The Psychiatrist script

1 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM-DAY 1 Detective BRAD BRASS enters a dimly-lit interrogation room where the suspect, Psychiatric doctor ALDOUS ANDERSON is being held. Dr. Anderson calmly looks up from the table at his interrogator and around the bleak room. Detective Brass brings a chair from the back of the room up to the table where Dr. Anderson is seated and sits across from him. BRASS (Sarcastically)Hello Dr. Anderson...I’m so glad we finally got a chance to meet. Dr. Anderson glances at his interrogator, a smile spreading across his face. ALDOUS Believe me detective, I’ve been waiting for this day too. BRASS Oh, have you? ALDOUS Oh, yes. I have just heard so much about you. It’s nice to put a face to it all. BRASS Is that so? And just what have you heard and from whom? ALDOUS Oh, I think we both know that detective. BRASS You think you know about me, based on what other people tell you, you don’t know shit about me,jack. I got information on you that could put you away for life. ALDOUS I’m shaking.


Here is the first draft of the first half of our script. We plan to finish it and rewrite it once this week.

Transcript of The Psychiatrist script

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Detective BRAD BRASS enters a dimly-lit interrogation room where the suspect, Psychiatric doctor ALDOUS ANDERSON is being held. Dr. Anderson calmly looks up from the table at his interrogator and around the bleak room. Detective Brass brings a chair from the back of the room up to the table where Dr. Anderson is seated and sits across from him.


(Sarcastically)Hello Dr. Anderson...I’m so glad we finally got a chance to meet.

Dr. Anderson glances at his interrogator, a smile spreading across his face.

ALDOUS Believe me detective, I’ve been waiting for

this day too.


Oh, have you? ALDOUS Oh, yes. I have just heard so much about you. It’s nice to put a face to it all. BRASS Is that so? And just what have you heard and from whom? ALDOUS

Oh, I think we both know that detective.

BRASS You think you know about me, based on what other people tell you, you don’t know shit about me,jack. I got information on you that could put you away for life.


I’m shaking.

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BRASS I’m just getting started, doc.


(mockingly) So I see we have the “bad cop” here. Where’s the nice guy? This routine always has to have a nice guy.


Not in the real world, Anderson. It’s just you and me.


Yes, three really is a crowd.

BRASS Alright enough of this crap. I’m not gonna deal with your bullshit mind games. I don’t mess with mind games. I’ll get what I need to know from you one way or another, no matter how long it takes or what I have to put you through. ALDOUS

Well, threatening me, detective, isn’ going to get you anywhere soon now is it? BRASS

(hesitating, but frustrated) My apologies. But remember one thing, doctor: I’m not stuck in here with you. Your stuck in here with me.

Detective Brass is forced to restrain his anger though his face is clearly turning red, and a large vein is starting to protrude from his neck.

BRASS So why don’t we get started? How bout we start at the beginning Aldous? Let’s talk about Henry...

Doctor Anderson shifts in his chair a bit, but retains his overall calm disposition. The two stare into each others eyes intensely.

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ALDOUS (V.O) Ahhh Henry...I remember the day we met. He came to my office in need of therapy for severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. At the time I was experimenting with some different procedures of exposure therapy, however they were lacking in intensity. He liked order, was afraid of germs, you know, those types of things typical to his disorder.


As Aldous spoke, a smile started to spread across his face again, causing the detective to have a sudden chill down his back.

ALDOUS What I had been doing just didn’t seem to be working. 4 INT. OFFICE OF DR. ANDERSON-DAY 4

Henry nervously sits in a small office speaking to Dr. Anderson, who intently listens to his problems.


...and some days I can’t even leave my home...

Henry’s face becomes tired and distraught, trying to think of the next thing to say.

ALDOUS I understand this is difficult Henry, but it is all a part of the process to get you well.


I know, but I’m still just so scared. (Crying) Just make me normal. ALDOUS

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Are you willing to go to extremes, Henry? To do what is necessary?


ALDOUS For awhile I tried everything that I could with Henry. We talked about his problems, hoping that would resolve, or reveal a deeper-seeded issue. Unfortunately, getting nowhere...

