The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1921-09-30 [p...

Cows. Beseber Bank Merchants Nationi al. o entered upon a ems ... menit, a eopy of which'i :hrs tarched, marked - Ehibit "A," Charles E. Beiseker ;nd Lila ._ 1 Netcher entered upgn "at , c l~tr~i P~d~ea ~ of which s ertwo attch. Exhibit "4,W11 NOW, THEREFOR consider S of the dtal es herein d 4~Iiti~ed~aitco tios of` :rimz D~olIVr ($&A01k y*e of iipatiah o parties hereto hereby cenant :wI agree as follows, to-wit: ; 1. Said -. L. Beiseker has, on date, executed ten (10) certain prom I issory notes, each in the: si * Twenty-f our Thousand Two, Hundred. Pifty-six tDollars ($24,256.00),. ed September 7th, 1911, and tu g as follows: Note No. 1 on or befr- January 1st, 1922, Not No. 1 on- oar before Jana .1sst 19, .Note No. 3 en or before , aniir3i 1st, 1924;'N e No. 4, on: or be January =1t, 1925, NotetNo. 5, on or before JMn- ary 1st, 1926, Note No. 6, on or be- fore January 1st, 1927, Note No. 7, on or before January 1st, 1928, Note No. 8, on or before January 10t, 1989, Note No. 9, on or before January 1st, 1930, and Note No 4 10, on : or before January st, 1931, all of said n notes bearingr interest at the rate of three and one-aif per cent (3%) per an- num from their date, said interest be- ing payable annually on Jpnuary 1st of each year, and each of said notes bing in form as follows, to-wit: $24,256.00 Minneapolis, Minn. Sept. 7th, 1921. On or befbre January 1st, 19.-- I promise to pay to -the -order of the County :of Sheridan, State of Mon- taida, the sum of Twenty-four Thous- and Two Hundred Fifty-Six and rio- 100 Dollars ($24,256.00) for value received, at the office of the Minne- sota Loan and Trust Company, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with interest thereon at the rate of three and one- half per cent per annum, payable an- nually, until paid,. having deposited with said trust company as Trustee and pledged, as collateral security for the payment hereof, and for the pay- mer. -of nine other notes, each of even date and of the same amount as this note, the following to-w : Two hund- red FortT, Tho sand Dairs ( 40,- 000.00) of the Certifcates of Dposit of the Sheridanr iountXt State. Ba*, of Plentywood, Montana. It is also agreed that this note is given and held subject to all the terms and conditions of that certain agree- ment dated September 7th, 1921, by and btween T. L. Beiseker, first party, The Minnesota Loan and Trust Com- pany, second party and the County of Sheridan. State of Montana, third party. INo . . . .. - --- .... ... ..... .... .... .... Said promissory notes have been 11 executed by_ the said first party and delivered to the said second party, to be held by it in escrow until the Shridan County State Bank has been reorganized as hereinafter set forth, and said Trustee, aftek said reorgam- n zation, is then fully authorized and empowered to deliver said promissory cl notes to the said third party. Furth- e: ermore agreed that in case of default b in the payment of -the interest or prin- 1N cipal of any of the above notes for ninety days after maturity.,said c4 aunty 'may, at its option; thpn e. elareV lo_ said notes forthwilf dii C and pay able. 2. Said first party furthermore agrees that -e will take immediate ti jter' towards the reorganization and a reopening of the $aid Sheridan Coun- ti ty State Bank, and will use his utmost e endeavors to see that said bank- is n reopened ' at the earliest practicable c date, and that immediatly upon the re- n opening of said hank, he will cause to v be delivered to the said second party tl the Two Hundred Forty Thousand a Dollars ($240,000.00) of certificates of v Deposit referred to in the above notes, e to be held by it as collateral security a in accordance witlt the terms of this o agreement; that all of said Certifi- cates of Deposit will mature as of