The Process of Humsn Life in Islam

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  • 7/30/2019 The Process of Humsn Life in Islam




    This paper has been approved

    To be a partial requierment to take the final examination of

    Madrasah Aliyyah Keagamaan Futuhiyyah

    Mranggen Demak

    Written by:

    Name : M. Fahrul Hidayat

    Program : Relegion




  • 7/30/2019 The Process of Humsn Life in Islam



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    Mranggen, Desember 2011

    The Writer

    M. Fahrul Hidayat

  • 7/30/2019 The Process of Humsn Life in Islam



    This paper was piled

    Name : M. Fahrul Hidayat

    Student Number :

    Program : Relegion

    Title : The Process of Human Life in Islam

    It has been tested and legalized

    Date :

    Score :

    Mranggen, Desember 2011

    Consultant Examiner,

    Arip Rahman, M.Pd Arip Rahman, M.Pd

    Head Master Comitte Chairman

    H. A Adib Masruhan, Lc, M.Pd.I Ali Nur Taufiq, M.S.I

  • 7/30/2019 The Process of Humsn Life in Islam




    The world is the field herafter


    This paper is dedicated to

    1. My beloved parents who have encourage mein finishing my study

    2. All of my teacher who have guided me fromstupidty to be a good student

    3. All of my brothers and sistersin my home4. All of my friends at Islamic Senior High

    Senior High Schools of Futuhiyyah -1

    5. All of my freindship in DARUL MAWAboarding school who have helped me in

    finishing this paper till now.

  • 7/30/2019 The Process of Humsn Life in Islam



    On this day, learn about the process of human life, is very important, because today,

    many people who begin to erode the faith of islam, they would relize that he was created only

    through a drop of sperm is comptiblke, htaht is not worth the prce.

    Early stages of human life in the womb of his mother, at that time called the term human

    fetus is that later will become the embrio of a living human being on this earth. In arabic

    meaning of the fetus is a child that is in the abdomen shich in this case the mothers abdomen,

    while the plural is is ajjinah and ajnan, taken from the word which means to cover themselves

    janna, named the fetus, because it is covered by the mothers abdomen.

    After in the womb of his mother, the human will undergo the period in the world, in the

    world. In this world, people who have been given the lives and liveshood, from prophet Adam

    until this present time are required to use this world as well as possible, do not use life of the

    world just for fun, because it only temporary worldly pleasure. In a word pearl, said to the world

    as a field of here after, which meant that the world as his field of hereafter that makes this life as

    a farm or a place to plant as much reward, and later in the hereafter we eill exploit it. Reap all of

    the result of our efforts which we have planted in the world.

    Judgment day is a day late and the life of all human beings in the should we trust the

    thruth of the bridge to get to the next life in the here after is external and immortal. Faith in the

    day of resurrection is the pilard of faith in the fifth. Judgement day begins with trumpets by

    angles blowing trumpets isrofil tpo the other stages till human undergo the life in the hereafter is

    eternal and immortal.

    Keyword: the process, human life, islam

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    All praise is due to Allah, the lord of the world, the matter and creator of everythings in

    the univers. The destroyer of all oppressor and the hope of the oppresed, because by his mercy

    requirement to take the final examination. The aim of writing this paper is to give understanding

    about the process of human life in islam.

    On this opportunity i would like to express my appreciation to:

    1. Mr. Abdullah Adib Masruhan, Lc, M.Pd.I as the Head master of Islamic Senior High Schoolof Futuhiyyah -1

    2. Mr. Arip Rohman, M.Pd as My consultan for his time that is given to me in finishing thispaper.

    3. All my teacher who have given a motivation for my improvement4. My parents in the home who give me a support in school5. My beloved freinds at Islamic Senior High School of Futuhiyyah -1 who always give spirit

    and powerful to make this paper with english

    6. And thanks for everyones who give me their helping in making this paper realize

    May Alloh SWT gives them a proporhoned reward and may their good deed is received

    by Alloh SWT.

    Mranggen, Desember 2011


    M. Fahrul Hidayat

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  • 7/30/2019 The Process of Humsn Life in Islam




    A. The background of the titleAlloh is the God in the universe, and also God in this great world, as one almihty

    God, Alloh ha a range of creature creations are setread on the face of the earth including

    one of which in the world is human as one of the many gods creations, humans have a the

    process of life begin in the womb of his mother, until at the hereafter.

