citizen remembers correct ly Mr. Madison Harwell, of this county, made this discovery more than ten years ago, and his melons are said to be the best in lhe world Agricultural Chtmhs. Prohibit cruelty to domestic ani mals. Every garden should have a li' tie bed of parsley. it is uurtiui to clover to tu-- stock on it in the spring. Repair aad repainl implement, etc. A hen with a frosted oorab will not lay. The clasa of men who read the most are the best and most com- fortable farmers. When setting tho hens sprinkle flour of sulphur in the nests to keep down the lice. Try pinching back a hill or so of lima beans when the plants are a foot or so high. Eveiy dead limb on a treo should be cut away, not only for the ap- pearance of the tree, but to avoid the incumbrance. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Best In tne world. Examine his ."S.OO GENl'INK 1IASD-SKWE- I1 SHOE. M.(M) HAXD-SEWF- D WKLT SHOK. S3.S0 POLICE AND FAKMEKS' SHOE. KXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. S3.8S WORKINGMAVS SHOK. 82.0O and S1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL 4HOE9 All luaile in Con press. Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LADRE8. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. not aokl by your dealer, write FOR SALE BY P. MAY&SON6 PULASKI. EZELL, CARTER & Co., Ef KTOJl. TEPI Vanto. in every con Tit v Mir'-ivt- n:;-- ; 1 hi-'!- '.Umciioot iu ., si ii-- r m i decennary. Th Iiitenri::nn;ii I jniiir if tho I. ure:ii ir ' re oneri! tc. mi j f r For sale by Popa & Kecvcs. cm 5MES TrytheCure Ely's Crearn Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al- lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Eestores the Senses of Taste, SmeU ' and Hearing. A particle Is oppMod Into ench nostril and ia asjreeable. Price 60c. at UruKgiats or by snail. ELY BKOTHKRS,66 Warren SU.New York. is Childron cry for Castoria. Mil- - " I recommend Castoria for children's complaints, as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. I).. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. isMb Banner. We want an apont'n every eimmon'ttr, and betidea tha n.ual commission si lowed, we are ottering a special list of cah prii to jrlies who teceive sod forward subscriptions to th H ANN Ell, Send for cir ulev. TheWek)y KANNTIt i tl bo-- t weakly published in Toano-sei- . It cut. ins mure- - news and a jrrci.u r vanety or toidin mat ter, and ia worth the subscription vrioe of fi.wt to anyone who wishes to keep on the current sveula and discus- sions of the times It give the nsws 1m pattislly, and dicuiws public qaes lions ireely aud frankly. Its varit usdepart-met- a are entertainins; and instruct! vo, end it ia a paper which shonld 1m in every home circle, BANNEK I'UB. CO., r. Nasnville, Tsui. Real Lstate Agency I respectfu'ly solvit from tlioe havinir for L sale or rom any lands. dwellinf., bni.1- - nesv houses or )oti, the m to be p ! witn roo. i will advertise and exert mysoll to disoose of tlie npoi the terms agreed upon and will tnrnib alt transfers and deeds ready for siena'ure, charging en- - ly reasooaois eotnmlssiona lot my service. In connection with this 1 will klill eoi.- - tinue tbe business of Insurance, placing all Duildmirs and contents in first class com pa nies at board rates. EDMDNDSON A STEELE. LEON (iODEFltOY, Watch-Make- r IND West Side Square. 0 WENC .jLLAHAN, BAv'.'a or BOOTS AND SHOES. . 4 15KI. TENi. ir'ric Work a Specialty REPAIRING DON1 (test no ... ,.nd in very ueale.,1 m arable style. The Best in the Market I HAVEnn liKn.l inM slvnlr t I f .1 1 mmlc Itoon Hnil Slioei-l- lie very het gooatt tnaa.1. it 'ays to i.ny t' e hot. I also kaen a Mt.n'k nf pnatnm.m..l. Don't bay until you seo tho host in tow- n- maun iiy inv.oii. j yrooo nno 01 I.1MI.!S 'ja2-- if OWEN CALLAHAN. II IN ,TIIB Grocery Trade In Pulaski. :o:- - R.CII If.'v?!. r.D.PUU.KN J.S.CMIilers&Co Carry the Most Man S BCK OP G-roceri- es And are Satisfied with Small Profits. :o: O not buy clacwhere until you D have tried us, for wo know we InLow Prices BEST GOODS AND Best Variety. :o - TRY OUR 'SUPERB We parch itourselvet. J. Miirs&Co CraigS McLemore. WHOLK8ALK AD KBTalL Druggists. PAINTS, OILS. VARNI8HE8, DYE STUFFS Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS ComposndoJ by ens of the most ecmpetfi droff iiu in lis state, at ell boars, day or nijtt. The Bowery is a streA, noth Ing more, bat what a strc-.s- ! Shops, saloons, restaurant, ual.s. theatres, museum, pa vn brokers, pistol gallerys, dives an.l dons, r.ll of cheapest shoddy liku li e cioth- - ing displayed for sle tv ue He- brew dealers th re, ga'v m zid, like the flashy jewlry seen in the win- dows and on the people. It is the Broi l way of the rough hiK-nrs of tho -- ity; the Chnup W.s-- - of th- - rw aad criminal iue B ;ulevard ds C lamoi p ica fir thj low down uf all nvJons. Aa hourswaik ilt carry one through i. and the ficea an 1 will epri sots ev-ir- c!i ne a i I country Ian ijineu a id se.i iisii. hi d'.'i.n in I cn namen, Ionian Ar.ica', 1 k. and IIor3eaie.' buukoin m, roi-'- a- bout nd U;i up. The n!i I u i no the inisoelUarfixn and cm ';oni!i'uie "cit:ty, the tendd.icy ( 'iiioli is ever d jwawrd. In e u ly times ii is da lied Bowtr lanu. but the liagy Inn,) posts hot bear the single-wor- d by which it is ka-iw- and spo- ken in every t ntie Bjwery. It is the s'eepi.'di vlici t m ligui ot d;iy is hrighier, 1:1 I i i j t wd-d- er wikefulr.e4 aa m'dnih, ap- proaches. Ic lias its ebbs aadlljwsaad thj tide of s'n i higiji'st when tho sacro.l Sabbath is nearest. Then the discarded of earth issue into dim view unde the sha low of nigh', iu this waste bas ket of the human fauily. The bridesmaid and the ush-- r have gone out of t'as'.i m 'or di pt eent. Stylish wcddi.jr wi;l be arranged so that the hruhnml groom shall have no Tivals fur the attention of the onlookers. The regulation society wedding has be come ot late such an exn.-n.4iv- thing that more than one yonng man, matrimonially incline)?, has dreaded the bill he must pay for supper to hia ushers, presents to the same, etc. And the father who has to foot the bills pertaininir to a daughter's marriage will be glad to nave me extravagance of thd cere- mony reduced to a minimum. mm Presents in the most elegant form TI'.Z LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS OUIOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma- nently cure Habitual Consti- pation, and the many ills de- pending cn a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When One is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PUr?E BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VOUR DRUGGIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY NEW YORK, K. Mothers. There are upon the sUn o! every hu- man being, child and adult allko, 2,300-00- 0 pores. Through these pore? in the form of insensible perspiration, is ex- pelled more than one-quart- er of the nourishment taken into the system. The importance of keeping open these perspiration valves upon a chilli's body. is second only to thet ef promptly di- gesting the lood eaten. It was to open the pores of tho skin and to assimilate the lood that Dr. Pitcher formulated Castorla. Loose bowels, constipation, feersand eruptions which are so con- stant among infants and childron, and which kill one-thi- rd of all children be- fore they are live years old, arise prin- cipally from these two causes. It is from the wonderful results attendant upon the use of Castoria in regulating the stomachs and bowels and keeping open tha pores of the skin, that Casto- ria acquired its world wide reputation. With plenty of water for the body, pure air for the lungs nnd Castoria to assimilate the food, there need be no unaccounted for sickness among chil- dren. Castoria is a vegetable prescrip- tion without morphine or other narcotic proper. y. Thirty years extensive u?e bag given it a history . :rer attained by another medicine. J3QiU)RNlNCLREVERIE, t " It is mirrcllotu tow a man like my husband, Who pridei himself on bU tidy appearance, can Carry so much hidden dirt If tbe edge of my klrt looked aa abominable u the bottom of hU trousers he'd fly In a ragre. And aU this nasti-ne- u could be avoided if he would use Wolffs ACME Blacking en hi Shoe, bat he won't j and yet he tyi it U the finest Dreesinr in the world for hit Barnes. Rome men are just pig headed, and John it one of them." WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. SAd by all l!ri and Earn Voters. I . M. GBBT, DRUGGIST, - KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF School Books, Stationery, Painls, Oik -- Varnishes, TULASKI, TENN. TELEPHONE NO. 23 ' East Side Pcbllc Sqnarf, Jssnppliod witatts 'ORIST WffiSLICrORi Ne house bss boon expansively re uruishei. lie giarsctets I .. of wines, liquors, to,, to be b . RBLLIAKEi &1'00?j Tables are in a pleaannt and retired room on tt.e grcund Ci'or. IK ADVISIC OUR FRIENDS WHO VV ere in want of Furniture & Mattresses to call on r lth Weakley & Warren, NASI! VILLE.N , Mar.urao'nrera and Wholesale suj Kitall uvainra in an i max or rariot. Chamber, liming room. Hall, Library and t'lBce CurledHair.CoUon, CoUoc-to- p A Shuck ATTRE8SES! Bpriul and Woven Wire Bud P prints, Tby keop the Urgent, llncot nu,i bust as srotod stock in the south and aeil at reason able priooe. AU orders will have prorrpl at enlion. WEAKLEY & WAP. REN. II A. H0SEKGKAJNT 0 H 0 a Saddles and Harness North VVi't Uoinor Square, jPuask, - - Tcnnessoo. NoxtDoor to BANKIN'8. AT Xj3I!a-3IiriLyf- it m WM IU PRICES ! HMM kiL to i.',l This KW'nantl'rlor Organ style 70 coutainliiK on tavaa, 4 sots of rvsds, 10 topi, kne. swells, btoul and Book fres. Fur only $R3.00, With r I Klit mi,1 left couplna "Warranted lor 6 srs." 111. olil tu.oud jlta,iMl I referenras as to your from any bank- er, pontmastvr, ni.rt-Len- t or iprasa Sfrsnt.and tlie()rKn win .niiu promptly ou ti n day.' t tn.l. Circular free to aU. Be tere to write ms, and sart moa.y. Solid walnut eases. Mestloa Taper where this AD H Is tees. " Re elected Mayor April 0, 1868, by a large majority. H. W. ALLEGER, WasMagtoa. i Warren Countj, t New jersey, UMTte 8rTts or Amcsica. DR. 