The smile faded from his face, showing the lines around his mouth.

ALDOUS I also tried hypnosis, but that failed as well. Henry couldn’t face his problems by talking, all I wanted to do was make him better.


You sure that’s all you wanted to do Aldous?

ALDOUS Yes, detective, that’s all I wanted...So I tried something a little more extreme.


(flashback) We see Aldous walking Henry, who is blindfolded, into a small room that is covered in filth and rats. He closes and locks the door, leaving Henry inside to endure his disgust of germs and disease. There is a small window on the outside of the door and Aldous watches as Henry removes his blindfold and backs into the corner, wide-eyed and panicked. Aldous calmly leaves his patient to endure the circumstances.


He didn’t respond to the circumstances well. He grew scared, which eventually turned to anger. Day’s passed and he didn’t progress. It wasn’t until one day I went to view him,

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only to find him hanging from a pipe.


Brass is quickly growing more and more angry with the doctor. He is sweating and clenching his fists across the metallic table that separates them.

BRASS So you just left him there to die you son of

a bitch?

ALDOUS (In a colder tone.) Of course not, detective. I left him there to improve himself. I told you, I was only doing what needed to be done to help him.

(Regaining his calm, collective character) He needed exposure in order to overcome his disease.

(Trailing off) Just like the others...


I see...And you think you can just contain people like that? Hold them without their consent until they lose their minds?

Aldous looks up at his interrogator again with a more serious, stern look on his face.

ALDOUS (Raising his voice) What happened with Henry was not my intention.

BRASS We’re not here to talk about intentions, doctor. Henry was a good man... and a good friend, my friend. He was always a little off... but thanks to you, he’s not going to have the change to get better is he? Is he?

ALDOUS I gave him the chance, detective. He chose not to get better.

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No psych in the world would agree with what you did.

ALDOUS If everyone did everything the same way with no development, then the world would still be flat, detective.


But who are you to change how its done? What give you the right.


Initiative, detective.


But your techniques didn’t work! They failed!


Trial and error, detective. I never said I had it perfect. That’s what experimenting is. BRASS

Your trials costs lives! Innocent people, people I knew! Friends and family! Why them? Why me? ALDOUS Katie survived and I still believe there is hope for her.

BRASS Katie is locked up in the looney bin because of you, you son of a bitch. You screwed with her head and made her worse than she ever was! How is that fair?


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Katie was helpless when she came to me. A paranoid schizophrenic, she became a danger to herself and others, living in fear of those who loved her, almost violent.


(Flashback) Katie, in her 40’s, sits across from the doctor discussing her issues with delusions. She has her hair straight back in a ponytail and an outfit looking as though she put no effort to look presentable. She is crying.


I just can’t get away from them. My family, my friends, everyone. I hear them talking about killing me. My own husband and son, do you believe that? I’m not safe doctor. If need be, I will defend myself.


Are you sure it’s your family and friends that your afraid of Katie?

KATIE Well, yes, at least I think so.


Could it be that your manifesting your fears onto them? That it is not actually them that are going to hurt you, but its how you perceive them? I want to try something with you Katie. I’m going to hypnotize you so you see the world in a different way. A way that will help you cope with these demons.


In what way, doctor?

ALDOUS Just lay back. Trust me.

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And you put her into hypnosis, where she sees the world as a hellish nightmare. You sick son of a bitch. She can’t function in the real world because of the one you blinded her with.


That is all up to her. If she so desperately wants to get well, what better way to do it than face her fears head on. She would have snapped and killed a loved one had I not done what I did. She can come out of it, but it is up to her.

BRASS Why not just snap her out of it? Stop her

suffering ALDOUS

Because that would put her right back where she was. No change, no nothing. At least this is a step in some sort of direction.


It’s not the right direction!


So you think. If you think about it she is really no different than she was before hypnosis, I just kept her from hurting others.

BRASS By destroying her perspective on reality.


Her perspective was already destroyed, detective.


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Katie is in a padded room wearing a straight jacket, hysterical. There is a window in the room, only some of the sunlight is shining in because it’s rays are blocked by various bars and a metal screen. KATIE Help me! Why?