January 1st, 1922,--but that it is here- t by specifically "agreed, by and between s the parties hereto, that Two Hundred e Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($216,000) v of said Certificates of Deposit may be s renewed from time to time and issued t to the Minnesota Loan and Trust I Company,, as Trustee, with the un- f derstanding, however, that not less a than 'Twenty-four- Thousand Dollars ($24,000.00) of said Certificates of I Deposit shall mature on January 1st, r 1923, and Twenty-four Thousand Dol- f lars ($24,000.00) thereof shall' ma- t ture on January 1st, of each year i thereafter, until said Certificates of Deposit are fully. paid, and said sec- ond party is hereby fully authorized, to renew and extend said Certificates i of T~posit from time to time as afore- 1 3. Said third party hereby agrees that the promissory notes aforesaid i are given in full payment and satis- i faction -of all claims, either direct or contingnt, which said County has or claims to - v4 against said T. L. Befieker or against said SheridanB Capty State Bank, and it hereby. agrees and subscribes to all of the terms and conditions of this contract. 4. Said Second party .'covenants' and agreesthat if the Sheridan Coun- ty State Bank is reorganized as afore- said, aand if the said Certificates of. Deposit are place with it as here: contemplat d, that it will hold said Certificates of teposit as collaea security to the notes aforesaid, and that when An, if patients .are _~ ceivedh upon said Certificates of 041 posit, the pr e6& thereof, in so fad as is necesswil be ased for payment 9f tl-=t(r~ W4, of said proini ry '.note, an sa first party herb t~~h2Zsaid see ond party to 3'~i s iidproceeds fro said Certificates. s ~ceive~l by it xdir+t ' f pY0 said obligations. 5. Said third `plry a,- gre that when and as said notes. are paid that it will an trwaisfer to 'said '*st pyar right, title tid interest inandt bthe t claimed in- beof ad _ ade Coo as 4foesaad *4 id Col- Pledge, ,.di feles its with Ahwrste -nmed; s `to all tha erms conditions tl~ioand siblect dhe to ihe limi- ons herna'ter stated ii the next ' paagraph L aid 1parttes furthermore the qi4hqu isreo .Iall paris inti eres t t agreement the satistacton 4 econd attorney, that estae and ov-. -ge byth sao- sai4, providizg bowever, if said rst prty shall pay the Mterest and al of hist (1f) promisscry ntes `as her nbefere provi4*d and 8i: aforesaid, then said ooy waives its rights to pay pate in . and all payments or d dividends xriade to ieditdrs -said -trust deed *i4d foae : 7. It is agree a seeond par- tyhall be. tie 1 rreasonable compensation for its sewaies heremn- . der, and that all suchi charges shall be borae by said firstparty or by the trust estate described -n said Trust Agreement, sai IN WITNESS WHE*EOF, said first party has hereunto set hisa hand, and said second 4d third parties have caused this iistrument to be ex- ecuted by their proper. icers, on the fdate first above written. - Signed, Sealed and De- livered in Presence of: --------- T. L BEISEKER -... -.... THi MINNESOTA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY ---- --- By C. V. Smith, Vice President: W. Chambers, R. G. Tyler e J. D. Matkin r Jens Ibsen Board of County Commrs., Sheridan County, State of Montana. Ft Approved: t WELER and. ALDWIN ALFRED T. VOLLAUM, Attorney fo; Board of County Coin- missioners,,iheridan County, Montana. (Continued 4pext week) PLANS MADE TO RE- CEIVE TWENTY-FWE MILLION DOLLARS FROM UNITED STATES T (Continued f om Page One) c al new marketing -oganization. It was steted by B. F. Critchfield, I chi~ef orgazfaer, yesterday that it isne nrefn Iaiztol expected thdt 50 organizers will soon , be at work in'the Red River Valley in , Minnesota. gist meetings will be held, as soon its arrangements can be completed, at grookston, Fergus Falls, dal Twvin Vley and Warren, in 