'i&YLOR'S saWARR ANTED r'JTXiv PURELY VEGETABLE. CURE FORKti fSBlu0US and Intermittent fever ALL MALARIAL DISORDERS. ill ALL DEIANQIMI aTl OF 1M STOMACH & BOWELS. am (rrr.m-iv- rkmeut run all Liver 6c Kidnoy Complaintq Price 50 cts. i Bottle. Trial Bottles 25 cts. rot IAXI mSTVMSI. rrrptMl Ctij Vy RICHARDSON-TAYLO- R ME0. CO., SOS . Powrth Btreet. 8T. LOUIS, rtO. OnU fnra Oopyof Htk"OUR FA MIT. Y TBOURIXS, ' Be uaa et aU .ton., or W ' " tan wtul miuu. CHILLS j FEVEK NTLtt s CIxVcLEaNSEDfMALAlTIA I Fever Tonic as aearesa4qdrOarla the awtSoMxivnraMb IltooroablrelMiiMtl.Mtetauf ii n. t n. t tin run, eomplMa. tv bee Ulu. m 4i rw.l. t C't.'AA IS OUARAMTEID. ene.l.oaM it f.I !. 1.. l .ulti.prlrrf to HrrtTNIiTifa HIkkt-- y t. i tr iu tsrorv a . TRIAL! B .ur tn e.i y j: T'r.r'-- ; ferKREII' FETIK TOR IS. Trice, I I. rr inula. KB ESS' FIVtS TONIC CO., t ST. 10JIS. KC ASK FOR IT! THE SELFTHREADlNa glDQgDig "B" In it srs com. i biosd ths flo-- GDI set mechanic al Iklll, tbe and most IstnenU. rirsctical asefal and Ot) J all known ad. vantages that naks a sew. lot machine desirable to sail or um. CLDRBDC3 MPQ- - CO. rieUrj tad W&eUu cst, BsirUs, Cj 99 re4 SWreet. e Ttk. 1,V.IUlre-- . PERFECTION SPECTACLE L. GODEFROY HAS the exolnsive sale of thoco nnrqaall glasses in .'Pulankj. Try them a yon will no ithor. Voa nevor paw an) fraraos like tbdrr.. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. 0 N Firt Main tircot, n ar pquaro i,Now nouho auj new rurnitnro. FIRST-CLS- S ACCOMMODATION. TEEilS l to Jl.."0 par day. 8 2-- ly - T. P. KERSEY, Prop. DR. C. C. ABERUATHY VITILLoonllnuo tho practice of Medio 'V and Surgery, and will qivo b( ccial a Untion to the treatmect Oi FEU ALB DISEASES. Office on lut Main Strsot, up stairs, next to CIT1ZFM UrricE, l'u, .ki, ienn. Is 1. 1 Sill Ss CO. NVITK THEIR CUSTOM KIM TO . inspect tbel- - SPRING & SUMMER an a Bnin M Lfiilics will flntl ALL THE NEW STYLES tli a t tasic nnd lashtpn can c' in the way of Flumes, Tits, Mim h hm ' S r ' C.ishmero, Fc titer s nil otlir Goods. Bonnets & Hats in Plush, Velvet fir,l Felt, niul ATTRACTIVE GOODS of all kinds With thanks or tho liberal pitron-sfj- c we havo i.lwnvH had, wo hope to deserve more in lutu re. 4oc5m Miss M. A. SMITH A CO s.".l MRoot MEKT CURES SPRAIMS.BRUISES.KHE.UMATISA a uKt,irlflui . aPAYIH iFUNT. IIKGB0N'r. EF!Z03TIC.ttc. 50CENTS PERBoTTLt. RKtutWISM,SCROFULArAlLDisBSt- :- , of The BLO OD. iPF.R BOTTLE- - 6jon$5. ...fivr.iii.. uu uij rta avm.r 50LD EYERYYHtR5a i'oi- - sale hy Craig t MeLenr.orc. Is This A Fact? fpnT no ona cun aflori to ran a 'Vheal Tbrchar unions their machines are in good ropair? Otnlc: & Wilkins f Cr,l it ba, Tenn ., tho well known rra-e- li Ida', enn rebuild engines, thret-her- and corna and will guarantee them to give i it'ect satirfsction. We have on hand soin t plendid seetnd hand engiiies and tbr ii era that vo will asl' very cheap. We are a so agents for the well known Gaar-Sco- tt Engine, Thrskors and Hullors. The Oaar-Sco- tt Thrjo Way Crsnk Thresher is THE FINEST SEPARATOR ever plao l on lhe raarkit. It isbu'.i t on t rotary plan. Ni man can tTrl to bay vibrator before they see this rnschine. t'end for illustrate! catalogue. CKilO WIT.K1N, al'-t- t Columbia, Tenn. hi i lit jUiJlJ CAUTION. Fwl.t's SpM-ifl- : la rntKr'r a wrrtiWe rrrTr. etwwi. ami flij-.h- l i:nt I.- - !. fouMU-- wn.'i Hit tztiaa :ibii.o!f. '..hU ! , r m sern-- Ali-n- .i-. ' '". ' aliifh are in. brtnj ni T'lfariiTi I l (irrwiti.. Nn:e tit liite m.ii.:ii a sniclo liKh rntc-- lnlf the rota i!l:.n 11 s. S. f . Tlw-r- c U lr mi- - Fnifi'. hju ci. c, md Sucre U OOlliii:j lit . risVoiUJikcit, CaT7-T.:n- .i T, TV. rbrtisryt1. !'. Crr.llcrj i: I rcA-iu- tv.o vii , ,1 ws l.y tiller ky.k lai., bin lh-- r.,u;.l d j t.u i riuJ. 1 r.r f -. ,s s. anJ tin y I'iU '.- - it m iMilcl kill en but i Iriril H tH Bar, trt-- l sfu r lakli:-,- ' lx ot lehl iMf.tli-s- . I ai i.m.!iti ly cur-l- , 01 liavo never Ik-- , a lai) "1 mi o ilh it. a:d I Irrl it a duty lay .i luBcrnJ liumrmly l make Uis rlatcatrut. 11. b. DaTIS. JIoKTroc? IIot-rE- , Will r!i't. Tct. Jlpr;i5, is Gentlemen: fhir bn.y hm but two r kt old as atlafked iiU a scrfulMis aiTlina lint fur a lime dii roiol bcr entirely, and ranged ns to dvtjiair of lu--r life. blH lrrat-- ly (lie bct liviriitn lilimit Ufiefi!. Wi finally rave tier Hwifi , whick Sfioa relieTrd Ikt ennipU-lrl- and ! I. imw a bale and hearty a cb.M u( lliri as ran be fxud anywhere. E. V. Usua. Treallse est Blood and Skin 1)Imc mailed free. Ths rtwirrrirKt iric.-t'ii.- . Drawer 3, Allanla.Ua, New Vork, VJt Itroadway. , Castoria i Dr. Saml Pitener's old, harmless and quick cars for Infants and Children's Complaints. Snparior to Castor Oil, Paregorio or Narootio Syrups. lions of Mothers bless Castoria. Assistant Secretary Uussey of the Interior Department has just reversed a pension decision of General Black, that will affect ma- ny other applications. The ap plicant was injured by the fall ot a tier of seats a', a circus, and Gen. IJlack jejetts the application for a pension on the ground that the in- jury was not received during the performance of duty. This de- cision has now been reversed and tbe pension allowed. The published disa&reemen, be tween Mr. Ilarrisoa and Mr. Blaine does not exist as far as I can as- certain, therefore the rumored re tirement of Blaine from the Cabi- net ma little premature. Doubt- less the correspondent who sent the matter off, like the most of oth- er people here, regards such a state of affairs as almost a cer.aip-t- y at some time in the future, and did not think he was taking any very great risk in sending the mat- ter oti as having already bee me a certainty. Mr. Harrison's latest rap at tbe democratic; party was to inform a democratic Senator, who called on him iu behalf of a democrat that wants to be a member of the Civil Service Commission, that iu ap- pointing those democrats, which by law he is compelled to, he should only rmguize those that are protectionists. This seems to bo an injustice to the great majori- ty ot the democratic party. Solicitor General Jenks has been requested ty the Attorney Gener- al Jenks has been requested by the Attorney General to remain iu of- fice until the Supremo Court dis- poses of the government telephone cases. Mr. Jenks has consented although it seriously interferes with arrangements he bad previously made in relation to his private bus iness. Representative Syritger eaid just beforo leaving for home: I feel much belter than I have for a long time. I have gained fully ten p unda in weight since the fourth of March, due probably to tbe fact that I havo had nothing to do with tbe great National steeple cbase for office. My supporters are not entered for that court. A great many of them were four years ago and then I had a busy lime all day and when night camo I could do nothing but dream o' the thou- sands of anxious faces that haunt the White House and tbe Depart- ments. I am good deal more of a Civil Service reformer than I ever supposed I could be. Of course I understand that when we have a perfect Civil Service the millcni-u- m will not bo far away, but I think it better to move in the di- rection of the taillcnium than to- wards pandemonium which is the result of the Spoils system. There is too much patronage in the hands of the President and the depart- ments, and I shall, next winter, in- troduce nnd advocate a bill to re lieve them of much of the pressure. I will try to lilt the Congressman's burden too, by working for the election of posioiaslers by the peo- ple; that can be done without changing the constitution, for the election would be limply a recom mend a tion. Democrats here are confidently expecting that Montana will 'go democratic, thus adding two Sena- tors and one representative to the party's vote in Congress. We copy the following from the Leman, la., Globe, which ia true ot all country newspapers: 4,Ve apol ogize or mistakes made in all for mer issues an i they were inexcut-- ble, as all an editor has to do is to hunt news, smi clean the rollers, and set typo, and sweep the lloor and pen thort items, and fold pa- pers, and write wrappers, ana make the paste, and mail the papers, and talk to visitors ad distribute type, and carry water, and read tbe proofs, and correct tbe mistakes, and hunt the shears to write edito rials, and dodge the bills, and dun delinquents, and take cussings from the whole force, and tell our sub scribers that wo need money. We say that we've no business to make mistakes while attending to these little matters, and getting our liv- ing on gopher-tai- l soup flavored with imagination, and wearing old shoes and no collar, and patch on our pants, obliged to turn a smi). ing countenance to the man who tells us Our paper isn't woith a dol lar any how, and that he could make a better one." A Western editor