    The process of human life itself begins in the wombs of his mothers life, thid

    period is the initial porocess of human life, in this process or the fetur has undergrone the

    process of the life for appoximately people or human will experience the process or the

    next period of life in this world.

    In this world of human nature as devine beings having a period of life that is

    defferent, there are shortlived and some are long lived, but all of it only God knows in

    this world where humans serve time they have to collect supplies or better known as

    reward for ling the life who later

    B. The reason of choosing the titleThere are the reason of choosing the title

    1. The knowledge about the process of human life in nowdays is very important for thestudent and people

    2. Knowing about the origin of human life begins3. To give an explanation to the people that the goal of human life itself is to live i

    hereafte who later eternal and immortal and told that life in the mortal world is the

    fleeting life.

    4. To give ab explanation about the human life cycleC. The clasification of the title

    To make the deep unaderstanding or understandable in discussing about the itle, the

    writer has a great desire to explain the menaning of the title contain of seven which

    necesarry to be ad they are

    Process : the way or method to do something

    Human : the creature that breathes and has a reasondable mind

    Life : the circuit of the human journey

    Islam : the relegion, which propagate to acknowledge the oneness of Alloh SWT

    D. The scopes of the titleTher are some scope in my paper and they are:

    1. What is understanding of the process of human life in islam?

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    2. How the process of human life are progress?3. When the human life cycle begins?4. Whats the purpose of human life?

    E. The aims of writingThe aims of writing:

    1. For fulfilllment oe of requierment to tak the final school of futuhiyyah 1 academicyear 2011/2012

    2. To study an understanding and explanation from the process of human life in islamand to give a knowledgement about human life cycle.

    F. The method of the collecting dataThe methods of collecting data that will be used by writer to arrange this paper,

    documentary method or libary research or method of collecting written data dosuments as

    news paper, books, some paper, magazine, later that related to the this theme are writer


    G. The systemic of writingIn order to the theme to study this papaer get clear, so writer make the systematic of

    writing and they are:


    This chapter contains of the background of the title, The reason of choosing the title, The

    clasification of the title, The scopes of the title, The aims of writing, The method of the

    collecting data and The systemic of writing


    This chapter contains of The way of human life and Human life cycle


    This chapter contains of The growth of human in womb, The period in the world, and

    Life aftaer in the world


    This chapter contains of Conclusion and Suggestion

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    The way of Human LifeHuman are cratures of Almighty Alloh the most glorious both in terms of shape,

    personality, intellect, thougts, fellings and many other. Different with oher creatures,

    although having a life but do not have the same properties as human beings. As the most

    noblecreacture, it turns out the basic materials used in creating the human beings is the

    ground of world. AllohAlmaighty creator of the most good. This is in accordance with

    the word of Gid Almighty.

    Alloh Al Mighty said in holly Quran

    The meaning

    behold, the lord said to the angels I am about to create man from day 7 when I have

    fashioned him and breathed into him of my spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him


    In the verse above explains that the process (strager)involves the creation of man

    ground (earth crust) as darar materials, refinement and the formation process, and

    breathed the spirit of God AllohAlmighy. The process of human life in this universe

    started or beings from a single drop of water that has no value compitble anything, but of

    the most perfect creature among other creatures. Human beings are the most perfect than

    other creatures. Human have something that is not shared by other creatures, namely

    reason he used to think, from where the man or human known as the most perfect

    creatures among others in the eyes of Alloh Almighty.

    Early stages of human life is in the wombs of his mother, at that time called the

    term human fetus, the fetus is that later will become the embrio of a living human beings

    on this earth. In Arabic meaning of fetus is a child that is abdomen which in this care is

    the mothers abdomen, while is ajinnah and ajnan, taken from the word which to cover

    themselves janna named the fetus, because it is covered by the mother abdomen.

    Human ebryo is being created in the womb of a woman from the meeting between

    the eggs cells with sperm sells from semen of a man. Fetal name or this name given to

    this creature as long as there in bowels or his mother because she was still covered and

    will still bears this name since the first phale of development until the time of birth.

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    Jurisprudensce scholars use the term as used in the fetus that language. Its just

    part of their limit in pregnancies. Conceived by man, wheras for the other creatures are

    called that. As for the doctor most of them use it to refer to an existing child in the

    mothers belly when it has happened after the boy was three month in stomach until it

    comes time of birth.