6,000 Contracts in State In North Dakota nearly 6,000 con- tracts have already been signed, and all members will immediately be no- tified of the securing of the gov- ernment funds to finance the hold- ings of wheat for a ibetter price. Spe- cific instructions will be sent to each I mnemuber as to how he can take ad- vantage of the new plan. Under it the Grain Growers will be able to advance 75 per cent of the market value of the wheat, so that the farm- er can meet his pressing obligations, and at the same time take advantage of better prices, if wheat advances in price. "In territory not yet organized by the U. S. Grain Growers," it was said at headquarters yesterday, farm- l ers who have not yet marketed their wheat, or who have it ,-ia storage,- should get in touch with officials of the U. S. Grain Growers, either at Fargo, Minneapolis or St. Paul offices, for details as to how they can take advantage of ,the new plan." B. F. Critchfield will go to St.-1 Paul tonight, where he expects to meet Usher L Burdick and other of- ficials of the U. S. Grain Growers " tomorrow, and make final arrange- ments for organization work. . BCaO Secure Better Price - Officials at Grain Growers head- I quarters are averse themselves to making any. promises, but they, point to Secretary~ Hoover's statement- that. 40 per cent of the crop has already v p f 'rom. the hands of the farm- I rs, ate- that wheat has been over- - n e, bearing: down prices below r what 'the need of the world - justifies. r Since ,i eipite of this "ecord-breaking marketing of the crop wheat prices rae advanced 30 cents .t is argued y. that there is good reason for believ- e lagthat if a considerable amount oa whet sow be stored and mark st eas ede;a pce-- l- bethaat present. The Fnao4 orAtio funds are toy f ; 1 o this rderly "arketing v & If. farmers -ofhe 7irth~et i are by rheans o_ this g* o~ s the need of :A.~ y e been practi t itV will be e d dt $d weat to_ the ee41.itand tbere Sas~ Sa~ .r nitable valuation wilt ce orporation makint a bethh XIndt of the~ fmers .thqpn- p selvee A~they I I U of d this maethod f rijuve d I wll~oaibs for i(iiiers8 to Infatts' White Wool Caps Dependon e4 p: e at 5ATUR)AY, UCI. 4at $1.25, each- 2 pair for-------- Infants White Wool Boo DepenAoi te :ark b1own 'V at 75c,. 2 pair at 35, 4 pair for.... ------ Ladies' Polly Prim A Children's Putses priced t r)sprd at ---------- each'ies Saee Bungalow nr colors, M~ie "'t $La cok pri-ed 'N colors, a pri t $ 1 .r. Ladief House Dresses, Hair Ribbons, Pd1ed *t 5D4 Y Light Shades 3 yards for . ---- "-----------A Childen's Velveteen T- Brassieres priced at $.25, - at $1.50, at -------- * all Many terls Is salepriced market their wheat through existing elevators, even though they have no contract with the Grain Growers, and' send their storage tickets to the U. .S. Grain Growers, it was stated. NOTICE FOR BIDS Dagmar, Montana, Sept. 27, 1921. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned . school board will receive sealed bids up until Friday, October 14th, at 6 p. in., 19R1, for the haul- ing of the schoolchildren of the north end of District/Nmnber 23 to school and return from their homes, the ne- cessary school' days' for' a period of eight months or the term of school, the contractor to furnish bus, driver and team. T1e Board reserves the right to re- ject 'any and all bids. Signed A. 0. QtAM, Chairutan .I A. MOkKIN H. HAAVEN, Board of Directors of School Dis- trict No. 23, Sheridan County, Mon- tana. Attest: ANDREW DAHL, Clerk. 