appeals to bis delinquent subscribers by saying; 'This week we have taken in po- tatoes and pickles on subscription. Now, if you will bring in some vin- egar tor tbe pickles and some wood to roast the potatoes, we can live till artichokes get big enough to dig." One reason why the waltz has "usurped the place of the square dance is that the mental effort req- uisite to keep the run of the figures is too much lor tho dudes, They can waltz, however, without think- ing of any thing in particular.. Springfield Union. rrof. Wm. II. Thompson, of the chair of Materia Medio in the Uni- versity of the city of New ork, says : "Bright' s disease has no symp toms of its own, but has the symp. toms of every other disease." Dis- orders apparently remote and dis- tinct from kidney disease are re- - moved by using Warner's Safe Cure. J Costorla eiires Colic, Constipation Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation ; Gives healthy sleep ; also aids digestion ; Without narcotic stupefaction. "lhe once ot longevity woulu re deem the mortage of our earthly paradise" and it can bo prelonged aad should be, with care and the use of proper medicine at the right time. and the anuoyance of every dy life, there is do doubt but that tens nf thouaauds of men and women yeaily fill piemature graves. Especially after middle life should a careful watch be kept over one's physical condition. The symptoms of kidney disease, such as becom- ing easily lired, headache, neuralgia feeble heart action, fickle appetite, a splendid feeling one day and an all-go- ne one the text persistent cough, trouble in urinating, etc., should be dilhgently looked into anil at once stopped through -- a faithiul use of Warner's Safe Cure which has cured lens of thousands of such troubles and will cure youra. Experiencing no pain in the region ot the kidneys i3 no evi dente that they are not diseased, as those great punlytng organs have very fe nerves of sensation, and oftentimes the kidneys are pos itively rotting and being passed awav through, the urine before the victim is aware he is suffering from anvanced kidney disease, which is only anothei name for Bright' s dia case. To Drcserve life and to be well while you live are two cardinal vir tuts, and it is lime well spent to szive this vital subject earnest and careful' attention, aud to use the knowledge acquired in a judicious and intelligent manner. PUROEL IND. TERRITORY. April 16th JL8S6. To Toe Citizen: As many of my friends knew I left Pulaski cn the 12th, and went to Decatur that night. After a de lay of 14 hours we left for Mem phis on a train two hours late, ar- rived in Memphis at 9:30 o'clock at night. On the 12th left Mem phis at 7 o'clock, passed through 135 miles of swamps. Saw three droves of wild turkeys on the trip. Arrived at Tearcanna about 8:30 o'clock at night; stopped over un til 7 next morning. While stand ing on the platform waiting for the train for Ganisvillc, the Malocm irain backed up, ran off the track into the platform, making- - kindling wood of evciy thing, covering a wo man and child in the wreck and I thought killed them both as they lay thero until we pulled them out. They did not seem much hurt. The railroad men took them off and wo started on our trip to lhe promised land. We left Tear cam a ana traveled tnrougu some beautiful country; arrived at Whitesboro, stopped one hour and changed ears for Ganisville, stayed all nixht there. You will sco we have done oil our travt ling in day light. Left Ganisville at 3 o'clock April loin, crossed me river over into the Indian Territory, arrived at Puree! at 12 o'clock at night; had some trouble getting a place to akep, finally gelt ng a cot iu room with eleven strangers. neglected to state that I left Will Robert? at Garnisville, owing to a sprained ankle which was paining him very much, lie thought it best to rest, and will follow on in a day or two. I will not attempt now to de scribe the Oklahoma lands, because I have not bean in the county yet. From l'urcel across tho Canadian river it looks like a beautiful coun- try. We have eveiy class of people ia the world here. The only thing makes it so a man can lire here is there is no whisky sold here. Gambling of every description is going on here on tho streets and every one pepina in a good humor but a great deal of swearing and an awful hard lot of characters here 1 doa't know when lever wrote a letter under mote difficulties, and trust due allowance, will be made 1 will write more at a later day. Respectfully, II. Arbowsmith At ono of the, recent Moody re- vival meetings on the Pacific coast the customary request was made that those suffering from any par- ticular heavy burden should stand un and ask for the prayers of the assembled multitude. After a few moments silence a tall, meek look inr? man aroea and in a voice o choaked with emotion asked that the prayers of the pnnore cation might be offered for o o w his mother-in-la- Instead of praying, the congregation first be gan to titter, and finally roared with laughter. Miss Sputter said at a friend's lunch table, at which she found several strangers seated, apropos of a remark made ot a certain lady of uncertain age: "Wby, good gra- cious, she is as old as the hills!" and could not imagine in tho least what caused the general consterna- tion. She did a li' tie later on, how- ever, when it was explained to her that two maiden sisters at the ta- ble, whose names she did not catch in the Introduction, were called Hill, and were extremely se nsitive on the subject of age. Thb Centack Company, 77 Murray St., New York. LmwmmwmmmTOaw PlsgHh Points. By AMBROSE. . DEALS 'm fcji-iA- Sprine Tooth and Scotch Folding Harrows, Table and Pocket CUTLEEY,' Cultivators and tsuifcy Turning Plows, and BST ALL KIDNS OF F AMILYGROCERIES K IN. 1 ,TrT renewal lot one ysar, receives ticket In IMS. is Mammoth Twelve-Pag- e hk-- will be furnUhed FKlK imiuwut. .wuioTiDBDi f m uucrcu. . W. . i . VT V . . ft U since the recent rains pastures have improred considerably. Wbcut and oats are looking fine in this section. Earmi rs are planting corn and cotton now at a lively rate. Several of our young men and ladies were engaged in a fishing ex cursion at Richland creek last Sat urday. Tho following are the names of those who participated: Arnie Smith and Miss Hattie Har well ; Bill Oliver and Miss Maggie Anderson; Judge Lancasbr and Miss Delia McCormick. They report a fine time in spite of inclement weather. Judge payi he done well to get back alive. Miss Annie Baas opened school on Monday at th:s idaoe. Miss hua Biss was visiting Miss Jitila llouze recently. Jno. Oliver and Brice Burgess of Louse Branch were with us Sund y. Charlie llouze was in Fayeliville last week on busiuess. Swan Oliver thinks hi will take to the study of law shortly. Mr. Henry Butler was on the Hill SuDday, The health of the locality is good at present. Upon e ntering the world it is ber first robe. In a white gown she is brought for baptism. She sa s her prayers in white, and kneels for confirmation in spotless hite She is married in white, and arter that she lives over the white gar ment days of her youth in :he robe phe makes for her children, and when her task is ended she folds her whi'e hands and lies down to sleep in a shroud as white as her soul. Atlanta Constitution. A good man is kirder to his enemy than bad men ere to their friends. A kind friend to the catarrh sufferer is Warner's Los Calls Lose Cream. for it may be relied upon to give permanent relief. Elegant, eflec'ive. A coal mite near Belleville, Ind., caved in Monday while a train was rossing over it, letting an engine and a train of cars fall about 15 feet, A terrible wreck followed. Tho engineer and fireman escaped by j imping, but several brakemcf who wenl down, were seriously In jured. 88,063.50 to be Given Away I THE MAMMOTH TWELVE-PAG- E WEEKLY AGE-HERAL- D To Increase the circulation ot the WEEKLY EDITION, already the largest in Alabama, to THE LARGEST IN THE SOUTH X InJ5S'.TrUF;H1ly o!ren the most liberal and eitensire nnmVr of osef.l sod Taluabls made by a newspaper, to be distributed on the 1st VAX or JiEXT JULY, In which EVEV NEW8UIJ8CRIBEH WILL. PARTICIPATE. tiH Gltt ,r8 U nf'p valuable, no one worth Jem than 11. the regular eubsrrlp. V" man'r re wn"h '0 00- - 'm- nd ot them. $..O).00 each; aoonc which are sTn mZniJ ILl.citylo.oneW()OPHr,o. one l.flO.oo Organ, two KexLteu-- l Jersey Bul!s, Farm IropU-Srm'- K ' 6,1111 w"1 sllfn "'h "on fmn 6ies, FerUlisers. Imported Breech-im- d 5., ' l!hiD.l,ad S u". BUverwars, Prepared PainU ready lor use, standard Boots, variety ol articles. stun OjiE dolus ajjiSWSi Pajer in nmedcaj POIl Tlir: FAUMEIl, with iu Agricultural I)epartn:ent: THE MECHANIC, with iu muindustrtal News; and AXIE IIOL'HKHOLI), with Its Splendid yalne of Reading for the flreslde- - subscribers to ti ltatv.. i . thtriSTST-rMr- "1 rHb?r' ,n?lT or 1nb, Ill.n1 rn.tributlon to be awarded Julv 1. wauhyl at wry pctofflce to obtain WEEa LY Adt-HKRAL- U. the CheaMst and JIS . .AAT?1":?- Instrotioni, iTemium Ll.t and v.. A1I LH Al IW 1J.U ,V ... 1 ' - - - - "..v Br.l n Iistrii.litfnn wmill Miaifi. Id m . fcamtl Copies, w ana uiM dous under the supervision oi a committee ol well-know- n citizen, ol Birmi ogham. THESE FKESENTS COST YOU NOTHING! Yoi Him ply Pay for Your Paper at tlie Xtearulav Irioo. Write st once lor sample copy containing Premium List and also List el Gifts to be distributed. TJip AGE-irajlLAX- D CO., Birmingham, Ala. n