    Then after a period of time in the womb of his mother, for approximately 9 month

    old. The fetus that has been perfect it would be reborn in this as a real man in this period

    a person to undergo any daily activities, such as we do every day. They all do their own

    activities and the work itself, there were traders, teachers, fisherman, bus driver, police,

    vegetables seller, and many many other. They are all people who have a busy day on the

    day. In addition to thore mentioned above, there are also a human person who wade or

    simply live their lifes in this world with world is very diverse at all

    The period in the world is the period in which the human through vaiorus stages

    of life, the period is as follows:

    1. Infancy PeriodThe toddler years are a period in which started the process in life after nine months in the

    womb of his mother;.Ini infancy, human do not have sloigtest effort or help from the

    people araund him, and his mother is the grates role in the life phasw.

    2. ChildhoodIn the boys childhood a human has begun to be able to move his body part, they can

    already be moved to and fro without the need for help from people around him. Chil hood

    is the most exciting period or phase of life in the world, because at this time humans can

    to do things he wants without beings bound by rules, but eventough so there is supervison

    carried out by booth parents

    3. Addescee or pubertyAt this stages or in addescene, humans have started to recognize or know right and wrong

    for themselves, they have started to related and communicate more with the people

    begins do looking for his identity in order to undergo each of his future later.

    4. At this stages man has found his true identity that hs been sought in adolescence, they allhave their own destiny the way, they already have families, wives, and accompany in his

    life, until the man be old.

    5. Old ageOld age is a period in which they began to experience a reduction in terms of any

    things, they began experiencing over time. At this stages also the time they began to

    experience the final days of his life the world.

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    After people through the process of the process of human life in this world, the

    end of human life in this world named with the term death. All living things on earth

    including the human will undergo a process called by the death. And after that people

    will enter the eternal world and no other kis eternal here after. Life in hereafter is not one

    man and no other is eternal herafter. Life in hereafter is not one man in this world who

    knows for certain or describe with details, because only God (Alloh Almighty) who

    knows about it. However there are a number of essays from expert who argue that life In

    the world doing good things. And hell otherwise intended for the old man or humans that

    in his life time in the world doing evil tinhings.

    From the oboveexplainaniton we can knows or be deduced that the process of

    human life is divided into 3 periods , the first period is the period in the wombs of his

    mother, and period in the natural world, and the last life life in the here after three periods

    of life is no exception

    B. Human life CycleThe human life cycle begins at fertilization, when an egg cell inside a woman and

    a sperm cell from a man fuse to form a one-celled zygote . Over the next few days, the

    single, large cell divides many times to form a hollow ball of smaller cells. On the sixth

    day after fertilization, this hollow ball burrows into the wall of the mother's uterus, or

    womb. The cells then form three layers that fold and bend into the more complex shape

    of an early embryo. Gradually, the cells begin to become different from one another,

    forming, for example, the nervous system and the circulatory system.

    On the twenty-second day after fertilization, a simple tubelike heart begins to

    beat. The embryo has no other working organs: the first brain activity will not begin for

    five more months. But in just one more month, all the major organs will have formed in

    miniature, including tiny eyes and ears, liver, and kidneys. These organs do not work, but

    they are there. Once all the organs have formed, the individual is called a fetus. During

    the fetal period, all the organs begin to mature. Cells from the embryo and its mother also

    combine to form a placenta, an organ in the uterus that connects the embryo to the

    mother's blood supply.

    Biologists count the days of development starting from fertilization, but medical

    doctors count from the first day from the last menstrual period, which is about two weeks

    before fertilization. So, where a biologist would say the embryo's heart begins beating at

    three weeks, a medical doctor would say the heart begins beating at five weeks. The total

    time from fertilization to birth is about thirty-eight weeks. At the end of the embryonic

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    period (eight weeks), the embryo is about 30 millimeters (just over 1 inch) long. Between

    three months and nine months the fetus grows until it is about twenty times as long.

    At birth, the muscles of the mother's uterus begin to contract and push the baby

    out through the vagina. This process is called "labor," because it is hard work and can

    take a long time. In the first stage, called dilation , the lower end of the uterus, called the

    cervix, opens to about the same diameter as the baby's head. Dilation takes from eight to

    twenty-four hours in a woman who has never given birth before. In the second stage,

    called expulsion, the baby is pushed out of the uterus, into the vagina, and out of the

    body. Expulsion takes about half an hour the first time a woman gives birth. In the third

    stage, the mother expels the placenta. A few hours later, her uterus begins to contract to a

    smaller size, and her breasts begin to synthesize milk.