25-t2 Con. CasesTaken UhIer Advisement (Continued from Page One) arranged with the interested parties to come to Pfentywood, and this morning the case of contempt of court against Editor Bowler was called~ for hearing also before Judge Rose, and a motion to quash was also' filed and argued. B. K. Wheeler making the argument 'for Editor Bow- ler along the line he had made Thurs- day for Editor Taylor, yet going still deeper into the theory and law of contempt. Attorney George Cudidie of Scobey, as friend of the court made the prin- cipal argument resisting the motion to quash, but was followed by Coun- ty Attorney Nyquist of Daniels coun- ty, who cited and reviewed two im- pixtant cases bearing on the prem- ises. The motion to quash in the Bowler case was also taken under advisement by Judge Rose on the same time and conditions as in the Taylor case. One S. 0. S. Cleaner with Each $ Purh We list below a few of our many Bargains for $ Day. 1 Al Roil. an4Record, LOO I1I iII 6lll $ eavy Galvanized t ryI' bss vy 2 No. 1 Pa l ' Brooms, diT - Reg. .2 Wtcli Reg. 2.00 Pictures, 3.0 1iali Adj. Post S Auto Pumps, reg. 2 4Aug& **r 9 1.65 Coffee Pots, ' ":J SToiers LOO 10 3 12-Qt, Galvanized r~~~~1 s,10OP ls Rdat. 4~k r ~~W &SOIINC Jy' E ay . -1 , VOCATIONAL RIEABILFA'A . TION OF PERSONS INJURED 8 IN INDUSTRY a ,September 26, 1921. b Plantywood, Montana. Dear Editor: AX law was enacted "in the Seven- teenth Legislative Assembly whereby , the State of Montana: accpted the F d eral Act for Vocational Rehabilitation of persons injured in industry or oth- erwise. This offce will be pleased. to hear from anyone crippled in any way if- they wish to take: Advantage of the Vocational aid. If you write or cali this office we shall, examine your i condition and write the Department of Vocational Education or if you wish to write directly write Llo d A. Hen-' jry, Rehabilitation Agent, Department . of Vocational Education, Helena, 1 Mont. Kindly give publicity to the above. Yours very truly, WILLIAM IOE, County Supt. of Schools. ANOUNCEMEN J. R. Collinson, Chiropractic, an- nounces that he will locate here about October 1st. He, is a graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, la. This school is recognized by all real Chiropractors to be the best and larg- est " i#,aistence today and teaches nothinig but straight Chiropractic. Dr. Collinson has received the de- gree. of D. C. Ph. C., which is. the higher t degree awarded by the school. it is unnecessary to say any more as last winter he practiced at Outlook and the people whom he adjusted are his best advertisers. Exact date of location at Plenty- wood and Outlook will be published later. Launching of Loans to Livestock Men Is Delayed I Helena, Sept. 27.-Progress in the matter of the securing of loans for livestock mei of the state under the government plan recently designed, is at ,a standstil, due to a delay in fur- nishing of the . necessary papers, blaks and instructions. T. A. Marlow, chairman of the state limittee of bankers designdted to ciminister the relief measure in Mon- na, was advised that all these pa- rs had been sent to him from washington, D. C., last , Saturday. ?These should have reached him onI Wednesday, but when they had not arrived Friday noon, he wired to' Di- rector Meyer, who replied that he 'had ordered another set to be dispatched from Washington. Accordifgly, unless the delayed shipment shows up, it will be several days before anything can be done by the Montana bankers in this matter. Saturday; PA.Y! Odd Children's Gowns, - - 5 Yardci6-Inch Challie, - Laes' Percale Aprons, formerly $2.00 Value 8 pair eCanvas Gloves, - Canvas Shoes, - Children's Rompers,, former $2.00 values, MANY MORE BARGAINS FOR THE DAY. where- THE NEW STORE Is duty J. P. PALUBIKI FRANK S. RE. TAKi CulTertson Editor Assua Land Office for Glasg Glasgowv, Sept. 26.- of Culbertson has taken as receiver of the Ulite office here, which covers Mr. Reed was editor of son SE archlight, which p started in 1902 and 'hic was the only Republiai in Valley county. He had the indorsemet publican organization here, fice to which he has been The family, consisting IMr-s. Reed, a son, Tom a. daughter, Marguerite taken quarters in the Jens

