The Progressive Era

The Progressive The Progressive Era Era What kinds of actions What kinds of actions can bring about social can bring about social change? change?


The Progressive Era. What kinds of actions can bring about social change?. The Origins of Progressivism. Main Idea Political, economic, and social change in the 19 th century America led to broad progressive reforms. What it Matter Now - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Progressive Era

Page 1: The Progressive Era

The Progressive EraThe Progressive EraWhat kinds of actions can What kinds of actions can bring about social change?bring about social change?

Page 2: The Progressive Era

The Origins of ProgressivismThe Origins of Progressivism

Main IdeaMain Idea

Political, economic, and social change Political, economic, and social change in the 19in the 19thth century America led to century America led to

broad progressive reforms.broad progressive reforms.

What it Matter NowWhat it Matter Now

Progressive reforms such as labor and Progressive reforms such as labor and voting rights have helped to make voting rights have helped to make

life in America what it is in America what it is today.

Page 3: The Progressive Era

The Origins of ProgressivismThe Origins of Progressivism

What were the four goals that What were the four goals that various progressive reform various progressive reform movements struggled to achieve?movements struggled to achieve?– Protecting social welfare, promoting Protecting social welfare, promoting

moral reform, creating economic reform, moral reform, creating economic reform, and fostering efficiency.and fostering efficiency.

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Four Goals of ProgressivismFour Goals of Progressivism

Four GoalsOf Progressivism

ProtectingSocial Welfare

Promoting Moral


Creating Economic


YMCASalvation ArmyFlorence Kelly

Illinois Factory Act


Frances WillardCarrie Nation

Eugene V. DebsAmerican Socialist


Louis D. BrandeisFredrick Winslow Taylor

Scientific Management

Page 5: The Progressive Era

Cleaning Up Local GovernmentCleaning Up Local Government

How did government change during How did government change during the Progressive Era? How were the Progressive Era? How were these changes important?these changes important?– Government became more responsive Government became more responsive

to the people, elections were reformed, to the people, elections were reformed, Senators directly elected and the public Senators directly elected and the public had more voice in law-making. had more voice in law-making. Democracy was expanded.Democracy was expanded.

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Cleaning Up Local GovernmentCleaning Up Local Government Reforming Local GovernmentReforming Local Government

– 1900- Hurricane in Galveston, TX1900- Hurricane in Galveston, TX– TX legislature appointed a 5 member commission to TX legislature appointed a 5 member commission to

take over the clean-up.take over the clean-up. Each member takes charge of a different city depart.Each member takes charge of a different city depart.

– By 1917- 500 cities adopted what Galveston did.By 1917- 500 cities adopted what Galveston did.– City Managers were createdCity Managers were created

City Councils were elected by the peopleCity Councils were elected by the people Reform MayorsReform Mayors

– Hazen Pingree (Detroit)-Hazen Pingree (Detroit)- instituted a fairer tax instituted a fairer tax structure, set up work relief.structure, set up work relief.

– Tom Johnson (Cleveland)-Tom Johnson (Cleveland)- dismissing corrupt and dismissing corrupt and greedy private owners of utilities.greedy private owners of utilities.

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Reform at the State LevelReform at the State Level

Direct Election ofSenators

17th Amendment

Reforming ElectionsInitiative, Referendum,


Limited Working

HoursMuller v Oregon

Working ChildrenKeating-Owen Act

Reform Gov.Robert La Follette

James S. Hogg

Reform At the

State Level

Page 8: The Progressive Era

Women in Public LifeWomen in Public Life

Main IdeaMain Idea

As a result of social and economic As a result of social and economic change, many women entered public change, many women entered public

life as workers and as workers and reformers.

Why it Matters NowWhy it Matters Now

Women won new opportunities in labor Women won new opportunities in labor and education that are enjoyed and education that are enjoyed

Page 9: The Progressive Era
Page 10: The Progressive Era

One American’s StoryOne American’s Story

Sussette La Fleshe- 1879, helped Sussette La Fleshe- 1879, helped translate for Chief Standing Bear translate for Chief Standing Bear (Ponca tribe) into English.(Ponca tribe) into English.– She testified before Congress and She testified before Congress and

helped win the passage of the Dawes helped win the passage of the Dawes Act of 1887.Act of 1887.