Transcript of The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1889-04-25 [p ].€¦ · tiia bottom, put hiiu down tut a...

  • L'

    What a Street. THEEVERY LADY If tiny dealer says he has the W. I DonslaeJiioes without name and price) stamped optiia bottom, put hiiu down tut a fraud.

    ALOOil.iffeA Sew Science.

    A method of drawing of drawingou. disease from the huma bodyby a sort of filtering process is thelatest addition to therapeutic sci-ence. Tho patient is seated in cnair-tig- ht receiver in which the at-mosphere 'm rartfied by means of apump. Through a hole in the glassa rubber tube passes to the mouthof the occupant, who inhales by this


    (From our regular Correspondent. )Washington April, 23, 18b9.

    Harrison is still keeping up hiepolicy of wearing out the ofifce-setke- rs,

    and judging Irono the waythe hotel lobbies are beginning tothin out he is succeeding prettywell. With the ixcepticn of abatch of postmasters, he has madeno important appointtnetts this

    week, and the republican are slow-ly discovering that it is poor poli-cy to try to drive him into a hurrjafter re ha? announced his inUntion of going slow. Patience,Messrs. ofllcc-sceke- rs, your ma-chine goes slowly but every time itappoints a man it ia u republican,free from any symptoms of mug-wumpe- ry,

    that succeeds a democratacd it is only a quektion of timewhen every democrat now ia efficewill be succeeded by a republican.What more can you ask? Ia themean time if you want to see therepublicans appointed add demo-crats removed with lightning ra-pidity just drop into Firs! Assist-ant Postmaster General Clarkson'soffice and see him manipulate thefourth c'nss post offices of the country. He has reached an averageof over fifty a day.

    .v. niiaiMiiiiMnn- 'fill i

    The Value of Longevity.Dr. Felix L. Oswald, in writing

    of the value of longevity, says:"Can there be a doubt that Barns

    and Keats foresaw the issue ortiieir struggle against bigotry,' ofthai Ceruantec, in the gloom of hismisery, could read the signs of thedawn presaging a sunburst of posth-umous fame?

    "Sp noza and Schiller died at thethreshold of their goal; Pascal,Harvey, Micauiey, Buckle andIJichat left their inimitable workshalf finished; Iiidheal, Mozart andByron died at. tha verge ot a sum-mit which perhaps no other foolshall ever approach.

    ''Who knows how oftan, sincethe dawn of modern science, thechdl of death has palsied a handthat had all but lifted the veil ofIsis' temple? Or in how manythousand lives time alone wouldhave solved all discords into har-monies? An increase of longevitywould indeed, so've the vexing rid-dles of existence; it would furnishthe peculiar endorsement, of Mr.Mallock's conclusion. It wouldgive the vicissitudes of fortunechance to assert their equalizing ten-dencies, it would supply a missinglink iu the arguments of that natu-ral religion luat trusts the equi-poise of justice in the apparent capricec of human fate.

    fAHTO 1 N A silk cress:This is your oppor- -'y-- 1 i Wnity. A. new deapartmre. bzlks av

    rect from the mantisAh vfacturera to you24uur leuucea pricesDrug ue Destgood within:each of all. Ware the only nuuviaeturera in toa

    U. 8. selling dbrecttocenkj

    You take aarisk. We warrant everypiece ofgoodsas represent.

    or moner., re funded. 8ea

    vif oar referen-ces. We arethe oldest

    ilk Manufacture(era in the U.S. Established in 183S.(withover CO yearsexperience

    We guarantee t&OCHAFFEK

    ir.ESS SILKS.Tor richness of30lor,superior finIsh and wearingqualities, to beunexcelled by

    LtScTfKSed.eeof?er UOiese Dress Sjlks in Gros Grains, Satins, Surahs,D.m. nri a Ida Cloths, in. Blacksmlr. - We send to all parts of the U. 8. It will

    st yon only a postal card to see foryonr- -elvcs. Send a postal and we will forward J.rou SAMPLES 1 BEE with prices.;

    S. CHAFFEE & SONv Mansfield Centre. Conn.e-- .u

    Refer, by permission, to Flnt national Bank, Wind-ham National Bank, Dime Saving. Bank, W UUraasOsSaTlng. Institute, of WilUmanlle, Conn.S II . wiiheocuureM Pattern we pre.I!nftfilIffkTKottb bn7er with 1000 Yard.Hwlmr Silk, and enouEh SUk

    - Braid to bind bottom ot dreae.


    vuojsuo toaqi 9a3 etjs "oajprniO pt sqs neqMuo)SV3 OJ Sumo 9q9 'ssjk eurooaq oqs naqjvt.vuotsuo joj pauo eqs 'prnQ rat. an? nsqjfi

    IJOBO JH SA3 'jpis sua qa oay V

    "The Breath of Life."OXYGEN is the

    life giving elementof air and water.spwy bulb without It therecan be no life.