Transcript of The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1921-09-30 [p...

Page 1: The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1921-09-30 [p 8] · Cows. Beseber Bank Merchants Nationi al. o entered upon

Cows. Beseber


Merchants Nationi al. oentered upon a ems ...menit, a eopy of which'i :hrstarched, marked -Ehibit "A,"Charles E. Beiseker ;nd Lila ._ 1Netcher entered upgn "at , c

l~tr~i P~d~ea ~ of which sertwo attch. Exhibit "4,W11NOW, THEREFOR consider S

of the dtal es herein d4~Iiti~ed~aitco tios of` :rimz

D~olIVr ($&A01k y*eof iipatiah o

parties hereto hereby cenant :wIagree as follows, to-wit: ;

1. Said -. L. Beiseker has, ondate, executed ten (10) certain prom Iissory notes, each in the: si *Twenty-f our Thousand Two, Hundred.Pifty-six tDollars ($24,256.00),.ed September 7th, 1911, and tu gas follows: Note No. 1 on or befr-January 1st, 1922, Not No. 1 on- oarbefore Jana .1sst 19, .Note No. 3en or before , aniir3i 1st, 1924;'N eNo. 4, on: or be January =1t,1925, NotetNo. 5, on or before JMn-ary 1st, 1926, Note No. 6, on or be-fore January 1st, 1927, Note No. 7,on or before January 1st, 1928, NoteNo. 8, on or before January 10t, 1989,Note No. 9, on or before January 1st,1930, and Note No4 10, on : or beforeJanuary st, 1931, all of said n notesbearingr interest at the rate of threeand one-aif per cent (3%) per an-num from their date, said interest be-ing payable annually on Jpnuary 1stof each year, and each of said notesbing in form as follows, to-wit:$24,256.00 Minneapolis, Minn.

Sept. 7th, 1921.On or befbre January 1st, 19.--

I promise to pay to -the -order of theCounty :of Sheridan, State of Mon-taida, the sum of Twenty-four Thous-and Two Hundred Fifty-Six and rio-100 Dollars ($24,256.00) for valuereceived, at the office of the Minne-sota Loan and Trust Company, inMinneapolis, Minnesota, with interestthereon at the rate of three and one-half per cent per annum, payable an-nually, until paid,. having depositedwith said trust company as Trusteeand pledged, as collateral security forthe payment hereof, and for the pay-mer. -of nine other notes, each of evendate and of the same amount as thisnote, the following to-w : Two hund-red FortT, Tho sand Dairs ( 40,-000.00) of the Certifcates of Dpositof the Sheridanr iountXt State. Ba*,of Plentywood, Montana.

It is also agreed that this note is

given and held subject to all the termsand conditions of that certain agree-ment dated September 7th, 1921, byand btween T. L. Beiseker, first party,The Minnesota Loan and Trust Com-pany, second party and the County ofSheridan. State of Montana, thirdparty.INo . . . .. - --- .... ... ..... .... .... ....

Said promissory notes have been 11executed by_ the said first party anddelivered to the said second party, tobe held by it in escrow until theShridan County State Bank has beenreorganized as hereinafter set forth,and said Trustee, aftek said reorgam- nzation, is then fully authorized andempowered to deliver said promissory clnotes to the said third party. Furth- e:ermore agreed that in case of default bin the payment of -the interest or prin- 1Ncipal of any of the above notes forninety days after maturity.,said c4

aunty 'may, at its option; thpn e.elareV lo_ said notes forthwilf dii Cand pay able.