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Women in the Work ForceWomen in the Work Force

Women in theWork Force

Farm Women

Women inIndustry


Cooking, Cleaning, Making clothes

Telephone OperatorsOffice workFactories



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Women Lead ReformWomen Lead Reform

Dangerous conditions, low wages, and Dangerous conditions, low wages, and long hours led many female industrial long hours led many female industrial workers to push reform.workers to push reform.

Women &Reform

Josephine RuffinSusan B. Anthony

Elizabeth Cady StantonJulia Ward Howe


NAWSABattle Hymn of the Republic

Page 13: The Progressive Era

Three-Part Strategy for SuffrageThree-Part Strategy for Suffrage

Convince Legislatures to grant women the Convince Legislatures to grant women the right to vote.right to vote.– Wyoming-1Wyoming-1stst (1869) (1869)

Pursue Court Cases to test the 14Pursue Court Cases to test the 14thth Amendment and threaten to lose Amendment and threaten to lose congressional representation. Aren’t congressional representation. Aren’t women citizens too?women citizens too?– 1875- Supreme Court rule that women were 1875- Supreme Court rule that women were

citizens, but denied them to vote.citizens, but denied them to vote. Push for a constitutional amendment for Push for a constitutional amendment for

women to vote.women to vote.– 41 years women lobbied to have it.41 years women lobbied to have it.

Page 14: The Progressive Era

Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts

Describe the growing presence of Describe the growing presence of women in the workforce at the turn women in the workforce at the turn of the 20th century. of the 20th century.

Identify leaders of the woman Identify leaders of the woman suffrage movement. Explain how suffrage movement. Explain how woman suffrage was achieved. woman suffrage was achieved.

Page 15: The Progressive Era

Teddy Roosevelt’sTeddy Roosevelt’sSquare DealSquare Deal

Main IdeaMain IdeaAs president, Theodore Roosevelt As president, Theodore Roosevelt

worked to give citizens a Square Deal worked to give citizens a Square Deal through progressive reforms.through progressive reforms.

Why it Matters NowWhy it Matters NowAs part of his Square Deal, Roosevelt’s As part of his Square Deal, Roosevelt’s

conservation efforts made a conservation efforts made a permanent impact on environmental permanent impact on environmental


Page 16: The Progressive Era

A Rough-Riding PresidentA Rough-Riding President Controlling RooseveltControlling Roosevelt

– Gov. of N.Y.Gov. of N.Y.– McKinley’s V.P.McKinley’s V.P.

Roosevelt’s RiseRoosevelt’s Rise– AdventurerAdventurer– Harvard- Boxing and WrestledHarvard- Boxing and Wrestled– Rough Riders (1898)Rough Riders (1898)– San Juan Hill in CubaSan Juan Hill in Cuba

The Modern PresidencyThe Modern Presidency– 1901- became president (42 yrs old)1901- became president (42 yrs old)– SportsmanSportsman– ““Bully Pulpit”- influence media, shape legislationBully Pulpit”- influence media, shape legislation– SQUARE DEAL- progressive reforms sponsored by SQUARE DEAL- progressive reforms sponsored by


Page 17: The Progressive Era

Using Federal PowerUsing Federal Power

Roosevelt was convinced that modern Roosevelt was convinced that modern America required a powerful federal America required a powerful federal government.government.

Federal Power

Trustbusting 1902 Coal Strike Railroad Regulation

Northern SecuritiesCompany

Invitation to White House

Hepburn Act1906

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Page 19: The Progressive Era

One American’s StoryOne American’s Story

Upton Sinclair- Upton Sinclair- muckrakermuckraker– ““The Jungle” (1906)The Jungle” (1906)– Exposed the meatpacking Exposed the meatpacking

industry in Chicago.industry in Chicago. Theodore RooseveltTheodore Roosevelt

– Appalled by the accountAppalled by the account– Promised to helpPromised to help

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Health and the EnvironmentHealth and the Environment

John MuirGifford PinchotNewlands Act


Natural Resources

Pure Food& Drug


Meat Inspection



Page 21: The Progressive Era

Roosevelt and Civil RightsRoosevelt and Civil Rights

Roosevelt appointed African Roosevelt appointed African Americans to government positionsAmericans to government positions

Invited African Americans to the Invited African Americans to the White HouseWhite House

NAACP- W.E.B. Du BoisNAACP- W.E.B. Du Bois

Page 22: The Progressive Era

Teddy Roosevelt’s Square DealTeddy Roosevelt’s Square DealReviewReview

What scandalous practices did Upton What scandalous practices did Upton Sinclair expose in his novel The Sinclair expose in his novel The Jungle? How did the American public, Jungle? How did the American public, Roosevelt, and Congress respond?Roosevelt, and Congress respond?– Sinclair’s descriptions of the Sinclair’s descriptions of the

meatpacking industry’s corrupt meatpacking industry’s corrupt practices disgusted both the public and practices disgusted both the public and Roosevelt, who pushed Congress to pass Roosevelt, who pushed Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act.the Meat Inspection Act.