    Soecific Oxyoen IsECE the only Medica-ted Oxvgen In use.

    IT UJ I W. SPECIFIC OXYGENcures Consumption,Bronchitis, Croup,Diphtheria, Fneu-monl- a,

    Catarrh, Ac.NMETREAlWErf It is life. It revital-

    izes the blood. Itgives appetite. Itsoothes and healsthe lungs. MnmiaJon Oxvcen Treat.

    men t, free. D. R. OVERMAN, M.D., Medical DirectorJPECIFIC OXYGEN CO., NASHVILLE, TENN- -


    llllLlii BYDISCOVERY.

    Daly Genuine System of Memory Training;,l our Uooks Iji-a- i ued ia one reading--.Mind wandering cured.

    jHvery rliilti ani nda!t ttreatly benefitted.Gf aat inducements to Correspondence Claaeea.

    Prospectis, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hn.mono, the w:rld-fam-- d Specialist in Mind Disease.,Danit-- I (iroenlcnf Thompson, the great Psychol-wrist-- ,

    ,F. 3. Buckley, .!., editor of the ChristianA'toncaf", iY. i'., liii-hur- Proctor, the Scientist,I !r"r.. V.". XV. Awtor, Jiidse tiibnon, Judah P.anii others, sent post free by' of. A. L,OI6ETTE, 237 Fifth Aye., N. V.


    means an atomized soiutioD, triechemical c institution of which i.,as yet, a secret. Thie fluid makesits way quickly from the lungs outward through the pores of the skin,the rapidity of tbe action i greatleincreastd by the uimiaisLe-- atmosphcric pressure on the surface, aniin ca33 of sickness t'le body ia sat-urated with it until all the impuri-ties which giv rise to or are the resuit of mortil conditions are ex-pelled. The exact ti me required torthe passage of the solution from thelungs to the culicule has been as-certained by 4!ie very simple expe-dient of coloring the liquid andplacing a small piece of wu.te cot-ton cloth on the back: it will aohwwithin two minutes aftertheatom'zod fluid was inhilod. Th'naffords a suggestion wh'ch will,doubtless, b very useful in diagnosis. Experiment will probably es-tablish the fact that certain diseasesproduce certain color effects uponthe medicinal solution, aad in fu-tn- re.

    in order to find out what ittho matter with any one, it willtdmply be necessary to stick a whiteplaster on his back and put him in-to the exhaust receiver for a minuteor two, at the end of which time hiscomplaint will be definitely indicated by the lint regii',ered. In casewhere a variety of diseases are preaent a rainbow effect will exhibit thecomplicated nature of the disorder.Thupathology will attain the rankof au exec-scienc- instead of being,as it ia now, rather a matter ofguesswork than of knowledge; aDdthe day is. in all probability, notfar off, when the spectrum analysiswill be as valuable an aid to thephysician as to the astronomer.

    The Watermelon.It ia frequently asserted that the

    watermelon lacks distinctive Us'.eanu some persona regard tnis as aserious objection to that lusciousvegetable-- . Colored people generally regard such a suggestion as altogether hypocritical; but the fault,if it is one, seriously diminishes thepopularity of the fruit. Fortunately, however, the difficulty has atlength been overcome by an ingenious horticulturist of Arlington Gawho has invented a way of communicating to the watermelon any fl-- vor

    that may be desired. His method is, before the fruit ripen?, to cuta slit ti bout an inch long in t'scstem and pour in a drop or so offlavoring extract for say two weeksAfter the operation ia performed thewound ia closed and the stem tiedwith & siring. Jn this manner it isposeible to obtain a melon a la choc-olate, a la strawberry, a la vanilia--and-crea- m, a la most any thing youplease. Red pepper, mustard Andoiher condiments may be introduc-ed, if it is wished, and the las'.ethus raised to a point sufficientlyhigh to suit any palate. New England Illustrated Magazine.

    If the Citizen remembers correctly Mr. Madison Harwell, of thiscounty, made this discovery morethan ten years ago, and his melonsare said to be the best in lhe world

    Agricultural Chtmhs.Prohibit cruelty to domestic ani

    mals.Every garden should have a li'

    tie bed of is uurtiui to clover to tu--

    stock on it in the spring.Repair aad repainl implement,

    etc.A hen with a frosted oorab will

    not lay.The clasa of men who read the

    most are the best and most com-fortable farmers.

    When setting tho hens sprinkleflour of sulphur in the nests to keepdown the lice.

    Try pinching back a hill or so oflima beans when the plants are afoot or so high.

    Eveiy dead limb on a treo shouldbe cut away, not only for the ap-pearance of the tree, but to avoidthe incumbrance.


    Best In tne world. Examine his."S.OO GENl'INK 1IASD-SKWE- I1 SHOE.



    All luaile in Con press. Button and Lace.


    Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting.not aokl by your dealer, write




    TEPIVanto. in every con Tit v Mir'-ivt- n:;-- ; 1 hi-'!-

    '.Umciioot iu ., si ii-- r m idecennary. Th Iiitenri::nn;ii Ijniiir if tho I. ure:ii ir '

    re oneri! tc. mi j f r

    For sale by Popa & Kecvcs.



    Ely's Crearn BalmCleanses the Nasal Passages. Al-

    lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores.Eestores the Senses of Taste, SmeU 'and Hearing.

    A particle Is oppMod Into ench nostril andia asjreeable. Price 60c. at UruKgiats or bysnail. ELY BKOTHKRS,66 Warren SU.New York.


    Childron cry for Castoria. Mil--

    " I recommend Castoria for children'scomplaints, as superior to any prescriptionknown to me." H. A. Archer, M. I)..

    Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

    isMb Banner.We want an apont'n every eimmon'ttr,and betidea tha n.ual commission si

    lowed, we are ottering a special list of cahprii to jrlies who teceive sod forwardsubscriptions to th H ANN Ell,Send for cir ulev.

    TheWek)y KANNTIt i tl bo-- t weaklypublished in Toano-sei- . It cut. ins mure- -news and a jrrci.u r vanety or toidin matter, and ia worth the subscription vrioe offi.wt to anyone who wishes to keep

    on the current sveula and discus-sions of the times It give the nsws 1mpattislly, and dicuiws public qaes lionsireely aud frankly. Its varit usdepart-met- a

    are entertainins; and instruct! vo, endit ia a paper which shonld 1m in every homecircle, BANNEK I'UB. CO.,

    r. Nasnville, Tsui.

    Real Lstate AgencyI respectfu'ly solvit from tlioe havinir forL sale or rom any lands. dwellinf., bni.1- -nesv houses or )oti, the m to be p !witn roo. i will advertise and exert mysollto disoose of tlie npoi the termsagreed upon and will tnrnib alt transfersand deeds ready for siena'ure, charging en--ly reasooaois eotnmlssiona lot my service.

    In connection with this 1 will klill eoi.- -tinue tbe business of Insurance, placing allDuildmirs and contents in first class com panies at board rates.


    LEON (iODEFltOY,

    Watch-Make- r


    West Side Square.

    0WENC .jLLAHAN,BAv'.'a or


    ir'ric Work a SpecialtyREPAIRING DON1

    (test no ... ,.nd in very ueale.,1m arable style.

    The Best in the MarketI HAVEnn liKn.l inM slvnlr t I f .11 mmlc Itoon Hnil Slioei-l- lie very hetgooatt tnaa.1. it 'ays to i.ny t' e hot. Ialso kaen a Mt.n'k nf pnatnm.m..l. n.n.luDon't bay until you seo tho host in tow- n-maun iiy inv.oii. j yrooo nno 01 I.1MI.!S

    'ja2-- if OWEN CALLAHAN.



    TradeIn Pulaski.

    :o:- -

    R.CII If.'v?!. r.D.PUU.KN


    Carry the Most

    Man S BCKOP

    G-roceri- es

    And are Satisfied with

    Small Profits.:o:

    O not buy clacwhere until youD have tried us, for wo know we

    InLow PricesBEST GOODS


    Best Variety.

    :o -


    We parch itourselvet.

    J. Miirs&Co

    CraigS McLemore.WHOLK8ALK AD KBTalL




    Toilet Articles, Etc.