    Infants' bodies grow and develop rapidly, though not as fast as the brain. After age

    thirty, human beings begin to age noticeably.

    Within a few minutes after the baby is born, it may begin to nurse. The mother

    and baby can nurse as many months as they like. Women in traditional cultures may

    nurse for several years, but most American women nurse for about six months. Human

    milk is better for babies than bottled formula or other alternatives. For example, human

    milk contains antibodies and immune cells that protect the infant from infections. Babies

    who eat solid foods too early seem to be more subject to allergies later in life.

    During infancy, between birth and one year, the brain continues to develop and

    grow. In this respect, human infants differ from other primate infants, whose brains stop

    growing at birth. Indeed, the human brain continues to grow new neurons until the child

    is two years old.

    Infants' bodies also grow and develop rapidly, though not as fast as the brain. A

    one-year-old human typically weighs three times what he or she did at birth, has several

    teeth, and has begun to walk. At about two years, most humans begin to speak in

    sentences. During childhood (one to thirteen years), humans develop their first set of

    teeth, lose them, and begin to develop a second, or adult, set of teeth.

    Between eleven and thirteen, children enter puberty. After puberty, adolescent

    humans can produce viable eggs and sperm, and many girls can carry a baby to term.

    Girls and boys develop secondary sexual characteristics, including body hair, deeper

    voices (especially in boys), breasts (in girls), and larger external genitalia (in both girls

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    and boys). Boys begin to produce fertile sperm for the first time. Girls begin a monthly

    cycle of ovulation (releasing eggs) and menstruation (shedding the uterine lining) that

    will continue until they are in their fifties.

    The changes that adolescents go through are so dramatic that many biologists

    compare puberty to the metamorphosis that tadpoles go through when they become

    frogs. For example, before puberty, boys and girls have the same amount of muscle mass,

    bone mass, and body fat. After puberty, men have 1.5 times as much bone and muscle

    mass as women, and women have twice as much body fat as men. Changes in the brain

    and in behavior also occur. By their early to mid-twenties, humans have reached their

    adult size. The bones stop growing and the brain is fully mature.

    Humans in their twenties are in their peak reproductive years. Women who

    reproduce at this time have the least-complicated pregnancies. For males, the late teens

    and twenties are a time of peak death rates from accidents and other misfortunes, most

    likely due to the behavioral effects of high testosterone levels.

    After age thirty, human beings begin to age noticeably. Hormone levels decline,

    skin becomes thinner and less flexible, gray hair and wrinkles appear, muscle mass

    decreases, bones lose calcium, blood vessels stiffen, and brain cells begin to die. Startingaround age thirty-five, humans may lose one hundred thousand brain cells per day. The

    ears, the eyes, and other sensory organs also become less sensitive. Women gradually

    stop ovulating and menstruating in their fifties, and men experience a slow decline in

    testosterone levels that is most often noticed in the fifties.

    Why people age is not completely understood. But some aspects of aging result

    when cells can no longer divide and replace themselves as they die. Some cells also begin

    to lose their ability to repair mistakes in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which leads to

    abnormalities, including, sometimes, cancer. Another cause of aging may be destructive

    molecular fragments known as free radicals, which damage DNA, proteins , andlipids .

    The average American woman lives seventy-nine years, and the average man lives

    seventy-two years. But despite advances in health care and healthier lifestyles, few people

    live beyond age one hundred.
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    A. The growth of human in wombAllah Almighty said in the holy quran:

    The meaning

    verily we created man fom a drop of mingled sperm in order to try him, so we gave him

    (the gifts), of hearing and sight (sura AlInsaan: 02)

    From the above explanation of holy quran verses can be explained and concluded

    that the creation of humans occurs trough the process of encounter between a drop of

    semen of men with women. From the result of the meeting will produce a moon shaped

    cells. According to medern embryology these cells called a zygote. Aftare the zygite

    divides into two cells, then cells will experience a series of mitotic divissions. The

    division process has resulted in increasing the number of cells quickly.