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Teddy Roosevelt’s Square DealTeddy Roosevelt’s Square DealReviewReview

How did Roosevelt earn his How did Roosevelt earn his reputation as a trustbuster?reputation as a trustbuster?– Roosevelt filed suits under the Sherman Roosevelt filed suits under the Sherman

Anti-Trust Act, thus breaking up some of Anti-Trust Act, thus breaking up some of the trusts. He also ordered the Justice the trusts. He also ordered the Justice department to sue the Northern department to sue the Northern Securities Company which, until the Securities Company which, until the Supreme Court dissolved the company, Supreme Court dissolved the company, held a monopoly over northwestern held a monopoly over northwestern railroads.railroads.

Page 24: The Progressive Era

Progressivism Under TaftProgressivism Under Taft

Main IdeaMain IdeaTaft’s ambivalent approach to Taft’s ambivalent approach to

progressive reform led to a split in progressive reform led to a split in the Republican Party and the loss of the Republican Party and the loss of

the presidency to the Democrats.the presidency to the Democrats.Why it Matters NowWhy it Matters Now

Third-party candidates continue to Third-party candidates continue to wrestle with how to become viable wrestle with how to become viable


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One American’s StoryOne American’s Story

Gifford Pinchot- head of the U.S. Forest Gifford Pinchot- head of the U.S. Forest Service under Roosevelt.Service under Roosevelt.

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Taft Becomes PresidentTaft Becomes President

1904- Roosevelt pledged not to run for 1904- Roosevelt pledged not to run for reelection in 1908.reelection in 1908.

William Howard Taft-William Howard Taft- Secretary of War under Secretary of War under RooseveltRoosevelt


Taft StumblesPayne-Aldrich

TariffDisputing Public


Tariffs & ConservationBecame problems

Payne Bill-loweredAldrich Bill-raised

Richard A. Ballinger

Page 27: The Progressive Era

Progressivism Under TaftProgressivism Under Taft

What did Taft do that angered What did Taft do that angered progressive Republicans?progressive Republicans?– He agreed to the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, He agreed to the Payne-Aldrich Tariff,

that raised tariffs and sided with Richard that raised tariffs and sided with Richard Ballinger, when he removed 1 million Ballinger, when he removed 1 million acres of forest and mining lands from acres of forest and mining lands from the reserve list.the reserve list.

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The Republican Party SplitsThe Republican Party Splits Problems within the PartyProblems within the Party

– Progressives were split on those who sought Progressives were split on those who sought change and conservatives who did not.change and conservatives who did not.

– Taft sides with Joseph CannonTaft sides with Joseph Cannon– Cannon ignored progressive billsCannon ignored progressive bills– Cannon stripped of his power.Cannon stripped of his power.– Democrats gain control of the House of Rep.Democrats gain control of the House of Rep.

Bull Moose PartyBull Moose Party– ““New Nationalism”New Nationalism”– 1912- Roosevelt decides to run again1912- Roosevelt decides to run again– Progressive Party AKA “Bull Moose Party”Progressive Party AKA “Bull Moose Party”

Woodrow Wilson wins because of the splitWoodrow Wilson wins because of the split

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Democrats Win in 1912Democrats Win in 1912

Taft called Roosevelt a “dangerous Taft called Roosevelt a “dangerous egotist”egotist”

Roosevelt called Taft a “fathead” with a Roosevelt called Taft a “fathead” with a brain of a “guinea pig”brain of a “guinea pig”

The election offered voters several The election offered voters several choices:choices:– Wilson- New FreedomWilson- New Freedom– Roosevelt- ProgressivismRoosevelt- Progressivism– Taft’s- ConservatismTaft’s- Conservatism– Eugene V. Debs- SocialismEugene V. Debs- Socialism

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Page 31: The Progressive Era


Both Roosevelt and Taft resorted to Both Roosevelt and Taft resorted to mudslinging during the 1912 mudslinging during the 1912 presidential campaign. Do you presidential campaign. Do you approve or disapprove of negative approve or disapprove of negative campaign tactics? Support your campaign tactics? Support your answer.answer.