    PRESCRIPTIONSComposndoJ by ens of the most ecmpetfi

    droff iiu in lis state, at ell boars,day or nijtt.

    The Bowery is a streA, nothIng more, bat what a strc-.s- ! Shops,saloons, restaurant, ual.s.theatres, museum, pa vn brokers,pistol gallerys, dives an.l dons, r.llof cheapest shoddy liku li e cioth- -ing displayed for sle tv ue He-brew dealers th re, ga'v m zid, likethe flashy jewlry seen in the win-dows and on the people. It is theBroi l way of the rough hiK-nrs oftho -- ity; the Chnup W.s-- - of th- -rw aad criminal iueB ;ulevard ds C lamoi p ica firthj low down uf all nvJons. Aahourswaik ilt carry one through i.and the ficea an 1 willepri sots ev-ir- c!i ne a i I country

    Ian ijineu a id se.i iisii. hi d'.'i.n in Icn namen, Ionian Ar.ica', 1 k.and IIor3eaie.' buukoin m, roi-'- a-bout nd U;i up. The n!i I u i nothe inisoelUarfixn and cm ';oni!i'uie"cit:ty, the tendd.icy ( 'iiioli is

    ever d jwawrd. In e u ly times ii isda lied Bowtr lanu. but the liagyInn,) posts hot bear the single-wor- d

    by which it is ka-iw- and spo-ken in every t ntie Bjwery. Itis the s'eepi.'di vlici t m ligui otd;iy is hrighier, 1:1 I i i j t wd-d- er

    wikefulr.e4 aa m'dnih, ap-proaches. Ic lias its ebbsaadlljwsaad thj tide of s'n ihigiji'st when tho sacro.l Sabbathis nearest. Then the discarded ofearth issue into dim view unde thesha low of nigh', iu this waste basket of the human fauily.

    The bridesmaid and the ush-- rhave gone out of t'as'.i m 'or dipt eent. Stylish wcddi.jr wi;lbe arranged so that the hruhnmlgroom shall have no Tivals fur theattention of the onlookers. Theregulation society wedding has become ot late such an exn.-n.4iv-thing that more than one yonngman, matrimonially incline)?, hasdreaded the bill he must pay forsupper to hia ushers, presents tothe same, etc. And the father whohas to foot the bills pertaininir to adaughter's marriage will be glad tonave me extravagance of thd cere-mony reduced to a minimum.


    Presents in the most elegant formTI'.Z LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS OUIOE

    OF THE

    FIGS OF CALIFORNIA,Combined with the medicinalvirtues of plants known to bemost beneficial to the humansystem, forming an agreeableand effective laxative to perma-nently cure Habitual Consti-pation, and the many ills de-pending cn a weak or inactivecondition of theKIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS.

    It is the most excellent remedy known toCLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY

    When One is Bilious or Constipatedso THAT



    Every one is using it and all aredelighted with it.





    Mothers.There are upon the sUn o! every hu-

    man being, child and adult allko, 2,300-00- 0pores. Through these pore? in the

    form of insensible perspiration, is ex-pelled more than one-quart- er of thenourishment taken into the system.The importance of keeping open theseperspiration valves upon a chilli's second only to thet ef promptly di-gesting the lood eaten. It was to openthe pores of tho skin and to assimilatethe lood that Dr. Pitcher formulatedCastorla. Loose bowels, constipation,feersand eruptions which are so con-stant among infants and childron, andwhich kill one-thi- rd of all children be-fore they are live years old, arise prin-cipally from these two causes. It isfrom the wonderful results attendantupon the use of Castoria in regulatingthe stomachs and bowels and keepingopen tha pores of the skin, that Casto-ria acquired its world wide reputation.With plenty of water for the body,pure air for the lungs nnd Castoria toassimilate the food, there need be nounaccounted for sickness among chil-dren. Castoria is a vegetable prescrip-tion without morphine or other narcoticproper. y. Thirty years extensive u?ebag given it a history . :rer attained byanother medicine.


    t " It is mirrcllotu tow a man like my husband,Who pridei himself on bU tidy appearance, canCarry so much hidden dirt If tbe edge of myklrt looked aa abominable u the bottom of hUtrousers he'd fly In a ragre. And aU this nasti-ne- u

    could be avoided if he would use

    Wolffs ACME Blackingen hi Shoe, bat he won't j and yet he tyi it Uthe finest Dreesinr in the world for hit Barnes.Rome men are just pig headed, and John it oneof them."WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.

    SAd by all l!ri and Earn Voters.



    School Books,Stationery,

    Painls, Oik -- Varnishes,TULASKI, TENN.

    TELEPHONE NO. 23 '

    East Side Pcbllc Sqnarf,Jssnppliod witatts

    'ORIST WffiSLICrORiNe house bss boon expansively reuruishei. lie giarsctets I ..

    of wines, liquors, to,, to be b .

    RBLLIAKEi &1'00?jTables are in a pleaannt and retired

    room on tt.e grcund Ci'or.


    Furniture & Mattresses

    to call on r lth

    Weakley & Warren,NASI! VILLE.N ,

    Mar.urao'nrera and Wholesale suj Kitalluvainra in an i max or rariot. Chamber,liming room. Hall, Library and


    CurledHair.CoUon, CoUoc-to- p A Shuck

    ATTRE8SES!Bpriul and Woven Wire Bud P prints,

    Tby keop the Urgent, llncot nu,i bust assrotod stock in the south and aeil at reasonable priooe. AU orders will have prorrplat enlion.





    Saddles and HarnessNorth VVi't Uoinor Square,

    jPuask, - - Tcnnessoo.NoxtDoor to BANKIN'8.

    A T Xj3I!a-3IiriLyf- it

    m WM IU PRICES !HMM kiL to i.',l

    This KW'nantl'rlor Organstyle 70 coutainliiK ontavaa, 4 sots of rvsds, 10topi, kne. swells, btoul

    and Book fres. Fur only$R3.00, With r I Klit mi,1 leftcouplna "Warranted lor 6

    srs."111. olil tu.oud jlta,iMl Ireferenras as to your

    from any bank-er, pontmastvr, ni.rt-Len- t oriprasa Sfrsnt.and tlie()rKn

    win .niiu promptly outi n day.' t tn.l.Circular free to aU.Be tere to write ms, and sart moa.y. Solid

    walnut eases.Mestloa Taper where this AD H Is tees.

    "Re elected Mayor April 0, 1868, by a large


    H. W. ALLEGER,WasMagtoa. i Warren Countj, t New jersey,

    UMTte 8rTts or Amcsica.

    DR. 'i&YLOR'S


    CUREFORKtifSBlu0US and

    Intermittent fever


    STOMACH & (rrr.m-iv- rkmeut run all

    Liver 6c Kidnoy ComplaintqPrice 50 cts. i Bottle. Trial Bottles 25 cts.

    rot IAXI mSTVMSI. rrrptMl Ctij VyRICHARDSON-TAYLO- R ME0. CO.,

    SOS . Powrth Btreet. 8T. LOUIS, rtO.OnU fnra Oopyof Htk"OUR FA MIT. Y TBOURIXS,' Be uaa et aU .ton., or W '" tan wtul miuu.


    Fever Tonicas aearesa4qdrOarla the awtSoMxivnraMbIltooroablrelMiiMtl.Mtetauf ii n. t n.t tin run, eomplMa. tv bee Ulu. m 4i rw.l. t C't.'AAIS OUARAMTEID. ene.l.oaM it f.I !. 1..l .ulti.prlrrf to HrrtTNIiTifa HIkkt-- y t. i tr iutsrorv a . TRIAL! B .ur tn e.i y j: T'r.r'-- ;ferKREII' FETIK TOR IS. Trice, I I. rr inula.KB ESS' FIVtS TONIC CO., t ST. 10JIS. KC



    In it srs com. ibiosd ths flo-- GDIset mechanical Iklll, tbe




    andOt) Jall known ad.vantages thatnaks a sew.lot machinedesirable tosail or um.

    CLDRBDC3 MPQ- - CO.rieUrj tad W&eUu cst, BsirUs, Cj

    99 re4 SWreet. e Ttk.

    1,V.IUlre-- .


    L. GODEFROYHAS the exolnsive sale of thoco nnrqaallglasses in .'Pulankj. Try them ayon will no ithor. Voa nevor paw an)fraraos like tbdrr..


    0N Firt Main tircot, n ar pquaro i,Nownouho auj new rurnitnro.FIRST-CLS- S ACCOMMODATION.

    TEEilS l to Jl.."0 par day. 8 2-- ly- T. P. KERSEY, Prop.

    DR. C. C. ABERUATHYVITILLoonllnuo tho practice of Medio'V and Surgery, and will qivo b( ccial a

    Untion to the treatmect Oi

    FEU ALB DISEASES.Office on lut Main Strsot, up stairs, next toCIT1ZFM UrricE, l'u, .ki, ienn.

