The process and purpose of design and marketing

The PROCESS AND purpose of design and marketing Present

Transcript of The process and purpose of design and marketing

The PROCESS AND purpose of design and marketing


In today’s technology driven society, it has never been easier to advertise your business. But remember, just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s effective.

People, with modern day technology, consume masses amounts of information every day, hour and minute, so how can you make sure your message is heard and acted upon?

Phase 1 - Design

Consuming information has evolved from books, newspapers and more traditional media sources. With this constant supply of data, the brain has adapted to read a ‘message’ through visual cues. We automatically examine objects, items and people without realising, allowing the brain to understand what we are seeing and categorise them as risks, interactions, memories etc.

The same process occurs with design.

We visually judge brands/products/marketing materials and determine the quality from its visual appearance. Are brain instantly reacts and initially categorises them as either attractive or unattractive.

This automatic visual analysis means it is so important to not settle for a design that you believe to be ‘OK’ as you might lose business without realising it.

Understanding your market and your perceptions is the first step. There are a few questions we will ask you so we understand your organisation and your key marketing aims and messages.

Try answering these questions but remember, not having questions answered truthfully is to nobody’s benefit. Also try asking colleagues, clients/customer’s, family and friends, for more honest answers. The more you get, the greater the outcome:

• What do you believe is the target market? (ex. Low, Middle, High)• What would you say is the average age range of your clients/customers?• What are your views on your logo/brand?• What are your clients’/customer’s views on your logo/brand?• What are your views on your current website? • What are your clients’/customer’s views on your website?• What was your most successful marketing campaign?

Phase 2 - Website

Without carefully considered branding and a well-produced website, potential customers could be lost before they’ve even spoken to you.

A combination of the user experience and subconscious analysis of the website will lead to the success or failure of your marketing endeavours. A common theory is that a customer makes a purchasing decision as quickly as 5 seconds after arriving at your website.

Imagine you were trying to find a local dry cleaner, where’s the first place you would look? We are confident you and 95% of other people would look online in the first instance.

For these reasons, your online presence should be carefully curated and managed. Search engines and websites act as your shop window, and neglecting it could cost you valuable business.

Optimising your website for successful navigation is key. How many clicks would it take to get them to the right pages? Is there a particular path you want them to take?

The Launch Room can help you by:

• Evaluating the look and feel of your current website • Designing and implementing calls to action • Designing and implementing contact forms

With these elements perfected, we can ensure you have a website which drives traffic effectively to the correct places and converts visitors to customers.

Phase 3 - Marketing

Just because you now have a well-designed brand and website, doesn’t mean you will have customers banging on your door. It’s time to put your investment to work.

Directing existing customers/clients to your new site is essential. They need to be aware this is the same business they have contacted before. This will bring instant credibility to your brand.

Secondly, we need to direct new traffic to your website but how do we do that? This process requires time patience and great SEO. SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ and is the process of making search engines recognise your business. The better your SEO, the higher up in search results your website will be.

Better SEO ratings are achieved with a few handy tricks, however it is worth remembering your ranking is ultimately up to the search engines themselves. They have requirements your website has to meet in order to improve your results.

The generic criteria is:

• How often is the website updated?• Are there industry referenced keywords throughout• How much traffic is the website generating?• Are all the pages meta tags labelled effectively?

We can tick these boxes with multiple forms of checks and marketing campaigns.

The website ranking is vital but what other methods can we apply to support and promote your brand?

Social Media is and should be your biggest friend. There is no other form of marketing that allows you to advertise to national and international audiences as easily, effectively and at such a low cost as Facebook, Twitter and a few other networks.

Strategic campaigns in the forms of graphics, sponsored posts, infographics, and imagery, allow you to advertise effectively.

With these methods (and few other hidden up our sleeve), we at The Launch Room believe we are the agency you need to grow your business and fulfil your dream.

Helping businesses take-off, delivering great designs, functional websites and strategic marketing campaigns effectively.

Low cost, high quality, quick delivery with no compromise. That’s The Launch Room promise.