    In medieaval times, qurans which brought the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon

    him open tje door before darkness embriyology theory with evidance suggest the creation

    of man is very complex and trough. Almighty Alloh SWT is true with all of his word

    which is the source of all source of knowledge including embriology. Proof evidence is

    explicit in the holy Quran Alloh says:

    The meanings:

    man we did create from a quintessence (of clay) (12) then we palced him as (a

    drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed (13) then we made the sperm in to a clot of

    congealed blod, then of that clot we made out of that lump bones and cloted the bones

    with fles, then we defeloped out of it another creature so blessed Alloh, the best to

    create!(Sura Al Mukminun: 1214)

    Human development in the womb is a process. Lasting 40 weeks an average

    Human development in the womb is a complex process. Lasting 40 weeks on

    average, it can actually be completed in anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks. In this relatively

    short time, a single fertilized egg grows and develops into a complete human baby. The

    development of a human baby in the womb is divided up into three trimesters.

    First Trimester

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    The first trimester, which occurs over the first three months, or weeks 0 to 13 as

    counted from the mother's last menstrual period. During the first few weeks of this time,

    the egg is fertilized, starts dividing and implants into the mother's uterus. After

    implantation, the ball of cells changes into an embryo as the heart, circulatory system and

    nervous system begin to form. Some of the cells from the original ball of cells become

    the supporting tissues, such as the amniotic sac that surrounds the baby and the placenta

    and umbilical cord that pass blood between baby and mother. By the end of the first

    trimester, the limbs, facial features, genitals and all major body structures have formed

    and the baby has begun to move, although it can't be felt yet. The baby transitions from

    being called an embryo to a fetus at this stage.

    Second Trimester

    The second trimester starts at week 14 and lasts until week 26. The baby's growth

    in the womb takes it from about 6 inches and 4 oz. at the start of the second trimester to

    about 14 inches and 2 1/2 lbs. by the end. Details such as fingerprints, eyelashes and

    fingernails form during this trimester. The baby forms protective coverings during this

    trimester, such as a fine coating of hair called lanugo and a cheese-like substance called

    vernix that protects the fetus from the surrounding amniotic fluid. The movements of the

    baby become stronger as he practices stretching and contracting his muscles and moves

    around inside the womb.

    Third Trimester

    From week 27 until the end of pregnancy is considered the third trimester. At this

    stage, all of the major development has been completed and the baby could potentially

    survive outside the womb, even at the start of the third trimester. Over the course of this

    trimester, the brain continues to develop, the bones start to calcify and the lungs mature.

    The fetus will occasionally develop hiccups as he practices breathing by moving amniotic

    fluid in and out of his lungs. The baby will also put on fat rapidly, which fills out his skin

    and makes it less red and wrinkled, and he will open his eyes, which have been closed

    since the early part of the second trimester. At the end of the third trimester, the baby will

    turn head down and prepare for his upcoming birth. By the day of birth, he will weigh

    between 6 to 10 lbs. and be between 19 and 21 inches long.

    B. The period in the worldHumans are called al-Basyar, because he tends to taste and emotionally, so need

    disabarkan and reconciled. Humans are called as banii Aadam because he showed at the

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    origins of which originated from the prophet Adam so that he can know and be aware of

    his true identity. For example, where he came from, why would he live, and where he

    will return.

    The use of the term banii Aadam shows that humans are not the result of the

    evolution of creatures anthropus (a type of monkey). This is reinforced by a call to Adam

    in the Qur'an by Allah with the letter nidaa (Yaa Adam!). Similarly, the use of the

    pronoun that indicates to the Prophet Adam, God always uses a single word (anta) and

    not plural (you yourselves) as contained in sura al-Baqara, verse 35.

    Humans in view of the Koran is not a creature that is anthropomorfisme

    penjasadan creatures of God, or change God became man. The Qur'an describes man as a

    creature theomorfis which has something noble in him. Besides human beings endowed

    sense that enables him to distinguish the good and bad, so bring him to the highest quality

    as a pious man.

    The Qur'an views human beings as a sacred and noble nature, not as people are

    dirty and sinful. Events that befell the Prophet Adam as a human embryo, which

    committed the sin of violating God's prohibition, resulting in Adam and his wife

    descended from heaven, can not be used as the argument that man is essentially a

    derivative of sin bearer. The Quran actually glorify man as heavenly beings who are on

    their way to a spiritual life is sacred and eternal in the Hereafter, although he had to go

    through trials and trials with the weight of sin when they made mistakes in his life in this

    world. Even hinted at human nature as spiritual beings are innately good original

    (positive, haniif).