2. Said first party furthermoreagrees that -e will take immediate ti

jter' towards the reorganization and areopening of the $aid Sheridan Coun- tity State Bank, and will use his utmost eendeavors to see that said bank- is nreopened ' at the earliest practicable cdate, and that immediatly upon the re- nopening of said hank, he will cause to vbe delivered to the said second party tlthe Two Hundred Forty Thousand aDollars ($240,000.00) of certificates of vDeposit referred to in the above notes, eto be held by it as collateral security ain accordance witlt the terms of this oagreement; that all of said Certifi-cates of Deposit will mature as ofJanuary 1st, 1922,--but that it is here- tby specifically "agreed, by and between sthe parties hereto, that Two Hundred eSixteen Thousand Dollars ($216,000) vof said Certificates of Deposit may be srenewed from time to time and issued tto the Minnesota Loan and Trust ICompany,, as Trustee, with the un- fderstanding, however, that not less athan 'Twenty-four- Thousand Dollars($24,000.00) of said Certificates of IDeposit shall mature on January 1st, r1923, and Twenty-four Thousand Dol- flars ($24,000.00) thereof shall' ma- tture on January 1st, of each year ithereafter, until said Certificates ofDeposit are fully. paid, and said sec-ond party is hereby fully authorized,to renew and extend said Certificates iof T~posit from time to time as afore- 1

3. Said third party hereby agreesthat the promissory notes aforesaid iare given in full payment and satis- ifaction -of all claims, either direct orcontingnt, which said County has orclaims to - v4 against said T. L.Befieker or against said SheridanBCapty State Bank, and it hereby.agrees and subscribes to all of theterms and conditions of this contract.

4. Said Second party .'covenants'and agreesthat if the Sheridan Coun-ty State Bank is reorganized as afore-said, aand if the said Certificates of.Deposit are place with it as here:contemplat d, that it will hold saidCertificates of teposit as collaeasecurity to the notes aforesaid, andthat when An, if patients .are _~ceivedh upon said Certificates of 041posit, the pr e6& thereof, in so fadas is necesswil be ased forpayment 9f tl-=t(r~ W4,of said proini ry '.note, an safirst party herb t~~h2Zsaid see

ond party to 3'~i s iidproceeds frosaid Certificates. s~ceive~l by it xdir+t ' f pY0said obligations.

5. Said third ̀ plry a,- grethat when and as saidnotes. are paid that it will antrwaisfer to 'said '*st pyarright, title tid interest inandt

bthe t claimed in-

beof ad

_ adeCooas 4foesaad *4 id Col-Pledge, ,.di feles its

with Ahwrste -nmed;s `to all tha erms conditions

tl~ioand siblect dhe to ihe limi-ons herna'ter stated ii the next

' paagraphL aid 1parttes furthermore

the qi4hqu isreo.Iall paris inti eres t

t agreement the satistacton4 econd attorney, that

estae and ov-.-ge byth sao-

sai4, providizg bowever, if saidrst prty shall pay the Mterest and

al of hist (1f) promisscryntes `as her nbefere provi4*d and 8i:

aforesaid, then said ooy waives itsrights to pay pate in . and allpayments or d dividendsxriade to ieditdrs -said -trustdeed *i4d foae :

7. It is agree a seeond par-tyhall be. tie 1 rreasonablecompensation for its sewaies heremn-

.der, and that all suchi charges shallbe borae by said firstparty or by thetrust estate described -n said TrustAgreement, sai

IN WITNESS WHE*EOF, saidfirst party has hereunto set hisa hand,and said second 4d third partieshave caused this iistrument to be ex-ecuted by their proper. icers, on thefdate first above written.

- Signed, Sealed and De-livered in Presence of:

--------- T. L BEISEKER-... -.... THi MINNESOTA


---- --- By C. V. Smith,Vice President:

W. Chambers,R. G. Tylere J. D. Matkin

r Jens IbsenBoard of CountyCommrs., SheridanCounty, State ofMontana.

Ft Approved:t WELER and. ALDWINALFRED T. VOLLAUM,Attorney fo; Board of County Coin-missioners,,iheridan County, Montana.