    Is1. 1 SillSs CO.

    NVITK THEIR CUSTOM KIM TO. inspect tbel- -


    an a BninMLfiilics will flntl

    ALL THE NEW STYLEStli a t tasic nnd lashtpn can c' in the

    way of

    Flumes, Tits, Mim h hm' S r 'C.ishmero, Fc titer s nil otlir


    Bonnets & Hatsin Plush, Velvet fir,l Felt, niul

    ATTRACTIVE GOODSof all kinds

    With thanks or tho liberal pitron-sfj- cwe havo i.lwnvH had, wo hope to

    deserve more in lutu re.4oc5m Miss M. A. SMITH A CO





    , ofThe BLO OD.iPF.R BOTTLE- - 6jon$5.

    ...fivr.iii.. uu uij rta avm.r50LD EYERYYHtR5a

    i'oi- - sale hy Craig t MeLenr.orc.

    Is This A Fact?fpnT no ona cun aflori to ran a 'VhealTbrchar unions their machines are ingood ropair?

    Otnlc: & Wilkinsf Cr,l it ba, Tenn ., tho well known rra-e- li

    Ida', enn rebuild engines, thret-her- andcorna and will guarantee them togive i it'ect satirfsction. We have on handsoin t plendid seetnd hand engiiies andtbr ii era that vo will asl' very cheap. Weare a so agents for the well known Gaar-Sco- tt

    Engine, Thrskors and Hullors. TheOaar-Sco- tt Thrjo Way Crsnk Thresher is

    THE FINEST SEPARATORever plao l on lhe raarkit. It isbu'.i t on trotary plan. Ni man can tTrl to bayvibrator before they see this rnschine. t'endfor illustrate! catalogue.

    CKilO WIT.K1N,al'-t- t Columbia, Tenn.

    hi i lit jUiJlJCAUTION.

    Fwl.t's SpM-ifl- : la rntKr'r a wrrtiWe rrrTr.etwwi. ami flij-.h- l i:nt I.- - !. fouMU-- wn.'i Hittztiaa :ibii.o!f. '..hU ! , r m sern--

    Ali-n- .i-. ' '". ' aliifh arein. brtnj ni T'lfariiTi I l (irrwiti..Nn:e tit liite m.ii.:ii a sniclo liKhrntc-- lnlf the rota i!l:.n 1 1 s. S. f . Tlw-r- c U

    lr mi- - Fnifi'. hju ci. c, md Sucre U OOlliii:j lit. risVoiUJikcit,

    CaT7-T.:n- .i T, TV. rbrtisryt1. !'.Crr.llcrj i: I rcA-iu-tv.o vii , ,1 ws l.y tiller ky.k lai.,bin lh-- r.,u;.l d j t.u i riuJ. 1 r.r f -.

    ,s s. anJ tin y I'iU '.-- it m iMilcl kill enbut i Iriril H tH Bar, trt-- l sfu r lakli:-,- ' lx otlehl iMf.tli-s- . I ai i.m.!iti ly cur-l- , 01 liavo

    never Ik--, a lai) "1 mi o ilh it. a:d I Irrl ita duty lay .i luBcrnJ liumrmly l makeUis rlatcatrut. 11. b. DaTIS.

    JIoKTroc? IIot-rE- , Will r!i't. Tct.Jlpr;i5, is

    Gentlemen: fhir bn.y hm but two r ktold as atlafked iiU a scrfulMis aiTlinalint fur a lime dii roiol bcr entirely,and ranged ns to dvtjiair of lu--r life. blHlrrat-- ly (lie bct liviriitn lilimit Ufiefi!.Wi finally rave tier Hwifi , whickSfioa relieTrd Ikt ennipU-lrl- and ! I. imw abale and hearty a cb.M u( lliri as ran be fxudanywhere. E. V. Usua.Treallse est Blood and Skin 1)Imc mailed free.Ths rtwirrrirKt iric.-t'ii.- . Drawer 3, Allanla.Ua,New Vork, VJt Itroadway. ,

    Castoria i Dr. Saml Pitener's old, harmless and quick cars forInfants and Children's Complaints. Snparior to Castor Oil,Paregorio or Narootio Syrups.lions of Mothers bless Castoria.

    Assistant Secretary Uussey ofthe Interior Department has justreversed a pension decision ofGeneral Black, that will affect ma-ny other applications. The applicant was injured by the fall ot atier of seats a', a circus, and Gen.IJlack jejetts the application for apension on the ground that the in-jury was not received during theperformance of duty. This de-cision has now been reversed andtbe pension allowed.

    The published disa&reemen, between Mr. Ilarrisoa and Mr. Blainedoes not exist as far as I can as-certain, therefore the rumored retirement of Blaine from the Cabi-net m a little premature. Doubt-less the correspondent who sentthe matter off, like the most of oth-er people here, regards such astate of affairs as almost a cer.aip-t- y

    at some time in the future, anddid not think he was taking anyvery great risk in sending the mat-ter oti as having already bee me acertainty.

    Mr. Harrison's latest rap at tbedemocratic; party was to inform ademocratic Senator, who called onhim iu behalf of a democrat thatwants to be a member of the CivilService Commission, that iu ap-pointing those democrats, whichby law he is compelled to, heshould only rmguize those thatare protectionists. This seems tobo an injustice to the great majori-ty ot the democratic party.

    Solicitor General Jenks has beenrequested ty the Attorney Gener-al Jenks has been requested by theAttorney General to remain iu of-fice until the Supremo Court dis-poses of the government telephonecases. Mr. Jenks has consentedalthough it seriously interferes witharrangements he bad previouslymade in relation to his private business.

    Representative Syritger eaid justbeforo leaving for home: I feelmuch belter than I have for a longtime. I have gained fully tenp unda in weight since the fourthof March, due probably to tbe factthat I havo had nothing to do withtbe great National steeple cbasefor office. My supporters are notentered for that court. A greatmany of them were four years agoand then I had a busy lime all dayand when night camo I could donothing but dream o' the thou-sands of anxious faces that hauntthe White House and tbe Depart-ments. I am good deal more of aCivil Service reformer than I eversupposed I could be. Of course Iunderstand that when we have aperfect Civil Service the millcni-u- m

    will not bo far away, but Ithink it better to move in the di-rection of the taillcnium than to-wards pandemonium which is theresult of the Spoils system. Thereis too much patronage in the handsof the President and the depart-ments, and I shall, next winter, in-troduce nnd advocate a bill to relieve them of much of the pressure.I will try to lilt the Congressman'sburden too, by working for theelection of posioiaslers by the peo-ple; that can be done withoutchanging the constitution, for theelection would be limply a recommend a tion.

    Democrats here are confidentlyexpecting that Montana will 'godemocratic, thus adding two Sena-tors and one representative to theparty's vote in Congress.

    We copy the following from theLeman, la., Globe, which ia true otall country newspapers: 4,Ve apologize or mistakes made in all former issues an i they were inexcut--ble, as all an editor has to do is tohunt news, smi clean the rollers,and set typo, and sweep the lloorand pen thort items, and fold pa-pers, and write wrappers, ana makethe paste, and mail the papers, andtalk to visitors ad distribute type,and carry water, and read tbeproofs, and correct tbe mistakes,and hunt the shears to write editorials, and dodge the bills, and dundelinquents, and take cussings fromthe whole force, and tell our subscribers that wo need money. Wesay that we've no business to makemistakes while attending to theselittle matters, and getting our liv-ing on gopher-tai- l soup flavoredwith imagination, and wearing oldshoes and no collar, and patch onour pants, obliged to turn a smi).ing countenance to the man whotells us Our paper isn't woith a dollar any how, and that he couldmake a better one."

    A Western editor appeals to bisdelinquent subscribers by saying;'This week we have taken in po-tatoes and pickles on subscription.Now, if you will bring in some vin-egar tor tbe pickles and some woodto roast the potatoes, we can livetill artichokes get big enough todig."

    One reason why the waltz has"usurped the place of the squaredance is that the mental effort req-uisite to keep the run of the figuresis too much lor tho dudes, Theycan waltz, however, without think-ing of any thing in particular..Springfield Union.

    rrof. Wm. II. Thompson, of thechair of Materia Medio in the Uni-versity of the city of New ork,says : "Bright' s disease has no symptoms of its own, but has the symp.toms of every other disease." Dis-orders apparently remote and dis-tinct from kidney disease are re- -moved by using Warner's Safe Cure. J

    Costorla eiires Colic, ConstipationSour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation ;Gives healthy sleep ; also aids digestion ;Without narcotic stupefaction.