Page 32: The Progressive Era

Wilson’s New FreedomWilson’s New Freedom

Main IdeaMain IdeaWoodrow Wilson established a strong Woodrow Wilson established a strong

reform agenda as a progressive reform agenda as a progressive leader.leader.

Why it Matter NowWhy it Matter NowThe passage of the Nineteenth The passage of the Nineteenth

Amendment during Wilson’s Amendment during Wilson’s administration granted women the administration granted women the

right to voteright to vote

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One American’s StoryOne American’s Story

Carrie Chapman Catt- President of the Carrie Chapman Catt- President of the NWSANWSA

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Wilson Wins Financial ReformsWilson Wins Financial Reforms

Like Roosevelt, Like Roosevelt, Wilson claimed Wilson claimed progressive ideals, progressive ideals, but a different idea but a different idea about federal about federal government.government.

Wilson’s “New Wilson’s “New Freedom”Freedom”

Triple wall of Triple wall of privilege:privilege:– Trusts, tariffs, high Trusts, tariffs, high



ClaytonAntitrust Act

Federal TradeCommission (FTC)

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A New Tax SystemA New Tax System

Wilson worked to lower tariffs, to control Wilson worked to lower tariffs, to control big business.big business.

Underwood Act-Underwood Act- lower tariffs for the 1 lower tariffs for the 1stst time since the Civil War.time since the Civil War.


Federal IncomeTax

Federal ReserveSystem

16th AmendmentGraduated Income Tax

Federal Reserve Act-191312 Districts

Page 36: The Progressive Era

Women Win SuffrageWomen Win Suffrage

Women push for the right to voteWomen push for the right to vote Three developments made it possible:Three developments made it possible:

– Increase activismIncrease activism– Built enthusiasm for the movementBuilt enthusiasm for the movement– Rebirth of movement under Carrie Chatman Rebirth of movement under Carrie Chatman


Page 37: The Progressive Era

Women Win SuffrageWomen Win Suffrage

By 1912, only 5 states had suffrage for By 1912, only 5 states had suffrage for womenwomen

Local Suffrage BattlesLocal Suffrage Battles– Educated womenEducated women– Used door-to-door campaignUsed door-to-door campaign– Women go to EnglandWomen go to England– Emmeline Pankhurst- British suffragistEmmeline Pankhurst- British suffragist

Catt and the National MovementCatt and the National Movement– Carrie Chapman Catt-1900-1904 (NWSA)Carrie Chapman Catt-1900-1904 (NWSA)– Five tactics of CattFive tactics of Catt

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Five Tactics of CattFive Tactics of Catt


Continuous Lobbying


Ties w/ local,State, & national workers



Page 39: The Progressive Era

Catt & National MovementCatt & National Movement

Lucy Burns & Alice PaulLucy Burns & Alice Paul– National Women’s PartyNational Women’s Party

1919- 191919- 19thth Amendment Amendment– 72 years after women meet.72 years after women meet.

Page 40: The Progressive Era

The Limits of ProgressivismThe Limits of Progressivism

Wilson wouldn’t support social reform as Wilson wouldn’t support social reform as much.much.

Wilson and Civil RightsWilson and Civil Rights– Wilson retreated once in the White House on Wilson retreated once in the White House on

civil rights.civil rights.– He appointed Southerners who extended He appointed Southerners who extended

segregation.segregation. The Twilight of ProgressivismThe Twilight of Progressivism

– War in Europe would put progressive ideas on War in Europe would put progressive ideas on hold.hold.

Page 41: The Progressive Era

Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts How did the Clayton Antitrust Act benefit labor?How did the Clayton Antitrust Act benefit labor?

– It recognized the legality of labor unions, It recognized the legality of labor unions, strikes, peaceful picketing, boycotts, and strike strikes, peaceful picketing, boycotts, and strike benefits; it limited the use of injunctions in benefits; it limited the use of injunctions in court disputes.court disputes.

Cite two examples of social welfare legislation Cite two examples of social welfare legislation that Wilson opposed during his presidency and that Wilson opposed during his presidency and the arguments he used to defend his position.the arguments he used to defend his position.– Child labor laws, because he felt they were Child labor laws, because he felt they were

unconstitutional; federal antilynching laws, unconstitutional; federal antilynching laws, because he believed such crimes fell under because he believed such crimes fell under state jurisdictions.state jurisdictions.