(Continued 4pext week)


(Continued f om Page One) cal

new marketing -oganization.It was steted by B. F. Critchfield, I

chi~ef orgazfaer, yesterday that it isne nrefn Iaiztolexpected thdt 50 organizers will soon ,be at work in'the Red River Valley in ,Minnesota. gist meetings will beheld, as soon its arrangements can becompleted, at grookston, Fergus Falls,

dal Twvin Vley and Warren, in

6,000 Contracts in StateIn North Dakota nearly 6,000 con-

tracts have already been signed, andall members will immediately be no-tified of the securing of the gov-ernment funds to finance the hold-ings of wheat for a ibetter price. Spe-cific instructions will be sent to each Imnemuber as to how he can take ad-vantage of the new plan. Under itthe Grain Growers will be able toadvance 75 per cent of the marketvalue of the wheat, so that the farm-er can meet his pressing obligations,and at the same time take advantageof better prices, if wheat advances in

price."In territory not yet organized by

the U. S. Grain Growers," it wassaid at headquarters yesterday, farm-l ers who have not yet marketed theirwheat, or who have it ,-ia storage,-should get in touch with officials ofthe U. S. Grain Growers, either atFargo, Minneapolis or St. Paul offices,for details as to how they can takeadvantage of ,the new plan."

B. F. Critchfield will go to St.-1Paul tonight, where he expects tomeet Usher L Burdick and other of-ficials of the U. S. Grain Growers" tomorrow, and make final arrange-ments for organization work.

.BCaO Secure Better Price- Officials at Grain Growers head-

I quarters are averse themselves tomaking any. promises, but they, point

to Secretary~ Hoover's statement- that.40 per cent of the crop has already

v p f 'rom. the hands of the farm-I rs, ate- that wheat has been over-

- n e, bearing: down prices belowr what 'the need of the world -justifies.

r Since ,i eipite of this "ecord-breakingmarketing of the crop wheat prices

rae advanced 30 cents .t is arguedy. that there is good reason for believ-e lagthat if a considerable amount oa

whet sow be stored and markst eas ede;a pce--

l- bethaat present. TheFnao4 orAtio funds are toy

f ; 1 o this rderly "arketing v

& If. farmers -ofhe 7irth~eti are by rheans o_ this g*

o~ s the need of :A.~y e been practi

t itV will be ed dt $d weat to_ the

ee41.itand tbere Sas~

Sa~ .r nitable valuation wilt

ce orporation makint

a bethh XIndt of the~ fmers .thqpn-p selvee A~they I I U

of d this maethod f rijuve

d I wll~oaibs for i(iiiers8 to

Infatts' White Wool CapsDependon e4 p: e at 5ATUR)AY, UCI. 4at $1.25, each-2 pair for-------- Infants White Wool BooDepenAoi te :ark b1own 'V at 75c,. 2 pairat 35, 4 pair for.... ------ Ladies' Polly Prim AChildren's Putses priced t r)sprd at ----------

each'ies Saee Bungalow nrcolors, M~ie "'t $La cok pri-ed 'N

colors, a pri t $ 1 .r. Ladief House Dresses,Hair Ribbons, Pd1ed *t 5D4 Y Light Shades3 yards for . ---- "-----------A Childen's Velveteen T-Brassieres priced at $.25, - at $1.50, at --------

* allMany terls Is salepriced

market their wheat through existingelevators, even though they have nocontract with the Grain Growers, and'send their storage tickets to the U. .S.Grain Growers, it was stated.

NOTICE FOR BIDSDagmar, Montana, Sept. 27, 1921.

Notice is hereby given that the un-dersigned . school board will receivesealed bids up until Friday, October14th, at 6 p. in., 19R1, for the haul-ing of the schoolchildren of the northend of District/Nmnber 23 to schooland return from their homes, the ne-cessary school' days' for' a period ofeight months or the term of school,the contractor to furnish bus, driverand team.

T1e Board reserves the right to re-ject 'any and all bids.

Signed A. 0. QtAM,Chairutan


Board of Directors of School Dis-trict No. 23, Sheridan County, Mon-tana.Attest:

ANDREW DAHL, Clerk. 25-t2

Con. CasesTaken UhIer Advisement

(Continued from Page One)arranged with the interested partiesto come to Pfentywood, and thismorning the case of contempt ofcourt against Editor Bowler wascalled~ for hearing also before JudgeRose, and a motion to quash was also'filed and argued. B. K. Wheelermaking the argument 'for Editor Bow-ler along the line he had made Thurs-day for Editor Taylor, yet going stilldeeper into the theory and law ofcontempt.