    Therefore, the quality, nature, nature, human authenticity is good, true, and

    beautiful. No creature in this world who have the quality and authenticity semulia it.

    Nevertheless, it must be admitted that the quality and nature of both true and beautiful is

    always signaled the dilemmas in the process of achievement. That is, it implies a process

    of struggle very hard to be as great bearing the title of it. Because in human life is always

    faced with two moral challenge each other to outdo each other. Therefore, the opposite of

    bad quality, wrong, and bad always been a stumbling block to human to human

    achievement as quality mutaqqin above.

    Picture of the Koran about the quality and nature of man upon our megingatkan

    superego theory propounded by Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst renowned expert whose

    opinion many references dijadika when people talk about the quality of the human soul.

    According to Freud, the superego always accompany the ego. If the ego that has

    many very powerful driving force and vital (libido bitalis), so that the distribution of ego

    drive (lust lawwamah / lust) is no easy path through the superego (Muthmainnah lust /

    desire either). Because the superego (lust Muthmainnah) serves as an agency of the ego

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    manusia.Sebaliknya sensors or controllers, the superego was at times can provide

    justification to the ego when instinct, intuition, and intelligence-coupled with the

    guidance of revelation for religious people-work mature and integral. This means that the

    superego can provide justification for the ego when the ego works in a positive direction.

    The ego is wild and uncontrollable is the negative ego, ego and destructive qualities of

    human nature itself.

    In conclusion it can be explained that the quality of man is between instinct and

    conscience. In a series like that humans behave, both behaviors are positive or negative.

    Human intelligence functions can raise to a higher level. But intelligence alone is not

    sufficient but must be followed by a sharp and clean conscience. Conscience (mind's eye,

    mind) is understood as the superego, as a conscience or the desire Muthmainnah (positive

    reinforcer). Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan said that for people not just to live (how to have) and to

    survive (how to survive), but also to exist (how its existence). To that end, the man

    requires a qualitative and quantitative provisioning better than animals.

    Humans can be of very if he has the freedom to do and will. But here is not

    freedom to break away from the spiritual control and common sense, but rather a

    qualitative attempt to express the totality of selfhood, as he struggled to compose herself

    for the instinctive impulse of negative and destructive. So freedom is meant here is a

    conscious effort to realize the quality and value himself as the caliph of God on earth is


    Quality and value of human will unfold when humans have the ability to direct

    the independent instinct was based on considerations aqliah whom God has given him

    faith and guided by the light that illuminates the most pure conscience.

    C. Life after in the worldMuslims believe that the present life is a trial in preparation for the next realm of

    existence. When a Muslim dies, he or she is washed and wrapped in a clean, white cloth

    (usually by a family member) and buried after a special prayer, preferably the same day.

    Muslims consider this a final service that they can do for their relatives and an

    opportunity to remember that their own existence here on earth is brief.

    All the Prophets of God called their people to worship God and to believe in life

    after death. They laid so much emphasis on the belief in life after death that even a slight

    doubt in it meant denying God and made all other beliefs meaningless. Surely God will

    raise all the dead but God has his own plan of things Surely God will raise all the dead.

    but God has His own plan of things. A day will come when the whole universe will be

    destroyed and then again the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will

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    be the beginning of the life that will never end, and that Day, every person will be

    rewarded by God according to his good and evil deeds.

    The explanation that the Qur'an gives about the necessity of life after death is

    what the moral consciousness of man demands. Actually, if there is no life after death,

    the very belief in God becomes irrelevant, or even if one believes in God, that would be

    an unjust and indifferent God: having once created man only to be unconcerned with his


    Judgement day is a day late and the lives of all human beings in the world should

    we trust the truth of the bridge to get to the next life in the hereaftaer is eternal and

    immortal. Faith in the day begins with trumpets by angels blowing trumpts to destroy the

    earth and all its contents.

    Judgement day also is unpredictable when it will come because it is the secret of

    Alloh SWT is not known to anyone. But then we still known when the coming of the

    hour by looking at the signs given by the prophet Muhammad. Of heaven of bliss, while

    for those who dibelieve and criminals will go to hell very paintful to be tortured.

    With the trust and faith in the of judgment we will be encoauraged to always do

    good,a void sin, not easily dicoaurage, no boastful, not arrogantt and so forth dor all our

    deeds are recorded by the angels. To usesd as refernce material whether we will enter

    heaven or hell.