    "lhe once ot longevity woulu redeem the mortage of our earthlyparadise" and it can bo prelongedaad should be, with care and theuse of proper medicine at the righttime.

    and the anuoyance of every dylife, there is do doubt but that tensnf thouaauds of men and womenyeaily fill piemature graves.

    Especially after middle life shoulda careful watch be kept over one'sphysical condition. The symptomsof kidney disease, such as becom-ing easily lired, headache, neuralgiafeeble heart action, fickle appetite,a splendid feeling one day and anall-go- ne one the text persistentcough, trouble in urinating, etc.,should be dilhgently looked intoanil at once stopped through --afaithiul use of Warner's Safe Curewhich has cured lens of thousandsof such troubles and will cureyoura.

    Experiencing no pain in theregion ot the kidneys i3 no evidente that they are not diseased,as those great punlytng organshave very fe nerves of sensation,and oftentimes the kidneys are positively rotting and being passedawav through, the urine before thevictim is aware he is suffering fromanvanced kidney disease, which isonly anothei name for Bright' s diacase.

    To Drcserve life and to be wellwhile you live are two cardinal virtuts, and it is lime well spent toszive this vital subject earnest andcareful' attention, aud to use theknowledge acquired in a judiciousand intelligent manner.


    April 16th JL8S6.To Toe Citizen:As many of my friends knew I

    left Pulaski cn the 12th, and wentto Decatur that night. After a delay of 14 hours we left for Memphis on a train two hours late, ar-rived in Memphis at 9:30 o'clockat night. On the 12th left Memphis at 7 o'clock, passed through135 miles of swamps. Saw threedroves of wild turkeys on the trip.Arrived at Tearcanna about 8:30o'clock at night; stopped over until 7 next morning. While standing on the platform waiting for thetrain for Ganisvillc, the Malocmirain backed up, ran off the trackinto the platform, making- - kindlingwood of evciy thing, covering a woman and child in the wreck and Ithought killed them both as theylay thero until we pulled themout. They did not seem muchhurt. The railroad men took themoff and wo started on our trip tolhe promised land. We left Tearcam a ana traveled tnrougu somebeautiful country; arrived atWhitesboro, stopped one hour andchanged ears for Ganisville, stayedall nixht there. You will sco wehave done oil our travt ling in daylight. Left Ganisville at 3 o'clockApril loin, crossed me river overinto the Indian Territory, arrivedat Puree! at 12 o'clock at night;had some trouble getting a place toakep, finally gelt ng a cot iuroom with eleven strangers.neglected to state that I left WillRobert? at Garnisville, owing to asprained ankle which was paininghim very much, lie thought itbest to rest, and will follow on in aday or two.

    I will not attempt now to describe the Oklahoma lands, becauseI have not bean in the county yet.From l'urcel across tho Canadianriver it looks like a beautiful coun-try.

    We have eveiy class of people iathe world here. The only thingmakes it so a man can lire here isthere is no whisky sold here.

    Gambling of every descriptionis going on here on tho streets andevery one pepina in a good humorbut a great deal of swearing and anawful hard lot of characters here

    1 doa't know when lever wrotea letter under mote difficulties, andtrust due allowance, will be made1 will write more at a later day.

    Respectfully,II. Arbowsmith

    At ono of the, recent Moody re-vival meetings on the Pacific coastthe customary request was madethat those suffering from any par-ticular heavy burden should standun and ask for the prayers of theassembled multitude. After a fewmoments silence a tall, meek lookinr? man aroea and in a voiceochoaked with emotionasked that the prayers of thepnnore cation might be offered foro o whis mother-in-la- Instead of

    praying, the congregation first began to titter, and finally roaredwith laughter.

    Miss Sputter said at a friend'slunch table, at which she foundseveral strangers seated, apropos ofa remark made ot a certain lady ofuncertain age: "Wby, good gra-cious, she is as old as the hills!"and could not imagine in tho leastwhat caused the general consterna-tion. She did a li' tie later on, how-ever, when it was explained to herthat two maiden sisters at the ta-ble, whose names she did not catchin the Introduction, were calledHill, and were extremely se nsitiveon the subject of age.

    Thb Centack Company, 77 Murray St., New York.


    PlsgHh Points.By AMBROSE.

    . DEALS

    'm fcji-iA-

    Sprine Tooth and Scotch Folding Harrows,

    Table and Pocket CUTLEEY,'Cultivators and tsuifcy Turning Plows, and


    K IN.

    1 ,TrT renewal lot one ysar, receives ticket InIMS.

    is Mammoth Twelve-Pag- e

    hk-- will be furnUhed FKlKimiuwut. .wuioTiDBDi fm uucrcu.. W. . i . VT V . . ft U

    since the recent rains pastureshave improred considerably. Wbcutand oats are looking fine in thissection.

    Earmi rs are planting corn andcotton now at a lively rate.

    Several of our young men andladies were engaged in a fishing excursion at Richland creek last Saturday. Tho following are thenames of those who participated:Arnie Smith and Miss Hattie Harwell ; Bill Oliver and Miss MaggieAnderson; Judge Lancasbr andMiss Delia McCormick.They report a fine time in spite of

    inclement weather. Judge payi hedone well to get back alive.

    Miss Annie Baas opened schoolon Monday at th:s idaoe.

    Miss hua Biss was visiting MissJitila llouze recently.

    Jno. Oliver and Brice Burgess ofLouse Branch were with us Sund y.

    Charlie llouze was in Fayelivillelast week on busiuess.

    Swan Oliver thinks hi will taketo the study of law shortly.

    Mr. Henry Butler was on the HillSuDday,

    The health of the locality isgood at present.

    Upon e ntering the world it is berfirst robe. In a white gown she isbrought for baptism. She sa sher prayers in white, and kneelsfor confirmation in spotless hiteShe is married in white, and arterthat she lives over the white garment days of her youth in :herobe phe makes for her children,and when her task is ended shefolds her whi'e hands and lies downto sleep in a shroud as white as hersoul. Atlanta Constitution.

    A good man is kirder to hisenemy than bad men ere to theirfriends. A kind friend to thecatarrh sufferer is

    Warner's Los Calls Lose Cream.for it may be relied upon to givepermanent relief. Elegant, eflec'ive.

    A coal mite near Belleville, Ind.,caved in Monday while a train wasrossing over it, letting an engine

    and a train of cars fall about 15feet, A terrible wreck followed.Tho engineer and fireman escapedby j imping, but several brakemcfwho wenl down, were seriously Injured.

    88,063.50 to be Given Away ITHE MAMMOTH TWELVE-PAG- E

    WEEKLY AGE-HERAL- DTo Increase the circulation ot the WEEKLY EDITION, already the largest in Alabama, to

    THE LARGEST IN THE SOUTH XInJ5S'.TrUF;H1ly o!ren the most liberal and eitensire nnmVr of osef.l sod Taluablsmade by a newspaper, to be distributed on the 1st VAX or JiEXT JULY, In whichEVEV NEW8UIJ8CRIBEH WILL. PARTICIPATE.tiH Gltt ,r8 U nf'p valuable, no one worth Jem than 11. the regular eubsrrlp.

    V" man'r re wn"h '0 00- - 'm- nd ot them. $..O).00 each; aoonc which are sTnmZniJ ILl.citylo.oneW()OPHr,o. one l.flO.oo Organ, two KexLteu--l Jersey Bul!s, Farm IropU-Srm'- K' 6,1111 w"1 sllfn "'h "on fmn 6ies, FerUlisers. Imported Breech-im- d5., ' l!hiD.l,ad Su". BUverwars, Prepared PainU ready lor use, standard Boots,variety ol articles.stun OjiE dolus ajjiSWSi Pajer in nmedcaj

    POIl Tlir: FAUMEIl, with iu Agricultural I)epartn:ent:THE MECHANIC, with iu muindustrtal News; andAXIE IIOL'HKHOLI), with Its Splendid yalne of Reading for the flreslde- -

    subscribers to tiltatv.. i .thtriSTST-rMr-

    "1 rHb?r' ,n?lT or 1nb,Ill.n1 rn.tributlon to be awarded Julv 1.wauhyl at wry pctofflce to obtainWEEa LY Adt-HKRAL- U. the CheaMst and

    JIS . .AAT?1":?- Instrotioni, iTemium Ll.t andv.. A1I LH Al IW 1J.U ,V ...1 ' - - - - "..vBr.l n Iistrii.litfnn wmill Miaifi. Id m .fcamtl Copies, w

    ana uiM dous under the supervision oi a committee ol well-know- n citizen, ol Birmi ogham.THESE FKESENTS COST YOU NOTHING!

    Yoi Him ply Pay for Your Paper at tlie Xtearulav Irioo.Write st once lor sample copy containing Premium List and also List el Gifts to be distributed.

    TJip AGE-irajlLAX- D CO., Birmingham, Ala.