Attorney George Cudidie of Scobey,as friend of the court made the prin-cipal argument resisting the motionto quash, but was followed by Coun-ty Attorney Nyquist of Daniels coun-ty, who cited and reviewed two im-pixtant cases bearing on the prem-ises.

The motion to quash in the Bowlercase was also taken under advisementby Judge Rose on the same time andconditions as in the Taylor case.

One S. 0. S. Cleaner with Each $ PurhWe list below a few of our many Bargains for $ Day.

1 Al Roil. an4Record, LOO I1I iII 6lll $ eavy Galvanizedt ryI' bss vy

2 No. 1 Pa l ' Brooms, diT -

Reg. .2 Wtcli Reg. 2.00 Pictures,

3.0 1iali Adj. Post S Auto Pumps, reg. 24Aug& **r 9 1.65 Coffee Pots,

' ":JSToiers LOO 10 3 12-Qt, Galvanizedr~~~~1 s,10OP ls


r ~~W &SOIINC Jy'"K E ay . -1 ,



,September 26, 1921. bPlantywood, Montana.

Dear Editor:AX law was enacted "in the Seven-

teenth Legislative Assembly whereby ,the State of Montana: accpted the F deral Act for Vocational Rehabilitationof persons injured in industry or oth-erwise.

This offce will be pleased. to hearfrom anyone crippled in any way if-they wish to take: Advantage of theVocational aid. If you write or calithis office we shall, examine your icondition and write the Department ofVocational Education or if you wishto write directly write Llo d A. Hen-'jry, Rehabilitation Agent, Department .of Vocational Education, Helena, 1Mont.

Kindly give publicity to the above.Yours very truly,

WILLIAM IOE,County Supt. of Schools.

ANOUNCEMENJ. R. Collinson, Chiropractic, an-

nounces that he will locate here aboutOctober 1st.

He, is a graduate of the PalmerSchool of Chiropractic, Davenport, la.

This school is recognized by all realChiropractors to be the best and larg-est " i#,aistence today and teachesnothinig but straight Chiropractic.

Dr. Collinson has received the de-gree. of D. C. Ph. C., which is. thehigher t degree awarded by the school.

it is unnecessary to say any moreas last winter he practiced at Outlookand the people whom he adjusted arehis best advertisers.

Exact date of location at Plenty-wood and Outlook will be publishedlater.

Launching of Loans toLivestock Men Is Delayed

I Helena, Sept. 27.-Progress in thematter of the securing of loans for

livestock mei of the state under thegovernment plan recently designed, isat ,a standstil, due to a delay in fur-nishing of the . necessary papers,blaks and instructions.

T. A. Marlow, chairman of the statelimittee of bankers designdted to

ciminister the relief measure in Mon-na, was advised that all these pa-rs had been sent to him from

washington, D. C., last , Saturday.?These should have reached him onI

Wednesday, but when they had not

arrived Friday noon, he wired to' Di-

rector Meyer, who replied that he 'hadordered another set to be dispatchedfrom Washington.

Accordifgly, unless the delayed

shipment shows up, it will be several

days before anything can be done bythe Montana bankers in this matter.

Saturday; PA.Y! OddChildren's Gowns, - -

5 Yardci6-Inch Challie, -

Laes' Percale Aprons, formerly $2.00 Value8 pair eCanvas Gloves, -Canvas Shoes, -Children's Rompers,, former $2.00 values,




CulTertson Editor AssuaLand Office for Glasg

Glasgowv, Sept. 26.-of Culbertson has takenas receiver of the Uliteoffice here, which coversMr. Reed was editor ofson SE archlight, which pstarted in 1902 and 'hicwas the only Republiaiin Valley county.

He had the indorsemetpublican organization here,fice to which he has been

The family, consistingIMr-s. Reed, a son, Tom

a. daughter, Margueritetaken quarters in the Jens