    Events and life after doomsday:

    1. Bury natural . natural barzahNature barxzah is another world into which a person after death to wait the coming

    revvial on the day of jigdement. In the grave will come angels unjust and nakir to

    provide question about faith and our deeds.

    2. Day Ressurecction/ yaumul baatsResuredted resurrection day is the day all humans who ever lived both old, young,

    big, small, living at the times of prophet adam, when born doomsday, etc will bounce

    back from the dead to charity born when doomsday etc.

    3. Yaumul mahsyarYaumul mahsyar is where gahered all human beings and other living from the

    beginning of time untill the end of time to do or judicial reckoning the true Gods in

    yaumul reckoning. As part of these differeces of heaven and hell are as follows in under

    1. Heaven is surrounded by the things disliked and hell surronded by lust (HR.Bukhori)

    2. I looked into heaven i find most of the in habitans on the poor and indigentperson, i see the hell i found most of the occupants of women.

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    3. No sething chagrin of the inhabittans of heaven except the one hour that they maymiss without their use t remembrance of Alloh Al mighty and wajalla

    4. I meet prophet ibrahim when isra he sid o muhammad convey my regrads to yourpeople and tell them:

    behold heaven is good landvalleys of fres water is flat and plats: Subhanllaoh

    wallahu thanks our Alloh akbar

    5. Nothing in heaven ar something existhing in the world except the names of thepeople

    6. Prophet said that has never been seen by the eye be heard by the ear and has nevercrossed the minds of men. Because by one would not know what that is hidden to

    those who tasty eye in rsponse to what they have done.

    7. The inhabittans of hell is a bad person and depraved behaviour and people whowalk boastfully arrogant toward others accumulate wealth and be stingy. As for

    the people of parradise is wak who always deafeted.

    8. Who is the lightest punishment in hell on the day of judgement is two grainsbunrings coals on his feet who can boil the brain

    9. Fire the son of adam who used to use for cooking al section of seventy partshellfire

    10.Prophets paradise people who where martyred pupil and little girls who wereburried to heaven too.

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    A. ConclusionAfter having explaned the problemsof subejct from the begining to the end, the

    writer concluded from the explanation aout the process of human life in islam and they


    The process of human life is a chain custody of the journey of human life from

    begining to the end in which period includes the period through which the human being,

    starting from inside the womb, the lfe of the world and the life hereafter. Whereas in

    islam realigius, the process of human life its journey of human life from the beginning of

    the spirit and the natural life of the mortal world, until the end of everythings, that life is

    external and everlasting hereafter.

    The process of human life take place through three different stages of periods, this

    periode takes place sequently, beginning of period or early stages of stages of life in the

    womb of his mother for approximately 9 months old, and after nine months, then the

    beginning of life on earth began man serving a period as we do today eat, drink, sleep,

    work, and so on. The relegion of islam this wordly life is only temporary because in this

    world only for a moment a human beings here, because later in life, there is eternal life in

    the world being. Then endeed the stages of human life in the world and people will live

    an eternal life, the life here after.

    The initial process of human life in this universe started or begins from a single

    drop of water that has no values contemtible anythings, but of there depicable things that

    will eventually crated human beings of the most perfect than other creatures. Because

    humans have somethings that is not shared by other cratures. Namely reason he used to

    think; from where the man of human known as the most perfect creaures among others in

    the eyes of Alloh Almighty. The lord of the world the creator of everything.

    B. Suggestion1. Remember the greatness of God in the process of human creation, which were

    reported only by a blood clot

    2. Let you know that man is only made from a drop of semen which is higlystigmatized, then do not boast of himself, and dont be grady

    3. The pupose of human is to get a life hereafter is eternal and immutable future, then donot just having fun in the world alone.

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    Departement relegious, the meaning of the Holy Quran

    John M Echols and Hassa Shadilly 1989 and indonesia english dictionary, jakarta: PT Gramedia

    Kiptiyah, 2007, embrilogy dalam alquran UIN Malang Press

    Yasin Nuaim, 2006 FIQIH kedokteran, pustaka Al kautsar

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    This is writers curriculum vitae :

    Name : M. Fahrul Hidayat

    Place, date of birth : pekalongan, 27 mei 1993

    Parents : M. Furqon

    Address : Jlm Urip Sumoharjo 231 pekalongan

    Relegion : Islam